
Provider Directory Directorio de Proveedores



Would you like to know more about your doctor? Trillium can give you more information about your doctor. For example, we can tell you:

• What medical school your doctor went to; • Where your doctor completed residency; or, • Your doctor’s board certification.

To learn more about your doctor visit one of the websites below:

State of Oregon Medical Board www.oregon.gov/omb The State of Oregon Medical Board website gives information about education, training, and experience of licensed Medical Doctors (MD), Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Podiatric Physicians (DPM), Physician Assistants (PA), and Acupuncturists (LAc).

American Board of Medical Specialties www.certificationmatters.org The American Board of Medical Specialties website gives information about a doctor’s board certification.

American Medical Association www.ama-assn.org The American Medical Associations DoctorFinder gives you basic professional information for almost every licensed doctor in the United States. Their website has information on over 690,000 doctors.

If you have additional questions please contact Trillium Customer Service Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (541)485-2155, Toll Free: 1(877)600-5472 or TTY: 1(877)600-5473.

Please note: We want you to have the best care possible. We frequently add providers to our provider network. This Provider Directory is based on the provider information at the time of development. We do our best to provide accurate and up to date provider information to members. Current provider information can be found on our web-based Provider Search at:


3 Trillium Community Health Plan 1800 Millrace Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97403. Our office is wheel‐ chair accessible.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Local: (541) 485‐2155 Toll Free: 1(877) 600‐5472 TTY: 1(877) 600‐5473 www.trilliumohp.com

Provider listings may change. Please call Trillium to make sure a provider is available.

Please call if you need this information in: another language; large print; Braille; or audio. Our phone number is (541) 485‐2155. Our toll free phone number is 1(877) 600‐5472. Our TTY number is 1(877) 600‐5473.

4 Do you think Trillium Community Health Plan (TCHP) has treated you unfairly? Trillium must follow state and federal civil rights laws. It cannot treat people unfairly in any of its programs or activities because of a person’s:

• Age • Gender • Race • Sexual identity orientation • Color • Marital status • Religion • Disability • National • Sex Origin

Everyone has a right to enter, exit and use buildings and services. They also have the right to get information in a way they understand. Trillium will make reasonable changes to policies, practices, and procedures by talking with you about your needs.

To report concerns or to get more information, please contact Member Services at 541-485-2155; Toll Free: 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. At other times – including Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays – you can leave a voicemail. We will return your call the following business day. The call is free.

You also have a right to file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights. Contact that office one of these ways:

• Web: www.hhs.gov • Email: [email protected] • Phone: 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD) • Mail: 200 Independence Ave., SW, Room 509F HHH Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20201

MCA_NDL01 Approved 02/19/18

5 English ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Español (Spanish) ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gọi số Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

繁體中文 (Chinese) 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Русский (Russian) ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевода. Звоните Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

한국어 (Korean) 주의: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다. Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Українська (Ukrainian) УВАГА! Якщо ви розмовляєте українською мовою, ви можете звернутися до безкоштовної служби мовної підтримки. Телефонуйте за номером. Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

日本語 (Japanese) 注意事項:日本語を話される場合、無料の言語支援をご利用いただけます。Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473. まで、電話にてご連絡ください

Arabic: ﺗﻧﺑﯾﮫ: إذا ﻛﻧت ﺗﺗﺣدث اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌرﺑﯾﺔ ﻓﺈن ﺧدﻣﺎت اﻟﻣﺳﺎﻋدة اﻟﻠﻐوﯾﺔ ﻣﺗﺎﺣﺔ ﻟك ﻣﺟﺎﻧﺎً. اﺗﺻل ﺑـOregon Health Plan ﻋﻠﻰ رﻗم5472-600-877-1، رﻗم ھﺎﺗف اﻟﺻم واﻟﺑﻛم: 1-877-600-5473. Română (Romanian) ATENȚIE: Dacă vorbiți limba română, vă stau la dispoziție servicii de asistență lingvistică, gratuit. Sunați la Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

6 ែខ�រ (Cambodian) របយ័ត� ៖ េេបើសិន�អ� កនិ�យ ��ែខ�រ, េស�ជំនួែយផ�ក�� េ�យមិនគិតឈ� ល� គឺ�ច�នសំ�ប់បំេរ អ�� ក។ ចូរ ទូរស័ព� Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Cushite XIYYEEFFANNAA: Afaan dubbattu Oroomiffa, tajaajila gargaarsa afaanii, kanfaltiidhaan ala, ni argama. Bilbilaa Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

Deutsch (German) ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfügung. Rufnummer: Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473. (Farsi) ﯾﺳراف ﺗوﺟﮫ: اﮔر ﺑﮫ زﺑﺎن ﻓﺎرﺳﯽ ﮔﻔﺗﮕو ﻣﯽ ﮐﻧﯾد، ﺗﺳﮭﯾﻼت زﺑﺎﻧﯽ ﺑﺻورت راﯾﮕﺎن ﺑرای ﺷﻣﺎ ﺗﻣﺎس ﺑﮕﯾرﯾد. ﻓراھم ﻣﯽ ﺑﺎﺷد. ﺑﺎ.Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473 Français (French) ATTENTION : Si vous parlez français, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Appelez le Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473

ภาษาไทย (Thai) เรียน: ถ้ าคุณพูดภาษาไทยคุณสามารถใช้ บริการช่ วยเหลือทางภาษาได้ ฟรี โทร. Oregon Health Plan 1-877-600-5472; TTY: 1-877-600-5473.

7 How to Find Trillium Community Health Plan Providers in this Directory

You can use this directory to find a primary care provider (PCP), specialist, facility or hospital by name, location or type of practice.

If you are looking for a PCP by name: 1. Go to the Index located in the back of the directory. 2. The Index is arranged in alphabetical order. Find the PCP by last name, then first name. 3. Find more detailed information about that PCP by going to the page(s) listed. If you are looking for a PCP by location: 1. Go to the Primary Care Providers section. The Table of Contents can help you locate the section within the directory. 2. Find your county and city, and choose your PCP. If you are looking for a specialist, facility, pharmacy or hospital by name: 1. Go to the Index located in the back of the directory. 2. The Index is arranged in alphabetical order. Find the provider by last name or the facility. 3. Find more detailed information about that provider or facility by going to the pages listed. If you are looking for a specialist, facility, pharmacy or hospital by location: 1. Go to the Table of Contents to find the starting page number of the provider type or facility you seek. 2. Find your county and city, and select the provider or facility. If you are looking for a provider, facility, pharmacy or hospital by type of practice: 1. Go to the Index by Type of Practice in the back of the directory. 2. The index is arranged in alphabetical order by Type of Practice. Find the Type of Practice you are looking for. Provider and facility names are listed in alphabetical order below. 3. Find more detailed information about that provider or facility by going to the pages listed.

If you have questions about Trillium Community Health Plan or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Member Service Department Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Local: (541) 485-2155 Toll Free: 1 (877) 600-5472 TTY: 1 (877) 600-5473 You can also visit our website at https://www.trilliumohp.com.

8 Cómo encontrar proveedores de Trillium Community Health Plan en este directorio

Puede usar este directorio para buscar un proveedor de atención primaria (PCP), un especialista, un centro o un hospital por nombre, ubicación o tipo de práctica.

Si está buscando un PCP por su nombre: 1. Vaya al índice ubicado en la parte posterior del directorio. 2. El índice está organizado en orden alfabético. Busque ese PCP por apellido, y luego por primer nombre. 3. Busque información más detallada sobre el PCP visitando la(s) página(s) mencionada(s). Si está buscando un PCP por ubicación: 1. Vaya a la sección Proveedores de atención primaria. El índice puede ayudarlo a ubicar la sección dentro del directorio. 2. Busque su condado y ciudad, y elija su PCP. Si está buscando un especialista, centro, farmacia u hospital por su nombre: 1. Vaya al índice ubicado en la parte posterior del directorio. 2. El índice está organizado en orden alfabético. Busque el proveedor por apellido o el centro. 3. Busque información más detallada sobre ese proveedor o centro visitando las páginas mencionadas. Si está buscando un especialista, centro, farmacia u hospital por ubicación: 1. Vaya al índice para encontrar el número de página de inicio del tipo de proveedor o centro que busca. 2. Busque su condado y ciudad, y seleccione el proveedor o centro. Si está buscando un proveedor, centro, farmacia u hospital por tipo de práctica: 1. Vaya al índice por Tipo de práctica en la parte posterior del directorio. 2. El índice está organizado en orden alfabético por Tipo de práctica. Busque el tipo de práctica que necesita. Los nombres de los proveedores y los centros se enumeran en orden alfabético a continuación. 3. Busque información más detallada sobre ese proveedor o centro visitando las páginas mencionadas.

Si tiene preguntas sobre Trillium Community Health Plan o si necesita ayuda para seleccionar un PCP, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicios para afiliados de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m. Local: (541) 485-2155. Número gratuito: 1 (877) 600-5472. TTY: 1 (877) 600-5473. También puede visitar nuestro sitio web en https://www.trilliumohp.com


Table of Contents / Tabla de Contenido

Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP)...... 17 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)/Rural Health Centers (RHC) / Centros ...... 71 de salud con certificatión federal (FQHC)/Centros de salud rurales (RHC) Specialist / Especialistas...... 77 Hospital / Hospitales...... 203 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento...... 205 Ancillary / Auxiliar...... 267 Urgent Care / Cuidado de urgencia...... 283 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada...... 285 Dental Care Organizations / Organizaciones de cuidado dental...... 293 Vision / Visión...... 295 Pharmacy Information / Información sobre Farmacias...... 309 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena...... 311 Mail Order Pharmacies / Farmacias de pedido por correo...... 339 Specialty Pharmacies / Farmacias especializadas...... 341 Index / Índice...... 343

The information listed in this directory is subject to change. Trillium Community Health Plan cannot and does not guarantee the initial orcontinued availability of any particular participating provider. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Trillium Member Services at 1-877-600-5472 or TTY at 1-877-600-5473.

La informacíon que aparece en este directorio est ́a sujeta a cambios. El Plan de salud de Trillium Commmunity no puede y no garantiza la disponibilidad inicial o continua de cualquier proveedor participante en particular. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el estado de un proveedor en particular, por favor comuńiquese con Servicios para Miembros de Trillium al 1-877-600-5472 o TTY al 1-877-600-5473. 11


Accepting New Patients + Provider is accepting new patients. # Provider is accepting prior patients only. * Provider is not accepting patients.

Board Certification B The provider has reported that they are Board Certified

Cultural Training CT The provider has reported that they have completed training in culturally and linguistically appropriate services standards for the following populations: African American, Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and Pacific Islander.

Accessibility Information Below is information used in the provider directory to indicate handicap accessibility at a provider facility. This information is not a promise that every doctor will always have the access that you may need. If you have a disability, you should call the doctor’s office to talk about you access needs.

Basic: Facility has all of the ADA symbols below Limited: Facility is missing one or more of the ADA symbols below.

ADA Accessibility Symbols ASL Signage (ASL) - Signage with Braille and raised tactile text characters at office, elevator, stairwells and restroom doors. Rooms that are not likely to change function (like a restroom, kitchen, elevators, etc.) should be identified by name. Other rooms that may change function can be identified by a numbers or letters. E Exam Room, the entrance to the exam room is accessible with a clear path. The doors open wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair/scooter to turn around. EB Curb ramps and other ramps to the building are wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter user. Handrails are provided on both sides of the ramp. Doors open wide enough to let a wheelchair or scooter user enter, and have handles that are easy to use. IB Doors are wide enough for a wheelchair/scooter and have handles that are easily opened. There are interior ramps available and the ramps have handrails. If an elevator is present, it must be available for use by the public and patients. The elevator has easy-to-hear sounds and Braille buttons within reach. The elevator is large enough for a wheelchair/scooter to turn around. If a chair lift is present, it can be utilized without help ME CMS Medical Equipment Access. An accessible examination room has features that make it possible for patients with mobility disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs, to receive appropriate medical care. These features allow the patient to enter the examination room, move around in the room, and utilize the accessible equipment provided. The features that make this possible are: 1. an accessible route to and through the room; 2. an entry door with adequate clear width, maneuvering clearance, and accessible hardware; 3. appropriate models and placement of accessible examination equipment (including an adjustable height accessible exam table that lowers for transfers) and 4. adequate clear floor space inside the room for side transfers and use of lift equipment

13 P Parking spaces, including van-accessible space(s), are accessible. Pathways have curb ramps between the parking lot, office and at drop-off locations. R The restroom is accessible, has doors wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair/scooter: and are easy to open. The restroom is large enough for a wheelchair/scooter to turn around and close the door. The restroom has grab rails which allows a transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet. Toilet paper is easy to reach. The sink is accessible and the faucets and soap are easy to reach and use.

Hospital Accreditation

AOA/HFAP American Osteopathic Association/ Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program http://www.hfap.org/ FACT Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy Transplant Hospitals http://www.factwebsite.org/ NIAHO (DNV) National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations http://www.dnvaccreditation.com/pr/dnv/default.aspx TJC Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Previously JCAHO) http://www.jointcommission.org/

14 Leyenda

Aceptando nuevos pacientes + Proveedor está aceptando nuevos pacientes # Proveedor acepte a previo pacientes solamente. * Proveedor no está aceptando a pacientes.

Certificación de la Junta B El proveedor ha informado que son certificados por la Junta

Capacitación cultural CT El proveedor ha informado que han completado la capacitación en estándares de servicios cultural y lingüísticamente apropiados para las siguientes poblaciones: afroamericana, nativa de Alaska, indio americana, asiática, hispana/latina e isleña del Pacífico.

Información de accesibilidad A continuación es usada en el directorio de proveedores para indicar la accesibilidad para discapacitados en un centro proveedor de información. Esta información no es una promesa que cada médico tendrá siempre el acceso que usted puede necesitar. Si usted tiene una discapacidad, debe llamar al consultorio para hablar a usted tener acceso a las necesidades

Basic: Instalación cuenta con todos los símbolos de ADA a continuación Limitado: Instalación carece de uno o más de los símbolos de ADA a continuación.

Símbolos de Accesibilidad ADA ASL Signage (ASL): Señalización con Braille y caracteres de texto táctiles elevados en oficinas, ascensores, escaleras y puertas de baños. Las habitaciones que probablemente no cambien de función (como un baño, una cocina, ascensores, etc.) deben identificarse por su nombre. Otras salas que pueden cambiar la función se pueden identificar por números o letras.

E Sala de examen: la entrada a la sala de examen es accesible con un camino despejado. Las puertas se abren lo suficiente como para acomodar una silla de ruedas/scooter para dar la vuelta

EB Rampas de acera y otras rampas al edificio son lo suficientemente amplio como para un usuario de silla de ruedas o scooter. Disponen de pasamanos a ambos lados de la rampa. Puertas de ancho suficiente para que un usuario de silla de ruedas o scooter entrar, y tienen manijas que son fáciles de usar

IB Las puertas son lo suficientemente anchas para una silla de ruedas/scooter y tienen manijas que se abren fácilmente. Hay rampas interiores disponibles y las rampas tienen pasamanos. Si hay un ascensor, debe estar disponible para el público y los pacientes. El ascensor tiene sonidos fáciles de escuchar y botones de Braille a su alcance. El ascensor es lo suficientemente grande como para que una silla de ruedas/scooter pueda dar la vuelta. Si hay un elevador para silla de ruedas, se puede utilizar sin ayuda.

ME Acceso a equipo médico de los CMS. Una sala de examen accesible tiene características que hacen posible que los pacientes con discapacidades motrices, incluidos los que usan sillas de ruedas, reciban atención médica adecuada. Estas características permiten que el paciente ingrese a la sala de examen, se mueva en la habitación y utilice el equipo accesible provisto.

Las características que lo hacen posible son:

15 1. una ruta accesible hacia la habitación y dentro de ella;

2. una puerta de entrada con un ancho de paso libre adecuado, espacio para maniobras y herrajes accesibles;

3. modelos apropiados y colocación de equipos de examen accesibles (incluida una mesa de examen accesible de altura regulable que se baja para trasladarla) y

4. espacio de piso despejado adecuado dentro de la habitación para traslados laterales y uso de equipo de elevación.

P Se puede acceder a los espacios de estacionamiento, incluidos los espacios accesibles para camionetas. Las sendas tienen rampas de acera entre el estacionamiento, el consultorio y en los lugares de descenso.

R El baño es accesible, tiene puertas lo suficientemente anchas para acomodar una silla de ruedas/ scooter y son fáciles de abrir. El baño es lo suficientemente grande como para que una silla de ruedas/ scooter gire y cierre la puerta. El baño tiene barras de agarre que permiten una transferencia de la silla de ruedas al inodoro. El papel higiénico es de fácil acceso. El lavabo es accesible y los grifos y el jabón son de fácil acceso y uso

Acreditación de hospital

AOA/HFAP Asociación Americana de Osteopatía / cuidado de la salud programa de acreditación de servicios. http://www.hfap.org/ FACT Fundación para la acreditación de los hospitales de trasplante de terapia celular http://www.factwebsite.org/ NIAHO (DNV) Nacional de acreditación integrado por organizaciones de salud http://www.dnvaccreditation.com/pr/dnv/default.aspx TJC Comisión conjunta de acreditación de organizaciones de salud (JCAHO previamente). http://www.jointcommission.org/

16 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Benton Benton Benton Alsea Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Meeker, Katherine, APRN+ Foerst, Laura F, FNP+ CT Meeker, Katherine, APRN+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Benton County Health Dept Benton County Health Dept 530 Northwest 27th Street 610 Dragon Drive Alsea Health Center 435 East Alder Street Corvallis, OR 97330 Monroe, OR 97456 Phone/Teléfono: 541-766-6835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-766-6000 Alsea, OR 97324 Phone/Teléfono: 541-487-7116 NPI:1801209721 NPI:1356325229 Mon 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 NPI:1801209721 [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:30 AM - [Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - # 04:00 PM, Tue 01:00 AM - Meeker, Katherine, APRN 05:30 PM 07:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Corvallis Pediatrics Benton County Health Dept 610 Dragon Drive Pediatría Clinic/Center: Multi-Specialty Monroe, OR 97456 + CT,B Amador, Carolina D, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-766-6000 Clínica/Centro: Varias Gender/Sexo: Female especialidades NPI:1801209721 BC Lincoln Health Center [Mon, Wed] 08:00 AM - 08:00 Corvallis Gastroenterolo 121 Southeast Viewmont PM, Tue 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, 3517 Northwest Samaritan Drive Avenue Fri 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM Corvallis, OR 97330 Corvallis, OR 97333 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-2205 Clackamas Phone/Teléfono: 541-766-3546 NPI:1124075627 NPI:1376621342 Canby Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Samaritan Lebanon Nurse Practitioner [Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Community Hospital 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Enfermero(a) practicante 3521 NW Samaritan Drive 07:00 PM Suite 101 , Jennifer, NP Corvallis, OR 97330 Monroe Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1124075627 Family Medicine Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc 703 Southeast 1st Avenue Medicina familiar Canby, OR 97013 Homertgen, Kyle D, DO+ CT Phone/Teléfono: 503-266-7686 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1073051736 Benton County Health Dept Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 610 Dragon Drive Munson, Allyson C, NP Monroe, OR 97456 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-766-6000 Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc NPI:1336266097 703 Southeast 1st Avenue Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Canby, OR 97013 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-266-7686 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1912251166 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

17 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Estacada Pediatrics Physician Assistant Family Medicine Pediatría Auxiliar médico Medicina familiar Montez, Laura S, PA-C+ White, Andrew D, PA-C+ Montez, Laura S, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Orchid Health Wade Creek Orchid Health Wade Creek Clinic Clinic Orchid Health Wade Creek Clinic 535 Northeast 6th Avenue 535 Northeast 6th Avenue Estacada, OR 97023 Estacada, OR 97023 535 Northeast 6th Avenue Estacada, OR 97023 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 NPI:1801900832 NPI:1164824546 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 NPI:1801900832 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Tue: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Other Language(s):Spanish PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Physician Assistant PM + Murphy, Lynn Marie, MD Auxiliar médico Lake Oswego CT,B + Endocrinology, Diabetes & Gender/Sexo: Female Bicker, Micah S, PA Gender/Sexo: Male Metabolism Orchid Health Wade Creek Endocrinología, diabetes y Clinic Orchid Health Wade Creek metabolismo 535 Northeast 6th Avenue Clinic + Estacada, OR 97023 535 Northeast 6th Avenue Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 Estacada, OR 97023 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1972633857 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 Eagleton Providers PC Mon-Tue: 08:00 AM - 07:00 NPI:1518053511 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Tue: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Road PM PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Suite 100 Other Language(s):Spanish PM Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Montez, Laura S, PA-C+ White, Andrew D, PA-C+ Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1013971837 Orchid Health Wade Creek Orchid Health Wade Creek Mon 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Clinic Clinic Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, 535 Northeast 6th Avenue 535 Northeast 6th Avenue Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Estacada, OR 97023 Estacada, OR 97023 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 NPI:1164824546 NPI:1801900832 Mon-Tue: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Other Language(s):Spanish PM

18 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner Portland Medicina familiar Enfermero(a) practicante Family Medicine Jablin, Jennifer, NP+ Cossette, Laura L, CRNP+ Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Ruggeri, Roberta W, DO B Eagleton Providers PC Eagleton Providers PC Gender/Sexo: Female 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry OAK GROVE FAMILY Road Road MEDICAL CLINIC Suite 100 Suite 100 2250 Southeast Oak Grove Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: (413) 887-6030 Suite B NPI:1972872646 NPI:1952859456 Portland, OR 97267 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 503-654-6567 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM + NPI:1396735254 Internal Medicine Jablin, Jennifer, NP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Medicina interna Nurse Practitioner Eagleton Providers PC + B Lewis, Sue A, MD 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Female Road Works, Laura D, NP+ Eagleton Providers PC Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Female Lake Oswego, OR 97035 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry OAK GROVE FAMILY Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Road MEDICAL CLINIC NPI:1972872646 Suite 100 2250 Southeast Oak Grove Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Boulevard Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Suite B NPI:1366559577 Milwaukie Portland, OR 97267 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Nurse Practitioner Phone/Teléfono: 503-654-6567 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1730111485 Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD+ Enfermero(a) practicante Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Jarrell, Cailin K, FNP Wilsonville Eagleton Providers PC Gender/Sexo: Female Naturopath 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry Milwaukie-Oak Grove Health Road Center Naturópata Suite 100 14411 Southeast Mcloughlin Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Langlais, Justin, ND Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Milwaukie, OR 97267 Wilsonville Healthcare Llc NPI:1013971837 Phone/Teléfono: 503-775-4931 29702 Southwest Town Center Mon 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM, NPI:1407358450 Loop Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Tue Wilsonville, OR 97070 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM 10:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Wed Phone/Teléfono: 503-482-5570 12:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu NPI:1508317512 11:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Fri-Sat: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

19 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Clackamas Coos Coos Nurse Practitioner Family Medicine Family Medicine Enfermero(a) practicante Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Passarelli, Susan, NP Carter, Dallas A, MD+ B Sharman, Kent D, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Wilsonville Healthcare Llc North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc 29702 Southwest Town Center 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive Loop Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 503-482-5570 NPI:1972587764 NPI:1063498475 NPI:1154842805 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM McAndrew, Thomas F, MD+ B Webster, Jennifer L, MD+ B Coos Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Bandon 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive Nurse Practitioner Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Enfermero(a) practicante NPI:1164407375 NPI:1184638124 Anker, Mary N, NP+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Gender/Sexo: Female Park, Jonathon L, MD Internal Medicine North Bend Medical Center Gender/Sexo: Male Medicina interna 110 10th Street Southeast North Bend Medical Center Inc + Bandon, OR 97411 1900 Woodland Drive Bhandari, Amit, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-347-2313 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1568451383 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1588649289 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 Riccalarsen, Stephanie A, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Family Medicine B NPI:1669456448 Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Ale, Samir B, MD+ B North Bend Medical Center Inc Other Language(s):Hindi + B Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive Joshi, Sushan, MD Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1447474945 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 + NPI:1447538533 Sader, Alyssa M, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1982851143 Other Language(s):Nepali, Hindi North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1891170502 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

20 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Coos Coos Coos Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Nurse Practitioner Medicina interna Medicina interna Enfermero(a) practicante Muller, Christopher M, MD+ B Pittenger, Basil M, MD+ B Bringardner, Patrick Timothy, Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male NP+ North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1619952876 NPI:1225013485 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1154877025 Patel, Bhargavbhai K, MD+ B Ravuri, Rajesh L, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Duke, Audrey M, FNP+ North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1134382328 NPI:1952386112 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1417923632 Patel, Prabhakar A, MD+ B Somera, Geraldine A, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Smith, Kelly W, NP+ North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive BAY CLINIC Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 1750 Thompson Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1770716144 NPI:1174509210 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1508083189 + Patel, Ravindra A, MD Nurse Practitioner Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Weber, Ashley K, FNP+ Enfermero(a) practicante North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female + 1900 Woodland Drive Bledsoe, Davina, NP North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 BAY CLINIC Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1316344807 1750 Thompson Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1508249855 Peddagovindu, Bhavani, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-0333 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B NPI:1295245108 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1013167303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

21 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Coos Coos Coos Pediatrics Pediatrics Myrtle Point Pediatría Pediatría Nurse Practitioner Cruz, Kariktan G, MD+ B Rastogi, Maynika V, MD+ B Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Ferguson, Ann Maria V, FNP+ North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 324 4th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Myrtle Point, OR 97458 NPI:1275720054 NPI:1023253358 Phone/Teléfono: 541-572-2111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B NPI:1720407786 Deleon, Jenni C, MD Pediatrics, Nurse Practitioner Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Brakebush, Sara L, NP+ North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive BAY CLINIC Coos Bay, OR 97420 1750 Thompson Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1215911045 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1558518381 LaGesse, Philip C, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Physician Assistant North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Auxiliar médico Coos Bay, OR 97420 Stappler, Alice R, PA-C+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1326022997 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Moore, Mary L, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 BAY CLINIC NPI:1831410455 1750 Thompson Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Coquille NPI:1164432522 Family Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Medicina familiar Murphy, Angelique H, MD+ + B Gender/Sexo: Female Millett, Brock W, MD Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coquille Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 790 East 5th Street NPI:1518105105 Coquille, OR 97423 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-396-7295 NPI:1265758973 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

22 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Glide Nurse Practitioner Family Medicine Family Medicine Enfermero(a) practicante Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Cramer, Paula , FNP* Lion, Rio M, DO+ B Seeley, Kody J, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Umpqua Community Health Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk Center In Clinic Guchc 20170 North Umpqua Highway 790 South Main Street 600 Ranch Road Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Reedsport, OR 97467 Glide, OR 97443 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 860-4070 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 NPI:1295998920 NPI:1346441680 NPI:1336520162 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Lion, Rio M, DO+ B Nurse Practitioner 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + B Enfermero(a) practicante Goff, Sara, FNP Dunes Family Health Care Gender/Sexo: Female , Bruce L, NP+ 620 Ranch Road Gender/Sexo: Male Myrtle Creek Clinic Reedsport, OR 97467 790 South Main Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 Guchc Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 NPI:1346441680 20170 North Umpqua Highway Phone/Teléfono: 541-860-4070 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 Glide, OR 97443 NPI:1295230605 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-496-3504 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Miller, Felisha A, NP+ NPI:1801144472 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Reedsport Family Medicine *Do Not Use* Reedsport Myrtle Creek Medical Clinic Family Medicine Medicina familiar 385 Ranch Road + B Medicina familiar Casey, Stephanie R, MD Reedsport, OR 97467 * Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 Cramer, Paula J, FNP NPI:1588061048 Dunes Family Health Care Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 620 Ranch Road Umpqua Community Health Sargent, Jason R, MD+ B Reedsport, OR 97467 Center Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 790 South Main Street NPI:1023399367 Dunes Family Health Care Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 620 Ranch Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 860-4070 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Reedsport, OR 97467 NPI:1295998920 Harris, E, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1972869832 06:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 Dunes Family Health Care 05:00 PM PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM 620 Ranch Road Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 NPI:1265464325 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

23 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Medicina familiar Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Shank, Audrey C, MD+ Miller, Felisha A, NP+ Larsen, Tisha Marie, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk *Do Not Use* Reedsport Umpqua Community Health In Clinic Medical Clinic Center Inc 600 Ranch Road 385 Ranch Road 150 Kenneth Ford Drive Reedsport, OR 97467 Reedsport, OR 97467 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-6309 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 NPI:1912201062 NPI:1588061048 NPI:1578954855 Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Other Language(s):French Roseburg Stevens, Kimberlly J, NP Shank, Audrey C, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female Umpqua Community Health *Do Not Use* Reedsport Medicina familiar Center Inc Medical Clinic Beery, Heidi M, MD+ B 150 Kenneth Ford Drive 385 Ranch Road Gender/Sexo: Female Roseburg, OR 97470 Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 Umpqua Community Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 NPI:1851828511 Center Inc NPI:1912201062 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 150 Kenneth Ford Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97470 Sutherlin Other Language(s):French Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 Family Medicine Internal Medicine NPI:1164627667 Medicina familiar Medicina interna Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B + Nurse Practitioner Seeley, Kody J, DO Ford, Christina M, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Enfermero(a) practicante Umpqua Community Health + B *Do Not Use* Reedsport Goff, Sara, FNP Center Sutherlin Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female 123 Ponderosa Drive 385 Ranch Road Umpqua Community Health Sutherlin, OR 97479 Reedsport, OR 97467 Center Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-459-3788 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 150 Kenneth Ford Drive NPI:1336520162 NPI:1528057593 Roseburg, OR 97470 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 NPI:1295230605 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

24 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Douglas Douglas Lane Physician Assistant Nurse Practitioner Blue River Auxiliar médico Enfermero(a) practicante Nurse Practitioner Kulacz, Anna, PA-C+ Dean, Marcy E, FNP+ CT,B Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Cloke, Tia Michelle, DNP+ Umpqua CHC Sutherlin South River Community Health Gender/Sexo: Female 123 Ponderosa Drive Center McKenzie River Clinic Sutherlin, OR 97479 671 Southwest Main Street 51730 Dexter Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-459-3788 Winston, OR 97496 Blue River, OR 97413 NPI:1528436656 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-822-3341 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1265983431 NPI:1760821698 Winston Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Family Medicine + CT,B Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Meyer, Skyler S, FNP ME) Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Male Cottage Grove Choate, Laurance W, MD+ South River Community Health Gender/Sexo: Male Center Family Medicine 671 Southwest Main Street South River Community Health Medicina familiar Winston, OR 97496 Center + CT,B Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Gabriele, Mary E, MD 671 Southwest Main Street NPI:1952673709 Gender/Sexo: Female Winston, OR 97496 Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 Mary Gabriele, MD, LLC Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM 502 East Whiteaker Avenue NPI:1598737033 Josephine Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-649-1450 Internal Medicine Grants Pass NPI:1912120114 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - Medicina interna Nurse Practitioner + B 05:00 PM Lundy, Theresa M, MD Enfermero(a) practicante Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Gender/Sexo: Female Dressel, Sarah M, NP+ ME) + CT South River Community Health Gender/Sexo: Female Johnson, Ben D, PA Center Gender/Sexo: Male 671 Southwest Main Street Avalon Health Care Group 2075 NW Highland Avenue Cottage Grove Medical Clinic Winston, OR 97496 1445 Gateway Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 476-8891 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NPI:1578654661 Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1538100847 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1720152465 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

25 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Pediatrics Creswell Medicina interna Pediatría Family Medicine Callahan, Elaine H, MD+ CT,B Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Female Armitage, Damon B, MD+ CT,B Cottage Grove Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male 1445 Gateway Boulevard Camas Swale Medical Cottage Grove, OR 97424 170 Melton Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 Creswell, OR 97426 NPI:1366498396 Phone/Teléfono: 541-658-5301 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1225176191 Physician Assistant Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Auxiliar médico Other Language(s):Spanish + CT Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Johnson, Ben D, PA P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Cottage Grove Medical Clinic 1445 Gateway Boulevard Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Nurse Practitioner Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 NPI:1720152465 Enfermero(a) practicante Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Roco, Martin R, FNP+ CT PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sun Cottage Grove Medical Clinic 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM + CT 1445 Gateway Boulevard Vogel, William L, PA Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 Cottage Grove Medical Clinic NPI:1255683140 1445 Gateway Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Schneider, Devon E, FNP+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1932281656 Cottage Grove Medical Clinic [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM 1445 Gateway Boulevard - 07:00 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - Cottage Grove, OR 97424 08:00 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM NPI:1891070207 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

26 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Family Medicine Family Medicine Auxiliar médico Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Glenn, Kim, PA+ Ames, Stephan Anthony, MD+ Brandt, Gary E, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female B Gender/Sexo: Male Camas Swale Medical Gender/Sexo: Male Northside Medical Clinic 170 Melton Road Oak Street Medical 3915 River Road Creswell, OR 97426 1445 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-658-5301 Suite 1 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 NPI:1891972568 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1871571703 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1437109154 Brandt, Gary E, MD+ B P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + B Eugene Balsom, William, MD White Bird Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male Adolescent Medicine 1400 Mill Street Westmoreland Family Medicine Eugene, OR 97401 Medicina de adolescentes 1650 Chambers Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4800 Sage, Joseph L, MD+ Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1871571703 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Brown, Kristina A, DO+ B West Eugene Medical Clinic NPI:1427028448 Gender/Sexo: Female 4135 Quest Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Community Health Center-Delta Eugene, OR 97402 + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Bohrman, Jenny, DO Oaks Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1477583722 1022 Green Acres Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Oak Street Medical North Eugene, OR 97408 Family Medicine Building Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 1426 Oak Street NPI:1992104418 Medicina familiar Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Alloway, Brittany A, DO+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1750778833 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Brus, William, MD+ B South Hilyard Clinic Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male 3525 Hilyard Street Bolanos-McClain, Maria C, Eugene, OR 97405 Crescent Medical Clinic DO+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 2830 Crescent Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1386037240 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Community Health Ctr - Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Charnelton NPI:1427007632 R,ASL,ME) 151 West 7th Avenue Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Website/Sitio web: Suite 100 http://www.southhilyard.com Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1801949417 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

27 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Buchanan, Patricia P, MD+ Danziger, Amanda M, PA+ Erde, Alison J, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female River Road Medical Group Garden Way Medical Clinic Prevention Plus Clinic 890 River Road 330 South Garden Way 3225 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97404 Suite 350 Suite 1 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 NPI:1487768859 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1865 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - NPI:1831643105 NPI:1760434385 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Dear, Janet K, MD+ B 05:00 PM, Tue 08:00 AM - Copperman, Terry, MD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female 02:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 12:00 Gender/Sexo: Male Crescent Medical Clinic PM South Hilyard Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 3525 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97408 P,R) Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Feldhoff, Wendy Michelle, + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 NPI:1306943196 MD NPI:1326065251 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Edsall, Jean A, MD+ B White Bird Clinic Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female 1400 Mill Street R,ASL,ME) SouthTowne Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: 1835 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4800 http://www.southhilyard.com Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1548497894 + CT,B Cordes, Kathleen K, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1073591574 Fiacco, Regina M, PA Wild Rose Medical Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female 401 East 10th Avenue Other Language(s):Spanish River Road Medical Group Suite 250 Emory, Sylvia A, MD+ 890 River Road Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-4153 Westmoreland Family Medicine Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 NPI:1265612329 1650 Chambers Street NPI:1518934751 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) + B Special Training NPI:1881664803 Garfinkel, Michael E, MD Treating:Substance Abuse Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + B Curtin, Paul G, MD Westmoreland Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Male 1650 Chambers Street Crescent Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97402 2830 Crescent Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1659341626 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1760452817 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

28 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Griffin, Galen R, MD+ B Jones, Brian G, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Northside Medical Clinic Crescent Medical Clinic 3915 River Road 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 NPI:1184604621 NPI:1679543730 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Hacker, Gail J, MD+ B Kaplan, Michelle L, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Oak Street Medical Center-Brookside 1445 Willamette Street 1680 Chambers Street Suite 1 Suite 103 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1396797916 NPI:1235252248 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Jeffrey, Douglas P, MD* B Kimball, Diane M, FNP+ P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female + B Hamburger, Sara F, PA Prime Care Partners Coburg SouthTowne Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female 1800 Coburg Road 1835 Pearl Street West Eugene Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 4135 Quest Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8760 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1174592117 NPI:1083603575 Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1437306628 Johnson, Scott H, MD+ B Knowlton, David A, MD* CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male + B Hardwick, Tracy E, MD SouthTowne Medical Clinic McKenzie Family Practice Gender/Sexo: Female 1835 Pearl Street 1755 Coburg Road Northside Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 301 3915 River Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 NPI:1093785149 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8225 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1902975741 NPI:1659380566 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R)

29 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Lawler, Elisabeth N, MD+ B Lintz, Jan K, PA+ CT Mackay, Donald Q, DO+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Crescent Medical Clinic South Hilyard Clinic Garden Way Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue 3525 Hilyard Street 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97405 Suite 350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1457616039 NPI:1881621381 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1447487178 LeBow, John R, DO+ CT,B Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Male R,ASL,ME) Other Language(s):Vietnamese + B McKenzie Family Practice Special Training Maloney, Nancy Jane, MD 1755 Coburg Road Treating:Substance Abuse, Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 301 Chronic Illness, Co-Occurring Crescent Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 Disorders 2830 Crescent Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8225 Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1003985029 http://www.southhilyard.com Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 + B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Loeb, Mary Ann, MD NPI:1083705479 Sat 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Kaiser Medical Clinic McGhan, Logan James, MD+ B Leasure, Michael P, MD+ 100 West 13th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Westmoreland Family Medicine Community Health Center-Delta Phone/Teléfono: 800-813-2000 1650 Chambers Street Oaks NPI:1982663001 Eugene, OR 97402 1022 Green Acres Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Eugene, OR 97408 Luce, Serena A, PA NPI:1689965204 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700144524 Chase Gardens North Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 330 South Garden Way McMahon Paulus, Maureen P, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Suite 270 PA B P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female + B Lefford, Jotham J, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Chase Gardens North Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1821067489 330 South Garden Way Community Health Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Suite 270 + Center-Brookside Mackay, Donald Q, DO Eugene, OR 97401 1680 Chambers Street Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4211 Suite 103 Crescent Medical Clinic NPI:1003249905 Eugene, OR 97402 2830 Crescent Avenue Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1447227186 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1447487178 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM P,R) Other Language(s):Vietnamese

30 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Miller, Jillian M, PA+ CT Mueller, Mark R, MD+ B Perez-Gil, Harold, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Ctr for Family Development Community Health Northside Medical Clinic Wellness Center-Brookside 3915 River Road 1501 Pearl Street 1680 Chambers Street Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 103 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1265641393 NPI:1154641538 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1497017354 Other Language(s):Spanish Moeller, Lisa A, PA-C+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pollack, Bonita C, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female SouthTowne Medical Clinic P,R) SouthTowne Medical Clinic + B 1835 Pearl Street Nguyen, David, MD 1835 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 West Eugene Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 NPI:1881674323 4135 Quest Drive NPI:1891765962 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mohr, Arwen, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Reese, Randy, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1518162668 Gender/Sexo: Male Kaiser Medical Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Reese Family Practice PC + B 100 West 13th Avenue Nguyen, David, MD 1755 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 602 Phone/Teléfono: 800-813-2000 White Bird Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1740311885 1400 Mill Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-225-3959 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1568488583 Moore, Beth M, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4800 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1518162668 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Westmoreland Family Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 01:00 PM + 1650 Chambers Street Olson, Sagen M, PA Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97402 Gender/Sexo: Female https://reesefamilypractice.com + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 River Road Medical Group Rizvi, Gulrukh, MD NPI:1437129426 890 River Road Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97404 White Bird Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 341 E 12th Avenue NPI:1376884304 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1568658193 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

31 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Russell, Joseph M, PA+ Steyer, Judith Emily, MD+ Tedesco, Kerry R, DO+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Crescent Medical Clinic Oak Street Medical North West Eugene Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Building 4135 Quest Drive Eugene, OR 97408 1426 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-2172 NPI:1730424805 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 NPI:1417189333 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM NPI:1427047539 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Sanders, Amandajo, DO+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tee, Desmond A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male + B SouthTowne Medical Clinic Stiedemann, Laurel B, PA SouthTowne Medical Clinic 1835 Pearl Street Gender/Sexo: Female 1835 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 Adult Medicine Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 920 Country Club Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 NPI:1932462686 Suite 200A NPI:1174834832 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Satterthwaite-Phillips, Abner, Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-2134 Vanlue, Lea D, PA+ MD+ B NPI:1891036901 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Northside Medical Clinic + Crescent Medical Clinic Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA 3915 River Road 2830 Crescent Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97408 Crescent Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: (541) 688-9140 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 2830 Crescent Avenue NPI:1619125341 NPI:1386908044 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C+ NPI:1336394949 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Garden Way Medical Clinic + B Taube, Michelle J, MD 330 South Garden Way Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 350 Crescent Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 2830 Crescent Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1407951668 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1407834336 Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C+ Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Crescent Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 NPI:1407951668 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

32 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Gerontology, Nurse Practitioner Internal Medicine + Medicina familiar Green, Kemble L, NP Medicina interna Gender/Sexo: Female Wen, Audrey C, MD+ B Casburn, Andrew, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female Avalon Health Care-Rose Haven Gender/Sexo: Male LLC Community Health Chase Gardens North 1735 Adkins Street Center-Brookside 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 1680 Chambers Street Suite 270 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5032 Suite 103 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1205292703 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 242-4211 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1740774231 NPI:1366640351 Internal Medicine Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM + B [Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM Medicina interna Chance, Stacy R, MD - 05:00 PM, Tue 08:00 AM - Gender/Sexo: Male Allcott, John V, MD+ B 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Garden Way Medical Clinic Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 330 South Garden Way Applegate Medical Associates P,R) Suite 350 689 East 19th Avenue General Practice Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Práctica general Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-1876 NPI:1356399190 + NPI:1871658153 Alloway, Brittany A, DO Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Gender/Sexo: Female Davenport, Derek J, MD+ B PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM South Hilyard Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 3525 Hilyard Street P,R) West Eugene Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97405 Website/Sitio web: 4135 Quest Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 http://www.applegatemedical.co Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1386037240 m Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-2195 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Boyd, Cheryl Joy, MD+ B NPI:1346484581 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM R,ASL,ME) Other Language(s):Spanish Kaiser Medical Clinic Website/Sitio web: Flynn, Sharon H, MD+ B 100 West 13th Avenue http://www.southhilyard.com Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Geriatric Medicine Phone/Teléfono: 503-813-2000 Westmoreland Family Medicine Medicina geriátrica NPI:1528135332 1650 Chambers Street Eugene, OR 97402 Harburg, Thomas D, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Gender/Sexo: Male Carden, Priya, MD Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1184694812 Kaiser Medical Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 100 West 13th Avenue White Bird Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 1400 Mill Street Phone/Teléfono: 800-813-2000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1659384022 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4800 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1043278468 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

33 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Medicina interna Medicina interna Medicina interna Ford, John R, MD B Jacobson, Kirk D, MD+ B Lohff-Phillips, Jessica C, DO+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male B Chase Gardens North Oak Street Medical North Gender/Sexo: Female 330 South Garden Way Building Oak Street Medical North Suite 270 1426 Oak Street Building Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1426 Oak Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4211 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1396749859 NPI:1093707366 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1760619506 Gilliland, Kathryn G, MD B Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Kuhfahl, Petra, MD+ B Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) + B Westmoreland Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female Maxwell, Kathryn Lee, DO 1650 Chambers Street Garden Way Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97402 330 South Garden Way Oak Street Medical North Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Suite 350 Building NPI:1861479123 Eugene, OR 97401 1426 Oak Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Eugene, OR 97401 Gordon, Leah Macke, MD+ B NPI:1184719684 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1972827913 Community Health Ctr - Other Language(s):German, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Charnelton French Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) + + B 151 West 7th Avenue Kwong, Ronald W, DO Miller, Shadi I, MD Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 West Eugene Medical Clinic Garden Way Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 4135 Quest Drive 330 South Garden Way NPI:1679849640 Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 350 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-2172 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1609129022 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1346228830 Jackson, Kathleen A, MD+ B LaBonte, Laura E, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Mossberg, Jane E, MD+ B Oak Street Medical Garden Way Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female 1445 Willamette Street 330 South Garden Way Oak Street Medical North Suite 1 Suite 350 Building Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1426 Oak Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1548236029 NPI:1497168991 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1568573053 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R)

34 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Naturopath Naturopath Medicina interna Naturópata Naturópata Saxman, Karl A, MD+ B Bingham, Nathaniel James, Guggino, Stacey, ND Gender/Sexo: Male ND+ Gender/Sexo: Female Westmoreland Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Integrated Health 1650 Chambers Street Alive Intergrative Medicine 1029 River Road Eugene, OR 97402 1902 Jefferson Street Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Suite 1 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 NPI:1174501001 Eugene, OR 97405 NPI:1982902425 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3079 Hermes, James F, ND+ Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1528495603 Gender/Sexo: Male + B Schwarz, Edward R, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Integrated Health + Gender/Sexo: Male Borg, Adrienne M, ND 1029 River Road Westmoreland Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97404 1650 Chambers Street Adrienne M Borg ND Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Eugene, OR 97402 74 East 18th Avenue NPI:1275662785 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Suite 12 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700864634 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3330 ME) Wilkins, William E, MD+ NPI:1205913431 LaPoint, Kyle, ND+ Gender/Sexo: Male [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - Gender/Sexo: Male Garden Way Medical Clinic 05:00 PM, Thu 09:00 AM - Oregon Integrated Health 330 South Garden Way 12:00 PM 1029 River Road Suite 350 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 R) Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 # Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-6816 Esteves, Vanessa P, ND NPI:1073098315 NPI:1023085503 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Integrated Health Mele, A Brielle, ND+ Zheng, Shugi, MD B 1029 River Road Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97404 Alive Intergrative Medicine Chase Gardens North Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 1902 Jefferson Street 330 South Garden Way NPI:1346473733 Suite 1 Suite 270 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3079 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3400 ME) NPI:1245667203 + NPI:1578714861 Fitzpatrick, Kelly M, ND Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Kelly Fitzpatrick 1695 Jefferson Street Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-9658 NPI:1326170762 Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

35 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Naturopath Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Naturópata Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Murison, Andrew, ND+ Axline, Briana M, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Integrated Health Community Health Center-Delta 1029 River Road Oaks Eugene, OR 97404 1022 Green Acres Road Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1295044691 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1942474283 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM ME) Other Language(s):Spanish Walter, Timothy W, ND+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male P,R) Criser, Jessica L, FNP+ + B Community Health Ctr - Barlow, Miranda, NP Gender/Sexo: Female Charnelton Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health 151 West 7th Avenue Prime Care Partners Coburg Center-Brookside Suite 100 1800 Coburg Road 1680 Chambers Street Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 103 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-3233 Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1962737320 NPI:1588042030 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548630312 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Burfine, Teresa A, MSN+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, + Wilson, Stephanie P, ND Oregon Integrated Health P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female 1029 River Road Dooley, Anna Tybel, APRN Northwest Naturopathic Medical Eugene, OR 97404 Gender/Sexo: Female Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Chase Gardens North 1755 Coburg Road NPI:1972991511 330 South Garden Way UNIT 502 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 270 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-9357 ME) Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3400 NPI:1881792851 Carboy, Jade, NP+ NPI:1265710537 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 09:30 AM - Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM 05:30 PM River Road Medical Group 890 River Road Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 NPI:1891286944 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R)

36 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Douglas, Carma Jb, NP# Green, Kemble L, NP+ Hoefener, Barbara E, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Healing Spirit Integrative Health Avalon Health Care-Rose Haven Applegate Medical Associates Center LLC 689 East 19th Avenue 1355 Oak Street 1735 Adkins Street Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-1876 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5032 NPI:1437396033 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1125 NPI:1205292703 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 NPI:1699093450 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:30 AM - Hamilton, Megan L, FNP+ CT Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, South Hilyard Clinic Website/Sitio web: P,R) 3525 Hilyard Street http://www.applegatemedical.co + B Eden, Audrey, MSN Eugene, OR 97405 m + Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 Hounsel, Wendy, NP South Hilyard Clinic NPI:1912075060 Gender/Sexo: Female 3525 Hilyard Street Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM McKenzie Family Practice Eugene, OR 97405 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, 1755 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 R,ASL,ME) Suite 301 NPI:1609247972 Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97401 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:30 AM - http://www.southhilyard.com Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8225 05:00 PM Heap, Lisa, FNP+ NPI:1376009282 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female [Mon, Fri] 07:00 AM - 07:00 R,ASL,ME) Westmoreland Family Medicine PM, Tue-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Website/Sitio web: 1650 Chambers Street PM http://www.southhilyard.com Eugene, OR 97402 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) + + Goracke Olguin, Betty, NP Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-1916 Howard, Becky J, NP Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1932640331 Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Valley Cancer Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Crescent Medical Clinic Institute 2830 Crescent Avenue 520 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 NPI:1629067756 NPI:1710473541 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R)

37 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Johnston, Vanessa, FNP+ Lam, Mee Wai, FNP+ B Marichal, Gabriela, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Praxis Medical Group McKenzie Family Practice Willamette Family Inc 2401 River Road 1755 Coburg Road 687 Cheshire Avenue Suite 101 Suite 301 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4325 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8225 NPI:1639677974 NPI:1639647449 NPI:1275960916 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Merrick, Jeannie M, NP+ Kantt, Florencia D, CPNP+ Lam, Mee Wai, FNP+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Oak Street Medical North Community Health Ctr - Oregon Integrated Health Building Charnelton 1029 River Road 1426 Oak Street 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1275960916 NPI:1346272895 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1821427386 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nance, Alison M, NP+ B Other Language(s):French, Gender/Sexo: Female Spanish Community Health Center-Delta Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Oaks P,R) 1022 Green Acres Road + Kimball, Diane M, FNP Eugene, OR 97408 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 SouthTowne Medical Clinic Lutz, JoAnne E, NP+ CT NPI:1639400997 1835 Pearl Street Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Healing Spirit Integrative Health Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Center P,R) + NPI:1083603575 1355 Oak Street Ormond, Bonna R, FNP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Female Kucey, Randa, NP Eugene, OR 97401 Avalon Health Care-Rose Haven Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1125 LLC Oregon Integrated Health NPI:1750351813 1735 Adkins Street 1029 River Road Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5032 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 P,R) NPI:1093138539 NPI:1871905620 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

38 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Pediatrics Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Pediatría Roberts, Jason Davidson, Wallace, Kristi J, NP+ B ARNP+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Essential Medical Community Health Center-Delta 74 East 18th Avenue Oaks Suite 5 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2248 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1851609945 NPI:1306199625 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 09:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 04:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Special Training P,R) Treating:Substance Abuse, Scadlock, Nathan W, NP+ Chronic Illness Gender/Sexo: Male Yaver, Jodi B, ARNP+ CT Westmoreland Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female 1650 Chambers Street Community Health Center-Delta Eugene, OR 97402 Oaks Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 1022 Green Acres Road NPI:1235571936 Eugene, OR 97408 Bennett, Alysha, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female * Schoonover, Katherine J, FNP NPI:1558565028 Eugene Pediatric Associates Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 995 Willagillespie Road Prime Care Partners Williamette Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Suite 100 2710 Willamette Street P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Obstetrics & Gynecology Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-7317 NPI:1902217748 Obstetricia y ginecología NPI:1811205248 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Leasure, Michael P, MD Swanson, Jodi L, RN+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Center-Delta Northside Medical Clinic Oaks 3915 River Road 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1760764658 NPI:1700144524 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

39 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatría Pediatría Pediatría Bradshaw, Pilar A, MD+ B Chance, Stacy R, MD+ B Davenport, Derek J, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene Pediatric Associates Garden Way Medical Clinic West Eugene Medical Clinic 995 Willagillespie Road 330 South Garden Way 4135 Quest Drive Suite 100 Suite 350 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-2195 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 NPI:1346484581 NPI:1659343341 NPI:1356399190 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Braun, Loranee, MD+ B Colgrove, Eric E, MD+ B Diehl, Michael A, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene Pediatric Associates Westmoreland Family Medicine Westmoreland Family Medicine 995 Willagillespie Road 1650 Chambers Street 1650 Chambers Street Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 NPI:1881674869 NPI:1508836503 NPI:1215029566 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Crispen, Charles R, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Center-Delta Oaks 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1750365409 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Castaneda, Elianne, MD+ , Emily D, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - Eugene Pediatric Associates Charnelton 995 Willagillespie Road 151 West 7th Avenue Suite 100 Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1235133737 NPI:1073993697 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Italian P,R)

40 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatría Pediatría Pediatría

Geisler, Anita A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Crescent Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Lash, Craig A, MD+ B NPI:1588634323 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Crescent Medical Clinic + CT 2830 Crescent Avenue Miller, David S, MD Eugene, OR 97408 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Community Health Center-Delta NPI:1235128471 Oaks Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM 1022 Green Acres Road Lohff-Phillips, Jessica C, DO+ Eugene, OR 97408 B Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1114918067 Oak Street Medical North Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Building Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 1426 Oak Street P,R) + Eugene, OR 97401 Newman, Ross, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1760619506 Eugene Pediatric Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 995 Willagillespie Road Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 NPI:1174918197 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

41 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatría Pediatría Pediatría Ortiz, Karen, MD+ B Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, Gender/Sexo: Female MD+ CT,B Eugene Pediatric Associates Gender/Sexo: Female 995 Willagillespie Road Eugene Pediatric Associates Suite 100 995 Willagillespie Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1225006091 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770643066 Schmitt, Edward J, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish Community Health Ctr - Special Training Charnelton Treating:Substance Abuse, 151 West 7th Avenue Chronic Illness Suite 100 + Sage, Joseph L, MD Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 West Eugene Medical Clinic NPI:1609826221 4135 Quest Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 P,R) NPI:1477583722 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Sanderson, Laura R, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Crescent Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 NPI:1972581593 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

42 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics, Nurse Practitioner + Pediatría Pediatría Kantt, Florencia D, CPNP Gender/Sexo: Female Wilkins, William E, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Ctr - Charnelton Garden Way Medical Clinic 151 West 7th Avenue 330 South Garden Way Suite 100 Suite 350 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-6816 NPI:1821427386 NPI:1023085503 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):French, Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Pediatrics: Pediatric Infectious Diseases Pediatría: Enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas Braun, Loranee, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene Pediatric Associates 995 Willagillespie Road Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 NPI:1215029566 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Weiner, Karen, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Crescent Medical Clinic 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 NPI:1114997111 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

43 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Best, Keith M, PA+ B Danziger, Amanda M, PA+ Hamburger, Sara F, PA+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Oak Street Medical North Garden Way Medical Clinic West Eugene Medical Clinic Building 330 South Garden Way 4135 Quest Drive 1426 Oak Street Suite 350 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 NPI:1437306628 NPI:1336514611 NPI:1831643105 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Lintz, Jan K, PA+ CT Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Fiacco, Regina M, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Female + Casburn, Andrew, PA-C Gender/Sexo: Female South Hilyard Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male River Road Medical Group 3525 Hilyard Street Chase Gardens North 890 River Road Eugene, OR 97405 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8581 Suite 270 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 NPI:1881621381 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1518934751 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 242-4211 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, NPI:1740774231 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) R,ASL,ME) Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Fisher, Tom C, PA+ Special Training Collings, Lisette F, PA# Gender/Sexo: Male Treating:Substance Abuse, Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - Chronic Illness, Co-Occurring Crescent Medical Clinic Charnelton Disorders 2830 Crescent Avenue 151 West 7th Avenue Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 100 http://www.southhilyard.com Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Eugene, OR 97401 Luce, Serena A, PA NPI:1619405305 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1659723120 Chase Gardens North Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 330 South Garden Way Curry, Nelya Drofyak, PA# Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Suite 270 Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 + CT SouthTowne Medical Clinic Hakala, Christine M, PA Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 1835 Pearl Street Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1821067489 Eugene, OR 97401 Prime Care Partners Coburg Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 1800 Coburg Road NPI:1174875934 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-3233 NPI:1467565408 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

44 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico McMahon Paulus, Maureen P, Moeller, Lisa A, PA-C+ Renna, Jeffrey C, PA+ PA B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female SouthTowne Medical Clinic Silver Falls Dermatology PC Chase Gardens North 1835 Pearl Street 920 Country Club Road 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 140A Suite 270 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1881674323 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4211 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1447432190 NPI:1003249905 O'Hala, Joseph D, PA-C+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish + + McWilliams, Morio C, PA Northside Medical Clinic Russell, Joseph M, PA Gender/Sexo: Male 3915 River Road Gender/Sexo: Male Equinox Clinics LLC Eugene, OR 97404 Crescent Medical Clinic 604 Murin Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 688-9140 2830 Crescent Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1306346804 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-316-7235 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 NPI:1316242399 Olson, Sagen M, PA+ NPI:1730424805 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM + + Meisel, Harry, PA River Road Medical Group Russell, Kelly H, PA Gender/Sexo: Male 890 River Road Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene Pediatric Associates Eugene, OR 97404 SouthTowne Medical Clinic 995 Willagillespie Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 1835 Pearl Street Suite 100 NPI:1376884304 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-4900 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1346591898 NPI:1831250141 Reen, Marissa Anne, PA-C+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Schneider, Rebecca, PA+ + CT Miller, Jillian M, PA Pain Specialists of Oregon Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 360 S Garden Way Eugene Urgent Care Coburg Ctr for Family Development Suite 290 1800 Coburg Road Wellness Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1501 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1807 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8760 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1346617792 NPI:1659849313 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM NPI:1154641538 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL,ME)

45 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Sloanes, Chelsea J, PA* Vanlue, Lea D, PA+ Wright, Jessica Katherine, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Prime Care Partners Coburg Northside Medical Clinic Garden Way Medical Clinic 1800 Coburg Road 3915 River Road 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Suite 350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-3233 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 688-9140 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1437486677 NPI:1619125341 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1356841233 Stiedemann, Laurel B, PA+ B Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C+ Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Preventative Medicine: Public Adult Medicine Garden Way Medical Clinic Health & General Preventative 920 Country Club Road 330 South Garden Way Medicine NBC Suite 200A Suite 350 Perez-Guzman, Lisandra, MD+ Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-2134 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-6816 Community Health Ctr - NPI:1891036901 NPI:1407951668 Charnelton Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM 151 West 7th Avenue Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA+ Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C+ Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Crescent Medical Clinic Crescent Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 2830 Crescent Avenue 2830 Crescent Avenue NPI:1063738870 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1336394949 NPI:1407951668 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM P,R) Valenzuela, Eduardo R, PA+ Worthington, Skyler S, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Oak Street Medical North River Road Medical Group Building 890 River Road 1426 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-0674 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 NPI:1992091722 NPI:1760420376 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R)

46 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Womens Health, Nurse Family Medicine Family Medicine Practitioner Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Dooley, Anna Tybel, APRN Rowley, Mildred H, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Chase Gardens North Nova Primary Care 330 South Garden Way 4480 Highway 101 North Suite 270 Florence, OR 97439 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-1789 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3400 NPI:1003874199 NPI:1265710537 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Internal Medicine Florence Family Medicine Medicina interna Medicina familiar

Naturopath Naturópata Esteves, Vanessa P, ND+ Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Integrated Health 1441 Suite B Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 NPI:1346473733 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

47 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Naturopath Nurse Practitioner Naturópata Enfermero(a) practicante Guggino, Stacey, ND Kucey, Randa, NP Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Integrated Health Oregon Integrated Health 1441 7th Street 1441 7th Street Suite B Suite B Florence, OR 97439 Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 NPI:1982902425 NPI:1871905620 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Maxwell, Ryan G, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Integrated Health 1441 7th Street Suite B Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 NPI:1316352651 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

48 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Junction City Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Family Medicine Enfermero(a) practicante Auxiliar médico Medicina familiar Voegeli, Cynthia R, NP+ Viner, Trina J, PA+ Bailey, Douglas D, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Junction City Medical Clinic Junction City Medical Clinic 355 West 3rd Avenue 355 West 3rd Avenue Junction City Medical Clinic 355 W 3rd Avenue Junction City, OR 97448 Junction City, OR 97448 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 Junction City, OR 97448 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 NPI:1073560009 NPI:1003195389 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1972669778 Tue 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Thu Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, ME) ME) 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Physician Assistant Oakridge Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Auxiliar médico Family Medicine ME) + Shaw, Matthew A, MD+ B Nicholson, Joshua Ryan, PA Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Murphy, Lynn Marie, MD+ CT,B Junction City Medical Clinic Junction City Medical Clinic 355 W 3rd Avenue 355 W 3rd Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Junction City, OR 97448 Junction City, OR 97448 Orchid Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 47815 Highway 58 NPI:1720553522 NPI:1952701518 Oakridge, OR 97463 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8304 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, NPI:1972633857 ME) ME) Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Pincock, Camille, PA+ B Stein, Howard M, DO* CT,B PM, Thu-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male PM Junction City Medical Clinic Junction City Medical Clinic Other Language(s):Spanish 355 W 3rd Avenue 355 W 3rd Avenue Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Junction City, OR 97448 Junction City, OR 97448 P,R) + CT,B Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6750 Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-6750 Ross, Charles S, DO NPI:1770649477 NPI:1710406012 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thu 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Orchid Health Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Other Language(s):Spanish 47815 Highway 58 ME) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Oakridge, OR 97463 ME) Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8304 NPI:1740275932 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Special Training Treating:Substance Abuse, Co-Occurring Disorders, HIV/AIDS, Chronic Illness

49 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Physician Assistant Springfield Medicina familiar Auxiliar médico Family Medicine Volpi II, Joseph, MD+ Tomasoski, Zachary P, PA-C+ Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Aikawa, Yumi, DO+ Orchid Health Five Rivers Family Practice Gender/Sexo: Female 47815 Highway 58 48134 Highway 58 Springfield Family Physicians Oakridge, OR 97463 Oakridge, OR 97463 2280 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8304 Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-4068 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1336589159 NPI:1417470469 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT NPI:1952797508 PM, Thu-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Weih, H Edwin, PA Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Five Rivers Family Practice R,ME) P,R) 48134 Highway 58 Ames, Stephan Anthony, MD+ Nurse Practitioner Oakridge, OR 97463 B Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-4068 Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1679636484 + CT Thurston Medical Clinic Boriskin, Mitchell I, FNP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male 147 South 52nd Place Pleasant Hill Springfield, OR 97478 Five Rivers Family Practice Family Medicine Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-1166 48134 Highway 58 NPI:1437109154 Oakridge, OR 97463 Medicina familiar Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-4068 Torguson, Lyle R, MD* B Accessibility:Limited(R) NPI:1376626655 Gender/Sexo: Male Beckwith, Jeffrey D, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish Pleasant Hill Urgent Care 35859 Highway 58 Springfield Family Physicians Physician Assistant Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 2280 Marcola Road Auxiliar médico Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-7240 Springfield, OR 97477 Myers, Joel P, PA-C+ CT NPI:1649248139 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215904024 Nurse Practitioner Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Orchid Health Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, 47815 Highway 58 Enfermero(a) practicante R,ME) Oakridge, OR 97463 Rice, Melissa, APRN+ Colmenero, Alejandro E, Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8304 Gender/Sexo: Female PA-C+ NPI:1073540969 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Pleasant Hill Urgent Care PM, Thu-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 35859 Highway 58 Timber Valley Medical Clinic, PM Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 PC Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: (541) 988-7240 21 Hayden Bridge Way P,R) NPI:1689151920 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1003340613 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

50 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Coulter, Caroline L, DO+ B Gee-Gott, Lana, MD+ B Kincade, Richard Gede, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield Family Physicians Springfield Family Physicians Community Health Ctr - 2280 Marcola Road 2280 Marcola Road RiverStone Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 2073 Olympic Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1104237361 NPI:1427006105 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1962479790 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ME) Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Davis, Henry H, MD+ B R,ME) P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Goodger, William P, MD+ B Meyers, Mark S, MD+ CT,B Community Health Ctr - Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male RiverStone Community Health Ctr - Springfield Family Physicians 2073 Olympic Street RiverStone 2280 Marcola Road Springfield, OR 97477 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1346216421 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1548237316 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1104833987 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Gage, Miriam E, MD+ B P,R) R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female Keister, Jason O, MD+ CT,B Moon, Jordan Edward, PA+ Community Health Ctr - Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male RiverStone Community Health Ctr - Centennial Clinic 2073 Olympic Street RiverStone 1800 Centennial Boulevard Springfield, OR 97477 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1053418723 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1770031221 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1073928438 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Other Language(s):Spanish R,ME) P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

51 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Pantangi, Vivekanand, MD+ B Purkaple, Becky, MD+ B Saunders, Emily, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - Springfield Family Physicians Springfield Family Physicians RiverStone 2280 Marcola Road 2280 Marcola Road 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1174979900 NPI:1356707525 NPI:1508123183 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Purkaple, Becky, MD* B Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female R,ME) * P,R) Centennial Clinic Saunders, Emily, PA-C + CT,B Paulson, Daniel K, MD 1800 Centennial Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Timber Valley Medical Clinic, Centennial Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 PC 1800 Centennial Boulevard NPI:1174979900 21 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-1226 NPI:1578530341 R,ME) NPI:1356707525 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Purkaple, Becky, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Gender/Sexo: Female Stover, Elizabeth L, MD+ B French Springfield Family Physicians Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, 2280 Marcola Road Springfield Family Physicians R,ME) Springfield, OR 97477 2280 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1174979900 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1093152738 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ME) Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Reveal, Rebecca , PA+ R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female Internal Medicine Valley Childrens Clinic * B Medicina interna Purkaple, Becky, MD 2000 North 19th Street + CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield, OR 97477 Gilchrist, Doherty B, MD Timber Valley Medical Clinic, Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-5437 Gender/Sexo: Female PC NPI:1205991916 Timber Valley Medical Clinic, 21 Hayden Bridge Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM PC Springfield, OR 97477 21 Hayden Bridge Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1174979900 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1518942093 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

52 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Medicina interna Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Jackson, Kathleen A, MD+ B Crownover, Mallory G, NP+ CT Nance, Alison M, NP+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Thurston Medical Clinic Thurston Medical Clinic Community Health Ctr - 147 South 52nd Place 147 South 52nd Place RiverStone Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 2073 Olympic Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-1166 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-1166 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1548236029 NPI:1700390721 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1639400997 Accessibility:Limited(R) Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Loeffler, Moxie Jean, DO+ CT,B Durrant, Jennifer L, FNP+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) + B Community Health Ctr - Springfield Family Physicians Ong, Yee, NP RiverStone 2280 Marcola Road Gender/Sexo: Female 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield Family Physicians Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 2280 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1871844506 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1497026272 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, NPI:1417477274 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, R,ME) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Dzata, Vivian E, PNP+ Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Nurse Practitioner Gender/Sexo: Female R,ME) + B Community Health Ctr - Ong, Yee, NP Enfermero(a) practicante RiverStone Gender/Sexo: Female Breckenridge, Stephanie J, 2073 Olympic Street Timber Valley Medical Clinic, + NP Springfield, OR 97477 PC Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 21 Hayden Bridge Way Community Health Ctr - NPI:1023245024 Springfield, OR 97477 RiverStone Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 2073 Olympic Street Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1417477274 Springfield, OR 97477 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Pediatrics NPI:1669950556 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pediatría Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

53 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatría Pediatría Pediatría

Carroll, Monique J, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Everett, Rolanda R, MD+ B + B McKenzie Pediatrics Gender/Sexo: Female Hokari, Naoko, MD 1442 South A Street Valley Childrens Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield, OR 97477 2000 North 19th Street McKenzie Pediatrics Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-4100 Springfield, OR 97477 1442 South A Street NPI:1366538811 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-5437 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1700856606 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-4100 Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1841306990 Crenwelge, Katherine E, MD+ Other Language(s):French Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Grenier, Catherine A, MD+ B Other Language(s):Japanese Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(R) + B Valley Childrens Clinic Community Health Ctr - Huffman, Todd A, MD 2000 North 19th Street RiverStone Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 2073 Olympic Street McKenzie Pediatrics Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-5437 Springfield, OR 97477 1442 South A Street NPI:1447477823 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1740396894 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-4100 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1124134275 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Other Language(s):French Hemsley, Gregory B, MD+ B Accessibility:Limited(R) Gender/Sexo: Male G Street Integrated Health 1435 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-514-5213 NPI:1487624391 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

54 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatría Pediatría Pediatría

Kinkel, Amy Nicole, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - RiverStone 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1538383526 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Young, Clayton W, MD+ B P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Valley Childrens Clinic 2000 North 19th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-5437 NPI:1215907050 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pediatrics, Nurse Practitioner Dzata, Vivian E, PNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Schmitt, Edward J, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Ctr - RiverStone Community Health Ctr - 2073 Olympic Street RiverStone Springfield, OR 97477 2073 Olympic Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1023245024 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1609826221 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

55 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics: Pediatric Infectious Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Diseases Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Pediatría: Enfermedades Karns, Meredith June, PA+ Reveal, Rebecca Collins, PA+ infecciosas pediátricas Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield Family Physicians Valley Childrens Clinic 2280 Marcola Road 2000 North 19th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-5437 NPI:1194196857 NPI:1205991916 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Saunders, Emily, PA-C+ R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female + Moon, Jordan Edward, PA Springfield Family Physicians Gender/Sexo: Male 2280 Marcola Road Physician Assistant Centennial Clinic Springfield, OR 97477 1800 Centennial Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Auxiliar médico Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1356707525 + Blundon, Karen A, PA Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1770031221 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Community Health Ctr - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ME) RiverStone Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Saunders, Emily, PA-C* 2073 Olympic Street R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female + Springfield, OR 97477 Noonan, Elena Noemi, PA Timber Valley Medical Clinic, Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female PC NPI:1447561899 Centennial Clinic 21 Hayden Bridge Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1800 Centennial Boulevard Springfield, OR 97477 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-1226 P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-8576 NPI:1356707525 Colmenero, Alejandro E, NPI:1174041396 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + PA-C Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sloanes, Chelsea J, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female Timber Valley Medical Clinic, R,ME) Nova Urgent Care + PC Noonan, Elena Noemi, PA 445 Harlow Road 21 Hayden Bridge Way Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Timber Valley Medical Clinic, Phone/Teléfono: 541-500-6949 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 PC NPI:1437486677 NPI:1003340613 21 Hayden Bridge Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1174041396 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

56 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Lane Lane Multnomah Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Family Medicine Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Medicina familiar Smith, Benjamin J, PA+ Zimmerman, Daniel J, PA+ B Alkire, Seth P, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield Family Physicians G Street Integrated Health Rosewood Family Health Center 2280 Marcola Road 1435 G Street 8935 Southeast Powell Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-514-5213 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1871954750 NPI:1598793036 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1942615869 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Multnomah Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, R,ME) Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Smith, Benjamin J, PA+ Portland Barrett, Christopher + Gender/Sexo: Male Endocrinology, Diabetes & Alexander, PA-C Centennial Clinic Metabolism Gender/Sexo: Male 1800 Centennial Boulevard Rosewood Family Health At Springfield, OR 97477 Endocrinología, diabetes y Lents Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-4300 metabolismo 9047 SE Road NPI:1871954750 Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD+ B Portland, OR 97266 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland NPI:1134432313 R,ME) 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Sokol, Brittney E, PA+ Portland, OR 97213 Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Barrett, Christopher + Springfield Family Physicians NPI:1013971837 Alexander, PA-C 2280 Marcola Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Rosewood Family Health Center Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Family Medicine 8935 Southeast Powell NPI:1588057293 Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Medicina familiar Portland, OR 97266 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Alkire, Seth P, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1134432313 Wells, Mark A, PA-C+ B Rosewood Family Health At Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male Lents Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Urology Institute 9047 SE Foster Road Other Language(s):Spanish 2400 Hartman Lane Portland, OR 97266 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1942615869 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1558344952 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

57 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Birchard, Brook E, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Male Rosewood Family Health At Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1558604611 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Chun, Denise M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1902995376 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Bodmer, Peter C, PA-C+ Chun, Denise M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female + Birchard, Brook E, PA-C Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health Center Gender/Sexo: Male Lents 8935 Southeast Powell Rosewood Family Health Center 9047 SE Foster Road Boulevard 8935 Southeast Powell Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1639570120 NPI:1902995376 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, NPI:1558604611 Other Language(s):Spanish Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 Bodmer, Peter C, PA-C+ Other Language(s):Spanish PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Male PM Rosewood Family Health Center Other Language(s):Spanish 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1639570120 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

58 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Crowfoot Lapham, A, Crum, Stephen P, PA-C+ ARNP+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health At Lents Lents 9047 SE Foster Road 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1194228551 NPI:1881129427 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM De La Cruz, J Salvador Diaz, Heather N, MD+ B Other Language(s):Spanish Yalung, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Crowfoot Lapham, Capella A, Gender/Sexo: Male Rosewood Family Health Center + B ARNP Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland 8935 Southeast Powell Gender/Sexo: Female 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Boulevard Rosewood Family Health Center Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97266 8935 Southeast Powell Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Boulevard NPI:1003174285 NPI:1255322269 Portland, OR 97266 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 08:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 PM, [Fri, Sun] 09:00 AM - 06:00 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1881129427 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 Delmar, Susan F, MD+ B Diaz, Heather N, MD+ B PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female PM Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health At Other Language(s):Spanish Lents Lents + Crum, Stephen P, PA-C 9047 SE Foster Road 9047 SE Foster Road Gender/Sexo: Male Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Rosewood Family Health Center Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 8935 Southeast Powell NPI:1114338498 NPI:1255322269 Boulevard Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97266 Delmar, Susan F, MD+ B Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Gender/Sexo: Female Drapiza, Leslie A, MD+ B NPI:1194228551 Rosewood Family Health Center Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, 8935 Southeast Powell Rosewood Family Health Center Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Boulevard 8935 Southeast Powell Portland, OR 97266 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1114338498 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, NPI:1992021745 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

59 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Drapiza, Leslie A, MD+ B Germann, Antonio M, MD+ B Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health At Lents Lents Lents 9047 SE Foster Road 9047 SE Foster Road 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1992021745 NPI:1235394107 NPI:1114494291 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):Spanish Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP+ Flemmer, Kristen E, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland 8935 Southeast Powell 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Boulevard Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1972522019 NPI:1114494291 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Heidrick, Kevin S, PA-C+ Holmes, Shelda R, FNP Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center HANDS ON MEDICINE 8935 Southeast Powell 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Boulevard Portland, OR 97217 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1316937949 NPI:1891884268 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Germann, Antonio M, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Jablin, Jennifer, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Other Language(s):Spanish Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland + 8935 Southeast Powell Heidrick, Kevin S, PA-C 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Male Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97266 Rosewood Family Health At Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Lents NPI:1972872646 NPI:1235394107 9047 SE Foster Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Portland, OR 97266 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1891884268 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

60 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Janini, Cole B, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Male Rosewood Family Health At Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1245612696 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Janini, Cole B, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Male Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1245612696 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Ochoa Sosa, Silvia, PA-C+ Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + Jeffrey, Daniel W, PA-C Rosewood Family Health Center Gender/Sexo: Male 8935 Southeast Powell Rosewood Family Health At Boulevard Lents Portland, OR 97266 9047 SE Foster Road Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1114220605 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, NPI:1467996553 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Jeffrey, Daniel W, PA-C+ Ochoa Sosa, Silvia, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health At 8935 Southeast Powell Lents Boulevard 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1467996553 NPI:1114220605 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

61 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Pandit, Roopa S, MD+ Ramsay, Molly B, ARNP+ Saavedra, Fiorella, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell Lents 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard 9047 SE Foster Road Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1043690993 NPI:1588075204 NPI:1073088191 Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 Other Language(s):Spanish Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM PM Saavedra, Fiorella, PA-C+ Pandit, Roopa S, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Rosewood Family Health At Lents Lents 9047 SE Foster Road 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1073088191 NPI:1043690993 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Rose, Matthew H, DO B Sabella, Alexandra L, PA-C+ Parekh, Amisha D, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rose City Medical Rosewood Family Health At PEARL HEALTH CENTER,PC 135 NE 102nd Avenue Lents 721 Northwest 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97220 9047 SE Foster Road Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97209 NPI:1013144740 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Phone/Teléfono: 503-525-0090 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770027526 NPI:1982900759 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Ramsay, Molly B, ARNP+ Sabella, Alexandra L, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1588075204 NPI:1770027526 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):Spanish

62 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Saulter, Ellen W, DNP+ Schlegel, Lisa M, ARNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Benchmark Clinic Of Integrative Rosewood Family Health Center Medicine Pc 8935 Southeast Powell 2456 Northwest Northrup Street Boulevard Suite 1A Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-223-7067 NPI:1053715326 NPI:1861785339 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Snyder, Katherine Am, MD+ Savage, Jeanne S, MD+ B Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + Gender/Sexo: Female Schlegel, Lisa M, ARNP Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health At Gender/Sexo: Female 8935 Southeast Powell Lents Rosewood Family Health At Boulevard 9047 SE Foster Road Lents Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 9047 SE Foster Road Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1952666166 NPI:1528157997 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1053715326 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Snyder, Katherine Am, MD+ Russian Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + B Savage, Jeanne S, MD Rosewood Family Health At Gender/Sexo: Female Lents Rosewood Family Health Center 9047 SE Foster Road 8935 Southeast Powell Portland, OR 97266 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1952666166 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1528157997 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Russian

63 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Stegeman-Olsen, Jenny L, Steiner, Erin E, ARNP+ MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1043668940 NPI:1760431464 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):Spanish Truxillo, Lauren E, PA-C+ Volchok, Sabine, MD+ B Stegeman-Olsen, Jenny L, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female + B MD Rosewood Family Health Center Rosewood Family Health Center Gender/Sexo: Female 8935 Southeast Powell 8935 Southeast Powell Rosewood Family Health At Boulevard Boulevard Lents Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97266 9047 SE Foster Road Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1093056053 NPI:1295986727 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, NPI:1760431464 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):German, Other Language(s):Spanish Truxillo, Lauren E, PA-C+ French, Spanish Steiner, Erin E, ARNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Volchok, Sabine, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health At Lents Rosewood Family Health At Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1093056053 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1043668940 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1295986727 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):German, French, Spanish

64 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Family Medicine Internal Medicine Naturopath Medicina familiar Medicina interna Naturópata Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD+ B Benson, Ashley, ND Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland Grain Integrative Health, LLC 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard 4246 Southeast Belmont Portland, OR 97213 Southeast Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Suite 5 NPI:1013971837 Portland, OR 97215 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 503-445-8114 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1699285270 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Del Alba, Lisa, ND Gender/Sexo: Female Pohala Clinic Pc 7477 Southeast 52nd Avenue Portland, OR 97206 Phone/Teléfono: 503-572-4196 NPI:1144303215 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hoagland, Jacob, DNP Tran, Thuyet V, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male + B Yale, Jerry D, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Grain Integrative Health, LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Golden Dawn Clinic 4246 Southeast Belmont Rosewood Family Health At 8035 Southeast Holgate Southeast Lents Boulevard Suite 5 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97206 Portland, OR 97215 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-788-6483 Phone/Teléfono: 503-445-8114 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1063626497 NPI:1912493388 NPI:1669586442 Mon-Sat: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Naturopath Kahn, Julie, ND Yale, Jerry D, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Naturópata Gender/Sexo: Male A Balanced Life Health Care Rosewood Family Health Center Baum, Lindsay, ND 2005 Southeast 8935 Southeast Powell Gender/Sexo: Female Boulevard Boulevard Grain Integrative Health, LLC Portland, OR 97214 Portland, OR 97266 4246 Southeast Belmont Phone/Teléfono: 503-236-4580 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Southeast NPI:1174564769 NPI:1669586442 Suite 5 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Portland, OR 97215 Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-445-8114 NPI:1598090078 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

65 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Naturopath Naturopath Nurse Practitioner Naturópata Naturópata Enfermero(a) practicante Kates-Chinoy, Sara, ND Saulter, Ellen W, DNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Grain Integrative Health, LLC Benchmark Clinic Of Integrative 4246 Southeast Belmont Medicine Pc Southeast 2456 Northwest Northrup Street Suite 5 Suite 1A Portland, OR 97215 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-445-8114 Phone/Teléfono: 503-223-7067 NPI:1972740140 NPI:1861785339 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bradley, Kimberly L, FNP B Kithil, Christina, ND Nurse Practitioner Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Rose City Medical Enfermero(a) practicante HANDS ON MEDICINE 135 NE 102nd Avenue 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Ault, Whitney Renee, NP Portland, OR 97220 Portland, OR 97217 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 HANDS ON MEDICINE NPI:1265939185 NPI:1881938868 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97217 McCarthy, Alicia, ND Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1649674961 A Balanced Life Health Care Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B 2005 Southeast Hawthorne Barber, Tina, NP Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97214 Rose City Urgent Care and Phone/Teléfono: 503-236-4580 Family Practice NPI:1952810541 6110 B North Lombard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97203 Cossette, Laura L, CRNP+ Meager-Benson, Aarin V, ND Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1023078367 Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland HANDS ON MEDICINE Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard B 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Blackwell, Danielle L, FNP Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97217 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (503) 305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Oregon City Medical (DBA) NPI:1952859456 NPI:1215102496 Gresham Family Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 800 SE 181st Avenue Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Portland, OR 97233 Phone/Teléfono: 503-489-9500 NPI:1366400293 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM Other Language(s):French, Spanish

66 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Kelsey, Kimberly A, NP Gender/Sexo: Female HANDS ON MEDICINE 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 NPI:1326399189 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Gibson, Nancy Marie, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female B Planned Parenthood Of the Helgert, Margaret M, FNP Columbia Willamette Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 3727 Northeast Martin Luther Rose City Medical King Jr Boulevard 135 NE 102nd Avenue Portland, OR 97212 Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 775-4931 Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Ritchie, Su Lin J, NP NPI:1669491866 NPI:1821089533 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Golden Dawn Clinic B Haggett, Craig Steven, FNP Humphrey, Amy K, FNP 8035 Southeast Holgate Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Boulevard Planned Parenthood Of the Rose City Medical Portland, OR 97206 Columbia Willamette Inc 135 NE 102nd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-788-6483 3727 Northeast Martin Luther Portland, OR 97220 NPI:1801955844 King Jr Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Mon-Sat: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM Portland, OR 97212 NPI:1265887335 Phone/Teléfono: 888-576-7526 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1447672134 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jablin, Jennifer, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97213 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 NPI:1972872646 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

67 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Nurse Practitioner Pediatrics Physician Assistant Enfermero(a) practicante Pediatría Auxiliar médico Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 NPI:1114494291 Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 Villarreal, Maria N, NP PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Female PM + NORTHWEST Schwartz, Megan Caitlin, MD B GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINIC Gender/Sexo: Female 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Rosewood Family Health Center Suite 410 8935 Southeast Powell Portland, OR 97210 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1750538146 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-4335 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1568807337 Pediatrics Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Pediatría Other Language(s):Spanish Fish, Corey A, MD B Schwartz, Megan Caitlin, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male B Practice Office Gender/Sexo: Female 6924 NE Sandy Boulevard Rosewood Family Health At Portland, OR 97213 Lents Phone/Teléfono: 503-963-7963 9047 SE Foster Road Jones, Theresa R, PA-C NPI:1871720136 Portland, OR 97266 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 Rose City Medical + Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP NPI:1568807337 135 NE 102nd Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97220 Rosewood Family Health At Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Lents NPI:1154872638 9047 SE Foster Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-772-8751 NPI:1114494291 Mon-Fri: 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM

68 Primary Care Provider / Proveedores de cuidado personal (PCP) (484)

Multnomah Washington Physician Assistant Tigard Auxiliar médico Physician Assistant MacDonald, Dori, PA+ B Auxiliar médico Gender/Sexo: Female Dean, Nicholas E, PA Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland Gender/Sexo: Male 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Rose City Urgent Care and Portland, OR 97213 Family Practice Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 9975 Southwest Frewing Street NPI:1568519684 Suite 110 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Tigard, OR 97223 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 NPI:1760880843 Washington Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rodriguez, Alberto A, PA B Forest Grove Gender/Sexo: Male Nurse Practitioner Rose City Urgent Care and Family Practice Enfermero(a) practicante 9975 Southwest Frewing Street , Kara M, NP+ Suite 110 Gender/Sexo: Female Tigard, OR 97223 Roberts, Chelsea Z, PA Phone/Teléfono: 503-894-9005 Gender/Sexo: Female Senior Care Northwest 2221 Oak Street NPI:1396993556 Practice Office Forest Grove, OR 97116 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 6924 NE Sandy Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-372-6277 Other Language(s):Spanish Portland, OR 97213 NPI:1023324415 Phone/Teléfono: 503-963-7963 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1649506437 Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Other Language(s):Spanish https://www.seniorcarenorthwes t.com



Benton Benton Clackamas Alsea Federally Qualified Health Estacada Center (FQHC) Federally Qualified Health Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Center (FQHC) Centro de salud aprobado por el Clínica rural de servicios Centro de salud aprobado por el gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas médicos en inglés) gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Orchid Health Wade Creek en inglés) Trillium Family Services Clinic Alsea Health Center 4455 Northeast Highway 20 535 Northeast 6th Avenue 435 East Alder Street Corvallis, OR 97330 Estacada, OR 97023 Alsea, OR 97324 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 758-5900 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 632-3031 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 487-7116 NPI:1326138314 NPI:1578917076 NPI:1932161361 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:30 AM - Monroe 04:00 PM, Tue 01:00 AM - Federally Qualified Health 05:30 PM Center (FQHC) Corvallis Centro de salud aprobado por el Federally Qualified Health gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Center (FQHC) en inglés) Centro de salud aprobado por el Benton County Health Dept gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas 610 Dragon Drive en inglés) Monroe, OR 97456 BC Lincoln Health Center Phone/Teléfono: (541) 766-6835 121 Southeast Viewmont NPI:1932161361 Avenue [Mon, Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM - Corvallis, OR 97333 06:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: (541) 766-3546 08:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 03:00 NPI:1932161361 PM [Mon, Wed] 08:00 AM - 08:00 Clackamas Douglas PM, [Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Canby Glide Benton County Health Dept Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Federally Qualified Health 530 Northwest 27th Street Clínica rural de servicios Center (FQHC) Corvallis, OR 97330 médicos Phone/Teléfono: (541) 766-6835 Centro de salud aprobado por el gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas NPI:1932161361 Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc Mon 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, 703 Southeast 1st Avenue en inglés) [Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Canby, OR 97013 Guchc 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: (503) 266-7686 20170 North Umpqua Highway 07:00 PM NPI:1114253713 Glide, OR 97443 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 496-3504 NPI:1396751772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Douglas Douglas Douglas Federally Qualified Health Roseburg Sutherlin Center (FQHC) Federally Qualified Health Clinic/Center: Community Centro de salud aprobado por el Center (FQHC) Health gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Centro de salud aprobado por el Clínica/Centro: Salud en inglés) gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas comunitaria Umpqua CHC Glide en inglés) Umpqua Community Health 20170 North Umpqua Highway Adapt Center Inc Glide, OR 97443 621 West Madrone 123 Ponderosa Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 496-3504 Roseburg, OR 97470 Sutherlin, OR 97479 NPI:1396751772 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 492-4550 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 459-3788 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1861967648 NPI:1619399888 Umpqua Community Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center Inc Steven Jeffers 20170 North Umpqua Highway Federally Qualified Health 150 Northeast Kenneth Ford Center (FQHC) Glide, OR 97443 Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 496-3504 Roseburg, OR 97470 Centro de salud aprobado por el NPI:1609065010 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-9596 gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396751772 en inglés) Myrtle Creek Umpqua Community Health Umpqua CHC Sutherlin Federally Qualified Health Center - Roseburg HS 123 Ponderosa Drive Center (FQHC) 400 West Harvard Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 459-3788 Centro de salud aprobado por el Phone/Teléfono: (541) 492-2055 NPI:1396751772 gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas NPI:1396751772 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM en inglés) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Umpqua Community Health Myrtle Creek Clinic Umpqua Community Health Center Sutherlin 790 South Main Street Center Inc 123 Ponderosa Drive Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 150 Kenneth Ford Drive Sutherlin, OR 97479 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-9596 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 459-3788 NPI:1396751772 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-9596 NPI:1396751772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396751772 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM Umpqua Community Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center 790 South Main Street Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 860-4070 NPI:1508018946 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Douglas Lane Lane Winston Eugene Federally Qualified Health Federally Qualified Health Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Center (FQHC) Center (FQHC) Centro de salud aprobado por el Centro de salud aprobado por el Centro de salud aprobado por el gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas en inglés) en inglés) en inglés) Community Health Centers of South River Community Community Health Center of Lane County Methadone Health Center Lane County Treatment Program 671 Southwest Main Street 151 West 7th Avenue 151 West 7th Avenue Winston, OR 97496 Eugene, OR 97401 Room 190 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 492-4550 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-6528 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1912061755 NPI:1326138314 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-4464 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1326138314 Sat 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM SouthRiver Community P,R) Community Health Ctr - Health Center Community Health Charnelton 221 Northeast Main Street Center-Brookside 151 West 7th Avenue Winston, OR 97496 1680 Chambers Street Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 492-4550 Suite 103 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1528585783 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 NPI:1326138314 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lane NPI:1326138314 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Blue River PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Lane Co Alcohol & Drug Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Offender Program P,R) Clínica rural de servicios Community Health 125 East 8th Avenue médicos Center-Delta Oaks Eugene, OR 97401 1022 Green Acres Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 McKenzie River Clinic NPI:1326138314 51730 Dexter Street Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Blue River, OR 97413 Lane County Public Health Phone/Teléfono: (541) 822-3341 NPI:1326138314 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 151 West 7th Avenue NPI:1417098773 Room 520 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-8762 ME) Community Health Centers of Lane Co NPI:1326138314 151 West 7th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 310 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Eugene, OR 97401 P,R) Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 NPI:1326138314 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)


