Month of October Where Money Goes Supervisors Meet
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/ V - ■ - W& rr!H ; ■ * <• •- <;• *■ 39$>/■ -'■ ; . v.. v. * • I The Clinton Republican. VOL. XliVII—NO. 28. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. WHOLE NO. 2497 memory on the spot where he was hung. This so enraged the people in that vicin SCHOOL NOTES A LARGE DELEGATION 1 ity that they sent it skyward on a cer WHERE MONEY GOES SUPERVISORS MEET MONTH OF OCTOBER tain night. Why Cyrus W. did this has Literary Society Organized Monday-- Of Eastern Star Members Attended alwavs remained a mystery. • Other Events. On October 7th, just five days after Grand Chapter. E. DuBois Recalls Important Andre ’s execution, occurred the battle Michigan Institutions Take A Theodore Bengal Presiding Laingsburg Brothers Confer of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Lot of Cash. The high school literary society was as Chairman. The following are among the number red the Third Degree. Events in History in which the Americans, led by Colonel organized Monday evening with a who have attended tbo meeting of the Campbell, defeated the British under membership of about one hundred. Grand Chapter of Eastern Star held at Colonel Fergusen, capturing more than The plan of the new management is to Lansing this week: iue sdames Tromp, OURING COLONIAL PERIOD 1,000 men. This victory broke Corn ASYLUMS GOST $733,000 give a program weekly in the high COMMITTEES APPOINTED Klsler, H. M. Gohn, Arvilla Swain, wallis’ hope of southern conquest, and school room for the members, and to Minnie Swain, Sowle, LeRoy, Vreeland, ABOUT 300 WERE PRESENT being followed by other disasters, he give about one each mouth before the C. Smith, Ella Lyon, Dnrkee, Clapp, The First National Congress Had 27 was led to occupy Yorktown, which only Per Year---Education and Prisons public. They hope also during the F. M. Spaulding Re-elected Poor Rochon, A. W. Dnrkee, Holmes, Eva {irovod a trap. In fact he could not Visitors from Eureka, Ovid, Maple Members. Cali tor Large Sums. year to give one or two entertainments Commissioner by Unanimous Vote. Hyatt, Boyd, Casey, Carrus, Nichols, lave camped in a place that would have in the oiiera house. The officers chosen Lake, Eldridge, Murdock, C. LeBaron, Itapids, Elsie, Wacousta and Dewitt. suited Washington better. Oil the 19th were as follows: president, Edwiue T. S. DeGroodt, R. Goette, Parr, O. W. Mk . Editor —The readers of yonr valu of the same mouth occured the battle Michigan ’s total tax levy for the McPherson, vice president, Lee Dewitt; The October session of the board of Robinson, G. H. Marvin, Wise, Horton, able pajier may not know the fact, or if of Stone Arabia, where Colonel John secretary, Florence McDonald: treas sujiervisors opeued Monday morning Tremper, Frink and M. E. Gilson; A delegation from Laingsburg lodge they know, jxissibly have forgotten that Brown, a hero, lost his life. He was a year amounts to $4,003,024.82 and it is came to St. Johns Monday night and made up of the following items: urer, Cora Church ; monitors, Frank with full attendance. Theodore Beugel, Misses Dunn, Kittie Rochon, Susie the mouth of October was of all the Massachusetts man aud his grave is suit Atkins and Mande Krepps. The first of Westphalia, presided as chairman, he Dnrkee, Mande Lake, Holmes and Iva conferred the third degree upon Charles mouths of the year the most eventful ably honored by a monument. L'niversity of Michigan —...........—.....$ 807,525 00 program will be given Wednesday Jnrv; Messrs. T. S. DeGroodt and F. Sprague. There were also present (To be continued. ) Agricultural college--------- —----------- 100,000 00 having been elected to that {xisition at during the Revolution that gave ns our btaie N<'ratal school. ...... ....................... 110,816 Ot) evening, October 21 the special session of the board last F. Murdock. many other masons from various jiarts independence in the family of nations. Out re 1 Normal scuool ..........._........ 66.580 00 Miss Nellie M. Ball came Monday spring. He named the following com A special train on the Michigan Sub of the county, anti a very large turn out The tendency is to revive colonial and Nothero Normal school .........~...... 51,011 65 by the local members. Nearly 300 were Western Normal school .................. — 80 001 00 from Quincy to begin her work as a mittees : urban ran betweeu Lansing and St. revolutionary history for the ]>ast few VARIOUS TOPICS. Michigan College of Mine. ....------- 116,450 00 teacher in grade Bix. The seventh grade Equalization —J. H. Burnes, Riley; L. Johus Wednesday with special rates. present and witnessed the excellent years, aud as it is now' October, the Stale library ....................-................10,000 00 pnpils have been gathered together iu G. Bates, Duplaiu; W. L. Tallman, Tickets were good, however, for any work of the visitors. There was very writer thinks it an appropriate time to Soldier* Home ............. — -.............