PAGE 26 EVENING TIMES (PHOS’E CHERRY 8800) Sports Grosso’s Brings sss and NHL Title Wings 2-1 Win Recruit’s Bat Wood Chopping Holds Key to Helps Hal White Over Leafs Adds* Tigers’ Success to Purses By LEO MACDONELL Gain Condition 1500 (enifman, will be left Iwmi 12 - EVANSVILLE. March Rv LF.O MACDONELL when the Wings leave tonight The Tiger* ’his \cai present the Jimmy la still nurs- EVANSVILLE, lnd. March 12 for Toronto. mange tis having to ing an Injured knee and Manager Taking a leaf from the •Ife* *5/ o’B W depend on a recruit lor the condi-| Jack Adams believes an extra honing hook of Jack Dempsev and; day's rest will be helpful. It Is teams success in the coming other famous fighters. Hal hoped he’ll be able to play Sun- American League race Whitej topped job in a day here. is l>e- off a winter’s Dick Wakefields bat Rome. N. Y., war riant by spend- to he By LEWIS H. WALTER lieved ing a 10-dav vacation chopping the key to wood in the Catskills. Champions again! the s for- eluh So. the handsome young right- It was a golden puck Don tunes hander reported to Steve O’Neill Grosso slashed into the Toronto This is herr today tops physically for the, As Maple Leafs’ net with less than unique. >tart of , which far as ll get* under way officially Monday five minutes to go at Olympia last known, it i* O'Neill is expecting big things night to give the Red Wings a the time first of the quiet, efficient flinger who 2-1 victory over the in the annals the Tiger champions. big league worked under new man-j of ager Buffalo coming to The goal gave Detroit the Na- at before **" baseball that the Detroit eluh. White had a HT J W s i' tional Hockey League champion- a major ¦ W do/en victories against as many ship for the first time in six years. league r lub losses last .season. He compiled a It meant probably SSOO to each had to depend on a freshman to respectable 2.90 earned run aver- member of the Detroit team as lead them out of the bushes. age the difference between first and club* The fortunes of other Tiger White was the third Tiger, second money in the playoff pool. and of the Yankees and the Red pitcher to reach camp. Hal Wan- And it gave a tremendous lift Sox. for instance, have depended ders and Tommy Bridges have to 10,750 fans who had watched on the achievements of Hank preceded him. Al L'nser, catcher, the Red Wings come from behind Greenberg and Joe DiMaggio also reported today. to catch their most hated rivals. and Ted William*. After being confined to an office. Detroit has three more games, Never has the bat of a raw Rridges spent practically all of his in which It could have edged out recruit been so heavily counted jtime in Lakeland, Fla., playing the Bruins for the title upon in preseason speculations. golf and acquired a fine coat of with a single victory. But the The war. of course, has twisted (tan. He looked fit and ready for, Red Wings weren’t taking any baseball out of shape, taking hi* fourteenth consecutive season chances with this one. such hitters as Greenberg. Di- with the Tigers. They had to win only one game Maggio. Williams and Ramev While he expects to have a siz- in four from Toronto last year to McCoskv out of the national able squad of players, O’Neill win the Stanley Cup. Remember game. pastime for the bigger wondered today if Bosse Field, ISCAL CHANCES ' the ! ¦'- ; new training park here, w-ould '>w®:s^^w^ 'r, / 5.;i- ;*¦;; «•y-*-'- Hlutk^P&r '¦g Lose Best Hitter he fit for practice Monday. It was Only chance was their usual covered with water and mud to- forecheeking-up-the-ice style of The loss of MrCosky. now day. play, leaving Johnny Mowers hack awaiting call from the navy, there in solitary grandeur with took from the Tigers their best his V’ezina Cup dreams. As a re- hitter of 1941’. While he did not Inter-Church Athletic sult they spotted the desperate, quite reach the .300 mark in De- Association Basketball driving Leafs a goal in the first troit's collection of weak stick- period when Billy (the Kid) Taylor Barney was tops among his Plavoff* in thr*c division* of th* Inter popped out with the puck, evaded ers. Church Athletic Association Basketball colleagues. Rudy York, nominally Oivlalon will be started tomorrow in the Joe Carveth's all-out poke check hitter, was far gymnasium of the Downtown YIfCA. ( Carveth, Eddie inside the Detroit blue line and better than a .300 The schedule la aa follow* Jubilant Red Wings, new National Hockey title in six seasons. Top row. Jack Adams, Aimas, spare goalie; Joe below caliber. OirU: 7.oo—Hop* Reformed v*. Metro- next Carl Wares; next row, Les Douglas. Jack Stewart, rambled 30 feet through the clear University politan M K League champions, celebrate in their dressing Alex Motter, Jimmy Orlando; row, to score on a Thus, ~B beautiful backhand the kid from - Men: Claaa ” * :00 Highland Park Wings Liscombe, Harry Watson, Mud Bruneteau, Sid Syd Howe, Johnny Mowers; bottom row, of —via Beaumont—is Bapttat va. Boulevard Temple Method!*' room. All those grins mean the beat shot after feinting Mowers to the »