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Iseas 4001-7574 (Pdf) DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Seraphin Couvreur, Les Annalis de la Chine, cathasia, 1950. 4001 Georges Margoulies, Me "Fou" dans le Wen Siuan, Paul 4002 Ceuthner, 1926. Francois MacŽ, La mort et les funerailles, Pub. Orientalistes 4003 France, 1986. Seraphin Couvreur, LIKI: Memories sur les Bienseances et les 4004 ceremonies vol. 1, Cathasia, 1950. Seraphin Couvreur, LIKI: Memories sur les Bienseances et les 4005 ceremonies vol. 2, Cathasia, 1950. Seraphin Couvreur, LIKI: Memories sur les Bienseances et les 4006 ceremonies vol. 3, Cathasia, 1950. Seraphin Couvreur, LIKI: Memories sur les Bienseances et les 4007 ceremonies vol. 4, Cathasia, 1950. Andre Levy, Inventaire Analytique et Critique dei Conte Chinois 4008 Langue Vulgaire vol. VIII, College de France, 1978. Andre Levy, Inventaire Analytique et Critique dei Conte Chinois 4009 Langue Vulgaire vol. VIII-2, College de France, 1978. Andre Levy, Inventaire Analytique et Critique dei Conte Chinois 4010 Langue Vulgaire vol. VIII-3, College de France, 1978. Max Kaltenmark, Le Lie-Sien Tchouan, College de Francd, 4011 1987. Seraphin Couvereur, Tch'ouen Ts'iou et Tso Tchouan: La 4012 Chronique de la Principaute de L™u vol. 1, Cathasia, 1951. Seraphin Couvereur, Tch'ouen Ts'iou et Tso Tchouan: La 4013 Chronique de la Principaute de L™u vol. 2, Cathasia, 1951. Seraphin Couvereur, Tch'ouen Ts'iou et Tso Tchouan: La 4014 Chronique de la Principaute de L™u vol. 3, Cathasia, 1951. Remi Mathieu, Anthologie des Mythes et Legendes de la Chine 4015 ancienne, Gallimard, 1989. Shang Yang, Le Livre de Prince Shang Flammarion, 1981. 4016 J-J-L. Duyvendak, Tao To King: Le Livre de la Voie et de la 4017 Vertu: Texte chinois etabli et traduit avec des notes critiques et une introduction, Maisonneuve, 1987. Jean Pierre Dieny, Le Symbolisme du Dragon dan la Chine 4018 Antique, College de Francd, 1987. Benedykt Crynpas, Les Ecrits de Tai L'ancien et le petit 4019 Calendrier des Hia - Textes Confuceens Taoisants, Maisonneuve, 1972. Jonathan D. Spence, Le Palais de MŽmoire de Matteo Ricci, 4020 Payot, 1986. 1 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Georges Margoulies, Le Kou-Wen Chinois, Paul Geuthner, 4021 1926. -, Magazine litteraire No. 242: La Litterature Chinoise, Magazine 4022 Litteraire, 1987. -, L'Homme-Revue fran•aise d'anthropologie XXVII, Ecole des 4023 Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Navarin, 1987. Fung Yu-lan, A Taoist Classic Chuang-Tzu, Foreign Languages 4024 Press, 1989. E.R. Hughes, The Art of Letters: Lu Chi's "Wen Fu", A.D. 302, 4025 Pantheon Books, 1951. Marcel Granet, La FŽodalitŽ Chinoise, Imago, 1981. 4026 Franois Jullien, Procs ou CrŽation, Edition du Seuil, 1989. 4027 Victor Segalen, Les Origines de la Statuaire de Chine, 4028 Biblioth•que Artistique & Litteraire, 1987. AndrŽ LŽvy, Nouvelles lettres Ždifiantes et curieuses d'Extr•me- 4029 Occident par des voyageurs lettres chinois a' la Belle Epoque, Seghers, 1986. Etiemble, L'Europe chinoise I, Gallimard, 1988. 4030 Etiemble, L'Europe chinoise II, Gallimard, 1989. 