April 18,1867
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K.'am.Kea June 186*. Vol. 0. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, _PORTLAND, 1867._ Terms MU Dollarsper atiaam, «. ^ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS b published BUISNEgg CAttDS. COW KTNEBSHIP. MERCHANDISE. REMOVALS. everyday, iSniulay excepted,) at No. 1 Printers’ PROPOSALS. _ of the loan, is it net a conslusive Exchange,Commercial Street, Portland. t to .J 0 ***• A. J. the city will have in a morn N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. LOCKE, JAMES D. FESSENDEN, DAILY PRESS. •ecurHy ug,., »Y.l 1 Notice. er Dollar* a in advance. Copartnership also of the importance and value o; the n ms:—Eight year | D ENTIST. SALT PROPOSALS a<i AFLOAT! AT PORTLAND. business? at the COUNSELLOR LAW, for JII E MAINE STATE PRESS, b published Wo. -tOI I-'£ Sireel. Minis. beat a New Chanud a CougreiM Cagliari Hall| quill- through And as the shares advance in e im«: place every Thursday morning at $2.00 year, April 1,1807. for all or HAS REMOVED l'O value,does not <13m formed a Copartnership ity fishing grinding purpos- Sh~« ""«* "..low*. Invariably in advance. undersigned having es, now from Francis S^HTfu !J*w"' the taxable of the ineioa ■•? under the firm name ol discharging ship Hilyaru, in Thursday property city p,r on THE bond or Morning, April 18, 1867. AKL.ES PEARCE, duty paid. 50 Exchange street.. of taxation their assessed value has Rates op Advertising.—One inch of space,in 1500 Hhil«. T. Va Nalt, iu More. purposes 4 15-dim ienatli ol column, coiiHtiiutea a Square.” 50 Bbis. Whore Oil. apr been hut if obtain a market value of 75 work The Maine Miale small, they $1.50 j i»*r first week: cents per J. W. & 50 Bbis. Batik Oil. (thosekeretoilire *¥* Pro., square daily STOCKWELL 00, P.received'bdS^ont or increase week three insertions, or less, $1.05; continu- PLTJMBEB, o’clock, $00 par, this would necessarily ti e after; FOR SALE BY M A a Published this morning, contains a other alter first week, 50 cents. B E O i7: £$.* M,%-S^Mg! letter ing every day of flic manufacture and sale available resources of the city to the same ex- or 75 Manufacturer and Dealer in every description Will carry on ot Iron) Hall square, three insertions less, cents; one D AN A our Washington correspondent on the week alter. & CO. lam a clear channel not'ltM* tent. •veek, $l.ou: 50 teals per & DR d‘° at state of ENTs/ 17—d3w DAVIS VMMOMD, low water, ami seventy-five feettlum'^v^iTeet °b; public opinion at the South, on the re- Under head of “Ami'SKM $2 00 per square Water Fittings, Apr wide nH ASP Instead ot to and mi or with sides having a ot two t-In’ giving away prejudice per week; three insertions less, $1.50. HYDRAULIC CEMENT slope feet to onelw construction news of the PIPE, The channel will bo question; rejection by will the Special Notices,$1.25 per square lor the first in- lOROE, DECK, HEAD & CISTERN PUMPS Jirst excavated throullh the representation, it not be liettcr to give 25 cents In calibre from 3 la 34 AT ard's Point Shoal, for the distance of Supreme Court of the sertlnu. and per square for each COUNSELLORS about 4M 5SJP" Mississippi petition subject of our subsequent and Sheet inrhea, Pork and Lard. LAW, cubic of extending railroad connections ins-rlion. Lead Pipe Lead, Flour, AND requiring 20;l>00 yards excavation moiv !?; lor an injunction to under FOB stay proceedings through the rich Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State DRAINS, SEWERS, STENCH-TRAPS,MILL less; andajterwarda, through Halloweli Shoal #Kr L the agricultural towns of York No. ft Union Htreet, Maine. 1 (which has a Portland, BARRELS Red Solicitors in distance of 575 yards, 25,00o cubic military law, and the of the Pros” large circulation in everv par- and White Wheat Bankruptcy, requiring yards of postponement county to the and town of the Statei lor FLUMES, CHIMNEYS, WELLS, HOT and more or less. This amount of large flourishing ol $1.00 per square for first insertion* 1000 excavation, excava- Georgia petition till ar- Hotels and Private Resi- NTo. lOO Exchange Street, tion be or December; interesting ami iiKi »o cents per square lor each Br^^Public Buildings, COLD AIR 150 Barrels Bodon and Portland Tacked Cloar may increased, diminished, as the En- ticles Rochester, Interior ami Northern New subsequent inser- dences titied up with Water Wash Basins, FLUES, &c., on the New York Closets, Fork. jg^Opposite Portland Savings Bank Building. gineer in charge may direct, alter further examina- Central and a Bath Boilers and Warm and in the most (proposed) Hampshire careful ami honest consideration, fkxld Baths 50 Tierces, 100 Tubs Kettle Rendered Lard. For i Portland, April 5, 1867. apr Cdtf tion oi the river. oitland and and —AT THE— Ogdeusburg an ab- and decide approved thorough manner. Orders respectfully pale The material taken from the Shoals is to be railroads; upou the fact whether it is not a solicited. by depos- °* *lle PLITIIHIEK & REMOVAL. ited in the river, in such manner as may be required Russian-American treaty; a matter of BUSINESS ( ARDS. Reference—Mr. M. firm Mess. CREAKY, «’0., great importance to this busi- Stead, Architect, Portland Apl 12. dlw It)3 Commercial Street. 