Church of Scone & St Martins Parish

Church News

March 2020

Parish Register Deaths

2 January 2020 Rhona Baxter, 65 Angus Road, Scone 22 January 2020 James Millar, Muirton House Care Home, Blairgowrie 25 January 2020 William Colville, 1 Annaty Court, Scone 27 January 2020 James Kitson, Catmoor Care Home, Scone 28 January 2020 Elsie Farquharson, 30 Conacher Court, Isla Road, Perth 31 January 2020 Robert Miller, Ochil Care Home, Perth 3 February 2020 Gladys Smith, Catmoor Care Home, Scone

Church News

Material for the April edition should be forwarded to the church office (tel 553900; email [email protected]) or to the editor Moira Daly ([email protected]) by Thursday 26 March 2020. Please send in any items you think will be of interest to the congregation.

Electronic Version of Church News – If you would prefer to receive your copy of Church News directly to your inbox, please let the office know or complete the form below and hand it in.

Name ………………………………………………………………………….

Address ……………………………………………………………………….

Email ………………………………………………………………………….

If you know of anyone who requires a visit from the minister or an elder, please hand in the details at church on Sunday or to the church office.

Church Office

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.15 am to 12 noon

Address: Balformo Road, Scone, PH2 6QX

Contact: 01738 553900 or email [email protected]


Dear Friends,

Thank you for an interesting year in Scone and St Martins. That’s the year up now and where might the next one lead. Well that is not in your hands or mine but in God’s. With the coming of springtime blessing, I thrill. The Manse garden has many bulbs poking their way through but the snowdrop has been my delight since New Year’s Day, seemingly frail and tender it has made its way through the icy temperatures to gracefully bloom in a new day and year. It reminds us how the attribute of grace is a special one to embrace and own.

Flowers have their stories to tell and my flower convener throughout many years of ministry used to enjoy our sharing their significance. Lilies spoke of death but they also trumpeted Resurrection. The giving of flowers, the arranging of flowers, and the delivery of flowers, we always regarded as a special ministry. Let me share with you a little about the significance of flowers. It’s amazing how long the Alstroemeria lasts. It is considered the flower of friendship, and true friendship is a wonderful gift. The Amaryllis speaks of worth beyond beauty. Patience is symbolized by the Aster. The Bird of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness. The Anthurium speaks of hospitality. Bouvardia Double indicates zest for life. The Chrysanthemum symbolizes fidelity and the Gardenia, purity and sweetness. Gerbera belongs to the daisy family and therefore assumes the symbolism of cheerfulness. Gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, faithfulness and honour and the Blue Iris symbolizes faith and hope. And so I could go on but think on these things and be kind to one another. You can also find a book on Biblical Flowers; why not treat yourself to it.

Easter will be on us before we know it. At the time of going to print we will have a donkey on Palm Sunday. It really would be good to get this publicized. Maundy Thursday, I am hoping to have a Passover Meal and Communion and a Good Friday Evening Service. On Easter Saturday it would be lovely if some of us got together and created the Easter Garden in the Old Kirk where the services are held this year. Bring a little plant or two and if you are so skilled or willing to help make the Easter Tomb that would be great. How much I would love it if the whole community in Scone could get involved.

May the coming month be a thoughtful one as we move towards Good Friday and Easter Day. Finally, a Prayer for Peace as we travel through this Lenten Season.

Jesus, you told your followers “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives”. I need your peace, Lord. I need “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” to guard my heart and mind. I need peaceful sleep. I ask for peaceful thoughts and emotions to rule my days and nights, and I entrust my loved ones into your keeping. Amen.



Session Clerk’s Report

The Kirk Session met 3 times in 4 weeks, so we have been busy. We were preparing for a visit from the Local Church Review team and then they came to a Session meeting to speak to the elders and get our views on what we were doing and what we want to do in the future. We also had our usual meeting in between that. The next thing to come out of the Local Church Review is a 5-year plan.