Lane Lane Linn Federally Qualified Health Federally Qualified Health Sweet Home Center (FQHC) Center (FQHC) Federally Qualified Health Centro de salud aprobado por el Centro de salud aprobado por el Center (FQHC) gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Centro de salud aprobado por el en inglés) en inglés) gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas White Bird Clinic McKenzie Willamette Medical en inglés) Center 350 East 11th Avenue Sweet Home Health Center 1460 G Street Eugene, OR 97401 799 Long Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Sweet Home, OR 97386 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-4400 NPI:1598000960 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 367-3888 NPI:1326138314 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932161361 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM White Bird Clinic [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - 1400 Mill Street 05:00 PM, Wed 08:30 AM - Eugene, OR 97401 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 484-4800 NPI:1598000960 Multnomah Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland White Bird Clinic 341 E 12th Avenue Springfield High School FQHC Eugene, OR 97401 1050 10th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1598000960 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 744-4130 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1326138314 White Bird Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 323 East 12th Avenue Linn Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Lebanon NPI:1598000960 Federally Qualified Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center (FQHC) Springfield Centro de salud aprobado por el Federally Qualified Health gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas Center (FQHC) en inglés) Centro de salud aprobado por el BC East Linn HC gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas 100 Mullins Drive en inglés) Suite A1 Community Health Ctr - Lebanon, OR 97355 RiverStone Phone/Teléfono: (541) 451-6920 2073 Olympic Street NPI:1932161361 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-3550 NPI:1326138314 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)


Multnomah Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Centro de salud aprobado por el gobierno federal (FQHC, siglas en inglés)

Rosewood Family Health At Lents 9047 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (509) 865-6175 NPI:1205325727 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rosewood Family Health Center 8935 Southeast Powell Boulevard Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 772-4335 NPI:1679526107 Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 07:00 PM, Fri-Sat: 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM


Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Benton Benton Benton Corvallis Internal Medicine Nurse Practitioner Allergy & Immunology Medicina interna Enfermero(a) practicante Alergia e inmunología Berry, Alalia W, MD+ CT,B Zaworski, Caroline J, NP+ Berry, Alalia W, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Allergy & Asthma Center Avalon Health Care Group 330 Northwest Elks Drive 160 Northeast Conifer Boulevard Allergy & Asthma Center 330 Northwest Elks Drive Suite C Corvallis, OR 97330 Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone/Teléfono: 541-757-1651 Suite C Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-7170 NPI:1598019234 NPI:1346566395 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-7170 NPI:1346566395 [Mon, Wed] 09:00 AM - 05:00 Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental PM [Mon, Wed] 09:00 AM - 05:00 Health PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Enfermero(a) practicante: Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Psiquiatría/Salud mental P,R) Website/Sitio web: https://acenterpc.com Hoyt, Justin, NP+ Website/Sitio web: + B https://acenterpc.com Wells, Keith R, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Hematology & Oncology Trillium Family Services Willamette Valley Cancer 4455 Northeast Highway 20 Hematología y oncología Institute And Research Corvallis, OR 97330 Gupta, Vinay, MD+ 444 Northwest Elks Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-758-5900 Gender/Sexo: Male Corvallis, OR 97330 NPI:1932674777 Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-1256 Willamette Valley Cancer Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1083904304 Institute And Research Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 444 Northwest Elks Drive P,R) Corvallis, OR 97330 Medical Oncology Clackamas Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-1256 Oncología médica Canby NPI:1629224357 CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lonergan, Matthew, MD Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Gender/Sexo: Male Lonergan, Matthew, MD CT,B Health Gender/Sexo: Male Willamette Valley Cancer Institute And Research Enfermero(a) practicante: Willamette Valley Cancer Psiquiatría/Salud mental Institute And Research 444 Northwest Elks Drive Corvallis, OR 97330 Goddard, Molly G, NP 444 Northwest Elks Drive Gender/Sexo: Female Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-1256 Phone/Teléfono: 541-754-1256 NPI:1639122591 Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc NPI:1639122591 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 703 Southeast 1st Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Canby, OR 97013 Phone/Teléfono: 503-266-7686 NPI:1114470952 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

77 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Allergy & Immunology Physician Assistant Allergy & Immunology Alergia e inmunología Auxiliar médico Alergia e inmunología Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD B Cherry, Adam T, PA Fritz, Stephen B, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Aaim Care Llc Cl Aaim Care Llc Cl 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Aaim Care Llc Cl 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Suite 300 Suite 300 Clackamas, OR 97015 Clackamas, OR 97015 Suite 300 Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 NPI:1124166244 NPI:1770805673 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 NPI:1881799963 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Other Language(s):Spanish Fritz, Stephen B, MD B Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Cherry, Adam T, PA Gender/Sexo: Male Aaim Care Llc Cl Aaim Care Llc Cl 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Aaim Care Llc Cl Suite 300 Suite 300 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Clackamas, OR 97015 Clackamas, OR 97015 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 Clackamas, OR 97015 NPI:1881799963 NPI:1124166244 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 Jain, Sanjeev, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770805673 Gender/Sexo: Male Pediatrics Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Aaim Care Llc Cl Pediatría Lake Oswego 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD B Suite 300 Gender/Sexo: Male Hospice and Palliative Medicine Clackamas, OR 97015 Hospicio y cuidados paliativos Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 Aaim Care Llc Cl + B NPI:1710973839 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 300 Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Urdu, Hindi Clackamas, OR 97015 Eagleton Providers PC Jain, Sanjeev, MD Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1124166244 Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Aaim Care Llc Cl B Suite 100 Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD Lake Oswego, OR 97035 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Clackamas, OR 97015 Aaim Care Llc Cl NPI:1013971837 Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 8740 SE Sunnybrook Boulevard Mon 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM, NPI:1710973839 Suite 300 Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Clackamas, OR 97015 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Other Language(s):Urdu, Hindi Phone/Teléfono: 971-220-2201 NPI:1124166244 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

78 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Clackamas Clackamas Preventive Medicine West Linn Medicina preventiva Nurse Practitioner Rana, Vandana H, MD+ Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Female Baca, Sarah, NP Eagleton Providers PC Gender/Sexo: Female 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry Dermatology Solutions, Llc Road 1800 Blankenship Road Suite 100 448 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 West Linn, OR 97068 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Phone/Teléfono: 503-929-7722 NPI:1104952415 NPI:1902260425 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Pulver, Rachel A, NP Surgery: Thoracic Surgery Gender/Sexo: Female Coos Cirugía: Cirugía torácica Dermatology Solutions, Llc Sethi, Sushil M, MD CT 1800 Blankenship Road Gender/Sexo: Male 448 West Linn, OR 97068 Eagleton Providers PC Phone/Teléfono: 503-929-7722 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry NPI:1730364563 Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 NPI:1255318275 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Coos Bay Oregon City Allergy & Immunology Occupational Therapist Alergia e inmunología Terapeuta ocupacional Tracy, James F, DO+ Engber, Deanna S, PC Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female BAY CLINIC Neurotherapeutic Pediatric 1750 Thompson Road Therapies, Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 610 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Oregon City, OR 97045 NPI:1639303852 Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1457368557 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Special Training Treating:Development Disorder

79 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Audiologist Family Medicine Family Medicine Audiólogo Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Randolph, Sandra R, AUD+ Croson, William B, MD+ B Smith, Linda M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1023268968 NPI:1376610915 NPI:1821047192 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Critical Care Medicine - 05:00 PM, Tue 09:00 AM - Internal Medicine 06:00 PM Medicina intensiva Gerber, Robert W, MD+ B Medicina interna Qadir, Hammad, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Bankuru, Satish J, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Bay Area Hospital District Gender/Sexo: Male BAY CLINIC 1775 Thompson Road BAY CLINIC 1750 Thompson Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 1750 Thompson Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-8111 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 NPI:1518941350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 NPI:1750460192 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1689968943 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B + B Dermatology Jackson, Craig J, MD Frank, Carol, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Dermatología BAY CLINIC BAY CLINIC + B Maeyens, Edgar, MD 1750 Thompson Road 1750 Thompson Road Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 E Maeyens MD DBA Park Ave Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Dermatology NPI:1275962581 NPI:1023049541 375 Park Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 5 Other Language(s):Spanish Haack, Wendy G, DO+ B Coos Bay, OR 97420 Sinnott, James J, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-362-8385 Gender/Sexo: Male BAY CLINIC NPI:1871574947 North Bend Medical Center Inc 1750 Thompson Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-5151 NPI:1518164250 NPI:1053397463 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

80 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Internal Medicine Midwife Nurse Practitioner Medicina interna Partera Enfermero(a) practicante Jaini, Keerti, MD+ B Abbott, Julie A, CNM+ Allred, Jennifer E, NP+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female North Bend Medical Center Inc BAY CLINIC North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive 1750 Thompson Road 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1386908598 NPI:1609881028 NPI:1124078407 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM King, William D, MD+ Chaney, Susan L, CNM+ Faucher, Vicki Tarver, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female North Bend Medical Center Inc BAY CLINIC North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive 1750 Thompson Road 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1740264399 NPI:1649402066 NPI:1295724375 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Kini, Ganesh D, MD Nephrology Nurse Practitioner: Family Gender/Sexo: Male Nefrología Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Nbmc Day Surgery Inc + + 1900 Woodland Drive Qadir, Hammad, MD Dodd, Kamara, FNP Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 BAY CLINIC North Bend Medical Center Inc NPI:1093742744 1750 Thompson Road 1900 Woodland Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Moriarty, William J, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1750460192 NPI:1114159068 North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 1900 Woodland Drive Neurology Dorfmeister, Jesse Allen, FNP B Coos Bay, OR 97420 Neurología Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Gender/Sexo: Male + B NPI:1417932112 Lotman, Anton E, MD North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive Ongole, Bhaskar, MD+ B North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1407362197 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1730173691 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1720216963 Other Language(s):Hebrew, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Russian

81 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Nurse Practitioner: Family Obstetrics & Gynecology Otolaryngology Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Obstetricia y ginecología Otolaringología Lombardi, Gabriela A, FNP+ James, Kimberly L, MD+ B Shimotakahara, Steven G, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female MD+ B North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-572-2111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1568918563 NPI:1467403378 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1326024738 Obstetrics & Gynecology Occupational Therapist Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Webster, William W, MD+ B Obstetricia y ginecología Terapeuta ocupacional Gender/Sexo: Male + B + Fink, Brigitte D, MD Batchelor, Julie L, OT North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1528166287 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1699716480 NPI:1407832660 Pain Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Groth, Stephan J, MD+ B Csajko, Alexander S, OT+ Medicina del dolor Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Croson, William B, MD+ B BAY CLINIC North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Male 1750 Thompson Road 1900 Woodland Drive North Bend Medical Center Inc Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 1900 Woodland Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1699780015 NPI:1144614728 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1376610915 + B Gruchacz, Catherine A, MD Otolaryngology [Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM Gender/Sexo: Female - 05:00 PM, Tue 09:00 AM - Otolaringología Catherine Gruchacz Md 06:00 PM + 833 Anderson Avenue Hurbis, Charles Gerard, MD Pediatrics B Suite 1 Pediatría Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male + Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-2400 Charles Hurbis Anderson, Jonathan E, MD NPI:1205832490 2695 North 17th Street Gender/Sexo: Male [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - Coos Bay, OR 97420 BAY CLINIC 04:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 12:00 Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-0900 1750 Thompson Road PM NPI:1760542724 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 NPI:1356775969 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

82 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Pediatrics Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Pediatría Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Lanza, Miguel V, MD+ B Hyatt, Juliette L, PT+ Zomershoe, Thomas S, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Dr Mike & Friends Pediatrics, Starting Line PT Starting Line PT Pc 1957 Thompson Road 1957 Thompson Road 1957 Thompson Road Suite A Suite A Suite C Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7050 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7050 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-2020 NPI:1205178811 NPI:1164578985 NPI:1760499115 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jensen, Danielle L, PT Physician Assistant Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + B Auxiliar médico Yost, Jon C, MD North Bend Medical Center Inc + B Gender/Sexo: Male 1900 Woodland Drive Allen, Brian J, PA BAY CLINIC Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male 1750 Thompson Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 SOUTH COAST Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1578664710 ORTHOPAEDIC Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM ASSOCIATES, PC NPI:1649385360 Martins, Annalissa, DPT+ 2699 North 17th Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Coos Bay, OR 97420 Physical Therapist Starting Line PT Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 1957 Thompson Road NPI:1124298617 Fisioterapeuta Suite A Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + + Cheal, Lawrence R, PT Coos Bay, OR 97420 Hatch, Brent D, PA-C Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7050 Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc NPI:1427456128 North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Watroba, Amanda R, DPT+ Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1053403592 SOUTH COAST NPI:1730618513 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM ORTHOPAEDIC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Groenendaal-Zomershoe, ASSOCIATES, PC Huffman, Sara, PA-C + Mirian W, PT 2699 North 17th Street Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Coos Bay, OR 97420 SOUTH COAST Starting Line PT Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 ORTHOPAEDIC 1957 Thompson Road NPI:1417402934 ASSOCIATES, PC Suite A Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2699 North 17th Street Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7050 Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 NPI:1124164678 NPI:1063822625 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

83 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Physician Assistant Psychologist: Clinical Surgery: General Surgery Auxiliar médico Psicólogo: Clínico Cirugía: Cirugía general Riehl, Christopher H, PA+ Stacer, Shaneen D, PHD HSP+ Manders, Ernest K, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1700112646 NPI:1427485440 NPI:1326012493 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Shaughnessy, Magdalene Sleep Medicine Other Language(s):Spanish Clare, PA B Pham, Nhan V, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Medicina para los trastornos del Gender/Sexo: Male sueño North Bend Medical Center Inc BAY CLINIC + B 1900 Woodland Drive Lotman, Anton E, MD 1750 Thompson Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-5151 North Bend Medical Center Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-269-0333 NPI:1477052470 1900 Woodland Drive NPI:1457775611 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sopka, Gregory J, PA+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Tersigni, Steven A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1730173691 Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM North Bend Medical Center Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Other Language(s):Hebrew, 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Russian Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-5151 Surgery: General Surgery Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1043712383 NPI:1649256892 Cirugía: Cirugía general Mon-Sun: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM El Youssef, , MBBS+ Podiatry Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Gender/Sexo: Male Podiatría North Bend Medical Center Inc Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Pederson, Ryan D, DPM+ 1900 Woodland Drive Bell, Jason S, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male SOUTH COAST Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 SOUTH COAST ORTHOPAEDIC NPI:1710197116 ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES, PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM ASSOCIATES, PC + 2699 North 17th Street James, Charles W, MD 2699 North 17th Street Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 North Bend Medical Center Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 NPI:1063605384 1900 Woodland Drive NPI:1336136647 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Other Language(s):German NPI:1942274956 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

84 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos Coos Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Urology Nurse Practitioner: Family Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Urología Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Jennings, Randall W, MD+ B Kusuda, Leo, MD+ B Tokich, Pauletta J, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female North Bend Medical Center Inc North Bend Medical Center Inc South West Internal Medicine 1900 Woodland Drive 1900 Woodland Drive LLC Coos Bay, OR 97420 Coos Bay, OR 97420 940 East 5th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Coquille, OR 97423 NPI:1467449827 NPI:1578533303 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 396-3101 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1578663332 + B Vallier, Garry T, MD Coquille Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Internal Medicine Physician Assistant SOUTH COAST Auxiliar médico ORTHOPAEDIC Medicina interna + ASSOCIATES, PC Crane, Douglas G, MD# B Head, Winthrop T, PA 2699 North 17th Street Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay, OR 97420 South West Internal Medicine Advanced Skin Center Phone/Teléfono: 541-266-3600 LLC 790 East 5th Street NPI:1376551424 940 East 5th Street Coquille, OR 97423 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coquille, OR 97423 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Surgery: Plastic and Phone/Teléfono: 5418243020 NPI:1437535077 Reconstructive Surgery NPI:1689650673 [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Cirugía: Cirugía plástica y 04:45 PM reconstructiva Nurse Practitioner Vouch, Sarah, PA-C+ + B Manders, Ernest K, MD Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Zurita, Jody M, FNP+ Advanced Skin Center North Bend Medical Center Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 790 East 5th Street 1900 Woodland Drive Coquille, OR 97423 Advanced Skin Center Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 790 East 5th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 NPI:1982054169 Coquille, OR 97423 NPI:1326012493 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770986051 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

85 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Coos Coos North Bend Surgery: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Podiatry Podiatría Cirugía: Cirugía oral y maxilofacial + Bennett, William A, DPM + Gender/Sexo: Male Roberts, Richard S, DMD Gender/Sexo: Male William A Bennett DPM 2085 Inland Drive Scott Roberts DDS Suite B 3500 Cedar Street North Bend, OR 97459 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: 541-756-3332 Phone/Teléfono: 541-756-0558 NPI:1407906654 NPI:1154319176 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Curry Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R,ME) Brookings Speech-Language Pathologist Internal Medicine Fonoaudiólogo Medicina interna + B Sheldon, Melody, MA+ CT,B Patel, Jitendra C, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Sheldon Medical LLC Jitendra Patel dba Chetco 2085 Inland Drive 97825 Shopping Center Avenue Suite A Brookings, OR 97415 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: 541-412-9800 Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5221 NPI:1588668230 NPI:1679667398 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Deschutes Smith, Lori L, SLP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Bend Lori Smith & Associates LLC Occupational Therapist 65611 East Bay Road Terapeuta ocupacional North Bend, OR 97459 Guerin, Jesse, OT+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-217-9714 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1285993816 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hand and Arm Therapy 2100 Northeast Neff Road Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: 541-633-7535 NPI:1811481559 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

86 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Deschutes Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Salyer, Ryan C, DPT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Physical Therapy Works 2115 Northeast Wyatt Court 103 Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: 541-382-2070 NPI:1619336617 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Salyer, Ryan C, DPT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Physical Therapy Works 330 N E Marshall Avenue Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: 541-383-8179 NPI:1619336617 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sunriver Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Physical Therapist Knorr, Anna M, PT+ Fisioterapeuta Gender/Sexo: Female Adams, Kristen, PT+ TAI Sunriver Physical Therapy Gender/Sexo: Female 56881 Enterprise Drive Sunriver, OR 97707 Physical Therapy Works Phone/Teléfono: (541) 593-8535 330 N E Marshall Avenue NPI:1275032674 Bend, OR 97701 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-383-8179 Smith, Gail D, PT+ NPI:1649550278 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Tue: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Adams, Kristen, PT+ TAI Sunriver Physical Therapy Gender/Sexo: Female 56881 Enterprise Drive Sunriver, OR 97707 Physical Therapy Works Phone/Teléfono: 541-593-8535 2115 Northeast Wyatt Court NPI:1891769790 103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: 541-382-2070 NPI:1649550278 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

87 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Myrtle Creek Reedsport Internal Medicine Physical Therapist Family Medicine Medicina interna Fisioterapeuta Medicina familiar Dobiecka, Agnieszka K, MD+ B Bassett, Nicole M, PT+ Dilcher, Kanani K, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk In Clinic TAI - Myrtle Creek Physical Dunes Family Health Care Therapy 620 Ranch Road 600 Ranch Road Reedsport, OR 97467 213 Northwest Second Avenue Reedsport, OR 97467 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 NPI:1659557148 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 860-7550 NPI:1427291350 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1164968061 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Shapley, Lee, MD Jones, Jeffrey S, PT+ Dilcher, Kanani K, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk TAI - Myrtle Creek Physical Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk In Clinic Therapy In Clinic 600 Ranch Road 213 Northwest Second Avenue 600 Ranch Road Reedsport, OR 97467 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-6309 Phone/Teléfono: 541-673-1808 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 NPI:1780940049 NPI:1750366241 NPI:1427291350 Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sprung, Roma J, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sheely, Susan L, PT+ Greene, Brett T, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk TAI - Myrtle Creek Physical Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk In Clinic Therapy In Clinic 600 Ranch Road 213 Northwest Second Avenue 600 Ranch Road Reedsport, OR 97467 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 Phone/Teléfono: 541-860-7550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 NPI:1952497695 NPI:1821050956 NPI:1912290032 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Obstetrics & Gynecology + + Wegley, Roger S, PT Song, Jianming, MD Obstetricia y ginecología Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Witt, Lanita C, MD+ TAI - Myrtle Creek Physical Lower Umpqua Hospital-Walk Gender/Sexo: Female Therapy In Clinic 213 Northwest Second Avenue 600 Ranch Road *Do Not Use* Reedsport Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Reedsport, OR 97467 Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-860-7550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2171 385 Ranch Road NPI:1306829254 NPI:1073702817 Reedsport, OR 97467 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 NPI:1841387313 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

88 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Specialist: Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Dermatología Especialista: Ginecología y Jany, Richard S, MD+ B Nakhla, Tony Nader, DO+ B obstetricia Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male + Witt, Lanita C, MD *Do Not Use* Reedsport Advanced Skin Center Gender/Sexo: Female Medical Clinic 1813 West Harvard Avenue *Do Not Use* Reedsport 385 Ranch Road Suite 310 Medical Clinic Reedsport, OR 97467 Roseburg, OR 97471 385 Ranch Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Reedsport, OR 97467 NPI:1316922602 NPI:1619052248 Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1841387313 Roseburg Other Language(s):Spanish, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Arabic Dermatology + B Surgery: General Surgery Svancara, Kevin L, DO Dermatología Gender/Sexo: Male Cirugía: Cirugía general + B Advanced Skin Center + B Barry, Catherine I, MD Lawson, Kenneth L, MD Gender/Sexo: Female 1813 West Harvard Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 310 Advanced Skin Center Roseburg, OR 97471 *Do Not Use* Reedsport 1813 West Harvard Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 Medical Clinic Suite 310 NPI:1083052872 385 Ranch Road Roseburg, OR 97471 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 NPI:1730382581 Thomas, Richard S, DO+ B NPI:1588717516 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Gender/Sexo: Male + B Gladstone, Hayes B, MD Shank, Gregory S, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Advanced Skin Center Gender/Sexo: Male 1813 West Harvard Avenue Advanced Skin Center Suite 310 *Do Not Use* Reedsport 1813 West Harvard Avenue Roseburg, OR 97471 Medical Clinic Suite 310 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 385 Ranch Road Roseburg, OR 97471 NPI:1265795660 Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2119 NPI:1619003282 NPI:1659674596 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nurse Practitioner Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Leposavic, Robert I, MD Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Male Brandon, Tracy, NP+ Advanced Skin Center Gender/Sexo: Male 1813 West Harvard Avenue Suite 310 Advanced Skin Center Roseburg, OR 97471 1813 West Harvard Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Suite 310 NPI:1396847182 Roseburg, OR 97471 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 Other Language(s):Cantonese NPI:1710403746 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

89 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Physician Assistant Health Enfermero(a) practicante Auxiliar médico , Parker-Leigh, NP+ Enfermero(a) practicante: Loner, Jaclyn, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Psiquiatría/Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Female + Oregon Urology Institute Mcnamara, Michael C, NP Advanced Skin Center 2550 Northeast Edenbower Gender/Sexo: Male 1813 West Harvard Avenue Boulevard Adapt Suite 310 Suite 102 621 West Madrone Roseburg, OR 97471 Roseburg, OR 97470 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-229-8973 NPI:1548763048 NPI:1982253290 NPI:1366477176 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mansell, Griffin, PA-C+ B + Mcnamara, Michael C, NP Occupational Therapist Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Advanced Skin Center Terapeuta ocupacional Adapt 1813 West Harvard Avenue + 621 West Madrone Petersen, Katherine, OT Suite 310 Roseburg, OR 97470 Gender/Sexo: Female Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: 541-229-8973 Atlas Physical & Hand Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 NPI:1366477176 1740 Northwest Goetz Street NPI:1265903496 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97471 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Zurita, Jody M, FNP+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-4885 Nguyen, Linh, PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1861847972 Gender/Sexo: Male Advanced Skin Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM KeiperSpine, PC 1813 West Harvard Avenue Physician Assistant 2550 Northwest Edenbower Suite 310 Boulevard Auxiliar médico Roseburg, OR 97471 Roseburg, OR 97470 + Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Head, Winthrop T, PA Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 NPI:1770986051 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1891268041 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Advanced Skin Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Nurse Practitioner: Family 1813 West Harvard Avenue ROGERS, JADDON, PA-C Suite 310 Gender/Sexo: Male Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Roseburg, OR 97471 Advanced Skin Center + Syverson, Rebekah A, NP Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 1813 West Harvard Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1437535077 Suite 310 Nova Urgent Care Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97471 + 1740 Northwest Goetz Street Heuer, Ashley D, PA Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Roseburg, OR 97471 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1134638810 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3865 Advanced Skin Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700180098 1813 West Harvard Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 310 Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 NPI:1871030338 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

90 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Douglas Douglas Jackson Physician Assistant Winston Medford Auxiliar médico Nurse Practitioner: Family Pain Medicine Thompson, Jacob, PA-C+ Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Medicina del dolor Gender/Sexo: Male Dudek, Suzanne R, FNP+ CT,B Sills, Shawn M, MD+ Advanced Skin Center Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male 1813 West Harvard Avenue South River Community Health Addictions Recovery Center Suite 310 Center 16 South Peach Street Roseburg, OR 97471 671 Southwest Main Street Medford, OR 97501 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-7546 Winston, OR 97496 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 NPI:1801314372 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 NPI:1245239375 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1295251072 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Vouch, Sarah, PA-C+ Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 White City Gender/Sexo: Female PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Physical Therapist Advanced Skin Center Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental 1813 West Harvard Avenue Health Fisioterapeuta Suite 310 + Roseburg, OR 97471 Enfermero(a) practicante: Zerkel, Steven W, PT Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Psiquiatría/Salud mental NPI:1982054169 Damewood, Toni L, NP+ CT,B Progressive Rehab and Work Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Injury Ctr Psychologist: Clinical 7334 Crater Lake Highway South River Community Health Suite B-1 Center Psicólogo: Clínico White City, OR 97503 671 Southwest Main Street + Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-6146 DeCarvalho, Lorie, CP Winston, OR 97496 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1972585750 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Umpqua Community Health NPI:1891062642 Center Inc Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 Josephine 150 Kenneth Ford Drive PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM Grants Pass Roseburg, OR 97470 Physician Assistant Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 Dermatology NPI:1366480915 Auxiliar médico Dermatología Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Russell, Jonathan F, PA-C + B CT,B Svancara, Kevin L, DO Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Advanced Skin Center Grants South River Community Health Pass Center 1619 Northwest Hawthorne 671 Southwest Main Street Suite 201 Winston, OR 97496 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 507-1881 NPI:1396934196 NPI:1083052872 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Other Language(s):Portuguese, French

91 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Josephine Josephine Lane Physical Therapist Physician Assistant Cottage Grove Fisioterapeuta Auxiliar médico Acupuncturist Washko, Brittany M, PT+ ROGERS, JADDON, PA-C+ Acupunturista Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Valley, Darby, LAc+ CT Riverside Physical Therapy - Advanced Skin Center Grants Gender/Sexo: Male Union Pass Cottage Grove Community 544 Union Avenue 1619 Northwest Hawthorne Acupuncture Grants Pass, OR 97527 Suite 201 35 South 6th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 955-0940 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NPI:1457847113 Phone/Teléfono: 541-507-1881 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-7530 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1134638810 NPI:1568550432 Physician Assistant Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Vouch, Sarah, PA-C Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Auxiliar médico Gender/Sexo: Female + P,R,ME) Head, Winthrop T, PA Advanced Skin Center Grants Special Training Gender/Sexo: Male Pass Treating:Chronic Illness, Advanced Skin Center Grants 1619 Northwest Hawthorne Co-Occurring Disorders, Pass Suite 201 Substance Abuse 1619 Northwest Hawthorne Grants Pass, OR 97526 Chiropractor Suite 201 Phone/Teléfono: 541-507-1881 Grants Pass, OR 97526 NPI:1982054169 Quiropráctico Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-7546 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Anderson, Joshua, DC+ NPI:1437535077 Lane Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Aspen Injury Center Llc Heuer, Ashley D, PA Coburg 1260 E Main Street Gender/Sexo: Female Nurse Practitioner: Family Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Advanced Skin Center Grants Enfermero/a profesional: Familia NPI:1225388143 Pass Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 1619 Northwest Hawthorne Maghan, Lindsay, NP Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Suite 201 Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Grants Pass, OR 97526 Serenity Lane Cherveny, John Edward, DC+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-507-1881 1 Serenity Lane Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1871030338 Coburg, OR 97408 Aspen Injury Center Llc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1110 + 1260 E Main Street Loner, Jaclyn, PA NPI:1457331068 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-3788 Advanced Skin Center Grants NPI:1154448595 Pass [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - 1619 Northwest Hawthorne 05:00 PM Suite 201 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Grants Pass, OR 97526 P,R) Phone/Teléfono: (541) 507-1881 NPI:1548763048 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

92 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Creswell Eugene Medicina familiar Nurse Practitioner: Family Acupuncturist Johnson, Ben D, PA CT Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Acupunturista Gender/Sexo: Male Bove, David, ND CT Nova Urgent Care Gender/Sexo: Male 1445 Gateway Boulevard Turning Point Center Cottage Grove, OR 97424 670 East 18th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1720152465 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9658 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 NPI:1568535128 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sun Campana, Amber, LAc+ 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Physician Assistant Absolute Wellness Center Auxiliar médico 2286 Oakmont Way Cain, Ryan L, PA+ Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5777 NPI:1700357720 Nova Urgent Care Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 1445 Gateway Boulevard Physical Therapist PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Phone/Teléfono: 541-500-2500 Fisioterapeuta R,ASL,ME) NPI:1780918847 Hooley, Donald P, PT+ Website/Sitio web: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male https://www.awceugene.com Sat 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Connell, , LAc+ CT Therapeutic Associates Johnson, Ben D, PA Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Incorporated 170 Melton Road Doctor Courtney Acupuncture Nova Urgent Care Suite 204 1245 Charnelton Street 1445 Gateway Boulevard Creswell, OR 97426 Suite 3 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-895-2152 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-7000 NPI:1790228633 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-4106 NPI:1720152465 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1689110173 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Molzahn, Logan Anne Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Thompson, PT+ Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sun Gender/Sexo: Female 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Therapeutic Associates Incorporated 170 Melton Road Suite 204 Creswell, OR 97426 Phone/Teléfono: 541-895-2152 NPI:1972001261 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

93 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Acupuncturist Acupuncturist Acupuncturist Acupunturista Acupunturista Acupunturista Corbett, Zachary B, LAC+ Harmon, Dina M, LAc+ Jing-Craytor, Ting, MD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Community Health Community Health Center-Brookside Center-Brookside Center-Brookside 1680 Chambers Street 1680 Chambers Street 1680 Chambers Street Suite 103 Suite 103 Suite 103 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1720228133 NPI:1881812014 NPI:1962853622 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Thu] 08:00 AM - 05:00 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, PM P,R) P,R) Other Language(s):Chinese Day, Kali, LAc Jing-Craytor, Ting, MD+ CT Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Eugene Holistic Medicine Healing Panda Special Training 3225 South Willamette Street 74 East 18th Avenue Treating:Substance Abuse + Suite 3 Suite 7 Moore, Jennifer K, BS Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-600-6252 Phone/Teléfono: 541-337-4566 Chi Spa NPI:1770844151 NPI:1962853622 2504 Oakmont Way Greenleaf, Stuart, LAc# CT [Tue, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - Suite A Gender/Sexo: Male 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Acupuncture Therapy of Oregon Other Language(s):Chinese Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-5000 1245 Charnelton Street Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1982982914 Suite 3 P,R) [Mon, Wed, Thu] 09:00 AM - Eugene, OR 97401 Special Training 07:00 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-2432 Treating:Substance Abuse PM + CT + CT NPI:1518170265 Jing-Craytor, Ting, MD Neer, Lonnie J, LAC [Mon, Wed] 08:00 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male PM, [Tue, Fri] 09:00 AM - 05:00 White Bird Clinic Oregon Integrated Health PM, Thu 01:00 AM - 05:00 PM 350 East 11th Avenue 1029 River Road Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Special Training Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Treating:HIV/AIDS, NPI:1962853622 NPI:1558595132 Co-Occurring Disorders, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Substance Abuse, Chronic Other Language(s):Chinese PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Illness Special Training Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Treating:Substance Abuse ME)

94 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Acupuncturist Acupuncturist Allergy & Immunology Acupunturista Acupunturista Alergia e inmunología Petersen, Mary Ann, LAc+ Wherland, Ruth Hadas, LAc+ Berry, Alalia W, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Absolute Wellness Center Red Pine Acupuncture Allergy & Asthma Center 2286 Oakmont Way 875 Washington Street 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Unit 21 Suite 150 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5777 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1700062379 Phone/Teléfono: 971-263-0747 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-0316 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 NPI:1730628090 NPI:1346566395 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Whitney, Heath S, LAc+ B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, R,ASL,ME) Gender/Sexo: Male P) Website/Sitio web: White Bird Clinic Website/Sitio web: https://www.awceugene.com 350 East 11th Avenue https://acenterpc.com + + CT,B Stice, Laura, LAc Eugene, OR 97401 Chou, Alice H, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic NPI:1003113119 Allergy & Asthma Center 350 East 11th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Williams, Thomas H, LAC+ Suite 150 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1641 Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1689792467 Turning Point Center Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-0316 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 670 East 18th Avenue NPI:1508802521 + Van Enk, Jian Z, MS Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9658 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Chi Spa NPI:1811164775 P) 2504 Oakmont Way Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Suite A https://acenterpc.com Addiction Medicine + B Eugene, OR 97401 Friesen, Jason Harlow, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-5000 Medicina de adicciones Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1972822948 Misra, Sounak N, MD+ Oregon Allergy Associates Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male 1488 Oak Street Other Language(s):Chinese Eugene, OR 97401 + Integrated Health Care Wherland, Ruth Hadas, LAc 715 Lincoln Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1043379860 Red Pine Acupuncture Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 389 West 6th Avenue NPI:1831144872 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 971-263-0747 NPI:1730628090 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

95 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Allergy & Immunology Audiologist Chiropractor Alergia e inmunología Audiólogo Quiropráctico Kehl, Sarah S, MD+ CT,B Detels, Susan L, AUD+ Beckerman, Brandon L, DC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Oak Street Medical Oregon Ear, Nose And Throat Absolute Wellness Center 1445 Willamette Street PC 2286 Oakmont Way Suite 1 360 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5777 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1588035836 NPI:1992835367 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-9333 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1275500829 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Kehl, Sarah S, MD+ CT,B Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, R,ASL,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female R,ME) Website/Sitio web: Oregon Allergy Associates Website/Sitio web: https://www.awceugene.com + 1488 Oak Street http://oregon-ent.com/ Herb, Michael B, DC, CCSP + Eugene, OR 97401 Hurn, Laura J, AUD Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 Gender/Sexo: Female Absolute Wellness Center NPI:1992835367 Ear Nose and Throat 2286 Oakmont Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 330 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97401 Other Language(s):Spanish Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5777 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1588801658 Rohr, Candice Melanie, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3370 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 CT,B NPI:1073873857 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Allergy & Asthma Center Case Manager/Care Coordinator R,ASL,ME) 330 South Garden Way Website/Sitio web: Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Suite 150 https://www.awceugene.com atención médica + Eugene, OR 97401 Huston, Andrew W, DC Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-0316 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1326084344 Oregon Integrated Health Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1029 River Road Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Eugene, OR 97404 P) Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Website/Sitio web: NPI:1386045805 https://acenterpc.com Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, ME)

96 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Chiropractor Dermatology Dermatology Quiropráctico Dermatología Dermatología MacDonald, Garreth D, DC+ Baird, Diane L, MD+ CT,B Eccles, Hannibal S, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Cascade Health Center Diane L Baird MD Silver Falls Dermatology PC 115 West 8th Avenue 360 South Garden Way 920 Country Club Road Suite 200 Suite 210 Suite 140A Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-4343 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3202 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 NPI:1770614521 NPI:1891734448 NPI:1770878837 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:00 PM, Tue 01:00 AM - PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Knapp, Todd L, MD+ B 05:00 PM, Thu 09:00 AM - Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Male 02:00 PM R,ASL) Silver Falls Dermatology PC + + Nyberg, Jennifer Louise, DC Bohlke, Angela Kathryn, MD 920 Country Club Road B Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 140A Pure Life Chiropractic LLC Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 1400 Valley River Drive Silver Falls Dermatology PC Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 Suite 260 920 Country Club Road NPI:1184602609 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 140A Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5633 Eugene, OR 97401 Park, Jay Y, MD+ CT,B NPI:1063456200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 Gender/Sexo: Male [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 10:00 AM - NPI:1649453390 Jay Y Park MD PC 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 360 South Garden Way + B Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Carrigg, Alison B, DO Suite 230 Clinical Neuropsychologist Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-4168 Neuropsicólogo clínico Silver Falls Dermatology PC 920 Country Club Road NPI:1023086857 Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, Suite 140A Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + PhD Eugene, OR 97401 Other Language(s):Korean Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 Richterich, Gregory, MD+ CT,B Slocum Center for Orthopedics NPI:1245554211 Gender/Sexo: Male 55 Coburg Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cascade Dermatology + CT,B Eugene, OR 97401 , Cynthia A, MD 992 Country Club Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 201 NPI:1013989243 Cynthia A Dreyer MD PC Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 743 Country Club Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-7546 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1316911274 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0878 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1407038342 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):French, Italian

97 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Dermatology Dietitian Dietitian Dermatología Dietista Dietista Vazquez, Benjamin G, MD+ B Abbott, Denise M, RD, RN, Beckmann, Tracy, RD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male CDE+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Dermatology LLC Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Health 992 Country Club Road Cascade Health Solutions-Nutrition Eugene, OR 97401 Solutions-Nutrition 2650 Suzanne Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-7546 2650 Suzanne Way Suite 160 NPI:1093918658 Suite 160 Eugene, OR 97408 Other Language(s):Spanish Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3020 Young, Russell, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3020 NPI:1093196438 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1952730384 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Silver Falls Dermatology PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) 920 Country Club Road Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Website/Sitio web: Suite 140A Website/Sitio web: http://www.cascadehealth.org/ + CT Eugene, OR 97401 http://www.cascadehealth.org/ Beckmann, Tracy, RD Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-8385 Abbott, Denise M, RD, RN, Gender/Sexo: Female + CT NPI:1144285529 CDE Northside Medical Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female 3915 River Road Dietetic Technician, Registered West Eugene Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97404 4135 Quest Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Técnico dietista titulado Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1093196438 Bosch, Thomas, RD+ CT Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1952730384 Bosch, Thomas, RD+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Bosch Nutrition + CT 2455 Fieldcress Road Beckmann, Tracy, RD Bosch Nutrition Eugene, OR 97403 Gender/Sexo: Female 2455 Fieldcress Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-7489 SouthTowne Medical Clinic Eugene, OR 97403 NPI:1972056562 1835 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-7489 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1972056562 Other Language(s):German Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1668 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Special Training NPI:1093196438 Other Language(s):German Treating:Chronic Illness Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Beckmann, Tracy, RD+ CT Treating:Chronic Illness Gender/Sexo: Female Bunn, Lisa M, RD+ Crescent Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female 2830 Crescent Avenue Bloom Health and Wellness Eugene, OR 97408 Promotion, LLC Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 296 East 5th Avenue NPI:1093196438 Suite 321 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-337-3437 NPI:1215393772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

98 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Dietitian Endocrinology, Diabetes & Family Medicine Metabolism Dietista Medicina familiar Cullen, Jeanne M, RD+ Endocrinología, diabetes y Byfield, Clyde E, MD B Gender/Sexo: Female metabolismo Gender/Sexo: Male + Cascade Health Goldstein, Rick N, MD Crescent Medical Clinic Solutions-Nutrition Gender/Sexo: Male 2830 Crescent Avenue 2650 Suzanne Way Community Health Ctr - Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 160 Charnelton Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Eugene, OR 97408 151 West 7th Avenue NPI:1174503601 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3020 Suite 100 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1205022688 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1023129913 Website/Sitio web: Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, http://www.cascadehealth.org/ P,R) + Rafferty, Rise L, RD Family Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female Medicina familiar Eugene Endocrinology + B 10 Coburg Road Anderson, Grant, MD Suite 201 Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Willamette Community Heatlh Haber, Michael J, MD+ CT Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-3636 Solutions Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1912364662 4010 County Farm Road Praxis Medical Group Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97408 2401 River Road Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 458-205-7550 Suite 101 NPI:1629029889 Eugene, OR 97404 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 + B Anderson, Grant, MD NPI:1477667053 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Willamette Community Health Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Solutions Hillman, Frank P, PA+ CT 2650 Suzanne Way Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 200 Praxis Medical Group Eugene, OR 97408 2401 River Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 Suite 101 NPI:1629029889 Eugene, OR 97404 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 NPI:1104957240 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R)

99 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Family Medicine Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Medicina familiar Medicina familiar Medicina geriátrica Morris, James R, MD+ CT St. Germain, Deanna Marie, Goldstein, Rick N, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male DO+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Praxis Medical Group Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - 2401 River Road Kids First Center Charnelton Suite 101 2675 Martin Luther King Jr 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97404 Boulevard Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1902904501 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3938 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1306846357 NPI:1023129913 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Schepergerdes, Stephan M, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) MD+ R) Misra, Sounak N, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Special Training Gender/Sexo: Male White Bird Clinic Treating:Substance Abuse Integrated Health Care 341 E 12th Avenue Family Medicine: Sports 715 Lincoln Street Eugene, OR 97401 Medicine Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Medicina familiar: Medicina NPI:1023088184 NPI:1831144872 deportiva Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pomranky, Lisa, MD+ CT,B Other Language(s):German, Gerontology, Nurse Practitioner Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female Gambee, Leandra J, NP+ Schepergerdes, Stephan M, Slocum Center for Orthopedics Gender/Sexo: Female MD+ 55 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 South Hills Rehabilitation Center 1166 East 28th Avenue Crescent Medical Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97403 2830 Crescent Avenue NPI:1609900893 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-0435 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT NPI:1356414478 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9000 Routhier, Denise D, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1023088184 Gender/Sexo: Female Gambee, Leandra J, NP+ Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM Slocum Center for Orthopedics Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):German, 55 Coburg Road Spanish Eugene, OR 97401 Hillside Heights Rehabilitation Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Center NPI:1437273174 1201 McLean Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2155 NPI:1356414478 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

100 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Gerontology, Nurse Practitioner Hematology & Oncology Infectious Disease + Hayes, Natalia V, NP Hematología y oncología Enfermedades infecciosas Gender/Sexo: Female Butrynski, James Edward, Barnes, Robert C, MD+ B Cascade Medical Associates MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male 2650 Suzanne Way Gender/Sexo: Male HIV Alliance Suite 200 Willamette Valley Cancer 1195 A City View Eugene, OR 97408 Institute Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 520 Country Club Parkway Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-5088 NPI:1366997355 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1689696999 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1427134287 P,R) Internal Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Medicina interna Lonergan, Matthew, MD CT,B Bagdade, John D, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Willamette Valley Cancer Community Health Ctr - Institute Charnelton 520 Country Club Parkway 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1639122591 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1811020415 Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hospice and Palliative Medicine Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Hospicio y cuidados paliativos Barnes, Robert C, MD+ B Cytrynbaum, Leo, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male HIV Alliance Cascade Health Solutions 1195 A City View 2650 Suzanne Way Eugene, OR 97402 Hematology Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-5088 Hematología Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1689696999 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sharman, Jeff P, MD+ CT,B NPI:1659341386 Bennion, Jonathan Robert, Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM MD+ B Willamette Valley Cancer Other Language(s):Spanish, Gender/Sexo: Male Institute French, Hebrew Eugene Endocrinology 520 Country Club Parkway 10 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 201 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1659596179 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-3636 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1639439862 Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R)

101 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Medicina interna Medicina interna Medicina interna Berry, Alalia W, MD+ CT,B Cassell, Sidney L, MD+ CT,B Goldstein, Rick N, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Allergy & Asthma Center Drs Cassell And Boren PC Community Health Ctr - 330 South Garden Way 132 East Charnelton Suite 150 Suite 830 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-0316 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-0816 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1346566395 NPI:1376614107 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1023129913 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P) P,R) P,R) Website/Sitio web: Chou, Alice H, MD+ CT,B Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B https://acenterpc.com Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Butrynski, James Edward, Allergy & Asthma Center Lane County Public Health + MD 330 South Garden Way 151 West 7th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 150 Room 520 Willamette Valley Cancer Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Institute Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-0316 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-8762 520 Country Club Parkway NPI:1508802521 NPI:1972650638 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Other Language(s):German NPI:1427134287 P) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: P,R) Accessibility:Limited(R) https://acenterpc.com Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B Cytrynbaum, Leo, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Cascade Health Solutions Center-Brookside 2650 Suzanne Way 1680 Chambers Street Suite 200 Suite 103 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1659341386 NPI:1972650638 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Other Language(s):German French, Hebrew Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

102 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Massage Therapist Medicina interna Medicina interna Terapeuta de masajes Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B Misra, Sounak N, MD+ Johnson, Peter Julian, MT+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Center-Delta Integrated Health Care Cascade Health Center Oaks 715 Lincoln Street 115 West 8th Avenue 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1831144872 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-4343 NPI:1972650638 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1073982187 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Wells, Keith R, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):German Gender/Sexo: Male Mihalcea, Cosmin M, MT+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Willamette Valley Cancer Gender/Sexo: Male P,R) Institute Cascade Health Center + B Luedtke, Patrick F, MD 520 Country Club Parkway 115 West 8th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 Community Health Ctr - Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 Charnelton NPI:1083904304 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-4343 151 West 7th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1720383383 Suite 100 Accessibility:Limited(R) [Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri] 08:00 AM Eugene, OR 97401 Yasenchak, Christopher A, - 05:00 PM, Tue 02:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 MD+ CT 08:00 PM NPI:1972650638 Gender/Sexo: Male Reiter, Olivia, MT+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Willamette Valley Cancer Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):German Institute Cascade Health Center Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 520 Country Club Parkway 115 West 8th Avenue P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 CT,B Maier, William P, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1508830670 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-4343 William P Maier MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1326693193 633 East 11th Avenue Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Eugene, OR 97401 Massage Therapist Trader, Andrea Mae, MT Phone/Teléfono: 541-434-5585 Gender/Sexo: Female Terapeuta de masajes NPI:1790735561 Cascade Health Center + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bauer, Cezanne, MT 115 West 8th Avenue Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 200 P,R) Alive Intergrative Medicine Eugene, OR 97401 Special Training 1902 Jefferson Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-4343 Treating:Chronic Illness Suite 1 NPI:1457609307 Eugene, OR 97405 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3079 NPI:1285124925 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

103 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Midwife Oncología médica Oncología médica Partera Fiorillo, Joseph A, MD+ CT Lonergan, Matthew, MD CT,B DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Valley Cancer Willamette Valley Cancer Community Health Ctr - Institute Institute Charnelton 520 Country Club Parkway 520 Country Club Parkway 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-465-3300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1427250505 NPI:1639122591 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1578061339 Other Language(s):Spanish, Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Italian Midwife Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(R) P,R) Fitzharris, John T, MD+ CT,B Partera DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM+ Gender/Sexo: Male Armstrong, Susan J, CNM+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Valley Cancer Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Center-Delta Institute The Fertility Center of Oregon Oaks 520 Country Club Parkway 590 Country Club Parkway 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite A Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1356447288 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1559 NPI:1578061339 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1669441135 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Lee, Jae H, MD+ CT,B Brookey, Michelle L, NP+ P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM+ Willamette Valley Cancer The Fertility Center of Oregon Gender/Sexo: Female Institute 590 Country Club Parkway Community Health 520 Country Club Parkway Suite A Center-Brookside Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1680 Chambers Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1559 Suite 103 NPI:1154307080 NPI:1679096705 Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Other Language(s):Korean NPI:1578061339 Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

104 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Midwife Midwife Naturopath Partera Partera Naturópata Downing-Moore, Emily S, Rickman, Kelly L, CNM+ Mazure-Mitchell, Miriam A, CNM+ Gender/Sexo: Female ND+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Center of Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Ctr - Lane County Mazure-Mitchell, Miriam Charnelton 151 West 7th Avenue 1850 Oak Street 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Suite A Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1932577400 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3399 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1851485551 NPI:1801865738 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon 10:30 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Wed 07:30 AM - 04:00 PM, Fri Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Snyder, Anna, CNM+ 07:30 AM - 03:00 PM P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):Spanish, + Heritage, Christine L, CNM Community Health Centers of German, Hebrew Gender/Sexo: Female Lane Co Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Community Health Ctr - 151 West 7th Avenue Neurology Charnelton Suite 310 Neurología 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 + CT,B Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Irbe, Dainis, MD Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1184171738 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Emerald Sleep Disorders Center NPI:1215975313 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 330 South Garden Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Suite 390 Other Language(s):Spanish Naturopath Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3325 P,R) Naturópata NPI:1013979665 Katz, Madeleine Florence, Bove, David, ND CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM CNM+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Latvian, Gender/Sexo: Female Turning Point Center German Women's Care Associates 670 East 18th Avenue Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 590 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97401 P,R) Suite B Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9658 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1568535128 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912366519 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):American Sign Language, Spanish

105 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Buel, Carolyn E, NP+ CT Heritage, Christine L, CNM+ O'brien, Joanne M, CNP+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Praxis Medical Group Community Health Ctr - Cascade Health Solutions 2401 River Road Charnelton 2650 Suzanne Way Suite 101 151 West 7th Avenue Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97404 Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 NPI:1508905951 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1063507762 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215975313 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Dhungana, Elizabeth L, CNP+ Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Northside Medical Clinic P,R) + 3915 River Road Hughes, Andrew J, FNP Eugene, OR 97404 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Nova Urgent Care NPI:1780135939 598 E 13th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3473 NPI:1275533945 Mon-Sun: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM Morris, Erik P, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Praxis Medical Group 2401 River Road Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Hayes, Natalia V, NP+ NPI:1467703520 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cascade Medical Associates Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) + 2650 Suzanne Way O'brien, Joanne M, CNP Suite 200 Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97408 Willamette Community Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Solutions NPI:1366997355 2650 Suzanne Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 200 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Eugene, OR 97408 P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 NPI:1063507762 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

106 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner: Family Nurse Practitioner: Family Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Tolliver, Brandy, NP+ Derlacki, Mary, FNP+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Senior Health and Wellness Drs Cassell And Boren PC Center 132 East Broadway 4010 Aerial Way Suite 830 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 242-8300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-0816 NPI:1306370432 NPI:1609947431 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Special Training Treating:Substance Abuse Dhungana, Elizabeth L, CNP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Northside Medical Clinic 3915 River Road Webb, Jessica A, PNP+ Eugene, OR 97404 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 Shangri La Behavioral Health NPI:1780135939 + Services Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM O'brien, Joanne M, CNP + 1195 City View Street Garbett, Tanya M, NP Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 3 Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Community Health Eugene, OR 97402 West Eugene Medical Clinic Solutions Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-1121 4135 Quest Drive 2650 Suzanne Way NPI:1376796987 Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 200 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Eugene, OR 97408 Nurse Practitioner: Family NPI:1528420726 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1063507762 Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Cotton, Pamela, NP+ O'brien, Joanne M, CNP+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Medical Associates Cascade Health Solutions 2650 Suzanne Way 2650 Suzanne Way Suite 200 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 NPI:1720590987 NPI:1063507762 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

107 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner: Family Nurse Practitioner: Family Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Health Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Rocco, Kari E, FNP+ Enfermero(a) practicante: Gender/Sexo: Female Psiquiatría/Salud mental + Balance Docs Inc Akins, James T, NP 98 East 11th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 White Bird Clinic Phone/Teléfono: (541) 393-1037 323 East 12th Avenue NPI:1437605813 Eugene, OR 97401 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 05:00 PM, Wed 08:00 AM - Tuman, Colleen E, NP+ NPI:1366478166 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Cascade Medical Associates Dimitre, Virginia Louise, NP 2650 Suzanne Way Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 200 Options Counseling Services of Eugene, OR 97408 Oregon Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 1255 Pearl Street NPI:1437436672 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-6983 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1972021707 P,R) , Robin, PMHNP+ Wayne, Melanie, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic Oregon Allergy Associates 1400 Mill Street 1488 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-431-0000 NPI:1447220801 NPI:1912353657 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Henry, Kelly D, APMHNP+ CT Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Oasis Mental Health PC 450 Country Club Road Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-9846 NPI:1457657793 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: http://www.oasismh.com/

108 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Obstetrics & Gynecology Health Health Obstetricia y ginecología Enfermero(a) practicante: Enfermero(a) practicante: Austin, Douglas J, MD+ CT,B Psiquiatría/Salud mental Psiquiatría/Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Male + + Morris, Erik P, NP Webb, Jessica A, PNP The Fertility Center of Oregon Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female 590 Country Club Parkway Praxis Medical Group Shangri La Behavioral Health Suite A 2401 River Road Services Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 101 1195 City View Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-1559 Eugene, OR 97404 Suite 3 NPI:1891738332 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1467703520 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-1121 Beller, Byrke O, MD+ CT,B Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1376796987 Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pacific Womens Center 10 Coburg Road Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 NPI:1669561072 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):French Accessibility:Limited(R) Steinbacher, Kristi K, NP+ Betterton, Gillian M, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Strong Integrated Behavioral Pacific Womens Center Health 10 Coburg Road 66 Club Road Suite 100 Suite 210 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Obstetrics & Gynecology Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1558333211 Obstetricia y ginecología NPI:1770936833 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - + CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Anderson, Charles K, MD 05:00 PM Steinbacher, Kristi K, NP Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Valley Cancer Accessibility:Limited(R) + CT,B Strong Integrated Behavioral Institute Beyerlein, Richard A, MD Health 520 Country Club Parkway Gender/Sexo: Male 66 Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Pacific Womens Center Suite 210 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 10 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1215191259 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1770936833 Accessibility:Limited(R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932298494 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R)

109 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetricia y ginecología Obstetricia y ginecología Obstetricia y ginecología Cooper, Brant L, MD+ CT,B Gerhards, Sara, MD+ CT Keller, Lisa, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Women's Care Associates Pacific Womens Center Alive Intergrative Medicine 590 Country Club Parkway 10 Coburg Road 1902 Jefferson Street Suite B Suite 100 Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Phone/Teléfono: 544-636-3079 NPI:1124090865 NPI:1588804579 NPI:1497780795 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Edwards, Kimberly Ann, MD+ Accessibility:Limited(R) Konradi, Melanie, MD+ B CT,B Gill, Geoffrey J, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Center for Womens Health Pacific Womens Center Center for Womens Health 330 South Garden Way 10 Coburg Road 330 South Garden Way Suite 220 Suite 100 Suite 220 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 NPI:1184657728 NPI:1922368265 NPI:1144361098 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lee, Richard H, MD+ B Accessibility:Limited(R) Haugen, Julie A, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male + CT,B Edwards, Melissa D, MD Gender/Sexo: Female West Eugene Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female Pacific Womens Center 4135 Quest Drive Women's Care Associates 10 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97402 590 Country Club Parkway Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-2195 Suite B Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1174501761 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 NPI:1508955998 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1861422768 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lee, Richard H, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Gender/Sexo: Male + CT,B + Garrett, Audrey P, MD Higdon, Johanna Lyn, MD Center for Womens Health Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 330 South Garden Way Willamette Valley Cancer Women's Care Associates Suite 220 Institute 590 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97401 520 Country Club Parkway Suite B Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1174501761 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1063437127 NPI:1437594116 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R)

110 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetricia y ginecología Obstetricia y ginecología Obstetricia y ginecología McCarthy, Amy P, MD+ B Reilly, Martha M, MD+ B Temple, Suzanne T, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Womens Health Center for Womens Health Women's Care Associates 330 South Garden Way 330 South Garden Way 590 Country Club Parkway Suite 220 Suite 220 Suite B Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 NPI:1154309748 NPI:1134107725 NPI:1932179546 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mertz, Katria L, MD+ B Other Language(s):French Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female Schnapper, Tina S, MD+ CT,B Tufariello, Jennifer M, MD+ CT,B Center for Womens Health Gender/Sexo: Female 330 South Garden Way Women's Care Associates Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 220 590 Country Club Parkway Women's Care Associates Eugene, OR 97401 Suite B 590 Country Club Parkway Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite B NPI:1043351992 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1174558480 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Monji, Zena I, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912939471 Gender/Sexo: Female Schram, Sarah H, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B Center for Womens Health Gender/Sexo: Female Williams, Sohee G, MD 330 South Garden Way Center for Womens Health Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 220 330 South Garden Way Pacific Womens Center Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 220 10 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 NPI:1902884539 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932187564 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 O'Rourke, Luke W, DO+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700015062 Gender/Sexo: Male Stenshoel, Tamara A, MD+ CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center for Womens Health Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(R) + CT,B 330 South Garden Way Pacific Womens Center York, Heather L, MD Suite 220 10 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Women's Care Associates Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7007 Eugene, OR 97401 590 Country Club Parkway NPI:1336463108 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8616 Suite B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1114016508 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-2922 Accessibility:Limited(R) NPI:1144252636 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

111 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Obstetrics & Gynecology, Nurse Occupational Health, Nurse Occupational Therapist Practitioner Practitioner Terapeuta ocupacional Downing-Moore, Emily S, Pierson, Shanlee J, NP+ B Cioffredi, Michaela, PT+ CNM+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Medical Associates Therapeutic Associates Community Health Ctr - 2650 Suzanne Way 2911 Tennyson Avenue Charnelton Suite 200 Suite 204 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1457852378 NPI:1073082673 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1801865738 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Cline, Jessica Lee, OT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Occupational Therapist P,R) Slocum Center for Orthopedics Rickman, Kelly L, CNM+ Terapeuta ocupacional 55 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Female Anderson, Paul E, OT Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Community Health Center of Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1720565484 Lane County Slocum Center for Orthopedics Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 151 West 7th Avenue 55 Coburg Road Cobb, Marlena E, OT+ Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1932577400 NPI:1376914036 Connect the Dots Pediatric Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Therapy Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Angelastro, Amie J, OT+ 84 Centennial Loop P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Obstetrics & Gynecology: Slocum Center for Orthopedics NPI:1356634844 Oncology 55 Coburg Road Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Eugene, OR 97401 Ginecología y obstetricia: PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Oncología Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I NPI:1427037340 + CT,B B,P,R) Garrett, Audrey P, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Courtney, Leslie, OT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Cioffredi, Michaela, PT+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Valley Cancer Gender/Sexo: Female Connect the Dots Pediatric Institute West Eugene Medical Clinic Therapy 520 Country Club Parkway 4135 Quest Drive 84 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Phone/Teléfono: 541-338-7787 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 NPI:1063437127 NPI:1073082673 NPI:1366008104 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I B,P,R)

112 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Terapeuta ocupacional Terapeuta ocupacional Terapeuta ocupacional Davis, Allison, PT+ Hurley, Jocelyn J, OT+ Meadowcroft, Carrie F, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Therapeutic Associates Bridgeway House Therapeutic Associates 2911 Tennyson Avenue 555 East 15th Avenue 2911 Tennyson Avenue Suite 204 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 204 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-0805 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 NPI:1407182512 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1952873101 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 NPI:1639430887 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Davis, Allison, PT+ Accessibility:Limited(IB,R) Mitchell, Luke A, OT+ Gender/Sexo: Female McCauley, Maureen, OT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Gender/Sexo: Female Connect the Dots Pediatric 4242 Commerce Street Slocum Center for Orthopedics Therapy Suite A 55 Coburg Road 84 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 NPI:1952873101 NPI:1457542938 NPI:1861788820 [Mon, Fri] 08:00 AM - 06:30 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Tue 07:00 AM - 02:30 PM, PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Wed 09:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I 08:00 AM - 02:30 PM B,P,R) Mroz, Jennifer A, OT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Meadowcroft, Carrie F, PT+ NPI:1487842316 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene 4242 Commerce Street Suite A Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 NPI:1639430887 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

113 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Occupational Therapist Otolaryngology Otolaryngology Terapeuta ocupacional Otolaringología Otolaringología Brackebusch, Joyce M, MD+ Urben, Susan L, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Ear, Nose And Throat Ear Nose and Throat PC 330 South Garden Way 360 South Garden Way Suite 300 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3370 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-9333 NPI:1316925829 Rossberg, Casey, OT+ NPI:1710065271 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Vivek, Prashant P, MD+ B The Hand Therapy Clinic Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Male 743 Country Club Road R,ME) Ear Nose and Throat Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: 330 South Garden Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-0074 http://oregon-ent.com/ Suite 300 + CT,B NPI:1871991026 Knackstedt, James J, MD Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3370 Saunders, Virginia A, OT+ Oregon Ear Nose And Throat PC NPI:1164520870 Gender/Sexo: Female 995 Willagillespie Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM The Hand Therapy Clinic Suite 300C Pain Medicine 743 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Medicina del dolor Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-302-1420 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-0074 NPI:1235247784 Dunn, Joseph S, MD NPI:1053350702 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Pain Specialists of Oregon Wagers, Stephanie A, OTR-L+ http://oregon-ent.com/ + B 360 S Garden Way Gender/Sexo: Female Tom, William D, MD Suite 290 Gender/Sexo: Male Connect the Dots Pediatric Eugene, OR 97401 Therapy Ear Nose and Throat Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1807 84 Centennial Loop 330 South Garden Way NPI:1831125616 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 300 Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, NPI:1720001746 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3370 R,ASL,ME) + CT Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 NPI:1265410799 Haber, Michael J, MD PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Praxis Medical Group B,P,R) 2401 River Road Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 NPI:1477667053 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R)

114 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Pain Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics: Developmental - Behavioral Medicina del dolor Pediatría Moore, Gregory A, MD+ Koester, Michael C, MD+ B Pediatría: Pediatría del desarrollo Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male y conductual The NeuroSpine Group Slocum Center for Orthopedics 74B Centennial Loop 55 Coburg Road Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-780-6654 NPI:1598752446 NPI:1457496705 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Morgan, M, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Pain Specialists of Oregon 360 S Garden Way Suite 290 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1807 NPI:1184649303 Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM MD+ CT Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, + CT R,ASL,ME) Ronda Marjorie Roberts MD MD + CT Morris, James R, MD 1639 East 19th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene Pediatric Associates Praxis Medical Group Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-1075 995 Willagillespie Road 2401 River Road NPI:1770643066 Suite 100 Suite 101 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 03:30 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P) NPI:1770643066 NPI:1902904501 Special Training Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Treating:Substance Abuse, Other Language(s):Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Chronic Illness Special Training Treating:Substance Abuse, Chronic Illness

115 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics: Developmental - Pharmacist Physical Medicine & Behavioral Rehabilitation Farmacéutico Pediatría: Pediatría del desarrollo Mappus, Jennifer, Medicina física y rehabilitación y conductual PHARM.D.+ Arnold, Jonathan D, PT+ Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male + CT MD HIV Alliance Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Female 1195 A City View 2911 Tennyson Avenue Ronda Marjorie Roberts MD Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 204 1639 East 19th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-5088 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97403 NPI:1770063984 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-1075 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700325164 NPI:1770643066 Physical Medicine & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 03:30 PM Rehabilitation Arnsdorf, Robert E, MD Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Male Medicina física y rehabilitación Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P) Rehabilitation Medicine + CT,B Special Training Andresen, Bryan L, MD Associates Treating:Substance Abuse, Gender/Sexo: Male 242 Country Club Road Chronic Illness Rehabilitation Medicine Eugene, OR 97401 Associates Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-4242 242 Country Club Road NPI:1184616401 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-4242 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1699734475 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Treating:Substance Abuse P,R) Website/Sitio web: Pediatrics: Sports Medicine Website/Sitio web: https://rmaeug.com https://rmaeug.com Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT+ Pediatría: Medicina deportiva Arnold, Jonathan D, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male + B Koester, Michael C, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene 2911 Tennyson Avenue Slocum Center for Orthopedics 4242 Commerce Street Suite 204 55 Coburg Road Suite A Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 NPI:1942733837 NPI:1598752446 NPI:1700325164 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

116 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Medicine & Physical Medicine & Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Medicina física y rehabilitación Medicina física y rehabilitación Medicina física y rehabilitación Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT+ McClary, Keegan John, MD+ Versage, Pamela J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene The NeuroSpine Group Westmoreland Family Medicine 4242 Commerce Street 74B Centennial Loop 1650 Chambers Street Suite A Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 NPI:1548634934 NPI:1942733837 NPI:1578983300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Versage, Pamela J, PT+ Holte, David A, PT+ Moore, Gregory A, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Associates Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene The NeuroSpine Group 2911 Tennyson Avenue 4242 Commerce Street 74B Centennial Loop Suite 204 Suite A Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-780-6654 NPI:1548634934 NPI:1689112625 NPI:1457496705 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Versage, Pamela J, PT+ Holte, David A, PT+ Phillips, Gregory M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Therapeutic Associates Pacific Sports and Interventional 4242 Commerce Street 2911 Tennyson Avenue Spine Physicians LLC Suite A Suite 204 74B Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 NPI:1548634934 NPI:1689112625 NPI:1033319124 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Vora, Rishi, DO+ Lin, Victor K, MD+ CT,B Stowell, Erik D, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male The NeuroSpine Group Rehabilitation Medicine Rehabilitation Medicine 74B Centennial Loop Associates Associates Suite 100 242 Country Club Road 242 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-780-6654 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-4242 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-4242 NPI:1730575119 NPI:1487613261 NPI:1114986890 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) P,R) Website/Sitio web: Website/Sitio web: https://rmaeug.com https://rmaeug.com

117 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Medicine & Physical Medicine & Physical Therapist Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Fisioterapeuta Medicina física y rehabilitación Medicina física y rehabilitación Apte, Gail G, PT+ Walkup, Cody W, PT+ White, Daniel A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Nova Urgent Care West Eugene Medical Clinic Therapeutic Associates 2710 Willamette Street 4135 Quest Drive 2911 Tennyson Avenue Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 204 Phone/Teléfono: 541-935-2200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1437444619 NPI:1114467131 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1831137017 Arnold, Jonathan D, PT+ Walkup, Cody W, PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Physical Therapist Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Therapeutic Associates 4242 Commerce Street Fisioterapeuta 2911 Tennyson Avenue Suite A + Suite 204 Ahearn, Rose Elena, PT Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97408 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Oregon Integrated Health NPI:1700325164 NPI:1114467131 1029 River Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97404 Arnold, Jonathan D, PT+ Weller, Kathrin A, MD+ CT,B Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1720037625 Therapeutic Associates Rehabilitation Medicine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2911 Tennyson Avenue Associates Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Suite 204 242 Country Club Road ME) Eugene, OR 97408 + B Eugene, OR 97401 Alexander, Kylee D, PT Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-4242 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1700325164 NPI:1497714273 Benchmark Physical Therapy of Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon LLC Banks, Justin J, PT Other Language(s):Spanish, 1777 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Male German Suite 3 Eugene Physical Therapy Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Eugene, OR 97401 54 Oakway Center P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8041 Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: NPI:1417278920 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-7005 https://rmaeug.com Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1629158936 + + White, Daniel A, PT Apte, Gail G, PT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Nova Urgent Care 4242 Commerce Street 598 East 13th Avenue Suite A Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3865 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 NPI:1437444619 NPI:1831137017 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

118 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Berven, Ty N, PT+ Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT+ Cioffredi, Michaela, PT+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Therapeutic Associates Therapeutic Associates West Eugene Medical Clinic 2911 Tennyson Avenue 2911 Tennyson Avenue 4135 Quest Drive Suite 204 Suite 204 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-338-7787 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1073082673 NPI:1487029757 NPI:1942733837 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cioffredi, Michaela, PT+ Berven, Ty N, PT+ Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Therapeutic Associates Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene 2911 Tennyson Avenue 4242 Commerce Street 4242 Commerce Street Suite 204 Suite A Suite A Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 NPI:1073082673 NPI:1487029757 NPI:1942733837 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Clay, Melissa A, PT+ Billeaudeaux, Ryan, PT+ Bortle, Michaela M, DPT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Benchmark Physical Therapy of Benchmark Physical Therapy of Connect the Dots Pediatric Oregon LLc Oregon LLc Therapy 2490 Willamette Street 2490 Willamette Street 84 Centennial Loop Suite 5 Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 844-1728 Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1728 NPI:1790277523 NPI:1922115336 NPI:1659939932 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Dankberg, Tia R, PT+ Blackwell, Keith R, PT Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male B,P,R) Therapeutic Associates Essential Physical Therapy 2911 Tennyson Avenue 120 Shelton McMurphey Suite 204 Boulevard Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1790138733 Phone/Teléfono: 541-870-9063 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1649531328 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

119 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Dimalanta, Kim D, PT+ Embley, Ryan D, PT+ Hill, Sierra, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Axis Physical Therapy & Rehab Westmoreland Family Medicine Therapeutic Associates Inc 1650 Chambers Street 2911 Tennyson Avenue 2401 River Road Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 204 Suite 102 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1916 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97404 NPI:1144673617 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-6187 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1124526157 NPI:1629635248 English, Laura Kathryn, PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Hmura, Michael S, PT+ B + Dondero, Bryan J, PT Pacific Sports and Spine Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 89 Centennial Loop Physical Therapy Northwest Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Suite B Limited Partnership 4242 Commerce Street Eugene, OR 97401 560 Country Club Parkway Suite A Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-3055 Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1447611744 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5139 NPI:1922552256 English, Laura Kathryn, PT+ NPI:1659359057 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 + Duke, Brian, PT The Neurospine Group, LLC PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 02:00 PM + Gender/Sexo: Male 89 Centennial Loop Holte, David A, PT Therapeutic Associates Suite A Gender/Sexo: Male 2911 Tennyson Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Suite 204 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-3055 4242 Commerce Street Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1447611744 Suite A Phone/Teléfono: 800-219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1285107748 Hill, Sierra, PT+ Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1689112625 + Eisaman, Tami R, PT Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Gender/Sexo: Female 4242 Commerce Street Holte, David A, PT Nova Urgent Care Suite A Gender/Sexo: Male 598 East 13th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Therapeutic Associates Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 2911 Tennyson Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3479 NPI:1124526157 Suite 204 NPI:1881724979 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1689112625 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

120 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Hooley, Donald P, PT+ Lupinski, James D, DPT+ McCue, Lauryn, DPT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Therapeutic Associates Cooperative Performance & Connect the Dots Pediatric 2911 Tennyson Avenue Rehab LLC Therapy Suite 204 90 East 27th Avenue 84 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: 541-653-9696 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 NPI:1790228633 NPI:1942773650 NPI:1740838176 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Tue, Thu] 09:00 AM - Hooley, Donald P, PT+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) 06:00 PM, [Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM Gender/Sexo: Male Website/Sitio web: - 05:00 PM Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene http://cprphysicaltherapy.com/ Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I + 4242 Commerce Street Maloney, Ellen A, DPT B,P,R) Suite A Gender/Sexo: Female McHugh, Aspen K, PT Eugene, OR 97402 Axis Physical Therapy & Rehab Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Inc Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene NPI:1790228633 2401 River Road 4242 Commerce Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 102 Suite A Jurgensen, Amy K, PT+ Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97402 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-6187 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Slocum Center for Orthopedics NPI:1144724931 NPI:1295228567 55 Coburg Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Eugene, OR 97401 McKibben, Carla, PT Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1356526321 Pacific Sports and Spine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 89 Centennial Loop Klein, Jesse E, PT+ Suite B Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene Physical Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-3055 54 Oakway Center NPI:1881670198 + Eugene, OR 97401 Matyas, Jennifer L, PT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-7005 Gender/Sexo: Female McKibben, Carla, PT NPI:1295264265 Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2911 Tennyson Avenue The Neurospine Group, LLC Suite 204 89 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97408 Suite A Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1952575086 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 284-3055 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1881670198 Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM, Fri 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM

121 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Mcgowan, John C, PT+ Nelson, Jered R, PT Randall, Jennifer, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Benchmark Physical Therapy of Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Oregon LLc 4242 Commerce Street 4242 Commerce Street 2490 Willamette Street Suite A Suite A Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1728 NPI:1205339785 NPI:1104291160 NPI:1639215635 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Noble, Alan M, PT+ Randall, Jennifer, PT+ Molzahn, Logan Anne Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female + Thompson, PT Physical Therapy Northwest SouthTowne Medical Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female Limited Partnership 1835 Pearl Street Westmoreland Family Medicine 560 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97401 1650 Chambers Street Suite B Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4470 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1104291160 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1916 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5139 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1972001261 NPI:1205248960 Robert, Steven M, DPT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 Gender/Sexo: Male Molzahn, Logan Anne PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 02:00 PM Slocum Center for Orthopedics + + Thompson, PT Parkerson, Morgan M, PT 55 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene The Neurospine Group, LLC Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 4242 Commerce Street 89 Centennial Loop NPI:1073039277 Suite A Suite A Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Robinson, Michael G, PT+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-3055 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1972001261 NPI:1306238639 Cooperative Performance & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 07:30 AM - 05:00 Rehab LLC Molzahn, Logan Anne PM, Fri 07:30 AM - 01:30 PM 90 East 27th Avenue + + Thompson, PT Parkerson, Morgan M, PT Eugene, OR 97405 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-653-9696 Therapeutic Associates Pacific Sports and Spine NPI:1164080438 2911 Tennyson Avenue 89 Centennial Loop Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 204 Suite B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-3055 http://cprphysicaltherapy.com/ NPI:1972001261 NPI:1306238639 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

122 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Robinson, Rachel, PT+ Stephens, Jacob, DPT+ Treeheart, Elizabeth A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Cooperative Performance & Cooperative Performance & Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Rehab LLC Rehab LLC 4242 Commerce Street 90 East 27th Avenue 90 East 27th Avenue Suite A Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-653-9696 Phone/Teléfono: 541-653-9696 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 NPI:1134787492 NPI:1174015390 NPI:1619269842 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Van Winkle, Kimberly S, PT+ Website/Sitio web: Website/Sitio web: Gender/Sexo: Female http://cprphysicaltherapy.com/ http://cprphysicaltherapy.com/ Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene + + Saunders, Virginia A, OT Stewart, Samuel Thomas, PT 4242 Commerce Street Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Suite A The Hand Therapy Clinic Benchmark Physical Therapy of Eugene, OR 97402 743 Country Club Road Oregon LLC Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Eugene, OR 97401 1777 Coburg Road NPI:1467887778 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-0074 Suite 3 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1053350702 Eugene, OR 97401 Vasey, Caitlin E., PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8041 Gender/Sexo: Female Spalding Murillo, Leslie R, NPI:1093162117 Benchmark Physical Therapy of + B PT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Stewart, Samuel Thomas, PT 1777 Coburg Road Reclaim Physical Therapy Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 3 1144 Willagillespie Road Therapeutic Associates Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 1 2911 Tennyson Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8041 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 204 NPI:1265885826 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 636-4471 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1063804938 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Vasey, Caitlin E., PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1093162117 Gender/Sexo: Female + Standifer, David B, PT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Benchmark Physical Therapy of + Gender/Sexo: Male Treeheart, Elizabeth A, PT Oregon LLc Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Female 2490 Willamette Street 2911 Tennyson Avenue Therapeutic Associates Suite 5 Suite 204 2911 Tennyson Avenue Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 204 Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1728 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1265885826 NPI:1922081876 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1619269842 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

123 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Vecsey, Brett R, PT+ Walkup, Cody W, PT+ White, Daniel A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Nova Urgent Care West Eugene Medical Clinic Therapeutic Associates 598 East 13th Avenue 4135 Quest Drive 2911 Tennyson Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 204 Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3479 Phone/Teléfono: 541-461-8006 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1831332097 NPI:1114467131 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1831137017 Versage, Pamela J, PT+ Walkup, Cody W, PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Wilging, Sean D, PT+ Westmoreland Family Medicine Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Male 1650 Chambers Street 2911 Tennyson Avenue Therapeutic Associates Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 204 2911 Tennyson Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1711 Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 204 NPI:1548634934 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1114467131 Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Versage, Pamela J, PT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1588224406 Gender/Sexo: Female Weber, Joseph, PT+ Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Therapeutic Associates Gender/Sexo: Male Sat 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM + 2911 Tennyson Avenue Benchmark Physical Therapy of Wilging, Sean D, PT Suite 204 Oregon LLc Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97408 2490 Willamette Street Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-6194 Suite 5 4242 Commerce Street NPI:1548634934 Eugene, OR 97405 Suite A Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1728 Eugene, OR 97402 Versage, Pamela J, PT+ NPI:1972049518 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1588224406 + Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene White, Daniel A, PT Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM + 4242 Commerce Street Gender/Sexo: Male Winslow, Jacob, PT Suite A Therapeutic Assoc - Eugene Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97402 4242 Commerce Street Mobility Project Physical Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Suite A Therapy NPI:1548634934 Eugene, OR 97402 390 Lincoln Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9632 Suite 230 NPI:1831137017 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-225-2095 NPI:1205315207 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Website/Sitio web: https://www.mobilityprojectpt.co m

124 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Fisioterapeuta Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Wise, Lacey N, PT+ Bentley, Daniel J, PA+ Critchlow, Kasey L, PA-C Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Physical Therapy Northwest Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Pain Specialists of Oregon Limited Partnership 3203 Willamette Street 360 S Garden Way 560 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97405 Suite 290 Suite B Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1215196134 Phone/Teléfono: 541-844-1807 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5139 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1568904282 NPI:1154830677 Website/Sitio web: Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 http://www.oppclinic.com Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 02:00 PM Bergander, Linn L, PA+ CT R,ASL,ME) Withrow, Galen P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Fielder, Kimberlee A, PA+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Willamette Valley Cancer Gender/Sexo: Female Reclaim Physical Therapy Institute Slocum Center for Orthopedics 1144 Willagillespie Road 520 Country Club Parkway 55 Coburg Road Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-4471 NPI:1184965121 NPI:1396020186 NPI:1194249904 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Friedman, Howie, PA+ CT Physician Assistant Bourgault, Cheryl R, PA Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Auxiliar médico Diane L Baird MD 3203 Willamette Street + CT Babich, Jennifer L, PA 360 South Garden Way Eugene, OR 97405 Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 210 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-9912 Slocum Center for Orthopedics Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1013041466 55 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3202 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1205823036 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 http://www.oppclinic.com NPI:1396134300 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hill, Lesa A, PA+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + Beasley, Kara, PA Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Cynthia A Dreyer MD PC Gender/Sexo: Female R,ASL) 743 Country Club Road + Slocum Center for Orthopedics Cain, Ryan L, PA Eugene, OR 97401 55 Coburg Road Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0878 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene Urgent Care Coburg NPI:1669497715 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 1800 Coburg Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1336650159 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8760 NPI:1780918847 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

125 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Hillman, Frank P, PA+ CT Lee, Caitlin, PA+ CT Peterson, Ralph G, PA-C+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Praxis Medical Group Slocum Center for Orthopedics Keiperspine PC 2401 River Road 55 Coburg Road 1410 Oak Street Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-8469 NPI:1750773164 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 NPI:1104957240 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770511008 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mcstravick, Leslie W, PA+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB, + Huffman, Sara, PA-C Cynthia A Dreyer MD PC R,ASL,ME) + Gender/Sexo: Female 743 Country Club Road Queer, Jason, PA-C Slocum Center for Orthopedics Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male 55 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0878 Slocum Center for Orthopedics Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1851305791 55 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1063822625 Olson, Lisa M, PA+ CT Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1821537408 B Johnson, Karrie, PA-C Emerald Sleep Disorders Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female 330 South Garden Way Rabacal, Sean T, PA Slocum Center for Orthopedics Suite 390 Gender/Sexo: Male 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 The NeuroSpine Group Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3325 74B Centennial Loop Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1245326651 Suite 100 NPI:1740448950 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 Kocian, Jason A, PA+ CT P,R) NPI:1033283627 Gender/Sexo: Male Parks, Devon A, PA+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Keiperspine PC Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) + CT 1410 Oak Street The NeuroSpine Group Riportella, Jacob C, PA Suite 200 74B Centennial Loop Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Slocum Center for Orthopedics Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 Eugene, OR 97401 55 Coburg Road NPI:1467653378 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1992027635 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1205203106 R,ASL,ME) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

126 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Roth, Debra E, PA+ CT Seidel, Luke, PA+ Weinman, Amanda G, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female The NeuroSpine Group Slocum Center for Orthopedics Cascade Dermatology 74B Centennial Loop 55 Coburg Road 992 Country Club Road Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 NPI:1700236692 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-7546 NPI:1184634594 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1063511087 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Stevens, Lisa J, PA+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Gender/Sexo: Female White, Kery, PA+ + B Roth, Zachary A, PA Emerald Sleep Disorders Center Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 330 South Garden Way Nova Urgent Care Slocum Center for Orthopedics Suite 390 598 E 13th Avenue 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3325 Phone/Teléfono: 541-636-3473 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1811207913 NPI:1669957759 NPI:1235606534 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rubin, Dana K, PA+ CT,B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Wren, Cassandra M, PA+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female + CT The NeuroSpine Group Thatcher, Paul C, PA Cascade Dermatology 74B Centennial Loop Gender/Sexo: Male 992 Country Club Road Suite 100 Slocum Center for Orthopedics Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-7546 NPI:1679594089 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1003241084 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1205836269 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM + B Salden, Jason, PA Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Podiatry Gender/Sexo: Male Walker, Sarah, PA-C+ B Podiatría Slocum Center for Orthopedics Gender/Sexo: Female + 55 Coburg Road Eugene Urgent Care Coburg Carlson, Colby Richard, DPM B Eugene, OR 97401 1800 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1467648642 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8760 Eugene Podiatry Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1336176510 1060 Chambers Street Other Language(s):Spanish, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Korean Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-3373 NPI:1932514627 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

127 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Podiatry Podiatry Podiatry Podiatría Podiatría Podiatría Hong, Melissa S, DPM+ B McKinney, Philip F, DPM+ CT Rincker, Sarah A, DPM CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene Endocrinology Oregon Podiatry Clinic Premiere Foot And Ankle Llc 10 Coburg Road 2201 Willamette Street 4750 Village Plaza Loop Suite 201 Suite D Suite 202 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-3636 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7158 Phone/Teléfono: 541-650-6170 NPI:1619069911 NPI:1619047206 NPI:1912290701 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM Other Language(s):Korean Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Monson, Melisa A, DPM+ CT B,P,R) Loveland, Lacey J, DPM+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Website/Sitio web: Gender/Sexo: Female Melisa A. Monson DPM PC https://www.premierefootandank Oregon Foot & Ankle Center 45 Division Avenue le.com/ + CT 755 East 11th Avenue Suite B Schink, Andrew C, DPM Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97404 Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-689-3332 Eugene Foot and Ankle Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-5144 NPI:1407842313 Center NPI:1427006592 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM 1680 Chambers Street Mon 01:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Muhly, Todd A, DPM+ CT Suite 201 Tue-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97402 + CT McCourt, Michael J, DPM McKenzie River Foot Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3351 Gender/Sexo: Male 911 Country Club Road NPI:1770561631 Eugene Foot & Ankle Center Suite 200 Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 LLC Eugene, OR 97401 PM, Thu 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, 1680 Chambers Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8111 Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Suite 201 NPI:1194700526 Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Thu: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL,ME) Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3351 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1982924593 P,R) Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Pearson, Drew D, DPM+ B PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Advanced Foot & Ankle P,R,ME) Specialists Of Oregon Llc 1400 Valley River Drive Suite 210 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-600-4630 NPI:1164410148 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

128 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Preventive Medicine Preventive Medicine Preventive Medicine Medicina preventiva Medicina preventiva Medicina preventiva Abraham, Richard M, MD+ B Kovacevic, Luci M, MD+ Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Cascade Medical Associates Cascade Medical Associates Community Health Center-Delta 2650 Suzanne Way 2650 Suzanne Way Oaks Suite 200 Suite 200 1022 Green Acres Road Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1457396442 NPI:1417177304 NPI:1972650638 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):French Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Other Language(s):German Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R) Special Training P,R) Braman, Marcus A, MD+ Treating:Substance Abuse Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Luedtke, Patrick F, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Cascade Medical Associates Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Ctr - 2650 Suzanne Way Lane County Public Health Charnelton Suite 200 151 West 7th Avenue 151 West 7th Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 Room 520 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3100 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1629065974 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-8762 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1972650638 NPI:1972650638 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Other Language(s):German Other Language(s):German Kovacevic, Luci M, MD+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male P,R) P,R) + B + Lane Community College Health Luedtke, Patrick F, MD Perez-Guzman, Lisandra, MD Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female 4000 East 30th Avenue Community Health HIV Alliance Building 18 Room 101 Center-Brookside 1195 A City View Eugene, OR 97405 1680 Chambers Street Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-463-5665 Suite 103 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-5088 NPI:1417177304 Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1063738870 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training NPI:1972650638 Other Language(s):Spanish Treating:Substance Abuse Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):German Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

129 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Psychiatry & Neurology: Sleep Psychologist: Clinical Psychologist: Clinical Medicine Psicólogo: Clínico Psicólogo: Clínico Psiquiatría y neurología: Freudenberg, Cara, PSYD+ Medicina del sueño Gender/Sexo: Female + CT,B Irbe, Dainis, MD Strong Integrated Behavioral Gender/Sexo: Male Health Emerald Sleep Disorders Center 44 Club Road 330 South Garden Way Suite 200 Suite 390 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3325 NPI:1053700559 Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, NPI:1013979665 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PhD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Moadab, Ida, PhD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):Latvian, Gender/Sexo: Female Slocum Center for Orthopedics German Eugene Center For Anxiety And 55 Coburg Road Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Stress, Llc Eugene, OR 97401 P,R) 101 E Broadway Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Psychologist: Clinical Suite 400 NPI:1013989243 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Psicólogo: Clínico Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9764 CT Registered Nurse Bobek, Rebecca S, PSYD NPI:1205147675 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Enfermero/a titulado/a Strong Integrated Behavioral Pengelly, Scott S, PhD CT Deline, Myra, NP Health Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female 44 Club Road Strong Integrated Behavioral Avamere Riverpark of Eugene Suite 200 Health 425 Alexander Loop Eugene, OR 97401 44 Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-6199 NPI:1932357555 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1689149361 Sat 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Fauria, Thomas M, PhD NPI:1407978943 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cascade Health Solutions Quillen, Jenna L, PhD+ CT DIRECTION Gender/Sexo: Female 2650 Suzanne Way Strong Integrated Behavioral Suite 120 Health Eugene, OR 97408 44 Club Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Suite 200 NPI:1255544425 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1821432030 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Treating:Trauma/PTSD,

