Heaps Simplified Bernhard Haeupler2, Siddhartha Sen1;4, and Robert E. Tarjan1;3;4 1 Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, fsssix,
[email protected] 2 CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
[email protected] 3 HP Laboratories, Palo Alto CA 94304 Abstract. The heap is a basic data structure used in a wide variety of applications, including shortest path and minimum spanning tree algorithms. In this paper we explore the design space of comparison-based, amortized-efficient heap implementations. From a consideration of dynamic single-elimination tournaments, we obtain the binomial queue, a classical heap implementation, in a simple and natural way. We give four equivalent ways of representing heaps arising from tour- naments, and we obtain two new variants of binomial queues, a one-tree version and a one-pass version. We extend the one-pass version to support key decrease operations, obtaining the rank- pairing heap, or rp-heap. Rank-pairing heaps combine the performance guarantees of Fibonacci heaps with simplicity approaching that of pairing heaps. Like pairing heaps, rank-pairing heaps consist of trees of arbitrary structure, but these trees are combined by rank, not by list position, and rank changes, but not structural changes, cascade during key decrease operations. 1 Introduction A meldable heap (henceforth just a heap) is a data structure consisting of a set of items, each with a real-valued key, that supports the following operations: – make-heap: return a new, empty heap. – insert(x; H): insert item x, with predefined key, into heap H. – find-min(H): return an item in heap H of minimum key.