JOB PRINTING TERMS: Of «very deiwnpllci inoiuptly extcuied Ht [r O 0 O Tb« DELA WAKE IëQURüR, is imbllshed every «TKXIIDT, day, at Two Doll >f ^he'yetTi yablo in advance; if uot between 4tb auu u.u *”*:?*”• and Fifty Wilmington, delawake. .'harged. Nu subscrip lion will be ■•■I r I lx imnitlis, and no pupi-r ed un « paid, unless at the optk JAMES MONTGOMERY, y BIlbllUM a prepared print] of every description «.ill !.. 1H.I and ex lied I d ou &h reasonable torn Hire dollar ty-five, ceuts ft. ah any astablWIi iry—such as PAMPHLETS, HANDBILLS, 4t»- Twelve line le BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW BILLS, ifci-Siu^io inner CIRCULARS. ’•ABELS, 49r»Wai . «-f4 41IC BILL HEADINGS, v~ANK8, UUITT, BQUALITT, FRATERSTiaT." DEEDS, &c., Ac., His friends and the publie Ksuer&lly are respectfully lu* say that a splendid marble monument on its ud iu their orders. principal street is the grave-stone which re­ The Jobs will be promptly filled, and aeut by cars, or cords the death of its prosperity. This rnonu- otherwise to any place iu the State. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY JAMES MONTGOMERY, No. 99 SHIPLEY STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH STREETS, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. is a Grecian structure, a branch of the United States Hank , its vault are of course, empty, its doors closed, and its steps grass-grown. s Leaving Erie, our next stopping place will Fhr the Delta ire /« VOLUME I.-N«. 4. SATURDAY, MAY 21,1859. $2.00 PEß ANNUM. Ik* at the beautiful town of Cleveland, and as SUN SET. we approach it from the east, it shows well : the elevated plain above us, and giveska BY JAMES MONTGOMERY promise wliipli is fully kept by closer acquani will beg |Padre Isidro to absolve ‘‘.I left the window at and just attack, as they had placed no seutinals which w; than he expected to , for I perate spring, he drew himself up by the made reply. A gloomy silence ensued, tance. Sixteen or eighteen thousand people, « Sua U low, starting across the r( , when I stumbled lookouts of any kind. He had plainly recog­ get, that he .immediately sold it. know there should he secrets between us hands, d plunged into the passage. Urged which as at length broken by Don Jaymc, daily increasing, have placed their tents on Th.*! blue with goldtm i>l..\v, the prostrate form of your mother, who nized Gillingham, which made him doubly A few days after he sold his farm, his wife two. It Aliita, tli rife of Juan Pedraza, by the dread of the comiug explosion he rush­ rlio said,— the Cuyahoga ri i! I • 11 liant' .«sky, had fallen insensible from the heat and smoke. anxious for the engagement. said to him “John as you have made such a thfc poor drunken carc.udor, who told ed eagerly onward, and just as the roar of the “ Gomez, this affair begins to lookserious for mouth restricted by proper bounds, and sym­ good sale of your property, you had better her husband. When you AUil the m «liadoifa misty rIir«|«>, This affected ! worst of all. For myself, I Upon •ceiving this information, Marion she heard f: hla«t filled his ears he fell headlong forward you. I not your judge, but it is my duty metrically carried out into the lake by stone quarrelling for love Aru IdukUhiut'd ou the wrduut iflade— cared nothing, but to I dearly drew his up, and bidding them have the old shay repaired.” John to please aitd Miguel Gomez into a sheet of water, which spread about three to see that the matter undergoes strict inves­ up this liver; nearly a of me,” continued the young woman, with rs of vessels and steamers. Ou ImhIh of IfowVi't* lie loved die thus before my eyes, than raise a hand until he should give the word, his wife had the old shay sent to the carriage feet below the extremity of the passage. He tigation. Perez—and you, Francisco—I give He, hot wee makers, who lived close by. In a few nuire gravity, “ Juan said that Miguel prom sank beneath the surface, and when lie rose, The right bank of the priver rises to an ele­ Wltb many a tlut the tfllllorlUK «l«*narly two hundred yards. cottages to colonnaded places, Ti|l ladiug passage with them, but upon reaching the fought desperately, but they were arrayed as he judged, of which defied pursuit. landing, I found the staircase entirely burnt against men who coutended for their families flue far d lived iu happiness und peace ey«*s sparkled and his hand clutched instinc- At length he encountered the wall, which rose At this moment Manuel, whose strength rounded by grounds handsomely laid out in­ ! They •»f yen tively at his knife. “ It was well for him, to gardens of flowers and ornamental shrub- despaired of gutting out of and firesides, and they (blind that to conquer with his kind wife. . And several times serv­ perpendicularly far above his head, us he had been -nearly exhausted by his labors in away. I Margarita, that you '. I turned back and gave myself up for lost. a hot one, a stubborn resistance charac­ The nutlinr does not claim entire ori- threw against it. Coasting along it, and path. He had nearly reached tho Riuconada, Fr« since ; he has been very good-natured to un* instant to take breath, sweeps over the blue waters to the distant Kiv.1 tlio «veiling lii Yi mother yet showed sign of ani- terized one side, a dotoçminati t« ginality for tho foregoing ; it given ont casionally touching it with one hand, he ad- and had pause«l for T1h*u of late. How«!ver, I think, his time is up. suddenly turned the corner before horizon, and from the hill brink, n* 1 Nil vary Unlit. mation whatever, indeed, ■liad come to the the other, but it «»vident that, ed for about a hundred yards further, by Academy "as a subject to be written upon The English director, Don Jayrne, came this Miguel Gomez, posite side, tin* river is seen winding y.