Sapcote Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of Sapcote Parish Council held via Zoom, on Thursday 14th May, 2020

Present: Mr V Howell (Chairman) Mr P Atkinson, Mrs D Brannan, Mrs J Keeber Mr E Morgan, Mr R Towers, Mr N Sahota, Mr N Tyack County and District Councillors: Cllr I Hewson Clerk: Mrs J Blackburn Members of the Public: 0 members of the public

50/20 Apologies for Absence: Mr P Taylor, Mrs A Davies, Cllr M Wright

51/20 Adoption of Policies RESOLVED: to adopt the following policies: Standing Orders 2020 – Covid 19 Update Financial Regulations 2019

52/20 Elections of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Members noted that the new legislation allows for the elections to be suspended until such time as a full council (non-virtual) meeting can be held, with current post holders continuing in post. RESOLVED: Current chair and vice-chair to continue in post at present until such time as an election is possible.

53/20 Co-option of new member Members were reminded that Norah Robinson-Smith had resigned from the Parish council following the March meeting and that she had been thanked for her service and contribution to the village. Members noted that contact had been made by Mr Narinder Sahota expressing interest in joining the Parish Council following the recent publication of a notice advertising vacancies on the Parish Council. RESOLVED to co-opt Narinder Sahota as Parish Councillor.

54/20 Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensation Interests declared: Mrs Keeber - as a member of the Sapcote Bloom Group. Mr Howell - as a trustee of Sapcote Community Library and a trustee of Sapcote Alms Houses.

55/20 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 5th March 2020 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 5th March, a copy of which had been circulated to each member, be accepted as a true record of the meeting.

56/20 Public Participation

57/20 Information Update


From previous minutes: Due to the current Covid-19 situation members noted the following: Arriva Bus Service – meeting delayed indefinitely Parking at All Saints Primary School – meeting delayed indefinitely Request for 20mph speed limit – no further information

Parish Council response to Covid 19 (Coronavirus) • Supporting local group of Sapcote Helpers – arranged for printing initial letters • Clerk is designated liaison officer with District Council • Support for individuals providing materials to NHS; purchasing of materials (£50) • All support has been well received and we will continue to provide support where needed.

58/20 Reports from County Councillors/District Councillors Maggie Wright, County Councillor: LCC April 2020 Report County Council has received £700k of funding to support survivors of domestic abuse. The Council is one of 75 Councils across England to receive a share of £16.6m of Government funding to strengthen protection for those who have suffered domestic abuse. The funds will go towards supporting the Hope Project, a multi-agency provision that delivers an all-round support service for men and women from all backgrounds with complex needs. Anyone in need of outreach support can call 0800 055 6519 or email [email protected]

Primary School Places Figures released on 16th April show that 92.4 per cent of children across Leicestershire have secured a place at their first-choice primary school – an increase of 2.1 per cent on last year’s figure. For anyone needing advice, please get in touch as soon as possible to discuss what options may be available, including how to make an appeal. To find out more, visit

Blue and Green lights signal support for NHS and Social Care Leicestershire County Council have been lighting up the building to thank NHS and social care workers as part of the national “clap for carers”. An extra 240 social care staff worked over the Easter bank holiday weekend – and 120 more were on stand-by – to ensure that over 5,000 residents received the vital care and support they need. More than 100 people who usually work in adult learning, libraries and other teams have already been redeployed to new roles such as providing care, working in the Council’s customer service centre and supporting a recruitment drive for carers.

Leicestershire Foster Carers still needed during this time • Get in touch by phone, email or social media. • To find out more about fostering, visit • Or call 0116 3050505

2 Major Homes Planned for Lutterworth Leicestershire County Council’s proposal to create up to 2,750 new homes, community facilities and business space near Lutterworth are set to be discussed by Harborough District Council on the 21st April 2020. The 550-acre development on land east of the town – including nearly 250 acres of green space, 2 primary schools, a community hub and a network of foot and cycle paths connecting to the town centre would generate 2,500 jobs. The County Council is exploring different funding options for the spine road – including talking to the government about other funding pots – after a bid to the Housing and Infrastructure Fund was unsuccessful. Note: The application was deferred at the meeting on 21/4/20

Waste and Recycling places Details have been published for the re-opening of several sites around the county including Barwell and Whetstone. A booking will need to be made to use the sites and a new booking online system has also been opened. It is accessed via LCC website and people will need to register on this in order to use the booking system.

Iain Hewson Council May 2020 Report The last two Civic events were - 27th February 2020: University Big Band at the Council Chamber - Assortment of music from the 1940’s onwards. 12th March: Quiz Night at the Council To date we have managed to raise £4K, my target was £5k but due the COVID-19 charitable events have been cancelled.

I chaired our First ZOOM Council Meeting on Thursday 9th April, one of the first in the Country, it went very well.

Blaby District Council has set up a Community Hub which has to date has helped 433 people with 226 helpers. To refer yourself or someone you are concerned about please visit: No internet access, call 0116 275 0555. Community Hub opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am -5pm, Friday 9am - 4.30pm. These hours may be extended if demand requires it - for the latest Community Hub opening hours please check on the Council website (same link as above).

For all other enquiries about general council services visit or to keep up to date subscribe to our email updates by visiting or telephone customer services on: 0116 275 0555

We understand the next few weeks will still be difficult, but wanted to reassure you that we are here to support you and to help in every way that we can.

59/20 Correspondence Most correspondence received by the clerk over the last two months related to Coronavirus and the everchanging situation from BDC and LCC (predominantly around supporting local communities) and also organisations such as NALC, LRALC and SLCC who have provided regular updates as to the changing legal situation for parish councils.


