Miftsta& Left, and Ssgt
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Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast Mostly clear H-Lg ~tde.lO:Opm ~t ~with scattered Low tide.-- 8:59pm ' S-SE 8-12 knots. SwnVde- 7:22am. Bay conditions Sunet- 6:21pm 1-3 feet. Srgh - -- 85 h41Lbtd ad Low-----72_ e Nav daonitgey Volume 31, No. 232 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, December 6, 1976 Navy Chief of Chaplains makes one day visit to Gitmo CHIEF OF CHALAINS: RAdm. John J. O'Connor, CHC, Chief of Chaplains, visited Gitmo Saturday and yesterday. He was in Gitmo to confer with base chaplains and and address Catholic and Protestant church services. During the Catholic mass yesterday (upper left) he installed LCdr. Joseph A. O'Connor, Navy Exchange officer, as a lay eucharistic minister. He concelebrated the mass (upper right) with Cdr. David Brock, left, and Lt. William Darcy. On Saturday, the chaplain received a tour of the nuclear guided missile cruiser Virginia (right) by Capt. George W: Davis Jr., commanding officer, left, and Cdr. Thomas W. McKechnie, executive officer. RAdm. O'Connor received a fenceline tour Saturday and was briefed (below) by Col. Micheau.miftstA& left, and SSgt. Harris. (Photos by PH2 Tom Sargent) Carter still thinking about pardons PLAINS, Ga. (UPI)--Pres.-elect leaders and Pentagon officials. Jimmy Carter says he still hasn't Carter also hinted he may announce decided yet just what form his par- more cabinet appointments later in don for Vietnam war resisters will the week, but did not elaDOrate. take, although he repeated his The New York News reported yes- Japan's ruling party reported in danger promise to issue the pardon during terday that one possibility for the first week of his administra- attorney general is John Doar, a most prominent defendant in the tion. prominent member of the Justice Lockheed affair, won reelection as Speaking to reporters outside the Department's Civil Rights Division an independent. Plains Baptist Church where he during the 1960s and a staff direct- Miki's opponents are expected to taught Sunday School yesterday, or for the congressional impeachment call a party convention shortly to Carter said his staff is still as- probe of former Pres. Richard Nixon. demand Miki's ouster. sessing the different "categories" Miki concedes his party has been of draft violators and working out badly hurt by the Lockheed bribery the wording. scandal. But he says the vote does The pardon order is being drawn Electrical inspections not indicate a loss of confidence up by Carter's close adviser, in his cabinet. Atlanta attorney Charles Kirbo, and a team of lawyers. almost completed During his bible class, Carter said when he and his family move Electrical inspections of all base Ford schedules meeting into the executive mansion, they housing units are coming to a close. will attend the nearest Baptist There are still a few units that church instead of bringing in minis- have not had an inspection for one with Italian premier ters for White House worship ser- reason or another. Occupants of vices. Carter also indicated he quarters which have not been in'- would like to teach a bible class in spected are requested to call 85501 WASHINGTON (AP)--Pres. Ford meets Washington, but had not yet decided and an appointment will be arranged. today with Italian Premier Guilio whether he would or not. It is anticipated the entire Andreotti. It will be Ford's final Carter told Prime Minister Yitzhak Electrical Inspection Program will TOKYO (AP)--Japan's ruling scheduled meeting with a foreign Rabin in a telegram yesterday that be completed by Friday. Liberal-Democratic Party is reported leader. he intends to strengthen the to be in danger of losing the parli- He also plans discussions on the friendship between the United States amentary majority it has held for 1978 federal budget, and Ford will and Israel. Carter's telegram came two decades. confer with Commerce Secy. Elliott in response to a message of congrat- Couples night scheduled Late election results from urban Richardson. ulations Rabin sent last week. areas today showed the LDP slipping Tonight, the President and First Carter said, "Your warm and back after an early lead. The con- Lady Betty Ford will preside over friendly message has been gratefully at COMO Club servative LDP has been rocked by the their final state dinner in honor of received and is an encouragement to payoff scandal and feuding Andreotti. me as I prepare to assume the pres- Lockheed Tonight the COMO Club will fea- within the party. Andreotti also is expected to meet idency." Carter added, "I look for- ture the six member Puerto Rican The Japan Broadcasting Corporation with Vice-Pres.