SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL Ordinary Council Meeting – 2 July 2019

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Shellharbour City Council held at the Council Chambers, Council Administration Centre Shellharbour City Centre on Tuesday 02 July 2019 commencing at 6.30 pm


Mayor, Councillor M Saliba Deputy Mayor, Councillor J Murray Councillor N Cattell Councillor M Hamilton Councillor K Marsh Councillor R Petreski

In attendance

General Manager C McIntyre A/ Director Council Sustainability M Chiodo Director Community and Customers M Boxall Director Amenity and Assets B Stewart Executive Manager / Public Officer F Lepouras Chief Financial Officer G Grantham Group Manager Community Connections K Baget-Juleff Group Manager City Planning G Hoynes Group Manager City Development G Meredith Manager Planning J Micevski Manager Shell Cove K James Senior Strategic Planner M Tuffy Senior Development Assessment Officer N Sample Media Officer K Wells Senior Executive Assistant L Davey Councillor Support Officer (Minute Taker) J Frasca

This is page 1 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Shellharbour held 2 July 2019 SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL Ordinary Council Meeting – 2 July 2019

1. Acknowledgement to Country

Shellharbour City Council acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the Land on which we are meeting and pays its respects to Elders past and present.

Webcasting and Emergency Plan Statement

The Mayor read the usual advice regarding the webcasting of the meetings of the Council and the emergency plan for Council Meetings.

2. Apologies

Ordinary Council Meeting

An apology was tendered on behalf of Councillor Peter Moran.

105 RESOLVED: Murray/Petreski

That the apology as tendered be accepted.


3. Leave of Absence


4. Confirmation of Minutes

4.1 Ordinary Council Meeting 11 June 2019

106 RESOLVED: Marsh/Petreski

That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 11 June 2019 as circulated be taken as read and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings.


5. Declarations of Interest


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6. Confidential Business (Committee of the Whole in Closed Session)


7. Condolences

The Council acknowledged the following deaths in the Local Government area.

Mrs Marlene Foxton of Albion Park Mrs Florence Beatrice Turner of Albion Park Mrs Cveta Naumovska of Balarang Mrs Katherine Hamilton of Barrack Heights Mrs Kata Pranic of Barrack Heights Mr George Graham Crawford of Blackbutt Mr Pieter Berk of Flinders Mrs Joan Grace House of Flinders Mrs Gloria Hopper of Lake Mrs Norma Phyllis Walters of Shell Cove Mr Kevin Michael Gorman formerly of Warilla Mr Cosimo Iacovelli of Warilla Mr John Koring of Warilla Mr Jasper Alan Tulloch of Warilla Mr Athol Williams of Warilla

107 A Motion of condolence was passed by all present standing for one minute’s silence.

8. Mayoral Statements / Reports / Presentations

The Mayor outlined the following events she has attended since the last Council Meeting:

12/6/19 Auxiliary 33rd Annual Luncheon Meeting with Albion Park Chamber of Commerce Members

13/6/19 DFC Trauma Recovery Centre Meeting

14/6/19 Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation Board Meeting 160th Celebrations – Opening Event held at the Civic Centre Museum

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15/6/19 Illawarra Women's Health Centre 2019 Fundraising Dinner Australian Philippine Association Illawarra 39th Annual June Ball

16-19/6/19 National General Assembly held in Canberra

20/6/19 Shellharbour City Business Chamber Breakfast CEO Sleep out to raise funds for St. Vinnies

21/6/19 The Rotary Club of Shellharbour City – 53rd Changeover Dinner

22/6/19 Start of Live n Local event held at the Shellharbour Village Exhibition Space

23/6/19 95th Annual Report Presentation of Scouts South Coast and Tablelands Region

25/6/19 Clontarf academy morning super training held at Illawarra High School

26/6/19 Signing of Joint Mayoral Statement – Cities Power Partnership Site inspection of the Warilla Life Guard Tower 50th Wedding Anniversary visit to Mr & Mrs Cartwright of Mt. Warrigal Inaugural Coordinare’s Pitch Night

28/6/19 Care Grants Morning Tea – Held at Staff Tree Planting Day – Sustainability 160 event

29/6/19 Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Branch Executive Meeting held in Forbes.

The Mayor stated that she was recently elected as National President for the Australian Local Government Women’s Association.

