Guildfordfringefestival.Com Guildfordfringefestival 2 3 Elco Ethis Issue Is All About Getting out and Having Fun
Directory TheGFF 2019 press ad 127mmPepperpot wide x 160mm.pdf 1 12/04/2019 08:55 June 2019 C M 9 Y 1 0 2 CM y ul MY J 8th 2 - 2 CY 8th June CMY K Comedy Theatre Music Cabaret Opera Dance Poetry Kids’ shows Talks Spoken word and more... To nd out more please visit our website GuildfordFringeFest or contact us via social media: GuildfordFringe GuildfordFringeFestival 2 3 elcoeThis issue is all about getting out and having fun. Kicking off the month eatres Crossword/Suduko p8/37 we have the Godalming Town Show which this Music on the move p6 year has a beach theme. No milk today p13 Why not get out your swimmers and flipflops Competition p14 and enjoy this action packed day of fun for So you want to be a vet p19 all the family. Safe and sound p21 Hold the front page as the hugely When your job is a pain p25 popular boy band Take That are coming to Godalming. They are not exactly boys Garden Cuttings p26/27 anymore but if you are a fan you can Tourist at home p29 see them on stage streamed into The Book Review p32 Godalming Borough on Saturday 8th June (p22) Cinema Listings p36 This month’s competition is the opportunity What’s On p37/40 to enjoy ales from some of the country’s top independent brewers at G Live’s 9th Beer Festival in the autumn. Turn to page 14 to win 4 tickets for you and your friends.