The Committees of the Kirk Session are Outreach and Education, Pastoral Care, Finance, Property, Social and Fundraising and Communications. You do not need to be an elder to be a member of a committee. The Outreach and Education committee is desperately short of members so if you would like to help please speak to Ian MacKinnon. They are planning for VE Day 75th celebrations and would welcome any help possible with that, so perhaps if you have an interest in the upcoming celebrations you could offer some support. If you are interested in any of the other committees, please let me know.

Kenny McAlpine has resigned as an elder, but he will continue as Boys’ Brigade Captain, working with the Junior and Company Sections. He will also continue as a member of the Social and Fundraising committee. Kenny was thanked for all his hard work over the years at the last session meeting.

Have you decided what you are going to give up for Lent? I have been following a few places on Facebook and some of the suggestions are that you put aside one item for the Foodbank for every day of Lent. Another is that you recycle one garment/accessory per day and take it to your local charity shop. Perhaps you could put 20p or 50p in a jar every time you eat a piece of fruit or chocolate that is not Fairtrade? If you receive Life and Work, there is an excellent leaflet from Christian Aid with ideas for each day of Lent. Of course, you can always give up chocolate!

Marian Forgan, Session Clerk



What is Vestry Hour? Minister's Office Hour

Can I pop in? Open to All. Opportunity to discuss a possible Baptism, Wedding, or anything else in confidence.

Where will it be held? In the Vestry of whichever Church we are worshipping in.

In March & May Scone New Vestry - enter by the side door of the Church. In April & June Scone Old Vestry - building as you enter the Church gate.


Company Section

Three teams of three took part in the annual mini volleyball tournament at Bells Sports Centre. It was only who also put a team in. Needless to say we won the tournament. In fact we were first, second and third! No disrespect to Kinross they are great fun and enjoy participating. The chess team move on to the Scottish final of the National Championships, having won their semi-final against 2nd Gourock. It was a slightly disappointing tie as due to a communication failure by Gourock they turned up with only 2 boys. This meant that we were three games up before play started. The remaining six games went 5 to Scone and one game halved. Grateful thanks to Alex Collie for all he does on the coaching front. Whilst it is good to report achievements we have to note that there can be reverses. We have lost 4 boys this session for various reasons and that is disappointing.

We try to deliver a varied programme and over the next month there will be the Scripture Search challenge; the drill competition (where Ryan is taking the competition class and Jamie is taking the basic class); Top Team Challenge (a National Competition); local 5 a side; and last but not least our annual taking of a church service. We are also hoping to run a first aid class.

To parody a passage from the Bible, I have left the best to the last. Ryan Mudie is now a fully qualified officer in the Company Section. He has progressed through the Company over many years and in that time has been the lead member of the chess team. As above he trains one of the drill teams, a task he has been doing for some years now.

Iain Lamond

75th Anniversary VE Day Friday 8 May - Sunday 10 May

Plans for the nation to commemorate and celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day are well in hand. Both churches in Scone will be open for prayer and meditation on Friday 8 May from 1 noon to 7.15pm. Items of interest will take place at certain times during the afternoon and evening. An Act of Commemoration will take place between 2.30 pm - 3.00 pm, remembering in particular those from the parish of Scone and St Martins who fell during the 2nd World War. There are 14 names on Scone War Memorial and 6 names on the St Martins War Memorial. The Kirk Session would like to specially invite any known descendants who might wish to participate in remembering their loved one. A list containing the names of those on the Scone and St Martins War Memorials will be placed in the 3 church vestibules and both church hall vestibules in Scone.

If anyone has information on the families please make a note in the file provided or contact Ian MacKinnon (551975), Ann Gellatly (552370) or Jimmy Reid (552532). A timetable of events over the weekend will be published in the April Church News.

Ian MacKinnon



Faith’s Fields of Hope – Faith’s fields used to be dirt and dust. Ongoing drought in Kenya meant next to nothing grew. Water was scarce. Faith said: ‘ We did not even try to farm or plant vegetables because there was no water. Without farming, Faith and her husband Steven didn’t have enough to eat or sell. Hunger was a reality, sending their children to school an impossibility. Now Faith grows crops that are lush and green thanks to a nearby dam. Her local community got together to build the sand dam with the help of Christian Aid’s partner ADSE.

