Itllaca Alphabetical Directory 1.53 Copyript Lin, by H
1953-MANNINO'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1953 161 Howell & Stevens Insurance WILLIAM T. STEVENS, Proprietor Room 612 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. DIAL 2600 MANNING'S Itllaca Alphabetical Directory 1.53 Copyript lin, by H. A.. MaJlIliq Co. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The infonnation in this directory is obtained as far as possible by actual canvass, compiled in a way to insure maximum accuracy. While the publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will be pleased to have any inaccuracies called to their attention, for correction in succeeding editions. TO FIND A NAME YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT TIl.-. .... BUIQ7 ....ys .,......... _me aam. with practlailly the _. pr_uaclatle. Abbreviations-Adv, advertisement; agt, agent; asst, assistant; av, avenue; bkpr, book keeper; bldg, building; blvd, boulevard; byd, beyond; c, corner; clk, clerk; Co, Company; com trav, commercial traveler; cont, contractor; Corp,' corporation; dept, department; dist, dis trict; do, ditto; E, East; ES,East Side; e1~c, electrician; emp, employed; eng, engineer; ext, extension; gen, general; h, house;"hskpr, housekeeper; hts, heights; ins, insurance; inst, in structor, Jr, junior; lab, laborer; loco, locomotive; mfg, manufacturing; mfr, manufacturer; mgr, manager; N, North; NS, North Side; oc, out of city; opr, operator; phone, telephone; pI, place; pres, president; prof, 'professor; prop, 'proprietor; 1', rooms; rd, road; RD, Rural Delivery; res, residence; RR, railroad; Ry, railway; S, South;SS, South Side; slsm, salesman; sta, stationary; sten, stenographer; supt, superiritendent;·tel, telegraph; W, West; WS, West Side; wid, widow; wkr, worker Wife's name is shown, in parenthesis followihg husband's name; when wife's name is un tlbtainable the word (Mrs) is printed.
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