Editors’ Note Dear Members of the Class of 2016, Table of Contents You are here to learn and grow—intellectually, creatively, ethically, socially, Welcome What To Do Music City, USA and personally . The only environment capable of fostering so many levels of learning and growth is a community . You are now part of the Vanderbilt Welcome from Chancellor Zeppos . .3 Service, Creativity, and Out of the Bubble and into Music City: Welcome from the Board of Trust . .3 Involvement A Sociologist’s View . 59. community . Welcome to The Ingram Commons . 4. Finding Fulfillment . 35 Tune Out the Bubble . 60 The members of this community are students, professors, staff workers, Welcome from Your Faculty Heads of House . .5 Why Should We Care about The Music Scene . 61 administrative officials, health professionals, coaches, athletes, artists, Community Service . 36. Other Nashville Attractions . 62 musicians, researchers, writers, alumni, and citizens of the Metro Nashville I VU: VIP: Beyond Tutoring . 36 Tips on Money Management . .63 . Nashville Bucket List . 64 area . No matter what they do, each member of this community has a story Getting Involved with Service on CommonVU, Vanderbilt The Ingram Commons . 36 Useful Stores . 65 that is worth learning . Visions, & VUcept Creativity, Innovation, and Problem Solving . 37 Popular Restaurants . 67 . The activities in this community are classroom learning, academic CommonVU Schedule . .8 . Doing Theatre . 38 . assignments, scholarly paper writing, athletics, creative expression, socializing, Half the Sky and Human Identities . 16 . Being a Blair Kid . 38 Nuts and Bolts community service, undergraduate research, exploration, entertainment, YOLLO: You Only Live and Learn Once . 17.
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