"Discrimination In Unions Must Go" Allen Tells Labor Group

So. 's Derbyville Only Colored Just Gabbin' Newspaper From the Pen Sports Servingl 0,000 Perusals Readers 'Other Features"

VOL. 4 — No. 10 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 FIVE CENTS To Study At Provident Two Los Angeles Aircraft Firms Open Doors {To Skilled Workers Defense Co-Ordinotor Long, Hard Fight Ends In Success For Group Addresses State Body LOS ANGELES, Calif, long, hard fight to get qualified Police Dept. skilled workers in the Lockheed 11111111 At Central Labor Union and Vega Aircraft companies has The young legislator who was come to an end. .jgathe efforts HM in the limelight and one of the Bond Plan Halted of local organizations have been Separate V.F.W. Post \ during the sessions of the 1941 crowned with success—the two BHR To Be Installed State's most important persons An order issued by Acting companies have agreed to open Idiana Legislature was the man Police Chief Norman Hjope their doors to skilled workers of Fred HarVey, prominent at­ of the hour Thursday morning, as denies members of the Police all races. ,S,

style forecasters the nation over. shades for wear with the fall tyi 4i i^i 4i i vupqytii Banding is being used by most and winter vivid colors is rose of the leading designers this year cerise, a brilliant red with a JUST GABBIN' as the sole means of trimming. tinge of blue. It especially com- This dress shown here is being pKmelnte /bright fuchsias, gnsy By MARYLYNN J. MOORMAN worn by Charolette Mansion of greems, plum tones, winttr blue,s News Of I postman and navy. soon, as are the Green Roys - } h : GUEST WRITER- "i :'S .• ~-\-i,^%Miff*> : Hello high schoolers .here's SOCIETY SAL ters «. jf'The Jerry Suggs and Freddie S^cewart spent several the latest dope from style ex- the latest domcpe from, s.yie days in Nashivlle, ."^i Tennessee The Churches For the second consecutive experts . . the backlog of the week I am pinoh-hitting for and • Louisville, Ky. last week . high school and college ward­ Alt Church Kewi MUST fit In Tht Arjui W«ca Br Mtm4*l] Marylynn, who is now recup­ by the way, Nashville' is the robe is the untiring classic ng, I p. M, erating at her home. How happy home of the Suggs. suit. From the wide choice of am I with hundreds of others fabric styles this year, the new­ that she's improving so nicely. Through the. .mails comes the est for 1941 school life is the LITTLE HOPE BAPTIST c:n's i Union for the benefit cf information • that cute Jeanne "window pane" plaid, which can CHURCH Rev. G. L. Cooksey will be held Stepteau the Palm Hotel Green Deepest 'sympathy to our popu- be worn for both , sport and Rev. G. L. Cooksey, pastor 30. at the church of his charge, beautician, Eleanor Porter on, the Room's ivory lady "whooped it dress-up. For your favorite lip­ on Tuesday evening September, up" with a birthday party Fri­ The Sunday School met on the passing of her mother who died stick, go to Sill's Drug Store, regular hour cf nine o'clock. The Don't forget the date Sunday . . to Mfrs>. Ajnna. Hil- day night at the home of Miss Lincoln and Governor or dial lesson was reviewed by the Su­ Mrs. Mabel Garrett, reporter. dreth, whose mother was very ill Mollie Anderson on So. Morton 2-6911. perintendent. The morning 'over the week-end ..'., to . . Mrs. Avejnue.. . eats and everything worship began at 11 o'clock with Rose Willingham, whose sister else that goes with the correct the pastor, Rev. Cooksey in 'affairs of this sort were in evi­ Miss Nellie Shauntee is visit­ Charge. Speaking from Mark, is now confined at the St. ing in. Kentucky._we miss her NOTICE; Mary's Hospital where she, was dence everywhere.... Groose 1st. Chapter, 22nd, verse, he de­ Wilkersnn, Mrs. Lorraine Jackson, with thjat perennial smilejas she livered a very inspirational mes­ taken after falling in a man­ serves us those delicious meals sage on, "He spoke Not as the hole on South Governor street Miss Arnetta Shauntee, Miss Beatrice Jackson, Mrs. Arthrene in the Sun-Rise Cafe on Lincoln Scribes and Pharisees, But as a P Y L E Society Slal wishes a speedy in the heart of Derbyville, Mrs. Man in Authority." *esus was recovery to the above mentioned Edwards, Startling Coksey, Jas. highlighted as the Man of the Tate, the William Fauntleroys, Alene Thompkins is now one of Electric & Batten) and a "hurry up and get well" Hour. Frank Rogers, James Rouse and the chefs at the^Sun-Rise . that's to all. why the feals are so delicious. The fall drive closed" with the Henry Dulins were the great success and Rev. L. A. Mc- Service young folks who enjoyed' them­ Marjorie Langley .celebrated v Intyre was ' the speaker at the selves. ' Mrs. Rufus Morrow is now afternoon services. The E"ars- Is Now Operating* an natal day last week and was confined at the Deaconess Hospi­ ville Day Program, sponsored by she happy???, but not as much tal .. Mrsj. Gilmore Jackson is the Baptist ministers and Dea- The Former as_ "Flappyf'j. . September 14 Here's an advance style note improved greatly.-she's still at was the date Mary Julia Wil­ from the fashion bureau of CBS the •hospital.' Marylynn has now CHET CENTRY son leaves Saturday for school ... .a bright green wool with con­ been removed to her home!!... at Tennessee State College, as trasting black stripes. The band­ Great News and is everybody Girl Who Bore Battery Service does ^illiam. SKiibberflield.... ing you see here is The very 'happy!!! 256 LINCOLN AVE The Charles Browns. Jr. are ex­ latest "thing" out and is causing • *, * * v Son Ar Age 5 pecting a bundle from heaven quite a "sttr among leadikig the CBS "Stepmother" series— Have you visjited the Shoe ELECTRIC WIRING a perfect example of detailing. box since they've remodeled. . . Is Now 8 Her Charlotte designed dog col­ 'tis gorgejausly up-to-date.... iCommercial, House you must visit the new fall LIMA, Peru. — Med:cal cir­ lar of gold metal flowers and cles were amazed w'hen Lilna Industrial green stone centers has matching creations are "darlings." Medina, a child of five years earrings. This very lovely mod­ The Lorenzo Hackmore of and eight months ojd, gave birth Batteries, Tires el is now on sale at one of Pittsburgh, are to a baby boy. The baby is now Complete Auto Tune- "MEET THE GANG HERE" America's most beautiful stores, in the city, the house guests of 2 1-2 years old. Both mother and 'A GOOD TIME ALWAYS' BON MAROHE'. By the way, friends and relatives. .. . Miss son are well and healthy. Lina Up, Generators you must visit i the store and Lula Jennings is now in Cleve­ has child ways, plays, like other Appearing Nightly For note how they are progressing land . where she's mak­ children, and can .read and write ing her permanent home. as well as do a little sewing. LOVELY with their remodeling program. . Lina is the youngest mot:er Your Entertainment In the last time I was in there, they MARION on record. The Green Room were unloading new display CORRECTION — Talented ROBINSON cases to be erected in that gor­ Rose Maxie will do her nurse NOTABLES^ JOIN THE O O ot the geous new millinery department training at Provident Hospital and .S»«M."! Exotic Torch and Youth Center which will be not Meharry in Nashville as we TALLADEGA FACULTY From located on the third floor. mentioned in last week'js col­ PALM HOTEL umn. Provident is in Chicago. TALLADEGA, Ala—On Sep­ tember when clasies began at 611 High Street Sunday morning between the Talladega College, several dis­ hours of 8:30 and 9:00 a. m., I tinguished new teachers were on BEAUTIFUL LITTLE JEANNIE STEPTEAU enjoyed one of the most beau­ /AT THE KEYBOARD Meharry Dental hand to greet the student body. &«* tiful arid aacredi Masses ever said As Professor, of—Modern Lan­ O- -O by a Catholic Priest .it was School Training guages comes Dr. Berthold Fri- broadcast through the facilities edl, a graduate of Lawrence col­ "Marian is Solidly Sending All The of Cincinnati's WLW and came lege (Wisconsin), holding this from Louisana—some point where To Be Hiked Up Masters Degree from, the Universi­ 1 ty of Chicago and the Doctorate Army maneuvers, were being from the University of Paris. Patrons That Crowd Our Air-Cooled held. The announcer told of the NASHVILLE, Tenn—Plans that are being formulated call for For the past ten years, Dr. Fri- ceremonies in detail which prov­ edl has been a bibliographer on the development and the ex­ V.1E3U GREEN ROOM" ed' quite interesting, especially pansion of the Dental School of the French Encyclopdia, : so, when the Mass was said. Meharry Medical college. To ac­ Others added to the faculty in­ o o . [ 'im There was a 6-ft altar erected complish these aims, an Admin­ clude Dr. W. Lewis Trotter of CHOICE under a canopy on a truck 10- istrative Committee for the Grinnell College and Chicago SP ft. square. Father John T. Burns School of Dentistry has been Theological Seminary and a doc­ WIKB — LIQUORS — BEERfS was the priest-in-charge and appointed. This Committee will torate from U. of Chicago who aommister • the • affairs of the crames -from Wesleyaa U. faculty Jim Cassidy was the announcer. Dental School for the coming to teach sociology; Hylan Lewis SELECT FOOD FOR THOSE Drums and bugles blasts were year and will work out a long­ of Va. Union U. and a Rosenwald sounded intead of the regular time program. Dr. E. L. Turner, Fellow of the U. of Chicago'-who WHO DEMAND THE VERY BEST bells_-at the elevation of the President of the college, will act conies from Howard U. faculty to teach social sciences. "DERBYVILLE'S MOST POPULAR SPOT" Qhalice, the Consecration, etc. as chairman and director of the School of Dentistry. Other "ONLY NITERY Iwith ENTERTAINERS" Communion was taken under the canopy of the truck while kneel­ members are D. H. Turpin D.D.S.; J. B. Singleton D.D.S : ing on the grass. The rendition ? £;, .?andfol-d, D.D.S.;' Miss E. ultv. DRINK of Lord, 11 Am Not Worthy,' L. White. D. T. Rolfe, M.D. and (al Graduate training for by the band was very sweet. b. H. Freeman, M.D. tain faculty members. (b) Training' oi recent rad- DOUBLE The Committee will revise the uates at recognized dental cen- Among the newest of lipstick curriculum and plan, for the fac­ ters. ulty and staff, a program of (c) Addition of well-tra ined studv and instruction. dentists to the faculty. toot. At The dental faculty will be aug­ During the coming years, Don't Miss This Sensational Offer mented and improved. A three- eral.cf the faculty members oemt m-jgram aims to increase be granted leaves to s^udy Buy It By the Case or ne e.xiciency of the dental fac- fellowships. $39.95 Axminster 9x12 Rug Free Cartoon From your Dealer Expert Hat-Men Enable Any 9x12 seamless rug in our large stock is yours absolutely FREE with the pur- chase of any Living Room Suite Outfit as ad vertised Don't miss this. big sale, This Us to Put Out Only opportunity is offered/ for the first timia arid probably will not be offered again. A-1 JOBS Come in now and take advan • CLEANED tage of this Sale and get a • REPAIRED • DYED $39.95 Axminster Rug. SHOE HOSPITAL

