newsletter/fall 2016 Volume 24, Number 2 Decorative Arts Society The DAS DAS The Decorative Arts Society, Inc. in 1990 for the encouragement of interest in, the appreciation of and the exchange of information about the decorative arts. To, is pursuea not-for-profit its purposes, New theYork DAS corporation sponsors foundedmeetings, Newsletter programs, seminars, tours and a newsletter on the decorative arts. Its supporters include museum curators, academics, collectors and dealers. Please send change-of-address information by e-mail to
[email protected]. Board of Directors Editor President Gerald W. R. Ward Gerald W. R. Ward Senior Consulting Curator & Susan P. Schoelwer Senior Consulting Curator Katharine Lane Weems Senior Curator Robert H. Smith Senior Curator Katharine Lane Weems Senior Curator of of American Decorative Arts and George Washington’s Mount Vernon American Decorative Arts and Sculpture Emeritus Mount Vernon, VA Sculpture Emeritus Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Boston, MA Boston, MA Treasurer Stewart G. Rosenblum, Esq. Robert C. Smith Award Committee Coordinator Jeannine Falino, Chair Ruth E. Thaler-Carter Secretary Independent Curator Freelance Writer/Editor Moira Gallagher New York, NY Rochester, NY Research Assistant Metropolitan Museum of Art Lynne Bassett New York, NY Costume and Textile Historian Program Chairperson Dennis Carr Emily Orr Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of The DAS Newsletter is a publication Assistant Curator of Modern and American Decorative Arts and of the Decorative Arts Society, Inc. The Contemporary American Design Sculpture purpose of the DAS Newsletter is to serve as Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA a forum for communication about research, Museum Boston, MA exhibitions, publications, conferences and New York, NY other activities pertinent to the serious Emily Orr study of international and American deco- Margaret Caldwell Assistant Curator of Modern and rative arts.