— 143.375 00 little to criticise in their manner of Home for Feeble Minded aud Epi the old seventh grade room where 66 Eagle; Charles H. Beach, Bath; F. M. train. Train returned to St. Johns glean a few incidents (by way of jogging The general offices of the Lansing leptic ........................................................ 161,600 00 pnpils are under the instruction of Miss Piggott, Lebanon. after the session last evening. conferring the degree, and ranch to their memories) from the “Field Hook Street Railway Company and the Lan State public school ................................. 52,500 00 Grace Hnut and Miss Edna Emmings. Claims—J. P. Ulrich, Dallas; J. D. The work done at the Grand Chapter commend, and they were a most agree of the Revolution ”, written by Benja sing, St. Johns & St. Louis Electric School for the Deaf----- — —_....—.. 105,400 76 able aud sociable lot of gentlemen. School for the Bliud......................... 48 100 00 This plan is known as the Batavia plan, Sleight, Victor; Fred C. Oppeulauder, is said to be of the finest quality, and min Lossing while living in Newburgh, Railway Company have been moved to Employment Institution 'or the as it is used exclusively in Batavia, Watertown. very enjoyable to those who are in at After the work of the evening was N Y., on the banks of the Hudson river room No. 214, in the Hollister block Blind ........................................... 8-5,001 tO New Y'ork, where there are two teachers Treasury—Mark Pennell, DeWitt; tendance. concluded, a banquet was served amid in sight of West Point in the Highlands Lansing. Michiguu Insane asylum---------------- 71 587 00 modi good fellowship. Wm. Hunt, of % * Eastern Insane asylum------------------- 81,455 00 for each room. At the close of the week Fred B. Carpenter, Ovid; Murret whore many of the incidents narrated * Nntheru Insane asylum......... 62,610 00 further changes will be made so as to Laingsburg, A. W. Dnrkee and William Frink, Bengal. M. [Smith, of St. Johns talked, while were enacted. The most historic spot iB J. A. Watson declined to serve on the Upper Peninsula Hospital for the relieve some of the crowded rooms of Appropriations —L. G. Bates, Duplaiu ; U. B. APPOINTMENTS New York city whero now stands a Insane. .................................—............... 78,775 00 Dr. Gale and Warner Vredenburg also commission appointed to make an assess State asylum------ -------------------------- Ijj-902 00 the lower grades in the central building. Wm. J. Moss, Essex; Charles T. statue of Gen. George Washington S*ate prison improvement* ----------- ... 1»S,43.> U) The art exhibit which will be held iu furnished much entertainment bv hu ment for the Hayworth and extension Rockwell, Olive. Those Made at Conference Just Closed morous recitations. Dewitt H. Hunt aud where he was inaugurated the first pres drain aud James Courtright, of DeWitt, Stato reformatory at Ionia .— —...... 0,100 00 one of the rooms of central building in Public Buildings —M. A. Kniftin, ident of the United States and where House of correction aud branch at Marcellus. Jake Foerch furnished music for the was appointed in his place. The com prison for U. P .—----- ------------ —- 7,180 00the week commencing October 26 Bingham; Mark Pennell, DeWitt; W. the first Stamp Act Congress convened promises to afford a rare opportunity occasion. Altogether it was a very missioners begun work going over the Industrial School for Boy* .................. 00,850 00 L. Tallman, Eagle. enjoyable affair, promoting the friend that started a train of eVeuts which de property to be assessed yesterday. Industrial Homo for Girl*-... ............. &>• 100 00 for viewing the best kind of works of Drains —Edgar Burk, Geenbnsh ; veloped his character as a soldier and State fish commission ........................... 43,050 00 art. Rare pictures will be seen and all Murret Frink, Bengal; W. J. Moss, The following appointments were ship aud acquaintance of the fraternity. *** Compiling records in adjutant made by the conference of the United immortalized his name for all time. generals office —................................ 1.2.>0 00 who attend are snre to be well pleased. Essex. This spot is at the corner of Wall and “Say, there isn ’t another town in the State dairy and food commissioner.. 25,000 00 A small admisiou will be charged. The F. M. Spanlding was unanimously re Brethren iu Christ church, just closed The Woman ’s association of the Con Nassau streets and is now occupied by State dairymen ’s association ...............- 800 00 at Marcellus: gregational church will give an enter United States where you will find sucli Stnte library commissioners ............... 800 00 exhibit will be iu charge of Miss Flarida. elected superintendent of the poor. Mr. Bengal —Eli Good. the sub-treasury and formerly by the splendid newspajierB as there are in National Guard ....... 121,040 10 A. T. Emery repaired the three high Spanlding has made a very efficient Berrien —A.