Yoder, Expert Delivering Sibshops, “Come Play” 4 on Language 6 Therapy Services 8 Building 11 Leadership Development Community Dinner

Measuring Brain Waves

he walls of the Psychophysiology Laboratory are Tdecorated as if children are entering a castle. Researchers literally roll out a red carpet leading children to the “throne.” They talk with kids about wearing silly crowns, one of which resembles a hairnet that slips over a child’s head. The soft sensors in this net detect the electrical activity of the brain and tell researchers how this activity changes in response to a task at any given point in time, millisecond by millisecond. The sensors provide information about how much activity is generated and allow researchers to estimate what parts of the brain are engaged. Brain wave measures are being combined with behavioral research measures in new ways that may advance knowledge of typical and atypical development, predict response to treatment, and measure treatment effectiveness. The Psychophysiology Laboratory is directed by Sasha Key, Ph.D., a research assistant professor who was recruited jointly by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences in August 2004. As an undergraduate psychology major at MELANIE BRIDGES Head sensor net measures brain activity. Moscow State University in Russia, she became intrigued with Continued on page 2

What Are Babies Thinking Before They Director’s Message Start Talking? By Melanie Cantania

Play Is the Work abies as young as five- Bmonths-old make distinctions of Children about categories of events that hat we are their parents do not, revealing Wengaging in at new information about how the Vanderbilt language develops in humans. Kennedy Center is The research by Kennedy Center our version of “Come member Sue Hespos, Ph.D., Play,” the theme of assistant professor of psychology, the most recent and Elizabeth Spelke, Ph.D., pro- Leadership Council fessor of psychology at Harvard Dinner that honored University, was published in the our great Hobbs July 22 issue of Nature in the Society members who article “Conceptual precursors Pat Levitt, Ph.D. to language.” A mother holds her baby while they participate in the study. The infants made financially support distinctions between objects without the help of categories designated by language. our efforts to lead the vanguard of scientific “It’s been shown in previous discovery. What we do as researchers, trying to studies that adults actually categorize things differ- “Language capitalizes on a pre-existing system of discover the biological basis and best treat- ently based on what language they speak,” Hespos ‘I live in a 3-D world, I know how objects behave ments for autism, learning and language said. “So, if language is influencing adults’ thought, and interact,’” she continued. “This pre-existing disorders, mental retardation, and mental one of our questions was: What’s going on with pre- ability suggests that children do think before Continued on page 3 verbal infants? Do children think before they speak? they speak.” Continued on page 3

Number 7 Winter 2005 Winter 2005 Discovery

Measuring Brain Waves Kennedy Center investigator Paul Yoder, Ph.D., Moreover, those peaks tend to be later after the professor of special education, uses brain wave meas- stimulus (for example, a speech sound) has been from page one ures to study speech processing in children with presented, compared with the pattern seen in typically developing children. neuropsychology and continued to pursue her language delays. Speech processing refers not just to In one study, Yoder found that a component of interests in graduate school. At the University of listening to speech but deriving information, storing a brain wave associated with speech processing Louisville she worked with Dennis L. Molfese, a it, and comparing that information with what one predicted how much children would improve in national leader in the use of brain wave measures already knows. The speed and ease with which speech intelligibility more strongly than other as indicators and predictors of children’s language speech is processed is important. “If a child has variables. Moreover, these measures can be used development. difficulty processing speech successfully with children who are quite immature “I’m interested in even under the simplest condi- in their language acquisition. the brain correlates tions, then the child will lose Yoder and Stephen Camarata, Ph.D., professor of of learning and hearing and speech sciences and director of the Late development,” Key more information, more Talkers Clinic, a joint project with the Kennedy said. “Typically, often,”Yoder explained. Center and the Bill Wilkerson Center, are collaborat- changes in brain Measuring speech process- ing with Dennis L. Molfese, Ph.D. (University of activity occur, as a ing behaviorally is difficult, Louisville) on a study using brain wave and rule, before observ- especially for children between behavioral measures as predictors of language able behavior two and four years of age, the interventions for preschoolers with specific language changes. So brain very age at which language MELANIE BRIDGES impairments (funded by the National Institute on waves can help us Sasha Key, Ph.D., director of Psychophysiology Lab delays become apparent and Deafness and Other Communication Disorders). assess specific abilities early intervention should be Yoder is optimistic that as more research using in persons unable to provide a response or to get an provided for children with communication disor- brain wave measures is done involving young early indicator whether a treatment or instructional ders. children with and without disabilities, these method is working well before the behavior has “We need to be measuring processing speed in measures will be useful in diagnosis and in predict- caught up.” milliseconds, and event-related potentials allow us to ing response to treatment. Brain wave measures can be used across the measure brain responses Key has a similar vision. life span. “Using the same equipment and testing very fast after the stimulus “Through this research, it procedure, we’ve tested newborn babies and of a speech sound,”Yoder may one day be possible to 80-year-olds, which allows us to compare the explained. “We want to bring a child into a clinic, data directly,” Key said. “That’s not possible with know if a child is process- record brain waves, and based any behavioral measure.” ing a speech sound and on the findings, Another advantage is that brain wave measures are how fast and how difficult recommend an intervention quicker in comparison to behavioral measures. “A processing is.” most likely to be effective, behavioral assessment may take two hours and a Yoder describes brain track changes in brain brain wave measure may take ten minutes, which is wave recordings as made activity as the intervention easier for young children,” Key pointed out. “In the up of peaks and valleys. proceeds, and more rapidly future, it will be possible to combine brain wave The peaks indicate when know whether the interven- measures during a specific task with shorter behav- Brain waves are visible on screen almost instantaneously the brain is recruiting more tion should continue or ioral assessments and obtain the developmental at each electorde site on the surface of the scalp. brain cells, or expending be changed.” information needed.” more energy, to accomplish Both Yoder and Key Key emphasizes that brain wave measures a task. Children whose speech processing is agree that the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is and behavioral assessments are each important impaired tend to have bigger peaks for the part of uniquely positioned to pursue innovative research tools but together they provide even more the brain wave that is relevant to speech processing neuroimaging and intervention studies to detailed information about development and compared with that of enhance development and treatment of children learning than either one individually. typically developing children of the same age. with a wide range of developmental disabilities.