9. Mayoral Minutes

9.1 Mayoral Minute: 2019 Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Annual conference held in Liverpool from 4-6 April 2019 (11232390)

108 RESOLVED: Mayor Saliba

That Council receive and note the report.


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9.2 Mayoral Minute: Proposed Motion to the Local Government NSW Annual Conference regarding Local Government Women’s Mentoring Program (11232391)

109 RESOLVED: Mayor Saliba

That Council put forward a motion to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference that:

Local Government NSW lobby the Government to introduce a women in local government mentoring program in New South Wales.


9.3 Mayoral Minute: Proposed Motion to the Local Government NSW Annual Conference regarding information for women candidates (11232392)

110 RESOLVED: Mayor Saliba

That Council put forward a motion to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference requesting that:

Local Government NSW and the New South Wales Electoral Commission include sessions particularly targeted at women at any candidate information forums to be run for the 2020 Local Government elections.


10. Councillors' Statements / Reports

Councillor Petreski outlined his attendance at the National General Assembly held in Canberra.

10.1 Request to attend conference - Property Council of Australia Property Congress at Hamilton Island from 11-13 September 2019 (11231907)

111 RESOLVED: Murray/Marsh

That Council approve attendance for Councillor Murray to attend the Property Council of Australia Property Congress Conference to be held at Hamilton Island from 11-13 September 2019.


This is page 5 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the City of Shellharbour held 2 July 2019 SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL Ordinary Council Meeting – 2 July 2019

11. Reports

Agenda Item No & Title Page Ref Name

Community and Customers Directorate

11.3.1 Shellharbour Dog Friendly 79 Tony Cavanagh – Spaces Strategy 2019 resident

11.3.2 Shellharbour Housing Strategy 93 Keiran Thomas - Urban Development Institute of Australia

112 RESOLVED: Murray/Petreski

That Standing Orders be suspended in order for Items 11.3.1 and 11.3.2, the subject of Addresses to Council, to be considered here in the agenda.


11.3 Community and Customers Directorate

11.3.1 Shellharbour Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy 2019 (11226906)

113 RESOLVED: Marsh/Hamilton


1. Council endorse the Draft Shellharbour Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy 2019 to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days calling for submissions.

2. If any relevant submissions are received as a result of public exhibition, a report be submitted to Council for consideration detailing the public exhibition outcomes and with further recommendations regarding adoption.

3. If there are no relevant submissions received as a result of the public exhibition and there are no substantial post public exhibition changes proposed for any other reasons, Council adopt the Draft Shellharbour Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy 2019 as attached to this report.

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11.3.2 Shellharbour Housing Strategy (11227747)

114 RESOLVED: Murray/Hamilton


1. Council endorse the Draft Shellharbour Housing Strategy to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days calling for submissions.

2. If any relevant submissions are received as a result of public exhibition, a report be submitted to Council for consideration detailing the public exhibition outcomes and with further recommendations regarding adoption.

3. If there are no relevant submissions received as a result of the public exhibition and there are no substantial post public exhibition changes proposed for any other reasons, Council adopt the Draft Shellharbour Housing Strategy as attached to this report.


115 RESOLVED: Murray/Marsh

That Standing Orders be resumed.


11.1 General Manager

11.1.1 New Petitions and Submissions Policy, Petitions Procedure and Template and Submissions Procedure (11229208)

RESOLVED: Murray/Cattell


1. Council endorse the Petitions and Submissions Policy, Petitions Procedure and Template form and Submissions Procedure to be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days calling for submissions.

2. If any relevant submissions are received as a result of public exhibition, a report be submitted to Council for consideration detailing the public exhibition outcomes with further recommendations regarding adoption.

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3. If there are no relevant submissions received as a result of the public exhibition and there are no substantial post public exhibition changes proposed for any other reason, Council adopt the Petitions and Submissions Policy, Petitions Procedure and Template form and Submissions Procedure as attached to this report.


11.1.2 Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2019 (11229212)

116 RESOLVED: Murray/Petreski


1. Council determine the method of election be by show of hands to elect the four voting delegates to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference.

2. That Council’s four voting delegates be Cr Saliba, Cr Hamilton, Cr Petreski and Cr Murray to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference for voting on Motions and voting in the election for Office Bearers and the Board (Board Election).