130 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Rheumatology Speech-Language Pathologist Speech-Language Pathologist Reumatología Fonoaudiólogo Fonoaudiólogo Braun, Simona S, MD+ CT,B Golditch, Jennifer A, SLP+ Mitchell, Emily, SLP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Drs Cassell And Boren PC Connect the Dots Pediatric Bridgeway House 132 East Broadway Therapy 555 East 15th Avenue Suite 830 84 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-0805 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-0816 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 255-2681 NPI:1417389982 NPI:1972677045 NPI:1972099810 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Accessibility:Limited(IB,R) Other Language(s):Czech, PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Russian Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, B,P,R) P,R) Grady, Patricia, SLP+ Maier, William P, MD CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Skills Resource Center LLC William P Maier MD 1639 Oak Street 633 East 11th Avenue Suite D Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Schmitz, Amanda, SLP+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-434-5585 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-7586 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1790735561 NPI:1942553524 Connect the Dots Pediatric Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Therapy Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 84 Centennial Loop P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Special Training Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Treating:Chronic Illness NPI:1114365111 Speech-Language Pathologist [Mon, Tue, Thu] 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM Fonoaudiólogo - 05:00 PM + -Kaswell, Julie, SLP Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Gender/Sexo: Female Kirtner, Ruth L, SLP+ B,P,R) Connect the Dots Pediatric Gender/Sexo: Female Therapy Connect the Dots Pediatric 84 Centennial Loop Therapy Eugene, OR 97401 84 Centennial Loop Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1902309255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-255-2681 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1427474048 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 B,P,R) PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,EB,I B,P,R)

131 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Neurosurgery Surgery: Neurosurgery Surgery: Hand Surgery Cirugía: Neurocirugía Cirugía: Neurocirugía Cirugía: Cirugía de mano Angeles, Carmina F, MD+ CT,B Miller, Christopher G, MD+ CT Schultz, Brent E, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Keiperspine PC The NeuroSpine Group Northwest Center for Plastic 1410 Oak Street 74B Centennial Loop Surgery Suite 200 Suite 100 743 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-3791 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0878 NPI:1902000599 NPI:1033192760 NPI:1760682660 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Other Language(s):None R,ASL,ME) Sherman, Jonathan D, MD+ CT Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Gallo, Catherine J, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Tavakolian, Jason D, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Keiperspine PC Gender/Sexo: Male NeuroSpine Institute LLC 1410 Oak Street Slocum Center for Orthopedics 74B Centennial Loop Suite 200 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-3791 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1477536100 NPI:1902800733 NPI:1144220195 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B Gallo, Catherine J, MD Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB, Surgery: Oral and Maxillofacial Gender/Sexo: Female R,ASL,ME) Surgery The NeuroSpine Group Surgery: General Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía oral y 74B Centennial Loop Cirugía: Cirugía general maxilofacial Suite 100 + CT,B + CT,B Eugene, OR 97401 Wilhite, Steven L, MD Allender, Brian M, DMD Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3791 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1477536100 McKenzie Surgical Group Oregon Oral & Implant Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1755 Coburg Road Surgeons PC Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,R) Suite 401 330 South Garden Way Keiper, Glenn, MD+ CT,B Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 140 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-7914 Eugene, OR 97401 Keiperspine PC NPI:1619134491 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9750 1410 Oak Street Mon-Thu: 08:30 AM - 05:00 NPI:1386667434 Suite 200 PM, Fri 08:30 AM - 12:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Eugene, OR 97401 Other Language(s):Swahili PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2357 Accessibility:Limited(E,P,R) Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, NPI:1093732653 R,ASL,ME) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB, http://www.oregonoralsurgery.co R,ASL,ME) m

132 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía oral y Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD+ Hoellrich, Rudolf G, MD+ CT,B maxilofacial CT Gender/Sexo: Male + CT Tucker, Todd S, DMD Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road Oregon Oral & Implant 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Surgeons PC Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 330 South Garden Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1013917285 Suite 140 NPI:1629075478 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jackson, Lyle Thomas, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9750 Other Language(s):Spanish CT,B NPI:1619981859 Collis, Dennis K, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 R,ASL,ME) Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1144540790 http://www.oregonoralsurgery.co NPI:1972503266 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM m Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jewett, Brian A, MD+ CT Williams, Bryan Christopher, Fitzpatrick, Daniel C, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road Oregon Oral & Implant 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Surgeons PC Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 330 South Garden Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1538169727 Suite 140 NPI:1558361873 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Korcek, Lucas S, MD+ B Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-9750 Godfrey, Jenna M, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1457699142 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Slocum Center for Orthopedics Accessibility:Basic(E,EB,IB,P, Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road R,ASL,ME) 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 http://www.oregonoralsurgery.co Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1194083071 m NPI:1639306723 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lamoreaux, Lisa L, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1821065624 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

133 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Lantz, Brick (Brett) A, MD+ Shapiro, Matthew S, MD+ CT,B Tuman, Jeffrey M, MD+ CT,B CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1427058536 NPI:1437393949 NPI:1508866708 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sheerin, Daniel V, MD+ CT,B Weatherby, David J, MD+ Mildren, Mark E, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1447250485 NPI:1295110922 NPI:1215227756 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Strasser, Nicholas, MD+ CT,B Wuest, Thomas K, MD+ CT,B Mohler, Craig G, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1053525238 NPI:1669472635 NPI:1649270745 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Straub, Timothy A, MD Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery: + B Roth, Zachary A, PA Gender/Sexo: Male Hand Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Center for Orthopedics Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica: 55 Coburg Road Slocum Center for Orthopedics Mano 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 + Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD CT Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1750381703 NPI:1235606534 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Shah, Steven N, MD+ CT,B Tavakolian, Jason D, MD+ CT,B Slocum Center for Orthopedics Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 55 Coburg Road Slocum Center for Orthopedics Slocum Center for Orthopedics Eugene, OR 97401 55 Coburg Road 55 Coburg Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1629075478 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1093931578 NPI:1144220195 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

134 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery: Surgery: Plastic and Cardiology Pediatric Reconstructive Surgery Cardiología Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica: Cirugía: Cirugía plástica y Nordsieck, Eric J, MD+ B Pediátrica reconstructiva Gender/Sexo: Male + + B Godfrey, Jenna M, MD Meldrum, David G, MD Heart Associates of Oregon Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male 4480 G North Highway 101 Slocum Center for Orthopedics David Garth Meldrum MD LLC Florence, OR 97439 55 Coburg Road 4780 Village Plaza Loop Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 110 NPI:1538494042 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1639306723 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1500 Chiropractor Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1962464222 Quiropráctico Surgery: Plastic Surgery Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT Urology Epley, Ronald Martin, DC Cirugía: Cirugía plástica Gender/Sexo: Male + B Urología Meldrum, David G, MD Pacific Heights Chiropractic + Gender/Sexo: Male Queer, Jason, PA-C 1747 West 21st Street David Garth Meldrum MD LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Florence, OR 97439 4780 Village Plaza Loop Slocum Center for Orthopedics Phone/Teléfono: 541-902-0545 Suite 110 55 Coburg Road NPI:1366520371 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1500 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 05:00 PM NPI:1962464222 NPI:1821537408 Howell, John M, DC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Schultz, Brent E, MD Florence Oregon Integrated Health Gender/Sexo: Male Acupuncturist 1441 7th Street Northwest Center for Plastic Suite B Surgery Acupunturista Florence, OR 97439 743 Country Club Road Neer, Lonnie J, LAC CT Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1104926179 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0878 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Integrated Health NPI:1760682660 Huston, Andrew W, DC 1441 7th Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Suite B Other Language(s):None Florence, OR 97439 Oregon Integrated Health Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 1441 7th Street NPI:1558595132 Suite B Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 NPI:1386045805

135 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Dermatology Dermatología Baird, Diane L, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Diane Baird MD 1441 7th Street Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3202 NPI:1891734448 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Nurse Practitioner Internal Medicine Enfermero(a) practicante Medicina interna Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Urology Institute 1441 7th Avenue Suite A Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 NPI:1982253290 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Nordsieck, Eric J, MD Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Gender/Sexo: Male Health Heart Associates of Oregon Enfermero(a) practicante: 4480 G North Highway 101 Psiquiatría/Salud mental Florence, OR 97439 + Surgery: General Surgery Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Feltner, Nancy, MSN NPI:1538494042 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Integrated Health Medical Oncology 1441 7th Street Suite B Oncología médica Florence, OR 97439 Buchanan, Glenn S, MD+ CT Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1437548070 Willamette Valley Cancer Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Institute 340 9th Street Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5001 NPI:1972589141 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

136 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Junction City Nurse Practitioner: Family Cardiology Physical Therapist Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Cardiología Fisioterapeuta Dressel, Gregory T, NP+ Lau, Samuel S, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Will, Ruth C, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Pleasant Hill Urgent Care McKenzie Heart Group 35859 Highway 58 960 North 16 Street Oregon Neurosport Physical Therapy Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Suite 304 Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-7300 Springfield, OR 97477 680 Ivy Street Junction City, OR 97448 NPI:1982779302 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1811995087 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-9988 NPI:1396142543 Springfield Mon 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cardiology Pleasant Hill Cardiología Family Medicine Bergin, Patrick J, MD+ Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Male Griffith, Warren G, DO+ McKenzie Heart Group Gender/Sexo: Male 960 North 16 Street Suite 304 Pleasant Hill Urgent Care Springfield, OR 97477 35859 Highway 58 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Munkenbeck, Frances C, MD+ NPI:1225309685 Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-7300 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932180049 McKenzie Heart Group Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 960 North 16th Street Nurse Practitioner Suite 304 Enfermero(a) practicante Springfield, OR 97477 + Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Dressel, Gregory T, NP NPI:1982675146 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pleasant Hill Urgent Care Nordsieck, Eric J, MD+ B 35859 Highway 58 Gender/Sexo: Male Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 McKenzie Heart Group Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-7300 960 North 16th Street NPI:1982779302 Suite 304 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1538494042 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

137 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Cardiology Dermatology Dermatology Cardiología Dermatología Dermatología Paulsen, Jeffrey M, MD+ CT,B Atkin, Edward Glen, MD+ B Pattummadith, Suwapang, Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male MD+ McKenzie Heart Group Dermatology at Gateway Gender/Sexo: Female 960 North 16th Street 1007 Harlow Road Dermatology at Gateway Suite 304 Suite 310 1007 Harlow Road Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 310 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4300 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1609042431 NPI:1013082213 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1821037581 Tuliani, Tushar Anil, MD+ Cooksey, David, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish, Thai + CT,B McKenzie Heart Group Dermatology at Gateway Richey, Troy K, MD 960 North 16th Street 1007 Harlow Road Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 304 Suite 310 Troy K Richey MD PC Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 1605 G Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 242-4300 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1821377961 NPI:1225032121 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-6159 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1457458192 + B Chiropractor Lewis, Felisa Salud A, MD [Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM - 05:00 Gender/Sexo: Female PM Quiropráctico Dermatology at Gateway Other Language(s):Spanish + CT Muzzana, Kevin L, DC 1007 Harlow Road Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 310 P,R,ME) + B Centennial Chiropractic Clinic Springfield, OR 97477 Sampson, Blake P, MD 112 North 49th Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4300 Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97478 NPI:1942305933 Dermatology at Gateway Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-6521 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1007 Harlow Road NPI:1912045568 Olson, Eric G, MD+ CT,B Suite 310 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Core Strength Chiropractic Eric G Olson MD Phone/Teléfono: (541) 242-4300 1618 J Street 1605 G Street NPI:1588007520 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 341-1414 Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-2100 NPI:1104059104 NPI:1275531865 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM 05:00 PM, Tue 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

138 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Dietitian Family Medicine Family Medicine: Sports Medicine Dietista Medicina familiar Jacobson, Cecelia, RD+ CT Derbyshire, E, PA+ Medicina familiar: Medicina Gender/Sexo: Female CT deportiva CT Comprehensive Spine Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male Routhier, Denise D, MD 3377 Riverbend Drive Oregon Urology Institute Gender/Sexo: Female 2nd Floor 2400 Hartman Lane Slocum Orthopedics PC Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 100 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-222-7218 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 NPI:1528447026 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1609130269 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1437273174 LeBlanc, Jessica L, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gastroenterology Springfield Treatment Center Gastroenterología 1485 Market Street + B Springfield, OR 97477 Gonenne, Jonathan, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-617-4544 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1457548380 Eugene Gastroenterology Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Consultants Endocrinology, Diabetes & Family Medicine: Sports 3355 Riverbend Drive Metabolism Medicine Suite 500 Springfield, OR 97477 Endocrinología, diabetes y Medicina familiar: Medicina Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 metabolismo deportiva NPI:1649299538 Goldstein, Rick N, MD+ Ellis, Jessica Laine, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Website/Sitio web: Community Health Ctr - http://www.eugenegi.com Orthopedics + CT,B RiverStone 1435 G Street Mills, Shane J, MD 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4812 Eugene Gastroenterology Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1245270222 Consultants NPI:1023129913 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3355 Riverbend Drive Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Pomranky, Lisa, MD CT,B Suite 500 P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield, OR 97477 Slocum Orthopedics PC Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 3377 Riverbend Drive NPI:1699747055 Suite 300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 http://www.eugenegi.com NPI:1609900893 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

139 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Infectious Disease Gastroenterología Gastroenterología Enfermedades infecciosas Vance, Ralph Brooks, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male McKenzie Willamette Medical Center 1460 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-8555 NPI:1487974192 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Park, Harry H, MD Geriatric Medicine Gender/Sexo: Male , Rey J, MD+ B Medicina geriátrica Gastroenterology at Gateway Gender/Sexo: Male + 1007 Harlow Road Goldstein, Rick N, MD McKenzie Physician Services Suite 210-Gastroenterology Gender/Sexo: Male 960 North 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Community Health Ctr - Suite 108 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-1600 RiverStone Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1467430959 2073 Olympic Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-988-6330 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1508098286 Sim, Davis L, MD+ CT,B Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1023129913 Other Language(s):Spanish Eugene Gastroenterology Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Scholtz, Harry A, DO Consultants P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male 3355 Riverbend Drive Infectious Disease McKenzie Physician Services Suite 500 960 North 16th Street Enfermedades infecciosas Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 108 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1265668263 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1124318639 Website/Sitio web: Wed-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM http://www.eugenegi.com Internal Medicine Stanke, Christopher F, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Medicina interna + B Oregon Medical Group Atkin, Edward Glen, MD 1007 Harlow Road Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 210 Dermatology at Gateway Springfield, OR 97477 1007 Harlow Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-1600 Suite 310 NPI:1932494739 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4300 NPI:1013082213 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

140 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Medicina interna Medicina interna Medicina interna Bascom, Paul Benjamin, MD+ Goldstein, Rick N, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Community Health Ctr - McKenzie Willamette Medical RiverStone Center 2073 Olympic Street 1460 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-8555 NPI:1023129913 NPI:1689680134 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:45 PM Dougherty, Dane H, MD+ P,R) Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Male + Bergin, Patrick J, MD Gastroenterology at Gateway Gender/Sexo: Male 1007 Harlow Road McKenzie Heart Group Suite 210-Gastroenterology 960 North 16 Street Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 304 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-1600 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1518251370 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1225309685 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Carnevale, Michael A, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gutheim, William G, MD+ B Pain and Addiction Medicine Gender/Sexo: Male 3377 Riverbend Drive Eugene Springfield Nephrology Springfield, OR 97477 Associates Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 3355 Riverbend Drive NPI:1164425534 Suite 200 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 , Jay H, MD+ B NPI:1346245883 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B McKenzie Heart Group Hansen, Diana F, MD 960 North 16th Street Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 304 Northwest Intensivist LLC Springfield, OR 97477 3355 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Suite 240 NPI:1659379824 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1712 NPI:1396912614 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R)

141 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Medicina interna Medicina interna Medicina interna Hinz, William A, MD+ B Marahatta, Ramesh, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Rheumatology at Gateway Eugene Springfield Nephrology 1007 Harlow Road Associates Suite 210-Rheumatology 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-0387 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1538345145 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1679700280 Hinz, William A, MD B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nordsieck, Eric J, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Nepali, Hindi Gender/Sexo: Male Endocrinology at Gateway McKenzie Heart Group 1007 Harlow Road 960 North 16th Street Suite 210-Endocrinology Suite 304 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-0048 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1538345145 NPI:1538494042 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Karki, Kantee, MD+ Paulsen, Jeffrey M, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male McKenzie Heart Group 960 North 16th Street Suite 304 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1609042431 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Labib, Mary F, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female + B Eugene Springfield Nephrology Murphey, Laine J, MD Associates Gender/Sexo: Male 3355 Riverbend Drive McKenzie Willamette Medical Suite 200 Center Springfield, OR 97477 1460 G Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1588862817 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-4400 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1710957469 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

142 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Internal Medicine Midwife Nephrology Medicina interna Partera Nefrología Sanghvi, Shalin R, MD+ B DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM+ Marahatta, Ramesh, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene Springfield Nephrology Community Health Ctr - Eugene Springfield Nephrology Associates RiverStone Associates 3355 Riverbend Drive 2073 Olympic Street 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 NPI:1578061339 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 NPI:1366490914 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1679700280 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Scholtz, Harry A, DO P,R) Other Language(s):Nepali, Hindi + B Gender/Sexo: Male Nephrology Sanghvi, Shalin R, MD McKenzie Physician Services Gender/Sexo: Male Nefrología 960 North 16th Street Eugene Springfield Nephrology + B Suite 108 Gutheim, William G, MD Associates Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Male 3355 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Eugene Springfield Nephrology Suite 200 NPI:1124318639 Associates Springfield, OR 97477 Wed-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3355 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 Stanke, Christopher F, MD+ B Suite 200 NPI:1366490914 Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Medical Group Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 Neurology 1007 Harlow Road NPI:1346245883 Neurología Suite 210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B + CT,B Springfield, OR 97477 Labib, Mary F, MD Balm, Michael Ross, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-1600 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1932494739 Eugene Springfield Nephrology Oregon Neurology Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Associates 1 Hayden Bridge Way Tuliani, Tushar Anil, MD+ 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 McKenzie Heart Group Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1164593646 960 North 16th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 304 NPI:1588862817 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R,ASL) Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1821377961 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

143 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Neurology Neurology Neurology Neurología Neurología Neurología , David A, DO+ B Herring, Mark Owen, MD+ Kokkino, Andrew J, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurology Associates Oregon Neurology Associates Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist 1 Hayden Bridge Way 1 Hayden Bridge Way 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 NPI:1578760278 NPI:1689636284 NPI:1780628719 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Portuguese Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Other Language(s):Romanian, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R,ASL) Greek P,R,ASL) Jensen, Joan M, MD+ B Roundy, Neil E, MD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Neurology Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 NPI:1437125929 NPI:1174723720 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Stachyra, Jessica Leila, MD B Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Neurology Associates Englander, Raymond Neal, 1 Hayden Bridge Way + CT,B MD Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Oregon Neurology Associates NPI:1265875082 1 Hayden Bridge Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Kiley, James H, MD+ B P,R,ASL) NPI:1316018898 Gender/Sexo: Male Wilder, Michael, MD+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Neurology Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 3377 Riverbend Drive Neuro Interventional Clinic P,R,ASL) Springfield, OR 97477 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1861694861 Phone/Teléfono: 541-222-8400 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1982861191 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

144 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Neurology: Vascular Neurology Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner Neurología: Neurología vascular Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero(a) practicante Wilder, Michael, MD+ CT Dressel, Gregory T, NP+ Hughes, Andrew J, FNP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Neuro Interventional Clinic McKenzie Heart Group Nova Urgent Care 3377 Riverbend Drive 960 North 16th Street 5781 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 304 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-222-8400 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-654-0282 NPI:1982861191 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1275533945 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1982779302 Mon-Sun: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM Nurse Practitioner Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Dressel, Gregory T, NP+ Enfermero(a) practicante Gender/Sexo: Male + CT Brisco, Patricia Louise, NP Mckenzie Physician Services Gender/Sexo: Female LLC Northwest Surgical Specialists 960 North 16th LLP Suite 207 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1982779302 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Peck, Craig A, NP+ NPI:1053326900 Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female McKenzie Heart Group Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Oregon Urology Institute 960 North 16th Street + CT Crenshaw, Page M, NP 2400 Hartman Lane Suite 304 Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 100 Springfield, OR 97477 Eugene Gastroenterology Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Consultants Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 NPI:1811996176 3355 Riverbend Drive NPI:1982253290 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 500 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Scott, Kymry, NP+ Springfield, OR 97477 Garcin, Alan J, ACNP+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC NPI:1386087401 Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist 3377 Riverbend Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Website/Sitio web: Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 http://www.eugenegi.com Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1063849024 NPI:1437615499 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

145 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner: Family Nurse Practitioner: Family Enfermero(a) practicante Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Toyama, Hiroe L, NP+ Dressel, Gregory T, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist Mckenzie Physician Services 3377 Riverbend Drive LLC Springfield, OR 97477 960 North 16th Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Suite 207 NPI:1225041338 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Wolanin, Cassandra M., NPI:1982779302 Martin, Jessica E, FNP+ ACNP+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Summit Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists 960 North 16th Street LLP Suite 200 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1134467368 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1972802148 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Nurse Practitioner: Family Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Brown, Dawn M, FNP+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Elder Health & Living Schultz, Heidi R, NP+ CT,B 382 South 58th Street Gender/Sexo: Female Suite B Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist Springfield, OR 97478 3377 Riverbend Drive + Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4858 Leider, Camille E, FNP Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1891734000 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Northwest Surgical Specialists NPI:1235291808 + Dressel, Gregory T, NP LLP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male 3355 Riverbend Drive Special Training McKenzie Heart Group Suite 300 Treating:Co-Occurring 960 North 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Disorders, Chronic Illness, Suite 304 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1972548766 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1982779302 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

146 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Nurse Practitioner: Family Nutritionist Obstetrics & Gynecology Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Nutricionista Obstetricia y ginecología Semple, Heidi M, FNP+ Freeman, Jennifer R, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest Surgical Specialists Women's Care Associates LLP 3100 Martin Luther King Jr 3355 Riverbend Drive Parkway Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 NPI:1033170519 NPI:1205355740 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Obstetrics & Gynecology Herrmann, David Michael, Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) MD+ CT Obstetricia y ginecología Nurse Practitioner: Pediatrics Gender/Sexo: Male + B Balderston, Keith D, MD Women's Care Associates Enfermero/a profesional: Gender/Sexo: Male 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Pediatría Center for Genetics & Maternal Parkway Fetal Medicine Springfield, OR 97477 3355 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 Suite 210 NPI:1114284189 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 Jewett, Paula H, MD+ CT NPI:1871525337 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Women's Care Associates + CT,B Bock, Kimberly A, MD 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Gender/Sexo: Female Parkway Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Women's Care Associates Springfield, OR 97477 Health 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 Parkway NPI:1780609842 Enfermero(a) practicante: Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Psiquiatría/Salud mental Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 Kelel, Kristy M, MD+ + Berger, Alicia, NP NPI:1821060591 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Women's Care Associates + CT,B The Child Center Clausen, Charlotte A, MD 3100 Martin Luther King Jr 3995 Marcola Road Gender/Sexo: Female Parkway Springfield, OR 97477 Center for Genetics & Maternal Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-7575 Fetal Medicine Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 NPI:1891153912 3355 Riverbend Drive NPI:1760757900 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 NPI:1548338841 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

147 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrics & Gynecology: Occupational Therapist Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetricia y ginecología Terapeuta ocupacional Kyle, Brooke, MD+ CT,B Ginecología y obstetricia: Brandenburg, Erin, OT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Medicina maternofetal Gender/Sexo: Female + B Women's Care Associates Balderston, Keith D, MD Birdsong Speech Therapy 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Gender/Sexo: Male Associates Parkway Center for Genetics & Maternal 1126 Gateway Loop Springfield, OR 97477 Fetal Medicine Suite 112 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1003859372 Suite 210 Phone/Teléfono: 541-371-2782 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1518221639 Mitchell, Timothy B, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1871525337 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Center for Genetics & Maternal Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R) + CT,B + Fetal Medicine Clausen, Charlotte A, MD Cioffredi, Michaela, PT 3355 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 210 Center for Genetics & Maternal Gateway Physical Therapy Springfield, OR 97477 Fetal Medicine 445 Harlow Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 120 NPI:1457677627 Suite 210 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 York, Catherine A, MD+ CT,B Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 NPI:1073082673 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1548338841 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Women's Care Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cline, Jessica Lee, OT + 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Mitchell, Timothy B, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Parkway Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Springfield, OR 97477 Center for Genetics & Maternal 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 Fetal Medicine Suite 300 NPI:1174557219 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 210 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1720565484 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1457677627 Davis-OLD, Allison, OT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Neurology Associates 1 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 NPI:1952873101 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R,ASL)

148 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Occupational Therapist Pediatrics Pediatrics Terapeuta ocupacional Pediatría Pediatría Davis, Allison, PT+ Burchell, Mary , MD+ B Koester, Michael C, MD B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurology Associates McKenzie Willamette Medical Slocum Orthopedics PC 1 Hayden Bridge Way Center 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 1460 G Street Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1952873101 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-8555 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396763413 NPI:1598752446 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM P,R,ASL) Davis, Allison, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 NPI:1952873101 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Frank, Jeffrey Russell, MD+ CT Meadowcroft, Carrie F, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Neurology Associates Gateway Physical Therapy 1 Hayden Bridge Way 445 Harlow Road Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 120 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1023246600 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1639430887 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R,ASL) Pain Medicine Medicina del dolor Kosek, Peter S, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 NPI:1639120801 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

149 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Pediatrics: Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatría: Medicina neonatal y perinatal Clausen, Charlotte A, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Genetics & Maternal Fetal Medicine 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 210 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-349-7600 NPI:1548338841 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Leonard, Douglas T, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Neonatal Specialists PC 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-8790 NPI:1831212976 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pediatrics: Neurology Pediatría: Neurología Frank, Jeffrey Russell, MD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurology Associates 1 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 NPI:1023246600 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R,ASL)

150 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Pediatrics: Sports Medicine Physical Medicine & Physical Therapist Rehabilitation Pediatría: Medicina deportiva Fisioterapeuta Koester, Michael C, MD B Medicina física y rehabilitación Arnold, Jonathan D, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Shupe, Tyler A, DPT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Gender/Sexo: Male Gateway Physical Therapy 3377 Riverbend Drive Oregon Neurology Associates 445 Harlow Road Suite 300 1 Hayden Bridge Way Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1598752446 NPI:1356696660 NPI:1700325164 Physical Medicine & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Rehabilitation Other Language(s):Spanish Berven, Ty N, PT Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male Medicina física y rehabilitación P,R,ASL) Gateway Physical Therapy + + Arnold, Jonathan D, PT Shupe, Tyler A, DPT 445 Harlow Road Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 120 Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Suite 120 Suite 120 NPI:1487029757 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT+ NPI:1700325164 NPI:1356696660 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gateway Physical Therapy + Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT Other Language(s):Spanish 445 Harlow Road + Gender/Sexo: Male Walkup, Cody W, PT Suite 120 Gateway Physical Therapy Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road Gateway Physical Therapy Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Suite 120 445 Harlow Road NPI:1942733837 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 120 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Springfield, OR 97477 Cioffredi, Michaela, PT+ NPI:1942733837 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1114467131 Gateway Physical Therapy + Holte, David A, PT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 445 Harlow Road + Gender/Sexo: Male White, Daniel A, PT Suite 120 Gateway Physical Therapy Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road Gateway Physical Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Suite 120 445 Harlow Road NPI:1073082673 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 120 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1689112625 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1831137017 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

151 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Dankberg, Tia R, PT+ Finney, Kelly Marie, PT+ Holte, David A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Suite 120 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1790138733 NPI:1295051837 NPI:1689112625 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Dede, Kisten L, PT+ Hagemeyer, Joshua J, DPT+ Hooley, Donald P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Oregon Neurology Associates Gateway Physical Therapy 3377 Riverbend Drive 1 Hayden Bridge Way 445 Harlow Road Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1164737425 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 NPI:1174808158 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1790228633 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Duke, Brian, PT+ P,R,ASL) Lavrinenko, Aleksey V, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Hill, Sierra, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurology Associates Gender/Sexo: Female Gateway Physical Therapy 1 Hayden Bridge Way Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1285107748 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 NPI:1851882724 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1124526157 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R,ASL) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Molzahn, Logan Anne Duke, Brian, PT+ Hilton, Valerie J, PT+ Thompson, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Suite 120 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 800-249-9020 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 NPI:1285107748 NPI:1255369021 NPI:1972001261 Mon-Tue: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

152 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Randall, Jennifer, PT+ Shupe, Tyler A, DPT+ White, Daniel A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Suite 120 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1104291160 NPI:1356696660 NPI:1831137017 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Scott, Kymry, NP+ Other Language(s):Spanish Wilging, Sean D, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Standifer, David B, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Gender/Sexo: Male Gateway Physical Therapy 3377 Riverbend Drive Gateway Physical Therapy 445 Harlow Road Suite 300 445 Harlow Road Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 120 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 NPI:1437615499 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1588224406 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1922081876 [Mon, Fri] 08:00 AM - 06:30 Sevilla, Malinda C, PT+ Mon-Tue: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM PM, Tue 07:00 AM - 02:30 PM, Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):Spanish Wed 09:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu + Gateway Physical Therapy Van Winkle, Kimberly S, PT 08:00 AM - 02:30 PM 445 Harlow Road Gender/Sexo: Female Physician Assistant Suite 120 Gateway Physical Therapy Auxiliar médico Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road CT Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Suite 120 Babich, Jennifer L, PA NPI:1043790314 Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-736-8870 Slocum Orthopedics PC Shupe, Tyler A, DPT+ NPI:1467887778 3377 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 300 + Oregon Neurology Associates Walkup, Cody W, PT Springfield, OR 97477 1 Hayden Bridge Way Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 Gateway Physical Therapy NPI:1396134300 + Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 445 Harlow Road Barton, Lucy A, PA NPI:1356696660 Suite 120 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Eugene Springfield Nephrology Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 Associates Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1114467131 3355 Riverbend Drive P,R,ASL) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 NPI:1730593542 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

153 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Brandt, Kevin M, PA+ CT Derbyshire, Cameron E, PA+ Hanauska, Jodi N, PA-C+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male CT Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Urology Institute Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist 2400 Hartman Lane Oregon Urology Institute 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 100 2400 Hartman Lane Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1811997000 NPI:1528318995 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1609130269 Harp, Joseph S, PA+ CT Brooks, Lindsay E, PA+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + CT Gender/Sexo: Female Farro, Brittany Jade, PA Oregon Urology Institute Eugene Springfield Nephrology Gender/Sexo: Female 2400 Hartman Lane Associates Oregon Neurology Associates Suite 100 3355 Riverbend Drive 1 Hayden Bridge Way Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9430 NPI:1891008561 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-6478 NPI:1134472533 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1275682676 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Huffman, Sara, PA-C+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female + Cain, Ryan L, PA P,R,ASL) Slocum Orthopedics PC CT Gender/Sexo: Male Fielder, Kimberlee A, PA 3377 Riverbend Drive Nova Urgent Care Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 300 445 Harlow Road Slocum Orthopedics PC Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 100 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 NPI:1063822625 Phone/Teléfono: 541-500-2500 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1780918847 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1396020186 Christner, Kelly M, PA+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Fillmore, Mallory L, PA+ Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Female LLP Eugene Gastroenterology 3355 Riverbend Drive Consultants Suite 300 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 500 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1154796878 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215272505 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: http://www.eugenegi.com

154 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Ingold, Lisa M, PA-C+ B Lee, Caitlin, PA CT McAllister, Marvin H., PA-C+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Troy K Richey MD PC Slocum Orthopedics PC Northwest Surgical Specialists 1605 G Street 3377 Riverbend Drive LLP Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 3355 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-6159 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 NPI:1538147053 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1750773164 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1659489722 P,R,ME) Leece, Laurie A, PA-C+ B Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jorgensen, Chad A, PA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) + Gender/Sexo: Male Dermatology at Gateway Mckinney, Jennifer, PA Oregon Urology Institute 1007 Harlow Road Gender/Sexo: Female 2400 Hartman Lane Suite 310 Northwest Intensivist LLC Suite 100 Springfield, OR 97477 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-4300 Suite 240 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 NPI:1942314992 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1649330846 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9292 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Littlejohn, Amy D, PA+ CT NPI:1598151730 Kosloff, Gregg V, PA-C+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene Gastroenterology Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) CT Northwest Surgical Specialists Consultants Riportella, Jacob C, PA LLP 3355 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Male 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 500 Slocum Orthopedics PC Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9500 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 NPI:1902884497 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1780933952 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: NPI:1205203106 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) http://www.eugenegi.com Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kuzma, Sarah E, PA-C McAllister, Christy S, PA+ Salden, Jason, PA B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Intensivist LLC Eric G Olson MD Slocum Orthopedics PC 3355 Riverbend Drive 1605 G Street 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 240 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-2100 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-1712 NPI:1811067069 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1346652310 [Mon, Fri] 08:30 AM - 05:00 NPI:1467648642 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Other Language(s):Spanish, Korean

155 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Rheumatology Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Reumatología Scheidt, Kenzie A, PA+ B Watson, Angela E, PA+ CT Dougherty, Dane H, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male McKenzie Heart Group Oregon Urology Institute Gastroenterology at Gateway 960 North 16th Street 2400 Hartman Lane 1007 Harlow Road Suite 304 Suite 100 Suite 210-Gastroenterology Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-1600 NPI:1992099824 NPI:1003823022 NPI:1518251370 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Seidel, Luke, PA Wells, Mark A, PA-C+ Hinz, William A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Oregon Urology Institute Rheumatology at Gateway 3377 Riverbend Drive 2400 Hartman Lane 1007 Harlow Road Suite 300 Suite 100 Suite 210-Rheumatology Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-741-0387 NPI:1700236692 NPI:1558344952 NPI:1538345145 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thatcher, Paul C, PA CT Hinz, William A, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Endocrinology at Gateway 3377 Riverbend Drive 1007 Harlow Road Suite 300 Suite 210-Endocrinology Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-746-0048 NPI:1205836269 NPI:1538345145 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Tingey, Leigha, PA Speech-Language Pathologist Gender/Sexo: Female Fonoaudiólogo Neurology CT 3377 Riverbend Drive Canavan, Alycia, MA Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-222-8400 Birdsong Speech Therapy NPI:1437627890 Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1126 Gateway Loop Suite 112 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-371-2782 NPI:1760864078 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, R)

156 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Speech-Language Pathologist Surgery: Colon & Rectal Surgery: Neurosurgery Fonoaudiólogo Cirugía: de colon y recto Cirugía: Neurocirugía Embry, Hannah J, SLP+ Vo, Duc M, MD+ CT,B Kokkino, Andrew J, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Birdsong Speech Therapy Northwest Surgical Specialists Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist Associates LLP 3377 Riverbend Drive 1126 Gateway Loop 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 112 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1780628719 Phone/Teléfono: 541-371-2782 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1629431531 NPI:1770564015 Other Language(s):Romanian, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Greek R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Roundy, Neil E, MD+ CT Surgery: Colon & Rectal Surgery: Neurosurgery Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist Cirugía: de colon y recto Cirugía: Neurocirugía 3377 Riverbend Drive + B + B Bascom, Thomas H, MD Coon, Valerie C, MD Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Northwest Surgical Specialists Neurology NPI:1174723720 LLP 3377 Riverbend Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Surgery: General Surgery Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-222-8400 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1407026263 Cirugía: Cirugía general Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bascom, Thomas H, MD+ B NPI:1790714046 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Northwest Surgical Specialists Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) LLP + Daniel, Jonathan C, MD 3355 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 300 McKenzie Heart Group Springfield, OR 97477 960 North 16th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Suite 304 NPI:1790714046 Springfield, OR 97477 Hutton, Daniel, DO+ CT Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1609031475 Oregon Neurosurgery Specialist Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3377 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 NPI:1346365871 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

157 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: General Surgery Surgery: General Surgery Surgery: General Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía general Cirugía: Cirugía general Cirugía: Cirugía general Clark, Katelyn Ann, MD CT,B Dehaas, David R, MD+ B Kollmorgen, Christine F, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male CT,B Northwest Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Female LLP LLP Northwest Surgical Specialists 3355 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive LLP Suite 300 Suite 300 3355 Riverbend Drive Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1366732729 NPI:1417986761 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1346282852 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cusati Oropeza, Daniel A, Fabricant, Loic, MD+ Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Littman, Travis A, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Surgical Specialists LLP Northwest Surgical Specialists LLP 3355 Riverbend Drive LLP 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 NPI:1790945418 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 NPI:1134210370 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1821202185 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Ingalls, Nichole K, MD+ B Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female McIvor, Andrew C, MD+ CT,B + Daniel, Jonathan C, MD Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male LLP Summit Surgical Specialists McKenzie Heart Group 3355 Riverbend Drive 960 North 16th Street 960 North 16th Street Suite 300 Suite 200 Suite 304 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 NPI:1235357104 NPI:1972696755 NPI:1609031475 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) McVay, Bryan M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Summit Surgical Specialists 960 North 16th Street Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 NPI:1356517098 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

158 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: General Surgery Surgery: General Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía general Cirugía: Cirugía general Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Modeste, Kevin A, MD+ B Vo, Duc M, MD+ CT,B Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male CT Northwest Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Male LLP LLP Slocum Orthopedics PC 3355 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1942447032 NPI:1770564015 NPI:1629075478 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Other Language(s):Spanish Pham, Nhan V, DO+ B Collis, Dennis K, MD CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Summit Surgical Specialists Slocum Orthopedics PC 960 North 16th Street 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 200 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1457775611 NPI:1972503266 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B CT,B Seidman, Craig S, MD Surgery: Hand Surgery Fitzpatrick, Daniel C, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Cirugía: Cirugía de mano Northwest Surgical Specialists Slocum Orthopedics PC CT,B LLP Tavakolian, Jason D, MD 3377 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 300 Suite 300 Slocum Orthopedics PC Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Suite 300 NPI:1558361873 NPI:1811926223 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Godfrey, Jenna M, MD Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1144220195 Gender/Sexo: Female + CT,B Stites, Thomas P, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Slocum Orthopedics PC Gender/Sexo: Male 3377 Riverbend Drive Summit Surgical Specialists Suite 300 960 North 16th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1639306723 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1750330262 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

159 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Hoellrich, Rudolf G, MD CT,B Shapiro, Matthew S, MD CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1013917285 NPI:1427058536 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jackson, Lyle Thomas, MD Mildren, Mark E, MD Sheerin, Daniel V, MD CT,B CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1215227756 NPI:1447250485 NPI:1144540790 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mohler, Craig G, MD CT,B Strasser, Nicholas, MD CT,B Jewett, Brian A, MD CT Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1649270745 NPI:1053525238 NPI:1538169727 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Shah, Steven N, MD CT,B Straub, Timothy A, MD CT,B Korcek, Lucas S, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1093931578 NPI:1750381703 NPI:1194083071 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

160 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery: Hand Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica Tavakolian, Jason D, MD CT,B Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica: Gender/Sexo: Male Mano Slocum Orthopedics PC Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD CT 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Slocum Orthopedics PC Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 3377 Riverbend Drive NPI:1144220195 Suite 300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 CT,B Tuman, Jeffrey M, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Surgery: Thoracic Surgery Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1629075478 Cirugía: Cirugía torácica Slocum Orthopedics PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B 3377 Riverbend Drive Other Language(s):Spanish Armitage, John M, MD Suite 300 Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery: Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Pediatric McKenzie Heart Group Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 960 North 16th Street Cirugía: Cirugía ortopédica: NPI:1437393949 Pediátrica Suite 304 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Weatherby, David J, MD Godfrey, Jenna M, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1255331195 Slocum Orthopedics PC Slocum Orthopedics PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B 3377 Riverbend Drive 3377 Riverbend Drive Floten, Harkness S, MD Suite 300 Suite 300 Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 McKenzie Heart Group Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 960 North 16th Street NPI:1295110922 NPI:1639306723 Suite 304 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Wuest, Thomas K, MD CT,B Surgery: Pediatric Surgery Phone/Teléfono: 541-744-6172 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1366408429 Slocum Orthopedics PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3377 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1669472635 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

161 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Lane Surgery: Vascular Surgery Surgical Critical Care Surgical Critical Care Cirugía: Cirugía vascular Cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos Cuidados intensivos quirúrgicos Schumacher, Paul M, MD+ B Fabricant, Loic, MD+ Modeste, Kevin A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists LLP LLP LLP 3355 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 300 Suite 300 Suite 300 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 NPI:1821145640 NPI:1790945418 NPI:1942447032 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) + CT,B + B Seidman, Craig S, MD Ingalls, Nichole K, MD Urology Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Urología Northwest Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists + CT LLP LLP Bodell, Dawn M, DO 3355 Riverbend Drive 3355 Riverbend Drive Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 300 Suite 300 Oregon Urology Institute Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 2400 Hartman Lane Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Suite 100 NPI:1811926223 NPI:1235357104 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) NPI:1306862206 Viramontes, Jose, MD+ CT,B Littman, Travis A, MD+ CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Kyle, Christopher C, MD+ CT,B Summit Surgical Specialists Northwest Surgical Specialists Gender/Sexo: Male 960 North 16th Street LLP Oregon Urology Institute Suite 200 3355 Riverbend Drive 2400 Hartman Lane Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 300 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2205 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1073600938 Phone/Teléfono: 541-868-9303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1821202185 NPI:1205037587 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Other Language(s):Spanish, Portuguese

162 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Lane Lane Linn Urology Womens Health, Nurse Albany Practitioner Urología Case Manager/Care Coordinator Fisher, Adrienne B, NP+ Lloyd, Jessica C, MD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Gender/Sexo: Female atención médica Women's Care Associates Oregon Urology Institute + 3100 Martin Luther King Jr Bouleware, Russell, AA 2400 Hartman Lane Parkway Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 100 Springfield, OR 97477 Linn County Mental Health Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8550 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 NPI:1629404843 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1144544248 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1053733030 + CT,B Veneta McKimmy, Roger M, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Family Medicine DeLaCruz, Leticia, AA Oregon Urology Institute Medicina familiar Gender/Sexo: Female 2400 Hartman Lane + B Linn County Mental Health Suite 100 Kovac, Francis G, APRN Gender/Sexo: Male 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Springfield, OR 97477 Albany, OR 97321 Nova Urgent Care Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 87983 Territorial Road NPI:1801815592 NPI:1023134830 Veneta, OR 97487 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-935-2200 Mehlhaff, Bryan A, MD Hankins, Heather, AA NPI:1841583721 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Urology Institute Linn County Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Family 2400 Hartman Lane 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Suite 100 Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Albany, OR 97321 Springfield, OR 97477 + B Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Kovac, Francis G, APRN Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1952568925 NPI:1518978204 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nova Urgent Care Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hitt, Ernest, AA + CT,B 87983 Territorial Road Woolsey, Jeffrey B, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Veneta, OR 97487 Phone/Teléfono: 541-935-2200 Linn County Mental Health Oregon Urology Institute 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 2400 Hartman Lane NPI:1841583721 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1992997274 Phone/Teléfono: 541-334-3350 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1063572238 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

163 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Linn Linn Linn Case Manager/Care Coordinator Case Manager/Care Coordinator Physical Therapist Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Fisioterapeuta atención médica atención médica Patron, Elizabeth A, PT+ Johnson, James, BS Perue, Obadiah, NON Gender/Sexo: Female + Gender/Sexo: Male LICENSED TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Linn County Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Male Therapy 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Linn County Mental Health 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97321 2730 Pacific Boulevard Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Southeast Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1538241070 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1164943445 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - Lawrence, Van, QMHS+ NPI:1972801124 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM + Linn County Mental Health Physical Therapist Perilli, Laurel P, PT 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Gender/Sexo: Female Fisioterapeuta Albany, OR 97321 TAI - Mid-Valley Physical + Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Modafferi, Alison A, PT Therapy NPI:1720104557 Gender/Sexo: Female 1325 Waverly Drive South East Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Albany, OR 97322 Oakes, Dena, AA Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Gender/Sexo: Female 1325 Waverly Drive South East NPI:1184103517 Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97322 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1184100059 - 05:00 PM + Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT NPI:1891914388 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM TAI - Mid-Valley Physical + Perue, Obadiah, NON Newell, Bethany A, PT Therapy LICENSED Gender/Sexo: Female 1325 Waverly Drive South East Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Albany, OR 97322 Linn County Mental Health Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 1325 Waverly Drive South East NPI:1174001887 Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97322 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM NPI:1972801124 NPI:1205350519 - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM

164 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Linn Linn Linn Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Reddy, Bhavana R, PT+ Sloan, Catherine P, PT+ Spink, Jillian E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1194971515 NPI:1275505299 NPI:1295111789 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT+ Smetana, Julia A, PT+ Summers, Christine M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1336558279 NPI:1306078159 NPI:1114405966 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM Schmidt, Bren F, PT+ Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT+ Supplitt, Ryne P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1962711531 NPI:1396252342 NPI:1730554908 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM

165 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Linn Linn Linn Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Thwing, Amy L, PT+ Valenti, Timothy P, PT+ Walish, Kyla J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1104310754 NPI:1528595477 NPI:1508113093 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM Truong, Laura, PT+ Vaughn, Jason M, PT+ Wall, Erin E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1720502602 NPI:1376864256 NPI:1306293238 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT+ Wachter, Rachel J, PT+ Walters, William R, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Therapy Therapy Therapy 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East 1325 Waverly Drive South East Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 NPI:1417430653 NPI:1548574262 NPI:1447816715 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM

166 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Linn Marion Marion Physical Therapist Keizer Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Wilkins, Katrina J, PT+ Fisioterapeuta Capellino, Vincent D, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Therapy 5955 Shoreview Lane North Tai - Keizer Pt 1325 Waverly Drive South East 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Albany, OR 97322 Keizer, OR 97303 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1477851814 NPI:1104381540 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - NPI:1881173755 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cavin, James W, PT - 05:00 PM + Gender/Sexo: Male + Benton, Amy E, PT Wilson, Paul I, PT Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North TAI - Mid-Valley Physical 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Therapy Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 1325 Waverly Drive South East Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Albany, OR 97322 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1184696205 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1942452537 + NPI:1578091344 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Chadd, Joanna M, PT [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - Boim, Rachel L, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt - 05:00 PM 5955 Shoreview Lane North + Tai - Keizer Pt Wright, Kelsy A, PT Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Female 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 TAI - Mid-Valley Physical Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1982193983 1325 Waverly Drive South East Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932664174 + Albany, OR 97322 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-1224 Bridge, Patrick M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1275982738 Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt [Mon, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 06:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 07:00 AM Suite 100 - 05:00 PM 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1063949907 NPI:1609131895 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

167 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Correia, Nathaniel R, PT+ Hardebeck, Laura J, PT+ Jarbath, Jean P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1548768971 NPI:1235106014 NPI:1013495860 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Durando, Shane M, PT+ Holbrook, Leah J, PT+ Jeffery, Anne L, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1548713852 NPI:1952787335 NPI:1528440252 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Falquist, Eric D, PT+ Hurley, Connor R, PT+ Jerkins, Amanda C, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1841681491 NPI:1225567050 NPI:1790257103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hampton, Hope A, PT+ Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT+ Leidholt, John T, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1982198347 NPI:1700174521 NPI:1093271363 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

168 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Martini, Caitlin J, PT+ Patron, Elizabeth A, PT+ Reddy, Bhavana R, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1275031890 NPI:1164943445 NPI:1194971515 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM Meyer, Kaylene M, PT+ - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - Gender/Sexo: Female 06:30 PM 06:30 PM + + Tai - Keizer Pt Perilli, Laurel P, PT Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT 5955 Shoreview Lane North Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 100 Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Keizer, OR 97303 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Suite 100 Suite 100 NPI:1275505398 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Modafferi, Alison A, PT+ NPI:1184103517 NPI:1336558279 Gender/Sexo: Female [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM Tai - Keizer Pt - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 5955 Shoreview Lane North 06:30 PM 06:30 PM + + Suite 100 Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT Schmidt, Bren F, PT Keizer, OR 97303 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt NPI:1184100059 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM Suite 100 Suite 100 - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 06:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Newell, Bethany A, PT+ NPI:1174001887 NPI:1962711531 Gender/Sexo: Female [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM Tai - Keizer Pt - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 5955 Shoreview Lane North 06:30 PM 06:30 PM Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1205350519 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM

169 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Sloan, Catherine P, PT+ Spink, Jillian E, PT+ Supplitt, Ryne P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1275505299 NPI:1295111789 NPI:1730554908 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 06:30 PM Smetana, Julia A, PT+ Steller, Nicholas R, PT+ Thwing, Amy L, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Physical Therapy Northwest Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North Limited Partnership 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 109 McNary Estates Drive Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 N Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1306078159 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-5231 NPI:1104310754 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM NPI:1306376363 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM Summers, Christine M, PT+ 06:30 PM Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Truong, Laura, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1114405966 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1396252342 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM NPI:1720502602 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM 06:30 PM

170 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT+ Wachter, Rachel J, PT+ Walters, William R, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1417430653 NPI:1548574262 NPI:1447816715 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 06:30 PM Valenti, Timothy P, PT+ Walish, Kyla J, PT+ Wilkins, Katrina J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1528595477 NPI:1508113093 NPI:1477851814 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 06:30 PM Vaughn, Jason M, PT+ Wall, Erin E, PT+ Wilson, Paul I, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Suite 100 Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1376864256 NPI:1306293238 NPI:1578091344 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 06:30 PM

171 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Wright, Kelsy A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Tai - Keizer Pt 5955 Shoreview Lane North Suite 100 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: 503-463-4221 NPI:1275982738 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Thu 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM Salem

172 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Benton, Amy E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1942452537 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Physical Therapist Benton, Amy E, PT Gender/Sexo: Female Fisioterapeuta Tai South Salem Pt + Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT 2925 River Road South Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 200 Tai South Salem Pt Salem, OR 97302 2925 River Road South Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Suite 200 NPI:1942452537 Salem, OR 97302 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Blanchard, Jeffrey R, PT+ NPI:1881173755 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tai South Salem Pt + Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT 2925 River Road South Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 200 TAI - East Salem PT Salem, OR 97302 3400 State Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Suite G 704 NPI:1083698450 Salem, OR 97301 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Boim, Rachel L, PT+ NPI:1881173755 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tai South Salem Pt + Ball, Jason D, PT 2925 River Road South Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 200 Oregon Spine & Physical Salem, OR 97302 Therapy Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 685 36th Avenue NE NPI:1932664174 Salem, OR 97301 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-371-8860 NPI:1780662122 Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 07:00 PM

173 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Boim, Rachel L, PT+ Capellino, Vincent D, PT+ Chadd, Joanna M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1932664174 NPI:1104381540 NPI:1982193983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bridge, Patrick M, PT+ Cavin, James W, PT+ Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1609131895 NPI:1184696205 NPI:1063949907 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bridge, Patrick M, PT+ Cavin, James W, PT+ Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1609131895 NPI:1184696205 NPI:1063949907 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Capellino, Vincent D, PT+ Chadd, Joanna M, PT+ Correia, Nathaniel R, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1104381540 NPI:1982193983 NPI:1548768971 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

174 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Correia, Nathaniel R, PT+ Falquist, Eric D, PT+ Hardebeck, Laura J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1548768971 NPI:1841681491 NPI:1235106014 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Durando, Shane M, PT+ Hampton, Hope A, PT+ Harney, Allison M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai - East Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite G704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 219-8835 NPI:1548713852 NPI:1982198347 NPI:1043624661 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Durando, Shane M, PT+ Hampton, Hope A, PT+ Harrison, Joel S, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Tai - East Salem Pt 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite G704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1548713852 NPI:1982198347 NPI:1619450657 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Falquist, Eric D, PT+ Hardebeck, Laura J, PT+ Holbrook, Leah J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1841681491 NPI:1235106014 NPI:1952787335 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

175 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Holbrook, Leah J, PT+ Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT+ Jerkins, Amanda C, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1952787335 NPI:1700174521 NPI:1790257103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hurley, Connor R, PT+ Jeffery, Anne L, PT+ Leidholt, John T, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1225567050 NPI:1528440252 NPI:1093271363 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hurley, Connor R, PT+ Jeffery, Anne L, PT+ Leidholt, John T, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1225567050 NPI:1528440252 NPI:1093271363 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT+ Jerkins, Amanda C, PT+ Lerma, Keegan K, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Oregon Spine & Physical 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Therapy Suite G 704 Suite G 704 685 36th Avenue NE Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-371-8860 NPI:1700174521 NPI:1790257103 NPI:1568915023 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 07:00 PM

176 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Martini, Caitlin J, PT+ Modafferi, Alison A, PT+ Pannebaker, Joshua E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Oregon Spine & Physical 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Therapy Suite 200 Suite 200 685 36th Avenue NE Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-371-8860 NPI:1275031890 NPI:1184100059 NPI:1568626398 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 07:00 PM Martini, Caitlin J, PT+ Modafferi, Alison A, PT+ Patron, Elizabeth A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1275031890 NPI:1184100059 NPI:1164943445 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Meyer, Kaylene M, PT+ Newell, Bethany A, PT+ Patron, Elizabeth A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1275505398 NPI:1205350519 NPI:1164943445 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Meyer, Kaylene M, PT+ Newell, Bethany A, PT+ Perilli, Laurel P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-208-6278 NPI:1275505398 NPI:1205350519 NPI:1184103517 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

177 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Perilli, Laurel P, PT+ Reddy, Bhavana R, PT+ Schmidt, Bren F, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1184103517 NPI:1194971515 NPI:1962711531 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT+ Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT+ Schoonover, Tiffany A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT Oregon Spine & Physical 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Therapy Suite G 704 Suite G 704 685 36th Avenue NE Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-371-8860 NPI:1174001887 NPI:1336558279 NPI:1205326584 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 07:00 PM Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT+ Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT+ Sloan, Catherine P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1174001887 NPI:1336558279 NPI:1275505299 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Reddy, Bhavana R, PT+ Schmidt, Bren F, PT+ Sloan, Catherine P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1194971515 NPI:1962711531 NPI:1275505299 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM

178 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Smetana, Julia A, PT+ Spink, Jillian E, PT+ Summers, Christine M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1306078159 NPI:1295111789 NPI:1114405966 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Smetana, Julia A, PT+ Spink, Jillian E, PT+ Summers, Christine M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1306078159 NPI:1295111789 NPI:1114405966 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT+ Sturzinger, Jenna N, PT+ Supplitt, Ryne P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT Oregon Spine & Physical TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street Therapy 3400 State Street Suite G 704 685 36th Avenue NE Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-371-8860 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1396252342 NPI:1447480512 NPI:1730554908 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 07:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT+ Sturzinger, Jenna N, PT+ Supplitt, Ryne P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt Physical Therapy Northwest Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South Limited Partnership 2925 River Road South Suite 200 2478 13th Street SE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-779-1020 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1396252342 NPI:1447480512 NPI:1730554908 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

179 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Thwing, Amy L, PT+ Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT+ Vaughn, Jason M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite G 704 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1104310754 NPI:1417430653 NPI:1376864256 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thwing, Amy L, PT+ Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT+ Vaughn, Jason M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite 200 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1104310754 NPI:1417430653 NPI:1376864256 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Truong, Laura, PT+ Valenti, Timothy P, PT+ Wachter, Rachel J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1720502602 NPI:1528595477 NPI:1548574262 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Truong, Laura, PT+ Valenti, Timothy P, PT+ Wachter, Rachel J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1720502602 NPI:1528595477 NPI:1548574262 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM

180 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Marion Marion Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Walish, Kyla J, PT+ Walters, William R, PT+ Wilson, Paul I, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 3400 State Street 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1508113093 NPI:1447816715 NPI:1578091344 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Walish, Kyla J, PT+ Walters, William R, PT+ Wilson, Paul I, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite 200 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1508113093 NPI:1447816715 NPI:1578091344 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Wall, Erin E, PT+ Wilkins, Katrina J, PT+ Wright, Kelsy A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South Suite 200 Suite G 704 Suite 200 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 NPI:1306293238 NPI:1477851814 NPI:1275982738 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Wall, Erin E, PT+ Wilkins, Katrina J, PT+ Wright, Kelsy A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI - East Salem PT Tai South Salem Pt TAI - East Salem PT 3400 State Street 2925 River Road South 3400 State Street Suite G 704 Suite 200 Suite G 704 Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 Phone/Teléfono: 503-585-4824 Phone/Teléfono: 503-378-7434 NPI:1306293238 NPI:1477851814 NPI:1275982738 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM

181 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Marion Multnomah Multnomah Physical Therapist Gresham Portland Fisioterapeuta Physician Assistant Acupuncturist Yeh, Hsu-hung, PT+ Auxiliar médico Acupunturista Gender/Sexo: Female Lee, Kenneth E, PA Susee, Malia, LAc Tai South Salem Pt Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female 2925 River Road South Mt Hood Medical Center Ip Pohala Clinic Pc Suite 200 24900 Southeast Stark Street 7477 Southeast 52nd Avenue Salem, OR 97302 Suite 208 Portland, OR 97206 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 585-4824 Gresham, OR 97030 Phone/Teléfono: 503-572-4196 NPI:1598274383 Phone/Teléfono: 503-666-8149 NPI:1417130139 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1609956895 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Podiatry Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Adolescent Medicine Podiatry Podiatría Medicina de adolescentes Arabshahi, Hamid Reza, DPM Podiatría B Galen, Edward Allen, MD Mineo, Timothy J, DPM B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male NORTHWEST Advanced Foot Clinic, P.C. Eastside Foot and Ankle LLC GASTROENTEROLOGY 1475 Commercial Street 24076 Southeast Stark Street CLINIC Southeast Suite 320 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Salem, OR 97302 Gresham, OR 97030 Suite 410 Phone/Teléfono: 503-391-0688 Phone/Teléfono: 503-284-2000 Portland, OR 97210 NPI:1699879056 NPI:1275730459 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1417052762 Other Language(s):Farsi, Persian Surgery: Neurosurgery Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Surgery: General Surgery Otoole, Julie K, MD+ Cirugía: Neurocirugía Gender/Sexo: Female Cirugía: Cirugía general B + Polin, Richard S, MD Kartini Clinic PC Wilson, Benjamin R, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Mt Hood Medical Center Ip Suite 400 Odyssey Complete 24900 Southeast Stark Street Portland, OR 97227 465 Commercial Street Suite 208 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Northeast Gresham, OR 97030 NPI:1780760785 Suite 150 Phone/Teléfono: 503-666-8149 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Salem, OR 97301 NPI:1043373996 Other Language(s):German, Phone/Teléfono: (503) 304-4358 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Spanish, Mandarin NPI:1952499931 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

182 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Dietitian Family Medicine Dietista Medicina familiar Montgomery, Kassy Rae, RD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Legacy Clinic at Good Samaritan 2800 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 230 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2901 NPI:1114450947 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Holmes, Shelda R, FNP Gender/Sexo: Female HANDS ON MEDICINE 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 NPI:1316937949 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Novak, Melissa A, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gabriel Park Hc Family Med 4411 Southwest Vermont Portland, OR 97219 Phone/Teléfono: 503-494-9992 NPI:1952575391 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Parekh, Amisha D, MD B Gender/Sexo: Female PEARL HEALTH CENTER,PC 721 Northwest 9th Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97209 Phone/Teléfono: 503-525-0090 NPI:1982900759 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

183 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Gastroenterology Gastroenterología Black, Katherine R, MD Gender/Sexo: Female NORTHWEST GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINIC 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Suite 410 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1801018122 Family Medicine: Sports Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Medicine Buehler, Jeffrey Charles, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Medicina familiar: Medicina Northwest Gastroenterology deportiva 501 North Graham Street + B Novak, Melissa A, DO Suite 465 Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97210 Gabriel Park Hc Family Med Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 4411 Southwest Vermont NPI:1164534608 Portland, OR 97219 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-494-9992 Degregorio, Barry T, MD B NPI:1952575391 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Northwest Gastroenterology Gastroenterology 501 North Graham Street Suite 465 Gastroenterología Portland, OR 97210 B Bennetts, Roland, MD Phone/Teléfono: (503) 229-7137 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1205948726 NORTHWEST Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM GASTROENTEROLOGY Galen, Edward Allen, MD CLINIC Gender/Sexo: Male 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue NORTHWEST Suite 410 GASTROENTEROLOGY Portland, OR 97210 CLINIC Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue NPI:1902851132 Suite 410 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1417052762 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

184 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterología Gastroenterología Gastroenterología Hapke, Ronald Jack, MD B Nesmith, Meghan Allison, MD Taylor, Derek C, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male B Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Gastroenterology Gender/Sexo: Female NORTHWEST 501 North Graham Street NORTHWEST GASTROENTEROLOGY Suite 465 GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINIC Portland, OR 97210 CLINIC 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Suite 410 NPI:1841290699 Suite 410 Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Jazrawi, Saad Fahmi, MD B Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1487766911 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1356640544 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B NORTHWEST Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Vorlop, Erich D, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY Platz, Jennifer L, PA Gender/Sexo: Male CLINIC Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest Gastroenterology 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Northwest Gastroenterology 501 North Graham Street Suite 410 501 North Graham Street Suite 465 Portland, OR 97210 Suite 465 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1942417118 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1831315829 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1437175924 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Arabic Poorman, Jay C, MD B Kim, Julie Ann, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest Gastroenterology Northwest Gastroenterology 501 North Graham Street 501 North Graham Street Suite 465 Suite 465 Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1215049721 NPI:1730283946 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Smith, Matthew A, MD B Le, Thienluong Domi, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female NORTHWEST NORTHWEST GASTROENTEROLOGY GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINIC CLINIC 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Suite 410 Suite 410 Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 NPI:1962590570 NPI:1659525962 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

185 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Internal Medicine Nephrology Medicina interna Nefrología Le, Thienluong Domi, MD Hilbelink, Todd Ronald, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male NORTHWEST Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. GASTROENTEROLOGY 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street CLINIC Suite B54 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Suite 410 Phone/Teléfono: 503-235-5509 Portland, OR 97210 NPI:1568440584 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Hospice and Palliative Medicine NPI:1659525962 Jesperson, Tricia N, DO Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Hospicio y cuidados paliativos Medical Oncology Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. + B Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Oncología médica Gender/Sexo: Male Suite B54 Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland Portland, OR 97213 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-235-5509 Portland, OR 97213 NPI:1174777973 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1013971837 Kassakian, Claire T, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Gender/Sexo: Female Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. Internal Medicine 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Suite B54 Medicina interna Naturopath Portland, OR 97213 Black, Katherine R, MD Phone/Teléfono: 503-235-5509 Naturópata Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1316172984 + NORTHWEST Stevens, Samara, ND Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM GASTROENTEROLOGY Gender/Sexo: Female Patel, Monika, DO+ CLINIC Kartini Clinic PC Gender/Sexo: Female 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. Suite 410 Suite 400 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97227 Suite B54 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Portland, OR 97213 NPI:1801018122 NPI:1780189332 Phone/Teléfono: 503-235-5509 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700061017 Special Training Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Treating:Substance Abuse

186 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Nephrology Nurse Practitioner Nefrología Enfermero(a) practicante Smiley, Clayton M, MD+ Holt, Timothy S, NP Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. Portland Mental Health and 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Wellness Suite 640 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97210 Suite 270 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7976 Portland, OR 97232 NPI:1679544431 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1467546697 Steed, Leslie M, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Suite 640 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7976 NPI:1043288129 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

187 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Nurse Practitioner: Family Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Health Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Ault, Whitney Renee, NP Enfermero(a) practicante: Gender/Sexo: Female Psiquiatría/Salud mental HANDS ON MEDICINE Demerich, Megan, NP 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97217 Northwest ADHD Treatment Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Center NPI:1649674961 10011 Southeast Division Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 203 Iwaski, Ellen L, FNP+ Portland, OR 97266 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 Gabriel Park Hc Family Med NPI:1528439528 4411 Southwest Vermont Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Portland, OR 97219 Desocio, Janiece E, NP Phone/Teléfono: 503-494-8744 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1487669982 Kartini Clinic PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 400 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 NPI:1083790554 Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Health Jenson, Jody, NP Gender/Sexo: Male Enfermero(a) practicante: Northwest ADHD Treatment Psiquiatría/Salud mental Reel Davis, Chaney, NP+ Center Gender/Sexo: Female Banger, Sarah, NP 10011 Southeast Division Street Gender/Sexo: Female DePaul Treatment Centers Inc Suite 203 1312 Southwest Washington NORTHWEST ADHD Portland, OR 97266 Street TREATMENT CENTER Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 Portland, OR 97205 1201 Southwest 12th Avenue NPI:1669737300 Phone/Teléfono: 503-535-1151 Suite 224 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1881885895 Portland, OR 97205 Mostul, Tyler, NP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 971-251-9856 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1558518738 Pohala Clinic Pc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 7477 Southeast 52nd Avenue Portland, OR 97206 Phone/Teléfono: 503-572-4196 NPI:1477062362 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

188 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Obstetrics & Gynecology Pediatrics Health Obstetricia y ginecología Pediatría Enfermero(a) practicante: Pearson, Tuesday, DO B Otoole, Julie K, MD+ Psiquiatría/Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Murphy, Jonathan, NP Joya Women's Healthcare Kartini Clinic PC Gender/Sexo: Male 2332 Northwest Irving Street 3530 North Vancouver Avenue NORTHWEST ADHD Portland, OR 97210 Suite 400 TREATMENT CENTER Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-5444 Portland, OR 97227 1201 Southwest 12th Avenue NPI:1043650682 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Suite 224 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1780760785 Portland, OR 97205 Pediatrics Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-427-2394 Other Language(s):German, NPI:1821441965 Pediatría Spanish, Mandarin Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Buchholz, Mark T, MD+ B Selva, Karin Ann, MD+ B Reel Davis, Chaney, NP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Legacy Emanuel Hospital Legacy Emanuel Ped Diabetes & DePaul Treatment Centers Inc 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue Endocrinology 1312 Southwest Washington Portland, OR 97227 501 North Graham Street Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2794 Suite 375 Portland, OR 97205 NPI:1649251422 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: 503-535-1151 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-1600 NPI:1881885895 Fish, Corey A, MD B NPI:1003883026 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Sheehan, Brooke A, NP Practice Office Pediatrics: Cardiology Gender/Sexo: Female 6924 NE Sandy Boulevard Pediatría: Cardiología Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Portland, OR 97213 B Inc Phone/Teléfono: 503-963-7963 Legras, Marc D, MD 10373 Northeast Hancock Street NPI:1871720136 Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 200 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen Portland, OR 97220 Moshtael, Naghmeh, MD+ B 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-253-6754 Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97232 NPI:1023154846 Kartini Clinic PC Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2150 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3530 North Vancouver Avenue NPI:1881675221 Suite 400 Other Language(s):French, Portland, OR 97227 Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 NPI:1376635748 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Farsi

189 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Pediatrics: Critical Care Pediatrics: Gastroenterology Pediatrics: Urology Medicine Pediatría: Gastroenterología Pediatría: Urología pediátrica Buchholz, Mark T, MD+ B pediátrica Hirselj, Daniel A, MD B Gender/Sexo: Male Sheiko, Melissa A, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Legacy Emanuel Hospital Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest Urology LLC 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue Legacy Clinic at Good 2230 Northwest Pettygrove Portland, OR 97227 Samaritan Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2794 2800 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 210 NPI:1649251422 Suite 230 Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: 503-223-6223 Pediatrics: Endocrinology Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2901 NPI:1962603175 Pediatría: Endocrinología NPI:1710129184 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Selva, Karin Ann, MD+ B Physical Medicine & Gender/Sexo: Female Pediatrics: Rehabilitation Hematology-Oncology Legacy Emanuel Ped Diabetes & Medicina física y rehabilitación Endocrinology Pediatría: Hemato-oncología Button, Jeanne H, MD+ B 501 North Graham Street pediátrica Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 375 + B Haley, Kristina M, DO Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital Portland, OR 97227 Gender/Sexo: Female and Medical Center Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-1600 CDRC 1015 Northwest 22nd Avenue NPI:1003883026 707 Southwest Gaines Road Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97201 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-7711 Pediatrics: Gastroenterology Phone/Teléfono: 503-494-8744 NPI:1427002187 Pediatría: Gastroenterología NPI:1366608911 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM pediátrica Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Degen, Jeffrey W, MD B Moyer, Kathryn D, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female REHABILITATION Legacy Clinic at Good MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, PC Samaritan 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue 2800 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 320 Suite 230 Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-6294 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2901 NPI:1952422578 NPI:1063629251 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM

190 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Physical Medicine & Physical Medicine & Physician Assistant Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Auxiliar médico Medicina física y rehabilitación Medicina física y rehabilitación M MacDonald, Dori, PA+ Koon, David Chi-Chiu, MD B Schmeer, Jamie L, DO+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland REHABILITATION Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, PC and Medical Center Portland, OR 97213 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue 1015 Northwest 22nd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Suite 320 Portland, OR 97210 NPI:1568519684 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-7711 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-6294 NPI:1477871135 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1528043205 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Wilson, Michael R, DO B PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish REHABILITATION Lawlor, Jennifer Kathleen, MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, PC B MD 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 320 REHABILITATION Portland, OR 97210 MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, PC Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-6294 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue NPI:1932185584 Suite 320 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Portland, OR 97210 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-6294 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1639156375 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM Other Language(s):Spanish McKeown, Jana K, DO B Gender/Sexo: Female REHABILITATION MEDICINE ASSOCIATES, PC 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue Suite 320 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-6294 NPI:1518998863 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

191 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Podiatry Auxiliar médico Auxiliar médico Podiatría Phillips, Colleen D, PA Gender/ Greenberg, David C, DPM B Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Portland Plastic Surgery Group, David C Greenberg DPM LLC Medical Group 1200 Northwest Naito Parkway 948 Northeast 102nd Avenue Suite 310 Suite 103 Portland, OR 97209 Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: 503-292-9200 Phone/Teléfono: 503-257-8886 NPI:1245308618 NPI:1760434674 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tengsico, Lester Fernandez, DPM Gender/Sexo: Male Lester Tengsico 7505 SE Powell Boulevard Portland, OR 97206 Phone/Teléfono: 503-760-5151 NPI:1538124904 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Cantonese, Platz, Jennifer L, PA Podiatry Spanish, Tagalog Gender/Sexo: Female Preventive Medicine Podiatría Northwest Gastroenterology B Medicina preventiva 501 North Graham Street Bowen, Brian M, DPM + Suite 465 Gender/Sexo: Male Rana, Vandana H, MD Portland, OR 97210 Brian Bowen Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-229-7137 1717 NE 42nd Avenue Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland NPI:1437175924 Suite 3300 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97213 Roberts, Chelsea Z, PA Phone/Teléfono: 503-284-2000 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1093921975 NPI:1104952415 Practice Office Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Sat] 09:00 AM - 06:00 B 6924 NE Sandy Boulevard Bullock, Gina M, DPM PM, Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 Portland, OR 97213 Gender/Sexo: Female PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-963-7963 BROADWAY FOOT & NPI:1649506437 ANKLE CLINIC, PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3508 Northeast Broadway Street Other Language(s):Spanish Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: 503-282-8777 NPI:1255440020 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

192 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Psychologist: Clinical Psychologist: Clinical Surgery: General Surgery Psicólogo: Clínico Psicólogo: Clínico Cirugía: Cirugía general Tollander, Heather, CP Tseng, Daniel, MD B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest ADHD Treatment Northwest Minimally Invasive Center Surgery, Llc 10011 Southeast Division Street 2222 Northwest Lovejoy Street Suite 203 Suite 322 Portland, OR 97266 Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 Phone/Teléfono: 503-914-0024 NPI:1659748507 NPI:1366477374 Miller, Kristen, CP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Surgery: General Surgery Other Language(s):Spanish Northwest ADHD Treatment Surgery: Plastic Surgery Cirugía: Cirugía general Center + Cirugía: Cirugía plástica 10011 Southeast Division Street Meyer, Avishai J, MD B Suite 203 Gender/Sexo: Male O'Brien, Shannon P, MD Portland, OR 97266 OREGON WEIGHT LOSS Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 SURGERY LLC Portland Plastic Surgery Group, NPI:1811342710 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue LLC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 500 1200 Northwest Naito Parkway Nolde, Alyssa, PSYD Portland, OR 97210 Suite 310 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-227-5050 Portland, OR 97209 NORTHWEST ADHD NPI:1750437364 Phone/Teléfono: 503-292-9200 TREATMENT CENTER Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1730380999 1201 Southwest 12th Avenue Patterson, Emma J, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Suite 224 Gender/Sexo: Female Zegzula, Henry Daniel, MD Portland, OR 97205 OREGON WEIGHT LOSS Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 971-251-9856 SURGERY LLC Portland Plastic Surgery Group, NPI:1447621834 1040 Northwest 22nd Avenue LLC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 500 1200 Northwest Naito Parkway Sanchez, Adrian Larsen, CP+ Portland, OR 97210 Suite 310 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 503-227-5050 Portland, OR 97209 Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC NPI:1174515431 Phone/Teléfono: 503-292-9200 3050 Southeast Division Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1811968639 Suite 215 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97202 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 NPI:1902144777 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

193 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Multnomah Polk Polk Surgery: Thoracic Surgery Salem Physical Therapist Cirugía: Cirugía torácica Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Sethi, Sushil M, MD+ CT Fisioterapeuta Capellino, Vincent D, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Afc Urgent Care - Ne Portland Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT 7033 NE Sandy Boulevard 515 Taggart Drive TAI West Salem PT Portland, OR 97213 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Phone/Teléfono: 503-305-6262 Salem, OR 97304 Suite 150 NPI:1255318275 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM, NPI:1104381540 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Sat-Sun: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1881173755 + Watkins, Jeffrey R, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cavin, James W, PT Gender/Sexo: Male Benton, Amy E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Minimally Invasive Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT Surgery, Llc TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 2222 Northwest Lovejoy Street 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 322 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Portland, OR 97210 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-914-0024 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1184696205 NPI:1720373509 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1942452537 + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Chadd, Joanna M, PT Urology Boim, Rachel L, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT Urología Gender/Sexo: Female 515 Taggart Drive B TAI West Salem PT Hirselj, Daniel A, MD Suite 150 Gender/Sexo: Male 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Northwest Urology LLC Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 2230 Northwest Pettygrove Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1982193983 Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932664174 + Suite 210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT Portland, OR 97210 Bridge, Patrick M, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-223-6223 Gender/Sexo: Male TAI West Salem PT NPI:1962603175 515 Taggart Drive Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1063949907 NPI:1609131895 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

194 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Polk Polk Polk Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Correia, Nathaniel R, PT+ Hardebeck, Laura J, PT+ Jeffery, Anne L, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1548768971 NPI:1235106014 NPI:1528440252 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Durando, Shane M, PT+ Holbrook, Leah J, PT+ Jerkins, Amanda C, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1548713852 NPI:1952787335 NPI:1790257103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Falquist, Eric D, PT+ Hurley, Connor R, PT+ Leidholt, John T, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1841681491 NPI:1225567050 NPI:1093271363 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hampton, Hope A, PT+ Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT+ Martini, Caitlin J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1982198347 NPI:1700174521 NPI:1275031890 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

195 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Polk Polk Polk Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Meyer, Kaylene M, PT+ Perilli, Laurel P, PT+ Schmidt, Bren F, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1275505398 NPI:1184103517 NPI:1962711531 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Modafferi, Alison A, PT+ Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT+ Sloan, Catherine P, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1184100059 NPI:1174001887 NPI:1275505299 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Newell, Bethany A, PT+ Reddy, Bhavana R, PT+ Smetana, Julia A, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1205350519 NPI:1194971515 NPI:1306078159 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Patron, Elizabeth A, PT+ Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT+ Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1164943445 NPI:1336558279 NPI:1396252342 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM

196 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Polk Polk Polk Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Physical Therapist Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Fisioterapeuta Spink, Jillian E, PT+ Truong, Laura, PT+ Wachter, Rachel J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1295111789 NPI:1720502602 NPI:1548574262 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Summers, Christine M, PT+ Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT+ Walish, Kyla J, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1114405966 NPI:1417430653 NPI:1508113093 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Supplitt, Ryne P, PT+ Valenti, Timothy P, PT+ Wall, Erin E, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1730554908 NPI:1528595477 NPI:1306293238 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Thwing, Amy L, PT+ Vaughn, Jason M, PT+ Walters, William R, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT TAI West Salem PT 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive 515 Taggart Drive Suite 150 Suite 150 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Salem, OR 97304 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 Phone/Teléfono: 503-208-6278 Phone/Teléfono: 503-363-6770 NPI:1104310754 NPI:1376864256 NPI:1447816715 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM

197 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Washington Washington Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Terapeuta ocupacional Fisioterapeuta Engber, Deanna S, PC+ Schroetke, Samuel S, PT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Physical Therapy and Hand Therapies, Inc Clinic of Hillsboro 5289 Northeast Elam Young 620 Southeast Oak Street Parkway Suite A Suite 140 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Phone/Teléfono: 503-844-6565 Phone/Teléfono: 503-372-5147 NPI:1265831762 NPI:1457368557 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:30 PM, [Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM Other Language(s):Spanish - 05:30 PM Special Training Surgery: Thoracic Surgery Treating:Development Disorder Cirugía: Cirugía torácica Physical Therapist Watkins, Jeffrey R, MD+ Fisioterapeuta Gender/Sexo: Male + Cruz, Molly J, PT Northwest Minimally Invasive Gender/Sexo: Female Surgery, LLC Physical Therapy and Hand 10690 Northeast Cornell Road Clinic of Hillsboro Suite 212 620 Southeast Oak Street Hillsboro, OR 97124 Suite A Phone/Teléfono: 503-914-0024 Hillsboro, OR 97123 NPI:1720373509 Washington Phone/Teléfono: 503-844-6565 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1003868340 Portland Hillsboro [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - Occupational Therapist 06:30 PM, [Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM Case Manager/Care Coordinator - 05:30 PM Terapeuta ocupacional Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Lloyd, Erin D, DPT+ + atención médica Amara, Debora A, OTR-L Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gilmore, Tyler Alexander, Physical Therapy and Hand QMHS+ Physical Therapy and Hand Clinic of Hillsboro Gender/Sexo: Male Clinic of Hillsboro 620 Southeast Oak Street Lifeworks Northwest 620 Southeast Oak Street Suite A 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Suite A Hillsboro, OR 97123 Portland, OR 97229 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Phone/Teléfono: 503-844-6565 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 645-3581 Phone/Teléfono: 503-844-6565 NPI:1669814018 NPI:1629564075 NPI:1205903606 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - Mon 08:00 AM - 06:30 PM, Tue 06:30 PM, [Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM 05:00 PM, [Tue, Fri] 08:00 AM - 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM - 05:30 PM 06:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

198 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Washington Washington Washington Case Manager/Care Coordinator Endocrinology, Diabetes & Nurse Practitioner Metabolism Gestor de casos/Coordinador de Enfermero(a) practicante atención médica Endocrinología, diabetes y Murdoch, Jennifer, NP Reinhardt, Bailie, BA+ metabolismo Gender/Sexo: Female B Gender/Sexo: Female Neifing, James L, MD Portland Diabetes and Lifeworks Northwest Gender/Sexo: Male Endocrinology 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Portland Diabetes and 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Portland, OR 97229 Endocrinology Suite 985 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 645-3581 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Portland, OR 97225 NPI:1669973277 Suite 985 Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - Portland, OR 97225 NPI:1891843397 05:00 PM, [Tue, Fri] 08:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:00 PM NPI:1437207941 Zuberi, Laurel R, NP Endocrinology, Diabetes & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Metabolism Other Language(s):Russian, Portland Diabetes and Spanish Endocrinology Endocrinología, diabetes y Internal Medicine 9135 Southwest Barnes Road metabolismo Suite 985 Medicina interna Bergstrom, Richard Walter, Portland, OR 97225 MD Bergstrom, Richard Walter, Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 Gender/Sexo: Male MD NPI:1457395311 Portland Diabetes and Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Endocrinology Portland Diabetes and Nurse Practitioner: Family 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Endocrinology Suite 985 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Enfermero/a profesional: Familia Portland, OR 97225 Suite 985 Carter, Amy Jean, NP Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 Portland, OR 97225 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1326196841 Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 Portland Diabetes and Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1326196841 Endocrinology Other Language(s):Russian, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Spanish Other Language(s):Russian, Suite 985 B Grady, Scott P, MD Spanish Portland, OR 97225 Gender/Sexo: Male Nephrology Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 Portland Diabetes and NPI:1215302336 Nefrología Endocrinology Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Kemper, Nicole M, MD Suite 985 Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97225 Northwest Renal Clinic, Inc. Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 9155 Southwest Barnes Road NPI:1396893897 Suite 402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: 503-292-7704 NPI:1326251828 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

199 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Washington Washington Washington Physician Assistant Tualatin Podiatry Auxiliar médico Endocrinology, Diabetes & Podiatría Jacobson, Karen A, PA Metabolism Arabshahi, Hamid Reza, DPM Gender/Sexo: Female Endocrinología, diabetes y B Portland Diabetes and metabolismo Gender/Sexo: Male Endocrinology Krishnamurthy, Priya, MD B Advanced Foot Clinic 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Gender/Sexo: Female 6464 Southwest Borland Road Suite 985 Premier Endocrinology Tualatin, OR 97062 Portland, OR 97225 Associates Phone/Teléfono: 503-612-4040 Phone/Teléfono: 503-297-3336 6475 Southwest Borland Road NPI:1699879056 NPI:1588836654 Suite L Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tualatin, OR 97062 Other Language(s):Farsi, Persian Podiatry Phone/Teléfono: 503-967-4240 Psychologist: Clinical Podiatría NPI:1821283631 Psicólogo: Clínico B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hayes, Stephen M, DPM Other Language(s):Hindi Dunbar, Desiree, CP Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Portland Foot & Ankle LLC Health NORTHWEST ADHD 9370 Southwest Greenburg Road TREATMENT CENTER Suite 102 Enfermero(a) practicante: 18840 Southwest Boones Ferry Portland, OR 97223 Psiquiatría/Salud mental Road Phone/Teléfono: 503-244-7894 McDuffee, Katherine, NP Suite 208 NPI:1548254329 Gender/Sexo: Female Tualatin, OR 97062 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NORTHWEST ADHD Phone/Teléfono: 503-427-2394 Surgery: General Surgery TREATMENT CENTER NPI:1356909154 18840 Southwest Boones Ferry Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cirugía: Cirugía general MOSHOFSKY, DANIEL, + B Road Tseng, Daniel, MD Suite 208 PSYD Gender/Sexo: Male Tualatin, OR 97062 Gender/Sexo: Male Northwest Minimally Invasive Phone/Teléfono: 503-427-2394 NORTHWEST ADHD Surgery NPI:1164910725 TREATMENT CENTER 9155 Southwest Barnes Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 18840 Southwest Boones Ferry Suite 318 Road Portland, OR 97225 Suite 208 Phone/Teléfono: 503-914-0024 Tualatin, OR 97062 NPI:1366477374 Phone/Teléfono: 503-427-2394 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1083141618 Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

200 Specialist / Especialistas (953)

Washington Psychologist: Clinical Psicólogo: Clínico Petrie, Brianne, CP Gender/Sexo: Female NORTHWEST ADHD TREATMENT CENTER 18840 Southwest Boones Ferry Road Suite 208 Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone/Teléfono: 503-427-2394 NPI:1295981256 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Surgery: Neurosurgery Cirugía: Neurocirugía Berk, Mehmet C, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Berk Neurosurgical, LLC 6485 Southwest Borland Road Suite G Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone/Teléfono: 503-482-5671 NPI:1154536191 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Hospital / Hospitales (13)

Douglas Lane Lane Reedsport General Acute Care Hospital Springfield General Acute Care Hospital: General Acute Care Hospital Critical Access Hospital general para Hospital general para enfermedades agudas enfermedades agudas: Acceso en McKenzie-Willamette estado crítico Regional Medical Center Lower Umpqua Hospital 1460 G Street 600 Ranch Road Springfield, OR 97477 Reedsport, OR 97467 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-4400 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 271-2171 NPI:1568413573 NPI:1003874819 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospital Accreditation: JCAHO Hospital Accreditation: CLIA Mckenzie Willamette Hospital Lane 1460 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 Cottage Grove Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-4400 General Acute Care Hospital: NPI:1568413573 Critical Access Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospital Accreditation: JCAHO Hospital general para enfermedades agudas: Acceso en estado crítico Florence General Acute Care Hospital: Critical Access Hospital general para enfermedades agudas: Acceso en estado crítico Multnomah Health And Hospital Servi 380 9th Street Gresham Florence, OR 97439 General Acute Care Hospital Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-7191 NPI:1578552402 Hospital general para Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, enfermedades agudas Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Legacy Mt Hood Medical Hospital Accreditation: None Center 24800 Southeast Stark Street Gresham, OR 97030 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 674-1122 NPI:1255354700 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospital Accreditation: JCAHO

203 Hospital / Hospitales (13)

Multnomah Washington Portland Tualatin General Acute Care Hospital General Acute Care Hospital Hospital general para Hospital general para enfermedades agudas enfermedades agudas Legacy Emanuel Hospital Legacy Meridian Park 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue Hospital Portland, OR 97227 19300 Southwest 65th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2200 Tualatin, OR 97062 NPI:1831112358 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 692-1212 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1184647620 Hospital Accreditation: JCAHO Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen Hospital Accreditation: JCAHO 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2150 NPI:1003367491 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospital Accreditation: None Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center 1015 Northwest 22nd Avenue Portland, OR 97210 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-7711 NPI:1780608216 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospital Accreditation: None

204 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Baker Baker Baker Baker City Counselor: Mental Health Psychiatry Community Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Psiquiatría Center Brue, K Jason, MA+ Safai, Azita, MD+ B Centro de salud mental Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female comunitaria New Directions NW Inc New Directions NW Inc New Directions NW Inc 2100 Main Street 2100 Main Street 2100 Main Street Baker City, OR 97814 Baker City, OR 97814 Baker City, OR 97814 Phone/Teléfono: 541-523-7400 Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 524-9070 NPI:1407207962 NPI:1801188867 NPI:1235124462 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, New Directions NW Inc P,R) P,R) 2100 Main Street Hobson, Jordyn, BS+ Tyler, Michael, MD+ Baker City, OR 97814 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-7400 New Directions NW Inc New Directions NW Inc NPI:1235124462 2100 Main Street 2100 Main Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Baker City, OR 97814 Baker City, OR 97814 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-523-7400 Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 P,R) NPI:1366003147 NPI:1902868847 Counselor: Addiction Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kissire, Ronda, LMHC+ Special Training Orientador: Adicciones Gender/Sexo: Female Treating:HIV/AIDS Forsyth, Robert, NON New Directions NW Inc Social Worker: Clinical LICENSED+ 2100 Main Street Gender/Sexo: Male Trabajador social: Clínico Baker City, OR 97814 + New Directions NW Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-523-7400 Clausel, Tammie R, LCSW 2100 Main Street NPI:1770144396 Gender/Sexo: Female Baker City, OR 97814 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM New Directions NW Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-523-3646 Petrik, Marla, QMHS+ 2100 Main Street NPI:1609234632 Gender/Sexo: Female Baker City, OR 97814 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM New Directions NW Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 Counselor: Mental Health 2100 Main Street NPI:1578707998 Baker City, OR 97814 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Consejero: Salud mental + Phone/Teléfono: 541-523-7400 O'Brien, Catherine D, LCSW Baxter, Samuel, NON NPI:1679134209 Gender/Sexo: Female LICENSED+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM New Directions NW Inc Gender/Sexo: Male 2100 Main Street New Directions NW Inc Baker City, OR 97814 2100 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 Baker City, OR 97814 NPI:1730583105 Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215421136 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish

