AUGUST 1984 Introduction Purpose of Technical Manual 1-1 Soope of Technical Manual 1-2

FCC In:fbnra.tion 2-1

3.0 M::rlel Speci fications 3.1 KAYPRO 2 3-1 3.2 KAYPRO 2/84 am 2X 3-2 3.3 KAYPRO 4 3-3 3.4 KAYPRO 4/84 3-4 3.5 . KAYPRO 4X 3-5 3.6 KAYPRO 10 3--6 3.7 KAYPRO ROOIE 3-7

RCM Revisions - CP/M Canpatibility 4-1

5.0 Olassis 5.1 Raicva1/Replacenent of H:lod (Exc. ROOIE) 5-1 5.2 '!buch-up In1bnnation 5-2

6.0 Mainboards-Troub1eshooting Tips 6-1 6.1 KAYPRO 2 (81-110-11) 6-2 6.2 KAYPRO 2/4 (81-240-n) 6-8 6.3 KAYPRO 10 (8l-180-n) 6-16 6.4 KAYPRO 2/84 and 2X (81-294-n) 6-26 6.5 KAYPRO 4/84 (81-184) 6-35 6.6 KAYPRO Rc.EIE (81-296-n) 6-44 6.7 Renoval/Instal1ation Instructions 6-53

7.0 CRr Assemblies 7.1 Descriptions and Adjustments 7-1 7.2 Video Alignment 7-3 7.3 Video Signals en KAYPRO Mai.nboard 7-4 7.4 ALIGI.M1\C Diagnostic Listirg 7-5 7.5 Renoval/Installation Instructions 7--8 CQfl'fBl'S (ODtinued)


8.0 Pc7Ner Supplies 8.1 Introduction 8-1 8.2 Description and 220V Configuration 8-2 8.3 Removal/Installation Instructions 8-5

9.0 Diskette Drives 9.1 Introduction/Disk Drive Cleaning 9-1 9.2 Which Brand of Drive Is It? 9-2 9.3 Jumpering Diagrams 9-5 9.4 High-Density (Drivetec) Drives 9-9 9.5 Removal/Installation Instructions 9-10

10.0 Hard Disk Drives (KAYPRO 10) 10.1 Introduction 10-1 10.2 Description 10-2 10.3 Hard Drive Con figuration 10-3 10.4 Hard Drive or Floppy Drive Removal/ Installation Instructions (KAYPRO 10) 10-4

11.0 Hard Drive Controller Board (KAYPRO 10) 11.1 Description 11-1 11.2 Removal/Installation Instructions 11-2

12.0 Inter face Board (KAYFRO 10'> 12.1 Description 12-1 12.2 Removal/Installation Instructions 12-2

13.0 Keytx::>ards 13-1

14.0 ROUE RaIoval/Installation Instructions 14.1 Cllassis Covers 14-1 14.2 Diskette Drives 14-2 CCJiI'lBll"S ( Qmt.inued)


15.0 Troub1eshooti~ 15.1 Introduction 15-1 15.2 KAYPRO 2 and 4 Symptan-Fix Guides 15-2 15.3 KAYPRO 10 Symptan--Fix Guide 15-8 15.4 RCBIE Symptan-Fix Guide 15-15 15.5 KAYPRO 2/84 and 2X Synptan--Fix Guide 15-21 15.6 KAYPRO 4/84 and 4X Symptan-Fix Guide 15-22

16.0 System I/O 16.1 Video Camland Protocol 16-1 16.2 Key1:x>ard Codes and Ftmctions 16-2 16.3 Connector Pin-o..tt.s 16-3 16.4 Port Addresses 16-10

17.0 Re ference Section 17.1 ASCII Chart 17-1 17.2 Merory Maps 17-2 17.3 Vendor Addresses 17-6

18.0 Suggested Re ferences 1S-:-1


'!his publication is int.eOOed to be a technical re ference guide to be used by trained repair technicians. It will attempt to caver all dealer-serviceable sections of Kaypro computers. '!his manual replaces previous manuals on the subject.

The procedures and in:fbrmation contained in this manual assume technical expertise on the part of the reader. 'lb avoid personal injury, do IDt perfbrm any servicing tmless you are a quali fled service technician.

It is our desire to provide dealers with the infbrmation and sUR?Qrt needed to expedite repairs and provide the users with the service they deserve. We encourage your conunents and suggestions regarding this manual.

1-1 '!be in:fbrmation and procedures covered by this manual assume sane technical krlc:Jwledge on the part of the reader.

'!be J;X>licyof Kaypro Corporation is to repair computers to the modular level only. ENen Kaypro1s repair technicians do not repair switching power supplies, CRl' assemblies, or disk drives. Repairs to Irodular oomponents not manufactured by Kaypro Corporation (J;X>Wer supplies, CRI' assemblies, disk drives) are Nor oovered by this manual.

H:>wever, we do not discourage dealers and technicians who have the knowledge and the tools to repair to the compalerlt level :from doing so, on out-o f­ warranty Kaypro canput.ers. '!be adjustment am rerroval/replacement in:fbrmation in this manual is organized by module type, with the exception of reIOOVal/replacement infbrmatioo 1br the KAYPRO RCBIE, which is placed in a separate sectioo due to the di fferences in chassis design and hardware module placement in that machine.

1-2 As Kaypro keeps in step with oomputer technology, the models have changes which a ffect FCC ratings. 'nle proper rating is a ffixed to the back of each oomputer. Caltact the Kaypro Engineering Department if you need further in1brmation.


3.1 I

CPU Z-S'" 2. 5 MHz

641< bytes

Sl-ll"'-n or Sl-240-n series.

DISK srCEAGE Two 5-1/4 inch, double~ensity, single­ sided, drives, providing 19lK of storage per diskette.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with IS programnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Nal-glare, 9-inch, green tilOSPhor screen with a 25 rOil x S'" column display.

I/O CCNNrel'ICNS Ole "Centronics"-type parallel port, ale RS-232C serial port.

3-1 3.2 IQ\YPRO 2/84 and 2X SP&!li'1CATIQ'IS


RAM 641< bytes

81-294-n series.

DISK s:raw;E Two 5-1/4 inch double-density, s~le­ (Kaypro 2/84) sided, flOJ;'PY disk drives, providing 1911< bytes of storage per diskette.

DISK srCRAGE Two 5-1/4 inch double-density, double­ (Kaypro 2X) sided, flOJ;'PY disk drives, providing 39m< bytes of storage per diskette.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 programnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non-qlare, 9-inch, green phosphor screen with a 25 row x 8eJ column display.

I/O Cc:NNECl'ICNS (he "Centronics"_type parallel part, 1:\\0 RS-232C serial parts.

3-2 3.3 KAYPlID 4 SPl!X!lFICATlQ'IS

CPU Z-80 2.5 MHz

641< bytes

81-240-n series.

DISK STCEAGE Two 5-1/4 inch double-density, double­ sided, floppy disk drives, providing 39m< bytes of storage per diskette.

KEYBmRD Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 programnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non-glare, 9-inch, green phosphor screen with a 25 row x 80 column display.

I/O CCNNECI'ICNS (he "Centronics"_type parallel port, ale RS-232C serial port.

3-3 3.4 KAn'RO 4/84 SPB!IFICATIO!1S

CPU Z-80A 4.0 MHz 641< bytes

81-184-n series.

DISK S'I'CiWE Two double-density, Cbuble-sidErl, floppy disk drives, providing 39m< bytes of storage per diskette.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 prograntnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non-glare, 9-inch green phosphor screen with a 25 row x 80 column display.

I/O CCNNEX:TICNS (he "Centronics"-type parallel port, t\\1O RS-232C serial ports, one RJllC ncdular telephone jack.

MCDEM Built-in, 300-baoo ncdem, with Bell System 103 cacpatibility. Uses Texas Instruments TMS99531/TMS99532.

REAL-TIME CLcx:::K Built-in real-time clock. Uses Natiooal t+158167.


3-4 3.5 KAYPRO 4X SPB!ll'l~Q1S

CPU Z-80A 4.0 MHz

64K bytes

81-296-n series.

DISK S'I'<::RAGE Two 5-1/4 inch, high-density, double­ sided, flowy disk drives providing 2.6M bytes of storage per diskette.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 programnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non-glare, 9-inch, green PhoSFhor screen with a 25 row x 80 column display.

I/O CCNNECl'ICNS Qle "Centronics"-type parallel port, two RS-232C serial ports, one RJllC ncdular telephone jack.

MCDEM Built-in, 300-baoo. ncdem, with Bell System 103 compatibility. Uses Texas Instruments TMS99531/TMS99532.

REAL-TIME CLOCK Built-in real-time clock. Uses National Mo158167.


CPU Z80A, 4.0 MHz

641< bytes

8l-l80-n series.

DISK STORAGE (be 5-1/4 inch dOuble-density, double­ sided, flowy disk drive providing 3901< bytes of storage per diskette. (be hard disk drive providing 10M bytes of storage.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 programnable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non-glare, 9-inch, green {ilosptlor screen with a 25 reM x 80 column display.

I/O CCNNECl'ICNS (be "Centronics"-type parallel port, two RS-232C serial ports.

3--6 3.7 DnW) RmIE SPB!lFlCATIOE

CPU- Z8M, 4.0 MHz

641< bytes

8l-296-n series.

DISK STCEAGE Two 5-1/4 inch, high~ensity, double­ sided, fJ..oppy disk drives providing 2.6M bytes of storage per diskette.

Detachable, 72 key typewriter style keyboard with 18 pr03Iallluable keys.

VIDEO SCREEN Non~lare, 9-inch, green PhOsphor screen with a 25 rOIl x 00 collllm display.

Ilo CCNNECI'ICNS Ol.e 1.'Centronics"type parallel port, two RS232C serial ports, ooe RJlle roodular telephone jack.

MCDEM Built-in, 3000-balXl modem, with Bell System 103 compatibility. Uses Texas Instruments 'IMS99531/'IMS99532. .

Built-in real-time clock. Uses National ~8l67.


2/83 2.2F 0777 81-149-C or 81-232-A

4/83 2.2F 1475 81-232-A

4/83 + 88 2.2F 1475 81-232-A

2/84 2.2G 2619 81-292-A

4/84 2.2G 2622 81-292-A

4/84 + 88 2.2G 2622 81-292-A

2 X 2.2G 2470 81-292-A

4X 2.2G 2340 81-326-E

RCBIE 2.2G 2340 81-326-E

4-1 5.8 cassIS

5.1 amssm IUD lBD1AL (FJCa:P1' I

1. Turn off the machine.

2. Disconnect AC power by unplugging the power oord :from wall outlet.

3. Remove the ten screws :from the chassis hood: there are two on top and :fOur on each side.

4. RsIove the hood :fran the chassis.

1. IDwer the hood onto the unit.

2. Align the two holes on top of the hood with those on top of the chassis.

3. Insert the two flat-head screws into the holes on the top of the chassis and start them, but do IDt tighten them yet.

4. Insert the eight round-head screws, :fOur on each side, and start them.

5. Tighten each screw securely.

5-1 Kaypro Corp:>ratioo has small amounts of touch-up paint fur Kaypro hoods and chassis available to the dealers. Contact the Hardware Technical Sugx>rt personnel to obtain this paint.

O:::casionally a customer's computer will have scratches on the hood or chassis. A small amount of rubbing compound, when carefully applied, will often smooth out very small scratches on a hood or chassis. Should painting be necessary, there are two sizes of sable paintbrushes to have CD hand: size 00 and size 000. 'Ihese brushes are available at any art supply store.

5-2 6.0~

'!he :fOllowing sections contain schematics, chip layout diagrams, and IC lists (by U-number) :fOr Kaypro mainboards. 'nUs is not intended to be a theory of operation, but rather an aid to locating possible problems on a mainboard.

Consult an appropriate databook (TrL, Zilog, etc.) if you need to find out the internal \t.Orkings of a particular IC.


A blank EPRCM can be used to help troubleshoot Kaypro mainboards 0 f series 81-1112J, 81-240, and 81-100. '!he appropriate roodel of EPRCM (2732, 2716, etc) allows a quick check of the board. It will usually :fOrce the data and address lines to toggle" at approximately the same amplitude, allowin;;J the technician to use a scope to spot affected lines.

I f the video display does not show a screen filled with alternatin;;J "g"ls and apostroJ;:hes, you have a problem in the video RAM or associated circuitry.

You can check the main RAM and associated circuitry quickly with a scope by lookin;;J at pin 14 on each of the RAM chips. There should be a pattern of signals like this:

For the 81-240 board:

U212J (D7) lC711 U21 (nG) lC711 U22 (Ds) toggle U23 (D4) toggle U24 (D3) toggle U2s (D2) lC711 U26 (Dl) lC711 U27 (00) toggle

'!he U-mnnbers of the main RAM chips will vary dependin;;J on which mainboard you have, but the pattern will be the same.

6-1 I 1 21. I I I J1c=J L_-1 IM1 ,,) ____ u 1UB :) UII) 1 ell I. ------16 -c:=r.. ______1------11 .2 9) 7J"'~-- V.~(} -c::J- 1 I - 1------" U4 1m ) 1 UI) 1 :/1 + ~)c..--.-•• Ill" .. ·... -='" - '-c::> m~::. ., y. ylr@l:((_---., S OND. +., Y J 9~_44__ ..., c;.t==JgCII -c::J-.15 9- \152), _____... ;; C~I; -12 Y 2 UI ) I u. c.) ____ C/.c----t I II. .) 1- .W" I '~ n.' ... u. JS " "')---- U.. ,,) ____ un c.)____ L------~L______U~ fL ______...ln.' ___ I_J." 1144"') ____ U',,)___ ...

U6 )c.. ___ 00 '~_----,I N •• .. .. RIO u • no )"'-___.. ) l UM)"' ____ un)c.. ___.. 1.0 ,4 n c::::> UD CIS cSI 2. ____ .,)---- U21 c..> .-IO US7)c.. ____ U7Sc..) ____ UM U'. Ul2"') ____ UI5 ,,) ____ I~ I. '"),,--_ .. lIB ....) ----'1- )....---, I ~ c::::> CSI C7S 1 CI7UIO) r---...,"' ___.. Ull c..) ____1 0- c..) ___ 10 • S ?J U.' >r---,O,,) _____ a2 1162 - UII ,,) ____ J. Ul4) UP ) CC?!r----c::J-----, roo,,: .. I Ia:o · .n i UII",)___ .. UlS -)----,1 nu.r-) --"1 -! t~~11_____ ---" L------U-IS an Q20(1;

U26 ...) ___ _ UJ+ "') ___.. (/U •• ) I) u".-.-----c::J--) !) -c::J-- - ____I c..) ____ UN),,___ ... Ul7 "') ____1 n EIM+ ,,)____ _ "'1 o:Il~,'_U._7~_~~ r:::J -c::J-R" U., un n Ie LISr, IQ\YPR) 2 (81-lUJ-n)

Reference Designation Description

U1 74LS161 4-bit counter U2,U67* 74InJ04 Hex inverter, CM:>S U3 74LS290 decade counter U4 74LS10 Tri NAND gates U6, U11 74LS393 l)Jal binary counter U9, uoo 74IS08 Quad AND gates U10, U61 73IS32 Quad OR Gates U12, U14, U32 741S74 Dual "0" flip-flop U15, U39 74ISOO Quad NAND Gates U16 throU;h U19 74IS157 Quad 2/1 ~ U20 through U27 r-m6665 ( or equivalent) 64K x 1 RAM U28 through U31 2114 lKx4RAM U33, U34 74157 Quad 2/1 MUX U35, U38 8216 Quad Bi-directional MUX U36 74IS20 l)Ja1 NAND gates U37, U56, U85 74IS02 Quad NOR gates U41 745151 8/1 MUX U42 74IS174 Hex "0" flip-flop U43 81-146 Character generator EPRCM U44, U45, U64, U65 74IS243 Quad bus trans U47 81-149 Boot EPRCM U48, U73 74IS04 Hex inverter U49, U52, U62 74IS241 Octal buffer U54, U72 zoo PIO U57, U58, U60 74LS138 3/8 MUX U59 74IS373 Octal "0" latch U63 zoo CPU U66 74164 8-bit shift register U68 1488 Quad line driver (our) U69 1489 Quad SCHMIT!' line receiver (IN) U70 zoo SIO un 74504 Hex inverter U78 8116 l)Ja1 progranmab1e baud rate generator U81 7406 Hex inverter, open collector U82 FD1793 Floppy disk controller U84 74IS195 4-bit shift register U86 74IS293 4-bit binary counter U87 74IS390 Dual decade counter U88 FOC9216 D3.ta separator


6-3 fn)(IE SIQ1ALS ro AID IN TlURifSIIOrDG (81-llB-n)

The examples of correct signals shown below do oot represent all of the signals on a Kaypro mainboard, since most signals will be simple high-low toggles. A group of video signals (CCf2J through CC3) are includErl as illustrations of the timing relationships between the various video signals. Note that only one of the I/O signals on U57 will be low at any given time.

State of the machine: The door of drive A is open: the machine is waiting to boot.

The signal measurements were made using a Tektronix oscilloscope, model 2213. It has a bandwidth of r.c-6f2J MHz, sensitivity of 2mV/em, a sweep delay of f2J.l microseconds to 1 second, and a graticule display measuring 8 x lf2J em.

Signal Ml from pin 27 of the cru (U63) was triggerEd on. This signal is shown in the top half of each display and was channell. Ground for the signals shown on channel 2 was established at first graticule line above the bottom of the display.

Each square of the representation is the equivalent of one square em on the graticule. The scope was set for 'N/div. for all figures, am. was set for .5 micro-sees/dive for all figures EXCEPl' figure 6, which was taken using 1 micro-sees/dive -

Figure 1: Pin 6 of U63, 2.5MHz clock signal.

Figure 2: Pin 24 of UB2, !MHz clock signal.

Figure 3: Pin 3 of U6, CCf2J.

Figure 4: Pin 4 of U6, CCl.

Figure 5: Pin 5 of U6, CC2.

Figure 6: Pin 6 of U6, CC3.