4031 Louis Hambis, Le Chapitre CVIII du Yuan che tome 1, E.J. Brill, 4032 1954. Li Hui et al. ed., Shan xi shi ke wen xian mu lu ji cun, San qin 4033 ban she, 1990. Yang Dian xun ed., Shi ke ti ba suo yin, Shan wu yin shu quan, 4034 1990 (r.). Ye Xiao jun ed., Zhong guo du cheng li shi tu lu 3, Lan zhou da 4035 xue chu ban she, 1987. Fu jian sheng kao gu bo wu quan xue hui ed., Fujian huaan 4036 xianzitan mova shike yanjiu, Zhongguo minzu xueyuan chubanshe, 1990. Gary L. Ebersole, Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death in Early 4037 Japan, Princeton Univ. Press, 1989. Hanyu dazidian bianji weiyuanhui ed., Hanyu dazidian 7, Si 4038 chuan cishu chubanshe, hubencishu chubanshe, 1990. Michel Soymie dir., Contributions aux Žtudes sur Touen- 4039 Houang, Ecole Fran•aise d'Extr•me-Orient, 1984. Kanai Madoka et al., Forty-Nine Manuscript Documents from 4040 Japanese History Vol. 1, The Univ. of Michigan, 1965. 2 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Kanai Madoka et al., Forty-Nine Manuscript Documents from 4041 Japanese History Vol. 2, The Univ. of Michigan, 1965. Kanai Madoka et al., Forty-Nine Manuscript Documents from 4042 Japanese History Vol. 3, The Univ. of Michigan, 1965-1987. Soseki Natsume, I am a cat, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1990 (r.). 4043 Yasunari Kawabata, Palm of the Hand Stories, Charles E. Tuttle 4044 Co., 1988. Donald Keene, Appreciations of Japanese Culture, Kodansha 4045 International, 1990 (r.). Shen Kuo, Mukei hitsudan 3, Heibonsha, 1989 (r.). 4046 Chinese Studies in History Vol. 23, M.E. Sharpe, 1989, 1990. 4047 Bochumer Jahrbuch Zur Ostasienforschung Vol. 12, 13, Ruhr 4048 UniversitŠt Bochum, 1989. Japan Quarterly Vol. 37, Asahi shinbun, 1990. 4049 North Korea Quarterly Vol. 55, Inst. of Asian Affairs, 1989. 4050 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 63, The Korea 4051 Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1988. Zen bunka Vol. 135-138, Zen bunka kenkyujo, 1990. 4052 Chugoku kankei ronsetsu shiryo Vol. 30, Ronsetsu shiryo 4053 hozonkai, 1988. Acta Orientalia Vol. 50, Munksgaard, 1989. 4054 Monumenta Serica Vol. 37, Monumenta Serica, 1989. 4055 Japan Labor Bulletin Vol. 29, Japan Inst. of Labour, 1990. 4056 Modern China Vol. 16, Sage Pub, 1990. 4057 Japanese Religions Vol. 16, NCC Center, 1990, 1991. 4058 Tohogaku Vol. 79, 80, Tohogakkai, 1990. 4059 Monthly Finance Review Vol. 200-210, Okurasho, 1990. 4060 3 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI East Asian Cultural Studies Vol. 1-6, Centre for East Asian 4061 Cultural Studies, 1962-1967. Japan Echo, Vol. 17, Japan Echo Inc., 1990. 4062 Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in 4063 Japan Vol. 34, Tohogakkai, 1989. Transactions Series 4, Vol. 4, Asiatic Society of Japan, 1989. 4064 Journal of Chinese Linguistics Vol. 18, Univ. of California, 1990. 4065 Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol. 17, Dialogue Publ., 1990. 4066 Asian Survey Vol. 30, Univ. of California Press, 1990. 4067 Chinese Culture Vol. 31, Chinese Academy, 1990. 4068 Wenwu 1990, Wenwu chubanshe, 1990. 4069 Zhong yuan wenwu 1981, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1981. 4070 Zhong yuan wenwu 1982, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1982. 4071 Zhong yuan wenwu 1983, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1983. 4072 The Journal of Japanese Studies Vol. 16, Univ. of Washington, 4073 1990. Zhong yuan wenwu 1985, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1985. 4074 Zhong yuan wenwu 1986, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1986. 4075 Zhong yuan wenwu 1987, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1987. 4076 Zhong yuan wenwu 1988, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1988. 