What statement about the protonema is false? a. It is haploid b. It is photosynthetic c. The develops from it d. It is the product of a germinated spore e. It is a chain of cells that forms a stage of a bryophyte life cycle protonema is haploid phase, earliest stage when a moss first grows from the spore. It grows a protonema which develop into gametophyte. Liverworts do not have a protonemal stage, spores germinate directly into gametopyte. Juvenile gametophyte=protonema(algae-like) absent from hornworts. Protonema is unicellular, photosynthetic part of germinating fern spore. Spermatophyte: seed plant: any flowering plants (angiosperms) & conifer (). Not spores. Use pollen

What groups of plants have self-propelled spermatozoids-motile male gamete produced by nonflowering plants. Haploid-? a. Mosses, lycophytes and b. Mosses, lycophytes and ferns c. Only ferns and gymnosperms d. Only gymnosperms and angiosperms e. Only lycophytes(type of club mosses) and ferns

What is the correct evolutionary sequence (from oldest to youngest) of the following branches of the tree of life in plants? a. Lycophytes, ferns, , gymnosperms, monocots b. Ferns, lycophytes, gymnosperms, monocots, eudicots c. Ferns, lycophytes, gymnosperms, monocots, eudicots d. Lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, monocots, eudicots e. Lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, eudicots, monocots


The following description applies to one specific cell type. Which one? This cell type is alive at maturity, and its cell walls are stiffened typically in their corners. This cell type is used as support in plant shoots or associated with vascular bundles. a. collenchyma-cell with thin primary wall that retain protoplasm b. sclerenchyma-cell with lignified secondary wall that lose protoplasm at maturity (dead) c. meristems-undifferentiated cell d. parenchyma-cell with thin primary wall that retain protopaslm e. chlorenchyma-parenchyma with chloroplast

What makes a prune shine after rubbing it on your pants (and before biting into it)? a. sclerenchyma cells-used for support and has thick cell. It makes up 90% of cell volume. b. epidermis cells- c. guard cells d. cuticle-waxy layer. e. hairs

Which of the following is NOT a secondary meristem? 2 a. Vascular cambium-phloem& b. Ground meristem-found in vascular plants, used to store food. Made of parenchyma, sclerenchyma, chorenchyma. c. Axillary meristem-secondary growth meristem d. Cork cambium-lateral meristem. Found between cork & primary phloem. It replaces epidermis in & stems. It is found in herbaceous dicots, gymnosperms, some monocots. e. apical meristem-primary meristem.

3 What type of dispersal is associated with the following description of a seed? This seed is relatively small (under 0.5 cm in diameter), it is produced by a herb in the forest of the Morningside Ravine and it has an attached body rich in lipids. a. Anemochory-seed dispersal by wind b. Myrmecochory-seed dispersal by ants through elaisomes-rich in lipid c. Autochory-explodes d. Endozoochory-poop e. Exozoochory-hook on fur

Which of the following can provide food for the developing embryo? a. Angiosperm- b. Exosperm c. Endosperm-food for embryo d. Elaiosperm-rich in lipid structure used for myrmecochory. e. Elaiosome

What statement about double fertilization is false? a. It is specific to angiosperms-contains embryo and central cell. Embryo is 2n diploid after fertilization. Central cell 3n after fertilization b. One of the two male gametophytic nuclei shuttled from the pollen to the ovule by means of the pollen tube fertilizes the egg cell and the other fertilizes the central cell c. Double fertilization leads to the initiation of the endosperm d. It refers to the parallel union between a haploid sperm nucleus and the haploid egg and the haploid sperm nucleus and the diploid central cell e. All of the above statements are correct

In which of the following sexual system is selfing not possible? a. Dioecy-one male plant, one female plant b. Monoecy-one female&one male flower in one plant c. Diandry-one egg fertilized by two sperm=miscarriage d. Hermaphroditism-monoecy plant in angiosperms e. Monandry –having one stamen

What specific floral adaptation does the following description stand for? The male and female sexual organs are separated from each other by some minimum distance to minimize selfing, but still located within the same flower. a. Dioecy-one male plant, one female plant. b. Herkogamy-hermaphroditic angiosperm using spatial separation c. Dichogamy-changes from female to male plant or from male to female plant at some point of life. d. Self-incompatibility-biochemical mechanism that limits selfing e. Monoecy-one female and one male flower in one plant