4>y the Engineer in charge, and in such l.c litics as bring Bunnell Cement Haytlan seasonable ness to our Anderson, & Oo. Pipe Works, be not 650 article nT reVolutioui city? more as it can lie Mar may designated by him, exceeding yards s°< especially 25—Im in distance troin above and below it. *'“l 163 Banfortli Shepard's Point, bv “TraTP. r Gardening, done by a of the credit of Street, California Flour. Lord & In bidders must state the “ S\HU8b“dry simple indorsement W. IT. THOMAS, JR., Stevens, Haskell, making proposals price Ve,y St°ry 'ro“ «*• tart Har- the G. A. SUSSKRAUI, per cubic yard qf with the understand- r,dJ road, without taking adolLir from our busi- ME. Have thin removed to the New Store excavation, ^r” PORTLAND, day ing that the work execute 1 is to be ascertained 0,“- ness LAWYER, inPORTER, i:t»4 SACKS by ~i men, and without risking tho loss of a These Pipes are ahead of those made ot measurement oi the channel before and alter MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN altogether dredg- dollar to are of such as r. the A Biockuoldeh. And Solicitor in brick, because they smoother, more duia- Ncs. 54 & 56 Middle Street, ing; and, excavation only has been actual- city. Bankruptcy, ble, easily laid, and cheaper. They cost less First Quality California Flour, lly made to obtain the required dimensions; with the HAS REMOVED TO Hats and than hall as much as lead or and do not rust or (Over Messrs. Woodman True & understanding also that the stated is to include Furs, Caps, iron, rTlHJS dav received direct trom San and Co.’s,) price “Conductor” lOO corrode in ol deliver water Francisco, the of the material taken in Akriliniu. Exchange Hired, till Hiory. any length time, but will X for sale depositing out, such lo- ISO Middle any distance, as pure and sweet as when it leaves by Their old of business calities as be within the limits above The d'Eim apr2dtt House. Street, 10—tf place previous to the fire, may designated, Ceap lu Mb. Editor:—An incident in own ex- Opposite Custom the fountain s head. Apl O’BRION, PIERCE & CO. named. Cwlomi.j,,. niy where will POKTLAND, MAINE. Thev are used in New York Albany, Brook- they keep constantly on hand at whole- fne work must be commenced as soon as President under perience illustrates the painstaking kindness City, CHOICE SOUTHERN practica- Mosquera, whose uneasy c. J. Hr“Cash paid for Furs. miSldtl lyn, Hartford, and many other cities, YELLOW ble at ter the of the and be com- of SCHUMACHER, Shipping Springfield, sale a approval contract, rule the United States of Colombia the valued citizen named above, and the towns and villages. AND pleted not later than the first of July, 1868,—with have late- The zeal with which he all dutii both Western it. It., Connecticut River, Rockville, Well Assorted Stock the understanding that not less than 30,000 cubic ly languished, has at last done a stroke of pcrfoimed s, G It and Hartlord & Railroads use them for those ESCO PAINTGB. Page, Richardson & Springfield yard* must be dredged on or before the 20th of No- work. is the imposed him his and Co., Arc. Western OF Mosquera man, who on New upon by position Ollce at cu.verts, Mixed vember next. those the Drug Store of Messrs. A. Q. Schlotter- Justin Sacked of High Corn, Year’s prompted his own heart. t, Superintendent Streets, Spring- Each proposal must he accompanied by a written day or thereabout offered to resign his by generous Bankers & Mi',ton A. K. R. Ed- in store and for sale \\ hen beck & Co., Merchants, field, Mass.; Clyde, Contractor; by BOOTS & guarantee signed by two responsible persons, in the for the ten years 01 I chanced to reach win Civil Daniel 8IIOES! office, singular reason, as reported, age Chase, Engineer, Holyoke, Mass.; reauired torn, that!he bidder will, when called on, ort and in the *fO:t iongress Hi, Pori loud, Me, Harris, Pres. Conn. R. S&m'l EDWARD if “that the midst of a terrible snow 114 Em., R.; Bowles, Esq., If. BUR GIN & CO,9 Manufactured expressly for the New England Trade. liisgjroposal be accepted, enter into u contract and people were too immoral and un- -storm, STATE STREET, Smith & Wasson & a ree o jal2uif One door above Brown.