0 ■ / / Didljr Net PM b Roi The Weather H m Week Ended Fair tonight. Low in 80s. To­ October » , 1M1 morrow fair' with increasing cloudiness. High near 60, 15,544 1: Manchester—“A City o f Village Charm (ObuMlfled Advertialnc on Fn^e 19) VdL. LXXXVn, NO. 25 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Huck and Tom \ HOPEWELL, Va. (AP) — Nobel Prizes Given Robert Williams and Lacey Soviet Satellites Hall, both 14, pushed off on- a raft into the James River —rf- Friday morning and didn’t come back that day, nor the To Four Scientists next. J , STOCKHOLAC. Sweden (AP) Bethe, 61, was bom in Alsace Oct. 10 for his epic novels about All day Saturday, Civil Air Join, Orbit in Spaee — Ih e Swedish Academy of Sci­ \^le it was German territory the troubles of the poor in his Patrol planes and rescue ence today awarded the Nobel and started his academic career Central American country. squadmen searched the river Prise in physics to Prof. Hans in Germany. Forced to leave ’The previous day three medi­ for miles around. Sunday A. Bethe o f Oomell University when Hitler came to power, he cal researchers shared the prize they were Joined by the and the chemistry prise Jointly spent two years in England and for physiology or medicine. Ck>ast Guard. to Britons George Porter and went to Cornell, in Ithaca, N.T., ’They were Haldan Keffer Hsirt- And, at 10 a.m., Robert MOSCOW (AP) — Two Ronald George Wreyford Norr- in 1B30. llne of New York, George Wald and Lacey turned up—three Soviet unmanned satellites ish and German Manfred Eigen. Since 1937 he has held the of Cambridge, Mass., and Rag- blocks from their homes joined together in space to­ Bethe was awarded the prize chair of theoretical physics at nar Granit of Sweden. here — wondering what nil day in a rehearsal for mak­ in. physics for his contributiwis Cornell. Still to be awarded is the 1967 the commotion was about. ing space platforms above to the theory of nuclear reac­ “ I’m extremely happy and Nobel Peace Prize, scheduled to Why, said the boys, they tions and especially his discov­ very much surprised,” Bethe be announced in Oslo, Norway, the earth. They spent 51/2 had merely floated their raft hours in orbit together eries concerning the energy said upon learning of the award. before Nov. 16, but there has to a small island and stayed production in stars. His work led to the discovery been speculation that this will two nights. Then they rode and then separated. ’The first for Soviet scientists ^ e British-German trio was of which nuclear reactions take not be awarded this year. the raft home again. awarded the prize for “ their place in the sun to yield its Each prize this year is 320,000 with what they called “ automat­ studies of extremely fast chemi­ g^reat energy, “ which, of course, crowns, or $62,000. ic docking” of two Sputniks cal reactlops, effected by dis­ supports all life,” Bethe said. BethAcontrlbuted to the de- State News came almost two years after the turbing the equilibrium by ’The professor, who instructs a velopmem of the first atomic United States Joined two means of very short pulses of class in i^yslcs three times a bombs as^dhwctor of the section manned spacecraft in orbit. ’The eneigy,” the academy’s citation week, said he had no plans for Busing Union unmanned Soviet venture ap­ said. the $62,000 prize. pear^ to be a test for putting Porter is attached to the Roy­ He has a wife and two chil­ cosmonauts into craft that al Institution in London and his dren. On Strike in would link up in space. British colleague lives in Cam­ ’The physics prize is the third The two Sputniks, Cosmos 186 bridge. Eigen works at the Max of the 1067 Nobel awards to be Bridgeport launched Friday and Cosmos Planck Institute of Goettingen. smnounced. 188 launched today o nan orbital Eigen receives one half of the The prize for literature went BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Mem­ course close to 186’s, maneu­ $62,000 prize while the two Brlt- to Guatemalan novelist- bers of the Amalgamated Trans­ vered and Joined. ' dns share the other half. diplomat Miguel Angel Asturias it Workers Union went on strike They “ fulfilled their program this morning against Connecti­ of scientific research,” an an­ cut Railway & Lighting (3o., a nouncement said, then separat­ bus company serving about 60,- ed on order from earth. For Mideast Plan 000 persons in the cities of It termed the operation an Bridgeport, Waterbury, Norwalk “automatic docking” and said it and New Britain. had occurred at 12:20 p.m. Mos­ ’The strike began at 4:30 a.m. cow time. Split UN Council Picketing was reported in ’The announcement said the Bridgeport. two satellites were coupled rig­ idly and were continuing the or­ Prisoner Escapes bital flight with all systems and Seeks Agreement DANBURY (AP)—John Davis equipment functioning normal­ Jr., 33, due to be released from ly. