SPECIAL 60TH EDITION 01 C Celebrating 60 years: THE ACTRA STORY This special issue of InterACTRA celebrates ACTRA’s 60th Anniversary – 60 years of great performances, 60 years of fighting for Canadian culture, 4.67 and 60 years of advances in protecting performers. From a handful of brave and determined $ 0256698 58036 radio performers in the ‘40s to a strong 21,000-member union today, this is our story. ALLIANCE ATLANTIS PROUDLY CONGRATULATES ON 60 YEARS OF AWARD-WINNING PERFORMANCES “Alliance Atlantis” and the stylized “A” design are trademarks of Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc.AllAtlantis Communications Alliance Rights Reserved. trademarks of “A” design are Atlantis” and the stylized “Alliance 1943-2003 • actra • celebrating 60 years 1 Celebrating 60 years of working together to protect and promote Canadian talent 401-366 Adelaide St.W., Toronto, ON M5V 1R9 Ph: 416.979.7907 / 1.800.567.9974 • F: 416.979.9273 E:
[email protected] • W: www.wgc.ca 2 celebrating 60 years • actra • 1943-2003 SPECIAL 60th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE 2003 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 3 InterACTRA is the official publication of ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists), a Canadian union of performers affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress and the International Federation of Actors. ACTRA is a member of CALM (Canadian Association of Labour Media). InterACTRA is free of charge to all ACTRA Members. EDITOR: Dan MacDonald EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Thor Bishopric, Stephen Waddell, Brian Gromoff, David Macniven, Kim Hume, Joanne Deer CONTRIBUTERS: Steve