\n Hide intatrAMH or tli« ulnht, conclusion that she dead. Henry’s notwithstanding the desparity of their which time his limbs were becoming stiff and him at full speed. It Aud hu screams grew fainter anil fewer, and entirely hers, file tories were giving out. At this j une- by tin* pupils, and the above is the result of •ning from Mexico, and seems very much benumbed in the ice-cold water, and his heart He held i hand a drawn knife, and look- pentino course through meadows aud arouud %! N«. nr., Shipley Mre. 1. by my exertions, and tho pain of ture, Roland Wetherill espied the hated fo the laboi-s of e of them.—Editor of the Iii- diHsatisfled with the working of the mine. It had almost failed Jiim. But he was* not des­ ed backward Ills shoulder, as if expect- the base of forest-clad hills. my burns which was excruciating, I sank of their ruffianly leader, and putting spurs; to is whispered among tho that the tined to perish thus. He suddenly oajpe upon ing to be purs' i. But when, turning his Leaving Cleveland, proceed to the Ul down by their side. At that instant the floor his horse he was sotfti face to face with him. seer is certain to lose his place. ’ ’ a passage, the opening of# which was a little head, he beheld directly before him the figure westward, the bold bluff of the lake shore “Ah, that is good news, indeed!” said of his victim, stauding motionless, with pal- sinks to a low beach, and numerous green gave way, and we were all precipitated to the “Ha, ha f my pretty bird,” said Oilling- lower than the surface of the water. It Margarita, clasping lier hands. lid face and bloody hands, and eyes steadily islands appear above the watery expanse.— of fire, by which ham as lie up, “ I suppose I may thank TUE MATCHLIGHTBR OF sAn ADRIAN. evident from this fact, as well as from the below, amid a “And so this the reason,” added Man­ fixed upon him, he recoiled with a cry of hor- Among these islands was fought the battle of the skin entirely burnt from my hands, you for this visit, »11, well, I’ve rid the e size of the passage, that it could not be that ' » Written for the Dtiawc » Inquirer. uel, gayly, “ why you preferred a poor bnrre- by which he had entered. However* jt offer­ and affright. Whether it was a mere ac- Lake Erie. It is a beautiful region with which limbs. I that the front door try of three of your rebel tribe, «1 hero goes MEXICAN MINES. i * to fix your flint, saying lie raised his gun toro, with only his miner’s pick aud his dol­ ed him at least a respite from death, anil he oident from the dizziness of the sudden shock, this proud historical achievement is associat- was gone, whether burnt or torn away I knew lar a day, to the rich administrador ?” not. Nerved at the sight, and knowing, that and pulled the trigger, but it missed lire, promptly availed himself of it. After sitting rhether it was an access of suicidal frenzy, ed. The wooded islets rifle, by precipitous The sun had not yet attained its meredian “ Of what good is money;” returned Mar­ can never be known ; but the unhappy wretch limestone banks, frofli the blue waters.— UD WETHEfllll, reach th«* open air, with an oath he threw it to the ground, and height above the baie and rugged mountains motionless for a time to recover from the although the instant garita, earnestly, “withouthappiness? Riches disappeared from the sight of the borror-strick- Rounding a rocky fortress-like promontory of liable to be murdered by the blood- drawing his sword he made u rage lunge of Zacatecas, when a man in the garb of a haustlon of his recent efforts, he rose and pro­ OR THE PATRIOT'S REVENGE, at the young man. who ddenly ducked his fly away, but the good heart remains.” ceeded to explore the passage. It proved to beholder, one last scream of dispair ascen- one of these islands called “ Gibraltar,” we I thirsty beings outside. I felt that it Mexican miner descended slowly down a “ That is as true as though Padre Isidro had tain death to remain within any longer, but head, drew a pistol, levelled it, and with the •be a sort of vaulted chamber, of about his ding as the criminal shot downward to his found ourselves in “ Put-in Bay,” a secluded A atvœiïTMHABT SKETCH. row and tortuous path which wound along said it,” rejoined Majnuel, as )ie rose hastily frightful and inevitable doom. and beautiful sheet of water enclosed by my strength is failing. I must be brief. In- words, “Now fiend of perditiinj, your time height, and just wide enough for him to touch the side of a steep declivity. At length he from his seat on*the turfV but time flies, Mauel, overcome by a sickening weakness, j “Gibraltar” and two other islands. Ffom I stantly I ; surrounded by the whole party, has como,7’ he fired,—With a piercing shriek, its sides with his outstretched hands. A soul- SANKOUD ST. CLAIR. died a spot where a small platform or too, my dear little preacher, and they will be leaned against the steep side of the mountain, j the summit of the rocky point of