varying in polarity, size, and time from stimulus Resources Primer onset. It has millisecond time resolution. Coles, M., & Rugg, M. Benefits of EEGs and ERPs (1995). Event-related brain Measuring Brain Waves potentials: An introduction. • Is noninvasive, well tolerated even by young In M. Rugg & M. Coles EEG – Electroencephalogram, a recording of the children and infants. (Eds.), Electrophysiology of brain’s electrical activity. Data is obtained by • Has high temporal resolution (milliseconds). mind: Event-related brain placing small sensors on the head and amplifying • Behavioral responses (e.g., pressing a button potentials and cognition. the recorded signal several thousand times. It is when a sound is heard) are not required. Often (pp.1-26). New York: Oxford University Press. usually described in terms of frequency, e.g., changes in brain activity are present before alpha frequency (8-13Hz). Fabiani, M., Gratton, G., & Coles, M. G. H. (2000). changes in behavior can be observed. Event-related brain potentials: Methods, theory, ERP – Event-Related Potential, a portion of EEG • Can be directly compared across ages. and applications. In J. T. Cacioppo, L. G., Tassinary, that correlates in time to a precise stimulus event. • Can be combined with other imaging techniques. & G. G., Berntson (Eds.), Handbook of It reflects changes in EEG associated with that (e.g., functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Psychophysiology, 2nd ed. (pp. 53-84). Cambridge, 2 event. ERP is described in terms of peaks • Complements standard behavioral assessments. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Winter 2005 Discovery

vigilant nor fearful. Instead, play incorporates it is a necessity. Fred Rogers once said, from page one Director’s Message the unpredictable in a positive way, with “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief experiences that let children learn how to from serious learning. But for children play is health disorders, is hard work—but those of you deal with the unanticipated. There is something serious learning. Play is really the work of who know many of us in the Vanderbilt Kennedy remarkably rewarding about experiencing childhood.” As you watch children at play, Center are aware that we often seem like children the unexpected—it is simply fun. Have you remember what Mr. Rogers said. Just as we at play. We love what we do, and most of us ever watched puppies or kittens at play? battle for children’s opportunities for growth and cannot imagine doing anything else. We embrace They roll, tumble, leap, and place themselves development as they experience the trials and the challenge of discovery because it is, in essence, in physical situations that never would be tribulations of learning in preschool and the an exercise in reacting to the unexpected. appropriate in learning how to be vigilant classroom, we need to be vigilant in providing What comes next around the corner of and recognize danger. In fact, at the heart of the best opportunities for them to experience discovery? This is what child’s play is all about. It play for all mammals is the joy in learning how the joys of play. Research tells us that by is not about learning how to cope with stress or to reach beyond what is familiar—reaching providing opportunities for play, we are doing danger in the way that we think about exploration. beyond the expected. Isn’t that a characteristic as much for children’s mental and physical Indeed, children explore novel situations with all of our most successful adults, and the essence health and well-being as anything else that we the vigilance needed to respond quickly. They of what scientists do here at the Vanderbilt might do. The comments of Mr. Rogers are develop their own unique so-called “fight or Kennedy Center? relevant to our research efforts as well. I can flight” response. Exploration is all about learning Our theme “Come Play” reflects the view vouch for our many scientists here at the how to avoid trouble. of how very important play is to all children. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center—we all take Play is different. Children only play in the It is meant to be inclusive of all children, scientific discovery, our version of “Come Play,” context of a safe environment; they are neither typical and atypical alike. Play is not a luxury, very seriously.

The example they used to explore this question speaking adults do not spontaneously make the What Are Babies Thinking was differences between how different languages tight versus loose fit distinction. from page one describe space. For example, the distinction “Adults ignore tight fit versus loose fit and pay between a tight fit versus a loose fit is marked in attention to ‘in’ versus ‘on,’” Hespos said. “Adults Previous research has found that infants are Korean but not in English. A cap on a pen would were glossing over the distinction that the babies sensitive to the acoustic variations that signal be a tight fit relationship, while a pen on a table were actually detecting.” meanings in all the world’s languages that would be a loose fit “These findings suggest that humans possess a adults can no longer hear, even those varia- relationship. rich set of concepts before we learn language,” tions that their own language does not use and English does not Spelke added. “Learning a particular language may that the adults around them no longer hear. mark this distinc- lead us to favor some of these concepts over For instance, an adult native-English speaker tion in the same others, but the concepts already existed before we will not hear all of the sounds of Korean and way, instead put them into words.” vice versa. Infants hear these subtleties but lose emphasizing the Hespos is a member of the Vanderbilt this awareness as their language skills develop “containment” Kennedy Center and the Vanderbilt Vision over the first year of life. versus “support” Research Center. Spelke is co-director of “The languages of the world vary both in relationship, for Harvard’s Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative. The the sounds they require speakers to distin- example: the coffee research was supported by grants from the guish and in the meanings they require is in the mug or the National Institutes of Health. speakers to convey, and these differences mug is on the table. influence what speakers of a language readily Hespos and hear and think about,” Spelke said. “Our Sue Hespos, Ph.D. Spelke tested research asked how these differences arise: Does whether five-month-old infants from native Where to Find Help the experience of learning to speak English or English-speaking homes noticed whether objects Korean make you aware of the categories your fit tightly or loosely. The tests were based on language honors?” infants’ tendency to look at events that they find to Vanderbilt Kennedy Family be novel. Infants were shown an Outreach Center object being placed inside a Supported by the Lili Claire Foundation container that fit either tightly or loosely until the time they looked (615)936-5118 at the object being placed inside the container decreased. They Disability Pathfinder were then shown new tight and (800)640-INFO [4636] loose fit relationships. The researchers found that the babies (615)322-8529 (Nashville) looked at the objects longer when there was a change between Taking Part in Research tight or loose fit, illustrating See Study Finder that they were detecting the http://kc.vanderbilt.edu/studyfinder/ Korean concept. Hespos and Spelke also conducted the experiment with adults to confirm that English- 3 Winter 2005 Discovery

Leading the Vanguard of Discovery Accolades Yoder, P. J., & McDuffie, A. (2002). Treatment of primary language disorders in early childhood: Camilla Benbow, Ed.D., Patricia and Rodes Hart Evidence of efficacy. In P. Accardo (Ed.), Disorders Dean of Education and Human Development, of Language Development (pp. 151 – 177). , received the 2004 Lifetime Baltimore: York Press. Achievement Award of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation. Yoder, P. J., & Warren, S. F. (2002). Effects of prelinguistic milieu teaching and parent respon- Raymond Burk, M.D., sivity education in dyads with children with intel- professor of medicine lectual disabilities. Journal of Speech, Language, and pathology, has and Hearing Research, 45, 1158 – 1174. received a National Institutes of Health Education MERIT Award for his B.S., 1978, Psychology, Louisiana State University research on the M.S., 1979, Special Education, George nutritional effects of Peabody College selenium. Selenium Ph.D., 1985, Special Education, University of deficiency has been PAUL YODER, PH.D. North Carolina, Chapel Hill implicated as a

Professor of Special Education Postdoctoral Fellow, 1985-87, Peabody College, DANA JOHNSON contributing Raymond Burk, M.D. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Investigator Vanderbilt University metabolic factor in Joined Vanderbilt Kennedy Center 1986 some developmental disabilities. Attraction to Developmental Disabilities Research Research Interests As a sophomore volunteer in a preschool for Alfred L. George, Jr., Communication and language development, and children with language impairments, I was Ph.D., been named chair intervention in children with language delays; fascinated and touched by these bright children of a Special Emphasis mother-child linguistic and prelinguistic that had such difficulty communicating. One of the Panel of the National interaction; event-related potentials; autism children had autism. Another had mental Institute of Diabetes & retardation. Another seemed fine in every way but Digestive & Kidney Principal Investigator for could not speak clearly. It seemed obvious that we Diseases. The panel will Early Communication Intervention in Children could not use the same teaching methods with all review applications with Autism, National Institute of Deafness and of these children. Doing developmental disability solicited by one of the Other Communication Disorders research combines my love of the scientific method, new National Institutes

