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VOL. XXVI. No. 25 BALTIMORE, MD., JANUARY 20, 1922 PRICE 5 CENTS DELEGATES RETURN FROM TRACK TEAM HOLDS PROM- SWIMMING TEAM GOES TO JUNIOR-SENIOR DEBATE TO- FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IS OF- NATIONAL LACROSSE ISE OF SUCCESS MEET SWARTHMORE MORROW NIGHT FICIALLY RELEASED FOR CONVENTION Strong Teams to Be Met. Squad Holding TOMORROW Upperclassmen Will Contest for Adams 1922 Report Interesting Meeting and the Strenuous Practice in Preparation for Team Invades Quaker Town Tomorrow Trophy. Informal Dance to Follow. Eight Home Games and Two on For- Sport's Latest Developments. Oxford Armory Games. for First Meet of Season. Should The twenty-fifth annual Junior- eign Soil. Team to Go to Early Training. Team to Invade This Country. A most attractive schedule for Return Victorious. Senior debate for the Herbert C. Bill Schmeisser and Joe Zoller, The swimming team will engage Coach Ray Van Orman and the track team during Easter week Adams Trophy will be held to- Hopkins delegates to the conven- in its first meet of the year, tomor- Manager Brawner have completed has been .arranged by Manager morrow night at eight o'clock in the tion of the United States Intercol- row, when it meets the Swarth- the football schedule for 1922. Fortney. About twenty men will Civil Engineering Building. The legiate Lacrosse League held in make the trip, which will cover a more aggregation in the Swarth- Consisting of ten games, it is one judges for the debate are Jesse New York last Saturday came period of one week, during which more tank. Manager Davidge of the most attractive ever Slingluf,f, Esq., Ralph F. Proctor, home with a very favorable report time the Black and Blue "Mercur- Rowland will take a full squad on arranged for the Black and Blue ies" and "Samsons" will engage in Esq., and Mr. Thomas J. Tingley, of the convention. The trip of the the trip in an effort to repeat last gridders. It is a very well-bal- three meets. '16. The subject of the debate is: Oxford lacrosse team, which was year's performance, when the Gar- anced schedule with fairly easy the principal work of the meeting, On April 13 the team will jour- "Resolved, That the United States net was swamped by the Black and games sandwiched between the was practically assured and Hop- ney to Lexington, where Virginia Government shall own and operate Military Institute will be met. Blue to the tune of 42-18. harder ones, in order to give the kins is almost certain of getting the coal resources of this country. The team has been practicing team an occasional restup. Two of a game. Mt. Washington also tried Upon completion of the V. M. I. consistently ig.r the last week and The Senior team is composed of R. for a game and if: they are suc- contest Hopkins will move over to the games are to be played on for- the finishing touches were put on Dorsey Watkins, chairman; Ed- cessful in landing it, Baltimore Charlottesville to engage in a tri- eign soil, the other eight to be yesterday afternoon at the B. A. C. ward Putzell, Albert E. Dimond will have two opportunities to see angular - meet with Princeton and staged at Homewood. The ten- pool. Although it has not been the foreigners play. The Oxford the University of Virginia. This and Adolphus Emmart, alternate. definitely decided, it is probable game schedule has been made team was urged to come over on meet should be interesting, not only The members of the Junior team that the following men will swim: possible next year by the fact that the first of April in order to fill from the standpoint of track but 50-yard Dash—Johnston, Row- are Parker C. Williams, chairman; Thanksgiving Day comes on the the schedule as arranged by the also because of the relations be- land. Raymond W. Cooke, Harold Bres- thirtieth of November and hence colleges making up the guarantee. tween Hopkins and the two schools. 