205 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Baker Benton Benton Social Worker: Clinical Counselor: Addiction Residential Treatment Facility Trabajador social: Clínico Orientador: Adicciones Centro residencial de tratamiento Wright, Kelli G, LCSW+ Pritt, Tanya, NON Family Recovery Non-Profit, Gender/Sexo: Female LICENSED+ Inc dba Yes House New Directions NW Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 404 Northwest 23rd 2100 Main Street Family Recovery Non-Profit, Inc Corvallis, OR 97330 Baker City, OR 97814 dba Yes House Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-7801 Phone/Teléfono: 541-524-9070 404 Northwest 23rd NPI:1952441271 NPI:1407090822 Corvallis, OR 97330 Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-753-7801 Family Recovery Nonprofit Inc Benton NPI:1477913911 Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 404 Northwest 23rd Corvallis Corvallis, OR 97330 Counselor: Mental Health Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-7801 Counselor: Addiction Consejero: Salud mental NPI:1073653168 Orientador: Adicciones Kelley, Betty, LPC+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Milesones Womens Treatment Martinson, Colleen, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female 306 Southwest 8th Street Gender/Sexo: Female Trillium Family Services Corvallis, OR 97333 Family Recovery Non-Profit, Inc 4455 Northeast Highway 20 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-2230 dba Yes House Corvallis, OR 97330 NPI:1073653168 404 Northwest 23rd Phone/Teléfono: 541-758-5900 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Corvallis, OR 97330 NPI:1528479508 Milestones Women's Program Phone/Teléfono: 541-753-7801 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 426 Northwest 4th Street NPI:1497261358 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Corvallis, OR 97330 Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Phone/Teléfono: (541) 286-4439 Ponce, Olivia Estelle, NON Psychiatry NPI:1073653168 LICENSED+ Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Psiquiatría Gender/Sexo: Female Milestones Women's Program + B Family Recovery Non-Profit, Inc Leong, Eric N, DO 426 Northwest 23rd dba Yes House Gender/Sexo: Male Corvallis, OR 97330 404 Northwest 23rd Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Phone/Teléfono: (541) 286-4439 Corvallis, OR 97330 1831north West Kings NPI:1073653168 Phone/Teléfono: 541-753-7801 Boulevard Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1952844615 Corvallis, OR 97330 Trillium Family Services Mon-Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 4455 Northeast Highway 20 Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1851475099 Corvallis, OR 97330 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 758-5900 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,P,R) NPI:1326138314 Website/Sitio web: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM http://www.oppclinic.com Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

206 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Benton Clackamas Clackamas Residential Treatment Facility Marriage & Family Therapist Marriage & Family Therapist Centro residencial de tratamiento Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Yes House Nelson, Alice, MFT Faloni, Amy, LMFT B 518 Southwest 3rd Street Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Corvallis, OR 97333 Alliance Counseling Center Amy Faloni LMFT Phone/Teléfono: (503) 738-6832 22018 South Central Point Road 9123 Southeast Saint Helens NPI:1952441271 Canby, OR 97013 Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-221-4531 Suite 125 Clackamas NPI:1346678380 Clackamas, OR 97015 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 707-564-4622 Canby Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, NPI:1063640605 Counselor: Professional R,ASL,ME) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Consejero: Profesional Social Worker: Clinical Estacada Katz, Ivy, PC Trabajador social: Clínico Counselor: Professional Gender/Sexo: Female Dennenberg, Hava, PC Consejero: Profesional Alliance Counseling Center Gender/Sexo: Female Edwards, Laura, LPC+ 22018 South Central Point Road Alliance Counseling Center Gender/Sexo: Female Canby, OR 97013 22018 South Central Point Road Phone/Teléfono: 503-221-4531 Orchid Health Wade Creek Canby, OR 97013 Clinic NPI:1508183096 Phone/Teléfono: 503-221-4531 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 535 Northeast 6th Avenue NPI:1225411887 Estacada, OR 97023 Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL,ME) Phone/Teléfono: 503-630-8550 Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, NPI:1932492972 Korschgen, Joyce, PC R,ASL,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Tue: 08:00 AM - 07:00 Clackamas PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Alliance Counseling Center PM 22018 South Central Point Road Marriage & Family Therapist Canby, OR 97013 Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Gladstone Phone/Teléfono: 503-221-4531 Aragon, Eydie, LMFT Counselor: Mental Health NPI:1558425017 Gender/Sexo: Female Consejero: Salud mental Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, EYDIE D ARAGON LMFT Galasso, Justin, MSW R,ASL,ME) 9123 Southeast Saint Helens Gender/Sexo: Male Milner, Crisse, LPC Street LifeWorks Northwest Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 125 18907 Portland Avenue Clackamas, OR 97015 Gladstone, OR 97027 Alliance Counseling Center Phone/Teléfono: 831-594-5225 22018 South Central Point Road NPI:1225346661 NPI:1720117211 Tue-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM Canby, OR 97013 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-221-4531 NPI:1952603318 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, R,ASL,ME)

207 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Counselor: Mental Health Milwaukie Counselor: Professional Consejero: Salud mental Social Worker: Clinical Consejero: Profesional Galasso, Justin, MSW+ Trabajador social: Clínico Mandel, Tracy, PC Gender/Sexo: Male Sullivan, Kelly, CSW Gender/Sexo: Female LifeWorks Northwest Gender/Sexo: Female Neurotherapeutic Pediatric 18905 Portland Avenue Therapies, Inc Kelly L. Sullivan, LCSW Gladstone, OR 97027 10883 Southeast Main Street 610 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-594-1772 Oregon City, OR 97045 Suite 204 NPI:1225346661 Milwaukie, OR 97222 Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Tue-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM NPI:1225527187 Phone/Teléfono: 503-381-2422 Social Worker: Clinical NPI:1457645434 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roedel, Melanie, PC Trabajador social: Clínico Gender/Sexo: Female + Oregon City Galasso, Justin, MSW Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Gender/Sexo: Male Counselor: Professional Therapies, Inc LifeWorks Northwest Consejero: Profesional 610 High Street 18907 Portland Avenue Oregon City, OR 97045 Engber, Deanna S, PC Gladstone, OR 97027 Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1225346661 NPI:1023339488 Tue-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Galasso, Justin, MSW Therapies, Inc Marriage & Family Therapist Gender/Sexo: Male 610 High Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar LifeWorks Northwest Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 18905 Portland Avenue Banke, Christopher, MFT NPI:1457368557 Gladstone, OR 97027 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-594-1772 Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Other Language(s):Spanish NPI:1225346661 Therapies, Inc Special Training Tue-Wed: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM 610 High Street Treating:Development Disorder Oregon City, OR 97045 Happy Valley Macklin, Jessica, CADC Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Gender/Sexo: Female Counselor: Professional NPI:1669854360 Consejero: Profesional Northwest Treatment Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 511 Main Street Bonfiglio, Jamie, MFT Taylor, Charles, PC Suite 201 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon City, OR 97045 Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Mountain Crest Counseling Phone/Teléfono: 503-655-1029 Therapies, Inc Services NPI:1750739694 610 High Street 8305 Southeast Monterey Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon City, OR 97045 Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Suite 116 NPI:1700104932 Happy Valley, OR 97086 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-798-3271 NPI:1255637476 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

208 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Clackamas Clackamas Coos Social Worker: Clinical Wilsonville Counselor: Addiction Trabajador social: Clínico Social Worker: Clinical Orientador: Adicciones Baker, Lora, CSW+ Trabajador social: Clínico Knapp, Noreen, NON + Gender/Sexo: Female Baker, Lora, CSW LICENSED Crossroads Treatment & Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Counseling Services, Inc Crossroads Treatment & North Bend 501 Pleasant Avenue Counsling Services, Inc 400 Virginia Avenue Suite 4F 8855 Southwest Holly Land Suite 201 Oregon City, OR 97045 Suite 122 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: 503-682-7744 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 751-0357 NPI:1790054716 Phone/Teléfono: 503-682-7744 NPI:1376646711 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1790054716 + Kujala, Lea, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lindsey, Deidrie, CADC Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Coos Northwest Treatment Adapt 511 Main Street Coos Bay 400 Virginia Avenue Suite 201 North Bend, OR 97459 Social Worker: Clinical Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-2691 Phone/Teléfono: 503-655-1029 Trabajador social: Clínico NPI:1518328343 NPI:1558799411 Stuntzner, Denise E, LCSW+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Counselor: Professional Wells, Alex, CSW Gender/Sexo: Male North Bend Medical Center Inc Consejero: Profesional 1900 Woodland Drive Holmes, Kenneth W, LPC Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Coos Bay, OR 97420 Gender/Sexo: Male Therapies, Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 610 High Street NPI:1245271246 Adapt Oregon City, OR 97045 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 400 Virginia Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 503-657-8903 Suite 201 NPI:1437508983 North Bend North Bend, OR 97459 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor: Addiction Phone/Teléfono: 541-751-0357 NPI:1336313667 West Linn Orientador: Adicciones Clinic/Center: Adolescent & Fortune, Laura Rae, PC+ Deschutes Children Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female Redmond Clínica/Centro: Salud Mental de Adapt Community/Behavioral Health adolescentes y niños 400 Virginia Avenue Salud comunitaria/del Clementine Portland North Bend, OR 97459 comportamiento 1148 South Rosemont Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-2691 West Linn, OR 97068 NPI:1548629116 Bestcare Treatment Resid & Phone/Teléfono: (310) 589-8999 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Detox NPI:1023562147 676 Northeast Negus Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Redmond, OR 97756 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 504-9577 NPI:1588726236

209 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Roseburg Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Professional Community Mental Health Orientador: Adicciones Consejero: Profesional Center Perez, Armando, SAC+ Hardwick, Deborrah L, PC+ Centro de salud mental Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female comunitaria Adapt and Compass Springfield Location Adapt and Compass 621 W Madrone Street 272 NW Medical Loop 2700 Stewart Parkway Annex B Roseburg, OR 97470 Suite E Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-2691 Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-2691 NPI:1437662921 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 NPI:1639682883 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1407136492 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor: Mental Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Adapt and Compass Itzkowitz, Neal, PC 1600 Northwest Garden Valley Consejero: Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Male + Boulevard Watters, Sharon E, PC Valley View Counseling Suite 110 Gender/Sexo: Female 1652 Northwest Hughwood Roseburg, OR 97471 Springfield Location Court Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-2691 272 NW Medical Loop Roseburg, OR 97471 NPI:1639682883 Suite E Phone/Teléfono: 541-673-3985 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97471 NPI:1982742664 Counselor Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1477666253 Lillard, John, LPC+ Consejero Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Haaby, Willie Dieago, CADC+ Counselor: Professional Springfield Location Gender/Sexo: Male 272 NW Medical Loop Consejero: Profesional Adapt and Compass Suite E 548 Southeast Jackson Street Duhon, Jessica J, LPC Roseburg, OR 97471 Roseburg, OR 97470 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-2691 Jessica Hansen LPC LLC NPI:1609307479 NPI:1114385119 1490 NW Valley View Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97471 Watters, Sharon E, PC+ Counselor: Addiction Phone/Teléfono: 541-375-0314 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1144585332 Orientador: Adicciones Springfield Location Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 272 NW Medical Loop Haaby, Willie Dieago, CADC Eckstein, Doug, PC Suite E Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Roseburg, OR 97471 Adapt and Compass Valley View Counseling Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 548 Southeast Jackson Street 1652 Northwest Hughwood NPI:1477666253 Roseburg, OR 97470 Court Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-2691 Roseburg, OR 97471 NPI:1114385119 Phone/Teléfono: 541-673-3985 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1154469856 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

210 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Douglas Douglas Douglas Marriage & Family Therapist Social Worker: Clinical Winston Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Trabajador social: Clínico Counselor: Mental Health Matz, Kyle G, LMFT+ Itzkowitz, Jimee, CSW Consejero: Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Reeves, Babette, CSW+ CT Adapt Valley View Counseling Gender/Sexo: Female 548 Southeast Jackson Street 1652 Northwest Hughwood South River Community Health Roseburg, OR 97470 Court Center Phone/Teléfono: (541) 492-0172 Roseburg, OR 97471 671 Southwest Main Street NPI:1447559760 Phone/Teléfono: 541-673-3985 Winston, OR 97496 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1407994171 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Quayle, Debra, LMFT+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + NPI:1861848160 Gender/Sexo: Female Lydon, Robert J, LCSW Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 Springfield Location Gender/Sexo: Male PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM 272 NW Medical Loop Springfield Location Psychologist Suite E 272 NW Medical Loop Roseburg, OR 97471 Suite E Psicólogo Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Roseburg, OR 97471 Hart, Cora G, PSYD+ CT NPI:1013059617 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1407137235 South River Community Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Psychologist: Clinical Center Psicólogo: Clínico Sutherlin 671 Southwest Main Street Social Worker Winston, OR 97496 Eckstein, Judith K, CP Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Gender/Sexo: Female Trabajador social NPI:1083016695 Valley View Counseling Givens, Danielle, CSW+ Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 1652 Northwest Hughwood Gender/Sexo: Female PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Court Umpqua Community Health Social Worker: Clinical Roseburg, OR 97471 Center Sutherlin Trabajador social: Clínico Phone/Teléfono: 541-670-3985 123 Ponderosa Drive + CT NPI:1376693721 Sutherlin, OR 97479 Crawford, Lisa, LCSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 Gender/Sexo: Female Social Worker NPI:1104294933 South River Community Health Trabajador social Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center + 671 Southwest Main Street Givens, Danielle, CSW Winston, OR 97496 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Umpqua Community Health NPI:1811425564 Center Inc Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 150 Kenneth Ford Drive PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: 541-672-9596 NPI:1104294933 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

211 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Douglas Jackson Jackson Social Worker: Clinical Medford Counselor: Addiction Trabajador social: Clínico Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Orientador: Adicciones Frakes, Kimie, LCSW+ Substance Use Brown, Jeffrey, CADC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, Gender/Sexo: Male South River Community Health consumo de sustancias Addictions Recovery Center, Center Addictions Recovery Center Inc.- Outpatient 671 Southwest Main Street 16 South Peach Street 1025 East Main Street Winston, OR 97496 Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 NPI:1891955332 NPI:1346282035 NPI:1124486121 Mon-Thu: 07:00 AM - 06:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM Addictions Recovery Center Harris, Phaedra, CADC+ Rose, Diane, CSW Inc Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 1003 East Main Street Addictions Recovery Center, Diane Rose LCSW Medford, OR 97504 Inc.- Outpatient 11 SW Brantley Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 1025 East Main Street Winston, OR 97496 NPI:1346282035 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: 541-679-0366 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 NPI:1407967219 Addictions Recovery Center, NPI:1851779524 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Inc. - Outpatient Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Swanson, Andrew G, LCSW+ 1003 East Main Street Jackson, Brian, CADC+ CT Suite 104 Gender/Sexo: Male Medford, OR 97504 Gender/Sexo: Male Addictions Recovery Center, Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 South River Community Health Inc.- Outpatient NPI:1346282035 Center 1025 East Main Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 671 Southwest Main Street Medford, OR 97504 Addictions Recovery Center, Winston, OR 97496 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Inc.- Outpatient Phone/Teléfono: 541-492-4550 NPI:1841651007 1025 East Main Street NPI:1336572700 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Medford, OR 97504 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 Krug, Amanda, CADC+ Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1346282035 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Addictions Recovery Center, Detox and Outpatient MAT Inc. - Outpatient 338 North Front Street 1003 East Main Street Medford, OR 97501 Suite 104 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 Medford, OR 97504 NPI:1346282035 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1184081788 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

212 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Jackson Jackson Jackson Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Mental Health Orientador: Adicciones Orientador: Adicciones Consejero: Salud mental Long, Elizabeth, BS+ Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Addictions Recovery Center, Addictions Recovery Center Detox and Outpatient MAT Inc. - Outpatient 16 South Peach Street 338 North Front Street 1003 East Main Street Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97501 Suite 104 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Medford, OR 97504 NPI:1275926305 NPI:1275926305 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Sat: 12:00 AM - 11:45 PM, NPI:1467764134 Sleezer, Stephen, NON Sun 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM LICENSED+ Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Addictions Recovery Center, Addictions Recovery Center, Addictions Recovery Center, Inc.- Outpatient Inc. - Outpatient Inc.- Outpatient 1025 East Main Street 1003 East Main Street 1025 East Main Street Medford, OR 97504 Suite 104 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 NPI:1407359599 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 NPI:1275926305 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1275926305 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor: Mental Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Consejero: Salud mental Gender/Sexo: Female + Detox and Outpatient MAT Cloud, James, QMHS Addictions Recovery Center 338 North Front Street Gender/Sexo: Male 16 South Peach Street Medford, OR 97501 Addictions Recovery Center, Medford, OR 97501 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Inc.- Outpatient Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 NPI:1275926305 1025 East Main Street NPI:1275926305 Mon-Sat: 12:00 AM - 11:45 PM, Medford, OR 97504 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sun 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1282 Social Worker: Clinical Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC+ NPI:1366801813 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Trabajador social: Clínico + + B Addictions Recovery Center, Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC Woodhouse, Robert, LCSW Inc. - Outpatient Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male 1003 East Main Street Addictions Recovery Center, Addictions Recovery Center, Suite 104 Inc.- Outpatient Inc. - Outpatient Medford, OR 97504 1025 East Main Street 1003 East Main Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Medford, OR 97504 Suite 104 NPI:1275926305 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Medford, OR 97504 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1275926305 Phone/Teléfono: 541-779-1282 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1386002897 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

213 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Jefferson Josephine Lane Madras Counselor: Professional Coburg Community/Behavioral Health Consejero: Profesional Counselor Salud comunitaria/del Whaley, Autumn Melody, LPC Consejero comportamiento Gender/Sexo: Female Botchway, Pauline O, LPC+ CT Best Care Treatment Services Kairos Gender/Sexo: Female 1750 Nebraska Avenue 236 Southeast D Street Serenity Lane Madras, OR 97741 Grants Pass, OR 97527 1 Serenity Lane Phone/Teléfono: 541-956-4943 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 475-5330 Coburg, OR 97408 NPI:1588726236 NPI:1912216326 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1110 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1861847907 Josephine Psychiatry Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Twi Grants Pass Psiquiatría Denman, Manoela, MD+ B Counselor: Professional Community Based Residential Gender/Sexo: Female Treatment Facility Consejero: Profesional Kairos Burton, Mitzi L, LPC+ Centro de tratamiento residencial 1750 Nebraska Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female comunitario Grants Pass, OR 97527 Serenity Lane Kairos Phone/Teléfono: 541-956-4943 1 Serenity Lane 715 Ramsey Avenue NPI:1023308525 Coburg, OR 97408 Grants Pass, OR 97527 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-284-5731 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 956-4943 Jaschke, Virginia A, MD B NPI:1710020334 NPI:1487782900 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kairos Cottage Grove Kairos 1750 Nebraska Avenue 1750A Nebraska Ave Grants Pass, OR 97527 Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Grants Pass, OR 97527 Phone/Teléfono: 541-956-4943 Substance Use Phone/Teléfono: (541) 956-4943 NPI:1164598363 Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, NPI:1487782900 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM consumo de sustancias Kairos Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Williamette Family Cottage 1750 Nebraska Avenue Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Grove 1450 Birch Avenue Grants Pass, OR 97527 Jaschke, Virginia A, MD B Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 956-4943 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1487782900 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 767-9956 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kairos NPI:1376546291 Kairos - Community Services 1750 Nebraska Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1750 Nebraska Avenue Grants Pass, OR 97527 Suite A Phone/Teléfono: 541-956-4943 Grants Pass, OR 97527 NPI:1164598363 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 474-5579 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1487782900 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

214 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Kendrick, Kasey, LPC+ Andrews, Rachel C, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue 1245 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-3939 NPI:1073030565 NPI:1508992363 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lee, Robert H, MHA+ Barkemeyer, Larry, MHA+ Cuellar, Maria, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health 37 6th Street 1245 Birch Avenue 37 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 5417674206 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 NPI:1033455233 NPI:1528327830 NPI:1083059745 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roberts, Jon, MHA+ Baschleben, Nicole L, BS+ Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Cuellar, Maria, LMHC+ Recovery Center South Lane Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female 75 5th South 37 6th Street South Lane Mental Health Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 1245 Birch Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-6059 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NPI:1861819385 NPI:1235434200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1083059745 + Counselor: Addiction Britz, Kerstin E, LCSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):Spanish Orientador: Adicciones + South Lane Mental Health Davis, Usha, LCSW Lytle, Katie, NON LICENSED 37 6th Street Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Cottage Grove, OR 97424 South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-3939 37 6th Street 1245 Birch Avenue NPI:1598819484 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 767-4190 Calkins, La Rae, MHA+ NPI:1184028680 NPI:1447721006 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 NPI:1689004533 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

215 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Elkington, Whitney, MPH+ Turner, Megan J, CSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue 37 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 NPI:1457857443 NPI:1447507488 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Horning, Carolee June, NON Tafoya, Sam M, PSYD+ Whitledge, Lynne, MHA+ LICENSED+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue 1245 Birch Avenue 37 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 NPI:1972735942 NPI:1437520186 NPI:1366958936 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tamkin, Laura S, MA+ Yoder, Andrew L, CSW+ B Mastin, Therese N, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue 1245 Birch Avenue 1245 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 NPI:1154480945 NPI:1497067284 NPI:1003059296 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thornsberry, Mary F, MHA Marriage & Family Therapist McDaniel, Patrick R, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Gender/Sexo: Male South Lane Mental Health + South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue Elliott, Catherine S, MFT 37 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Gender/Sexo: Female Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 South Lane Mental Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 NPI:1720514995 37 6th Street NPI:1134475437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tromba, Cynthia A, MFT+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 Miller, Robert, MHA+ Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1356471239 Gender/Sexo: Male South Lane Mental Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM South Lane Mental Health 1245 Birch Avenue 1245 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 NPI:1790066504 NPI:1760983498 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

216 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Marriage & Family Therapist Social Worker: Clinical Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Substance Use Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Trabajador social: Clínico McDaniel, Patrick R, LMFT+ Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, Gender/Sexo: Male consumo de sustancias South Lane Mental Health Center for Family 37 6th Street Development Cottage Grove, OR 97424 1258 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1134475437 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1538150388 Davis, Usha, LCSW+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development South Lane Mental Health 1234 High Street 37 6th Street Eugene, OR 97401 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 NPI:1538150388 NPI:1184028680 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + + Center for Family Tromba, Cynthia A, MFT Turner, Megan J, CSW Development Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 1501 Pearl Street South Lane Mental Health South Lane Mental Health Eugene, OR 97401 1245 Birch Avenue 37 6th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-2620 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NPI:1538150388 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4190 Phone/Teléfono: 541-767-4223 Center for Family NPI:1790066504 NPI:1447507488 Development Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1258 High Street Social Worker: Clinical Eugene Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Trabajador social: Clínico Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, NPI:1538150388 Britz, Kerstin E, LCSW+ Substance Use Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, Sponsors Inc South Lane Mental Health consumo de sustancias 767 West 8th 37 6th Street Buckley House Eugene, OR 97402 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 605 West 4th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 505-5691 Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-3939 Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1659885606 NPI:1598819484 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-6512 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1376546291 Sponsors Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1424 Oak Patch Road CFD North Eugene, OR 97402 261 East 12th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 735-6405 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1659885606 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1538150388 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM

217 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Community Mental Health Community/Behavioral Health Substance Use Center Salud comunitaria/del Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, Centro de salud mental comportamiento consumo de sustancias comunitaria Christians As Family Sponsors Inc Center for Family Advocates 338 Highway 99 North Development 921 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97402 1234 High Street Suite 222 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-8341 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1659885606 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-6000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1265609184 NPI:1548474562 Willamette Family Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 687 Cheshire Avenue Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 R) Christians As Family Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-2993 Center for Family Advocates NPI:1376546291 Development 921 Country Club Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 261 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Willamette Family Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-6000 Incorporated Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 NPI:1548474562 1255 Pearl Street NPI:1265609184 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 102 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Integrated Health Care Eugene, OR 97401 Center for Family 715 Lincoln Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-6983 Development Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1376546291 1258 High Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1184788796 Willamette Family Treatment Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8437 Mon-Fri: 06:00 AM - 02:30 PM, Services Inc NPI:1265609184 Sat 07:00 AM - 09:30 PM 1420 Green Acres Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Integrated Health Clinics Eugene, OR 97408 Emerald Tms, Llc 715 Lincoln Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 762-4500 1140 Willagillespie Road Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1376546291 Suite 44 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1184788796 Willamette Family Treatment Phone/Teléfono: (541) 735-3241 Mon-Fri: 06:00 AM - 02:30 PM, Services Inc NPI:1003301011 Sat 07:00 AM - 09:30 PM 105 East Hilliard Lane Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Integrated Health Clinics Eugene, OR 97440 715 Lincoln Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 294-1010 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1376546291 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-3574 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1184788796 Williamette Family Downtown Mon-Fri: 06:00 AM - 02:30 PM, Outpatient Sat 07:00 AM - 09:30 PM 149 West 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 762-4407 NPI:1376546291 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

218 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Community/Behavioral Health Counselor Counselor Salud comunitaria/del Consejero Consejero comportamiento Relief Nursery 1720 West 25th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-9706 NPI:1760534507 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor Consejero Barbosa, Alexis, NON + LICENSED Berrocal Llerena, Ashley L, Gender/Sexo: Female NON LICENSED+ Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female 1234 High Street Center for Family Development Eugene, OR 97401 1234 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1760039978 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215445556 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL) Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, + B Bastien, Kara L, LPC R,ASL) Cantwell, Carley Kendall, Gender/Sexo: Female Bessko, Tibor, PC+ LCSW+ Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female 1234 High Street Cascade Health Solutions Carley Cantwell Eugene, OR 97401 DIRECTION 291 West 12th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 2650 Suzanne Way Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1487018073 Suite 120 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-3391 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1356675060 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL) NPI:1295299717 Charles, Abigail, QMHS+ Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development 1234 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1174991665 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Other Language(s):French, Haitian Creole Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

219 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor Counselor Consejero Consejero Consejero Dusenberry, William M, MA+ Goldsmith, Erica, CSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development Options Counseling Services of 261 East 12th Avenue Oregon Eugene, OR 97401 1255 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1487088993 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1003287061 Farley, Kimberly, LPC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Grillo, Stephen Anthony, BA+ + CT Deacon, Lisa S, MA Looking Glass ITS/Crisis Gender/Sexo: Female 550 River Road Gender/Sexo: Male Center for Family Development Eugene, OR 97404 Shangri-La 1234 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-743-2611 1195 City View Street Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1730496233 Suite B Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Felts, Daniel, PC+ Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1992894463 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-1121 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM White Bird Clinic NPI:1780158535 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, 341 E 12th Avenue Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 R,ASL) Eugene, OR 97401 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 03:30 PM + Deacon, Lisa S, MA Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1265992929 Special Training CFD North Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Treating:Substance Abuse 261 East 12th Avenue , Dana, MSW+ Harris, Brandon, NON + Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female LICENSED Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Community Health Center of NPI:1992894463 Lane County Sponsors Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 151 West 7th Avenue 338 Highway 99 North Dusenberry, William M, MA Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-5659 Center for Family Development NPI:1184978900 NPI:1326505652 1234 High Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-3330 P,R) NPI:1487088993 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

220 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor Counselor Consejero Consejero Consejero Heath, Cheryl D, LMFT+ CT Kahler, Sarah, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Christians As Family Advocates Options Counseling Services of 921 Country Club Road Oregon Suite 222 1255 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 NPI:1861826372 NPI:1114412178 Tue-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lopez, Wendy, LMHC+ Meaux, Tenaya, MSW Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Hoberg, Beverly J, LPC White Bird Clinic Options Counseling Services of Gender/Sexo: Female 350 East 11th Avenue Oregon Center for Family Development Eugene, OR 97401 1255 Pearl Street 1234 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1588042428 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1982153623 NPI:1932472677 Mason, John, CADC+ Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Munson, Benjamin, NON + Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, White Bird Clinic LICENSED R,ASL) 350 East 11th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male + Hoffman, Carissa, MA Eugene, OR 97401 Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 1234 High Street Center for Family Development NPI:1912390378 Eugene, OR 97401 1234 High Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 Mayes, Kelly A, LPC+ NPI:1306266564 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932554524 Center for Family Development Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 261 East 12th Avenue R,ASL) + Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Eugene, OR 97401 Oldenburg, Stephen, BA R,ASL) Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Gender/Sexo: Male + Hughes, Kyle, LCSW NPI:1144505009 White Bird Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 350 East 11th Avenue Center for Family Development Eugene, OR 97401 1234 High Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1750774113 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1013273788 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

221 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor Counselor Consejero Consejero Consejero Osborn, Noelle G, PC+ Rahier, Jordan, NON Roberts, Elizabeth T, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Female LICENSED+ Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male White Bird Clinic 341 E 12th Avenue Sponsors Inc 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 338 Highway 99 North Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1083860803 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-5659 NPI:1114293453 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1881159184 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pemberton, Kelsey, MSW+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Reed, Delisal, MFT+ Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female 1234 High Street Community Health Centers of Eugene, OR 97401 Lane County Methadone Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Treatment Program NPI:1265871560 151 West 7th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Room 190 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Eugene, OR 97401 R,ASL) Phone/Teléfono: (541) 682-4464 Pepper-Reed, Susan, MA+ NPI:1164654174 Schering, Niki, BCBA* Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development The Child Center 261 East 12th Avenue 555 East 15th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-0805 NPI:1003140021 NPI:1134570609 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pruch, Josephine Casey Witte, Schommer, Amanda S, LMFT+ LSCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Josephine Pruch LMFT Amanda Schommer, MSW 3022 Onyx Place 171 Lawerence Street Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-203-3876 Phone/Teléfono: 541-241-9956 NPI:1396008512 NPI:1255738696 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB)

222 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor Counselor Consejero Consejero Consejero Scott, Christopher, LCSW+ Stigall, Sheila A, LCSW+ Tournade, Bethany, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic Center for Family Development Willamette Family Treatment 341 E 12th Avenue 261 East 12th Avenue Services Inc Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 1420 Green Acres Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1629472303 NPI:1982001376 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4500 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1003368564 Silver, Luca, PC+ Straub, Rachel G, BS+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Trotter, Mitchell R, MSW+ B White Bird Clinic Willamette Family Incorporated Gender/Sexo: Male 341 E 12th Avenue 1255 Pearl Street ColumbiaCare Services Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 102 71 Centennial Loop Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite A NPI:1487218327 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-6983 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1457607145 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8426 Silverthorne, Vicki, LPC CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1518106087 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Christians As Family Advocates Volz, Steven, MD 921 Country Club Road Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 222 White Bird Clinic Eugene, OR 97401 350 East 11th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1184802936 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Mon-Tue: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1679849913 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Stigall, Sheila A, LCSW+ Tangavelou, Jordan, BA+ Weinerman, Larry, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male CFD North Center for Family Development White Bird Clinic 261 East 12th Avenue 1234 High Street 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1982001376 NPI:1518354711 NPI:1184990426 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

223 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Addiction Consejero Orientador: Adicciones Orientador: Adicciones Wood, Ruth H, LPC+ CT Cuellar, Vicki, SAC+ Hall, Claude J, LCSW Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Direction Services Williamette Family Downtown Center for Family Development 576 Olive Street Outpatient 261 East 12th Avenue Suite 307 149 West 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-684-4133 NPI:1760740070 NPI:1093151128 NPI:1275874042 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hall, Claude J, LCSW+ Accessibility:Limited(R) Deacon, Lisa S, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Counselor: Addiction Gender/Sexo: Female CFD North Center for Family Development 261 East 12th Avenue Orientador: Adicciones 1234 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 + Allerdice, Cornelia N, MS Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1760740070 CFD North NPI:1992894463 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM 261 East 12th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hart, Randolph L, MSW Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 R,ASL) Strong Integrated Behavioral + NPI:1497841274 Deacon, Lisa S, MA Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female 44 Club Road Anderson, Jamey CFD North Suite 200 Gender/Sexo: Female 261 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Willamette Family Inc Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 687 Cheshire Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1497803027 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1992894463 Hurd, Thomas, CSAC+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-2993 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1174971790 Giandalia, Rhonda, NON White Bird Clinic + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM LICENSED 350 East 11th Avenue + Crespino, Michelle, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Family Inc Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 White Bird Clinic 687 Cheshire Avenue NPI:1932475274 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4563 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1295121952 NPI:1447645957 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

224 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Addiction Orientador: Adicciones Orientador: Adicciones Orientador: Adicciones Matsen, Krysta, LCAC+ Neuberger, Michael, CADC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male White Bird Clinic Willamette Family Inc 341 E 12th Avenue 687 Cheshire Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-2993 NPI:1023513348 NPI:1760921670 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nussbaum, Zakary, BA+ Gender/Sexo: Male + Kerrigan, Tia, CAC CFD North Gender/Sexo: Female 261 East 12th Avenue Willamette Family Inc Eugene, OR 97401 687 Cheshire Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1285949974 Phone/Teléfono: 541-684-4100 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1164079018 Osborne, Ty, CADC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + Markwardt, Amee E, MD White Bird Clinic Gender/Sexo: Female 341 E 12th Avenue + White Bird Clinic Moorhead, Jennifer A, LPC Eugene, OR 97401 350 East 11th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Eugene, OR 97401 Cascade Health Solutions NPI:1073889317 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 DIRECTION Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1366766396 2650 Suzanne Way Peacock, Rebecca, CADC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 120 Gender/Sexo: Female + Mason, John, CADC Eugene, OR 97408 Williamette Family Downtown Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Outpatient White Bird Clinic NPI:1083923684 149 West 12th Avenue 350 East 11th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Munson, Benjamin, NON Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4400 + Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 LICENSED NPI:1366800153 NPI:1912390378 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Center for Family Development 1234 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1306266564 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

225 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Mental Health Orientador: Adicciones Orientador: Adicciones Consejero: Salud mental Schafer, Kimberly A, CADC Straub, Rachel G, BS+ Barta, Mindi Jean, LPC CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Williamette Family Downtown Willamette Family Incorporated Christians As Family Advocates Outpatient 1255 Pearl Street 921 Country Club Road 149 West 12th Avenue Suite 102 Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4407 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-6983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 NPI:1023253283 NPI:1457607145 NPI:1518340702 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thu 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM Shumate, Briana, CADC+ Tucker, Christopher T, LPC Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Baumgart, Edith, MS+ White Bird Clinic Oregon Integrated Health Gender/Sexo: Female 350 East 11th Avenue 1029 River Road Willamette Family Inc Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 687 Cheshire Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1932567120 NPI:1184995888 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-2993 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor: Mental Health NPI:1316216112 Spring, Lisa M, CADC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Consejero: Salud mental + Willamette Family Inc Alban, Melanie, LMHC 687 Cheshire Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 White Bird Clinic Phone/Teléfono: 5417624300 350 East 11th Avenue NPI:1528106531 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Stark, Kathleen, CADC+ NPI:1003365586 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT Williamette Family Downtown Albin, Angela K, LPC + Outpatient Gender/Sexo: Female Bolton, Tabitha, BS 149 West 12th Avenue Christians As Family Advocates Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 921 Country Club Road ShelterCare Phone/Teléfono: 541-684-4133 Suite 222 499 West 4th Avenue NPI:1063870848 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-1262 NPI:1801334438 NPI:1417238965 Thu 02:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R)

226 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Clark, April S, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development 1234 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1023371101 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL) Covernali, Maria, BA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Relief Nursery 1720 West 25th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-9706 NPI:1700444627 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Donnelly, Brian, CPC+ Fudge, Toni J, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female ShelterCare White Bird Clinic + 499 West 4th Avenue 350 East 11th Avenue Hager, Alex, LMFT Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-1262 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Eugene Pediatric Associates NPI:1609367770 NPI:1316275167 995 Willagillespie Road Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Evans-Wondra, Stephanie Gerding, Thomas, PC+ Eugene, OR 97401 Lynn, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Gender/Sexo: Female ShelterCare NPI:1588867691 Cascade Health Solutions 499 West 4th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + DIRECTION Eugene, OR 97401 Harrington, Rebecca A, MA 2650 Suzanne Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1262 Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 120 NPI:1578936951 Willamette Family Inc Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM 687 Cheshire Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1003347386 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-2993 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1558504670 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

227 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Hart, Randolph L, MSW Higashi, Shayna, MS+ Kelley, Kevin, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Strong Integrated Behavioral Willamette Family Inc Direction Services Health 687 Cheshire Avenue 576 Olive Street 44 Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 307 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-2993 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1356839658 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700394558 NPI:1497803027 Hirte, Jessica, PC+ Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Haun, Cheryl L, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(R) + Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development Knott, Emily, MC Center for Family Development 1234 High Street Gender/Sexo: Female 1234 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 ColumbiaCare Services Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-242-2937 71 Centennial Loop Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1164968913 Suite A NPI:1982790747 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Phone/Teléfono: (541) 505-8426 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL) NPI:1366919326 R,ASL) Jefferis, Alexa D, LMFT+ Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hawkins, Diana, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development 1234 High Street Aloha Family Therapy, INC 261 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 1390 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Suite 4 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1184989857 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1023491115 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 808-722-6361 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, NPI:1912157728 R,ASL) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic 341 E 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1912157728 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

228 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Lenhart, Sarah, MA+ CT McKenzie, Bree, MS,LPC+ CT Miller, Nicole E, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Benson Health Clinic Bree McKenzie Center for Family Development 66 Club Road 1598 Pearl Street 261 East 12th Avenue Suite 120 Suite 3 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-1722 Phone/Teléfono: 541-731-6373 NPI:1417043357 NPI:1376802603 NPI:1043578040 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tue-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM Miller, Robert, CSWA+ Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Special Training Gender/Sexo: Male P,R,ME) Treating:HIV/AIDS, Christians As Family Advocates Website/Sitio web: Co-Occurring Disorders 921 Country Club Road https://bensonhealthclinic.com/ Meaux, Tenaya, MSW Suite 222 + Lopez, Wendy, LMHC Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Options Counseling Services of Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 White Bird Clinic Oregon NPI:1558878769 350 East 11th Avenue 1255 Pearl Street Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 NPI:1588042428 NPI:1982153623 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Maples, Melanie, QMHS+ Mendez, Naomi, NON Gender/Sexo: Female LICENSED+ Willamette Family Inc Gender/Sexo: Female 687 Cheshire Avenue ShelterCare Eugene, OR 97401 499 West 4th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-684-4133 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1881069185 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1262 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1235595273 Mason, John, CADC+ Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Special Training White Bird Clinic Treating:Co-Occurring 350 East 11th Avenue Disorders, Chronic Illness, Eugene, OR 97401 Substance Abuse + Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Merritt, Elizabeth, BA NPI:1912390378 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Willamette Family Inc 687 Cheshire Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-2993 NPI:1669897427 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

229 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Morris, Maxwell, MSW+ Pecue, Michael, MD+ Raines, Sierra, CPC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Sponsors Inc White Bird Clinic Willamette Family Inc 338 Highway 99 North 350 East 11th Avenue 687 Cheshire Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8341 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-684-4133 NPI:1013288224 NPI:1962855957 NPI:1073097465 Mon 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Perales Tapia, Alma, PC+ Reavis, Jennifer, BA+ Moyer, Cindie, MFT+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Options Counseling Services of Shangri-La Cindie Moyer Oregon 1195 City View Street 1234 Pearl Street 1255 Pearl Street Suite B Suite 4 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-6983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-1121 Phone/Teléfono: 541-914-0544 NPI:1366921728 NPI:1851845630 NPI:1154513679 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tue-Thu: 01:00 AM - 05:00 PM Perrine, Elizabeth J, MS+ Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Nowak, David Ryan, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Roberts, Elizabeth T, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic 261 East 12th Avenue White Bird Clinic 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1447441225 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1942675707 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1114293453 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pixler, Lyndsay, MA+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oldenburg, Stephen, BA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Schaad, Maria T, MA+ Gender/Sexo: Male Options Counseling Services of Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic Oregon Center for Family Development 350 East 11th Avenue 1255 Pearl Street 261 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1750774113 NPI:1457563165 NPI:1568539500 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Patricia Bear 1442 Pearl Street Unit A Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 357-7468 NPI:1962558684 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

230 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Seminara, L Claire, MA Spotswood, Ileana, LMHC Templeton, Susan, LMHC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female ColumbiaCare Services ColumbiaCare Services White Bird Clinic 71 Centennial Loop 71 Centennial Loop 323 East 12th Avenue Suite A Suite A Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-1295 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8426 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8426 NPI:1881984714 NPI:1285767210 NPI:1801304555 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 11:00 AM - 07:30 PM Tippins, Prudence, BS+ Shumate, Briana, CADC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Sponsors Inc White Bird Clinic 767 West 8th 350 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8341 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 NPI:1629545124 NPI:1932567120 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tournade, Bethany, MA+ Siqueiros, Gina M., MA, LPC Stuve, Lindsay, PCC+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female CT Gender/Sexo: Female Willamette Family Treatment Gender/Sexo: Female Options Counseling Services of Services Inc Gina M. Siqueiros, MA, LPC Oregon 1420 Green Acres Road 541 Willamette Street 1255 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97408 Suite 307C Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-4500 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 NPI:1003368564 Phone/Teléfono: 541-937-5499 NPI:1679011555 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1528451499 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Underwood, Morgan N, LPC+ Special Training Swan, Megan, BA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Treating:Co-Occurring Gender/Sexo: Female Community Health Centers of Disorders, Substance Abuse Center for Family Development Lane Co + Spencer, Shirley A, PC 261 East 12th Avenue 151 West 7th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 310 UCare Behavioral Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 1200 Hilyard Street NPI:1619282316 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Suite 430 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1467873455 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 458-205-6530 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1306397666 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

231 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Weinerman, Larry, LMHC+ Brandenburg, Chelsea, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female White Bird Clinic Chelsea Brandenburg 350 East 11th Avenue 328 West Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-239-3558 NPI:1184990426 NPI:1992991772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Counselor: Professional Crasper, Nicholas, LPC Gender/Sexo: Male Consejero: Profesional Sponsors Inc + B Bastien, Kara L, LPC 338 Highway 99 North Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97402 Center for Family Development Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8341 1234 High Street NPI:1235482266 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 DePaoli, Jodi M, LPC+ NPI:1487018073 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cascade Health Solutions + Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, DIRECTION Forster, Galyn F, PC R,ASL) 2650 Suzanne Way Gender/Sexo: Female + Bolton, Tabitha, BS Suite 120 Galyn Forster MS LPC Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97408 132 East Broadway ShelterCare Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Suite 303 499 West 4th Avenue NPI:1689113839 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-556-9601 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-1262 Evans-Wondra, Stephanie NPI:1487779252 NPI:1417238965 Lynn, PC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gerding, Thomas, PC+ + Braden, Tracy, PC Cascade Health Solutions Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female DIRECTION ShelterCare Oregon Integrated Health 2650 Suzanne Way 499 West 4th Avenue 1029 River Road Suite 120 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1262 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 NPI:1578936951 NPI:1205352523 NPI:1003347386 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, ME)

232 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Hardwick, Deborrah L, PC+ Litwiller, Kara S, PC+ Neet, Stephen F, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Roseburg Therapy Llc Kara Schrenk Litwiller, LLC Christians As Family Advocates 3003 Willamette Street 492 West Broadway 921 Country Club Road Suite B Suite A Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Phone/Teléfono: 541-246-5408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 NPI:1407136492 NPI:1164895561 NPI:1316343080 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Konnie, Lauren, PC+ Mayes, Kelly A, LPC+ PM, Fri 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) + CT Betts Psychiatric, PC Center for Family Development Nydigger, Laura D, LPC 725 Country Club Road 261 East 12th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Christians As Family Advocates Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8621 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 921 Country Club Road NPI:1467726406 NPI:1144505009 Suite 222 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 https://www.bettspsychiatric.co NPI:1184010944 m/ Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Lenhart, Sarah, MA+ CT PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Benson Health Clinic 66 Club Road Suite 120 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-1722 NPI:1376802603 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Moorhead, Jennifer A, LPC+ P,R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female Website/Sitio web: Cascade Health Solutions Seminara, L Claire, MA https://bensonhealthclinic.com/ DIRECTION Gender/Sexo: Female + Lillard, John, LPC 2650 Suzanne Way ColumbiaCare Services Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 120 71 Centennial Loop Roseburg Therapy Llc Eugene, OR 97408 Suite A 3003 Willamette Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite B NPI:1083923684 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8426 Eugene, OR 97405 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1285767210 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 Mon-Fri: 11:00 AM - 07:30 PM NPI:1609307479 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

233 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Marriage & Family Therapist Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Shaver, Cynthia, LPC+ Tucker, Christopher T, LPC Alexander, Debra W, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male CT Shangri-La Oregon Integrated Health Gender/Sexo: Female 1195 City View Street 1029 River Road Direction Services Suite B Eugene, OR 97404 576 Olive Street Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Suite 307 Phone/Teléfono: 503-581-1732 NPI:1184995888 Eugene, OR 97401 ext 360 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 NPI:1417296872 NPI:1043367402 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):American Accessibility:Limited(R) Sign Language Booth, Margaret Lynn, Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) LMFT+ CT Shin, Jordan J, MS+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Looking Glass Youth and HIV Alliance Family Services 1195 A City View 260 East 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-556-1409 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4428 NPI:1407143613 NPI:1104942317 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Spencer, Shirley A, PC+ Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Gender/Sexo: Female R) UCare Behavioral Health 1200 Hilyard Street Suite 430 Wright, Deborah, LPC+ Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 458-205-6530 UCare Behavioral Health NPI:1306397666 1200 Hilyard Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 430 + Taggart, V, PC Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 458-205-6530 White Bird Clinic NPI:1053456376 323 East 12th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-1295 NPI:1609105436 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

234 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Marriage & Family Therapist Marriage & Family Therapist Marriage & Family Therapist Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Heath, Cheryl D, LMFT+ CT Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Christians As Family Advocates White Bird Clinic 921 Country Club Road 341 E 12th Avenue Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 NPI:1912157728 NPI:1861826372 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tue-Thu: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Martin, Summer S, LMFT+ CT Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Escobedo, Cecilia, MFT Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Summer Martin LLC + Gender/Sexo: Female Jefferis, Alexa D, LMFT 282 East 18th Avenue Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 261 East 12th Avenue Center for Family Development Phone/Teléfono: 541-246-9638 Eugene, OR 97401 1234 High Street NPI:1801174222 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-1118 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396008736 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1184989857 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, https://www.summermartinlmft. R,ASL) com/ Johnson, Emily J, LMFT+ CT Mitchell, Kurtis J, LMFT* CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Emily Johnson LMFT Direction Services 328 West Broadway 576 Olive Street Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 307 Hager, Alex, LMFT+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-600-7593 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1043406382 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Eugene Pediatric Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1619043841 995 Willagillespie Road Special Training Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Treating:Substance Abuse, Accessibility:Limited(R) Eugene, OR 97401 Co-Occurring Disorders, Special Training Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Chronic Illness Treating:Chronic Illness, + B NPI:1588867691 Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT HIV/AIDS, Co-Occurring Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Disorders Aloha Family Therapy, INC 1390 Oak Street Suite 4 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 808-722-6361 NPI:1912157728 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

235 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Marriage & Family Therapist Marriage & Family Therapist Marriage & Family Therapist Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Pendleton, Porshea D, MA+ CT Rexius, Carol J, LMFT* CT Stater, Sharon L, LMFT+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Porshea Pendleton Christians As Family Advocates Christians As Family Advocates 541 Williamette Street 921 Country Club Road 921 Country Club Road Suite 309 Suite 222 Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-716-4537 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 NPI:1811104359 NPI:1134348592 NPI:1922127265 Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Wed-Fri: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Treating:Substance Abuse M Yabek, Ariel, MFT+ Ponsioen, Suzanne M, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female CT Alive Intergrative Medicine Gender/Sexo: Female 1902 Jefferson Street Suzanne Ponsioen Therapy Suite 1 328 West Broadway Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 544-636-3079 Phone/Teléfono: 541-653-2958 NPI:1649517566 NPI:1831309293 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suzanne Ponsioen Therapy Accessibility:Limited(R) 328 West Broadway Pruch, Josephine Casey Witte, Eugene, OR 97401 LMFT+ Phone/Teléfono: (800) 357-1200 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1831309293 Josephine Pruch LMFT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3022 Onyx Place Accessibility:Limited(R) Eugene, OR 97405 Psychiatric Unit Phone/Teléfono: 541-203-3876 NPI:1396008512 Quayle, Debra, LMFT+ Gender/Sexo: Female Roseburg Therapy Llc 3003 Willamette Street Suite B Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 NPI:1013059617 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

236 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychiatry Psiquiatría Psiquiatría Psiquiatría Arpaia, Joseph P, MD+ B Jonsson, Martina C, PCC+ Schmidt, Hernan Samuel, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female CT Joseph P Arpaia, M.D. Community Health Center of Gender/Sexo: Male 935 Willagillespie Road Lane County Oregon Psychiatric Partners Suite A 151 West 7th Avenue 3203 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-0644 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Phone/Teléfono: 614-596-4644 NPI:1831268309 NPI:1205092061 NPI:1821139494 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 06:00 Bonner, Jocelyn W, MD B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, PM Gender/Sexo: Female P,R) Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, + B Jocelyn Bonner Leong, Eric N, DO R) 1140 Willagillespie Road Gender/Sexo: Male Special Training Suite 44 Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Treating:Substance Abuse + B Eugene, OR 97401 3203 Willamette Street Schumann, Jennifer O, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-735-3241 Eugene, OR 97405 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1275545105 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 Eugene Pediatric Associates Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1851475099 995 Willagillespie Road Bonner, Jocelyn W, MD+ B Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Gender/Sexo: Female Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97401 Emerald Tms, Llc http://www.oppclinic.com Phone/Teléfono: 541-246-7263 1140 Willagillespie Road NPI:1336300862 Suite 44 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Eugene, OR 97401 Strgar, Franc, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-735-3241 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1275545105 Franc Strgar MD PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3203 Willamette Street Brasted, Robert C, MD+ B Eugene, OR 97405 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 Community Health Ctr - NPI:1255398731 CT Charnelton Pengelly, Scott S, PhD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B 151 West 7th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Telew, Nicholas W, MD Suite 100 Strong Integrated Behavioral Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Health Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 44 Club Road 3203 Willamette Street NPI:1447223862 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97405 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1144287723 P,R) NPI:1407978943 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):German Website/Sitio web: http://www.oppclinic.com

237 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Psychiatry Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Psychologist Psiquiatría Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Psicólogo Underwood, Shereen M, DO+ B Allen, Lori B, PhD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Psychiatric Partners LLP Lori Allen PHD 3203 Willamette Street 1339 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-9912 Phone/Teléfono: 541-913-2294 NPI:1083807077 NPI:1295033223 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Bichsel, Ruth J, PhD+ CT http://www.oppclinic.com Gender/Sexo: Female # B Webb, Michael D, MD Eugene Center For Anxiety And Gender/Sexo: Male Stress, Llc Psychiatry Associates Of Eugene 101 E Broadway PC Suite 400 3225 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 2 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9764 Eugene, OR 97405 NPI:1710289079 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-7313 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1154451318 Bundy, John, PhD+ CT Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Schumann, Jennifer O, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female Bundy, John P,R) Eugene Pediatric Associates 286 East 18th Avenue Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent 995 Willagillespie Road Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-510-8464 Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1669537486 + B Brasted, Robert C, MD Phone/Teléfono: 541-246-7263 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1336300862 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Community Health Ctr - Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Charnelton Psychologist Treating:Co-Occurring 151 West 7th Avenue Disorders, Chronic Illness, Suite 100 Psicólogo Substance Abuse Eugene, OR 97401 Aguirre, Maria S, PhD+ CT Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Gender/Sexo: Female https://sites.google.com/site/john NPI:1447223862 Dr. Sophia Aguirre, PHD, LLC bundyphd/home Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 132 East Broadway Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Suite 500 P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-8513 NPI:1629384763 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

238 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Psychologist Psychologist Psychologist Psicólogo Psicólogo Psicólogo Curtin, Susan, PhD+ CT Gordon, Geoffrey, CP+ Ravitch, Nancy Kathryn, PhD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Susan Curtin Strong Integrated Behavioral Eugene Pediatric Associates 1210 Pearl Street Health 995 Willagillespie Road Eugene, OR 97405 44 Club Road Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-8180 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1487722864 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1063769586 Special Training NPI:1427524842 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Treating:Substance Abuse, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Richey, Enid, PhD+ Chronic Illness Millet, Austin, CP+ Gender/Sexo: Female + CT Fries, Mason E., PhD Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene Center For Anxiety And Gender/Sexo: Male Strong Integrated Behavioral Stress, Llc Mason E Fries Health 101 E Broadway 3780 Vine Maple Street 44 Club Road Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97405 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 714-566-5671 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9764 NPI:1326235151 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1447279922 Tue-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1821573791 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rohde, Paul, PhD+ CT Treating:Substance Abuse Parks, Brian, PHD HSPP+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male + Giblin, Markham Scott, PhD Gender/Sexo: Male Direction Services CT Strong Integrated Behavioral 576 Olive Street Gender/Sexo: Male Health Suite 307 Giblin Consulting Inc 44 Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 492 East 13th Avenue Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1053703686 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-738-6516 NPI:1043619067 Accessibility:Limited(R) NPI:1013971167 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Roman, Pamela R, PhD+ [Tue, Thu] 08:30 AM - 05:30 Powers, Peter, PhD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female PM, Wed 12:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male Direction Services Fri 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Peter Powers PhD LLC 576 Olive Street Accessibility:Limited(R) 511 East 12th Avenue Suite 307 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-5567 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 NPI:1437214111 NPI:1841257755 Tue-Thu: 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(R) Special Training Treating:Substance Abuse

239 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Psychologist Psychologist Social Worker Psicólogo Psicólogo Trabajador social Schwartz, Zak F, PhD+ CT Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, Hall, Claude J, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male PhD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Zak Schwartz Gender/Sexo: Female CFD North 1400 High Street Slocum Center for Orthopedics 261 East 12th Avenue Suite C1 55 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-4971 Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-8111 NPI:1760740070 NPI:1467591529 NPI:1013989243 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Tue-Thu: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Windle, Chaunce R, PhD+ CT Special Training Gender/Sexo: Female Treating:Substance Abuse Eugene Center For Anxiety And + CT Sorensen, Erik, PhD Stress, Llc Gender/Sexo: Male 101 E Broadway Erik Sorensen PhD Suite 400 511 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9764 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-8749 NPI:1326382300 NPI:1013071331 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nesiba, Cynthia L, LCSW+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Social Worker Gender/Sexo: Female Special Training Roseburg Therapy Llc Trabajador social Treating:Substance Abuse 3003 Willamette Street + + Steinberg, Craig B, PhD Cortez, Patricia, MSW Suite B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97405 Craig Steinberg, PhD, LLC Center for Family Development Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 3003 Willamette Street 261 East 12th Avenue NPI:1861665614 Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-221-4468 NPI:1902996010 NPI:1932275179 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Hall, Claude J, LCSW Sundberg, Ellen, LP+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development Northside Medical Clinic 261 East 12th Avenue 3915 River Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-688-9140 NPI:1760740070 NPI:1194949602 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

240 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Cantwell, Carley Kendall, Freeman, Erica, LCSW+ CT LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Erica L Freeman LCSW Carley Cantwell 1400 High Street 291 West 12th Avenue Suite C1 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-3391 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-7010 NPI:1356675060 NPI:1265584239 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - + Social Worker: Clinical Clark, Camm D, LCSW 03:00 PM, [Tue, Thu] 08:30 AM Gender/Sexo: Male - 03:00 PM Trabajador social: Clínico Applegate Medical Associates Accessibility:Limited(R) + Anderson, Laurel E, LCSW 689 East 19th Avenue Special Training Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Treating:Suicide, Bipolar Cascade Health Solutions Phone/Teléfono: (541) 868-1876 Disorders, Co-Occurring NPI:1699118935 Disorders DIRECTION + 2650 Suzanne Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Gamache, Abbey L, LCSW Suite 120 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97408 P,R) Center for Family Development Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Website/Sitio web: 1234 High Street NPI:1437281474 http://www.applegatemedical.co Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM m Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Cortez, Patricia, MSW+ NPI:1154566719 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Center for Family Development Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, 261 East 12th Avenue R,ASL) + CT Eugene, OR 97401 Gibbs, Robyn S, LCSW Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1902996010 Eugene Center For Anxiety And Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Stress, Llc 101 E Broadway Bucholtz, Jennifer L, LCSW+ Suite 400 Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Center for Family Development Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9764 1234 High Street NPI:1790947497 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1548359433 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R,ASL)

241 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Gibbs, Robyn S, LCSW CT Huston, Jeffrey S, LCSW+ Kreitzberg, Kellie Q, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Strong Integrated Behavioral Eugene Pediatric Associates Center for Family Development Health 995 Willagillespie Road 261 East 12th Avenue 44 Club Road Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-5437 NPI:1922235068 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 NPI:1427248475 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1790947497 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lenker, Jeffrey L, LCSW+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Ivy, Laura Elizabeth, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male + Goldsmith, Erica, CSW Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Health Solutions Gender/Sexo: Female Center for Family Development DIRECTION Options Counseling Services of 1234 High Street 2650 Suzanne Way Oregon Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 120 1255 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1053631499 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1851504021 NPI:1003287061 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ASL) Lichtenstein, Jaclyn, LCSW+ Kloos, Barbara A, LCSW+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Cascade Health Solutions Direction Services DIRECTION 576 Olive Street 2650 Suzanne Way Suite 307 Suite 120 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 NPI:1417012287 NPI:1962534529 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Guinee, Sharon K, LCSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Gender/Sexo: Female Kraft, Anne C, LCSW+ Special Training Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female Treating:Co-Occurring 261 East 12th Avenue SageHouse Disorders, Chronic Illness + CT Eugene, OR 97401 1355 W 13th Avenue Liebman, Caren B, LCSW Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97402 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1417277039 Phone/Teléfono: 541-514-7997 Caren Liebman Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1194133397 3003 Willamette Street Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Suite E Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-525-2221 NPI:1063530723 [Mon, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

242 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Lind, Melissa K, LCSW+ CT Melton, Kelton, LCSW+ Montes , Gloria T, Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female LCSW+ Direction Services Strong Intergrated Behavioral Gender/Sexo: Female 576 Olive Street Health Center for Family Development Suite 307 71 East 15th Avenue 261 East 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Phone/Teléfono: 541-393-5983 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1427270578 NPI:1801438098 NPI:1033440292 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(R) Mikula, David John, LCSW+ Montes Cervantes, Gloria T, Special Training Gender/Sexo: Male LCSW+ Treating:Chronic Illness, Center for Family Development Gender/Sexo: Female Co-Occurring Disorders 1234 High Street CFD North + Lydon, Robert J, LCSW Eugene, OR 97401 261 East 12th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Eugene, OR 97401 Roseburg Therapy Llc NPI:1386730968 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 3003 Willamette Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1033440292 Suite B Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Eugene, OR 97405 R,ASL) Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 NPI:1407137235 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM McIntyre, Erin S, LCSW+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Christians As Family Advocates 921 Country Club Road Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Nesiba, Cynthia L, LCSW+ NPI:1609992221 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Roseburg Therapy Llc PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM 3003 Willamette Street Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Suite B Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-900-4285 NPI:1861665614 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

243 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Olds, Megan M, LCSW+ Trotter, Mitchell R, MSW+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Direction Services ColumbiaCare Services 576 Olive Street 71 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 Suite A Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-7303 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1609172956 Phone/Teléfono: 541-505-8426 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1518106087 Parys, Dora H, LCSW+ CT Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Scott, Christopher, LCSW+ Unger, Ronald J, LCSW+ Dora Parys, LCSW Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 1193 Pearl Street White Bird Clinic Center for Family Development Eugene, OR 97401 341 E 12th Avenue 261 East 12th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-515-3325 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1922253202 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8255 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1629472303 NPI:1760469324 Special Training Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Treating:Chronic Illness Stark-Bredeweg, Karin, Wanner, Danene R, LCSW+ CT Rexius, Carolyn A, LCSW+ CT LCSW CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Christians As Family Advocates Christians As Family Advocates Christians As Family Advocates 921 Country Club Road 921 Country Club Road 921 Country Club Road Suite 222 Suite 222 Suite 222 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-6000 NPI:1558538769 NPI:1700953189 NPI:1558643635 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Tue-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R) Stockford, Laura N, LCSW+ Warmbier, David, MSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Center for Family Development Cascade Health Solutions 1234 High Street DIRECTION Eugene, OR 97401 2650 Suzanne Way Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Suite 120 NPI:1821185422 Eugene, OR 97408 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, NPI:1770761587 R,ASL) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

244 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Counselor: Mental Health Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Consejero: Salud mental Warmbier, David, MSW+ ZumBrunnen, Joann L, Mclean, John Benjamin, CSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male LCSW# CT Gender/Sexo: Male Willamette Community Health Gender/Sexo: Female Options Counseling Service Solutions Joann Zumbrunnen, Lcsw 1445 West 8th Avenue 2650 Suzanne Way 296 East 5th Avenue Florence, OR 97439 Suite 120 Suite 323 Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-6261 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1487927828 Phone/Teléfono: 541-345-2800 Phone/Teléfono: 541-357-9493 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1770761587 NPI:1326376138 Stuart, Tedra, LPC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon 01:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Tue Gender/Sexo: Female Website/Sitio web: 10:30 AM - 04:00 PM, Wed Options Counseling Service http://www.cascadehealth.org/ 11:30 AM - 06:00 PM, Thu 1445 West 8th Avenue + Wetmore, Valinda, LCSW 11:00 AM - 04:00 PM Florence, OR 97439 Gender/Sexo: Female Special Training Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-6261 Cascade Health Solutions Treating:Substance Abuse, NPI:1104076140 DIRECTION Chronic Illness Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2650 Suzanne Way Florence Wang, Paula, LPC+ Suite 120 Counselor Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97408 Oregon Integrated Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-228-3050 Consejero 1441 7th Street NPI:1023463452 Galbraith, Amanda, PC+ Suite B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Florence, OR 97439 Wilson, Laura K, LCSW+ CT Options Counseling Service Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Gender/Sexo: Female 1445 West 8th Avenue NPI:1063657195 Options Counseling Services of Florence, OR 97439 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-6261 Counselor: Professional 1255 Pearl Street NPI:1881096527 Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Consejero: Profesional + CT Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-6983 Counselor: Addiction Dickson, Mina Ann, LPC NPI:1457654360 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Orientador: Adicciones Mina Dickson LPC Special Training Tucker, Christopher T, LPC 1525 12th Street Treating:Chronic Illness Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 4A Winter, Jordan A, LCSW+ Oregon Integrated Health Florence, OR 97439 Gender/Sexo: Female 1441 7th Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-999-6809 Center for Family Development Suite B NPI:1194948570 1234 High Street Florence, OR 97439 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Accessibility:Limited(IB,P,R,AS Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 NPI:1184995888 L) NPI:1720226913 Special Training Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Treating:HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse

245 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Professional Social Worker: Clinical Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Trabajador social: Clínico Consejero: Profesional Galbraith, Amanda, PC+ Wood, Norma Kay C, CSW+ LeCompte, Marci L, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Options Counseling Service Norma Kay Wood Lcsw Marci L Le Compte MA LLC 1445 West 8th Avenue 88472 4th Avenue 48207 Highway 58 Florence, OR 97439 Florence, OR 97439 Oakridge, OR 97463 Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-6261 Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8870 Phone/Teléfono: 541-852-9714 NPI:1881096527 NPI:1093964090 NPI:1700152907 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tucker, Christopher T, LPC Jasper Springfield Gender/Sexo: Male Community Based Residential Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Oregon Integrated Health Treatment Facility Substance Use 1441 7th Street Suite B Centro de tratamiento residencial Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, Florence, OR 97439 comunitario consumo de sustancias Phone/Teléfono: 866-972-0235 Jasper Mountain Center For Family NPI:1184995888 37875 Jasper Lowell Road Development Social Worker: Clinical Jasper, OR 97438 1800 Centennial Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-1235 Springfield, OR 97477 Trabajador social: Clínico NPI:1497821680 Phone/Teléfono: (458) 210-2306 Mclean, John Benjamin, CSW+ Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1538150388 Gender/Sexo: Male Oakridge Williamette Family Options Counseling Service 4739 Main Street Counselor: Mental Health 1445 West 8th Avenue Suite 5 Florence, OR 97439 Consejero: Salud mental Springfield, OR 97478 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-4506 Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-6261 Lloyd, Jamie, LPC+ CT NPI:1376546291 NPI:1487927828 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Orchid Health Community Based Residential 47815 Highway 58 Treatment Facility Oakridge, OR 97463 Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-8304 Centro de tratamiento residencial NPI:1598004327 comunitario Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Jasper Mountain Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 89124 Marcola Road P,R) Springfield, OR 97478 Special Training Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-1235 Treating:Chronic Illness, NPI:1497821680 Co-Occurring Disorders, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Substance Abuse

246 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Community Mental Health Counselor Counselor: Mental Health Center Consejero Consejero: Salud mental Centro de salud mental Scott, Christopher, LCSW+ Gifford, Andrea, LCSW+ comunitaria Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Center For Family Options Counseling The Child Center Development 175 West B Street 3995 Marcola Road 1800 Centennial Boulevard Suite D Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Phone/Teléfono: (458) 210-2306 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1971 NPI:1699974998 NPI:1265609184 NPI:1629472303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gould, Kirsten, MA+ Counselor Counselor: Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female The Child Center Consejero Consejero: Salud mental + 3995 Marcola Road Foote, Amy, PC Dyer, Rachel, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Options Counseling Options Counseling Services in NPI:1649673484 175 West B Street Oregon Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite D 175 B Street Keller, Susan M, LPC+ Springfield, OR 97477 Building D Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1971 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1114374253 The Child Center Phone/Teléfono: 541-763-1971 3995 Marcola Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396139986 Gifford, Andrea, LCSW+ Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Gender/Sexo: Female + Ferguson, Christopher, MSW NPI:1124144340 The Child Center Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3995 Marcola Road The Child Center Kinkade, Heidi Mae, PC+ Springfield, OR 97477 3995 Marcola Road Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Springfield, OR 97477 The Child Center NPI:1699974998 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3995 Marcola Road NPI:1821122391 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 + Gannon, Courtney, LCSW NPI:1225300122 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM The Child Center Martinez, Mckayla F, QMHS+ 3995 Marcola Road CT Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 The Child Center NPI:1114470150 3995 Marcola Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 NPI:1760901474 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

247 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Professional Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Profesional Marx, Lynda K, LPC+ Remmers, Carolyn J, MED+ Foote, Amy, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female The Child Center Center For Family Development Options Counseling 3995 Marcola Road 1800 Centennial Boulevard 175 West B Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Suite D Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1295052520 NPI:1841383387 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1971 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM NPI:1114374253 Mott, Julie, CPC+ Stone, Nicole, PC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Keller, Susan M, LPC+ Center For Family Development The Child Center Gender/Sexo: Female 1800 Centennial Boulevard 3995 Marcola Road The Child Center Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 3995 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-8437 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1265847271 NPI:1912487125 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 07:00 PM NPI:1124144340 + Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW Counselor: Professional Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Consejero: Profesional Centennial Clinic + 1800 Centennial Boulevard DeVault, Jennifer L, LPC Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Options Counseling NPI:1831404482 175 West B Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite D Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Springfield, OR 97477 R,ME) Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1791 Mote, Vionne Elizabeth, LPC+ Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW+ NPI:1427301571 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Options Counseling and Family + Springfield Family Physicians Dyer, Rachel, PC Services 2280 Marcola Road Gender/Sexo: Female 175 West B Street Springfield, OR 97477 Options Counseling Services in Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Oregon Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1971 NPI:1831404482 175 B Street NPI:1194065912 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Building D Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Springfield, OR 97477 R,ME) Phone/Teléfono: 541-763-1971 NPI:1396139986 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

248 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Marriage & Family Therapist Psychiatry Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Psiquiatría Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Dockery, Kimberley, LMFT+ Grimm, James T, MD, LMP+ Grimm, James T, MD, LMP+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield Family Physicians The Child Center The Child Center 2280 Marcola Road 3995 Marcola Road 3995 Marcola Road Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 NPI:1710236757 NPI:1407929565 NPI:1407929565 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Psychiatry & Neurology: Psychologist R,ME) Clinical Neurophysiology Psicólogo Psiquiatría y neurología: Ulrich, Jenae M, PSYD+ Neurofisiología clínica Gender/Sexo: Female + Kiley, James H, MD Centennial Clinic Gender/Sexo: Male 1800 Centennial Boulevard Neurology Springfield, OR 97477 3377 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Tobin, Barbara A, LMFT+ Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1801174305 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-8400 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Community Health Ctr - NPI:1861694861 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, RiverStone Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM R,ME) + 2073 Olympic Street Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Ulrich, Jenae M, PSYD Springfield, OR 97477 Gender/Sexo: Female Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 Springfield Family Physicians + B NPI:1043405061 Brasted, Robert C, MD 2280 Marcola Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Springfield, OR 97477 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Community Health Ctr - Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 P,R) RiverStone NPI:1801174305 Psychiatry 2073 Olympic Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Psiquiatría Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 R,ME) Brasted, Robert C, MD+ B NPI:1447223862 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Community Health Ctr - Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, RiverStone P,R) 2073 Olympic Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-682-3550 NPI:1447223862 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

249 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lane Lane Social Worker Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW+ Farr, Tori L, LCSW+ Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Centennial Clinic The Child Center Centennial Clinic 1800 Centennial Boulevard 3995 Marcola Road 1800 Centennial Boulevard Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1831404482 NPI:1417207648 NPI:1831404482 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Gannon, Courtney, LCSW+ Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Female R,ME) + + Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW The Child Center Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW Gender/Sexo: Female 3995 Marcola Road Gender/Sexo: Female Springfield Family Physicians Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield Family Physicians 2280 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 2280 Marcola Road Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1114470150 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 NPI:1831404482 Gifford, Andrea, LCSW+ NPI:1831404482 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, The Child Center Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, R,ME) 3995 Marcola Road R,ME) Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 NPI:1699974998 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hay, Aaron J, LMSW+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male The Child Center 3995 Marcola Road Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 NPI:1275720807 Social Worker: Clinical Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Herrell, Althea A, LCSW+ Trabajador social: Clínico Gender/Sexo: Female Chaffin-Britt, Lori L, LMSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female The Child Center 3995 Marcola Road The Child Center Springfield, OR 97477 3995 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1497953087 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-1465 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1740366483 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

250 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Lane Lincoln Linn Social Worker: Clinical Otis Counselor: Addiction Trabajador social: Clínico Rehabilitation, Substance Use Orientador: Adicciones Scott, Christopher, LCSW+ Disorder Unit Humble, Roger, CPC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Rehabilitación, Unidad de Gender/Sexo: Male Options Counseling trastornos por consumo de Linn County Mental Health 175 West B Street sustancias 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Suite D Power House Detox Albany, OR 97321 Springfield, OR 97477 3955 Salmon River Highway Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-1971 Otis, OR 97368 NPI:1942346598 NPI:1629472303 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 720-4636 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1982197182 Kopf, Sandra, LAC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Linn Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany Albany, OR 97321 Community/Behavioral Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1053564369 Salud comunitaria/del Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM comportamiento Phelps, Summer, NON Starr, Sandra Macejko, Lchs Washington Street LICENSED+ LCSW+ 445 3rd Avenue SW Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Albany, OR 97321 Linn County Department Of Springfield Family Physicians Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3819 Health Services 2280 Marcola Road NPI:1194814103 104 South West 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-4300 Linn County Department Of Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1265587851 Health Services NPI:1780162735 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 104 South West 4th Street Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,T,IB,P, Albany, OR 97321 Smith, Daniel, LAC+ R,ME) Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3819 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1194814103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Counselor Albany, OR 97321 Consejero Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Broadbent, Christopher K, NPI:1699930248 MED+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1265831465 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

251 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Linn Linn Linn Counselor: Addiction Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Orientador: Adicciones Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Thomas, Justin Drew, LPC+ D'auria, Francisco Nicolas, Peters, Casey E, QMHS+ Gender/Sexo: Male BCBA+ Gender/Sexo: Female Linn County Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1528181294 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1275071425 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1164963302 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Velasco, Desiree, LAC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rincon, Juanita, MSW Gender/Sexo: Female Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Female + Linn County Department Of Friederick, Lara, PC Linn County Mental Health Health Services Gender/Sexo: Female 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 104 South West 4th Street Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1730244260 NPI:1063813707 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1760899850 Rose, Meredith J, LPC+ Williamson, Kathrine Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female + + Margret, LAC Garver, Sandra L, LPC Linn County Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97321 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1033613245 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1639539240 NPI:1164656484 Schroer, Mia, LPC+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female + Counselor: Mental Health Hull, Wendy, LMHC Linn County Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Consejero: Salud mental Linn County Department Of Albany, OR 97321 + Becker, Sean, CSW Health Services Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Gender/Sexo: Male 104 South West 4th Street NPI:1922551043 Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97321 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Schroer, Mia, LPC+ Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1003329434 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Linn County Mental Health NPI:1710438973 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1922551043 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

252 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Linn Linn Linn Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Professional Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Profesional Schwarz, Christopher M, NON gallagher, susanna, LCMHC+ Reader, Rosalie, LPC+ B LICENSED+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health Linn County Department Of Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Health Services 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 104 South West 4th Street Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1477100691 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3819 NPI:1023554714 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1255584801 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Counselor: Professional Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Stebbins, Misty A, LMHC+ Schroer, Mia, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Consejero: Profesional Gender/Sexo: Female + Linn County Mental Health Elliott, Candice, PC Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Gender/Sexo: Female 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Lchs Washington Street Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 445 3rd Avenue SW Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1083868780 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1922551043 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sweet, Nova Dev, LCSW+ NPI:1225312929 Schroer, Mia, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female + Linn County Mental Health Friederick, Lara, PC Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Gender/Sexo: Female 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue Albany, OR 97321 Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1356427827 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1922551043 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Verhoogen Odden, Lise, PC+ NPI:1760899850 Verhoogen Odden, Lise, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female + Linn County Mental Health Glaeser, Kiersten A, PC Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Gender/Sexo: Female 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Lchs Washington Street Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 445 3rd Avenue SW Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 NPI:1477824779 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1477824779 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Weinberg, Lance, LPC NPI:1134351257 Weinberg, Lance, LPC Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1811103435 NPI:1811103435

253 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Linn Linn Linn Marriage & Family Therapist Psychiatry Social Worker Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Psiquiatría Trabajador social Leonard, Jennifer, MFT+ Sobotka, Jon Duane, MD+ B Sneddon, Jeffery, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1780917146 NPI:1356326516 NPI:1184777864 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Salston, MaryDale G, PhD Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Social Worker: Clinical Gender/Sexo: Female Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Trabajador social: Clínico Linn County Mental Health + B + 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Brooks, Karen Michele, MD Beaman, Helen, CSW Albany, OR 97321 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Linn County Mental Health Lchs Washington Street NPI:1982749743 445 3rd Avenue Southwest 445 3rd Avenue SW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Albany, OR 97321 Psychiatry Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1669528972 NPI:1063850923 Psiquiatría Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + B + Brooks, Karen Michele, MD Social Worker Becker, Sean, CSW Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Trabajador social Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health + 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Elliott, Candice, PC 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Gender/Sexo: Female Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Lchs Washington Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1669528972 445 3rd Avenue SW NPI:1710438973 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Smolen, Gale A, MD+ Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Corey, Tina A, LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1225312929 Gender/Sexo: Female Lchs Washington Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Linn County Mental Health + 445 3rd Avenue SW Mullally, Jeanne M, LAC 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Albany, OR 97321 Gender/Sexo: Female Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Linn County Department Of Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 NPI:1316030257 Health Services NPI:1346419959 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 104 South West 4th Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-451-5932 NPI:1528515566 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

254 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Linn Linn Linn Social Worker: Clinical Lebanon Social Worker Trabajador social: Clínico Community/Behavioral Health Trabajador social Delohery-Dart, Malia P, Salud comunitaria/del Neal, Tyler, CSW+ LCSW+ comportamiento Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Linn County Department of Linn County Mental Health Linn County Mental Health Health Services - Lebanon 799 Long Street 2730 Pacific Boulevard 1600 South Main Street Sweet Home, OR 97386 Southeast Lebanon, OR 97355 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3819 NPI:1891005039 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1194814103 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1083741946 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Social Worker: Clinical Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Social Worker: Clinical Frisch-Taylor, Nickie, MSW Trabajador social: Clínico Gender/Sexo: Female Trabajador social: Clínico Delohery-Dart, Malia P, Linn County Mental Health Delohery-Dart, Malia P, LCSW 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue LCSW+ Gender/Sexo: Female Albany, OR 97321 Gender/Sexo: Female Linn County Mental Health Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 Linn County Department of 799 Long Street NPI:1902935521 Health Services - Lebanon Sweet Home, OR 97386 Jones, Leonard Keith, LCSW+ 1600 South Main Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Gender/Sexo: Male Lebanon, OR 97355 NPI:1083741946 Linn County Mental Health Phone/Teléfono: 541-451-5932 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 445 3rd Avenue Southwest NPI:1083741946 Neal, Tyler, CSW Albany, OR 97321 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: (541) 967-3866 Sweet Home Linn County Mental Health NPI:1720171655 799 Long Street Counselor: Mental Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sweet Home, OR 97386 Ryden, Ronald R, CSW+ Consejero: Salud mental Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Gender/Sexo: Male Stebbins, Misty A, LMHC+ NPI:1891005039 Linn County Mental Health Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 445 3rd Avenue Southwest Linn County Mental Health Albany, OR 97321 799 Long Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Sweet Home, OR 97386 NPI:1336504729 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1083868780 + Ryden, Ronald R, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Linn County Mental Health 445 Southwest 3rd Avenue Albany, OR 97321 Phone/Teléfono: 541-967-3866 NPI:1336504729 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

255 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Marion Multnomah Multnomah Salem Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Mental Health Counselor: Professional Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Salud mental Consejero: Profesional Benitez, Carlos, MSW+ Resendiz, Ofelio, MA B Shaver, Cynthia, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Cascadia Behavioral Health - Portland Mental Health and Plaza Wellness Shangri-La 4080 Reed Road Southeast 4212 Southeast Division Street 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97206 Suite 270 Suite 150 Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: 503-674-7777 Portland, OR 97232 NPI:1932518297 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Phone/Teléfono: 503-581-1732 NPI:1417296872 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1124571609 Garwood, Erin, MA+ Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Other Language(s):American Gender/Sexo: Female Taite, Pamela, MS Sign Language Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC Gender/Sexo: Female Social Worker: Clinical 3050 Southeast Division Street Portland Mental Health and Suite 215 Wellness Trabajador social: Clínico Portland, OR 97202 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Welch, Gwen, LCSW+ Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Suite 270 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1972958478 Portland, OR 97232 [Mon, Wed] 08:00 AM - 06:00 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Gwen Welch LCSW South PM NPI:1669959078 Salem Counseling Henderson, Alexa, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 902 Normandy Avenue South Gender/Sexo: Female Salem, OR 97302 Counselor: Professional KINSHIP HOUSE Phone/Teléfono: 503-877-8218 Consejero: Profesional NPI:1164566212 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Bankhead, Destiny, PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97212 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Gender/Sexo: Female Multnomah NPI:1316358062 A Healing Intention Portland Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1020 Southwest Taylor Street Peacock, Lisa M, MFT+ Suite 375 Community/Behavioral Health Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97205 Salud comunitaria/del Kartini Clinic PC Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0391 comportamiento 3530 North Vancouver Avenue NPI:1114273471 Albertina Kerr Centers Suite 400 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 722 Northeast 162nd Avenue Portland, OR 97227 Berlingen, Linda, PC Portland, OR 97230 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (503) 295-3574 NPI:1629310990 Linda K. Berlingen, LPC NPI:1477618353 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3434 Southwest Kelly Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97239 Phone/Teléfono: 503-908-3012 NPI:1184862955 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

256 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Cavese, Julie, PC Corwin, Tiffany, PC Houston, Brandon, PC Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Abri Radically Open DBT Integrative Trauma Treatment Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC 520 Southwest Yamhill Street Center 3050 Southeast Division Street Suite 345 2130 Southwest Jefferson Street Suite 215 Portland, OR 97204 Suite 200 Portland, OR 97202 Phone/Teléfono: 503-386-1515 Portland, OR 97209 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 NPI:1073959052 Phone/Teléfono: 971-266-6910 NPI:1972847556 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1831673631 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM , Douglas M, PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kelley, Jack, PC Gender/Sexo: Male Enticknap, Christina, LPC Gender/Sexo: Male The DBT Clinic PC Gender/Sexo: Female Integrative Trauma Treatment 2104 Southeast Morrison Street Christina W. Enticknap, LPC Center Portland, OR 97214 LLC 2130 Southwest Jefferson Street Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 516 SE Morrison Street Suite 200 NPI:1467528794 Suite 1105 Portland, OR 97209 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97214 Phone/Teléfono: 971-266-6910 Collier, Hayden, PC Phone/Teléfono: 503-544-3201 NPI:1265873343 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1225183635 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM A Healing Intention Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kettermann, Tiffany, PC 1020 Southwest Taylor Street Gruber, Noreen, PC Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 375 Gender/Sexo: Female Tiffany Ketterman LLC Portland, OR 97205 Portland Mental Health and 2926 Northeast Flanders Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0396 Wellness Suite 3C NPI:1285999847 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97232 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 270 Phone/Teléfono: 971-270-0167 Cooper, Lacy, PC Portland, OR 97232 NPI:1194067355 Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B LinkTherapy LLC NPI:1477722106 Martin, David, LPC 3880 Southeast 8th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 270 Henson, Katie, PC David Martin Therapy Portland, OR 97202 Gender/Sexo: Female 6018 Southeast Stark Phone/Teléfono: 503-545-6798 Parenting With Intent Portland, OR 97215 NPI:1083010193 4423 Northeast Tillamook Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-880-1508 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97213 NPI:1093078677 Phone/Teléfono: 971-339-7430 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1235312968 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

257 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Consejero: Profesional Mayfield, Krispin, PC Shala, Rebecca, PC Vega, Thelma, PC Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Northwest ADHD Treatment Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC Thelma Vega Center 3050 Southeast Division Street 6124 Southeast Milwaukie 10011 Southeast Division Street Suite 215 Avenue Suite 203 Portland, OR 97202 Portland, OR 97202 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Phone/Teléfono: 503-888-3679 Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 NPI:1619243946 NPI:1326488545 NPI:1336517721 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Smith, Lawrence M., PC Washington, Vanessa, PC McAteer, Kirsten, PCC Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female The DBT Clinic PC Sankofa Counseling LLC Abri Radically Open DBT 2104 Southeast Morrison Street 511 Southwest 10th Avenue 520 Southwest Yamhill Street Portland, OR 97214 Suite 1104 Suite 345 Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 Portland, OR 97205 Portland, OR 97204 NPI:1225099179 Phone/Teléfono: 503-444-8214 Phone/Teléfono: 503-386-1515 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548540545 NPI:1275628042 Urban, Jenna, LPC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female White, Shoko, PC Negron, Astrid, PC A Healing Intention Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female 1020 Southwest Taylor Street Shoko Y White LPC ATR BC Integrative Trauma Treatment Suite 375 1020 Southwest Taylor Street Center Portland, OR 97205 Suite 645 2130 Southwest Jefferson Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0373 Portland, OR 97205 Suite 200 NPI:1700221629 Phone/Teléfono: 503-863-6708 Portland, OR 97209 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215351234 Phone/Teléfono: 971-266-6910 Vargas, Veronica, PC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1336536986 Gender/Sexo: Female Winter, Elizabeth, CP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Parenting With Intent Gender/Sexo: Female Newey, Matthew, PC 4423 Northeast Tillamook Street NORTHWEST ADHD Gender/Sexo: Male Portland, OR 97213 TREATMENT CENTER Matthew S. Newey LPC Phone/Teléfono: 503-709-8592 1201 Southwest 12th Avenue 511 SW 10th Avenue NPI:1164695151 Suite 224 Suite 1104 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97205 Portland, OR 97205 Phone/Teléfono: 971-251-9856 Phone/Teléfono: 541-784-6444 NPI:1659744407 NPI:1033210273 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

258 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Marriage & Family Therapist Psychiatric Unit Psychiatry Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Unidad psiquiátrica Psiquiatría Field, Teresa, MFT Legacy Emanuel Hospital Axman, Stephanie A, MD Gender/Sexo: Female 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue Gender/Sexo: Female HANDS ON MEDICINE Portland, OR 97227 KINSHIP HOUSE 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-4048 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Portland, OR 97217 NPI:1003822487 Portland, OR 97212 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 NPI:1750610192 Legacy Emanuel Hospital And NPI:1013172832 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1919 Northwest Lovejoy Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Peacock, Lisa M, MFT+ Portland, OR 97209 Conti, Paul M, MD+ B Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2200 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1003822487 Kartini Clinic PC Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM DePaul Treatment Centers Inc 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen 1312 Southwest Washington Suite 400 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue Street Portland, OR 97227 Portland, OR 97232 Portland, OR 97205 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2150 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 535-1151 NPI:1629310990 NPI:1003822487 NPI:1700860152 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM + Weisner, Leslie, LMFT Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen Floriani, Jonathan Ryan, MD Gender/Sexo: Female 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Kartini Clinic PC Portland, OR 97232 Legacy Clinic at Good 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2150 Samaritan Suite 400 NPI:1245773225 2800 North Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97227 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 230 Phone/Teléfono: 503-249-8851 Legacy Good Samaritan Portland, OR 97227 NPI:1760568232 Hospital Phone/Teléfono: 503-413-2901 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1015 Northwest 22nd Avenue NPI:1043552540 Wilcox, Danielle, MFT Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-4048 Garner, Bennett, MD+ KINSHIP HOUSE NPI:1336162874 Gender/Sexo: Male 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Trillium Family Services Portland, OR 97212 Legacy Health 3415 Southeast Powell Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 1225 North East Second Avenue Boulevard NPI:1437461746 Portland, OR 97232 Portland, OR 97202 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-2200 Phone/Teléfono: 503-234-9591 NPI:1245773225 NPI:1356352538 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, R)

259 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Psychiatry Psychologist Psychologist Psiquiatría Psicólogo Psicólogo Moore, Andrea, MD B Corbett, Jana, CP Larsen Sanchez, Brad, CP Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male KINSHIP HOUSE The DBT Clinic PC Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue 2104 Southeast Morrison Street 3050 Southeast Division Street Portland, OR 97212 Portland, OR 97214 Suite 215 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 Portland, OR 97202 NPI:1346484144 NPI:1194114389 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1679723845 Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent Curry, Camille, CP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female VanVoorhies, Erin, CP Psiquiatría: Niño-adolescente Portland Mental Health and Gender/Sexo: Female Axman, Stephanie A, MD Wellness Portland Mental Health and Gender/Sexo: Female 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard Wellness KINSHIP HOUSE Suite 270 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Portland, OR 97232 Suite 270 Portland, OR 97212 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 NPI:1568719482 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 NPI:1013172832 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1609278761 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gelman, Irina, CP Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM B Moore, Andrea, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Psychologist: Clinical Child & Gender/Sexo: Female Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC Adolescent 3050 Southeast Division Street KINSHIP HOUSE Psicólogo: Niños y adolescentes 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Suite 215 + CT Portland, OR 97212 Portland, OR 97202 Kaufman, Lisa, PhD Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1346484144 NPI:1437413317 Trillium Family Services Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3415 Southeast Powell Psychologist Harris, Amy, CP Boulevard Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97202 Psicólogo Larsen Sanchez Psychology LLC Phone/Teléfono: 503-234-9591 Cheatham, Patrick, PSYD 3050 Southeast Division Street NPI:1457549651 Gender/Sexo: Male Suite 215 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland Mental Health and Portland, OR 97202 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Wellness Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 R) 1785 Northeast Sandy Boulevard NPI:1427161587 Suite 270 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: 503-622-8964 NPI:1669631453 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