Gibraltar,” proved to be other than a the tory captain sprang up in life stirrups ami cheering idea suddenly flashed upon his which shelf, jutting from the mountain slope, and and wiped away the cold perspiration which j the look-out of Coiuoflore Perry first discover- by the notorious Burt fell to the ground a corpse. waiting forme at the mine.” There tradition of i ancient *oçabon, The devouring element had done its work. . hand of tories led , covered with vegitation, seemed to invite him The young couple separated with many af­ gathered on his brow ; ‘then, summoning all, ed the Buitisli fleet, under Captain Barclay ; The once beautiful and stately mansion, which i T1‘®y «'«shed upon in a body, “The deed is done ! ejaculated Roland, “I to rest. • It appeared, indeed, that he had in­ adit, which had been driven at vast expense fectionate injunctions on the part of his wife, through the mountain, to effect the drainage his strength, he hurried forward aud mana- j from “ Put-in Bay” lie sailed forth to his had for many years been the home of David “m1 y°m' mother, who was beginning to re- have fulfilled my vow, Father, Mother, Henry, tended to stop at this spot, for he turned . Wetherill, was reduced by the ravages of the was instantly shot dead, you are faithfully revenged.” to which the miner laughingly promised a of the old mine of San Adrian. When the ge.l to reach the galera. His entrance, as j victory, and to it lie returned to bury his dead; aside at once and seat«»d himself on the gre«»n may be supposed, was the cause of great agi- ! and here are still to be merciless flames, to a mass of ruins, and the i 'our Poor b«oH«er, who had already ceased to Seeing their leader fall, the remainder of puuotual attention. Margarita, mine was abandoned, the adit, of course, was tho remains of sward*beside a fountain which here gushed placed the basket on lier Jioad, heard the Diace now presented to tho eye one vast scene hreathet was caught up by Gillingham himself, tho tories began to fly. It was not deemed longer attended to ; its externâl opening tatiou. Most of those present recoiled and , aorne of their graves. from the overhanging steep, and created by clear manly voice of her husband, far above crossed themselves in terror, though not so From “ Put-in Bay,” our next point of des- of «isolation. Mr. Wetherill was a South i^10, DA8UED °«?T DRAINS AGAINST A «‘xpedient to follow them and they its moisture the verdure that surrounded it. became closed up, and, in the space of •J Carolinian. His residence was Imautifullv I,Ie then timied» and strnck me a, heav3' l’low out of sight. Our little patty dismounted, h«!r, singing the refrain of a ballad than two hundred years whioh had passed, excessive as that of the miserable Gomez, j tination was Detroit. We entered tlie Detroit Directly over this spring, a large tree, a spe­ populur among the miners of Zacatecas, which One person, however, sprang forward with a river through the channel on the British side situated on the banks of the Pedee, where. ov®r,t,ti* head with, the b^ltt of hiB d mad«» preparations to encamp. its precise locality—indeed, everything but cies of mountain ash, sent its thousand roots described the good fortune of a poor adv laugh of hysteric delight, and exclaimed,— of Bois Blanc island, or, as it is vulgarly call- with his family, consisting of himself, his a,,d ,,me flenseleflfl. knew nothing for It was found upon examination, that the into the crevices of the rock, and shaded with fact of its existence—was forgotten. turer of that town in former days :— “ Ah, Manuel, you are alive! I knew it .ed, “ Bold aw.” Entering this river by this ■ wife and two sons, the vouuger, Henry, being scv<,riri hours, but, at length I revived, and slain of the enemy amounted to nineteen men its spreading branches the gushing fount and Manuel well remembered to have one day i • but about six years of ago, and the elder, , saw y°u*; mother and brotherWing âead beside with four wounded, whereas, upon calling the Si las minas de San Beruabe heard Don Jayrne say to a Mexican gentleman, was all a joke upon your poor little wife !” j channel, the idea presented itself of enter- the green turf beneath. The miner’s first act rn country through a foreign gate- Roland, about twenty, lie bad, until tlio I î1“1’ . which brought last ■ of roll hut three of Marion’s men were missing. to take a long draught of the refreshing No dieron tan buena ley, who accompanied him on a former visit to the And with these words the overjoyed Marga- iugour breaking out of the war of the Revolution, !,«t‘!l‘«»,y vlvldiy before m.t slght. Presently, d one wounded, and but slightly, being still No casaria Juan Barra mine, fliat he should consider the discovery rita fell upon her husband’s neck, and fainted way. , and then he proceeded to hatlie his As I presume is the with most of my dwelt in peace and happiness; when having hoUrcl your voice, upon which I called you. fit for duty. face and hands in the running water. When Bon la liija del virey. of the old socabor, inestimable service, as it away in his the company an im- I need only add to the foregoing narrative, countrymen not living the border, I have declared his intention to side with the people *ou know relit* And, now that I have This conflict provfd the overthrow of Burt would, probably, the earth-stains which covered his visage Which inay be rendered :— that Don Manuel Campos, the__ present______resident been'accustumed to• aassociate the British flag of the colonies, he soon becam«» an object of seeI« your face once more, lean die content, Gillingham’s fraternity of cut-throats, who expense for* drainage in thei were washed away, he appeared a young cre­ If Saint Barnabas’ mine miné of San Adrian, wili | with the remote nationality of its seat of hatred to the Britiali and torieâ, whn henan 1 Bl‘“11 “V >'»> “lore> for lh<‘ 1,k,w after the punishment they had received at the works. manager of the new ' ' * ’ ’ , !