0 ■ / /

Didljr Net PM b Roi The Weather H m Week Ended Fair tonight. Low in 80s. To­ October » , 1M1 morrow fair' with increasing cloudiness. High near 60, 15,544 1: Manchester—“A City o f Village Charm (ObuMlfled Advertialnc on Fn^e 19) VdL. LXXXVn, NO. 25 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS

Huck and Tom \ HOPEWELL, Va. (AP) — Nobel Prizes Given Robert Williams and Lacey Soviet Satellites Hall, both 14, pushed off on- a raft into the James River —rf- Friday morning and didn’t come back that day, nor the To Four Scientists next. J , STOCKHOLAC. Sweden (AP) Bethe, 61, was bom in Alsace Oct. 10 for his epic novels about All day Saturday, Civil Air Join, Orbit in Spaee — Ih e Swedish Academy of Sci­ \^le it was German territory the troubles of the poor in his Patrol planes and rescue ence today awarded the Nobel and started his academic career Central American country. squadmen searched the river Prise in physics to Prof. Hans in Germany. Forced to leave ’The previous day three medi­ for miles around. Sunday A. Bethe o f Oomell University when Hitler came to power, he cal researchers shared the prize they were Joined by the and the chemistry prise Jointly spent two years in England and for or medicine. Ck>ast Guard. to Britons and went to Cornell, in Ithaca, N.T., ’They were Haldan Keffer Hsirt- And, at 10 a.m., Robert MOSCOW (AP) — Two Ronald George Wreyford Norr- in 1B30. llne of New York, George Wald and Lacey turned up—three Soviet unmanned satellites ish and German . Since 1937 he has held the of Cambridge, Mass., and Rag- blocks from their homes joined together in space to­ Bethe was awarded the prize chair of theoretical physics at nar Granit of Sweden. here — wondering what nil day in a rehearsal for mak­ in. physics for his contributiwis Cornell. Still to be awarded is the 1967 the commotion was about. ing space platforms above to the theory of nuclear reac­ “ I’m extremely happy and , scheduled to Why, said the boys, they tions and especially his discov­ very much surprised,” Bethe be announced in Oslo, Norway, the earth. They spent 51/2 had merely floated their raft hours in orbit together eries concerning the energy said upon learning of the award. before Nov. 16, but there has to a small island and stayed production in stars. His work led to the discovery been speculation that this will two nights. Then they rode and then separated. ’The first for Soviet scientists ^ e British-German trio was of which nuclear reactions take not be awarded this year. the raft home again. awarded the prize for “ their place in the sun to yield its Each prize this year is 320,000 with what they called “ automat­ studies of extremely fast chemi­ g^reat energy, “ which, of course, crowns, or $62,000. ic docking” of two Sputniks cal reactlops, effected by dis­ supports all life,” Bethe said. BethAcontrlbuted to the de- State News came almost two years after the turbing the equilibrium by ’The professor, who instructs a velopmem of the first atomic United States Joined two means of very short pulses of class in i^yslcs three times a bombs as^dhwctor of the section manned spacecraft in orbit. ’The eneigy,” the academy’s citation week, said he had no plans for Busing Union unmanned Soviet venture ap­ said. the $62,000 prize. pear^ to be a test for putting Porter is attached to the Roy­ He has a wife and two chil­ cosmonauts into craft that al Institution in London and his dren. On Strike in would link up in space. British colleague lives in Cam­ ’The physics prize is the third The two Sputniks, Cosmos 186 bridge. Eigen works at the Max of the 1067 Nobel awards to be Bridgeport launched Friday and Cosmos Planck Institute of Goettingen. smnounced. 188 launched today o nan orbital Eigen receives one half of the The prize for literature went BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Mem­ course close to 186’s, maneu­ $62,000 prize while the two Brlt- to Guatemalan novelist- bers of the Amalgamated Trans­ vered and Joined. ' dns share the other half. diplomat Miguel Angel Asturias it Workers Union went on strike They “ fulfilled their program this morning against Connecti­ of scientific research,” an an­ cut Railway & Lighting (3o., a nouncement said, then separat­ bus company serving about 60,- ed on order from earth. For Mideast Plan 000 persons in the cities of It termed the operation an Bridgeport, Waterbury, Norwalk “automatic docking” and said it and New Britain. had occurred at 12:20 p.m. Mos­ ’The strike began at 4:30 a.m. cow time. Split UN Council Picketing was reported in ’The announcement said the Bridgeport. two satellites were coupled rig­ idly and were continuing the or­ Prisoner Escapes bital flight with all systems and Seeks Agreement DANBURY (AP)—John Davis equipment functioning normal­ Jr., 33, due to be released from ly. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.tlon. Others said it was more the Federal Correctional Insti­ ’The United States has carried (AlP)—The 10 nonpermanent likely there would be no agree- Hans A. Bethe tute in February, disappeared out successfully a docking by a members of the U.N. Security ment and the two sides would Saturday afternoon while work­ manned satellite. CouncU, split between two pro- submit their proposals separate- for theoreUcal physics at Los ing on a Milford work-release ’The operation was an obvious posals, tried today to agree on a ly for the council’s decision. Alamos from 1948 to 1946. project. preparation for what the Soviet Sw Tthe councU cpuld adopt to Many felt the council would For his contrlbuUons to nu- He was employed by a Dan­ space program has long been send a peacemaker to the Arabs act somehow. If it does not, the clear physics as well as other bury construction firm which expected to do next in manned and Israelis. General Assembly will debate areas of theoreUcal physicis, he had been assigned to an apart­ ventures: Join together craft in „ ' _ the issue. was awarded the Enrico Fermi ment project. orbit to form space platforms. One major dlNwence w m „ ^ slx-naUon plan Prl*e the U.S. Atomic Ener- over wording of Instructions to Backers of the six nam n plan , , -o«i When Soyuz 1 went up last ^the proposed-'C.N. special repre- said the Arabs objected to it but . Marines Cile Aviator April, reports in Moscow saidlt X m totlve nnneaming withdraw- they presumed the Arabs finally Bethe published his first ma- HARTFORD (AP) — Marine was supposed to be Joined by would accept it. ’They said if Jor and fundamental paper con- MaJ. Vincent J. Gulnee, 36, of another craft. But something A U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division soldier rears back to hurl a grenade at an al of Israeli troops from cap- enemy machine gun bunker as a, hail o f bullets crack around 'him during fire- tinred Arab lands. that happened, it was sure to re- ceming the energy production Brooklyn, N.Y. has been named apparently went wrong before the final crash that killed cos­ fight Friday at Binh Yen, 23 miles south of Da Nang. (AP Photofax)______A Canadian-Danlsh draft said (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) no state in the area should “ per­ monaut Vladimir M. Komarov. sist in refusing to withdraw’’ The docking operation was troops that are on another’s ter­ proved successful, the an­ ritory against its will. nouncement indicated. It said Company Wiped Out A resolution submitted by Ar­ computers helped to bring the gentina, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, two devices together. Mall and Nigeria said the Israe­ They sent television pictures lis should withdraw either “ to Bride Captor Kills Himself back to earth, the announce­ Infantry Surprise Viet Cong positions they held on June ment said. It added that the docking 4’’—^the day before thei war be­ SAIGON (AP) —U.S. Infan- bombers carried their furious area Sunday to reinforce South meant large orbital stations can gan—or “ from all the territories trymen surprised a Viet Cong campaign against the heartland Vietnamese ^ d ^ nioved occupied as a result of the re­ be constructed as the base for ______of North Vietnam through its out early this morning on a After Cleveland Abduction reaching other planets. company near the Cambodian cent conflict.” ’The phrase to be ^ rd er' today and it was all but sixth straight day Sunday, bat- search and destroy operation in A space station would have used depended on final instruc­ Batch had held the woman tering targets near the chief pursuit of the Viet (Jong. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — A she loved him and would protect the advantage for starting a wiped out by artillery, napalm tions some of the delegates re'- captive at gunpoint since Satur­ They had completed their disappointed suitor shot himself ^im. major space trip of being out­ and aerial bombs, a military port of Haiphong. ceive from their governments. day night. Racing against the approach­ sweep and were returning to "We heard two shots and we side the earth’s gravity. A spokesman reported. The Arabs want the date left to death today after wounding a ing monsoons. Navy pilots ham­ their base camp when they sur­ rushed in,” Schoupt said. Mrs. Smith had flown to rocket ro.'d be assembled on it A spokesman for the 1st In­ in. The Israelis contend any young bride he held captive at mered the Cat B1 MIG air prised the Viet Cong company, Cleveland detective Capt. Pa- Cleveland from her home in and the - ^et more value from fantry Division said it was be­ withdrawal should be "to gunpoint over the weekend in trick L. Garrity said when he Johnstown, Pa., to try to rea- lieved 80 enemy troops were base, the Chi Lai transshipment pertiaps 160 men. Just after agreed and secure fron­ its thrust than u rocket which noontime, the division spokes­ his third-floor suburban apart­ entered the bedroom, the girl son with her son. She arrived has tirst to bla.st loose from the killed in the battle about 72 point, and a barge repair yard tiers”—meaning borders nego­ was still standing, although less than an hour before the miles northwest of Saigon near that was hit for the first time. man said. ment, ix)llce said. earth’s powerful hold. The Viet Cong were caught tiated before the withdrawal. ■- wounded. shooting. where a furious 14-hour battle All were within seven miles of Some diplomats said they ex­ Robert Batch, 23, was dead on between the American infantry­ arrival at Doctors Hospital, a Garrity said Batch was lying Batch had warned he would MOSCOW (AP) Soviet raged Sunday. U.S. losses were the center of Haiphong. pected a compromise by Tues­ men and their base camp and bullet wound in his heart. on the floor, the gun in his hand. shoot Mrs. Caldwell and him- scientists described the planet ptit at three dead and three In the ground fighting, two day or Wednesday and a meet­ Both Batch and Mrs. Caldwell self if anyone intervened. Ear- ,Venus today as a. hot. .stony de- wounded. companies from the 1st Infantry artillery was called in on the Uda Caldwell, 19, was wound­ enemy to block possible retreat ing of the 15-natlon council a were carried from the home on ller, he used the women as a sert with heavy clouds but In the air war, U.S. flghter- Division, rushed into the battle day later to adopt the resolu- ed in the chest and taken to sur­ routes. Then tactical fighter- gery where doctors reported her stretchers. shield and drove police into a rain. They said a person stand­ stairway with a volley of ing on it would think be "is oi- bombers unleashed napalm and in reasonably good condition. Police said Batch had refused antipersonnel bombs that ex­ University Heights Police Sgt. to talk to his mother. shots. the bottom of a gigantic bowl." ploded in the air and spew hun­ Chris Schoupt said Batch’s "G o away and leave us "He came out shooting,” said Reporting on the informatior dreds of shrapnel pellets over a Winds Smash mother, Martha Smith of Johns- alone,” Mrs. Caldwell said from Irving Konigsberg, mayor of sent back by instruments from to 67 Finishes, wide area. town. Pa., talked to the boy the bedroom before the shoot- (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) The fighting ended about 4 Mississippi, from hla kitchen and told him ing- p.m. The division spokesman USSR Exhibit Star said the Viet Cong company had been virtually wiped out. Most MON’TREAL (AP) — Expo 67 —6,931,678 hamburgers were Tw o K illed of the reported enemy dead ap­ closed its 186-day run Sunday in gobbled up. —33.6 million ice cream cones parently were from the artillery GULFPORT, Mtes. (AP)— a blaze of flags, fireworks and were licked. and air strikes. High winds from either a torna­ tributes, and its computers A spokesman said the weather do or waterspout smashed vi­ The statistic Canadian offi­ showed the Soviet exhibit was cials liked least is the expected was beginning to close in over ciously into this Gulf Coast city North Vietnam, which will pro­ the star of the Canadian centen­ deficit of $260 million, far above today, killing at least two per­ vide a protective blanket, but nial fair. the $47.6 million mark foreseen sons and injuring scores of oth­ Navy pilots were able to mount ers. Russia’s swept-roofed pavi­ in 1963 when the government lion, the costliest of all at $12 gave Expo planners the green strikes along the coast. The Mississippi High'way Pa­ North Vietnam claimed three trol imit at Gulfport reported million, attracted about 13 mil­ . lion guests. Canada’s exhibit the two fatalities and said some (Bee Page Ten) (Bee Page Ten) , other people were missing. drew 11 million. ’The geodesic “ Gulfport^highway patrol unit sky bubble of the United States ______reports two fatalities,” said the was third j^ith 9 million visitors. U.S. Weather Bureau wire. While thfe Soviets concentrat- . , n f "Some people missing .... ed on their achievements in scl- A lter KelapSe ence and industry, especially i n ------1— workers still digging out . . . W rain continuing.” aerospace, the United States Witnesses said that one res­ showed a potpourri of Ameri­ taurant and a group of motels in cana from space capsules to pop Pope’s Fever Abates, a beach area were flattened. art a la Andy Warhol and Elvis Many mobile homes, common to Presley’s guitar. this tourist area, were toppled, Some viewers complained Rests for Operation some with occupants still inside. that the U.S. pavilion was most- ly trivia; others liked the Infor . Early estimates from the VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope his personal phjnslclan. Prof. mal, low-pressure approach. highway patrol placed the num­ Paul V i’s doctors announced to­ Mario Fontana, who has made Fifty-three per cent of all visi­ ber of injuries at several hun­ day that after a relapse over the all the necessary clinical and tors to Expo were Canadians, dred. Newsmen at the hospital weekend, his fever is going laboratory examinations.” but Americans flocking up to counted between 16 and 20 in­ down and he has begun a period Exhausted by one of the most . jured, although emergency Montreal constituted 46 per cent strenuous months of his of the sightseers. of rest to build him up for tbe rooips were Jammed. Damage operation to correct his prostate 62-month reign, the 70-year-old was widespread. However, wit­ ’The skyrocketing attendance pontiff “ passed a restless night reached a climax Saturday ailment. nesses said most serious dam­ ’Ihe announcement by the with a rising temperature” Sat­ age seemed to be confined to when Martha Racine of Mont­ urday night, the Vatican said. real walked through a turnstile Vatican press office said the the Mississippi City- Handsboro date of the operation has not “The new episode of fever areas, neighboring communi- to become the 60 millionth visi­ tor. Mrs. Racine, 39, won a tripl been set. The relapse touched does not cause concern,” it said to Osaka, Japan, to see Expo 70.' off speculation that the surgery later, but the Pope canceled The winds wrecked 17 trucks plans to appear Sunday at the . at the Gulfport city dock 'vdiere /. _Expo’s attendance clipped the might ^ delayed. r— ^ The annouheemeht said: “ The canonization of a'saint w d Cert- they were waiting to load ba-' old record for world fairs of 42 condition of fever, due to which monies concluding the first nanas. No injuries were report­ million visitors set by the Brus­ the Holy Father was unaUe to meeting of his world Synod of ed at the docks. sels Fair of 1968. preside at the solemn functions Bishops. All off-duty policemen and Among other statistics spun (Sunday) in St. Peter's Basilica, firemen, along with personnel out by the Expo computers: The relapse put in question is on the way" toward from a Navy Seabee Base and —The free transit system, the how soon he will be strong solution. “ After days of intense units from the Misalsslppl Na­ Expo Express, rolled over enough to undergo the operation tional Guard, were called into Honor Guard Rides in Funeral Cortege 374,600 train miles. work. His Holiness this morning that had been, expected next the striken area. —26,463 youngsters turned up has begun a period of rest in week. Homes couM be seen in vstt- V accompanied the procession from the Holmes F^- at the misplaced children de­ preparation for the foreseen It was the Pope’s sectmd re­ More than 100 members of several motorcycle surgical operation, tiie date of iou stages of destruction. Some\ \ clubs today paid homage to Richard Lewie, 17, a neral Home at 400 Main St. to East Cemetery. partment. lapse since he fell ill with an were completely gone. . ^ Mr. Lewie, of Ea^t Hartford, ,was formerly} of —26,463 youngsters were hap­ which has not yet been fixed.\ acute inflammation of the uri- member of the Comancheros, who was killed “The state of His Holiness’ ■ \S The destructive weathf*_hjt_^ ( Manchester. (Herald photo by Pinto) pily turned back to parents or shortly before 8 a.m. as many Thursday night in a motorcycle accident in East guardians. health is under dally check by (Bee Page Ten) pele headed to work. Hartford. Club hiembers, most of them on cycles,


* that period completely ruptures bers, including Leoncavallo's South Windsor Leaf Pidcup the viery serene riiythm of the Seven Poison Victims Scotti Makes "Mattinata." Music Unit Sheinwold on Bridge The follo'wlng Manchi^ter/ poem. And if you take a full Matteo, billed as the star of streets are scheduled for breath, you’ll -make a full stop the show, Is Bn entertainer Zoning Board of Appeals By ALFRED SHEINWOLD East dealer leaf pickup tomorrow. In the St. Mary’s Episcopal GuU4Guild In your reading. Incidentally, Local Debut somewhat in the Dean Martin Buried in Florida Opens Series event of rain, the collection will hold its annual Christmas ‘^ E WAY it can be done properly, but Three pairs of Inidge experts Neither side vulnerable style. He sings, he tells Jokes, To Hold Hearing Thursday will be made Wednesday. ARCADIA, Fla. (AP) — Seven a U e to borrow It. The agent it isn’t easy. By JOHN GRUBER were selected it few weeks ago NORTH Fair on Nov. 9 from 1 to 8 p.m. and he has stage presence. Def­ said the policies were not in ef­ By BILL LHNiNOiN Let’s consider for a moment At Trinity to represent the United States 0 KJ64 Arm ory St. young victims of insecticide poi­ dn the old Parish HaU on Church I HEARD IT” Antonio Scotti made what was initely a better than average The Zooiflg Board of Appeals The Junior choir wUl meet fect until toe premium was what might happen If this poem In the 1968 Bridge Olympics. C? J 8 5 3 Guard St. soning—whose life insurance Veay fe w lOf the Chinese-Ameriicians in our ctountty variety headliner, who manages Wednesday at 7 p.m. The pariah paid. St. were set to music. So far as confusingly called "his Ameri­ By JOHN GRUBER 0 6‘4 wlU hold a pufattc hearing Haynes St. poUoles for $1,000 each were not to make commonplaces enter­ Today’s hand. In udilch two of 'halve Vt eiaisy.’ Ehren thioiae Hiving to. Son Frimictoao lanid N w can debut” at the Bushnell last ThunMlay at 8 pm. at the Wap- choir wlU rehearse Wednesday The investigation focused on Mrs. Claude Porter, GuUd I know, this has not been done. those pairs played against each 4 J64 Alpine St. in force because their father Toric Chlniateiwn, tor exam|>lie, ll've a (hard Uflei. They live to by John Gruber night. The confusion exists be­ taining If not particularly mem­ Trinity’s Chamber Music Se­ at 8 p.m., both in toe church. discovery of an open two-pound president, announced that the Then let us assume that a sing­ other, shows how; an expert WEST EAST plng ESementary Sotaood, A yen Memorial St. poor hoaietog^'MIcisit of theim ha've tolauffloienit educaltSora, ooiiv- cause if he is to be considered orable. ries opened yesterday afternoon A “arcult Bible InsUtute” couldn’t borrow toe $4 pre­ sack of parathion in a shed a following booths wlU be featured pored wlitlh normail sltaindlairKla They lack renreaticmal, tocUi' er offers it in Germany, for bases his reasoning not oidy on 0 Q532 ' 47 Rd., to consider the foUowlng Russell St. a variety artist, as would a^ with a virtual oapaetty house will be held at toe church Thurs­ mium—were buried Shnday aft­ day after |t had been seantoed at the Fair: Aprons and fancy tiicis. They face othier°obatiaclea toduding ractol dtoUtkiteito» example. It wouldn’t be poMble what has happened but also on C7AQ10 2 C7964 egtpUoatlons: Bigelow St. pear from the format of the day at 7:80 p.m. by poUce. "W e want to know work, food, candy, white ele­ ■JUT—sltloip land thtoJo—did you E V E R hear of a CMiMMCi to translate this poem Into Ger­ alt 'the Atistin Arts Center, to what has not happened. 085 OQ 10 973 Liberty St. er a $2,000 funeral. Ah their show, "A n Evening in Rohie,” iRoland Jones, 348 SuUivan The adult Information class who put the parathion in toe phant, cards and (Thurch plates, AmKrioan Juvenile gdbttog linlto troubJe? So no one irilBluaSer- man without altering its mood, Opening lead — Five of clubs. 