~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,. ... ,. .. ,. , .. .J ,-. I ~ .. - t.~ -I' -

III III ~ ~ III ~ ,. ,. • • ,..... ~ ,... ,. r [, ... '-I .- III. '-~


I.... ,.W4. .... ,. J~ ,. ., ~ • ~, J I II L J \ -- ~ ~ - .. ~ - -- - '-" ------I.... ~ .. - ~ ... FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6

"""'I ~ r ~-- ,~ ,~ fill ,. ~ ,. fill , u- 1 J J J , ... .. ------

.. ~

6-5 SIQ1M, I,.al\TIQ1S Q1 MIW1B(JUI) 81-118-0


2.5 MHz U 63 6 ·MREXJB U 62 16 ROB U 62 5 WRB U 62 14


RAS ··.. U39· 11 ~ U66 5 MUXC U66 4


CLCCK, Y1 U 2 8 CC0 U6 3 CC1 U6 4 CC2 U6 5 CC3 U6 6 • 2 .(VISIONS ION[ LTII. UfECT. Olsallll'TlOlf DAn ~o & RfIlftlMol; ...!I SII. UrI( i-c' ~'Ir) -5,-U 'MHi i') AlB --- 'U51 PIN~-WA'i.!i'irt. .U1,'!o~Til 1-}lS II'H) 1 WU( RE.W:ncO. 06.1 I Do,. U&i[.L S 1""7) ... rw tJi~ VCRC rCU~D ... 11'8'8) 7-'4l51l8 .] I (PC r) (B) ------1 '" • IS Ito) D (""'·11) I D A78 "\I IiWOJi 12 '11 M1Y (",,·w) J "t70K .\j,~ l

A14@. - --I Ll 1-- ABB Y2 ZOMNI AI2S CO AII~ I )Drl

1~H((M A10~ HB 1 Nt U47 :~: (A,B) ., 1"'~7.---...!LJ Z1lb Ab 3" C AS 35 ASB••• .. ~,3!!' ___-'4 ... A! I-ll----"l A'. 0\ AlI~---~ AZB .. I"'LL'--r--llJ I •• p3!lL.._I---"I ". 0\ ... u<.3 I-' ('\ M'fQ~ ~B80 iSO CPU D? 2~ luSto. (A) = DID !Q­ D•• O~ 05. ~~_4_+-.f_.._I-----+_~ M'I0<1


D) I"'c--+-HH~ 02 IL_ DZ. ."OIB j O. ~''-+-J.-t-++ o. ,.. -- ole

, I11WlY r--""UiVf'l{\J"",. l:~ INO OQOClaOCQ L---$'_'.-...J

... UD -+--...... +--- ",iE,'. IA,t) =,-__..147 UF ~----I---- ~ (A,B,t) RIO ------wn (A,B,c) 'OK .- .------UiNl\ (A,B,t) (8) iiif ------*--+-"'-1INT

(8) D,a ~------~ ,------I.ID? lB)INnn 11 NMI .------'RST .IL pNle14'S<1O

___-'oj, ~ ./t 81- 111

SHUT 2A 7 6 4 2 .[VIIIO"S lOftl L11t. UrEa. OUCII...... • Ifrw_; wu. ~II Ittlf h- 5.l1'f") -.0' ~w' un ... " IIfIO ItO a.L(. 1'X) .. ],'5 -, mm. "IItU UlD .ro CIt .!I, J' "J 0 u1...... , ~ UIU[I) r.; .... 11, ~. , ..

D D' D 010 MCt1A9 WI4M os SCItIM r/o 0< OJ ~'I'e~~c :- J-4- - i ell ",70,., :- I C13 170 PF or + ~ '-I ('M C.ND I DI , I --~I + - : -7 SI(;, GND, : lIe (71 J6 ~ ODD NOS IA) DO , , TO GNO -, T.O ..J, __ ~ ____ -, ell : TI I>"'----"~~----':c_+_+_+___+___+__+_: J' -8 iN6l"X I 1.rr ,'-] r.D 'fiii :Jf,-2" T~K" : , 'J"-ZQ WIT PIt:OT.1 , I 470'" Pf I DOat I"'------'~)O:!'----+---+ I J"-18 SlEPTN I ,-" m ,il)cJC----'-""'=-~+--+_ :J'--Z1 ~ITt : c• , f">-----'------'.,,~!>O,'------'___+- : Ji> - eo SfEf : ..-', 1-) IWJDB -s e"lS , c I , C 01 14 07 (I'<) IWJD' n" I D~ 13 I'-<--dIoiNl~ , J'- 22 Wrf""iim: "'iliff, o. l ______j 05 12 D!. D7 :-i> D4 11 0<11 DISK DRIVE' -0[" ... """ 3 .. DCD ()3 \0 D!o ""DS (s) p",,, r DZ 'I Dl (,) D1 " ..'" 03 --"" LATE .. (A) De"' 7 [). D2 III Of I AI -.~ AI US2 " AI 5 All .. t r---, 1793/7 031 R'9 r J)-' I I MHi'. l4 tlK l DISK 2004 I Jl-" 18[[J> - ~ R~W -OAH ~ smK (') ,i ' R35 ~ _ J'~~_ J rJ~_~.-~~ JJ·Z ,II&D nlA '------I I.B-~II" I L __ J t un I, -!BJIIU!.', 3881 I"'----llf~>~c:__.... : Jt -, 5T'lOeE: - f S'f':iPIO , K£lr.oMW '*""==---; J2 -11 KU')Y I HlT 23 1U------<>f10 1Nf I I _Ie %PiO ,. .. ~"'"'=c_:_--:J'-12 mvn I mR I"----'-juil)o:"'----I J'-ID DRIVE .... lilfiiB" MB """ (0) ..8 1 I') 07 IlIo 05 DO 0] b2 NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. Df .. , DB...... ~ ... D...... " ""'" 110 AltD DISK CONTROLLEIC' " l(i) • rrl1.

SHUT 21S 6

7~H(D" 9 '71 L'5 10 lONl LT •. UFtCT. -.!.~Nt Iik~NIe. • '..;. ~ YI H ~11" ~1Ii! ---101--'- D V NIt 7"'1HCDof D ~'~~L ... ~ Rl .2

(1 +'111' 17!lK Cl 30PfJ 150 PF

704lS0l \Sl ... c-.[flv lll '41 ..... t.,..l..Jvw ...... vl..Ju .... u{J ~S----l

10 11 12 ,. c C " (1 15 7"515\

7~l5138 0'1 '") "o8 I (e) ee. 0'1 (A) 1.18 VIDEO W Ic) CCI l4 1 Il 11 (A) A2. aJ. Dl 01 0. (C) CO2 (A) A38 u,. u,. U31 r.:f)' : Ie) eel r I Zlf1 t'14 2114 (c) I HORli. 5YNC I L ______J fA.) A4B (c) Cl< E2 (A) AS8 (C) CCS ',WPR,r c,~';y IAJ A •• Ie) cc. If\jr:~n .. '·:1 IA) .7. (e) LC. (ClOCB 1. Ie) CC. ------'4-" .. IAJ AS. ",~ I .: -j"­ 2 u15 Ie) LC' II/C~' _Ie. (Cl' ·:.I~ "i' . IA) A'S Ic) CC 4 ----'..-~ ':' 74l'EollO .~~ jl';:'" 1<1 LC2 (e) CC 5 -~""--" • -'~I'!<: ';,,;- I. AIDB 7.t1LS3Z (e) LCl If.) AllS ~ (c) LC+ .~"Nle. ." .. • NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS, INC. DlMlHSIONS AlII IN INCHU DB...... (:AUII"OItNIA II. TOLEIWilCES ON~.~' DMWJrt ~911. ~~=-' ~:: CItlOt .. CRT CONTRDL ~ ItEL[AS£o..n .. """ 111-111


RAM Address Display Character Video Multiplexing Blanking Generator Driver Fioppy Disc IClocks I C 0 RAM N Video Z-80 Video T Addressing CPU RAM R 0 L Data Bus Buffer System Video Parallel Clocks Ports Monitor ROM Serial Data Ports Control

Data Data Reset Port I I Keyboard Selection Memory Address Address I I Management

Control Control

KAVPRO 2 and 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM I , • J. I I 1Ic=:J I I Ml , ____• J2 L_.J L In I.> ____ ~ ,.--- -===:~: -c:::r..- _____ 2:. ..I I1129 • ______tU;+::::::l,y 1----- 42 ~-)---"o I • .. 2 I 4 S I. q at U.II2f l.' ____I_ 9).. - ..c.g 1)" I -> '---~ .1) CIJ~C14 .s v, tiffS: I ..c:::::> " s ~ a~ OIlD 4 CIIC:::>' ... ~.IS _ltV J 'M US2l.) _____ c;:> ~_.. ___ .,- E~ -=-.• ·'2 V 2 VI I tL) ____ C8, ., > v. I •• C...... ) I gL____ 1 U 7,---1:':"'-----1 JS C~ 124 S 126 n. u.> V" ) vn I.) __--.Jl ~L ____ I V~ f 12, u, c:::>CII --.Jl I u..L)__ V7I ) ., .S .7" (}cto ... a20

C7a u.> 0:0:0);(1 VQ ) 00 I a4 .....10 ~ na V20 ) ) 140 V56 ) vn ) i ~ J4 n VII C •• ". I.D 10CS', L ____ 29 V2' ) U57) () '---- V34 V75 > ~ vn V7. ) V22 ----.,1) VIS L) ____ NO I~ •• - ... 1159) c:::> 1 > • ~ til' ~ UIO ~ uti) ,~) • 0 • () v •• ) cn~ ~ ) S .12 U42 vao va.an _ n. --.:to UII ) utq V37 ,> __--' J. ~ 7A= V.3 UII ~ utS) I f L-__--.Jl 1 n VIt -)1...::::::::!1 ~ ~L_----- fro-:"! 1000 ~i c:::> VIS - a20 J7 c. () UH) va. ,)__ _ ~ vu > I~ > I> Va. N ... ~ -c:::r - • ut7 ) ~ - I.D -) -1.)----- ... ~'~' I> c=J -c::J-a.. va7 un n Ie LIS'l', IQ\YPK) 2/4 (81-248-0)

Reference Description Designation ------,------,------Ul 74LS16l 4-bit counter U2,U67 74HCU04 Hex inverter,

6-9 The examples of oorrect signals shown below do oot represent all of the signals on a Kaypro mairtx:>ar:d, since most signals will be simple high-low toggles. A group of vide::> signals (a:0 through CC3) are included as illustrations of the timing relationships between the various vide::> signals. tete that only ~ of the I/O signals on US7 will be low at arr.t given time.

State of the machine: with a blank, 2732, EPROM inserted in place of IX>rmal EPROM at location U 47. The door of dr~ve A is open: the machine is waiting to boot.

The signal measurements were· made using a Tektronix oscillosoope, model 2213. It has a bandwidth of OC-6f2J MHz, sensitivity of 2mV/em, a sweep delay of f2J.I microseconds to 1 secald, and a graticule display measuring 8 x lf2J em.

Signal Ml from pin 27 of the CPU (U63) was triggered on. This signal is shown in the top half of each display and was channell. Ground for the signals shown on channel 2 was established at first graticule line above the bottan of the display.

Each square of the representation is the equivalent of one square em on the graticule. '!he soope was set for 'lV/dive for all figures, and was set for .5 micro-seeS/dive for all figures EX.CEPl' figure 6, which was taken- using 1 micrcrsecs/div.

Figure 1: Pin 6 of U63, 2.SMHz clock signal.

Figure 2: Pin 24 of U82, !MHz clock signal.

Figure 3: Pin 3 of U6, CCf2J.

Figure 4: Pin 4 of U6, 0:1.

Figure 5: Pin 5 of U6, CC2.

Figure 6: Pin 6 of U6, CC3.


'- .-I- - JIll! ~ ~ -- r { I r -, I , J - j ~ ~,.. ~ U - "-Io.ot , p p , lflii " lflii r .. -, ~ ,..., ,..., II' I \I \0 \0 U ...... " \. " " '-- '-- "- FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4

- ~ 1"'""1 ~ l1li ~ ,. 1--'1 Ir r I ,. I - J J L ~ U f -- - "'"

- - ,... - P"'" ~ ...... ~ - FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6

- ,. III ,. ,., , r r I • J ~ - .. Ij -r-- ,... !II' ~ ......

- I-

6-11 SI


CPU clock U 67 6 1 MHz U 87 13 2 MHz U 87 3 MROOB U 62 16 RDB U 62 5 M1R (re ference)


BAS U 39 11 CAS U 66 5 MUXC U 66 4


CLCCK, Y1 U 2 8 CC0 U6 3 CC1 U 6 4 CC2 U6 5 CC3 U 6 6

6-12 _,,1110., ZC»C L UfICI'. .. • ~;_Sl.UUC: h-_I) ...... u.n PlIII 1 ..- !nIl..LIH PIlI! tOtu ~ .. .~. ""., .'.«va. 010. ,D7I LAUU - tW, ~ we.. UlUVo. IMM1." 'CIIIIIlTlD lD"'S .... -. .~.

(A' Mfm"---..J,._"_L5,02 2 U5~ 2 71L501 PRQPRIETA8.Y INFORMAllA

tfot'QI tltslnbulfOft J1-1 JIIf 0-- "Ie

7<1lS15.1 f2 9 -4 .,

1 0'" a2 tl\ U,. ffSfT 1~ U31 1»: I 1""" ~ .. M "' .. "I "I "I "I '1 z1"1 '1 ~::U;~~~~~~ .-;<

3 7~l502 HOMEMCLATua[ OIl OfSCItII'TKIff I=ICI~ITI~" 2 U37 ),!-1 ____---'9'-'""-l-..,"32 <""" ~ '''ITS LIST --.l I ~...!2 iiMi \!, HMT ~ IL-___l-- __ NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. L__ __ t' I 7"l~B • MATtlllAl KAYPf:O Jr/4 pOle 81-241 SH[[T 2A _(WiltON, ''IN, Ullt. unCI, DOC...... DAn • Rl'M"' • ..s SM tDIII" IT." SoliU") -s·u "~T UI~ '*4 IW) tID Lf. UlO'lII U ·l·" .~ ..... ~ mm. AD'ED CltD .ro '* JI: .. , -. LAICL'S OM PI .. !>. n CfVl~OI!A ,. '~T " ...... , r. K .... '

01 [Jj, Melta' MC.I_ 05 SUII'l I/O Il4 03 ~"'c ~N/C I J~ -,I CI3 .--- + ~ CI7 170rF :' I 110 PF or + • 1-1 tH 'ND I --, 01 -:-7, Sf' 'NO', : I. (7) J6 - ¥fiDrJ:iS T'''I-'''-~9~--t---I-Z T.D 1 .J r------, ell : 1i!'4li~"I'-1-t-j-lf--f--t-+- ;,,- B ~ 1 lAl'J 'fL_~1-11O___ ", , -] r.D UK : P-',+--J,i~fD-4-l-lf-I-I-t_ : J' -Z. ~I U70 (I, 1 ~~II>"'t-~t--t-, -~ no; f"'-+-":';"'I»'L.~>-I-t-t_ : J'~'8 ~ I Pm'Ili SIO CI. I ilxJ-:-2~=-""+-+ :J&.-Z1 WRITt If: P"+-'----'a;.i!><>"----~t_ ;J' -ZO SflI' (A) IWJOQ '1'-"---+ ___ ,-5 CTS eM , (A) BAllO. 4'Mft'1

IS 07 • ,f ~-"vv--t--:-" DISK DRIVE' [Jj, 3 .. DCD r D5 -----~_+~+-~_+--~~e (A) Of 03 02 01 III .3. ~19 R'1? l 200 .. 10K 12K f-L-+--:"~ Ii: ~n ~ 1---;;:;-l1+~=L-=-+- £ANI( (A) J3S __ -___ J L rJ~_~'-~~ 300 ... 1------1 I --lI!I.8l£!. ' , I I"'--..-.,..-"-l~~:;;_~: Jt -1 S1'1ll!E: 'IF-----~J~ ~~Y_ ~ 1iIf JL>----'-jo.oj>,.<.---:J'"-32 SS£L : ...:11£: 9!J£t -09 51[)£ 1 5Sft. • 1 0 SIO£ 0 MPiD iiliVn MIl kr~U~"'-;;=;..----:J'-12 ~ '!><>"----: J'-10 D~lvtA , lIim L ______...J ~n (8\ AlB AlB WK 1 PROPRIETARY (A) D7 RDB INFORMATION ""05 wsm Il4 ,AUINOHoU LIlT __ INC. ""-= fI1!t lor dlOtnbll4 ... Dl 02 OIb...... 01 aft, ather Dtt_ 01 -.. OfpAlllllOftOf ...... I/O MIl DISK COIITIaILL£1e ,.;;.. ••• --- <_wdllout ~MTt • l(0) lht _.Cor"",,,,pernliSIMIR of ... rrn ... I'W" 0 •• ZON( LTa. UfICI'. .. e Oil p.... .~, II, -

(') '08 (I:) CC. (A) AI8 (e) eCI (A) A2a (e) eez CA) A3B lc) CC3

(.1 ... (c) Cl1 CA) A58 (C) CC5 .---.----J (A) A.e PROPRIETARY (e) (Ch (A) A7e I NFOft:".~I10" (e) le 0 +£1 I\(it Irjj ~r;trlblltIQj. NJL -0 £3 K[l '-: tIiI"'-'\!"'Jf: :0 (.) AB! j:l, n~~:" ·.··· ...... 'r (e) lCl Ni~fI,: ..... ! 0' I ?1L~14 IA) A9B Nle tl"!,r,lolll 1:II'Iul (e) le2 Nie t'lo!l)e.m,')")'I(I,ll)j U3l (A) AIDB · • ~i!K.;'.1 ;rJr~'" Jt!:,., Nle 3 N/c (t) LO , •• '--- ..... _--_.- (A) AilS • NOMENClATURE 011: Ie) Le4 ~"NIC~ 0 DESCRIPTiON PARTS LIST UMl.USOntlllWIKSI1:CIIIU) ~TR. NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. DlMENSIONS.utE tN INCHES



r::::. I :: l:s~t'= SHE" 2C A'PUCATKIft art. UI DOlJ2 J5 JJ J6 CI ~L__ _ RNI +5 c::> U2 U6 J7 us f GIJ f_ ~ ISPR +12 O --- -12 U8 I ~4 L~---- CI4 UI2 C::::::> l __u_ll_ JI IORs ~-- UII Ie::> L~___ r- U20 UI4 UIS f UI8 C21 UI9 1 ~ of ----Ic::::> L(l ---. C76 _L ___ ClO0 U21 . U22 f UH L~----I:i~i§ U2l? ______C22 C2le::> U26 i "" I f ':',::-: 0 0- c::>f L______.~.~ Ril -c::::J- f!.J+ J8 U2S __----.:::U2-=-.8--I 0J 0 U29 flU f UlO f - ~ ~ ~ UJ2 C32 ~==IUll 0 U27 It: 00 Cl(:::) C::>f ---'1f . C34 J91 =----==:]1 ~- Ull Ul9 U40 O_CllU_lS ------I~ ____ 1 f I ~ ~ Ul4 Ul7 U4l f C41 I ____U..,l; U49 ~ ~~-U4~0 e::> U44 f cl-----[" L----C38e::>I~-- __U_4S _ __, ~ usa O. b~,~' U42 c:::; f c::> US] C42 ~o I un eso ~ ~ e::> L_____US4 <=2 uss e:, ~ -U-S6-I Q; ~O-=====USI US9 f----I9L-L~ ____ I f ~O US2 f U60 ~ U61 Sf'R CSSO__ U72 eS9 c::, O } I~f 8 L~ ___ I ~ ---'I ~ . US7 5 } I ~ ~e::> L____ [l 8 U66 US8 It: U67 0 U6S ~ ~ 60 un ~O -----'U63 00f gU64 I 0 O JIO 0 R18§ C60 !" ....0-- §O------' y] :: C61 U un un C72 C PC 81-18' Ie LISl', 8l-l86-n

Reference Designation Description

Ul 74874 Dual "0" flip-flop U2 74808 Hex Schmitt Quad AND gate U3 74804 Hex inverter U4, U10 1489 Quad SQf.UTI' line receiver US, U38, U41 74LS244 ectal buffer U6, U2l, U24, U33, U49 74LS74 Dual "0" flip-flop U20, U30 74LS08 Quad AND gate U8, U37, US0 74I.SOO Quad NAND gate U9, US9 74LS393 Dual binary counter U11, Ul8, U3l, U4S, 74I.S373 O::tal "0' latch U46, U60 U12, Ul9 74LS138 3/8 MUX Ul3 7406 Hex inverter, open collector U14 74886 Hex Schmitt Quad XOR gate UlS, U61 74820 Dual NAND gate U16 8116 Dual progranmable baLD. rate generator U17 1488 Quad transmitter U22 74LS16S 8-bit shift. register - U23, U27 ZOOA SIO U25, un 74LSl0 Tri NAND gate U26 81-187 Olaracter generator EPRCM (2732) U28 Z80A CPU U29 74LS195 4-bit shi ft. register U32, U43 74LS02 Quad NOR gate U34 74LS14 Hex Schmitt inverter U35, U44 6116 AAM, 2K x 8-bit (200ns) U36 6545A-l Video controller U39, U54 74LS245 Bi-directional 8-bit buffer U42 81-302-C I3oc'&t EPRCM (2732) U40 74LS32 Quad OR gate U47, U48 74I.S157 Quad 2/1 MUX U51, U52, U57, U58, U62, 4565N-15 Dynamic AAM 64K x 1 (150ns) U63, U68, U69 (t-bstek number) U53 74LS163 Synchronous 4-bit binary counter U55 14-2-392 14-Pin pull-up resistor U56, U65 74LS04 Hex inverter U64, U67 74HCU04 Hex inverter, Q.1CS U66 74LS93 Asynchronous 4-bit binary counter U73 WD9216 Data separator U74 1793 Floppy disk controller

6-17 The examples of oorrect signals shown here do not represent all of the signals 00 the 8l-l8a-n main1::x:>ard, since most of the signals will be high-low toggles. A group of signals taken from a video clock divider (U66) are shown to illustrate the timing relatiooships between the various video signals.