‘1 *’...... *" ole of some twenty-two or three years, with a Had not yielded so fine a shore separ- to hara»» him in every po»ail,le manner, and the <>“«»»’>> muakot, together with the in- hands of the “Swamp Fox” never again in- The further the miner advanced. the receive with great hospitality, at Jiis house in j pire, and when en flying bright black eye, long straight liair, dark Juan Barra ne’er bad wedded from ? at length a party of the latter set lire to his 1 hav“ »«stained from the lire is fast lusted, heard of about that neigbor- assured he became of tlie truth of his suppo­ Zacatecas, any English traveller who may ated only by a . complexion, and a frank, gay, fearless expres- A maiden of the victory’s line. its situation it pass through that city, and will, if desired, ! territory, it seemed out ot place, though it house, whereby everything valuable 'belong- telling upon me. Put . about hood. of countenance. He wore a coarse jacket sition. The adit ft- Roland Wetherill serv«»d his country faith­ st necessarily be—of great length; I relate all the particulars of tlie remarkabl«; ght not to be there. Although the time ing to him was consumed ; an act, however lur 1 g«ttmg weak.” The young and loose trousers of brown wooll«! Manuel’s song ceased when he reached the mainly indebted for I conscious of the impropriety and justice of for which they subsequently paid dearly ,ll"‘ complied with his request and essayed to fully under Marion, «luring the whole cj Manuel walked, he supposed, nearly five accident to which he stuff, bound at the waist by a leather girdle, Riuconada, a sharp angle in the path, beside in the world. Dona Margarita, his | such feelings, from the i dy and involuntary But, wc anticipate. Itris a beautiful mol ning »l,oak ljut sol,s choked Ids utterance, paign, and, at the close of the war, lie retired in which was thnrst the never-failing knife. which the precipice sank plump down, a sheer hundred yards before reaching the extremity. Ids ri from service, married, settled, ami lived to a The water all the way was just up to his very lady-like wife, will confirm the account \ manner in which they* os«» iu my mhid, 1 near the latter part of May, The sun lias , “ us “» together, my H«» sat for a time, whistling carelessly, with descent of more than five hundred feet. The •ong might be tlie nation­ Just risen, t|ie birds are singing sweetly, and dear *° 0,10 »“Other ill life, let us not he sepa- good old age, lxdovetl and respected by all kies, and he thought he could perceive at by her testimony, and by the additional j could imagflie how his «»yes fixed on the descending path. recollection of what his wife had just told him al feeling that the cross of St. George should nature seems to ho clothed in lier richest and ratn'1 m ,,eath- 1 am Boi,,K wl"’TO tl"' wh-ked who knew him. Presently a wide covered basket beoauie sent a cold shudder through his frame, and times that it had a slight eut in tlie direc- t«>ken of a long-haired, black-eyed urchin, . most haaiftifui garb. Standing near the ruins oeese from troubling, and tho weary Wilmington, May 10th, 155A. tion in which he w going. The passage was five or six years old, hearing the iden­ uot float so ear tli«» United States. visible in this direction, with a small hand he had not recovered his usual gayety when at once like ele might lie seen a young man, hardly nut of bin rmt, aml 1 four not to die. Do uot forget the closed, a s ho had anticipated, by a solid mass tical name of Adriano, in commemoration of Detroit c up grasping it on one side. Then a pretty face, he reached the mouth of the shaft. Here, iu gant city. Its site makes a gentle rise from teens. Ho has a tine manly ligure, a compact »“«nsels of your parents ;• do your duty to the galera, or great shed surrounding the pit, of earth «1 stones, which lie at •t the event which happened shortly before his For the "Dele.i with a pair of sparkling black eyes, and two tlie river, which here flows rapid, bold, and form, and a frank, open countenance, which J'““1' c<>lmtry hko a Juan ; serve God, small rudy lips, parted in a smile of pleasure he found the English director, Don Jayrne, about removing. Making good birth ; so that the essential truth of the story together witli the handsome black eyes ami m,Mt m" in thal blissful abode where aiu and long knife, he worked indefatigably for may lie considered as established b«*yon«l the clear. The «leusely built part of the city e.s- THE OLD SHAY. and surprise, came into view. Then followed the overseer, Miguel Gomez, snd several tends for a mile along the rive hicli is lined •the high, intellectual forehead, around -which au®>rtag “c* unknown.” the er«*ot and shapely figure to which tli«» clerks, miners, porters, and mule-drivers. than an hour. At last he