2—$4.95 Table Lamps $_9.90 Floor Lamp - - ...... $ 5.95 Coffee Table %M <#£ $ *-95 3—$5.45 Throw Rugs $10.90 BUY NOW $39.95. -9x12 3—$4.95 Lamp Tables $ 9.90 Framed Picture ..._-.-. $ 2.95 FOR FUTURE AXMINSTER : Mirror .|f^|. .?- •• $ 2.85 DELIVERY RUG FUEE! TOTAL $128.75 SMALL PAYMENT HOLDS MERCH ANDISE FOR FUTURE DELIVERY


WE, TOO HAVE TITLE TO THIS LAND NEW TAX TO EFFECT By William Henry ,Huff EIGHT KILLED POETRY America, America is good enough for me; SINGLE MEN EARNING My uncles three, though Negro slaves all fought to make it SN SMASH-UPS CORNER free. $15.00 PER WEEK AND My portion here was bought with MONEY blood— MARRIED MAKING $30 Money shouldn't swell anybody's Three uncles sleep in Red Bank's Chicagoans Lose Lives head, mud. Because we can't use it after When Count Donop came on the Items of All Types to Have New we're dead. scene In Highway Toll Our life span is equal only to They fought and died by Col­ Taxes Added Under Defense • CHICAGO, 111, Sept. 23 — Wilson when the accident oc­ one brief day, onel Green; (Special)—Seven residents cf curred. Then our perishable bodies pass May everybody understand Measure Chicago's South Side had their The other toll of three lives away. We, too, have title to this land. lives snuffed out in highway was taken when a machine in WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 22 h-ega"" sn. rt>~ ft O-.P. toilet collision on U. S. highway 2 which they were traveling at a preparations, jiib'pf articles, THE LEGIONAIRES —The new $3,533,400,000 tax west of Ann Arbor, Mich., Sun­ high rate of speed crashed into Money is a blessing to the spirit­ bill will touch the single man commerciiil w:.shirg m chines, day night. They were Eugene By William Henry Huff ! a truck. The smashup occurred ual .main, making $15 a we*k and t -e m->'- electric, feg.? ah;] o" •-opliances, Wilson, 36 years old, of 3726 on the new U. S. route 66 belt He gives plentifully what he can They outlawed this and censured ried man earning $30 a week. jewelry, furs, elect'!" signs," Watoash Ave.; Michael Bonaparte, line on the outskirts of Bloonv spare, that It will also cov'ei .i multitu.-'c of business mnch'nes innsu a) in- 37, 'of 4930 Indiana Ave.; Charles ington, 111. Those who died in To the house of God as he wor­ But left the biggest crooks items which the average per­ struments, phonographs and Uldrow, of 4318 Evans Ave., and this. crash were Cleveland Jones, ships there. alonie; son must use. phoroTrpi recvd-, refrigera­ John Underwood of 322 E. 53rd 4410 Indiana Ave.; James Row- 1 tors, theatre and ofe'er admis­ They slapped the dog and kicked It is estimate;' that it wit St. Sterling Persons, 32, of 3759 en, 4244 Michigan Ave., and sions costing 10 certs :ni more S. Parkway was injured. All were He uses it for his family who the cat touch virtually every citizen Charles Bowen of 1015 S. Dam- and require an eslirnited 22,000,- and club dues ever S'O arnually. riding in a macnine driven by en Ave. stands in need, In no uncertain voice or tone 000 persons to file income tax Five per cent on electric light And he doesn't punish anyone But they were paralyzed and returns of whom about $4,000,- bulbs. by hoarding and greed. mum 00 will be making oi.t returns for Five per cent or. .tight club For God has taught him to trea­ About the Kluxers in their the first time. bills. sure nothing • that rusts and ranks. Next year a person will have Increase from Jit 13 cents CANAL ZONE SEETHS moths destroy. Some day the world will right­ to pay $5 to own ai outo-nobile, per pack on ph.y>" or.rr's. Increase from i.' to 20 per But to lay up divine values that ly sum this is besides cost cf licenses and a huge increase i.i manu- cent on rental of :u"c'/ deposit WITH RACE PREJUDICE will bring him joy. These fellows up as mouthy boxes. cranks. faturers' tax he must pay J he buys a car. Ten dollars a year on operation Spingarn Reports Harse Segregation Money is power with the wordly on non-gambling coin-operated MY BOOKS The measure incrca es from Practiced Against Negroes man, 4.4 to 10 per cent cost the exist­ amusement machines and $50 And he uses it extravagantly By William Henry Huff ing bottom-bracket rats on in­ annually on coin-operated gamb­ ling machines. NEW YORK—From a letter which are used generally wherever he can. I'm not concerned about my looks dividuals and lifts the rates on written last week by Arthur B. throughout the Zone designate Sometimes flashing it in public But I am wild about my books; all other income levels Ten dollars a year on bowling Spingarn. President of the Na­ white and colored people respec­ as a bribe, The following so-called "nuis- alleys, billiard tables and pool tional Association for the Ad­ tively. They truly feed my hungry tables. Then agfiin wastefully co the mind. nace" taxes will be effective vancement of Colored People, "Separately commissaries, liv­ President Roosevelt learned that gambling side. Good books have always been my Oct. 1: Below is show a table to ing quarters, railroad accommo­ It swells his head and enlarges Six per cent on local telephone taxes to be paid on net income racial segregation in the Canal dations and even lavatories are friends— with the new surtax rate pluse Zone, vital defense area, is "sub­ established by the Canal authori­ it is lhest, On them my happiness depends, bills, 10 per cent on long-distance e calls costing more than 24 cents, the old 4 per cent normal tax. stantially th same as that exist­ ties, and I have been told that a And he never gives a thought For them no substitute I find. In figuring next income you ing in the lower South." colored man is subject to arrest where his soul will rest. and 10 per cent on telegraph, . —2— first are entitle to debut $750 The letter states, "While the if he attempts to enter a white Mrs. Laura Suggs radio and cable messages. commissary. In days when all in front seemed Increases from 2 1-2 to 5 cents if single and $1500 if married terms 'white' and 'colored' are dark •,'.•5^ plus $400 for each dependent. not used, it is defintelv under­ a pound on tires and from 4 1-2 Other deductible items include With books and pencils in my to 9 cents a pound on inner stood that the terms 'Gold Em­ tan bujsfcess expenses, charitable ployees' and 'Silver Employees' TAILOR I pressed along toward the mark tubes. contributions and certain tax Captured In CLEANER hand; Increase from $3 to $4 in the payments. Only the taxes brack­ nessee argument was heard on A-l And now since light has broken whisky gallonage tax and in­ ets in Which members of the race creases on other distilled spirits are likely to fall are given. the teachers' salary case filed $1 Slaying and wine. by Clarence B. Robinson, rep­ Ten per cent on photographic resenting himself and the Chat­ SAINT i LOUIS, MISSOURI— apparatus, optical equipment, tanooga Teachers' Association, Special Officer Oliver Middle- SUITS TEACHERS' against the school board/ of this brooks left late Wednesday after­ MADE WS1T . . . city. . noon for Jackson, Tenn.. to TO This is a preliminary hearing bring back to the city Edward | ORDER Old Red Bank Resident to determine if the court has McSwine. alias Judge McSwine, PAY CASE jurisdiction over this case. W. 2724 Sheridan avenue, who has ABE Passes At Eighty Henry Elmore is local attorney been sought in the slaying, last Henry Whiteledge, 80, Red IS HEARD for the teachers; Thurgood Mar­ Wednesday night, September 17. Band Road died Monday at his shall, special counsel for the Na­ of Paul Tyus in front of th».lat- OWEN'S home. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. tional Association for the Ad­ ter's home. 1420 North Lefflng- Nettie Wilson, Terre Haute, In­ Chattanooga, Tenn., vancement of Colored People will well. Derbyville's Most also represent the complainants. diana. ff'.K'-i McSwine, who is only 20 years Modern Scene of Latest On his way back to. the. New old was arrested Tuesday night, Trial York office. Mr. Marshall will September 23 , at the. home of HAN KINS stop in Washington, D. C., for BILLARD through his sister on Mobile street by 128 S.E. 4th St. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.—Last meetings with members of the Jackson officers on information I recommend this course to you PANTS DRAPED FOR Saturday, September 20, in the national legal committee of the furnished by Officer Middle- PARLOR And trust that you will under­ District Court; of the United NAACP and with Attorney brooks and his partners. 5 0c 411 Lincoln stand. States, Eastern District of Ten- Preiitice Thomas on the suit filed The two men had engaged in against the University of Ken­ an argument over a dollar invol­ tucky by Charles Eubanks and ved in a head-and-head dice on the Jefffersonvlle, • Indiana, game at the Tyus home, it was school case. learned. 1940 OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY WE ARE HAPPY TO oOo The Sun-Rise Cafe SERVE YOUR CAR SICK? YOU AT 1941 419 LINCOLN AVENUE Take Advantage of These oOo ALL TIMES MR. & MRS. G_ W CLEMMONS, OWNERS • Washing For Over 12 Months Our Policy Is To Serve • Greasing Good Home - Cooked We Have Served Ev­ WNiVP • Tire Repair ansville |Citizens • • • Meals Using Only The Cars Called For ar.d Delivered During This Time We Very Best Quality Food Specuiu Have Striven To Ser­ Products, Fresh Mea'is vice Only Good Sand­ And Fruits wiches Short Orders WALLACE And Dinners W. Pennzoil MERRICK AETNA and SERVICE STATION E H WE USE 406 CHESTNUT Pyroil COMSTOCK 3-9147 POULTRY Dressed And Delivered DAIRY PRODUCTS FREE!!! EXCLUSIVELY EAT GROCERIES HERE MEATS GOOD SUN-RISE FRUITS HOME COOKED 401 Bellemeade Cafe MEALS SUNDAY Phone: 3-3175 MONDAY "THE GRjEAT DICTATOR" SEND BEST WISHES and CHARLIE CHAPLIN — PAULETTE GODDARD TO MR. CLEMMONS TUESDAY JACK OAKIE "i SEPT. CARTOON AND NEWS Ideal Dairy Products Are Laboratory-Controlled LUCK TO MR. 28-29-30 i// G. W. CLEMMONS' TUESDAY "THE SPIDER RETURNS" ONLY Chapter No. Three EVANSVILLE PHONOGRAPH (CO., -DOUBLE FEATURE- Beryl Pride, Mgr. WEDNES. / IDE&L L "GWE US WINGS" ' Phone 3-8439 and With "LITTLE TOUGH GUYS" and "DEAD THURS. END KIDS" OCT. "THAT UNCERTAIN FEELING" mmik CLEAN 1-2 With) MERLE OBERON _ MELVIN DOUGLAS 8th and\roMPANT, FR8DAY -DOUBLE FEATURE- "BOSS OF BULLION CITY" Walnut ^^^ZL^^ 5212 and With JOHNNY MACK BROWN and TOWEL SERVICE FUjZZY KNIGHT HELPS EVANSVILLE GROW! SATURDAY OCT. "LEATHER! PUSHERS" Phone: Nine - Seven - Seven - Two 3-4 With RICHARD ARLEN — ANDY DEVINE 10c TO ALL TILL 6 PM. EXCEPT SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS PAGE FOUR THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 'Fouth Year'