my desire to be a positive force in the lives of of Health Roadmap DANA JOHNSON ERP & Behavior Predictors of Language children with communication disabilities, and my training initiatives. Alfred L. George, Jr., Ph.D. Intervention, National Institute of Deafness and passion for learning. Other Communication Disorders H. Carl Haywood, Ph.D., and Penelope Brooks, EEG Power and Growth in Joint Attention in Reasons for Kennedy Center Membership Ph.D., professors of psychology emeriti, held Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is why I stay Bright Start curriculum workshops in Reykjavik, Their Siblings, Nicholas Hobbs Society at Vanderbilt. Its Psychophysiology Laboratory Iceland, August 9-13, sponsored by the Iceland Discovery Grant is an example of the Center’s commitment to Ministry of Education. Bright Start is a preschool supporting multidisciplinary research. Without cognitive education curriculum co-authored by Clinical Interests it, as a behavioral scientist, I could never Haywood, Brooks, and S. Burns. Early communication and language intervention move into using event-related potentials to for toddlers and preschoolers with a variety of measure speech processing. Without the Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vanderbilt Kennedy Center communication disorders production and support of many, custom-made director, received the Friends of Children Award or adapted data collection and analysis of the Tennessee Chapter of the American National Service programs by Jon Tapp, the Center’s director Academy of Pediatrics. • Member, Research Committee, Division of Early of computer services, I simply would not be Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children able to accomplish what I do. The Communications Wendy Stone, Ph.D., professor of pediatrics and • National Advisory Board, Early Childhood and Graphics services help me produce psychology, is featured on the Dan Marino Research Institute, University of Louisville posters, PowerPoint slides, and Web sites that Foundation’s Childnett.tv, the first 24-hour web • Board of Editors, American Journal of Speech- allow me to communicate complex findings channel dedicated to families living with autism and Language Pathology, Journal of Early Intervention, efficiently to a variety of audiences varying other neurological disorders. See www.childnett.tv. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing on education and interest level. The

Research, and Topics in Early Childhood Special Administrative Core makes budgeting, The Best Buddies Vanderbilt Chapter, led by Education purchasing,‘ and hiring more manageable. Linda president Kathy Lawton, was recognized as the Dupre, the Center’s manager of grants first “Outstanding College Chapter of the Year” Publications development, makes it possible to get all of by the International Best Buddies organization. Yoder, P. J., & Warren, S. F. (2004). Early predictors those Institutional Review Board forms, progress The Chapter’s advisor is Elise McMillan, J.D., of language in children with and without reports, and applications completed on time. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center director of Down syndrome. American Journal on My gratitude to the Kennedy Center goes community outreach. 4 Mental Retardation, 109, 285 - 300. beyond my expression.

Winter 2005 Discovery

New Grants Frequently Asked Questions NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC SIGNIFICANCE Craig Kennedy, Ph.D., professor of special education OF SELENIUM Funding: U.S. Department of Education Raymond Burk, M.D., professor of medicine FACTORS REGULATING LIMBIC SYSTEM ASSEMBLY and pathology Pat Levitt, Ph.D., professor of pharmacology and Funding: National Institute of Environmental Aurea Pimenta, Ph.D., research assistant professor Health Sciences, MERIT Award of pharmacology FAMILY COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL PREVENTION Funding: National Institute of Mental Health OF DEPRESSION DEVELOPING EXCEPTIONAL HUMAN CAPITAL Bruce E. Compas, Ph.D., professor of psychology David Lubinski, Ph.D., professor of psychology and Funding: National Institute of Mental Health Camilla P. Benbow, Ed.D., Patricia and Rodes Hart RELATING DECODING AND FLUENCY Dean of Education and Human Development DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN WITH READING Funding: Templeton Foundation DISABILITIES MATERNAL OPIOID TREATMENT: HUMAN Donald L. Compton, Ph.D., assistant professor of EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH special education Peter Martin, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry Funding: National Institute of Child Health and and pharmacology Human Development Funding: National Institute on Drug Abuse SCALING UP PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING STRATEGIES CELLULAR MECHANISMS OF PRECONDITIONING (PALS) TO STRENGTHEN READING ACHIEVEMENT NEUROPROTECTION Doug Fuchs, Ph.D., and Lynn Fuchs, Ph.D., BethAnn McLaughlin, Ph.D., research assistant What is the value of children’s play? How Nicholas Hobbs Chair in Special Education and professor of pharmacology can parents promote the development of Human Development Funding: National Institute of Neurological their children, with and without disabilities, Funding: U. S. Department of Education Disorders and Stroke through play? LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT OF NORMAL AND ANTIOXIDANT INTERACTION OF SELENIUM AND Play is important for learning. Parents can get ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR VITAMINS C AND E down into their child’s world and interact, Judy Garber, Ph.D., professor of psychology and James May, Ph.D., professor of medicine and molec- guiding play in ways that facilitate development human development and psychiatry ular physiology and biophysics, and Raymond Burk, of specific skills. Through play, young children Funding: National Institute of Mental Health Ph.D., professor of medicine and pathology examine objects, learning about spatial struc- PREDOCTORAL TRAINING PROGRAM IN Funding: National Institute of Aging ture, cause and effect, and numerical concepts, BIOMEDICAL IMAGING e.g., through toys that have gradations in size HALLUCINOGENS AND SEROTONIN SIGNAL John C. Gore, Ph.D., Chancellor’s University and other perceptual characteristics like sound. TRANSDUCTION Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology They learn communication and social interac- Elaine Sanders-Bush, Ph.D., professor of Funding: National Institute for Biomedical tion. Providing new objects or playing with pharmacology and psychiatry Imaging and Bioengineering familiar ones in different ways teaches new Funding: National Institute on Drug Abuse characteristics about objects, for example, PANCREATIC ISLET IMAGING AND BLOOD FLOW GENETIC ANALYSIS OF 15q11-q13 IN AUTISM rolling a ball and later bouncing it. John C. Gore, Ph.D., Chancellor’s University James Sutcliffe, Ph.D., assistant professor of Imaginative play should be encouraged. Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology molecular physiology and biophysics Parents can take an object and model an Funding: National Institute of Diabetes and Funding: National Institute of Mental Health imaginative use for it. They can set up Digestive and Kidney Diseases “pretend” scenarios, like a birthday party, and BEHAVIORAL TRAINING IN DEVELOPMENTAL add characters. As children get older, parents NEUROGENETICS OF CANDIDATE SYSTEMS DISABILITIES can ask the child to tell the story. IN AUTISM Tedra Walden, Ph.D., professor of psychology, and Children with disabilities learn in ways that (Parent project: Genetic Studies in Neurological Craig Kennedy, Ph.D., professor of special education parallel typical child development. The differ- Disorders, Pericak-Vance, PI, Duke University) Funding: National Institute of Child Health and ence is in how quickly they learn and how Jonathan L. Haines, Ph.D., T. H. Morgan Professor Development research training grant many times they need to experience some- of Human Genetics, and James S. Sutcliffe, Ph.D., assistant professor of molecular physiology REDUCING SEVERE PROBLEM BEHAVIOR IN thing for it to be stored in long-term memory. and biophysics SCHOOLS For example, a parent may be helping a child Funding: National Institute of Neurological Joseph Wehby, Ph.D., associate professor of special with Down syndrome learn to name objects. Disorders and Stroke education, and Craig Kennedy, Ph.D., professor of On average, children with Down syndrome special education need to hear words more often and in more SOCIAL COMMUNICATIVE EFFECTS OF LANGUAGE Funding: U.S. Department of Education meaningful contexts than typically developing INTERVENTION Outreach Grants children. Their speech may be less intelligible, Ann P. Kaiser, Ph.D., professor of special education which makes it difficult for parents to provide a Funding: National Institute of Child Health and ARTS BUILD COMMUNITIES teaching model in response. Parents can Human Development Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Arts Initiative manage this by selecting a set of words they Elise McMillan, J.D., director of community outreach want their child to learn, beginning with TREDS – TENNESSEE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND Funding: Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission words made of sounds that are easier to RESOURCES FOR ENHANCING DEAF-BLIND SUPPORT pronounce, e.g., Continued on page 7 FAMILY SUPPORT 360 GRANT Funding: Administration on Developmental 5 Disabilities Winter 2005 Discovery Susan Gray School for All Children Vanderbilt Kennedy Center • Peabody College

