itedSta Un tes U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan S h n o la re P b n ird tio Conserva U.S. Pacific Islands Regional Shorebird Conservation Plan Andrew Engilis, Jr. Maura Naughton Author Contact Information: For Additional Copies or Information, Contact: Andrew Engilis, Jr. Shorebird Programs Coordinator Museum Curator U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology 911 NE 11th Avenue One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis Portland, Oregon 97232 Davis, California 95616 Phone: 503-231-6164 Phone: 530-752-0364 Fax: 503-231-2019 Fax: 530-752-0364 e-mail:
[email protected] Maura Naughton Recommended Citation: Regional Seabird Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Engilis, Jr., A. and Naughton, M. 2004. U.S. Pacific Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs Islands Regional Shorebird Conservation Plan. U.S. 911 NE 11th Avenue Shorebird Conservation Plan. U.S. Department of Portland, Oregon 97232 the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Portland, Phone: 503-231-6164 Oregon. Fax: 503-231-2019 e-mail:
[email protected] Contributors and Acknowledgements: Numerous individuals and programs have helped support the development of this plan. Initial planning efforts were undertaken at a meeting in Honolulu, Hawai`i, 27 July 2001. The following participated at that meeting or were helpful in providing initial comments on the plan’s direction and objectives: David Smith, Ron Bachman, and Tom Telfer (Hawai`i Division of Forestry and Wildlife); Sharon Reilly and Kim Uyehara (Ducks Unlimited); Mike Ord (Hawaii Audubon); Bob Pyle (Bishop Museum); Mark Rauzon (Marine Endeavors); Diane Drigot (Marine Corps Base Hawai`i); and, Beth Flint, Mike Nishimoto, Mike Silbernagle, Nancy Hoffman, Tony Palermo, Ronald Walker, Chris Swenson, and Karen Evans (U.S.