CJA Campaign Gears Up
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, { I • • ", , / 4 ~ THE .JEWISH. POST~ 11Iuraclay, March 24, 1977 , ' , I " ' , Our Own 6Worst'Enemy' THE JEWISH POST, Thursday, March 24, 1977 - & In the long and ignobie histOry of antisemities, not a few of being done to the honour of Judaism; the Entebbe mission as an authentic, heaven-sent miracle. the most ardent of thm,number have been Jews: One thinks The conflict we have in mind just now Is unilateral; it con- The attacks followed immediately. ' not only of the psychotlcJewlsh member of the Klu Klux sists of a series of attacks by adherents of the Satmarer The Satmarer believe that the Herzelian vlsion of a \ CJA Campaign Gears Up KlaiI who commited suicide when uncovered but of those movement against members of the Lubavitcher moveml!llt, homeland for the Jewish people ls an abomination. Israel will who, embarrassed by th.!lir Jllwishness, seek to shock of its and particularly against their Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem be restored for them only with the coming of the MeSSiah. Winnipeg's 1977 Combined particularity by adopUDg'as-univ.emllst a credo as they can emergency fund-raising mission in nlpeg Jewish Community Council Mendel Schneerson. The irony is that the Lubavitchers do not entirely dissent Jewish _ Appeal campaign Israel, accompanied by campaign must be met. Israel's unlimited The campaign chairman said , '. ' find; and if not find, manufacture. In 'this category come Young Satmarers have stoned LubaVitch "Torah from thiS position. But, presumably beli!!ving that had God organization is ready to spring into executive director, Izzy Peltz, human needs have grown to such every effort would be made to Karl Marx, Rosa Luxembourg and, It,must be said, Leon director Ralph Hamovich. ,C.A., adivsoryboard, E.J. tanks"-mobile Torah.spreading affairs-and have not desired the creation of the state, He would not have action with the announcement by Heading the appointments were proportions that there -can, be no broaden the base of Winnipeg's top Trolsky. , , _ distribl,lted leaflets a~cking-:the Lubavitcher Rebbe, some::anowed ir~ FPJ.Hln,. ~bavitch main~ t!es with ~srael, general chairman Morley M. Aronovitch, lI4artin Berney, Leo ceiling on the asslstance we must priority drive by increasing the But,there ls also Jewish antisemitism where, logically, one the naming of !Worley Blankstein Bokofsky, '&am Bookbinder, of them, in the fashion of cruel, naughty schoolchildren, .. !!ven to building institutions there and setJding families on as campaign vice-chairman and a provide. And there are some number of givers as well as the " oughUeasetoEixpect to find it~ong religious Jews. Admit featurii1g crude, obscenedrawmgs of him. allY-ah. " ' Harold Buchwald, Sam' Galpern, '400,000 Jews in ,other countries who level of giving. tedly,their bi-andls Ii littlediffetent, rather thar(separating 35:-member campaign cabinet. Sol Kanee, Dllve Kaufman, ·Jack " In addition, there are such Spiritually elevated tactics as Nor are the Saqnarer attacks merely the work of a lunatic Mr. Blankstein, western i!ry Qut'for our help." ThelComblned Jewish Appeal Is themselves from being Jewish; they separate other Jews Levit, Sydney Morantz, Monte __ Meanwhile, in order to arrive at I' 'vandalising Lubavitch cemeteries, making threatening fringe .. When L\1bavitch officials' asked the Central Rab Canadian chairman of the the c~ntral fund-raising apparatus I' from it. , I telephone calls at 3 a.m., 'and the bombing of a newspaper of- binical Council to disassociate Itself from the' attacks on Nathanson, Max Nusgart, Alan campaign objectives for local of a community partnership bet , "'i ",: Canadiari Technion Society, is a I Since ,the unity of the Jewish people Is one of Judaism's Omson, Myles Robinson, C.O. needs, the Combined Jewish Ap , fice, the burning in effigy last Purim of Rabbi Schneerson. Rabbi Schneerson, they were~more or less brushed off. past president of the YMHA Com ween the Winnipeg Jewish Com " highest precepts, the ugly sectarianism that sometimes Swartz, Max Shore, Abe Simkin, The cause of it all? The Satmarers accuse the Lubavitchers The whole affair can only to disservice to Judaism. It is munity Centre and hIlS been a key peal Policy Committee was munity Council and United Israel , • rears its head strikes us as ~usefor abashment: Venom-dip of being Zio$ts. One British homillst, Rabbi Yeracluniel comparable with the worst eXcesses of tliifChristlan Middle Murray Tapper, Ed Vickar; Pace meeting to consider requirements Appeal of Canada. It raises funds " I' ped 'arrows of contempt ariHHrected by one' group- con ,Ylsroel Doritb; Iu!s equated-in a direct attack on Lubavitch- Ages, when to be heretical-and therefore subject, by way of Setters chairman, Don Gales; Top of local agencies and institutions for the critical human, social fident of' its righteouSitess ~d doctrinal purity-against the Israeli operation at Entebbe last summer with the Nazi having one's soul saved, to torture-all one luid to do was to Gifts, Oscar Grubert; Key Gifts, as recommended by the board of welfare and immigrant-assistance another. When the prol:!lgo!ilstS are Chasidim, such inter rescue of MusSolini. The Satmarer, closely allied with deviate a millimetr,e from the path of righteousness as con Sam Prober; Special Gifts, Alec directors of the Winnipeg Jewish needs of Israel, through the UIA; necine sqiJabbles are doublydistressing .•One's greatest tem- Jerusalem's Naturei Karta sect, which disavows Israel and ceived by those who were certain, that they alone were privy Burstein; General Gifts, Zivey Community Council (WJCC). for distressed Jews elsewhere in , ptatlon would be to laugh, were not considerable damage ZionL'I1ll, were infuriated by Rabbi Scluleerson's praise for to the Divine intent. Chudnow; Special events, Michal Mr. Globerman, said the time the world; and for the local Jewish j HIrsch; Pledge Redemption, had come for every contributor to educational, welfare, health and ~ Harold Kives; public relations, I rethink hls practice of giving in a recreational institutions and agen . I , - Laurie Mains~r; synagogues, true spirit of "Fair Share Giving" t ' cies affiliated with the Winnipeg Nathan Lockshin; young that Would truly reflect his Jewish Community Council. There· I executives, Elliot Rodin. ' capacity to give as generously and are 23 separate WJCC bime (The entire 100-member steering open-heartedly as possible. ficiaries . committee, including chairmen of .PubliCation Urges Dram.i(.:~l1enQe,$. the trades, profeSSions _ and . , . \ , , organizations canvassing divisions New York,-The Jewish feminist Reform Movement' has been most Mrs. Lerner points out thai Conser- eluded among such changes, the author is published elsewhere iI) this 'movement, which has already forced flexible' in admitting feminine par- vative Judiasm has granted .substantial MORLEY M. GWBERMAN newspaper). ' . St. Boniface College points out, is the establishment by the 'Growing Urgency' Le College Universitaire d'e St-Boniface dramatic changes in the Jewish com- ticfpatiori into various aspects of ritual. rights to women from its earliest years. American Jewish Committee of a Globermari of final appointments munal structure, inust be "confronted , She recalls that as long ago as 1845, a This- trend has been markedly increased Mr. Globerman said the National Committee on the Role of to a dedicated lOO-member cam readiness with which volunteer Con"ersational French and accommodated" if American Jewry rabbinical' conference, meeting in in the past five years, she continues. Women and the establishment by Bnai paign steering committee, reflec workers have accepted campaign BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE is to survive. ' Frankfurt,' Germany, declared that "The Women's League for Conservative B'rith of co~ed units. ting Ii broad cross-secion of the assignments is "most gratifying So argues Anne Lapiqus Lerner, In- "woman has' the same obligations as Judaism, the United Synagogue of Seen as Threatening, COIllinunity's top leadership. and encouraging. The 28 separate SPRING SESSION , structor in Modern Hebrew Literature at man to participate from youth up in,the America .-: . , the Committee of Jewish Summarizing the reactions of The formal launching will take , MORLEY BLANKSTEIN canvassing divisions we have May 9th to June 17111 I place April I-to meet unpreceden- ,the Jewish TheologicliI' Seminary, in a instruction 'of Judaism and in the public Law and Standards of the Rabbinical organized North American Jewry to the assembled will play a key role in Last Date for Registration: April 28th , ' . ted Jewish needs athome, in Israel leader in CJA campaigns. He will i booklet titled WboHast Not Made Mell ,services, and that the custom nono in- Assembly, and the Jewish Theologica,l feminist movement, Mrs. Lerner transmitting the message of the For further InfolmlltlCJ!1 phone 233-e210 and around the world under the work closely with Mr. Globerman serious challenges we face to the Man, published by the American Jewish chide, women in the number of in- Seminary all moved in varying degrees declares that many perceived it as , ComiJ:J.ittee and irifroduced at a news, ,dividuals necessary for, the conduction toward ,a recognition of the merits of the banner of "One People ...A Com In all phases of the 1977 drive. commlinity." "threatening, overly strident and mon Destiny." The drive will con In addition to the chairman and "ThIs year;" Globerman said, conference at its headquarters, 165 East of a 'public service (a,minyan) is only a feminist demand for increased women's tinue through April and May which 56th Street, New York City. custom ana has no religious basis/' rights." ;. destructive. While many men and vice-Chairman" . the campaign "we face challenges that have' women have come to accept the have been designated CJA Months. cabinet comprises: Immediate grown in dimension and urgency. ,...___________ ..... ___________--, Although bothfeinalerabbis and clln- ' The progress that has, been made in 'The most dramatic instance of such Mr.