4 10 75 4A982 Anderson St. small white satin-covered oof- Last week I se^ Td itell you ns a rule, though prose is some­ he has already been playing Party Guests hear the New York Chamber Ave., South Windaor, requests will be held Friday at 7:80 p.m. shed,” dine said. cheese and pecans, household stiands, w e mean' our Chiniese-AmericanS; N O T thie CKfiieiBe times employed. imagery and rhythmic empha­ Edgar Kaplan’s opening bid Hemlock St. fine were lowered Into two rows reiniegtades In Red dhina. Bcmeitlting alXHit judging- in- club and other engagements for Ensembile which substituted at SOUTH a tem porary and conditional at toe church. Among a group of about 60 products and children’s grab Most people fail to realize this sis, or more exactly lack of of two notrump w as Ughter than 4 A 10 9 8 pertnlt to aUow the use of a Lodge Dr. , of open graves, toe children’s some time. the last minute when a member Gonfinnation Class white persons at toe funeral for bag. Mrs. Wlnthrop Reed wUl One Chtnese-Alm'erican leoxleir is quoted Os eaytoK “W e •trumental perfonnainces, so fact, and blissfully judge a per­ emphasis. Think Killing standard American require­ Eklgerton St. paternal grandmother, Margar­ of the previously announced < 0 K7 nan-conforming bufkUng on The confirmation class of toe toe chUdren were Arcadia May­ display International gifts and keiep a tlglht reto on our children u i^ they air prcndmately north by W alter Summit St. (E. Center to tax credit to persons who reach a trip to an historical site. Mrs. voice, or "timbre.” Admittedly, The professional critic, how­ "Matteo,” while others on the Police said Kenneth A. Lind- BUI Root opened the five of heart sewn to his Jacket sleeve, fied electronically. Once in a horn, bassoon and piano; and The church’s board of finance WATKIN8-WEST FUNERAL HOIME a voice -with enticing quality is ever, is supposed to have a program included Antone and thing you do or faU' to do tells ifi.A. Kaeheta and Joeeph A. E. Middle Tpke.) sobbed loudly during toe serv­ the age of 100—provided that the F’rederlck Burr ■wUl be in while this occurs in concerts strand, 32, lay on the floor of the clubs from the west hand, tiTr- 'Will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. working knowledge of at least Ina, dancers, Angelo DlPlppo, the Brahms "Trio in A minor” its story. Krawakt Jr., east by Samuel Flower St. ice. His wife, Annie M ae, 29, centenarians paid taxes to the charge of reservations, which definitely an aisset, but so is a luxurious apartment for several ing to avoid a lead that would in the Pastor’s study. 142 East Center S t — Tel. 649-7196 but I object to it. If I wont to Opus 114, scored . for clarinet, Dally Question Btoughton Estate, west by Strant St. stared blankly at toe'Semicircle town for at least 28 years. close on Monday, Nov. 6. pretty face. We all recognize English, French, German and accordlanlst, Mayda Testa, so­ minutes until one of the 50 cost a trick. A1 Roth refused hear electronically reproduced cello and piano. As dealer, you iudd: Spades, „ 'Main St., and south by ODan- News of Servicemen Lllley St. of (xrffins, each t(^pped with a that many pretty actresses Italian. If he doesn’t, he is not prano, and Will <3ooper as mas­ guests noticed blood coming the first club trick, and Kaplan music. I ’ll stay home and listen I t wUl be noti'oed that the A-10-9-8; Hearts, K-7; Dia­ <■ .lei F. Driscoll and Joseph A. Fireman apprentice Robert B. can’t act worth a dam. Few very well qualified as a vocal ter of ceremonies. from his mouth. won with the queen. When South Wadsworth St. spray of carnations and.'rosee. to my recordings. Keefe, U.S.N., son of M r. and 3 piano appeared in all three monds, A-K-J-2; C3ubs, K-Q-S. .. ' Knawskl, Jr. This Is an A-40 realize that many singers with critic. (F o r your information, The show was poorly organiz­ One guest said later: “It returned the king of clubs, Roth Huntington St. When toe coffins were opened The next most common fail­ works, so the audience had am­ What do you say? zone. Mrs. John F. Keefe, 614 Foster excellent voice quality can’t I do know them reasonably ed; twenty minutes after the looked to everyone like a sWt. took the ace and led a third , Property owners are re­ for the recessional, Mrs. R i­ ing of singers is fatUty breath ple o(ppartunlty to judge the Answer: In standard bidding, John H. Bancroft, 90 Rcbert St., Wapping, Is attending toe sing any better. Yet this is un­ well, with a little Spanish and advertised opening time, the When the man fell down and club to dummy’s jack. quested to rake leaves into chardson led the mourners post control. Here poptllar singers abilities o f Seymour 'Bernstein open with one diamond. You in­ Dr., Wapping, requests a var- basic Engineman School at toe happily, all too true. Portugese thrown In, as well as house were finally 'low­ was moving and mumbling on Important Clue the gutters, in windrows the the dead chUdren, shrieked and are Invariably at fault, many a few words of Polish and Rus­ who handled the keyboard du­ tend to bid three no trump at j ianoe to ellow construction Service School (Command of toe The -voice is the only instni- ered, and then someone -could the floor w e all thought, gee, B y this time Kaplan felt 810% length of the property. No collapsed screaming before toe times Iwreathlng in the most un­ sian.) ties. Mr. Bernstein did an ex- your next turn, but if partner ' closer to the sideline than per- Naval Training Center at Great .• ment that can enunciate words, be heart shouting, “Hold It!” this guy Is really putting It on.” that West had the queen of foreign objects, other than body of 6-year-old Susie. Two likely spots and coming up with The critic, in consequence, ceUent job with the Brahms reaponds in spades you will mttted on premises at the ad- Lakes 11. if you neglect such thlngrs as After seven minutes of dark­ He said Lindstrand, a sales­ trumps. West was obviously leaves and grass, are to be men carried toe mother from ridiculous punctuation of the makes an appraisal of the whole work; there was fine under­ jump >to gom e tn su^udee in­ ' dreas. This is an A-20 zone. The three-month course cov­ ‘ItaDting pianos” and "singing ness, during which the audience man, appeared at the private making neutral leads, yet he placed in toe piles. the funeral but she w as com- lyrics in consequence. Nobody performance, while the audience standing of the composer’s in- stead. Clayton O. Mather and Louise ers the operation, maintenance guitars” encountered In some started annoyed clapping, the party Iqjthis Los Angeles suburb had never led the most neutral «posed again for toe burial serv­ seems to mind , possibly teiSt as well as excellent blend­ Ckqiyrlght 1967 C. Mather, c/o Edward R. and overhaul of diesel engines, just listens to the tone of the curtain finally went up. about 1 a.m. not in costume. He of all leads — a trump. Kap­ ice at Oakrldge Cemetery. recordings for children. E-wgn because nobody really listens ing of tonal colons and secure General Features dorp. hibttion against burning leaves singer. Vowel sounds are the Antone and Ida, who opened lan therefore led the ten of Kuehn, Esq., 968 Fairmingtoii gas turbines and other machin­ FHmeral Director Eugene here the -voice is actually em­ to them. danced with a few of the guests, easiest to sing, and Italian Is ensemble playing. Ave., West Hartford, requests ery used on the ships of toe U.S. or placing them in street areas ployed, being mixed electroni­ the show and were seen again then left. A few minutes later he spades and let it ride for a Hixson said toe costs of toe fu­ The easiest way to learn Peter Simenauer on clarinet, . (f. variance to 'allow a minimum Navy. , where they might clog catch the preferred language of sing­ during the second half of the ran back into the room, followed finesse. neral, including five hearses cally with the timbre of a dif­ something about breath control and Gerald Appelman on cello, rFlolt depth of less than 160 feet basins and present a Are hazard ers since vowel sound predom­ program, proved to be a reason-' by a stocky man carrying a When this held, Kaplan re­ Airman Ronald G. Spencer, and burial plots, was $2,000. fe r ^ instrument. is to spend some time reading were likewise convincing In this ^ an premises on Chapel Rd., from lighted cigarettes. inate in it. ably competent pair of dancers gun. peated the finesse with the nine son of M r. and Mrs. Gilbert About half that amount has Sometimes the voice is em­ poetry aloud. You’ll also find work which w as the highlight of f *fiouth’ Windsor. loMnnan to Give Talk German is not as hard to sing in the night club manner. Their “It looked like a toy,” said an­ of spades, cashed the top dU- Spencer, 659 Foster St., has been donated to a fund Including WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY BIG-SCRE^N ployed -without words. In which out something about "rubato” the afternoon so far as per­ ? J The property is bounded on State Rep. Edwin A. Lassman as most people think, possibly opening number was billed as other guest, Bruce Cane. “I saw monds, ruffed a diamond in completed basic training at $189 from a Saturday night high case the music is known as a at the same time. I don’t re­ formance values were con­ To Sir, • jtbe no'ith .by Chapel Rd., epst will be one of toe four mombera because the German song com­ a ballet adagio which it was not; the flariies.” dummy, ruffed the last heart Lackland AFB, Tex. He has school football game. "vocjalize,” when solo. Choral commend rhymes which can be cerned. jiby M organ J. Bradley, south of the state leglalature who will MOTOROLA COLOR TV SHOWN BELOW posers are in general more care­ There were two shots. One been assigned to toe A ir Force Both Richardson and his wife effects -without words are also rendered: “Hickory, Dlckory, it was the standard variety mix­ Mr. Bernstein was not so 4 .tiby Everett M . Jenkins, et al, speak on "E ast Side Story.” ful of the demands they make struck Lindstrand in the side, WITH LOVE Technical Training Center at are Negro migrant orange pick­ used to augment the tone col­ Dock,” (breathe’) “The mouse ture of adagio and acrobatic, convincing in the Mozart num­ ^Ctrustee, and west by Anna J. tonight at 8 p.m. at a forum be­ on a singer. English is not easy, the other hit a wall. Amarillo AFB, Tex., for spe­ ers. ors a-vailable to the orchestra. ran up the clock,” (breathe) with fair technique and less bers, both of which take their I Jurgelas. This is an I zone. ing held at the East Hartford but it can be sung intelligibly The guests watched and LiONEL HAMPTON cialized schooling sm a liquid Six of the ChUdren— aged 2 to ’Tschaikowslky’s “Nutcracker” and so on. When you get to the choreography. interpretative cues from the i All interested persons may YMCA. and intelligently. It rarely Is, laughed as Lindstrand writhed fuel systems specialist. 8—died Wednesday after eating and Ravel’s "Daiphnis and point where you can read W il­ Angelo dl Pippa who presided piano. In consequence, John Friday Nov. 3rd y/appear and be heard. A copy The forum on vital issues and on the floor for several minutes Airman Spencer is a 1967 a lunch of grits, beans, rice and Chtoe” are two of the best liam Sarp’s “The White Pea­ but that is no reaison why a at the piano in a five mqg com­ Wummer, Harry Shulman, Rob­ each application is on flle the law Is one of a series spon­ MYOUIMEENCYGLOPEDMSEr while his assailant fled, virtual­ hog’s head. The seventh died -known examples of this use of cock” correctly, you’ll have critic should not find fault If bo, was featured in a couple of ert Johnson, E ly Carmen and CRYSTAL LAKE 5 in the building inspector’s of- graduate of Howell Cheney sored by the East Branch of toe ly unnoticed, according to a after a night In toe hospital. the vodoe. learned something about breath it isn’t. accordian solos which were Theodore Israel, sdl of whom BALLROOM ¥ flee in the town hall. 1 Technical High School, M an­ YW C A of the Hartford Region. woman guest who would not Betty, 8, Alice, 7, and Susie, 6, s in g in g words and presents control. Oddly enough, good French thoroughly well played without were heard on their several In­ I - Church Women Meeting chester. He is married to toe Rept. Lassmann will speak on identify herself. were stricken in school. Doreen, problems not encountered by This particular poem offers 18 Is almost impossible to sing, and being in any way extraordinary. struments, appeared to less ad­ The Women’s League of Our former Nancy Young of Mtui- "Protecting toe PuWic In­ She said, " A girl sitting next 6, Vanessa, 4, Dianne, 3, and other instrumentalists. ’The lines without a period. There sung French has little in com­ At the piano, he seemed to be vantage. Savior Lutheran Church, chester. terest.” to me said, T see blood coming James Jr., 2, became sick whUe meaning of a vocal composition are other punctuation marks mon with the accent generally the only one In the copibo who In general, tempi were a bit Graham Rd., will hold a meet- Airm an Daniel E . Very, son out of his mouth,’ at home alone. is not conveyed by the music preceeding that period, but the employed In speech. French has knew what was going on. too fast and there was neith­ .. -ing Nov .13 at 7:80 p.m. at the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Manchester Evening Herald InvesUgrators from toe office alone, but Jointly by the words commas simply are visual aids a very laage number of vowel Then we got Mayda Testa, “I told her, Tt must be a cap­ er the infinite grace nor the ’ church. V'Cry of 109 Ravine Rd., South South Windsor Correspondent, sule he has Inside.’ of Sheriff FYank E. Cline and and the music. This is a union toward delineating the modify­ sounds and is pronounced In the who was heard in numbers delicate articulation which Mo­ / Mrs. Barbom Ceplenski, a Windsor, has completed basic Ann Lyons, tel. 6U-8682. f State Atty. Frank Schaub have of two arts: music and poetry ing phrases; a full stop before front of the mouth In speech. ranging from Ponce’s “ Estrel- "B ut she went up to him and zart demands. Ensemble was 'J:*representative of the ConnecU- training at Lackland AFB, it was blood. A guy went up and questioned 80 persons in an at­ N asal tones are thoroughly dis­ llta” to “Un bel dl,” from Mad­ excellent from a rhythmic stand­ > !I cut Light and Power Company, Texas, for specialized schooling SENATORS MISS RIDE tempt to learn how the chUdren liked in singing, so they are ame Butterfly by Puccini. An­ tried his pulse and shouted, ‘He point as well as from the blend­ 'Will be guest speaker. She will as an aircraft maintenance EL PASO, Tex. (AP) —Five obtained toe deadly inaectlcide usually modified, along with nounced as an opera star, she has no pulse. This man is ing of tones. present a demonstration on specialist. U.S. senators and two repre­ dead.’ ” parathion. the word being sung. Some couldn’t star in any company I In imitative passages, how­ •5 J'Tuletlde Cooking.” Airman Very is a 1966 grad­ sentatives missed a ride in El Cane’s wife Gale said that as so N im A regular business meeting Paso. Dr. Joeeph Da'vis, Dade Coun­ Wait for Rotary's 2nd Annual French - singers do sing at the have encountered. Her voice Is ever, the instruments hod’ a uate of Howell Cheney Regi(Mial the guests waited for police '/and retreriunents will follow the The incident occurred after ty (Miami) medical examiner, 0 front of the mouth, but the sound big enough, but she sings dis­ tendency to sound as though SIRLOIN PIT* Vocational Technical High “ there was Just quiet, shock and is making studies of stomach is then weak and superficial. tressingly out of tune, going each instrumentalist were ask­ ';|jr ^demonstration. Hostesses for School in Manchester, President Jetonson and Presi­ disbelief. 287 West Middle Tpke. O P E N D A H iF contents, meal leftovers and Placing the voice production sharper and sharper as she as­ ing, "C an you top this?” which -7 ^ the evening include Mrs. Dean Oiurch Delegates dent Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of other speclmena to determine if ANTIQUES “Everyone walked around in m ay be all very interesting, but Manchester 11:30-9 VM. 1 ^'Miller, chairman, Mrs. Ken- Mexico stopped during their vis­ further back alters- the vowel cends the scale and grows loud­ M r. and Mrs. Jasper Htmt a daze. It was late and we’d all the parathion was swaUowed or soidids of the language, particu­ er. scarcely what the composer had I^'/neth Boud and Mrs. Albert will be delegates from toe First it Saturday to sign the 1968 been drinking and it w as hard to jJ^Ohlof, Mrs. Raymond 8. Brown absorbed through toe skin. It larly the French "U." After all this build-up, Mr. in mind. ROAST SIRLOIN Congregational Church at toe Chamizal Treaty settling an old grasp what happened.” ^ is publicity chairman for the boundary dispute. kills both ways. Schaub said re­ MARKET The critic doesn’t have to be Scotti came on stage. Manches­ Thus, the Mozart works were fall assembly of toe Hartford i sults may not be known tor Lindstrand lived in an apart­ League. After the stop, the Presidents COMING NOVEMBER 10 and II J abscHutely fluent In language, ter residents know him as the presented In a tndy professional OF CHOICE BEEF Council.of Churches to be held ment house across the street J: . Sisterhood to Meet left without Senate Majority more than a week. but he should be thorough­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony manner but lacked the artistry tonight at the South Congrega­ ? Manchaster State Armory J from the one where he died. Baked Potato, Texas Toast, |EQ The, SUtertiood of Temple Leader Mike M an sfield , Cline said Richardson had ly fam iliar -with Its scmnd. He Squlllacote of 52 White St. and necessary for a really great tional Church, East Hartford. J 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. J Detectives questioned all the *!;Beth HlUel will meet Wednes- D-Mont; Sens. Bourke B. Hlck- given him a sworn statement in should also be able to trans­ a graduate of MHS in the none pertormance. Tossed Green Salad. l e O T Private Promoted guests, but said they had no • /d{iy at 8:16 p.m. at the Temple, enlooper, R-Iowa, Ralph W. which he told of arranging for late it, to understand If the me­ too distant past. He adopted the John F. Relchle, son of Mr. C clue to the Identity of the killer. » ' Footer St. Ext. A repreoenta- Yarborough, D-Tex., Joseph M. $1,000 double Indemnity poUcles ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ lodic line fits the thought of name of Scotti in tribute to the DON’T FORGET OUR and Mrs. Francis J. Relchle, w live of HeuUein and Company Montoya ahd Clinton P. Ander­ on each chUd’s life Tuesday the lyric, and to know whether Training ‘Ages" WEIGHT WATCHERS SPECIALS 682 Graham Rd., Wapping, has late operatic baritone of that * will give ai"demonstration of son, both D-N.M., and Reps. night. Ririiordson beUeved the the singer understands the FAINT-HEARTED MAN been promoted to A rm y private name, whom the local boy can TORONTO — Medical knowl­ William S. Mallllard, R-Callf., policies were in effect, CUne language in which he sings. WAVELAND, Ind. (AP) — LUNCHEON SPECIAL Z cocktail mixing . 'Pay gTSide E-2 upon oompleition never hc^vfe heard; except by edge is said 'to have a h:|'f-life A regular meeting of Ever- and Henry B. Gonzalez, D-Tex. said. Mkny do not. Jim Thomas, an Indiana State of basic combat training at Fi. means of recording, the real of 10 years. This means that ROAST BEEF SANDWICH wS green Wood Chapter OES will Police quickly arranged trans­ However, the agent for toe in^ Affenfion! So fa r w e’ve only discussed Trooper, made use of his police Dlx, N.J. Scotti having died In 1937. training to deliver a baby suc­ half of what a doctor knows on -be held Wednesday at the Mh- portation from a hearing on surance company sold Richard­ the problem of singing a song. WITH COLE SLAW, The promotion was awarded CHECK THESE MOTOROLA QUALITY Scotti sings rather in the man­ cessfully for his sister-in-law. graduating is outdated In 10 KOSHER DILL PICKLE. r / sonic Temple, M ain St., at 8 Mexican-Amerlcan problems son did not have money for toe Treat the family to the New Standard When you come to opera you 89c two months earlier than is cus­ FEATURES: A Solid state reliability at 17 READING IMPROVEMENT CUSSES ner of the late Mario Lanza, Then he fainted. j/ip.m. Members are reminded and rushed the congressional premium, about $4, and was un- add more complexities. The years. tomary under an Army policy. Encyclopedia and a famous Motorola critical points ★ Easy tuning ★ Hl-Ft (Jolor ; and bills himself as a lyric OROiERS TO GO^TEL. 649-1164 liuthat tickets for the Golden Key leaders back to the Johnson- singer has to be able to act. Voter Registration Color TV a// tor the same low price! Tube with rare earth phoiphora ★ Auto- ^ T tenor. Actually the voice is too Charity Ball must be pur- Ordaz party. Some can, some cannot. Yet At the latest voter-making These are regular, firat-llne, full-fea­ matlc demagnellrer * Lighted channel » BEGINNING NOVEMBER 6. 