A New Model for the Delivery of Therapy

through the Susan Gray School and Pediatric Team can integrate activities [for physical therapy] Rehabilitation Services. within what teachers have planned for the day,” Argo explained. Delivery in Action Argo has found that working with Grace Anne and the other students in the class who have thera- Each day Grace Anne Hunter looks peutic needs also has forward to school. Her “Cuddle benefited students Bugs” classroom is full who do not receive of bright toys, fun times, and great therapy at the School. friends. But Tuesdays, Wednesdays, “Teachers are and Thursdays are extra special eager to learn. They due to two friends who come to watch what we do, class—Ellen Argo and Deborah ask for suggestions, Powers, a physical therapist then take that infor- and occupational therapist, mation and use it in respectively. A lively eighteen- the classroom,” Argo month-old, Grace Anne has continued. “We are Down syndrome, and her motor forming a team to development—such as walking make sure that this and upper body strength—are environment is what developing at a slower pace. is best for children.” It was suggested to Grace Anne’s When Grace Anne MELANIE BRIDGES Grace Ann Hunter parents that she receive therapy at has made strides in Vanderbilt in the Susan Gray her therapy for the hile the Susan Gray School serves children at School. Both Argo and Powers take day, it is time for Wvarying levels of development, some families time during Grace Anne’s school Argo to move on to find it helpful to have their child take part in day to work on her learning to MELANIE BRIDGES another child in the therapy sessions in addition to their daily walk with less assistance and to develop more School and for Grace Anne to take part in occupa- curriculum. Students can strength in her arms. Having tional therapy with Powers. As Powers works with receive speech, physical, or therapists come into the Grace Anne, the focus is on the great weather and occupational therapeutic School allows Grace Anne to fun toys as they play outside. services from different receive therapy while continu- “No matter where the class is,” said Powers, “I providers depending on a ing to take part in daily activi- find ways to help Grace Anne overcome her child’s age through an ties with other students. difficulties and take part with the other children.” independent clinic, through Argo is Grace Anne’s While playing outside, Powers encourages Grace Metro Nashville Public physical therapist. As soon as Ann to use her arms to rock the horse, throw the Schools, or through the she arrives to work with Grace ball, or push herself down the slide, just like the School’s collaboration with Anne, Argo assesses the cur- other kids on the playground. Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Team rent learning situation to see When the class moves inside, so do Powers and Rehabilitation Services. what activity all the Grace Anne, giving them a chance to take part in “In an effort to move children are doing that she new variety of activities involving eye-hand toward on-site therapists, we can incorporate within coordination like taking off shoes to do a painted have established a collabora- physical therapy. Since today footprint poster or removing a hat off her head. tion with Pediatric Team the children are outside when A major goal is helping Grace Ann learn to feed Rehabilitation Services. They Argo arrives, she jumps at the herself using her fingers or a spoon. now send a physical therapist chance to have Grace Anne “We believe that kids learn from other kids, so MELANIE BRIDGES push a toy cart around the they are a great example for Grace Anne,” Powers and occupational therapist to Physical therapist Ellen Argo and Grace Anne the School on a weekly basis,” playground. While Grace Anne said. “She will learn from her peers and that will said Ruth Wolery, Ph.D., the School’s director. sees this opportunity as fun time, Argo knows that serve as a follow-up to the therapy that we “We like this arrangement because a single it is a great way to work on developing Grace provide. If she were an ‘outpatient’ in a traditional therapist builds a relationship with the teachers Anne’s balance, leg strength, and walking stride. therapy clinic, she would receive therapy for an and the children.” “A child only spends an hour in a therapy hour and then go home. Here, where she is around The following is an account of one child’s therapy clinic, but spends four or more hours here at the typically developing children, her environment 6 routine and how these services are integrated School. This way, working in a child care center, I reinforces the therapy.” Winter 2005 Discovery

The Susan Gray School provides inclusive education for young children with and without disabilities and support for their families. Its fourfold mission is providing high-quality service, supporting research, contributing to the training of future teachers and researchers, and demonstrating recommended practices as a national model. It is a program of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and Peabody College.

challenges, since the student would become dis- tanced from the class instead of further integrated. Also, children had to meet and become comfort- able with different therapists in the classroom while various activities were taking place. Therapists were put in a difficult position having to learn the system of each class and teacher. Now, through the collaboration with Vanderbilt’s MELANIE BRIDGES

Setting the Standard—Again MELANIE BRIDGES Pediatric Team Rehabilitation Services, Grace For over 35 years, the Susan Gray School has served Anne has the same therapist as others in her class. the full range of young children, those who are This model fosters collaboration between the typically developing as well as those with develop- School and the therapist while supporting mental delays or intellectual or physical disabilities. daily routines. It was the first nationally recognized early “I see children both at the clinic and here at the intervention program to include children with and School, and I seem to see a bigger carryover of without disabilities. Today the Susan Gray School is knowledge and development at the School,” said doing it again by integrating therapy sessions Powers. “As long as you have a teacher and a school within the classroom. that are willing to implement all the different In previous experiences at the School, several activities that you need to meet your therapy goals, therapists would come into the classroom and like the Susan Gray School is, I feel that therapy in MELANIE BRIDGES meet with a specific child. This posed many Occupational therapist Deborah Powers and Grace Ann the school is one of the best things for a child.”