Drought pushed Faith to the brink, but, with your support, she brought her fields back to life. Will you help others to overcome climate change this lent?

Count Your Blessings 2020, a daily reflection and challenges for lent will help you do this. Copies are available from Peggy Lamond or at

Dates for your Diary:

Charity Organ Recital - by Andrew Forbes on Saturday 4 April 2020 at 2.00 pm in St. John’s Kirk, Perth. Tickets, priced £10 are available from Concorde Music and at the door. All proceeds to Christian Aid.

Andrew grew up in Perth and is now an international prize winning organist. He returns to his home town, performing a recital of popular classics on the organ where he had his first lesson.

Bridge Cross - Forth Road and cross will be on 25 April 2020. Details from Peggy Lamond.

Christian Aid Coffee Morning - The annual coffee morning will take place on 9 May 2020 in North Church Hall. Tickets available soon.

Christian Aid Week - 10 May to 16 May 2020. In 2019 together we raised £7.5 million pounds. This year is Christian Aid’s 75th anniversary. Let’s make it a good one. Look out for events before and during Christian Aid week.

As usual we are looking for helpers to distribute and collect envelopes around the parish during Christian Aid Week. If you can help, please contact me on the number below.

Peggy Lamond (07803 015509) for Scone and St. Martins Christian Aid committee.


Thank You

Dear Friends

John and I would like to thank you for your good wishes on our recent move to Balerno. The beautiful calligraphy certificate, lovely flowers and overwhelming amount of cards and letters have been most appreciated. We will always have happy memories of the folk in Scone and St Martins Church and wish you well in all your future projects.

With grateful thanks John and Lorna Crighton

Kenny and Anne Lamond wish to thank all the kind people who helped in any way when Anne was in PRI having a hip replacement and Kenny was in respite for 6 weeks to allow Anne to "get back on her feet".

All the kindness of baking, visits, little gifts, cards, phone calls and car drivers were much appreciated. Kenny is glad to be back home and Anne is recovering well and has had a good report from her surgeon.

Thank you again Anne and Kenny Lamond

Social and Fund Raising

Church Coffee Morning

7 March 2020

Burnside Hall

10.00 am – 12 noon

Coffee/Home Baking Cake & Candy Stall Book Stall Prize Draw

£3.00 adult/£1.00 child

Our next event is the Spring Coffee Morning as above. Any donations of baking, books or prizes for the prize draw will be gratefully received. If you would like to help in any way on the day, please contact Anne Lamond, 552262. Thank you in anticipation for your support.

Anne Lamond, Social & Fund Raising Convener



Mar 1 10.45 am Whole Parish Worship - Scone New Rev Ken Stott 4 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone New Vestry 5 12.30 pm Fellowship Lunch Burnside Hall 7 10 am - 12 noon Church Coffee Morning Burnside Hall 8 09.30 am Morning Worship St Martins 10.45 am Morning Worship Scone New 12 noon Session Meeting Balformo Hall 10 07.30 pm Guild - World Mission Council Burnside Hall 11 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 10.30 am Knit and Chat Balformo Hall 07.00 – 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone New Vestry 15 09.30 am Morning Worship St Martins 10.45 am Morning Worship - Boys’ Brigade Scone New 17 02.30 pm Guild - Linus Quilts Balformo Hall 18 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone New Vestry 19 12.30 pm Fellowship Lunch Balformo Hall 22 09.30 am Morning Worship - Mothering St Martins Sunday 10.45 am Morning Worship - Mothering Scone New Sunday & Sacrament of Baptism 24 07.30 pm Guild - AGM Burnside Hall 25 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone New Vestry 29 10.45 am Whole Parish Worship – Scone New Passion Sunday 12 noon Annual Stated Meeting Balformo Hall

Knit and Chat

The next meeting of Knit and Chat will be held on Wednesday 11 March at 10.30 am in the small hall at Balformo Road. We have decided that we will then meet on the second Wednesday of the month, same time and place. All welcome. Any enquires, please contact Ann Gellatly, 01738 552370.