1967^ robust for this category; true chased before Nov. 17. opera implies drama added to registration conducted by toe Indicators AFTEKNOON and BVISNING CLASdSES lyricism was seldom evidenced ; J The First Congregational ture models with fine-furniture styling. the arts of music and poetry. THE LITTLE THEATRE OF MANCHESTER, INC. Registrars of voters and toe We*re as last night. Church, Main St., will hold a Decent acting is something the present$ town clerk as well as the Board Offering “E lucevan le stelle” "Christmas in Connecticut” fidr near as riniinrn for BLF5M HNTABY and m O H SC H O O L atudento in critic expects but gets on only of Selectmen, eight new voters from "Tosca” he did , well >M’% Dec. 2 at the chmxh. fowaadlal Reading (Phonics, Undentanding, etc.). Study a few occasions. Usually the were enrolled. enough with the opera’^ sim­ The event will feature a varie­ your SklUa, Oomprebenston, Vocabulary, Speed, College Board men are better than the wom­ Of the eight, four registered plest aria for Cavaradossl, but ty of booths with Chrlsteias Test Piepamtlpn and General Beading Efficiency. en, which seems odd, since •HOWTO as Republicans, two as Demo­ telephone offered nothing outstanding. He gifts items for children, baked m m women are constantly acting in %^ SUCCEED IN . crats and two as independent. SmaU Classes Pre-Teatlng Program Certified Teachers likewise -joined Miss Testa in goods and a luncheon. Mrs. Au­ ■k i t k their dally life. Little League Officers the drinking duet from " L a f \ BUSINESS # drey Dinse is general chairman Now maybe you see how Dick Soucler has been elected FREE cutioc cutlic CWI2C CU»13C for the fair. much you’ve been missing when Traviata.” Here he sounded WITHOUT president of toe South Windsor Academic Reading Improvement Center. Inc. Assistiiig committee chairmen ALL PRICES ABOVE INCLUDE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA SET you listened to a singer. P er­ pretty well, but Miss Testa’s ef­ REflLLV Little League. DELIVERY haps you’d like to learn more forts were almost a travesty of ' are Mrs. BU Pearson and Mrs. 6S E. CENTER STREET Next to Cavey’s Other oftloers include Ray By MAC McKEUVEB about vocal problems, without opera singing. He also sang a TRYING" Peggy MacDonald, handicrafts Kingman, first vice-president; It’s omiazling that w e get i9ANOHESTER.,CONN. Telephone 64S-894JI taking singfng lessons. Well, number of less pretentious num­ ' and sewing; Mrs. Jean E. Yoor order tor drag oaodB CU622C Bob Kelly, second 'vice-pre­ a eignail at all on our T V (g ) MOTOROLA Shepard, greenhouse booth; and ooemetios will be token have a swell opportunity, sident; John FTdIer, secretary; including FREE encyclopedia u t r K . Mrs. Edie Starr and Mrs. Sally tube. Jufit atop and think a oore o f Immediately. and I suggest you grasp it. Paul Wriiren, treasurr; Rudy mllnuito how many dUtorent - Woodsy candles; Mrs. Marilyn Starting Wednesday, Jennie Directed by Fred BUsh lU Durlg, player agent, and John ectHons are requined to bring ' , Senger, baked goods; Mrs. Iva Tourel -will teach a series of i[U>2((!giK.BW Musical Director Mary BUsh Pelley, senior division player that ptoture iMto your home. ^Burnham , curiosity sIk^ ; Mrs. six master classes in voice at Choreography—Bev and Lee Burton agent. That’s why “Please Standby 20th CENTURY TELEVISION Hartt College of Music. These Acres of Free ' Judy Morse, children’s corner; —W e .are teim|iioiriarilly ex$ (jdsddoJTLL, Parking Leaf Collection will be two hotirs long, starting 4 Mrs. Jean Roberts, entertain- peaHeniCiing network dlflicalr- 167 M AIN ST,-44S-6821 Academy Award Bailey Auditorium, Manchester High Schooi ICE ( m m TTie aimual leaf collection will 603 BURNSIDE AVE. EAST HARTFORD Bigf holiday cash? ' * ment and babysitting; Mrs. ty” to cdl the more auch an Prescription Phammey at 1 on the first Wednesday of Winner America's Family Show start soon. Dates will be an­ 1 { Bea Carrol, decorations, and amazing phrase! It doe!sn’t every month. You can audition Best Foreign Film nounced. THiS THURSDAY, FRiDAY & SATURDAY « ;< Mrs. Rachel Anderson, publlc- happen ofiten, and when It these' classes, and won’t have Best Screen Play C U R T A IN 8:30 Town manager Terry V. does, the trouble to usually to sing. The cost is moderate, t ity. Sprenkel said that toe town oomected qudicUty. A t a local Surprisingly Different!! \ Anyone wishing to donate and you can go to the whole TICKETS: Reserved $2.00 would strictly enforce toe pro- level, tnansmfiBsfion dUIlcuUy A M a n A N d their sendees or items of any series or just one or two. General Admission $1.50 Breathtaking New Productions, Lavish Costumes, is seidoni experienced thanks > kind for toe various booths are Jennie Tourel is b. thorough A W o m a n to great technioall strides In artist. She never had the lush Tel. 643-9606 or 649-8848 Unforgettahle Music, and the Incredible Magic Screen. > asked to caH Mrs. Dinse or any the bnnxtastiRR toidUatry. OIAMOND8 ARE Mon. thru Fri. > of toe committee chairmen. MICHABLB TREASURE 3 voice that some of the better Limited tickets available at door 7:05-9:00 SUrrinit Ml* ant Mwli Jillntk; Pkll Riiurn* Mi Cttkr SMtlii Tmuhi Utai known operatic singers have AU Saints Day S a t Sun 2:00-3:40- Anii-M«rir*t Frtl; inrit Wtnll; llllr Ckipdi cliff McArllti DIM«; Even grpaiter Strides are displayed, but Miss ’Fourel ac­ ^ AU Saints Day wlU be ob- FUELOIL 5:20-7:06-9:00 cm* VNtiN; Mtrllim CM(l*r m 4 Ctmlc ttari: FriMIt Trtnklfrj now to procesa FW bettor complishes everything I have Ham lilliri Mm h I' Chlmfii Ithnny Ulric$Ui CwiItii O'Ktllyi Om i Mwtlii. .* served at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Sand HUl Rd., on 15.4 service-greater satisfaction Very Special outlined above, and more too. She has stmg here in opera, by Wednesday. Names in the Book 200 G «L Mto. O.OJJ. oosne to Turnpike TV and EASTERN STATES COLISEUM 24-Honr Hamer Sendee! the way, but not for quite a -! of Remembrance will be read. Appttonaa, next to Stop and WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS. number of years. Breakfast * Memorial piayera will also be R. B. REGIUS Shep, and see the latest TV I don’t know just how she tiTANLLY WANNEiH 4 said. miodeila by PhUcp, Westtog- OPENS WED., NOV. 22 The Junior confirmation class FUEL O IL teaches, but I'm ^ certain that houae, and Ourtto4nBjtheB. during the course of these les­ ^ of Our Savior Lutheran Church 649-4908 0 ONLY 10 NIGHTS & 8 MATINEES sons you’ll find examples of TATE K f.|i 'Vv fJ K )k' ^ A l U ( S Special wUl meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. everything I have discussed, ; I I n.i-r.1 j«.i aiiATiTTH Nov. 22-23-24-27-28-29-30, Dec. 1— 8 P.M. sung both faultily and in cor­ ••DlARiLING” at 6:30 Sat., Nov. 25 and Dec. 2— 1:30 P.M., 5:30 P.M., 9 rected versions. The lessons will II WINNER OF 3 Toast, Jeiiy, Coffee Sun., Nov. 26 and Dec. 3— Come to where be given oh the campus of the 1:30 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. University of Hartford, but the ACADEMY AWARDS! hall has not been derignated, iT ...^'BESt ACTRESS" PRICES: Fiffmg Children s Shoes being dependent on yo\ir partic­ $3,00 . $3.50 . $4.00. $4.50 ' : the money ipation. Do make every effort Is A Speciaify A f ALL SEATS RESERVED to go; you’ll lea)m a lot and JUUE CHRISTIE Come to the people to the men where the unncEiknnDiKiocuK whose business is mak­ money is. Nearly 2 mil­ increase your enjoyment of MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW! singing for the rest of your life. 2 Eggs 4 9 ing loans. 8000 loans a lion people a year do— LEONARD'S at over 1750 affiliated Bene^ Send Your Check Or Money Order To: day. Holiday shopping loans. “Oompleto Line Bill-paying loans. All kinds ficial offices throughout the SERVING TILL 11 A.M. ONLY Of CoiTeollye of loans. Come to Beneficial. U.S. and around the world. Custom Home Design • ••••••••’••a ••••••• Shoes” That's where the money is. Phone now. This i% where the Manchester Juice Just call or drop in. And talk money is. Blue Print Sc Suppiy Inc. SPRINGFIELD MANAGEMENT CO. Your Doctor’s YOU REPAY $16.75 A MONTH FOR $300 OR 6B0 Hartford Rd. EASTERN STATES COLISEUM Prescrlptton $51.16 FOR $1000 ON BENEFICIAL’S 24 MONTH PLAN. Manchester, Conn. HAM or BACON and EGGS WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 61089 Filled 6A9-8698 Enclosed find $...... fo r...... Just about everything is special about our Treasure Chest Diamonds. Rockville Exch. Eat. U95 Toast, Coffee tickets at $...... each fo r...... W ltli O w e Their extraordinary brillianca, for instance, and their superior cut 1st CHOICE ...... and color. A diamond has to be all this special to rate singling out BENEFICIAL Date T im e KNEFtCIAL FINANCE SYSTEM 1750 OFFICES COAST-TO-COAST ^ i c 2nd C H O IC E ...... as Michaels Treasure Chest quality. It’s the best! $100 to $5000. "D E A R J O H N " at 8:50 Date 'nm e jBweuins-aiLvaRaMiTHS siNoa is e » Loans $20 to $1000 — Loans life-insured at low cost PARTY FAVORS wednesdaY’Ladies rn A M N A M E ...... Bansflclal Financa Co. of Manchester SPECIAL Motmee O U ^ H ADDRESS ...... SHOES DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 958 MAIN STREET FOR HALLOWEEN 2 U IT Y . . ; ...... •^Fitting h 836 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER M l M A IN t1 a i m : New Haven. MUfoid, Bridgeport, Watorbury, Meriden, New Britain, Bristol, 'Torrlngton, Hartford, Middletown Providence, Next to Singer Sewing Center • Phone:643-4156 HeU Bendera’ O i^ ‘^Business** Pawtucket OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT — PHONE FOR HOURS UANCHISTIR ARTHUR DRUG ciB!iif\ ■ 7:00 Manchester Parkade 1967, BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO.______. taailiMfills/fiOUllBUlls/ ‘Hobbery’ 8:40

A. 1 ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 PAGE FIV E r A O B T O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 II ------R d .; Jam es KeUy, 129 Oakland soMl, East Wkidaor; Glenn orah HIU, 311 F elt >Rd., South verse 'and son, Brandy 8 t, Bol­ Anthony Rd., ToUand; Mra. Burlington; Eugene Moquin, 188 son. West Hartford; Mrs. Koran HosfMtal Notes S t ; R oger D ottcet 197 Brook CaldmeU, O d e r MIU R d., T ol­ Windsor; Patricia Bourez; ton; Mra. Joyce Donforth and Lydia ' Rowland, 140 Cedar Autumn St.; Michael Walsh, 8 Luby and son, Npw Britain; St, Wapping; Janet Jamlkm, land; Geotge FUher, 90 Fam- 'Wlarehouse Point; Mrs. Mary son, 204 Badridge 8 t ; Mira. Irin a Swamp Rd., Coventry; Carl Preston D r.; D avid P alm er, 28 Mrs. Jacqueline CarofOlo and VlslUBg iMNm are S to S p.m. daughter, 20 P a lm er D r., Wal>- Terza^Tierney H astey-Field Tourgee**Fr acch ia East Hampton; Donald Drlggs, ham R d., OovOA Windsor; M n. JeSkl, 403 Abby Rd. Ext., Wap­ Zola and daughter, Cassidy Hill Kask, East Hartford; Itobert Lakeside Dr., Andover; Sasha in on areas axoepttng mater­ 616 N. M ain S t ; Howard Chris­ ptag. PoQy ObhmoUi, Brandy a t, B ol­ ping; LasUe Beitanan, West Rd., Tolland; Mra. Marie Lewie, 148 Cooper Hill St.; How­ Burrill, Middletown; Mrs. Sal­ nity whan they a n SiM to 4 tensen, RFD 8, Obventry; Elea­ p.m. and 7 to 8 pun. and pri­ ton ; Mira. D onna H tdd n g, Leb­ Hartford; Mrs. Ahoe TlKdcer, 37 Twombly and son, 675 Gardner ard Lappen, 60 Branford St.; ly ^Schumey and daughter, 27 nor Isleib, lOddletown. Miss Jean Mary Tierney of Mias Susan Karen Fraccbis vate rooms where they a n anon; Jacob Hamipton, 123 Sum­ High at., RockviUe; John Sul­ Robert Horton, 63 Princeton St.; Cottage St, RookvUle; Mrs. Pirate Crudly Skdn Manchester and David James of Mandiester and Norman L. Id »m. to ft pjn. Vlsttors a n Also, Mis. Mary Denis, 88 mit at.; Donald McLaughlin, 41 livan, 317 Spring St.; John Ur- M rs. Irm a Cserwlnskl, 964 M lcha M athis, 218 Spruce S t ; Janice Accomaizo and son, PANAMA — Fnnrii fUrate Leonard Mandak, Stafford 27 Main St, TalcottvUle; Mrs. Tersa, formerly of Pittsburgh, Tourgee of North HTndham requested not to smoke In pa- Oakland a t; HaroU lionz, 103 Beelaebub Rd., W eip fin g; ain, B axter S t , ToUand; Mira. Henry St.; Mrs. Mkrgaret Ry­ Francis LOtonoto had such a Loveland HUl, RockvlUe; Mrs. FYank Ktokunes, Broad Brook. Helen WUkoa, 4 'Bcory Rd. an, RFD 1, RockvUle; M n . Springs; Dtmcan Kennedy, 286 Nancy McConnell and daughter, reputatkm for cruelty that Pa., were united in marriage were wed Saturday morning at ttents’ rooms. No m on «hs« two Marilyn EUtobt, 49 Boulters Also, Mars. Mary Chapman, Also, Gary Vlnoent, Windsor; Jo-Ann Phliups, Ironwood Dr, E. Middle Tpke. RFD 4, Coventry; Mrs. Linda when Panama Indians oopbured the Church of the Assumption. vioUoro at one time per pa­ Saturday morning at St. James’ tient. Rd.; Mrs. Miaite Oarey, 42 8ea- 236 McKee St.; Mrs. Louise M n. Carol Famham and son, Vernon; Mrs. Geraldine Annlel- Also, Mrs. Violet Carlson, 12 Maneg^a and son, Notch Rd., him they took revenge by tear­ Church. The bride is the daughter o i roon Girrie; Min. aarana Heau- Chandler, 36 Senfoed Rd.; Deb­ 20 Knox a t; Mrs. Donna Con­ lo, Willlmantic; George Poitras, Knox St.; Mrs. Mabel Swaglrt, Bolton; Mrs. Aime Mohtano and in g h im Umb fro m Hmfc. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno FracdUa PatiMito Today: SdS of 616 W. Middle Tpke. The Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tierney ADMITTED SATURDAY: bridegroom is a son ot Adrian M rs. H attie AUen, 6S8 P arker of 102 Olenwood St. The bride­ J. Tourgee of Vernon and Mrs. St.; Mrs. Fruicss ArmstMd, JuUa Tourgee of Warwick, R.I. groom is the ron of Mr. and Glastonbury; George Brooks, The Rev. Ernest J. Ooppa Mrs. A. Thomas Terza of Pitts­ Lake St., Vernon; Robert performed the double-ring cere­ Burns, Bast Hartford; Jo-Aim burgh, Pa. mony. Paul Chetelat was the Calaci, Sl-Russeil Dr., Vernon; The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward organist and soloist. Baskets of George Edwards, 21 Church St.; J. Reardon of St. James' Church white pompons were on the al­ performed the double-ring cere­ tar. <' James Havens, SI Marshall mony. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone R d .; M ta. M ary H endem on, 19 Tire bride was given in mar­ E asttield S t ; R obert HUl, 128 was organist and soloist. Assort- m riage by her father. She wore Deepwood Dr.; Fredeirlok Hoi- -ed flowers were on the altar. a floor-length gown of satin ac­ Us, B ast H artford. r c o r i® * * C O R H W . WEST HARTFOte • MANCHESTER PARRAOE The bride was given in mar­ cented with pearls and rhine­ Also, Patricia KsUy, WUlsy riage by her father. She wore a stones, designed wilth an A-line Circle, RookvUle; R g ^ IDilght, hand-fashioned, full-length gown skirt, long sweetheart sleeves, East Hartford; Frank MaUon, of peau de sole, designed with and terminating in a court 151 Elm Rd., TalcottvUle; Mrs. empire waist, A-llne skirt, trum­ train. Her shoulder-length veil G ladys M azur, 160 L oom is S t ; pet sleeves and a cathedral-' of iUuslon was arranged from EUzabsto Robtnson, 7 Oloott length tradn. Her elbow-length a scalloped headpiece of pearls Dr.; Mrs. Anna Ruclnskas, East and rhinestones. She carried a veil of bridal illusion was ar­ Hartford; Mrs. Doreen Ward, colonial bouquet of vdilte car­ ranged from a peau de sole head 68 W ard S t , R ockvU le; M rs. nations. bow, and she carried a colonial, EMleen Washburn, East Hart­ bouquet of gladioli, roses, and Miss SaUy Vesco of WUliman- ford. daisies. 'X tlc, cousin' of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Miss Marlene Brown o t Fall Mrs. Anna Atkins, Muddy Brook Shop AU Week In D&Us Biggest Sale of the Year! Many unadvertised specials! River, Mass., was maid of hon­ were Miss Geraldine Vesco and Miss Patricia Poplasky, both of Rd., EUlngtim; John BeU, Fern- or. Miss Lois Ann Terza of Pitts­ wood Dr., Bolton; Mrs. Virginia burgh, Miss Nancy Wippert WlUlmanUc. Miss Deborah Pop­ lasky of Willlmantic was Ute Bezalni, East Hartford; Mrs. of Westfield, Mass., and Miss Bertha Burgess, 17 Trotter S t; Jainice Wippert of Danielson Junior bridesmaid. The bpidal attendants were Mrs. EUen Carlson, 140^ Char­ were bridesmaids. The bridal ter Oak S^; Carol Cassanta, 06 attendants were dressed alike dressed aUke in fuU-length fashion^s newest pet! gowns of fuchsia chiffon with Echo Dr., Vernon; Joseifti Clag- in full-length apple green lin­ lo, 856 HUlatown R d .; M rs. E liz­ -.'is nvatching headpieces of flower­ en gowns designed with A-llne abeth CivleUo, 189 Lyness S t ; skirts. Jewel necklines with lace ed bands with short veils. They carried colonial bouquets of M rs. E lsie D arby, 222 Oak S t.; turtle leather bags bibs and long tapered sleeves C9audla Darna, 78 Norman Dr., with lace cuffs. They wore yellow pompons and streamers. The Ju^or bridesmaid carried W apping. matching headbows with veils, Also, Mrs. Jane Olenney, and carried bouquets of daisies. a nosegay of yeUow pompons at a great saving and streamers. Meadows Convalescent Home; Jaimes B. Tierney Jr. of Man- Lynne HUchuk, East Hartford; ohesfter, brother of the txride, The bridegroom’s brother, An­ FsUot photo Bruce Ives, East Hartford; Ste­ served as beet man. Ushers dre Tourgee of RockvUle, serv­ MRS. NORMAN L. TOURGEE phen Jeskl, East Hartford; Au­ f q . % 6 0 ...... MRS. DAVID JAMES TERZA w ere 'WJiElBin Duncan, David ed as best man. Ushers were ^ 3 9 Zaremba photo gust Ki'vlm ae, 256 Autumn S t.; Custer and iStanley McFarland, William Trudeau of New York MRS. LELAND G. HASTEY Manchester High School In I960. April Lane, 12 Windemere Ave., all of Manchester. City, Richard Getzewlch of Man­ wore a blue dress and hat, and She Is employed at the Travel­ RockvlUe; Everett McCluggage, Mrs. Ttemey wore a pink chester and Micheal Vesco and a corsage of yellow pompons. Miss Beverly Ann Fields and ioned ■with empire bodices, Richard Poplasky, both of Wlll- A reception for 150 was held ers Insurance Co., Hartford. 69 Ansaldi Rd.; Paul Malslck, It’s the year of the turtle . . . the /KNITS silk A-llne dress with a match­ Mr. Tourgee graduated from 936 M ain St., South W indsor; newest luxury love of the fashion ing double-breasted coat and Leland G. Hastey, both of Man­ square necklines and skirts with im antlc. at Paganl’s Rosemount Grove in the Warwick, R. I., Veterans deeiper pink accessories. The chester, were united In mar­ back fullness and bottons. Their Mrs. Fracchla wore an aqua Bolton. The bride wore a blue M rs. Jean P alm er, 196 Vernon world. Hurry in for these gi^t Memorial High School, and is bridegroom’s mother wore a riage Saturday in a candlelight floral cluster headpieces with coat and dress ensemble, a cin­ coat and dress with bro'wn ac­ St.; Mrs. MarjA-Parla, 166 W. values, all of choice one-piece skins, pink lace sheath with a hem- ceremony at Community Bap­ bouffant veils matched their namon and brown whimsy, and cessories for a motor trip employed at Northeast Airlines, Middle Tpke.; Kent Penniman, all leather lined I Choice of five styles KNITS gowns. The honor attendant length chiffon train, and maltch- tist Church. a corsage of dark bronze pom­ through the South. Boston. The couple will live In 20C Mt. Vernon Apts., RockvUle. in black, brown, red, tan. ing acoessories. Both wore cor­ The bride is a daughter of carried a nosegay of pink carna­ pons. The bridegroom’s mother Mrs. Tourgee graduated from North Windham. Also, Dwight Pleasant 90 / tions with a rose in the center. sages of baby carnations and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Oakland Rd., Wapping; Rheal The bridesmaids carried nose­ sweetheart roses. F ields o f 115 W hite St. The Richard, 42^ Woodbrldge St.; gays of pink carnations. Mrs. Arlene Robinson, 43 Foster KNITS A reception was held at the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Alan Hhstey of Manchester St.; Jeffrey Romayko, Hartford; / Knights of Columbus Home in M rs. R ichard H astey o f 69 Homestead St. served as his brother's ibest Lisa Sedlock, 160 Laurel St., Manchester. For a wedding man. Ushers were Michael The Rev. Victor Scalise of Wapping; John Soderberg, Slo­ all with prestige trip to the Pocono Moimtains, Fields of Manchester, brother Lowell, Maiss., performed the The marriage of Miss Jac­ cum Rd., Hebron; Alfred Ubert, Pa., Mrs. ’Terza wore a nat­ of the bride; and Joseph Sweet double-ring ceremony. Mrs. queline Hoar of Simsbury to 39C Charter St.; Ronald Web­ ural wlde-wale corduroy suit of Manchester. George Barber of Windsor was ster, 368 Oakland S t maker's label! with dark brown accessories Mrs. Field wore a coat and Joseph Lawrence Lovett Jr. organist. Mrs. John McLain of and a corsage of pale orange dress ensemble of teal blue of Manchester was solemnized BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son Manchester was soloist. Bou­ carnations. The couple will live lace, matching accessories, and to Mr. and Mrs. Norman YoUsh, quets of white mums were on Saturday morning at St. Brid­ at 57 Dougherty St., after Nov. a corsage of yellow French 556 Graham R d., W apping; a the altar. get Church. 5. mums. The bridegroom’s moth­ son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael 4 ? ^ ------Tbe bride was given in mar­ er wore a turquoise crepe The bride is a daughter of Petrnie, Old Town Rd., Rock- MAN, 106, FLYS TO ISRAEL riage by her father. She wore sheath, black accessories, and Ool. and Mrs. John L. Hoar vUie; a son to Mr. and Mrs. special purchase a full-length go'wn of crepe and a corsage of white French of Simsbury. The bridegroom Is Lawrence Peterson, 6 Kingsbury NEW YORK (AP) — A the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 106-y e a r -o 1 d retired hotel re-embroidered alencon lace, mums. Ave.', RookviUe; a son to hSi. from a top maker! designed with scalloped square A reception fo r 160 w as held L. Lovett o f 46 Auburn Rd. and Mrs.' Alexander Fatnode, owner—who sold his business a Double wool knits, so famous we year before the 1929 crash—flew neckline, long lace sleeves tap­ at Flano’s Restaurant, Bolton. The Rev. John J. Delaney, MUe HUl R d., R ockvU le; twins, to Israel Sunday for a visit with ered at the wrists, empire bod­ For a motor trip to the Pocono pastor of St. Bridget Church, a son and daughter, to Mr. and cozy sleepwear values of the year! can’t mention the name or even nieces and nephews. ice, sheath skirt and watteau Mountains, Pa., Mrs. Hastey performed the double-ring cere­ Mrs. Anthony PagUughi, ORs- sketch them (but you’U see the Beryl Roth was accompanied train. Her fingertip veil of im­ wore an olive green and gold mony and was celebrant at the tottbury; a son to Mr. and Mrs. label in every dress I) Fashion on the flight to Tel Aviv by his ported Bilk illusion was ar­ suit and matching accessories. nuptial Mass. Mrs. Raymond John Mahon, 17 P in e K nob D r., fresh colors, sizes 8 to 18. daughter, Frieda Rifkin, 62, of ranged from a heai^lece clus­ The couple will live at 13 Goslee Murphy was organist and solo­ Wapping; a son to Mr. and 2.99 to 3.99 the Bronx. ter of horsehair trimmed with D r., Apt. 56, alter N ov. 8. ist. Baskets of chrysanthe­ Mrs. Robert King, 76 N. Sriuiol designer coat one-piece dresses mums were on the altar. St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Don­ Roth, b om in Austria in 1861, seed pearls, and she carried Mr. and Mrs. Hastey are both reg. $4 to $7 values to $86 22.90 came to the United States in white French mums and ivy on 1965 graduates o f M anchester The bride was given in mar­ ald R. Harris, WiUimantlc. 