Previously sent by email: Housing Needs Analysis Report – councillors were reminded to send comments to the clerk First Responders Annual Report – to note

All Saints Primary School Fencing by Cemetery An email from the headteacher was shared, expressing concerns that children at the school could disturb funerals or people paying their respects at the adjoining cemetery due to the insufficient fencing. The school requested that the parish council contribute to further screening. RESOLVED that contact be made with the school to discuss options and to obtain quotes for the cost of the work.

Members noted the following concern raised by a resident That the Parish Council had arranged for part of the ditch in Donkey Lane (next to allotments) to be cleared, and in doing so, damage had been caused to his father’s allotment and spoil had been dumped on it. The clerk investigated the matter and could find no evidence that the Parish Council had arranged for the work and had written accordingly to the resident.

60/20 Sapcote/Granitethorpe Quarry Members and residents remain concerned about activities at Granitethorp and Sapcote quarries as evidenced through comments on Facebook, complaints to Blaby District Council and contact with Alberto Costa MP over the last few months.

The Clerk and Maggie Wright CC had attended a (Zoom) meeting with Alberto Costa MP, Environment Agency, LCC, BDC and on Wednesday 29th April. The Environment Agency is leading on the investigation and asked that all concerns be reported to the free 24 hour incident hotline on 0800 807 060 and reported to Blaby District Council through the following link - enforcement-information/.

61/20 Grace Road open space boundary and fencing Members were informed that a surveyor had marked the boundary between the land belonging to Sapcote Parish Council and that belonging to Mr P Taylor and Mr J Fowler who wish to create a nature area on their land, whilst making it more secure. One quote had been received for the cost of fencing the boundary line. Members were reminded that under the financial regulations three quotes were needed to be received for projects of this size. RESOLVED: that the clerk organise for two further quotes to be obtained and the matter to be brought back to the next meeting.

62/20 Delegates Reports A report from Sapcote Recreation Ground Management Committee was shared with members via email at the beginning of April. There was no further update.

63/20 Planning Matters Planning applications considered by the Planning group (forwarded on by email to all councillors and responses collected)


April: 20/0265/FUL Land at 32 Stanton Road, Sapcote Erection of 9 dwellings including garage blocks, construction of vehicular access road, parking areas and associated landscaping No objection

May: 20/0410/FUL Oak Tree Cottage, Hinckley Road, Sapcote Demolition of existing dwelling house, change of land use to accommodate three residential Gypsy/Traveller caravans, laying of hardstanding and an altered means of access Objection

20/0373/OUT Land at Strawberry Cottage, Hinckley Road, Sapcote Erection of 8 detached self build and custom dwellings including associated access. Objection

Decisions from Blaby District Council April: 20/0148/HH 32 Stanton Road, Sapcote Approved

May 20/0323/HH 6 Browns Close, Sapcote, LE9 4FZ Approved

64/20 Finance The following payments were approved HRMC Tax £ 968.89 LRALC Annual Subscription £ 553.39 Information Commissioner Annual Fee £ 40.00 LRALC JB - Book keeping Course £ 40.00 2Commune Ltd Website - Annual Fee £ 510.00 EON Electricity - Christmas lights £ 35.46 ISL Associates SRGMC design fees £ 3,686.40 Exec Practice Ltd Annual Fee Payroll Service £ 390.00 Wages Three Employees £ 4919.58 Mrs J Blackburn Consultancy Fee £ 948.76 Mrs J Blackburn Expenses £ 416.61 Burnt Oak Grounds Maintenance £ 1143.00 Water Plus Toilets – Church Street £ 35.33 HMRC Income Tax £ 379.88 Vic Howell Defibrillator Pads/expenses £ 123.78 Wages Three Employees £ 2063.96 Mrs J Blackburn Clerk Expenses £ 189.90

The following Annual Grants and Allowances were approved SRGMC Annual Grant (1st half) £ 2,100.00 Good Neighbour Scheme Annual Grant £ 500.00 Community Library Annual Grant £ 1,000.00 Sapcote Bloom Group Annual Grant £ 600.00 First Responders Annual Grant £ 350.00 Heritage Group Annual Grant £ 200.00 Mr V Howell Chairman Annual Allowance £ 190.00 Mr R Towers Vice Chair Annual Allowance £ 190.00

End of year (19/20) Accounts These were completed by Mr M Guntrip and forwarded to all members prior to the meeting.

5 RESOLVED to accept end of year accounts. Allotments: A quote had been asked for the following works; however it was not received prior to the meeting. Allotment 7: To remove weeds and make good allotment for letting. The allotment will also be split into 2 sections (let separately). Community Allotment: To support the group in getting this project started. Removal of weeds/stinging nettles.

In the absence of the quote an alternative plan was discussed. Neil Tyack, as an allotment holder, agreed to join a sub-committee, with Vic Howell and the Clerk, to look at various options to improve the allotments, including purchase of tools for allotment holders to hire, storage and the provision of water to the allotments.

Members were also informed that with the imminent completion of the new scout building, the scout group had been reminded that the container on Allotment 18 would need to be removed and the allotment made good for the next occupant. RESOLVED: to form an allotment sub-committee to look at options and to report back to the next meeting.

65/20 Items for the Next Agenda All Saints School/Cemetery fencing update Grace Road open space boundary fencing update Allotments update Scout building update

66/20 Date of next meeting. Thursday 4th June 2020 at 7.30pm

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………. Chairman