Ann Gellatly



April 1 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone Old Vestry 2 12.30 pm Fellowship Lunch Burnside Hall 5 10.45 am Whole Parish Worship - Palm Scone Old Sunday with Palm Sunday Parade with donkey and palm leaves. All welcome 7 07.00 pm Session Meeting Balformo Hall 8 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 10.30 am Knit and Chat Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone Old Vestry 9 7.00 pm Passover Meal and Holy TBA Communion 10 07.00 pm Good Friday Service TBA 11 10.30 am - Come and make the Easter Burnside 3.00 pm Garden - bring friends, spring plants etc 2.00 pm Guild Theatre Outing Perth Theatre 12 09.30 am Morning Worship - Easter Day with St Martins Communion 10.45 am Morning Worship - Easter Day - Scone Old Service for All the Family with Easter Communion. All welcome 15 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone Old Vestry 16 12.30 pm Fellowship Lunch Balformo Hall 19 09.30 am Morning Worship - Communion St Martins 10.45 am Morning Worship Scone Old 22 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Café Balformo Hall 07.00 - 08.00 pm Vestry Hour Scone Old Vestry 26 09.30 am Morning Worship St Martins 10.45 am Morning Worship - Communion Scone Old 02.30 pm Afternoon Communion followed by Burnside Hall tea/coffee 29 10 am - 12 noon Hub Community Cafe Balformo Hall

Future dates for your diary:

Friday 15 May 2020 Bingo Tea, Burnside Halls Saturday 29 August 2020 Church Fair, Burnside Saturday 17 October 2020 Coffee Morning, Burnside Halls



On Sunday 23 February the congregation was joined by Scone and Guides, Brownies and Rainbows along with Scone Scouts, Cubs and Beavers to celebrate Thinking Day and Founder’s Day – important dates in the Girlguiding and Scouting families. The events mark the birthdays of the founders of both movements, Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell. Both organisations were begun in England and soon spread around the world and it is at this time that members of both movements think about and remember their counterparts in other countries. For many of the congregation seeing and hearing the young folk enjoying the occasion brought back many memories of their own time in the Guides and Scouts.

Christine Munro


Scone & St Martins Parish Church Finances Receipts for January 2020 (excluding Guild and Clubs)

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 2020 2019 £ £ RECEIPTS Offerings 5516 5736 Donations 15 100 Weddings & funerals 120 50 Hall Lets 1293 1147 Other income (net) 71 45

Total receipts 7015 7078


• Offerings for the first 4 weeks are down by 4% on last year. • Hall lets are continuing very strong, 13% up on last year.

Robin Walker, Treasurer

Treasurers' Rota:

1 March Hamish Breckenridge 8 March Douglas Calderwood 15 March Margaret Nicol 22 March Gordon Lowe 29 March Robbie Walker 5 April Robin Walker



Fiona Corner came to the Guild on 28 January 2020 to talk about the Dementia Dog Project. Members were interested to learn how dogs (mainly Labradors or Labrador cross retrievers) can be trained to assist dementia sufferers maintain a structured routine at home. They can also be a social connector within the community and an emotional anchor for the person with dementia and their carer. They can be trained to retrieve a medication pouch and remove items of clothing when it is time to get dressed. Dementia Dog Project are pleased to be working in partnership with the Scottish Prison Service at HMP Castle Huntly - men in custody assist with the training.

Unfortunately the meeting on 11 February, at which Anne Magnusson was invited to speak had to be cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions.

Stewart Nelson, Home Safety Officer with the Fire Service, was the speaker at Balformo Road on 18 February 2020. He gave an interesting and informative talk on safety in the home and high-lighted the need to check electric blankets and how important it was to install smoke alarms. Regulations are to be updated next February. Canisters with personal information which can be placed in the fridge were distributed.

