Curri culum Vitae Name : Dr. K.K.Khakhar Date of Birth : 07/05/1943 Address (Residential): -------- Tel. No. : 9374100671 Email- ID :
[email protected] Qualification : M.A.(Economics) Ph.D.(Industrial Economics) Positions held : Professor and Head Department of Economics Saurashtra University, Rajkot Director T.N.Rao College of Management Studies, Rajkot Specialization : Industrial Economics, Regional Economics and Economics of Environment and Natural Resources Experience : Teaching At Under-graduate level:10 years At Post-graduate level : 28 years Research Completed 6 research projects funded by: The University Grants Commission, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Shastri Indo Canadian Institute, Gujarat Ecological Commission, Gujarat Institute of Development Research International Fellowship Awards and Honours: Indo-US(Fulbright)Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1981-82 UGC Fellowship, Development Planning Unit, University College, London(UK), 1984 Shastri Indo-Canadian Fellowship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 1985 Urban Studies Fellowship, University of Glasgow, UK, 1989 International Association for the Study of the Common Property Resource Conference, University of Manitoba, Canada, 1991 School of Urban and Community Planning, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1991 International Association for the Study of the Common Property Resource Conference, Bodo Norway, 1995 Summer Institute of SICI, St. Mary’s University, Canada, 2003 Faculty Research Fellowship, Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, Canada Publications : Published 4 books and 35 Research papers Ph.D. Students guided and awarded degrees : 7 Membership : Trustee and President, Shri Jalaram Uchcha Kelavani Mandal, Rajkot Ex-member of Board of Studies, Faculty, and Syndicate, Saurashtra University, Rajkot Ex-President, Gujarat Economic Association’s Conference, 2003 Ex-member of the Board of Governance, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad.