Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2019 No. 28 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was that despite the warranted outcry we the Halls of Congress, disgusting in- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- saw in response to the Representative sinuations and bigotry must be con- pore (Mr. ESPAILLAT). from Minnesota’s irresponsible com- demned in all forms. Those who con- f ments, this is the new normal for the tinue the use of anti-Semitic rhetoric liberal base in America. should be held accountable for their ac- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO To be clear, anti-Semitism has be- tions. TEMPORE come an all-too-common occurrence in The Democrats should follow the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- politics among the Democrat base and high standards and the high bar that fore the House the following commu- the far left who see Israel as nothing the Republican leader has taken when nication from the Speaker: more than an extension of phantom it comes to committee assignments to WASHINGTON, DC, corruption and colonialism. those who make bigoted remarks. February 13, 2019. Politicians who appeal to this type of America must continue to stand to- I hereby appoint the Honorable ADRIANO ignorance are simply shoring up a new gether in support of Israel and in sup- ESPAILLAT to act as Speaker pro tempore on Democratic constituency. That is the port of peace in the Middle East and this day. ethos that primed the Minnesota Rep- the world. We must build upon our un- NANCY PELOSI, resentative’s ludicrous and insulting breakable alliance with Israel and Speaker of the House of Representatives. accusation of ‘‘bought-and-paid-for’’ overcome the challenges that come f politicians who stand with Israel. with building a better, safer world. It is that type of loose, cheap, anti- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE f Semitic rhetoric that led to the rise of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Third Reich. It is clear to all of us, THE TIME IS ALWAYS RIGHT TO ant to the order of the House of Janu- there are a couple of our new col- DO THAT WHICH IS RIGHT ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- leagues across the aisle that need to be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nize Members from lists submitted by reminded. In fact, they need to admit Chair recognizes the gentleman from the majority and minority leaders for that the brutal regime of Iran con- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. morning-hour debate. tinues to be the chief obstacle to peace Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, The Chair will alternate recognition and security in the Middle East, and still I rise, and I rise because I love my between the parties. All time shall be thus, the root of most all terrorism country. I rise because it is Black His- equally allocated between the parties, that threatens our homeland. tory Month, and I am always, during and in no event shall debate continue For decades, Iran’s funding of ter- Black History Month, amazed at what beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other rorism and extremist groups in the re- Dr. King called to our attention in his than the majority and minority leaders gion has fueled violence, civil war, and letter from the Birmingham jail. It is and the minority whip, shall be limited bloodshed. The Iranian Parliament lit- one of the great masterpieces of writ- to 5 minutes. erally burned the U.S. flag on their ten word in the history of our country. f parliament floor and chants, ‘‘death to I encourage all people to read his letter Israel,’’ and ‘‘death to America’’ in from the Birmingham jail. STAND BESIDE ISRAEL their streets. But I think that as important as it The SPEAKER pro tempore. The At home, all Americans must oppose is, it is equally as important to read Chair recognizes the gentleman from the radical and xenophobic boycott, di- the letter that Dr. King was responding Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) for 5 minutes. vestment, and sanctions movement to, because if you don’t read the letter Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise which are promulgated by the left. he is responding to in his letter, then today to call upon all Members of Con- This BDS campaign is peddled by intel- you cannot totally appreciate the let- gress to stand beside Israel and con- lectually dishonest anti-Semites whose ter from the Birmingham jail. front anti-Semitism, ethnic hatred, sole purpose is to attack Israel, at- I am not going to read the letter in and prejudice-driven boycotts, whether tempting to delegitimize and isolate it its entirety. I will just tell you a little at home, abroad, and certainly for from the rest of the world. bit about it. This letter—I hold a copy Members of this Chamber. Any Member of this congressional of it in my hand—was signed by eight We, as a country, cannot tolerate body with ties to the BDS movement of the leading citizens in the area, this behavior, and certainly this Cham- should renounce them immediately. We members of the clergy, all. These lead- ber has no room for bigotry. Further- must hold our elected officials ac- ing citizens were admonishing persons more, I must warn the general public countable. Whether on Twitter or in to proceed with caution. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1527 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:28 Feb 14, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE7.000 H13FEPT1 H1528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 13, 2019 Dr. King reminds us, however, that Technical Education Caucus, and a sen- ness that there is no one-size-fits-all the time is always right to do what is ior member of the Education and Labor plan for success in life. I thank Con- right. Committee, I have long been aware of gressman LANGEVIN for his dedication They said in their letter, ‘‘But we are the importance of CTE programs that to this issue, and urge all of my col- convinced that these demonstrations provides learners of all ages with ca- leagues to support this important reso- are unwise and untimely.’’ The time is reer-ready skills. lution. always right to do what is right. From agriculture to the arts, from f And I would also add—this is not in marketing to manufacturing, CTE pro- Dr. King’s retort, but that we should grams work to develop America’s most CONFLICT IN YEMEN not allow political expediency to valuable resource: its people. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The trump the moral imperative to do what Together with my friend and col- Chair recognizes the gentleman from is right. The time is always right to do league, Congressman JIM LANGEVIN, co- Maryland (Mr. BROWN) for 5 minutes. what is right. chairman of the Career and Technical Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- People are saying today: We should Education Caucus, we introduced a res- er, today the House is asserting its wait. We don’t have to move now. Let’s olution officially designating February constitutional responsibility by cut- wait. Let’s let something else happen as CTE month. I encourage all of my ting off U.S. involvement with the before we take any position. colleagues to sign on as cosponsors be- Saudi-led coalition in the devastating They go on to say in their letter, cause CTE truly benefits all Ameri- conflict in Yemen. I thank Representa- ‘‘We agree rather with certain local cans. tive KHANNA for leading on this issue. Negro leadership, which has called for CTE is taught in a range of settings: This brutal war has caused mass star- honest and open negotiation of racial from high school and area technical vation and cut off humanitarian aid issues in our area.’’ To the many who centers, to technical and 2-year com- from reaching those most in need. The say, let’s have a dialogue, let’s have a munity colleges. Millions of high number of casualties has exceeded half discussion about the race question; we school and college students are en- a million men, women, and children. need to talk about the race question. rolled in CTE programs across the Na- We don’t know if this legislation will I say to my dear brothers and sisters, tion, bringing CTE to every commu- reach the President’s desk or whether dear friends, and dear Members, this nity in the country. he will sign it, but with reporting that was written April 12, 1963. We have Fortunately, in July 2018, President Saudi coalition members have trans- been talking about the race question Trump signed into law the Strength- ferred U.S. weapons to terrorist groups long before this and since this. The ening Career and Technical Education in Yemen, and the Trump administra- time is always right to do that which is for the 21st Century Act. I authored tion choosing to ignore a deadline last right. this bill with Representative RAJA week to report on whether Saudi Dr. King reminded us that injustice KRISHNAMOORTHI and it aims to close Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman anywhere is a threat to justice every- the skills gap by modernizing Federal is responsible for the death of jour- where.