Attridge, John, 'Human Expertness': Professionalism, Training, and The
NEW BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON H. G. WELLS COMPILED BY SIMON J. JAMES AND EMMA V. MILLER Attridge, John, ‘Human Expertness’: Professionalism, Training, and the Prefaces to the New York Edition’, Henry James Review, 32 (2011), 29-44. Barnes, Antony, ‘Revealing H. G. Wells Letters Made Available’, Independent, 18 October 2010. Bowne-Anderson, Hugo, ‘Pitfalls of a Wells-meaning Biography: Review of A Man of Parts’, Australian, 26 March 2011. Cañadas, Ivan, ‘Going Wilde: Prendick, Montgomery and Late-Victorian Homosexuality in The Island of Doctor Moreau’, Journal of English Language and Literature, 56 (2010), 461-85. Clee, Nicholas, ‘The Invisible Man: Review of A Man of Parts and The Map of Time’, Times, March 26 2011. Crossley, Robert, ‘The First Wellsians: A Modern Utopia and Its Early Disciples’, English Literature in Transition, 54 (2011), 444-69. Fitz Herbert, Claudia, ‘The Slime Machine: Review of A Man of Parts’, Daily Telegraph, 26 March 2011. Gallop, Alan, The Martians Are Coming!: The True Story of Orson Welles’ 1938 Panic Broadcast (Stroud: Amberley, 2011). Gilead, Amihud, ‘Actualist Fallacies, from Fax Machines to Lunar Journeys’, Philosophy and Literature, 34 (2010), 173-87. Godfrey, Emelyne, ‘The Different Worlds of H. G. Wells’, History Today, 15 November 2011. Gosling, John, Waging the War of the Worlds: A History of the 1938 Radio Broadcast and Resulting Panic (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009). Holden, Wendy, ‘Review of A Man of Parts’, Daily Mail, 8 April 2011. Kirsch, Adam, ‘Utopian Pessimist: The Works, World Views and Women of H. G. Wells’, New Yorker, 17 October 2011. Lodge, David, ‘H. G.
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