260 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Psychologist: Clinical Child & Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Adolescent Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Psicólogo: Niños y adolescentes Abbott, Miya, CSW Erickson, Beth, CSW Reed, Norman H, PhD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Miya Abbott KINSHIP HOUSE Trillium Family Services 823 Northeast Broadway 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue 3415 Southeast Powell Portland, OR 97232 Portland, OR 97212 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 503-951-0328 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Portland, OR 97202 NPI:1053595785 NPI:1447415070 Phone/Teléfono: 503-234-9591 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1538215892 Blum, Michelle, CSW Godfrey, Jane, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Northwest ADHD Treatment HANDS ON MEDICINE R) Center 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Residential Treatment Facility 10011 Southeast Division Street Portland, OR 97217 Suite 203 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Centro residencial de tratamiento Portland, OR 97266 NPI:1285618645 Trillium Family Services Phone/Teléfono: 503-255-2343 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3415 Southeast Powell NPI:1851408272 Gomez, Jacqueline, CSW+ Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Portland, OR 97202 Couturier, Anna Lisa, CSW The DBT Clinic Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-4362 Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1093873382 1110 Southeast Alder Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Anna Lisa Couturier Suite 301 Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, 224 NE 28th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 R) Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 Phone/Teléfono: 503-953-6040 NPI:1669812210 Social Worker NPI:1073611208 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Trabajador social Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gomez, Jacqueline, CSW Crowley, Tara, LCSW Gender/Sexo: Female Hardman-Woung, Gail M, Gender/Sexo: Female LCSW B The DBT Clinic PC Gender/Sexo: Female Tara Crowley 2104 Southeast Morrison Street 5517 North Commercial Avenue Portland, OR 97214 Portland Neurofeedback, LLC Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 AKA The PATH Center Phone/Teléfono: 503-908-4532 NPI:1669812210 4035 Northeast Sandy Boulevard NPI:1750677373 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 200 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97212 Phone/Teléfono: 971-940-2601 NPI:1861571317 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

261 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Hally, Li Lin, LCSW Klavans Rekosh, Lisa, Molko, David, LCSW Gender/Sexo: Female LISW-CP Gender/Sexo: Male Abri Radically Open DBT Gender/Sexo: Female Jewish Family & Child Services 520 Southwest Yamhill Street Abri Radically Open DBT 1221 Southwest Yamhill Street Suite 345 520 Southwest Yamhill Street Portland, OR 97205 Portland, OR 97204 Suite 345 Phone/Teléfono: 503-226-7079 Phone/Teléfono: 503-267-4786 Portland, OR 97204 NPI:1467496901 NPI:1285982967 Phone/Teléfono: 503-386-1515 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1255864526 Mossnan, Roxanne, MSS Hankins, Ceshaun, LCSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Kreofsky, Jana, CSW Roxanne Mossman, LCSW, Abri Radically Open DBT Gender/Sexo: Female Ph.D. 520 Southwest Yamhill Street HANDS ON MEDICINE 1306 Northwest Hoyt Street Suite 345 5311 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 301 Portland, OR 97204 Portland, OR 97217 Portland, OR 97209 Phone/Teléfono: 503-386-1515 Phone/Teléfono: 503-281-0308 Phone/Teléfono: 503-225-1177 NPI:1467576678 NPI:1528403599 NPI:1730231275 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Henderson, Alexa, CSW Lauer, Barbara, CSW Phillips, Athena, LCSW B Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female KINSHIP HOUSE Barbara Lauer LCSW Integrative Trauma Treatment 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue 1829 Northeast Alberta Street Center Portland, OR 97212 Portland, OR 97211 2130 Southwest Jefferson Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Phone/Teléfono: 503-715-1962 Suite 200 NPI:1316358062 NPI:1124160981 Portland, OR 97209 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 971-266-6910 Hyman, Rebecca, CSW Miyasato, Kevin C, CSW+ NPI:1174859458 Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rebecca Hyman LCSW A Healing Intention Ruth, M, CSW 3806 Southeast Belmont Street 1020 Southwest Taylor Street Gender/Sexo: Male Portland, OR 97214 Suite 375 Jewish Family & Child Services Phone/Teléfono: 503-442-2946 Portland, OR 97205 1221 Southwest Yamhill Street NPI:1851695977 Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0304 Portland, OR 97205 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1184902504 Phone/Teléfono: 503-226-7079 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1265554257 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

262 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Social Worker: Clinical Social Worker: Clinical Troutdale Trabajador social: Clínico Trabajador social: Clínico Counselor: Professional Sciarani, Lisa, CSW+ Stewart, Lisa, CSW Consejero: Profesional Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Senarsky, Michala, LPC The DBT Clinic Integrative Trauma Treatment Gender/Sexo: Female 1110 Southeast Alder Street Center Attentive Counseling Suite 301 2130 Southwest Jefferson Street 110 E Historic Columbia River Portland, OR 97214 Suite 200 Highway Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 Portland, OR 97209 Suite 8 NPI:1669883682 Phone/Teléfono: 971-266-6910 Troutdale, OR 97060 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1093985350 Phone/Teléfono: 503-888-0697 Sciarani, Lisa, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + NPI:1811392202 Gender/Sexo: Female Strickland, Alison, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female The DBT Clinic PC Social Worker: Clinical 2104 Southeast Morrison Street KINSHIP HOUSE Portland, OR 97214 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue Trabajador social: Clínico Phone/Teléfono: 971-285-6545 Portland, OR 97212 O'Connell, Alycia, CSW NPI:1669883682 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1750546305 Alycia O'Connell Secrett, Sharnissa, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 107 East Historic Columbia Gender/Sexo: Female Williams, Edmond, CSW River Highway Gender/Sexo: Male Cemented Rose Therapeutics, Suite 204 LLC Raising An Alternative Troutdale, OR 97060 333 Northeast Russell Street Perspective Counseling Phone/Teléfono: 503-933-6274 Portland, OR 97266 Consulting NPI:1417144262 Phone/Teléfono: 971-227-3553 333 Northeast Russell Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1366894172 Suite 211 Umatilla Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97212 Smith Hohnstein, Melissa, Phone/Teléfono: 503-334-9955 Hermiston CSW NPI:1750445557 Community/Behavioral Health Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM KINSHIP HOUSE Salud comunitaria/del 1823 Northeast 8th Avenue comportamiento Portland, OR 97212 Lifeways Inc Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 595 Northwest 11th Street NPI:1154586709 Hermiston, OR 97838 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 567-2536 NPI:1932295326 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

263 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Umatilla Washington Washington Pendleton Counselor: Professional Marriage & Family Therapist Community/Behavioral Health Consejero: Profesional Terapeuta matrimonial y familiar Salud comunitaria/del Babinec, Christine, PC Sklar, Jonathan J, MS+ comportamiento Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Lifeways Inc Christine A. Babinec St Marys Home for Boys 331 SE 2nd Street MA,LPC,NCC 16535 Southwest Tualatin Pendleton, OR 97801 10700 Southwest Valley Highway NPI:1932295326 Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway Beaverton, OR 97006 Lifeways Inc Suite 696-2 Phone/Teléfono: 503-649-5651 331 Southeast 2nd Street Beaverton, OR 97005 NPI:1164890133 Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone/Teléfono: 503-766-5896 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-6207 NPI:1629257183 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1932295326 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Collier, Hayden, PC Residential Treatment Facility Gender/Sexo: Female Washington Centro residencial de tratamiento A Healing Intention Beaverton 12655 Southwest Center Street St Marys Home for Boys 16535 Southwest Tualatin Counselor: Mental Health Suite 320 Beaverton, OR 97005 Valley Highway Consejero: Salud mental Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0304 Beaverton, OR 97006 Hilton, Lindsay, LMFT+ NPI:1285999847 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 649-5651 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1619057098 + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM St Marys Home for Boys Taylor, Charles, PC Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 16535 Southwest Tualatin Gender/Sexo: Male P,R) Valley Highway Mountain Crest Counseling Beaverton, OR 97006 Services Social Worker: Clinical Phone/Teléfono: 503-649-5651 10700 Southwest Trabajador social: Clínico NPI:1154464113 Beaverton-Hillside Highway Miyasato, Kevin C, CSW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 565 Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Beaverton, OR 97005 P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 503-798-3271 A Healing Intention Krieger, Cynthia L, MA+ CT NPI:1255637476 12655 Southwest Center Street Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 320 + Beaverton, OR 97005 St Marys Home for Boys Urban, Jenna, LPC Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0395 16535 Southwest Tualatin Gender/Sexo: Female NPI:1184902504 Valley Highway A Healing Intention Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Beaverton, OR 97006 12655 Southwest Center Street Phone/Teléfono: 503-649-5651 Suite 320 NPI:1699905166 Beaverton, OR 97005 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-303-0304 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1700221629 P,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Special Training Treating:Co-Occurring Disorders

264 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Washington Washington Washington Social Worker: Clinical Portland Counselor: Mental Health Trabajador social: Clínico Counselor Consejero: Salud mental Smith Hohnstein, Melissa, Consejero Lahr, Emily, MSW+ + CSW Messer, Robert, LPC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Lifeworks Northwest 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Kinship House Lifeworks Northwest 5995 Southwest Menlo Drive 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Portland, OR 97229 Phone/Teléfono: 503-645-3581 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97229 Phone/Teléfono: 503-460-2796 Phone/Teléfono: 503-645-3581 NPI:1710365184 [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - NPI:1154586709 NPI:1063958387 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, [Tue, Fri] 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Gaston 05:00 PM, [Tue, Fri] 08:00 AM - + 06:00 PM Phillippi, Annamaria, PC Community/Behavioral Health Gender/Sexo: Female Counselor: Addiction Salud comunitaria/del Lifeworks Northwest comportamiento Orientador: Adicciones 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Firefly Counseling Services, Luse, Paula, BS+ Portland, OR 97229 PC Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: (503) 645-3581 NPI:1013396431 3351 SW West Shore Drive Lifeworks Northwest Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gaston, OR 97119 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Spencer, Emmalia, NON Phone/Teléfono: (503) 560-5822 Portland, OR 97229 LICENSED+ CT NPI:1326482563 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 645-3581 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912348681 Hillsboro Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lifeworks Northwest 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Counselor: Professional Mobley, Jacqueline, NON LICENSED+ Portland, OR 97229 Consejero: Profesional Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 503-645-9010 + NPI:1932507167 Engber, Deanna S, PC Lifeworks Northwest Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Portland, OR 97229 Counselor: Professional Therapies, Inc Phone/Teléfono: 503-645-3581 Consejero: Profesional 5289 Northeast Elam Young NPI:1811430622 [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - D'Amore, Simone, PC Parkway Gender/Sexo: Female Suite 140 05:00 PM, [Tue, Fri] 08:00 AM - Hillsboro, OR 97124 06:00 PM Simone DAmore Counseling Phone/Teléfono: 503-372-5147 9900 Southwest Wilshire Street NPI:1457368557 Suite 190 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97225 Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 503-877-4608 Special Training NPI:1104024249 Treating:Development Disorder Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

265 Behavioral Health / Proveedores de salud de comportamiento (546)

Washington Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Harris, Steven, PCC+ Gender/Sexo: Male Lifeworks Northwest 14600 Northwest Cornell Road Portland, OR 97229 Phone/Teléfono: 503-645-3581 NPI:1487065876 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Yamhill McMinnville Counselor: Professional Consejero: Profesional Roedel, Melanie, PC+ Gender/Sexo: Female Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Therapies, Inc 2274 Southwest 2nd Street Suite D McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: 971-261-2159 NPI:1023339488 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Social Worker: Clinical Trabajador social: Clínico Wells, Alex, CSW+ Gender/Sexo: Male Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Therapies, Inc 2274 Southwest 2nd Street Suite D McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: 971-261-2159 NPI:1437508983 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

266 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lake Benton Clackamas Libertyville Corvallis Milwaukie Durable Medical Equipment & Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Instalación de enfermería Equipo médico durable y especializada Equipo médico durable y suministros médicos Corvallis Manor suministros médicos Medline Industries Inc MA 160 Northeast Conifer Boulevard Olson Medical Supply 1501 Harris Road Corvallis, OR 97330 16244 Southeast Mcloughlin Libertyville, IL 60048 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 757-1651 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (844) 218-4932 NPI:1659378776 Milwaukie, OR 97267 NPI:1811997638 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (844) 509-5461 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Corvallis Manor Nursing & NPI:1477740827 Baker Rehabilitation Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 160 Northeast Conifer Boulevard Laboratory Baker City Corvallis, OR 97330 Laboratorio Durable Medical Equipment & Phone/Teléfono: (541) 757-1651 Medical Supplies NPI:1023561925 Quest Diagnostics Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 4370 SE King Road Equipo médico durable y Clackamas Milwaukie, OR 97222 suministros médicos Phone/Teléfono: (503) 303-2315 Norco Inc. Canby Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3370 10th Street Laboratory Oregon City Suite F Baker City, OR 97814 Laboratorio Laboratory Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-2002 IP Canby 1 Laboratorio NPI:1689034837 1185 Elm Street IP Oregon City 1 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Canby, OR 97013 1001 Molalla Avenue 100 Laboratory Phone/Teléfono: (503) 723-4660 Oregon City, OR 97045 NPI:1548208440 Laboratorio Phone/Teléfono: (503) 656-5273 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548208440 IP Baker 1 Gladstone Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1082 Campbell Street Baker City, OR 97814 Skilled Nursing Facility Skilled Nursing Facility Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-3453 Instalación de enfermería Instalación de enfermería NPI:1548208440 especializada especializada Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Avamere Rehab of Clackamas Avamere Rehab of Oregon 220 East Hereford Street City Gladstone, OR 97027 1400 Division Street Phone/Teléfono: (503) 656-0393 Oregon City, OR 97045 NPI:1518001205 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 656-0367 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1780601724 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

267 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Clackamas Clatsop Coos Sandy Astoria Home Health Hospice Care, Community Laboratory Atención médica en el hogar Based Laboratorio Pacific Home Health & MT H IP Astoria 1 Hospice (Coos 39065 Pioneer Boulevard 2222 Exchange Street 455 South 4th Sandy, OR 97055 Astoria, OR 97103 Suite 3 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 668-5545 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 741-3183 Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1093717340 NPI:1548208440 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7005 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1851350086 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM West Linn Quest Diagnostics Durable Medical Equipment & 3250 Leif Erikson Drive Hospice Care, Community Medical Supplies Astoria, OR 97103 Based Phone/Teléfono: (971) 704-3232 Pacific Hospice Equipo médico durable y Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM 455 S 4th Street suministros médicos Warrenton Suite 3 Genesis Medical Concepts Coos Bay, OR 97420 LLC Durable Medical Equipment & Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-7005 2020 8th Avenue Medical Supplies NPI:1124112784 Suite 222 Equipo médico durable y Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM West Linn, OR 97068 suministros médicos Laboratory Phone/Teléfono: (503) 344-6642 Lincare Inc NPI:1376913301 Laboratorio 485 Northeast Skipanon Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Warrenton, OR 97146 North Bend Medical Center Wilsonville Phone/Teléfono: (503) 861-3303 Inc 1900 Woodland Drive Durable Medical Equipment & NPI:1700961810 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Medical Supplies Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-5151 Equipo médico durable y Coos NPI:1760404396 suministros médicos Coos Bay Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Synergy Medical Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment & 28050 Southwest Boberg Road Medical Supplies Instalación de enfermería Wilsonville, OR 97070 especializada Phone/Teléfono: (503) 570-8782 Equipo médico durable y NPI:1275784001 suministros médicos Avamere Rehab of Coos Bay 2625 Koos Bay Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lincare INC 155 North Schoneman Avenue Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-2161 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-0607 NPI:1831233519 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1689607806 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

268 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Curry Deschutes Deschutes Brookings Durable Medical Equipment & Laboratory Medical Supplies Durable Medical Equipment & Laboratorio Medical Supplies Equipo médico durable y IP Bend 3 Equipo médico durable y suministros médicos 2175 Northwest Shevlin Park suministros médicos Summit Orthotics and Road Bend, OR 97701 Lincare Tolman Prosthetics Bend 16290 Tolman Lane 2200 Northeast Neff Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 706-3870 Suite 307 NPI:1548208440 Unit 101 Brookings, OR 97415 Bend, OR 97701 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-5422 Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 IP Bend 4 NPI:1851403372 NPI:1104014877 2088 Northeast Kim Lane Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend, OR 97701 Home Infusion Phone/Teléfono: (541) 706-3812 Laboratory NPI:1548208440 Laboratorio Infusión en el hogar Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM IP Brookings 2 Option Care At Legacy Health Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier 2275 Northeast Doctors Drive 586 5th Street Proveedor de prótesis/órtesis Suite 100 Bend, OR 97701 Brookings, OR 97415 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-3254 Pacific Medical Inc Phone/Teléfono: (541) 813-1487 NPI:1174875017 2200 North East Neff Road NPI:1548208440 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 306 Option Care at Legacy Health Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend, OR 97701 - Bend Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-8884 Deschutes 2275 Northeast Doctors Drive NPI:1326048893 Bend Suite 10 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend, OR 97701 La Pine Durable Medical Equipment & Phone/Teléfono: (866) 347-8660 Medical Supplies NPI:1174875017 Laboratory Equipo médico durable y Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Laboratorio suministros médicos Laboratory IP La Pine 1 Lincare Inc Laboratorio 51600 Huntington Road 63076 Northeast 18th Street La Pine, OR 97739 IP Bend 2 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 907-1127 920 Emkay Drive Bend, OR 97701 NPI:1548208440 103 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 382-8303 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend, OR 97702 NPI:1730118548 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 330-2641 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548208440 Norco Medical - Bend Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 63024 Sherman Road Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 388-2273 NPI:1639233273 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

269 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Deschutes Douglas Douglas Redmond Roseburg Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment & Durable Medical Equipment & Instalación de enfermería Medical Supplies Medical Supplies especializada Equipo médico durable y Equipo médico durable y Umpqua Valley Nursing & suministros médicos suministros médicos Rehabilitation Center Norco Douglas Medical Equipment 525 West Umpqua Street 3039 South Highway 97 Supply Roseburg, OR 97471 Redmond, OR 97756 1813 West Harvard Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 464-7100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-0304 Suite 220 NPI:1710337613 NPI:1841481256 Roseburg, OR 97471 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 229-4530 Hood River Summit Orthotics & NPI:1457520041 Prosthetics Rdm Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hood River 258 Southwest 5th Street Lincare Inc - Roseburg Laboratory Suite 2 1810 Northwest Mulholland Laboratorio Redmond, OR 97756 Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 923-2552 Roseburg, OR 97470 IP Hood River 1 NPI:1821286501 Phone/Teléfono: (877) 424-2240 1750 12th Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1699854588 Hood River, OR 97031 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 436-4334 Laboratory Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548208440 Laboratory Laboratorio Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM IP Redmond 1 Laboratorio Jackson 236 Northwest Kingwood Quest Diagnostics Redmond, OR 97756 2410 NW Edenbower Boulevard Medford Phone/Teléfono: (541) 504-4603 Suite 177 Durable Medical Equipment & NPI:1548208440 Roseburg, OR 97471 Medical Supplies Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 378-3048 Equipo médico durable y Douglas Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM Quest Diagnostics suministros médicos Reedsport 2550 NW Edenbower Boulevard Lincare Inc - Medford 918 Chevy Way Ambulance Suite 102 Roseburg, OR 97471 Medford, OR 97504 Ambulancia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 957-2600 Phone/Teléfono: (877) 424-2240 Lower Umpqua Hosp Dist Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM NPI:1063441889 600 Ranch Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Reedsport, OR 97467 Northwest Medical Llc Phone/Teléfono: (541) 271-2119 935 Town Centre Drive NPI:1528195054 Suite 102 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 367-6963 NPI:1720329055 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

270 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Jackson Jackson Klamath Durable Medical Equipment & Skilled Nursing Facility Klamath Falls Medical Supplies Instalación de enfermería Durable Medical Equipment & Equipo médico durable y especializada Medical Supplies suministros médicos Avamere Health Services of Equipo médico durable y Pacific Footwear Rogue Valley suministros médicos 1150 Knutson Avenue 625 Stevens Street Lincare Inc Medford, OR 97504 Suite 12 2795 Anderson Avenue Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-3351 Suite 107 NPI:1093059644 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 608-7400 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 NPI:1558316851 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Avamere at Three Fountains NPI:1629007448 Pacific Pulmonary - Medford 835 Crater Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 541 Business Park Drive Medford, OR 97504 Norco Medical Suite F Phone/Teléfono: (541) 773-7717 3310 Washburn Way Medford, OR 97504 NPI:1114965894 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-0324 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 885-2996 NPI:1407870090 Josephine NPI:1982753018 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Grants Pass Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Laboratorio Laboratorio Laboratorio Quest Diagnostics IP Klamath Falls 1 1003 Medford Center IP Grants Pass 1 2573 Campus Drive Medford, OR 97504 700 Southwest Ramsey Avenue Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 227-5014 Suite 210 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 273-7153 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM Grants Pass, OR 97527 NPI:1548208440 Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier Phone/Teléfono: (541) 471-0460 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1548208440 Proveedor de prótesis/órtesis Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lane Pacific Medical Inc IP Grants Pass 3 Cottage Grove 2780 East Barnett Road 1619 Northwest Hawthorne Suite 110 Suite 102B Durable Medical Equipment & Medford, OR 97504 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Medical Supplies Phone/Teléfono: (541) 608-2478 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 479-2172 Equipo médico durable y NPI:1326048893 NPI:1548208440 suministros médicos Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Grove Medical Equipment 148 Gateway Boulevard Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 225-5443 NPI:1558767814 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

271 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lane Lane Lane Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment & Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Instalación de enfermería especializada Equipo médico durable y Equipo médico durable y Coast Fork Nursing Center suministros médicos suministros médicos 515 Grant Avenue King Health Care Inc Shaw Med Cottage Grove, OR 97424 431 West 13th Avenue 198 West Broadway Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-5528 Suite 4 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1407842800 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-4276 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-0391 NPI:1043334857 Creswell NPI:1598707986 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Summit Orthotics & Skilled Nursing Facility Managed Healthcare Prosthetics-Eug Instalación de enfermería Pharmacy 935 WILLAGILLESPIE RD especializada 1750 Willow Creek Circle Suite B Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Creswell Health & Rehab Phone/Teléfono: (541) 744-1641 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-0612 Center NPI:1225022841 NPI:1003046277 735 South 2nd Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Creswell, OR 97426 Norco Medical - Eugene Synergy Medical Systems.. Phone/Teléfono: (541) 895-3333 1280 Charnelton Street 1710 Willow Creek Circle NPI:1851387179 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 1 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-0304 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene NPI:1053759506 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 434-3758 Durable Medical Equipment & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1073613816 Medical Supplies Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Equipo médico durable y Home Health suministros médicos Atención médica en el hogar All-Med Cascade Health Solutions 925 River Road 2650 Suzanne Way Eugene, OR 97404 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-3411 Priority Footwear Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1629066246 1142 Willagillespie Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 228-3000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 23 NPI:1932155090 Hanger Prosthetics - Eugene Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1501 Pearl Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-0620 Cascade health Solutions Suite A NPI:1558316851 4010 County Farm Road Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-1363 Quest HealthCare - Eugene Phone/Teléfono: (458) 205-7550 NPI:1275644189 4284 West 7th Avenue NPI:1932155090 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite D Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 393-0136 NPI:1306816863 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

272 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lane Lane Lane Home Health Hospice Care, Community Laboratory Based Atención médica en el hogar Laboratorio Serenity Hospice Good Samaritan Society IP Eugene 4 1020 Green Acres Road Eugene 2911 Tennyson Avenue Suite 12 3500 Hilyard Street Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 991-5228 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-9211 NPI:1548208440 NPI:1801313200 NPI:1336122779 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Nepenthe Laboratory Services. Laboratory LLC Laboratorio 1710 Willow Creek Circle Eugene, OR 97402 Emerald Sleep Disorders Phone/Teléfono: (541) 852-4022 Center NPI:1467890137 330 South Garden Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 390 Quest Diagnostics Eugene, OR 97401 4010 Aerial Way Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-3325 1st Floor NPI:1124080783 Eugene, OR 97402 Mon-Tue: 09:00 AM - 05:00 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-3176 PM, Wed-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM Quest Diagnostics Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, 1755 Coburg Road P,R) Eugene, OR 97401 Hospice Care, Community IP Eugene 1 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-3175 Based 10 Coburg Road Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM Cascade Health Suite 200 Quest Diagnostics 4010 County Farm Road Eugene, OR 97401 1200 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 393-6657 Suite 140 Phone/Teléfono: (458) 205-7550 NPI:1548208440 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1093753386 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 799-3735 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM IP Eugene 2 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM Cascade Health Solutions 1426 Oak Street Quest Diagnostics 2650 Suzanne Way Eugene, OR 97401 217 Division Avenue Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 431-9414 Suite A Eugene, OR 97408 NPI:1548208440 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 228-3130 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-3177 NPI:1093753386 IP Eugene 3 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 890 River Road Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-6127 NPI:1548208440 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

273 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lane Lane Lane Radiology: Diagnostic Skilled Nursing Facility Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier Radiology Instalación de enfermería Proveedor de prótesis/órtesis Radiología: Radiología especializada Barnhart Prosthetic & diagnóstica Green Valley Rehabilitation Orthotics Radiology Associates PC Health Center 1845 Highway 126 1200 Hilyard Street 1735 Adkins Street Suite G Suite 330 Eugene, OR 97401 Florence, OR 97439 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5032 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 997-3245 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-7374 NPI:1023561024 NPI:1477593895 NPI:1720018393 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hillside Heights Rehabiliation Skilled Nursing Facility Skilled Nursing Facility Center 1201 McLean Boulevard Instalación de enfermería Instalación de enfermería Eugene, OR 97405 especializada especializada Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-2155 Regency Florence Rehab 219 South Hills Rehabilitation NPI:1922551829 Center Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1951 East 21st Street 1166 East 28th Avenue Transportation: Non-emergency Florence, OR 97439 Eugene, OR 97403 Medical Transport Phone/Teléfono: (541) 997-8436 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-0534 NPI:1841238425 NPI:1114470119 Transporte: Transporte médico Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM para casos que no son Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Junction City Avamere Rehab of Eugene emergencia 2360 Chambers Street Ltd Skilled Nursing Facility Eugene, OR 97405 3500 East 17th Avenue Instalación de enfermería Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-1310 Eugene, OR 97403 especializada NPI:1265576946 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-5555 Avamere Rehab of Junction Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1962688200 City Avamere Riverpark of Eugene Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 530 Birch Street 425 Alexander Loop Florence Junction City, OR 97448 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 998-2395 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-6199 Durable Medical Equipment & NPI:1578607164 NPI:1467490144 Medical Supplies Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Equipo médico durable y Good Samaritan Society suministros médicos Eugene Lincare Inc - Salem 3500 Hilyard Street 1535 9th Street Eugene, OR 97405 Suite B Phone/Teléfono: (785) 626-9015 Florence, OR 97439 NPI:1245212240 Phone/Teléfono: (877) 424-2240 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1932208311 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

274 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lane Lane Lane Springfield Home Health Laboratory Durable Medical Equipment & Atención médica en el hogar Laboratorio Medical Supplies Pacific Home Health & Quest Diagnostics Equipo médico durable y Hospice 3355 Riverbend Drive suministros médicos 838 Beltline Road 1st Floor Springfield, OR 97477 Hanger P & O - Eugene Springfield, OR 97477 445 Harlow Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-0482 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 505-3479 NPI:1851350086 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 110 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield Sleep Disorders Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-9524 Laboratory 223 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1275644189 Laboratorio Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-3325 Lincare Inc - Springfield IP Springfield 1 NPI:1124080783 4660 Main Street 147 South 52nd Place Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 320 Springfield, OR 97478 Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-1166 Springfield, OR 97478 Proveedor de prótesis/órtesis Phone/Teléfono: (877) 424-2240 NPI:1548208440 NPI:1518046317 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Barnhart Prosthetic & Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM IP Springfield 2 Orthotics Narco Inc 3355 River Bend Drive 1881 2nd Street 302 Shelley Street Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 101 Suite 7 and 8 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-4513 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1548208440 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-5929 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-0304 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1477593895 NPI:1053759506 IP Springfield 3 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2400 Hartman Lane Radiology: Diagnostic Northwest Medical LLC Springfield, OR 97477 Radiology 939 Harlow Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 868-2372 NPI:1548208440 Radiología: Radiología Springfield, OR 97477 diagnóstica Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-4395 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1417987488 Quest Diagnostics Oregon Imaging Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1980 Marcola Road Center-Riverbend Pav Remember The Moon, Llc Springfield, OR 97477 3377 Riverbend Drive 347 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-3178 Suite 100 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 04:30 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-8204 Quest Diagnostics Phone/Teléfono: (866) 684-1497 NPI:1942790555 3377 Riverbend Drive NPI:1720018393 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1st Floor Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 Radiology Associates Phone/Teléfono: (541) 650-3179 5781 Main Street Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM Springfield, OR 97478 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 654-0282 NPI:1720018393 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

275 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Lane Lincoln Malheur Skilled Nursing Facility Skilled Nursing Facility Laboratory Instalación de enfermería Instalación de enfermería Laboratorio especializada especializada IP Ontario 1 Marquis Care Springfield Avamere Rehab of Newport 1094 Southwest 4th 1333 First Street 835 Southwest 11th Street Ontario, OR 97914 Springfield, OR 97477 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 889-9187 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 736-2700 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 265-5356 NPI:1548208440 NPI:1760586085 NPI:1184768772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM IP Ontario 2 Lincoln Linn 1219 Southwest 4th Avenue Ontario, OR 97914 Lincoln City Lebanon NPI:1548208440 Durable Medical Equipment & Skilled Nursing Facility Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Medical Supplies Marion Instalación de enfermería Equipo médico durable y especializada Keizer suministros médicos Avamere Rehab of Lebanon Laboratory Lincare Inc 350 South 8th Street 1330 Southeast 9th Street Lebanon, OR 97355 Laboratorio Suite 1 and 2 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 259-1221 Quest Diagnostics Lincoln City, OR 97367 NPI:1447277470 4990 River Road N Phone/Teléfono: (541) 994-0528 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Keizer, OR 97303 NPI:1285719401 Malheur Phone/Teléfono: (503) 763-6333 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM, Newport Ontario Sat 07:00 AM - 01:00 PM Durable Medical Equipment & Durable Medical Equipment & Skilled Nursing Facility Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Instalación de enfermería Equipo médico durable y Equipo médico durable y especializada suministros médicos suministros médicos Avamere Court at Keizer Lincare Inc Newport Lincare Inc 5210 River Road North 3503 South Coast Highway 490 East Lane Keizer, OR 97303 Newport, OR 97366 Suite 3 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 393-3624 Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 Ontario, OR 97914 NPI:1093732901 NPI:1285719401 Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1700073855 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

276 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Marion Marion Marion Salem Laboratory Skilled Nursing Facility Durable Medical Equipment & Laboratorio Instalación de enfermería Medical Supplies Quest Diagnostics especializada Equipo médico durable y 5660 Commercial Street SE Sunnyside Operations LLC suministros médicos Salem, OR 97306 4515 Sunnyside Road Southeast Phone/Teléfono: (503) 564-3054 Lincare Inc - Salem Salem, OR 97302 3535 Del Webb Avenue Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 375-8284 Northeast Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier NPI:1699198812 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Suite 130 Proveedor de prótesis/órtesis Salem, OR 97301 Multnomah Phone/Teléfono: (503) 566-8763 A Step Forward Llc NPI:1750466983 744 Hawthorne Avenue NE Gresham Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Salem, OR 97301 Skilled Nursing Facility Norco Medical - Salem Phone/Teléfono: (503) 798-4988 Instalación de enfermería 2685 Commercial Street NPI:1417257742 especializada Northeast Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Salem, OR 97301 Summit Orthotics & Gresham Rehab and Specialty Phone/Teléfono: (503) 378-1756 Prosthetics-Sal Care NPI:1437597978 2420 GREAR ST NE 405 Northeast 5th Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Salem, OR 97301 Gresham, OR 97030 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-6006 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 666-5600 Hospice Care, Community NPI:1003955865 NPI:1144247115 Based Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospice Care of the Northwest Skilled Nursing Facility Regency Gresham Nursing & 2290 Commercial Street Rehabilitation Center Southeast Instalación de enfermería 5905 South East Powell Valley Suite 108 especializada Road Salem, OR 97302 Avamere Rehab of Salem Gresham, OR 97080 Phone/Teléfono: (877) 263-7776 3445 Boone Road Southeast Phone/Teléfono: (503) 665-1151 NPI:1699778720 Salem, OR 97317 NPI:1790909786 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 576-3000 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Serenity Palliative Care And NPI:1215071998 Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Hospice, Llc Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM 6444 Fairway Avenue SE Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Salem, OR 97306 Salem, L.l.c. Phone/Teléfono: (503) 991-5228 820 Cottage Street Northeast NPI:1174904049 Salem, OR 97301 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 399-1135 NPI:1760430482 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

277 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Portland Durable Medical Equipment & Laboratory Medical Supplies Durable Medical Equipment & Laboratorio Medical Supplies Equipo médico durable y IP Portland 3 Equipo médico durable y suministros médicos 6445 North Greeley Avenue suministros médicos Norco Inc Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 285-6607 A Step Forward 1877 Northeast 7th Avenue 8605 South West Terwilliger Portland, OR 97212 NPI:1548208440 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 288-8174 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Boulevard Portland, OR 97219 NPI:1710325253 Legacy Laboratory Service Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 478-0600 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue NPI:1265481758 Northwest Medical, LLC Portland, OR 97232 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1010 Southeast Stark Street Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-5050 Byram Healthcare Centers Portland, OR 97214 NPI:1902059538 10202 East Burnside Street Phone/Teléfono: (503) 234-6219 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97216 NPI:1770539603 Quest Diagnostics Phone/Teléfono: (503) 233-2201 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2351 NW Westover Road NPI:1215982913 Home Health Suite R250 Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Atención médica en el hogar Center for Ocular Prosthetics Phone/Teléfono: (503) 222-6188 2525 Northwest Lovejoy Street Seasons Hospice and Palliative Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM Suite 306 Care of Oregon LLC Quest Diagnostics Clinical Portland, OR 97210 6500 Southwest MacAdam Laboratories Phone/Teléfono: (503) 229-8490 Avenue 5220 Northeast 1220nd Avenue NPI:1083994867 Suite 160 Portland, OR 97230 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97239 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 306-1000 Just Like A Woman Inc Phone/Teléfono: (503) 265-6600 NPI:1114963956 6333 Southwest MacAdam NPI:1669891032 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Skilled Nursing Facility Laboratory Suite 102 Instalación de enfermería Portland, OR 97239 Laboratorio especializada Phone/Teléfono: (503) 246-7000 NPI:1851466643 Cascade Cytology Reference Avamere CrestView of Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lab Portland KCI USA Inc 202 Northwest 20th 6530 Southwest 30th Avenue 11937 Northeast Sumner Street Portland, OR 97209 Portland, OR 97239 Unit H Phone/Teléfono: (503) 227-8286 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 244-7533 Portland, OR 97220 NPI:1871637371 NPI:1922046606 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 275-4524 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1760479885 IP Portland 1 Cornerstone Care Option Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, 10300 Northeast Hancock Street 12640 SE Bush Street Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Portland, OR 97220 Portland, OR 97236 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 257-5697 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 761-6621 NPI:1548208440 NPI:1437180486 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

278 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Multnomah Tillamook Umatilla Skilled Nursing Facility Pacific City Pendleton Instalación de enfermería Physical Therapist Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies especializada Fisioterapeuta Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Bayshore Physical Therapy Equipo médico durable y Portland L L C 38505 Brooten Road suministros médicos 12441 Southeast Stark Street Suite C Lincare Inc Pendleton Portland, OR 97233 Pacific City, OR 97135 1003 Southwest Frazer Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 255-7040 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 965-6400 Pendleton, OR 97801 NPI:1497703110 NPI:1073654166 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 966-9062 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1396819637 Polk Umatilla Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Laboratory Independence Hermiston Laboratorio Skilled Nursing Facility Laboratory IP Pendleton 1 Instalación de enfermería Laboratorio especializada 2460 South West Perkins IP Hermiston 1 Avenue Independence Health and 1050 West Elm Pendleton, OR 97801 Rehabilitation Center Suite 120 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-6700 1525 Monmouth Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838 NPI:1548208440 Independence, OR 97351 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 564-0689 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 838-0001 NPI:1548208440 IP SAH NPI:1497703201 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2801 Saint Anthony Way Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM IP Hermiston 2 Pendleton, OR 97801 Salem 600 Northwest 11th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 966-0585 Laboratory Suite E-15 NPI:1548208440 Hermiston, OR 97838 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Laboratorio Phone/Teléfono: (541) 564-2638 Interpath Laboratory Inc Quest Diagnostics NPI:1548208440 2460 Southwest Perkins Avenue 1275 Wallace Road NW Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pendleton, OR 97801 Salem, OR 97304 Freewater Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-6700 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 362-1012 NPI:1548208440 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM Skilled Nursing Facility Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Instalación de enfermería Interpath Laboratory Inc especializada 2460 South West Perkins Avenue Milton Freewater Health and Pendleton, OR 97801 Rehabilitation Center Phone/Teléfono: (509) 946-5382 120 Elzora Street NPI:1548208440 Milton Freewater, OR 97862 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 938-3318 Ip Pasco 1 NPI:1407804198 2460 SW Perkins Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-6700 NPI:1548208440

279 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Umatilla Union Washington Laboratory Skilled Nursing Facility Beaverton Laboratorio Instalación de enfermería Durable Medical Equipment & terpath Laboratory Inc especializada Medical Supplies 1100 Southgate LaGrande Post Acute Rehab Equipo médico durable y Suite 13 91 Aries Lane suministros médicos Pendleton, OR 97801 La Grande, OR 97850 180 Medical - Beaverton Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-8678 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 246-6750 7869 SW Nimbus Avenue NPI:1548208440 NPI:1801844501 Space 29-E Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Beaverton, OR 97008 Union Wasco NPI:1831504984 National Seating & Mobility La Grande The Dalles Inc Durable Medical Equipment & Durable Medical Equipment & 8239 Southwest Cirrus Drive Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Beaverton, OR 97008 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 746-6333 Equipo médico durable y Equipo médico durable y NPI:1245786235 suministros médicos suministros médicos Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lincare La Grande Lincare The Dalles Option 1 Nutrition Solutions 1808 4th Street 3729 Klindt Drive 8063 Southwest Cirrus Drive Suite B The Dalles, OR 97058 Suite 20f La Grande, OR 97850 Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 Beaverton, OR 97008 Phone/Teléfono: (850) 769-4821 NPI:1235235383 Phone/Teléfono: (888) 885-2386 NPI:1184669467 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912101783 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Norco The Dalles Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Norco La Grande 333 Cherry Heights Road Hospice Care, Community 3102 Island Avenue The Dalles, OR 97058 Based La Grande, OR 97850 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 296-6131 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-8494 NPI:1336451657 Care Partners NPI:1326102963 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1600 Northwest Drive Suite 210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Skilled Nursing Facility Beaverton, OR 97006 Laboratory Instalación de enfermería Phone/Teléfono: (503) 619-2626 Laboratorio especializada NPI:1255365904 IP La Grande 2 The Dalles Health And Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2011 4th Street Rehabilitation Center Laboratory La Grande, OR 97850 1023 West 25th Street Laboratorio Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-9630 The Dalles, OR 97058 NPI:1548208440 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 298-5158 IP Beaverton 1 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1487602173 4510 Southwest Hall Boulevard Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Beaverton, OR 97005 Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, Phone/Teléfono: (503) 644-1171 R,ME) NPI:1548208440 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

280 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Washington Washington Washington Laboratory Skilled Nursing Facility Home Infusion Laboratorio Instalación de enfermería Infusión en el hogar Quest Diagnostics especializada Coram Specialty Infusion 14555 SW Teal Boulevard Avamere Rehab of Hillsboro Services Beaverton, OR 97007 650 Southeast Oak Street 7358 Southwest Durham Road Phone/Teléfono: (503) 641-1506 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Portland, OR 97224 Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 648-8588 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 684-3046 Skilled Nursing Facility NPI:1346267317 NPI:1003826694 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Instalación de enfermería Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM especializada Tualatin Llc Laboratory Avamere Rehabilitation of 1778 NE Cornell Road Beaverton Hillsboro, OR 97124 Laboratorio 11850 Southwest Allen Phone/Teléfono: (503) 648-6621 Quest Diagnostics Boulevard NPI:1780632471 13485 NW Cornell Road Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland Portland, OR 97229 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 646-7164 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 207-0044 NPI:1366469330 Durable Medical Equipment & Mon-Fri: 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM, Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Medical Supplies Sat 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sisters Of St Mary Of Oregon Equipo médico durable y Skilled Nursing Facility - Maryville Corporation suministros médicos 14645 Southwest Farmington Instalación de enfermería Lincare Inc Portland especializada Road 7301 Southwest Kable Lane Beaverton, OR 97007 Suite 900 Pacific Gardens Estates Phone/Teléfono: (503) 430-1777 Portland, OR 97224 14145 South West 105th Avenue NPI:1922095934 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 624-8884 Portland, OR 97224 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, NPI:1033142252 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-1144 Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1154382539 Hillsboro Priority Footwear Pacific Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM, Sat-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Home Health Footwear 10240 Southwest Nimbus Tigard Atención médica en el hogar Avenue Durable Medical Equipment & Oregon Continental Home Suite L1 Medical Supplies Health Care Inc Portland, OR 97223 341 Southeast 3rd Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 524-9656 Equipo médico durable y Hillsboro, OR 97123 NPI:1558316851 suministros médicos Phone/Teléfono: (503) 245-5305 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sound Health Medical Supply NPI:1699048223 Quest Healthcare - Portland 10130 Southwest Nimbus Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 10150 Southwest Nimbus Avenue Avenue Suite D9 Suite E6 Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (888) 909-6863 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 968-5281 NPI:1215262738 NPI:1831169317 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

281 Ancillary / Auxiliar (166)

Washington Benton Home Infusion Kennewick Infusión en el hogar Durable Medical Equipment & Coram Alternate Site Serv Medical Supplies 7358 SW Durham Road Equipo médico durable y Tigard, OR 97224 suministros médicos NPI:1003826694 Lincare Hospice Care, Community 6818 West Kennewick Avenue Based Suite C Serenity Hospice Kennewick, WA 99336 11481 Southwest Hall Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (509) 374-5775 Suite 200 NPI:1417986225 Tigard, OR 97223 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-0600 NPI:1174561849 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Laboratory Laboratorio IP Tigard 1 13200 Southwest Pacific Highway Tigard, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 598-2000 NPI:1548208440 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Skilled Nursing Facility Instalación de enfermería especializada Avamere Rehab of King City 16485 Southwest Pacific Highway Tigard, OR 97224 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 602-5141 NPI:1295752236 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

282 Urgent Care / Cuidado de urgencia (3)

Clackamas Lane Lane Lake Oswego Cottage Grove Pleasant Hill Clinic/Center: Urgent Care Clinic/Center: Urgent Care Clinic/Center: Urgent Care Clínica/Centro: Atención médica Clínica/Centro: Atención médica Clínica/Centro: Atención médica urgente urgente urgente Eagleton Providers PC Nova Urgent Care Pleasant Hill Urgent Care 17437 Southwest Boones Ferry 1445 Gateway Boulevard 35859 Highway 58 Road Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-7000 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 988-7300 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 NPI:1407004757 NPI:1407004757 Phone/Teléfono: (413) 887-6030 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM, NPI:1316249394 Eugene Sat 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Sun: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM Springfield Eagleton Providers, Pc Clinic/Center: Urgent Care Clinic/Center: Urgent Care 17437 Boones Ferry Road Clínica/Centro: Atención médica Suite 100 urgente Clínica/Centro: Atención médica Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Eugene Urgent Care Coburg urgente Phone/Teléfono: (503) 305-6262 1800 Coburg Road Nova Urgent Care NPI:1316249394 Eugene, OR 97401 445 Harlow Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-8760 Suite 100 Douglas NPI:1407004757 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Sun: 08:00 AM - 09:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 500-6949 Roseburg Nova Urgent Care NPI:1407004757 Clinic/Center: Urgent Care 598 E 13th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Clínica/Centro: Atención médica Eugene, OR 97401 Nova Urgent Care urgente Phone/Teléfono: (541) 636-3473 5781 Main Street NPI:1407004757 Springfield, OR 97477 Nova Urgent Care Mon-Sun: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 654-5245 1740 Northwest Goetz Street Nova Urgent Care NPI:1407004757 Roseburg, OR 97471 2710 Willamette Street Mon-Sun: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-4789 Eugene, OR 97405 Nova Urgent Care NPI:1407004757 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 735-3161 445 Harlow Road Mon-Sun: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM NPI:1407004757 Springfield, OR 97477 Mon-Sun: 08:00 AM - 07:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 500-6949 NPI:1407004757 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

283 Urgent Care / Cuidado de urgencia (3)

Lane Veneta Clinic/Center: Urgent Care Clínica/Centro: Atención médica urgente Nova Urgent Care 87983 Territorial Road Veneta, OR 97487 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 935-2200 NPI:1407004757 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

284 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Clackamas Coos Coos Sandy Clinic/Center: Multi-Specialty Dialysis Center Clínica/Centro: Varias especialidades Centro de diálisis PNRS Sandy SOUTH COAST 37139 Highway 26 ORTHOPAEDIC Sandy, OR 97055 ASSOCIATES, PC Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 2699 North 17th Street NPI:1689017790 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 266-3600 NPI:1245284751 Clatsop Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Astoria Coos Bay Dialysis Center Dialysis Center Ambulatory Surgical Center Centro de diálisis Centro de diálisis Fmc Oregon Dialysis Svc Centro quirúrgico para pacientes 1971 Thompson Road PNRS North Coast Dialysis ambulatorios Coos Bay, OR 97420 2120 Exchange Street Nbmc Day Surgery Inc Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-0384 Suite A 1900 Woodland Drive NPI:1285746081 Astoria, OR 97103 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-5151 Deschutes NPI:1073625976 NPI:1811437882 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Bend Columbia Clinic/Center: Multi-Specialty Dialysis Center Saint Helens Clínica/Centro: Varias Centro de diálisis especialidades Dialysis Center QualiCenters Bend BAY CLINIC Centro de diálisis 1239 Northeast Medical Center 1750 Thompson Road Drive Pnrs St Helens Dialysis Coos Bay, OR 97420 Suite 100 500 North Columbia River Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-0333 Bend, OR 97701 Highway NPI:1538174958 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-8668 Saint Helens, OR 97051 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1376655175 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 Bay Area Hospital Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1457523813 1775 Thompson Road Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Bay, OR 97420 NPI:1538174958 Bay Clinic 1650 Thompson Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-0333 NPI:1538174958 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

285 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Deschutes Jackson Lane Redmond Family Planning Dialysis Center Planificación familiar Centro de diálisis Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon Fresenius Medical Care Redmond 125 South Central Avenue Suite 201 916 Southwest 17th Street Suite 100 Medford, OR 97501 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 230-7526 Redmond, OR 97756 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 548-2778 NPI:1639209117 [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 09:30 AM NPI:1306943790 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM, Thu 10:30 AM - 06:00 PM Eugene Jackson Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Ambulatory Surgical Center P,R) Medford Centro quirúrgico para pacientes Josephine ambulatorios Grants Pass Aesthetic Surgery Center of Eugene 2550 Willakenzie Road Suite 2 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 434-4370 NPI:1174520191 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lane Surgery Center 920 Country Club Road 220b Suite 220B Eugene, OR 97401 Family Planning Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-6699 Planificación familiar NPI:1902981558 Planned Parenthood of Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Southwestern Oregon McKenzie Surgery Center 160 Northwest 940 Country Club Road Boulevard Eugene, OR 97401 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-2600 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-9411 NPI:1952353187 NPI:1225168792 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NW Center for Plastic Surgery 743 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-0878 NPI:1417918772 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

286 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Lane Lane Lane Ambulatory Surgical Center Clinic/Center Dialysis Center Centro quirúrgico para pacientes Clínica/Centro Centro de diálisis ambulatorios Sacread Heart Medical Center Fresenius Medical Care Northwest Center for Plastic 1255 Hilyard Street Dialysis Surgery Eugene, OR 97401 201 River Avenue 743 Country Club Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-7300 Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1164595617 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-4335 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 681-5090 Mon-Sun: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM NPI:1265544068 NPI:1659331007 Clinic/Center: Physical Therapy Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Fresenius Medical Care Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Clínica/Centro: Fisioterapia Dialysis Services - Oregon, Llc Oregon Eye Surgery Center Downtown Physical Therapy 3747 W 11th Avenue 1550 Oak Street 999 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97402 Suite 8 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 357-5120 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-9314 NPI:1992283170 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-8771 NPI:1881746220 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1437320017 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Rehabilitation Services Pacific Surgery Center Reclaim Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Northwest 1125 Darlene Lane 1144 Willagillespie Road Limited Partnership Suite 201 Suite 1 560 Country Club Parkway Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite B Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5488 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 636-4471 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1225042575 NPI:1811201247 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-5139 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1255843355 Slocum Surgery Center The Hand Therapy Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 55 Coburg Road 743 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Florence Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-2500 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 349-0074 Dialysis Center NPI:1679696157 NPI:1649330457 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Centro de diálisis Spine Surgery Center of Clinic/Center: Student Health Fresenius Medical Care Eugene 2820 Kingwood 1410 Oak Street Clínica/Centro: Salud del Florence, OR 97439 Eugene, OR 97401 estudiante Phone/Teléfono: (888) 864-4203 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 228-3666 Lane Community College NPI:1265544068 NPI:1992999775 Health Clinic Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 4000 East 30th Avenue Fresenius Medical Care - Two Rivers Surgical Center Building 18 Room 101 Florence 74 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97405 2820 Kingwood Street Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 463-5665 Florence, OR 97439 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1497970891 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-4335 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 393-0925 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1669712733 NPI:1205080181 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

287 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Lane Lane Lane Springfield Alzheimer Center (Dementia Center) Elder Health & Living 382 South 58th Street Suite B Springfield, OR 97478 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-4858 NPI:1003965880 Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM Clinic/Center: Magnetic Ambulatory Surgical Center Resonance Imaging (MRI) Dialysis Center Centro quirúrgico para pacientes Clínica/Centro: Imágenes por ambulatorios resonancia magnética (IRM) Centro de diálisis Cascade Endoscopy Center MR Imaging Fresenius - Springfield 1007 Harlow Road 960 North 16th Street 1144 Gateway Loop Springfield, OR 97477 Suite 10 Suite 100W Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-8882 Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1427028919 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-4959 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-8005 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1487609426 NPI:1093827891 Oregon Endoscopy Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 3355 Riverbend Drive Fresenius Medical Care Suite 510 Emerald Valley Springfield, OR 97477 350 Q Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 284-2527 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1366449910 Phone/Teléfono: (547) 747-4061 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1922422112 Oregon SurgiCenter Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2400 Hartman Lane Fresenius Medical Center Suite 300 304 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-1603 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-8005 NPI:1295738375 NPI:1093827891 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM RiverBend Ambulatory Surgery Center 3355 Riverbend Drive Suite 110 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 852-4830 NPI:1023271459 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

288 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Lincoln Marion Marion Newport Keizer Rehabilitation Services Dialysis Center Rehabilitation Services Oregon Spine & Physical Therapy Centro de diálisis Physical Therapy Northwest Limited Partnership 685 36th Avenue NE Fresenius Medical Care 109 McNary Estates Drive Salem, OR 97301 Newport N Phone/Teléfono: (503) 463-5231 957 South West Coast Highway Keizer, OR 97303 NPI:1255843355 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 463-5231 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 265-2244 NPI:1255843355 Physical Therapy Northwest NPI:1598046997 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Limited Partnership Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2478 13th Street SE Salem Linn Salem, OR 97302 Clinic/Center: Physical Therapy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 779-1020 Albany NPI:1255843355 Clínica/Centro: Fisioterapia Dialysis Center Mon-Fri: 07:00 AM - 05:30 PM BPM Physical Therapy Center Physical Therapy Northwest Centro de diálisis 233 Madrona Avenue Southeast Limited Partnership QualiCenters Albany, LTD Salem, OR 97302 900 State Street 605 Hickory Street Northwest Phone/Teléfono: (503) 566-7782 Salem, OR 97301 Albany, OR 97321 NPI:1245390004 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 769-7131 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 928-1749 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1255843355 NPI:1467564260 BPM Physical Therapy Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Inc Multnomah Qualicenters Albany 233 Madrona Avenue Southeast 1050 7th Avenue Southwest Salem, OR 97302 Gresham Phone/Teléfono: (503) 566-7782 Albany, OR 97321 Dialysis Center Phone/Teléfono: (541) 928-1021 NPI:1245390004 NPI:1467564260 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 09:00 AM - Centro de diálisis Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 06:00 PM, [Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM FMC Dialysis Services Mt - 12:00 PM Lebanon Hood Dialysis Center 100 Southeast Cleveland Avenue Dialysis Center Gresham, OR 97080 Centro de diálisis Centro de diálisis Phone/Teléfono: (503) 674-4955 QualiCenters Salem Fresenius Medical Care NPI:1073625877 440 Lancaster Drive Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lebanon Salem, OR 97301 100 Mullins Drive Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-1130 Suite C2 NPI:1902918709 Lebanon, OR 97355 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 743-4335 QualiCenters Salem LLC NPI:1982985388 3878 Beverly Avenue Northeast Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Building H Suite 11 Salem, OR 97305 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 363-6065 NPI:1902918709 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

289 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Multnomah Multnomah Polk Portland Monmouth Ambulatory Surgical Center Rehabilitation Services Centro quirúrgico para pacientes Physical Therapy Northwest ambulatorios Limited Partnership 225 Main Street East Lovejoy Surgicenter Monmouth, OR 97361 933 Northwest 25th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 838-4244 Portland, OR 97210 NPI:1255843355 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 221-1870 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1245336411 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Salem NGC Endoscopy Services LLC Dialysis Center Dialysis Center 1130 Northwest 22nd Avenue Centro de diálisis Suite 610 Centro de diálisis Portland, OR 97210 Fresenius Medical Care Fresenius Medical Care West Phone/Teléfono: (503) 229-7137 Maywood Park Salem NPI:1366529638 11909 Northeast Glenn Widing 1060 Second Street Northwest Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Drive Salem, OR 97304 Pacific Cataract & Laser Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 763-3257 Institute - Portland Phone/Teléfono: (503) 255-3464 NPI:1376799957 1331 North West Lovejoy Street NPI:1023367893 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 750 Tillamook Portland, OR 97209 PNRS Dialysis Phone/Teléfono: (503) 535-2883 Center Tillamook 2824 Northeast Wasco Street NPI:1245471788 Dialysis Center Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97232 Sober Living Oregon Phone/Teléfono: (503) 493-8227 Centro de diálisis NPI:1255443156 Recovery Center LLC U.S. Renal Care Tillamook Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1122 North East 122nd Avenue Dialysis PNRS-Home Dialysis Portland, OR 97230 1000 3rd Street 2701 NW Vaughn Street Phone/Teléfono: (855) 237-9882 Tillamook, OR 97141 Suite 150 NPI:1073081881 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 842-0444 Portland, OR 97210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1841262060 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-0320 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Clinic/Center: Multi-Specialty NPI:1083726988 Clínica/Centro: Varias Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM especialidades Kartini Clinic PC 3530 North Vancouver Avenue Suite 400 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 249-8851 NPI:1134205198 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

290 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Umatilla Washington Washington Milton Freewater Beaverton Hillsboro Dialysis Center Dialysis Center Dialysis Center Centro de diálisis Centro de diálisis Centro de diálisis FMC Milton Freewater PNRS Twin Oaks Fresenius Medical Care Noble 1213 South Main Street 15201 Northwest Greenbrier Woods Clinic LLC Milton Freewater, OR 97862 Parkway 5333 West Baseline Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 938-6036 Building C Hillsboro, OR 97123 NPI:1821342825 Beaverton, OR 97006 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 615-2161 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (503) 690-4883 NPI:1619316122 Union NPI:1083716401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland La Grande PNRS Twin Oaks Dialysis Dialysis Center Dialysis Center Center 1815 Northwest 169th Place Centro de diálisis Centro de diálisis Beaverton, OR 97006 Fresenius Medical Care - Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 PNRS Eastern Oregon Dialysis Scholls Ferry NPI:1083716401 Clinic 10300 South West Nimbus Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 710 Sunset Drive Avenue PNRS Twin Oaks Dialysis La Grande, OR 97850 Suite P-A Center Phone/Teléfono: (541) 663-8420 Portland, OR 97223 1815 Northwest 169th Place NPI:1164534061 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 255-3464 Beaverton, OR 97006 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1932532157 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Wasco NPI:1083716401 The Dalles Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tigard Dialysis Center Forest Grove Ambulatory Surgical Center Centro de diálisis Dialysis Center Centro quirúrgico para pacientes ambulatorios PNRS Columbia River- The Centro de diálisis Westside Surgery Center, Llc Dalles PNRS Raines Dialysis Center 13240 Southwest Pacific 411 Lone Pine Boulevard 3201 19th Avenue Highway The Dalles, OR 97058 Forest Grove, OR 97116 Suite 200 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 298-1007 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 359-0593 Tigard, OR 97223 NPI:1437496528 NPI:1982716882 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-6571 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1811978356 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

291 Specialty Clinic / Clínica especializada (75)

Washington Tualatin Dialysis Center Centro de diálisis PNRS Tualatin 7780 Southwest Mohawk Street Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 NPI:1528170420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PNRS Tualatin 7780 Southwest Mohawk Street Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 NPI:1528170420 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Yamhill McMinnville Dialysis Center Centro de diálisis PNRS McMinnville Kidney Center 345 South East Norton Lane McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 NPI:1992895494 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Newberg Dialysis Center Centro de diálisis PNRS Newberg Dialysis Center 3100 Haworth Avenue Newberg, OR 97132 Phone/Teléfono: (480) 926-0790 NPI:1154364875 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

292 Dental Care Organizations Organizaciones de cuidado dental

Advantage Dental Services  Phone/Teléfono: 866-268-9631 Website/Sitio web: http://www.advantagedental.com/advantagedentalservices.html

Capitol Dental Care  Phone/Teléfono: 800-525-6800 Website/Sitio web: http://capitoldentalcare.com/oregon-health-plan

Oregon Dental Service — Moda Health  Phone/Teléfono: 800-342-0526 Website/Sitio web: https://www.modahealth.com/ohp/welcome.shtml

Willamette Dental Group  Phone/Teléfono: 855-433-6825 Website/Sitio web: https://www.willamettedental.com

The information listed in this directory is subject to change. Trillium Community Health Plan cannot and does not guarantee the initial or continued availability of any particular participating provider. If you have any questions regarding the status of a particular provider, please contact Trillium Member Services at 1-877-600-5472 or TTY at 1-877-600-5473. 293

Vision / Visión (99)

Clackamas Clatsop Clatsop Lake Oswego Astoria Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Oftalmología Oftalmología Oftalmología Ma, Colin, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Lee, Michael S, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 725 South Wahanna Road Retina Northwest P.C. 9 Monroe Parkway Suite 101 Seaside, OR 97138 Suite 150 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1164427308 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1215932033 + Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Patel, Apurva K, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Ma, Colin, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 725 South Wahanna Road Retina Northwest P.C. 9 Monroe Parkway Suite 101 Seaside, OR 97138 Suite 150 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1073770707 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1164427308 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Coos Patel, Apurva K, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Coos Bay Retina Northwest P.C. Ophthalmology 9 Monroe Parkway Oftalmología Suite 150 Lee, Daniel Y, MD+ Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1073770707 North Bend Medical Center Inc Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1900 Woodland Drive Coos Bay, OR 97420 Seaside Phone/Teléfono: 541-267-5151 Ophthalmology NPI:1578820759 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oftalmología Lee, Michael S, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 725 South Wahanna Road Suite 101 Seaside, OR 97138 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1215932033 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

295 Vision / Visión (99)

Coos Douglas Douglas North Bend Optometrist Ophthalmology Optometrist Optometrista Oftalmología Optometrista Mans, Robert A, OD CT Karth, John W, MD+ CT,B Cheslock, James P, OD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Florence Reedsport Eye Clinic Oregon Ey Consultants LLC 780 Winchester Avenue 2510 Northwest Edenbower Cheslock Optical 1817 Meade Reedsport, OR 97467 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2312 Roseburg, OR 97471 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: 541-756-2727 NPI:1588642086 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1588862320 NPI:1588720031 Tue-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) + B Sat 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Karth, Peter A, MD Website/Sitio web: Gender/Sexo: Male Douglas http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co Oregon Ey Consultants LLC m/ 2510 Northwest Edenbower Reedsport + CT Mans, Robert A, OD Boulevard Optometrist Gender/Sexo: Male Roseburg, OR 97471 Optometrista Florence Reedsport Eye CLINIC Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Mans, Justin T, OD+ CT 780 Winchester Avenue NPI:1508181355 Gender/Sexo: Male Reedsport, OR 97467 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2312 Sutherlin Florence Reedsport Eye Clinic NPI:1588642086 780 Winchester Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Optometrist Reedsport, OR 97467 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Optometrista Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2312 P,R) Palm, Toby J, OD+ NPI:1205034865 Website/Sitio web: Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, m/ Toby J Palm OD PC P,R) 201 Dakota Street Website/Sitio web: Roseburg Sutherlin, OR 97479 http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co Ophthalmology Phone/Teléfono: 541-459-4333 m/ Oftalmología NPI:1366430936 Mans, Justin T, OD CT Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 + CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Beardsley, Robert M, MD PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Florence Reedsport Eye CLINIC 780 Winchester Avenue Oregon Ey Consultants LLC Reedsport, OR 97467 2510 Northwest Edenbower Phone/Teléfono: 541-271-2312 Boulevard NPI:1205034865 Roseburg, OR 97471 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, NPI:1437302825 P,R) [Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun] Website/Sitio web: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co Other Language(s):Spanish m/

296 Vision / Visión (99)

Hood River Lane Lane Hood River Eugene Eyewear Supplier (Equipment, Ophthalmology Eyewear Supplier (Equipment, not the service) not the service) Oftalmología Proveedor de lentes (de equipos, no de servicios) Poulsen, David M, MD* Proveedor de lentes (de equipos, Gender/Sexo: Male no de servicios) Visionworks 265 Valley River Center CEI Hood River Focal Point 1550 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 1410 May Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-6988 Hood River, OR 97031 Suite 6 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1023106655 Phone/Teléfono: 541-386-1399 Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM - 09:00 PM, Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-8771 NPI:1346685633 Sun 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1255326062 Ophthalmology Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Focal Point Eugene Oftalmología Lane 1550 Oak Street Aryah, Keyhan F, MD+ CT,B Cottage Grove Suite 6 Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Optometrist Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-6341 Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Optometrista NPI:1255326062 1550 Oak Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 7 Bautista, Robin E, OD+ CT Semler Optical Services Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male 1350 Chambers Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Pacific Clearvision Institute Eugene, OR 97402 NPI:1598763716 257 North 8th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-8734 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Cottage Grove, OR 97424 NPI:1679751184 Other Language(s):Farsi Phone/Teléfono: 541-942-5000 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Beardsley, Robert M, MD+ CT,B NPI:1710186887 Shopko Eyecare Center 4098 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 2815 Chad Drive Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Eugene, OR 97408 1550 Oak Street Creswell Phone/Teléfono: (541) 686-0838 Suite 7 NPI:1881645190 Optometrist Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Optometrista Sweep Optical NPI:1437302825 Merritt, Cathy L, OD+ CT 2145 Centennial Place Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene, OR 97401 Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-9069 + CT Eyeland Family Optical LLC Bordewick, Dianna L, MD NPI:1295808012 Gender/Sexo: Female 281 West Oregon Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Creswell, OR 97426 The Spectacle Shop Eugene Eye Care Associates Phone/Teléfono: 541-895-3937 2460 Willamette Street 992 Country Club Road NPI:1831346022 Eugene, OR 97405 Suite 101 Wed-Fri: 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-3746 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1730231838 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1715 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1790720100 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

297 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Oftalmología Oftalmología Oftalmología Fine, I. Howard, MD+ CT,B Hoffman, Richard S, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC 1550 Oak Street 1550 Oak Street Suite 5 Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 NPI:1306844535 NPI:1356340210 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Edwards, Albert O, MD+ CT,B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male P,R,ME) P,R,ME) Oregon Retina LLP Website/Sitio web: Website/Sitio web: 1550 Oak Street http://finemd.com http://finemd.com + B + CT,B Suite 4 Grillo, Anthony P, MD Hunter, Allan A, MD Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-2763 Pacific Clearvision Institute Oregon Eye Consultants LLC NPI:1215930763 1125 Darlene Lane 1550 Oak Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Suite 100 Suite 7 Website/Sitio web: Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 http://www.oregonretina.org Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-5000 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Fausett, Blake V, MD-PhD+ NPI:1104117589 NPI:1184748030 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + CT,B Aesthetic Surgical Arts Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Hunts, John H, MD 2550 Willakenzie Road ME) Gender/Sexo: Male + CT,B Suite 1 Haines, John H, MD Aesthetic Surgical Arts Eugene, OR 97401 Gender/Sexo: Male 2550 Willakenzie Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-434-0922 The Eye Center LLC Suite 1 NPI:1043449481 1550 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 07:30 AM - Suite 3 Phone/Teléfono: 541-434-0922 05:00 PM, Wed 07:00 AM - Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1275530297 02:00 PM, Fri 07:30 AM - 12:00 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM - PM NPI:1912906496 05:00 PM, Wed 07:00 AM - Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 02:00 PM, Fri 07:30 AM - 12:00 Haines, John H, MD+ CT,B PM Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,R) Eye Center LLC 1515 Oak Street Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 NPI:1912906496 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

298 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Oftalmología Oftalmología Oftalmología Karren, Kent A, MD+ CT,B Kunz, Walter B, MD+ CT,B Neale, Matthew D, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Eye Center LLC Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Eugene Eye Care Associates 1515 Oak Street 1550 Oak Street 992 Country Club Road Suite 105 Suite 7 Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1715 NPI:1942208160 NPI:1093035487 NPI:1184885345 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Karren, Kent A, MD+ CT,B Other Language(s):Spanish Ofner, Steven, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Lim, Janet M, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male The Eye Center LLC Gender/Sexo: Female Eugene Eye Care Associates 1550 Oak Street Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC 992 Country Club Road Suite 3 1550 Oak Street Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 Suite 5 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1715 NPI:1942208160 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 NPI:1275640476 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912223587 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Karth, John W, MD+ CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Hungarian Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Polansky, John D, MD+ CT,B Oregon Eye Consultants LLC P,R,ME) Gender/Sexo: Male 1550 Oak Street Website/Sitio web: Eugene Eye Clinic LLC Suite 7 http://finemd.com 2460 Willamette Street + CT,B Eugene, OR 97401 Malihi, Mehrdad, MD Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-3744 NPI:1588862320 Oregon Retina LLP NPI:1942208640 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 1550 Oak Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Karth, Peter A, MD+ B Suite 4 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 P,R,ME) Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Phone/Teléfono: 541-762-2763 1550 Oak Street NPI:1184912925 Suite 7 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Website/Sitio web: Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 http://www.oregonretina.org NPI:1508181355 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

299 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Ophthalmology Optometrist Optometrist Oftalmología Optometrista Optometrista Sims, Annette Chang, MD+ CT,B Bautista, Robin E, OD+ CT Cuevas, Ronald V, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC Pacific Clearvision Institute Ron V Cuevas OD 1550 Oak Street 1125 Darlene Lane 400 Valley River Center Suite 5 Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-8666 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5000 NPI:1609941699 NPI:1528262706 NPI:1710186887 Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 Sun 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Chinese PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P) P,R,ME) ME) Website/Sitio web: Website/Sitio web: Cates, Tyler O, OD+ CT http://www.eugenevisioncare.co http://finemd.com Gender/Sexo: Male m + B + CT Takusagawa, Hana L, MD Family Vision Center Dunks, Carrie N, OD Gender/Sexo: Female 1471 Pearl Street Gender/Sexo: Female The Eye Center LLC Eugene, OR 97401 Family Vision Center 1550 Oak Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1237 1471 Pearl Street Suite 3 NPI:1558358473 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 [Mon, Tue, Thu] 08:00 AM - Phone/Teléfono: 541-686-1237 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 05:30 PM, Wed 09:00 AM - NPI:1982989034 NPI:1811158819 05:30 PM [Mon, Thu] 08:00 AM - 05:30 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish PM, Wed 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Optometrist Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Optometrista Website/Sitio web: P,R) Arbow, Timothy J, OD+ CT https://www.family-vision-cente Website/Sitio web: Gender/Sexo: Male r.com https://www.family-vision-cente Coutant, Ben Eston, OD+ r.com Arbow, Timothy OD + CT 690 East 18th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male Ebert, Pam, OD Eugene, OR 97401 Ben E Coutant OD PC Gender/Sexo: Female Phone/Teléfono: 541-485-2020 1680 Coburg Road Rainbow Optics NPI:1619961422 Suite 100 1740 West 18th Avenue Mon-Fri: 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2020 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 Website/Sitio web: NPI:1285679878 NPI:1124155528 http://www.drarbow.com Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

300 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Optometrist Optometrist Optometrist Optometrista Optometrista Optometrista Ehlen, Richard W, OD+ CT Goo, Norman M, OD+ CT Hedberg, Nicholas, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Rainbow Optics Rainbow Optics Rainbow Optics 762 East 13th Avenue 2540 Willakenzie Road 2540 Willakenzie Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 NPI:1740255082 NPI:1811084627 NPI:1033498415 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Ehlen, Richard W, OD+ CT Hackett, David Andrew, OD+ Hedberg, Nicholas, OD CT Gender/Sexo: Male CT Gender/Sexo: Male Rainbow Optics Gender/Sexo: Male Rainbow Optics 2540 Willakenzie Road Vision Wellness Inc 1740 West 18th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 4765 Village Plaza Loop Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 Suite 100 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 NPI:1740255082 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1033498415 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-3100 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1922413723 Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,R) [Mon, Wed, Thu] 08:00 AM - Jung, Steve K, OD+ CT Goo, Norman M, OD+ CT 05:30 PM, Tue 07:30 AM - Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 05:30 PM, Fri 07:30 AM - 03:00 Eugene Eyewear Rainbow Optics PM 207 Coburg Road + CT 1740 West 18th Avenue Hedberg, Nicholas, OD Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97402 Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 Rainbow Optics Phone/Teléfono: 541-338-4844 NPI:1811084627 762 East 13th Avenue NPI:1073616983 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 Lackman, Michael S, OD* CT Goo, Norman M, OD+ CT NPI:1033498415 Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Optical Rainbow Optics Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM 65 Division Avenue 762 East 13th Avenue Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Suite E Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-689-1115 NPI:1811084627 NPI:1497728398 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,R)

301 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Optometrist Optometrist Optometrist Optometrista Optometrista Optometrista Lackman, Michael S, OD+ CT Morey, Jeffrey A, OD+ CT Neitz, Danny W, OD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male The Eye Center LLC Rainbow Optics Rainbow Optics 1550 Oak Street 2540 Willakenzie Road 762 East 13th Avenue Suite 3 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 NPI:1841287455 NPI:1952389454 NPI:1497728398 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Lackman, Michael S, OD+ CT Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Morey, Jeffrey A, OD+ CT Patel, Hiren, OD+ The Eye Center LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male 65 East Division Avenue Rainbow Optics Rainbow Optics Eugene, OR 97404 1740 West 18th Avenue 762 East 13th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: 541-689-1115 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1497728398 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 Mon-Fri: 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM NPI:1841287455 NPI:1730670829 Lorenzen, Bradley J, OD+ CT Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Gender/Sexo: Male Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM + Pacific Clearvision Institute Neitz, Danny W, OD Accessibility:Limited(E,R) + CT 1125 Darlene Lane Gender/Sexo: Male Phillips, Jerry L, OD Suite 100 Rainbow Optics Gender/Sexo: Male Eugene, OR 97401 1740 West 18th Avenue Eyes of the World Optical Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5000 Eugene, OR 97402 2864 Willamette Street NPI:1639195183 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 Suite 600 Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 05:00 NPI:1952389454 Eugene, OR 97405 PM, Fri 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 541-689-2881 Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1134170905 ME) Neitz, Danny W, OD+ Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Morey, Jeffrey A, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Sat 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Rainbow Optics Other Language(s):Spanish Rainbow Optics 2540 Willakenzie Road Accessibility:Basic(E,T,EB,IB,P, 762 East 13th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 R,ME) Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 NPI:1952389454 NPI:1841287455 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,R)

302 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Optometrist Optometrist Florence Optometrista Optometrista Eyewear Supplier (Equipment, Reimers, Loren S, OD+ deCalesta, Daran, OD+ CT not the service) Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Proveedor de lentes (de equipos, Loren Reimers OD Rainbow Optics no de servicios) 4550 West 11th Avenue 1740 West 18th Avenue Focal Point Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97402 2002 Highway 101 North Phone/Teléfono: 541-344-3440 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-5555 Florence, OR 97439 NPI:1154483295 NPI:1962481341 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 997-8422 Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM, Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, NPI:1750611372 Sat 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(EB,IB,P, Other Language(s):Spanish Ophthalmology R,ME) deCalesta, Daran, OD+ CT Sharp, James E, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Oftalmología Gender/Sexo: Male Rainbow Optics Haines, John H, MD+ CT,B Oregon Eye Docs LLC 762 East 13th Avenue Gender/Sexo: Male 1400 Valley River Drive Eugene, OR 97401 The Eye Center LLC Suite 220 Phone/Teléfono: 541-343-3333 2002 Highway 101 Eugene, OR 97401 NPI:1962481341 Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 541-342-2201 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 NPI:1952686008 Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1912906496 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Accessibility:Limited(E,R) Hoffman, Richard S, MD+ CT,B Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, deCalesta, Daran, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC Thomas, Jeffrey K, OD+ Rainbow Optics 2002 Highway 101 Gender/Sexo: Male 2540 Willakenzie Road Florence, OR 97439 Eugene Eye Care Associates Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 992 Country Club Road Phone/Teléfono: 541-484-9999 NPI:1356340210 Suite 101 NPI:1962481341 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Eugene, OR 97401 Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM, Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1715 Sat 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R,ME) NPI:1144555103 Other Language(s):Spanish Website/Sitio web: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,R) http://finemd.com Other Language(s):Spanish Hunter, Allan A, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Male Oregon Eye Consultants 2002 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 NPI:1184748030 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

303 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lane Ophthalmology Optometrist Optometrist Oftalmología Optometrista Optometrista Karren, Kent A, MD+ CT,B Mans, Justin T, OD CT Sharp, James E, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male The Eye Center LLC Florence Eye Clinic Oregon Eye Docs LLC 2002 Highway 101 535 9th Street 707 Greenwood Street Florence, OR 97439 Florence, OR 97439 Junction City, OR 97448 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-3331 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6454 NPI:1942208160 NPI:1205034865 NPI:1952686008 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM [Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri] 09:00 AM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Kunz, Walter B, MD+ CT,B - 04:30 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Gender/Sexo: Male Website/Sitio web: Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Oregon Eye Consultants LLC http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co P,R) 2002 Highway 101 North m/ Oakridge Mans, Robert A, OD+ CT Florence, OR 97439 Optometrist Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Gender/Sexo: Male NPI:1093035487 Florence Eye Clinic Optometrista Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 535 9th Street Bautista, Robin E, OD+ CT Other Language(s):Spanish Florence, OR 97439 Gender/Sexo: Male Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-3331 Optometrist Pacific Clearvision Institute NPI:1588642086 48247 Hills Street Optometrista Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oakridge, OR 97463 CT Website/Sitio web: Kittock, Julie A, OD Phone/Teléfono: 541-782-5000 Gender/Sexo: Female http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co NPI:1710186887 m/ Florence Eye Clinic Mon-Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 535 9th Street Junction City PM Florence, OR 97439 Optometrist Springfield Phone/Teléfono: 541-997-3331 NPI:1285612788 Optometrista Ophthalmology + CT [Tue, Thu] 11:30 AM - 02:30 Rowe, William Dale, OD Oftalmología PM, Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male + CT,B Website/Sitio web: Aryah, Keyhan F, MD Oregon Eye Docs LLC Gender/Sexo: Male http://www.florenceeyeclinic.co 707 Greenwood Street Oregon Eye Consultants LLC m/ Junction City, OR 97448 3783 International Court Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-6454 Suite 290 NPI:1235100736 Springfield, OR 97477 [Wed, Fri] 08:00 AM - 05:30 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 PM NPI:1598763716 Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM P,R) Other Language(s):Farsi

304 Vision / Visión (99)

Lane Lane Lincoln Ophthalmology Optometrist Newport Oftalmología Optometrista Ophthalmology Fine, I. Howard, MD+ CT,B Cleveland, Trevor J, OD+ CT Oftalmología Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Aryah, Keyhan F, MD+ CT,B Drs Fine Hoffman & Sims LLC Complete Vision Center Gender/Sexo: Male 1007 Harlow Road 840 A Street Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Suite 100 Springfield, OR 97477 904 Southwest Bay Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-0616 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-2110 NPI:1407812480 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 NPI:1306844535 Mon-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 NPI:1598763716 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PM, Fri 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Website/Sitio web: Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) + CT Other Language(s):Farsi http://finemd.com Crossland, Nicole, OD + CT,B + CT,B Beardsley, Robert M, MD Hunter, Allan A, MD Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Complete Vision Center Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Oregon Eye Consultants LLC 840 A Street 904 Southwest Bay Street 3783 International Court Springfield, OR 97477 Newport, OR 97365 Suite 290 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-0616 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1295933018 NPI:1437302825 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Wed-Thu: 09:00 AM - 05:00 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1184748030 PM, Fri 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM Other Language(s):Spanish Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) + CT,B + CT,B + CT Haines, John H, MD Kunz, Walter B, MD Dunn, William A, OD Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male Gender/Sexo: Male The Eye Center LLC Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Oregon Eye Docs 904 SW Bay Street 3783 International Court 5725 Main Street Newport, OR 97365 Suite 290 Springfield, OR 97478 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: 541-998-9454 NPI:1912906496 Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 NPI:1285691048 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1093035487 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Hunter, Allan A, MD+ CT,B Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Thompson, Bethany Lynn, Gender/Sexo: Male Other Language(s):Spanish OD+ CT Smoluch, Leslie P, MD+ CT,B Gender/Sexo: Female Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Gender/Sexo: Male 904 Southwest Bay Street Complete Vision Center Newport, OR 97365 Smoluch, Leslie MD 840 A Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 1110 North 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1184748030 Suite 3 Phone/Teléfono: 541-747-0616 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Springfield, OR 97477 NPI:1497080576 Phone/Teléfono: 541-726-6447 Mon-Tue: 09:00 AM - 05:00 NPI:1891730768 PM, Fri 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Accessibility:Limited(E,IB,P,R) Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, P,R)

305 Vision / Visión (99)

Lincoln Linn Multnomah Ophthalmology Sweet Home Ophthalmology Oftalmología Optometrist Oftalmología Karren, Kent A, MD+ CT,B Optometrista Ma, Colin, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Stoner, Michael W, OD+ CT Gender/Sexo: Male The Eye Center LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 904 SW Bay Street 5440 Southwest Westgate Drive Advanced Family Eye Care Inc Newport, OR 97365 2245 Long Street Suite 217 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 Portland, OR 97221 Sweet Home, OR 97386 NPI:1942208160 Phone/Teléfono: 541-367-2188 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1164427308 + CT,B NPI:1942316047 Karth, John W, MD Mon-Thu: 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Gender/Sexo: Male Accessibility:Limited(E,EB,IB, Ma, Colin, MD Oregon Eye Consultants LLC P,R) Gender/Sexo: Male 904 Southwest Bay Street Multnomah Retina Northwest Newport, OR 97365 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Portland Suite 421 Portland NPI:1588862320 Portland, OR 97213 Ophthalmology Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Karth, Peter A, MD+ B Oftalmología NPI:1164427308 Gender/Sexo: Male Lee, Michael S, MD+ Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Gender/Sexo: Male Patel, Apurva K, MD Gender/Sexo: Male 904 Southwest Bay Street Retina Northwest Newport, OR 97365 5440 Southwest Westgate Drive Retina Northwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 Suite 217 5440 Southwest Westgate Drive NPI:1508181355 Portland, OR 97221 Suite 217 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Portland, OR 97221 + CT,B Kunz, Walter B, MD NPI:1215932033 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Gender/Sexo: Male Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1073770707 Oregon Eye Consultants LLC Lee, Michael S, MD Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM + 904 Southwest Bay Street Gender/Sexo: Male Patel, Apurva K, MD Gender/Sexo: Male Newport, OR 97365 Retina Northwest Phone/Teléfono: 541-687-1927 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Retina Northwest NPI:1093035487 Suite 421 Portland 5050 Northeast Hoyt Street Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Portland, OR 97213 Suite 421 Portland Other Language(s):Spanish Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Portland, OR 97213 + B Takusagawa, Hana L, MD NPI:1215932033 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 Gender/Sexo: Female Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM NPI:1073770707 The Eye Center LLC Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM 904 SW Bay Street Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: 541-683-2020 NPI:1811158819 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

306 Vision / Visión (99)

Multnomah Washington Optometrist Ophthalmology Optometrista Oftalmología Kwon, Marielle R, OD Ma, Colin, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Female Gender/Sexo: Male M Kwon, P.C., Inc Retina Northwest 8136 Southeast Foster Road 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Suite 260 Suite 661 Portland, OR 97206 Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: 503-546-4460 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1417996976 NPI:1164427308 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Other Language(s):Japanese, Patel, Apurva K, MD+ Korean Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Suite 661 Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1073770707 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Tualatin Clinic/Center: Ophthalmologic Surgery Clínica/Centro: Cirugía oftalmológica Tualatin Pcli Asc 19801 Southwest 72nd Avenue Washington Suite 150 Tualatin, OR 97062 Portland Phone/Teléfono: (888) 503-2017 Ophthalmology NPI:1265609945 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Oftalmología Lee, Michael S, MD+ Gender/Sexo: Male Retina Northwest 9135 Southwest Barnes Road Suite 661 Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: 503-274-2121 NPI:1215932033 Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Pharmacy Information / Información sobre Farmacias


Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Benton Jefferson Benton Bentonville Louisville Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Bi-mart Pharmacy Infinity Compounding Rx Crossroads 2045 NW 9th Street Solutions 5101 Jeff Commerce Drive Corvallis, OR 97330 1204 SE 28th Street Suite 2 Louisville, KY 40219 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 752-2468 Bentonville, AR 72712 Phone/Teléfono: (502) 318-1200 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (888) 414-5805 Baker 777 NW Kings Boulevard Polk Corvallis, OR 97330 Baker City Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-9106 Auburndale Pharmacy Rices Pharmacy Pharmacy 910 NW Kings Boulevard Farmacia Corvallis, OR 97330 Farmacia Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 752-7779 Rx Care Pharmacy 700 Campbell Street Rite Aid Pharmacy 301 Havendale Boulevard Baker City, OR 97814 922 NW Circle Boulevard Auburndale, FL 33823 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-0607 Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone/Teléfono: (863) 875-5700 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-2226 Washington 1217 Campbell Street Safeway Pharmacy Baker City, OR 97814 450 SW 3rd Street Weiser Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-2138 Corvallis, OR 97333 Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 750-0166 Farmacia 1205 Campbell Street Safeway Pharmacy Baker City, OR 97814 Bi-mart Pharmacy 590 NE Circle Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-6743 Corvallis, OR 97330 1545 E 6th Street Sav-on Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 753-2970 Weiser, ID 83672 1120 Campbell Street Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (208) 549-8777 Baker City, OR 97814 5270 SW Philomath Boulevard Marion Phone/Teléfono: (541) 523-2850 Corvallis, OR 97333 Indianapolis Benton Phone/Teléfono: (541) 738-2106 Samaritan Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Corvallis 3521 NW Samaritan Drive Suite Farmacia Pharmacy 102 Corvallis, OR 97330 Pharmerica Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 768-5225 6330 E 75th Street Suite 322 Bi-mart Pharmacy Indianapolis, IN 46250 Walmart Pharmacy 1555 SW 53rd Street Phone/Teléfono: (317) 595-6270 1840 NW 9th Street Corvallis, OR 97333 Corvallis, OR 97330 Simple Meds Phone/Teléfono: (541) 758-3392 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 224-0039 6862 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone/Teléfono: (317) 913-1300

311 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Benton Clackamas Clackamas Philomath Pharmacy Happy Valley Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia Costco Pharmacy Farmacia Philomath Family Pharmacy 13130 SE 84th Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy 1640 Main Street Clackamas, OR 97015 17005 SE Sunnyside Road Philomath, OR 97370 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 794-5520 Happy Valley, OR 97015 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 929-2880 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (971) 999-6284 Clackamas 16301 SE 82nd Drive Fred Meyer Pharmacy Clackamas, OR 97015 8955 SE 82nd Avenue Boring Phone/Teléfono: (503) 657-3064 Happy Valley, OR 97086 Pharmacy Isse Pharmacy Services Phone/Teléfono: (503) 788-2033 15635 SE 114th Avenue Suite Walgreens Farmacia 101 11995 SE Sunnyside Road Safeway Pharmacy Clackamas, OR 97015 Happy Valley, OR 97015 20151 SE Highway 212 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 908-0630 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 653-1526 Boring, OR 97089 Rite Aid Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 658-7005 12002 SE Sunnyside Road 10000 SE 82nd Avenue Canby Clackamas, OR 97015 Happy Valley, OR 97086 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 698-8446 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 788-4757 Estacada Farmacia Lake Oswego Pharmacy Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Farmacia 1401 SE 1st Avenue Farmacia Canby, OR 97013 Hi School Pharmacy Community Compounding Phone/Teléfono: (503) 263-4128 207 S Broadway Street Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Estacada, OR 97023 6025 Jean Road 1025 SW 1st Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 630-3266 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Canby, OR 97013 Gladstone Phone/Teléfono: (503) 303-7373 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 266-6381 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Walgreens Farmacia 16303 Bryant Road 1080 SW 1st Avenue Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Canby, OR 97013 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 636-5697 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 263-1600 95 82nd Drive Rite Aid Pharmacy Clackamas Gladstone, OR 97027 90 B Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 723-2685 Pharmacy Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (503) 697-0990 Farmacia 20100 McLoughlin Boulevard Safeway Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Gladstone, OR 97027 401 A Avenue 9000 SE Sunnyside Road Phone/Teléfono: (503) 722-0868 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 675-4486 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 974-5058

312 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Clackamas Clackamas Clackamas Pharmacy Molalla Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy 17779 Lower Boones Ferry Bi-mart Pharmacy 1900 McLoughlin Boulevard Road 514 W Main Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Molalla, OR 97038 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 656-1020 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 675-2509 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 829-4555 Safeway Pharmacy Sav-on Pharmacy Cutters Hi School Pharmacy 13434 Colton Place 16199 Boones Ferry Road 103 Robbins Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Molalla, OR 97038 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 655-4165 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 635-0914 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 829-9111 Walgreens Milwaukie Safeway Pharmacy 1310 Molalla Avenue Pharmacy 1525 W Main Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 723-8863 Farmacia Molalla, OR 97038 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 829-4855 Portland Rite Aid Pharmacy Oregon City Pharmacy 10860 SE Oak Street Milwaukie, OR 97222 Pharmacy Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 652-8058 Farmacia Fred Meyer Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 14700 SE McLoughlin 4200 SE King Road 19007 Beavercreek Road Boulevard Milwaukie, OR 97222 Oregon City, OR 97045 Portland, OR 97267 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 652-6058 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 657-3191 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 652-4133 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Bi-mart Pharmacy 14840 SE Webster Road 1813 Molalla Avenue 10903 SE Oak Street Milwaukie, OR 97267 Oregon City, OR 97045 Portland, OR 97222 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 303-1090 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 657-3187 Phone/Teléfono: (971) 233-1002 Walgreens Walgreens Fred Meyer Pharmacy 14617 SE McLoughlin 1839 Molalla Avenue 9159 SE 82nd Avenue Boulevard Oregon City, OR 97045 Portland, OR 97086 Milwaukie, OR 97267 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 656-4318 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 771-1386 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 652-4047 Genoa-qol Healthcare Sandy Walmart Pharmacy 998 Library Court Room 4 Pharmacy 15600 SE McLoughlin Oregon City, OR 97045 Farmacia Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (503) 557-3051 Milwaukie, OR 97267 Genoa-qol Healthcare Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 654-7650 1425 Beavercreek Road Suite B 36859 Highway 26 Oregon City, OR 97045 Sandy, OR 97055 Phone/Teléfono: (971) 204-8424 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 783-1023