The signal measurements were made using a Tektronix ocillosoope, model 2213. It has a bandwidth of OC~ MHz, sensitivity of 2mV/em, a sweep delay of g.l microseconds to 1 second, arxl a graticule display measuring 8 x 19 an.

Fach square of the representatioo is the equivalent of ale square em. 00 the graticule. The scope was set fur 2V/div. and .2micro-secs/div. fur all figures except figure 2, which was set at • Smicro-secs/div.

Signal HI from pin 27 of the CPU (U28) was triggered 00. This signal is shown in the top hal f of each display arxl was channell. GrourXl fur signals shown 00 channel 2 was established at the first graticule line above the bottom of the display.

State of the machine: The machine has just booted-up on the hard drive.

Figure 1: Pin 6 of U28, 4MHz clock signal:

Figure 2: Pin 24 of U74, !MHz clock signal.

Figure 3: Pin 12 of U66, video, clock divider.

Figure 4: Pin 9 of U66, video, clock divider.

Figure 5: Pin 8 of U66, video, clock divider.

FigllI'e 6: Pin 11 of U66, video, clock divider.

6-18 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 , \ I( I~ rr-. r r r- r \ \ \..1 "i.I .. u l1li '-

I~ pl"""l ,.- ,. ,... ,.. 11 II fl Ii , I 11 1 1(\ 1 \ \~ J V V \J \. l L. ~ " ... '-

FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 ..,. \. J \

f ~ If f I J~ " " I , U \J \J \ l\. \


\" , r \ I" I(' \ \ \ \ \

".., ,- ,- r n f , J~ II , 1 r l J \. 1 \ 1 \. J


AAM Address Character Multiplexing Generator Hard Floppy Drive Disk C C o a N N AAM Video T T Driver Video A A AAM o a Z-80 L L CPU Data Bus Parallel Buffer Video Ports Clocks

Monitor AOM Serral Data Ports Control

Control· CAT Port r:::::l Controller ....S_e_le_c_tio_n ..... Memory Address ~ Management .1-----1




• f

PROPRIETARY I I3A7 f SA' , INFORMATION BAS e.A"f No: ,," :IIsl1lb11ll'l11 Uti BA} !SAl.. " blnsflllSSlOlllr. \lAI ..., ;;tlle! petSUl1 B "'III orpn,:,'.1or. /Jf i!'iOA rom,,"~, ,,"00',1 the ~'fml!.!·IOfI tit lIa,..,o Cc:",1,amn -.J TID-" '----- .1JO-) P,.JA.,lf\I(b


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C.",D to'ALl " at


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,.,.,0 J1·~ 9 SC./-JEMATIC; PR..OC~550R j(1..., 11-5 AJI< (;. MATERIAL KAYPRO 10 +Sv TT-'

NEXT fiNAL NEXT ~INAL A55Y. ASsY. ASsY. Assy. APPliCATION QTY. SCALE WEIGHT IsHEET ZA £»of( AJI'IIMMD .. - '_-4- __ ~_ "n ,hi loT .,. 7~ ,.",.-,,", "or .. .7

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(A) IIiO I PROPRIETARY I Iii I. H~fORMA'rION-.--_-- ,.... f,r. dls'nlluhOn I 8r j. ,'-f~US~I.1"; m t4~r rl~tJ rt"').!ft I fII~'.--:.tI(U\ 0. I C(- •.• ,.1, .. 1I!o~ut ,~! ..~Irllnio" of 1,1/0 l~o CorjlOr~llOn





Reference Designation Description

U1, US4 7406 Hex inverter, open oollector U2, U2S, U71 74I.S14 Hex Schmitt inverter . U3, US 1489 Quad Scmitt line driver U4 1488 Quad line driver U6, Ul3, U14,U55, U58 74I.S373 ectal "0" latch US 74I.S374 o::tal "0" flip-flop U9 81-235-n Character PRCM (2732) ,.. 81-189 Custan gate array U11, U17 ZOO SIO U15, U23 6116 Video RAM U16 6545FA CRl' controller U2", U31 74I.S245 o::tal bus transceiver U22 3.9K Pull-up Resistor U24 WD1943/ Dual programnable baud rate 8116 generator U26, U27 74I.S138 3/8 MUX U28, US1 74I.S244 Q::ta.l buffer/line driver (3-state outputs) .., 81-194 Custan gate array U32, U33, U38, U39, U41, 2164 641< x 1 RAM U42, U47, U48 U34 81-292 Boot PROM (2764) U37, U4S, U59, U72 74I.S"2 Quad NCR gate U40 74I.SOO Quad NAND gate U43 ZOOA CPU U44 1793 Floppy disk controller U46 74I.S"4 Hex inverter U52 74I.S32 Quad CR gate U6" 74I.S195 4-bit shift register U61 74t.S"8 Quad AND gate U65 74I.S1" Tri NAND gate U66, U75 74I.S74 IAlal "0" flip-flop U67 FOC9216 Data separator U73 74HCOO Quad NAND gate

6-27 &XI?E SI

********** Scope signals fur this mainboard will be available soon: the section will be sent to the dealers fur insertion into the new Technical Reference Manual as soon as it is available. ************

6-28 I REVISIONS ,'Il S 1'+ '"'~ 1"f.O~ .. I lONEILTR·1 EfFECG DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED ~ I 5' ~UI ~UZs Et.1 <>sn- H-'I r I l&iHCOO t U(..I I .I"n '~LSI<.( I I I r 'I U73 II V7j' i W ,0 31-1' ee'lM ... e u~$ ~ 12 10 N/e. --. J""t-S"D KIiY « ~ ~~S 7"1.'°8 £W~T"-'I'1 Q'/J." ID) ~ r'~' .. on4L .st u .. y·\j"~ \:' ';? \} ""''''' ...." ..... '''''''' .>-1 ~J"'-OOOAl"~ ~JTHR"'f1 7~L.sOZ ~:I.,-OO~"'OS_ , T'UU II 3 u ~o;; I 7_"0, ~~~~~~2~22~~'~~~ (D) .-N~::t-lA.,J,..Ot .... _= __ !"_ ~b- "M"i!~ ,t «C««.IOS_ USED: 2S"2t'.?7 Yc< j , tL uP n-"Io ~O f "'liS AI5 S" ~ 2 ~ 3~3'1,3? 7'1-.s0"L 1'1L5.0 7'1LSO"/- (C)4Mf'Z -+---!< f AI.]AI"'· I ,~, (A)r"OR ~ Ii ",,,,'iJ.'1.s;'1S ~ .... ;r" Ar 5 P/I. U ",t).S: 117 •• V7S R3! A"l 10K A7 ~ 1 1\7 " J 7'1U " .r,- II' 3A7 A' I~ t 2'11( 0 7 ,_ 20 V;,l~4~ "I. •.~ '/ A" ?7'4 SA" (A_E,r) ,NT "(NT A5 ~ AS AS ·AY I ( "!t=:.J,-a. BIIS 1.1 A4 )'1 '- ... , 7, UZI ~ 7.,.2'( 611't ., ') 7 .01> LJ3't A'. 9, "-f;. 7,·J' SAi U43 AZ H. .1' At t ~ t 1 r ,-21' /SAl. AI" , A' A 4£ o~ r.,-~o OAI A -'0 l°/J,fl AC'- Z (.. ~MI I 1'1-' '1.. eA~ ?80A (.$'.I\~t'J Ce) PIlO"Cl] ~ fiND cpu ~ - '" ...... ~ .n. o~ a.a.I O. ~ ,.\'!;.. Q Q Q Q A 00 "11'1171' J IJ It II ,~ 01 '1 ~7q v... ~-1'./S/)7 n~ , TII'-" a;y --"'I"-,t. U5Y 7So.... Il(.ID ~l'-/" a/), RSO ~ 7'f0r. D I .. D<" ., 7"WI Jlo-> ) Of , no, Z.S ~J""\' aD" '~'.I#I(I) 7110A (F) ""AlT· ~ I n-Io BOot ~) , 1131 ~n-' sO\. .T'f-3f- D2 't lOOK D~ ~n-(,. aD~ 01 I hi :1 1l4f 601 1"" .. 1"" 1171 tJ71 Of :>. nI:11-'fI f1-z.. aDCI ~ 7'f<.S?'t. 7'lLS,J'I ,~ 0;"" R'I" , ,0 l~ DO! I I\. I .. (.. ~ .n~z II~". 3-.J, UT ~ 117Z!.L'i...... ~ 200.... " 10K + 7~SI'f 7:'-", ,.32 .... , u7/ 'I iUi'iiii zs 4> ~41M~ 8~vAI( 11- ,,/c '~ Co Ie, :J ~oJ '?/ 1J1Z 7,*UOL J,o-I Mlt. I' 1J72 0 " .... 21 v ii"i 7't1.111 ;;;JI n ~~ [OIlQ S 7 .... lS0-Z 74U3& 2.0 I rf!' 11-i'/ (A,e,F)iNi' H-'t'l ~ 7.7 • (I>,) OIlQ ~ -,---., !.. 7' -... MT (0) IN'Rq 'lut;~ ., 17 .,." iPiii'" 1'f -13 ffi L- fll- NIt. 1"1 UTI 1 ::7~z. ~ ! ,~ 1 1 I "C~I~ (A) A~---L A IS .... ub A (a) 1"1") (EO n·"'- ... 'i I.e ~, ~~ u I. iToaT (In _. 7¥UI~ t~· u:- ~ ~ ~ ~ (I.) A!=ia UOl(. : ,. 8AUO'1i Ca) .. u'to (~) I'"~ c: -tl n 610,.1 (Jr.J -...' ~:'" l~ I~~ ~ n 741-5 7"t.~OO I~I iDSi<.Ci (D~ CJ NO.'S Nor V,stD: .Ie)1.5,IO,r" I"" (~A7-+ , 'vs "AT ) ¥1, H. '3, '., , ... " U2S ~(o) :T ~(fI) IS __ /t)A5 or..v , - (")"~-~ A ~PIOO( 7'ftSI'f QT'f PART OR NOMENCLATURE DR I MFR. CIRCUIT liTEM (a,!>,l) /tST-____ • • ~)~=p ~ un p-!-!- ore sO'J I I DESCRIPTION COOE REF. NO. /L REQD IDENTIFYING NO. SPA'£ n-I pg-.. ~"/C PARTS LIST 7'1LS -IZ", 17-2, ~PROPRIETARC1 P!:':-- "'/e. UNUSS OTH[llWISl SP(CIFlm CONTI. NO. NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS, INC- las ~""C: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DEL MllII, CALlI'OllN'A ~:~ ~~~I~ u~'f-'tOJ INf.9.f!t~tAT!OH") i .."e DRAWN ~T Tz-1 Irv " KAYPRO ~/84- .Sv 11-' I C~,(llll' w,ttKiut I lhe ,"'l1li5$1(1" ~i , a/-l?S" NEXT FiNAl NEXT IA\NAL S~E Io;'6;~ I L y,~ c..fPlil'!I~: __.J ASSY. ASSY. IASSY. SSY. SCALE I WEIGHT I SHEET 2A APPliCATION QT'f. REVISIONS ZONE LTR. EFFECT. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED

'1 ced< -=l. 12 II "r;oi ,I II D"11.-L= D.. IS --~- A,.A, VCC a. ~ 17 ~~D PI.II-0. P Qf.!~ __---i,,;.Jj' A,. o,~'-----....!.!1' 01 D °D~I~ oD ,qll-"'='~'-- __"~s ..A ' O. Ir ~' Q~I> ,.. __~I'f "~ NLS~2 • O>--c"C Q~O Dll~ D qf-~ ___.!.Il A, 2732" ZZ ,,~O UN05. lJS(D: ',~S:~; (A) D?­ ,"PI'" 'iT 07 I OUt--=- P :!.7+ 5 • A. 0 P U QS"D tAlo,-- DIP ff"k&>H DIII~O 0':' ... IJ~ ~ Hq •• ,~ '~/'f,'S, CAl "'­ 3.",<, rf P~l DQlrp D 'I , /0 I U Q7D , ",zqz."U (Al D'f- pu•• -uP f.:-z 0 ~ I IJ a Oio.'P.L--<1r--.l;L_!.d, :000;' "'i¢ ~ itA <1 (/0) b)­ f* PH ~Ci <.. -J: ("I CIlo­ un r* 01. I .l.. 101'181 71 'I ~~~ UI IA) 01- ~ ~~II V !i APo3 (A)D_ L..__ ...J- ~~ !~n U"Nf .. DOU'TP'u...7 --=!i':...... II>c>"t.'--_+- ______n-), VIDEO r4--+------~------~~·o.rDV ~".

~o...-~R •• CO,.."N£C TIO'-'S ~v ... 5",,: PtItJ 20 0'­ U 1', 13)~ Z 0 p,o.) -z

c:a.,vD: "tV 10 oj:. U li', Il, 1'1. 2. 0 D7r~ D~l~ "'A./ 7 of IJ I, 2. PslI>~ ffi' D3 I 1'1LS l'lS" 02 01 ~sI U2.0 041 I

~ ul.. 7~UI'f ~ :~ ~I~I~I~I':: ; g li5~t

Q 68ft-SEll UII. ~.. III D/i. 0 C oNrROL6.14.

~ 11 QTY PART DR NOMENCLATURE OR I ITEM r---.------..., ~R~EQ~D~~ID~E~NT~IN~IN~G~NO~.~~~~O~E~SC~R~I~~IO~N~--~~~~~~~~N=O~. l FROPRIHARY : PARTS LIST ! UNUSS OTHERWISE SPECifiED CONTII. NO. e NON.UNEAR SYSTEMS, INC. I !Hf.QB.M~J ON DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DEL _It, CALlI'DitNIA DEcJ~~~:ANCESA~~LES ~~=::::::~=:T--!.~J:!.---l=::....=~~..:::::.------., SCHE.t1ATIC, VIDEO ,I :' flell .. trCT.p",., "..,thC.\1 SIZE I:~ J"lOj.S';h);' I,; ; .iI·, ,I" C.. o'· ~IIO(. NEXT FINAL NEXT INAL ~/- 215 1. •.. _._. ---._.-_._- . j ASSY. ASSY. SSY. SSY. C ~~~--'--==~-+~~~ SHEET Z e APPLICA nON QTY. REVISIONS, DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED


(A) AI,. M1 r'l"'~---'LfA7/IS (~J A'1 CA) Alt M~ • I S A'-/I~ (~) ,.., (A) AIJ o AS/,) u vos LJ.s~t>: iI..!j, 48, 42, (A) ,..r; 1/ A

(A) "'/tOQ 17 XM"E~ It (Al All 14 All I'H ~_---!I.!:.l2 H/II (A) ,.} ~ A3 H (A)AIO " AIO "U i-!=-__~t. A1./IO (A) 1.1 S AL ~'/ (A)A~ M 1'\1 J-!-!..-__7.!.1 A1/" (}.)10 1 1-1 II 35 (A) A' " AI I'll/!I~ __-'S~ ~'" 3 tAlA AfJ XM~II'-'-----...-..:!"'Q " Us 1- (E) ",OOHl 10CONf iW .... (D) I MHI II'fHI

(D) Zt1>1l )1 ZMHI

(A) .t1Hl 3' 1/1Hl 7'1L3;173


05(. ~6 I ~t 101 dl!:lnbulibr, I1t "-"''''IS",Q II; YS= ~~, aIlIe • .,..,SIIn OIal'1I11ll1~n '" n CI'!'IPtt'\' .;1110.,' ,,011) OK t"~ IMImlSlIGR of L h,lJI'o Corpe ••icp



