Systematic Search for Benzimidazole Compounds and Derivatives with Antileishmanial Effects
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Molecular Diversity ORIGINAL ARTICLE Systematic search for benzimidazole compounds and derivatives with antileishmanial effects Juan Carlos Sánchez-Salgado1 · Pablo Bilbao-Ramos2 · María Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela3 · Francisco Hernández-Luis4 · Francisco Bolás-Fernández2 · José L. Medina-Franco4 · Yareli Rojas-Aguirre4,5,6 Received: 3 September 2017 / Accepted: 26 April 2018 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 1 Abstract 1 2 Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease that currently affects 12 million people, and over 1 billion people are at risk 3 of infection. Current chemotherapeutic approaches used to treat this disease are unsatisfactory, and the limitations of these 4 drugs highlight the necessity to develop treatments with improved efficacy and safety. To inform the rational design and Author Proof 5 development of more efficient therapies, the present study reports a chemoinformatic approach using the ChEMBL database 2 6 to retrieve benzimidazole as a target scaffold. Our analysis revealed that a limited number of studies had investigated the 3 7 antileishmanial effects of benzimidazoles. Among this limited number, L. major was the species most commonly used to 8 evaluate the antileishmanial effects of these compounds, whereas L. amazonensis and L. braziliensis were used least often in the 9 reported studies. The antileishmanial activities of benzimidazole derivatives were notably variable, a fact that may depend on 10 the substitution pattern of the scaffold. In addition, we investigated the effects of a benzimidazole derivative on promastigotes 11 and amastigotes of L. infantum and L. amazonensis using a novel fluorometric method. Significant antileishmanial effects were 12 observed on both species, with L. amazonensis being the most sensitive. To the best of our knowledge, this chemoinformatic 13 analysis represents the first attempt to determine the relevance of benzimidazole scaffolds for antileishmanial drug discovery 14 using the ChEMBL database. The present findings will provide relevant information for future structure–activity relationship 4 15 studies and for the investigation of benzimidazole-derived drugs as potential treatments for leishmaniasis. 16 Keywords Benzimidazoles · Chemoinformatics · Leishmania · Molecular scaffold Introduction 17 Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article ( contains supplementary Leishmania protozoan hemoflagellate parasites are transmit- 18 material, which is available to authorized users. ted via the bite of the infected female phlebotomine sandfly 19 B Yareli Rojas-Aguirre and cause a group of neglected tropical diseases that are 20 [email protected] collectively known as leishmaniasis. These include a wide 21 range of clinical manifestations that are determined by the 22 1 Instituto de Medicina Molecular y Ciencias Avanzadas, Rayo 11 Jardines del Pedregal, Álvaro Obregón, 01900 Mexico infecting species and the immune response of the human host 23 City, Mexico [1]. Leishmaniasis is therefore classified into three groups: 24 2 Departamento de Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, (a) visceral leishmaniasis, (b) mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, 25 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Plaza Ramón y Cajal and (c) cutaneous leishmaniasis [2]. This group of diseases 26 s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain affects approximately 12 million people in about 98 coun- 27 3 Departamento de Farmacia, Universidad CEU Cardenal tries. It is estimated that over 1 billion people are at risk, 28 Herrera, s/n, 46113 Moncada, Valencia, Spain uncorrectedindicating that this is one proof of the neglected tropical diseases 29 4 Facultad de Química, Departamento de Farmacia, Universidad with the highest disease burden [3–5]. 30 Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico 5 Cátedra Conacyt-Laboratorio Nacional de Manufactura Aditiva y Tomografía Computarizada, Centro de Ciencias 6 Present Address: Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Universidad Nacional Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico Autónoma de México, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico 123 Journal: 11030 MS: 9830 TYPESET DISK LE CP Disp.:2018/5/3 Pages: 12 Layout: Large Molecular Diversity 31 No vaccine exists for the prevention of leishmaniasis, and mastigote found in the sandfly vector and the intracellular 44 32 current treatments rely on chemotherapeutics. Although sev- amastigote, which is present in macrophages and causes the 45 33 eral drugs are used to treat the infection, these treatments are clinical symptoms [9]. Therefore, an antileishmanial com- 46 34 limited by their severe toxicity, poor or variable efficacy, and pound needs to enter the host macrophage and eliminate the 47 35 emerging drug resistance; some drugs are also expensive and parasites, without damaging the host macrophage. As shown 48 36 this limits their availability in some neglected geographical in Table 1, current antileishmanial drugs have a broad diver- 49 37 regions [2,6,7]. sity of chemical core scaffolds, which are associated with 50 38 The development of new antileishmanial agents is chal- different mechanisms of action. 