HaunteD hOUSE fEARFest International Online Film Festival 12th - 21st March 2020 Printable Program Virtual Theatre at xerb.tv/channel/berlinscififilmfest/virtual-events www.hauntedhousefearfest.com
[email protected] FB: @hauntedhousefearfest iNtRoDUCtION Greetings and welcome to the Haunted House FearFest. The current COVID-19 regulations have affected the leisure and entertainment industry around the world. What this means, is that our partner in the live event for 2021 is closed and will probably not re-open until after Easter 2021. Our thoughts are with Jim and the team of the Idle Drapers and look forward to creating a special set of screenings later on. The Haunted House FearFest will however take place online as an international virtual theatre experience via XERB.TV. It takes place from 12th to 21st March 2021 and we have a horribly good selection independent short and feature films from around the world. In fact, we had an amazing response that covered 23 countries. Sadly, we had to make a decision as to what gets the bloody thumbs up and what gets the chop. Our final selection is 77 films screening in 13 rooms. No need to be bored during the lockdown, that’s for sure! All our selected films received a laurel and winners in each category will receive a PDF certificate. The outstanding film of the festival will receive the Grimm reaper award. The winners and semi-finalists will be announced on Sunday 21st March. Wretchedly yours, The Haunted House Team TICKETS & PASSES: Tickets on the opening page: https://xerb.tv/channel/hauntedhousefearfest/virtual-events