JY: FLOPPY ,~ PISK ..I~-.l! ~ "''1f!! U ",. -..ll ..,l. u NO~. I)S£D~','t't !OI,I>t., --9, S'~ 111 WD "'/~ji1'1<' .""".. Rt! (. ,..'tS' , JUS CI lie: sg~:i~~~< s ! '0, ~ ~ lk ffI ~l 7 11-11.. D"V B / HD eT"ut5T Cit) 14 " I r. ~~~' I rr-IO ~ T[iif TO" :TY--Z.. (. o flil 200 V" • Ii CL: '~L ___ " ... ,. ~ FPATA iJR(f ~ 0"- . , Foe f!..-....-!? '" :3 U4I 2 ~..., p~~'T "'-'ZI T• UU , eLK d...... OSI< I> ... T P 't21(" ~ J1-')0 ""'fLa' TS-" - D7 I~ /'S ac>c> !lOr.: fL • "ill f--rr·'t 07 It'f~ U'7 17'3 ot" • " ut. II' f..-ZS·P Ol- DS .. lot f..-ZS-l OS 7 o ,,~ »'{' f-- JS·(. Dot 17 D 741LS Q J'S: PARALLl!l ?RltJTEP- Lf OJ 0 373 f..- IS-S' 03 ., o CI~ D 'I 1--15-<+ Dl... ~ 1>1:; • : ~I' I-- JS-) \)1 IJ~" 3 o QZ ,-- JS'1 04> 10K "7"LS3Z- e ...... lS-1 ~ lUI (AI Rii I 3 I" ., I~f "1.7 US1. ,'I VOl 'Y'~"T - rS'-IV~ I'I-V~ n (.A) l.nlt "IT~Q ~, (Al DRq ORQ V 71ft SO'L 4 5' S' TG.' ~,.,(C P 8 ...... (') (A) A.. A~ 17 , .... 0 ",Ie (.. )w,..-~ p uU q '4 f-- AI Z O( (II) (AI AI AI tit (J\)P""TA- II I 2~ Rr. "Ie D 0 (C\IMM;' CL" 3 2 m: I I~ r-- --.----.- DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DEL MAR. CALIFORNIA " >Z l'-~ O· 0:0 TOLERANCES ON DRAWN lZ·n-i'f ~~ , CHECK Il. .;:. DECIMALS I ANGLES SCHE1'1A TIC; FLOPPY COVTf!.OL 1'- .... :2:,olO * 0-" ! <-I ~t ...":. ~j .,i ;: APPR n Il-c~'" ~ ~ i: ~ .. fJ c: :~ FRACTIONS ~ %1/lZ RELEASE DATE .3 -:;;;:tilk'S1 fi' PARALLEL PRII0T£R... I~I~,.., ... $ a-C:: f.~t~1;i,31 MATERIAL e"It' D /le~ It 6~ I~il0 0 w~J!"':.t:i KAY PRO 2/84- 1 X L.- ~~;~!~=I I~~ i",,,c,S.E NEXT FINAl NEXT INAL S~E ~;;;I '81-l 't 5 ASSY. ASSY. ASSY . SSY. !¥ .... --_.__ • .~-,.-...... -- •I - - APPlICllTION QTY. SCALE lWEIGHT SHEET ZO REVISIONS ZONEILTR.I EFFECT. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED UZS" I I I I I J 7~LS'" .~ ; .A.. • iiAliOA 'II) yz.r WO 1'I'#J/co",'"~"'. S."-II ~ 1IZ.'1 UZS Mil" I STT IZ '" A.. /I UU08(A) fr : e ~ ~ =~ ~ ~ 7 ~7 D71,,1~ D~TA C.HA.to.J"-'£L t1 V"'t ~J J tf- C. . 1 ! , .. .,v ".11'( OS OS" ,,. .. oJ ..... 0'. ~ 1/ u_~.L l iiiQ 01 p~ TJI'OA ...... , 1'/-Z " 2 oa iVia ,.... us (I') R.D~ 'hD. OS ~E7V • .;; io T·7O P'P "Ie. ,-1'/ ILI"',Z,..ZS C"I T.O. Dl .., "1" Dl R,DA J.'f-> r If rip.} , . ~, J r.D~~ Di'ii1i 1 01 ~ CII ,pI ~ ! 01 1/7 "\7 ~o 10 10 ,''::.",; ,.. 'HOI''' fflI otI D. iiTfA J'/-'I PI ~~<~3"$~ "'U'I (('I C'f3 1I 1=:E imlr CT' II 1"<1-5 .~ C/O .g S&:ltIAL u!fTlblil& OTW" I' 'l,5:"~"" ,..4'0,." J4-zo ,.ltINr~ ... c'" CLI< .. "" 'II'+~I\.,IIS ~ ...~~p,. U/7 ./A ,,'" ./X C/f; 13 l~ ii'Cii. " .. f-' ";I~ tJ( Ci ~ SIDell CA) SIOC~ I -A!C Ci '~ KEYBOAA.O ~1f u~.!~'~ f~~ f!!-o 1.11 7"~S,'i 7"~SI't J:J-l (f3;\ ~'OA-SIO{CII liz.. LIZ Lrz-I CJ .1. og- u~ UOA·Sl~ UII '170'" ~ ~4~~' ~1Z-l 11K)...... • f'1I(J.MN-.) lliO PROPRIETARY or) tEl- =:=i I'" !Vlc.~ ¥1Jlm .!!!.. ~ CTS. I!! h INfQ~MATION tl' " DtDA ""'08 e'~ ~ Dtii '£" E 't ~ er~ nU jiTQ lO" 1t10 NoIfor~ f.1 I~ III IrIIIIIniuiUII til ( ) ,...... t; IiiT " ... Ih iii tL ", c;NO .., .... , ~, ~.-- J~ • ...... !lie ......



/ / / / / r-PRO'PRIETARY-", ~ INFORMATJON ' / - C­ -- -- ~'1MtrI~CfID!I or t:W!lll~'on In I .or ~·.t·h(tf ;'W:i(ln {JfilJ)'mJt.,fJP.lIf • to"'!J8n/ w~h'Jt" Ul't !Jelffll.!tSlVtl iJI I I l. ____~!:.::~~ __,


APPliCATION QTY. SERNl. __ R48 R49 ASSY 81- _ CR8 R50 /AlE IN U. S. R. IC LIST, 8l-l.84-n

Reference Designation Description ------Ul, U54 7406 Hex inverter, open collector U2, U25, U7l 74LS14 Hex Schmitt inverter U3, US 1489 Quad Schmitt line driver U4 1488 Quad line driver U6, Ul3, U14, U55, U58 74LS373 ectal "0" latch U7 74LS38 Positive-NAND buffer U8 74LS374 ectal "0" flip-flop U9 81-235 Character PRCM (2732) U10 81-189 CUstan gate array Ull, U17 Z80A SIO U12 IM324 (p-Amp U15, U23 6116 Video RAM U16 6545A Video controller U18 'lMS 99532 Modem U19 'lMS 99531 Dialer U20, U3l 74LS245 ectal bus transceiver (3-state outputs) U2l 4N35 Photo isolator U22 3.9K Pullup resistor, 14-pin DIP U24 WD1943/ Dual programmable baud rate 8116 generator U26, U27 74LS138 3/8 MUX U28, U51 74LS244 ectal buffer/line driver U29 81-194 CUstan gate array U32, U33, U38, U39, U41, 2164 641< x 1 RAM U42, U47, U48 U34 81-292 Boot PRCM (2764) U35 Z80A PIO U36 r.MS81678 Clock U37, U45, U59, U72 74LS02 Quad NCR gate U40 74LSOO Quad NAND gate U43 Z80A CPU U44 1793 Floppy disk controller U46 74LS04 Hex inverter U52 74LS32 Quad CR gate U53, U70, U74, U75 Spares U60 74LS195 4-bit shi ft. register U6l 74LS08 Quad AND gate U65 74LS10 Tri NAND gate U66, U75 74LS74 Dual "0" flip-flop U67 FOC9216 rata separator U73 74H:OO Quad NAND gate

6-36 ~ SICJ!IAIS, 8l-1B4-n


Soope signals fOr this mainboard will be available SOCXl: the section will be sent to the dealers fOr insertion into the new Technical Re ference Manual as SCX>I1 as it is available.


6-37 '...... I A .....

ee) .. nM& --.+-.&.1 f

RU ,01(

(~r.p) INT--_...... :Ej tNT

U NO.'s Nor &1"'0: .10, •• ,so,S', r1. n. 'I. ,t. " .. ,.

MFR. CIRCUITliTEM I CODE I REF. NO. srAr£Z1-1 -IZ" J1-Z 1'.1.. 1"-1

~AlD 11·~ SCH~ MATIC" pre.OCI!.s SO/l.. Kay '17-5 ":·,O"'.. :f':-I pt .•.. , 80A.P "11 • KAYPRO • 511 no' :~~.:: -, .!q; l.' @'-I.4-) ;0,""1:"1 1'r':~:·I!' BI-I'lS" '''I~ i}f..(::i.:. )~~' ..'; NDr FINAL NDr IHAL t,i1~1Il !'..o.~.a!:~ ~ ASSY. ASSY. ASSY. ASSY. $CAL WEIGHT SHEET ZA . -...... -.. _-..... - --.... ~ .. -'.' " Al'PUCATIOH QlY. REVISIONS ZONE LTR. EfFECT. DESCRIPnON DATE AI'I'IIOVED

, d ,~j,laIDiit ,I l"

1Ia.1o , ••• .,... Ne.,.."•• " K"-""~~ IfR~ lit_ 7 .. ~'.,. ,..,~ ..,,-rl'. 1111'" ..... p..".­ tt-.,-,., ,.." "'Ol'~ , ...1"". "''''' ,. '.'~7 TO ,,u-u I~ IN ~ ••ft' U NOS. USltl: ~~~ 'I; G") ~?= I~) D...--- I~ /3, ,'f,'s, CA) gs'­ I ,",lq 0l1,U tAl Df- fA) ~-= (011 "'...- (4) ~!.:: (A) 0...-

~OIJtR cq..... /VCe TIOIJS ... 5,,: ~o D" U","AI ,.3)'tZO ,.,.., '11'1 0" V" 1'",1..1 P'I .... , ... "" U1, ~

_D: ,.,.., '0 o~ U "'),1'1, Z. 0 p,""'E. _ 11-1 HOell SYNC U". I 6, to.! ~'N T 0" +5 U I, Z. 7"'L~IS7 U71'"

;Jil CA) & • A.f{A) I n'l'llt) • IS

c.u~#;:'N .,. Il."" ! ,., ....- • V/OIiO c: ot

NOMENCLATURE OR MfRo CIRCUIT IITDI lt• """'IrCIf/·"n ,.... uZ. • R~ I~:: NO. 1 DESCRII'TION COIlE REf. I NO. PARTS LIST ~ S'~ " ::'" .... -._----_.. 'M&.S, _-- IINLUI --- - ex:-- 0 NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS, INC. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES m.""""" __ -. ~ >- z: TOLE~ON p'DRA~WN~~~~--~·r-··'~~~~=: ______i DfCIMALS l ANGLES CHECK I APPR R...... 3 SCHE.MAT/C VIDEO ~21~ .. - *- *.... ,-;-p~ J 1.1.1< RELEASE DATE q.;N} H:"'>Il -:l! f~"S ~ MATERIAL KA"IPR.O a:::0.. Q:\0 4-184- 0L4. C=:z NEXT fiNAL NEXT INAL Q.. - AllY. AllY. ~.[AsSY. ICALE WEIGHT I SHUT APPLICATION QTY. ea REVISIONS ...

UA,JOS V.s[I); L3,+B,fZ, .z~, ll, .12, JII, +1, +7, orr, u47 u1. U41. Ill., un Ull. 's , .. I<. RA"

)Z n") Z AJ/II

,.12 I~ " AZ/IO s'l I'll 7 AI/' ,IS S ,._" XA-'lI"'~ IIA,

U C/o.) 411"' 1"Ht U2.' ,...... -. "-1'+ I PROPRIETARY ••wllN1 I !NFORMATION-.-.- _. __ .

OSCI I :'i\.'1 ~!)( (Jlsmt-:/;nll " II.tlHZ I" (. tl .!;Sml~~"iI to YS c::J ~Il. :)~t.er pel\'A) ·;,:;lU.i.d,;cn (,1; )1 "ale) OK ~ 'f",;V~:y ... !!;I\I~! SOPF I :f1t Vt"t !'t,t', ~I~f. ilf ~ ca. l.~ .. ___ !~'.?:~_~~.~ __ .

PART OR NOMENClA11JRE OR ITEM IDENTIfYING NO. DESCRIPTION NO. PARTS LIST UNLUI DntUWIK lP£el,,1O CONTIL 0 NON.UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. DIMENSIONS AIlE IN INCHES NO. , • DIlL MM. CAl.WOIINIA T~E~ESON ~~~WN~~-~·----+~~~ __ ~~ ______1 ~'=' "::olU J.lC~H~ECKIe..lf-___+::c-cc-::-i SCHEMAT I C, RAM fRACTIONS *l1li MATERIAL ~If•• lev 9 (81- /Sof) NEXT fiNAl. 8,., IS ASSY. ASSY. SHEET c .•------~'~ ;------r------~--~R~E~V~I~S~I~O~N~S~--~~~.""··-~------~ 7'1L,SIO ZONE LTR. EFFECT. OESCRIFOION OA TE APPROVED A~L .. 1-'"'' fl...... "8 ...


r-1"-~ 07 1713 f-1I-' DC. r-7$·1 OS -Jl-c. Cot J"S': PARAlLZ£l 21M1 f-- JS-S 1)3 Ie.) U .... DL 3 r- .5 r- JI-l 01 1l1li1 U'ID 1.1"'1 r-U -l O. it} /Ot( r-JS-I .. aT .... 4 /18.I~f 1I!>7 JOlT". G4) "!I'5' I"TIIQ CA) Dllq Oll~

7 .. Do-

'iJ /-1 g.s-

SHEET Z1:) , ~- -- " & REV/SIONS ZONE LlR. EfFECT. OESCR::PT1DN IDATE ~O ,,,,,r,,,,.o ,_ j/:oif,.. 1'·"11 I"B" :Tj)""~S Nltll ... r U~S r r· ..·' !f -or rL~/" _ ~ ...... iAUoA (.A) rzr WD I'I'U/COM'''. G, ••• t ~ uz."I UlS ", ,:0. 10 I ... fT ~ e ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ..... _"TT IIAIID6(A) 7-::-1.6d.. u. V uOS. U.5l!J): ~3... 'i,~,1/ ~4 ~~ ~. A , ~ ~ ~ 1 .. " 17 2'1 ~~ '11 .. 0 3"'1-17 , , fa •- C/- '~S 1 J "'0?r I ". ~JD J't~IS "'1 _~/S ., T- -0 ~6g!ggg3 "10~ T~ ~I" ~ "Ie.: ,. ,.""" ,...... , N_& Z,,/-/ '1_', '-", ZI-l.S to-uDoHa(c) :r'/: ,! ,~ In QQ Q n .. ..I z. .,-7 iit .. " SItRIAL If 5 • I... • ..,: v .. o",TA c...... ~... ~ J "-1. c'" a," -,,, J r.u( =or. 'DS o • Ir iiiiQ p,/ TIoOA IU~'r, l~-Z D' ~ c~ (1') It./)"-~ 2 ".D. 0 " DI Na ~17'" • ,"..!~!,-S' T +'10 P .. . ~ oJ/C: '_I'I.''')~''''''zs ToO. D~ RoDA I.f-~ =" r,tJ' (pi,pi T·l~1ffil ~ 01 I 01 1.7 "I.,I"~ ;;;~ 4701'1'c"V (p) IfI"S nu ~ D. iI'Bl .1'1-'1 "11'1 ;z:~.,U( Tl7S~1' (I') ~ :II zna 13g~~ I•• ~ ~ Sl: 11') ~--£ ltD Z"-$ lOP S~·I"~ litfl~l& ..~5:':"6 ~4~c:.,. V ,folO ,.'WTfI'" nil .0 cu. .,.,. I" .. I " "lilt- "~I)nllS' ~4"r1" /J17 IU" Is~ e/' ~1I ,,"(Iii iCii I'-r lJ-l~U4 s :!.Io. iiIiiiI Iiiiii : fiiD o jQ ...... n "1t14~:"" j~" :. . t ;;; 1 H,Z .AI •• ";'DA ... t .. .."~.!.. _,:0. u-' ). :z iii T.D. 72-'1 c'::::·jit'L -....,"/ 12 ... u: Jrt II.DA " • '1.LS~t .A.'7"~b" ~" rZ-'& JtIiIf)( R ~s,ocdC~ CAl 1101:& /' -.H4 a ~n .... J(EvaoA"D J • V AfIl~.!~!tt"O.P. ?4~'''' non HO"-SJ~ ~." "~Sl""L vz. L n -I c3 'g U~ ! IJ/I 41O"-Qo ~1~\" .-.,~ n ., MM.).... •• '''CI' ..... -.. r ..---I , ? (A) 1_0 PROPRIETARY '.0 .. ~ \I")tll-h' tal iJle.~ ~ 1!!. INFORMATiON .11 KiA iKDi ~h iiTiii ... 1:., ~t 101 dlslnbu';on ... &'0 V ~:!: :::: ~ 0; tra"$II\~QII /0 &I I~'~ ronc/\) ;if ••y otl\ef I*1DII 6.~c 14._ t!: orliml"'" • J~ • J~' '0JmI)I" tIIIIIout .'" ptI1IIiIsiIa at ~~


I .... ,. (c) (I) (II III ta)

11/' --;r~_1 .., 101< '" r &0,. ~~- ~ aoo< It.. , UK Al'- "",,.,k--n-S" -- ~u,a ..." ""'--6"- r. o----~~~-,~-* f;',~111 . ~! -~~ ~r ~~ ~I ~--~----~~~--s~~ 7


>'IC77LOS 1 I.F J l VitI, 7

SC.J..I£MA7/~ "'I"OD£.1'-1 f RTC.

""L.SO~ KAY PR 0 4-/84-

IIEXT FINAL ASSY. ASSY. ISHEET ,F NOlES: I SH1ELDED 8Y 2 ~~CENT GROUNDED iRIIU:S. GlY. SCALE I WEIGHT ~~'6 RI 0 .lSC5 Ip___ ~Ii C88 --- n ~ ~ R9 {100000:0! ~ RSR4RSR6 UI U7 Elb1 oo~'9 2 } ~nIl 1 l() ~ I I +.---- IJ8 I: f f ~() U9 (i@OOOOOOOO Oao,.,~ , ~ .... C27 RI7 RI9 R21R22R2 DCR4 ~ QI) ~OIS 11O[ I~ ~O14 ~ U28 1:0 [" - 0\ I U22 I C&4 C> C>ces U2S t C47 C> -c:J- R40


SEA NO. R48 R49 ASSY 81-_ CR8 RSO IRIE IN U. S. A. Ie LISl', 81-296-0

Reference Designation Description ------

Ul, U54 7406 Hex inverter, open collector U2, U25, U7l 74lSl4 Hex Schmitt inverter U3, U5 1489 Quad Schmitt line driver U4 1488 Quad line driver U6, U13, U14, U55, U58 74I..S373 ectal "0" latch U7 74lS38 Fositive-NAND buffer U8 74lS374 ectal "0" flip-flop U9 81-235 Character PRCM (2732) U10 81-189 Custamgate array U11, U17 Z80A SIO U12 IM324 CP-Anp U15, U23 6116 Video RAM U16 6545FA Video controller UIS 'lMS 99532 M:xlem U19 'lMS 99531 Dialer U20, U31 74lS245 ectal bus transceiver U21 4N35 Photo Isolator U22 3.9K Pullup resistor, l4-pin DIP U24 WD1943/ D.Jal programmable baud rate 8116 generator U26, U27 74lS138 3/8 MUX U28, U51 74lS244 Q::tal buffer/line driver U29 81-194 Custan gate array U32, U33, U38, U39, U4l, 2164 641< x 1 RAM U42, U47, U48 U34 81-326 Boot PRCM (2764) U35 Z80A PIO U36 I>t1581678 Clock U37, U45, U59, U72 74lS02 Quad NCR gate U40 74lS00 Quad NAND gate U43 Z80A CPU U44 1793 Floppy disk controller U46 74lS04 Hex inverter U52 74lS32 Quad CR gate U70, U74, U75 Spares U60 74lS195 4-bit shift register U61 74lS08 Quad AND gate U65 74lSl0 Tri NAND gate U66, U75 74I.S74 Dual "0" flip-flop U67 FDC9216 rata separator U73 74OCOO Quad NAND gate

6-45 &Xl'E SICHUS. 81-296-0


Scope signals fOr this mainboard will be available soom the section will be sent to the dealers fOr insertion into the new Technical Re ference Manual as soon as it is available.