1920 with his wife and their six a white Bible she received as High School, and are employed riage by her father. She wore BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A three-piece dresses children. Five of the children a Rainbow Girl. at Pratt and Whitney, Division a fuU-length gown of candle- son to Mr. and Mrs. Dwane A beautiful selection of ^ famous are still alive. Roth said he Miss Sharon Fields of Man­ of United Aircraft Corp., East glow silk and embroidered lace, Salsbury, Stafford; a son to Mr. make sleepwear . . . all with their values to $55 3490I '■ chester, sister of the bride, was H artford. fashioned with empire waist­ and Mrs. Paul Palmer, Gehring bought a hotel in the CatskiU origu^ price tags! A great variety a few coat and dress Mountains and sold it at the end maid of honor. Bridesmaids line, elbow-length sleeves, A- Rd., Tolland. of pajamas and gowns in brushed o f 1928. were Miss Ellen Phinney of WHEATON, ni. (AP) — A line skirt and long train. Her DISCHARGED SATUR­ ensembles, values nylons and cottoniL soft flannels. to $6Q ’ 45.90 Displaying a doctor’s certifi­ Lowell, Mass., cousin of the Texas longhorn that escaped shoulder-length veil of candle- D A Y : M rs. M arlon Sharp, 107 Sizes 32 to 40 and P, S, M, L. cate pronouncing him in good bride; and Miss Donna Woess- from a rodeo was dubbed Ferdi­ glow was arranged from a pill Haiti Dr., TalcottvUle; Brad health, Roth said, "Well, I try to ner of Chelmsford, Mass. nand by children who spent the box hat, and she carried a cym- Strogoff, East Hartford; Gaetar r a g . $ 7 0 keep my temper, and when I get ’The bridal attendants were day following him. The animal bldium orchid spray over a no Petrone, 14 Newman angry I don’t stay that way dressed alike in strawberry was free lor 12 hours before po­ white prayer book. S t.; R ichard R oy, 434 Oakland lon g ." pink aisle-length gowns, fash­ lice rounded him up. Miss Jean Weigel of Sims­ S t.; M rs. Anna Pranckus, 746 Never, but never •will you bury was maid of honor. She Sullivan Ave., South Windsor, see fashion finds like this wore a yellow crepe floor-length Mrs. Nina Ofria, 81 Richard . . . at such an amazing low gown fashioned with long R d .; D arren O’Brien, 98 Oak­ price! Choose from import­ sleeves of yellow chiffon, and land St.; Mrs. Mary Palmer, 11 ed and diunestic tweeds, multi-colored flower trim on the School St.; Charles McAuley, looped mohairs, boucles, neckline and cuffs. She wore a Bloomfield; Mrs. Barbara Mon­ worsteds... single and dou­ —" Lovett photo matching headbow with veil and tes!, TalcottvUle. S t. Jo6C(ph’8 CSiurch, R o ck ­ cturrled a spray of two-tone Also, Mrs. Elsie MUler, Long- ble breasted styles. All MRg. CARLTON EUGENE BEYOR JR. warmly interilned. Misses’ ville, 'was the scene Saturday bronze pompons. MacHugh iilvoto ■view St., RockvUle; Mrs. Jose­ morning of lUie wedding of Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mi­ MRS. JOSEPH LAWRENCE LOVETT JR. phine M ozzer, 40 Crestwood and misses’ petite sizes. • Miss Linda Diane Allard of gown, matching headpiece, and chael H. Spear of Wilson tind Mias Baabara Ann Dowglewicz Dr.; Mrs. Beatrice Levasseur, South WiUlngton and Carlton carried a basket of pink flowers. Miss Margaret Hoar of Sims­ East Hartford; Mrs. Clovis Bel- i t ? Ricky Beyor of WUlington, and Ronald Francis Helm, both mother wore a cocktail-length of Manchester High School and Eugene Beyor Jr. of Willing- bury, sisters of the bride; and lerose, 92 Prospect St., Rock­ brother of the bridegroom, of i]jlb<*^lle. Miss Bernadette Parcdak of green and silver brocade coat attended the University of Hart­ vlUe; Melalne Hurt, 67 Ardmore ton exchanged vows Saturday and dress ensemble with match­ ford. He served two years In served as best man. Ushers lihe bride is a daughter of Manchester. Miss Amt Hoar and morning at St. Phillip the Apos­ ing accessories. the Army and is now In the were Thomas Frank Beyor of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic (Dowgie- Miss Marilyn Hoar of Sims­ A reception for approximately Army Reserves. He Is employed m * tle Church In Warren-vllle. WUlington, brother of the bride­ ■wlcz o f 79 W est S t. T he bride­ bury, and sisters of the 'hrlde, 160 w as held at W illie’s Steak as a design layout draftsman The bride is the daughter of groom, Timothy Ray Rich of groom of 46 Windsor Av©., is were Junior bridesmaids.' i House in Manchester. I 2b. and Mrs. Edward A. Al­ Colchester, and Robert G. Stu­ a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. • The bridesmaid’ gowns, ac­ in the Industrial Products De­ For a motor trip to Pennsyl­ r " A lard of South WiUlngton. The kel of Manchester, brother-in- Edward Helm. cessories and flowers were styl­ partment of Hamilton Standard. law of the bride. Gregory Allard, ed to match the honor atten­ vania, M rs. L ovett w ore an off-'* I ' k bridegroom is the son of Mr. The Rev. John Kozan per­ ■ &' brother of the bride, was ring- dant’s. white wool dress 'with a double- and Mrs. Carlton Eugene Bey­ formed the doublesring cere­ Gold Left in Ground bearer. The Junior bridesmaids wore breasted orange Jacket, off-white or of WUlington. mony and was celebrant at the JOHANNESBURG — Ac­ \ Mrs. Allard wore a yellow- mint-green satin gowns, with gloves, alligator shoes and bag. 1 The Rev. Bronislaw A. nuptial Mjass. Bouquets of A-line skirts. The dresses were cording to the Johannesburg Gadarowski o f W arrenviUe per-** gold itwo-piece dre^ with gold Mrs. Lovett is a graduate of white miims were on the ailtar. made by the bride. They wore Stock Exchange, more than fmmed the doutole-rlng cere­ accessories and a corsage of Henry James Memorial High The bride was g;lven In mar­ matching headbows with veils, $6.6 billion 'worth c t g old re­ mony and was celebrant at the yeiloiw roses. The bridegrootn’s' School. She is presently employ­ mains in the ground in South mother wore a three-piece green riage by her father. She iwore and "their flowers matched th^ high nuptial Mass. Baskets of ed as a stenographer-clerk in Africa because irising labor St«p up To 2 for $7 suit with black accessories and a fuU-length gown,,of peau de adult attendant’s. Misses’ Famous Maker Shirts ...... 3.59 pompons were on the altar. the Personnel Department at costs and the fixed price of $35 a corsage of yellow roses. sole, designed with an etnpire Richard P. Lovett of Manches­ .The bride was given in mar­ Hamilton Standard, Division of en ounce have made these ^ SUCCESS i r Reg. to $10. Cottims, Dacron polyester and cotton blends . . . long and roll sleeves. riage by her father. She wore A reibeiption for 100 was held bodice of re-embroidered alen- ter, brother of the bridegroom, United Aircraft Corp., Windsor oon lace, bateau neckline, long served as best man. Ushers known deposits uneconomic to Prints and solids. 10 to 18. a ’.Chantilly lace gown designed at KnowWon Hall, Warrenvllle. Locks. Mr. Lovett Is a graduate A t tlia- Succastful sleeves with points at the were Warren C. Ball of Vernon, m ine. wRh fitted bodice, long tapered For a wed(Ung trip, Mrs. Beyor 2 lor $9 s^ves and full bouffant skirt wore a three-piece mustard and wrists, A-Une skirt with lace Albert Bolls,, of Manchester, and A SCHOOL Famous Make Pauty Girdles ...... 4.59 aipptlques, end detachable wat­ ending in a chapel train. Her beige suit 'with brown acces­ Lt. Paul B. Hoar of Simsbury, R ^ . $7. Regular or long leg with satin lastex front and back panels, dipped front teau chapel-length train. Her brother of the bride. ibouflSairt silk Ulusion veU was sories. design. Lycra Spandex. Sizes S, M, L, XL. fastened to a queen’s crown of Mrs. Beyor is employed at bouflfent veil of imported il­ Mrs. John L. Hoar wore a Day * Sveotag Classes D & L at the Manchester Shop­ lusion was arranged from a cocktail-length yellow and sil­ pearls and crystal, and she car­ New Fermiiif In from a top maker ried a spray of white carnations ping Parkade. Mr. Beyor is a 'lace piUbox, and she carried a ver brocade coat over a yellow Better Jewelry, ^ Price ...... 2.50 to 12.50 bouquet of white mums. Cssipslit fretrasiailsa surrounding a white orchid. machlnilst at Brand-Rex in Wil- chiffon dress with matching ac­ Reg. $5 to $25. Beau^ul jewelry ftxHn a famous maker includes an outstanding se­ 'Umantic and a member of the Miss Teresa Dowglewicz of cessories. The brideg^room’s IBM Data Piacssslsg men^s dress shirts Miss Loma Joyce Allard, of TO lection of necklaces, pins, earrings and bracelets. Many matching sets. South WiUlngton, sister of the National Guard in Putnam. The Rock'viUe, sister of the bride, Kerpascli — Clerieri bride, was maid of honor. She coupde win live in Coventry. was maid of honor. She wore a ORMAL girls’ wool skirt Mipre a rose brocade gown, fash­ floor-tength gown of sapphire U.S. Dime Sold icg. $5 and $6 Womeu’s Diiviug Gloves ...... 2.90 TALKS TO METHODISTS blue, fashioned with velvet em­ . . . WE RENT IT . . . 2.99 ioned with scOop neckline, el- for $13,000.00 Veiea 0 Malic Typioa Reg. to $5. Warm, wondeiful gloves in Orion acrylic or raccoon blend, short or long h^-length sleeves and semi- COMPTON, Calif. (AP) — A pire bodice with scooped neck­ aud sweater values line and short sleeves, and satin lengths. S, M, L. f^ skirt. She wore a matching Roman Catholic priest delivered Nhw Yoik, Feb. 1, 1961—An Stock up and save now on these the Reformation Day sermon A-Une skl'rt accented with a 1694 Dime 'was sold' to Hyde- h^iadbow and veil and carried/ Prafeeelaaal lattracton very famous dress shirts. Expertly skirts, reg. $ 6 ...... 4 .49 Sunday at the First Methodist back panel of vdvet. She wore man itor $13,000. You may have ALL FORMAL WEAR IN tailored in Mends and fine cotton Boys’ Liued Corduroy Pauts *' ...... * 2.99 lo 4.59 a spray of pjnk‘Variegated car- a matching veil of Ulusion, and te am at church of Compton. in your passeaaton' many 'valu­ STOCK AT ALL TIMES I fabrics . . . white, colors and sweaters, reg. $6-$9 ... nntions. Reformation Day is designed carried a bouquet of gold "O sa af Naw ■sflaad'i Reg. $4 to $6. Boxer bjS;k,^’Wide or mid wale cotton corduroy, lined with cotton flan­ able ooins, whiicOi ana slipping Bridesmaids were Mrs. Rob­ to recall to Protestants the rea­ mums. VmaUaVHSWSf W IIVWIO stripes. Regular, button down and nel. Olive, brass, blue. 4 to 7, 8 to 12. Regular or slim. Fashiony skirts in A-line bonded ert A. Stukel of Manchester, sis­ sons their predecessors broke Raymond Helm of Rock'viUe tbnough yiour fingens. Cents Imlngtp SdMob** tab collars. Sizes 14 to 17, sleeve wools, belted dry styles and [ierky ter of the bride; Miss Leona away from the Catholic Church. aerv^ as hla brother’s best wane scdd for $2,760.00; Quan- lengths 82 to 35. Misses’ Kuee-Hi Nylon Stretch H ose...... 99c Bnblarz of Willlmantic and Miss tens for $24,500; Half Doliars plaids. 7 to 14. Sweaters in classic Sunday w as. the observance ot man. Ushers were Thomas New Nivm it Naitferd and fancy styles, slipons and cazv Betty Ann Allard of Lincoln, the 450th anniversary of Martin Dowglewicz and John Dowgle- for $15,500 cmd Stiver DoUars Reg. $2. All with their original price tags.’Tycora stretch nylon in open mesh stitch. I^llode Island, cousin of the Luther’s posting of his 95 theses wtcz, both of RookviUe and cou­ for $13,000. Stop letlting a poa- Bitliets Sehaelt Nine cdors. One size fits all. digans. 7 to 14. (8 ^ sises, reg. Tlieir royal blue gowns TEL. 896-U68 « 6 -$ 8 , t M ) at Wittenburg, Germany. sins of-the bride. albUe foitune siUp thnaugh your M EN’ S SHOP neadpieces were styled to aSd The Rev. QUbert Romero, as­ Mrs. Dowglewicz wore a rose Hoimn photo fin g em Send fo r b ook UsKlng 7«1 Mala * 88 Lewis matelr ^ e honor attendant’s. sistant pastor of Sacred Heart lace dress over chiffon, match­ “The Marvel of Main Street’’ MRS. RONALD FRANCIS HELM avenaga pnlcea paid by Oa4i> 901 • 907 Mato Street (AoroiM from TVaveterB Ina.) They carried Il^t pink cama- Roman Catholic church of ing accessories, and a corsage Diaalena. Send $L 00 ph is 10c Manchester, CoimeoUcut Shop D&L tonight, Wod., Thun, and Fri. till 9 P.M.... D&LCommunity Eoom Evnnts: Ono- Woman fainting Exhibition all wook long... tlona. Compton, spoke to the First of white mums. assian i Invoftmont Lecture Sprint Wod. Night ot 7:30 P.M. Susan Beyor of WiUlngton, sis­ Methodist congregation on "the A reception was held at the Bermuda, Mrs. Helm wore a I’he couple will live on Upper for shipping to Ntatinnal Coin "SPBdAXJSTS IN FORMAL WEAR REINTALS' ter of the bridegroom, was flow­ Vatican Council, decree on ecu­ P o lld i A m erican Club HaU, kelly green dress and coat en- Butcher Rd., Ellington, after InaUtUte, Dept 118, 377 Bnoad- er girl. She wore a pink satin m enism .’ ’ Rockville. For a plane .trip to semble with black accessories. Nov. 5. way. New York, N.Y.


ing time was invented, or as would be All property not declared by and Opportunities, and James dent Mrs. Ella Anderson of MorftComfertWtarlHg so if we decided to have it all yea T olland then will have a pensdty charge Harris, ^ c i a l assistant to Bridgeport said the convention JUmrl^fftrr Gov. Dempsey to secure funds workshop sessions “ brought out round. , added. NAACP to Consider FALSE TEETH ' The Board of Selectmen will from some philanthropic organ- the essence of the theme 'af- To oTsroome dlseomfQSt wbsn Ctiptttng l|prdd Our inatmet to retain our owh occa­ Board of Education Plans meet tomorrow night at 7;S0 at ization within the state to pay flrmatlve action,' ". for a pedd professional execu- Other newly elected officers FOiBUaHBD BY THE sional pow i^ to decree some slight dif­ the Town Hall. Low Cost Housing Srmer. You set bettw, ted more HSRAU> gpRorriNa .. inc. ference in (qur days, our routines, our tive. included Samuel R. Hyman of oomfortable. FASTOTR U slksljne U BtanH Street For Public Kindergarten Manohestec Evening Her­ DANBURY (AP)—Tto sidestep tlon Into alleged infractions of The executive would address Danbury, 1st vice president; —won’t «m r. Heipe ebeek piste «dor. MaaetMatnvOonn. habits, is probably paired with another 'Denturee tbst fit are eeMntUI to momiAS >r. otetovsoN ald Tolland oorreqioBdent, housinK local federal equal opportunity legls- himself to an intensive program Mrs. Vernlce Cook, New Lon- hesith. See tout dentlat regulsrly. The Board of Education has that the building could not be WAIVTBR R. irBROmSON instinct in which we hesitate to give up Bette qnatrale, tel. 875-2845. u M Aaan. Any such infractions to attract young people, recruit don, secretary; and Bernard Get PASTEETH St s1l «1ni* counters. PUblMiera sent an open letter to the Board used by the school. Ttols seems Foanded Ootcbm 1, ilfiSl surii a thing as the present variety in branches or tne nauonai a sso - reported to appropri- adults, and coordinate branch Fisher of Greenwich, treasurer, of Finance Informing it of the to eliminate alternative space.” our calendar scheduling, 'of national INSULT SPURS STABUNO elation for the Advancement of authorities after a 10-day activities. The 1968 convention will be in PiMWied Every EvenlnK Excefit Smidaye school bocurd’s Intqntimvs to The fire marshal’s report re- and HoUdaye. Entered at the Post Office at holidays. NEW YORK (AP) — An Insult Colored ______^ People will study pos- investigation, the convention de- Outgoing state NAACP presi- Hartford. Mnwbeeter, Coim.. as Seeond Class Hall provide public kindergarten portedly condemend the use of Read Herald Ads to a girl resulted In a battle Sun- sible sponsonhip of low-income elded. Matter.______classes for Tolland youngsters the new building for use by pub- To be sure, it would make for much day aboard a Brooklyn subway cooperative housing. ^ —Decided to compile a corn- SUBSORIPTION RATES beglnnlng next September. lie school classes because it a more efficiency, in the business of week­ train and the stab-slaying of her That decision was reachM plete report on NAACP- educa- FayaUe In Advance Citing the need to enter con- two-story wood frame building, One Year ...... **100 ending, in the pleasure of celebrating’, 29-year-old boyfriend.. Sunday at the state NAACP con- tion suits for filing with the She Honttis ...... Id.OO tractual agreements before the The report has stirred con- Three Uontha ...... , — 6.60 if we arbitrarily fixed it so all our ma­ _____ V "nie victim, Martin Oilllard, a venslon . NAACP’s general counsel. One Month ...... — 1.86 ^ jor holidays fall on Monday. The big school board stated It "would of Its description of ^the ^Id* private guard for a supermar- Local branches wUl study the —Resolved to work toward use onaiBER OF wh^m^^^r^dera^n tos ^ K*'!* options of buying or buUdlng of text books including Negro THE XSSOCOATED PRESS weekend would then be a guaranteed starts today The Associated Press la excJualveJy entitled routine In American life, and we would to the financhlg of such con- The building I s ^ e c h ^ l y desl Iw-hicom e housing units, espe- history In the state's public to the tne of repubUcatlon of all news dis­ be freed forever of the problem of try­ tracts at this time.” cribed as split level, wltti the ^ cooperatives. 4k« fn.mdimr of patches credited to It or not otherwise credlt- “ We wlU advise vou as earlv lower level of four eieaamnma whon, police said, a man Discussing the housing propos- — Endorsed the founding of ed in this paper and also the local news pub­ ing to celebrate a holiday properly as lished here. , . , j. as possiUe of the <^ts involved buUt of brick. Outside access “ indecent remark to the al, delegates charged that hou^ toe largely Negro-supported ot D & L All r ia ^ of republtcstlon of special dLs- a single isolated day in the middle of T > ^ Jj In toe establishment of toe new Is provided for each classroom woman. dtacrimlnation exists In most ^nnecUcut S a^ s and Loan paitches herein are also reserved.______fOUR STORES OF FASHlO** some week, or just one day from either program,” toe letter states. in ^ toe building. Gllliard rebuked the man, toe of toe state smd is not countered Association and urged Negroes The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ two argued, then scuffled. Po­ by municipal officials. to invest In toe new Hartord sumes no financial responsioUity tor typo- the beginning or the end of the week. The explanatory letter to the The school board letter cites araphloel eirons appearing in advertisements Yet, though most of us are likely to be newly created Finance Board toe possiblity of appealing toe lice said toe stranger pulled out In other action, toe convention firm. and other reading matter In The Manchester a knife and plunged Its five-inch — Elected Hartford branch The delegates also named Dr. Evening Herald.______In favor of the holiday proposition \riien definitely puts the school board fire marshal’s ruling, as one on record as adyocating kinder- of three alternatives, blade Into Gilllard’s chest. Gil- leader Wilber Smith as presi- Frederick G. Adams of Dan- I\dl service client of N. E. A Service Inc. It is put to us, we never seem to mass llard staggered from toe train dent of the Connecticut NAACP bury, Arthur L. Green ot Man- PUbHshers Representatives — The Julius behind it that real public purii which gartett next year. ^ "It would appear that Tolland Mathews Special Agency — New York, Chi­ The passage of state leglSla- must use leased portable class- and collapsed and died on the conference. Chester, director of toe State cago. Detroit and Boston.______would bring it to the enactment stage. tion last year, requiring public rooms, place sill kindergarten platform of toe Lafayette Ave­ —Discussed possible investigar- Commission for Human Rights MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCUUA- The reason may be that, secretly, we school education for all five- and first grade classes on dou- nue station. TIONB.______like the Idea of having our holidays year-frids, "removes any philos- ble sessions, or appeal toe de- When toe fight started, other Display advertising dosli^ hours: Jump about the week, so that some are ophical considerations from toe cision of toe State Fire Mar- passengers fled from toe car. lo r Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. Seized by ’Transit Authority longer and better, or perhaps shorter ToUand school board, and re- shal;’’ toe letter states: Ftor Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturdav. patrolmen was Albert Davis, 28, For Wednesday — 1 p.m, Monday. and better, because they need fewer duces toe value of such consld- 4-H Clubs 3 Fbr Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. a night cashier. Davis was For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. tranquilizers, than others. eration to a negligible position". The Pins and Needles 4-H For Saturday — 1 p.m. TTiursday. charged with murder and held CE Ctasalfiod deadline — 5 p.m. d ^ before the letter states. Club has elected Elizabeth Por- » k i____ pubUcatioti. 