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COUNCIL - 02.03.21 AT AN EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL held as a Virtual Meeting on Tuesday, 2nd March, 2021 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor John Story), The Deputy Mayor (Councillor Gary Muir) Councillors John Baldwin, Clive Baskerville, Christine Bateson, Gurpreet Bhangra, Simon Bond, John Bowden, Mandy Brar, Catherine Del Campo, David Cannon, Stuart Carroll, Gerry Clark, David Coppinger, Carole Da Costa, Wisdom Da Costa, Jon Davey, Karen Davies, Phil Haseler, Geoff Hill, David Hilton, Maureen Hunt, Andrew Johnson, Greg Jones, Lynne Jones, Neil Knowles, Ewan Larcombe, Sayonara Luxton, Ross McWilliams, Helen Price, Samantha Rayner, Joshua Reynolds, Julian Sharpe, Shamsul Shelim, Gurch Singh, Donna Stimson, Chris Targowski, Helen Taylor, Amy Tisi, Leo Walters and Simon Werner Officers: David Cook, Emma Duncan, Suzanne Martin, Kevin McDaniel, Barbara Richardson, Duncan Sharkey, Adele Taylor, Karen Shepherd and Adrien Waite 84. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received 85. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Rayner declared a personal interest in the item ‘Petition for Debate – Maidenhead Golf Course/Great Park’ as several of the sites listed in Appendix 2 were owned by her family. She would not participate in the debate or vote on the item. Councillor Price declared an interest in the item ‘Petition for Debate – Maidenhead Golf Course/Great Park’ as she was a member of the golf club. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that as Councillor Price’s interest was a potentially prejudicial interest, she had granted Councillor Price a dispensation to enable her to speak on the item as a local member to facilitate the debate. 86. PUBLIC QUESTIONS a) Alison Carpenter of Eton and Castle ward asked the following question of Councillor Hilton, Lead Member for Finance and Ascot: I am concerned that the tone of the funding section of the leaflet is unreasonably focussing on potential costs to residents rather than the potential benefits.
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