Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists
ALLIANCE OF CANADIAN CINEMA, TELEVISION AN D RADIO ARTISTS, BRITISH COLUMBIA BRANC H An inventory of their record s i n The Library of the University of British Columbi a Special Collections Divisio n Prepared by : Louise Ma y 1985 TABLE OF CONTENT S Introductio n i i Membership Card s 1 Completed Membership Application s 1 Agreement s 2 Minute s 6 Subject File s 8 Writers' Guild, B .C . Branch File s 1 2 ACTRA Writer's Guil d 1 3 Ledgers 14 i i INTRODUCTIO N In the 1940s, groups of writers and performers were chartere d by the American Federation of Musicians of the United States an d Canada in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver . These groups wer e called the Association of Canadian Radio Artists . Local 24498 o f the Association existed in Vancouver . In 1963, the Association ' s name changed to the Association of Canadian Television and Radi o Artists . The organization of the Association changed as well as it s name ; all records were centralized, and a national office wa s established in 1963 . The Association assumed its present name i n 1983 . The records consist of : minutes, 1949-1983 ; subject files suc h as ACTRA Awards, 1979, 1981 ACTRA Retirement Plan, 1978-1980, B .C . Government--Labour Information, 1952, 1967, 1970, 1973-1975, 1977 , Negotiations, 1978, 1981, 1982-1984, Women in the Arts, 1981-1984 ; aggreements, 1960, 1963, 1965, ,1967-1985 ; constitutions and by-laws , 1963, 1975, 1977-1985 ; membership cards and applications, 1963 - 1984 and three ledgers, 1949-1963 . Included are records of th e Writers' Guild, B .C .
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