6 p.m. Friday tor Saturday The letter was drafted by ter as president. Other officers ^ hearing. and ACpnday pubUcalion. schoof Mard chairman David include Cindy Elingwood, vice ------■ March On Washingrton Cook, and was sent to toe fi- president; Carol Horsman, sec- FOB A UFETIHE! Monday, October 30 Y o u 'll nenrer havemin to buy film a«Edn nance board FUday after Its retary; Kathy Neff, treasurer; Five of us drove the 800 miles to because each time Ulggetts develops and; content was unanimously en- Heidi Horsman, reporter; Linda prints your roll of Buiac A White or Washington Friday night. We were dorsed by the entire school Bugbee, recreation and Kim Koda-cokn- film we give you AB80- Judith Rotella, Gary Dunlap, Sofie UUTEILY FREE. a. fresh roU of film As Old As Mare Nostrum board. Fluery, refreshments. y for your camera, we replace the film Bill Dunlap and I. No one knew what was ’The board was split during The g(roup is working on T 3 you have developed. It's all fresh- dated and . to^ quality and Ko­ There Is nothing subtle, hard to clas­ going to happen. We might be arrest­ last spring’s klnderglirten con- dresses, jumpers, and night dak, too. processing sify, or ideologically novel about fJie ed, clubbed by MPs, dem oll^ed in an troversy. The item was includ- gowns for their projects this FAIRWAY 24 hour s'ervlce for block and whiteirlilte (just act of seven Russian warships in steam­ auto accident, gassed. ed in toe budget but knocked year, F/R^'T a little bit longer for out at toe annual town meeting. Hie Bulletin Board color) wonderful ing Into the Egyptian porta of Port Said My motives were simple. As an ex- and Alexandria. Several petitions and counter pe- The History Book Committee 620 GI only recently returned from duty in tltlons were circulated, eventual- of the Tolland Historical Socie- for holloweon ■Vietnam, I felt an urge to rattle the r t r j This, is old-fashioned power politics as ly resulting in defeat of toe prop- ty wlU meet tonight at 7 at toe windows of the home of the fattest of the ^ masks it has been played since the beginning osition in a referendum. home of Mrs. Harold Garrity KARLEE fat cats. It was that old anarchist urge, Hardship Request on toe Green. ILIGGEn DRUG 4oi4 M m O M KPKE. W EST|| of nation history. Nobody has really a personal reaction to too much disci­ The school board does not feel The Board of Christian Educa- ever stopped playing the game. All that pline. toe town can qualify for a hard- tion will meet tonight at 8 at ever really chsinges, it seems, is the Any officer can scare the pants off ship provision which would de- toe United Congregational Shoes name and number of the players and Study By Sylvian Oliara lay toe start of toe kindergarten Church. any enlisted man with a scowl, but a AN AUTUMNAL STILLNESS the location of the game. clrilian is something else. program for an adtotlonal year The Board of Assessors will beypnd . toe July 1968 com- be at toe town hall tomorrow This la the first time Russia has ever The first person we saw In Washing­ pUance date in the legislation, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for toe WATKINS BROTHERS. INC. been able to play this game In the ton was iRoger Schwarz law sudent and To qualify, toe board would annual declaration of property and The Hartford Hammond Organ Society Mediterranean, which haa spent most ex-Record reporter. His function was to have to apply to toe State Board by all town residents. Deadline help bring about the release of those A Thought for Toda^ of Education, proving it is tm- for declaration is Wednesday, of ita modem history in the status of a Sponsored by the Manchester Cordially Invite You and Your Friends demonstrators whose dedication or in­ Inside Report able to compy 'with the effective British lake, and lately that of a Brlt- Council of Churdhes Open Foni] lah'American lake, with the American discretion resulted in arrest. Seeing him date by "using present sx>ace, to Attend a was a curious surprise. We might be expandhig present buildup, LOFT S KITCHEN presence gradually becoming the more *»y Morning Prayer needing him later. renting auxiliary space, leasing important. Rowland Evans Jr. and Rob«rt D. Novak FRESH CANDY "Lord, in the quiet of thds morn­ •E^qual H eights’ New Apartment Proposal portable classrooms or some HA/AMOND ORGAN MUSICALE We arrived at 9:30 a.m. The crowd ing hour alternative.” Ihe particiilar Issue which has To the Editor, was small. I watched a fortune in cam­ WASHINGTON — The only use the Republicans might I come to Thee for peace, for To tlhe Editor, Financial cabilities do not ap­ Weldon Drug Co brought this maneuver to pass happens eras being carried around by spectators, make of It. wisdom, power .1., 'I \i\ -- n ;i I I FEATURING caucus the Democrats held dur­ I aim winlltJng t o lescpreas m y There Is now before the Town pear to enter into consideration, to he that of the armed confrontation participants news men and a discreet To view the world today ing the National Governors Thus, Radigan Is favored to coniceitin In reg|6urd to th e phioto- Planning Commission a propos­ several board members felt. $13 to $15 between Israel and Elgypt. gentleman In a business suit wearing a win Nov. 7. Although a private through love-filled eyes; Conference, while unanimously gnaph shewn en page 3 of The Tolland has two alternative^ badge. Pamphlets were everywhere. The poll conducted by the state Be patient, understanding, al to build an apartment at 206 in finding room for the classes. But when Russia thus' sends Its naval gentle, wise. Horalld dhtod Celt 24, 1967. Of D i c k D e l a n e y 10.90 agreeing to back a Vietnam N. Elm St. here in Manchester. veterans, the socialists, the jieace group. Democratic party (which backs ooun9ei I meian th e pictune It will have to rent auxiliary vessels to anchor in Egyptian harbors Black Power people everyone wrote, resolution, broke down in deep Hatcher) shows Hatcher’s share To see beyond what seems to 'This area has never been, and space (the United Congregation­ be, and know shiowlnig th e Ameirlcian flag and Pick the look you prefer and In order to raise all the stakes If Israel reasoned and raged in print. disagreement over Negro riots. of the total white vote climbing the UN flag a t equal hiedghtB. I hope will never be, conducive al Church Religious Education save from our collection of the from 10.9 per cent to 16.0 per Thy children as Thou knowest considers shelling an Egyptian city Despite all this, the demonstrators Indeed, that’s one reason why Thdis Is, as yioai know, a vtoila- to multi-dwellings. Building), or lease portable Renowned Concert Organist ) very smartest Karlee shoes. cent, that is not enough for vic­ them, and so again, the power piriltics reality is that were agreed only on Vietnam. Some the Democrats held no more tdon of the low. classrooms. tory. A Republican win under­ Naught but the good in any­ ’The owners of the single the finest Favorite heel heights .. -. Fall Russia is also confronting the United were opposed to all violence. Some to caucuses (in contrast to daily, In today’s world theire are Approximately 260 children East Hartford High School mining the most solid Demo­ one behold. homes surrounding this piece of will be eligible for kindergarten colors in brown, green, gold, States.. all ^war. Others were opposed to the harmonious meetings by the Make deaf my ears to slander miamy w ho would llilke t o have us Tuesday, October 31, 1967 at8:00 P.M. cratic county In Indiana, could property have always tried to next year. The Meadowbrook program in red, blue, black. . Others were annoyed; be­ Republicans aboard the liner that Is told; believe that, the Unilted States be disastrous for Democratic keep this area an attractive res­ and Hicks Memorial Schools 777 Burnside Avenue, East Hartford, Connecticut The United States would be standing cause Vietnam competed with their pri­ Independence). “We were Silence my tongue to aught that and the United Nations are Senator Birch Bayh in his bid idential neighborhood. We cer­ are filled to capacity this year oil heating, with Israel in any case, in any show­ vate little wars. Most folks were peace­ afraid to meet again,” one is unkind; equal I pensonally do not be- Admission Free for re-election in 1968. tainly hope that a 36 unit eye­ and the High School will reach down between Israel and Blgypt, but ful, some 'Violent. No one could speak Democratic Governor confided Let only thoughts that bless liieve this andi I do not want sore will not appear in our tune in to ) c use asterisks its capacity next year. the closer alignment of Egypt with Rus­ to us. “We didn’t know what dwell in my mind. my childnen tio beflieve this midst. ,for them, only to them. The / only alternative sug­ sia has the immediate effect of produc- might happen.” Let me so kindly he, so full of either. And I resent any efBarts This Is not only our problem AutomaRc British Labour spoke. Black Power gestion, as mentioned in tile let­ ■What did happen a t that cheer to clonivey this InlferencB to any In the No. Elm Street secticMi, an even closer alignment between Former Governor Henry Bell- ter, but opposed by members spoke, visitors to North Vietnam spoke, caucus in New York on the eve That ail I meet may feel 'Thy other children, or Ajmeri'ians. but that of 8uiy Manchester prop­ Comfort's Israel and the United States. mon, eager to leave Washing­ the school board, Is to put (DAL Shoe*—Manchmtor Paricode) with very carefully prepared statements of scAllng aboard the Independ­ presence near. It just isn’t so. erty owner whose neighborhood ton as Richard M. Nixon’s In­ toe first grade classes on that smelled of things that people want ence revealed the division in­ O clothe me in Thy beauty, When a photognaph /2 to 6 batable thing is that both situations conservative than the party at United States Public Health De­ CLOVIS, N.M. (AP) — The Who doesn't like a bargain? The place to find them The tear gas bomb went off after a have instinctive tendencies to escalate large, agreed. But there was A footnote: Bellmon did not partment and Is the best for a Clo'vis branch chapter of the In­ 6.50' crowd of people began to mill around an ORDER TODAY... is Watkins Bargain Shop where things are reduced from both sides, to answer threat with a murmur of discontent among prove to be the salesman Nix­ hospital its size in the country. ternational Association of FTre MP. If he threw it, it was a breach Town Building Committee, and automatically weekly until they're sold (or until counter-threat and fire with fire and -the liberaile. Governors Otto on needed aboard the Independ­ FTghters says it’s different than discipline; if not, some one got it away ence. A bit shy by nature, Bell­ the Board of Directors votes to any other in the United States. they're 10% of their original price.) bomb with bomb, and that the supreme­ ICemer of Illinois and Philip 10 Years Ago accept the high school project. from him. In any case the crowd dis­ Hoff of Vermont, seated next mon was hesitant to give his Of some 126,000 fire figtoters ly sensible thing for everybody to do World Commmilty Day, under General Manager Richard Mar­ persed quickly and the MP put on his to each other, whispered. Fi­ foriner fellow Governors a hard nationwide, Jane Sharp is the Everything in The Bargain Shop is regular Watkins cm all sides would be to posture as lit- tin speaks to the three groups ugly black gas mask. 'We all soon learn­ sell. With Nixon the forgotten the chairmanship of Mrs. John only woman officer of a chap­ M m ' s, Womon’s, Mlssos', Boys' tte, fire as little, and move as little as nally, Kerner stood up. LOSE WEIGHT BY FRIDAY merchandise, removed from our regular selling floors ed that the gas could be ignored. Fear man at the conference, a little Pickup, Is observed by the Man­ before they vote separately to ter. She Is secretary of the Clov­ As chairman of President |,A>SB w b i o h t possible. In the hope of not producing Is the biggest problem with these things. salesmanship would have been chester Council of Churches. accept the building which will is chapter and works with the Just take a tiny because it is discontinued, shopmarked, or down to Johnson’s Commission on Civil Hungrex tablet before that final bit of mutual escalation from Thousands of demonstrators got good helDfuL The Board of Education, the cost the town $4,360,000. department’s clerical staff. T H B H IR B T OAYI the very last of Its kind. It gets a sharp markdown reg. to $9 Disorders, Kemer isaid, he felt meals...and banish those CHUKKA BOOTS 6.90 adiirii there can be no safe return for training that day. constrained to say that more Thousands now lose at once . . . and then is reduced every week if unsold. 3 hated extra pounds as (D O LShom - Moacheeter Parkode) anybody. Shortly afterward troops wlih bay­ than Hughes’s law enforcement weight who never thought you banish hunger! TVhy?^ If you're a bargain hound, don't miss these and many onets fixed, but covered scabbards, is Involved. Strong steps to cure Fischetti Because Hungrex is : they could. . . report lined up to sweep the road In front of sodel diseases of the city are remarkable weight losses the most powerful I more values tomorrow: the Pentaj^n. They wore gas masks. I Biitm essential, he added. After of 7...20...eve« BATH OH. leducliw aid ever A V^iance Of Days wonder what they were afraid of. They that, the caucus broke up on a 41 jpounds in a short tcleaseaior public use had the gas grenades. any case the sour note — not to convene Sometimes we suspect that the real widiout prcMTiption! while. So if you’re tired $124.00 Modem Lowback Lounge C h ^ , foam cushion, walnut taper^ reason we never fight too hard for day­ Joke was on them. The U.8. Army M-17 again. half-way measures 17 oz. reg. 5.00 ONLY 2^ 0 A footnote: Unanimous Dem­ Suppresses hunger pangs, legs, (dive textured upholstery...... 98.45 light saving time all the year round is gas mask Is hot and stifling. It’s hard and want really effective Counteracts skin dryness. Af­ to aee 'with one on and almost impossi­ ocratic support for Vietnam so effectively, it actually $219.00 82” Modem Sofa, foam cushion, walnut tapered legs, blu^ ter bath or shower, while the that we want to preserve the illusion help in rcdudim ble to talk with anyone. They suffered was more apparent than real. limits the ability of ...send for Hungrex body is wet, glide it on all that humanity can, if it will, be master At least three liberal Demo­ your body to produce over— water helps spreading. while we Just sniffed a little. today. Hungrex will simply $49.60 Maple Ladderback Arm Chair, fiber-msh seat ...... 80.65 of its own time. cratic Governors privately op­ gnawing hunger amaie you! You’ll be Apply from the toes to shoul­ To the leaders, organizers, instigators pose the LBJ war policy, but sensations! Result? You $892.00 8 Pc. French Provincial Distressed Fmitwood Dining Room, ders, with emphasis on heels, of the demonstration we were potential slimmer next week or your elbows and ankles. Also de­ Now, once a year, we turn our clocks ‘the resolution out of don't feel hungry...down 42 X 68 X 78" table, five side apd one arm chair with upholstered forward, and lo, mirabile dlctu, we have cannon fodder. That was clear. Cameras money back. No lightful as a body massage or party loyalty. goes your calorie intake. prescription needed. seat, 48” china with 8 door cupboard base, 2 shelf glass rub. Tones, refreshes and (Ranged the time of the sun’s rising and were everywhere, hot heads made every • • • and down goes your door t o p ...... 209.00 scents. its setting. And, once a year, we turn attempt to cause mayhem. LiKklly the discipline of the troops and the calm Racial polarization of politics $69.50 Full or Queen Size Pecan Mediterranean Headboard ----- 46.10 the clock back, and, in obedience to sense of most of the demonstrators pre­ in Gary, Ind., has resulted in ilwwnwl Cliinm li» $49.50 Twin Size Mattress, tan stripe ticking ...... 88.80 a physical exertion on our part whlrii vailed. Most of us came to be seen, the city’s regular Democratic can add up to nothing more than a very heard and counted on the issue. We organization secretly passing to $64.50 Twin Size Boxspring, stripe ticking ...... 42.70 alight pressure from our littlest finger, would not be sacrificed to the private the Republicans one of its most $169.00 50” Modem Loveseat, foam, cushions, walnut tapered the whole earth moves earlier out of little wars of the communists of Black treasured assets; its "death florid print uphtdstered covier ...... 116.20 list” of some 6,000 names. These SKIN RALM one riiadow and more deeply into an­ Power pecqSe or whatever. Doubtless $99.00 ikodem Lounge Chair, iriatches sofa above ...... 66.40 other. Not only, with the flick of a fin­ the ones who got clubbed and arrested are deceased voters who are __r Mm < PoMer/WI I ger, do we move the great globe on asked for it. "voted” annually to swell the $199.00 Lawson Lounge Chair, foam T-cushion, kick pleats, blue w rffle reg. 2.50, 17-oz. Democratic margin in the ^Ster Bel—sed /e r PmkUe Vaef which we live; we achieve at least a velvet upholstery ...... - - • ...... ■ ’ | 4 8-^ Shortly afterward I went home. I staunchly Democratic steel cen- w for a limited time NOW 1 2 5 momentary sensation of haying done thought the action was about over. COUNTRY DRUG $219.00 K i^ Size Outfit, mattress and 2 box springs ----- ... .llo.ou ter. / Once-a-year value on the big, Moreover, my tropical combat boots s n West BUddle Tplm. i $178.00 High Attached Pillow Back Lounge Chair, foam cushion, stope aomething even more miraculous and Such Is one result of the po­ family-size bottle of famous difficult. We enjoy the illusion that we were wearing holes In my feet. All the Maneheefer, Conn. arm, kick pleats, iridescent coMjer upholstery .... • • • ------vO'py litical revolution that has been $429.00 82” Frmch Provincial Sofa, foam cushions, distressed fm ^ Skin Balm. Keeps hands soft are changing our own lives, so that we special callouses -previously developed raging in Gary since a 84-year- □SMiilNldartldwsBPlrefNMgnxuWiP^Afsr : and smooth. Marvelous for at! are not, for a morning and evening or by combat boots had softened up. This old Negro lawyM, Richard Hat­ 6s(y R . ; w()od trim and 1 ^ , (dive brocade ...... 217.80 oyer skin care. Use on skiir pair of boc(ts were souvenifs from my roughened by exposure to two, quite the same dull persons fol­ cher, won the democratic pri-" O Iwd we eeseserilw 46diy aaephf (dr oely R . $66.00 Pull Size Cherry Panel Bed ...... •; - • • unit in Vietnam. I captured them In a © 1967 Chic«|o Daily Nem $184.00 Attached Pillow Back Lounge Chailt, foam cushion, kicKpl^te, ' weather or dishwater. Use ori lowing precisely the same dull rou- mary for mayor. The whlt6-con- PoblUhefs-HsU SyadkK soft sWn to keep it that way! midnight requisition; we worked late troUed regular Democratic ma- tlnea. It turns out not to be much of a raspbemy ri^ textured cover ...... v ' " ’ Contains lanolin. hours over there. I had carried those chjnb has been working in close $99.00 Full Size Figure Eight Fmitwood Headboard B ed ...... 68.05 change, murii of a variatkm, after all, things from Plleku to Can Ranh pay to collaboration with the white Re­ but it is perhaps better than never to A MfLUCAl RUBLES To $229.00 70” Modem Sofa, foam cushion, tapered walnut legs, Seattle to Connecticut. I finally wore publican nominee, Joseph Ra­ gpld tweed upholstered cover ...... 156.86 be able to tamper with the clock ^ all, them to the Pentagon. — JOHN GUM­ digan—even offering the top se­ m M SMILE OH HIS aa waa our plight before daylight aav- MING IN THE MERIDEN RECORD cret “ death list" for whatever *^*"**** nftyineivt‘83closea“-i-’25ofor S


the Air Defense Command which Vernon provides, aerospace defense against hostile idroraft and mis-. P a t i h i p a m u k o n ^ . ; sUes. Mattson Named Treasurer He Is a graduate of Rockville Pink or white beimties! High School and Is a veteran Morton Meat Pies GREAT Of Principals’ Association of the Korean War. He Is mar­ I BREAKFAST SPECIAL I ried to the former Karen Rleav* er of Waverly, Minn. 7:80 A.M. to 11:00 A Jf. GHIOKEN • TURKEY • BEEF C. Arthur Mattson, principal Sgt. Cuiltis, who ' was pre­ Seedless On fle e t Oiler YOURWAYINTHEMAIU of Lake St. School, has been viously assigned to Womn Seaman Apprentice Gary C. AiFB, Wyo., will be an oMteial re-elected ' treasurer of the Am Ende, son of Mr. and MTs. reonitter at Rochestier, N.T. Clayton Am Ende of Middle I Morton Pies are so easy to Northeast Regional Principals’ He was cboem for tbe assign­ Grapefruit prepare . . . Pop 'em in the Road, Ellington, Is serving Association. The group includes ment as a volunteer with an aboard the fleet oiler UBS AUa- oven — They are ready to outstanding military record. I Teoif' €$hI Jelly pHncipals from the New Eng­ gash in the Mediterranean. n eat and enjoy in minutes! land states, Delaware, New Jer­ He is a graduate o f Rock-i The AUagash provides petro­ vlUe Hlgli School. IBs wife, Lea­ sey, New Tork and Penn­ leum products to the fleet at sea ke, is the daughter o f Mrs. Coffee sylvania. enabling combatant ships to re­ Mattson Is a past president Katherine Orlffln, of Pinney main "on station” for extended 6 ” of the Elementary School Prin­ St., mungton. periods of time. cipals' Association of Connect­ Marine Lance Carp. George Am Ende, a graduate of El­ AT icut and is a member of its M. Shaw, son of Mr. and IMrs. lington High School, entered the WESTERN executive board. Martin I. Shaw of 21 Bancroft service in June. 1 THI He came to Vernon in 1947 Rd., is now serving 3n Vietnam. as a teacher at the Maple St. p W. Bernard W. Bujarowskl, 1 School. He was made principal Few Cross Ocean U u g e n son o f Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Anjou Pears in 1950. In 1969 he was trans­ Bujarmowsld of Crystal Lake NEW TORK—Surveys dndi- ferred to the Lake St. School. Rd., was graduated from eight oaite thait less than 1% per cent ■ E l D R U G (JLhI ) STORE All good ' 8-pages of our He has also taught in the ex­ weeks of recruit training at the of the' U,8. population has things come Upton Tea Bags "greatest ever” tension division of Willimantic Maxine Corps Recruit Depot at traveled outside the Western i n ’’pears’’ 10ior59‘ m ^ m m Fall Sale! State College. Paris leiand, S.C. Hemisphere. Mattson is a member of the PACKAGE OF 64 MIT StadMit Connecticut and National Edu­ Thomas T. MUkle, eon o f Mr. Outstanding cation Association, has coached and Mrs. Theodore H. Mllkle of values . . . basketball and baseball and 3S1 Tunnel Rd., is a student at "Horn* of Service and Quality” money-saving served as a m em ^ r of the All-Green Broccoli Try a cup of the "Brisk" the 'Massachusetts Instltuta of couponsi Mansfield Board of iCducatlon. MANCHESTER Good Eating! tea — It perks you up! He is vice chalrmaui of the Technology. Sale starts Mon. Airman Decorated No waste, fresh Stock your shelves and trustees of the P. Ray Brams- Burr Corners Shopping Center and tender! ' BUNCH well Fund at the University of U. S. Air Force CWO Robert 29 save! ...... Tolland Turnpike \ s\ O I Connecticut and a director of J. Brown, son of Mrs. Madeline the Johnson Boy Scout camp. R. Brow of 28 Prospect St., has He lives in Mansfield Depot. been decorated with the Bronze SOUTH WINDSOR News of Servicemen Star for meretorlous service in popular Sullivan Ave. Shopping Center T/Sgt. Anxinew A. Curtis, son Vietnam. ^ 'M rs. Juba Wilkeraon of 33 He was cited for his perform­ River St., has completed the ance as weapons controller at MANCHESTER special U.S. Air Force recruit­ Da Nang Air Base. 725 Middle Turnpike Eost er course at Lackland AFB, Brown is now serving at Gun­ Tex. ter AFB, Ala., as a member of