4077 Zhong yuan wenwu 1989 vol. 1, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 4078 1989. Kaogu xuebao Vol. 11-14, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1956. 4079 Kaogu xuebao Vol. 15-18, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1957. 4080 4 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Kaogu xuebao Vol. 19-22, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1958. 4081 Kaogu xuebao Vol. 23-28, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1959, 60. 4082 Kaogu xuebao Vol. 29-32, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1962, 63. 4083 Kaogu xuebao Vol. 33-36, Kaogu yanjiusuo, 1964, 65. 4084 Henan wenbo tongxun, 1977, 1978, Henan wenbo tongxun 4085 bianqibu, 1977, 78. Henan wenbo tongxun, 1979, 1980, Henan wenbo tongxun 4086 bianqibu, 1979, 80. Sichuan wenwu 1990, Sicuan wenwu bianqibu, 1990. 4087 Asian Studies Newsletter, Vol. 35, Ass. for Asian Studies, 1990. 4088 Kaogu 1990, Kexue chubanshe, 1990. 4089 Korean Studies Vol. 14, The Center for Korean Studies, 1990. 4090 Oriens Extremus Vol. 32, Otto Harrassowitz, 1989. 4091 Kaogu xuebao 1990, Kexue chubanshe, 1990. 4092 Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 49, Ass. for Asian Studies, 1990. 4093 Acta Asiatica 1990, Toho gakkai, 1990. 4094 Japanese Journal of Religious Studies Vol. 17, Nanzan Inst. for 4095 religion and Culture, 1990. Beifang wenwu 1990, Beifang wenwu zazhishe, 1990. 4096 Chinese Science Vol. 9, Chinese Science, 1989. 4097 Bibliography of Asian Studies 1985, Ass. for Asian Studies, 4098 1990. China aktuell 1990, Institut fŸr Asienkunde, 1990. 4099 Bulletin No. 61, Museum Far Eastern Antiquities, 1989. 4100 5 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Monumenta Nipponica Vol. 45, Sophia Univ., 1990. 4101 Kaogu yu wenwu 1990, Kaogu yu wenwu bianqibu, 1990. 4102 Wenbo 1990, Shanxi renmin chubanshe, 1990. 4103 La CorŽe d'aujourd hui 1990, Editions de Revues Langues 4104 Etrang•res, 1990. Annali di Ca'Fascari Serie Orientale Vol. 20, Universita' di 4105 Venezia, 1989. Studies in Central & East Asian Religions Vol. 2, Journal of the 4106 Seminar for Buddhist Studies, 1989. Books and Articles on Oriental Subjects 1988 Vol. 35, Toho 4107 gakkai, 1990. Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko Vol. 4108 47, The Toyo Bunko, 1989. Asian Folklore Studies Vol. 49, Nanzan University, 1990. 4109 Archives of Asian Art Vol. 42, The Asia Society, 1989. 4110 Institute of Developing Economies Tokyo Japan ; The 4111 Developing Economies, Vol. XXVIII-1-4, 1990. Zhong yuan wenwu 1990, Zhong yuan wenwu bianqibu, 1990. 4112 Oriental Art Vol. 36, The Oriental Art Magazine, 1990. 4113 Jianghan kaogu 1990, Wenwu chubanshe, 1990. 4114 Papers on Far Eastern History 1990, The Australian National 4115 Univ., 1990. Mondo Cinese Vol. 18, Ist. Italo-Cinese per gli Scambi 4116 economici e culturali, 1990., No. 69-72 Zeitschrift der Deutschen MorgenlŠndischen Gesellschaft Vol. 4117 140, Franz Steiner, 1990. Wenwu ziliao congkan Vol. 5, Wenwu chubanshe, 1981. 4118 Wenwu ziliao congkan Vol. 7, Wenwu chubanshe, 1983. 4119 Wenwu ziliao congkan Vol. 9, Wenwu chubanshe, 1985. 4120 6 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRITTIVA No. CONDIZIONE E COLLOCAMENTO DEGLI OGGETTI Wenwu ziliao congkan Vol. 10, Wenwu chubanshe, 1985. 4121 Extr•me Orient Extr•me Occident Vol. 12, Presses Universitaires 4122 de Vincennes, 1990. Zhongzhou jingu 1990, Zhongzhou jingu bianqibu, 1990. 4123 Wenwu tiandi 1990, Wenwu chubanshe, 1990. 4124 North Korea Quarterly 1990, Inst.
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