* POEMS • FEATURES • LETTER EDITORIALS • OPINIONS LOCKHEED COMES ACROSS Cause for cheers this week was the announcement by EVANSVILLE ARGUS Los Angeles' efficient Allied Organizations Against Discrimi­ FROM THE PEN Sou'thern Indiana's Only Colored Newspaper nation in National Defense that an official policy of non- dis­ —Published Weekly— crimination has been declared here by the Lockheed Aircraft The United States Army was colored students in its Adult company. THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS PUBLISHING CO, estimated last week to total Education Program. California The campaign conducted by this joint committee of Los 667 S. Elliott Street Evansville, Indiana 1,597,810 officers and enlisted had 2,662 and the District of Phone 2-7884 Angeles organizations reveals a studied determination to get men. This includes 710,000 se­ Columbia, 1,835. results, competent approach to the problem and an object lectees, 535,510 regulars, 278,- * * * JULIUS W. HOLDER Editor lesson in community cooperation. Each device available to such 300 National Guard officers and Indiana had 801 vocational a pressure grup was employed. All elements which might in­ men and 74,300 reserve officers. students and 1,420 enrolled in SUBSCRIPTION EATES fluence Lockheed toward a democrdatic solution of the prob­ homemaking and parent educa­ Sp£ MONTHS $1.20 lem were brought into play. Conferences were held with per­ In the past year prices for tion class enrollments ONE YEAR . $2.00 sonnel officials; the employment service of the Office of Pro­ farm IprJoidMctjs have advanced THREE MONTHS ,75c 32 per cant, food stuffs, 24 per Jesse Jones, federal joan duction Management was used; President Roosevelt's historic cent; .and textiles 23 per cent. administrator has announced executive order and the anti-discrimination memorandums of The cost of living in the larger that he will provide $100,000,- Southern Indiana's Only (Colored Weekly Serving 10,000 Readers the OPM were fully expolited; city-wide sentiment in favor cities rose 1 per cent from Mid- 000 to Russia for the purchase of of unbiased employment was skillfully encouraged, resulting July to mid-August and 7 1-2 war materials in this country. most notably in a hard-hitting pro-Negro editorial in the per cent since August, 1939. The powerful Los Angeles Times. general cost of living is up 17 Statistics show that a burlary No Jim-Crow Employment Every. legal and moral argument fas brought to bear per cent. This information comes is committed in this country from the office of Price Ad­ upon the officials at Lockheed. every two minutes, a robbery ministrator Leon Henderson. Set-Up On Any Defense Another important item in the.activities of this unique every 10 minutes, a murder * * * every 40 minutes and an auto joint body of Los Angeles organizations was its successful Soldiers in the U. S. Army accident leivery three minutes. effort to enlist the support of organized labor. Although a Works Projects get 10 ounces more food per day Those in charge of the millen­ The rfan-discrimination policy workers as evidence of non-dis­ member of the International Machinists group, whose na­ than in the World War nium feel discouraged. of the Federal Works Agency crimination. The percentages are tional constitution holds an anti-Negro clause, the Lockheed * * * * * * was extended to cover employ­ based on the latest available workers have gone on record in favor of unbiased employ­ The first local craft union Presidential approval of sfcx ment in the construction of all United States Occupational Cens­ ment. was formed by Philadelphia projects to provide educational, defense public works projects by us and other data. shoemakers. They organized in health and recreational facilities a regulation promulgated this This regulation follows the re­ All in all, a fine foundation has been laid for the success­ week by Federal Works Admin­ cent enactment by Congress of ful service of Negroes in all departments at Lockheed' aircraft. 1792, but existed only for a for colored civilian and military istrator John M. Carmody. The personnel in defense areas was legislation providing for the de­ The destiny of black labor at Lockheed is now in the hands short time. The shoemakers again regulation was signed by John velopment of educational, health, organized in Philadelphia in announced) last week by Federal of individual colored workers. N. Edy, Acting Federal Works recreational and other public fa­ 1794 and formed the Federal Workls Aldimtaistrator John M. Administrator. cilities in defense areas. On top of this demonstration of efficiency, it has been Society of Journeymen, Cord- CarBQiody. The new regulation provides suggested that the representative fabric of the Allied Orga­ In a recent report on the ope­ wlainers, which maintained its Included among the projects that 'there shall be no discrimi­ ration of this non-discrimination nizations be changed, that Los Angeles' Anti-Discrimination existence until the date of its are a 124-bed hospital at New­ nation by reason of race, creed, regulation in the defense housing effort revert to the old confusion which reigned when more trial in 1806 for conspiracy. port News, Va., to cost $348,- color, national orgin or political program it was disclosed that * * * 300; an elementary school at affiliations in the employment of cWored skilled and unskilled than a dozen individual bodies attempted separate campaigns persons qualified by training and Every young man or woman Hattiesiburg, Miss., $50,595; two workers employed on these proj­ for defense employment. The boon of unity has borne its experience for work in the deve­ ects had earned nearly a million fruit; any talk of separation now is pure lunacy. Public opin­ between the ages of 18 and 23 irecreational centers for tlroops lopment of defense housing or at Fort Bragg, N. C. totaling and a half dollars. ion of the community will not permit such a turn of affairs. convicted of misdemaneors or defense public works at the sites felonies in California, who re­ $96,820 and recreational centers thereof." The previous regula­ A . J. 