struck the roots of possibility of a doubt. clusters a profusion of ricii hrowu cUris, ren- “ 1 w*u, 1 "in," groaned Roland, Don Jayrne seemed to be in a bad humor, and a tree, a circumstance which assured him that with «locks, J. B. *D. pretty face belonged, gayly pttirod, as became approaching the si/rfaoe. The convic­ •amboats. whilst, hack spires id dor llim at once pleasing and attractive. “ It is enough,” said his father. “Give . rife, in a gorgeous petticoat, whereof the overseer looked black d sullen. steeples are •*«*n rising from the d 88 Of Such is Roland Wetherill, one of Marion’s “‘«.your hnnd. My sight grows dim, farewell, “Old Jones,” as lie was familiarly called, the uppor part was of a bright yellow and ‘ ‘—in good time, my tion gave him renewed strength. He cut with said the «liftntnr, “ We are all ready I« his knife, and dug witli his torn and bleeding A CRUISE ON THE LAKES. houses. F tlie Detroit river »tve «»liter thy il small, but fearless and terror-inspiring band ; a minister of the Gospel, in a small vil- the lower of a flaming scarlet; an eqtfally shoal lake of St. Clair, A ossiug this’, Suddenly the jaw fell, the eyes became fixed the New England States. Hi* | brilliant roboso, or cotton shawl, of m; you ; and now let here be attentiv«? hands, until,1ft length, a lucky push loosened whose deeds stands high upon th«» scroll 0« y stirring up the mud its flat pass into of fame, and whose names shall long be re­ «I glassy, the facp assunmd a pale ami ghast­ formerly a lislie d w .1 f< variegated lines, was thrown over the shoul­ to his duties. There has been too much care­ a large stone which was enolosetl between two of the roots of the tree. It fell forward, aud the beautiful river St. Clair. Tlie Waters of membered in tin» annals of our country. The ly appearance, tlie hea«l fell lmavily to his oddities. By “ hard work and liards; ders, ami the small feet were daintly encased lessness heretofore, particularly ill the blast­ side, the heart’s pulsation ceased, and the ing. Many complaints have been made among the bright rays of heaven poured in upon his Reader, haVe y tlie great clear that the bottom can l«e general, with his men,* was enoumpeil' hut a ing,” he accumilated a considerable iu sky-blue satin shoes. tho depth of thirty feet, flow through soul of the patriot was with its maker. of property, and studied for the ministry, “ Enhoruhuena—In good time, Margarita,” the townspeople and proprietors of the aoci* dazzled and enchanted vision. He felt a thrill lakes ? * If you have not your miud will scar­ few miles off, und Roland had obtained leave farm-houses, For several moments the son remained as after lie had passed the middle ago of life. £ id the miner, showing his white teeth, “ I dents which occur here. You I am told, are of delight, such as one 'entombed before his cely be able to realize all their wonders ;— sloping banks to visit his parents. their »rastexpanse of cool fresh water—their villages, green fields, aud dark forests. Wh« As he stands gazing pensively upon the motionless as his lifeless burden, but, after a noted for his oihlities. hero before you.” a very skilful and quickwitted workman,” he time might experience when the doors of his I have said he profound clear depths—tho commercial sail tho St. Clair forms its j jtion with* Lake sight before him, let time he arose, laid the hotly down- carofulfy, There is an anedot«; told of him, which pretty “ Yes, in good truth,” replied the young continued, addressing Manuel. “It is w«*ll sepulchre flew outward, «I gave him back ! hear and steam navies gliding ami foaming over •h, the fipposite what he is saying. and kn«>«!ling by its side, he offered up a clearly proves that he very odd. . laughing ; “ and I was afraid all the that we have some ou whom we cau rely.” *e to warmth d light. With a lit- Him rs very .. tlieir surface—the elegant cities and thriving points of the «"mouth being not more than a “All gone. Goue, prayer for th«» welfare of the spirit that had day when lie a fisherman, Mr. Jones had time that 1 iglit be too early, and the tortil- * Gomez listened to this significant speech tie additional labor lie enlarged tlie aperture, o but God knows nations ou their shores. At oue point, you quarter of a mile apart, d here the banks whether,” he murmured sadly: “ Doubt les just fled. down and sunk by a large las and frijoles would get cold. But thov without venturing to reply, but his swarthy until lie was able to force himself through it. a little boat are amid the crowded masts aud busy bustle sink into alow gravelly b •h, which, stretcli- . stricken tliiwn by the cruel baud of sola«» of At length he at ose, and having dug a grave ship. When he heard of the accident, he will Ite auinner fit fora governor.” face grow livid, and his eyes flashed with a. But what his astonishment, when at tluMe ruthless renegades, who, preferring as -well as he was able, he placed the bodies to tho owner of the sliiji, and demanded ^Vith these words she quickly deposited baleful fir«*. Two horses, especially trained, lengtliHie stood under the open sky, to find of the commerce of an old state, in a few howl's, ing away ddenly either hand, leaves in it and covered them up, his toars flowing attached to the mala that he in tlie exact spot in which he had you may be where civilization has leaped in ! Hürup, Jiprizon-bouud and