Frequently Asked Questions offering them learning opportunities, these are sufficient. Select toys and activities that interest a SGS News from page five child, are flexible, and allow a child to learn differ- ent characteristics. If your family watches TV or uses computers, Autumn Jubilee objects whose names start with “b.” They can select make this time interactive. Studies indicate that The Susan Gray School held its first Autumn Jubilee a small set of similar objects so that a child sees passive TV watching activates the brain’s visual October 25-29. Students spent the week enjoying a multiple examples, e.g., many kinds of balls. They are centers but does not result in the kind of broader variety of activities. Each day featured a different guiding play so that the child hears “ball” repeatedly, activation seen in learning as one would hope for in aspect of fall. and they can praise or otherwise reinforce the child’s play. Watch TV or use computers with children, ask On Monday, the first day of the celebration, students speech when the child produces or approximates the them questions, and develop play routines around learned about apples while making applesauce and word “ball.” shows or software. Connect what is learned to caramel apples. Other activities throughout the week Because children with autism have a reduced lived experience. were centered on corn, leaves, and pumpkins. Parents motivation for social communication, they tend to For all children, the goal is supporting play that were invited on Thursday to decorate pumpkins with play alone in repetitive ways. Parents can direct play is highly motivating for the child and making their child’s class. Each day contained an informational in ways that are more social. For example, in the alterations so that it can be more enriching than if activity as well as a hands-on learning project. Kennedy Center intervention research of Paul Yoder they were left to their own devices. Playing should Festivities concluded Friday with a “Pumpkin and Wendy Stone, adults direct a child’s attention to be fun for parents, too. Avoid letting worry or stress Parade” in which students visited near-by campus desired toys mediated through the adult, so that interfere and remember to enjoy your child offices in the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, the there’s joint attention, an important prelinguistic skill. while playing. Peabody Administration Building, and several other Developmental specialists can help parents iden- Stephen M. Camarata, Ph.D., Professor of Hearing campus buildings and residence halls. tify specific learning goals and strategies to guide “We added these special activities to provide vari- children through their developmental challenges. and Speech Sciences serves in the Vanderbilt Kennedy ety within our curriculum,” said Michelle Wyatt, Parents may want to be cautious about purchas- Center as the Director of the Research Program on assistant director. “We hope to continue this growth ing items marketed as promoting a child’s Communication and Learning and the Late Talkers by adding Olympic Games this summer.” intelligence. Playing with a child, interacting, Clinic at the Test and Technology Center. 7 Winter 2004 Discovery

what she experiences having a brother with Down syndrome,” says their mother Sheila Moore. “She can Purr-fecting Art Outreach News do this with other siblings who know what she feels and experiences. They are her support system, and he Fat Cat” will be the unifying she looks forward to the Sibshops.” “Ttheme for an imaginative art exhibit Sibshops Build “I am grateful to have a support group for opening in January that has been developed Katie,” Moore continued. “I know there are things by Pacesetters, Inc. The art is based on a that she feels or would like to say but feels she Danish folk tale about a cat who was so fat Foundation cannot say at home. She loves her brother, but and greedy that he consumed everything in sometimes she feels guilty for his path. The exhibit will primarily feature having certain thoughts about him. two-dimensional artwork in a variety of Katie always comes home from the media, such as pastel, paint, and prints. The Sibshop feeling better about exhibit will be on display in the lobby of herself. She has certainly been the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center from helped by Sibshops, and I believe January through March 2005. her relationship with her brother Begun in 1996, Pacesetters’ art program has definitely benefited. She is is designed to enhance verbal and visual always telling him that she loves communication skills as well as the self- him,” Moore says proudly. esteem of the adults with developmental Katie also shared her views of what disabilities who participate in the program. she has learned at Sibshop, that “we Storyteller Marcia Donovan and visual are all unique and different, and artist Merritt Ireland are artists-in- that’s a great thing about this world.” residence who work with Pacesetters’ Sibshops open up opportunities to artists. The program receives support from meet other siblings and discuss the the Tennessee Arts Commission. This will concerns and the joys of being a be the second Pacesetters’ exhibit to be held sibling of a person with special needs at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. and how others handle situations Pacesetters, Inc. is a Tennessee nonprofit ibling relationships are perhaps the most enduring commonly experienced by siblings of a person with organization, with funding from the Srelationships in life. In the case of children with special needs. Participants learn about self-concept, special health, developmental, or mental health insight, tolerance, loyalty, pride, friendships, fun, concerns, the relationships among siblings may be the awareness, and support. most important caregiving relationship in their adult “In Sibshop, I have observed the celebration lives. Sibshops are designed to provide support during of the strengths and the gifts of these siblings childhood and young adulthood and provide a as well as the acknowledgment of the challenges foundation that will foster long-term positive and stresses they experience,” said Carol Rabideau, relationships across the life span. a social worker for the Vanderbilt Kennedy Sibshops offer recreation, education, and peer Family Outreach Center. “This validates for the support. These workshops acknowledge that being children that a range of feelings is normal and a brother or sister of a person with special needs acknowledges their many competencies. The opens a wide spectrum of emotions. For some it is children clearly enjoy the opportunity for a good thing, for others a not-so-good-thing, and recreation and discussion in which they can focus for many somewhere in between. All brothers and on themselves and their peers and experience sisters have a lot to offer one another, if they are this validation.” given the chance. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Sibshop for Donald J. Meyer, creator of Sibshops and director children 7-to 12-years old continues this academic of The Arc’s Sibling Support Project, was invited to year. A reading and discussion group for college the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in 2002 to present students and other young adults, 18 to 26 years, the Sibshop program, and by Fall 2003 the Kennedy began this fall. Center held its first Sibshop for siblings, 7 to 12 A third group for teens is planned for 2005. years old, of children with special needs. Rabideau will be this group’s facilitator along with Sibshops offer a variety of activities throughout Stacie Salmon, a graduate student at Vanderbilt. the session. “Some type of activity at the beginning Rabideau’s goal is to create a Sibshop that will be United Way. It has grown to become one of of a session helps children feel comfortable,” appealing to adolescents, ages 13 to 18, and will the largest community-based day training explained Elise McMillan, Vanderbilt Kennedy give them a sense of “ownership” of the group and residential programs serving persons Center director of community outreach and parent where they can experience peer support and have with developmental disabilities in the State of two Sibshop participants. “It may be a fun game to introduce yourself and get to know others. confidence that their discussions will not be shared of Tennessee. It provides services in six There is usually some kind of art or creative outside the group. centers located in Clay, Macon, Overton, activity, and there is always a time for children to For Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Sibshops, Putnam, Warren, and White counties. For sit down and seriously talk about what it is like to contact Teresa Turnbo, (615) 936-5118, information, see www.pacesetterstn.com. have a sibling with a disability.” [email protected]. For the Arc Sibling The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center sponsors Katie Moore is ten-years-old and has attended Support Project, see www.thearc.org/siblingsupport; a series of exhibits of art by or about Sibshop for the past two years. Her brother Matt is see their directory for other Tennessee Sibshops people with disabilities. For information, 15-years-old and has Down syndrome.“Sibshops in Cookeville, Franklin, Knoxville, and contact Teresa Turnbo, (615) 936-5118, 8 have given Katie an opportunity to talk about Memphis. [email protected]. Winter 2005 Discovery

