HUMS 646 Spring 2019

The Arthurian Legend on Film

Jeff Rider [email protected]

Required Texts:

The Romance of Arthur. Ed. Norris Lacy and James J. Wilhelm. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2013. Paperback; ISBN-10: 0415782899; ISBN-13: 978-0415782890. Paperback. (Abbreviated RA.)

The Death of . Trans. J. Cable. Penguin Classics. Penguin Books, 1972. ISBN-10: 0140442553; ISBN-13: 978-0140442557. Paperback.

Other texts and the films will be available through the course Moodle.


1/31 "Arthur in the Chronicles" (RA)

2/7 "Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth" (RA), Layamon, Brut (RA), Wace, Roman de Brut (RA)

2/14 Antoine Fuqua, King Arthur (2004) Doug Lefler, (2007)

2/21 "Arthur in Early Welsh Tradition" (RA); “The Tale of Culhwch and Olwen” (RA); Saints Lives

2/28 Béroul, The Romance of Tristan (RA) ; Thomas of Britain, Romance of Tristan (RA); Marie de France, Chevrfeuil and Lanval (RA)

3/7 Tristan and Isolde (1911): Jean Cocteau, Le Retour éternel (The Eternal Return) (1943) Kevin Reynolds, Tristan & Isolde (2006)

Spring Break

3/28 Chrétien de Troyes, The Story of the Grail

4/4 Eric Rohmer, Perceval le Gallois (Perceval the Welshman) (1978) Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

4/11 The Death of King Arthur

4/18 Robert Bresson, Lancelot du lac (Lancelot of the Lake) (1974) Jerry Zucker, (1995)

4/25 Richard Thorpe, The Knights of the Round Table (1953) Joshua Logan, Camelot (1967)

5/2 John Boorman, (1981) George Romero, Knightriders (1981)

You have the option of writing three 5-7 page papers or a single 15-20 page paper. The three short papers will be due on February 21, April 11, and May 9. The single long paper will be due May 9.

You are free to choose the topic of your papers yourself. I will be happy to discuss possible topics with you if you are having a hard time choosing one.