'Sarre', Director of Per­ THE CALIFORNIA EAGLE ceive sentences from a judge for troops at Fort Mix, N. J., tion had applied to defense hous­ sonnel of the Federal Works in execss of three months in jail, $82,195 and at Fort Davis N. ing projects only. Agency and W. J. Trent, Jr., and less ijhan life imprisonment C, $60,000. Implementing the general reg­ ilacial Relations Officer in the or death, will foe turned over by * * * ulation is a requirement. that Personnel Division, will give spe­ contractors pay stipulated per­ cial attention, to the enforcement the court, not to prison, but to Other projects.include a $25,653 centages of the total payroll to of the regulation against dis­ the Youth Correction author­ recreation Building at Columbia, colored skilled and unskilled crimination. UNIQUE ity. S. C, a $34,200> veneral disease This authority will have the clinic at Columbia^ S|. C, a ODORLESS duty of studying each case in­ $13,390 health clinic at Hines- dividually and determining what ville, Ga. a $30,000 elemen­ Governor Donnell Asked DRY treatment is best, It can commit tary school at Moss Point, Miss,, the young person to jail, give him and an addition to a high school CLEANING probation, send him. to a hospi­ at Newport News, Va., to cost to Open Doors of Mo. Univ. tal, or a forestery camp, or $119,000. whatever it deieims advpseable. * * * •'They Stay Clean Longer' This law will soon go into effect. "Rentail (sales of the 29,327 by Miss Lucile Bluford unincorporated! establishments in DIAL 5355 * * * The latest report reveals that ,1939 amounted to $71,446,000, an Kansas City Newspaper Woman Tired of Being out of a total of 748, 538 stu­ increase of 49.0 percent over the Stalled Off Appeals for Action Against UNIQUE dents in adult classes, of educa­ corresponding total for 1935." tion on the Works Projects Ad­ * * * Undemocratic Rule Quality Cleaners ministration's slate during April Colored building trades work­ CALL FOR of this year, 165,086 were col- ers employed in the develop­ KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 23 2110 W. Franklin oned. ment oif 138 defense housing —Tired of waiting, Miss Lucile projects have received nearly a Bluford appealed to Governor Terre Haute Visitor They were in the following million and a half dollars in Forrest Donnell to aid her in classes: wages. her fight for admission to the EADES Vocational 1Jra(niing, 13,950; U. of Missouri School of Jour­ Enjoys Sunday Stay literacy, 64,273; naturalization, nalism, it became known Tues­ day. The action was the lastest Mrs. Lillian Bradshaw, 2320 1,156; homemaking and parent SPEND SUNDAY IN Spruce Street,. Terre Haute, In­ education, 24.314; other adult in her efforts which have been HOLSUM HENDERSON waged unrelentingly in the diana was the week-end guest education classes accounted for courts since 1939. of Mrs. Mabel Garrett and Clo- 61,393 adult students. The Elmer Johnson, the James tella Ford on 792 S. Governor New York City reported 4,204 Miss Bluford sent the Gov­ Street. Mrs. Bradshaw was fet­ BREAD Greens and Mrs. Sarah 'Snokie' ernor a telegram Sept. 18 in Dupee spent Sunday in Hender­ which she appealed to him to ed by the local matrons and ex­ son at the home of relatives of use in power to open the doors pressed as having enjoyed the Mrs. Johnson, The James Greens of the State University, which hospitality very much. She at- THE NEW only recently returned from Chi­ have been closed to her because ended the afternoon services at cago where they motored with of her race. Little Hope Baptist Church. CHICKEN Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bell. In the most recent action in Miss Bluford's legal battle, the DRAFT APPLIES TO MEN State Supreme Court ruled that STONE'S COOP Missouri U. was not bound to CONVICTED IN COURT Men who have become 28 years admit her because she had not 436 S. MORTON AVE. '' Registered Watci Mjaker'' Auto Service of age since July 1, this year, properly applied for a course in AT HENDERSON, KY. Guaranteed Expert Repiaring Now Under The MSinagement are liable for military service Journalism at Lincoln U. She On All Swiss and American WASHING Of The Ex-Fuller Brush Man. under the draft, local board contended that she had > applied HENDERSON, Ky., Sept. 22— Watches chief clerks were notified yes­ for the course at the Negro State In the circuit court in session * Country Springer's university, but Hhat there ap­ here, Ellis Buckner, pleaded not and terday. peared no possibility that jour- GENERAL The present law excluded men nlism school would be set up gtuilty at his arrangement on a VICTOR W. * Big Buffalo Fish who were 28 before July 1. The at Lincoln. The court answered storehouse breaking charge, and his case was set for a later date. Plenty of Parking Space men will be required to ans­ to this by stating that Missouri REPAIR wer questionnaires and will be would have to admit her if no Steve Butler recjsived a year RAAB eligible to call until next July school of journalism is set up for stealing chickens. Curtis 1, the clerks were notified'. at Lincoln in a reasonable time. Steadiman has been indicated for In WOODS Drug Store 609 WALNUT ST. States Atty. Gen. Roy MeKit- willful murder in the alleged trick recently held that Feb. 1, fatal shooting of Louis Dixon. SEVENTH and MAIN (Between 6th & 7th Streets) WITHOUT A DOUBT 1942 would be a reasonable time "I AM ALWAYS requirement Quality Merchandise SXTRB OF FINE The Legislature) has appro- pirated $65,000 for the Lincoln that is sure to satisfy LIQUORS w WINES U. School of Journalism and LATEST STYLES 1941-42 Bernard Young, Jr., of the Nor­ YRT'S THE TWO GREAT HATS folk-Journal Guide Masters from "THE "WF • Sheet* Ohio State, is among the lead­ ing candidates for dean of the PLACE HARLEMITE" • &?*»•" • Pillow Cases school if it is organized. DESIGNED BY HOWARD HARLEM'S LEADING HAT STYLIST • Bed Spreads TOO E. WALHUT Miss Thelma Ransom To "•'Blankefts Across rojm Royal Wed In Indianapolis —TABLES FOB COLORED— • Curtains Mrs. Florence Ransom, 2150 INTRODUCING^. Boulevard Place, Indianapolis, 194 is PACE-SETTER "T«C CdfyUA*" Sandwiches, Oysters, • Draperies Indiana announces the marriage HATS IN ALL SIZES—SHIPPED ANYWHERE Writ* for Booklet of HOWARD'S of Miss Thelma Ransom to Paul Chili, Large Glass Ice Complet* Lin* ef 1941-42 Stylu > DUNCAN & SON Foster Jr., Sun., September 28 HOWARD HATS PAT'S at 2946 Paris Ave. A reception Cold Draft Beer 317 WEST 135th ST. Liquor Store will be held immediately after SMART FALL FELT *1U HARLEMITE' Phone 2-2658 DEPT TYI NEW YORK. N Y. , 722 Canal St. 2-7114 the ceremonies.