/■ A»<- EARLY WEEK T6 P ’ V A U ii Choicesf Meats In Town! TUESDAY ONLY SPEOIALI FOOD

Gathered to participate in Trinity Covenant’s 75th anniversary are, left to right, the Rev. Mr. NAOTVE WATiBBST Green, Interim pastor of Kewanee (HI.) Covenant Church and a former pastor of Trinity; Dr. Engebretson, Pastor Swensen of ’Trinity, and Pastor Rask, former pastor of 'Trinity. (Herald CHICKEN UEOS I T | Z C photo by Pinto.) Covenant Church 75 Years Old and BREASTS “ Ik Trinity Covenant Church cel­ Refreshments were served In quet; Mr. and Mrs. Robert MIX CiR QMiATOH ebrated its 75th anniversary this Fellowship Hall. Mrs. Paul Nor- Wldham, hostesses; Mrs. Fred (Umlt S Lbck Per Family) weekend, concluding with an ling arranged a display of Sdhaefer, decorations; Mrs. Anniversary Service and recep­ church memorabilia. Jameis Anderson, publicity; POPULAR FANCY tion yesterday. Mrs. Jesse H. Bannister was Mrs. John R. McElraevy and HIGHLAND PARK MARKET h I ■ ■. Dr. MUton B. Engebretson, chairman of the event. She Miss Esther Granstrom, Anni­ 317 HIgbland St., Manohroter—Phone 648-4S78 NEW YORK STATE president of the Ehrangelical was assisted by committee versary publication, sind Carl Covenant Church of America, chairman Henry Ask, pro­ Johnson and Ernest C. Johnson spoke yesterday at morning gram; Mrs. W.T. Smyth, ban­ Sr., properties. T O M A T O 1 " services and at the Anniversary Ajax Cleanser Service in the afternoon. Former pastors of Trinity WITH CHLORINE Church, including the Rev. Sig- frid E. Green, the Rev. K. JUICE 2 c off Ejnar Rask, pastor of Covenant label Congregational Church, Brock­ M ake a clean break with the past., •PINK ton, Mass., the Rev. Reynold G. •WHITE Johnmn and the Rev. Carl M. •YELLOW 46 OZ. 14 OZ Helgerson, spoke'°'and participat­ can ed in lighting candles on a huge POPULAR CANS birthday cake yesterday. Mrs. Jennie A. Nyman of 47 Russell FACIAL TYPE V. St., a 61-year member of the church, cut the first slice of BATHROOM / birthday cake. Royal Gelatins, assorted flavors 12/‘l The Rev. C. Leslie Strand, superlntendant of the East Ck>ast Stop & Shop Salad Oil, 38 oz btl 59‘ Conference, brought congratula­ TISSUE 3 - 7 9 ’o^ 4/’l tion from the C!onference and Mueller's Egg Noodles spoke on the future of the Stop & Shop Sliced Swiss Cheese r 39* church. Pastor Swensen led TOP 2 35* group singing. G raduate to a flam eless range This low, low price! Fireside Fig Bars O'THC Tbe observance yesterday 3 9 .S opened with an organ prelude that cleans its own oven. Ocean Spray Cranberries FRESH GRADE by Ernest C. Johnson Jr. before q 14W01 a q c TALL w cant r T ^ Quality Meats a Call to Worship by Pastor Pet Evaporated Milk Swensen. Patterson Chaffin, AT OUR FISH COUNTER-ON SALE TUESDAY riiurch chairman, read congrat­ ulatory letters and telegrams from friends and other churches. F r e s h Pastor Rask read the Scripture FAMOUS HOOD'S and directed the Chancel and a DeHckras volunteer choir which included present and former choir mem­ bers. Orange Juice ALL CENTER CUTS i CALDOR B O n O M Manchester—^1146 Tolland lT>ke. ROUND ROAST Exit 98, Wilbur Cross Parkway SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY! Perfect eaUng steaks. . . a Step & Shsp premiss! Top Choice All meats are guaranteed fully to please you! If ever a purchase of Stop & Shop meat fails to please you, just tell us! We will refund your full purchase promptly and courteously without fuss or quibble, or Porterhouse Steaks replace the item. Stop & Shop sells only U.S.D.A. choice, the choicest ROUND S T E A K S of the choice, our own Top o’ the Grade Quality or Swift's Premium Piilsbury Bonbel Cheese . . . it's the only kind of beef we carry at Stop & Snop! Grand Champion Quality ■ Iced Cinnamon Rolls 8 oz pkg. T-Bone Steaks BO 6 9 ^ p r o b lem 4 %% 8 8 * SIRIOIN STEAKS Choose PERSPIRW*®** Blue Bonnet Top Round Steaks RnLVED. Soft Blue Bonnet your Margarine GARDEN FRESH-POPULAR PRODUCE Margarine own even for thousands M b 2c off 004 Face Rump Steaks pkg 1-lb pkg ^ Z who perspire heavily c u f f , KMDp JUICY, DBEJCIQUB A new-type formula has been N.Y. Sirloin Steaks found to keep underarms abeolntely dry-even for thou- Save on the $1 Size! aimde wno perspire heavily. Apsae deeadea of common “ de- Why spend hours stooping, scrubbing and scouring to clean your oven? (Chuck) odotanto," It to(dc a chemical A P P L E S 3;39 Inventton to make thla trnly Why not graduate to a modern flameless range . . . with an oven that cleans Blade Steaks effeetive protection ponlble- Gillette Rislit Guard with the came safety to cloth- itself electrically? It's so easy to use. Set the controls and — zingo. The Ing-the name nldn mUdneu as SDNE18T CALIFOItMlA pppolar "deodoranta.” Called oven cleans itself. (And drip pans.) All you do is whisk away a little powder. DEODORANT (Bottom, Round) Mftehnm Antl-Peraplrant, It ^You’ll notice, too, that a flameless range keeps your kitchen clean, cool and Swiss Steaks latheproductof atruatworthy, 64-year-old laboratory. By the comfortable. And because electric cooking is so automatic, you’ll cook thonaanda, women with prob- I m perapiration are finding with pleasure. So see your appliance dealer about a flameless electric range ORANGES (Shoulder Cut) the protection they need-and t nover could find before. And . . . with an ingenious oven that cleans itself. Make a clean break with the London Broil Steaks W » rt*trv« fti« right to limit quontttlf* folly effective aa a deodorant, too, of courie. If you perspire past... and graduate to another appliance that adds to the joy of Total TA9TY, CRIBP more than average — even heavily —get the positive Electric Living. proteenon of Mitchum Anti- GRKN BEANS Pacapirant. Your choice, liquid or cream. Ninety-day supply, V, eadi 18,00. ^ The Hartford Electric Light Company CUCUMBBRS V YOU CAN COUNT ON CETTING THE FINEST QUALITY FOODS AT THE BIGGEST SAVINGS IN TOW N-W ITH m in i-p n C iliq M itcAum rm imsToii-mNa m m mm TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHI :ONN. ANTIPERSPIRANT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 PAGE TEN Section Two MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 0 , 1967 manrljfBtfr EufnittQ llfrslli MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, .1967 Pages 11 to 20 Koch of El Paso, Tsx., Arthur of- THompsonvUle and Robert M. Koch of Suffem, N.T., and Emrick of Bast Hutfprd. UN G>imcil C oven try Obituary Clarsnoe F. Kooh of Windsor; Also, six stepdaughters, Mra Expo 67 Finishes, __ f a brother, William C. Monaghan Stanley Avery, Mrs. Arthur Presses for Hearing Slated Tomorrow Young Soldier in Vietnam I of Talcottville; three sisters, Strenge, And Mrs. Roy Weher, 11 Accidents Boggini Protests Closing C k tm M tk Mttoer 8 r. Mrs. George M. develand, Mrs. all of Manchester, Mrs. George USSR Exhibit Star VERNON — CheeMeli Bltt- Fred Petlg Sr. and Miss Shrah Johnson of South Windsor, Mrs. Mideast Plan On Gorris Zone Request On Weekend School Board-MEA Session Writes of His iir aar Sr., 76, o f W«th®r«fSeld. J. Mtmaghan, all o t Mainchester, Elam tlemlng of Windsor and (Continued from Page One) Mrs. William Lockhart of Chico- Ihrough Expo, ht said, “ we (Conthmed from Page One) The Board of Education’s that contract talks .could thus By SOL R. COHEN “ I’m just blowing off steam. fUtlier o f Charles T>. Bittner of and two grandchildren. Townspeople will have an op- tlcm. If the town PZC Police Investigated 11 motor Funeral services will be held pee Falls, Mass.; 24 grandchll- The federal government will have discovered that we do be completed more quickly than I hate this place. Oh, well. V«nMn, ’Ua]. already heartsick that her just- Vietnam has changed me. Survivors inoltide hie wife, kirk and------Whitney “Funeral ’ Funeral services will be held the Quebec provincial govern- “ “ “ ‘^erae, but Union, BUI- rible relocaUtm of the OorrlB present site: If the zone <^wge end, Involving 20 vehicles. Three tiating session with teacher years. In the paust, the board Canadian." Home, S18 Burnside Ave., East tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the repfeaentettves is befog pro­ has Insisted on open meetings. turned-19 son is In the boon- I don’t like It. It has made me two other sons, three daugh­ ment S7V& per cent dnd the Pearson presented souvenirs garla and France, and perhaps Oil Company tanks. A hearing from Rural (RU-40) to Indus- persons were arrested as a re­ Hartford. The Rev. Felix M. Holmes Funeral Home.p 400 Japan, too. will be held by tba planning and trial, Is approved, the move tested by N. Charles Boggini, a Each year, since passage of docks of Vietnam, facing dally h f ters, two stoteirs, and seven Montreal city government the to each of the commlssioners- sult. . nice Davis, pastor of Second Church, Main St., with the Rev. Robert member of its Democratic mi­ state legislation, gi'vlng teach­ danger from snipers, sloshing ■^^ tlrat, I tried to be a nl graaddiOdren. remaining 12Vi per cent. general o f the private pavlUons. But they said the Americans zoning commlBslon at the high could be made, Bonnie Hyatt of 181 S, Main FUnerail services will be held wUl officiate. ISurlal wUl be In S. Beecher of Christ Church also had objected to the text, schocd atidltorium at 8 p.m. The PZC, working w ro the nority. ers the right to negotiate with through mud all Oay. hiding to «very time I « d Before the gates closed Sun­ At noon a Canadian air force St. was charged with Operating East Cemetery. Cathedral, Hartford, officiating. The Americans are close to the Joseph Gorris, owner of the selectmen and the Inouzuial Boggini, who was absent school boards, contract talks foxholes, sleeping In hootches «^ng tor anyone. I jurt ended tanuHTOW at 2 p.m. at the day afternoon on the 1,000-acre acrobatics team, the Ciolden a motor vehicle ■without a license Friends may call at the fun­ Burial will be In Rose Hill Me­ have dragged on throughout the and subsisting on C rations, his up short-changed. People would Rose KUl Funeral Home, 580 complex of gleaming pavilions Oentennaires, swooped and Israelis, the Russians are close tiuks, has requested a change and development MmmuWOT, after the car she was driving from the Oot. 9 meeting at eral home today from 3 to 5 morial Park, Rocky Hill. year and been resolved only af­ latest letter Is a bewildering .. Bam St., Rocky HiU, with the on two islands in the St. Law- soared over the finale crowd, to the Arabs and either of them of zone for a piece of land on has attempted to find a suitable went off Keeney St. at Primer which the board voted 3-3. for and 7 to 9 p.m. Friends may call at the fu­ S ton ^ u s^ Rd. so that he may solutdon to the rdocattoi* ques- a closed session, said today it' ter going to state level .media­ tale of cynicism, hate and des- The whole human race dis­ Rev. Dr. Henry Gray offiiciat- rence River, Prime Minister At 2 p.m. the turnstiles were could veto any resolution. Rd. yesterday at 12:80 a.m. and gusts me. Everyone grabs any- neral home tonight from 7 to move the tanks from their pres- tlon. Gorris said he p reton w tion. pair. iiy Burial will be in Rose Hill Lester B. Pearson lauded the locked against new visitors and hit a utility pole and a fence. was tos “strong pecsonail feel­ __ thing they can get their hands Raymond M. Andrychowski 9. ent location on the corner of not to relocate In an already im The current contract was not In previous letters, the boy MemoiiBl Park, Rocky Hill. fair as a Canadian dream come at 3:30 all j^villons began to Police say the Hyatt girl had ing that eU Board of 'Educa­ COLUMBIA —Raymond M. Manchester Lodge of Masons Daley Rd. and Rt. 81. o"*™ „ dustrially-zoned area, since it formally adopted until after the had been groping ^ on. The slogan of the people — Friends may call at the fu­ true. shut down to a 67-gun salute. her 8-week-old daughter to the tion buatoeas should be open Andrychowski, 66, of Wln^am, ■will conduct a Masonic service The problem of pollution of would bo further from Ms cm- opening of schools in Septem- pinpoint hts emotions, his at- human race — should be ’Yay neral home tonight from 7 to 9. “ This Is a moment of triumph Shortly before 4 p.m. fireworks, U.S. Infantry front seat and the dog to the ‘both to the press and the pub- for me and to hell with you.’ brother of Jat 7:30 with the negotiat­ those emotions, and his graphic , , pital. (Continued from Page One) front and the roof, and she is move, Mrs. Anita Murphy, and in unbelievable Survivors include two other and nephews, BOLTON — Funeral services to “abate pollution”. Gorris commission earty In August, ing team of the Manchester analysis of himself U enough ^ ' scheduled to appear in court on Dr. Walter Schardt. ------conditions, and I don’t feel sor­ sons, twelve grandchildren, and Funeral services will be held for Peter Joseph Reed of Rt. U.S. planes were shot down, but may either move the tanks or and since that time, the PZC Education Association. to make any mother’s blood run After Relapse Nov. 18. Beldon Schaffer, who spoke ry for them at all. three great-grandchildren. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. at the _88 were held Saturday at Bol- the U.S. Command made no re- take extensive measures to has Inspected the Stonctoouse Despite hfo ornioem, Boggini cold. Funeral services will be held Community Funeral Home, 134 Congregatlonal Church. port of any losses. Since the Improve his present site, ac- Rd. site, as ha've other town Gary T. Rautenberg, 18, of 127 against the change, abstained. His family gave The Herald ^uess Its became no one said he 'would not boycott the Dr. Schardt later said he would ___._,______i_ cares for me — outside of the Thursday at 8:16 a.m. from the Church St., WllUmantlc, and The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, hea'vy raids on the Hanoi- cording to the state order. boards, Indludling the board of Hemlock St. was charged with permission to publish parts of sessi'on. “I am ■wiUtog to be not go along with closed ses­ immediate family, that Is. Gluliano - Sagarino Funeral St. Joseph's Church at 9 a.m. Haiphong area began last Tues- Because he has not yet be- health. speeding, after the car he was the letter, proidded the boy’s pastor, officiated. James M c­ Pope’s Fever Abates, shown ‘Whether anything can be sions after the initial one. "It really makes me sick.” Home, 247 Washington St., Hart- Burial wlU be in St. Josejrfi’s Kay was organist. Burial was day, the U.S. nAmmnnrt has an- grun to comply with the state Following the heairing, the driving was totally wrecked Sat­ name was not used. 3 (ucoomplished to a closed meet­ urday night on Charter Oak . St. The rest of the board — What Is published here is what ford, with a Mass of requiem Cemetery. In Bolton Center Cemetery. nounced the loss of 18 planes order, Gorris' case was re- PZC has 60 days to make a de- ing, and I hope someithtog oon- at Immaculate Conception Friends may caU at the fun- and 16 fliers. cently turned over to the state dsion on whether or not to Police say Rautenberg was Chairman John Rottner, Atty. this 19-year-old boy thinks of Bearers were Daniel Deveau, struoblve comes o f it," he said. driving east on Charter Oak St. Thomas Bailey, and Leonard things when he finds the time Ohurch, 874 Park St., Hartford, eral home tonight from 7 to 9. John Sinon, William Cava­ Rests for Operation There was also no conflrma- attorney general for possible ac- grant the zone change. The vote for a ■closed meet­ lost control of the car. It hit a Sesuler — were absent from the to write: at 9 a.m. Burial will be In Mt. naugh, Francis Flano, Law­ tlon of a Hanoi claim that a B 6 2 ------^ ing was taken by the board Clarence Weber (Continued from Page One) telephone pole in front of 220 vote in addition to Boggini. ” I was just thinking of what St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ rence Flano and William Pfelf- strateg;lc bomber was shot down Oct. 9 after the change was synod, the first world congress Charter Oak St., hit a speed Rottner has since given assur­ people back In the states hear field, with full mUitary honors. ROCKVILLE—Clarence Web- Just north of the demllltarizedi Vernon requested by the MEA nego­ nary system Sept. 4. Doctors of Catholic laymen in 10 years limit sign post, went over a fire ance that the board and the about this war. Everyone back Friends may call at the fun- 55 Spring St., died Satur- The Holmes FUneral Home, zone Simday. tiators. Robert Wolfert, chair­ MEA team would Issue a joint said the ailment was caused by and a three-day meeting with hydrant and came to rest about there has the Impression that Wdrth eral home tomorrow and Hartford Hospital. 400 Msdn St., Manchester, was man of the teacher committee, announcement concerning what an enlarged prostate. Orthodox Patriarch Athenago- 280 feet away from the hydrant no one (here) is really having Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 jjg g^pt. 29, 1902 in In charge of arrangements. Court Delay Holding Up had spoken for the move on transpires and any aggreements ras. after traveling 467 feet out of It rough. I remember when I to 9 p.m. Rockville, a son of Max and Neither the condition nor the the grounds that it could prove which might be forthcoming Knowing Athenagoras left Saturday. Center Church control. ___ was home, learning about the ------Rose Kaufmann Weber, and Uv- operation to correct it are usual­ “advantageoua" to both sides from the meeting. When the synod ended Sunday, Renewal Project in Town Police say neither Rautenberg hot food, etc. Frank O ilm a n t<,wn all Ws life. He Public Record ly regarded as serious but, un­ the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Giovanni Be- Votes $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 by permitting each |to explore School Superintendent William nor his four passengers were “ I didn’t hear about the ROCKVILLE — Frank A. employed as a dyer by Duo Warrantee Deeds corrected, the condition can nelll read the Pope’s farewell 'their initial ^nnds to private. Curtis has advised the board to Detoys from Oie State Judlcl- Approval was also granted tojiured. He is scheduled to ap­ leeches, or the jungle rot or Chapman, 73, of Newington, ggj Processing Co. He was a The U & R Housing C o^ . to cause chronic discomfort and speech to the bishops who had For Repairing Such a move should better en­ keep transcribed minutes of The execiitlve director of ary Department once again the Installation of street Ughts pear to court on Nov. 18. wearing the same muddy and brother of William Chapman of g p e r of St. Bernard’s John R. and Nancy W. Moffat, Infecticm. gathered to advise him on af­ on Warren Ave. and the Fred­ able the teachers and the board the session. Under law, these ripped clothes for up to 42 days. th e Initemaitlloiniall AasBciatlion the A total of $80,000 was voted threatens to tie up the Rock' David J. Dunham, 17, of Phw- ‘Rocltvllle, died Friday at the church, a life member of the property on Blue Ridge Dr. Doctors brought the inflam­ fairs of the Church. eric Rd. Area ,as well ps the to search out common areas must be made available to the I also never heard about the of Chiefs of Police, Quinn for repairs to Center Congre- ■vlUe Redevelopment project, tucket, R.I., was ctoaiged with 'Ihmm, said, ’’. . . StatidtUss Newington Veterans Admlnls- Rockville Fish and Game Club Jarvis Enterprises Inc. to mation under control with rest Four prelates acted for the corner of Allison and Acorn of agreement, said Wolfert, be­ public. disease or the many days that gatioml Church last night at Plans for the new Tolland failure to yieild the righit o f mnay, sh ow th a t 41j600 o f th e 49^ tration Hospital. and the Loyal Order of Moose, Clement and Mary D. Quey, and antibiotic injections in Sep­ Pope at the canonization of cause It would permit In­ At the last board meeting, the GI’s have absolutely nothing to a special meeting of the con- County court house were sub- roads. after the car he was driving Mrs. Ronald Gates, adorned with a maple leaf identification badge, greets women register­ 000 traffic faltalUUes in 1966 Survivors Include his wife, an- gn Army veteran of World property on St. Lawrence St. tember. This enabled the Pope Brother Benllde of Prance, a g;regation at the church. Forty residents in the Fred­ dividuals to speak more freely, minority Manchester Federation eat. We wait for three days mitted to the leasing division of was hit by a car driven by Doug­ ing Satuiday morning for a convention at East Catholic High School. (Herald photo by Ofl- neauKed lliiam driven actions. other brother, a sister, and two ^ g r n . Jarvis Enterprises Inc. to to put off the-operatlon until aft­ 19th century teacher in the The money will be used to fl- eric Rd. area petitioned for the ■without having to publicly de­ of Teachers was denied Its re­ without a re-supply of water A t le a s t 36)500 o f th ese the State Department of Public las W. Stanirii, 16, of West WU- ara.) grandchildren. jjg leaves his wife, Mrs. S. Michael Melluzzl, two parcels er a month which included the Christian Brothers order. nance the completion of repairs Works on Sept. 7, by Val Pre- lights, noting a few had found fend their positions. quest to