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.tlon. Others said it was more the Federal Correctional Insti­ ’The United States has carried (AlP)—The 10 nonpermanent likely there would be no agree- Hans A. Bethe tute in February, disappeared out successfully a docking by a members of the U.N. Security ment and the two sides would Saturday afternoon while work­ manned satellite. CouncU, split between two pro- submit their proposals separate- for theoreUcal physics at Los ing on a Milford work-release ’The operation was an obvious posals, tried today to agree on a ly for the council’s decision. Alamos from 1948 to 1946. project. preparation for what the Soviet Sw Tthe councU cpuld adopt to Many felt the council would For his contrlbuUons to nu- He was employed by a Dan­ space program has long been send a peacemaker to the Arabs act somehow. If it does not, the clear physics as well as other bury construction firm which expected to do next in manned and Israelis. General Assembly will debate areas of theoreUcal physicis, he had been assigned to an apart­ ventures: Join together craft in „ ' _ the issue. was awarded the Enrico Fermi ment project. orbit to form space platforms. One major dlNwence w m „ ^ slx-naUon plan Prl*e the U.S. Atomic Ener- over wording of Instructions to Backers of the six nam n plan , , -o«i When Soyuz 1 went up last ^the proposed-'C.N. special repre- said the Arabs objected to it but . Marines Cile Aviator April, reports in Moscow saidlt X m totlve nnneaming withdraw- they presumed the Arabs finally Bethe published his first ma- HARTFORD (AP) — Marine was supposed to be Joined by would accept it. ’They said if Jor and fundamental paper con- MaJ. Vincent J. Gulnee, 36, of another craft. But something A U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division soldier rears back to hurl a grenade at an al of Israeli troops from cap- enemy machine gun bunker as a, hail o f bullets crack around 'him during fire- tinred Arab lands. that happened, it was sure to re- ceming the energy production Brooklyn, N.Y. has been named apparently went wrong before the final crash that killed cos­ fight Friday at Binh Yen, 23 miles south of Da Nang. (AP Photofax)________ A Canadian-Danlsh draft said (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) no state in the area should “ per­ monaut Vladimir M. Komarov. sist in refusing to withdraw’’ The docking operation was troops that are on another’s ter­ proved successful, the an­ ritory against its will. nouncement indicated. It said Company Wiped Out A resolution submitted by Ar­ computers helped to bring the gentina, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, two devices together. Mall and Nigeria said the Israe­ They sent television pictures lis should withdraw either “ to Bride Captor Kills Himself back to earth, the announce­ Infantry Surprise Viet Cong positions they held on June ment said. It added that the docking 4’’—^the day before thei war be­ SAIGON (AP) —U.S. Infan- bombers carried their furious area Sunday to reinforce South meant large orbital stations can gan—or “ from all the territories trymen surprised a Viet Cong campaign against the heartland Vietnamese ^ d ^ nioved occupied as a result of the re­ be constructed as the base for __________ of North Vietnam through its out early this morning on a After Cleveland Abduction reaching other planets. company near the Cambodian cent conflict.” ’The phrase to be ^ rd er' today and it was all but sixth straight day Sunday, bat- search and destroy operation in A space station would have used depended on final instruc­ Batch had held the woman tering targets near the chief pursuit of the Viet (Jong. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — A she loved him and would protect the advantage for starting a wiped out by artillery, napalm tions some of the delegates re'- captive at gunpoint since Satur­ They had completed their disappointed suitor shot himself ^im. major space trip of being out­ and aerial bombs, a military port of Haiphong. ceive from their governments. day night. Racing against the approach­ sweep and were returning to "We heard two shots and we side the earth’s gravity. A spokesman reported. The Arabs want the date left to death today after wounding a ing monsoons. Navy pilots ham­ their base camp when they sur­ rushed in,” Schoupt said. Mrs. Smith had flown to rocket ro.'d be assembled on it A spokesman for the 1st In­ in.
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