DOMT yOU DARE FRED ASTAIRE SAYS: SMASH THAT BANH^ ^ &iyr/isrez7ssr. &///#£# Fred Astaire drank leading colas from unlabeled paper cups and voted Royal Crown Cola best-tasting! This cola has won 6 out of 6 group taste-tests. The big 6* bottle holds NOT 1 BUT 2 full glasses.

V en LA C A N A L Bestty TZsli-TittL MARKET ltoyaTCrown Bottling Corp. 273 CANAL ST. Ph. 3-1181 400 N. Main St The News' THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 PAGE FIVE

FRAZIER FRIED PIES 0 'B Rl E N ' S "They're Delicious'' CAR jWASHfNO SERVICE SIMONIZING — POLISHING Compliments of Frazier Pie Company SCR i --5 0 c- WASH 215 CANAL STREET WE DELIVER AT SIEGEL'S LINCOLN Shirts - Trousers For Touchdowns Sweaters - Jackets CHARLIE'S ED D 'S Shoes at Reasonable Prices MIKE'S ALTO SERVICE Radrotor Shop SIEGEL'S 516 WALNUT ST. RADIATORS For Drapes FOURTH & LOCUST Wash 50c; Lubrication 50c SALES and SERVICE Batteries — Welding Polish $2; Simonize $4.50 112 S E. Fourth St. —Open Evenings— Oar Washing & Polishing Work Guaranteed 312-316 Locust • — BUY YOUR — PERRY CAN STOVE PIPE J^M^Mi^M ^^^^^^^S^M^SUK^B^^. ICOAL BUCKETS MARKET SHOVELS QUALITY JOHN EL M0ORE and WINTER Grocery & Meat Market SUPPLIES AT Meats & Poultry 790 LINE STREET FRESH § • GROCERIES * MEATS * FRUITS • POULTRY • VEGETABLES GREWE'S Fruits & Groceries OPENING GAME OF DIAL TWO-FOUR-FIVE-TEN | FAKJCY 18c Store FOR FREE DELIVERY and Saple Groceries THE SEASON 708 £. Walnut St. 101 N.W. 6th Street (for. Linwood & Walnut Dial 2-0778 SATURDAY, OCT. 4 SH I V E LY Enjoy LINCOLN STADIUM and Refreshment BAIZE DRINK BOCK Food Market LINCOLN SHELL SERVICE FINE FOODS!! f|_ L I O N S • GAS « OIL BE PREPARED fm ANY Reasonable Prices VERSUS • LUBRICATION EnfERGENjGY!! John at Governor Washing &! Polishing See A Mammoth JOHN, Our Colored Agent To-Day! Street MURRAY Attendant Always JUST THE POLICY Strives to Please , KY. HIGH MAMMOTH SO DO W{E!! Life & Accident THOSE NEW 8th and OAK STS, Insurance Cc. ADAM HATS A. W. Jenkins, Dis. Mgr. Phone 3-0977 2534 LINCO'LN AVE. ARE PLENTY SHARP! BREAKFAST SUITE SPECIAL 5-Pc. Solid MARKET ABC Oak Suites I Extension Table HARDWARE RADIO, t Continuous Back Post Chairs Paul F. Heinicke, Prop. I White or Natural 126 S.E. 4th St. SERVICE ^j Phone 6565 (Service Since 3.915) \ 95 HARDWARE Corner $ th & CANAL V $19 Phone 2-4957 HOUSEWARE There Is No Substitute CORKER FURNITURE STORE PAINT for Experience" 8th and MAIN PHONE 3-9744 SCHEAR'S STECKLER'S "FOR BETTER SHOE DEPT. MARKET Dt. PAUL A. HARMON k Old Shoes Made GROCERIES -: OPTOMETRIST:- p| VALUES \ MEATS 14 N.W. 3rd STREET CALL 3-0333 Info Toyless APPOINTMENTS iCOME TO THE" f Style VEGETABLES HOURS 8:00 5:30 Zippers Repaired & Replaced ATLAS On Anything $1.00 PHONE SUPREME RADIO SERVICE Shoes Resueded Like New PAUL WURTZ Technician No Rub Off — — — — Dept. Store 2-9243 COMPLETE SERVICE SHOES DYED On Home or Auto Radios. Use Your Charge Account 10th & CANAL STS. Member, Radio Manufacturing Service 803 N. Fulton Ave. 810 SOUTH GOVERNOR TELEPHONE 2-6035 Crescent Cleaners THE FOUR Never Disappoint We Specialieze In INK SPOTS HUDSON'S TAYLOR'S BUD'S Quality Work SCORE AGAIN!! 668 Lincoln, Ph. 6101-6102 THIS TME, WITH • POTATO CHIPS — * CARAMELCRISP SHOE MARATHON THE RECORD • SEASONED POPCORN AND Crescent £ '"#»-.,$ SERVICE "I DONJT WANT Free Delivery BICYCLE CLEANERS Gas, Lubrication, Oil TO SET TIE 8th & Mulberry Dial 3-2501 SHOP Flats Fixed, 25c Bob Wright WORLD ON FIRE" 413 So. EVANS AVE. Seventh & Oak Streets Motor, Inc. AND AUTO HOTEL HEY DOC! GOOD LUCK NEW ERA LIQUOR STORE The Largest Modern On Sale At A*«* 24-Hour Service Station FINE 1 and Storage Oarage LINCOLN WINES — WHISKIES — GINS In The Tri-State SCHUTTLER Pontaic-Cadillac Distributors LIONS "FRIEND TO THE COLORED MAN" 109 S.E, THIRD Music Shop 102 S.E. Fourth St. LEE S. HEIMAS 2-8362 Telephone 8231 18 N.W. 6th St. The Argus Staff PAGE SIX IWllIPlliIPf THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 'We Need Jobs, Too" A Mimi 5;E he would proclaim the next to lfclstt TJhursday in NJ.vemberSN TALENTED RADIO AND NITE the twentieth — Thanksgiving SUFFERS STROKE AT Day CLUB SINGER AT THE PALM He reoprted he had a letter LEGION CELEBRATION Tfae management of the Palm worked with Leroy Scott's fine 'Harlem Conga,' ftatured by fay from the White House saying Hotel Green Boom, has scored aggregation at Cincinnati's Old Ina Ray Hutton's orchestra; that was the day President Fatal Illness taes During Services Prelimin­ again for the thousands of en­ Vienna Restaurant, with| Tiny "Exotic Love" and "On the Mel­ Roosevelt had decided upon and tertainment lovers in Derbyville Bradshaw and his orb at the low Side," now being used by his procalaJM WE HAVE IT J Sun-Rise Cafe Guaranteed' Flower Telegraph 408 S.E. 8th St. 4 6 4 5 419 Lincoln Ave. Service BUIS!lijJ$IJtti1F Free Delivery


USFfl ftARS /IDE SELLING FAST Come and see these The Mercury Actors outstanding values oseph Gotten Dorothy Cominqore Ray Collins George Coulouris while we ran still offer Agnes Moorehead them at these prices. '39 Biriek Sedan REMEMBER YOU CAN STILL BE Radio, white sidewall tires, FINANCED. LET US seat covers. A beautiful black PROVE IT TO YOU THE NEW 1942 car any family will "be proud flffiraifiill DODGE AND PLYMOUTH to own! '38 Plymouth Coach CARS HAVE ARRIVED!! $585 Distinguished grray finish. A very snappy car in appear­ They are far past expectations ance and performance. Drive Come in and allow us to demon '37 De Soto Sedan it! '37 Chevrolet strate these superb Cars to you Sinnig dark finis. Overdrive. $395 A one owner car in fine run­ The car for comfort, economy ning condition. Cared for like '40 Dodge Coupe and performance. As is. a baby—beautiful black de-' Beautiful gray finish, very '37 Packard Sedan luxe model. clean throughout. Mechanical­ $285 Blue finish, appearance and dK ly Bke a new car. motor in A-l condition. A car $365 \sta« 5i/TS^ that is known world over for Jhde only by P^nsi-ColaCompaW.^ $645 '39 Plymouth Coach its quality and performance. Plymouth Beautiful gray finish. Car in Extra special. '371"oac h . . . $350 mm JOC Terraplane tip top shape throughout—at 5^f Pontiac AM E RICA^»Gtliiiraii^iiMi« Coach . . . $225 the surprisingly low price of $365 Sedan ... $375 Chevrolet J Q7 Buick '35 Sedan . . . $475 '40 Pontlac 6 Pass. *' Sedan ... 5«C Plymouth $195 '37 Ford Authorized Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Evansville Sedan .. • Coupe Coupe ... $265 Chevrolet '38 Ford Coach '^T Dodge '36 $250 Clean as a whistle—all we Opalescent ruby maroon fin­ • Coach. . .. $350 THE PAN-AMERICAN TRAIN$HOW Coach ... ish, white sidewall tires. Heat­ JO| Chevrolet Sprt can say is see it and drive Plymouth Will Exhibit in Evansville 2 Days & Nights $ 75 it—an exceptional buy at er. Low milage. '38 Sedan . . . $395 OI Coupe Two Days Only, Sat.-Sun., Sept. 27-28 JOG Pomtiac $245 $395 $625 J*»7 Ford Coach— ff I AC Coupe *• Mechanic's Spec'lV I •»«* ON RAILROAD SIDING AT STH & LOCUST ST. Willys De Soto Miss Virginia X, Life's Strangest '37 .Sedan $175 TRUCK BARGAINS Sedan . 3t F Plymouth DeL $525 Ton J*>7 Dodge 2T190 iS% °rd Model A 0 Livsjig Enigma! '39 Coupe '381 anel $295 •"*• Wheelbase C&C $275 WW Tudor V chevrolet Plymouth DeL $525 'Ifi Studebaker $150 '34 Chevrolet '35 '39 Sedan Dump Pickup $150 $185 Dodge X TOQ Dodge Sedan— QA9E Terraplane $295 Delivery $395 *»' Pickup $265 WW Beautiful Blue. .$*»£»? '37 Coach I'm Dodge >/2" Ton JOQ Dodge Yi Ton '07 Graham Coach Dodge $275 Panel $275 "*•» Panel $395 '36 Sedan ' Mechanic's Spec' $225 Easiest Terms in Town — Liberal Trade Allowance On Your Present Car!

