"Discrimination In Unions Must Go" Allen Tells Labor Group So. Indiana's Derbyville Only Colored Just Gabbin' Newspaper From the Pen Sports Servingl 0,000 Perusals Readers 'Other Features" VOL. 4 — No. 10 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 FIVE CENTS To Study At Provident Two Los Angeles Aircraft Firms Open Doors {To Skilled Workers Defense Co-Ordinotor Long, Hard Fight Ends In Success For Group Addresses State Body LOS ANGELES, Calif, long, hard fight to get qualified Police Dept. skilled workers in the Lockheed 11111111 At Central Labor Union and Vega Aircraft companies has The young legislator who was come to an end. .jgathe efforts HM in the limelight and one of the Bond Plan Halted of local organizations have been Separate V.F.W. Post \ during the sessions of the 1941 crowned with success—the two BHR To Be Installed State's most important persons An order issued by Acting companies have agreed to open Idiana Legislature was the man Police Chief Norman Hjope their doors to skilled workers of Fred HarVey, prominent at­ of the hour Thursday morning, as denies members of the Police all races. ,S,<HS8 Department authority to accept ?T* torney of Gary, Indiajna and he made a plea for the delegates This statement was made by wiPi staff officer of the department to the Indiana State Federation cash guarantees for a prisoner's appearance in court. George A, Beavers, Jr., presi­ of Indiana, V.F.W., and mem­ of Labor to practice true demo­ dent of the Allied- Organizations ber of other posts in the dis­ cracy and help save the thou­ The order was issued Tuesday ;'adJter a Kentucky traffic violator Against Djscriminatioin in Na­ trict will be in attendance at sand of jobless, colored Skilled tional Defense. Local circles feel and unskilled workers in the failed to appear in City Court the installation services of the that' the appearand of repre­ Hoosier State. and it was learned he had been -Jf colored post of the Veterans of sentatives of the OPM'S Em­ Foreign Wars in the Coliseum J. Chester Allen, author of released after posting $25 with the Police Department: ployment Service on the coast Thursday evening. House Bill 445, which was des­ some time ago was M deciding The ritualistic team of Post tined to outlaw all discrimination City Clerk'Spahn has omplain- ed for some time that cash guar­ factor in the "about face" tactics 1114, headed by Commander on defense propects was the of the personnel directors of the Curtis E. Cross, white, will assist speaker of the boor at the antees §fisted with police do not 'destitute a bond, and that no two companies. Robert. Weaver, in the institution with John H. morning session of the Federa­ p&ttonalljy known le^htoltoiypnent; tion of Labor meet at the Central legal record can be kept in his Strange, white? acting as intalla- expert, was among/'^he group Labor Union auditorium Mr. office of such transactions. After tion officer. of four OPM men who were sent Merville A. Ray, white, will Allen is colored activities co­ the Tuesday incident City Judge ordinator of the Indiana Defense Rice ordered that bonds be made to Los Angeles. Every known serve as instituting officer at the pressure device was utilized by s*rvi£es-which will start at eight Commission. •through the clerk's office as speelfield by law. Mr. Beavers and his organization o'clock. The new post was or­ He pointed out that organ!-' to force the heads to employ a • ROSE MAXIE, daughter of is a graduate of Lincoln high ganized by James O. Eaton, Ray zations and others have charged Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson 1 more democratic policy in re- school and was one of the hon­ and Strange. that employers and unions are £urtain Shop Leases jgjards to thp policy of hiring will leave Septembers 30 for or students in the 1940 grad­ discriminating against ' colored Chicago where she will study at skilled workers. uating class. Mrs. Carrie Porter Passes workers and prohibiting them Construction is now under After Presdd/Knt Roosevelt's the Provide^"* j.