6-46 REVISIONS '".. ZONE, LTR" EFF.:~+-::.:T"i'f-___ ...::D=ESC=RI:;..PTI~ON, ____-t-=DA.:;,T,:,E t-AI'I'IIC7!E£ ~'. t I 'I " 1- I Ut.I -t-- i q , .0

, U3Ii'D: 2S ,(. 27 f \J.,. 'Z~3tj")? (C)4I1H~ -~ f -+0, '1~ 'j ~ 'I'. St, 5'4, S").I, S'"7~7t/73 J'If~1 I. c. s : U~J I "10, 117t, U7S RH 5"'" U~; 101< I3A7 !.S,~~~~ 8A" BAS 1.1 eoA Of &AJ U4.3 BAl.. IlAI B"'~ ~aOA cPu


~) lEO rf-'j(.

II NO.'S NOr &1.1£1): ,]0 •• '.so.r,. S7, H, ", , •• ,' .. "

sPAtEn-1 -12v J7-Z

.,.,2v 17-3-


, .. ceLl( t---.- - +------t---t----I

U NOS. VSfD: '~Z,S;~; (11)01- (A) 01.­ '~/~/",I.s; (A) DS"­ I r., Z q az,u (A) 0'­ (A) 1))­ (.<101.­ (4) 1>,­ (A)D_

,.OVER t::tfJIo;tvCC TtOOS ... 5 ... : f'.ItV ZO 0" U~, Il)'!ZO oz,\031~' , Dol'"or... ..,'" 7<1 0" DI" DIJI. 7"0~ UI lJ" I r>,t .3 .... A ' D~ ID<>'a'---.l---... VEllT r------' .,S.,F'.:~------~--·'-... 1'-4 s..,~, ~I""'''' oJ; 7'101. U I, 2. Clio

tWJO: ,..tV 10 of Ui',U,I'I,Z.O .,..",,-z. 0'" u~, IS, 'Z.3 "'N 7 0" IJ I, Z. UI UI .-+.!i'II><>'rL....~.~.-fI>o":>J'!!:O=--,-_ :rl-' I-IORI ~ 3..,,.,' VIO ;;'0(' 7'10C. ,.'t"N.!~~!_----_H------8

b BitS Elt VII. VIOEO C o IJTROL1i.A......

Q1Y PART OR NOMENCLATURE OR I COOEMFR. IllM ~.!R~~~JL~ID~E~Nn~n~ING~:NO~.~~~~O~E~SC~R~I~Pn~ON~--~ lID. PARTS LIST El UNLESS OTHllIWIS( IPtClflm COHrL _ NON-UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. ~I~ DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES NIl. .' DB. MAlI. CALll'OItNIA D£CJ:~ANCES~LES t:~:::H:::cWH=K::t-...... t.;:.;J:t---t':...-....I..;..;:i-...;;=.------1 F~:NS ..... APPR w.r -11.-1:) SCHE.MAT/C" VIDEO '" IJlI RELEASE DATE 3-(.,- K:51 MATERIAL 804ftD : 3/-/ j) 'I A ROBIE'


,.,,~ 15 ~""'i /I!! f=0__ ~O~ M./Il U VDS V.s[I): L', tB, '9Z, ",33, J2, 38, +1,.1, S-.s; t1,/ " " AlIIIZ u47 u4' U4'Z. Ul,\ u:n. 1J11 II Ifl ,:.

'l (t) ",oOHI 1'''~' (D) I MHI '''Nt (D) 2"'''1 1 ZnHI U (~) 4/'1Hl 1/1Ht uZ' rI-"'" rpROPR'f1~Vl J(CNItN1 INfORMATJCN JIl O~ct !tM It, "~ItIh.,1O


NEXT FINAL NEXT INAL 8/·297 MSY. ASSY. SSY. SSY. APPLI~TION OlY. SHEET t c REVISIONS 7YLSIO 7~LSIO I-'Z::O::.;N;;:EfllL:.:T.:.:.RTt-=:EF:.:.f~EC::!T01.f- ___---"O~E~SCRIPTION ·IDATEIA~ ~2MHa(cl 'MHZ(C.) I·~/C 'Et8 1 I I I I .sv +5>1 ,r+:.

U N03.. us£D;','t't 5>1, :'-'1.., ~~:;~ S"! '0, ~~ "5"," .. '7 lof( FI. 'tZ 5 0 1'5

D7 DI. liS D't :rs: PARALLEL 1>3 11'1.. 1)1 04> ~

QTY I PART OR I NOMENCLATURE OR I MfR. ICIRCUIT liTEM " L---r--:~~~~~~~=t------~======;====~-----l I~R~EQ=O~-='O~EN~T~'N~IN=G~NO=.~~_~O~E~SC=R~I~~~O=N~--~COD~~E~~R~U~._~IM1~ U.U us I PARTS LIST 7'tLU1 7~LS1~ PROPRtETARY ! UNLUS OTHllIW'$[ lII'£el"tJ) ~ 11 e 0 I~ ! ~.~~~ON \ ~l~~~:;~S ~~';;~;;;:~-:+--:"":~"--"'I:""~"';"'·:l,.,..l: SC HE:::~~;;~;OL ~ I~I~ oa, OIh~' pe>l(JIl '" 1/32 RELEASE DATE -3-(,,-'1<1 K~I I( PARA LLEL PRIIJT_E._R...... ;;... __ ~ ~l .rKaN3I1"ID: 11-IY'IA 'K'OBIE COI1ljJ.:"1 witbout S·c'ZElCOO£03'DOI62TNO.6·1 Ihe cermt&slOn ot J' NEXT 0 2 a 7 Cmpor.. '"" FINAL 0 /- K~",ro ASSY. ASSY. IQ'~~SY. IQ.·.'~SAyL. ~ APPLICAnON QTY. SCALE I WEIGHT ISHEET Z 0 REVISIONS ZONE LTR. EFfECT. DESCRIPTION DATE APfI!OY£O I I I I I

LJ NOS. U.5E.J): ~3, "',S," I ~ 2'1, Z. 5"'

l'~ "'''''~ "",: 'I", r-I', 21·lS :J'q: S&~IAI.. o"TA C.,...oJIV':"

n: S£AIA" ~""Nrl!'"

12-'1 11: KEYBOARD


IiGI for CIiSIr...... ",eM, __ • arpni'-"OI'..... _'/IIIIY wlllllu\ th peMl\I$IIOR 0/ llaypto CerPlll'lt/Oll

aTY I PART OR I NOMENCLATURE OR I MFR'jCIRCUIT lITEM I REaD '1 IDENTIFYING NO• DESCRIPTION CODE REf. I NO. pw .... -r 0 v'f: ... ,~" .,. 0 I'lpo.) 1'1 I PARTS LIST "",I> T~ ,.,po.) 7 UNUSI OTHUWIK SPECifIED ~TlI. e NON.UNEAR SYSTEMS. INC. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES l' > OJ Dm.. MAlI. CALll'OItHIA _11.11 .,.0 "tV I T~ERANCESOH ~O~R~AW~N~~R~lL-__~~'~.~~ __~:- ______==~ __ ~ ______--1 DECIMALS I ANGLES CHECK I z.olO *.... APPR II. r 1't-"·.tJ. SCHEMATIC, SERIAL POKTS FR~l)gNS RELEASE DATE 3-t.'N ~I MATERIAL BcAlu: tI-I·~'" A 'R Of3 1£

NEXT FINAL NEXT lNAL 'J/-297 ASSY. ASSY. ~SY.ASSY. lSHEET at:. APPlICAnON aTY. SCALE 1 wEIGHT -'------~'------~------RI~ IO~ ·.. ----~------r------~--~P~E~Y~I~S~I~O~NS~:..:::::::~:::::::::~~ 13.--.,. I ItOO'Klo L.=:ZON=E'iIIIL:;T:.:.;R't' I.:Ef:..:F.:E~CT:;,.·l-I' ____~O~E:!SC~R~I~PTI!!ON:::!... ______If.!DA=:rE4=API'IIOVEOc:::~~ ______~mI~~U77 \k"l1· 1 ",---r-'~ 20~ I r 11 II 7 p;:..-_N----~-vv"""'_, RIO .. ':JI'I"c.II' 7~"5' 7'1UJI ~I) _ C)/r.

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~. ~ ,'#7 7"fLS:ll' '01'< IC1."J c.17

1 t.. ~ 10 ... (~) ~ 1J7 UZS' U NO~, USE": '1, 1t, I;' ~I" ! 1'tLSI'/ 74L$ 3" I I', t I, ZS',.JS: ~', 37,. +~ ~4" Colt.. "" It. "$caH-1 76D.I'­ lUI T -.. ~3" "" U1 IV 'r:4'-L___ ~. aTt




1. Turn off the machine and disconnect the AC pcMer (5.1).

2. Rsrcve the chassis hood (5.1).

3. Remove the two screws from the front of the mainboard that attach the mainboard and the two plastic standoffs.

4. Remove the screws from the rear, top 0 f the chassis that secure the mainboard. The KAYPRO 2/83 and 4/83 each have fOur Phillips"'head screws and two hex-head screws. '!he KAYPRO 10, 2/84 and 4/84 each have three Phillips-head screws and :fOur hex-head screws.

5. Rerrove the power, reset, and video plugs. en the KAYPRO 2/83 and 4/83 these are J1, J5, and J7. en the KAYPRO 10, 2/84 and 4/84 these are J1, J7, and J10.

6. Remove the ribbon cable(s). en theKAYPRO 2/83 and 4/83 this is J6. en the KAYPRO 10 they are J8 and J9. en the KAYPRO 2/84 and 4/84 this is J8.

7. Rsrove the mainboard.

1. Set the mainboard on the plastic standoffs, insert the screws, but do not tighten them yet.

2. Align the ports and the keyboard jack with the openings- on the rear, top of the chassis.

3. Insert the screws through rear 0 f chassis into mounting holes. D:> oot tighten yet.

4. '!he KAYPRO 2/83 and 4/83 each have fOur Phillips-head and two hex-head screws. The KAYPRO 10, 2/84 and 4/84 each have three Phillips-head and fOur hex-head screws.

5. Tighten the screws on the rear of the chassis and the screws that go into the plastic stamo ffs.

6. Replace the pcMer, reset, and video plugs.

7. Replace the ribbon cable ( s) •

6--53 7." CRI' ASSIMU.IES

7.1 ~ ~

Figure 7.1 D::>tronix video toard At the current time Kaypro is using CRT' assemblies produced by Ibtronix, Elston, and 'Ibshiba. The adjustment pots are pOsitioned in di fferent locations on the toards and can be located by using figures 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3. These pots are factory aligned and normally need no adjustment. '!he purpose of these adjustments is to obtain the correct size, centering, and brightness of the display. V.width- Use only non-metallic tools when making these adjustments.

H.width Shrink- Vert. Before any adjustments are made on the video toard, the ALIGN diagnostic should be invoked. This will fill the screen with H's and aid in I H. Hold adjustment.


Figure 7.2 Check to see that the pattern is centered on Elston video board the screen. Adjust the hori~ntal hold pot until the display is correctly centered. en the Elston video toard, adjust the video centering pot.

Bright VERTICAL SIZE AND I...INEARI'lY The fbllowing two procedures are to be - perfbrmed alternately until correct display is obtained .

Vert. Size Adjust the vertical size pot to obtain pattern height of approximately 4-7/8 inches. Video Centering --V. Hold • Adjust vertical linearity pot until all characters are the same vertical size, top to o - Focus rottcrn. Width - HClUZCNl'AL WID.lH V Lin - Adjust the hori~ntal width pot to obtain a display width of approximately 7 inches.

7-1 B

Figure 7.3-- 'Ihese procedures should be per :fOrmed to adjust Toshiba. video 00ard horizontal hold.

Attach one end of a test jumper to TP2 (test p:>int 2). Attach the -other end of the jumper - Bright to the heat sink at Q3. Focus- Adjust R43 (horizontal hold pot) until the display either stops scrolling or almost stops. H. Hold I (sometimes they don't stop scrollin;J ccrcpletely)

-- V. Hold -I Disconnect the test jumper.

Adjust the horizontal deflection rings as H.widtn Vert. Size I needed. © V. Lin I ~ Adjust the fbcus pot until the edges and center of the display image are in fbcus.

To prolong the life of the CRI', the maximum brightness obtainable should not be excessive. If the brightness is excessive, adjust the Figure 7.4 brightness pot. I f the raster lines are Yoke alignment visible, the brightness pot should be adjusted until they disappear.

Locking Clamp

Deflection Rings Plastic Collar *** CAUl'ICN *** HIGH VOLTAGE IS PRESENT AT THIS POINT Coil Ia:>sen the screw on the locking clamp (figure 7-4) •

Grasp the white collar on the rear of the coil.

Turn the collar in the direction required' to square the display.

Turn the collar slightly past the alignmenc point, as it will turn back slightly when released.

Tighten the locking screw.


The same procedures should be used. to adjust the Micrex CRI' assembly as those used for the other brands of CRI's.

Figure 7.5 Micrex video board


7-2.1 Below is an example of perfect video alignment with a capital E positioned along the borders. You can copy this diagram onto a piece 0 f clear, sti ff plastic to use as a template over the screen •

.. _r! ... I fL..... __25mm

Perfect Video Alignment I

....~ ...... ~

7-3 7.3 VIlEO SIc:aIS. OIl IOaPBO MIUJ!1B(JR)

Below is a list of the video signals 00 connector Jl of the mainboard and the voltages en the video board. Repeated removal and installation of the video ]:x:)ard connector will loosen the oormection and produce poor oontact. MalfUnctions due to a loose connector can be very difficult to trace.

Video cx::>mes :from the main ]:x:)ard as separate signals, not as a composite like a TV signal.

A simple check :fOr l2V on the video board is to turn the BRIGHINFSS pot up, then turn the rear panel brightness control down. If l2V is present an the ]:x:)ard, you should be able to see the raster lines en the screen.

Video signals

Pin 1 - Horizontal Sync. Pin 2, - Key Pin 3 - Video Pin 4 - Vertical Sync.

Vbltages on Video BoaJ:d

Pin 1 -> 0v Pin 6 -,-> 0v Pin 7 -> l2v Pin 8 -> 0v Pin 9 -> 4v approx. (this voltage centrols brightness) Pin 10 -> 0v


If you have the assembly language utilities M-80 and L-80, this diagnostic can be typed into the KAYPRO, then turned into a CCM file by I'\ll'l1'lio3' M-OO, then L-80.


kaypro alignment test routine

first a program to m:JVe this routine above 8OO0h ; so...... e can turn on the other page 0 f rrem:>ry ; and address the video page directly start: ld hl, first+l ld de,dest ld bc,last-firstl ldir jp dest ·, dest equ 00000h first: defb 0 ·, .phase dest ; ; beginning 0 f the program ; first turn 0 ff the drives and turn on the vid page firstl: in a, (0lch) set 7,a ~turn on the vid page set 6,a ~turn off drives res 0,a ;turn off drive a light res l,a ~turn off drive b light out (0lch) ,a ·, ld hl,3000h ; beginning 0 f the vid page ld (hl), 'H' ld de, 3000h+l ld bc,3*1024 ~hCM many ldir

n<::M vid page filled with H

ld hl,msgl ld de, 03580h ~line 12 ld bc,80 ldir

ld hl,msg2 ld de, 03600h ;line 13 ld bc,80 ldir

7--5 7.4 ALIQI.tW! LISTING (cam:JD2)

lcx>p: call delay call aon call delay call aoff call delay call bon call delay call mff jp lcx>p aon: in a, (0Ich) set 0,a out (0Ich) ,a ret aoff: in a, (0Ich) res 0,a out (0Ich) ,a ret ron: in a, (0Ich) set l,a out (0Ich),a ret mff: in a, (0Ich) res l,a out (01ch) ,a ret delay: ld be,2 delay0: ld hl,0 delayl: dec hI Id a,h or I jp nz,deiayl dec be Id a,b or c jp nz,delay0 ret

7-6 7.4 ALIai.MAC LISTING (CQlJ.'IN(B)

'12345678901234567890123456789012 msgl: defb defb KAY','P' OR 080H,'R' OR 080H,'O II defb msg2: defb defb , crt ad','j' or 080h,'u' or 080h,'stment ' defb last: defb 0,0,0 end start

7-7 7.5 eRr ASSIlMB[X' RfID1AL. (EXCEPT BaIlE)

1. Turn off the nachine an:'i disconnect the AC poNer (5.1).

2. Ratove the chassis hood (5.1).

3. Ratove the nai.n}:x)ard ( 6. 7) •

4. Remove the :fOur screws that connect the video PCB an:'i the bottom of the chassis. This should be done from the outside, bottom of the chassis, not ~ inside the machine.

5. Rercove the video connector from the back of the video PCB.

6. Remove the. :fOur screws that connect the CRl' to the froot of the machine chassis.

7. Rercove the CRI' assE!IIIDly :fran the chassis.

8. Remove the jOur plastic stando ffs from the CRl' PCB. These can be used on the new CRI' PCB.

*** Note: Be:fOre starting with CRI' installation, check to see if the small plastic starXioffs are attached to the bottom of the CRl' PCB. If they are not attached, use the ones from the old board.

1. IDwer the CRr assembly into the chassis.

2. Position the CRI' so that the top mounting holes are aligned with the t\'JO metal stando ffs on the chassis.

3. Insert screws through the top two mounting holes on the CRI' and into the standoffs, but do not tighten.

4. Insert screws through the bottom two mounting holes on the CRI' and into the stando ffs. Tighten these two screws an:'i the top two screws.

5. Ibld the CRI' PCB in place an:'i tilt the machine up so that it is sitting on the cord wraps.

6. Align the plastic stando ffs on the PCB with the holes in the bottom 0 f the chassis.

7. Insert the jOur screws and tighten securely.

8. Replace the video connector on the back of the video PCB.


Kaypro is using three di fferent brands 0 f power supplies at the present time. These are Astec, Boschert, and Cal D.C. These three power supplies are interchangeable with any of the Kaypro computers, if the power supply being changed is a new one :from the factory.

*** EXCISPtIQ] *** I f a power supply is removed :from a 2/83 or a 4/83, and it's going to be used in another computer, it MUsr be used in a 2/83 or 4/83. The power supplies used in 2/83 and 4/83 computers are not interchar¥3eable with other Kaypro ccmputers. ********

There are no authorized dealer repairs that can be made on aIr:! of the power supplies. The ONLY authorized dealer service to power supplies is 220V configuration. Each brand of power supply can be configured fOr 220V operation.

