IM@SJO Autumn2007 Number 110 FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE EARLY MAPS IMCo S LIST OF OFFICERS President Sarah Tyackc } OURNAL OF THE Advisory C ouncil Rodney Shirley (Past President) O swald Dreyer-Eimbcke (Past President) INTERNATIONAL MAP Roger Baskes (Past President) W.A.R. Richardso n (Adelaide) Montserrat Calera (Barcelona) COLLECTORS' SOCIETY Bob Karrow (Chicago) Peter Barber (London) Catherine Delano-Smith (London) Founded 1980 Helene R.i chard (Pari s) Gunter Schilder (Utrecht) Autumn 2007 Issue N°·11 0 Executive C ommittee and Appointed Officers Contents C h airman: Hans Kok Poelwaai 15, 2162 HA Lisse C hairman's message 3 The N eth erlands From the Editor's desk 4 Tel/Fax: +31 25 24 15227 e- mail:
[email protected] Richard Pflederer: T he Gulf of Honduras on portolan charts 5 Vice Chairman: Val eri e Newby & 11 International R epresentative: T im N icholson: John C harles Walker Rolph Langlai s Dawn Rooney: Profil e of T havatchai Tangsirivanich 20 e-mail:
[email protected] Gen eral Secretary: Stephen Williams Warburg lectures 24 135 Selsey Road, Edgbaston Tony Burgess: Bognard or T uck, 1885 or later? 25 Bim1ingham Bl7 SJP, UK T el: (0) 121 -+29 3813 Valerie N ewby: Profile of Cyrus Ala'i 30 e- mail:
[email protected] Membership Secretary: Irina Kendix Valeri e Newby: W orth a look 34 10-+ Church Road, Watford, Heres WD17 Barbara Mundy: Mapping the New World 37 4QB, UK Tel: (0) 1923 253 379 Eva W ajntraub: A view ofJerusalem 43 e-mail:
[email protected] T reasurer: Tim Whitten Mapping matters 48 Lower Bonchill Fam1 , Book reviews 49 Widecombe-in-the-Moor Newton Abbot, Devon TQ J 3 7TD You write to us 54 Dealer Liaison and w ebmaster: Y ash a Bcresiner IMCoS matters 57 -+3 Templars Crescent, London N3 3QR Index to advertisers 64 Tel: (0)20 83 -+9 2207 Fax: (0)20 8346 9539 Events Organiser : Sylvia Sobernhcim Cover map: The fourth state of Polus A11tarctiws by Henricus Hondius published in 12 Littlej ohn Road, Orpington, BRS 2BX Volume V of Atla11tis Majoris, 1652.