
Inside Here is a really strange-looking map of the . The continents are made of big boxes. Each box is one million square miles. On this page, we will call that size one “MSM”

North America is the in the northwest. It has 9 million square miles (9 MSMs). 1. is in the southern part of the continent. It has one MSM. Color it green. 2. The has 4 MSMs - three in an -to-west row north of Mexico, and one for in the northwest. Color those 4 boxes blue. 3. Canad is just a little bit bigger than the U.S. It also has 4 MSMs. Color them red. 4. Write a sentence that has the words , Mexico, United States, and between.

South America is slightly smaller than . It has 7 million square miles. 5. is the largest inside . It has 3 MSMs. It does not touch the Pacific (the ocean on the west side of the map). Color Brazil green. 6. Write a sentence that has the words Brazil, northeastern part, large, and South.

Eurasia is the largest continent. It has 21 MSMs. It has two parts - and . 7. Europe is the western part of . It has 4 million square miles. Color them blue. 8. is the largest country in Eurasia and the largest country in the entire world. It is a row of 5 MSMs stretching all the way across the north (it‛s cold up there!), plus the western 3 in the row just to the south. Color the 8 MSMs of Russia red. 9. Write a sentence with the words Canada, Russia, United States, and put together.

Africa has 11 MSMs. That is more than either North or South America, but less than Eurasia. Countries in are small. No country inside Africa has even two million square miles. 10. Color the northern three MSMs orange (for ). Color the next row of four MSMs yellow (for grassland). Color the next row of two MSMs green (for forest). 11. Write a sentence that has the words desert, forest, grassland, and between.

Australia is the smallest continent. It has only 3 MSMs. Color them blue. On the back of this paper, write a paragraph to compare the sizes of all the continents. ©2012 P Gersmehl Teachers may copy for use in their classrooms. Contact [email protected] regarding permission for any other use.