313 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Clackamas Clackamas Clatsop Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Fred Meyer Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 16625 SE 362nd Drive 30300 SW Boones Ferry Road 313 S Roosevelt Drive Sandy, OR 97055 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Seaside, OR 97138 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 668-2363 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 570-3533 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 738-8422 Safeway Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 37601 Highway 26 8235 SW Wilsonville Road 401 S Roosevelt Drive Sandy, OR 97055 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Seaside, OR 97138 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 668-2336 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 682-2701 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 738-4706 Walgreens Walgreens Warrenton 38241 Proctor Boulevard 9450 SW Wilsonville Road Pharmacy Sandy, OR 97055 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 668-1384 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 582-1498 Farmacia West Linn Clatsop Costco Pharmacy Pharmacy 1804 SE Ensign Lane Astoria Warrenton, OR 97146 Farmacia Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 338-4110 Safeway Pharmacy Farmacia Fred Meyer Pharmacy 22000 S Salamo Road Columbia Memorial Hosp Op 695 S Highway 101 West Linn, OR 97068 Phcy Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 650-6426 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 861-3033 Walmart Pharmacy 2120 Exchange Street Suite 101 Rite Aid Pharmacy Astoria, OR 97103 19133 Willamette Drive Phone/Teléfono: (503) 338-4559 145 S Highway 101 West Linn, OR 97068 Paramount Drug Warrenton, OR 97146 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 303-1099 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 861-1611 1319 Commercial Street Walgreens Wilsonville Astoria, OR 97103 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 325-4541 1625 E Harbor Street Safeway Pharmacy Warrenton, OR 97146 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 861-9324 3250 Leif Erickson Drive CVS Pharmacy Astoria, OR 97103 Columbia 25925 SW Heather Place Phone/Teléfono: (503) 338-0291 Wilsonville, OR 97070 Clatskanie Phone/Teléfono: (503) 682-7793 Seaside Pharmacy Pharmacy Costco Pharmacy Farmacia 25900 SW Heather Place Farmacia Hi School Pharmacy Wilsonville, OR 97070 Providence Seaside Phcy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 825-4005 401 E Columbia River Highway 725 S Wahanna Road Clatskanie, OR 97016 Seaside, OR 97138 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 728-2102 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 717-7380

314 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Columbia Coos Coos Saint Helens Coos Bay North Bend Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Genoa Healthcare LLC Bi-mart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy 58646 McNulty Way Suite 116 550 S 4th Street 2131 Newmark Street Saint Helens, OR 97051 Coos Bay, OR 97420 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 438-4543 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-9890 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 756-7561 Rite Aid Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 785 S Highway 1020 1st Street 2040 Broadway Street Saint Helens, OR 97051 Coos Bay, OR 97420 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 397-6787 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 269-4033 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 756-7531 Walgreens Safeway Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 175 S Columbia River Highway 230 Johnson Avenue 1735 Virginia Avenue Saint Helens, OR 97051 Coos Bay, OR 97420 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 397-7862 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 267-1709 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 751-7006 Walmart Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Walgreens 2295 Gable Road 2051 Newmark Avenue 3411 Broadway Street Saint Helens, OR 97051 Coos Bay, OR 97420 North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 366-5157 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 888-5750 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 756-0118 Scappoose Coquille Waterfall Community Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy 1890 Waite Street Farmacia Farmacia North Bend, OR 97459 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 756-6232 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 51501 Columbia River Highway 3 E 1st Street Crook Scappoose, OR 97056 Coquille, OR 97423 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 543-4533 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 396-2422 Prineville Coos Myrtle Point Pharmacy Farmacia Bandon Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia 2091 NE 3rd Street Semperts Drug Store Farmacia Prineville, OR 97754 735 Spruce Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 447-0395 Bandon Community Pharmacy Myrtle Point, OR 97458 Clinic Pharmacy 1010 1st Street SE Phone/Teléfono: (541) 572-5010 Bandon, OR 97411 198 NE Combs Flat Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 347-2724 Prineville, OR 97754 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 447-4111 44 Michigan Avenue NE Rite Aid Pharmacy Bandon, OR 97411 1575 NE 3rd Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 347-9457 Prineville, OR 97754 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 447-2466

315 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Curry Deschutes Deschutes Brookings Bend Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Axelacare 2650 NE Highway 20 248 Wharf Street 2065 NE Williamson Court Suite Bend, OR 97701 Brookings, OR 97415 B Phone/Teléfono: (541) 383-6509 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 813-1913 Bend, OR 97701 Safeway Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 382-0287 320 SW Century Drive 325 5th Street Bi-mart Pharmacy Bend, OR 97702 Brookings, OR 97415 351 NE 2nd Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-7184 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 469-1643 Bend, OR 97701 Sav-on Pharmacy Gold Beach Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-5610 61155 S Highway 97 Costco Pharmacy Bend, OR 97702 Pharmacy 2500 NE Highway 20 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 382-1444 Farmacia Bend, OR 97701 St Charles Community Pharmacy Corner Drug Phone/Teléfono: (541) 383-2199 2500 NE Neff Road 29670 Ellensburg Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy Bend, OR 97701 Gold Beach, OR 97444 61535 S Highway 97 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 706-7731 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 247-4544 Bend, OR 97702 Walgreens Harbor Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-6658 Genoa QOL Healthcare LLC 223 NE Franklin Avenue Pharmacy 1128 NW Harriman Street Suite Bend, OR 97701 Farmacia 161 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 633-4469 Walgreens Rite Aid Pharmacy Bend, OR 97703 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 633-7159 1340 NW Wall Street 16261 Highway 101 S Option Care At Legacy Health Bend, OR 97703 Harbor, OR 97415 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-1071 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 469-3121 2275 NE Doctors Drive Suite 10 Bend, OR 97701 Walgreens Port Orford Phone/Teléfono: (541) 385-3254 2727 NE Highway 20 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 633-4467 Farmacia 1900 NE 3rd Street Suite 111 Walmart Pharmacy Coast Community Pharmacy Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-1717 20120 Pinebrook Boulevard 716 NE Highway 101 Rite Aid Pharmacy Bend, OR 97702 Port Orford, OR 97465 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-5440 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 951-7723 700 SE 3rd Street Bend, OR 97702 Westside Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 389-9713 359 SW Century Drive Safeway Pharmacy Bend, OR 97702 642 NE 3rd Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 323-3777 Bend, OR 97701 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 312-6486

316 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Deschutes Douglas Douglas La Pine Myrtle Creek Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Fred Meyer Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 929 NW Garden Valley 51670 S Huntington Road 821 S Main Street Boulevard La Pine, OR 97739 Myrtle Creek, OR 97457 Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 536-5052 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 863-6383 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-9366 Hometown Drugs Of Roseburg Drug Mart Pharmacy Reedsport 1813 W Harvard Avenue Suite 51600 Huntington Road Suite A Pharmacy La Pine, OR 97739 210 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 536-1111 Farmacia Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 229-1112 Lower Umpqua Hospital Redmond Northwest Compounding Phcy Pharmacy Pharmacy 1350 NE Stephens Street Suite 600 Ranch Road 42 Farmacia Reedsport, OR 97467 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 271-6370 Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-8399 Reedsport Pharmacy 1727 SW Odem Medo Road Rite Aid Pharmacy Redmond, OR 97756 1409 Highway 101 444 SE Stephens Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 923-7223 Reedsport, OR 97467 Roseburg, OR 97470 Central Oregon Phcy & Phone/Teléfono: (541) 271-3631 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-4896 Compd Roseburg Rite Aid Pharmacy 655 NW Greenwood Avenue Pharmacy 1430 NW Garden Valley Suite 1 Boulevard Redmond, OR 97756 Farmacia Roseburg, OR 97471 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 548-1066 Albertson's Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 673-1750 Rite Aid Pharmacy 3013 NW Stewart Parkway Safeway Pharmacy 1651 SW Odem Medo Road Roseburg, OR 97471 1539 NE Stephens Street Redmond, OR 97756 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 957-9236 Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 548-6041 Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 957-2546 Safeway Pharmacy 1381 NW Garden Valley Walgreens 1705 S Highway 97 Boulevard 1236 NW Garden Valley Redmond, OR 97756 Roseburg, OR 97471 Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (541) 504-4166 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-5730 Roseburg, OR 97471 Walgreens Costco Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-8438 1450 S Highway 97 4141 NE Stephens Street Walgreens Redmond, OR 97756 Roseburg, OR 97470 1377 NE Stephens Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 548-1731 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 378-0029 Roseburg, OR 97470 Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 672-1509 300 NW Oak Tree Lane Redmond, OR 97756 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 923-6575

317 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Douglas Harney Hood River Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia Walmart Pharmacy Farmacia Walmart Pharmacy 2125 NW Stewart Parkway Safeway Pharmacy 2700 Wasco Street Roseburg, OR 97471 246 W Monroe Street Hood River, OR 97031 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 957-8544 Burns, OR 97720 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 387-2333 Sutherlin Phone/Teléfono: (541) 573-8586 Jackson Pharmacy Hines Ashland Farmacia Pharmacy Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia 833 E Central Avenue Rite Aid Pharmacy Ashland Drug Sutherlin, OR 97479 629 N Highway 20 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 459-0626 53 N 2nd Street Hines, OR 97738 Ashland, OR 97520 Winston Phone/Teléfono: (541) 573-1523 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 482-3366 Pharmacy Hood River Bi-mart Pharmacy Farmacia Hood River 2280 Ashland Street Ashland, OR 97520 Bi-mart Pharmacy Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 482-8191 391 NW Douglas Boulevard Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy Winston, OR 97496 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 679-4801 Providence Hood River 2341 Ashland Street Ashland, OR 97520 Valley Drugs Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 482-7409 157 NW Douglas Boulevard 810 12th Street Winston, OR 97496 Hood River, OR 97031 Central Point Phone/Teléfono: (541) 236-7060 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 387-6338 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Grant Farmacia 2049 Cascade Avenue John Day Hood River, OR 97031 Albertson's Pharmacy Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 387-2428 1360 Plaza Boulevard Safeway Pharmacy Central Point, OR 97502 Farmacia 2249 Cascade Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 665-3766 Lens Drug Hood River, OR 97031 Costco Pharmacy 120 E Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 386-8374 3075 Hamrick Road John Day, OR 97845 Walgreens Central Point, OR 97502 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 575-0629 1727 12th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 734-2482 Hood River, OR 97031 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (541) 386-7361 43 N Front Street Central Point, OR 97502 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 423-6025

318 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Jackson Jackson Jackson Eagle Point Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Black Oak Pharmacy Rogue Community Health Phcy Walmart Pharmacy 2924 Siskiyou Boulevard Suite 11500 Hannon Road 102 19 Myrtle Street Eagle Point, OR 97524 Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 826-2670 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 773-5356 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 842-7747 CVS Pharmacy Rogue Valley Rx Gold Hill 2000 Crater Lake Highway 2900 E Barnett Road Suite 1 Pharmacy Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97504 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-5110 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 789-5850 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Gold Hill Pharmacy 1301 Center Drive 1003 Medford Center 808 2nd Avenue Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97504 Gold Hill, OR 97525 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 857-4682 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 608-3686 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 855-1544 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Medford 2424 Crater Lake Highway 3169 Crater Lake Highway Pharmacy Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97504 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-4153 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 774-4346 Genoa Healthcare LLC Walgreens Albertson's Pharmacy 503 Airport Road Suite 101 210 E Barnett Road 910 N Phoenix Road Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 326-0226 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 858-3336 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 770-7110 Lone Pine Drug Walgreens Albertson's Pharmacy 3528 Lone Pine Road 2 2280 W Main Street 113 N Ross Lane Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97501 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 973-2367 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-1109 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 858-5078 Omnicare Of Medford Walmart Pharmacy Asante Rrmc Pharmacy 259 E Barnett Road Suite L 3615 Crater Lake Highway 2825 E Barnett Road Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-5627 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 227-5403 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 789-4252 Pharmblue Oregon LLC Walmart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy 140 S Holly Street Suite 1131 1360 Center Drive 2687 W Main Street Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97501 Medford, OR 97501 Phone/Teléfono: (724) 779-4720 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 772-2469 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-8016 Rite Aid Pharmacy Wellness Compouding Bi-mart Pharmacy 981 Medford Center Pharmacy 990 Biddle Road Medford, OR 97504 1150 Crater Lake Avenue Suite Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 779-7455 M Phone/Teléfono: (541) 772-3461 Medford, OR 97504 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 774-3939

319 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Jackson Jefferson Josephine Pharmacy Madras Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia West Main Pharmacy Farmacia Bi-mart Pharmacy 2355 West Main Street Bi-mart Pharmacy 230 Redwood Highway Medford, OR 97501 1575 SW Highway 97 Grants Pass, OR 97527 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 772-2330 Madras, OR 97741 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 479-8337 Phoenix Phone/Teléfono: (541) 475-1601 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Pharmacy Hometown Drugs 1101 Grants Pass Parkway Grants Pass, OR 97526 Farmacia 65 NE Oak Street Suite 100 Madras, OR 97741 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 474-7234 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 475-2142 Genoa Healthcare LLC 404 N Main Street Safeway Pharmacy 1545 Harbeck Road Suite P1 Phoenix, OR 97535 80 NE Cedar Street Grants Pass, OR 97527 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 535-1561 Madras, OR 97741 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 226-3609 Rogue River Phone/Teléfono: (541) 325-0466 Grants Pass Pharmacy Inc Pharmacy Josephine 414 SW 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 Farmacia Cave Junction Phone/Teléfono: (541) 476-4262 Rite Aid Pharmacy Rogue River Pharmacy Pharmacy 1642 Williams Highway 506 E Main Street Farmacia Rogue River, OR 97537 Grants Pass, OR 97527 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 582-0559 Caves Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 479-6698 Rite Aid Pharmacy Talent 333 S Redwood Highway Cave Junction, OR 97523 915 NE D Street Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 592-4560 Grants Pass, OR 97526 Farmacia Siskiyou Community Health Phone/Teléfono: (541) 479-3358 Center Sav-on Pharmacy Medicap Pharmacy 25647 Redwood Highway 205 N Pacific Highway 1690 Allen Creek Road Cave Junction, OR 97523 Talent, OR 97540 Grants Pass, OR 97527 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 592-2010 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 535-5843 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 471-7085 Trinity Valley Pharmacy LLC White City Grants Pass Pharmacy 2001 Foothill Boulevard F3 Pharmacy Grants Pass, OR 97526 Farmacia Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 474-9737 Asante Three Rivers Trinity Valley Pharmacy LLC Cascade Pharmacy Pharmacy 2001 NE Foothill Boulevard 7591 Crater Lake Highway Suite 500 SW Ramsey Avenue Suite F3 A Grants Pass, OR 97527 Grants Pass, OR 97526 White City, OR 97503 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 472-7420 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 474-9475 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 826-4414

320 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Josephine Klamath Lane Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Walgreens Rite Aid Pharmacy Cottage Grove Community 111 Union Avenue 2521 S 6th Street Hospital Grants Pass, OR 97527 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 1515 Village Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 471-4873 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 883-2210 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Walmart Pharmacy Sky Lakes Downtown Phone/Teléfono: (952) 653-2565 135 NE Terry Lane Pharmacy Mccoys Pharmacy Grants Pass, OR 97526 211 N 8th Street 1205 N Pacific Highway Phone/Teléfono: (541) 471-2820 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Klamath Phone/Teléfono: (541) 274-3880 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 930-7799 Sky Lakes Outpatient Safeway Pharmacy Chiloquin Pharmacy 1500 E Main Street Pharmacy 2865 Daggett Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-7443 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 274-3499 Walgreens Klamath Tribal Health Walmart Pharmacy 1704 E Main Street Pharmacy 3600 Washburn Way Cottage Grove, OR 97424 330 Chiloquin Boulevard Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-2224 Chiloquin, OR 97624 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 885-6968 Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 783-2438 Lake 901 Row River Road Klamath Falls Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Pharmacy Lakeview Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-0940 Pharmacy Farmacia Creswell Farmacia Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 5500 S 6th Street Howard's Drugs Farmacia Klamath Falls, OR 97603 101 N F Street Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 882-8863 Lakeview, OR 97630 150 Melton Road Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 947-2141 Creswell, OR 97426 1920 Washburn Way Lane Phone/Teléfono: (541) 895-9810 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Creswell Health Mart Phone/Teléfono: (541) 882-7714 Cottage Grove 175 East Oregon Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy Pharmacy Creswell, OR 97426 2655 Shasta Way Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 895-2413 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 884-1780 Klamath Open Door Family 100 Gateway Boulevard Practice P Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 942-9107 2074 S 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 851-8110

321 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Lane Lane Lane Eugene Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia CVS Pharmacy Propac Payless Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 4575 W 11th Avenue 2411 Martin L King Jr 311 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97402 Boulevard 107 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 684-4589 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-7893 Costco Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 626-9436 Propac Payless Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 2828 Chad Drive 4740 Royal Avenue Eugene, OR 97408 2920 Chad Drive Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-5701 Eugene, OR 97408 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 688-6569 Diabetes Community Care Phone/Teléfono: (503) 626-9436 Team Rite Aid Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 55 Division Avenue 2101 Bailey Hill Road Suite D 1560 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 689-3965 Phone/Teléfono: (855) 211-3228 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 484-2681 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Bhs Pharmacy 1455 Westec Drive 3333 W 11th Avenue 57 W 29th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 868-1490 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 345-9477 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-7648 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy 2510 Willakenzie Road 60 Division Avenue 1970 Echo Hollow Road Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-7613 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 461-1433 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 461-0703 Genoa Healthcare LLC Sacred Heart Medical Center Bi-mart Pharmacy 4780 Royal Avenue 2145 Centennial Plaza Suite P1 1255 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 463-9559 Phone/Teléfono: (111) 111-1111 Phone/Teléfono: (952) 653-2568 Hirons Drug Safeway Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy 1680 W 18th Avenue 185 E 18th Avenue 350 E 40th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97405 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-5581 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 342-4995 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 434-2185 Hirons Drug Safeway Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy 2030 River Road 1950 Franklin Boulevard 1500 Coburg Road Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-7620 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-5268 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 685-8880 Managed Healthcare Broadway Apothecary Safeway Pharmacy Pharmacy 1515 Oak Street 145 E 18th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 1750 Willow Creek Circle Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 684-9352 Eugene, OR 97402 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 683-9684 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 744-1641

322 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Lane Lane Lane Pharmacy Pharmacy Springfield Farmacia Farmacia Pharmacy Sav-on Pharmacy Florence Pharmacy Farmacia 3075 Hilyard Street 2935 Highway 101 Albertson's Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97405 Florence, OR 97439 5755 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-4241 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 902-9966 Springfield, OR 97478 Sav-on Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-1525 1675 W 18th Avenue 4701 Highway 101 Albertson's Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97402 Florence, OR 97439 2000 Marcola Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 485-9269 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 902-7333 Springfield, OR 97477 Walgreens Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 746-9424 2788 River Road 3451 Highway 101 Bi-mart Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97404 Florence, OR 97439 1521 Mohawk Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (541) 607-1541 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 997-2861 Springfield, OR 97477 Walgreens Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-7633 1675 Coburg Road 700 Highway 101 Bi-mart Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97401 Florence, OR 97439 5744 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-0015 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 902-1905 Springfield, OR 97478 Walmart Pharmacy Junction City Phone/Teléfono: (541) 687-7643 1040 Green Acres Road Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97408 Farmacia 2750 Gateway Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 343-8028 Springfield, OR 97477 Walmart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-1547 4550 W 11th Avenue 110 E 6th Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy Eugene, OR 97402 Junction City, OR 97448 650 Q Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 344-2370 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 998-6498 Springfield, OR 97477 Willamette Valley Cancer Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 741-5183 Institute 1755 Ivy Street Peacehealth Employee Benf 520 Country Club Parkway Junction City, OR 97448 Phcy Eugene, OR 97401 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 998-4526 3333 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 681-4948 Oakridge Springfield, OR 97477 Florence Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 222-5800 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia 2130 Marcola Road Postal Pharmacy Springfield, OR 97477 Bi-mart Pharmacy 47809 Highway 58 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-3362 4310 Highway 101 Oakridge, OR 97463 Sacred Heart - Riverbend Florence, OR 97439 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 782-2617 3333 Riverbend Drive Phone/Teléfono: (541) 997-3099 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone/Teléfono: (952) 653-2568

323 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Lane Lincoln Lincoln Pharmacy Lincoln City Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Farmacia Walgreens 1891 Pioneer Parkway E Bi-mart Pharmacy 27 S Coast Highway Springfield, OR 97477 1030 SE Oar Avenue Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-6627 Lincoln City, OR 97367 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 574-4405 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (541) 614-1023 Walmart Pharmacy 1210 Mohawk Boulevard Rite Aid Pharmacy 160 NW 25th Street Springfield, OR 97477 4041 NW Logan Road Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 747-3841 Lincoln City, OR 97367 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 265-6076 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (541) 994-6262 Siletz 5807 Main Street Safeway Pharmacy Pharmacy Springfield, OR 97478 4101 NW Logan Road Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 726-8423 Lincoln City, OR 97367 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (541) 994-2500 Siletz Community Hlth Clinic 6 W Q Street Samaritan North Lincoln Hosp 200 Gwee-Shut Road Springfield, OR 97477 Phcy Siletz, OR 97380 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 736-3857 3043 NE 28th Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 444-1030 Walmart Pharmacy Lincoln City, OR 97367 Linn 2659 Olympic Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 996-7378 Albany Springfield, OR 97477 Newport Phone/Teléfono: (541) 744-3085 Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia 2730 Gateway Street Farmacia Bi-mart Pharmacy Springfield, OR 97477 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 632-7094 2272 Santiam Highway SE 150 NE 20th Street Veneta Albany, OR 97322 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 926-4491 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 265-4625 CVS Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Farmacia 2255 14th Avenue SE 2336 N Coast Highway Bi-mart Pharmacy Albany, OR 97322 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 791-9566 25126 Jeans Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 265-8596 Costco Pharmacy Veneta, OR 97487 Safeway Pharmacy 3031 Killdeer Avenue SE Phone/Teléfono: (541) 935-0903 2220 N Coast Highway Hi-school Pharmacy #1188 Albany, OR 97322 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 918-7042 25013 Highway 126 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 351-4035 Elm Street Pharmacy Veneta, OR 97487 Samaritan Pacific Comm Hosp Phone/Teléfono: (541) 935-2201 Phcy 1010 7th Avenue SW Albany, OR 97321 930 SW Abbey Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 812-5070 Newport, OR 97365 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 574-4840

324 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Linn Linn Linn Pharmacy Lebanon Sweet Home Farmacia Pharmacy Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia 2500 Santiam Highway SE Bi-mart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Albany, OR 97322 2680 S Santiam Highway 1980 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 926-9497 Lebanon, OR 97355 Sweet Home, OR 97386 Geary Street Clinic Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 258-8045 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 818-0651 1700 Geary Street SE Rite Aid Pharmacy Economy Drugs Albany, OR 97322 30 E Oak Street 621 Main Street Suite A Phone/Teléfono: (541) 812-5544 Lebanon, OR 97355 Sweet Home, OR 97386 Medicap Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 259-2671 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 367-6777 1333 Clay Street SE Safeway Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Albany, OR 97322 1983 S Main Street 1540 Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (541) 924-9598 Lebanon, OR 97355 Sweet Home, OR 97386 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 259-5706 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 367-0675 1235 Waverly Drive SE Samaritan Lebanon Comm Malheur Albany, OR 97322 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 928-8668 675 North 5th Nyssa Safeway Pharmacy Lebanon, OR 97355 Pharmacy 1990 14th Avenue SE Phone/Teléfono: (541) 451-7071 Farmacia Albany, OR 97322 Walgreens Malheur Drug Phone/Teléfono: (541) 812-2397 3300 Burdell Boulevard Walgreens Lebanon, OR 97355 424 Main Street 1700 Pacific Boulevard SE Phone/Teléfono: (541) 451-3502 Nyssa, OR 97913 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 372-2222 Albany, OR 97321 Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 926-5214 3290 S Santiam Highway Ontario Walmart Pharmacy Lebanon, OR 97355 Pharmacy 1330 Goldfish Farm Road SE Phone/Teléfono: (541) 258-7440 Farmacia Albany, OR 97322 Mill City Phone/Teléfono: (541) 971-4062 Bi-mart Pharmacy Pharmacy Brownsville 2283 SW 4th Avenue Pharmacy Farmacia Ontario, OR 97914 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 889-2188 Mill City Pharmacy Farmacia Genoa-qol Healthcare 218 SW Broadway Street Brownsville Pharmacy Mill City, OR 97360 702 Sunset Drive Suite P1 411 N Main Street Phone/Teléfono: (503) 897-2331 Ontario, OR 97914 Brownsville, OR 97327 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 216-6388 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 466-5112 Rite Aid Pharmacy 1430 Westpark Plaza Ontario, OR 97914 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 889-3390

325 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Malheur Marion Marion Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Walgreens Walgreens Fred Meyer Pharmacy 65 SE Goodfellow Street 5000 River Road N 2855 Broadway Street NE Ontario, OR 97914 Keizer, OR 97303 Salem, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 889-6288 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 390-2642 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 585-7222 Walmart Pharmacy Mount Angel Fred Meyer Pharmacy 1775 E Idaho Avenue Pharmacy 3740 Market Street NE Ontario, OR 97914 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 889-6040 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 581-6431 Vale Mount Angel Drug Genoa-qol Healthcare Pharmacy 105 N Main Street 2045 Silverton Road NE Suite Mount Angel, OR 97362 P1 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 845-6133 Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-3047 Malheur Drug Salem Lancaster Family Health 198 A Street West Pharmacy Vale, OR 97918 Center Phone/Teléfono: (541) 473-3333 Farmacia 255 Lancaster Drive NE Marion Bi-mart Pharmacy Salem, OR 97301 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 576-8430 2155 Lancaster Drive NE Oak Tree Pharmacy Keizer Salem, OR 97305 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 588-8173 2940 Commercial Street SE CVS Pharmacy Salem, OR 97302 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 585-2877 3790 Center Street NE Bi-mart Pharmacy Physicians Building Pharmacy Salem, OR 97301 3862 River Road N Phone/Teléfono: (503) 588-4433 1234 Commercial Street SE Keizer, OR 97303 Chemawa Indian Hlth Ctr Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 371-6717 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 362-4874 CVS Pharmacy Quisenberry Pharmacies 3750 Chemawa Road NE 6450 Keizer Station Boulevard Salem, OR 97305 150 Liberty Street SE NE Phone/Teléfono: (503) 304-7603 Salem, OR 97301 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-3336 Costco Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 856-0614 Quisenberry Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 1010 Hawthorne Avenue SE Salem, OR 97301 150 Liberty Street SE 5452 River Road N Phone/Teléfono: (503) 371-8739 Salem, OR 97301 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-3336 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 393-8950 Rite Aid Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 3450 Commercial Street SE Salem, OR 97302 681 Lancaster Drive NE 4990 River Road N Phone/Teléfono: (503) 585-7660 Salem, OR 97301 Keizer, OR 97303 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 585-7616 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 390-8819

326 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Marion Marion Marion Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy Walgreens Safeway Pharmacy 435 Liberty Street NE 4760 Liberty Road S 1535 N 1st Avenue Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 Stayton, OR 97383 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 362-3654 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 428-5098 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 769-5345 Rite Aid Pharmacy Walgreens Stayton Pharmacy LLC 4500 Commercial Street SE 2150 Fairgrounds Road NE 102 Martin Drive Suite A Salem, OR 97302 Salem, OR 97301 Stayton, OR 97383 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 588-2352 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 428-5107 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 769-2616 Safeway Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Sublimity Pharmacy Services 5660 Commercial Street SE 3025 Lancaster Drive NE Inc Salem, OR 97306 Salem, OR 97305 102 Martin Drive Suite B Phone/Teléfono: (503) 364-1520 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 378-7720 Stayton, OR 97383 Safeway Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 769-4344 3380 Lancaster Drive NE 5250 Commercial Street SE Woodburn Salem, OR 97305 Salem, OR 97306 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 391-6482 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 378-1822 Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy 1265 Center Street NE 1940 Turner Road SE Bi-mart Pharmacy Salem, OR 97301 Salem, OR 97302 1600 Mount Hood Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 566-5545 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 391-0586 Woodburn, OR 97071 Salem Hosp Outpatient Retail Silverton Phone/Teléfono: (503) 981-2106 Phcy Safeway Pharmacy Pharmacy 890 Oak Street SE 1550 N Pacific Highway Salem, OR 97301 Farmacia Woodburn, OR 97071 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 561-6730 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 982-2864 Walgreens 333 Westfield Street Salud Medical Center 124 Lancaster Drive SE Silverton, OR 97381 1175 Mount Hood Avenue Salem, OR 97317 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 873-2460 Woodburn, OR 97071 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 428-5004 Stayton Phone/Teléfono: (503) 982-0625 Walgreens Silverton Health Pharmacy 1992 Lancaster Drive NE 1475 Mount Hood Avenue Salem, OR 97305 Farmacia Woodburn, OR 97071 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 362-4845 Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (971) 983-5290 Walgreens 1701 Shaff Road Walgreens 4380 Commercial Street SE Stayton, OR 97383 1000 N Evergreen Road Salem, OR 97302 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 769-6736 Woodburn, OR 97071 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 399-8148 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 982-8198

327 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Marion Multnomah Multnomah Pharmacy Pharmacy Portland Farmacia Farmacia Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Legacy Mount Hood Medical Farmacia Cntr 3002 Stacey Allison Way @pharmacy.com Woodburn, OR 97071 24800 SE Stark Street 7901 SE Powell Boulevard Suite Phone/Teléfono: (503) 981-9625 Gresham, OR 97030 J Morrow Phone/Teléfono: (503) 674-1525 Portland, OR 97206 Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 384-2475 Boardman 1555 NE Division Street Albertson's Pharmacy Pharmacy Gresham, OR 97030 451 NE 181st Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 666-9476 Farmacia Portland, OR 97230 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 667-9878 Murrays Boardman Pharmacy 1001 SW Highland Drive Albertson's Pharmacy 101 SW Kinkade Road Gresham, OR 97080 5850 NE Prescott Street Boardman, OR 97818 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 667-9305 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 481-9474 Portland, OR 97218 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 284-7268 Multnomah 1455 NE Division Street Albertson's Pharmacy Fairview Gresham, OR 97030 5415 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Phone/Teléfono: (503) 665-6337 Pharmacy Hw Walgreens Portland, OR 97221 Farmacia 4285 W Powell Boulevard Phone/Teléfono: (503) 246-2842 Gresham, OR 97030 Apothecary At Good CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 492-2922 Samaritan Hosp. 21500 NE Halsey Street Walgreens Fairview, OR 97024 1040 NW 22nd Avenue Suite Phone/Teléfono: (503) 491-8953 1950 NE Burnside Road 100 Gresham, OR 97030 Portland, OR 97210 Gresham Phone/Teléfono: (503) 674-8482 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-8122 Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Ardon Health LLC Farmacia 3900 W Powell Boulevard 11835 NE Glenn Widing Drive Bi-mart Pharmacy Gresham, OR 97030 Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 405-9214 Phone/Teléfono: (855) 425-4085 2800 NE Hogan Drive Walmart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Gresham, OR 97030 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 661-3356 2444 E Powell Boulevard 12321 NE Halsey Street Fred Meyer Pharmacy Gresham, OR 97080 Portland, OR 97230 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 492-5267 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 257-3138 2497 SE Burnside Road Bi-mart Pharmacy Gresham, OR 97080 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 669-4233 4315 SE Woodstock Boulevard Genoa-qol Healthcare Portland, OR 97206 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 771-1881 400 NE 7th Street Gresham, OR 97030 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 465-5849

328 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia CVS Pharmacy Credena Health Fred Meyer Pharmacy 939 SW Morrison Street 4805 NE Glisan Street Suite 7555 SW Barbur Boulevard Portland, OR 97205 11n321 Portland, OR 97219 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 290-5362 Portland, OR 97213 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 246-8849 CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 962-1700 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 9800 SE Washington Street Division Pharmacy Inc 3805 SE Hawthorne Boulevard Portland, OR 97216 10918 SE Division Street Portland, OR 97214 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 252-5934 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 234-7559 CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 261-0303 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 1555 N Tomahawk Island Drive Emanuel Pharmacy 6850 N Lombard Street Portland, OR 97217 501 N Graham Street Portland, OR 97203 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-9110 Portland, OR 97227 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 286-0629 CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 413-4225 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 9401 NE Cascades Parkway Fairleys Healthcare 1111 NE 102nd Avenue Portland, OR 97220 7206 NE Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: (971) 230-1931 Portland, OR 97213 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 255-5494 CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 281-7500 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 3031 SE Powell Boulevard Fairleys Pharmacy Inc 6615 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97202 7206 NE Sandy Boulevard Portland, OR 97213 Phone/Teléfono: (800) 746-7287 Portland, OR 97213 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 797-6973 Care Plus Cvs/pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 284-1159 Gateway Medical Pharmacy 1309 NW 23rd Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy 1125 NE 99th Avenue Portland, OR 97210 100 NW 20th Place Portland, OR 97220 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 295-7941 Portland, OR 97209 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 254-7383 Central City Concern Phone/Teléfono: (503) 226-7179 Hillsdale Pharmacy Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy 6256 SW Capitol Highway 727 W Burnside 7404 N Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97239 Portland, OR 97209 Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 244-7582 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 944-4465 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 286-6784 Luke-dorf Pharmacy Columbia Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy 11349 NE Sandy Boulevard 8122 SE Tibbetts Street 14700 SE Division Street Portland, OR 97220 Portland, OR 97206 Portland, OR 97236 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 597-3904 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 777-7055 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 762-4436 Nara Indian Health Clinic Costco Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy 15 N Morris Street 4849 NE 138th Avenue 3030 NE Weidler Street Portland, OR 97227 Portland, OR 97230 Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 230-1277 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 257-3935 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 280-1333

329 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Newera Pharmacy Omnicare Of Portland Rite Aid Pharmacy 1286 SE Holgate Boulevard C1 11933 NE Glenn Widing Drive 16401 SE Division Street Portland, OR 97202 Portland, OR 97220 Portland, OR 97236 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 222-4822 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 254-1647 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 762-1491 Outside In Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 1132 SW 13th Avenue Portland, 5431 SW Beaverton Hillsdale OR 97205 Hw Phone/Teléfono: (503) 535-3888 Portland, OR 97221 Paulsens Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 245-7231 4246 NE Sandy Boulevard Rite Aid Pharmacy Portland, OR 97213 1814 NE 41st Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 287-1163 Portland, OR 97212 Pharmaca Integrative Phone/Teléfono: (503) 249-7627 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 13 NW 23rd Place 2440 SE 39th Avenue Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97214 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 226-6213 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 234-9408 Postal Prescription Services Rite Aid Pharmacy 3500 SE 26th Avenue Portland, 610 NE 181st Avenue OR 97202 Portland, OR 97230 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 797-2100 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 661-6991 Providence Plaza Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 5050 NE Hoyt Street Suite 142 4346 NE Cully Boulevard Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97218 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 215-6296 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 288-0836 Providence Specialty Phcy Svcs Rite Aid Pharmacy 6410 NE Halsey Street Suite 400 622 SW Alder Street Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97205 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 215-4633 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 226-6791 Qfc Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy 5544 E Burnside Street Portland, 600 NW 10th Avenue OR 97215 Portland, OR 97209 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 239-7710 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 227-2235 Rite Aid Pharmacy 11930 SE Division Street Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 761-6640

330 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Multnomah Multnomah Multnomah Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens 5920 NE M L King Boulevard 3930 SE Powell Boulevard 6116 NE M L King Boulevard Portland, OR 97211 Portland, OR 97202 Portland, OR 97211 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 288-3272 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 772-4445 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 282-0689 Safeway Pharmacy Southeast Health Clinic Phcy Walgreens 1303 NW Lovejoy Street 3653 SE 34th Avenue 3909 SE Holgate Boulevard Portland, OR 97209 Portland, OR 97202 Portland, OR 97202 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-6751 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 988-5423 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 777-2893 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens 4515 SE Woodstock Boulevard 2829 N Lombard Street 12335 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97206 Portland, OR 97217 Portland, OR 97230 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 771-8180 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 737-0317 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 256-2932 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens 3527 SE 122nd Avenue 5420 NE 33rd Avenue 1620 NE Grand Avenue Portland, OR 97236 Portland, OR 97211 Portland, OR 97232 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 760-6688 Phone/Teléfono: (971) 230-0153 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 493-2715 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens 1030 SW Jefferson Street 3 NE 82nd Avenue 17979 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97201 Portland, OR 97220 Portland, OR 97230 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-1860 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 408-0729 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 251-8995 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens 8145 SW Barbur Boulevard 2103 W Burnside Street 9855 Capitol Highway Portland, OR 97219 Portland, OR 97210 Portland, OR 97219 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 452-6212 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 295-6480 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 245-4690 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens 1100 NE Broadway Street 940 SE 39th Avenue 4325 SE 82nd Avenue Portland, OR 97232 Portland, OR 97214 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 528-0506 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 238-6053 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 775-9603 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walmart Pharmacy 6901 NE Sandy Boulevard 12215 SE Powell Boulevard 4200 SE 82nd Avenue Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97236 Portland, OR 97266 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 280-1212 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 760-2855 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 788-0400 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Walmart Pharmacy 2800 SE Hawthorne Boulevard 7070 NE Sandy Boulevard 1123 Hayden Meadows Drive Portland, OR 97214 Portland, OR 97213 Portland, OR 97217 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 232-3930 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 484-1328 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 205-6661

331 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Multnomah Polk Polk Troutdale Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Walmart Pharmacy Walgreens Albertson's Pharmacy 321 NE Kings Valley Highway 699 Wallace Road NW 25691 SE Stark Street Dallas, OR 97338 Salem, OR 97304 Troutdale, OR 97060 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 623-5091 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 428-5073 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 667-9003 Grand Ronde Tillamook Safeway Pharmacy Pharmacy Tillamook 2501 SW Cherry Park Road Farmacia Troutdale, OR 97060 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 674-7006 Grand Ronde Health And Farmacia Wellness Walgreens Fred Meyer Pharmacy 9605 Grand Ronde Road 25699 SE Stark Street 2500 Main Avenue N Troutdale, OR 97060 Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 879-2342 Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 665-9766 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 815-1433 Independence Wood Village Safeway Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy 1815 4th Street Tillamook, OR 97141 Farmacia Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 842-5934 Hi School Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Tillamook Pharmacy 1357 Monmouth Street 22855 NE Park Lane 915 Main Avenue Wood Village, OR 97060 Independence, OR 97351 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 838-2195 Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 492-5033 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 842-4181 Walmart Pharmacy Monmouth Wheeler 23500 NE Sandy Boulevard Pharmacy Wood Village, OR 97060 Pharmacy Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 667-1709 Farmacia Bi-mart Pharmacy Polk Rinehart Pharmacy LLC 444 Pacific Avenue S Dallas Monmouth, OR 97361 278 Rowe Street Suite 222 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 838-1176 Wheeler, OR 97147 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 368-7455 Salem Farmacia Umatilla Rite Aid Pharmacy Pharmacy Hermiston 178 W Ellendale Avenue Farmacia Dallas, OR 97338 Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 623-8334 1455 Edgewater Street NW Farmacia Safeway Pharmacy Salem, OR 97304 Bi-mart Pharmacy 138 W Ellendale Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 365-2174 200 S 1st Street Unit 1 Dallas, OR 97338 Hermiston, OR 97838 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 623-8827 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 567-6850

332 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Umatilla Umatilla Union Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Hermiston Drug Rite Aid Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 114 E Main Street 1900 SW Court Place 2111 Adams Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838 Pendleton, OR 97801 La Grande, OR 97850 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 567-3072 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-1185 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 663-2706 Rite Aid Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy 835 S Highway 395 201 SW 20th Street 11619 Island Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838 Pendleton, OR 97801 La Grande, OR 97850 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 567-7805 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 278-4285 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-5460 Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens Union 990 S Highway 395 144 SW 20th Street Pharmacy Hermiston, OR 97838 Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 564-1285 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 278-5121 Farmacia Walmart Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Union Drug Company 1350 N 1st Street 2203 SW Court Avenue 105 N Main Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Pendleton, OR 97801 Union, OR 97883 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 567-5323 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 966-9971 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 562-5441 Milton Freewater Yellowhawk Tribal Health Ctr Wallowa Pharmacy 73265 Confederated Way Pendleton, OR 97801 Enterprise Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 966-9830 Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Union Farmacia 105 SW 2nd Avenue Safeway Pharmacy Milton Freewater, OR 97862 La Grande Phone/Teléfono: (541) 938-8778 Pharmacy 601 W North Street Safeway Pharmacy Enterprise, OR 97828 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (541) 426-3535 455 N Columbia Street Bi-mart Pharmacy Milton Freewater, OR 97862 Wasco Phone/Teléfono: (541) 938-3289 2510 Adams Avenue La Grande, OR 97850 The Dalles Pendleton Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-9515 Pharmacy Pharmacy Red Cross Drug Store Farmacia Farmacia 1123 Adams Avenue La Grande, OR 97850 Bi-mart Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-5741 3300 W 6th Street 901 SW Emigrant Avenue Rite Aid Pharmacy The Dalles, OR 97058 Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 298-2055 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 276-7909 2212 Island Avenue Suite O La Grande, OR 97850 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (541) 963-8696 1215 W 6th Street The Dalles, OR 97058 Phone/Teléfono: (541) 296-1748

333 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Wasco Washington Washington Pharmacy Beaverton Pharmacy Farmacia Pharmacy Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy 1400 W 6th Street Beaverton Pharmacy 17495 SW Farmington Road The Dalles, OR 97058 Beaverton, OR 97007 12250 SW Canyon Road Phone/Teléfono: (541) 298-5680 Beaverton, OR 97005 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 848-7700 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 644-2101 Rite Aid Pharmacy 520 Mount Hood Street Bi-mart Pharmacy 12575 SW Walker Road The Dalles, OR 97058 Beaverton, OR 97005 5975 SW 185th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (541) 298-9634 Beaverton, OR 97078 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 646-2423 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (503) 649-6562 Rite Aid Pharmacy 515 Mount Hood Street CVS Pharmacy 14625 SW Allen Boulevard The Dalles, OR 97058 Beaverton, OR 97007 18101 NW Evergreen Parkway Phone/Teléfono: (541) 296-3190 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 643-2724 Beaverton, OR 97006 Washington Phone/Teléfono: (503) 207-0041 Safeway Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy 6194 SW Murray Boulevard Aloha Beaverton, OR 97008 10775 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Phone/Teléfono: (503) 672-8186 Pharmacy H Safeway Pharmacy Farmacia Beaverton, OR 97005 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 207-0646 14555 SW Teal Boulevard Costco Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Beaverton, OR 97007 15901 SW Jenkins Road Phone/Teléfono: (503) 590-9756 15995 SW Walker Road Aloha, OR 97006 Vg Beaverton Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 626-5754 Beaverton, OR 97006 2935 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 690-5833 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Beaverton, OR 97005 20225 SW Tualatin Valley 11425 SW Beaverton Hillsdale H Phone/Teléfono: (503) 352-6006 Highway Walgreens Aloha, OR 97003 Beaverton, OR 97005 14600 SW Murray Scholls Drive Phone/Teléfono: (503) 649-1576 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 526-1833 Beaverton, OR 97007 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (503) 579-1878 19975 SW Tualatin Valley Walgreens Highway 18470 SW Farmington Road Aloha, OR 97003 Beaverton, OR 97007 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 848-7297 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 716-1651 Banks Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy Pharmacy 9775 SW Gemini Drive Suite 1 Farmacia Beaverton, OR 97008 Phone/Teléfono: (866) 202-4014 Banks Pharmacy 12350 NW Main Street Banks, OR 97106 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 324-5780

334 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Washington Washington Washington Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Walmart Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Hillsboro United Drugs 9055 SW Murray Boulevard 2836 Pacific Avenue 243 E Main Street Beaverton, OR 97008 Forest Grove, OR 97116 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Phone/Teléfono: (519) 472-5424 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 359-8706 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 648-1811 Walmart Pharmacy Hillsboro Rite Aid Pharmacy 17275 NW Cornell Road Pharmacy 2425 SE Tualatin Valley Beaverton, OR 97006 Highway Phone/Teléfono: (503) 207-7632 Farmacia Hillsboro, OR 97123 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 693-1009 Cornelius Albertson's Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Pharmacy 7500 W Baseline Hillsboro, OR 97123 2021 NW 185th Avenue Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 591-0997 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 645-7704 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Albertson's Pharmacy 2200 Baseline Street 888 NE 25th Avenue Safeway Pharmacy Cornelius, OR 97113 Hillsboro, OR 97124 2525 SE Tualatin Valley Phone/Teléfono: (503) 359-3103 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 681-8640 Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 Virginia Garcia Mem Hlth Ctr Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 681-0262 Phcy 2075 SE Tualatin Valley 1151 N Adair Street Highway Vg Hillsboro Pharmacy Cornelius, OR 97113 Hillsboro, OR 97123 226 SE 8th Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 352-8552 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 640-3777 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 601-7410 Walgreens CVS Pharmacy 115 N 20th Avenue 2295 SE Tualatin Valley Walgreens Cornelius, OR 97113 Highway 955 SE Baseline Street Phone/Teléfono: (503) 357-0762 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Walmart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 707-0000 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 615-8384 220 N Adair Street Costco Pharmacy Walgreens Cornelius, OR 97113 1255 NE 48th Avenue 7010 NE Cornell Road Phone/Teléfono: (503) 359-9140 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Forest Grove Phone/Teléfono: (503) 681-2828 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 693-0109 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy Pharmacy 22075 NW Imbrie Drive 7650 NE Shaleen Street Farmacia Hillsboro, OR 97124 Hillsboro, OR 97006 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 747-1133 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 268-6918 Bi-mart Pharmacy 3225 Pacific Avenue Fred Meyer Pharmacy Forest Grove, OR 97116 6495 SE Tualatin Valley Phone/Teléfono: (503) 357-2034 Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 848-4583

335 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Washington Washington Washington Portland Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Rite Aid Pharmacy Walmart Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy 11190 SW Barnes Road 21320 SW Langer Farms 9009 SW Hall Boulevard Portland, OR 97225 Parkway Portland, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 526-9121 Sherwood, OR 97140 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-3446 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 825-4053 Coram Alternate Site Svcs 13485 NW Cornell Road Tigard 7358 SW Durham Road Portland, OR 97229 Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 350-2086 Portland, OR 97224 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 684-3046 Walgreens Bi-mart Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy 4816 NW Bethany Boulevard 11565 SW Pacific Highway Portland, OR 97229 13500 SW Pacific Highway Portland, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 439-9014 Suite 70 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 293-7085 Walgreens Tigard, OR 97223 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 7280 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Phone/Teléfono: (503) 624-0713 Costco Pharmacy 7700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hw Hw Portland, OR 97225 7855 SW Dartmouth Road Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 296-7454 Tigard, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 292-3531 Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-0722 Mccann's Pharmacy Medical Office Building Phcy 12525 NW Cornell Road 9155 SW Barnes Road Portland, OR 97229 15685 SW 116th Avenue Portland, OR 97225 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 646-3438 Tigard, OR 97224 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 216-2630 Sherwood Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-7377 Rite Aid Pharmacy Option Care At Legacy Health Pharmacy 12080 SW Main Street 16195 SW 72nd Avenue Farmacia Portland, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97223 Phone/Teléfono: (866) 347-8660 CVS Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 620-9322 Pharmaca Integrative 21365 SW Baler Way Rite Aid Pharmacy Pharmacy Sherwood, OR 97140 12240 SW Scholls Ferry Road 240 NW Lost Springs Ter Suite Phone/Teléfono: (503) 610-6001 Tigard, OR 97223 E2 Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 590-7346 Portland, OR 97229 20685 SW Roy Rogers Road Rite Aid Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 596-3552 Sherwood, OR 97140 16200 SW Pacific Highway Qfc Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 625-4766 Tigard, OR 97224 7525 SW Barnes Road Walgreens Phone/Teléfono: (503) 639-9092 Portland, OR 97225 21065 SW Pacific Highway Safeway Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 203-5951 Sherwood, OR 97140 15570 SW Pacific Highway Phone/Teléfono: (503) 625-1805 Tigard, OR 97224 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 598-6009

336 Retail and Chain Pharmacies / Farmacias minoristas y de cadena (610)

Washington Yamhill Yamhill Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia Farmacia Sav-on Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy 14300 SW Barrows Road 448 NE Highway 99W 1140 N Springbrook Road Tigard, OR 97223 McMinnville, OR 97128 Newberg, OR 97132 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 590-0411 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 472-2133 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 538-2430 Walgreens Safeway Pharmacy Walgreens 13939 SW Pacific Highway 2490 N Highway 99 1840 Portland Road Tigard, OR 97223 McMinnville, OR 97128 Newberg, OR 97132 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 670-9812 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 435-3125 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 538-9360 Walmart Pharmacy Vg Mcminnville Pharmacy Sheridan 7600 SW Dartmouth Street 115 NE May Lane Pharmacy Tigard, OR 97223 McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 268-5272 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 883-5868 Farmacia Tualatin Walmart Pharmacy Sheridan Pharmacy Pharmacy 2375 NE Highway 99W 103 E Main Street McMinnville, OR 97128 Sheridan, OR 97378 Farmacia Phone/Teléfono: (503) 434-6854 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 843-2422 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Newberg Benton 19200 SW Martinazzi Avenue Pharmacy Tualatin, OR 97062 Kennewick Phone/Teléfono: (503) 691-4233 Farmacia Pharmacy Meridian Park Med Ctr Bi-mart Pharmacy Farmacia Comm Phc 2900 Haworth Avenue Option Care 19300 SW 65th Avenue Newberg, OR 97132 Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 538-0691 7325 W Deschutes Avenue Phone/Teléfono: (503) 692-7470 Center Pharmacy Kennewick, WA 99336 Phone/Teléfono: (509) 783-2273 Yamhill 502 Villa Road Newberg, OR 97132 Richland McMinnville Phone/Teléfono: (503) 538-0147 Pharmacy Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Farmacia Farmacia 3300 Portland Road Newberg, OR 97132 Fred Meyer Pharmacy Albertsons Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 537-1383 101 Wellsian Way 615 SW Keck Drive Rite Aid Pharmacy Richland, WA 99352 McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: (509) 943-8358 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 474-0894 1150 N Springbrook Road Newberg, OR 97132 Rx Pharmacy Bi-mart Pharmacy Phone/Teléfono: (503) 538-7402 800 Swift Boulevard Suite 140 1635 S Baker Richland, WA 99352 McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone/Teléfono: (509) 713-7444 Phone/Teléfono: (503) 472-8423


Mail Order Pharmacies / Farmacias de pedido por correo (2)

All Counties Mail Order Pharmacy Farmacia de pedidos por correo CVS CareMark (888) 624-1139 TTY/TDD Users should call: 711 Homescripts (888) 239-7690 TTY/TDD Users should call: 711


Specialty Pharmacies / Farmacias especializadas (5)

All Counties Specialty Pharmacies Farmacias especializadas AcariaHealth Pharmacy (844) 538-4661

TTY/TDD Users should call: 711 Accredo Health Group (866) 718-7952

TTY/TDD Users should call: (877) 804-9222 Avella Specialty Pharmacy (877) 546-5779

TTY/TDD Users should call: (877) 719-6329 CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy (866) 833-3752

TTY/TDD Users should call: (800) 863-5488 Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy (866) 202-4014

TTY/TDD Users should call: 711


Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Acupuncturist / Acupunturista Ambulance / Ambulancia Bove, David, ND ...... 93, 105 Lower Umpqua Hosp Dist ...... 270 Campana, Amber, LAc ...... 93 Ambulatory Surgical Center / Centro Connell, Courtney, LAc ...... 93 quirúrgico para pacientes ambulatorios Corbett, Zachary B, LAC ...... 94 Aesthetic Surgery Center of Eugene ...... 286 Day, Kali, LAc ...... 94 Cascade Endoscopy Center ...... 288 Greenleaf, Stuart, LAc ...... 94 Lane Surgery Center ...... 286 Harmon, Dina M, LAc ...... 94 Lovejoy Surgicenter ...... 290 Jing-Craytor, Ting, MD ...... 94 McKenzie Surgery Center ...... 286 Moore, Jennifer K, BS ...... 94 Nbmc Day Surgery Inc ...... 285 Neer, Lonnie J, LAC ...... 94, 135 NGC Endoscopy Services LLC ...... 290 Petersen, Mary Ann, LAc ...... 95 Northwest Center for Plastic Surgery ...... 287 Stice, Laura, LAc ...... 95 NW Center for Plastic Surgery ...... 286 Susee, Malia, LAc ...... 182 Oregon Endoscopy Center ...... 288 Valley, Darby, LAc ...... 92 Oregon Eye Surgery Center ...... 287 Van Enk, Jian Z, MS ...... 95 Oregon SurgiCenter ...... 288 Wherland, Ruth Hadas, LAc ...... 95 Pacific Cataract & Laser Institute - Whitney, Heath S, LAc ...... 95 Portland ...... 290 Williams, Thomas H, LAC ...... 95 Pacific Surgery Center ...... 287 Addiction Medicine / Medicina de RiverBend Ambulatory Surgery Center ...... 288 adicciones Slocum Surgery Center ...... 287 Misra, Sounak N, MD ...... 95, 100, 103 Sober Living Oregon Recovery Center Adolescent Medicine / Medicina de LLC ...... 290 adolescentes Spine Surgery Center of Eugene ...... 287 Two Rivers Surgical Center ...... 287 Galen, Edward Allen, MD ...... 182, 184 Westside Surgery Center, Llc ...... 291 Otoole, Julie K, MD ...... 182, 189 Sage, Joseph L, MD ...... 27, 42 Audiologist / Audiólogo Allergy & Immunology / Alergia e Detels, Susan L, AUD ...... 96 inmunología Hurn, Laura J, AUD ...... 96 Randolph, Sandra R, AUD ...... 80 Berry, Alalia W, MD ...... 77, 95, 102 Chou, Alice H, MD ...... 95, 102 Cardiology / Cardiología Friesen, Jason Harlow, MD ...... 95 Bergin, Patrick J, MD ...... 137, 141 Fritz, Stephen B, MD ...... 78 Jain, Sanjeev, MD ...... 78 Kehl, Sarah S, MD ...... 96 Lau, Samuel S, MD ...... 137 Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD ...... 78 Rohr, Candice Melanie, MD ...... 96 Munkenbeck, Frances C, MD ...... 137 Tracy, James F, DO ...... 79 Nordsieck, Eric J, MD 135, 136, 137, ...... 142 Alzheimer Center (Dementia Center) Paulsen, Jeffrey M, MD ...... 138, 142 Elder Health & Living ...... 288 Tuliani, Tushar Anil, MD ...... 138, 143

343 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Case Manager/Care Coordinator / Gestor Clinic/Center: Multi-Specialty / de casos/Coordinador de atención médica Clínica/Centro: Varias especialidades Bouleware, Russell, AA ...... 163 Bay Area Hospital ...... 285 DeLaCruz, Leticia, AA ...... 163 BAY CLINIC ...... 285 Gilmore, Tyler Alexander, QMHS ...... 198 Corvallis Gastroenterolo ...... 17 Hankins, Heather, AA ...... 163 Kartini Clinic PC ...... 290 Hitt, Ernest, AA ...... 163 Johnson, James, BS ...... 164 Lawrence, Van, QMHS ...... 164 Oakes, Dena, AA ...... 164 Perue, Obadiah, NON LICENSED ...... 164 Reinhardt, Bailie, BA ...... 199 Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital ...... 17 SOUTH COAST ORTHOPAEDIC Chiropractor / Quiropráctico ASSOCIATES, PC ...... 285 Anderson, Joshua, DC ...... 92 Beckerman, Brandon L, DC ...... 96 Clinic/Center: Ophthalmologic Surgery / Cherveny, John Edward, DC ...... 92 Clínica/Centro: Cirugía oftalmológica Core Strength Chiropractic ...... 138 Tualatin Pcli Asc ...... 307 Epley, Ronald Martin, DC ...... 135 Clinic/Center: Physical Therapy / Herb, Michael B, DC, CCSP ...... 96 Clínica/Centro: Fisioterapia Howell, John M, DC ...... 135 BPM Physical Therapy Center ...... 289 Huston, Andrew W, DC ...... 96, 135 BPM Physical Therapy Center Inc ...... 289 MacDonald, Garreth D, DC ...... 97 Downtown Physical Therapy ...... 287 Muzzana, Kevin L, DC ...... 138 Reclaim Physical Therapy ...... 287 Nyberg, Jennifer Louise, DC ...... 97 The Hand Therapy Clinic ...... 287 Clinic/Center: Rehabilitation, Substance Use / Clínica/Centro: Rehabilitación, consumo de sustancias Addictions Recovery Center ...... 212 Clinic/Center: Adolescent & Children Addictions Recovery Center Inc ...... 212 Mental Health / Clínica/Centro: Salud Addictions Recovery Center, Inc. - Mental de adolescentes y niños Outpatient ...... 212 Addictions Recovery Center, Inc.- Clementine Portland ...... 209 Outpatient ...... 212 partos Buckley House ...... 217 Center for Family Development 217, 218, 246, ...... 247 Clinic/Center: Magnetic Resonance CFD North ...... 217 Imaging (MRI) / Clínica/Centro: Imágenes Detox and Outpatient MAT ...... 212 por resonancia magnética (IRM) Sponsors Inc ...... 217, 218 MR Imaging ...... 288 Willamette Family Inc ...... 218

344 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Willamette Family Incorporated ...... 218 Linn County Department Of Health Willamette Family Treatment Services Services ...... 251 Inc ...... 218 Linn County Department of Health Williamette Family ...... 246 Services - Lebanon ...... 255 Williamette Family Cottage Grove ...... 214 Relief Nursery ...... 219 Williamette Family Downtown Counselor / Consejero Outpatient ...... 218 Barbosa, Alexis, NON LICENSED ...... 219 Clinic/Center: Student Health / Bastien, Kara L, LPC ...... 219, 232 Clínica/Centro: Salud del estudiante Lane Community College Health Berrocal Llerena, Ashley L, NON Clinic ...... 287 LICENSED ...... 219 Clinic/Center: Urgent Care / Bessko, Tibor, PC ...... 219 Clínica/Centro: Atención médica urgente Botchway, Pauline O, LPC ...... 214 Eagleton Providers PC ...... 283 Eagleton Providers, Pc ...... 283 Broadbent, Christopher K, MED ...... 251 Eugene Urgent Care Coburg ...... 283 Cantwell, Carley Kendall, LCSW ...... 219, 241 Nova Urgent Care ...... 283, 284 Charles, Abigail, QMHS ...... 219 Pleasant Hill Urgent Care ...... 283 Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, PhD ...... 97, 130, 240 Deacon, Lisa S, MA ...... 220, 224 Community Based Residential Treatment Dusenberry, William M, MA ...... 220 Facility / Centro de tratamiento residencial Farley, Kimberly, LPC ...... 220 comunitario Felts, Daniel, PC ...... 220 Jasper Mountain ...... 246 Fleming, Dana, MSW ...... 220 Kairos ...... 214 Foote, Amy, PC ...... 247, 248 Kairos - Community Services ...... 214 Galbraith, Amanda, PC ...... 245, 246 Community Mental Health Center / Centro Gifford, Andrea, LCSW ...... 247, 250 de salud mental comunitaria Goldsmith, Erica, CSW ...... 220, 242 Grillo, Stephen Anthony, BA ...... 220 Adapt and Compass ...... 210 Haaby, Willie Dieago, CADC ...... 210 Emerald Tms, Llc ...... 218 Harris, Brandon, NON LICENSED ...... 220 New Directions NW Inc ...... 205 Heath, Cheryl D, LMFT ...... 221, 235 Community/Behavioral Health / Salud Hoberg, Beverly J, LPC ...... 221 comunitaria/del comportamiento Hoffman, Carissa, MA ...... 221 Albertina Kerr Centers ...... 256 Hughes, Kyle, LCSW ...... 221 Best Care Treatment Services ...... 214 Kahler, Sarah, LMHC ...... 221 Bestcare Treatment Resid & Detox ...... 209 Kendrick, Kasey, LPC ...... 215 Christians As Family Advocates ...... 218 Lee, Robert H, MHA ...... 215 Firefly Counseling Services, PC ...... 265 Lopez, Wendy, LMHC ...... 221, 229 Integrated Health Care ...... 218 Mason, John, CADC ...... 221, 225, 229 Integrated Health Clinics ...... 218 Mayes, Kelly A, LPC 221, 233 Lchs Washington Street ...... 251 ...... Lifeways Inc ...... 263, 264

345 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Meaux, Tenaya, MSW ...... 221, 229 Hart, Randolph L, MSW ...... 224, 228 Messer, Robert, LPC ...... 265 Humble, Roger, CPC ...... 251 Munson, Benjamin, NON LICENSED . . . . . 221, 225 Hurd, Thomas, CSAC ...... 224 Oldenburg, Stephen, BA ...... 221, 230 Jackson, Brian, CADC ...... 212 Osborn, Noelle G, PC ...... 222 Pemberton, Kelsey, MSW ...... 222 Kerrigan, Tia, CAC ...... 225 Pepper-Reed, Susan, MA ...... 222 Knapp, Noreen, NON LICENSED ...... 209 Pruch, Josephine Casey Witte, LMFT . . . . . 222, 236 Kopf, Sandra, LAC ...... 251 Rahier, Jordan, NON LICENSED ...... 222 Krug, Amanda, CADC ...... 212 Reed, Delisal, MFT ...... 222 Lindsey, Deidrie, CADC ...... 209 Long, Elizabeth, BS ...... 213 Roberts, Elizabeth T, LMHC ...... 222, 230 Luse, Paula, BS ...... 265 Roberts, Jon, MHA ...... 215 Lytle, Katie, NON LICENSED ...... 215 Markwardt, Amee E, MD ...... 225 Schering, Niki, BCBA ...... 222 Martinson, Colleen, MA ...... 206 Schommer, Amanda S, LSCSW ...... 222 Matsen, Krysta, LCAC ...... 225 Scott, Christopher, LCSW 223, 244, 247, Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC ...... 213 ...... 251 Silver, Luca, PC ...... 223 Mobley, Jacqueline, NON LICENSED ...... 265 Silverthorne, Vicki, LPC ...... 223 Moorhead, Jennifer A, LPC ...... 225, 233 Stigall, Sheila A, LCSW ...... 223 Neuberger, Michael, CADC ...... 225 Straub, Rachel G, BS ...... 223, 226 Nussbaum, Zakary, BA ...... 225 Osborne, Ty, CADC ...... 225 Tangavelou, Jordan, BA ...... 223 Peacock, Rebecca, CADC ...... 225 Tournade, Bethany, MA ...... 223, 231 Perez, Armando, SAC ...... 210 Trotter, Mitchell R, MSW ...... 223, 244 Phelps, Summer, NON LICENSED ...... 251 Volz, Steven, MD ...... 223 Ponce, Olivia Estelle, NON Weinerman, Larry, LMHC ...... 223, 232 LICENSED ...... 206 Wood, Ruth H, LPC ...... 224 Pritt, Tanya, NON LICENSED ...... 206 Counselor: Addiction / Orientador: Schafer, Kimberly A, CADC ...... 226 Adicciones Shumate, Briana, CADC ...... 226, 231 Allerdice, Cornelia N, MS ...... 224 Sleezer, Stephen, NON LICENSED ...... 213 Anderson, Jamey ...... 224 Smith, Daniel, LAC ...... 251 Brown, Jeffrey, CADC ...... 212 Spring, Lisa M, CADC ...... 226 Crespino, Michelle, MD ...... 224 Stark, Kathleen, CADC ...... 226 Cuellar, Vicki, SAC ...... 224 Thomas, Justin Drew, LPC ...... 252 Forsyth, Robert, NON LICENSED ...... 205 Tucker, Christopher T, LPC 226, 234, 245, Fortune, Laura Rae, PC ...... 209 ...... 246 Giandalia, Rhonda, NON LICENSED ...... 224 Velasco, Desiree, LAC ...... 252 Hall, Claude J, LCSW ...... 224, 240 Williamson, Kathrine Margret, LAC ...... 252 Harris, Phaedra, CADC ...... 212 Counselor: Mental Health / Consejero: Salud mental

346 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Alban, Melanie, LMHC ...... 226 Haun, Cheryl L, MA ...... 228 Albin, Angela K, LPC ...... 226 Hawkins, Diana, MA ...... 228 Andrews, Rachel C, LCSW ...... 215 Henderson, Alexa, CSW ...... 256, 262 Barkemeyer, Larry, MHA ...... 215 Barta, Mindi Jean, LPC ...... 226 Higashi, Shayna, MS ...... 228 Baschleben, Nicole L, BS ...... 215 Hilton, Lindsay, LMFT ...... 264 Baumgart, Edith, MS ...... 226 Hirte, Jessica, PC ...... 228 Baxter, Samuel, NON LICENSED ...... 205 Hobson, Jordyn, BS ...... 205 Becker, Sean, CSW ...... 252, 254 Horning, Carolee June, NON LICENSED ...... 216 Benitez, Carlos, MSW ...... 256 Hull, Wendy, LMHC ...... 252 Bolton, Tabitha, BS ...... 226, 232 Jefferis, Alexa D, LMFT ...... 228, 235 Britz, Kerstin E, LCSW ...... 215, 217 Keller, Susan M, LPC ...... 247, 248 Brue, K Jason, MA ...... 205 Kelley, Betty, LPC ...... 206 Calkins, La Rae, MHA ...... 215 Kelley, Kevin, MA ...... 228 Clark, April S, MA ...... 227 Kinkade, Heidi Mae, PC ...... 247 Kissire, Ronda, LMHC ...... 205 Cloud, James, QMHS ...... 213 Knott, Emily, MC ...... 228 Covernali, Maria, BA ...... 227 Krieger, Cynthia L, MA ...... 264 Cuellar, Maria, LMHC ...... 215 Lahr, Emily, MSW ...... 265 D'auria, Francisco Nicolas, BCBA ...... 252 Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT ...... 228, 235 Davis, Usha, LCSW ...... 215, 217 Lenhart, Sarah, MA ...... 229, 233 Donnelly, Brian, CPC ...... 227 Lloyd, Jamie, LPC ...... 246 Dyer, Rachel, PC ...... 247, 248 Maples, Melanie, QMHS ...... 229 Elkington, Whitney, MPH ...... 216 Martinez, Mckayla F, QMHS ...... 247 Evans-Wondra, Stephanie Lynn, PC ...... 227, 232 Marx, Lynda K, LPC ...... 248 Mastin, Therese N, MA ...... 216 Ferguson, Christopher, MSW ...... 247 McDaniel, Patrick R, LMFT ...... 216, 217 Friederick, Lara, PC ...... 252, 253 McKenzie, Bree, MS,LPC ...... 229 Fudge, Toni J, LMHC ...... 227 Mclean, John Benjamin, CSW ...... 245, 246 Galasso, Justin, MSW ...... 207, 208 Mendez, Naomi, NON LICENSED ...... 229 gallagher, susanna, LCMHC ...... 253 Merritt, Elizabeth, BA ...... 229 Gannon, Courtney, LCSW ...... 247, 250 Miller, Nicole E, MA ...... 229 Garver, Sandra L, LPC ...... 252 Miller, Robert, CSWA ...... 229 Garwood, Erin, MA ...... 256 Miller, Robert, MHA ...... 216 Gerding, Thomas, PC ...... 227, 232

Gould, Kirsten, MA ...... 247 Morris, Maxwell, MSW ...... 230 Mott, Julie, CPC ...... 248 Hager, Alex, LMFT ...... 227, 235 Moyer, Cindie, MFT ...... 230 Harrington, Rebecca A, MA ...... 227 Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW ...... 248, 250 Nowak, David Ryan, MD ...... 230

347 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Patricia Bear ...... 230 Verhoogen Odden, Lise, PC ...... 253 Peacock, Lisa M, MFT ...... 256, 259 Wang, Paula, LPC ...... 245 Pecue, Michael, MD ...... 230 Watters, Sharon E, PC ...... 210 Perales Tapia, Alma, PC ...... 230 Weinberg, Lance, LPC ...... 253 Perrine, Elizabeth J, MS ...... 230 Whitledge, Lynne, MHA ...... 216 Peters, Casey E, QMHS ...... 252 Yoder, Andrew L, CSW ...... 216 Petrik, Marla, QMHS ...... 205 Counselor: Professional / Consejero: Phillippi, Annamaria, PC ...... 265 Profesional Pixler, Lyndsay, MA ...... 230 Babinec, Christine, PC ...... 264 Raines, Sierra, CPC ...... 230 Bankhead, Destiny, PC ...... 256 Reavis, Jennifer, BA ...... 230 Berlingen, Linda, PC ...... 256 Reeves, Babette, CSW ...... 211 Braden, Tracy, PC ...... 232 Remmers, Carolyn J, MED ...... 248 Brandenburg, Chelsea, PC ...... 232 Resendiz, Ofelio, MA ...... 256 Burton, Mitzi L, LPC ...... 214 Rincon, Juanita, MSW ...... 252 Cavese, Julie, PC ...... 257 Rose, Meredith J, LPC ...... 252 Chapman, Douglas M, PC ...... 257 Schaad, Maria T, MA ...... 230 Collier, Hayden, PC ...... 257, 264 Schroer, Mia, LPC ...... 252, 253 Cooper, Lacy, PC ...... 257 Schwarz, Christopher M, NON Corwin, Tiffany, PC ...... 257 LICENSED ...... 253 Crasper, Nicholas, LPC ...... 232 Seminara, L Claire, MA ...... 231, 233 D'Amore, Simone, PC ...... 265 Siqueiros, Gina M., MA, LPC ...... 231 DePaoli, Jodi M, LPC ...... 232 Spencer, Emmalia, NON LICENSED ...... 265 DeVault, Jennifer L, LPC ...... 248 Spencer, Shirley A, PC ...... 231, 234 Dickson, Mina Ann, LPC ...... 245 Spotswood, Ileana, LMHC ...... 231 Duhon, Jessica J, LPC ...... 210 Eckstein, Doug, PC ...... 210 Stebbins, Misty A, LMHC ...... 253, 255 Edwards, Laura, LPC ...... 207 Elliott, Candice, PC ...... 253, 254 Stone, Nicole, PC ...... 248 Enticknap, Christina, LPC ...... 257 Stuart, Tedra, LPC ...... 245 Forster, Galyn F, PC ...... 232 Stuve, Lindsay, PCC ...... 231 Glaeser, Kiersten A, PC ...... 253 Swan, Megan, BA ...... 231 Gruber, Noreen, PC ...... 257 Sweet, Nova Dev, LCSW ...... 253 Hardwick, Deborrah L, PC ...... 210, 233 Tafoya, Sam M, PSYD ...... 216 Harris, Steven, PCC ...... 266 Taite, Pamela, MS ...... 256 Henson, Katie, PC ...... 257 Tamkin, Laura S, MA ...... 216 Holmes, Kenneth W, LPC ...... 209 Templeton, Susan, LMHC ...... 231 Houston, Brandon, PC ...... 257 Thornsberry, Mary F, MHA ...... 216 Itzkowitz, Neal, PC ...... 210 Tippins, Prudence, BS ...... 231 Katz, Ivy, PC ...... 207 Tromba, Cynthia A, MFT ...... 216, 217 Kelley, Jack, PC ...... 257 Turner, Megan J, CSW ...... 216, 217 Kettermann, Tiffany, PC ...... 257 Underwood, Morgan N, LPC ...... 231

348 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Konnie, Lauren, PC ...... 233 Bohlke, Angela Kathryn, MD ...... 97 Korschgen, Joyce, PC ...... 207 Carrigg, Alison B, DO ...... 97 LeCompte, Marci L, PC ...... 246 Cooksey, David, MD ...... 138 Lillard, John, LPC ...... 210, 233 Dreyer, Cynthia A, MD ...... 97 Litwiller, Kara S, PC ...... 233 Eccles, Hannibal S, MD ...... 97 Macklin, Jessica, CADC ...... 208 Gladstone, Hayes B, MD ...... 89 Mandel, Tracy, PC ...... 208 Knapp, Todd L, MD ...... 97 Martin, David, LPC ...... 257 Leposavic, Robert I, MD ...... 89 Mayfield, Krispin, PC ...... 258 Lewis, Felisa Salud A, MD ...... 138 McAteer, Kirsten, PCC ...... 258 Maeyens, Edgar, MD ...... 80 Milner, Crisse, LPC ...... 207 Nakhla, Tony Nader, DO ...... 89 Mote, Vionne Elizabeth, LPC ...... 248 Olson, Eric G, MD ...... 138 Neet, Stephen F, LPC ...... 233 Park, Jay Y, MD ...... 97 Negron, Astrid, PC ...... 258 Pattummadith, Suwapang, MD ...... 138 Newey, Matthew, PC ...... 258 Richey, Troy K, MD ...... 138 Nydigger, Laura D, LPC ...... 233 Richterich, Gregory, MD ...... 97 Reader, Rosalie, LPC ...... 253 Sampson, Blake P, MD ...... 138 Svancara, Kevin L, DO ...... 89, 91 Roedel, Melanie, PC ...... 208, 266 Thomas, Richard S, DO ...... 89 Senarsky, Michala, LPC ...... 263 Vazquez, Benjamin G, MD ...... 98 Shala, Rebecca, PC ...... 258 Young, Russell, MD ...... 98 Shaver, Cynthia, LPC ...... 234, 256 Dialysis Center / Centro de diálisis Shin, Jordan J, MS ...... 234 FMC Dialysis Services Mt Hood ...... 289 Smith, Lawrence M., PC ...... 258 FMC Milton Freewater ...... 291 Taggart, Cori V, PC ...... 234 Fmc Oregon Dialysis Svc ...... 285 Taylor, Charles, PC ...... 208, 264 Fresenius - Springfield ...... 288 Urban, Jenna, LPC ...... 258, 264 Fresenius Medical Care ...... 287 Vargas, Veronica, PC ...... 258 Fresenius Medical Care - Florence ...... 287 Vega, Thelma, PC ...... 258 Fresenius Medical Care - Scholls Ferry ...... 291 Fresenius Medical Care Dialysis ...... 287 Washington, Vanessa, PC ...... 258 Fresenius Medical Care Dialysis Whaley, Autumn Melody, LPC ...... 214 Services - Oregon, Llc ...... 287 White, Shoko, PC ...... 258 Fresenius Medical Care Emerald Winter, Elizabeth, CP ...... 258 Valley ...... 288 Fresenius Medical Care Lebanon ...... 289 Critical Care Medicine / Medicina intensiva Fresenius Medical Care Maywood Park ...... 290 Qadir, Hammad, MD ...... 80, 81 Fresenius Medical Care Newport ...... 289 Dermatology / Dermatología Fresenius Medical Care Noble Woods Clinic LLC ...... 291 Atkin, Edward Glen, MD ...... 138, 140 Fresenius Medical Care Redmond ...... 286 Baird, Diane L, MD ...... 97, 136 Fresenius Medical Care West Salem ...... 290 Barry, Catherine I, MD ...... 89 Fresenius Medical Center ...... 288

349 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

PNRS Columbia River- The Dalles ...... 291 A Step Forward ...... 278 PNRS Eastern Oregon Dialysis Clinic ...... 291 All-Med ...... 272 PNRS Hollywood Dialysis Center ...... 290 Byram Healthcare Centers ...... 278 PNRS McMinnville Kidney Center ...... 292 Center for Ocular Prosthetics ...... 278 PNRS Newberg Dialysis Center ...... 292 Douglas Medical Equipment Supply ...... 270 PNRS North Coast Dialysis ...... 285 Genesis Medical Concepts LLC ...... 268 PNRS Raines Dialysis Center ...... 291 Grove Medical Equipment ...... 271 PNRS Sandy ...... 285 Hanger P & O - Eugene ...... 275 Pnrs St Helens Dialysis ...... 285 Hanger Prosthetics - Eugene ...... 272 PNRS Tualatin ...... 292 Just Like A Woman Inc ...... 278 PNRS Twin Oaks ...... 291 KCI USA Inc ...... 278 PNRS Twin Oaks Dialysis Center ...... 291 King Health Care Inc ...... 272 PNRS-Home Dialysis ...... 290 Lincare ...... 282 Qualicenters Albany ...... 289 Lincare Inc 268, 269, 271, QualiCenters Albany, LTD ...... 289 ...... 276 QualiCenters Bend ...... 285 Lincare Inc - Medford ...... 270 QualiCenters Salem ...... 289 Lincare Inc - Roseburg ...... 270 QualiCenters Salem LLC ...... 289 Lincare Inc - Salem ...... 274, 277 U.S. Renal Care Tillamook Dialysis ...... 290 Lincare Inc - Springfield ...... 275 Dietetic Technician, Registered / Técnico Lincare Inc Newport ...... 276 dietista titulado Lincare Inc Pendleton ...... 279 Bosch, Thomas, RD ...... 98 Lincare Inc Portland ...... 281 Dietitian / Dietista Lincare La Grande ...... 280 Lincare The Dalles ...... 280 Abbott, Denise M, RD, RN, CDE ...... 98 Lincare Tolman ...... 269 Beckmann, Tracy, RD ...... 98 Managed Healthcare Pharmacy ...... 272, 322 Medline Industries Inc MA ...... 267 Bunn, Lisa M, RD ...... 98 Narco Inc ...... 275 National Seating & Mobility Inc ...... 280 Cullen, Jeanne M, RD ...... 99 Norco ...... 270 Norco Inc ...... 278 Jacobson, Cecelia, RD ...... 139 Norco Inc...... 267 Norco La Grande ...... 280 Montgomery, Kassy Rae, RD ...... 183 Norco Medical ...... 271 Rafferty, Rise L, RD ...... 99 Norco Medical - Bend ...... 269 Norco Medical - Eugene ...... 272 Norco Medical - Salem ...... 277 Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Norco The Dalles ...... 280 Supplies / Equipo médico durable y Northwest Medical Llc ...... 270, 275 suministros médicos Northwest Medical, LLC ...... 278 Olson Medical Supply ...... 267 180 Medical - Beaverton ...... 280 Option 1 Nutrition Solutions ...... 280

350 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Pacific Footwear ...... 271 Anderson, Grant, MD ...... 99 Pacific Pulmonary - Medford ...... 271 Armitage, Damon B, MD ...... 26 Bailey, Douglas D, MD ...... 49 Priority Footwear ...... 272 Balsom, William, MD ...... 27 Priority Footwear Pacific Footwear ...... 281 Barrett, Christopher Alexander, PA-C ...... 57 Quest HealthCare - Eugene ...... 272 Beckwith, Jeffrey D, MD ...... 50 Quest Healthcare - Portland ...... 281 Beery, Heidi M, MD ...... 24 Remember The Moon, Llc ...... 275 Shaw Med ...... 272 Sound Health Medical Supply ...... 281 Birchard, Brook E, PA-C ...... 58 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics Rdm ...... 270 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics-Eug ...... 272 Bodmer, Peter C, PA-C ...... 58 Summit Orthotics and Prosthetics Bend ...... 269 Bohrman, Jenny, DO ...... 27 Synergy Medical ...... 268 Bolanos-McClain, Maria C, DO ...... 27 Synergy Medical Systems...... 272 Brandt, Gary E, MD ...... 27 Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism / Endocrinología, diabetes y metabolismo Brien, Clare J, DO ...... 47 Bergstrom, Richard Walter, MD ...... 199 Brown, Kristina A, DO ...... 27 Goldstein, Rick N, MD 99, 100, 102, Brus, William, MD ...... 27 ...... 139, 140, 141 Buchanan, Patricia P, MD ...... 28 Grady, Scott P, MD ...... 199 Byfield, Clyde E, MD ...... 99 Krishnamurthy, Priya, MD ...... 200 Carter, Dallas A, MD ...... 20 Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD 18, 19, 57, 65, Casey, Stephanie R, MD ...... 23 ...... 78, 186 Caton, Thomas Anthony, MD ...... 47 Neifing, James L, MD ...... 199 Choate, Laurance W, MD ...... 25 Eyewear Supplier (Equipment, not the Chun, Denise M, MD ...... 58 service) / Proveedor de lentes (de equipos, no de servicios) Colmenero, Alejandro E, PA-C ...... 50, 56 Focal Point ...... 297, 303 Copperman, Terry, MD ...... 28 Focal Point Eugene ...... 297 Cordes, Kathleen K, MD ...... 28 Semler Optical Services ...... 297 Coulter, Caroline L, DO ...... 51 Shopko Eyecare Center 4098 ...... 297 Cramer, Paula J, FNP ...... 23 Sweep Optical ...... 297 Croson, William B, MD ...... 80, 82 The Spectacle Shop ...... 297 Crowfoot Lapham, Capella A, ARNP ...... 59 Visionworks ...... 297 Crum, Stephen P, PA-C ...... 59 Family Medicine / Medicina familiar Curtin, Paul G, MD ...... 28 Aikawa, Yumi, DO ...... 50 Danziger, Amanda M, PA ...... 28, 44 Ale, Samir B, MD ...... 20 Davis, Henry H, MD ...... 51 Alkire, Seth P, MD ...... 57 De La Cruz, J Salvador Yalung, MD ...... 59 Alloway, Brittany A, DO ...... 27, 33 Dear, Janet K, MD ...... 28 Ames, Stephan Anthony, MD ...... 27, 50 Delmar, Susan F, MD ...... 59

351 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Jackson, Craig J, MD ...... 80 Derbyshire, Cameron E, PA 47, 48, 139, Janini, Cole B, PA-C ...... 61 ...... 154 Jeffrey, Daniel W, PA-C ...... 61 Diaz, Heather N, MD ...... 59 Jeffrey, Douglas P, MD ...... 29 Dilcher, Kanani K, MD ...... 88 Johnson, Ben D, PA ...... 25, 26, 93 Dodson, Anthony L, MD ...... 47 Johnson, Scott H, MD ...... 29 Drapiza, Leslie A, MD ...... 59, 60 Jones, Brian G, MD ...... 29 Edsall, Jean A, MD ...... 28 Emory, Sylvia A, MD ...... 28 Kaplan, Michelle L, MD ...... 29 Erde, Alison J, MD ...... 28 Keister, Jason O, MD ...... 51 Feldhoff, Wendy Michelle, MD ...... 28 Kerner, Stephen S, DO ...... 47 Fiacco, Regina M, PA ...... 28, 44 Kimball, Diane M, FNP ...... 29, 38 Kincade, Richard Gede, MD ...... 51 Flemmer, Kristen E, MD ...... 60 Knowlton, David A, MD ...... 29

Gabriele, Mary E, MD ...... 25 Kovac, Francis G, APRN ...... 163 Gage, Miriam E, MD ...... 51 Lawler, Elisabeth N, MD ...... 30 Garfinkel, Michael E, MD ...... 28 Leasure, Michael P, MD ...... 30, 39 LeBlanc, Jessica L, MD ...... 139 Gee-Gott, Lana, MD ...... 51 LeBow, John R, DO ...... 30 Gerber, Robert W, MD ...... 80 Lefford, Jotham J, MD ...... 30 Germann, Antonio M, MD ...... 60 Lintz, Jan K, PA ...... 30, 44 Lion, Rio M, DO ...... 23 Goodger, William P, MD ...... 51 Greene, Brett T, MD ...... 88 Loeb, Mary Ann, MD ...... 30 Griffin, Galen R, MD ...... 29 Luce, Serena A, PA ...... 30, 44 Griffith, Warren G, DO ...... 137 Mackay, Donald Q, DO ...... 30 Haber, Michael J, MD ...... 99, 114 Maloney, Nancy Jane, MD ...... 30 Hacker, Gail J, MD ...... 29 McAndrew, Thomas F, MD ...... 20 Hamburger, Sara F, PA ...... 29, 44 McGhan, Logan James, MD ...... 30 Hardwick, Tracy E, MD ...... 29 McMahon Paulus, Maureen P, PA ...... 30, 45 Harris, Dale E, MD ...... 23 Meyers, Mark S, MD ...... 51

Miller, Felisha A, NP ...... 23, 24 Heidrick, Kevin S, PA-C ...... 60 Miller, Jillian M, PA ...... 31, 45 Hillman, Frank P, PA ...... 99, 126 Millett, Brock W, MD ...... 22 Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP ...... 60, 68 Moeller, Lisa A, PA-C ...... 31, 45 Holmes, Shelda R, FNP ...... 60, 183 Mohr, Arwen, MD ...... 31 Montez, Laura S, PA-C ...... 18 Homertgen, Kyle D, DO ...... 17 Moon, Jordan Edward, PA ...... 51, 56 Moore, Beth M, MD ...... 31 Jablin, Jennifer, NP ...... 19, 60, 67

352 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Morris, James R, MD ...... 100, 115 Schlegel, Lisa M, ARNP ...... 63 Mueller, Mark R, MD ...... 31 Seeley, Kody J, DO ...... 23, 24 3 Murphy, Lynn Marie, MD ...... 18, 49 Shank, Audrey C, MD ...... 24 Nguyen, David, MD ...... 31 Sharman, Kent D, MD ...... 20 Novak, Melissa A, DO ...... 183, 184 Shaw, Matthew A, MD ...... 49 Ochoa Sosa, Silvia, PA-C ...... 61 Sinnott, James J, MD ...... 80 Olson, Sagen M, PA ...... 31, 45 Pandit, Roopa S, MD ...... 62 Pantangi, Vivekanand, MD ...... 52 Parekh, Amisha D, MD ...... 62, 183 Park, Jonathon L, MD ...... 20 Smith, Linda M, MD ...... 80 Parker, Justine E, DO ...... 47 Snyder, Katherine Am, MD ...... 63 Paulson, Daniel K, MD ...... 52 Song, Jianming, MD ...... 88 Pearson, Paul E, MD ...... 47 Perez-Gil, Harold, MD ...... 31 St. Germain, Deanna Marie, DO ...... 100 Stegeman-Olsen, Jenny L, MD ...... 64 Pollack, Bonita C, MD ...... 31 Stein, Howard M, DO ...... 49 Purkaple, Becky, MD ...... 52 Steiner, Erin E, ARNP ...... 64 Ramsay, Molly B, ARNP ...... 62 Steyer, Judith Emily, MD ...... 32 Reese, Randy, MD ...... 31 Stiedemann, Laurel B, PA ...... 32, 46 Reveal, Rebecca Collins, PA ...... 52, 56 Stover, Elizabeth L, MD ...... 52 Riccalarsen, Stephanie A, MD ...... 20 Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA ...... 32, 46 Taube, Michelle J, MD ...... 32 Rizvi, Gulrukh, MD ...... 31 Tedesco, Kerry R, DO ...... 32 Rose, Matthew H, DO ...... 62 Tee, Desmond A, MD ...... 32 Ross, Charles S, DO ...... 49 Rowley, Mildred H, MD ...... 47 Torguson, Lyle R, MD ...... 50 Truxillo, Lauren E, PA-C ...... 64 Ruggeri, Roberta W, DO ...... 19 Vanlue, Lea D, PA ...... 32, 46 Russell, Joseph M, PA ...... 32, 45 Saavedra, Fiorella, PA-C ...... 62 Sabella, Alexandra L, PA-C ...... 62 Volchok, Sabine, MD ...... 64 Sader, Alyssa M, MD ...... 20 Volpi II, Joseph, MD ...... 50 Sanders, Amandajo, DO ...... 32 Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C ...... 32, 46 Sargent, Jason R, MD ...... 23 Satterthwaite-Phillips, Abner, MD ...... 32 Webster, Jennifer L, MD ...... 20 Saulter, Ellen W, DNP ...... 63, 66 Wen, Audrey C, MD ...... 33 Saunders, Emily, PA-C ...... 52, 56 White, Andrew D, PA-C ...... 18 Savage, Jeanne S, MD ...... 63 Schepergerdes, Stephan M, MD ...... 100 Yale, Jerry D, MD ...... 65

