Close Race N First War >Een As

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Close Race N First War >Een As A Newspaper Devoted .Complete News .Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Tluirsflay VOL. XIX—NO. '37 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1957 At 18 Green Street, Woodbrldge, N. J- PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness and Light Close Race By CHARLES E. GREGORY This has been something of a Lost Autumn for me and, as a consequence, I'm rather behind in my work. n First War * * * * There are those, I suppose, who overestimate the seriousness with which I take myself and to whom the agenda I have accumulated of consequential mat- >een as ters—to me—can go get lost. To them, I would like to say for the record I am not at all astonished that dur- ing my absence our earth turned on its axis to cause Township's Population Now s the sun to slip quietly out of the eastern horizon and dip out of sight in the west every twenty-four hours, Near 70,000, Census Shows More Support WOOBB8IDGE — "Large streams from little fountains flow, that Mars still sent its blazing glow beneath a crescent Tall oaks from, little acorns grow." moon, that love still vies successfully with hate to Just 40 years ago, Woodbridge Township was but a little dot on For Pay Hike" occupy men's hearts—all without any assist from me. the map—a small hamlet where a stranger was a big event and folks did not bother to lock their doors when they went out. (Photos on Page 7) * * * * WOODBRIDGE —..With most of These ruminations over, I must get down to the busi- Today—hold your hat—Woodbridge Township has a population the campaign speeches and state- of 69,818! • . ' . ' • ments out of the way, candidates ness at hand—'the first item on the list of things to You have the word of the commission named recently by the for the Town Committee are busy get said and done. Our newspaper, from the first an- Town Committee to re-ward and xe-distriet the Township, for mending political fences here and nouncement of the proposal, took a stand in favor of that group recently completed a census and came up with the there in last-minute preparations new figure which is much larger than any estimates quoted in re- for election day, Tuesday. Polls the referendum by which the people would authorize cent months. Taking into consideration the 14 babies born to Township families at Perth Amboy General Hospital this week will be open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. an increase in the pay schedule of all the members of alone and new homes under construction at the present time, we • As far as the gubernatorial our police department, officers and patrolmen alike. candidates are concerned there are well on our way to the 70,000 mark. appears to be no doubt that Gov- I hope, earnestly, the referendum will be approved £ ;;: £ ?. ernor Robert B. Meyner will re- Employees of the commission are now in the process of breaking ceive a substantial majority in the next Tuesday. EVERYBODY ALL SET FOR TONIGHT: These trick-or-treat youngsters started early making the down the figures and when they get through they will be able to rounds in their Sewaren neighborhood. Mrs. Stanley W. Karnas, Jr., is giving out apples at her front Township. A badly-divided Re- * * * * tell us how many adults and how many children there are in each publican party, made weak by' Certainly, .there are many'valid reasons for such a door, 585 Cliff Road, to this fearsome group. They are (left to right) DonaW Balfour, clown; Michael district of the Township. The children's group will then be divided factionalism, has been able to do Karnas,, pony; Kenn.eth Mathiasen, clown; Patty Anne Karnas, 3, ghost; Gerald Karnas and into pre-school and school age children, so that information never little for the Republican candi- wish—and I shall try to present them with sufficient , Gregory Kerly, both tigers. availabl- before will be at our fingertips. date, Senator Malcolm S. Forbes. logic as to influence your judgment toward agreement (Continued Oh Page Four) Those close to the political pic- with me and with our policemen. ture declare - all the evidence points to Mayor Hugh B. Quigley * * *. * Work on Library • I suppose I have as deep a conviction as the average Edison Candidates, Seek Victory at Polls Tuesday Editor's Note citizen on the necessity for austerity in municipal Yelencsics Calls Swales Republicans Laud Mayor Starts This Week spending. I have been an avid and consistent student— Democrats Republicans An editorial, "Our Edison's 'Paper Mqyor' On His Accomplishments Choices," discussing our possibly an intelligent one—of local governmental WOODBRIDGE—Work toward selection for Tuesday's finances and, frankly, I am disturbed at their present