*?Hospital and She had planned to leave last •from obtaining employment in .way on the room at the corner Training School for nurses.;) She executive order barring diseri- year but was not old enough. Sunday After Short Illness defense industries. "I appeal to of Seventh and Main belonging miraafion against anjf, person on you to set aside any disrimina- to the Cook Realty Company account of race, color or creedi Mrs. Carrie Porter, 63, 1016 tory rules or provisions directly where an attractive vitrolite Walnut Street died Sunday af­ Lockheed' distributed a memo­ or indirectly debarring Negroes front will be installed with mod­ ter a short illness. randum to all executives ban­ HEADS OF JOBS MARCH from employment membership ern windows, .this will be the Surviving are: daughters. Mrs. ning discrimination on the in your unions or apprenticing new home of the Curtain Shop, Cecilia Buckbalter Chicago, Mrs grounds of race in employment GROUP TO CHICAGO in your trades," he told the fed­ €15 Main street. arfd a notice to thaV*effect has Thelma Fffeefe, Hjabbardsville, eration. Ky., and Miss Elenor Porter, W. R. Sheffer, proprietor, said been posted on all/the firm's Plans are afoot to stage a huge Evansville, and a sister, Mrs. He asked that while America the new location would give bullentini boards. Lack of Books public meeting by the March-on- Xaura Marshalls, Hebtaardsville, is calling for skilled labor to i about four times the space. In­ The National Association for Washington Committee in Chica­ man the defense program, hun-• direct lighting and backgrounds the Advancement of Colored Bothers Schools go Sunday, Sept. 28, for the pur­ dreds of thousands of trained will be installed in the first People, the Urban League, the pose of making a report to the colored workers are either not. floor. Education, temporarily hamp­ Nation in the midwest. JOmS THE U.S. NAVY California Eagle, the Los Angeles employed or employed on un­ A much larger stock of drap­ ered by lack oj textbooks the The meeting will be under the Lilbert H. Gregory, 308 Belle- sentinel,, and a white daily also skilled jobs. eries and floor covering and an first two week of school, will be­ auspices of the Chicago Division meade avenue left Tuesday for supported the drive to get col­ Governor Schricker addressed interior decorating studio will be gin ineamest this week. of the March- on- Washington Indianapolis. He has enlisted for ored employed at the two air­ the body in the afternoon session. added at the new location. Superintendent J. Ralph Irons movement, whose local Director the regular Navy. craft firms. has been assured that many is Dr. Charles Wesley Burton. Speakers on this occasion will textbooks for us in both elemen­ include A. Philip Randolph, Na­ tary grades and high schools tional Director of the March-on- which were not available when Washington Committee; Walter school opened will reach book White, Secretary of the National Russian Air Force Match for Germany stores here this week. Association for th Advancement Reason given him by bock cor­ of Colored People; Lester B. porations for the delay in ship­ Granger, Assistant Executive Noted Air Expert Says ments is shortage of ink and pa­ Secretary of the National Urban per. League; Mr. M. P. Webster, First ENROLLMENT IS BELOW International Vice-President of Elementary school languages the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Reds Hare A-1 Corps books, and Latin textbooks be­ Porters and a member of the Pre­ The Luftwaffe has met its there are a lew domestic prod­ AVERAGE IN SCHOOL gan arriving in small quantities sident's Fair Employment Prac­ matcn in Kussia's air force, with ucts." Total enrollment in the city Wheeler 388 381 Saturday, with more expected the tice ommittee; Mr. Earl B. Dick- more tnan 31,000 sturdy, well- American planes or 1 modifica­ public schools at the close of tions form a large part of the Lincoln elementary 792 727 first of the week. erson of Chicago's Aldermanic built fighting planes, declared classes Friday was 15,260, com­ Third Avenue 196 211 Board and also a member of the James L. H. Peck, famous war Red air army, he discloses in the pared to 15,395 at the end of the leatured Flying and Popular President's Fair Employment flyer and observer, in an ex­ last school year in June, Super­ Total — — — 10,058 9,912 DRAMATIC SOPRANO IN clusive article in the October is­ Aviation ajticle. Vultee attack Practice ommittee An invitation intendent Ralph Irons announced Grand Total — 15,395 15,260 has been sent to Mr. Mark Eth- sue of the well-informed Flying planes ana a Russian modifica­ yesterday. REIOTAI AT LIBERTY ridge, Chairman of the Fair Em­ and Popular Aviation magazine. tion of a Vulture are used as dive bombers; a somewhat smaller The five high schools have a Miss Anna Catherine Lewis, ployment Practice Committee to "It may well turn out that total enrollment of 5,348, a gain Delivers Emancipation dramatic soprano was presented address the meeting. Stalin's ace in the hole is his adaption of a Douglass D. C.-3 is used as a bomber, and the of 11 over last year, and the ele­ Address At Rockport in recital at Liberty Baptist great reserve strength of capable mentary schools have an enroll­ Church, Friday, Stptember 12. pilots," Peck predicts, adding backbone of • the Independent ROCKPORT —(Sept. 22) — Bombing Force are the heavy ment of 9,912, a loss of 146.
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