There only now remain another three formal meetings until the session ends – how time flies! These are as follows:

10 March 2020 7.30 pm Burnside Journeying Together - World Mission Council - Lorna Tunstall 17 March 2020 2.30 pm Balformo Linus Quilts - Jane Sheldon 24 March 2020 7.30 pm Burnside Annual General Meeting

Perth & Kinross Guild Together

13 March 2020 12.30 pm - Letham St Marks Lunch and AGM 3.00 pm Church Iain Whyte, Guild Secretary 28 March 2020 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm Luncarty Church Resource Afternoon Centre

Margaret Buchan, Guild Secretary

Fellowship Lunches

The Fellowship Lunches will be held at 12.30 pm on the following dates:

5 March 2020 Burnside Hall 19 March 2020 Balformo Hall 2 April 2020 Burnside Hall 16 April 2020 Balformo Road

For transport and other enquiries please contact:

Burnside – Helen Moir 551549 or Margaret McMillan 551560 (or on day of lunch after 10.30 am 553744). Balformo Road – Ian McKinnon 551975 or Noel McKinnie 552536



Since the outbreak of violence in their countries over 8 years ago 1.5 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees have sought safety in Lebanon and have suffered enormous pressure and hardship. They have almost no future expectations and the conflicts in their countries are still far from over. The Bible Society in Lebanon works to reach those affected – offering them the hope of God’s word. With our help, Arabic Refugee Bibles, which include a full Bible with a bulletin offering selected scripture passages will be distributed.

Please pray that Syrian and Iraqi refugees will persevere during these difficult times. Pray for them to have courage and for a strengthening of their faith through scripture.

Jim Currie

Prayer Notes

“Be joyful always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ” Thessalonians, 5, v 16-18.

O God of such wonder, It is our utter delight to be able to talk and walk with you each day, Sometimes we are racing into your presence full of news and chatter and excitement. At other times it is enough simply to sit and be gently touching the hem of your robe. When we do not have words to speak, then you surround us, lifting us through the worst, and when we are in distress, you understand and slowly walk with us. So we offer you our prayers O Lord, with all the love in our being, both those that tumble out loud and those that are whispered in our hearts. In the name of God Amen.

A Morning Prayer

Help us this day, O Lord To speak with the eyes and heart of welcome. Help us this day, O Lord To give of our time and listen. Help us this day, O Lord To share our bread with love. Help us this day, O Lord To learn to receive as well as give. Help us this day, O Lord To be ready for the day you will come to me unexpectedly And we will find ourselves with you unaware. O what joy this day will bring And praise to you almighty God.

Jim Currie 12


Children’s Story

Jesus – A Very Special Person

Have you ever noticed that when you go to Church, you hear a lot about Jesus? Have you ever wondered why this is? Let me explain to you, by telling you two stories. Dorothy was a little girl. She had curly hair and blue eyes. She went to school every day. She liked to play with her friends. Dorothy had a very special person. You'll never guess who - on the other hand perhaps you will - her teddy bear! He wasn't very clean or tidy, a bit ragged and frayed at the edges in fact, but for Dorothy he was a very special person indeed. When she went to bed, guess who went with her? When she visited her granny or went on holiday - why of course - teddy went too! Teddy was very special. Billy was a little boy. He liked going to school and playing on the swings and playing football in the park and riding his bike. He too had someone special - his friend Bobby. They went to school together every day. They played together after school. Bobby was Billy's special person. Father God made the world and put all the wonderful things in it, like stars and mountains and flowers and animals and of course people. He has a special person too - Jesus! Jesus is God's special person. When you sing about Jesus and pray to Jesus and learn about him from the Bible, remember - he is Father God's very special person, very special indeed!

Children’s Prayer

Dear God

Thank you for Mum and Dad who give me so much, especially lots of love. Help me to show them that I love them too.

Anne Lamond

St Martins Rota All Services at 9.30 am unless otherwise stated.

