HIST 416- “Sex, Swords, and Sorcery”: The Medieval World in Film (3 credit hours) 9:00-12:45 pm Instructor: Craig M Nakashian Phone: 903-223-3136 Texas A&M University-Texarkana E-mail:
[email protected] Office Hours: TR 10-11, 5-6 Office: UC 226 Course description The Medieval World has been fascinating audiences of cinema since the earliest days of Hollywood. From figures such as King Arthur and Robin Hood to settings such as Camelot and England, Anglo-American film-makers have remade the Middle Ages to suit their own interests and ideals. This course allows students to view and analyze a number of films about the medieval period, medieval characters, in order to better understand how and why we consistently re- imagine the Middle Ages. Texts Readings to be provided as handouts, pdf documents, or online links. For a good summary of medieval films, see: http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/acpbibs/harty.htm Student Learner Outcomes: Students will analyze US and UK films related to the civilizations of Europe during the Middle Ages. Students will create, present, and defend reviews addressing topics of interest related to the course materials. Students will discuss the historical and cultural underpinnings of the course materials. Assessment/Requirements Each student will be expected to carry-out the following tasks: 1. Write brief film analyses. 2. Write two larger comparative analyses. 3. Write a creative final essay. 4. Participate in class activities. Brief Film Analyses [30% of course grade; 5 points each; 30 points total] After each film, you will have the opportunity to write a brief (1½- 2 pages) analytical critique.