3. Any Councillor who wishes to attend the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference as a non-voting delegate, advise the General Manager no later than 12 July in order to meet the early bird registration deadlines.

4. Any Councillor with a proposed motion to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference, submit this to the General Manager by no later than 20 July, to allow time for Council staff to investigate the matter, prepare the motion and report back to the 14 August Council Meeting.

5. A Motion to the 2019 Local Government NSW Annual Conference be submitted expressing concern and condemnation of continued state government cost shifting to local government, particularly those issued without due notice and community consultation and that the current increase in the NSW Emergency Services Levy be used as the most recent example to support this Motion.


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11.2 Council Sustainability Directorate

11.2.1 Shell Cove Progress report to 9 June 2019 (11211923)

117 RESOLVED: Murray/Hamilton

That the progress report for the period from 18 February 2019 to 9 June 2019 for the Shell Cove Project be received and noted.


11.2.2 Affixing of Council Seal to Deposited Plan Administration Sheet - Plan of Easement and Restriction over Part Lot 156 DP 1248849 - Keith Fletcher Park (11227804)

118 RESOLVED: Cattell/Petreski


1. Council affix the Seal of Council to the Deposited Plan Administration Sheet for the plan of easement and restriction over Lot 156 DP 1248849, 8 Woolworths Avenue Warilla, known as Keith Fletcher Park.

2. The Mayor and General Manager, or his nominated delegate, be authorised to sign all documentation associated with the Deposited Plan Administration Sheet for the plan of easement and restriction over Lot 156 DP 1248849, 8 Woolworths Avenue Warilla, known as Keith Fletcher Park.


11.2.3 Crown Road - Calderwood (11227805)

119 RESOLVED: Marsh/Murray

That Council:

1. Approve for the Crown Road within the suburb of Calderwood to be transferred to Council’s ownership as the Local Roads Authority in accordance with the Roads Act 1993 as shown in Attachment 1.

2. Delegate to the General Manager or his nominated delegate to apply to the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Crown Lands requesting that the Crown Road within the suburb of Calderwood to be transferred to Council’s ownership as the Local Roads Authority in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.


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11.3 Community and Customers Directorate

11.3.1 Shellharbour Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy 2019 (11226906)

This item was dealt with earlier in the agenda as it was the subject of Addresses to Council prior to the meeting (See Resolution No. 113).

11.3.2 Shellharbour Housing Strategy (11227747)

This item was dealt with earlier in the agenda as it was the subject of Addresses to Council prior to the meeting (See Resolution No. 114).

11.3.3 Calendar of Events 2019/20 - July 2019 to end of December 2019 (11228395)

120 RESOLVED: Marsh/Petreski

That Council:

1. Endorse the Calendar of Events attached for the period July 2019 to December 2019.

2. Notes that any additional proposals for non-budgeted events; excepting those that are categorised as a civic function; will be reported to Council individually for consideration.

3. Notes that any additional sponsored events supported and adopted by Council through the Financial Assistance Working Party, will be automatically added to the Calendar of Events.


11.3.4 Development Application No.0392/2018 for a 123 place Child Care Facility at Lot 37 in DP1225061, Piper Drive, Dunmore (11228628)

121 RESOLVED: Murray/Cattell

That Council approve DA No. 392/2018 to construct a Child Care Facility at Lot 37, DP1225061, Piper Drive, Dunmore subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 2 of this report.


11.4 Amenity and Assets Directorate


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12. Committee Recommendations

12.1 Recommendations from the Traffic Committee Meeting held 5 June 2019 recommended for adoption.

122 RESOLVED: Murray/Marsh

That the Recommendations from the Traffic Committee Meeting held 5 June 2019 be adopted.


12.2 Recommendations from the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee Meeting held 12 June 2019 recommended for adoption.

123 RESOLVED: Hamilton/Saliba

That the Recommendations from the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee Meeting held 12 June 2019 be adopted.


13. Items for Information


14. Notices of Rescission/Alteration Motions


15. Notices of Motion


16. Questions on Notice (must be submitted in writing)


17. Urgent Business


18. Committee of the Whole in Closed Session (Closed to the Public): Adjournment


19. Committee of the Whole in Closed Session: Consideration of Adoption of Decisions Reached in Closed Session


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20. Consideration of Motions to Declassify Reports Considered in Closed Session


Meeting closed 7.19 pm

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