51 39 lenging because of the complex biology of the Leishmania Sangshetti et al. [11] reviewed the progress of antileishma- 52 40 parasite. First, drug efficacy varies depending on the parasite nial drug discovery, focusing on the chemical compositions 53 41 species, the clinical symptoms, and even the geographi- of new classes of synthetic and naturally occurring antileish- 54 42 cal region [7,8]. Second, the parasite life cycle is a factor manial agents. This analysis identified molecules belonging 55 43 because Leishmania alternates between the extracellular pro- to a wide variety of chemical families. This diversity means 56 Table 1 Current treatments for leishmaniasis Mechanism of Name Chemical structure Uses Advantages Limitations action Author Proof Efficacy ranges from 35- Pentavalent 95%. antimonials: Low cost. Drug resistance. sodium Not clearly VL and Can be used in Severe kidney and liver stibogluconate, elucidated. CL combination with toxicity; pancreatitis; meglumine amphotericin B tachycardia, fibrillation, and antimoniate cardiac arrhythmias Forms complexes with ergosterol (a major parasite membrane Efficacy of 95- Requires hospitalization component). 100% because of renal toxicity, Consequently, Effective when VL, CL, myocarditis, and reactions at Amphotericin B membrane resistance to and MCL the infusion site. permeability pentavalent Liposomal form: renal increases, aqueous antimonials is toxicity and high cost pores are formed, the observed ionic balance is altered, and the parasite dies Drug resistance The primary mode of Efficacy of 70- Renal toxicity, myocarditis, action remains 80% fever, hypotension, Pentamidine unknown. VL Could be used in irreversible insulin- Possible binding with combination with dependent diabetes mellitus, kinetoplastid DNA other drugs death Inhibition of Efficacy of 94- phosphatidylcholine VL and 97% biosynthesis and variable Renal and hepatic toxicity Miltefosine Highly potent alteration of efficacy Teratogenicity Administered phospholipid and in CL orally sterol composition Possible alteration of membrane fluidity, interaction with VL and ribosomes, Highly hepatotoxic and CL. More Paromomycin interference with Low cost ototoxic; abdominal uncorrectedeffective proof mitochondrial cramps, diarrhea for CL membrane potential, and inhibition of respiration The information was extracted from the following Refs.[2,8,10] VL visceral leishmaniasis, CL cutaneous leishmaniasis, MCL mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 123 Journal: 11030 MS: 9830 TYPESET DISK LE CP Disp.:2018/5/3 Pages: 12 Layout: Large Molecular Diversity 57 that it is difficult to establish an overall relationship between ously [38]. The present study based the scaffold analysis and 107 58 chemical structure and antileishmanial activity. its distribution in the database on specific molecular chemo- 108 59 Chemoinformatic approaches can be used to analyze and types, an approach previously described by Medina-Franco 109 60 integrate information related to the physicochemical proper- et al. [39]. Hence, in the present work the molecular chemo- 110 61 ties of compounds and their biological activities, in order to types, also called cyclic systems, were defined as a set of rings 111 62 identify novel drug candidates [12–14]. Chemoinformatics plus the chains of atoms that linked them to one another. To 112 63 has been applied to aid antiparasitic drug discovery [15–17], isolate the scaffold, all the substituent groups, with the excep- 113 64 including the search for potential antileishmanial compounds tion of endocyclic carbonyls and imines, were removed from 114 65 through distinct approaches [18–20]. the rings and linkers. Heteroatoms were retained, whereas 115 66 The ChEMBL bioactivity database is administered by the all hydrogen atoms attached to them were considered side 116 67 European Molecular Biology Laboratory in the UK (http:// chains and therefore deleted. The Molecular Equivalence 117 68 This free public online repository Indices (MEQI) program (version 2.41) [40] was used to 118 69 provides large amounts of information on the relationships obtain the specific cyclic system, which had a five-character 119 70 between the physicochemical properties of molecules and alphanumeric chemotype identifier that was present on each 120