100-yard Dash—Norvell, Row- lau, and John Stump, alternate. The the last day of September falls on The reports of coaches from all k victory for us would to some ex- land. rebuttal will be made by Watkins Saturday. over the country shoved that la- tent, at least, avenge our 13-7 de- 220-yard Swim—Coady. for the Seniors, and Breslau for The most important thing no- crosse is increasing in popularity feat in football at the hands of the Plunge—Hambleton. the Juniors. ticed on the schedule is the fact everywhere. This is especially Virginian$, and would likewise Dive—Coady. The debate will be followed by that Maryland State and Hopkins true at Syracuse where lacrosse is show Princeton that she is engag- Back Stroke--Hambleton. an informal dance, music for which will meet at Homewood cn No- more popular than baseball. A ing a worthy opponent in placing Relay—Coady, Rowland, Mor- will be furnished by the student vember 18. As was stated in Mon- representative of A. G. Spaulding J. H. U. on her athletic schedules. rell, Slingluf.f. orchestra. This dance proved a lay's issue of the News-Letter, the and Co. was present and said that There should be some keen compe- Dunning, Summers and Howard great success last year and a large presidents of the two Universi- due to the widespread demand for tition especially between the famous are among the new men who are crowd is expected to be present. ties have signed a five year con- such a book, that company is Lourie, of Princeton, and our own showing up well and it is possible Arrangements for a dual debate tract and relations are to be re- going to print a lacrosse guide, Clarke in the hundred. that one of these may be taken with the University of Richmond newed. next spring. This man asked per- April 18 will again see the Black along at the last moment. are hanging fire, pending an an- Hopkins has on its schedule mission of the convention to gath- and Blue in Lexington, this time The team has been handicapped swer from that institution in re- every state team, with the excep- er information for this book. ful the purpose of crushing Wash- by the loss of several of its stars gard to rules governing such a con- tion of Washington College. Mt. Mr. Whiting, a lacrosse star on ington and Lee, a college with St. Mary's comes to who are on the blacklist. The dif- test. The Debating Council acted Baltimore on a former international champion- which Hopkins is resuming very October 7 and should have as ficult part of the schedule will not favorably on Richmond's proposal ship team, as spokesman for his close athletic relations. strong a team as last year. occur until per the mid-year, how- that there be a debate between the The team, offered a cup for the win- Today completes the second week rest of the state games come in ever, when it is hoped that these two schools, but has not yet re- ning college team in 1922. Such of intensive training at the Arm- November,—Western Maryland, mam- men will be eligible to compete. ceived an answer to its letter ac- a cup would be an added attrac- ory, in preparation for the Maryland State and St. John's, on The remainder of the schedule fol- cepting the challenge. An invi- tion for the sport and would be a moth indoor meet. For the purpose the fourth, eighteenth and twenty- lows: tation for a dual debate with the conducive influence for rivalry be- of having the team properly pre- fifth, respectively. These teams, February 4—Syracuse, at Syra- University of Maryland, which the tween the colleges. The meeting pared, Manager Fortney is at pres- with the possible exception of cuse. Council received recently, has not accepted this offer with enthusi- ent dickering for indoor meets in Western Maryland, have always February 11—Lehigh Univer- yet been acted upon, because it was asm. New York on the two Saturdays been strong. sity, at the B. A. C. felt that the local debaters could Representatives from all the vreceding the games at the Fifth Several new names appear on • February 18 (Afternoon)—Rut- not take on more than one extra colleges in the league were pres- Regiment Armory. next year's schedule and some of gers, at New Brunswick. debate besides the annual triangular ent at the convention and besides An announcement of extreme im- the old ones have consequently February 18 (Evening)—Colum- contest between Hopkins, Univer- these there were delegates from portance and one which should be been dropped. The new ones are Ea, at New York. sity of North Carolina and Wash- Naval Academy, Princeton, Rut- carefully noticed, has been made Drexel Institute, George Wash- March 4—Eastern Intercollegiate ington and Lee. gers, Montclair Athletic Club, by the management to the effect ngton and Princeton, while Mary- Swimming Association. Crescent Athletic Club and Mt. that every Tuesday is considered land State, Dickinson, Delaware Manager Rowland and other Washington Athletic Club. tryout day. Dashes, relay races, SENIORS' PROM ON EVE OF WASH- and Swarthmore have been members of the team are doing all The game between Hopkins and etc., will be engaged in and upon INGTON'S BIRTHDAY dropped as open dates could not in their power to make the Lehigh Princeton will probably not take the results of these will depend to The date of Senior Prom has be found. nieet a success.