
Base game

Manual V0.4

Environment Remove any objects in the playing area that you might touch or hit while playing with your body.

Please also make sure that lamps or fans are not in the playing area. If you are at the edge of the playing area, do not make any big movements, otherwise you could touch the walls with your body or hands/controllers.

It is best to stand. Step movements are not necessary during the game. You can move and rotate completely with the controllers.

Technical requirements To play the game, you need headset (VR headset). Without VR glasses, the game will not run. A (free) account is also required. Also installed must be the VR "SteamVR" (when using HTC VIVE or the ) or the additional software "Windows for SteamVR" for the use of glasses on Steam with "SteamVR". Before the first launch, a room measuring should also have been done in SteamVR (when using the HTC VIVE or the Valve Index). When using Windows Mixed Reality glasses, there is an option to change the position of the floor from the height. The controllers of the VR headset should also be connected to the VR system and be charged.

The game Container You start the game in the container and go to the selected construction site through the door. Later, you can start different locations here depending on the existing DLC. You can now set options to one of the boards by moving the switch accordingly.

Game control In the game you move with the left controller by teleporting touching the trackpad (HTC VIVE) or thumb stick (Valve Index) to display the lasso, then pressing the trackpad (HTC VIVE) or the thumb stick (Valve Index) and release when you have selected the desired target position with the lasso.

The linear movement will be added shortly and then described here.

You can rotate step by step by pressing the trackpad left or right on the right controller (HTC VIVE) or by pushing the thumb stick to the left or right (Valve Index).

To open or enter doors or climb ladders up/down, simply direct the lasso to the area. A symbol appears. To confirm the target, simply proceed as described above but hold (down) the trackpad (HTC VIVE) or the thumb stick (Valve Index) for a second, until the circle is filled yellow to "open" / "jump" accordingly.

You interact with your hands (picking up/holding objects, holding and moving levers, push buttons) by grabbing, holding, pressing and moving them with your hands by holding the trigger.

If you hold down the menu button for about a second you will be asked whether you want to go to the container scene (settings) or continue playing.

Text windows can be easily closed in the game by pressing the trackpad on one of both controllers. If there is a selection of different buttons in the text window, you can select them by pressing on the left or right part of the trackpad (HTC VIVE) or thumb stick (Valve Index) on one of both controllers.

Construction site Explore the construction site. You can climb up the crane automatically and move objects from A to B. Later in development, there will be missions where you will have to complete such tasks.

In the crane cockpit you have three joysticks to control the crane. The left joystick moves the cat back and forward, the joystick next to it moves the hook up and down and the right joystick turns the crane. There is also a button to the right of the joystick. If you have moved the hook near a red ball over one of the recordable objects, it will glow green and you can "chain" the object by “grabbing” the button. In the same way you chain it off. If you unhand the joysticks, the joystick will be moved back to the center position. If objects collide to each other, they will unchain automatically. The red ball is all the time at the highest point. You can chain the objects even they were rotated. At the front of the cockpit, you see the display of the “over-hook-camera”. Here you can better see where to chain and unchain objects.

You can pick up bricks at the construction site. The new stone snapping is very simple: a stone in the hand can simply be dropped and picked up again if you did not release it too close to another stone or on the ground. If it is released too close to another stone or on the ground, it snaps with this and is initially firmly positioned. In addition, mortar is automatically added to the contact surface (s). If you have a brick in your hand, you can also use a trowel to apply the mortar on one side. If stones are snapped on the ground or with other stones, you can no longer pick them up so easily and only loosen them again when you touch them with a hammer. You get mortar on a trowel, when you take it and swing it through the mortar tanking. You can also pick up the hammer and destroy the wall. All these actions will be expanded and optimized during the Early Access phase.

As soon you leave the construction site (with the menu-button, cancel the game or enter the container), the scene will be saved. On the right board in the container, you can select a save-slot. There slots can be deleted too.

Support Unfortunately, with the large number of hardware components and system configurations on the market, problems with the installation and operation of software products can never be completely ruled out. We would therefore like to help you with problems with our software. Please visit the Steam Forum. There are already answers to many problems and questions. There are also overviews of known bugs and features that will soon be integrated.