PER WG 260601.Doc AGENDA
N O T I C E O F M E E T I N G PERIODIC ELECTORAL REVIEW WORKING GROUP will meet on TUESDAY 26 JUNE 2001 At 8.00 pm in MEETING ROOM 'A', TOWN HALL, ST. IVES ROAD, MAIDENHEAD TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE PERIODIC ELECTORAL REVIEW WORKING GROUP (For action) COUNCILLORS LAWRENCE (CHAIRMAN), MRS BATESON (VICE-CHAIRMAN), BURBAGE, MRS ENDACOTT, MRS GLIKSTEN, MRS KEMP, OLNEY, MRS QUICK, WERNER AND WILES. c.c. Chief Executive, Borough Secretary, Andrew Scott, Rob Curtis and Sue Goddard. Barry Morfett Head of Corporate Administration Issued: Tuesday 26th June 2001 BJM/ag mins reps/PER WG 260601.doc AGENDA PART I ITEM SUBJECT WARD PAGE NO 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. 2. AREAS FOR RECONSIDERATION To look further at certain areas as requested by Members at the last meeting viz:- Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Cookham/Bisham Cox Green/Woodlands Park and Hurley Windsor Urban Area Maidenhead Urban Area NB. The proposals submitted by the Liberal Democrat Group have been summarised in the above report. Details of their proposals have been attched as an Appendix. BJM/ag mins reps/PER WG 260601.doc 2. AREAS FOR RECONSIDERATION At the Working Group meeting on 21 June, it was agreed that further consideration should be given to detailed options provided by Members of the Working Group in relation to the following areas:- Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Cookham and Bisham Cox Green, Woodlands Park and Hurley Windsor Urban Area Maidenhead Urban Area Members will recall that at the meeting on 21 June, the officers provided proposals for each of the areas in question and the following report provides details not only of the proposals originally but also the options supplied by individual Members.
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