from below average scores to average scores. All students also are monitored at each Outreach News tutoring session using Curriculum-Based Measurement. Students read a story, read words in isolation, or say sounds for one minute. The Reading Clinic number of words or sounds read correctly are counted and graphed. These graphs help the children and tutors see when instruction is Success effective or when it needs to be modified. he Vanderbilt Kennedy Reading Clinic provides Training. As part of Peabody’s master’s program Tintensive, one-to-one instruction for children in special education, all graduate students in the in kindergarten through fourth grade who are high incidence disabilities program (i.e., learning experiencing serious reading problems. Clinic disabilities and behavior disabilities) complete at tutors use reading instructional methods that have least one semester of Clinic tutoring. For 2003-04, been proven to help children acquire reading skills. 40 graduate students and 11 undergraduate Instructional methods stress the connections students were trained. between letters and sounds, how sounds fit Parents have been pleased that the Clinic has together to form words, the development of fluent helped their children. Children enjoy the attention reading performance, and the achievement of and the sense of satisfaction that comes from strong comprehension of narrative text. working hard to learn. Students in the Department of Special “Jacob’s reading is now above grade level Education provide one-to-one tutoring to children. (thanks to one semester at the Clinic), and he no These Peabody College tutors are supervised longer requires tutoring this year,” said parent Janet closely by Caresa Young, an experienced reading increase of nine standard score points for Word Applin. “Had it not been for the Reading Clinic, I specialist and coordinator of the Clinic. The Identification (reading words in isolation) and 16 know he would still be struggling, but the program Reading Clinic has a strong track record in standard score points for Word Attack (reading allowed him to ‘crack the code.’ The Reading Clinic improving reading performance of children who nonsense words to indicate ability to sound out was a godsend for us.” previously were struggling in school. words). It is difficult for children to improve their For 2004-05, Clinic goals include serving more The Vanderbilt Kennedy Reading Clinic directly standard scores because they must improve their children by increasing tutorial capacity and provid- served 63 students in 2003-2004. performance just to maintain them. Increasing ing more tuition scholarships. Student Progress. On the Woodcock Reading their standard scores requires considerable For information, contact (615)936-5123, Mastery Test, Clinic students showed an average improvement. Reading Clinic students increased [email protected].

Congressional Visits

ongresswoman Marsha CBlackburn, R-Tenn, visited the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center on July 28. Center director Pat Levitt, Ph.D., led the visit, outlining research areas and commu- nity outreach activities. She toured the Vanderbilt Kennedy Family Outreach Center and visited the Explorers Unlimited Academic Camp for youth with Down syndrome, where she spoke with campers. “I loved seeing the children take part in activities U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn and Pat Levitt talk with Explorers they enjoyed and having Unlimited campers Ryan Pittman (right) and Matthew Moore. fellowship and relationship- building,” she said of the camp sponsored by the director, who provided an overview of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and the Down Center’s research and studies of the genetic Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee. syndrome Prader-Willi as an example of ways Faye Head and Kristin Bannerman, staff of that families taking part in research are

MELANIE BRIDGES Senator Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn, toured supported. They also toured the Vanderbilt (Left to right) Faye Head and Kristin Bannerman of U.S. Kennedy Family Outreach Center with Senator Lamar Alexander’s staff, Elisabeth Dykens, the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center on associate director, and Elizabeth Roof, Prader-Willi August 26. They met with Elisabeth Dykens, Carole Moore-Slater, director of Tennessee Syndrome Project coordinator Ph.D., Vanderbilt Kennedy Center associate Disability Pathfinder. 9 Winter 2005 Discovery

which are making a significant difference in so many lives, warms my heart,” Bernard continued. Thanks to Our Spotlight “Anything that can be done to improve these chil- dren’s lives, their communication skills, their social Littlest Donors activities, and to allow them to simply enjoy life—I want to be a part of it. It is terribly important to get In lieu of birthday gifts, celebrants gave gifts to Committed to the message out in Nashville and surrounding the Vanderbilt Kennedy Reading Clinic areas of how important the Kennedy Center is to Scholarship Fund. Children the community.” Bernard was a member of the 2004 Leadership ANN BERNARD Dinner Planning Committee and an avid promoter for the dinner and the silent auction. nn Bernard has a strong When Bernard’s husband had a stroke sixteen Asense of commitment to years ago, she naturally became interested in the children. Her contributions to Center’s neurological research studies. the children of the various “The Kennedy Center and their ongoing research programs at the Vanderbilt and programs for children and adults spoke to me. Kennedy Center have been The Center has educated me on endless possibilities profound and thoughtful. She and opportunities that are now available to children became a member of the and adults with and without developmental Nicholas Hobbs Society in 2000 disabilities. The Center has made a difference in the and shortly after was invited to lives of my family members, and I feel proud to say join the Kennedy Center’s Leadership Council. that my family is involved with the Vanderbilt “I have never been quite this involved in any Kennedy Center.” organization prior to the Kennedy Center. My Bernard’s daughter JoAnn has a background in participation has been extremely gratifying, special education. Her son Tommy, of Nashville, also primarily because of the children,” Bernard said. has supported the Kennedy Center over the years. “The Kennedy Center has given me something Bernard believes that all the programs at the very positive in my life. To be able to make a

Center are important. “There is no other place like MELANIE BRIDGES contribution involving many fields of research, the Kennedy Center,” Bernard said. Amelia Lauren McLaughlin Stanwood and Luke Lytle

Kennedy Center Donors

The Nicholas Hobbs Donor Society Dr. Kathie L. Eagleson Dr. Craig Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Small In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Pat Levitt ($1,000 and above) Mrs. Molly Edmondson Ms. Tiina Hyvonen Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Speyer Mr. and Mrs. William Capucilli Mr. Robert D. Eisenstein Mr. Jonathan M. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Stafford Senator and Mrs. Lamar Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Elman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knestrick Dr. Gregg Stanwood and In Honor of Prof. Sharon Lee Shields Dr. and Mrs. Ben J. Alper Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Emeson Mrs. Elsie C. Kraft Dr. BethAnn McLaughlin Ms. Virginia E. Tacker Mrs. Clare Armistead Dr. and Mrs. Irwin B. Eskind Mrs. Heloise Werthan Kuhn Ms. Elise Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Barker Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Eskind Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Lehman Drs. Marshall and Karen Summar In honor of Tabitha Tuders Mr. and Mrs. E. Warner Bass Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Dr. and Mrs. Pat Levitt Mrs. Mary Jane Swaney Establishing Tabitha Tuders Vanderbilt Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beaman Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Eskind Mr. and Mrs. Irving Levy Ms. Beth Tannenbaum Kennedy Reading Clinic Scholarships Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Bernard Dr. Robert Fox and Ms. Dona Tapp Ms. Jan Abby Liff Dr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Tannenbaum Dr. Beth Ann McLaughlin and Ms. Leilani Boulware Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Frist Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Lytle Mr. Kent Thiry and Mrs. Denise O’Leary Dr. Gregg Stanwood Mr. and Mrs. Jack O. Bovender Jr. Drs. Doug and Lynn Fuchs Dr. Mark A. Magnuson and Mr. Wendell Tomlin and Ms. Pat McNellis Mr. and Mrs. John Lytle Ms. Ashley Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Funk Ms. Lucile Houseworth Drs. Richard and Mary Theresa Urbano Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks Dr. Steven G. Gabbe and Mrs. Alyne Q. Massey Mr. Albert Werthan (deceased) For information about joining the Mrs. Linda Brooks Dr. Patricia C. Temple Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMillan Drs. Mark and Ruth Wolery Ms. Wendy Brooks Dr. and Mrs. William M. Gavigan Ms. Laura Craig McNellis Nicholas Hobbs Donor Society or making Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Brown Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nesbitt Jr. Honor or Memorial gifts, contact the Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Brown Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Grossman Mr. Craig E. Phillip and Ms. Marian T. Ott Development Office, (615) 343-5322. Mr. Gary Brukardt Mr. Peter Grua Col. Robert Phillips Jr. and Honor and Memorial Gifts Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Camarata Mr. and Mrs. William F. Harnisch Mrs. Barbara Gregg Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheek III Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hayes Ms. Elizabeth M. Queener In Memory of Dr. Jack Allen Every effort has been made to ensure the Dr. Joseph S. Cheng Dr. H. Carl Haywood Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rebrovick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Durham accuracy of this report, which reflects Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chickey Mr. and Mrs. Blake Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Resnick Dr. Roy O. Elam Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Claverie Sr. Mrs. Carol Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Roos Hobbs Society membership, Honor, and Mr. and Mrs. John Clay Mr. Robert W. Henderson II Drs. Dan and Jan Rosemergy In Memory of Glyn Brown Memorial gifts July 10 – November 1, Dr. and Mrs. Joe Ed Conn Mr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Russell Dr. Beth Ann McLaughlin and Dr. Michael Cooper and Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Himmelfarb Drs. Phil and Dikkie Schoggen Dr. Gregg Stanwood 2004. If an error has been made, we offer