ocean-like; lief« gold to honor, and being too cowardly to of money equivilant to the value of her hurde tho ground, and removed the to the duty, full-grown vigor upon the wilderness, aud,| us. Its wyrl«! of waters rush with a t. rein end- thick aud fast all tlio’while. Having complo- taken his noontide meal only a few hours lie- stand by and defend tlieir country, their his boat. The ship « replied contftrapu- covers, first from tho basket, and then from cate, a machine by which the buckets wen» struggling for a settlement, has planted its ] ous current into tliis narrow strait. It is a homes and tlieir hearth-stones, would rather ted his tusk, he stopped to take a silent fare­ ously, “little boat should get out of big the eartlienware dishes which it contained. raised and lowered in the shaft. Manuel then fore ! well of the loved ones upon whom he had A moment’s consideration cleared up the cities before the long-liaired and painted savago \ wild and lonely spot, without people t>r settle- live a life of infamy and wickedness, making boat’s way.” Mr. Jones went away and said There was a plate of tortillas, or thin pancakes placed upon his head a conical liât, having a lias had time to escape from the brick avenues j ment, except that on the American side Fori looked for the last time, and, us ho turned » about the value of the boat. One of maize, a bowl of stewed frijoles, (a kind of socket on the top, which held a lighted can­ mystery. The fountain attirai spring, upon those who unable to defend encroaching upon his forest-home ; aud, wrap- j Gratiot frowns upon hostile invasion, and a with a heavy heart to leave tlie spot, lie said small black be; «I another bowl dle. lie took in one hand a small rope, of hut simply the place of exit for the raters themselves from their ne attacks, day !.. passing •) its welcome to the commerce Oh, God ! can it he possible that to to liiniRelf, “Wo he to Burt Gillingham, if hridg«!, he met the owner of the ship, who tabling a fiery s; !«» made of red pepper and which the other end was held by the overseer, which slowly accumulated in the mine, pud in their blankets, with the, beautifying lighthouse bur ■h pet­ percolate«! through the mass of rocks, earth, the blue waters of tli«* lake iyi these, «•ver I g«*t within reach of him, ami it will not a little , while Mr. Jones of large tomatoes. This was the miner’s simple din­ and by shaking which the matoliligliter was aditions of green and red paint on their faces, which comes « indebt«!«! for this be and quills anil feathers in their hair, we have Entering Lake Huron, w are now fairly at meat. Father, mother, brother,” he be my fault if I don’t and that before long ize : As tho stream of water which the bridgo ner. Tearing off a piece of one of tlie tortillas to give the signal when lie was ready to as- d vegetation, that closed the entrance of them walking the newly made streets a upon a fresh water ocean, as geographers aloud, “where you? let me hoar y too. For the hellish doings of last night I plactnl *ry shallow, ho thought he twist«»«l it with his lingers Into a sort of d. On the promptitude with which his the adit. So exact, however, was its will havo a deep and deadly revenge.” ascent took effect of the explosion. Manuel bianco to an ordinary mountain spring, that and selling their wares to the new people. . tejll us, six hundred feet above'the Atlantic, voie j, I implore you.” he would “ pay him off in his coin,” so scoop, (calleil in Mexico la cuchara de Monte­ with a depth of three hun«lre«l feet below the Perhaps it would he as well to remark here stepped into the bucket, which was slow­ this doubt, the Tiiain cause of the lo- Even though you are accustomed to all the Hark ! who is it that speaks ? he gave him a slight push which sent him zuma, or Montezuma’s spoon,) and taking up level of that ocean, and washing the shores of “ Roland, my that Burton, or, as ho w ■o commonly into tlie water below. He then looked down in this a mouthful of the beaus, he dipped it ly lowered down the shaft, a distance of about cality of the old socaboii having fallen into ob­ bustle of the Atlantic cities, and have endeav­ ,” calls some e faintly, thirty-itwo thousand islands. It early in “ come here.” known, Burt Gillingham, as the leader of a upon him and said, “littleboat should get into tin* burning sauce, and swallowed it, a hundred yards. Two arreadores, livion ; since nobody, of coqrse, dreamed of ored to conceive idea of the business tory gang, consisting of about fifty vil- held the horses’ heads, and waited in anxious looking for it in the vieluity of a fountain. 