E.XTENSIONS of REMARKS WE MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS Oil Exports Will Return to the Previous Level Abroad, and to Reduce Our Per Capita

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E.XTENSIONS of REMARKS WE MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS Oil Exports Will Return to the Previous Level Abroad, and to Reduce Our Per Capita 8690 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 25, 1979 James Vanlangen Alan M. Weigel Michael L. William- Devertt D. Woolwine of the U.S. Navy, subject to the qua.llfl.catlons David D. N. Va.nn Charles W. Weikel son Robert 0. Wray, Jr. therefor as provided by law: stephen s. Voetsch Robert S. Wels Mark S. Wllsey Charles R. Wright Lawrence R. Baun Robert J. Voigt Michael R. Weiss Duane A. Wilson Paul T. Wright Robert J. Gallagher John E. Von Gohren Michael K. Welch Clifford C. Wilson David C. Wyatt The following-named temporary chief war­ Daniel R. Vortherms Willla.m J. Welch III George H. Wllson W1llia.m J. Ya.len rant officer to be appointed a permanent chief Joseph A. Wllson, Jr. Leslle K. Yamashita warrant officer, W-2, in the line, in the U.S. David W. Walker Christopher G. Wenz Robert J. Wilson Brian S. Yanagi Navy, subject to the qualifications therefor Jay W. Wa.llln Richard C. West Mark R. Winsor David W. Yip a.s provided by law: Harvey T. Walsh III Thomas S. Wethera.ld Gustav A. Wirth Richard A. Yocum Norman C. Hom Steven D. Walton Alan B. Whiting James E. Wise II David G. Yoshirhara The following-named Navy enlisted can­ Brian D. Ward Peter D. Whitney John D. Withers Mark F. Young didate to be appointed a permanent chief James A. Ward Scott W. Whitney Thomas M. David W. Za.iss warrant officer, W-2, in the line, in the U.S. Richard C. Warner Robert A. Wiesenberg Wlttenschla.eger Eric Zeigler Navy, subject to the qualifications therefor John A. Wolfe Bradley D. Zell as provided by law: Thomas C. Warren, Richard D. Wllckens Thurston E. Womble James E. Ziolkowski Lewis E. Stoops Jr. Calvin R. Wilder, Jr. Chester W. Wong Glenn L. Zitka The following-named (U.S. Navy officer) to Patrick A. Wasilewski Charles D. Wlllett, Jr. Charles C. Woodward, be appointed a temporary commander in the Theodore J. Wasylkiw BryanS. M. Wllliams Jr. Medical Corps ln the Reserves of the U.S. Bernard T. James M. Williams Ill The following-named {Naval Reserve Navy, subject to the quallfl.cations therefor Wawrzenia.k John S. Wllliams Officers Training Corps candidates) to be a.s provided by law: James M. Weckerly Edward T. Williamson permanent ensigns in the llne or staff corps Brian S. Saunders E.XTENSIONS OF REMARKS WE MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS oil exports will return to the previous level abroad, and to reduce our per capita. energy of 5.5 mnuon barrels a da.y-10 percent of consumption through conservation. the supply: for the non-Communist world, The Japanese and Western Europeans are HON'. ROBERT W. DAVIS a.nd five percent of U.S. imports. miles ahead of Americans in adjusting their OF MICHIGAN Energy Secretary James Schlesinger ls not economies and life-styles to the changing exaggerating, then, when he warns that the realities of the energy market. Where oil is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES collapse of Iranian production poses a. prob­ concerned, we remain the country of con­ Tuesday, April 24, 1979 lem as serious as the 1973-74 Arab oil em­ spicuous consumption, representing five bargo. The embargo caused a sharp drop in percent of the world's population and using • Mr. DAVIS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, supplies, but it lasted only a few months. 30 percent of its energy resources. We ca.n despite both the recent efforts to achieve The Iranian curtanment wllllast indefinitely. wring our hands because a. revolution in Iran stability in the Middle East and the de­ Moreover, the ayatollah's new "Islamic re­ threatens our pursuit of the good life, but tection of plentiful sources of fuel within public" is showing signs of regarding its oil no one can say we didn't have fair wa.rning.e our hemisphere, our Nation's most vital supplies as a weapon, the way some Arab import remains gaged by the will of for­ leaders do. It can be presumed that Iran in eign nations. This extreme dependence the future would go along with any attempt WULF ZALMANSON, SOVIET JEWISH must be eliminated. by the Arab states to use on to create pres­ DISSIDENT, IS RELEASED FROM sure against Israel, a. step which the deposed PRISON The decrease in production of oil by a Shah Mohammed Reza Pa.hla.vi refused to once reliable supplier and the recent take. Thus, whether sta.blllty or further OPEC price increases have strained our chaos lies ahead for Iran, its on is nothing HON. JOHN W. WYDLER economic productivity. We can regard to count on. OF NEW YORK this current strain as an