have an observer pres­ or food. (41,600) daalths were traced Itogton. The mishap took place Funeral services were this af- gmgn Saucler Weber^ off HoUIster St. Wolfert said it was his hope ent at the negotiations. "I wish someone back there to dUsohedtence to estab- to the sanctuary structure and ■vldlnl, president of the Alco De- broken eggs covering their at E. Center St. and Foster St. service was also part of the ternoon at 2 p.m. at the Newlng- brothers, Edward Weber Gaiy Burby to Jessica Burby, for exterior work on the sane- velopment Co. of Meriden, de- mail. could find out the truth about Uished 'traffic mileg a n d regu - Saturday at 7:37 p.m. CCW Convention at ECHS tatlons." He said editoriaily ton Memorial Funeral Home, Harold Weber, both of Rock- property at 62 Durant St. tuary and parish house .Much velopers of the renewal proejet. The total cost for installation driven by Jeannette W. Reimer Dunham is scheduled to ap­ the Topping vehicle hit his. Min­ An annual report on Catholicf ’ajtJhollc The ^ people whether (Vletnam- thev In th e asHOCiBltion’s magio- 20 Bonair...... Ave., with the Rev. ville: and three sisters, Mrs. Peter M. and Eleanor G. Sll- of the work on the steeple and The state Public Works De- of the ten lights will be $616. Nobel Prizes Given pear iH court on Nov. 18. o f 186 E. Center St. as Uie or damage was done to both Familv Services was given by . , ^ ztoe, “It would hehoav© all David H. Eaton officiating. John Ferrell of Manchester, and verberg to Henry K. and Clara some on the exterior of the sane- partment promptly approved Sahmrockz Area Champs HYA. communist or democratic. Maria E. Albano of East Hart­ Reimer car stopped on Broad cars, police say. Edward IW e r, executive secre- Initerested pailtiela (and, Burial was in Center Cemetery, Mrs. Everett Dickinson and Mrs. B. Krajewskl, property at 206 tuary has been completed. the plans, according to reports. The Vernon ShtunrockB of the ford received a written warning St. to make a turn Into Mr. Tailllght lenses on a car be­ Priest Puts Faith tary of the group. It was said ^ ^ ^ that’s lail of us, isn't It?) to Newington. Hollister St. Work to be done includes the forwarding them to the State Midget Football League captur­ Raymond Mooney, both of Rock- To Four Scientists for failure to yieiS the right of Auto Wash. longing to Roger A. Luce of 109 that a portion of the dues of , election were uiose wno make sure they do not lose Vernon F. and Josephine Y. painting of windows and under JUAeiary Department, where ed the Northern Dl'vlslon already supported Ky. No one ^ h t of the fact that the ■vllle. way, after the car ^ e driv­ A Postal truck driven by 'Ro­ Foster St. were damaged as the each CXW member Is given to Mrs. Joyce J. Levine Herter to Michael and Anna the eaves of the Parish House, they have been ever jtoce. Cahmplonship yesterday, de- else could vote. What a farce! d river t>ehiind th e 'wheel Of The funeral was held this (Continued from Page One) ing hit a car driven' by Paul land J. Eckstrom, 24, of 17 car was parked in the driveway fuTthor the work of Catholic Mrs. Joyce Jarvis Levine, 32, morning from the White-Glbson Hanko, property at 17 Keeney In Women of World the vehtole is dUim the pri­ been __ naturalized______citizens__ _ and___aUls and clapboards replaced judicial Department approval featlng the Windsor Giants 20 Trzclnski, 19, of East Hartford Garden Dr. hit the rear of a at his address. The vehicle Family Services. of West Hartford, formerly of Funeral Home, 68 Elm St., with St. in the stars as early as 1938, the which did the damage left the mary faxjtor Imito which refugees from Hitler. The Unit- or r®stor^. Insulation, roofing necessary before work can be to 14 at Legion Field, at Mato and Hilliard Sts. yes- loar driven by Frederick G. “ Put the women together and the world will come Represeovtatives from Protes- salfetty feaiturea must be in- Manchester, died yesterday af­ Charles E. and Laura E. Whe­ Swedish Academy noted. scene, and the time of the ac­ a Mass of requiem at 9 at St. lan to LesUe R. and Flora M. ed L t e s now has 26 physics T done on any phase of the re- The victory topped the S h ^ - terdhy afternoon. Sweetman, 33, o f 27 LlUey St. out alright,” the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Stack, pas- tant churches in this area were corponated.” Hta figures and ternoon at her home. Bethe has contributed toward prizes to 16 for Britain arid 14 and palntliig the development project. The court- rocks un^feated season with cident Is unknown, police say. Bernard's Church. Burial was Jay, property at 67 Alton St. A car driven by Corinne K. Saturday at 1 p.m. Police say tor of St. Agnes Church, Niantic, Saturday told more guests at the convention, facts are another reason why Mrs. Levine was born In Hart­ solving the riddle of the source for Germany. ^terior of the sanctoarj^ Is the key to the entire a 6^ record. First Class In St. Bernard’s Cemetery. Administrator’s Deed Damaibo o f 49 Hotneabead St. the Sweetman vehicle stopped wie devote thla column tb ford, Jan. 11, 1938, a daughter of the enormous amoimts of en­ Discussing Bethe’s work the Theodore Blakeslee, church pj^ject, and Its exact location The team will now enter a than 250 members and guests of Council of Catholic safety informatiiion, from The Connecticut Bank and had to be towed away after it at Church. and Center Sts., Shoe Repairing of Clifford and Hilda Custer Jar- ergy emitted by the sun and the Women (CCW) of the A rch d lo ------which eU of us can prAfit Frank Piazza Trust Co., administrator under Swedish i d e m y said: “ The ^ hit a car driven by Michael started up, then stopped again Prison Last Stop Of The Better Kind I vla of Manchester. She lived in stars, the academy said. igle star o t oonidctlon, that the work ^ location of the ners, for the championship of cese of Hartford at a luncheon Rt. Rev. Msgr. George M. F o r y o u r ‘m axim um piroflit w e Frank Piazza, 76, of New the estate of Ethel Fish Lewis, energy lost by a single Doran, 42, of East ' Ifortford for more traffic, and the truck Manchester until about eight His deep theoretical stnu^ure igre star 01 done in - a------manner- which 'will the Charter Oak Conference. at East Catholic High School. Grady of St. Justin’s Church, UlSHiUAIA, Argenitlna — The Because we luie only hepe to SERVE you. 'Britain, father o f Sebcustian to Alexander Jarvis, property medliun size, through contin- yesterday morning. The IDa- hit It. very end of the earth for West- th e B E S T years ago. She was a graduate of conclusions in this field, minimize the possibility of a re­ William F. Beck, 26, of East The luncheon was part of the Hartford, spiritual moderator Jdia Piazza and Mrs. Freeman off HoUIster St. “making sharp-eyed and clever emission of radiation into The Judicial Department re- H®P« nrato woman ,taild polioe the At Broad St. and Center St. MATERIALS! of Manchester High School. currence. quires the approval of the plans The Hope Chapter, OES, will Hartford, was charged with op­ annual convention of toe group of the g^up, who spoke at the Dillon Sales and Serrice* CtoleUa, both of Tolland, and Quitclaim Deeds use of the limited experimental space. Is enormous. Such a star braikes on the car did ia>t ■work S€iturday at 3:05 p.m., a car city, the capital of Argentina’s “Waiting Jobs Are Survivors, besides her parents, by the chief justice of the State hold Its annual bazaar Satur- erating a motor vehicle while which opened Saturday mom- morning session, before council Mrs. Anthony Neat and Mrs. Geraldine T. Desrocher to material avaUable at the time, sun. The energy emitted as she tried to stop the car at driven by Mavgee E. Goepfert Tlerra del Fuego. It is the 6ur Specialty!” Inc. include a son, Jay D. Levine, Supreme Oourt. Chief Jiistice day at the Masondc Tenyle, license under suspension. He tog. Manchester CCW was host presidents gave their reports Samuel Genovese, both of Ver- Pauline N. Plossay, Josephine constitute a vision bearing the even enormous In relation to W. Middle Tpke. and Broad St. o f South WUUngton and a car southernmost city of any size and a daughter, Geanna D. Soviet Scientists John Hamilton King has been Booths will feature a varl^ was charged with the offense council. Mra. Ronald Gates Is g^^j other business was con- SAM YUYLES Your Ford Dealer nott, died yesterday a t the U.S. Putlnls and Anne T. McNeill, mark of a high scientific ex- the tremendous amount of mat- A car driven by Adrian P. driven by Frances H. Hodge of in the world. It’s elso the site 28 OAK STREET Levine, both at home, and her 111 for some time. articles, ^d a lu^few ^ after he was stopped while driv­ president of the Manchester ducted, Veterans Hospital, Newington. property off ToUand Tpke. plolt, the importance of which ter In the star, its mass, W ivegg o f ToUand made a turn Hebron collided. Police say the of Argentina’s most fotblddlng A few stops from Main 319 Main St., Manchester maternal grandparents, Mr. and Acting CTiief Justice Howard be served from 11:30 to l.w . ing his car on Tolland Tpke. Sat­ group. Survivors Indhide his wife, The Sa'ving^s Bank of Man­ the developments In the nuclear "From where does the heav- Describe Venus on New Stabe Rd. and toto a Goepfert vehicle pulled out in A panel on ecumenism and a prison, regarded as 'the last W. Alcorn has reportedly de- A smorgasbord supper wlU be urday night. Women attending toe confab 648-2145 Mrs. C. Custer'of Manchester. 2 e tb e r sons, 1 other daugitvter, chester to the U & R Housing and astrophysical research of enly body draw aU its energy, (Continued from Page One) oar driven by James M. Griiffln, front of the Hodge car. program on family education stop for hardened criminals. dined to speculate when the served at 8 and 6 p.m. Beck is scheduled to appear came from Bristol, Enfield, Funeral services will be held and 27 grandchildren. Corp., property off Blue Ridge later years have only served to emitted uninterruptedly over 22, of East Hartford Saturday In the parking lot at the Park- the Soviet spacecraft Venus 4, proposal would be retiumed to in court on Nov. 18. Hartfoixl, New Britain, South­ Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Funeral services will be Dr. night. ade* a car driven by William T. further underline,” the acade- thousands of milUons of years? the scientists told a news con­ the public Works Department ington, Windsor Locks, Lake­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Thurseday at 9 a.m. at Donald Joseph and Geraldine T. Plos- my added. Scientists have pondered this The Wivagg vehl

dents amd campus a g ita S ^ who Mishaps Km disrupt university operations or Events- prevent Invited campus guests from speaking. Five in State In Capital Such action the council said, “ is destructive of the pursuit of On Weekend The Baby Has learning and of a free society. Payroll 'Set Anyhow By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Televimon All components M the academic Four, separate one-«ar acel-. WASHINGTON (AP) — Al­ community are imder a strong ( 3) lUovie 7:30 ( »40) Cowboy in Africa (C) dents Euid a pedestrian incident (. ,Sdoai)------Hike Douslas (18) Alfred Hitobcock though the city of Washington obligation to protect Its procei Perry Mxuton Involving a flve-yeEtr-old boy ac­ (K M O to^ The Monkeea (C) legally has no money to meet es from these tactics.’’ nuimiHiy Patrol Eaot and Fancy counted for five traffic fatali­ ItnMKM and Panel Dlscuii- (la) Qunsmoke (C) Been Named payrolls, relieve those on wel­ The statement was drafts sionS 8:00 (3!) Hie Frenen or- UNCLE <0) and services, officials say they American Colleges, the National hood 8:30 <: »40) Hat (Patrol (C) (R) , ' A ll of the roadway deaths Holt, Linda Joanne, daugUbeir o(f EimebL land Beverty will meet their obligations. Student Association, the Nation­ (40) mtntstonea (13) Lucy Sliow (C) * occurred early Saturday. 6:30 (40) Peter Jennlnse, News (13) SubecrioUon i v 04gdo Haft, 6 Donne! Rd., Rockvlltei. Slue was Odt. 15 ait They say the read problem Is al Association of Student P er­ (13) Srorte Worid CM) Antiques a ;' Five-year-old Ricky Martin of Wl OIVC MbncteMer Memloriibl HoiaifttBll. H er inia/beimiaJi grand^ilatenitis that the District of Columbia is sonnel Administrators and the (21) Whwt’B New? 9:00 ( 8-13) Andy Griffith (C) J^orw E dk died shortly after he 6:00 < »»d(M0dMO) News. (lOdOdMO) Danny Thomas TIfFLE-S IlUC STAMFS are M5*. end Mlb. S)ban]!ey Ohliicaigla, M . Heir plaltemal operating for the fburth month National Association of Women Weadier (C) ^ > a s struck In front of hks home (M) CMnion iWaaUngton ( adinMoTty Squad (C) gnnM D itber lb Mira. Araila Hoot, Soraereelt, iMIabs. She blab a without a budget, and that all Deans. • a car driven by OtU Hey- (30) iZ S ile ’a Navy (24) lUOT Joumia bmtlMk-, DouglbB, 2\i. planning for a new budget has (30) OCen in RDWoe »:30 ( 3) NIFl, FooHiaU iCJ Capital Footnotes .1 povard, 18, of Soutii Norwalk. Po- (13) Iferv O r^ ^ (13) (FVunUy Aftair (C) *1 * *. * *1 stopped. 3:30 ( 3) IWaiter Oronklte (C> .( 3-40)' Pej^n Place I (C) HJLMS :!^ce said the fatal Incident oc- Hogan, Jodie Lomn, daughter of John P. and Linda Pul- "'Their problems stem from the ’The Export-Import Bank has O10«(a2«» HuiXley^Bi^Iey 10:00 (1O3M330) I Spy (C) . t«purred just eub they were arrlv- (O ( Ste Yallw SavR 30( 0 lb... Full cut cry-o-vac wrapped. no center slices removed ford Hogan, Pinney St. Ellington. She was bom Oct. 10 at fact that Congress, which pays approved an Alliance for Pro­ S-Sn (C) ' on the scene to Investigate ( 8)' iEVter Jennings (21) (Beetnoven Sonatas for Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents the city’s Mils, has not passed gress credit of $6.36 million to (im Newrtoeat (C) Piano and Violin < reported collision o f the Hey- (2!) WhBTa New (R) (12) Carol Burnett (C) are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pulford, Wapplng. Her paternal the District of Columbia’s budg­ build a satellite communications SHOP FOP l [^Etrd vehicle and smother car. 3:46 (30) News 10:30 (16) Subscrtiitlm TV grandmother Is Mrs. James Conner, Vernon. Her maternal et. A temporary spending exten­ ground station in Chile. 7:00 (3 ) Aftw IXnner Hovle (C) 10:46 ( a ^ ' Neiws, Weather (C) ; .|HeywEmd -vras arrested on two 11:00 < SAdOdlMIMO'IO) News, HALLOWEEN great-grandmother is Mrs. Marguerite Sweeny. Her paternal sion expired Oct. 23. A new ex­ Capital Quote ^ ^ u n t s o f evading responslbUlty, Sporla, Weather (C) AT GRAND UNION ... great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conner. tension hasn’t been voted be­ ’B Navy (20) Law and Ur. Jones “There are no underlying ; A operating a motor vehicle while (30) Hunde:ley-Brinkley (C) 11:30 ( Joey SMxm Show (C) SAVE more o n all YOUR *!•»'* *1 cause the House and Senate are 8-40) causes to bum down a city un­ ‘J|'«)mder euspenalon smd mlacon- I) Newa Weather (103032-30) TonigM (Cb deadlocked over a proposed :th or Consequences (12) Merv Griffin PARTY TREATS Smith, Kathy Ann, daughter of Nyle and Barbara Sage less you don’t love your country. • Muct with a motor yehicle. 13:16 ( Monday Stariight Smith, Columbia. She was bom Oct. 14 at Manchester Memo­ celling on government expenses. Slums and imemployment have ^ ' Sepewale accidents In New­ SEE SATtnUXIlY-S TV WEEK FOR OOMFLETE lASTINGS rial Hospital. She has a brother, Nyle Jr., 8; and a sister, Su­ In any case, pay checks to nothing to do with it.’’—George s'-'town within four hours smd one san, 2H. school teachers and retired fire­ Wallace, former governor of Al­ J --111116 aiMrt took two lives. men and policemen are sched­ abama. r^deorge'SleklB, 18, of ADddlebury Radio IFREiSO^STAMPSl Mientek, Mark Anthony, son of Anthony Paul and P a ­ uled to be mailed Wednesday. I>;dled when the car In which he WMi TMt Coupon Cl Purchow el tricia Walsh Mientek, 683 Hartford Rd. He was bom Oct. 14 No one Is sure whether anyone (Hils listing includes only those news broadeaste of 10 or IS i-^WEiB riding swerved off Inter- minute leugtli. Some stations (suny otlur short newsciwto.) Two7S-ft.Rolt SHOULDER ■ONELESS at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents has the right to sign them. '^.^state Route 84 Emd rolled over. I Speak Up Hartfon) are Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh, West Babylon, N.Y. His • '.X«ter a car driven on the sirnie W D BO —it e t LONDON BROn BOTTOM ROUND 3 ; Sign . 9 9 ' paternal grandmother is Mrs. Paul Mientek, West Isllp, N.Y. ) Dick Robinson on REYNOLDS FOIL . 7 9 Midler Appeal Set 1 ‘ highway by 26-year-old Anthony W T U u -lS W HOBNAIL ) Joey Reynolds I Newa. Weather. Sports I1ISH-LIAN EAILTNOM WASHINGTON (AP) — Au­ • Trotta of Brldge{x>rt plunged ) Ken Griffin > AAetnaon Edition Caagta Oaaf tkn Salv Htv. 4 © i i-ib. BO< Wylie, Christoper Richard, son of Richard E. and Mary WBOH—eit pkg. thor Norman Mailer, 44, has ap­ • ’.down an embankment, kilUng I Americana —juiiiiiimiiiiiiimjum GROUND CHUCK . 6 9 ' SUCED BACON C. Bateman Wylie, 67 Kennedy Rd. He was bom Oct. 14 at i Newa, Stgu Off > David Brbdd^ pealed his conviction for disor­ ♦-/the driver. ) Hartford HIghHghtv I Newa of the Worid JMIT OWE COUPON PER CUSTOMER! Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents ) News derly conduct which followed «< Another operator of a car, i Joe Garagkda are Mr. and Mrs. Nathanial F. Bateman, Lawrence, Mass. His I Gaslight I S ^ Along his arrest at the Oct. 21 antiwar 1* Katherine D. Toomey of Eaist ) Quiet Hours > Emiihasia FRESH DRESSED Save on Family Size Packs paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wylie, W F O F —14U i Concert demonstration at the Pentagon. ^ ' Hartfort WM fatsdly injured Fop [FREESO^^STAMPSl Needham, Mass. He has a sister, Kathleen Mary, 2. ) Denny Clayton Show I Greeter Hartford Forum He was accused of crossing po­ f ^ when her car split in two on Im- ) Lee “ Bahl'^' Simms Show I Nlghiheat WHh This Coupon Cl RuKhete of END CUT *. 4< * • ) Gfiry Glinrd Show I News, Weather ^>ortB Two pkoB. e l 2 roCs CHICKEN PARTS lice lines and sentenced to five r^!pact with the center rsdl on Perkins, Samantha Allison, daughter of Blaine Allison WINF—IMS i Sports Final Klaenex Wnitaor Asserted LEGS with thighs ^ B R EA S TS with riLi days in jail. -’ '"smashted into a tree at a high ) News i Odier SMe of the Day PORK CHOPS and Louise Verrengla Perkins, Hoffman Rd., Ellington. She >-26, was riding In the ,c£m and i Speidc Up Sports was bom Oct. 10 at Rockville General Hospital. Her mater­ M ailer’s attorney said the au­ ) Harry Reasoner DESIGNER TOWEL! HOT OR SWEET.ITALIAN thor was coerced to enter a no k*w as Eidmitted to a hospital In i Stoeai Up Sports nal grandmother is Mrs. Mary E. Verrengla, Hartford. l- 'fa lr condition sifter the accident. ) News , . >i Alexander KeiKendrick bom Oct. 17 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal » I rate of speed, police said. The 1 Sp^K ■■ HartfordHai grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kusiak, 73 Summer Meanwhile, ’The Washington i Frank GHfford .victim, Michael Zalonski of Fast ) N6VS St. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Mary Cormier, Wind­ Post reported that Mailer’s lat­ FIEESO^STAMPS est novel, “ Why Are We In Viet­ ^ . Haven, was driving on ()ulnnl- With TMa Coupon Cl PurchoM of sor. She has a brother, Eric Paul, 4. « plac Avenue at the time of the »!***», nam?’ ’ has been branded as One t-ox. or 16-« e. Jifoom « . crsuib. “worthless” and rejected for Phillips, Raelene Marie, daughter of Richard Michael In sm out-of-state, non-trafflo purchase by most of the librar­ l OVEN CIEANER and Morene Ray Wlce Phillips, 5 Lewis Circle, Ellington. She incident, the' young son of a ies In the Washington metropoli­ was bom Oct. 16 at Rockville General Hospital. Her mater­ The Qift |>HEirtford woman died Saturday tan area. Caapta eas4 nvs Sat., May. 4 © nal grandmother Is Mrs. A. S. Wlce, West Hartford. Her pa­ T L o f Injiuries suffered when he fell Most of the libraries said they ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips, Rock­ , three floors from an apsirtment have other M ailer books, such that ^comes %LIMif0NE'c0UP0N ville. rwlndow In Springfield, Msms. as “ The Naked and the Dead,’ ’ *, « * * -^ i !lThe two-year-old victim, An- and have no policy against Measured IQepsake Leverson, Etic Noel, son of Myron and Dalne LaBrle -^drew JEtques fell accidentally, stocking controversial works. FREESii^STAMPS Leverson, Pinevlew Dr., Vernon. He was bom Oct. 13 at Man­ police said, from the bedroom WHh This Coupon Ci Purchow of 9 chester MemoriEd Hospital. His maternal grandparents are The book has “no literary Sentimental aa a snowflake— window of the apartment rented quality -that can be ascer­ One 2 2 - O X . or 46-ox. con Mr; and Mrs. Arthur A. LaBrle, Dudley, Mass, His paternal the authentic milk glass dec­ i eb y his mother and his uncle, Armstrong One Step tained,’’ said a spokesman for grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Leverson, Minne­ orator bottle, fashioned after 7 r George D. Clark, 08, sdso of apolis, Minn. the District of Columbia Li­ J.MIartfbrd. FLOOR CARE | *1 • * * *1 brary. an 18th century original, in your choice of delicate Lily CtaeaaOsa4TfesSal.,Nav.4 ( 4 ) g | Santoro, Alexander James, son of Dennis and Constance An official of the Prince Bently Santoro, 397 Spring St. He was bom Oct. 11 at Man­ Georges County, Md., library of the Valley cologne or neW HyiPfiixiiiifif f f iigg-yxi^ chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. system said the book would Antique Spice cologne, $2,60. UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMERiH Laura Bently, 163 Highland St. His paternal grandparents are probably be bought because Mr. and Mrs. Albert Placente, 72 Fairfield St. He has a broth­ Mailer is “ In the public eye and Bith Oa-|S.60, Bubble B«th>$2.00 (in keep* er, Jeffrey Allan, 18 months; and a sister, Chryl Jeanne, 3. people are going to want to FREE SO^STAMPS 0 sake bottles), and *1 * • * *1 know what he has to say and sculptured Hob Nall WHh Thit Coupon fc Purchewe of Doremus,Trace Anne, daughter of David and Anne Ca­ make their own decisions.” Soap*$2.00 are matched One 23-ex. con Armatrorig WeeW ay CoM TaU atf "to m 7 9 c SHELLED WALNUTS la.ilM tlBie to brine In jaat aoreew to be lepnlrad. Post Godtos Corool ? 39 c ISOLID WHITE TUNA DISINFECTANT 'porSwB^ AUCRATIN Stmnn wtatOow ginae leplnoed. kiBrirw C tsyw 6 a i4 T k a S a l., N w . 4 Hdk Dog Food - Boof with Crovy 14-OZ CAN 29c («p«i6a.4Tk.Sk.,Nn>.4 CMaeaafTkaSk AUTO CLASS INSTALLED Colfoo Mote 6 0Z JAR 49c Special! S O W . Cawta6aa4TWaSalvNav.4 V I* CLARKE Q l iMIT On E i(iu H )N l>kR CUSTO M ERdUiyoSSiUM IT (^ E COUPON PER~CUSTi)MEll 1)001 RBWliUll OliL LdUI'Oli I'Ui UJIlllUl Nabisco Spooo Sho Sbrodtiod Whoat oz 45c INSURAHCE AGENCY, Inc. Hfaniwwwiiwwwiifiiiiiiiiiii I$ t i 111I I 1111 111 I f II ...... Til iWmWIttM M iw ffi w tmnrm n u am suss FURNITURE TOPS Princo Egg Noodlos 2 » oz nccs 59c CUP THIS PMCXS EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., N O V . 4. WE RESERVE THB RIGHT TQ LIMIT Q U A N T im S . Proloog Floor W ax ' " h-oz .can |.09 . 237 E. CENTER ST^BIANCHESTBR CiPtar, 180 M ulnl MIRRORS (Firoplaoa and Door) lodost Spray Wax ? or can 6 9 c VALUABLE COUPON ! \ ^ , TEL. 648-1126 PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) ’ Wladax with Sprayar s-ozm 33c Opw Vifttp Mifliti to »-eAI Wlndax Uqiild RofM * 4 7 c nucES EfFEcnvE AT nasT nahonai suter markets only WINDOW and PLATE GUSS Blaa Mist Wlndax caii^ 5 9 c Wf MSttVI THE MGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Cig4i*il4i. iMf md Tobm» Rndmlt E y gt fto* SlMp OSw MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1967 PAGE fim SBN PAOS FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1967 /Good Bye Allie^ Choral Society No Longer Meets Jets Got Message Krowka Bulls for Two Scores, Martello Runs 46 Yards for Third in Upset Giants Back in Contention Rockville Gridders Stun Manchester, 22-0 NEW YORK (AP)-^t Cleveland since 1963 and had in the last couple o f minutes, "It was a very important During TV Timeout lost six in a row to Blanton Col­ enough to give us great hope.” kidk,” admitted Gogolak who is Profeaslonal Football the Tialfway mark in 1966 Marching Band featured sounds lier’s men. The defense Ceiiaiidy did on weekend leave from the National League ______. -____ ...... A... ____ ■> three .passesa a m a s a s /Vof # *the H a Hday,o v igiving r i v i n i p Ry BARRY COWLES more than any In the season. Mike Wairii all were injured ried from the six-yard marker ond touchdown, a run for the to Carpenter and a personal day of the season” said Sim­ the were NEW YORK (AP) __ that’s wdiat they got-nothlng.” on the theme of "PercuMlon.” "It looked like a hippie sparkle in the final minutes, Army. "Usually I can tell if it’s Eastern Conference him a carry-over total of 16 The clocks were not the And I guess we did, but I still and taken out of aioUnn eariy in for the score. A kick by Joe extras by Krowka was good, foul penalty for 16 yards was mons after the game. a sad 1-5-1- en route to a Television's all-encompass- .imiirht comnieicompletions and tying don’t believe it” said O muA Jer­ the second half, which pos­ Bockvine