4 «I activity of lake towns, the reality will the morning following that rhich we oil- The young look«*«! quickly around, out of big boat’s way.” Tlie ship owner got spoon and all. e had passed over limions desperadoes as ever dang|«*d at tlie out of the water, went horn«!, an«V paid Mr. “ How is it that you arly to-day, silence for the signal from Gomez. All clear to the young miner that he had still cause astonishment, as you walk along tered Lak<‘ Huron, liefere w hut he could nothing. Directly, hearing its nearly three hundred miles of length, and the voice again, he started towards the pfece end of a rope. Plunder, murder, ami atro­ Jones for his boat. Manuelito?” asked the female, who watched still as death in the galera. made a discovery of great importance to the the wharves of Buffalo—piled, loaded, and cities of all sorts, seemed to he their only oc­ “Li»tgo!” shouted the company. With this thought in his mind, cumbered with merchandise, and see its har­ found ourselves approaching the island of from whence it appeared to issue, Ere he Another time when he a minister, a with affectionate smile, while he was Mackinac. This little island, situated off the cupation or delight. Tlrny gave no «quarter ather learned in his ' Tho drivers loosed tho heads of the horses, «I eager to inform life friends of Ids wonder­ bor crowded with steamers and sail vessels, had walked many steps, he came upon ; man learned iu law, thus satisfactorily engaged. northern point of the peninsula of Michigan, to.any who were so unfortunate as to fall into estimation, went to hear him preach. “ Because, mi corazoncito—my little heart,” and the well trained animals dashed oil' at ful «»scape, he set out at once up the moun­ some of which are continually going and com­ scene, at beholding which lie stood transfixed at the junction of Lakes Huron and Michigan, with horror. There lay the dead bodies of their hamls, and as we have seen, Mr. Weth­ When he came out of Church, he went up to replied the young man, “there is to be once, and circled tho malacate at full speed. tain. ing. Stopping but to glance at these things, to wonder and admire, we take our passage, rises to a height of between three aud four his mother and his brother, scorched and erill and his family were no exception. We Mr. Jones and asked in a sarcastic manner. another blast to-day ; and the administrador In a minute the bucket rose to view—emp- He was fated, however, not to reach Llie galera without encountering yet another very fog ,the newer regions beyond, in a floating hundred feet above tho surface of the water. mangled in such a manner to he scarcely will now proceed with our story. “ Wlmt do you do when you make a mistake wishes to have it fired while the ■ :a tyi urkable adventure. But before describing palace .of vast extent. Its machinery is ele­ It presents abrupt sides, thickly «flotlied witli recognisable, and, supporting himself against Roland mounted his horse, and immediately iu your semions?” “Why,” replied Mr. dinner.” “Back! Down with it! For life! for this, it will be necessary to relate briefly tho gantly orpa&iental, and its great and «iestruc- vines and shrubbery, prusentiug bore aud a tree as well as he was able, was his father, set out to return to the camp, which lie reach­ Jones, “ if it is a small The smile instantly disappeared from Mar­ life!” flaimed the the director, stamping with impatience and anger, “Oh, what events that had occurred at till shaft during tivo power hidden by the graceful design and there a naked white cliff projecting through terribly burned and disfigured, and evidently ed in tho course of an hour or so. Tho gen­ age to correct it in some other part of my dis­ garita’s face. . On the e«lge of these cliffs “ Santa Maria !” she exclaimed, “another idiotcy, what insanity, is this?” the time he had spent in the mine. Don finish of art. We tread a saloon carpeted th«» gree his latter end. Roland completely eral was surprised to see him back course, but if it is a great mistake, I correct it stands the fort, all ils buildings and enclosu- unmanned. Throwing himself instantly', for instance when I was reading tlie blast ! Oh, Manuel, how long do y hastened to obey his order, but Jayrne, after laboring for nearly an hour in with Brussels, furnished with a rosewood his knees and expressed himself to that effect, obser­ mean being snowy white. On the morning of by the side of his father, he hurst into tears. to continue in this dreadful duty ?” before tlie bucket had descended a dozen his useless search, and being excessively p piano, rich mirrors, velvet chairs, sofas, and ving that he had made a short visit, aud in­ sentence, ‘ all liars have there portion in the our approach, a heavy feg had hung “ Father, dear, lather,” said he, “toll lake which burnetii,’ I said by mistake, ‘ all find abutter, my life,” yards, the of the explosion smote upon zletl by th’ ; a good camping ground within a mile shore is commanding. Historical associations mon were g;u*bering in for the occasion. Their ting up we found the full of •ko, and my old one horse shay, and hop«» lm will have cisco, I shall be captain of a mine. Ami who lighter beneath them. dear young woman!” roplie«l the director. of Mr. Wetherill’s. house, he had reason to of no little interest linger arouiu\ the spot.— conical huts, or' wigwams, made of poles the air so hot and oppressive to almost it repaired and us it in »mberaue«! to knows hut that e of these days I inay ho While they are thus engaged in a fruitless “It is, unhappily, too true/’ believe that the tories would «encamp there, Here were built the principal vessels of Perry's fastened together at tke t°P> and covered with stifle us, the house, was onjire. Withe id ini nisi radar— overseer «I a rieh search, let us follow the actual course of Man­ Margarita, notwithstanding the agitation of fur- victorious squadron, ami here, at this day, coarse rush mats, were* fcsttered along the I ther delay, I began to look around for some d it his intention, moreofver, to set out • À neighbor named Sprigges who w; I »«•; »11 as others ?” uel's proceedings, lie had just lighted the her miud, saw that he spoke in earnest, II« repose, beueath the waters, the battereil re- headland many of the Indians w«*re pad«ll- means of escape. I groped my way to the after night fall, find if eh sbiould prove to in a Church, had a daughter e«l Su- “To lie ,” replied Margarita, eagerly, matches, aud the point of stepping thoughts immediately took another direct i he the mains of his flag-ship, the “Lawrence.” Its ing tlieir large birch bark caL,u,(iS about tho door of tlie room through the smok«», but, , to give them barttle, by which . When John Jones UUtmiu-icil, Su- “Why not yt u as »well as Miguel Gomez ?