indication of a None of the 18 nations belonging to the future way of life. Thus, it is essential International Energy Agency has experienced IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that this dependence on Middle Eastern a. supply cutback serious enough to trigger Wednesday, April 25, 1979 oil be acknowledged by all. the emergency sharing requirement of the lEA. It is possible, however, that lf supplies • Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, I have We can satisfy our demand for energy get tighter later this year, we will be obliged some good news that I wish to share only by encouraging the utilization of to share some of our on with other lEA with my colleagues. Along with four domestic energy resources and by gradu­ members. other Soviet Jewish dissidents, my ally preparing our livelihood for the So far, increased production by Saudi adopted prisoner of conscience, Wulf eventual depletion of our conventional Arabia. and other exporters is covering more Zalmanson, has been released from energy sources. than half of the loss of Iranian oil on the prison. world market, but the scramble for reduced Our current consumption of fossil supplies ls driving up prices to the point that Wulf was one of those tried and sen­ fuels is exorbitant. Alternative energy this is little comfort. Some oil has gone for tenced in the first Leningrad trial in sources must be developed and commer­ a. record $22 a barrel-57 percent above the 1970, and he received a sentence of 10 cialized. In the meantime, however, we $14 posted price of the OPEC cartel. An OPEC years at strict regime in a labor camp. must recognize that our ability to cope meeting in March could bring increases tn I "adopted" Wulf about 4% years ago, with the future relies on a prompt social the official price above those already sched­ and have been writing to him and to adaptation to new patterns of energy uled for the balance of this year-a. potential Soviet officials on his behalf since that production. threat to economic growth and a. setback in time. the fight against infia.tion. Wulf had 14 months of his sentence In this regard, I would like to submit What is emerging is not so much a. visible for the RECORD the following article "shortage" of oil but the kind of scarcity still to be served when the personal par­ which appeared in the Alpena News: that disrupts the market for a commodity don, signed by Soviet President Brezh­ DIVERSIFY ENERGY SOURCES and bids up the price. It is beside the point nev, secured his release. Anyone who has The Khomeinl government in Iran wants whether our situation is any better or worse ever given any thought to the condi­ to resume on exports to the industrialized than it was during the embargo five years tions under which political prisoners ex­ countries, including the United States, and ago. This is simply the same problem, sur­ ist in the Soviet "gulag" will surely re­ may even invite Americans back to work in facing again to remind us of the vulnerabil­ joice to learn that a man has been its oil fields. There is no reason, however, for ity of our energy supplles to distant polltica.l spared 14 months of "strict regime." any of Iran's on customers to feel relleved. events and the necessity of paying the going Furthermore, Wulf has been granted an The United States, Japan and Western price for crude oil in the seller's market. exit visa to leave the Soviet Union. Europe would do well to consider a. worst­ The cure for the problem is the same as it case scenario where the a.va.na.b111ty of Ira.­ was five years ago: to diversify our energy To my knowledge, this personal par­ nia.n oil is concerned. Even if Ayota.lla.h Kho­ sources so we rely less on on, and particu­ don granting release to Wulf and the meini manages to consolidate hls power a.nd larly oil from the volatile Middle East to four others, all of whom were sentenced quiet his country, it is doubtful that Iran's stimulate new production of on here and in the Leningrad trials and none of • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. April 25, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8691 whom were eligible for early "parole" drive to russl!y its inhabitants. The Cyrillic in the United States. I use the word attempt under Soviet law, is unprecedented. I (Russian) alphabet was substituted for the since most of the programs have not met Latin in order to render more difficult the with the expected success. hope and pray that this may be a har­ The main thrust of these programs seems binger of a new Soviet policy toward mi­ contact of the younger generation with Romanian culture; ancestral customs were to be aimed at the areas of largest consump­ norities and political dissidents, and that prohibited; cultural ties with Romania were tion such as transportation.
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