HARTMETZ BROTHERS, i„e. DID YOU EVER SEE A MERMAID? Your Dependable Dodge Dealer Since 1915- Or Whale? Or Penguin, Or Octopus? MAIN & SYCAMORE STS. All Children Under m w% p m 2 p.m. Until 11 p.m. FIFTH & INGLE STS. 14 Years When With f K r t ADM. PHONE 4-4044 Open Evenings PHONE 8021 Adults " "• ™ ™ ADULTS 15o STUDENTS 5c "The News" THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 PAGE SEVEN

policemen j are tops, everyone troit .... she's the houst guests of seems to like them that the McElroy— OTIS WILLING- See This Big Whale, Here! RUBY HENDRICKS did at the HAM and RAYMOND LOVE­ Palm the other dark was first LACE spent the wek-end in rate __GLENN R. seems to- play Naptown. .. .JjAQK ' TAYLOR a lot here of late wonder and MARIE JONES seem to be why? __ BEN and MARTHA that way about each other. are that way about each other— with park strolls, movie dates, LEROY HUGHES is one of the GET OUT OF HERE AND day 'totier dark and after al­ etc. another romance 1jhat Avenue's playboys . . LOUISE GET ME SOME MONEY, TOO most gettin' on the tipsy side, should prove interesting. JENNINGS' new hair do is com­ If you want to be on the safe walked away wit lithe juice pletely snazzy . take' her to side of security when the pres­ ALICE WHITMAN, former tn- YOU ARE INVITED and wel­ come up with the very becom­ ent crisis almnst does a fade- tertai'ner at the Green Room come to inspect the clean sani­ ing and beautiful creatjons in out, 'twould be a fine idea to cards that she's up Chicago way tary and very modern kitchen that line she's a beautician start buying Defense Stamps— and having a swell time AR- of the Bill's" Grill at Lincoln you know . . should hear the when you have purchased enough NETTiA SHAUNTEE is now 'and Governor. .. their meals and CHRISTINE McFARLAND to buy one of the $18.75 United swing tray slinger at Palm and are plenty tasty, too. . . MARY rave over the fine times they States Savings Bonds, go to the KATIE BLUE at Bud's LIL- LOU is the swing tray slinger-_ had in Naptown when, the MME. •nearest post office or bank. LIE MAE LEWIS is doing the they are going for that COOK'S C. J. WALKER graduates were This bond will mean. $25 to you spots in St. Looey. MOZETTA ALE in Bill's, too very deli­ in session .. . JO . JO is sport­ .in. only a few years from pur­ is, spending several weeks here cious. ing a new straw with 3 little chase date. ere she leaves for Naptown. red band now .that Mary is leaving he will have to find an­ HAROLD "Pepsi-Cola" DAVIS "SONNY" WHARTON was WE ALL LOVE the way that other to address those inng is playing heavy these days ... "scirching" love letters and sonc feteWj with a party on his natal Marion Robinson "sends" Sinky orbed him at the Palm 'tother Hendricks by torching his new­ those boxes of candy .... of (dark along| with a very fine course he could send them to est number," "THINKING" and queen from Henderson, so they making mention of the composer school. .. .would always be wel­ told me . . BEi|FORD "iSinky" comed there, especially w. < • . . . .we all are a bit dumb about HENDRICKS was stag-ing last 1 such things in Dertoyrville__we y.iur head is buried "Knee-Dee: " few blacks ago --wonder why? m .11 st them many books don't believe in helpini an en­ . JAMES "Poor Jim" TATE tertainer by giving local talent was very much on the courtesy the had it so justly deserves,. side a few blacks, back. . could FRANCES MAYS looks just Marian is simply wow-ing the it have been the spirits that that snappy in that brown felt patrons at the Green Room of aided and abeted so??? __ ROY hat. wonder could her heart be the Palm Hotel with her night­ ELDRIDGE, that .horn tootin in Ft. Leonard Wood in Mo.?. . ly .chirping. . . she tjerrific-ingt- wizard is burning up the air GENE, MALONE gets the nod for ly solid and ho!!! lanes as regular trumpet being Derbyville's neatest and man with Gene Kruppa, big best togger. . . net to the ex­ BETHEL TATE IS SPORTING time fay band now appearing treme yet very much in style . A NEW CHEVY, he's at the Troc nightly in America's most beau­ JIMMY NORMAN is just that now .. BEATRICE "SWITCH- tiful nitery, Hollywood's Palla­ way aboua Martha McDowell of Providence, Ky., -_. . MEZZIE IE" Ford fell out in an outfit dium in the land of "honey". . . . Colifornia to you. McELROY is doing a fine job of the other week that would plastering in those Lincoln Gar­ knock your eyes out . . she's a dens apartment. .. .CELES and tray ' siger at the Palm Hotel LAUGH OF THE, WEEK. .__ PETE seem not to be able to MARY JULIA WILSON she walked into a small business f01 get those fine times of youre leaves for school this week-end firm and asked to use the phone --..but what's a little talking?? . .. .goes back to Tennessee State .... when the request was * * * where she has a few more se­ granted, she asked the manager OLE MAN BAD LUCK seems Pictured above is "Collossus" cust T3t. mester hours' work where she re­ to step outside as she wished monster 68-ton whale measuring The mammoth show with ceives the shepskin.._good luck to engage in a private conversa­ to be doggih. the tracks of DAVID ]|jr]ieet_ in. length, as she was be­ many other sights and wonders Itoya Mary;--..all Derbyville tion, .the firm is 'only a one- GEE, former Hotel McCurdy ing take from the water Long including a giant octopus, polar be rooting forya. .. .ARTHRENE room affair. waiter. .. .he lost his mother and Beach, California, last Septem­ penguins, a trained flea circus will take he place at Bud's Lin­ father back in the spring, only ber. The large hofet is shown in which regular dog and cat va­ DOUBLE; a few days apart and he has suf­ lifting the mammoth creature coln Tap Room as tay slinger. riety of fleas perform almost un­ A FEW I EX-EVANSVILiLE fered another stroke.... he's out of the water_ in order to place believable stunts and numerous MUSICIANS REGINALD Louisville RUBY'S cute it on a specially^ constructed other odities will be continuous JOHN ROWLAND, ANDER- EMMETT is totin' his trumpet railroad car which Ii~"now mak­ from 2 p. m. until 11 p. m. and ALLEN, LAWRENCE MARTIN, with an aunt about 20 miles from ing a trans-continental tour and all children 14 years old and un­ up Detroit way CLARENCE daughter from Cliarksville was James Day and. Frank seem to ROSE is doing a totin act in the will be in Evansville for a 2 day der will be admited free when ac­ to be big buddies.... they ' are in the city the other week.... and night engagement Saturday companied with adultas. After A GREAT DRINK same city • • • he's a trumpet man DICK TYLER and JOANNA have and Sunday, Sept. 27-28 on the closing in Evansville Sunday playing the spots too. .__ INA WILLIAM "Bill" OSBORNE railroad siding at Eighth and Lo- VERN DUNSCOMB fcs a school come to the parting of the ways night the show wil Imove to A MIGHTY FLAVOR is cornet tootin for Uncle Sam­ ....she's in K. Y We must Henderson, Ky., for showing merm in North Carolina now. . uel in the army as is RUBIN Monday and Monday night. WILLIAM STUBBERLEFIELD (even though it's late) extend REEVES. ness "while in Chicago over LEAVES THIS WEEK FOR our heartfelt sympathy to SAM Buy It By the Case or * * * three hundred Evansville ac­ TENN. STATE....The two new iand! JAMES McBRTDE oft the DAVE'S in town. .. .has been quaintances called on him" Cartoon From your Dealer I loss of their dad several weeks to Detroit.._.BOOKER PAULEi ago They still go for Dade's a tribute to his personality, abi­ CALL FOR is ism Dayton, Ohio The ROB­ nergers with distinction at 607 lity and knack of getting along ERT "Bob" LAMBERT'S home So. Elliott Street. with everyone he's; stopping HI AI FOR DRUGS OF ALL KINDS on .Bellemeade near Elliott is a ames9 w with Mrs. Childers on Belle­ w* »**•*+ PRESCRIPTION A SPECIALTY dream MRS. j WILLIAM * * * meade, EADES * * * FRANKLIN merits en orchid for Spied two M. B. C. deacons WMM HORNER'S the way she togs. ... only the playng Satdee dark. .—For a I'm drilling Jack and will pick CRUST 3-0101 6TH AND OAit STREETS latest styles.. MRS. BEULAH real good common sense conser­ up on you next week. SPRINGER is visiting from De­ vation, talk to LEE WARE, ace The Optic. shoe man at the SHOE HOSPI­ CORN TAL some time. the lad is DOUBLE COLA ... now that deep and talks on conservations school has started, you will see of great interest. .. his work at refrigerators in all homes where BREAD there are school children filled the Hospital is equally worthy h ottles of a r ™ T^T "g eat drink"— of praise ... try him sometime. DOUBLE COLA . . . it's so re­ freshing with a sandwich or with TOMMY POWELL is much that noon-day meal . . , after improved, he's on crutches but school it peps you up. getting arounld well. .__ TONY MARTIN'S "Intermezzo" is get­ ting heavy plays in Bud's Lin­ coln Tap Room as is Falls City's new Dragon Ale .. . try them both some time you'll get your kicks!!! ... CECELIA "GOOD TR" JOHNSON is in town lock­ ing finer than ever . . she's spent the time doing the hot spots in Loujsvillet Nashivlle, I Owens- boro, St. Louis, Cincinnati Chi­ cago, Indianapolis, Detroit and his home, now.