— into the bucket, when he was suddenly drawn “Dead! dead!” she exclaimed; “i il upon reaching it,* horror of horrors ! it means he would probably be enabled to cap­ Sprigges tried many plans to got him to Don Miguel, forsooth ; he must he called up. A conviction of tho overseer’s perlhly how did ho die ? Who lias kill«««l him ? It blackened and water-soaked timbers are, how- bay. It may here not be out to 8aY locked ; and the key which had been left ture tlm whole of them, A*«e tin «lesired to marry lier, but all iu vain, for she had one of now ! And yet I remember him when lie was instantly flashed upon him, and with it a fault. No, my Manuel , fast «lissappearing in canes, boxes, &c., a word relative to an annoyance to wi',1ck tbeao know if there w the outside, hud been withdrawn therefrom. It rere any that objected to the the worst of tempers. only a poor bnscan—a common mine-hunter, sense of the horror of his position. But Man­ not a drunkard. My M; cl as not for tlie ««urious in relics. The hell which now poor creatures arc exposed, and as th«.?v,cr~ plan lie had proposed. uel was, as the director had suid, a quickwit­ reckless. If he died, it s not by liis regulates the movements of the republicans not be relieveilfrom it without doing more t u was now evident that south person ■ I Tho friends and relatives of Mr. Jones had «I always in «lebt to my father for aguardiente. had effected a forcible entrance into, and set “ None, ” they answered, nearly all left the parsonage, when Deacon «I tobacco, Yet because ho happened to ted fellow, lie knew that the workmen hand. Show tho «lerer, that I may of the borough, from tho belfry of the old- has to be done sooner or later, it is to be hoped fire to the house. Failing in my efforts to Their coimnauder then gave orders to SpiiggM overheard to say, “1 knew the light on a good vein, and sold it to the Eng­ ployed in the shaft, had, a few days before, call for vengeance him.” fashioned and shabby looking court-house, some consideration will be had for. them.— batter down the door, what should be done, and tlie nlen separated would not leave John Jones any of the lish company for ten thousand dollars, and upon a small side-cut, or passage, barely “My poor child.” replied the director, once struck tho hours and called tlie watches They are called from tlieir homes to this ren- to the window, to board tlie flag-ship of the british commo-1 dezvous for th.» purpose of receiving tlie very If It were possible f >r to get out that to make preparations fertile expedition. property, because he married that girl in pre­ was made overse«*r, he thinks himself largo enough to admit the body of a “ there i «hirer. There carele way ; but it too far from the ground ; my In a short time all ready a.ud nothing ference to my Susan, though Susan can play great gentleman, and that everybody must an« l that, tracing it to its termination, it , but no crime.” «lore. j trifling sum allotted to each individual, au«l attempt to leap from such a height would remained but to sleep quieb till night, the forty piano wonderfully, I rejoice giv«» way to him.” was fountl to lead to an immense chamber in “Novel1 tell me that, Don Sayme,” replied* This having been one of the lino of old j which really scarcely seems worth coming for, have„been utter madness. - The fire was w; when they would set out for tlae tory that he has got nothing left to him. “P Don Miguel !” said the miner, laugh- the old mine of San Adrian. This famous tlie excited women, all her Creole bloo«l flush­ French posts attempting to enchain the British j but so irregular is the time at which the ap- ing fiercer and fiercer, and tile heat becoming campment. ing. “ You are too lianl upon administra- is well known, was worko«l shortly ing in her cheek and sparkling in her <*>es. possess , the ruins of the old fort are still propriation is placed at the disposition of the. ‘‘My Manuel was no sot, no madman, to to be a little to the eastward of the town; department, that the Indians are sometimes intense as to be almost insupportable. Again As fairly dark, th(?v moun­ The day of improvement had just oom- dm, Margarita. First, you refuse his baud after the conquest of Mexico, and having I measured the distance from the window to ted their horses and started. They rode moucod to dawn •Id. Stephen- «1 heart, not to speak of his dollars ; and yielded immense wealth to its proprietors, throw away his life like P«*dro Bravo. If he d not far from these ruins, on a bluff, over- kept waiting weeks before the money arrives, the ground, and, as I looked this time, I quietly along for. some time, when Ma»riou ’s iron horseH already travelling in thou abuse him behind his back.” was abandoned, about tlie end of the sixteenth is[