Minutes Template
COUNCIL - 23.07.19 AT A MEETING OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL held in the Grey Room, York House, Windsor on Tuesday, 23rd July, 2019 PRESENT: Councillors Luxton (The Mayor), Muir (Deputy Mayor) and Baldwin, Baskerville, Bateson, Bhangra, Bond, Bowden, Brar, Cannon, Carroll, Clark, Coppinger, C. Da Costa, W. Da Costa, Davey, Davies, Del Campo, Dudley, Haseler, Hilton, Hunt, Johnson, Jones, Knowles, Larcombe, McWilliams, Price, Rayner, Reynolds, Sharpe, Shelim, Singh, Stimson, Story, Targowski, Taylor, Tisi, Walters and Werner Officers: Duncan Sharkey, Mary Severin, Russell O'Keefe, Karen Shepherd, Barbara Richardson, Chris Pearse and Maddie Pinkham. 22. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hill. 23. COUNCIL MINUTES RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Part I minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2019 be approved, subject to the following amendment: Page 29 , paragraph 2 to read: ‘…..The Director of Adult Social Care and the Assistant Director of Statutory Care had advised him of the unavoidable issues relating to safeguarding and health and safety in relation to the motion…..’ 24. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor McWilliams declared a personal interest on Item 7 as he owned a property in Kings Walk. He had taken legal advice and was able to take part in the debate and voting on the item. Councillor Hunt declared a personal interest in Item 7 as she owned a property in the town centre. She had taken legal advice and was able to take part in the debate and voting on the item. Councillor Dudley placed on record his thanks, on behalf of the council, to the Maidenhead constituency MP Theresa May for her just over three years as Prime Minister.
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