EDISON — Anthony M. Yelen- EDISON — At a township Re- the renovation of the Barron Li- election will be found on state. I am, even more disturbed when I project the csics, Democratic mayoralty can- publican rally held in the Wash- brary, being made possible Page 10 of this issue of didate of Edison Township, ington Bar and Grill, Ray Henry, through a fund now in process of problem into the future, and measure the taxation im- charged his Republican opponent, municipal chairman, stated that The Independent-Leader. pact entailed. Still, I refuse to agree that stringent Thomas Swales, Jr., as being a "Anthony Yelencsics, Democratic being raised by the Woodbridge "paper mayor." candidate for mayor, neither owns Township Business and Profes- defeating 'his Republican oppon- ecenomy so clearly indicated in such a situation, • Yelencsics made the statement his home in Edison, nor owns any sional Woman's Club, is expected ent, Frederick Simonsen, Sewaren, should begin with our municipal employes. There are at a rally sponsored by the Edison property or pays any property to begin before the end of the by a good margin. A • full-time scores of more compelling sources of origin. Democratic Club at the Ye Cot- taxes in the township." week when concrete will be poured mayor, Mr. Quigley has been able tage Inn, Edison. He pointed out Mr.. Henry declared that "the in the basement for the construc- to meet people daily in his office * * * *. that "at a township meeting held opposition party, and particularly and has established a large fol- As time goes on, I shall attempt to point out such about six weeks ago, an interested the non-taxpayer candidate for tion of a children's reading room. lowing. ;' The concrete mix is being do- citizen asked - Mayor Swales why mayor, has been up to its elbows The picture is altogether dif- sources^- - ---.—-, •„, .. the township's: chief executive nated by Patsy Pellegrino, Port $ * * =C: mud-slinging in the campaign, ferent in the First Ward, where failed to answer my telegram. In charging the Republican candi- Reading, and will be floated by In the meantime, however, I think we all will agree the Willard Dunham Construc- the race is expected to be very that telegram I suggested, .and date being 'a paper mayor' and close and as a result has evoked that members of our police department should hold recommended the creation of a vowing that Yelencsics will make tion Company at cost. Donations received this week much interest. Conimitteeman L. positions of assurance and dignity. They are our per- citizens' advisory committee to great improvements in the han- Charles Mangione, seeking re- study the problem of transition. dling of Edison affairs,;if elected. are as '•• follows: 4 $50, Marshall sonal security, the repository of confidence in which Sachs, developer of Jordan Woods, election on the Democratic ticket, "Before Mayor Swales could re- "What sort of hogwash would Colonia; $25.00, Chester Case, is faced with a formidable op- we feel free to travel the streets, conduct our business ply, assuming he was going to, THOMAS SWALES. JR. we consider it if a man renting Walter Reade Foundation; $10.00, ponent in the person of Benjamin Mr. James. Forgione answered the a home in Edison but in business I. Kantor. An excellent platform without molestation. It is in them that we look for in Metuchen or some other muni- Bess Duff,. Thomas G. Desmond; understanding and encouragement which could ANTHONY M. YELENCSICS reasonable question in a rude, ar- $5.00, Mrs. Charles Vincze, speaker, most like!? due to his rogant and presumptuous man- cipality and paying no taxes in Charles J. Alexander, Mr. and training as an attorney, Mr, Kan- change the entire Me pattern of some misguided ado- ner. Similar incidents have oc- Edison, were to set himself up as Mrs. Burton Sher, Violet A. Man- tor has impressed people who curred and are very a candidate and then tell the citi- ning; $3.00, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- have attended the various "candi- lescent who has made his first mistake. We-expect a sinnifieant. It is evident that the zens of Edison he could show them how to run their affairs Continued on Page Four) dates nights." He has presented, great deal from them. real mayor is James Forgione. clearly and concisely the issues The paper mayor is Thomas better than a bona fide resident * * * * such as Mayor Thomas Swales, involved in the campaign. Swales, Jr.'Any person who is in Has Organization Praise and s an occasional word of appreciation. is a position to study and notice who not only lives in the town- Anticipated Tax hardly sufficient recompense for men upon whom we events in city hall and township ship but also in his period of office Mr.
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