Mrs. Bethany Jackson Dr. Robert Hodapp and Mrs. Joan Shayne our sincerest apology and ask that you Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Danner Dr. Elisabeth Dykens Mr. and Mrs. Sargent Shriver In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riven’s bring it to our attention by contacting the Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eaden Dr. Ann P. Kaiser Ms. Laurie Lee Sisk new grandchild 10 Ms. Christine Karbowiak Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Small Dr. and Mrs. Pat Levitt Development Office. Winter 2005 Discovery

ComeNew Playground Play ver 250 Nicholas Hobbs Society Omembers and friends attended the sixth annual Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Leadership Dinner on October 21 at Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. Chaired by Ann Eaden, vice president of Beaman Automotive and active community leader, the dinner’s theme was “Come Play,” focusing on the universal importance of play as the center of life and learning for children. Children and young adults who took part in the program were Lauren and Natalie Gregg, Kathryn Lawton, Katie and Matthew Moore, Bernadette Resha, Ann Eaden, Harry Jacobson, Jan Jacobson, and Annette Eskind and Jason Sharbel. The Children’s Choir from the W. O. Smith School of Music performed. Centerpieces of children at play sculpted in bronze by internationally Jason Sharvel, Natalie Gregg, and Lauren Gregg, renowned sculptor Gary Lee Price with Biscuit, created by children’s author Alyssa Satin-Capucilli decorated the tables and were available for purchase. A silent auction was held raising over $13,000. The Dinner Committee included Ann Eaden, Chair, Ann Bernard, Linda Brooks, Judy Claverie, Annette Eskind, Carol Henderson, Lorie Lytle, and Laurie Lee Sisk. Table hosts included Beaman Automotive Group, Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Bernard, Mrs. Linda Brooks, Mr. and Pat Levitt, Ann Eaden, Barbara Gregg, and Harla Levitt “Mrs. Roy E. Claverie, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eaden, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Eskind, Fridrich & Clark Realty and Relocation Services, Barbara Gregg and Associates, Mrs. Carol Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Houseworth, Mapco Express, Inc., Pinnacle Financial Partners, Regions Morgan Keegan Trust, and SunTrust Bank. Appreciation is expressed for the Gary Lee Price contributions of Alyssa Capucilli— author of the Biscuit books, The American Artisan, Tom Black, Chancellor Gordon Gee and Dr. Constance Gee, Gary Lee Price, Sylvia Hyman, Horizon Wine and Linda Brooks, Wendy Brooks, Pat Levitt, and Ashley Brooks Spirits, Jamie Inc., Ilex Flowers, Natural Creations, The Palm Restaurant, Peppermill Catering, Portrait Photography by Dennis Wile, Randy Rayburn and the Sunset Grill, Darlene Shadden, Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory, Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and Debbie Walker.

Photography by Tommy Lawson

Matthew and Katie Moore Tommy Bernard, Harla Levitt, Ann Benard, and Robert Henderson, Jr. 11 Winter 2005 Discovery

Leadership Council of Discovery is a quarterly publication of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development designed to educate Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Tribute and Note Cards our friends and the community, from Nashville to the nation. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is committed to improving the Mrs. Barbara Gregg Phillips, Chair quality of life of persons with disorders of thinking, learning, perception, communication, mood and emotion caused by Mrs. Annette Eskind, Past Chair disruption of typical development. The Center is a university- ribute cards featuring original wide research, training, diagnosis, and treatment institute; and Mrs. Honey Alexander Twork by artists with disabili- a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Ms. Sissy Allen designated National Mental Retardation and Developmental Mrs. Madge Bass ties are an excellent way to make Disabilities Research Center. Mrs. Ann Bernard a gift to the Vanderbilt Kennedy Mrs. Barbara Bovender ON THE WEB: kc.vanderbilt.edu 615 322 8240 Mrs. Linda Brooks Center in memory or honor of Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Director Mrs. Cathy S. Brown an individual. The Elisabeth Dykens, Ph.D., Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Associate Mrs. Rebecca Chickey Development Office will Director and Director of Mood and Emotion Research Program Mrs. Judy Claverie mail a card to honor/memo- Kendal Broadie, Ph.D., Director of Neurobiology and Plasticity Mrs. Ann Eaden Research Program Mr. Glenn Funk rial recipient or donors can Stephen Camarata, Ph.D., Director of Communication and Mrs. Mollie Gavigan complete the card. Tribute Learning Research Program Mrs. Bernice Gordon Mrs. Carol Henderson cards are available for a Ann Kaiser, Ph.D., Director of Families Research Program Mr. Robert W. Henderson II suggested $25 contribution. Robert Hodapp, Ph.D., Assistant Director of Families Research Ms. Lucile Houseworth Program Blank gift cards featuring this year’s selection of Mrs. Bethany Jackson Tim Stafford, Director of Operations Mrs. Ruth Johnson art by persons with disabilities are available in Elise McMillan, J.D., Director of Community Outreach Mrs. Harla Levitt packages of eight for a suggested $10 contribution Mrs. Lorie Lytle Jan Rosemergy, Ph.D., Director of Communications Mrs. Alyne Q. Massey to the Center. Ms. Pat McNellis Contact (615)343-5322 or jon.preston@ Discovery Mrs. Anne Nesbitt vanderbilt.edu to request tribute or art note cards. Editors and Writers: Stephanie Comer, Traci Fleischman, Jan The Honorable Andrew Shookhoff Rosemergy, Ph.D. Ms. Laurie Lee Sisk Art Director: Melanie Bridges, B.F.A. Mr. Richard and Mrs. Rhonda Small Photography: Melanie Bridges, BFA, Tommy Lawson Dr. Karen L. Summar Discovery is supported in part by Grant No. P30 HD15052 Ms. Beth Tannenbaum from NICHD. Vanderbilt University is committed to principles of Equal Ex-Officio Members: Opportunity and Affirmative Action Dr. Pat Levitt Mrs. Elise McMillan © 2004 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Vanderbilt University Mr. Tim Stafford


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Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Kennedy Vanderbilt G. OR OFIT NON-PR Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt Spring 2005 Calendar of Events Unless otherwise noted, events are free and open to the public. Events are subject to change. Please check the calendar on our Web site kc.vanderbilt.edu or call (615) 322-8240. For disability-related training and other events statewide and nationally see www.disabilitytrainingtn.org.