353 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Family Medicine: Sports Medicine / Steven Jeffers ...... 72 Medicina familiar: Medicina deportiva Sweet Home Health Center ...... 74 Ellis, Jessica Laine, MD ...... 139 Trillium Family Services ...... 71, 206, 261 Pomranky, Lisa, MD ...... 100, 139 Umpqua CHC Glide ...... 72 Routhier, Denise D, MD ...... 100, 139 Umpqua CHC Sutherlin ...... 72 Family Planning / Planificación familiar Umpqua Community Health Center ...... 72 Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Umpqua Community Health Center - Oregon ...... 286 Roseburg HS ...... 72 Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Umpqua Community Health Center Inc ...... 72 / Centro de salud aprobado por el gobierno Umpqua Community Health Center Sutherlin ...... 72 federal (FQHC, siglas en inglés) White Bird Clinic ...... 74 Adapt ...... 72 Gastroenterology / Gastroenterología Alsea Health Center ...... 71 Bennetts, Roland, MD ...... 184 BC East Linn HC ...... 74 Black, Katherine R, MD ...... 184, 186 BC Lincoln Health Center ...... 71 Buehler, Jeffrey Charles, MD ...... 184 Benton County Health Dept ...... 71 Degregorio, Barry T, MD ...... 184 Community Health Center of Lane County ...... 73 Gonenne, Jonathan, MD ...... 139 Community Health Center-Brookside ...... 73 Hapke, Ronald Jack, MD ...... 185 Community Health Center-Delta Oaks ...... 73 Jazrawi, Saad Fahmi, MD ...... 185 Community Health Centers of Lane Co ...... 73 Kim, Julie Ann, MD ...... 185 Community Health Centers of Lane Le, Thienluong Domi, MD ...... 185, 186 County Methadone Treatment Program ...... 73 Mills, Shane J, MD ...... 139 Community Health Ctr - Charnelton ...... 73 Community Health Ctr - RiverStone ...... 74 Nesmith, Meghan Allison, MD ...... 185 Guchc ...... 71 Park, Harry H, MD ...... 140 Lane Co Alcohol & Drug Offender Platz, Jennifer L, PA ...... 185, 192 Program ...... 73 Poorman, Jay C, MD ...... 185 Lane County Public Health ...... 73 Sim, Davis L, MD ...... 140 McKenzie Willamette Medical Center ...... 74 Smith, Matthew A, MD ...... 185 Myrtle Creek Clinic ...... 72 Stanke, Christopher F, MD ...... 140, 143 Taylor, Derek C, MD ...... 185 Vance, Ralph Brooks, MD ...... 140 Vorlop, Erich D, MD ...... 185 General Acute Care Hospital / Hospital general para enfermedades agudas Rosewood Family Health At Lents ...... 75 Legacy Emanuel Hospital ...... 204, 259 Rosewood Family Health Center ...... 75 Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen ...... 204, 259 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and South River Community Health Center ...... 73 Medical Center ...... 204 SouthRiver Community Health Center ...... 73 Legacy Meridian Park Hospital ...... 204 Springfield High School FQHC ...... 74

354 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center ...... 203 Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care of Mckenzie Willamette Hospital ...... 203 Oregon LLC ...... 278 McKenzie-Willamette Regional Home Infusion / Infusión en el hogar Medical Center ...... 203 Coram Alternate Site Serv ...... 282 Coram Specialty Infusion Services ...... 281 Option Care At Legacy Health ...... 269, 316, 336 Option Care at Legacy Health - Bend ...... 269 Hospice and Palliative Medicine / Hospicio y cuidados paliativos Cytrynbaum, Leo, MD ...... 101, 102 General Acute Care Hospital: Critical Access / Hospital general para Hospice Care, Community Based enfermedades agudas: Acceso en estado Care Partners ...... 280 crítico Cascade Health ...... 273 Hospice Care of the Northwest ...... 277 Health And Hospital Servi ...... 203 MT H ...... 268 Lower Umpqua Hospital ...... 203 Pacific Hospice ...... 268

Serenity Hospice ...... 273, 282 Geriatric Medicine / Medicina geriátrica Serenity Palliative Care And Hospice, Harburg, Thomas D, MD ...... 33 Llc ...... 277 Gerontology, Nurse Practitioner Infectious Disease / Enfermedades Gambee, Leandra J, NP ...... 100 infecciosas Green, Kemble L, NP ...... 33, 37 Barnes, Robert C, MD ...... 101 Hayes, Natalia V, NP ...... 101, 106

Hematology / Hematología Rivera, Rey J, MD ...... 140 Scholtz, Harry A, DO ...... 140, 143 Sharman, Jeff P, MD ...... 101 Internal Medicine / Medicina interna Hematology & Oncology / Hematología y Allcott, John V, MD ...... 33 oncología Bagdade, John D, MD ...... 101 Butrynski, James Edward, MD ...... 101, 102 Bankuru, Satish J, MD ...... 80 Gupta, Vinay, MD ...... 77 Bascom, Paul Benjamin, MD ...... 141 Lonergan, Matthew, MD ...... 77, 101, 104 Bennion, Jonathan Robert, MD ...... 101 Home Health / Atención médica en el hogar Bhandari, Amit, MD ...... 20 Cascade Health Solutions ...... 272, 273 Boyd, Cheryl Joy, MD ...... 33 Good Samaritan Society Eugene ...... 273, 274 Callahan, Elaine H, MD ...... 26 Oregon Continental Home Health Care Carden, Priya, MD ...... 33 Inc ...... 281 Pacific Home Health & Hospice ...... 275 Casburn, Andrew, PA-C ...... 33, 44 Pacific Home Health & Hospice (Coos ...... 268 Cassell, Sidney L, MD ...... 102 Chance, Stacy R, MD ...... 33, 40

355 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Chappell, Jay H, MD ...... 141 Crane, Douglas G, MD ...... 85 Mossberg, Jane E, MD ...... 34 Muller, Christopher M, MD ...... 21 Davenport, Derek J, MD ...... 33, 40 Murphey, Laine J, MD ...... 142 Dobiecka, Agnieszka K, MD ...... 88 Dougherty, Dane H, MD ...... 141, 156 Ongole, Bhaskar, MD ...... 81 Patel, Bhargavbhai K, MD ...... 21 Flynn, Sharon H, MD ...... 33 Patel, Jitendra C, MD ...... 86 Ford, Christina M, MD ...... 24 Patel, Prabhakar A, MD ...... 21 Ford, John R, MD ...... 34 Patel, Ravindra A, MD ...... 21 Frank, Carol, MD ...... 80 Peddagovindu, Bhavani, MD ...... 21 Gilchrist, Doherty B, MD ...... 52 Pittenger, Basil M, MD ...... 21 Gilliland, Kathryn G, MD ...... 34 Ravuri, Rajesh L, MD ...... 21 Gordon, Leah Macke, MD ...... 34 Gutheim, William G, MD ...... 141, 143 Sanghvi, Shalin R, MD ...... 143 Haack, Wendy G, DO ...... 80 Saxman, Karl A, MD ...... 35 Hansen, Diana F, MD ...... 141 Schwarz, Edward R, MD ...... 35 Hinz, William A, MD ...... 142, 156 Shapley, Lee, MD ...... 88 Jackson, Kathleen A, MD ...... 34, 53 Shearer, Ronald N, MD ...... 47 Jacobson, Kirk D, MD ...... 34 Somera, Geraldine A, MD ...... 21 Jaini, Keerti, MD ...... 81 Sprung, Roma J, MD ...... 88 Johnson, Douglas R, DO ...... 47 Tran, Thuyet V, MD ...... 65 Joshi, Sushan, MD ...... 20 Wells, Keith R, MD ...... 77, 103 Wilkins, William E, MD ...... 35, 43 King, William D, MD ...... 81 Yasenchak, Christopher A, MD ...... 103 Kini, Ganesh D, MD ...... 81 Zheng, Shugi, MD ...... 35 Kuhfahl, Petra, MD ...... 34 Laboratory / Laboratorio Kwong, Ronald W, DO ...... 34 Cascade Cytology Reference Lab ...... 278 Labib, Mary F, MD ...... 142, 143 Emerald Sleep Disorders Center ...... 273 LaBonte, Laura E, MD ...... 34 Interpath Laboratory Inc ...... 279 Lewis, Sue A, MD ...... 19 IP Astoria 1 ...... 268 Loeffler, Moxie Jean, DO ...... 53 IP Baker 1 ...... 267 Lohff-Phillips, Jessica C, DO ...... 34, 41 IP Beaverton 1 ...... 280 Luedtke, Patrick F, MD ...... 102, 103, 129 IP Bend 2 ...... 269 Lundy, Theresa M, MD ...... 25 IP Bend 3 ...... 269 Maier, William P, MD ...... 103, 131 IP Bend 4 ...... 269 Marahatta, Ramesh, MD ...... 142, 143 IP Brookings 2 ...... 269 Maxwell, Kathryn Lee, DO ...... 34 IP Canby 1 ...... 267 Miller, Shadi I, MD ...... 34 IP Eugene 1 ...... 273 Moriarty, William J, MD ...... 81 IP Eugene 2 ...... 273 IP Eugene 3 ...... 273

356 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

IP Eugene 4 ...... 273 Escobedo, Cecilia, MFT ...... 235 IP Grants Pass 1 ...... 271 Faloni, Amy, LMFT ...... 207 IP Grants Pass 3 ...... 271 IP Hermiston 1 ...... 279 Field, Teresa, MFT ...... 259 IP Hermiston 2 ...... 279 IP Hood River 1 ...... 270 Johnson, Emily J, LMFT ...... 235 IP Klamath Falls 1 ...... 271 Leonard, Jennifer, MFT ...... 254 IP La Grande 2 ...... 280 Martin, Summer S, LMFT ...... 235 IP La Pine 1 ...... 269 Matz, Kyle G, LMFT ...... 211 IP Ontario 1 ...... 276 Mitchell, Kurtis J, LMFT ...... 235 IP Ontario 2 ...... 276 Nelson, Alice, MFT ...... 207 IP Oregon City 1 ...... 267 Pendleton, Porshea D, MA ...... 236 Ip Pasco 1 ...... 279 Ponsioen, Suzanne M, LMFT ...... 236 IP Pendleton 1 ...... 279 Quayle, Debra, LMFT ...... 211, 236 IP Portland 1 ...... 278 Rexius, Carol J, LMFT ...... 236 IP Portland 3 ...... 278 IP Redmond 1 ...... 270 Salston, MaryDale G, PhD ...... 254 IP SAH ...... 279 Sklar, Jonathan J, MS ...... 264 IP Springfield 1 ...... 275 Stater, Sharon L, LMFT ...... 236 IP Springfield 2 ...... 275 Suzanne Ponsioen Therapy ...... 236 IP Springfield 3 ...... 275 Tobin, Barbara A, LMFT ...... 249 IP Tigard 1 ...... 282 Weisner, Leslie, LMFT ...... 259 Legacy Laboratory Service ...... 278 Wilcox, Danielle, MFT ...... 259 Nepenthe Laboratory Services. LLC ...... 273 Yabek, Ariel, MFT ...... 236 North Bend Medical Center Inc ...... 268 Massage Therapist / Terapeuta de masajes Quest Diagnostics 267, 268, 270, Bauer, Cezanne, MT ...... 103 271, 273, 275, Johnson, Peter Julian, MT ...... 103 276, 277, 278, Mihalcea, Cosmin M, MT ...... 103 ...... 279, 281 Reiter, Olivia, MT ...... 103 Quest Diagnostics Clinical Laboratories ...... 278 Trader, Andrea Mae, MT ...... 103 Springfield Sleep Disorders ...... 275 Medical Oncology / Oncología médica terpath Laboratory Inc ...... 280 Buchanan, Glenn S, MD ...... 136 Marriage & Family Therapist / Terapeuta Fiorillo, Joseph A, MD ...... 104 matrimonial y familiar Fitzharris, John T, MD ...... 104 Alexander, Debra W, LMFT ...... 234 Lee, Jae H, MD ...... 104 Aragon, Eydie, LMFT ...... 207 Banke, Christopher, MFT ...... 208 Midwife / Partera Bonfiglio, Jamie, MFT ...... 208 Abbott, Julie A, CNM ...... 81 Booth, Margaret Lynn, LMFT ...... 234 Armstrong, Susan J, CNM ...... 104 Dockery, Kimberley, LMFT ...... 249 Brookey, Michelle L, NP ...... 104 Elliott, Catherine S, MFT ...... 216 Chaney, Susan L, CNM ...... 81

357 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM ...... 104, 143 Downing-Moore, Emily S, CNM ...... 105, 112 Englander, Raymond Neal, MD ...... 144 Heritage, Christine L, CNM ...... 105, 106 Katz, Madeleine Florence, CNM ...... 105 Herring, Mark Owen, MD ...... 144 Rickman, Kelly L, CNM ...... 105, 112 Irbe, Dainis, MD ...... 105, 130 Snyder, Anna, CNM ...... 105 Naturopath / Naturópata Kiley, James H, MD ...... 144, 249 Baum, Lindsay, ND ...... 65 Kokkino, Andrew J, MD ...... 144, 157 Benson, Ashley, ND ...... 65 Lotman, Anton E, MD ...... 81, 84 Bingham, Nathaniel James, ND ...... 35 Roundy, Neil E, MD ...... 144, 157 Borg, Adrienne M, ND ...... 35 Stachyra, Jessica Leila, MD ...... 144 Del Alba, Lisa, ND ...... 65 Wilder, Michael, MD ...... 144, 145 Esteves, Vanessa P, ND ...... 35, 47 Nurse Practitioner / Enfermero(a) Fitzpatrick, Kelly M, ND ...... 35 practicante Guggino, Stacey, ND ...... 35, 48 Allred, Jennifer E, NP ...... 81 Hermes, James F, ND ...... 35 Anker, Mary N, NP ...... 20 Hoagland, Jacob, DNP ...... 65 Ault, Whitney Renee, NP ...... 66, 188 Kahn, Julie, ND ...... 65 Axline, Briana M, FNP ...... 36 Kates-Chinoy, Sara, ND ...... 66 Baca, Sarah, NP ...... 79 Kithil, Christina, ND ...... 66 Barber, Tina, NP ...... 66 Langlais, Justin, ND ...... 19 Barlow, Miranda, NP ...... 36 LaPoint, Kyle, ND ...... 35 Blackwell, Danielle L, FNP ...... 66 Mazure-Mitchell, Miriam A, ND ...... 105 Bledsoe, Davina, NP ...... 21 McCarthy, Alicia, ND ...... 66 Boriskin, Mitchell I, FNP ...... 50 Meager-Benson, Aarin V, ND ...... 66 Bradley, Kimberly L, FNP ...... 66 Mele, A Brielle, ND ...... 35 Brandon, Tracy, NP ...... 89 Murison, Andrew, ND ...... 36 Breckenridge, Stephanie J, NP ...... 53 Stevens, Samara, ND ...... 186 Bringardner, Patrick Timothy, NP ...... 21 Walter, Timothy W, ND ...... 36 Brisco, Patricia Louise, NP ...... 145 Wilson, Stephanie P, ND ...... 36 Nephrology / Nefrología Buel, Carolyn E, NP ...... 106 Hilbelink, Todd Ronald, MD ...... 186 Burfine, Teresa A, MSN ...... 36 Jesperson, Tricia N, DO ...... 186 , Jennifer, NP ...... 48 Kassakian, Claire T, MD ...... 186 Carboy, Jade, NP ...... 36 Kemper, Nicole M, MD ...... 199 Patel, Monika, DO ...... 186 Cloke, Tia Michelle, DNP ...... 25 Smiley, Clayton M, MD ...... 187 Cooper, Kara M, NP ...... 69 Steed, Leslie M, MD ...... 187 Cossette, Laura L, CRNP ...... 19, 66 Neurology / Neurología Crenshaw, Page M, NP ...... 145 Balm, Michael Ross, MD ...... 143 Criser, Jessica L, FNP ...... 36 Clark, David A, DO ...... 144 Crownover, Mallory G, NP ...... 53

358 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Dean, Marcy E, FNP ...... 25 Jones, Sandra J, NP ...... 48 Kantt, Florencia D, CPNP ...... 38, 43 Dhungana, Elizabeth L, CNP ...... 106, 107 Dooley, Anna Tybel, APRN ...... 36, 47 Kelsey, Kimberly A, NP ...... 67 Douglas, Carma Jb, NP ...... 37 Kucey, Randa, NP ...... 38, 48 Dressel, Gregory T, NP ...... 137, 145, 146 Lam, Mee Wai, FNP ...... 38 Dressel, Sarah M, NP ...... 25 Larsen, Tisha Marie, FNP ...... 24 Duke, Audrey M, FNP ...... 21 Durrant, Jennifer L, FNP ...... 53 Lutz, JoAnne E, NP ...... 38 Dzata, Vivian E, PNP ...... 53, 55 Marichal, Gabriela, NP ...... 38 Eastman, Bruce L, NP ...... 23 Maxwell, Ryan G, FNP ...... 48 Eden, Audrey, MSN ...... 37 Mcnamara, Michael C, NP ...... 90 Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP ...... 90, 136, 145 Meeker, Katherine, APRN ...... 17 Faucher, Vicki Tarver, NP ...... 81 Merrick, Jeannie M, NP ...... 38 Ferguson, Ann Maria V, FNP ...... 22 Meyer, Skyler S, FNP ...... 25 Foerst, Laura F, FNP ...... 17 Moon, Jennifer, NP ...... 17 Morris, Erik P, NP ...... 106, 109 Munson, Allyson C, NP ...... 17 Garcin, Alan J, ACNP ...... 145 Murdoch, Jennifer, NP ...... 199 Gibson, Nancy Marie, FNP ...... 67 Goff, Sara, FNP ...... 23, 24 Nance, Alison M, NP ...... 38, 53 Goracke Olguin, Betty, NP ...... 37 Graham, Aprill, NP ...... 48 Ong, Yee, NP ...... 53 Haggett, Craig Steven, FNP ...... 67 Ormond, Bonna R, FNP ...... 38 Passarelli, Susan, NP ...... 20 Hamilton, Megan L, FNP ...... 37 Peck, Craig A, NP ...... 145 Heap, Lisa, FNP ...... 37 Helgert, Margaret M, FNP ...... 67 Pulver, Rachel A, NP ...... 79 Rice, Melissa, APRN ...... 50 Ritchie, Su Lin J, NP ...... 67 Hoefener, Barbara E, NP ...... 37 Roberts, Jason Davidson, ARNP ...... 39 Holt, Timothy S, NP ...... 187 Roco, Martin R, FNP ...... 26 Hounsel, Wendy, NP ...... 37 Howard, Becky J, NP ...... 37 Scadlock, Nathan W, NP ...... 39 Hughes, Andrew J, FNP ...... 106, 145 Schneider, Devon E, FNP ...... 26 Humphrey, Amy K, FNP ...... 67 Schoonover, Katherine J, FNP ...... 39 Scott, Kymry, NP ...... 145, 153 Jarrell, Cailin K, FNP ...... 19

Johnston, Vanessa, FNP ...... 38 Smith, Kelly W, NP ...... 21

359 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Rocco, Kari E, FNP ...... 108

Stevens, Kimberlly J, NP ...... 24 Schultz, Heidi R, NP ...... 146 Swanson, Jodi L, RN ...... 39 Semple, Heidi M, FNP ...... 147 Syverson, Rebekah A, NP ...... 90 Toyama, Hiroe L, NP ...... 146 Tokich, Pauletta J, FNP ...... 85 Tuman, Colleen E, NP ...... 108 Villarreal, Maria N, NP ...... 68 Wayne, Melanie, NP ...... 108 Voegeli, Cynthia R, NP ...... 49 Wallace, Kristi J, NP ...... 39 Nurse Practitioner: Pediatrics / Webb, Jessica A, PNP ...... 107, 109 Enfermero/a profesional: Pediatría Weber, Ashley K, FNP ...... 21 Wolanin, Cassandra M., ACNP ...... 146 Works, Laura D, NP ...... 19 Yaver, Jodi B, ARNP ...... 39 Zaworski, Caroline J, NP ...... 77 Zuberi, Laurel R, NP ...... 199 Nurse Practitioner: Psych/Mental Health / Zurita, Jody M, FNP ...... 85, 90 Enfermero(a) practicante: Nurse Practitioner: Family / Enfermero/a Psiquiatría/Salud mental profesional: Familia Akins, James T, NP ...... 108 Banger, Sarah, NP ...... 188 Brown, Dawn M, FNP ...... 146 Berger, Alicia, NP ...... 147 Carter, Amy Jean, NP ...... 199 Damewood, Toni L, NP ...... 91 Cotton, Pamela, NP ...... 107 Demerich, Megan, NP ...... 188 Derlacki, Mary, FNP ...... 107 Desocio, Janiece E, NP ...... 188 Dodd, Kamara, FNP ...... 81 Dimitre, Virginia Louise, NP ...... 108 Dorfmeister, Jesse Allen, FNP ...... 81 Feltner, Nancy, MSN ...... 136 Dudek, Suzanne R, FNP ...... 91 Fox, Robin, PMHNP ...... 108 Goddard, Molly G, NP ...... 77 Garbett, Tanya M, NP ...... 107 Henry, Kelly D, APMHNP ...... 108 Hoyt, Justin, NP ...... 77 Jenson, Jody, NP ...... 188 Iwaski, Ellen L, FNP ...... 188 McDuffee, Katherine, NP ...... 200 Mostul, Tyler, NP ...... 188 Leider, Camille E, FNP ...... 146 Murphy, Jonathan, NP ...... 189 Lombardi, Gabriela A, FNP ...... 82 Sheehan, Brooke A, NP ...... 189 Steinbacher, Kristi K, NP ...... 109 Maghan, Lindsay, NP ...... 92 Obstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia y Martin, Jessica E, FNP ...... 146 ginecología Reel Davis, Chaney, NP ...... 188, 189 Anderson, Charles K, MD ...... 109

360 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Austin, Douglas J, MD ...... 109 York, Catherine A, MD ...... 148 Balderston, Keith D, MD ...... 147, 148 York, Heather L, MD ...... 111 Beller, Byrke O, MD ...... 109 Occupational Health, Nurse Practitioner Betterton, Gillian M, MD ...... 109 Pierson, Shanlee J, NP ...... 112 Beyerlein, Richard A, MD ...... 109 Occupational Therapist / Terapeuta Bock, Kimberly A, MD ...... 147 ocupacional Clausen, Charlotte A, MD ...... 147, 148, 150 Amara, Debora A, OTR-L ...... 198 Cooper, Brant L, MD ...... 110 Anderson, Paul E, OT ...... 112 Edwards, Kimberly Ann, MD ...... 110 Angelastro, Amie J, OT ...... 112 Edwards, Melissa D, MD ...... 110 Batchelor, Julie L, OT ...... 82 Fink, Brigitte D, MD ...... 82 Brandenburg, Erin, OT ...... 148 Freeman, Jennifer R, MD ...... 147 Cioffredi, Michaela, PT 112, 119, 148, Garrett, Audrey P, MD ...... 110, 112 ...... 151 Gerhards, Sara, MD ...... 110 Cline, Jessica Lee, OT ...... 112, 148 Gill, Geoffrey J, MD ...... 110 Cobb, Marlena E, OT ...... 112 Groth, Stephan J, MD ...... 82 Courtney, Leslie, OT ...... 112 Gruchacz, Catherine A, MD ...... 82 Csajko, Alexander S, OT ...... 82 Haugen, Julie A, MD ...... 110 Davis-OLD, Allison, OT ...... 148 Herrmann, David Michael, MD ...... 147 Davis, Allison, PT ...... 113, 149 Higdon, Johanna Lyn, MD ...... 110 Engber, Deanna S, PC 79, 198, 208, James, Kimberly L, MD ...... 82 ...... 265 Jewett, Paula H, MD ...... 147 Kelel, Kristy M, MD ...... 147 Guerin, Jesse, OT ...... 86 Keller, Lisa, MD ...... 110 Konradi, Melanie, MD ...... 110 Hurley, Jocelyn J, OT ...... 113 Kyle, Brooke, MD ...... 148 McCauley, Maureen, OT ...... 113 Lee, Richard H, MD ...... 110 McCarthy, Amy P, MD ...... 111 Meadowcroft, Carrie F, PT ...... 113, 149 Mertz, Katria L, MD ...... 111 Mitchell, Luke A, OT ...... 113 Mitchell, Timothy B, MD ...... 148 Mroz, Jennifer A, OT ...... 113 Monji, Zena I, MD ...... 111 O'Rourke, Luke W, DO ...... 111 Petersen, Katherine, OT ...... 90 Pearson, Tuesday, DO ...... 189 Reilly, Martha M, MD ...... 111 Rossberg, Casey, OT ...... 114 Schnapper, Tina S, MD ...... 111 Saunders, Virginia A, OT ...... 114, 123 Schram, Sarah H, MD ...... 111 Wagers, Stephanie A, OTR-L ...... 114 Stenshoel, Tamara A, MD ...... 111 Ophthalmology / Oftalmología Temple, Suzanne T, MD ...... 111 Aryah, Keyhan F, MD ...... 297, 304, 305 Tufariello, Jennifer M, MD ...... 111 Beardsley, Robert M, MD ...... 296, 297, 305 Williams, Sohee G, MD ...... 111 Witt, Lanita C, MD ...... 88, 89 Bordewick, Dianna L, MD ...... 297

361 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Ebert, Pam, OD ...... 300 Edwards, Albert O, MD ...... 298 Ehlen, Richard W, OD ...... 301 Fausett, Blake V, MD-PhD ...... 298 Goo, Norman M, OD ...... 301 Fine, I. Howard, MD ...... 298, 305 Hackett, David Andrew, OD ...... 301 Grillo, Anthony P, MD ...... 298 Hedberg, Nicholas, OD ...... 301 Haines, John H, MD ...... 298, 303, 305 Jung, Steve K, OD ...... 301 Hoffman, Richard S, MD ...... 298, 303 Kittock, Julie A, OD ...... 304 Hunter, Allan A, MD ...... 298, 303, 305 Kwon, Marielle R, OD ...... 307 Hunts, John H, MD ...... 298 Lackman, Michael S, OD ...... 301, 302 Lorenzen, Bradley J, OD ...... 302 Karren, Kent A, MD ...... 299, 304, 306 Mans, Justin T, OD ...... 296, 304 Karth, John W, MD ...... 296, 299, 306 Mans, Robert A, OD ...... 296, 304 Karth, Peter A, MD ...... 296, 299, 306 Merritt, Cathy L, OD ...... 297 Kunz, Walter B, MD 299, 304, 305, Morey, Jeffrey A, OD ...... 302 ...... 306 Neitz, Danny W, OD ...... 302 Lee, Daniel Y, MD ...... 295 Palm, Toby J, OD ...... 296 Lee, Michael S, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Patel, Hiren, OD ...... 302 Lim, Janet M, MD ...... 299 Phillips, Jerry L, OD ...... 302 Ma, Colin, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Reimers, Loren S, OD ...... 303 Malihi, Mehrdad, MD ...... 299 Rowe, William Dale, OD ...... 304 Neale, Matthew D, MD ...... 299 Sharp, James E, OD ...... 303, 304 Ofner, Steven, MD ...... 299 Stoner, Michael W, OD ...... 306 Patel, Apurva K, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Thomas, Jeffrey K, OD ...... 303 Polansky, John D, MD ...... 299 Thompson, Bethany Lynn, OD ...... 305 Otolaryngology / Otolaringología Sims, Annette Chang, MD ...... 300 Brackebusch, Joyce M, MD ...... 114 Smoluch, Leslie P, MD ...... 305 Hurbis, Charles Gerard, MD ...... 82 Knackstedt, James J, MD ...... 114 Takusagawa, Hana L, MD ...... 300, 306 Shimotakahara, Steven G, MD ...... 82 Optometrist / Optometrista Tom, William D, MD ...... 114 Arbow, Timothy J, OD ...... 300 Urben, Susan L, MD ...... 114 Bautista, Robin E, OD ...... 297, 300, 304 Vivek, Prashant P, MD ...... 114 Cates, Tyler O, OD ...... 300 Webster, William W, MD ...... 82 Cheslock, James P, OD ...... 296 Pain Medicine / Medicina del dolor Cleveland, Trevor J, OD ...... 305 Dunn, Joseph S, MD ...... 114 Coutant, Ben Eston, OD ...... 300 Kosek, Peter S, MD ...... 149 Crossland, Nicole, OD ...... 305 Moore, Gregory A, MD ...... 115, 117 Cuevas, Ronald V, OD ...... 300 Morgan, Donna M, MD ...... 115 deCalesta, Daran, OD ...... 303 Sills, Shawn M, MD ...... 91 Dunks, Carrie N, OD ...... 300 Pediatrics / Pediatría Dunn, William A, OD ...... 305 Amador, Carolina D, MD ...... 17

362 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Anderson, Jonathan E, MD ...... 82 Koester, Michael C, MD 115, 116, 149, ...... 151 LaGesse, Philip C, MD ...... 22 Bennett, Alysha, MD ...... 39

Lanza, Miguel V, MD ...... 83 Lash, Craig A, MD ...... 41

Bradshaw, Pilar A, MD ...... 40 Braun, Loranee, MD ...... 40, 43 Buchholz, Mark T, MD ...... 189, 190 Miller, David S, MD ...... 41 Burchell, Mary Fowler, MD ...... 149 Moore, Mary L, MD ...... 22 Moshtael, Naghmeh, MD ...... 189 Carroll, Monique J, DO ...... 54 Murphy, Angelique H, MD ...... 22 Castaneda, Elianne, MD ...... 40 Newman, Ross, MD ...... 41 Colgrove, Eric E, MD ...... 40 Ortiz, Karen, MD ...... 42 Crenwelge, Katherine E, MD ...... 54 Crispen, Charles R, DO ...... 40 Cruz, Kariktan G, MD ...... 22 Rastogi, Maynika V, MD ...... 22 Dalton, Emily D, MD ...... 40 Deleon, Jenni C, MD ...... 22 Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, MD ...... 42, 115, 116 Diehl, Michael A, MD ...... 40 Sanderson, Laura R, MD ...... 42

Everett, Rolanda R, MD ...... 54 Schmitt, Edward J, MD ...... 42, 55 Fish, Corey A, MD ...... 68, 189 Frank, Jeffrey Russell, MD ...... 149, 150 Schwartz, Megan Caitlin, MD ...... 68 Selva, Karin Ann, MD ...... 189, 190

Geisler, Anita A, MD ...... 41 Shillington, Holly M, MD ...... 43 Grenier, Catherine A, MD ...... 54

Hemsley, Gregory B, MD ...... 54 Weiner, Karen, MD ...... 43 Wong, Lorna J, MD ...... 43 Hokari, Naoko, MD ...... 54 Yost, Jon C, MD ...... 83 Huffman, Todd A, MD ...... 54 Young, Clayton W, MD ...... 55 Pediatrics, Nurse Practitioner Brakebush, Sara L, NP ...... 22 Pediatrics: Cardiology / Pediatría: Kinkel, Amy Nicole, MD ...... 55 Cardiología

363 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Legras, Marc D, MD ...... 189 Ardon Health LLC ...... 328 Asante Rrmc Pharmacy ...... 319 Pediatrics: Developmental - Behavioral / Asante Three Rivers Pharmacy ...... 320 Pediatría: Pediatría del desarrollo y Ashland Drug ...... 318 conductual Axelacare ...... 316 Bandon Community Pharmacy ...... 315 Pediatrics: Endocrinology / Pediatría: Banks Pharmacy ...... 334 Endocrinología Beaverton Pharmacy ...... 334 Bhs Pharmacy ...... 322 Pediatrics: Gastroenterology / Pediatría: Bi-mart Pharmacy 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, Gastroenterología pediátrica 319, 320, 321, Moyer, Kathryn D, MD ...... 190 322, 323, 324, Sheiko, Melissa A, MD ...... 190 325, 326, 327, Pediatrics: Hematology-Oncology / 328, 332, 333, Pediatría: Hemato-oncología pediátrica 334, 335, 336, ...... 337 Haley, Kristina M, DO ...... 190 Black Oak Pharmacy ...... 319 Broadway Apothecary ...... 322 Pediatrics: Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine / Brownsville Pharmacy ...... 325 Pediatría: Medicina neonatal y perinatal Care Plus Cvs/pharmacy ...... 329 Leonard, Douglas T, MD ...... 150 Cascade Pharmacy ...... 320 Pediatrics: Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Caves Pharmacy ...... 320 / Pediatría: Discapacidades del Center Pharmacy ...... 337 neurodesarrollo Central City Concern Pharmacy ...... 329 Central Oregon Phcy & Compd ...... 317 Pediatrics: Pulmonology / Pediatría: Chemawa Indian Hlth Ctr Pharmacy ...... 326 Neumología pediátrica Clinic Pharmacy ...... 315 Coast Community Pharmacy ...... 316 Pediatrics: Urology / Pediatría: Urología Columbia Memorial Hosp Op Phcy ...... 314 pediátrica Columbia Pharmacy ...... 329 Hirselj, Daniel A, MD ...... 190, 194 Community Compounding Pharmacy ...... 312 Pharmacist / Farmacéutico Coram Alternate Site Svcs ...... 336 Corner Drug Mappus, Jennifer, PHARM.D...... 116 ...... 316 Costco Pharmacy 312, 314, 316, Pharmacy / Farmacia 317, 318, 322, @pharmacy.com ...... 328 324, 326, 329, Albertson's Pharmacy 313, 317, 318, ...... 334, 335, 336 319, 321, 322, Cottage Grove Community Hospital ...... 321 323, 328, 332, Credena Health ...... 329 ...... 335 Creswell Health Mart ...... 321 Albertsons Pharmacy ...... 337 Cutters Hi School Pharmacy ...... 313 Apothecary At Good Samaritan Hosp...... 328

364 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

CVS Pharmacy 312, 314, 319, Klamath Tribal Health Pharmacy ...... 321 322, 323, 324, Lancaster Family Health Center ...... 326 326, 328, 329, Legacy Mount Hood Medical Cntr ...... 328 ...... 334, 335, 336 Lens Drug ...... 318 Diabetes Community Care Team ...... 322 Lone Pine Drug ...... 319 Division Pharmacy Inc ...... 329 Lower Umpqua Hospital Pharmacy ...... 317 Drug Mart Pharmacy ...... 317 Luke-dorf Pharmacy ...... 329 Economy Drugs ...... 325 Malheur Drug ...... 325, 326 Elm Street Pharmacy ...... 324 Mccann's Pharmacy ...... 336 Emanuel Pharmacy ...... 329 Mccoys Pharmacy ...... 321 Fairleys Healthcare ...... 329 Medical Office Building Phcy ...... 336 Fairleys Pharmacy Inc ...... 329 Medicap Pharmacy ...... 320, 325 Florence Pharmacy ...... 323 Meridian Park Med Ctr Comm Phc ...... 337 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, Mill City Pharmacy 314, 315, 316, ...... 325 317, 319, 320, Mount Angel Drug ...... 326 321, 322, 323, Murrays Boardman Pharmacy ...... 328 324, 325, 326, Nara Indian Health Clinic ...... 329 328, 329, 332, Newera Pharmacy ...... 330 333, 334, 335, Northwest Compounding Phcy ...... 317 ...... 336, 337 Oak Tree Pharmacy ...... 326 Gateway Medical Pharmacy ...... 329 Geary Street Clinic Pharmacy ...... 325 Genoa Healthcare LLC 315, 319, 320, ...... 322 Genoa QOL Healthcare LLC ...... 316 Genoa-qol Healthcare 313, 325, 326, ...... 328 Gold Hill Pharmacy ...... 319 Grand Ronde Health And Wellness ...... 332 Grants Pass Pharmacy Inc ...... 320 Hermiston Drug ...... 333 Hi School Pharmacy ...... 312, 314, 332 Hi-school Pharmacy #1188 ...... 324 Omnicare Of Medford ...... 319 Hillsboro United Drugs ...... 335 Omnicare Of Portland ...... 330 Hillsdale Pharmacy ...... 329 Option Care ...... 337 Hirons Drug ...... 322 Outside In Pharmacy ...... 330 Hometown Drugs ...... 320 Paramount Drug ...... 314 Hometown Drugs Of Roseburg ...... 317 Paulsens Pharmacy ...... 330 Howard's Drugs ...... 321 Peacehealth Employee Benf Phcy ...... 323 Infinity Compounding Solutions ...... 311 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy ...... 330, 336 Isse Pharmacy Services ...... 312 Pharmblue Oregon LLC ...... 319 Klamath Open Door Family Practice P ...... 321 Pharmerica ...... 311

365 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Philomath Family Pharmacy ...... 312 Samaritan Lebanon Comm Pharmacy ...... 325 Physicians Building Pharmacy ...... 326 Samaritan North Lincoln Hosp Phcy ...... 324 Postal Pharmacy ...... 323 Samaritan Pacific Comm Hosp Phcy ...... 324 Postal Prescription Services ...... 330 Samaritan Pharmacy Services ...... 311 Propac Payless Pharmacy ...... 322 Sav-on Pharmacy 311, 313, 316, Providence Hood River Pharmacy ...... 318 ...... 320, 323, 337 Providence Plaza Pharmacy ...... 330 Semperts Drug Store ...... 315 Providence Seaside Phcy ...... 314 Sheridan Pharmacy ...... 337 Providence Specialty Phcy Svcs ...... 330 Siletz Community Hlth Clinic ...... 324 Qfc Pharmacy ...... 330, 336 Silverton Health ...... 327 Quisenberry Pharmacies ...... 326 Simple Meds ...... 311 Quisenberry Pharmacy ...... 326 Siskiyou Community Health Center ...... 320 Red Cross Drug Store ...... 333 Sky Lakes Downtown Pharmacy ...... 321 Reedsport Pharmacy ...... 317 Sky Lakes Outpatient Pharmacy ...... 321 Rices Pharmacy ...... 311 Southeast Health Clinic Phcy ...... 331 Rinehart Pharmacy LLC ...... 332 St Charles Community Pharmacy ...... 316 Rite Aid Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, Stayton Pharmacy LLC ...... 327 314, 315, 316, Sublimity Pharmacy Services Inc ...... 327 317, 318, 319, Tillamook Pharmacy ...... 332 320, 321, 322, Trinity Valley Pharmacy LLC ...... 320 323, 324, 325, Union Drug Company ...... 333 326, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333, Valley Drugs ...... 318 334, 335, 336, Vg Beaverton Pharmacy ...... 334 ...... 337 Vg Hillsboro Pharmacy ...... 335 Rogue Community Health Phcy ...... 319 Vg Mcminnville Pharmacy ...... 337 Rogue River Pharmacy ...... 320 Virginia Garcia Mem Hlth Ctr Phcy ...... 335 Rogue Valley Rx ...... 319 Walgreens 312, 313, 314, Rx Care Pharmacy ...... 311 315, 316, 317, Rx Crossroads ...... 311 318, 319, 321, 323, 324, 325, Rx Pharmacy ...... 337 326, 327, 328, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, Safeway Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, ...... 337 314, 315, 316, Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy ...... 334, 341 317, 318, 319, Walmart Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, 320, 321, 322, 314, 315, 316, 323, 324, 325, 317, 318, 319, 326, 327, 328, 321, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 325, 326, 327, 334, 335, 336, 328, 331, 332, ...... 337 333, 335, 336, Salem Hosp Outpatient Retail Phcy ...... 327 ...... 337 Salud Medical Center ...... 327

366 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Waterfall Community Pharmacy ...... 315 Bassett, Nicole M, PT ...... 88 Wellness Compouding Pharmacy ...... 319 Bayshore Physical Therapy ...... 279 West Main Pharmacy ...... 320 Benton, Amy E, PT ...... 167, 173, 194 Westside Pharmacy ...... 316 Berven, Ty N, PT ...... 119, 151 Willamette Valley Cancer Institute ...... 323 Billeaudeaux, Ryan, PT ...... 119 Yellowhawk Tribal Health Ctr ...... 333 Blackwell, Keith R, PT ...... 119 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Blanchard, Jeffrey R, PT ...... 173 Medicina física y rehabilitación Boim, Rachel L, PT 167, 173, 174, Andresen, Bryan L, MD ...... 116 ...... 194 Arnold, Jonathan D, PT ...... 116, 118, 151 Bortle, Michaela M, DPT ...... 119 Arnsdorf, Robert E, MD ...... 116 Bridge, Patrick M, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT 116, 117, 119, ...... 151 Capellino, Vincent D, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Button, Jeanne H, MD ...... 190 Cavin, James W, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Degen, Jeffrey W, MD ...... 190 Chadd, Joanna M, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Holte, David A, PT 117, 120, 151, Cheal, Lawrence R, PT ...... 83 ...... 152 Clay, Melissa A, PT ...... 119 Koon, David Chi-Chiu, MD ...... 191 Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Lawlor, Jennifer Kathleen, MD ...... 191 Correia, Nathaniel R, PT 168, 174, 175, Lin, Victor K, MD ...... 117 ...... 195 McClary, Keegan John, MD ...... 117 Cruz, Molly J, PT ...... 198 McKeown, Jana K, DO ...... 191 Dankberg, Tia R, PT ...... 119, 152 Phillips, Gregory M, MD ...... 117 Dede, Kisten L, PT ...... 152 Schmeer, Jamie L, DO ...... 191 Dimalanta, Kim D, PT ...... 120 Shupe, Tyler A, DPT ...... 151, 153 Dondero, Bryan J, PT ...... 120 Stowell, Erik D, MD ...... 117 Duke, Brian, PT ...... 120, 152 Versage, Pamela J, PT ...... 117, 124 Durando, Shane M, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 Vora, Rishi, DO ...... 117 Eisaman, Tami R, PT ...... 120 Walkup, Cody W, PT 118, 124, 151, Embley, Ryan D, PT ...... 120 ...... 153 English, Laura Kathryn, PT ...... 120 Weller, Kathrin A, MD ...... 118 Falquist, Eric D, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 White, Daniel A, PT 118, 124, 151, Finney, Kelly Marie, PT ...... 152 ...... 153 Groenendaal-Zomershoe, Mirian W, Wilson, Michael R, DO ...... 191 PT ...... 83 Physical Therapist / Fisioterapeuta Hagemeyer, Joshua J, DPT ...... 152 Adams, Kristen, PT ...... 87 Hampton, Hope A, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 Ahearn, Rose Elena, PT ...... 118 Hardebeck, Laura J, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT ...... 167, 173, 194 Harney, Allison M, PT ...... 175 Alexander, Kylee D, PT ...... 118 Harrison, Joel S, PT ...... 175 Apte, Gail G, PT ...... 118 Hill, Sierra, PT ...... 120, 152 Ball, Jason D, PT ...... 173 Hilton, Valerie J, PT ...... 152 Banks, Justin J, PT ...... 118 Hmura, Michael S, PT ...... 120

367 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Holbrook, Leah J, PT 168, 175, 176, Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT 164, 169, 178, ...... 195 ...... 196 Hooley, Donald P, PT ...... 93, 121, 152 Randall, Jennifer, PT ...... 122, 153 Hurley, Connor R, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Reddy, Bhavana R, PT 165, 169, 178, Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 ...... 196 Hyatt, Juliette L, PT ...... 83 Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT 165, 169, 178, Jarbath, Jean P, PT ...... 168 ...... 196 Jeffery, Anne L, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Robert, Steven M, DPT ...... 122 Jensen, Danielle L, PT ...... 83 Robinson, Michael G, PT ...... 122 Jerkins, Amanda C, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Robinson, Rachel, PT ...... 123 Jones, Jeffrey S, PT ...... 88 Salyer, Ryan C, DPT ...... 87 Jurgensen, Amy K, PT ...... 121 Schmidt, Bren F, PT 165, 169, 178, ...... 196 Klein, Jesse E, PT ...... 121 Schoonover, Tiffany A, PT ...... 178 Knorr, Anna M, PT ...... 87 Schroetke, Samuel S, PT ...... 198 Lavrinenko, Aleksey V, PT ...... 152 Sevilla, Malinda C, PT ...... 153 Leidholt, John T, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Sheely, Susan L, PT ...... 88 Lerma, Keegan K, PT ...... 176 Sloan, Catherine P, PT 165, 170, 178, Lloyd, Erin D, DPT ...... 198 ...... 196 Lupinski, James D, DPT ...... 121 Smetana, Julia A, PT 165, 170, 179, Maloney, Ellen A, DPT ...... 121 ...... 196 Martini, Caitlin J, PT ...... 169, 177, 195 Smith, Gail D, PT ...... 87 Martins, Annalissa, DPT ...... 83 Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT 165, 170, 179, ...... 196 Matyas, Jennifer L, PT ...... 121 Spalding Murillo, Leslie R, PT ...... 123 McCue, Lauryn, DPT ...... 121 Spink, Jillian E, PT 165, 170, 179, Mcgowan, John C, PT ...... 122 ...... 197 McHugh, Aspen K, PT ...... 121 Standifer, David B, PT ...... 123, 153 McKibben, Carla, PT ...... 121 Steller, Nicholas R, PT ...... 170 Meyer, Kaylene M, PT ...... 169, 177, 196 Stephens, Jacob, DPT ...... 123 Modafferi, Alison A, PT 164, 169, 177, Stewart, Samuel Thomas, PT ...... 123 ...... 196 Sturzinger, Jenna N, PT ...... 179 Molzahn, Logan Anne Thompson, PT . . 93, 122, 152 Summers, Christine M, PT 165, 170, 179, Nelson, Jered R, PT ...... 122 ...... 197 Newell, Bethany A, PT 164, 169, 177, Supplitt, Ryne P, PT 165, 170, 179, ...... 196 ...... 197 Noble, Alan M, PT ...... 122 Thwing, Amy L, PT 166, 170, 180, Pannebaker, Joshua E, PT ...... 177 ...... 197 Parkerson, Morgan M, PT ...... 122 Treeheart, Elizabeth A, PT ...... 123 Patron, Elizabeth A, PT 164, 169, 177, Truong, Laura, PT 166, 170, 180, ...... 196 ...... 197 Perilli, Laurel P, PT 164, 169, 177, Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT 166, 171, 180, ...... 178, 196 ...... 197

368 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Valenti, Timothy P, PT 166, 171, 180, Bourgault, Cheryl R, PA ...... 125 ...... 197 Brandt, Kevin M, PA ...... 154 Van Winkle, Kimberly S, PT ...... 123, 153 Brooks, Lindsay E, PA ...... 154 Vasey, Caitlin E., PT ...... 123 Cain, Ryan L, PA ...... 93, 125, 154 Vaughn, Jason M, PT 166, 171, 180, Cherry, Adam T, PA ...... 78 ...... 197 Christner, Kelly M, PA ...... 154 Vecsey, Brett R, PT ...... 124 Collings, Lisette F, PA ...... 44 Wachter, Rachel J, PT 166, 171, 180, ...... 197 Critchlow, Kasey L, PA-C ...... 125 Walish, Kyla J, PT 166, 171, 181, ...... 197 Curry, Nelya Drofyak, PA ...... 44 Wall, Erin E, PT 166, 171, 181, Dean, Nicholas E, PA ...... 69 ...... 197 Farro, Brittany Jade, PA ...... 154 Walters, William R, PT 166, 171, 181, Fielder, Kimberlee A, PA ...... 125, 154 ...... 197 Fillmore, Mallory L, PA ...... 154 Washko, Brittany M, PT ...... 92 Fisher, Tom C, PA ...... 44 Watroba, Amanda R, DPT ...... 83 Weber, Joseph, PT ...... 124 Friedman, Howie, PA ...... 125 Wegley, Roger S, PT ...... 88 Glenn, Kim, PA ...... 27 Wilging, Sean D, PT ...... 124, 153 Hakala, Christine M, PA ...... 44 Wilkins, Katrina J, PT ...... 167, 171, 181 Hanauska, Jodi N, PA-C ...... 154 Will, Ruth C, PT ...... 137 Harp, Joseph S, PA ...... 154 Wilson, Paul I, PT ...... 167, 171, 181 Hatch, Brent D, PA-C ...... 83 Winslow, Jacob, PT ...... 124 Head, Winthrop T, PA ...... 85, 90, 92 Wise, Lacey N, PT ...... 125 Heuer, Ashley D, PA ...... 90, 92 Withrow, Galen P, PT ...... 125 Hill, Lesa A, PA ...... 125 Wright, Kelsy A, PT ...... 167, 172, 181 Huffman, Sara, PA-C ...... 83, 126, 154 Yeh, Hsu-hung, PT ...... 182 Zerkel, Steven W, PT ...... 91 Ingold, Lisa M, PA-C ...... 155 Zomershoe, Thomas S, PT ...... 83 Physician Assistant / Auxiliar médico Jacobson, Karen A, PA ...... 200 Allen, Brian J, PA ...... 83 Johnson, Karrie, PA-C ...... 126 Jones, Theresa R, PA-C ...... 68 Babich, Jennifer L, PA ...... 125, 153 Jorgensen, Chad A, PA ...... 155 Barton, David, PA-C ...... 48 Karns, Meredith June, PA ...... 56 Barton, Lucy A, PA ...... 153 Kocian, Jason A, PA ...... 126 Beasley, Kara, PA ...... 125 Kosloff, Gregg V, PA-C ...... 155 Bentley, Daniel J, PA ...... 125 Kulacz, Anna, PA-C ...... 25 Bergander, Linn L, PA ...... 125 Kuzma, Sarah E, PA-C ...... 155 Best, Keith M, PA ...... 44 Bicker, Micah S, PA ...... 18 Lee, Caitlin, PA ...... 126, 155 Blundon, Karen A, PA ...... 56 Lee, Kenneth E, PA ...... 182

369 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Leece, Laurie A, PA-C ...... 155 Scheidt, Kenzie A, PA ...... 156 Littlejohn, Amy D, PA ...... 155 Schneider, Rebecca, PA ...... 45 Loner, Jaclyn, PA ...... 90, 92 MacDonald, Dori, PA ...... 69, 191 Seidel, Luke, PA ...... 127, 156 Mansell, Griffin, PA-C ...... 90 Shaughnessy, Magdalene Clare, PA ...... 84 McAllister, Christy S, PA ...... 155 Sloanes, Chelsea J, PA ...... 46, 56 McAllister, Marvin H., PA-C ...... 155 Smith, Benjamin J, PA ...... 57 Mckinney, Jennifer, PA ...... 155 Sokol, Brittney E, PA ...... 57 Mcstravick, Leslie W, PA ...... 126 Sopka, Gregory J, PA ...... 84 McWilliams, Morio C, PA ...... 45 Stappler, Alice R, PA-C ...... 22 Meisel, Harry, PA ...... 45 Stevens, Lisa J, PA ...... 127 Myers, Joel P, PA-C ...... 50 Tensen, Amy, PA-C ...... 48 Thatcher, Paul C, PA ...... 127, 156 Nguyen, Linh, PA-C ...... 90 Thompson, Jacob, PA-C ...... 91 Nicholson, Joshua Ryan, PA ...... 49 Tingey, Leigha, PA ...... 156 Noonan, Elena Noemi, PA ...... 56 Tomasoski, Zachary P, PA-C ...... 50 O'Hala, Joseph D, PA-C ...... 45 Valenzuela, Eduardo R, PA ...... 46 Olson, Lisa M, PA ...... 126 Viner, Trina J, PA ...... 49 Paredes, , PA ...... 48 Vogel, William L, PA ...... 26 Parks, Devon A, PA ...... 126 Vouch, Sarah, PA-C ...... 85, 91, 92 Walker, Sarah, PA-C ...... 127 Peterson, Ralph G, PA-C ...... 126 Watson, Angela E, PA ...... 156 Weih, H Edwin, PA ...... 50 Phillips, Colleen D, PA ...... 192 Weinman, Amanda G, PA ...... 127 Pincock, Camille, PA ...... 49 Wells, Mark A, PA-C ...... 57, 156 Queer, Jason, PA-C ...... 126, 135 White, Kery, PA ...... 127 Rabacal, Sean T, PA ...... 126 Reen, Marissa Anne, PA-C ...... 45 Worthington, Skyler S, PA ...... 46 Renna, Jeffrey C, PA ...... 45 Wren, Cassandra M, PA ...... 127 Riehl, Christopher H, PA ...... 84 Wright, Jessica Katherine, PA ...... 46 Riportella, Jacob C, PA ...... 126, 155 Zimmerman, Daniel J, PA ...... 57 Roberts, Chelsea Z, PA ...... 69, 192 Podiatry / Podiatría Rodriguez, Alberto A, PA ...... 69 Arabshahi, Hamid Reza, DPM ...... 182, 200 ROGERS, JADDON, PA-C ...... 90, 92 Bennett, William A, DPM ...... 86 Roth, Debra E, PA ...... 127 Bowen, Brian M, DPM ...... 192 Roth, Zachary A, PA ...... 127, 134 Bullock, Gina M, DPM ...... 192 Rubin, Dana K, PA ...... 127 Carlson, Colby Richard, DPM ...... 127 Russell, Jonathan F, PA-C ...... 91 Greenberg, David C, DPM ...... 192 Russell, Kelly H, PA ...... 45 Hayes, Stephen M, DPM ...... 200 Salden, Jason, PA ...... 127, 155 Hong, Melissa S, DPM ...... 128

370 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Loveland, Lacey J, DPM ...... 128 Grimm, James T, MD, LMP ...... 249 McCourt, Michael J, DPM ...... 128 Jaschke, Virginia A, MD ...... 214 McKinney, Philip F, DPM ...... 128 Jonsson, Martina C, PCC ...... 237 Mineo, Timothy J, DPM ...... 182 Leong, Eric N, DO ...... 206, 237 Monson, Melisa A, DPM ...... 128 Moore, Andrea, MD ...... 260 Muhly, Todd A, DPM ...... 128 Pearson, Drew D, DPM ...... 128 Safai, Azita, MD ...... 205 Pederson, Ryan D, DPM ...... 84 Schmidt, Hernan Samuel, MD ...... 237 Rincker, Sarah A, DPM ...... 128 Schumann, Jennifer O, MD ...... 237, 238 Schink, Andrew C, DPM ...... 128 Smolen, Gale A, MD ...... 254 Tengsico, Lester Fernandez, DPM ...... 192 Sobotka, Jon Duane, MD ...... 254 Preventative Medicine: Public Health & Strgar, Franc, MD ...... 237 General Preventative Medicine NBC Telew, Nicholas W, MD ...... 237 Perez-Guzman, Lisandra, MD ...... 46, 129 Tyler, Michael, MD ...... 205 Succar, Julien, MD ...... 46 Underwood, Shereen M, DO ...... 238 Preventive Medicine / Medicina preventiva Webb, Michael D, MD ...... 238 Abraham, Richard M, MD ...... 129 Psychiatry: Child-Adolescent / Psiquiatría: Braman, Marcus A, MD ...... 129 Niño-adolescente Kovacevic, Luci M, MD ...... 129 Rana, Vandana H, MD ...... 79, 192 Psychologist / Psicólogo Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier / Proveedor de Aguirre, Maria S, PhD ...... 238 prótesis/órtesis Allen, Lori B, PhD ...... 238 A Step Forward Llc ...... 277 Bichsel, Ruth J, PhD ...... 238 Barnhart Prosthetic & Orthotics ...... 274, 275 Bundy, John, PhD ...... 238 Pacific Medical Inc ...... 269, 271 Cheatham, Patrick, PSYD ...... 260 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics-Sal ...... 277 Corbett, Jana, CP ...... 260 Psychiatric Unit / Unidad psiquiátrica Curry, Camille, CP ...... 260 Legacy Emanuel Hospital And ...... 259 Curtin, Susan, PhD ...... 239 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital ...... 259 Fries, Mason E., PhD ...... 239 Legacy Health ...... 259 Gelman, Irina, CP ...... 260 Giblin, Markham Scott, PhD ...... 239 Psychiatry / Psiquiatría Gordon, Geoffrey, CP ...... 239 Harris, Amy, CP ...... 260 Arpaia, Joseph P, MD ...... 237 Hart, Cora G, PSYD ...... 211 Axman, Stephanie A, MD ...... 259, 260 Larsen Sanchez, Brad, CP ...... 260 Bonner, Jocelyn W, MD ...... 237 Millet, Austin, CP ...... 239 Brasted, Robert C, MD ...... 237, 238, 249 Parks, Brian, PHD HSPP ...... 239 Brooks, Karen Michele, MD ...... 254 Powers, Peter, PhD ...... 239 Conti, Paul M, MD ...... 259 Ravitch, Nancy Kathryn, PhD ...... 239 Denman, Manoela, MD ...... 214 Richey, Enid, PhD ...... 239 Floriani, Jonathan Ryan, MD ...... 259 Rohde, Paul, PhD ...... 239 Garner, Bennett, MD ...... 259

371 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Roman, Pamela R, PhD ...... 239 Physical Therapy Northwest Limited Schwartz, Zak F, PhD ...... 240 Partnership . 287, 289, 290 Sorensen, Erik, PhD ...... 240 Rehabilitation Unit / Unidad de Steinberg, Craig B, PhD ...... 240 rehabilitación Sundberg, Ellen, LP ...... 240 Ulrich, Jenae M, PSYD ...... 249 Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder VanVoorhies, Erin, CP ...... 260 Unit / Rehabilitación, Unidad de trastornos Windle, Chaunce R, PhD ...... 240 por consumo de sustancias Psychologist: Clinical / Psicólogo: Clínico Power House Detox ...... 251 Bobek, Rebecca S, PSYD ...... 130 Residential Treatment Facility / Centro DeCarvalho, Lorie, CP ...... 91 residencial de tratamiento Dunbar, Desiree, CP ...... 200 Family Recovery Non-Profit, Inc dba Eckstein, Judith K, CP ...... 211 Yes House ...... 206 Fauria, Thomas M, PhD ...... 130 Family Recovery Nonprofit Inc ...... 206 Milesones Womens Treatment ...... 206 Freudenberg, Cara, PSYD ...... 130 Milestones Women's Program ...... 206 Miller, Kristen, CP ...... 193 St Marys Home for Boys ...... 264 Moadab, Ida, PhD ...... 130 Yes House ...... 207 MOSHOFSKY, DANIEL, PSYD ...... 200 Rheumatology / Reumatología Nolde, Alyssa, PSYD ...... 193 Braun, Simona S, MD ...... 131 Pengelly, Scott S, PhD ...... 130, 237 Rural Health Clinic (RHC) / Clínica rural Petrie, Brianne, CP ...... 201 de servicios médicos Quillen, Jenna L, PhD ...... 130 Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc ...... 71 Sanchez, Adrian Larsen, CP ...... 193 McKenzie River Clinic ...... 73 Orchid Health Wade Creek Clinic ...... 71 Stacer, Shaneen D, PHD HSP ...... 84 Tollander, Heather, CP ...... 193 Psychologist: Clinical Child & Adolescent / Skilled Nursing Facility / Instalación de Psicólogo: Niños y adolescentes enfermería especializada Kaufman, Lisa, PhD ...... 260 219 South Hills Rehabilitation Center ...... 274 Reed, Norman H, PhD ...... 261 Avamere at Three Fountains ...... 271 Radiology: Diagnostic Radiology / Avamere Court at Keizer ...... 276 Radiología: Radiología diagnóstica Avamere CrestView of Portland ...... 278 Oregon Imaging Center-Riverbend Pav ...... 275 Avamere Health Services of Rogue Radiology Associates ...... 275 Valley ...... 271 Radiology Associates PC ...... 274 Avamere Rehab of Clackamas ...... 267 Registered Nurse / Enfermero/a titulado/a Avamere Rehab of Coos Bay ...... 268 Deline, Myra, NP ...... 130 Avamere Rehab of Eugene ...... 274 Rehabilitation Services Avamere Rehab of Hillsboro ...... 281 Avamere Rehab of Junction City ...... 274 Oregon Spine & Physical Therapy ...... 289 Avamere Rehab of King City ...... 282

372 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Avamere Rehab of Lebanon ...... 276 Avamere Rehab of Newport ...... 276 Mullally, Jeanne M, LAC ...... 254 Avamere Rehab of Oregon City ...... 267 Neal, Tyler, CSW ...... 255 Avamere Rehab of Salem ...... 277 Nesiba, Cynthia L, LCSW ...... 240, 243 Avamere Rehabilitation of Beaverton ...... 281 Avamere Riverpark of Eugene ...... 274 Coast Fork Nursing Center ...... 272 Cornerstone Care Option ...... 278 Sneddon, Jeffery, LCSW ...... 254 Corvallis Manor ...... 267 Social Worker: Clinical / Trabajador Corvallis Manor Nursing & social: Clínico Rehabilitation Center ...... 267 Abbott, Miya, CSW ...... 261 Creswell Health & Rehab Center ...... 272 Anderson, Laurel E, LCSW ...... 241 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Portland Baker, Lora, CSW ...... 209 L L C ...... 279 Beaman, Helen, CSW ...... 254 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Salem, Blum, Michelle, CSW ...... 261 L.l.c...... 277 Bucholtz, Jennifer L, LCSW ...... 241 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Tualatin Llc ...... 281 Chaffin-Britt, Lori L, LMSW ...... 250 Green Valley Rehabilitation Health Clark, Camm D, LCSW ...... 241 Center ...... 274 Clausel, Tammie R, LCSW ...... 205 Gresham Rehab and Specialty Care ...... 277 Corey, Tina A, LCSW ...... 254 Hillside Heights Rehabiliation Center ...... 274 Couturier, Anna Lisa, CSW ...... 261 Independence Health and Crawford, Lisa, LCSW ...... 211 Rehabilitation Center ...... 279 Crowley, Tara, LCSW ...... 261 LaGrande Post Acute Rehab ...... 280 Delohery-Dart, Malia P, LCSW ...... 255 Marquis Care Springfield ...... 276 Dennenberg, Hava, PC ...... 207 Milton Freewater Health and Erickson, Beth, CSW ...... 261 Rehabilitation Center ...... 279 Farr, Tori L, LCSW ...... 250 Pacific Gardens Estates ...... 281 Frakes, Kimie, LCSW ...... 212 Regency Florence Rehab Center ...... 274 Freeman, Erica, LCSW ...... 241 Regency Gresham Nursing & Frisch-Taylor, Nickie, MSW ...... 255 Rehabilitation Center ...... 277 Gamache, Abbey L, LCSW ...... 241 Sisters Of St Mary Of Oregon - Gibbs, Robyn S, LCSW ...... 241, 242 Maryville Corporation ...... 281 Godfrey, Jane, CSW ...... 261 Sunnyside Operations LLC ...... 277 Gomez, Jacqueline, CSW ...... 261 The Dalles Health And Rehabilitation Guinee, Sharon K, LCSW ...... 242 Center ...... 280 Hally, Li Lin, LCSW ...... 262 Umpqua Valley Nursing & Hankins, Ceshaun, LCSW Rehabilitation Center ...... 270 ...... 262 Social Worker / Trabajador social Hay, Aaron J, LMSW ...... 250 Herrell, Althea A, LCSW ...... 250 Cortez, Patricia, MSW ...... 240, 241 Huston, Jeffrey S, LCSW ...... 242 Givens, Danielle, CSW ...... 211 Hyman, Rebecca, CSW ...... 262 Hardman-Woung, Gail M, LCSW ...... 261

373 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Itzkowitz, Jimee, CSW ...... 211 Stewart, Lisa, CSW ...... 263 Ivy, Laura Elizabeth, LCSW ...... 242 Stockford, Laura N, LCSW ...... 244 Jones, Leonard Keith, LCSW ...... 255 Strickland, Alison, CSW ...... 263 Klavans Rekosh, Lisa, LISW-CP ...... 262 Stuntzner, Denise E, LCSW ...... 209 Kloos, Barbara A, LCSW ...... 242 Sullivan, Kelly, CSW ...... 208 Kraft, Anne C, LCSW ...... 242 Swanson, Andrew G, LCSW ...... 212 Kreitzberg, Kellie Q, LCSW ...... 242 Unger, Ronald J, LCSW ...... 244 Kreofsky, Jana, CSW ...... 262 Wanner, Danene R, LCSW ...... 244 Kujala, Lea, CSW ...... 209 Warmbier, David, MSW ...... 244, 245 Lauer, Barbara, CSW ...... 262 Welch, Gwen, LCSW ...... 256 Lenker, Jeffrey L, LCSW ...... 242 Wells, Alex, CSW ...... 209, 266 Lichtenstein, Jaclyn, LCSW ...... 242 Wetmore, Valinda, LCSW ...... 245 Liebman, Caren B, LCSW ...... 242 Williams, Edmond, CSW ...... 263 Lind, Melissa K, LCSW ...... 243 Wilson, Laura K, LCSW ...... 245 Lydon, Robert J, LCSW ...... 211, 243 Winter, Jordan A, LCSW ...... 245 McIntyre, Erin S, LCSW ...... 243 Wood, Norma Kay C, CSW ...... 246 Woodhouse, Robert, LCSW ...... 213 Melton, Kelton, LCSW ...... 243 Wright, Kelli G, LCSW ...... 206 Mikula, David John, LCSW ...... 243 ZumBrunnen, Joann L, LCSW ...... 245 Speech-Language Pathologist / Miyasato, Kevin C, CSW ...... 262, 264 Fonoaudiólogo Molko, David, LCSW ...... 262 Campbell-Kaswell, Julie, SLP ...... 131 Montes Cervantes, Gloria T, LCSW ...... 243 Canavan, Alycia, MA ...... 156 Mossnan, Roxanne, MSS ...... 262 Embry, Hannah J, SLP ...... 157 O'Brien, Catherine D, LCSW ...... 205 Golditch, Jennifer A, SLP ...... 131 O'Connell, Alycia, CSW ...... 263 Grady, Patricia, SLP ...... 131 Olds, Megan M, LCSW ...... 244 Parys, Dora H, LCSW ...... 244 Kirtner, Ruth L, SLP ...... 131 Phillips, Athena, LCSW ...... 262 Mitchell, Emily, SLP ...... 131 Rexius, Carolyn A, LCSW ...... 244 Rose, Diane, CSW ...... 212 Schmitz, Amanda, SLP ...... 131 Sheldon, Melody, MA ...... 86 Ruth, Douglass M, CSW ...... 262 Smith, Lori L, SLP ...... 86 Ryden, Ronald R, CSW ...... 255 Surgery: Colon & Rectal / Cirugía: de colon y recto Sciarani, Lisa, CSW ...... 263 Bascom, Thomas H, MD ...... 157 Daniel, Jonathan C, MD ...... 157, 158 Secrett, Sharnissa, CSW ...... 263 Vo, Duc M, MD ...... 157, 159 Smith Hohnstein, Melissa, CSW ...... 263, 265 Surgery: General Surgery / Cirugía: Stark-Bredeweg, Karin, LCSW ...... 244 Cirugía general Starr, Sandra Macejko, LCSW ...... 251 Clark, Katelyn Ann, MD ...... 158

374 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Cusati Oropeza, Daniel A, MD ...... 158 Surgery: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Dehaas, David R, MD ...... 158 Cirugía: Cirugía oral y maxilofacial El Youssef, Raphael, MBBS ...... 84 Allender, Brian M, DMD ...... 132 Fabricant, Loic, MD ...... 158, 162 Roberts, Richard S, DMD ...... 86 Ingalls, Nichole K, MD ...... 158, 162 Tucker, Todd S, DMD ...... 133 James, Charles W, MD ...... 84 Williams, Bryan Christopher, MD ...... 133 Kollmorgen, Christine F, MD ...... 158 Surgery: Orthopaedic Surgery / Cirugía: Lawson, Kenneth L, MD ...... 89 Cirugía ortopédica Littman, Travis A, MD ...... 158, 162 Bell, Jason S, MD ...... 84 Manders, Ernest K, MD ...... 84, 85 Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD 133, 134, 159, McIvor, Andrew C, MD ...... 158 ...... 161 McVay, Bryan M, MD ...... 158 Collis, Dennis K, MD ...... 133, 159 Meyer, Avishai J, MD ...... 193 Fitzpatrick, Daniel C, MD ...... 133, 159 Modeste, Kevin A, MD ...... 159, 162 Godfrey, Jenna M, MD 133, 135, 159, Patterson, Emma J, MD ...... 193 ...... 161 Pham, Nhan V, DO ...... 84, 159 Hoellrich, Rudolf G, MD ...... 133, 160 Jackson, Lyle Thomas, MD ...... 133, 160 Seidman, Craig S, MD ...... 159, 162 Jany, Richard S, MD ...... 89 Shank, Gregory S, MD ...... 89 Jennings, Randall W, MD ...... 85 Stites, Thomas P, MD ...... 159 Jewett, Brian A, MD ...... 133, 160 Tersigni, Steven A, MD ...... 84 Korcek, Lucas S, MD ...... 133, 160 Tseng, Daniel, MD ...... 193, 200 Lamoreaux, Lisa L, MD ...... 133 Wilhite, Steven L, MD ...... 132 Lantz, Brick (Brett) A, MD ...... 134 Wilson, Benjamin R, MD ...... 182 Mildren, Mark E, MD ...... 134, 160 Mohler, Craig G, MD ...... 134, 160 Surgery: Hand Surgery / Cirugía: Cirugía Shah, Steven N, MD ...... 134, 160 de mano Shapiro, Matthew S, MD ...... 134, 160 Schultz, Brent E, MD ...... 132, 135 Sheerin, Daniel V, MD ...... 134, 160 Tavakolian, Jason D, MD 132, 134, 159, Strasser, Nicholas, MD ...... 134, 160 ...... 161 Straub, Timothy A, MD ...... 134, 160 Surgery: Neurosurgery / Cirugía: Tuman, Jeffrey M, MD ...... 134, 161 Neurocirugía Vallier, Garry T, MD ...... 85 Angeles, Carmina F, MD ...... 132 Weatherby, David J, MD ...... 134, 161 Berk, Mehmet C, MD ...... 201 Wuest, Thomas K, MD ...... 134, 161 Surgery: Pediatric Surgery / Cirugía: Gallo, Catherine J, MD ...... 132 Cirugía pediátrica Hutton, Daniel, DO ...... 157 Keiper, Glenn, MD ...... 132 Surgery: Plastic Surgery / Cirugía: Cirugía Miller, Christopher G, MD ...... 132 plástica Polin, Richard S, MD ...... 182 Meldrum, David G, MD ...... 135 Sherman, Jonathan D, MD ...... 132 O'Brien, Shannon P, MD ...... 193

375 Index by Specialty / Índice por Especialidad

Zegzula, Henry Daniel, MD ...... 193 Surgery: Thoracic Surgery / Cirugía: Cirugía torácica Armitage, John M, MD ...... 161 Floten, Harkness S, MD ...... 161 Sethi, Sushil M, MD ...... 79, 194 Watkins, Jeffrey R, MD ...... 194, 198 Surgery: Vascular Surgery / Cirugía: Cirugía vascular Schumacher, Paul M, MD ...... 162 Viramontes, Jose, MD ...... 162 Transportation: Non-emergency Medical Transport / Transporte: Transporte médico para casos que no son emergencia Ltd ...... 274 Urology / Urología Bodell, Dawn M, DO ...... 162 Kusuda, Leo, MD ...... 85 Kyle, Christopher C, MD ...... 162 Lloyd, Jessica C, MD ...... 163 McKimmy, Roger M, MD ...... 163 Mehlhaff, Bryan A, MD ...... 163 Woolsey, Jeffrey B, MD ...... 163 Womens Health, Nurse Practitioner Fisher, Adrienne B, NP ...... 163 AcariaHealth Pharmacy ...... 341 Accredo Health Group ...... 341 Avella Specialty Pharmacy ...... 341 CVS CareMark ...... 339 CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy ...... 341 Homescripts ...... 339

376 Index / Índice

Corvallis Gastroenterolo ...... 17 Bledsoe, Davina, NP ...... 21 Samaritan Lebanon Community Bringardner, Patrick Timothy, NP ...... 21 Hospital ...... 17 Duke, Audrey M, FNP ...... 21 Homertgen, Kyle D, DO ...... 17 Smith, Kelly W, NP ...... 21 Foerst, Laura F, FNP ...... 17 Weber, Ashley K, FNP ...... 21 Meeker, Katherine, APRN ...... 17 Millett, Brock W, MD ...... 22 Moon, Jennifer, NP ...... 17 Ferguson, Ann Maria V, FNP ...... 22 Munson, Allyson C, NP ...... 17 Amador, Carolina D, MD ...... 17 Cruz, Kariktan G, MD ...... 22 Melvin, Kenneth Paul, MD 18, 19, 57, 65, Deleon, Jenni C, MD ...... 22 ...... 78, 186 LaGesse, Philip C, MD ...... 22 Montez, Laura S, PA-C ...... 18 Moore, Mary L, MD ...... 22 Murphy, Lynn Marie, MD ...... 18, 49 Murphy, Angelique H, MD ...... 22 White, Andrew D, PA-C ...... 18 Rastogi, Maynika V, MD ...... 22 Bicker, Micah S, PA ...... 18 Brakebush, Sara L, NP ...... 22 Jablin, Jennifer, NP ...... 19, 60, 67 Stappler, Alice R, PA-C ...... 22 Ruggeri, Roberta W, DO ...... 19 Casey, Stephanie R, MD ...... 23 Lewis, Sue A, MD ...... 19 Cramer, Paula J, FNP ...... 23 Langlais, Justin, ND ...... 19 Harris, Dale E, MD ...... 23 Cossette, Laura L, CRNP ...... 19, 66 Lion, Rio M, DO ...... 23 Jarrell, Cailin K, FNP ...... 19 Miller, Felisha A, NP ...... 23, 24 Works, Laura D, NP ...... 19 Sargent, Jason R, MD ...... 23 Ale, Samir B, MD ...... 20 Seeley, Kody J, DO ...... 23, 24 Carter, Dallas A, MD ...... 20 Eastman, Bruce L, NP ...... 23 McAndrew, Thomas F, MD ...... 20 Goff, Sara, FNP ...... 23, 24 Park, Jonathon L, MD ...... 20 Beery, Heidi M, MD ...... 24 Riccalarsen, Stephanie A, MD ...... 20 Shank, Audrey C, MD ...... 24 Sader, Alyssa M, MD ...... 20 Ford, Christina M, MD ...... 24 Sharman, Kent D, MD ...... 20 Larsen, Tisha Marie, FNP ...... 24 Webster, Jennifer L, MD ...... 20 Stevens, Kimberlly J, NP ...... 24 Bhandari, Amit, MD ...... 20 Choate, Laurance W, MD ...... 25 Joshi, Sushan, MD ...... 20 Gabriele, Mary E, MD ...... 25 Anker, Mary N, NP ...... 20 Johnson, Ben D, PA ...... 25, 26, 93 Passarelli, Susan, NP ...... 20 Lundy, Theresa M, MD ...... 25 Muller, Christopher M, MD ...... 21 Cloke, Tia Michelle, DNP ...... 25 Patel, Bhargavbhai K, MD ...... 21 Dean, Marcy E, FNP ...... 25 Patel, Prabhakar A, MD ...... 21 Dressel, Sarah M, NP ...... 25 Patel, Ravindra A, MD ...... 21 Meyer, Skyler S, FNP ...... 25 Peddagovindu, Bhavani, MD ...... 21 Kulacz, Anna, PA-C ...... 25 Pittenger, Basil M, MD ...... 21 Armitage, Damon B, MD ...... 26 Ravuri, Rajesh L, MD ...... 21 Callahan, Elaine H, MD ...... 26 Somera, Geraldine A, MD ...... 21

377 Index / Índice

Knowlton, David A, MD ...... 29 Lawler, Elisabeth N, MD ...... 30 Leasure, Michael P, MD ...... 30, 39 LeBow, John R, DO ...... 30 Roco, Martin R, FNP ...... 26 Lefford, Jotham J, MD ...... 30 Schneider, Devon E, FNP ...... 26 Lintz, Jan K, PA ...... 30, 44 Loeb, Mary Ann, MD ...... 30 Vogel, William L, PA ...... 26 Luce, Serena A, PA ...... 30, 44 Sage, Joseph L, MD ...... 27, 42 Mackay, Donald Q, DO ...... 30 Alloway, Brittany A, DO ...... 27, 33 Maloney, Nancy Jane, MD ...... 30 Ames, Stephan Anthony, MD ...... 27, 50 McGhan, Logan James, MD ...... 30 Balsom, William, MD ...... 27 McMahon Paulus, Maureen P, PA ...... 30, 45 Bohrman, Jenny, DO ...... 27 Miller, Jillian M, PA ...... 31, 45 Bolanos-McClain, Maria C, DO ...... 27 Moeller, Lisa A, PA-C ...... 31, 45 Brandt, Gary E, MD ...... 27 Mohr, Arwen, MD ...... 31 Brown, Kristina A, DO ...... 27 Moore, Beth M, MD ...... 31 Brus, William, MD ...... 27 Mueller, Mark R, MD ...... 31 Glenn, Kim, PA ...... 27 Nguyen, David, MD ...... 31 Buchanan, Patricia P, MD ...... 28 Olson, Sagen M, PA ...... 31, 45 Copperman, Terry, MD ...... 28 Perez-Gil, Harold, MD ...... 31 Cordes, Kathleen K, MD ...... 28 Pollack, Bonita C, MD ...... 31 Curtin, Paul G, MD ...... 28 Reese, Randy, MD ...... 31 Danziger, Amanda M, PA ...... 28, 44 Rizvi, Gulrukh, MD ...... 31 Dear, Janet K, MD ...... 28 Russell, Joseph M, PA ...... 32, 45 Edsall, Jean A, MD ...... 28 Sanders, Amandajo, DO ...... 32 Emory, Sylvia A, MD ...... 28 Satterthwaite-Phillips, Abner, MD ...... 32 Erde, Alison J, MD ...... 28 Feldhoff, Wendy Michelle, MD ...... 28 Steyer, Judith Emily, MD ...... 32 Fiacco, Regina M, PA ...... 28, 44 Stiedemann, Laurel B, PA ...... 32, 46 Garfinkel, Michael E, MD ...... 28 Strubel, Elizabeth A, PA ...... 32, 46 Griffin, Galen R, MD ...... 29 Taube, Michelle J, MD ...... 32 Hacker, Gail J, MD ...... 29 Tedesco, Kerry R, DO ...... 32 Hamburger, Sara F, PA ...... 29, 44 Tee, Desmond A, MD ...... 32 Hardwick, Tracy E, MD ...... 29 Vanlue, Lea D, PA ...... 32, 46 Wagnon, Scott E, PA-C ...... 32, 46 Wen, Audrey C, MD ...... 33 Jeffrey, Douglas P, MD ...... 29 Harburg, Thomas D, MD ...... 33 Johnson, Scott H, MD ...... 29 Green, Kemble L, NP ...... 33, 37 Jones, Brian G, MD ...... 29 Allcott, John V, MD ...... 33 Kaplan, Michelle L, MD ...... 29 Boyd, Cheryl Joy, MD ...... 33 Kimball, Diane M, FNP ...... 29, 38 Carden, Priya, MD ...... 33

378 Index / Índice

Casburn, Andrew, PA-C ...... 33, 44 Hamilton, Megan L, FNP ...... 37 Chance, Stacy R, MD ...... 33, 40 Heap, Lisa, FNP ...... 37 Davenport, Derek J, MD ...... 33, 40 Hoefener, Barbara E, NP ...... 37 Flynn, Sharon H, MD ...... 33 Hounsel, Wendy, NP ...... 37 Ford, John R, MD ...... 34 Howard, Becky J, NP ...... 37 Gilliland, Kathryn G, MD ...... 34 Johnston, Vanessa, FNP ...... 38 Gordon, Leah Macke, MD ...... 34 Kantt, Florencia D, CPNP ...... 38, 43 Jackson, Kathleen A, MD ...... 34, 53 Kucey, Randa, NP ...... 38, 48 Jacobson, Kirk D, MD ...... 34 Lam, Mee Wai, FNP ...... 38 Kuhfahl, Petra, MD ...... 34 Kwong, Ronald W, DO ...... 34 Lutz, JoAnne E, NP ...... 38 LaBonte, Laura E, MD ...... 34 Marichal, Gabriela, NP ...... 38 Lohff-Phillips, Jessica C, DO ...... 34, 41 Merrick, Jeannie M, NP ...... 38 Maxwell, Kathryn Lee, DO ...... 34 Nance, Alison M, NP ...... 38, 53 Miller, Shadi I, MD ...... 34 Ormond, Bonna R, FNP ...... 38 Mossberg, Jane E, MD ...... 34 Roberts, Jason Davidson, ARNP ...... 39 Saxman, Karl A, MD ...... 35 Scadlock, Nathan W, NP ...... 39 Schwarz, Edward R, MD ...... 35 Schoonover, Katherine J, FNP ...... 39 Wilkins, William E, MD ...... 35, 43 Swanson, Jodi L, RN ...... 39 Zheng, Shugi, MD ...... 35 Wallace, Kristi J, NP ...... 39 Bingham, Nathaniel James, ND ...... 35 Yaver, Jodi B, ARNP ...... 39 Borg, Adrienne M, ND ...... 35 Esteves, Vanessa P, ND ...... 35, 47 Fitzpatrick, Kelly M, ND ...... 35 Bennett, Alysha, MD ...... 39 Guggino, Stacey, ND ...... 35, 48 Hermes, James F, ND ...... 35 Bradshaw, Pilar A, MD ...... 40 LaPoint, Kyle, ND ...... 35 Braun, Loranee, MD ...... 40, 43 Mele, A Brielle, ND ...... 35 Castaneda, Elianne, MD ...... 40 Murison, Andrew, ND ...... 36 Colgrove, Eric E, MD ...... 40 Walter, Timothy W, ND ...... 36 Crispen, Charles R, DO ...... 40 Wilson, Stephanie P, ND ...... 36 Dalton, Emily D, MD ...... 40 Axline, Briana M, FNP ...... 36 Diehl, Michael A, MD ...... 40 Barlow, Miranda, NP ...... 36 Burfine, Teresa A, MSN ...... 36 Carboy, Jade, NP ...... 36 Geisler, Anita A, MD ...... 41 Criser, Jessica L, FNP ...... 36 Dooley, Anna Tybel, APRN ...... 36, 47 Douglas, Carma Jb, NP ...... 37 Eden, Audrey, MSN ...... 37 Goracke Olguin, Betty, NP ...... 37 Lash, Craig A, MD ...... 41

379 Index / Índice

Rowley, Mildred H, MD ...... 47 Johnson, Douglas R, DO ...... 47 Miller, David S, MD ...... 41 Shearer, Ronald N, MD ...... 47 Newman, Ross, MD ...... 41 Cannon, Jennifer, NP ...... 48 Ortiz, Karen, MD ...... 42 Graham, Aprill, NP ...... 48 Jones, Sandra J, NP ...... 48 Maxwell, Ryan G, FNP ...... 48 Roberts, Ronda Marjorie, MD ...... 42, 115, 116 Barton, David, PA-C ...... 48 Sanderson, Laura R, MD ...... 42 Paredes, Elmer, PA ...... 48 Schmitt, Edward J, MD ...... 42, 55 Tensen, Amy, PA-C ...... 48 Bailey, Douglas D, MD ...... 49 Shillington, Holly M, MD ...... 43 Ross, Charles S, DO ...... 49 Shaw, Matthew A, MD ...... 49 Weiner, Karen, MD ...... 43 Stein, Howard M, DO ...... 49 Wong, Lorna J, MD ...... 43 Voegeli, Cynthia R, NP ...... 49 Best, Keith M, PA ...... 44 Nicholson, Joshua Ryan, PA ...... 49 Collings, Lisette F, PA ...... 44 Pincock, Camille, PA ...... 49 Curry, Nelya Drofyak, PA ...... 44 Viner, Trina J, PA ...... 49 Fisher, Tom C, PA ...... 44 Aikawa, Yumi, DO ...... 50 Hakala, Christine M, PA ...... 44 Beckwith, Jeffrey D, MD ...... 50 McWilliams, Morio C, PA ...... 45 Colmenero, Alejandro E, PA-C ...... 50, 56 Meisel, Harry, PA ...... 45 Torguson, Lyle R, MD ...... 50 O'Hala, Joseph D, PA-C ...... 45 Volpi II, Joseph, MD ...... 50 Reen, Marissa Anne, PA-C ...... 45 Boriskin, Mitchell I, FNP ...... 50 Renna, Jeffrey C, PA ...... 45 Rice, Melissa, APRN ...... 50 Russell, Kelly H, PA ...... 45 Myers, Joel P, PA-C ...... 50 Schneider, Rebecca, PA ...... 45 Tomasoski, Zachary P, PA-C ...... 50 Sloanes, Chelsea J, PA ...... 46, 56 Weih, H Edwin, PA ...... 50 Valenzuela, Eduardo R, PA ...... 46 Coulter, Caroline L, DO ...... 51 Worthington, Skyler S, PA ...... 46 Davis, Henry H, MD ...... 51 Wright, Jessica Katherine, PA ...... 46 Gage, Miriam E, MD ...... 51 Perez-Guzman, Lisandra, MD ...... 46, 129 Gee-Gott, Lana, MD ...... 51 Succar, Julien, MD ...... 46 Goodger, William P, MD ...... 51 Brien, Clare J, DO ...... 47 Keister, Jason O, MD ...... 51 Caton, Thomas Anthony, MD ...... 47 Kincade, Richard Gede, MD ...... 51 Derbyshire, Cameron E, PA 47, 48, 139, Meyers, Mark S, MD ...... 51 ...... 154 Moon, Jordan Edward, PA ...... 51, 56 Dodson, Anthony L, MD ...... 47 Pantangi, Vivekanand, MD ...... 52 Paulson, Daniel K, MD ...... 52 Kerner, Stephen S, DO ...... 47 Parker, Justine E, DO ...... 47 Purkaple, Becky, MD ...... 52 Pearson, Paul E, MD ...... 47

380 Index / Índice

Reveal, Rebecca Collins, PA ...... 52, 56 De La Cruz, J Salvador Yalung, MD ...... 59 Saunders, Emily, PA-C ...... 52, 56 Delmar, Susan F, MD ...... 59 Stover, Elizabeth L, MD ...... 52 Gilchrist, Doherty B, MD ...... 52 Diaz, Heather N, MD ...... 59 Loeffler, Moxie Jean, DO ...... 53 Drapiza, Leslie A, MD ...... 59, 60 Breckenridge, Stephanie J, NP ...... 53 Flemmer, Kristen E, MD ...... 60 Crownover, Mallory G, NP ...... 53 Durrant, Jennifer L, FNP ...... 53 Germann, Antonio M, MD ...... 60 Dzata, Vivian E, PNP ...... 53, 55 Ong, Yee, NP ...... 53 Heidrick, Kevin S, PA-C ...... 60 Holmes, Ashley P, ARNP ...... 60, 68 Holmes, Shelda R, FNP ...... 60, 183 Carroll, Monique J, DO ...... 54 Janini, Cole B, PA-C ...... 61 Crenwelge, Katherine E, MD ...... 54 Jeffrey, Daniel W, PA-C ...... 61 Everett, Rolanda R, MD ...... 54 Grenier, Catherine A, MD ...... 54 Hemsley, Gregory B, MD ...... 54 Hokari, Naoko, MD ...... 54 Huffman, Todd A, MD ...... 54 Kinkel, Amy Nicole, MD ...... 55 Ochoa Sosa, Silvia, PA-C ...... 61 Pandit, Roopa S, MD ...... 62 Young, Clayton W, MD ...... 55 Parekh, Amisha D, MD ...... 62, 183 Blundon, Karen A, PA ...... 56 Ramsay, Molly B, ARNP ...... 62 Karns, Meredith June, PA ...... 56 Noonan, Elena Noemi, PA ...... 56 Rose, Matthew H, DO ...... 62 Alkire, Seth P, MD ...... 57 Barrett, Christopher Alexander, PA-C ...... 57 Saavedra, Fiorella, PA-C ...... 62 Smith, Benjamin J, PA ...... 57 Sabella, Alexandra L, PA-C ...... 62 Sokol, Brittney E, PA ...... 57 Saulter, Ellen W, DNP ...... 63, 66 Wells, Mark A, PA-C ...... 57, 156 Savage, Jeanne S, MD ...... 63 Zimmerman, Daniel J, PA ...... 57 Schlegel, Lisa M, ARNP ...... 63