A m t ft D a lD r N e t P f t n R oi PAGE TWENTY M O N D AY, OCTOBER 8®, IWM Eor The Week Ended The Weatiier lEvrntng l|praUi Ootobev 28, U*T Cloudy tonight. Low In 40a. Tomorrow cloudy. High near u p t i t t t g 60. Mias Anita Shoff, a sopho­ Manchester WATE>8 have 15,544 ut Town more a t SSasteni Nazarene Col­ canceled ttielT regular meeting Thank Offerii^ lege,, Wollaston, Mass., has been' this week; - usually held each Manchester— A City of Village Charm “Nolwdy Waved Goodbye," “awaitlod a SlOO Continuing Tues(toy, because, o f Halloween. Celebration Sct the Moond Cihn in ttie Manches­ Honor Scholardiip. She is the The executive board of the VOL. LKXXVn, NO. 26 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1967 (OtaMllled Advertlatnc oa-Pnge 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ter Cotnmunlty College fBm se- daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. group iwin meet Thursday at By St. Mary’s itai, hae been rescheduled for Robert J. Sohoff o f 232 Main 8:30 p jn . a t the Italian Am er­ abowtng Wednesday alt 7:30 St. The 'Rev. Mr. Shotff is pas­ ican d u b . HCetessea aire (Mrs. The fall United Thank Offer­ p m in (Room A-7 at Mianchea- tor of the Church of the Natsa- Peter Magrel and Mrs. Harvey ing Ingathering of St. Mary’s ter Hig^h School. It had orig­ rene in Manchester. Ward. Episcoi>al Church will be cele­ inally been scheduled on Thurs­ brated Stmday with a qorporate KiuuUeiCA day. communion at 7:30 a.m. at St. The Army - Navy Auxiliary Superintendent of Schools Wil­ Mary’s followed by a breakfast will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. liam H. Curtis was a partici­ COUNTRY Hum phrey and Thieu at 9 a.m. at the Masonic at the clubhouse. Plans will be pant yesterday In an annual Temple. discussed for a Christmas Alumni Leaders Symposium held Reservations for the breakfast party. - Refreshments will be at Tufts University, Medford, FARE may be made by contacting served. Mhss. The superintendent Mrs. Elm er Odell, 612 E. Cen­ earned his bachelor’s degree at ter St., or Mrs. Edward Platz, The Willing Workers Group of Tufts, from which he was also 216 Hollister St. South Methodist Church will awarded an honorary doctor­ A wide selection o f fine food In a pleasant atnKW|)hei» Escape Bom b Attack meet and tie quilts Wednesday ate. Dr. A. Elmer Dlskan will at 1 p.m. in Cooper Hall at the speak on his services on the S.S. 1100 BURNSIDE AVE., EAS^ HOPE. • cmnaciiAR church. Hostesses are Mrs. Lakota Council, Degree of Po­ A major portion of the trien­ • CUT,1ACK.StWsrSIAL Ruth Dewey and Mrs. Gerard cahontas will meet Wednesday • HUNDKOSOrUSIS nial offering has been designat­ SAIGON (AP) — The Lacroix. at 7 ;S0 p.m. at Odd Fellows ★ Luncheon Specials .99 ★ INDOOM* OUTDOORS ed to be used In the Presiding Viet Cong lobbed four Hall, Main St. A Halloween so­ Bishop’s "urban crisis’’ pro­ shells on grounds of the The Manchester High School cial and refreshments will fol­ gram. Bishop Hines has urged Char-Broiled Big Beefburger 45C low the meeting. gaily light^ Independent* music department is planning a this church to direct Its major % lb. B eef ...... Palace tonight as Presi­ talent show, for which any stu­ thrust to a fine-point program dents in town are eligible. Try­ dent NgUyen Van 'I^ieu ^ designed to promote mclal Chicken Croquettes (t i -j a The W. G. Glenney Co. outs will be held tonight at 8 CPEC Official equality of opportimlty and entertained Vice President ' SS6 N. Main Sh, Mianchester in Bailey Auditorium. treatment. and ell itiie iflxln’s ...... Hubert H. Humphrey and Assisting CRC 2,000 inaugural guests, but : King Crab Newburg, Fri. Only $ 1 .8 5 hit none of them. The Manchester Charter Re­ with all the trimmings...... ^ A fifth BheU, straying from vision Commission (CRC) is the target, wounded three per­ pressing for Wednesday night (Breadheft photo) sons outside. The tube of a 61mm mortar, believed to have completion of the drafting of Patrick Mandowa of Mawali, Africa, on flute. TaY been the weapon, was found In a its charter-change recommen­ A T R E A T building five blocks from the pa­ dations, for presentation to the Andover FOB EACH lace. MEMBER Board of Directors on Nov. 7. FAIRWAY The sheUs landed In quick ^ 9 C n u d u n O F YO UR Wednesday's meeting will be F/RST succession. The explosions FAMILY shook the windows, but It was at 8 in the Probate Courtroom UN’s Birth Marked all over In a few se(x>nd4 Emd in the Municipal Building. ^ for hailoween A the party went on. A dinner psLT- The world came to Andover were then served and included Open 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. On hand will be a representa­ ty for a smaUer group later was Saturday night when at least some of the United Nations tive of the Connecticut Public ^ candies ^ CEirrled out Em scheduled. 200 celebrated the 22nd anni­ birthday cake which was the Expenditures Council, which has There was a flurry of other In­ versary of the United Nations 4-H IP YE part o^, the program. taken on the task of drawing at the elementary school. The Read Herald Advertisements cidents In the SEdgon area: the CRC’s recommended Andover League of Women Vot­ —A civillEm survey launch, changes into legal form. ers sponsored the successful af­ AustTEdlEm-owned, hit a Viet One problem to be resolved fair helped by the First Congre­ Cbng mine in the Saigon River Wednesday is the correct phras­ gational Church, the 4-H or­ about two miles north of the ing of a proposed charter ganization, the Girl Scouts and city’s center. The vessel was change for an annual 1 to 2 the PTA. grounded on a beach. A U.S. mUl mandatory approrlation A great variety of appetizing Navy spokesman said there for Capital Imprpvement. The foreigm dishes made by And­ were reports the U.S. Arm y’s proposed charter clause must over families were enjoyed by (Herald photo by Suoetvtolui) MUltary Sea Tnmsport Service be so worded that it does not all who came to the buffet sup­ sent tugboats to Edd It and the conflict with state statutes. per, especially the 76 or more INC. A Chip Off the Old Bark tugs CEune under automatic children who shared with their weapons fire. These reports parents the specialties from The limbs of this five-year-K)ld tree trunk, named by her mother. The Halloween trunk, with oak could not be confirmed. India, Mexico, Europe, China APPLIANCE and TV CENTER — 445 HARTFORD ROAD Melanie of Anthony Rd., Tolland, branch leaves pinned to it, is no relation to the withered —A short distance to the eEmt, and other faraway places. through a brown barkcloth stitched up the back man behind her. He’s a mapte. U.S. troope clEished with a Viet RUMMAGE The Junior Girl Scouts were Cong force seeking to infiltrate first on the programs which the city. followed the supper with a P a ­ —Police arrested a msm SALE rade of Flags. League president trying to plsmt a pEUikEtye of ex­ Sponsored by the Mrs. Howard Roberts, then told plosives at a South KoreEm mUl- SISTERHOOD OF about how the United Nations is Thieu Energetically Begins Term tEury bUlet near the center of Saigon. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM organized and what is attempts to do in keeping the peace and SAIGON (A P ) — Lt. Gen. over Euid Eu:oimd the city were mtinder who tuts been lEUgely North Vietnam and Loc from The shelling was, on a lesser Flares dropped by U.S. Air Force planes light up the sky over Saigon’s Lam MASONIC TEMPLE serving humanity in economic, Nguyen Van Thieu energetically the greatest ever known. running the government for the the south. Bcsde, a repeat performEmce of social, health and other ways. began a four-year term eib South Some 60,(XX> troops EUid select- pEurt two yeE^ as premier, The chEinge In roles between the attEu:k on SEdgon Ismt Nov. 1, Son Square after Viet Ck>ng lobbed mortar shells onto grounds of Independ­ 25 East Center St. Music and dancing in colorful ed guests were msussed for luilf When Ky plEumed to run for South VletiiEun’s National Day. ence Palace in the Vietnamese capital Tuesday. (AP Photofax) MANCHESTER Vietnam’s elected president Thieu and K y WEts evident to­ costumes made up most of the MAYTAG toay by proposing peace tEtiks a mile down broad Le Lol Ave- president, Loc w m to be his day. The usually voluble Edr A year Ekg o recoilless rifle sheUs THURSDAY, NOV. 2 program. Alfred Campbell with Hanoi, appointing a clvU- nue In front the Inaugunti running mate. Ih en K y was man marched dutifully behind luihit the uAo are»Emea %n of theuie annual papa- Cl played the bagpipes for Miss lEUi ELseoclate of Vice President stands. Security was so tight, forced to accept the second spot Thieu at the ceremonies and rade. Wiling 8 persons and Propaiianda I f y o e e u 2 PJtf. — 8 P.M. Heather MacDonald and Miss Nguyen Cao Ky to succeed Ky however, that ordinary cltiz«is on Thieu’s ticlcet, le a v in g Loo to said not a word. He did not even wounding 46. 17 " ...... r i, , FRIDAY, NOV. 3 Lesley Campbell to dance the as premier, imd opening the hEul to see the ceremonies on be tEticen care of. take a public oath of office, it The shelling tonight, though Highland Fling. The Cadette elected House of Representa­ television or listen over the ra­ By making Loc premier, being Eussumed he wem automat­ not Em accurate, was CEurled out 9 AJVL — 12 NO O N Girl Scouts sang "Song without despite the U g^st security pre­ tives with a ceUI for action not dio. Thieu eased pollticEtl feelings at ically vice president when Thieu Comnmnist Drive Halted Beautiful new fabrics and Words" and “ 'Twas on a Sum­ A young Buddhist m. to have been found neEu: a bEUi- Thieu insisted freedom Euid In­ ters lighted the sky over the city was an obvious try for a propa- since Thieu is from central Viet­ in native dress, gave an exhil­ ner listing "general objections” Long after the ceremonies, ‘I Was in Heaven,’ nam Emd K y is a native (rf Ha­ arating performance of the Mex­ and gunship helicopters clat- ganda victory to counter South •ND WEDNESOtr dependence would be defended to the Thieu government. No however, the Viet Cong lobbed ican Hat Dance, This was fol­ tered In low on the lookout foiT'Vretnam’s presidential Inaugu- noi. by his government and the Oom- other details were available. four shells on the grounds of the lowed by four Senior Girl Scouts further .enemy Etetion. ration. mtmist North must leEum that n u eu ’s speech—which Hum­ gaily lighted Independence Pa­ The Viet Cong made its first DRAFTS with "U.N. according to Pea­ aggression w ill not pay. His Earlier In the day Thieu imd U.S. spokesmen said the Com lace as the VlelnEunese presi­ attack today at Loc Nlnh about phrey hEtiled E^ “ a master­ Says Bridegroom munists left 110 bodies on the nuts” , four brief vignettes on strong words made it highly un­ Vice President Nguyen Csu> Ky dent entertained Hum {^rey and 8 a.m., striking under the cover piece—a great speech” —was battlefield after their renewed how people can get along with likely that Hsuioi would find his hewl tEdten over their Jobs els 2,000 inaugural guests. A stray­ of darkness Emd 30-foot rubber lEUTgely what was expected. He CLEVELAND. Ohio1 — moaned the dying Batch as po­ attempt to overrun the heEid- one another. peace proi>osals more Eiccepta- promised a strengthened army, hestos of the civilian govern­ ing fifth shell wounded three trees with the SpedlEti Forces Two examples of people's cul­ Halo-of-Heat "I was In heaven—on mytoy honey-honey­ lice stormed Into the apartment quartera compound of the dia- ble tiiEin previous offers North ment Emd It had been feared the persons outside but none of the camp as the first target. social reforms, a CEunpEtign moon, then Ekll hell broke loose to find him draped across his trlct town and the Special tures in widely different areas Vietnamese President Ho Chi Viet Cong would attempt some palace guests was hit. The mor­ That fujsault w e i s repulsed, EigEtinst corruption and called with this nut,” said Charles young captive. Forces camp. This rEdsed the of the world were presented lifinh hEts rejected. The bold incident to mar the cere­ tar was believed to have been military spokesmen said, Emd for help for the peasants EUid a (jEtidwell Eifter 44 hours of terror “ Get me out of here," begged Communist tSlI to 866 dead in near the end of the prog^ram. » 60-mlnute Inaugural, with U.S. mony. The inaugUTEd ceremony fired from a building about five an hour later the reds moved MaytagElectric narrowing of the Income gap be­ ended with the shooting of his Mrs. Caldwell as she WEm car­ the three-day battle with South Mrs. Y lo Anson and Erich Slis- Vice President Hubert H. Hum­ Itself went off without a hitch. blocks from the pEtiace. eEut across Em EUlstrip Emd hit tween city and coimtiyslde. bride and her rejected suitor’s ried to an ambulEmce. Vietnamese troops Emd two bat­ mets of the Connecticut Eston­ phrey EUid representEtilves of 21 After the explosions around Thieu again offered peace the district headquEmtsrs com­ The appointment of lawyer suicide. The bullet pierced her chest talions of the U.S. 1st Infantry ian Society danced three favo­ other nations applauding warm­ the palace, Humphrey wEm told talks to Hanoi in the highlight of pound Emd the SpeclEd Forces Nguyen Van Loc eis premier Lida CEildwell, 19, wEm tEticen and came out her bEUSk. After Division. rite folk dances of that Baltic ly, went off without a hitch de­ by a newsmEm they probably his inaugural Eiddress. While camp simultEmeously. WEts Etlso expected, EUid weis crit­ at gunpoint from the young cou­ surgery at doctor’s hospitEd, she Striking in four waves, the nation. Patrick Mandowa, an spite fears of a Viet Cong at­ were mortEur ahells. setting no direct conditions, icized in Eidvance. Those who ple’s apEutment a few hours aft­ rcEmriEtined In satisfactory condi­ Communists managed on the Other Viet Cong units kept up African student at the Universi­ tack. Security forces deployed "I gathered they might be," Thieu said peace depended upon hoped to see lU e u broaden his er the wedding Saturday. Rob­ tion today. third try to penetrate the peri­ a barrage of small Eums and ty of Connecticut, played African DRYER Humphrey replied. " I was not the North’s realization that mortar fire on a U.S. 1st Divi­ government’s poUticEd bEuse by ert Batch, 28, a former mentail Batch WEm pnmounced dead meters of the military installa­ songs on the flute accompanied alarmed, not at Edl." aggression would not pay. He the appointment of some re­ patient she dated until about a at the semie hospitEd from a tions but were driven out by the sion artillery base manned by by a girl guitarist. Fast di-ys you.- clothes In a l.«l» (Jen. WiUiEun C. Westmore- said the South “ Is firm ly deter­ 200 or more AmeriCEms less spected pollticEil figure were month Etyo, shot Emd wounded bullet wound in his heart. defenders and AmericEm artil­ The final number of the eve­ lEmd, the U.S. commander in mined to safeguard freedom Uum a mile away In E m attempt heat. Gentle to all tabviee. Has 3 Amendments disappointed. her 18-year-old hiubEmd as the Four miles away In St. Vin­ lery within 30 minutes, U.S. ning’s program was given by Vietnam, clEmped his hEmds be­ Emd democracy." Loc, 46, is a French-educated couple arrived home from De­ cent diEUlty HospltEd, her hus- headquarters said. the First Congregational Church temps, dacron lint filter that sna,» hind his back and remarked One of Thieu’s first official (See Page Ten) speclEillst In criminal law who troit where they were married. bEmd, a short order cook, Edso in Meanwhile, U.S. fighter- choir with the singing of "Hymn matter of famtly: " I thought out for easy cleaning, fresh an sys To Anticrime for the pEist ycEu: hEis been a Batch then took the dark- satisfactory condition, is recov­ bombers returned to North Viet­ of the Nations." Refreshments, they Bounded like 76mm recoil­ ’’semlclvilian” eis cbEtirmEm of hEiired, brown-eyed girl to his ering from face wounds. less rifle roimds." nam’s Hanol-Haiphong heart­ asr TO INSTALL courtesy of the Andover PTA, tern. Trim model with porcelain en land for the seventh straight Aiding Police the Army-People’s Council, the third-floor attic apEmtment In "I hope I can see her soon," "Y ou fellows know Inside or Outside 0 ) group organized to give the mil- suburban University Helghto, Caldwell said from his hospital about that than I do," he told Monday, attocklng four air amel drum. «__ « ___ A.*__ •______a ___«• __ ___ luAuv n lA M * an/1 a Complete— 72" x 36" Plastic Sheet ItEiry regime a semblsmce of cl- holding the bride Emd po, grass, tea ened? Should its use be legEd- agEdnst what we feel have been Goddard SEdd. " I don’t happen The U.S. permsment repre­ As approved Monday by the • Emd marijtuma. Ized? • lies told to us...on mariJuEma as to think It Is.” sentatives to the North AtlEmtic Red Amnesty subcommittee EUid sent to the On the streets of Greenwich A t a conference in South Lake well EIS other Issues.. He Eidded that he felt the pen- Council announced the United full Senate Judiciary Commit­ MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Village, the flower children TEdioe, Calif., Judge Arthur L. "W e have been t

dents with above average Dr. James L. Goddard, direc­ get this EmroM to the public." Eivatom, But President CbEurles s / « ca INC. many other dependable iSeatiuies! of Law Enforcement Training Crimea Eigalnst the alEde.” ROBERT J. SMTH, bands of teen-agers seeklM to grades and without a prior rec­ tor of the Food Eind Drug Ad­ Under federal law, first of­ de Gaulle WEmts no pakt ot t)ie and. at the request of any state The convictions of a number I §$3 harvest marijuana growing ord of delinquency.” ministration, riMcked Ei lot of fenders caught in possession of nuclear treaty and Intends to WSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914 *FrM rapair or wiehtnft* of da fact hr* pftvti or cftblnot If It or local government, provide Bob Schmidt, a stixlent leEuler people when the sul^Ject of mEur- mEtriJuana m ay be sentenced to of well-known persona were in Downtowa Main St., Maocheater ru«l«. Pro* tmtoiiatlon of part* It tfta iwponsibillty • of wild. have FTEUice produce nuclear Miilnc.fftnchltad Mayttf doalor within flrtt ywri tharaftflar training for ita pbllce force. at Sacramento StEtie College, of­ IJuana cEune up during a news that category. Besldea the two inttallation it «xtn. —Bar federal courts below the H m sltucdion has stirred\de- weapons without international writers, they Include Britisher OPEN 6 DAYS fered this theory: conference at the University of (Bee Page Mineteea) 649-5241 Supreme Court from granting bate Eusross the nation, Inspection. Welcome Here THURS. tiH 9 P.M. s The five Euratom countries (See Page Ten) 96i MAIN STRUT, MANCHESTER (Bee Page Nineteen) Charge Aocounta Invited! EASY TERMS ARRANGED 3 YEARS TO PAY (Ground Floor Noxt to Houm ft Halo)