4 Which of the labeled tissues is secondary phloem? a. 1apical meristem b. 2 c. 3 Primary growth-elongation d. 4 ShootApical meristem e. 5 Procambium Protoderm Ground meristem Epidermis Cortex-parenchyma, and 1. some collenchyma. Vascular cambium 2. 1)primary phloem(darkblue) 2)primary xylem

pith Secondary growth-girth-middle 3. of something. 4. 3)secondary phloem 4)secondary xylem cork cambium 5) cork 5. Phloem ray

From into out: Pith Primary xylem Secondary xylem Vascular cambium Secondary phloem Primary phloem Cortex Cork cambium(periderm) Cork(periderm) Epidermis

5 Which two flower pairs are both eudicots? a. b. a)6 petal, 5 petal b c. b) 10 petal, 5 petal c)c)5 petal, 6 petal d) 6 petal, 4 petal

eudicots have petals in multiples 4,5.

d. b

6 In the following diagram of flower, correctly label the indicated organs.

a: 1: sepal; 2: petal; 3: anther; 4: stoma; 5: style; 6: ovary b. 1: petal; 2: sepal; 3: anther; 4: stigma; 5: style; 6: ovary c. 1: petal; 2: sepal; 3: anther; 4: stoma; 5: style; 6: egg d. 1: sepal; 2: petal; 3: filament; 4: stigma; 5: style; 6: ovary e. 1: petal; 2: sepal; 3: anther; 4: stoma; 5: style; 6: ovary f: 1: sepal; 2: petal; 3: anther; 4: stigma; 5: style; 6: ovary g. 1: petal; 2: sepal; 3: anther; 4: stigma; 5: stoma; 6: ovary

7 What is the sexual system of the species in the picture?

a. Dioecy-male flower with stamen. b. Monoecy c. Diandry d. Hermaphroditism e. Monoecy or dioecy

8 Which pollinator sees in the UV spectrum of light? a. Hummingbirds b. Bats c. Bees- bees are colorblind-realized by Charlock. They are the most important pollinator group. Bee strongest in spectrum yellow,blue,green, UV light. d. Butterflies e. Hawkmoths

What statement about water transport in roots is false? a. in the apoplastic transport route water travels through cells and pits b. the water transport through cell walls is faster than the one through cells and pits, because there is less resistance to water flow through. (apoplastic transport is faster than symplastic transport) (apoplastic transport travels through , symplastic transport travels through cells) c. the Casparian strip blocks the water transport through cell walls d. the Casparian strip is located inside the cortex and is part of the endodermis e. the Casparian strip only lets symplastic water pass through

Which of the following forces is the most potent in terms of moving up water through a plant’s phloem? a. capillary action (cohesion and adhesion) b. osmosis (pressure gradient also affects the sugar concentration) (ATP pump is involved) c. transpiration d. All the above are driving forces are equally strong

Which of the following is a micronutrient? a. Iron (micronutrient) (required in large amounts) b. Sulfur (macronutrient) ( required in small amounts) c. Nitrogen (macronutrient) d. Magnesium (macronutrient) e. Hydrogen

Which statement about mycorrhiza is false? a. Mycorrhiza is an association between a fungus and a plant b. The fungus fixes atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plant. Mycorrhiza helps the plant get better access to Phoshporus nutrients. Rhizobacteira fixes nitrogen cas into a course of biogenic nitrogen within nodules. c. Mycorrhiza involves a mutualistic relationship, wherein both partners profit d. Through its mycorrhizal partner, the plant gets a much better access to water e. The fungal partner gains sugar from its partner

Which of the following is not an example of a plant defense against herbivory? a. cuticle (waxy layer found on plants) b. spines (systemic physical défense mechanism) c. nicotine (systemic chemical défense mechanism) d. trichomes (systemic physical defense mechanism) e. thorns (systemic physical defense mechanism)

Which of the following is NOT a reason why submerged aquatic plants often have dissected ? a. better access to carbon dioxide

9 b. less resistance to the water current (no mechanical strengthening because it has a poor develop xylem) c. fast diffusion of gas( maximum surface to volume ratio where dissected leaves could help fast diffusion of carbon dioxide) d. better access to light