8-1 Two fuses are associated with each of the p::>Wer supplies. (he fuse (2 amp)iS'\ mounted on the rear of the chassis am accessible from outside the computer. ']he other fuse (2.5 amp) is mounted directly on the p::>Wer supply board.

Disconnect AC p::>Wer from the computer whenever replacin; :fuses. Be especially careful when replacin; the fuse on the p::>Wer supply board. Use of a fuse replacement tool is reoommended due to the di fficulty of reachin; this CXlUpollent.


Identified by a beige board with a white label on the right of the compalent side. '!he label will have the name AS'I'OC, :fOllowed by a model number, and the output voltages.

IDeate the white shorting block labelled TB2. . I f the board is con figured :fOr ll~, a pin will be visible on the right of the shortin; block.

Remove the shorting block and shift:. it to the right so that it ex>vers the pin. A different pin should now be exposed on the left of the shorting block. '!he p::>Wer supply is roll configured :fOr 22~ use.

8-2 Identified by the word "Boschert" 00 the cornpcnent side of the board at lower right and above the. fuse and capacitor C2.

IDeate a six-inch wire that is soldered to point JPl. If the .board is coofigured fbr llfiW, the other end of the wire is attached to point El (labelled llfiW).

Unplug the wire fran point El and plug it into point E2 (labelled 22fiW). IUint E2 is to the left. of point El. '!he power sUWly is now configured fOr 220V use.

Connector Wire

8-3 Cal D.C. IU.Jer &4Ply

Identified by a bright blue circuit board. A white sticker with "califOrnia DC", model, and serial number is located on solder side of board.

'!here are two ceramic power resistors in the upper right-hand oomer of the board. These resistors get quite hot durin3 operation. Wirin3 should be tied down MNAY FRCM 'lHESE CCMPCNENTS. locate a jumper block labelled llSVAC and 230VAC. With the jumper in the 11SVAC position the board is configured :fOr 110\1.

Remove the jumper from the socket labelled llSVAC and replace it in the socket labelled 23evAC. The power sUR>ly is nt::M configured :fOr 220\1 use.


J Sockets


1. Tum off the machine and discormect the H:. pc:wer (5.1).

2. Renove the chassis hood (5.1).

3. Renove the main1:x>ard ( 6. 7) •

4. Remove the :fOur screws that connect the fX)Wer supply and the back of the chassis. These are easier to remove from outside the back 0 f the chassis than from inside the machine.

5. Renove the power plug fran the power supply. - 6. Rstove the tie wraps fran the plastic stando ffs.

7. Renove the power supply.

1. Fbsition the power supply inside the chassis so that the :fOur plastic standoffs are aligned with the :fOur mount.in; holes in the chassis. Be certain that the power connector is on the side nearest the drives.

2. Place the tie wraps on the plastic standoffs.

3. Insert :fOur screws through the rear of the chassis and into the plastic' standoffs of the power supply.

4. Tighten the screws securely.

5. Replace the power cormector.

6. Replace the main1:x>ard ( 6. 7) •

7. Replace the chassis hood (5.1).

8-5 9.e DISKErl'E IIUVES

9.1 INl'RCDrl'ICN

All diskette drive types (except the high~ensity drives in the RCBIE and 4X) are flmctionally interchCID3'eable between manufacturers.

Because of the number of manufacturers from which Kaypro gets its diskette drives, no attempt is made in this manual to show alignment procedures fur each of the drives. If you have access to a drive manual fur a particular model, and have the Dysan Alignment Diskette (Dysan's part number: 224/2A) the knowledge, and an oscilloscope, go ahead and align away. Kaypro Corporation's policy is to do no repairs on these components.

Ibwever, since the company recognizes the fact that many customers want a KAYFRO computer in which both drives have the same outward appearance, we provide a guide fur determining models of diskette drives from the placement of the LED and the drive door closure.

This section also contains diagrams and instructions on jumpering the various models of diskette drives to be used as either A or B (or, in the case of the KAYFRO 10, C) drive.


Generally speaking the majority of people clean disk drives too often. l.hless the environment is especially dusty or dirty, under commercial use there is 00 reason to clean the drives more than twice a year.

Use care in selecting a cleaning kit. Many of the drive head cleaning kits on the market are very abrasive. Cleaning is done by the liquid solution, not by mechanical scrubbing.

***NorE*** '!he manufacturer (Drivetec) of the high~ensity drives in the RCBIE, and 4X recommends only fbur brands of head-cleaning kits fur their drives. '!he letter from Drivetec states:



Re fer to the symptam-fix guide fur troublesh::x:>ting hints relative to the flowy drives, the Winchester hard disk, and the Drivetec (high~ensity) drives.

9-1 9.2 tiBIQI BlWID (F IIUVE IS IT?

'nle fullowing figures represent the face plates of the different brands of hal f-height floppy drives that are used in Kaypro computers. The drive dcx:>r closure and the LED position can be used to re ference the drive.

Fig. 9.1, TANDCN Hal f-Height


Fig. 9.2, EPSCN

II II a:::a ~ ~

Fig. 9.3, SHUGART


9-2 Fig. 9. 4, 'l'(J{YO ELEXmUC

c '- I~ 'I I I ~~~ [ • · 1

Fig. 9.5, TOSHIBA OJ I( D @

Fig. 9.6, HI-TEXli

0 r • II I @

9-3 Fig. 9.7, DRIVETEC

I · . I o

Fig. 9.8, TANIXN Full-Height



9-4 9.3 JI.HIIBlUriG DDGW6

Figure 9.8 '1N!IIXII Tandon diskette drive Used a1l.y on KAYPRO 10, Pins 2 am 15 on U19 are jumpered and a 470-Ohm terminatin;J resistor RPll pack is inserted in RPll.

Figure 9.9 Epsan diskette drive

EPfDl Next to the connector for the data cable is a black plug with ten pins. These pins are jumpered to chan.:re the configuration of the drive. They are MX, 0, 1, 2, 3.

KAYPRO 10: '!he two pins in the "0" IX>sition should be jumpered am a 470-0hm terminating resistor inserted in RAl.

A DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "0" position. No terminating resistor is needed.

B DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "l" IX>si tion. Insert a 470-0hm terminating resistor into RAl.

9-5 Figure 9.10 Shugart diskette drive

Jumper option SEImR1" Next to the connector for the data cable is a blue plug with eleven pins. These pins are I, 2, 3, 4, MX. .

KAYPRO 10: Jumper the two pins in the "1" position. In the "MX" position, there are three pins. Jumper the one in the center and the one on the left of it. Insert a 470-0lun terminating resistor into RPI.

A DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "I" position. In the "MX" position, jumper the pin in the center and the pin on the left of it. :No terminating resistor is necessary.

B DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "2" position. In the "MX" position, jumper the pin in the center and the pin on the left of it. Insert a 4 70~ terminating resistor into RPI.

Figure 9.11 Tokyo Electric diskette drive 'IaaO~C RAll Next to the connector for the data cable is a blue plug with ten pins. 'lhese pins are 000, DSl, DS2, DS3, MX.

KAYPRO 10: Jumper the two pins in the "DS0" position. Insert a 470-0hm terminating resistor into RAIl.

A DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "DS0" position. :No terminating resistor is necessary.

B DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "DSl" position. Insert a 470-0hm terminating resistor into RAll.

9-6 Figure 9.12 TbShiba diskette drive

Jumper option ~ Next to the connector fbr the data cable is a black plug with sixteen pins. These are 1, 2, 3, 4, LI, LD, HD, HM. Next to· the black plug, is a 470-<>hm terminating resistor with the letters "DM" to the left of it. locate this resistor. (h the other side of the resistor is another black plug. This plug has the letters "RM" to the left of it and the letters "PJ5" to the right of it. It has sixteen pins. For the terminating resistor to function, all pins must be jumpered EXCEPT' the two next to the letters "RM". When the resistor is oot needed, none of the pins should be jumpered.

KAYPRO 10: Jumper the two pins in the "1" position, the two pins in the "LO" position, and the two pins in the "HM" position. The terminating resistor is needed.

A DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "1" position, the two pins in the "LO" position, and the two pins in the "HM" position. The terminating resistor is not needed.

B DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "2" position, the two pins in the "LO" position, and the two pins in the "HM" position. The terminating resistor is needed.

9-7 Figure 9.13 Hi-Tech diskette drive

Junper option m-'HDI RPl Next to the connector fur the data cable is a black plug with eight pins. These pins are DS0, DSl, DS2, DS3.

KAYPRO 10: Jumper the two pins in the "DS0" J;Osition. Insert a 470-cihm SIP teJ;'Il\inating resistor into RPl.

A-DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "DS0" position. No terminating resistor is necessary.

B-DRIVE: Jumper the two pins in the "DSl" J;Osition. Insert a 470-0hm terminating resistor into RPl.

Figure 9.14 TANIXN Tandon fUll-height Used only in KAYPRO 2 AND KAYPRO 4. diskette drive A DRIVE: Pins 1-14 and 2-13 should be jurnpered cpt.ion shunt IE in option shunt block IE.

B DRIVE: Pins 1-14 and 3-12 should be jumpered in option shunt block IE. Insert a 470-cihm terminating resistor into socket 2F.

9-8 9.4 BI

'lhe high-density diskette drives are currently being offered in the KAYPRO RCBIE, and KAYPRO 4X- 'lhese are 5-1/4 inch, double-sided drives with 192 tracks per inch. Fach drive has 16g cylinders with a total of 32g tracks and a 1brmatted storage capacity of 2.6 megabytes.

'lhe diskettes used with the high-density drives MUsr be pre-:1brmatted 17 sector, 192 TPI diskettes.

Next to the oonnector 1br the data cable is a drive select switch- 001 through D54. .

A DRIVE: 001 should be in the "on" ·position. All other switches should be in the "off' position.

DRIVE: 002 should be in the "on" position. All other switches should be in the "off' position.

Drive select switch

9-9 18.8 HMO DISK lBIV!S (DYPRO 18)

Kaypro Corporation uses hard disk drives from a number on different manufacturers. As with the diskette drives, all models of hard disk drives are :functionally interchangeable.

No adjustments are meant to be made by dealers (or are made by Kaypro technicians, :fOr that matter) on these hard drives. And, since recovering in:fbrmation from a hard disk which has "crashed" requires a clean room, I'X) direct.ioo.s :fOr per:fbrming such an operation are incl1.~ed in this manual. Be aware that true head crashes are very rare occurrences, however-most hard disk problems can be corrected without the need to replace the drive itself. (See the symptom-fix guide.) We cannot stress strongly enough that dealers instruct their customers to ALWAYS back up their data while working on a hard disk. In many cases NOl'HING can be done about the loss of data in a hard­ drive failure.

10-1 1.8.2 liB::RIPrI

'!he hard disk drives used in the KAYFRO 10 are irrlustry standard, 5-1/4 inch half-height drives offering Winchester. technology. This technology includes sealeq. media am drive heads, with an air filtration system that prevents contaminatioo. Since the drives are sealed, there are no dealer serviceable . components 00 the drive. '!be ooly authorized dealer service to the hard disk drives is drive configuration.· .

10-2 Figure UJ.1 'Ihere are t1NO types of drive Microscience selection switch banks available 9 Ibsition SWitch 00 Microscience drives. Qle type has nine (9) switches and ate type has ten (10) switches. 'Ihese switches are located 00 the drive PCB next to the poNer plug.

9 POSITICN SWI'lOi: Pins 1, 2, and 4 should be in the "up" positioo ..

Figure 10.2 10 POSITICN SWI'lOi: Pins 1, 3, 4, Microscience and 10 should be in the up 10 Ibsitioo SWitch positial.

Refer to Figures 10.1 and 10.2 fur Microscience drive oonfiguration. :~

Figure 10.3 Next to the oonnector fur the data Seagate Hard Drive cable, is a 16 pin optioo shunt block. Pins 7 and 10 soould be cptioo shunt block jurrpered.

Refer to figure 10.3 fur Seagate drive configuratioo.

10-3 For all hard drives and all diskette drives used in KAYFRO 10 computers.

Note: If the KAYFRO 10 has an Epson or 'Ibkyo Electric diskette drive, it will be necessary to tilt the drive unit at an angle while removing or installing the drive. Re fer to section 9.2 to determine the brand of drive.

Note: As you remove the cables on the KAYPRO 10, it's a good idea to label them. This will insure that they get replaced" correctly. Also, the end of the data cable that has a different color wire (usually red) goes to pin #1 on the connector.

1. Turn off the machine and disoonnect the AC pcMer (5.1).

2. Remove the chassis hood (5.1).

3. Remove the two diagonal braces from the right side 0 f the chassis.

4. Tilt the machine up so that the front of the machine is sitting on the work sur face and parallel to the floor.

5. Remove the six screws from the bottom of the chassis that "are under the drives. Set the machine back down.

6. Remove the ribbon cables fran the mainboard.

7. Slide entire drive shield unit slightly to the rear, to make room fur the face of the floppy to clear the opening.

8. Lift. entire drive shield unit slightly and slide out the side of the chassis.

1. Remove the ribbon cables, power plug and "the ground wire from the back of the drive (hard drive or flOFPY). Label these.

2. Remove the two screws that attach the bottom of the drive to the drive shield (hard drive or flomr).

3. Renove the two screws that attach the top of the drive to the .drive shield.

4. Slide drive out through the front of the drive shield.

10-4 1. Configure the new drive. Refer to page 10-3 for the hard drive, pages 9-5 to 9-7 for the floppy drive.

2. Slide the drive into the shield so that the mounting holes in the drive are aligned with tb::>se in the shield.

3. Insert two screws through the top of the shield am. into the mounting holes of the drive.

4. Tighten these securely.

5. Insert two screws through the bottom of the shield and into the mounting holes of the drive.

6. Tighten these securely.

7. Replace the ribbon cable ( s), power plug and ground wire.

8. Slide the entire drive shield unit into the chassis.

9. Align the mounting holes in the drive shield with those in the chassis.

10. Insert the six screws through the mountin3 holes am. tighten securely.

11. Replace the two diagonal braces.

12. Replace the ribbon cab1e(s) on the main1x>ard.

13. Replace the chassis hood..

10-5 11.1 IESICklPl'l

'!he hard disk OCXltroller board used in the KAYPRO UJ is a Western Digital board, and is not dealer-serviceab1e.

11-1 11.2 RFl!I:NAL/INSTAUATICN 1NS'l'm£l'I0lIS

L Turn off the ma.chine and disconnect AC power (5.1).

2. Remove chassis hood (5.1).

3. Remove the two diag:>nal braces from the right side of the machine.

4. Remove the p::>wer plug and the three ribbcn cables from the hard disk controller 1:x:>ard. Label these to insure correct replacement.

5. Remove the three screws that attach the hard disk controller board and. the dri ve shield.

6. Remove the board.

1. Position the hard disk controller board so that the mounting holes in the board are aligned with the holes in the drive shield.

2. Insert the three screws and tighten securely.

3. Replace the power plug and the three ribbon cables.

4. Replace the two diagonal braces.

5. Replace the chassis hood (5.1).

11-2 12.1 IE9':P.IPrIQI '!be intermce board that is used on the KA'YPRO UJ is the intermce between the mainboard and the hard drive controller board. This board is oot dealer serviceable.

12-1 12.2 Dll'ERFACB BCIUt) RI!MOI1AL

1. Tum off the machine and disoonnect the AC parler (5.1).

2. Rstove the chassis hocxl (5.1).

3. Rstove the mai.n1::oard (6. 7) •

4. Rstove the bNo ribbon cables fran the interface board.

5. Remove the :£bur screws that attach the inter face board and the drive shield.

6. Rstove the inter face board.

1. Ebsition the inter face board so that the mounting holes on the board are aligned with the holes on the drive shield.

2. Insert :fOur screws and tighten securely.

3. Replace the t1tt1O ribbon cables.

4. Replace the mainboard (6.7).

5. Replace the chassis hocxl (5.1).

12-2 13.8 ~

'!he 76-key alpham,nneric, detachable keyboard is connected to the computer by a fbur-wire cable and is pawered by +5 VDC through the cable. The CAPS LCX:K indicator light allows a quick check 00 whether the keyboard is receiving pJWeI'.

'!he impedance of the oonnecting cable can be a critical factor in proper operatioo of the computer. Replacement of the standard cable with a phale card can create mal:functioos in signal transmission to the computer. '!his is because the wire in phc:.ne cords is too small: there1bre, the impedance over the total length of the card can be too high 1br reliable operatioo.

Wire in the standard keyboard cable is 28-gage copper, and the cable len;t:h is six feet. Should ~u desire a lalger keyboard cable, restrict the length to not more than twelve feet, and use wire 00 smaller than 28 gauge.

Keyboanl Cable Pinouts

Pin 4 (Black) - Serial I):lta out (to keyboard), T1'L level. Pin 3 (Red) - Ground Pin 2 (Green) - Serial data in (:fran keyboard), Tl'L level. Pin 1 (YellCM) - +5 VDC

13-1 1. 'l\lm off the nechine am discamect the AC pc:wer( 5.1) •

2. Remove the fuur screws securing the top chassis CCNer (two on each side of the machine).

3. Remove the eight screws securing the bottom chassis CCNer (1bur on each side of the machine).

4. Remove the two sections of the chassis cover from the machine.

1. Place the lower chassis cover on the machine am align the eight mounting holes with the mounting roles in the sides of the machine.

2. Insert the eight screws into the mounting holes am tighten securely.

3. Place the top chassis cover on the machine am align the fuur mounting holes with the mounting holes in the sides of the machine.

4. Insert the :£bur screws into the mounting holes am tighten securely.


1. Rarove the top chassis cover (5.1).

2. Remove the drive support unit from the chassis. '!here are three screws in the froot and three screws in the rear.

3. Rarove the ribbon cable and the pcMer plugs fran the drives.

4. Lift the drive support unit (drives still attached) off the chassis.

5. 'lb remove either drive from the drive support unit, turn the unit over and remove the :fbur screws that attach the specific drive to the support unit.


1. Align the drive mounting holes with the mounting holes in the drive support unit.

2. Insert :fbur screws into the drive support unit and into the drive. Tighten these screws securely.

3. Set the drive support unit on the chassis and align the mounting holes in the support unit with those in the chassis.

4. Insert three screws into the front mounting holes and three screws into the rear mounting holes. Tighten these securely.