Flowers Welcome March 1 Whole Parish Service in Scone New at 10.45 am 8 Church Netta Gillies Stuart Urquhart 15 Church Pinky Methven Pauline Guy 22 Church Hilda Ross Ken Birse 29 Whole Parish Service in Scone New at 10.45 am April 5 Whole Parish Service in Scone Old at 10.45 am 12 Church – Helen Stewart Ellen Simpson Easter Day Communion


Scone Rotas

Welcoming Party Reader Beadle Mar 1 Ellen Simpson, Helen Stewart, Ellen Simpson Susan Kean Neil Townend, Christine Townend 8 Marian Forgan, Helen Simpson, Robbie Walker Clare Little Norma Walker, Robbie Walker 15 Ian Baillie, Margaret Baillie, Ian Baillie Ian MacKinnon Hamish Breckenridge, Campbell Burns 22 Kate Carswell, Alice Collie, Alice Collie Ross Merson Alex Collie, Marion Dallas 29 Moira Daly, Clare Little, Marian Forgan Gordon Pirie Val Grossart, Susan Kean Apr 5 Peggy Lamond, Anne Lamond, Anne Lamond Ron Cathro Ann Gellatly, Gordon Lowe 12 Ian MacKinnon, Val Mathieson, Margaret McMillan Ron Cathro Angela McAlpine, Margaret McMillan 19 Ross Merson, Mike Moir, Ross Merson Ron Cathro Helen Moir, Christine Munro 26 Jim Nicol, Margaret Nicol, Margaret Nicol Ron Cathro Jan Reid, Jimmy Reid


Donating Delivering Mar 1 Clare Little Audrey Cooper 8 Morag Paul Audrey Cooper 15 Margaret Lobban Margaret Lobban 22 Available Margaret Lobban 29 Merson & Short Families Val Grossart Apr 5 Helen Lowe & Shirley Anton Peggy Lamond & Angela McAlpine


Car 1 Car 2 Mar 1 Steve Dallas 551004 Dorothy Manson 552004 8 Ian MacKinnon 551975 Gordon Pirie 552240 15 Clare Little 551506 Ross Merson 553051 22 Carolyn Haddow 551182 Ian MacKinnon 551975 29 Marysia Whittet 551425 Susan Kean 551875 Apr 5 Audrey Cooper 551053 Alex Collie 552126



Minister Rev Maudeen MacDougall Tel 01738 551942 Email: [email protected] Session Clerk Marian Forgan Tel 01738 552064 Email: [email protected] Deputy Session Clerk Mike Moir Tel 01738 551549 Email: [email protected] Rollkeeper Kate Carswell Tel 01738 551174 Email: [email protected] Editor Church News Moira Daly Tel 01738 552773 Email: [email protected]


Communications Christine Munro 01738 628349 Finance Douglas Calderwood 01738 553399 Outreach & Education Iain MacKinnon 01738 551975 Pastoral Care Margaret McMillan 01738 551560 Property Mike Moir 01738 551549 Safeguarding Helen Simpson 01738 248223 Social & Fundraising Anne Lamond 01738 552262


Boys’ Brigade Kenny McAlpine 01738 553038 Christian Aid Peggy Lamond 07803 015509 Church Flowers Margaret Buchan 01738 621814 Val Grossart 01738 551348 Church Office Roksolana Clark 01738 553900 Church Transport Hamish Breckenridge 01738 551072 Ian MacKinnon 01738 551975 Fellowship Lunch Balformo - Ian MacKinnon 01738 551975 Burnside - Margaret McMillan 01738 551560 Free Will Offering Margaret Nicol 01738 552232 Envelopes/Gift Aid Guild Christine Munro 01738 628349 Hub Iain MacKinnon 01738 551975 Knit n Chat Sheila Simpson 01738 551773 PACT Hamish Breckenridge 01738 551072 St Martins Ellen Simpson 01821 640342 Sunday School Sylvia Bryan 01738 551398 Treasurer Robin Walker 01738 551936

Scottish Charity No SC007094 16