-elect Walter Mondale ward to working with you to rock group, "Us". This will be a said its computer projections gave during his visit to the U.S. strengthen the ties of friendship special couples only night and will 246 seats, 10 short Yesterday, Ford attended church at between the two countries." the party only be open to all base residents, re- of a majority. Washington National Cathedral. He On Wednesday Carter will fly to then returned to the White House to Washington for another two-day gardless of rank. The festivities Prime Minister Takeo Miki easily begin at 7 p.m. and there will be a won do some paper work and to watch round of meetings with his tranfi- his own house seat. Former $2 cover charge. Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, the football on television. tion team, congressmen, business Page Guantanamo Gazette 2 Monday, December 6, 1976 Today's meetings Tomorrow's meetings THE SURE LOSERS WEIGHT REDUCING EXERCISE from 6 Lu p.m. For CLUB will meet at 7 p.m. For more information call Leonard a Community information call Pat Wayne at 9 Cobert at 90126 AWH. Loretta Siers at 90212 or Beverly ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets to- Ferreira at 951051. night. For more information call CUB SCOUTS will meet in the Cub 85697 AT. Bulletin Scout's Hut, 6th St., Villamar at GITMO COIN CLUB meets in quonset 7:30 p.m. For more information hut 1817 behind the old elementary call Pat Smith at 97168. school at 7:30 p.m. For more infor- GITMO BAY BRIDGE CLUB meets at mation call Reggie Tullis, 97256, or Board 7 p.m. at the COMO Club. Call Jim Carl Harvey, 952243. Cossey at 85149 AWH. The o club is open to all base residents. Clubs and Organizations FRA SUPPER PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM Branch and Unit 100 FRA will hold Bishops say talks OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION an old-fashioned home-made chili The Protestant Sunday School supper with all the trimings on Christmas program will be at the may be last chance The monthly -meeting of the Guan- Dec. 10 from 5*7 p.m. at the Home base chapel on Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. tanamo Bay Officials Association on Sherman Avenue for members Practice for the program will be will be held in the Officials Hut and guests. Call Pat Capps at 96291 held tomorrow from 9 to 10:30 Dec. 8. All members are required to before Monday for tickets or pick a.m. at the chapel. Parents are re- attend. up at PRA Home. quested to be prompt in bringing The Officials Association current- their children to ensure a smooth ly has openings for new officials. and timely practice. Anyone desiring to become an offic- ial, scorer or timekeeper are in- OFFICERS WIVES CLUB vited to attend our next meeting. KINGSTON MAC FLIGHTS For further information, call Bill The Naval Station Officers Wives Newcomer at 85438 DWH or 951035 AWH. Club will have a night coffee Due to maximum passenger loading, tomorrow. For more information or to there will be no excess baggage al- LITTLE THEATER register, contact Ellie O'Neal at lowed on the Dec. 13, 16, 17, 20 85863. and 23 MAC flights to Kingston, Little Theatre's monthly meeting Jamaica. All personnel traveling will be held at Morin Center today on these flights will be authorized at 6:30 vice 7:30 p.m. as previous- Special notices 88 pounds of baggage. No excess Smith ly announced. This change is due to baggage weight will be accepted at Charlie Brown rehearsal. Election BPTO during flight check-in. To SALISBURY--Rhodesia's Roman Catho- of officers will be held. avoid delays during the flight check- NEX OPEN AFTER DEFEX lic bishops urged yesterday that in process, all personnel are re- "every effort" be made to achieve Due to the defex, the Navy quested to comply with the above Ex- agreement at the Geneva conference LA LECHE LEAGUE change will open approximately one and check-in as early as possible. on Rhodesia's future. The church- hour after the sounding of the all The La Leche League will meet men declared the Geneva talks might clear alarm on Dec. 11. Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Nob Hill be "the last chance for a peaceful 6WB. This month's topic will be settlement" in the matter of transfer baby arrivals, the family and the RETURNED MAIL BAGS of power in Rhodesia from whites breast fed baby. All interested to blacks. All mail orderlies are asked to women are invited to attend and CHRISTMAS PLANNING COMMITTEE Prime Minister Ian Smith's govern- please check your spaces and return babies are always welcomed. For ment announced, meanwhile, that There will be a meeting of the all mail bags to the Fleet Branch more information, call Ann Thompson 12 black nationalist guerrillas Christmas Activities Planning Post Office as soon as possible.