5. Replace the rib1:on cable and the power plugs on the drives.

14-2 15." ~

'!he symptom-fix guide's infurmation is based on our experience repa1r1.Ilg Kaypro computers. '!be guide is a summary of the records that Kaypro Repair maintains on each computer received. ****************************

Fixes fur each problem noted are presented in descending order 0 f occurrence. ****************************

15-1 15.2 IQMJR) 2 AND 4 ~ QJIIE


No power, no J?or.Ner cord not Check all cord connections lights, no video plugge1 in

Fuse is blCJl.tll1 Replace fuse

Mainboard not getting Check harness connections: check power for proper voltages: replace either harness or pow'eI" supply

Defective mainboard Replace mainboard

Defective fuse holder Replace fuse holder

J?or.Ner switch shorte1 Replace pow'eI" switch internally

PcMer supply jumpere1 Correct jumpering-on pc:7Ner supply for wrong supply

Defective power supply Replace power supply

Defective harness Replace harness

Fuse blows \<\ihen Defective power supply Discormect all roodules fran pow'eI" pow'eI" is turned supply: replace power supply if on fuse still blows

One rccdule has a Discormect all rccdules, replace short fuse, and re-connect roodules, one at a time, until fuse blows. Replace that roodule

Defective harness Replace harness

High-pitche1 One module is Unplug modules,one at a time, squeal or "chirp" shorted fran the harness. Replace the roodule whose unplugging causes the noise to stop



PcJ..ler LED flickers Shorted IOOdule Disoonnect IOOdules fran paNer, one at a time, until LED stays on: replace IOOdule Whose unplugging caused LED to stay en.

Defective pc:Mer sug>ly Replace power supply

De fective harness Replace harness

No video display, Brightness oot. Turn up brightness knob on rear 0 f or poor quality adjusted chassis: adjust brightness pot on display CRI' board, if necessary

CRr not 'connected Check all connections to eRr: be sure plug on rear of eRr tube is square

De fective CRr Replace eRr assembly

Defective mainboard Replace mainboard

Defective power supply Replace power supply

Defective harness Replace harness

video is on, but De fective mainboard Replace mainboard screen is filled with "garbage" Reset harness shorted Check lugs of reset button fur characters to chassis gro\.ll'ldin; to inside 0 f chassis

Defective reset harness Replace reset harness

15-3 IQ\YPRO 2 AND 4 SYMP1'


"Raster" (hori­ Brightness not adjusted Tum up brightness krx>b on back of zental lines) on properly chassis: adjust brightness pot on video CRl' board if necessary

loose camection :fran Clleck black plug fr:an. pawer supply mainboard or power to CRl' board, 4-pin junper fran supply main board to CRl' board: check that plug on rear of CRl' tube is square

Strange video Short in brightness­ Clleck fur shorts between wires in inage adjusting knob rear of brightness-adjust:ID;J knob

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Miss:ID;J characters De fective nain1::x:>ard Replace rcainboard - on video display De fective CRl' Replace CRl' assembly

Will not boot Defective diskette Change diskettes

Diskette has no system Change diskettes: use a diskette inage with a kna.o1n good system inage

WroD.:J CP/M :fOr nodel Check that you I re not try:ID;J to of nachine boot a KP 2 with a KP 4 CP/M (KP 4 WIIL boot a KP 2 CP/M)

De fective drive B Unplug data cable :fran drive B, and reset machine: if it boots, replace drive B

De fective nain1::x:>ard Replace mainboard

Defective drive A Replace drive A

Defective data cable Replace data cable

15-4 IQMJRO 2 AND 4 S!MPl'


Both drive LEDs Problem on poNer-uP Reset nachine are on, won It l::x:lOt Diskette has no CP1M Try knoNn good sysgenned diskette

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Select jumpers on Oleck select jumpers drives incorrect

Drive A LED only Drive select jumperil'l3 Ol.eck jl1l'lpE!ring on drive A on during reset inoorrect

No LED on drive A Data cable poorly Ol.eck all oonnections on data at any time ronnected cable

De fective data cable Replace data cable

De fective drive A Replace drive A

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Canputer l::x:lOts Defective diskette Try 'krlaNn good, sysgenned diskette CP1M, but no A> prarpt appears De fective nainboard Replace mainboard

Rattling sound De fective drive Replace the diskette drive fran drive When accessing De fective mainboard Replace nainboard



Drive will not Drive connectors loose Check all connectors on rear of step throUJh all drive, esp. P12 (Tandon drives) tracks on diskette De fective .mainboard Replace nai.nboard

Defective drive Replace diskette drive

Defective data cable Replace data cable

Errors 00 either Defective diskette Olange the diskette (i f problem is drive duriB1 COPY on drive S, insert another blank diskette 1 if 00 drive A, try to CCJf1Y fran a nai master)

Defective disk drive Replace diskette drive

Defective mainboard Replace na.inboard .

No output to No pc::7tIer to Cleek that printer is plugged in, parallel printer and selected

Poor cable connection Check all cable connections fran OCI'Iplter to printer

Printer is assigned Use STAT to assign printer device as serial by &rAT as parallel, type: STAT rsr :=LPl':

De fective nai.nboard Replace mainboard

No output to No pc:Mer to. printer Check that printer is plugged in serial printer and selected

Poor cable connectioo Check all cable connections fran cc:rrputer to printer: also check serial port connector pins fur contamination Printer is assigned Use &rAT to assign printer device as parallel by &rAT to seria11 type: &rAT rsr: =Tl'Y:



No output to Baud rate 0 f printer Use CCNFIG to set bam rate fur serial printer does not match baud serial port (cont'd) rate of ccmputer

Defective poNer supply Clleck voltages (esp.-12 V) at pc:7Ner s\.lFPly output: replace poNer supply

De fective harness Check voltages (esp.-l2V) at main board poNer connector; replace harness

De fective rnainboard Replace mainboard

No characters on De fective keyl:x>ard Replace coil cord video when keys coil cord struck on keyboard De fective keyboard Replace keyboard

Keyboard connector on Check fur shorted contacts on mainboard defective keyboard plug: esp. soldering to main board

De fective rnainboard Replace mainboard

Wrong characters De fective keyl:x>ard Replace keyboard or too rrany char- acters appear when De fective rnainboard Replace rnainboard (if ""'@"'@"'@" a key is struck appears, replace 8116 Ie on main­ board)



. 0::> not proceed with troubleshooting a Kaypro 10 until you veri f:l that the computer has eprom number 81-302-x (installed at the factory), or has been upgraded in the field with kit number 31-303 (consisting of eprom number 81-302-x, a modified interface board, and a utilities reload diskette.)


No poNer, no PcMer cord not plugged Check all cord connections lights, no video in

Fuse is blONn Replace fuse

Mainboard not gettin3 Check harness connections, then poNer check fur proper voltages fran p:Mer supply: replace either harness or pc:1tIer sUpply

De fective mainboard Replace rnainboard

De fective fuse holder Replace fuse holder

PcMer switch shorted Replace power switch internally

PcMer supply jl.Jl1?ered Correct j~ing on pc:1tIer supply fur wroll3' supply voltage

Defective poNer supply Check fur proper voltage output at poNer supply harness connector; replace poNer supply

De fective harness Replace harness

Fuse b1CMS Yklen De fective poNer supply Replace pc:1tIer supply pc:1tIer turned on (he m::xiule has a short Disconnect all m::xiules, replace fuse, and re-connect ale by one until fuse blows again: replace it

De fective harness Replace harness



High-pitched Qle ItDdule is shorted Unplug ItDdules, cne at a time, squeal or "chirp" fran the harness. Replace the upon pcMer~ nodule wlx>se unpluggin;J causes the mise to stop.

Parler LED flickers Shorted nodule Disconnect ItDdules fran power ene at a time until LED stays en: replace nodule Whose unplugging causes LED to stay en

Defective power s\lR>ly Replace pcMer supply

De fective harness Replace harness

No video display, Brightness not Turn up brightness knob on rear of or poor quality adjusted chassis: tum up brightness pot on display CRl' board, if necessary

CRI' not connected Check all cormectiens to CRl': ensure CRI' tube plug is square

De fective CRr Replace CRI' asserrbly

De fective nainboard Replace mainboard

Defective pc7Ner supply Replace pc7Ner supply

De fective harness Replace harness

Extra pixels on De fective nainboard Replace nainboard video De fective CRl' Replace CRl' assembly

Inverse video De fective mainboard Replace mainboard only De fective CRl' Replace CRl' assembly

15-9 ICK!PRO UJ S!MP.rCM-I'IX QJDE (cnrr'D)


No graphics 00 Danaged system image video Defective uainboard Replace uainboard

DefEctive CRl' Replace CRl' assembly

No video: drives Pcx>r cable cormectioo Check all cable connectioos, (esp. running tol fran video harness plug)

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Defective CRI' Replace CRl' assembly

Elstcn CRl': fuse Check continuity of pico-fuse on . blown Elston video board (just above :pc:Mer connector) I~ open, replace

Hard drive bc:ots, De fective system image Run Pl1l'SYS and PI:Jl'01L fran the but no cursor 00 diskette drive, push RESEl' video Defective uainboard Replace nainboard

Diskette drive De fective system image Run GENFLPY on the diskette: push bc:ots, but no· on diskette RESEr cursor on video Defective nainboard Replace mainboard

Defective drive Replace diskette drive

Diskette drive Diskette oot centered Rarove diskette, center diskette \\1OIl 1 t boot: or in its jacket: try again Boa; error 00 diskette drive No system image on Run GENFLPY 00 the diskette: diskette push RESEr

De fective diskette Try a known good diskette with a known good system image

15-10 I


Diskette drive J:OOr cable connecticn Check all cable connections; esp. \\IOn 1 t boot; or those to/ fran drives and the BDCS errors oontroller board

No system irrage Run GENFLPY

Incorrect cable Veri~ that all cables are orientation oriented properly

De fective rnainboard Replace mainboard

De fective drive Replace diskette drive

Diskette drive Diskette off center Ensure that diskette is centered \\1011 1 t :fOrmat a within its jacket disk Defective diskette Replace diskette drive drive

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Diskette drive has Ie fective drive heads Replace diskette drive BDCS errors or \\IOn 1 t \\IOrk if wann De fecti ve mainboard Replace mainboard

Diskette drive Ie fective diskette Replace diskette drive makes a rattling drive noise, and \\IOnlt boot Ie fective mainboard Replace rrainboard

High-pitched Ykline Ie fective diskette Replace diskette drive when diskette drive ( .. singiI'¥3' drive runs heads" )

15-11 KAYPRO 10 SYMPl'(M-PIX


Hard drive will Machine not upgraded Veri fy installation 0 f epran not b::lot: or b::lots mmber Sl-302-x (at the factory), with "System Status or kit Sl-303: install if needed 02" ("Read Fault") message Poor cable connection Check all cable connections

Incorrect cable Veri fy that all cables are orientation oriented properly

System ima.ge degraded Boot on a disk in the diskette drive: then log onto hard drive. Run FINDBAD (or CHECK on cylinders o and 1) if 00 errors are IDum, run PUl'SYS and PlJI'cm..

De feetive controller Replace controller board l:x>ard

Degraded fbrnat on Boot on a disk in the diskette : run F<::H1AT on entire hard drive; then run PUI'SYS and PlJI'cm..

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

De fective hard drive Replace hard drive

Defective pcMer supply Replace power supply

Except in the case of an obvious head crash or brake assembly failure, ALWAYS suspect other modules first when a de feet appears to be within the hard drive.

No output to No power to printer Check that printer is plugged in, parallel printer and selected

Poor cable connection Check all cable connections fran canputer to printer

Printer is assigned . Use STAT to assign printer device as serial by STAT as parallel; type: STAT r.sr: =LPT:

De fective rnainlx>ard Replace mainlx>ard

15-12 I(AYlIR) 18 S'M'lUI-PIX QJDB (CDlr'D)


No output to No power to printer Check that printer is plugged in serial printer and selected .

Poor cable connection Check all cable connections fran CXl1IpUter to printer: also check serial port connector pins for oontamination

Printer is assigned Use STAT to assign printer device as parallel by. STAT to serial: type: . STAT IST: =tTY:

Baud rate of printer Use CXNFIG to set baud rate for ~s not match baud serial port rate of canputer

Defective power supply Check voltages (esp.-12 V) at supply output: replace supply

Defective harness Check voltages (esp.-l2V) at main . board power connector: replace harness

Defective mainboard ReplaCe mainboard


No p::>wer, no Power cord not Check all cord cormections lights, no video plugged in

Fuse is blown Replace fuse

Mainboard rot getting Check harness cormections~ check p::>wer for proper voltages: replace either harness or p::>wer supply

Defective mainboard Replace mainboard

Defective p::>wer supply Replace power supply

Defective harness Replace harness

Fuse blows when Defective power supply Disconnect all roodules fran power power is turned supply: replace power supply if on fuse still blows

Defective harness Replace harness

High-pitched se lmpluggiD3' causes the noise to stop

No video display Brightness not Turn up brightness knob on rear of adjusted chassis: turn up brightness pot on CRl' board, if necessary

CRI' not connected Check all cormections to CRl': be sure plug on rear of CRl' tube is square

15-14 IQ\YPR) lUllE SYMPl'C.M--F1X QJDE (CXB·T.)


No video display ~fective CRT Replace CRT assembly

~fective mainboard Replace mainboard

~fective pcMer supply Replace pcMer supply

~fective harness Replace harness

Video is on, but ~fective mainboard Replace mainboard screen is filled with "garbage" Reset harness shorted O1.eck lugs of reset button for characters to chassis grourrling to inside of chassis

~fective reset harness Replace reset harness

"Raster" (lDri­ Brightness not adjusted Tum up brightness krx>b on back of zontal lines) on properly chassis; adjust brightness pot on video CRT board if necessary

loose connection fran Check black plug fran porNer supply mainboard or IXJWer to CRT board, 4-pin j~ fran supply mainboard to CRT board; check that plug on rear of CRT tube is square

Strange video ~fecti ve mainboard Replace mainboard image

Missing characters ~fective mainboard Replace mainboard on video display

Will not boot ~fective diskette Ch.ange diskettes

Diskette has no system Olange diskettes; use a diskette image with a known good system image

Wrong diskette for ROBIE will only boot on 17 sector, nodel of machine 192 TPI diskettes

~fecti ve drive B Unplug data cable fran drive 8, and reset machine; if it boots, replace B drive

15-15 KAYPRO lQIE S!MPl'04-PIX


Will not bc:ot. De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

De fective drive A Replace drive A

Defective data cable Replace data cable

Both drive IEDs Problem on pc::Mer-uP Reset machine are 00, tNCnlt bc:ot. Diskette has 00 CP/M Try known good sysgenned diskette

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Select jmpers 00 Clleck select jmpers drives incorrect

Drive A LED ally Drive select junper~ Check junperiD3 00 drive A on during reset incorrect

No LED on drive A Data cable p:x:>rly Check all connectioos on data at any time connected cable

De fective data cable Replace data cable

De fective drive A Replace drive A

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Canputer boots De fective diskette Try known good, sysgenned diskette CP/M, but 00 master menu De fective drive A Replace drive A appears De fective rnainboard Replace mainboard

Rattling sound Defective drive Replace the diskette drive fran driva When accessing Defective rnainboard Replace mainboard

15-16 I


Drive will not Drive connectors loose Cheek all connectors on rear of step through all drive tracks on diskette De fective nainboard Replace nainboard

De fective drive Replace diskette drive

De fective data cable Replace data cable

Errors on either Defective diskette Olange the diskette (i f problem is drive durin; CCPY on drive B, insert another blank diskette: if 'on drive A, try to copy fran a new naster)

Defective disk drive Replace diskette drive

De fective ma.inboard Replace mainboard

No output to No pcwer to printer Cheek that printer is plugged in, parallel printer and selected

Poor cable connection Cleek all cable connections fran canputer to printer

Printer is assigned Use STAT to assign printer device as serial by STAT as parallel, type: STAT rsr: =LPI':

De fective nainboard Replace nain1::oard

No output tb No po.ver to printer Cheek that printer is plugged in serial printer and selected

Poor cable connection Cheek all cable connections fran canputer to printer: also cheek serial port connector pins fbr contamination


No output to Printer is assigned Use &rAT to assign printer device serial printer as parallel by STAT to serial: type: (cent'd) STAT I.ST:~:

Baoo rate of printer Use CCNFIG to set baoo rate fur does not match baoo serial port rate of c:xJtpUter

Defective pc7tIeI' supply Cleek voltages (esp.-l2 V) at ~er supply output: replace poNer sUpply

De fective harness Cheek voltages (esp.-l2V) at main 1:oard poNer connector: replace harness

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

No characters en De fective keyboard Replace coil cord video when keys coil cord struck en keyboard Defective keyboard Replace keyboard

Keyboard connector en Cheek fur soorted contacts en mainboard defective keyboard plug: esp. soldering to main board

De fective mainboard Replace mainboard

Wrong characters De fective keyboard Replace keyboard

15-18 15.5 KAYPRO 2/84 AND KAYPRO 2X SYMP'J.'

See KAYPRO 2 AND 4 SYMPI'G1-FIX GUIDE fur the 2/84. '!he problems and solutioos will oot be di fferent.

For troubleshooting infurmation on the KAYPRO 2X, see the KAYPRO 2 AND 4 SYMPI'CM-FIX GUIDE fur all problems.

15-19 15.6 KAYPRO 4X S!MPl'

For help in troubleshooting the KAYPRO .4X, see the KAYPRO RCBIE SYMPr'CM-FIX GUIDE.


16.1 VIIB>

'!he Kaypro video section was originally designed to imitate most of the control sequences of a lear-Siegler ADM-3A terminal. For most commercial software, this meant that you could "install" or customize the display characteristics by choosin; AOM-3A from the menu.

'!he arove is no longer true fOr the current Kaypro line. '!he ~e to graphics and the di fferences in cursor control keys caused the charr;e.

For custom software or those instances where there is no choice of IADM-3A" on the menu, the complete command protocol :fOr the KAYPRO 2, 4, or 10 is:


Action Dec Hex Dec Hex

Ring Bell 'lJ7 07 Cursor left (non-destructive) 00 00 19 13 Cursor Right 12 OC 04 04 Cursor D.:::1tm 10 0A 24 18 Cursor Up 11 lim 05 05 Erase to end of screen 23 17 Erase to end of line 24 18 Remaining cx:xies Clear screen, bane cursor 26 lA are the same as in Ibne cursor 30 IE 2. 2G (and lONer).

ESCape Sequences

Insert line ESCape,R Delete line ESCape,E Cursor address ESCape,=,row+32,col+32

16-1 * Additionally, the :fi::>llowing codes apply to: KAYPRO 2/84, 2X, 4/84, 4X, 10, and RCBIE (KAYPRO computers with graphics capability):

Reverse video start ESCape,B,0 Reverse video stop ~-ape,C,0 Half intensity start ESCape,B, 1 Hal f intensity stop ESCape,C,l Blinking start ESCape,B,2 Blinking stop ESCape,C,2 Underline start ESCape,B,3 Underline stop ESCape,C,3 Cursor on ESCape,B,4 Cursor off ESCape,C,4 Video node on ESCape,B,S Video node off ESCape,C,S Remember current cursor position ESCape,B, 6 Return to last rerctertIDare1 cursor position ESCape,C,6 Status line preservation on ESCape,B,7 Status line preservation off ESCape,C,7 Set pixel ESCape, * , VI, HI Clear pixel ESCape, , VI, HI Set line ESCape,L,VI,HI,V2,H2 Delete line ESCape,D,Vl,HI,V2,H2

16-2 16.2 KEmCNI> cae; AND !'tEl'IQ1S

Control key :functions in CP/M:

DEL Delete and echo the last character typed at the console (same as rubout).