FEBRUARY 10 Bridging Research to Policy and Practice January Learning Disabilities Identification in Reading and Math JANUARY 5 Doug Fuchs, Ph.D., and Lynn Fuchs, Ph.D., Special Lecture Nicholas Hobbs Chair in Special Education Dopamine Genes and Children’s Disruptive and Human Development and Vanderbilt Behavior Disorders Kennedy Center Investigators, and Donald Irwin Waldman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Compton, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Special Psychology, Emory University Education and Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Wednesday 12 noon Investigator Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Co-Sponsor Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities JANUARY 15-MARCH 30 Thursday 4 p.m. Arts and Disabilities Exhibit Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building The Fat Cat - artwork inspired by the Danish folktale Co-Sponsor Pacesetters Inc. FEBRUARY 17 Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Special Lecture Series on Family Research Lobby Kennedy Center/MRL Building An Unanticipated Life: The Impact of Lifelong Parenting JANUARY 12 Marsha Seltzer, Ph.D., Professor of Social Developmental Disabilities Work and Director of Waisman Center, Grand Rounds University of Wisconsin-Madison Demystifying the Mental Health Care of Thursday 4 p.m. Persons with Developmental Disabilities Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Laura D’Angelo, M.D., Psychiatrist, Centerstone Community Mental Health Centers, Inc. FEBRUARY 23 Light breakfast provided February Neuroscience Graduate Seminar Co-Sponsor Center for Child Development, Patterning Binocular Vision: Molecular Pediatrics FEBRUARY 2 Directives in the Developing Eye and Optic Wednesday 8 a.m. Grand Rounds Chiasm Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Developmental Stuttering: Its Speech, Carol Mason, Ph.D., Professor of Pathology, Language, and Emotional Origins Columbia University Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Brain Institute JANUARY 19 Edward Conture, Ph.D., Professor of Hearing Wednesday 4 p.m. Neuroscience Graduate Seminar and Speech Sciences and Vanderbilt Kennedy Room 1220 MRB III Lecture Hall Progenitor Diversity in the Embryonic Center Investigator Telencephalon: Causes and Consequences Tedra Walden, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Laura Lillien, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of and Human Development and Vanderbilt Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh Kennedy Center Investigator March Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Brain Institute Light breakfast provided Wednesday 4 p.m. Co-Sponsor Center for Child Development, MARCH 2 Room 1220 MRB III Lecture Hall Pediatrics Grand Rounds Wednesday 8 a.m. Developmental Disabilities JANUARY 20 Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture Autism in Children Under 24 Months: Can We See It? and Special Lecture Series on Family Research FEBRUARY 3 Improving the Lives of Low-Income Parents Special Lecture Series on Family Research Wendy Stone, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Children with Prenatal and Infancy Home The Family Contexts of Children’s and and Psychology & Human Development and Visits by Nurses Adolescents’ Sibling Relationships Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Investigator Light breakfast provided David Olds, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Susan McHale, Ph.D., Professor of Human Co-Sponsor Center for Child Development, Psychiatry, and Preventative Medicine, Development, The Pennsylvania State University Pediatrics University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Thursday 4 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. Thursday 4 p.m. Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building

Number 7 Winter 2005

Summer 2003 Discovery

MARCH 16 APRIL 6 Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Brain Institute Michael Meaney, Ph.D., James McGill Neuroscience Graduate Seminar Wednesday 4 p.m. Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology & Aneuploidy and Chromosomal Mosaicism in MRB III Lecture Hall Neurosurgery, McGill University, Quebec Brain Development and Function Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Brain Institute MAY 7 Jerold Chun, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Cinco de Mayo Benefiting Susan Gray School Molecular Biology and Pharmacology, Vanderbilt Brainstorm Community Lecture Fiesta, food, drinks, live music, live and Genes, Parents, and Brain Development University of California-San Diego silent auction! Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Brain Institute Tuesday March 15 7 p.m. Information Susan Gray School Wednesday 4 p.m. Adventure Science Center (615) 322-8200 Room 1220 MRB III Lecture Hall Saturday 7 p.m. Vanderbilt Brainstorm Vanderbilt Magnolia Circle Lawn APRIL 21 Lectures on Development and Developmental Lectures on Development and Developmental Disabilities Disabilities Maternal Care Stably Alters Chromatin The Autistic Brain: Perspectives from Sibshops Structure, Gene Expression, and Individual Affective Neuroscience Differences in Defences Richard Davidson, Ph.D., Vilas Professor of Wednesday March 16 4 p.m. Sibshops Psychology and Psychiatry, Director of the Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Children ages 7-12, with a brother or sister W.H. Keck Laboratory and Laboratory of with a disability MARCH 31 Affective Neuroscience, University of Lunch provided. Advanced registration Wisconsin-Madison Special Lecture Series on Family Research required. Thursday 4 p.m. Contact Teresa Turnbo, (615) 936-5118 Autism and Families: Genes and Environment Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building [email protected] Susan Folstein, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Feb. 5 and April 16 and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins APRIL 27 Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building University Ninth Annual Britt Henderson Training Series Co-Sponsor Vanderbilt Center for Human for Educators Genetics Research Designing a Positive Behavior Support Plan Thursday 4 p.m. to Better Serve Elementary School Students Community Events Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Conclusion of year-long workshops for elementary schools. Down Syndrome Association of Poster presentations and reception Middle Tennessee April Contact Elise McMillan, J.D. (615) 343-2540 Wednesday 4-6 p.m. FEBRUARY 5, MARCH 5, APRIL 9, AND MAY 7 Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Circle of Friends APRIL 1-JUNE 3 Recreational and social skills development Arts and Disabilities Exhibit program for individuals with Down syndrome Untitled Group organized by Lain York ages 12 and over. Registration required. Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. May 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Lobby Kennedy Center/MRL Building Westminster Presbyterian Church MAY 4 Information DSAMT (615) 386-9002 APRIL 3-9 Grand Rounds Nashville Week of the Young Child Developmental Disabilities Vanderbilt and community sponsors International Adoption: The Child and Events to be announced. See the Family Take Part in Research kc.vanderbilt.edu/kennedy/woyc Alice Rothman, M.D., Assistant Professor of Contact NAAEYC (615) 383-6292 Pediatrics The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center welcomes the . APRIL 6 participation of children and adults, with and Co-Sponsor Center for Child Development, without disabilities, in research studies. To view Grand Rounds Pediatrics Developmental Disabilities a list of projects seeking participants, see Wednesday 8 a.m. kc.vanderbilt.edu/studyfinder/ or call Sleep in Children with Autism Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Beth Malow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of (615) 936-5118. Neurology and Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Investigator MAY 4 Light breakfast provided Neuroscience Graduate Seminar Co-Sponsor Center for Child Development, A Basal Ganglia Circuit Essential Pediatrics for Vocal Learning Wednesday 8 a.m. David Perkel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Room 241 Kennedy Center/MRL Building Biology and Otolaryngology, University of Washington

Number 7 Winter 2005