PROFESSOR COOPER, form­ er dean of music at Linvoln High School is now in the city after IfkittSmut spending more than thre years in Chicago . . he's here on busi- LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS MILLERS Phone 6256 • WINE HENDERSON JPH. 24811 • LIQUOR ICE CREAM NEWBURCiH PH. 63561 • GIN DIAL 2-1166 • BRANDY Before Coal Prices Advance!



• FOUR STAR SPORTS * DE-JARNETT SCORES TWICE TO LEAD HATCHETS TO VICTORY Harmon Tallies To Help All Derbyville's Pulling for Billy Team Roll Up 21 Points WASHINGTON—Coach Marion Crawley's Hatchets continue to 'Joe Louis Over Nova set a terrific pace on the grid­ iron with "pigskin-toting" De­ Jarnett leading the packs with the aid of two long strong arms and legs and a powerful drive. He's the same DeJarnett who plays a 'whale of ^a game' on the In 5 Rounds^- Williams basketball court. In the game other star, was crossing the line with Dugger here this week, he Welterweight Contender i tallied twice while Harmon, an- weight division and Chalky danger of getting hurt. by the two sepia aces were the Wright, California, in the Says Champ is Rested Fighting Too Often? \'- for another. These touchdowns featherweight division. Lou) "Another realty "for jjjpe's' ]png- only scores with the exception of GREENWOOD LAKE, N. Y — Nova, White who faces Joe winded fights "may be due to a score by Wolfe of Dugger. Holman Williams, one of the Louis September 29 at the Polo the fact that he has been fighing country's leading welterweights, The Dugger team was no grounds, is listed as the No. 1 too often. It's all right for a lit­ match for the Hatchets and had has boxing once a month as he heavyweight contender, with tle man to fight once a month only a 14-6 look-in at the half. has been with Joe Louis, world's Billy Conn, also white, in sec­ or so, but a big fellow. Joe has Dugger (6) ' Washington (21) heavyweight champion, since the ond place. No. colored fighters no business boxing once a month day when Joe dropped his vio­ Wolfe LE Harmon are listed in the bantamweight as he has been doing ..this year. lin and donned the boxing gloves Dunder LT Farris and fliywuiig'hft divisions.. You will see the difference in That was in 1923. Dicks C Howard him when he fights Nova." Moody C Fitzpatrick Colored fighters listed in the Borders RG Lett ranking are: Therefore, there probably is "He has had more than three no one better able to ju'dge the Harlon RT Barber Hcavywelight i months rest and came into 'the Boone RE Iflttel Joe Louis of the past and the. training camp ready to work Watkins QB Madden Champion: Joe Louis, De­ fellow who will meet Lou Nova troit. Outstanding boxers: Lem hard. He did a lot of roadwork, Rowe LH Hochgesang in the 19th defense of the title which is the secret of his great Butler RH DeJernett Frankljjn, Illinois. Honorable BILL HILLENBRAND, shown sity, the team on which he plays, in the on Septem­ stamina and endurance. His in practice stride is hailed as one meets Detroit U. in Bloomington. Walters FB Crane mention:. Albert Dovell, Argenr ber 29th. of the best sophomore halk backs The big 190-pounder "kicked Dugger - 0 6 0 0—6 tina; Buddy Walker, Ohio; Ros- mental s'tate is fine and that of .the 1941 Western conference up a lot" of dirt, dust and mud Washington — 7 7 0 7—21 coe Toles, Michigan; and Har­ "Joe is juist as good today as and enduranceis something im. eyes on this big ex-Memorial in the eyes of would be tacklers Scoring touchdowns — Wash­ ry Bobo, Pennsylvania. he ever was," a sserts Lotus' is something important to an crop. All Derbyville has its in season past at Bosse Field, ington; DeJarnett 2, Harmon. constant companion. athlete. s£ar and will be pulling for "Bil­ Saturday is the season's opener Dugger—Wolfe. Lightweight for the Hoosiers. "Slipping. I can't see it. I'd ly" to lug- some pigskin a-plenty Extra points — Washington: Logical contender: Booker "He hasn't changed a bit in Saturday when Indiana Univer­ Photo Courtesy. Courier. Madden, Hochgesang, Wimmen- form or boxing skill or hitting know if he were. I watch for that hauer. Beckwith Illinois; Jimmy Biv- period of retrogression in him. e«s„ OhyiC. Outstand-ing: Mose ability and I look for him to beat Officials: Referee, Springer; Nova in about five rounds. Just You know every fighter has his umpire, Pointer; head linesman, Brown, Pennsylvania;! Honor- of $21,822 to see the show. because several of Joe's oppon­ favorite punch. Joe has his. Roy Robinson Promoter Mike Jacobs after to­ Bradley. California, When I see him missing with able mention: Oscar Rankin, ents have been going along with nights bout began laying plans Joe, is no reason to judge him it and getting hit, then '!%• know K. O.s Shapiro to move Robinson into a light­ NBA Rankings Include Middleweight as being on the downgrade. he its going back. What that weight title shot agafinst the win­ Honorable mention: George Relied on Punch punch is, I will not reveal, but In Third Round ner of the forthcoming bout be­ Many Colored Battlers Burnette, Michigan; Ezzard Ohas. I will say that Joe's left is his NEW YORK, Sent. 20 — Ray tween Lew Jenkins who holds WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.^ Ohio. "When Joe tfirs't started and better hand His left jab alone Robinson, Harlem lightweight, the New York state commision's (ANP)— The National Boxing Welterweight rolled up those jigtime kayoes, is better than 9-10ths o£\ the knocked out Maxie Shapiro local sanction as champion, and Sammy association released its annual Logical | contencer: ] Holman he was a killer, who relied en­ heavywejahit fighters' y.rijghts. east sider, in the third round Angott of Louisville and Wash­ ranking of fighters Wednesday Williams, Michigan. Outstanding: tirely on his punch. But with "I've seen hi mstop many Jg big in Madison Square Garden last ington, Pa., who is recognized in competiti|oni wiflh the New Louis. Kid.. Cocoa, -Conneticut. the passing of time he learned fellow with the big gloves in the night for his 24th straight vic­ by the National Boxing associa­ York association's ratings, some Honorable mention: Richard Po­ boxing and has cme to resort gym with it"_ tory as a professional. tion. of who were not rated very lite, California. to the science of game for vic­ "You're right." broke in Jack Held fairly even in the first high by the NBA. Many color­ Lightweight tories rather than on brute Blackburn. "Joe is the fastest itaund, (Robinson floored1 his SIX IN AUTO THEFT ed fighters are included in the Logiteal contender: Bobby force. hitter I ever saw with either list most of them being logical stumpy rival twice in the second Six youths were arrested Wed­ Montgomery, Pennsylvania; Cal­ "Joe's style, which is not fan­ hand and he's doing everything and had him on the canvas twice nesday in connection with the tenders for the various, titles, ifornia Jack Wilson, California; just right." theft of an automobile belong­ outstanding boxers, or receiv­ cy, I'll admit, does not impart more in the third before Referee. Ray Robinson, New York. Hon­ to the average fight fan that he Arthur Donovan stepped1 in and ing to Mrs. Louis Brown. 4011 ing honorable mention. Enright avenue. orable mention: Willie Joyce, Il­ is clever. But he is. He bides, stopped the bout ater 2 minutes Booker Beckwith of Illinois linois. his time to take his man, which At Ala. State 4 seconds of that round, with and Jimmy Bivens Ohio, were Featherweight is no reason to .write him down Shampiro helpless against the i GOOD WASHING WINS GOOD-WILL! held to be the leading contend­ Logical contender: Chalky as a fellow who has lost his ropes in his own corner. ers for the lightweight cham­ Wright, California; Outstanding: punch. He hits hard and often It was the 20th knockout the pionship, with Bobby Montgom­ Pittsburgh Jackie Wilson, Penn­ now, where he used to rely on Negro boxer has scored in his QUALITY ery, Pennsylvania listed| as a sylvania. Honorable mention: one blow to end it all. In doing String of 24 triumphs since he possible contender in the light- George Pace, Ohio. that he minimizes his own left the amateurs only last Octo­ LAUNDRY ber. and A crowd of 11,945 paid a gross DRY CLEANING QUALITY 1007 W. Maryland St. HAIRCUTTING