CP/M system reboot (wann start).

Physical, not logical, end of line. Carriage is returned, but line is not sent until REl'Um key it;!· pressed.

Bell: soums an aooible bell (fran keyboard).

Cl'RL-H Backspace: llOVe cursor left one character position.

CI'RL-I lbrizontal tab, llOVes cursor to the next defined tab stop. ( CP/M assumes· tab stops at every 8th I,X)sition.

Line feed: llOVe cursor dc7.rm one line.

Carriage return: return cursor to left margin.

CI'RL-R Retype current command line. Types a "clean line" fbi lowing character deletion with rubout$,

CI'RL-U Delete the entire line typed at the console.

CI'RL-X Same as CI'RL-U.

SEE ALSO: ASCII character chart, Section 17.1.

16-3 16.3 ~ PIN-

'!his section contains drawings of the pin assignments on various output fX)rts on Kaypro computers, intended as an aid in building printer cables and in troubleshooting problems with peripherals.

16--4 CDII1l!Cl'(B Pm-aJl'S, IQ\YPK) 2/83 MD IQ\YPK) 4/83



(LSB) DATA 0 2 20 I:V\TA 1 3 21 DATA 2 4 22 I:V\TA 3 5 23 DATA 4 6 24

I:V\TA 5 7 25 GROUND I:V\TA 6 8 26

(MSB) I:V\TA 7 9 27 N/C 10 28

BUSY (IN) 11 29

12 30 13 31 N/C N/C 14 32

15 33 GROOND

16 34 GROUND 17 35 N/C N/C 18 36

'lbp of connector Bottan of connector

Note that the BUSY line is read by the KAYPRO as active when it's disconnected (no cable). The computer will han;J if you attempt to print to an unconnected parallel printer.

16-5 IQ\YPR) 2/83 AND lO\YPK).4/83 REmQMID~ (J3)

TxD 4 2 RxD

GND 3 1 +5V


GROUND 1 14 TxD 2 15 . RxD 3 16 4 17 crs S 18 6 19 GROUND 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 N/C N/C 11 24 12 25 13

Bottan of connector Top of connector

16-6 ~ 18 MJIBot P(Rl' (J3)

GROUND 1 14 TxD 2 15 RxD 3 16 RI'S 4 17 crs 5 18 +5V 6 19 GROUND 7 20 DI'R r:x:o 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13

Bottan of cormector Top of cormector


The pin-out for this connector is the same as J3 on the KAYPRO 2/83 and I


The pin-out for this cormector is the same as J2 on the KAYPRO 2/83 and KAYPRO 4/83. See P=lge 16-5.

16-7 KAYPID 18 SERIAL PRII!llm Fan'(RS232C - J4)

GRaND 1 14 RxD 2 15 TxD 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 GROUND 7 20 crs 8 21 9 22 10 23 N/C 11 24 12 25 13 Botton of cormector 'Ibp of cormector

16-7.1 The pin-out for this connector is the same as J3 on the KAYPRO 2/83 and KAYFro 4/83. See page 16--6.


The pin-out for this connector is the same as J4 00 the KAYFro 2/83 and KAYPRO 4/83. See page 16-6. .


GroUND 1 14 RxD 2 15 TxD 3 16 4 17 N/C 5 18 6 19 GROUND 7 2121 Cl'S 8 21 9 22 1121 23 N/C N/C 11 24 12 25 13

16--8 I

PSTRCB 1 19 00 2 20 Dl 3 21 D2 4 22 D3 5 23 D4 6 24 D5 7 25 D6 8 26 GRaJND D7 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 30 13 31 14 32 15 33 GRaJND 16 34 GRaJND 17 35 SPARE 18 36


Note that this is Nor cormected on the 2/84 and 2X.

N/C 1 2 N/C TIP (Green) 3 4 RING (Red) N/C 5 6 N/C

16-9 16.4 I/O PCRl' AlDkSSPS

'!he port addresses belaN apply to KAYPRO 2/83 and 4/83 carputers.

Port # Use and/or Assignment ------Baud Rate (write only) - Writing a number between 0 and F hex (see baud rate table) to this port sets the RS-232C baud rate.

04 RS-232C Serial rata (R/W) - rata regisl=-er of the z-80 SIo. Refer to Zilog/ Data books :fOr :further in£Onnation.

05 Keyboard rata (R/W) - Eight-bit data from detachable keyboard.

06 RS-232C Status (R/W) - ntrol/ status port £Or the z-80 SIo. Refer to Zilog/Mostek Microcomputer Data books fur :further in :fOnnation.

08 Printer Port (write only) - Eight-bit data to parallel printer COIUlector.

lC System Port (R/W) - '!his port is used :fOr system control. The various bits are used :fOr memory bank selection, disk drive control, and printer handshaking.

The serial output is an 8-bit word with one start, one stop, and no parity.


* Received character available is obtained by testing bit 0 of the status port. Olaracter is available if this bit is high (a 1 rather than 0).

* Transmit Buffer Empty is obtained by testing bit 2 of the status port. Buffer is empty when bit 2 is high (1).

Manuals on the Z-80 CPU, Z-80 PIO, Z-80 SIO are available from the ZIr.oo sales offi..ce nearest to you. Western Digital can sell you a copy of the manual :fOr the Floppy Disk Controller. Re fer to Re ference Section :fOr vendors' mailing addresses and pb:xle numbers.

When ordering manuals :fOr any of the chips mentioned above, remove the hood from the computer and write down the :full model number that is on the top surmce of the chip. 'nlis is the best way to be certain of getting the proper manual from either of the manumcturers listed above.

16-10 The following p::>rt address information applies to KAYPRO l~, KAYPRO 2/84, KAYPRO 2X, KAYPro 4/84, KAYPRO 4X, am KAYPRO ROBIE.


Port# Use (hex) Device Function

Keyboard: ~5 ZSIO 1 Keyboard data(R/W). Eight-bit Olan. B data fran keyboard.

~7 ZSIO 1 Keyboard control/status I/O. Chan. B

Vide:>: lC 6545/6845 FA CRl' controller status/control I/O.

lD 6545/6845 FA CRl' controller data I/O.

Parallel Printer: (output only) 18 - lB 74 373 Parallel printer port (write only).

Serial Printer I/O: ~8 - ~B WD 1943 Baud rate for serial printer CCM 8116 p::>rt.

OC ZSIO 2 Serial printer data I/O Chan. A (RS-232C) •

ZSIO 2 Serial printer control/ status Chan. A I/O.

Serial D3.ta I/O: 00 - ~3 WD 1943 Baud rate for serial data p::>rt CCM 8116 (write only).

04 ZSIO 1 Serial data port (RS-232C). Chan. A D3.ta I/O.

~6 ZSIO 1 Serial data port (RS-232C). Chan. A Status/control I/O.

16-11 Port# Use (hex) Device E\mction

Real-time clC>Ck: (NS-M-158l67A) 20 PIa Chan. A Real-time clock register select data. and interrupt status.

Bit functions:

o lsb register select (output) •. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 msb register select (output) • 5 oot. usErl 6 rtc interrupt output (input). 7 rtc oot. standby interrupt output (input).

22 PIa Chan. A Real-time c1C>Ck PIa control port.

24 ~ 58167A Real-time clC>Ck data I/O.

16-12 IUrt# Use (hex) Device Function

System: 14 - 17 74 373 System output port..

Bit functions.

eJ eJ=Se1ect flowy A (C on KleJ). 1 0=Select floppy B (Hard disk on KleJ). 2 f2J=Select side 2. 3 PSTROB 4 eJ=Flowy motor on (48 tpi drives) • 1=Select high speed (High density drive). * see note 5 eJ=Select dou1:>le~ensity. 6 f2J=Select normal character set. 7 f2J=Select 641( RAM. l=Select RCM (RAM 8e00-FFFF).

74 244 System input port..

Bit filnctions •

eJ eJ= floppy A selected (C on KleJ). 1 eJ=floppy B selected (Hard disk on KleJ). 2 0=Side 2 selected. 3 PSl'RCB. 4 0=m:>tor is on (48 tpi floppy). 5 eJ=D::>ubl~ensity is selected. 6 eJ=Parallel printer is busy • 7 eJ=64K RAM is selected. 1=RCM (RAM BeOO-FFFF) selected.

* Note on high~ensity drives:

A 1 in bit position 4 will select high speed en the high~ensity diskette drive. To reset the drive to low speed it is necessary to change this bit to a eJ AND open the drive door, then close it.

16-13 R:>rt# Use (hex) .. Device Function

Internal M::ldem: 0D ZSIO 2 Internal rcodem data. I/O port. Chan. B

ZSIO 2 Internal rcodem status/control ·Chan. B I/O port. .

21 PIO Olan. B Internal rcodem control lines. .

Bit functions.

o Isb digit to dial (output). 1 ." 2 " 3 msb digit to dial (output). 4 0=touch tone. l=pulse dial. -ate on rcodem chip. 5 0=n0t loop back (test. node) • 6 0=off lxlok (on line). . 7 l=digit present to dialer chip, not BSTROOE inplt present- next digit fran dialer chip.

23 PIO Chan. B M::ldem PIO control port.

'!he internal IOOdem on the KAYPRO uses Texas Instruments TMS99531 dialer and TMS99532 modem chips. Both of these chips are accessed through the ZOO PIO and ZOO SIO chips. Specification sheets on these chips are available from Texas Instruments and ZILOO respectively.

Disk Controller R:>rts: 10 1793 Floppy disk controller status/ccmnand I/O port.

11 1793 Floppy disk controller track register I/O port.

12 1793 Floppy disk controller sector register I/O port.

13 1793 Floppy disk controller data register I/O port.

16-14 1:Ort# Use (hex) Device Functioo

00 WD 1002 Hard disk CXXltroller card data I/O port.

81 Error Register (input.). Write Preoc::mp. (output).

82 Sector COlttlt register I/O.

83 Sector m:mber register I/O.

84 Cylinder lOA' register I/O.

85 Cylinder high register I/O.

86 Size/drive/head register I/O.

87 Status register 1br inp.lt. C:mnand register :fur output.

16-15 17.8 l'CISfBlCIH:B SfI!l'IQI

17.1 AS:II awu'

Dec Hex Olar Dec Hex Olar Dec Hex Olar Dec Hex Olar

, 0 00 NUL or A@ 32 20 Space 64 40 @ 96 60 1 01 SCH or AA 33 21 1 65 41 A 97 61 a- 2 02 srx or "'B 34 22 " 66 42 B 98 62 b 3 03 El'X or AC 35 23 # 67 43 C 99 63 c 4 04 Ear or AD 36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d 5 05 ENO or AE 37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e 6 06 ACK or AF 38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f 7 07 BEL or AG 39 27 71 47 G 103 67 9 8 00 BS or AH 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h 9 09 HI' or AI 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i 10 1M. LF or AJ 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j 11 0B VT or AK 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k 12 ex:: FF or AL 44 2C 76 4C L 108 6C 1 13 eo CR or AM 45 2D 77 4D M 109 6D m 14 0E SO or "N 46 2E . 78 4E N 110 6E n 15 0F SI or "'0 47 2F / 79 4F 0 111 6F 0 16 10 DLE or Ap 48 30 0 80 50 p 112 70 P 17 11 OClor AO 49 31 1 81 51 0 113 71 q 18 12 OC2 or AR 50 32 2 82 52 R 114 72 r 19 13 OC3 or AS 51 33 3 83 53 S 115 73 s 20 14 OC4 or AT 52 34 4 84 54 T 116 74 t 21 15 NAK or "'u 53 35 5 85 55 U 117 75 u 22 16 SYN or "'V 54 36 6 86 56 V 118 76 v 23 17 EI'B or "W 55 37 7 87 57 W 119 77 w 24 18 CAN or AX 56 38 8 88 58 X 120 78 x 25 19 EM or "y 57 39 9 89 59 Y 121 79 Y 26 lA SUB or AZ 58 3A 90 :!~1.\. -z 122 7A z 27 1B ESC or A[ 59 3B 91 5B [ 123 7B { 28 lC FS or A\ 60 3C < 92 5C \ 124 7C I 29 lD GS or A] 61 3D = 93 5D ] 125 7D } 30 IE RS or 62 3E > 94 5E 126 7E 31 IF US or 63 3F ? 95 5F 127 7F DEL

17-1 17.3 MlKm'" IW?S











CCP 0400H













17-5 11.4 V!1\1IXB AIXBBSSPS

Kaypro Corporatiexl does not provide repair or reference manuals :fOr other canpanies' products which are used in Kaypro computers. '!he list belOW' does not presume to be complete, but is inc11Xled :fOr dealer convenience in orderjn; manuals directly :fran the manufacturer.

Drives Integrated Circuits

Drivetec Mostek 2140 Bering Drive -- 180e4 Skypark Circle san Jose, ca. 95131 Suite 140 (4e8) 946-2222 Irvine, ca. 92714 (714) 25e-0455 Epsal 17752 Skypark #255 National Semiconductor Irvine, ca 92714 2900 Semiconductor Drive (714) 25e-0111 Santa Clara, ca. 95fZJ51 (408) 737-5""'" HI-rnoc= 1fZJl5fZJ Sorrento Valley Rd. Texas Instruments san Diego, Ca. 92121 1762fZJ Fitch (619) 452-5500 Irvine, ca. 92714 (714) 545-521fZJ Microscience 575 E. Middlefield Road Western Digital Mountain View, ca. 94043 3128 Red Hill Ave. (415) 961-2212 Costa Mesa, Ca.. 92626 Zi10g Seagate 18fZJ23 Skypark Circle" 92121 Disc Drive Suite J Scotts Valley, ca. 95fZJ66 Irvine, ca. 92714 ( 4e8) 438-655fZJ (714) 549-2891

Shugart 475 CBkmead Parkway Sunnyvale, Ca. 94086 ( 4e8) 733-121100

Tandon 212132121 Prairie st. Chatsworth, Ca. 91311 (213) 993-6644 rnoc= 10012J E. Walnut St. Pasadena, Ca. 9111216 (213) 681-5631

Toshiba 9I2J3fZJ carroll canyon #7 san Diego, Ca. 92121 (619) 578-9171

17--6 CRl' AsSE!ll'b1ies Power Supplies

Audiotronics Astec 7420 Belair Ave. 1101 Space Park N. Hollywood, ca. 91605 Santa Clara, ca. 95050 (213) 765-2645 (400) 727-3350

n:rt;ronix Boschert 160 1st Street S. E. 384 Santa Trinita Ave. New Brighton, ~. 55112 Sunnyvale, ca. 94086 (612) 633-1742 (408) 732-2240

Elston cal nc. 35 Iehigh Street 2150 AneOOr (burt Geneva, N.Y. 14456 Newbury Park, ca. 91320 (315) 781-1350 (805) 499-3621

Toshiba 9030 carroll canyon #7 Disk Controller Board San Diego, ca. 92121 (619) 578-9171 Western Digital 2445 MCCabe Wiy Irvine, ca. 92714 Keyboards (714) 863-0102

Keytronics 7032 Owensmouth "8e> .. I (P 91 S Q A "'oS -0 210(.. -00' Canoga Park, ca. 91303 fl;~O boje" Ii"I -04. -2.01 (714) 832-1685

Maxi-Swi. tch r<. \( ~ I) ,1.01$0 9697 E. River !bad j>c. ~/) t#3DISlj .01. Minneapolis, MN. 55433 (612) 755-7660

SMK 4617 Ruffner Street #206 ~-.)'tOI\ -02."'1 San Diego, 92111 Ca.. Tw' I'''''''' -() (619) 560-8330

17-7 ICAYPRO II 'lbeary of Qleratial, by I)ma Cotant-Micro Cornucopia, P.o. Box 223 - Bend, CR. 97709

Modern Dictionary of Electronics, by RudolfF. Graf, Radio Shack Catalog N\.1rrt)er 62-2310

Some ex>lared marlters or pencils with which to mark the chip layout diagrams in this manual according to flmction (video, disk control, etc.) will be use ful. SUch "maps" can be time-saving devices. (Because 0 f printing costs and problems, Kaypro is unable to supply colored "maps" in the Technical Manual.)

'!he CP/M Manual inclooed with each KAYPRo. You can devise excellent and effective tests 'fbr the machines through imaginative use of CP/M programs like PIP, SUBMIT, XSUB. . 'lb this end, books alx>ut CP/M (with an emphasis en prograIIl'lrin1: not fbr the beginner) can be helpful.

A good book cootaining infbrmatien on the ZOO microcomputer and its :family (SIO, PIO). Timing diagrams (or scope signals) in these books can help troubleshoot mainboards.

Arr:! component repair manuals you feel necessary. See Section .17.4 fbr vendor addresses.

18-1 INDEX

22"" configuration, 8-2 touch-up information, 5-2 align.mac, 7-5 troubleshooting, 15--1 aligning CRI' yoke, 7-2 vendor addresses, 17-6 ASCII chart, 17--1 vertical size and linearity, 7--1 brightness, 7--2 video alignment, 7-3 chassis hood, 5--1 video ccmnand protocol, 16-';"1 CRI' adjustments, 7--1 CRI' assembly removal, 7-8 CRI' descriptions, 7-1 disk drive cleaning, 9--1 diskette drive configuration, 9-5 .. diskette drive identification, 9-2 diskette drives, 9-1 Drivetec, 9-9 focus, 7-2 fuse, 8-2 hard disk drive, 10--1 hard drive configuration, 10-3 hard drive controller board, 11--1 hard drive renoval, 10--4 bigh-density (Drivetec ) drives, 9--9 horizontal centering, 7-1 horizontal hold, 7--2 horizontal width, 7-1 I/O port addresses, 16--10 interface board KAYPID 10, 12-1 internal modem, 16--14 KAYPRO 10 block diagram, 6-18 KAYPID 10 specifications, 3--1 KAYPID 2· and 4 block diagram, 6-6 KAYPRO 2 specifications, 3--1 KAYPOO 2/84 and 2X specifications, 3-2 KAYPRO 4 specifications, 3-3 KAYPID 4/84 specifications, 3--4 KAYPID 4X specifications, 3--5 KAYPRO ROBIE specifications, 3-7 keyboard, 13--1 keyboard codes and functions, 16--3 keyboard connector, 16--6 mairiboard renoval, 6--51 mairiboards, 6-1 II1E!IDry maps, 17--3 modem port KAYPID 10, 16-7 parallel printer port, 16--5 power supplies, 8-1 power supply removal, 8-5 real-time clock, 16-12 ROBIE removal/installation, 14--1 serial port KAYPRO 2 and 4, 16--6 serial printer port KAYPRO 10, 16--7.1 PUBLICATICN C

Please use this oomment sheet to assist with identificaticn of errors or needed improvements in this manual. Date------~------Job Title------Address------

Page Cannent

Please mail this :fbnn to the :fbllc::Ming address.

Publications Department Kaypro Corporation P.O. Box N Del Mar, Ca. 92014