Birchard, Brook E, PA-C ...... 58 Snyder, Katherine Am, MD ...... 63 Bodmer, Peter C, PA-C ...... 58 Stegeman-Olsen, Jenny L, MD ...... 64 Chun, Denise M, MD ...... 58 Steiner, Erin E, ARNP ...... 64 Truxillo, Lauren E, PA-C ...... 64 Crowfoot Lapham, Capella A, ARNP ...... 59 Crum, Stephen P, PA-C ...... 59 Volchok, Sabine, MD ...... 64

381 Index / Índice

Rodriguez, Alberto A, PA ...... 69

Yale, Jerry D, MD ...... 65 Alsea Health Center ...... 71 BC Lincoln Health Center ...... 71 Tran, Thuyet V, MD ...... 65 Benton County Health Dept ...... 71 Baum, Lindsay, ND ...... 65 Guchc ...... 71 Benson, Ashley, ND ...... 65 Trillium Family Services ...... 71, 206, 261 Del Alba, Lisa, ND ...... 65 Canby Healthcare Clinic, Llc ...... 71 Hoagland, Jacob, DNP ...... 65 Orchid Health Wade Creek Clinic ...... 71 Kahn, Julie, ND ...... 65 Kates-Chinoy, Sara, ND ...... 66 Kithil, Christina, ND ...... 66 Adapt ...... 72 McCarthy, Alicia, ND ...... 66 Myrtle Creek Clinic ...... 72 Meager-Benson, Aarin V, ND ...... 66 Steven Jeffers ...... 72 Ault, Whitney Renee, NP ...... 66, 188 Umpqua CHC Glide ...... 72 Barber, Tina, NP ...... 66 Umpqua CHC Sutherlin ...... 72 Blackwell, Danielle L, FNP ...... 66 Umpqua Community Health Center ...... 72 Bradley, Kimberly L, FNP ...... 66 Umpqua Community Health Center - Roseburg HS ...... 72 Umpqua Community Health Center Inc ...... 72 Gibson, Nancy Marie, FNP ...... 67 Umpqua Community Health Center Sutherlin ...... 72 Haggett, Craig Steven, FNP ...... 67 Community Health Center of Lane County ...... 73 Helgert, Margaret M, FNP ...... 67 Community Health Center-Brookside ...... 73 Humphrey, Amy K, FNP ...... 67 Community Health Center-Delta Oaks ...... 73 Kelsey, Kimberly A, NP ...... 67 Community Health Centers of Lane Co ...... 73 Community Health Centers of Lane Ritchie, Su Lin J, NP ...... 67 County Methadone Treatment Program ...... 73 Community Health Ctr - Charnelton ...... 73 Lane Co Alcohol & Drug Offender Villarreal, Maria N, NP ...... 68 Program ...... 73 Fish, Corey A, MD ...... 68, 189 Lane County Public Health ...... 73 Schwartz, Megan Caitlin, MD ...... 68 South River Community Health Center ...... 73 SouthRiver Community Health Center ...... 73 McKenzie River Clinic ...... 73 Jones, Theresa R, PA-C ...... 68 BC East Linn HC ...... 74 Cooper, Kara M, NP ...... 69 Community Health Ctr - RiverStone ...... 74 Dean, Nicholas E, PA ...... 69 McKenzie Willamette Medical Center ...... 74 MacDonald, Dori, PA ...... 69, 191

Roberts, Chelsea Z, PA ...... 69, 192

382 Index / Índice

Springfield High School FQHC ...... 74 Moriarty, William J, MD ...... 81 Sweet Home Health Center ...... 74 Ongole, Bhaskar, MD ...... 81 White Bird Clinic ...... 74 Abbott, Julie A, CNM ...... 81 Chaney, Susan L, CNM ...... 81 Lotman, Anton E, MD ...... 81, 84 Allred, Jennifer E, NP ...... 81 Rosewood Family Health At Lents ...... 75 Faucher, Vicki Tarver, NP ...... 81 Rosewood Family Health Center ...... 75 Dodd, Kamara, FNP ...... 81 Berry, Alalia W, MD ...... 77, 95, 102 Dorfmeister, Jesse Allen, FNP ...... 81 Gupta, Vinay, MD ...... 77 Lombardi, Gabriela A, FNP ...... 82 Lonergan, Matthew, MD ...... 77, 101, 104 Fink, Brigitte D, MD ...... 82 Wells, Keith R, MD ...... 77, 103 Groth, Stephan J, MD ...... 82 Zaworski, Caroline J, NP ...... 77 Gruchacz, Catherine A, MD ...... 82 Goddard, Molly G, NP ...... 77 James, Kimberly L, MD ...... 82 Hoyt, Justin, NP ...... 77 Batchelor, Julie L, OT ...... 82 Fritz, Stephen B, MD ...... 78 Csajko, Alexander S, OT ...... 82 Jain, Sanjeev, MD ...... 78 Hurbis, Charles Gerard, MD ...... 82 Noonan, Michael Joseph, MD ...... 78 Shimotakahara, Steven G, MD ...... 82 Cherry, Adam T, PA ...... 78 Webster, William W, MD ...... 82 Tracy, James F, DO ...... 79 Anderson, Jonathan E, MD ...... 82 Lanza, Miguel V, MD ...... 83 Baca, Sarah, NP ...... 79 Yost, Jon C, MD ...... 83 Pulver, Rachel A, NP ...... 79 Cheal, Lawrence R, PT ...... 83 Engber, Deanna S, PC 79, 198, 208, Groenendaal-Zomershoe, Mirian W, ...... 265 PT ...... 83 Rana, Vandana H, MD ...... 79, 192 Hyatt, Juliette L, PT ...... 83 Jensen, Danielle L, PT ...... 83 Sethi, Sushil M, MD ...... 79, 194 Martins, Annalissa, DPT ...... 83 Randolph, Sandra R, AUD ...... 80 Watroba, Amanda R, DPT ...... 83 Qadir, Hammad, MD ...... 80, 81 Zomershoe, Thomas S, PT ...... 83 Maeyens, Edgar, MD ...... 80 Allen, Brian J, PA ...... 83 Croson, William B, MD ...... 80, 82 Hatch, Brent D, PA-C ...... 83 Gerber, Robert W, MD ...... 80 Huffman, Sara, PA-C ...... 83, 126, 154 Jackson, Craig J, MD ...... 80 Riehl, Christopher H, PA ...... 84 Sinnott, James J, MD ...... 80 Shaughnessy, Magdalene Clare, PA ...... 84 Smith, Linda M, MD ...... 80 Sopka, Gregory J, PA ...... 84 Bankuru, Satish J, MD ...... 80 Pederson, Ryan D, DPM ...... 84 Frank, Carol, MD ...... 80 Stacer, Shaneen D, PHD HSP ...... 84 Haack, Wendy G, DO ...... 80 El Youssef, Raphael, MBBS ...... 84 Jaini, Keerti, MD ...... 81 James, Charles W, MD ...... 84 King, William D, MD ...... 81 Manders, Ernest K, MD ...... 84, 85 Kini, Ganesh D, MD ...... 81 Pham, Nhan V, DO ...... 84, 159

383 Index / Índice

Tersigni, Steven A, MD ...... 84 Lawson, Kenneth L, MD ...... 89 Bell, Jason S, MD ...... 84 Shank, Gregory S, MD ...... 89 Crane, Douglas G, MD ...... 85 Jany, Richard S, MD ...... 89 Zurita, Jody M, FNP ...... 85, 90 Evans, Parker-Leigh, NP ...... 90, 136, 145 Tokich, Pauletta J, FNP ...... 85 Mcnamara, Michael C, NP ...... 90 Head, Winthrop T, PA ...... 85, 90, 92 Syverson, Rebekah A, NP ...... 90 Vouch, Sarah, PA-C ...... 85, 91, 92 Petersen, Katherine, OT ...... 90 Jennings, Randall W, MD ...... 85 Heuer, Ashley D, PA ...... 90, 92 Vallier, Garry T, MD ...... 85 Loner, Jaclyn, PA ...... 90, 92 Kusuda, Leo, MD ...... 85 Mansell, Griffin, PA-C ...... 90 Patel, Jitendra C, MD ...... 86 Nguyen, Linh, PA-C ...... 90 Guerin, Jesse, OT ...... 86 ROGERS, JADDON, PA-C ...... 90, 92 Dudek, Suzanne R, FNP ...... 91 Damewood, Toni L, NP ...... 91 Bennett, William A, DPM ...... 86 Sills, Shawn M, MD ...... 91 Sheldon, Melody, MA ...... 86 Zerkel, Steven W, PT ...... 91 Smith, Lori L, SLP ...... 86 Russell, Jonathan F, PA-C ...... 91 Roberts, Richard S, DMD ...... 86 Thompson, Jacob, PA-C ...... 91 DeCarvalho, Lorie, CP ...... 91 Adams, Kristen, PT ...... 87 Valley, Darby, LAc ...... 92 Knorr, Anna M, PT ...... 87 Anderson, Joshua, DC ...... 92 Salyer, Ryan C, DPT ...... 87 Cherveny, John Edward, DC ...... 92 Smith, Gail D, PT ...... 87 Maghan, Lindsay, NP ...... 92 Dilcher, Kanani K, MD ...... 88 Washko, Brittany M, PT ...... 92 Greene, Brett T, MD ...... 88 Bove, David, ND ...... 93, 105 Song, Jianming, MD ...... 88 Campana, Amber, LAc ...... 93 Dobiecka, Agnieszka K, MD ...... 88 Connell, Courtney, LAc ...... 93 Shapley, Lee, MD ...... 88 Sprung, Roma J, MD ...... 88 Witt, Lanita C, MD ...... 88, 89 Hooley, Donald P, PT ...... 93, 121, 152 Bassett, Nicole M, PT ...... 88 Molzahn, Logan Anne Thompson, PT . . 93, 122, 152 Jones, Jeffrey S, PT ...... 88 Cain, Ryan L, PA ...... 93, 125, 154 Sheely, Susan L, PT ...... 88 Corbett, Zachary B, LAC ...... 94 Wegley, Roger S, PT ...... 88 Day, Kali, LAc ...... 94 Barry, Catherine I, MD ...... 89 Greenleaf, Stuart, LAc ...... 94 Gladstone, Hayes B, MD ...... 89 Harmon, Dina M, LAc ...... 94 Leposavic, Robert I, MD ...... 89 Jing-Craytor, Ting, MD ...... 94 Nakhla, Tony Nader, DO ...... 89 Moore, Jennifer K, BS ...... 94 Svancara, Kevin L, DO ...... 89, 91 Neer, Lonnie J, LAC ...... 94, 135 Thomas, Richard S, DO ...... 89 Petersen, Mary Ann, LAc ...... 95 Brandon, Tracy, NP ...... 89 Stice, Laura, LAc ...... 95

384 Index / Índice

Van Enk, Jian Z, MS ...... 95 Haber, Michael J, MD ...... 99, 114 Wherland, Ruth Hadas, LAc ...... 95 Hillman, Frank P, PA ...... 99, 126 Whitney, Heath S, LAc ...... 95 Morris, James R, MD ...... 100, 115 Williams, Thomas H, LAC ...... 95 Schepergerdes, Stephan M, MD ...... 100 Misra, Sounak N, MD ...... 95, 100, 103 St. Germain, Deanna Marie, DO ...... 100 Chou, Alice H, MD ...... 95, 102 Pomranky, Lisa, MD ...... 100, 139 Friesen, Jason Harlow, MD ...... 95 Routhier, Denise D, MD ...... 100, 139 Kehl, Sarah S, MD ...... 96 Gambee, Leandra J, NP ...... 100 Rohr, Candice Melanie, MD ...... 96 Hayes, Natalia V, NP ...... 101, 106 Detels, Susan L, AUD ...... 96 Hurn, Laura J, AUD ...... 96 Sharman, Jeff P, MD ...... 101 Butrynski, James Edward, MD ...... 101, 102 Beckerman, Brandon L, DC ...... 96 Cytrynbaum, Leo, MD ...... 101, 102 Herb, Michael B, DC, CCSP ...... 96 Barnes, Robert C, MD ...... 101 Huston, Andrew W, DC ...... 96, 135 Bagdade, John D, MD ...... 101 MacDonald, Garreth D, DC ...... 97 Bennion, Jonathan Robert, MD ...... 101 Nyberg, Jennifer Louise, DC ...... 97 Watson-Stites, Elizabeth R, PhD ...... 97, 130, 240 Cassell, Sidney L, MD ...... 102 Baird, Diane L, MD ...... 97, 136 Luedtke, Patrick F, MD ...... 102, 103, 129 Bohlke, Angela Kathryn, MD ...... 97 Maier, William P, MD ...... 103, 131 Carrigg, Alison B, DO ...... 97 Yasenchak, Christopher A, MD ...... 103 Dreyer, Cynthia A, MD ...... 97 Bauer, Cezanne, MT ...... 103 Eccles, Hannibal S, MD ...... 97 Johnson, Peter Julian, MT ...... 103 Knapp, Todd L, MD ...... 97 Mihalcea, Cosmin M, MT ...... 103 Park, Jay Y, MD ...... 97 Reiter, Olivia, MT ...... 103 Richterich, Gregory, MD ...... 97 Trader, Andrea Mae, MT ...... 103 Vazquez, Benjamin G, MD ...... 98 Fiorillo, Joseph A, MD ...... 104 Young, Russell, MD ...... 98 Fitzharris, John T, MD ...... 104 Bosch, Thomas, RD ...... 98 Lee, Jae H, MD ...... 104 Abbott, Denise M, RD, RN, CDE ...... 98 Armstrong, Susan J, CNM ...... 104 Beckmann, Tracy, RD ...... 98 Brookey, Michelle L, NP ...... 104 Bunn, Lisa M, RD ...... 98 DelPozzo, Kanya N, CNM ...... 104, 143 Cullen, Jeanne M, RD ...... 99 Downing-Moore, Emily S, CNM ...... 105, 112 Rafferty, Rise L, RD ...... 99 Heritage, Christine L, CNM ...... 105, 106 Katz, Madeleine Florence, CNM ...... 105 Rickman, Kelly L, CNM ...... 105, 112 Snyder, Anna, CNM ...... 105 Goldstein, Rick N, MD Mazure-Mitchell, Miriam A, ND ...... 105 ...... 139, 140, 141 Irbe, Dainis, MD ...... 105, 130 Anderson, Grant, MD ...... 99 Buel, Carolyn E, NP ...... 106 Byfield, Clyde E, MD ...... 99 Dhungana, Elizabeth L, CNP ...... 106, 107

385 Index / Índice

Hughes, Andrew J, FNP ...... 106, 145 Schram, Sarah H, MD ...... 111 Morris, Erik P, NP ...... 106, 109 Stenshoel, Tamara A, MD ...... 111 Temple, Suzanne T, MD ...... 111 Tufariello, Jennifer M, MD ...... 111 Webb, Jessica A, PNP ...... 107, 109 Williams, Sohee G, MD ...... 111 Cotton, Pamela, NP ...... 107 York, Heather L, MD ...... 111 Derlacki, Mary, FNP ...... 107 Pierson, Shanlee J, NP ...... 112 Garbett, Tanya M, NP ...... 107 Anderson, Paul E, OT ...... 112 Angelastro, Amie J, OT ...... 112 Rocco, Kari E, FNP ...... 108 Cioffredi, Michaela, PT 112, 119, 148, ...... 151 Tuman, Colleen E, NP ...... 108 Cline, Jessica Lee, OT ...... 112, 148 Wayne, Melanie, NP ...... 108 Cobb, Marlena E, OT ...... 112 Courtney, Leslie, OT ...... 112 Akins, James T, NP ...... 108 Davis, Allison, PT ...... 113, 149 Dimitre, Virginia Louise, NP ...... 108 Fox, Robin, PMHNP ...... 108 Henry, Kelly D, APMHNP ...... 108 Hurley, Jocelyn J, OT ...... 113 Steinbacher, Kristi K, NP ...... 109 McCauley, Maureen, OT ...... 113 Anderson, Charles K, MD ...... 109 Austin, Douglas J, MD ...... 109 Meadowcroft, Carrie F, PT ...... 113, 149 Beller, Byrke O, MD ...... 109 Mitchell, Luke A, OT ...... 113 Betterton, Gillian M, MD ...... 109 Mroz, Jennifer A, OT ...... 113 Beyerlein, Richard A, MD ...... 109 Cooper, Brant L, MD ...... 110 Edwards, Kimberly Ann, MD ...... 110 Rossberg, Casey, OT ...... 114 Edwards, Melissa D, MD ...... 110 Saunders, Virginia A, OT ...... 114, 123 Garrett, Audrey P, MD ...... 110, 112 Wagers, Stephanie A, OTR-L ...... 114 Gerhards, Sara, MD ...... 110 Brackebusch, Joyce M, MD ...... 114 Gill, Geoffrey J, MD ...... 110 Knackstedt, James J, MD ...... 114 Haugen, Julie A, MD ...... 110 Tom, William D, MD ...... 114 Higdon, Johanna Lyn, MD ...... 110 Urben, Susan L, MD ...... 114 Keller, Lisa, MD ...... 110 Vivek, Prashant P, MD ...... 114 Konradi, Melanie, MD ...... 110 Dunn, Joseph S, MD ...... 114 Lee, Richard H, MD ...... 110 Moore, Gregory A, MD ...... 115, 117 McCarthy, Amy P, MD ...... 111 Morgan, Donna M, MD ...... 115 Mertz, Katria L, MD ...... 111 Monji, Zena I, MD ...... 111 Koester, Michael C, MD 115, 116, 149, O'Rourke, Luke W, DO ...... 111 ...... 151 Reilly, Martha M, MD ...... 111 Schnapper, Tina S, MD ...... 111

386 Index / Índice

Mappus, Jennifer, PHARM.D...... 116 Andresen, Bryan L, MD ...... 116 Matyas, Jennifer L, PT ...... 121 Arnold, Jonathan D, PT ...... 116, 118, 151 McCue, Lauryn, DPT ...... 121 Arnsdorf, Robert E, MD ...... 116 McHugh, Aspen K, PT ...... 121 Bonezzi, Jeffrey M, PT 116, 117, 119, McKibben, Carla, PT ...... 121 ...... 151 Mcgowan, John C, PT ...... 122 Holte, David A, PT 117, 120, 151, Nelson, Jered R, PT ...... 122 ...... 152 Noble, Alan M, PT ...... 122 Lin, Victor K, MD ...... 117 Parkerson, Morgan M, PT ...... 122 McClary, Keegan John, MD ...... 117 Randall, Jennifer, PT ...... 122, 153 Phillips, Gregory M, MD ...... 117 Robert, Steven M, DPT ...... 122 Stowell, Erik D, MD ...... 117 Robinson, Michael G, PT ...... 122 Versage, Pamela J, PT ...... 117, 124 Robinson, Rachel, PT ...... 123 Vora, Rishi, DO ...... 117 Spalding Murillo, Leslie R, PT ...... 123 Walkup, Cody W, PT 118, 124, 151, Standifer, David B, PT ...... 123, 153 ...... 153 Stephens, Jacob, DPT ...... 123 Weller, Kathrin A, MD ...... 118 Stewart, Samuel Thomas, PT ...... 123 White, Daniel A, PT 118, 124, 151, ...... 153 Treeheart, Elizabeth A, PT ...... 123 Ahearn, Rose Elena, PT ...... 118 Van Winkle, Kimberly S, PT ...... 123, 153 Alexander, Kylee D, PT ...... 118 Vasey, Caitlin E., PT ...... 123 Apte, Gail G, PT ...... 118 Vecsey, Brett R, PT ...... 124 Banks, Justin J, PT ...... 118 Weber, Joseph, PT ...... 124 Berven, Ty N, PT ...... 119, 151 Wilging, Sean D, PT ...... 124, 153 Billeaudeaux, Ryan, PT ...... 119 Winslow, Jacob, PT ...... 124 Blackwell, Keith R, PT ...... 119 Wise, Lacey N, PT ...... 125 Bortle, Michaela M, DPT ...... 119 Withrow, Galen P, PT ...... 125 Babich, Jennifer L, PA ...... 125, 153 Clay, Melissa A, PT ...... 119 Beasley, Kara, PA ...... 125 Dankberg, Tia R, PT ...... 119, 152 Bentley, Daniel J, PA ...... 125 Dimalanta, Kim D, PT ...... 120 Bergander, Linn L, PA ...... 125 Dondero, Bryan J, PT ...... 120 Bourgault, Cheryl R, PA ...... 125 Duke, Brian, PT ...... 120, 152 Critchlow, Kasey L, PA-C ...... 125 Eisaman, Tami R, PT ...... 120 Fielder, Kimberlee A, PA ...... 125, 154 Embley, Ryan D, PT ...... 120 Friedman, Howie, PA ...... 125 English, Laura Kathryn, PT ...... 120 Hill, Lesa A, PA ...... 125 Hill, Sierra, PT ...... 120, 152 Johnson, Karrie, PA-C ...... 126 Hmura, Michael S, PT ...... 120 Kocian, Jason A, PA ...... 126 Jurgensen, Amy K, PT ...... 121 Lee, Caitlin, PA ...... 126, 155 Klein, Jesse E, PT ...... 121 Mcstravick, Leslie W, PA ...... 126 Lupinski, James D, DPT ...... 121 Olson, Lisa M, PA ...... 126 Maloney, Ellen A, DPT ...... 121 Parks, Devon A, PA ...... 126

387 Index / Índice

Peterson, Ralph G, PA-C ...... 126 Kirtner, Ruth L, SLP ...... 131 Queer, Jason, PA-C ...... 126, 135 Mitchell, Emily, SLP ...... 131 Rabacal, Sean T, PA ...... 126 Schmitz, Amanda, SLP ...... 131 Riportella, Jacob C, PA ...... 126, 155 Wilhite, Steven L, MD ...... 132 Roth, Debra E, PA ...... 127 Schultz, Brent E, MD ...... 132, 135 Roth, Zachary A, PA ...... 127, 134 Tavakolian, Jason D, MD 132, 134, 159, Rubin, Dana K, PA ...... 127 ...... 161 Salden, Jason, PA ...... 127, 155 Angeles, Carmina F, MD ...... 132 Seidel, Luke, PA ...... 127, 156 Gallo, Catherine J, MD ...... 132 Stevens, Lisa J, PA ...... 127 Keiper, Glenn, MD ...... 132 Thatcher, Paul C, PA ...... 127, 156 Miller, Christopher G, MD ...... 132 Walker, Sarah, PA-C ...... 127 Sherman, Jonathan D, MD ...... 132 Weinman, Amanda G, PA ...... 127 Allender, Brian M, DMD ...... 132 White, Kery, PA ...... 127 Tucker, Todd S, DMD ...... 133 Wren, Cassandra M, PA ...... 127 Williams, Bryan Christopher, MD ...... 133 Carlson, Colby Richard, DPM ...... 127 Butters, Kenneth Philip, MD 133, 134, 159, Hong, Melissa S, DPM ...... 128 ...... 161 Collis, Dennis K, MD Loveland, Lacey J, DPM ...... 128 ...... 133, 159 McCourt, Michael J, DPM ...... 128 Fitzpatrick, Daniel C, MD ...... 133, 159 Godfrey, Jenna M, MD 133, 135, 159, McKinney, Philip F, DPM ...... 128 ...... 161 Monson, Melisa A, DPM ...... 128 Hoellrich, Rudolf G, MD ...... 133, 160 Muhly, Todd A, DPM ...... 128 Jackson, Lyle Thomas, MD ...... 133, 160 Pearson, Drew D, DPM ...... 128 Jewett, Brian A, MD ...... 133, 160 Rincker, Sarah A, DPM ...... 128 Korcek, Lucas S, MD ...... 133, 160 Schink, Andrew C, DPM ...... 128 Lamoreaux, Lisa L, MD ...... 133 Abraham, Richard M, MD ...... 129 Lantz, Brick (Brett) A, MD ...... 134 Braman, Marcus A, MD ...... 129 Mildren, Mark E, MD ...... 134, 160 Kovacevic, Luci M, MD ...... 129 Mohler, Craig G, MD ...... 134, 160 Bobek, Rebecca S, PSYD ...... 130 Shah, Steven N, MD ...... 134, 160 Fauria, Thomas M, PhD ...... 130 Shapiro, Matthew S, MD ...... 134, 160 Freudenberg, Cara, PSYD ...... 130 Sheerin, Daniel V, MD ...... 134, 160 Moadab, Ida, PhD ...... 130 Strasser, Nicholas, MD ...... 134, 160 Pengelly, Scott S, PhD ...... 130, 237 Straub, Timothy A, MD ...... 134, 160 Quillen, Jenna L, PhD ...... 130 Tuman, Jeffrey M, MD ...... 134, 161 Weatherby, David J, MD ...... 134, 161 Deline, Myra, NP ...... 130 Wuest, Thomas K, MD ...... 134, 161 Braun, Simona S, MD ...... 131 Nordsieck, Eric J, MD 135, 136, 137, Campbell-Kaswell, Julie, SLP ...... 131 ...... 142 Golditch, Jennifer A, SLP ...... 131 Epley, Ronald Martin, DC ...... 135 Grady, Patricia, SLP ...... 131 Howell, John M, DC ...... 135 Meldrum, David G, MD ...... 135

388 Index / Índice

Dougherty, Dane H, MD ...... 141, 156 Buchanan, Glenn S, MD ...... 136 Feltner, Nancy, MSN ...... 136 Gutheim, William G, MD ...... 141, 143 Hansen, Diana F, MD ...... 141 Hinz, William A, MD ...... 142, 156

Bergin, Patrick J, MD ...... 137, 141 Labib, Mary F, MD ...... 142, 143 Marahatta, Ramesh, MD ...... 142, 143 Lau, Samuel S, MD ...... 137 Murphey, Laine J, MD ...... 142

Munkenbeck, Frances C, MD ...... 137 Griffith, Warren G, DO ...... 137 Sanghvi, Shalin R, MD ...... 143 Dressel, Gregory T, NP ...... 137, 145, 146 Balm, Michael Ross, MD ...... 143 Will, Ruth C, PT ...... 137 Clark, David A, DO ...... 144 Paulsen, Jeffrey M, MD ...... 138, 142 Tuliani, Tushar Anil, MD ...... 138, 143 Englander, Raymond Neal, MD ...... 144 Core Strength Chiropractic ...... 138 Muzzana, Kevin L, DC ...... 138 Herring, Mark Owen, MD ...... 144 Atkin, Edward Glen, MD ...... 138, 140 Cooksey, David, MD ...... 138 Kiley, James H, MD ...... 144, 249 Lewis, Felisa Salud A, MD ...... 138 Kokkino, Andrew J, MD ...... 144, 157 Olson, Eric G, MD ...... 138 Roundy, Neil E, MD ...... 144, 157 Pattummadith, Suwapang, MD ...... 138 Stachyra, Jessica Leila, MD ...... 144 Richey, Troy K, MD ...... 138 Wilder, Michael, MD ...... 144, 145 Sampson, Blake P, MD ...... 138 Brisco, Patricia Louise, NP ...... 145 Jacobson, Cecelia, RD ...... 139 Crenshaw, Page M, NP ...... 145 LeBlanc, Jessica L, MD ...... 139 Garcin, Alan J, ACNP ...... 145 Ellis, Jessica Laine, MD ...... 139 Gonenne, Jonathan, MD ...... 139 Peck, Craig A, NP ...... 145 Mills, Shane J, MD ...... 139 Scott, Kymry, NP ...... 145, 153 Toyama, Hiroe L, NP ...... 146 Park, Harry H, MD ...... 140 Wolanin, Cassandra M., ACNP ...... 146 Sim, Davis L, MD ...... 140 Brown, Dawn M, FNP ...... 146 Stanke, Christopher F, MD ...... 140, 143 Vance, Ralph Brooks, MD ...... 140 Leider, Camille E, FNP ...... 146

Martin, Jessica E, FNP ...... 146 Rivera, Rey J, MD ...... 140 Schultz, Heidi R, NP ...... 146 Scholtz, Harry A, DO ...... 140, 143 Semple, Heidi M, FNP ...... 147 Bascom, Paul Benjamin, MD ...... 141 Chappell, Jay H, MD ...... 141 Berger, Alicia, NP ...... 147

389 Index / Índice

Balderston, Keith D, MD ...... 147, 148 Kosloff, Gregg V, PA-C ...... 155 Bock, Kimberly A, MD ...... 147 Kuzma, Sarah E, PA-C ...... 155 Clausen, Charlotte A, MD ...... 147, 148, 150 Leece, Laurie A, PA-C ...... 155 Freeman, Jennifer R, MD ...... 147 Littlejohn, Amy D, PA ...... 155 Herrmann, David Michael, MD ...... 147 McAllister, Christy S, PA ...... 155 Jewett, Paula H, MD ...... 147 McAllister, Marvin H., PA-C ...... 155 Kelel, Kristy M, MD ...... 147 Mckinney, Jennifer, PA ...... 155 Kyle, Brooke, MD ...... 148 Scheidt, Kenzie A, PA ...... 156 Mitchell, Timothy B, MD ...... 148 Tingey, Leigha, PA ...... 156 York, Catherine A, MD ...... 148 Watson, Angela E, PA ...... 156 Brandenburg, Erin, OT ...... 148 Canavan, Alycia, MA ...... 156 Davis-OLD, Allison, OT ...... 148 Embry, Hannah J, SLP ...... 157 Kosek, Peter S, MD ...... 149 Bascom, Thomas H, MD ...... 157 Burchell, Mary Fowler, MD ...... 149 Daniel, Jonathan C, MD ...... 157, 158 Vo, Duc M, MD ...... 157, 159 Frank, Jeffrey Russell, MD ...... 149, 150 Hutton, Daniel, DO ...... 157 Clark, Katelyn Ann, MD ...... 158 Cusati Oropeza, Daniel A, MD ...... 158 Dehaas, David R, MD ...... 158 Fabricant, Loic, MD ...... 158, 162 Ingalls, Nichole K, MD ...... 158, 162 Leonard, Douglas T, MD ...... 150 Kollmorgen, Christine F, MD ...... 158 Shupe, Tyler A, DPT ...... 151, 153 Littman, Travis A, MD ...... 158, 162 Dede, Kisten L, PT ...... 152 McIvor, Andrew C, MD ...... 158 Finney, Kelly Marie, PT ...... 152 McVay, Bryan M, MD ...... 158 Hagemeyer, Joshua J, DPT ...... 152 Modeste, Kevin A, MD ...... 159, 162 Hilton, Valerie J, PT ...... 152 Seidman, Craig S, MD ...... 159, 162 Lavrinenko, Aleksey V, PT ...... 152 Stites, Thomas P, MD ...... 159 Sevilla, Malinda C, PT ...... 153 Barton, Lucy A, PA ...... 153 Brandt, Kevin M, PA ...... 154 Armitage, John M, MD ...... 161 Brooks, Lindsay E, PA ...... 154 Floten, Harkness S, MD ...... 161 Christner, Kelly M, PA ...... 154 Schumacher, Paul M, MD ...... 162 Farro, Brittany Jade, PA ...... 154 Viramontes, Jose, MD ...... 162 Fillmore, Mallory L, PA ...... 154 Bodell, Dawn M, DO ...... 162 Hanauska, Jodi N, PA-C ...... 154 Kyle, Christopher C, MD ...... 162 Harp, Joseph S, PA ...... 154 Bouleware, Russell, AA ...... 163 DeLaCruz, Leticia, AA ...... 163 Ingold, Lisa M, PA-C ...... 155 Hankins, Heather, AA ...... 163 Jorgensen, Chad A, PA ...... 155 Hitt, Ernest, AA ...... 163

390 Index / Índice

Kovac, Francis G, APRN ...... 163 Valenti, Timothy P, PT 166, 171, 180, Lloyd, Jessica C, MD ...... 163 ...... 197 McKimmy, Roger M, MD ...... 163 Vaughn, Jason M, PT 166, 171, 180, Mehlhaff, Bryan A, MD ...... 163 ...... 197 Woolsey, Jeffrey B, MD ...... 163 Wachter, Rachel J, PT 166, 171, 180, ...... 197 Fisher, Adrienne B, NP ...... 163 Walish, Kyla J, PT 166, 171, 181, Johnson, James, BS ...... 164 ...... 197 Lawrence, Van, QMHS ...... 164 Wall, Erin E, PT 166, 171, 181, Oakes, Dena, AA ...... 164 ...... 197 Perue, Obadiah, NON LICENSED ...... 164 Walters, William R, PT 166, 171, 181, Modafferi, Alison A, PT 164, 169, 177, ...... 197 ...... 196 Akhgar, Asiya Z, PT ...... 167, 173, 194 Newell, Bethany A, PT 164, 169, 177, Benton, Amy E, PT ...... 167, 173, 194 ...... 196 Boim, Rachel L, PT 167, 173, 174, Patron, Elizabeth A, PT 164, 169, 177, ...... 194 ...... 196 Bridge, Patrick M, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Perilli, Laurel P, PT 164, 169, 177, Capellino, Vincent D, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 ...... 178, 196 Cavin, James W, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Provencio, Lyndsay K, PT 164, 169, 178, ...... 196 Chadd, Joanna M, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 Reddy, Bhavana R, PT 165, 169, 178, Colasurdo, Rebekah J, PT ...... 167, 174, 194 ...... 196 Wilkins, Katrina J, PT ...... 167, 171, 181 Rentenaar, Caroline M, PT 165, 169, 178, Wilson, Paul I, PT ...... 167, 171, 181 ...... 196 Wright, Kelsy A, PT ...... 167, 172, 181 Schmidt, Bren F, PT 165, 169, 178, Correia, Nathaniel R, PT 168, 174, 175, ...... 196 ...... 195 Sloan, Catherine P, PT 165, 170, 178, Durando, Shane M, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 ...... 196 Falquist, Eric D, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 Smetana, Julia A, PT 165, 170, 179, Hampton, Hope A, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 ...... 196 Hardebeck, Laura J, PT ...... 168, 175, 195 Smith, Gwendolyn S, PT 165, 170, 179, Holbrook, Leah J, PT 168, 175, 176, ...... 196 ...... 195 Spink, Jillian E, PT 165, 170, 179, Hurley, Connor R, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 ...... 197 Hutcherson, Caroline T, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Summers, Christine M, PT 165, 170, 179, ...... 197 Jarbath, Jean P, PT ...... 168 Supplitt, Ryne P, PT 165, 170, 179, Jeffery, Anne L, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 ...... 197 Jerkins, Amanda C, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 Thwing, Amy L, PT 166, 170, 180, Leidholt, John T, PT ...... 168, 176, 195 ...... 197 Martini, Caitlin J, PT ...... 169, 177, 195 Truong, Laura, PT 166, 170, 180, Meyer, Kaylene M, PT ...... 169, 177, 196 ...... 197 Steller, Nicholas R, PT ...... 170 Tschoeke, Stefanie L, PT 166, 171, 180, ...... 197

391 Index / Índice

Platz, Jennifer L, PA ...... 185, 192 Poorman, Jay C, MD ...... 185 Smith, Matthew A, MD ...... 185 Taylor, Derek C, MD ...... 185 Vorlop, Erich D, MD ...... 185

Ball, Jason D, PT ...... 173 Blanchard, Jeffrey R, PT ...... 173 Stevens, Samara, ND ...... 186 Harney, Allison M, PT ...... 175 Hilbelink, Todd Ronald, MD ...... 186 Harrison, Joel S, PT ...... 175 Jesperson, Tricia N, DO ...... 186 Lerma, Keegan K, PT ...... 176 Kassakian, Claire T, MD ...... 186 Pannebaker, Joshua E, PT ...... 177 Patel, Monika, DO ...... 186 Schoonover, Tiffany A, PT ...... 178 Smiley, Clayton M, MD ...... 187 Sturzinger, Jenna N, PT ...... 179 Steed, Leslie M, MD ...... 187 Susee, Malia, LAc ...... 182 Galen, Edward Allen, MD ...... 182, 184 Otoole, Julie K, MD ...... 182, 189 Yeh, Hsu-hung, PT ...... 182 Holt, Timothy S, NP ...... 187 Lee, Kenneth E, PA ...... 182 Arabshahi, Hamid Reza, DPM ...... 182, 200 Mineo, Timothy J, DPM ...... 182 Wilson, Benjamin R, MD ...... 182 Polin, Richard S, MD ...... 182

Iwaski, Ellen L, FNP ...... 188 Reel Davis, Chaney, NP ...... 188, 189

Montgomery, Kassy Rae, RD ...... 183 Banger, Sarah, NP ...... 188 Demerich, Megan, NP ...... 188 Desocio, Janiece E, NP ...... 188 Novak, Melissa A, DO ...... 183, 184 Jenson, Jody, NP ...... 188 Mostul, Tyler, NP ...... 188 Murphy, Jonathan, NP ...... 189 Bennetts, Roland, MD ...... 184 Sheehan, Brooke A, NP ...... 189 Black, Katherine R, MD ...... 184, 186 Buehler, Jeffrey Charles, MD ...... 184 Pearson, Tuesday, DO ...... 189 Degregorio, Barry T, MD ...... 184 Buchholz, Mark T, MD ...... 189, 190 Hapke, Ronald Jack, MD ...... 185 Moshtael, Naghmeh, MD ...... 189 Jazrawi, Saad Fahmi, MD ...... 185 Selva, Karin Ann, MD ...... 189, 190 Kim, Julie Ann, MD ...... 185 Legras, Marc D, MD ...... 189 Le, Thienluong Domi, MD ...... 185, 186 Moyer, Kathryn D, MD ...... 190 Nesmith, Meghan Allison, MD ...... 185

392 Index / Índice

Sheiko, Melissa A, MD ...... 190 Grady, Scott P, MD ...... 199 Haley, Kristina M, DO ...... 190 Neifing, James L, MD ...... 199 Kemper, Nicole M, MD ...... 199 Hirselj, Daniel A, MD ...... 190, 194 Murdoch, Jennifer, NP ...... 199 Button, Jeanne H, MD ...... 190 Zuberi, Laurel R, NP ...... 199 Degen, Jeffrey W, MD ...... 190 Carter, Amy Jean, NP ...... 199 Koon, David Chi-Chiu, MD ...... 191 Krishnamurthy, Priya, MD ...... 200 Lawlor, Jennifer Kathleen, MD ...... 191 McDuffee, Katherine, NP ...... 200 McKeown, Jana K, DO ...... 191 Jacobson, Karen A, PA ...... 200 Schmeer, Jamie L, DO ...... 191 Hayes, Stephen M, DPM ...... 200 Wilson, Michael R, DO ...... 191 Dunbar, Desiree, CP ...... 200 MOSHOFSKY, DANIEL, PSYD ...... 200 Petrie, Brianne, CP ...... 201 Berk, Mehmet C, MD ...... 201 Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center ...... 203 Mckenzie Willamette Hospital ...... 203 Phillips, Colleen D, PA ...... 192 McKenzie-Willamette Regional Medical Center ...... 203 Bowen, Brian M, DPM ...... 192 Bullock, Gina M, DPM ...... 192 Greenberg, David C, DPM ...... 192 Tengsico, Lester Fernandez, DPM ...... 192

Health And Hospital Servi ...... 203 Miller, Kristen, CP ...... 193 Lower Umpqua Hospital ...... 203 Nolde, Alyssa, PSYD ...... 193 Sanchez, Adrian Larsen, CP ...... 193 Tollander, Heather, CP ...... 193 Meyer, Avishai J, MD ...... 193 Legacy Emanuel Hospital ...... 204, 259 Patterson, Emma J, MD ...... 193 Legacy Emanuel Medical Cen ...... 204, 259 Tseng, Daniel, MD ...... 193, 200 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and O'Brien, Shannon P, MD ...... 193 Medical Center ...... 204 Zegzula, Henry Daniel, MD ...... 193 Legacy Meridian Park Hospital ...... 204 Watkins, Jeffrey R, MD ...... 194, 198 New Directions NW Inc ...... 205 Gilmore, Tyler Alexander, QMHS ...... 198 Forsyth, Robert, NON LICENSED ...... 205 Amara, Debora A, OTR-L ...... 198 Baxter, Samuel, NON LICENSED ...... 205 Cruz, Molly J, PT ...... 198 Brue, K Jason, MA ...... 205 Lloyd, Erin D, DPT ...... 198 Hobson, Jordyn, BS ...... 205 Schroetke, Samuel S, PT ...... 198 Kissire, Ronda, LMHC ...... 205 Reinhardt, Bailie, BA ...... 199 Petrik, Marla, QMHS ...... 205 Bergstrom, Richard Walter, MD ...... 199 Safai, Azita, MD ...... 205

393 Index / Índice

Tyler, Michael, MD ...... 205 Adapt and Compass ...... 210 Clausel, Tammie R, LCSW ...... 205 Haaby, Willie Dieago, CADC ...... 210 O'Brien, Catherine D, LCSW ...... 205 Perez, Armando, SAC ...... 210 Martinson, Colleen, MA ...... 206 Watters, Sharon E, PC ...... 210 Ponce, Olivia Estelle, NON Duhon, Jessica J, LPC ...... 210 LICENSED ...... 206 Eckstein, Doug, PC ...... 210 Pritt, Tanya, NON LICENSED ...... 206 Hardwick, Deborrah L, PC ...... 210, 233 Kelley, Betty, LPC ...... 206 Itzkowitz, Neal, PC ...... 210 Leong, Eric N, DO ...... 206, 237 Lillard, John, LPC ...... 210, 233 Family Recovery Non-Profit, Inc dba Reeves, Babette, CSW ...... 211 Yes House ...... 206 Matz, Kyle G, LMFT ...... 211 Family Recovery Nonprofit Inc ...... 206 Quayle, Debra, LMFT ...... 211, 236 Milesones Womens Treatment ...... 206 Hart, Cora G, PSYD ...... 211 Milestones Women's Program ...... 206 Eckstein, Judith K, CP ...... 211 Wright, Kelli G, LCSW ...... 206 Givens, Danielle, CSW ...... 211 Galasso, Justin, MSW ...... 207, 208 Crawford, Lisa, LCSW ...... 211 Edwards, Laura, LPC ...... 207 Itzkowitz, Jimee, CSW ...... 211 Katz, Ivy, PC ...... 207 Lydon, Robert J, LCSW ...... 211, 243 Korschgen, Joyce, PC ...... 207 Addictions Recovery Center ...... 212 Milner, Crisse, LPC ...... 207 Addictions Recovery Center Inc ...... 212 Aragon, Eydie, LMFT ...... 207 Addictions Recovery Center, Inc. - Faloni, Amy, LMFT ...... 207 Outpatient ...... 212 Nelson, Alice, MFT ...... 207 Addictions Recovery Center, Inc.- Yes House ...... 207 Outpatient ...... 212 Dennenberg, Hava, PC ...... 207 Detox and Outpatient MAT ...... 212 Macklin, Jessica, CADC ...... 208 Brown, Jeffrey, CADC ...... 212 Mandel, Tracy, PC ...... 208 Harris, Phaedra, CADC ...... 212 Roedel, Melanie, PC ...... 208, 266 Jackson, Brian, CADC ...... 212 Taylor, Charles, PC ...... 208, 264 Krug, Amanda, CADC ...... 212 Banke, Christopher, MFT ...... 208 Frakes, Kimie, LCSW ...... 212 Bonfiglio, Jamie, MFT ...... 208 Rose, Diane, CSW ...... 212 Sullivan, Kelly, CSW ...... 208 Swanson, Andrew G, LCSW ...... 212 Clementine Portland ...... 209 Long, Elizabeth, BS ...... 213 Bestcare Treatment Resid & Detox ...... 209 Miatke, Jennifer Lynn, LPC ...... 213 Fortune, Laura Rae, PC ...... 209 Sleezer, Stephen, NON LICENSED ...... 213 Knapp, Noreen, NON LICENSED ...... 209 Cloud, James, QMHS ...... 213 Lindsey, Deidrie, CADC ...... 209 Woodhouse, Robert, LCSW ...... 213 Holmes, Kenneth W, LPC ...... 209 Williamette Family Cottage Grove ...... 214 Baker, Lora, CSW ...... 209 Kairos ...... 214 Kujala, Lea, CSW ...... 209 Kairos - Community Services ...... 214 Stuntzner, Denise E, LCSW ...... 209 Best Care Treatment Services ...... 214 Wells, Alex, CSW ...... 209, 266 Botchway, Pauline O, LPC ...... 214

394 Index / Índice

Burton, Mitzi L, LPC ...... 214 Emerald Tms, Llc ...... 218 Whaley, Autumn Melody, LPC ...... 214 Christians As Family Advocates ...... 218 Denman, Manoela, MD ...... 214 Integrated Health Care ...... 218 Jaschke, Virginia A, MD ...... 214 Integrated Health Clinics ...... 218 Kendrick, Kasey, LPC ...... 215 Relief Nursery ...... 219 Lee, Robert H, MHA ...... 215 Barbosa, Alexis, NON LICENSED ...... 219 Roberts, Jon, MHA ...... 215 Bastien, Kara L, LPC ...... 219, 232 Lytle, Katie, NON LICENSED ...... 215 Andrews, Rachel C, LCSW ...... 215 Berrocal Llerena, Ashley L, NON Barkemeyer, Larry, MHA ...... 215 LICENSED ...... 219 Baschleben, Nicole L, BS ...... 215 Bessko, Tibor, PC ...... 219 Britz, Kerstin E, LCSW ...... 215, 217 Calkins, La Rae, MHA ...... 215 Cantwell, Carley Kendall, LCSW ...... 219, 241 Charles, Abigail, QMHS ...... 219 Cuellar, Maria, LMHC ...... 215 Davis, Usha, LCSW ...... 215, 217 Deacon, Lisa S, MA ...... 220, 224 Elkington, Whitney, MPH ...... 216 Dusenberry, William M, MA ...... 220 Horning, Carolee June, NON Farley, Kimberly, LPC ...... 220 LICENSED ...... 216 Felts, Daniel, PC ...... 220 Mastin, Therese N, MA ...... 216 Fleming, Dana, MSW ...... 220 McDaniel, Patrick R, LMFT ...... 216, 217 Goldsmith, Erica, CSW ...... 220, 242 Miller, Robert, MHA ...... 216 Grillo, Stephen Anthony, BA ...... 220 Harris, Brandon, NON LICENSED ...... 220 Tafoya, Sam M, PSYD ...... 216 Heath, Cheryl D, LMFT ...... 221, 235 Tamkin, Laura S, MA ...... 216 Hoberg, Beverly J, LPC ...... 221 Thornsberry, Mary F, MHA ...... 216 Hoffman, Carissa, MA ...... 221 Tromba, Cynthia A, MFT ...... 216, 217 Hughes, Kyle, LCSW ...... 221 Turner, Megan J, CSW ...... 216, 217 Kahler, Sarah, LMHC ...... 221 Whitledge, Lynne, MHA ...... 216 Lopez, Wendy, LMHC ...... 221, 229 Yoder, Andrew L, CSW ...... 216 Mason, John, CADC ...... 221, 225, 229 Elliott, Catherine S, MFT ...... 216 Mayes, Kelly A, LPC 221, 233 Buckley House ...... 217 ...... Center for Family Development 217, 218, 246, ...... 247 Meaux, Tenaya, MSW ...... 221, 229 CFD North ...... 217 Munson, Benjamin, NON LICENSED . . . . . 221, 225 Sponsors Inc ...... 217, 218 Oldenburg, Stephen, BA ...... 221, 230 Willamette Family Inc ...... 218 Osborn, Noelle G, PC ...... 222 Willamette Family Incorporated ...... 218 Pemberton, Kelsey, MSW ...... 222 Willamette Family Treatment Services Pepper-Reed, Susan, MA ...... 222 Inc ...... 218 Pruch, Josephine Casey Witte, LMFT . . . . . 222, 236 Williamette Family Downtown Rahier, Jordan, NON LICENSED ...... 222 Outpatient ...... 218 Reed, Delisal, MFT ...... 222

395 Index / Índice

Alban, Melanie, LMHC ...... 226 Roberts, Elizabeth T, LMHC ...... 222, 230 Albin, Angela K, LPC ...... 226 Barta, Mindi Jean, LPC ...... 226 Schering, Niki, BCBA ...... 222 Baumgart, Edith, MS ...... 226 Schommer, Amanda S, LSCSW ...... 222 Scott, Christopher, LCSW 223, 244, 247, Bolton, Tabitha, BS ...... 226, 232 ...... 251 Clark, April S, MA ...... 227 Silver, Luca, PC ...... 223 Covernali, Maria, BA ...... 227 Silverthorne, Vicki, LPC ...... 223 Donnelly, Brian, CPC ...... 227 Stigall, Sheila A, LCSW ...... 223 Evans-Wondra, Stephanie Lynn, PC ...... 227, 232 Straub, Rachel G, BS ...... 223, 226 Fudge, Toni J, LMHC ...... 227 Tangavelou, Jordan, BA ...... 223 Gerding, Thomas, PC ...... 227, 232 Tournade, Bethany, MA ...... 223, 231 Trotter, Mitchell R, MSW ...... 223, 244 Volz, Steven, MD ...... 223 Hager, Alex, LMFT ...... 227, 235 Weinerman, Larry, LMHC ...... 223, 232 Harrington, Rebecca A, MA ...... 227 Wood, Ruth H, LPC ...... 224 Haun, Cheryl L, MA ...... 228 Allerdice, Cornelia N, MS ...... 224 Hawkins, Diana, MA ...... 228 Anderson, Jamey ...... 224 Crespino, Michelle, MD ...... 224 Higashi, Shayna, MS ...... 228 Cuellar, Vicki, SAC ...... 224 Hirte, Jessica, PC ...... 228 Giandalia, Rhonda, NON LICENSED ...... 224 Jefferis, Alexa D, LMFT ...... 228, 235 Hall, Claude J, LCSW ...... 224, 240 Kelley, Kevin, MA ...... 228 Hart, Randolph L, MSW ...... 224, 228 Knott, Emily, MC ...... 228 Hurd, Thomas, CSAC ...... 224 Lee, Lorie Ann, LMFT ...... 228, 235 Lenhart, Sarah, MA ...... 229, 233 Kerrigan, Tia, CAC ...... 225 Maples, Melanie, QMHS ...... 229 Markwardt, Amee E, MD ...... 225 McKenzie, Bree, MS,LPC ...... 229 Matsen, Krysta, LCAC ...... 225 Mendez, Naomi, NON LICENSED ...... 229 Merritt, Elizabeth, BA ...... 229 Moorhead, Jennifer A, LPC ...... 225, 233 Miller, Nicole E, MA ...... 229 Neuberger, Michael, CADC ...... 225 Miller, Robert, CSWA ...... 229 Nussbaum, Zakary, BA ...... 225 Osborne, Ty, CADC ...... 225 Peacock, Rebecca, CADC ...... 225 Morris, Maxwell, MSW ...... 230 Schafer, Kimberly A, CADC ...... 226 Moyer, Cindie, MFT ...... 230 Shumate, Briana, CADC ...... 226, 231 Nowak, David Ryan, MD ...... 230 Spring, Lisa M, CADC ...... 226 Patricia Bear ...... 230 Stark, Kathleen, CADC ...... 226 Pecue, Michael, MD ...... 230 Tucker, Christopher T, LPC 226, 234, 245, Perales Tapia, Alma, PC ...... 230 ...... 246

396 Index / Índice

Perrine, Elizabeth J, MS ...... 230 Stater, Sharon L, LMFT ...... 236 Pixler, Lyndsay, MA ...... 230 Suzanne Ponsioen Therapy ...... 236 Raines, Sierra, CPC ...... 230 Yabek, Ariel, MFT ...... 236 Reavis, Jennifer, BA ...... 230 Schaad, Maria T, MA ...... 230 Arpaia, Joseph P, MD ...... 237 Seminara, L Claire, MA ...... 231, 233 Bonner, Jocelyn W, MD ...... 237 Siqueiros, Gina M., MA, LPC ...... 231 Brasted, Robert C, MD ...... 237, 238, 249 Spencer, Shirley A, PC ...... 231, 234 Jonsson, Martina C, PCC ...... 237 Spotswood, Ileana, LMHC ...... 231 Schmidt, Hernan Samuel, MD ...... 237 Stuve, Lindsay, PCC ...... 231 Schumann, Jennifer O, MD ...... 237, 238 Swan, Megan, BA ...... 231 Strgar, Franc, MD ...... 237 Templeton, Susan, LMHC ...... 231 Telew, Nicholas W, MD ...... 237 Tippins, Prudence, BS ...... 231 Underwood, Shereen M, DO ...... 238 Underwood, Morgan N, LPC ...... 231 Webb, Michael D, MD ...... 238 Braden, Tracy, PC ...... 232 Brandenburg, Chelsea, PC ...... 232 Aguirre, Maria S, PhD ...... 238 Crasper, Nicholas, LPC ...... 232 Allen, Lori B, PhD ...... 238 DePaoli, Jodi M, LPC ...... 232 Bichsel, Ruth J, PhD ...... 238 Forster, Galyn F, PC ...... 232 Bundy, John, PhD ...... 238 Konnie, Lauren, PC ...... 233 Curtin, Susan, PhD ...... 239 Litwiller, Kara S, PC ...... 233 Fries, Mason E., PhD ...... 239 Neet, Stephen F, LPC ...... 233 Giblin, Markham Scott, PhD ...... 239 Nydigger, Laura D, LPC ...... 233 Gordon, Geoffrey, CP ...... 239 Millet, Austin, CP ...... 239 Shaver, Cynthia, LPC ...... 234, 256 Parks, Brian, PHD HSPP ...... 239 Shin, Jordan J, MS ...... 234 Powers, Peter, PhD ...... 239 Taggart, Cori V, PC ...... 234 Ravitch, Nancy Kathryn, PhD ...... 239 Richey, Enid, PhD ...... 239 Rohde, Paul, PhD ...... 239 Alexander, Debra W, LMFT ...... 234 Roman, Pamela R, PhD ...... 239 Booth, Margaret Lynn, LMFT ...... 234 Schwartz, Zak F, PhD ...... 240 Escobedo, Cecilia, MFT ...... 235 Sorensen, Erik, PhD ...... 240 Steinberg, Craig B, PhD ...... 240 Johnson, Emily J, LMFT ...... 235 Sundberg, Ellen, LP ...... 240 Martin, Summer S, LMFT ...... 235 Windle, Chaunce R, PhD ...... 240 Mitchell, Kurtis J, LMFT ...... 235 Cortez, Patricia, MSW ...... 240, 241 Pendleton, Porshea D, MA ...... 236 Ponsioen, Suzanne M, LMFT ...... 236 Nesiba, Cynthia L, LCSW ...... 240, 243 Rexius, Carol J, LMFT ...... 236

397 Index / Índice

Anderson, Laurel E, LCSW ...... 241 Lloyd, Jamie, LPC ...... 246 Bucholtz, Jennifer L, LCSW ...... 241 LeCompte, Marci L, PC ...... 246 Clark, Camm D, LCSW ...... 241 Freeman, Erica, LCSW ...... 241 Wood, Norma Kay C, CSW ...... 246 Gamache, Abbey L, LCSW ...... 241 Foote, Amy, PC ...... 247, 248 Gibbs, Robyn S, LCSW ...... 241, 242 Gifford, Andrea, LCSW ...... 247, 250 Guinee, Sharon K, LCSW ...... 242 Dyer, Rachel, PC ...... 247, 248 Huston, Jeffrey S, LCSW ...... 242 Ferguson, Christopher, MSW ...... 247 Ivy, Laura Elizabeth, LCSW ...... 242 Gannon, Courtney, LCSW ...... 247, 250 Kloos, Barbara A, LCSW ...... 242 Gould, Kirsten, MA ...... 247 Kraft, Anne C, LCSW ...... 242 Keller, Susan M, LPC ...... 247, 248 Kreitzberg, Kellie Q, LCSW ...... 242 Kinkade, Heidi Mae, PC ...... 247 Lenker, Jeffrey L, LCSW ...... 242 Martinez, Mckayla F, QMHS ...... 247 Lichtenstein, Jaclyn, LCSW ...... 242 Marx, Lynda K, LPC ...... 248 Liebman, Caren B, LCSW ...... 242 Mott, Julie, CPC ...... 248 Lind, Melissa K, LCSW ...... 243 Moyer, Lauren M, LCSW ...... 248, 250 McIntyre, Erin S, LCSW ...... 243 Remmers, Carolyn J, MED ...... 248 Melton, Kelton, LCSW ...... 243 Stone, Nicole, PC ...... 248 Mikula, David John, LCSW ...... 243 DeVault, Jennifer L, LPC ...... 248 Mote, Vionne Elizabeth, LPC ...... 248 Montes Cervantes, Gloria T, LCSW ...... 243 Dockery, Kimberley, LMFT ...... 249 Olds, Megan M, LCSW ...... 244 Parys, Dora H, LCSW ...... 244 Tobin, Barbara A, LMFT ...... 249 Rexius, Carolyn A, LCSW ...... 244 Grimm, James T, MD, LMP ...... 249 Ulrich, Jenae M, PSYD ...... 249 Stark-Bredeweg, Karin, LCSW ...... 244 Stockford, Laura N, LCSW ...... 244 Chaffin-Britt, Lori L, LMSW ...... 250 Unger, Ronald J, LCSW ...... 244 Farr, Tori L, LCSW ...... 250 Wanner, Danene R, LCSW ...... 244 Hay, Aaron J, LMSW ...... 250 Warmbier, David, MSW ...... 244, 245 Herrell, Althea A, LCSW ...... 250 Galbraith, Amanda, PC ...... 245, 246 Mclean, John Benjamin, CSW ...... 245, 246 Lchs Washington Street ...... 251 Stuart, Tedra, LPC ...... 245 Linn County Department Of Health Wang, Paula, LPC ...... 245 Services ...... 251 Dickson, Mina Ann, LPC ...... 245 Broadbent, Christopher K, MED ...... 251 Wetmore, Valinda, LCSW ...... 245 Humble, Roger, CPC ...... 251 Wilson, Laura K, LCSW ...... 245 Kopf, Sandra, LAC ...... 251 Winter, Jordan A, LCSW ...... 245 Phelps, Summer, NON LICENSED ...... 251 ZumBrunnen, Joann L, LCSW ...... 245 Smith, Daniel, LAC ...... 251 Williamette Family ...... 246 Power House Detox ...... 251 Jasper Mountain ...... 246 Starr, Sandra Macejko, LCSW ...... 251

398 Index / Índice

Thomas, Justin Drew, LPC ...... 252 Peacock, Lisa M, MFT ...... 256, 259 Velasco, Desiree, LAC ...... 252 Resendiz, Ofelio, MA ...... 256 Williamson, Kathrine Margret, LAC ...... 252 Taite, Pamela, MS ...... 256 Becker, Sean, CSW ...... 252, 254 Bankhead, Destiny, PC ...... 256 D'auria, Francisco Nicolas, BCBA ...... 252 Berlingen, Linda, PC ...... 256 Friederick, Lara, PC ...... 252, 253 Welch, Gwen, LCSW ...... 256 Garver, Sandra L, LPC ...... 252 Cavese, Julie, PC ...... 257 Hull, Wendy, LMHC ...... 252 Chapman, Douglas M, PC ...... 257 Peters, Casey E, QMHS ...... 252 Collier, Hayden, PC ...... 257, 264 Rincon, Juanita, MSW ...... 252 Cooper, Lacy, PC ...... 257 Rose, Meredith J, LPC ...... 252 Corwin, Tiffany, PC ...... 257 Schroer, Mia, LPC ...... 252, 253 Enticknap, Christina, LPC ...... 257 gallagher, susanna, LCMHC ...... 253 Gruber, Noreen, PC ...... 257 Schwarz, Christopher M, NON Henson, Katie, PC ...... 257 LICENSED ...... 253 Houston, Brandon, PC ...... 257 Stebbins, Misty A, LMHC ...... 253, 255 Kelley, Jack, PC ...... 257 Sweet, Nova Dev, LCSW ...... 253 Kettermann, Tiffany, PC ...... 257 Verhoogen Odden, Lise, PC ...... 253 Martin, David, LPC ...... 257 Weinberg, Lance, LPC ...... 253 Mayfield, Krispin, PC ...... 258 Elliott, Candice, PC ...... 253, 254 McAteer, Kirsten, PCC ...... 258 Glaeser, Kiersten A, PC ...... 253 Negron, Astrid, PC ...... 258 Reader, Rosalie, LPC ...... 253 Newey, Matthew, PC ...... 258 Leonard, Jennifer, MFT ...... 254 Shala, Rebecca, PC ...... 258 Salston, MaryDale G, PhD ...... 254 Smith, Lawrence M., PC ...... 258 Brooks, Karen Michele, MD ...... 254 Urban, Jenna, LPC ...... 258, 264 Smolen, Gale A, MD ...... 254 Vargas, Veronica, PC ...... 258 Sobotka, Jon Duane, MD ...... 254 Vega, Thelma, PC ...... 258 Mullally, Jeanne M, LAC ...... 254 Washington, Vanessa, PC ...... 258 Sneddon, Jeffery, LCSW ...... 254 White, Shoko, PC ...... 258 Beaman, Helen, CSW ...... 254 Winter, Elizabeth, CP ...... 258 Corey, Tina A, LCSW ...... 254 Field, Teresa, MFT ...... 259 Linn County Department of Health Weisner, Leslie, LMFT ...... 259 Services - Lebanon ...... 255 Wilcox, Danielle, MFT ...... 259 Neal, Tyler, CSW ...... 255 Legacy Emanuel Hospital And ...... 259 Delohery-Dart, Malia P, LCSW ...... 255 Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital ...... 259 Frisch-Taylor, Nickie, MSW ...... 255 Legacy Health ...... 259 Jones, Leonard Keith, LCSW ...... 255 Axman, Stephanie A, MD ...... 259, 260 Ryden, Ronald R, CSW ...... 255 Conti, Paul M, MD ...... 259 Albertina Kerr Centers ...... 256 Floriani, Jonathan Ryan, MD ...... 259 Benitez, Carlos, MSW ...... 256 Garner, Bennett, MD ...... 259 Garwood, Erin, MA ...... 256 Moore, Andrea, MD ...... 260 Henderson, Alexa, CSW ...... 256, 262

399 Index / Índice

Cheatham, Patrick, PSYD ...... 260 St Marys Home for Boys ...... 264 Corbett, Jana, CP ...... 260 Firefly Counseling Services, PC ...... 265 Curry, Camille, CP ...... 260 Messer, Robert, LPC ...... 265 Gelman, Irina, CP ...... 260 Luse, Paula, BS ...... 265 Harris, Amy, CP ...... 260 Mobley, Jacqueline, NON LICENSED ...... 265 Larsen Sanchez, Brad, CP ...... 260 Lahr, Emily, MSW ...... 265 VanVoorhies, Erin, CP ...... 260 Phillippi, Annamaria, PC ...... 265 Kaufman, Lisa, PhD ...... 260 Spencer, Emmalia, NON LICENSED ...... 265 Reed, Norman H, PhD ...... 261 D'Amore, Simone, PC ...... 265 Hardman-Woung, Gail M, LCSW ...... 261 Harris, Steven, PCC ...... 266 Abbott, Miya, CSW ...... 261 Medline Industries Inc MA ...... 267 Blum, Michelle, CSW ...... 261 Norco Inc...... 267 Couturier, Anna Lisa, CSW ...... 261 Olson Medical Supply ...... 267 Crowley, Tara, LCSW ...... 261 IP Baker 1 ...... 267 Erickson, Beth, CSW ...... 261 IP Canby 1 ...... 267 Godfrey, Jane, CSW ...... 261 IP Oregon City 1 ...... 267 Gomez, Jacqueline, CSW ...... 261 Quest Diagnostics 267, 268, 270, Hally, Li Lin, LCSW ...... 262 271, 273, 275, Hankins, Ceshaun, LCSW ...... 262 276, 277, 278, ...... 279, 281 Hyman, Rebecca, CSW ...... 262 Avamere Rehab of Clackamas ...... 267 Klavans Rekosh, Lisa, LISW-CP ...... 262 Avamere Rehab of Oregon City ...... 267 Kreofsky, Jana, CSW ...... 262 Corvallis Manor ...... 267 Lauer, Barbara, CSW ...... 262 Corvallis Manor Nursing & Miyasato, Kevin C, CSW ...... 262, 264 Rehabilitation Center ...... 267 Molko, David, LCSW ...... 262 Genesis Medical Concepts LLC ...... 268 Mossnan, Roxanne, MSS ...... 262 Lincare Inc 268, 269, 271, Phillips, Athena, LCSW ...... 262 ...... 276 Ruth, Douglass M, CSW ...... 262 Synergy Medical ...... 268 Lifeways Inc ...... 263, 264 Pacific Home Health & Hospice (Coos ...... 268 Senarsky, Michala, LPC ...... 263 MT H ...... 268 O'Connell, Alycia, CSW ...... 263 Pacific Hospice ...... 268 Sciarani, Lisa, CSW ...... 263 IP Astoria 1 ...... 268 Secrett, Sharnissa, CSW ...... 263 North Bend Medical Center Inc ...... 268 Smith Hohnstein, Melissa, CSW ...... 263, 265 Avamere Rehab of Coos Bay ...... 268 Stewart, Lisa, CSW ...... 263 Lincare Tolman ...... 269 Strickland, Alison, CSW ...... 263 Norco Medical - Bend ...... 269 Williams, Edmond, CSW ...... 263 Summit Orthotics and Prosthetics Bend ...... 269 Hilton, Lindsay, LMFT ...... 264 Option Care At Legacy Health ...... 269, 316, 336 Krieger, Cynthia L, MA ...... 264 Option Care at Legacy Health - Bend ...... 269 Babinec, Christine, PC ...... 264 IP Bend 2 ...... 269 Sklar, Jonathan J, MS ...... 264 IP Bend 3 ...... 269

400 Index / Índice

IP Bend 4 ...... 269 IP Brookings 2 ...... 269 Serenity Hospice ...... 273, 282 IP La Pine 1 ...... 269 Emerald Sleep Disorders Center ...... 273 Pacific Medical Inc ...... 269, 271 IP Eugene 1 ...... 273 Lower Umpqua Hosp Dist ...... 270 IP Eugene 2 ...... 273 Douglas Medical Equipment Supply ...... 270 IP Eugene 3 ...... 273 Lincare Inc - Medford ...... 270 IP Eugene 4 ...... 273 Lincare Inc - Roseburg ...... 270 Nepenthe Laboratory Services. LLC ...... 273 Norco ...... 270 Lincare Inc - Salem ...... 274, 277 Northwest Medical Llc ...... 270, 275 Barnhart Prosthetic & Orthotics ...... 274, 275 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics Rdm ...... 270 Radiology Associates PC ...... 274 IP Hood River 1 ...... 270 219 South Hills Rehabilitation Center ...... 274 IP Redmond 1 ...... 270 Avamere Rehab of Eugene ...... 274 Umpqua Valley Nursing & Avamere Rehab of Junction City ...... 274 Rehabilitation Center ...... 270 Avamere Riverpark of Eugene ...... 274 Grove Medical Equipment ...... 271 Green Valley Rehabilitation Health Norco Medical ...... 271 Center ...... 274 Pacific Footwear ...... 271 Hillside Heights Rehabiliation Center ...... 274 Pacific Pulmonary - Medford ...... 271 Regency Florence Rehab Center ...... 274 IP Grants Pass 1 ...... 271 Ltd ...... 274 IP Grants Pass 3 ...... 271 Hanger P & O - Eugene ...... 275 IP Klamath Falls 1 ...... 271 Lincare Inc - Springfield ...... 275 Avamere at Three Fountains ...... 271 Narco Inc ...... 275 Avamere Health Services of Rogue Remember The Moon, Llc ...... 275 Valley ...... 271 Pacific Home Health & Hospice ...... 275 All-Med ...... 272 IP Springfield 1 ...... 275 Hanger Prosthetics - Eugene ...... 272 IP Springfield 2 ...... 275 King Health Care Inc ...... 272 IP Springfield 3 ...... 275 Managed Healthcare Pharmacy ...... 272, 322 Springfield Sleep Disorders ...... 275 Norco Medical - Eugene ...... 272 Oregon Imaging Center-Riverbend Pav ...... 275 Radiology Associates ...... 275 Priority Footwear ...... 272 Lincare Inc Newport ...... 276 Quest HealthCare - Eugene ...... 272 IP Ontario 1 ...... 276 Shaw Med ...... 272 IP Ontario 2 ...... 276 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics-Eug ...... 272 Avamere Court at Keizer ...... 276 Synergy Medical Systems...... 272 Avamere Rehab of Lebanon ...... 276 Cascade Health Solutions ...... 272, 273 Avamere Rehab of Newport ...... 276 Coast Fork Nursing Center ...... 272 Marquis Care Springfield ...... 276 Creswell Health & Rehab Center ...... 272 Norco Medical - Salem ...... 277 Good Samaritan Society Eugene ...... 273, 274 Hospice Care of the Northwest ...... 277 Serenity Palliative Care And Hospice, Cascade Health ...... 273 Llc ...... 277

401 Index / Índice

A Step Forward Llc ...... 277 Lincare The Dalles ...... 280 Summit Orthotics & Prosthetics-Sal ...... 277 National Seating & Mobility Inc ...... 280 Avamere Rehab of Salem ...... 277 Norco La Grande ...... 280 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Salem, Norco The Dalles ...... 280 L.l.c...... 277 Option 1 Nutrition Solutions ...... 280 Gresham Rehab and Specialty Care ...... 277 Care Partners ...... 280 Regency Gresham Nursing & IP Beaverton 1 ...... 280 Rehabilitation Center ...... 277 IP La Grande 2 ...... 280 Sunnyside Operations LLC ...... 277 terpath Laboratory Inc ...... 280 A Step Forward ...... 278 LaGrande Post Acute Rehab ...... 280 Byram Healthcare Centers ...... 278 The Dalles Health And Rehabilitation Center for Ocular Prosthetics ...... 278 Center ...... 280 Just Like A Woman Inc ...... 278 Lincare Inc Portland ...... 281 KCI USA Inc ...... 278 Priority Footwear Pacific Footwear ...... 281 Norco Inc ...... 278 Quest Healthcare - Portland ...... 281 Northwest Medical, LLC ...... 278 Sound Health Medical Supply ...... 281 Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care of Oregon Continental Home Health Care Oregon LLC ...... 278 Inc ...... 281 Cascade Cytology Reference Lab ...... 278 Coram Specialty Infusion Services ...... 281 IP Portland 1 ...... 278 Avamere Rehab of Hillsboro ...... 281 IP Portland 3 ...... 278 Avamere Rehabilitation of Beaverton ...... 281 Legacy Laboratory Service ...... 278 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Tualatin Quest Diagnostics Clinical Llc ...... 281 Laboratories ...... 278 Pacific Gardens Estates ...... 281 Avamere CrestView of Portland ...... 278 Sisters Of St Mary Of Oregon - Cornerstone Care Option ...... 278 Maryville Corporation ...... 281 Lincare Inc Pendleton ...... 279 Lincare ...... 282 Interpath Laboratory Inc ...... 279 Coram Alternate Site Serv ...... 282 IP Hermiston 1 ...... 279 IP Tigard 1 ...... 282 IP Hermiston 2 ...... 279 Avamere Rehab of King City ...... 282 Ip Pasco 1 ...... 279 Eagleton Providers PC ...... 283 IP Pendleton 1 ...... 279 Eagleton Providers, Pc ...... 283 IP SAH ...... 279 Eugene Urgent Care Coburg ...... 283 Bayshore Physical Therapy ...... 279 Nova Urgent Care ...... 283, 284 Evergreen Oregon Healthcare Portland Pleasant Hill Urgent Care ...... 283 L L C ...... 279 Nbmc Day Surgery Inc ...... 285 Independence Health and Bay Area Hospital ...... 285 Rehabilitation Center ...... 279 BAY CLINIC ...... 285 Milton Freewater Health and SOUTH COAST ORTHOPAEDIC Rehabilitation Center ...... 279 ASSOCIATES, PC ...... 285 180 Medical - Beaverton ...... 280 Lincare La Grande ...... 280 Fmc Oregon Dialysis Svc ...... 285

402 Index / Índice

PNRS North Coast Dialysis ...... 285 PNRS Sandy ...... 285 Pnrs St Helens Dialysis ...... 285 QualiCenters Bend ...... 285 Fresenius - Springfield ...... 288 Aesthetic Surgery Center of Eugene ...... 286 Fresenius Medical Care Emerald Valley ...... 288 Lane Surgery Center ...... 286 Fresenius Medical Center ...... 288 McKenzie Surgery Center ...... 286 BPM Physical Therapy Center ...... 289 NW Center for Plastic Surgery ...... 286 BPM Physical Therapy Center Inc ...... 289 FMC Dialysis Services Mt Hood ...... 289 Fresenius Medical Care Lebanon ...... 289 Fresenius Medical Care Newport ...... 289 Fresenius Medical Care Redmond ...... 286 Qualicenters Albany ...... 289 Planned Parenthood of Southwestern QualiCenters Albany, LTD ...... 289 Oregon ...... 286 QualiCenters Salem ...... 289 Northwest Center for Plastic Surgery ...... 287 QualiCenters Salem LLC ...... 289 Oregon Eye Surgery Center ...... 287 Oregon Spine & Physical Therapy ...... 289 Pacific Surgery Center ...... 287 Lovejoy Surgicenter ...... 290 Slocum Surgery Center ...... 287 NGC Endoscopy Services LLC ...... 290 Spine Surgery Center of Eugene ...... 287 Pacific Cataract & Laser Institute - Two Rivers Surgical Center ...... 287 Portland ...... 290 Sacread Heart Medical Center ...... 287 Sober Living Oregon Recovery Center Downtown Physical Therapy ...... 287 LLC ...... 290 Reclaim Physical Therapy ...... 287 Kartini Clinic PC ...... 290 The Hand Therapy Clinic ...... 287 Lane Community College Health Fresenius Medical Care Maywood Park ...... 290 Clinic ...... 287 Fresenius Medical Care West Salem ...... 290 Fresenius Medical Care ...... 287 PNRS Hollywood Dialysis Center ...... 290 Fresenius Medical Care - Florence ...... 287 PNRS-Home Dialysis ...... 290 Fresenius Medical Care Dialysis ...... 287 U.S. Renal Care Tillamook Dialysis ...... 290 Fresenius Medical Care Dialysis Westside Surgery Center, Llc ...... 291 Services - Oregon, Llc ...... 287 FMC Milton Freewater ...... 291 Physical Therapy Northwest Limited Fresenius Medical Care - Scholls Ferry ...... 291 Partnership . 287, 289, 290 Fresenius Medical Care Noble Woods Elder Health & Living ...... 288 Clinic LLC ...... 291 Cascade Endoscopy Center ...... 288 PNRS Columbia River- The Dalles ...... 291 Oregon Endoscopy Center ...... 288 PNRS Eastern Oregon Dialysis Clinic ...... 291 Oregon SurgiCenter ...... 288 PNRS Raines Dialysis Center ...... 291 RiverBend Ambulatory Surgery Center ...... 288 PNRS Twin Oaks ...... 291 PNRS Twin Oaks Dialysis Center ...... 291 MR Imaging ...... 288 PNRS McMinnville Kidney Center ...... 292 PNRS Newberg Dialysis Center ...... 292

403 Index / Índice

PNRS Tualatin ...... 292 Ofner, Steven, MD ...... 299 Polansky, John D, MD ...... 299 Sims, Annette Chang, MD ...... 300 Lee, Daniel Y, MD ...... 295 Takusagawa, Hana L, MD ...... 300, 306 Lee, Michael S, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Arbow, Timothy J, OD ...... 300 Ma, Colin, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Cates, Tyler O, OD ...... 300 Patel, Apurva K, MD ...... 295, 306, 307 Coutant, Ben Eston, OD ...... 300 Cuevas, Ronald V, OD ...... 300 Beardsley, Robert M, MD ...... 296, 297, 305 Dunks, Carrie N, OD ...... 300 Karth, John W, MD ...... 296, 299, 306 Ebert, Pam, OD ...... 300 Karth, Peter A, MD ...... 296, 299, 306 Ehlen, Richard W, OD ...... 301 Cheslock, James P, OD ...... 296 Goo, Norman M, OD ...... 301 Mans, Justin T, OD ...... 296, 304 Hackett, David Andrew, OD ...... 301 Mans, Robert A, OD ...... 296, 304 Hedberg, Nicholas, OD ...... 301 Palm, Toby J, OD ...... 296 Jung, Steve K, OD ...... 301 Focal Point ...... 297, 303 Lackman, Michael S, OD ...... 301, 302 Focal Point Eugene ...... 297 Lorenzen, Bradley J, OD ...... 302 Semler Optical Services ...... 297 Morey, Jeffrey A, OD ...... 302 Shopko Eyecare Center 4098 ...... 297 Neitz, Danny W, OD ...... 302 Sweep Optical ...... 297 Patel, Hiren, OD ...... 302 The Spectacle Shop ...... 297 Phillips, Jerry L, OD ...... 302 Visionworks ...... 297 deCalesta, Daran, OD ...... 303 Aryah, Keyhan F, MD ...... 297, 304, 305 Reimers, Loren S, OD ...... 303 Bordewick, Dianna L, MD ...... 297 Sharp, James E, OD ...... 303, 304 Thomas, Jeffrey K, OD ...... 303 Bautista, Robin E, OD ...... 297, 300, 304 Kittock, Julie A, OD ...... 304 Merritt, Cathy L, OD ...... 297 Rowe, William Dale, OD ...... 304 Smoluch, Leslie P, MD ...... 305 Edwards, Albert O, MD ...... 298 Cleveland, Trevor J, OD ...... 305 Fausett, Blake V, MD-PhD ...... 298 Crossland, Nicole, OD ...... 305 Fine, I. Howard, MD ...... 298, 305 Dunn, William A, OD ...... 305 Grillo, Anthony P, MD ...... 298 Thompson, Bethany Lynn, OD ...... 305 Haines, John H, MD ...... 298, 303, 305 Stoner, Michael W, OD ...... 306 Hoffman, Richard S, MD ...... 298, 303 Tualatin Pcli Asc ...... 307 Hunter, Allan A, MD ...... 298, 303, 305 Kwon, Marielle R, OD ...... 307 Hunts, John H, MD ...... 298 Karren, Kent A, MD ...... 299, 304, 306 Kunz, Walter B, MD 299, 304, 305, ...... 306 Lim, Janet M, MD ...... 299 Malihi, Mehrdad, MD ...... 299 Neale, Matthew D, MD ...... 299

404 Index / Índice

Bi-mart Pharmacy 311, 313, 315, Walmart Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 321, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 325, 326, 327, 328, 332, 333, 328, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, 333, 335, 336, ...... 337 ...... 337 Fred Meyer Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, Community Compounding Pharmacy ...... 312 314, 315, 316, Costco Pharmacy 312, 314, 316, 317, 319, 320, 317, 318, 322, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 329, 324, 325, 326, ...... 334, 335, 336 328, 329, 332, CVS Pharmacy 312, 314, 319, 333, 334, 335, 322, 323, 324, ...... 336, 337 326, 328, 329, Infinity Compounding Solutions ...... 311 ...... 334, 335, 336 Pharmerica ...... 311 Hi School Pharmacy ...... 312, 314, 332 Rices Pharmacy ...... 311 Isse Pharmacy Services ...... 312 Rite Aid Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, Philomath Family Pharmacy ...... 312 314, 315, 316, Walgreens 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 322, 318, 319, 321, 323, 324, 325, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 326, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 334, 335, 336, ...... 337 ...... 337 Rx Care Pharmacy ...... 311 Albertson's Pharmacy 313, 317, 318, Rx Crossroads ...... 311 319, 321, 322, Safeway Pharmacy 311, 312, 313, 323, 328, 332, 314, 315, 316, ...... 335 317, 318, 319, Cutters Hi School Pharmacy ...... 313 320, 321, 322, Genoa-qol Healthcare 313, 325, 326, 323, 324, 325, ...... 328 326, 327, 328, Columbia Memorial Hosp Op Phcy ...... 314 331, 332, 333, Paramount Drug ...... 314 334, 335, 336, ...... 337 Providence Seaside Phcy ...... 314 Samaritan Pharmacy Services ...... 311 Bandon Community Pharmacy ...... 315 Sav-on Pharmacy 311, 313, 316, Clinic Pharmacy ...... 315 ...... 320, 323, 337 Genoa Healthcare LLC 315, 319, 320, Simple Meds ...... 311 ...... 322 Semperts Drug Store ...... 315 Waterfall Community Pharmacy ...... 315 Axelacare ...... 316

405 Index / Índice

Coast Community Pharmacy ...... 316 Sky Lakes Outpatient Pharmacy ...... 321 Corner Drug ...... 316 Bhs Pharmacy ...... 322 Genoa QOL Healthcare LLC ...... 316 Broadway Apothecary ...... 322 St Charles Community Pharmacy ...... 316 Diabetes Community Care Team ...... 322 Westside Pharmacy ...... 316 Hirons Drug ...... 322 Central Oregon Phcy & Compd ...... 317 Propac Payless Pharmacy ...... 322 Drug Mart Pharmacy ...... 317 Hometown Drugs Of Roseburg ...... 317 Florence Pharmacy ...... 323 Lower Umpqua Hospital Pharmacy ...... 317 Peacehealth Employee Benf Phcy ...... 323 Northwest Compounding Phcy ...... 317 Postal Pharmacy ...... 323 Reedsport Pharmacy ...... 317 Ashland Drug ...... 318 Willamette Valley Cancer Institute ...... 323 Lens Drug ...... 318 Elm Street Pharmacy ...... 324 Providence Hood River Pharmacy ...... 318 Hi-school Pharmacy #1188 ...... 324 Valley Drugs ...... 318 Samaritan North Lincoln Hosp Phcy ...... 324 Asante Rrmc Pharmacy ...... 319 Samaritan Pacific Comm Hosp Phcy ...... 324 Black Oak Pharmacy ...... 319 Siletz Community Hlth Clinic ...... 324 Gold Hill Pharmacy ...... 319 Brownsville Pharmacy ...... 325 Lone Pine Drug ...... 319 Economy Drugs ...... 325 Omnicare Of Medford ...... 319 Geary Street Clinic Pharmacy ...... 325 Pharmblue Oregon LLC ...... 319 Malheur Drug ...... 325, 326 Rogue Community Health Phcy ...... 319 Mill City Pharmacy ...... 325 Rogue Valley Rx ...... 319 Samaritan Lebanon Comm Pharmacy ...... 325 Wellness Compouding Pharmacy ...... 319 Chemawa Indian Hlth Ctr Pharmacy ...... 326 Asante Three Rivers Pharmacy ...... 320 Lancaster Family Health Center ...... 326 Cascade Pharmacy ...... 320 Mount Angel Drug ...... 326 Caves Pharmacy ...... 320 Oak Tree Pharmacy ...... 326 Grants Pass Pharmacy Inc ...... 320 Physicians Building Pharmacy ...... 326 Hometown Drugs ...... 320 Quisenberry Pharmacies ...... 326 Medicap Pharmacy ...... 320, 325 Quisenberry Pharmacy ...... 326 Rogue River Pharmacy ...... 320 Salem Hosp Outpatient Retail Phcy ...... 327 Siskiyou Community Health Center ...... 320 Salud Medical Center ...... 327 Trinity Valley Pharmacy LLC ...... 320 Silverton Health ...... 327 West Main Pharmacy ...... 320 Stayton Pharmacy LLC ...... 327 Cottage Grove Community Hospital ...... 321 Sublimity Pharmacy Services Inc ...... 327 Creswell Health Mart ...... 321 @pharmacy.com ...... 328 Howard's Drugs ...... 321 Apothecary At Good Samaritan Hosp...... 328 Klamath Open Door Family Practice P ...... 321 Ardon Health LLC ...... 328 Klamath Tribal Health Pharmacy ...... 321 Legacy Mount Hood Medical Cntr ...... 328 Mccoys Pharmacy ...... 321 Murrays Boardman Pharmacy ...... 328 Sky Lakes Downtown Pharmacy ...... 321 Care Plus Cvs/pharmacy ...... 329

406 Index / Índice

Central City Concern Pharmacy ...... 329 Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy ...... 334, 341 Columbia Pharmacy ...... 329 Hillsboro United Drugs ...... 335 Credena Health ...... 329 5 Division Pharmacy Inc ...... 329 Vg Hillsboro Pharmacy ...... 335 Emanuel Pharmacy ...... 329 Virginia Garcia Mem Hlth Ctr Phcy ...... 335 Fairleys Healthcare ...... 329 Coram Alternate Site Svcs ...... 336 Fairleys Pharmacy Inc ...... 329 Mccann's Pharmacy ...... 336 Gateway Medical Pharmacy ...... 329 Medical Office Building Phcy ...... 336 Hillsdale Pharmacy ...... 329 Albertsons Pharmacy ...... 337 Luke-dorf Pharmacy ...... 329 Center Pharmacy ...... 337 Nara Indian Health Clinic ...... 329 Meridian Park Med Ctr Comm Phc ...... 337 Newera Pharmacy ...... 330 Option Care ...... 337 Rx Pharmacy ...... 337 Sheridan Pharmacy ...... 337 Vg Mcminnville Pharmacy ...... 337 CVS CareMark ...... 339 Homescripts ...... 339 AcariaHealth Pharmacy ...... 341 Accredo Health Group ...... 341 Avella Specialty Pharmacy ...... 341 Omnicare Of Portland ...... 330 CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy ...... 341 Outside In Pharmacy ...... 330 Paulsens Pharmacy ...... 330 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy ...... 330, 336 Postal Prescription Services ...... 330 Providence Plaza Pharmacy ...... 330 Providence Specialty Phcy Svcs ...... 330 Qfc Pharmacy ...... 330, 336 Southeast Health Clinic Phcy ...... 331 Grand Ronde Health And Wellness ...... 332 Rinehart Pharmacy LLC ...... 332 Tillamook Pharmacy ...... 332 Hermiston Drug ...... 333 Red Cross Drug Store ...... 333 Union Drug Company ...... 333 Yellowhawk Tribal Health Ctr ...... 333 Banks Pharmacy ...... 334 Beaverton Pharmacy ...... 334

Vg Beaverton Pharmacy ...... 334


409 PO Box 11740 Eugene, OR 97440-3940 Local: (541) 485-2155 Toll Free: 1-877-600-5472 TTY: 1-877-600-5473 TrilliumOHP.com

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