By JULIUS W. HOLDER mage work on the gridiron Wed­ games and was he good!! WVUVWWVWAWY%MJWW"WV.. (Guest Writer) nesday and Thursday and from Lincoln's Football Schedule "Dusiy" Decker was in town my observations the above men­ Sept 27 ' Open over the week end from MCCor- tioned information was gathered. Oct. 4 — Murray, Ky. (there. mick Creek State Park and asked Several others showej fan (Night) that' I take over for him this promise to turn in some sterling Oct. 10 Cairo, HI. (there) week . . so here 'tis. power and drive in Coach Niles' Oct. 18, Sumner, St. Louis (here> * * * campaigM for football supremacy (Night) MARSHALL TYLER, member Ccach Ned Niles', fresh from in the tri-state school area. Oct. 24, Clarksville, Tfenn. (there) of the '41 graduating class of a summer's sojourn in the far Martin and Robinson at the Oct. 31. Pearl, Nashville. Tenn.. Lincoln high school has matricu­ East, to , his home town terminal positions looked good— (there) lated at Alabama State Teachers BY 2 ACE BARBERS to be exact, is back at the post Charles "Little " Turpin. Joe Nov. 7, Columbia, Tenn. (there) Co.'Hege /in MonJgfcmery, Ala­ and is "whipping" up a squad "Big" Williams, Lovelace and Nov, 15, Henderson, Ky. (herei bama. Mr, Tyler is a star athlete JACK WILLIAMS of Purple and Gold warriors who Barrett at quarter, guards and (Night) and won letters for his prowess TED CRAWFORD should do some very fine "romp­ half, respectively, all played Nov. 20, Paducah, Ky. (here) on the gridiron and cinder paths ing" for Lincoln this season. stellar roles and may see a lot (Thanksgiving Mlorning, 10 a He played in the back feild and Lincoln Lions lost the follow­ of action in the regular lineup m ) ran the 100 and 200 yard dashes DeLUXE ing last June: guards, Hubert of the Lions this season. Bundy in record time. and Lawrence, two "swell" backs FROM THE LAND OF SPORTS Barbry, and Charles Alston, J. O. "Rooster" Coffee is gun­ Tonsorial Parlor centers, Marcellus Stepp and Cla­ may surprise a lot of people. 421 Lincoln Ave. Williams at tackle, Matthews at ning for a terminal post on the rence Fields; tackles, Clarence Univ. of Indiana's football team. Lou Montgomery Loekett, Benjamin Caines and guard and Perry Smith at center William Whittaker; backs, Car­ were other good players. Bundy's Bill Hillenbrand, the fay flash rol Killibrew and Marshal Tyler. kicking will aid the Lions great­ of two season's ago at Memorial ly, he's getting off around 40 is being primed by Bo McMillin To Coach Pros In spite of these losses this yards average—Coates,. Yates as Indiana's passer this season. BOSTON—Big league football column predicts that the Lions and George Turpin will also do . . . Booker Beckwith, heavy-hit­ will have a team, even superior comes to Boston with a bang 1 some kicking. ting Gary battler is matched with to the "eleven* that carried the with the debut of Lou Mant- DERBYVILLE'S '40 colors of Purple and Gold. Turpin hasn't been doing very Bob Pastor for a fight in Chi­ gomiery's Blackhawks, Boston's Coach Niles will have George much as he is rapidly recover­ cago November 7. *** The an- only all colored pro team. The Turpin,' triple threat, Prentis ing from injuries suffered this ual Tuskegee-Wilberforce football Blackhawks are backed by Bjetthel, hard running fullback;, summer near Chicago, but he's game ill be held in Soldier Field Montgomery and the equally fa FAVORITE" Leroy Yates, a more than fair expected to be in the lineup for in Chicago. Friday night October mous Jones Brothers of theatri­ passer, fair kicker and a very the first tilt with Murray, Ken­ 10 at 8:30 o'clock. *** Kenny Washington, the sepia flash from cal fame, both of whom will sweet runner and ball toter par- tucky the first Saturday in Oc­ take active parts in the playing excellent, Matchem, a good end tober. This will be the curtain tne Univ. of California at Los Angeles is the father of a son schedule as wass as the managerial and pass snatcher, Israel Jones, raiser for the Lions- in Lincoln end. a hard line-smashing tackle and Stadium. named, Kenneth Stanley Washing­ captain in a number of 1940 Miller has moved up from last ton, Jr., born last week. *** First Lou Montgomery) former Bos­ games, William "Buck Jones" year's second team and is show­ odds show Joe Louis 11-5 choice ton College star as coach, and Smith, a fast end that you'll hear ing marvelous improvement . . . to survive the "cosmic punches" Maxwell Jones as one of the line and read a lot about. should get the regular center of Lou Nova ... but there are coaches assisting them will be McFarland is showing up well position. Yates' kicking, passing chances that the price will be Spike Corbin, last year All at tackle while Skinner is play­ SSi3 running should be almost slashed as support for Nova is American colored tackle from ing a whale of a game at guard. perfect by the time the squad growing or the publicity is just West Virginia State college. Miller's playing at center should tangles with the Kentuckians - that good. **** Don't forget to prove quite helpful to the Lions he was shifted from end to the tune in on the Louis- Nova fight The blackhawks will boast of a in their championship drive— backfield. He was "dynamite" Monday night. line average of 230 pounds and good on defense and poison on at the terminal post last year . . with' a list of former high school, offense. Warfield should prove it seems that a shortage of good Lucius Jones, sports editor for college, semi-pro and! pro stars, good at guard with a little more backs forced the change .... the SNS gives his predictions on and will offer the public a brand "•polishing up ". Maurice Coates Yates, if kept at the backfield the outstanding grid teams of the of football from the Rockne sys­ is a bit slower than last year, position should prove even: better year: tem which Montgomery learned maybe its because of the in­ than George "Peter Rabbitt" ..CIAA—Morgan, J. C. Smith, A. so well at B. C. under Frank creased poundage—with a little Barrett (Spare the bricks read­ & T., and Licoln, with Va. State Leahy.1 rwb down and a bit more exer­ ers) a threat. cise he should be Coach Niles' SIAC—Morris Brown, Florida, The greater part of the Black­ answer to a prayer for an excel­ Jack Willis, the mighty Lin­ coln Municipal gridder of the Alabama, and Lane with Le Moyne hawks' schedule will be played lent qjuarterbacik Smalling is and Tuskegee bearing watching. home and against such teams as running rather "sweet" in the past three seasons ' has been as­ backfield. sisting Coach Niles . . . Jack Midwest—Kentucky State, Wil- the New York Brown Bombers, played with Charles "Dusty" beforce. Newark Bears, Paterson Pan­ I got a chance to peek In as Deckjer's Merchant Bomibjerg' Southwest — Southern, Texas, thers and Providence Steam the lads were doing some scrim­ eleven last fall, in two or three Langston, Prairie View. Rollers, best in pro teams