University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-10-1920 Deming Graphic, 08-10-1920 N. S. Rose Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 08-10-1920." (1920). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. V. 4 V' THE BEMIHG GRAPESEC VOL. XVI NO. 4S THE DEMLNG GRAPHIC. TI'ESDAY, AIW8T 10, 120 Debt PagM riVB CENTS THE OOPf CALL FOR REPt BLICAN MRS. CORHETT8 SENTIMENTS FACTORIES STATE CONVENTION SKIT. 7 ARE WORTHY OK 1IKR GIFT CAB l GOV. COX FILES ANSWER MASCOT OIL CO. A delegate convention of the Itcpiih-llcan- s Frank Kimball was In from Ills of tin Htate of New Mexico, Is farm last Haturday. OPEN LASTOF MONTH hereby called to meet at Albuquerque, K. Hollgnac was transiting huiuexx New Mexico, on the 7lh day of Heptem-- 1 Governor Cox formally accepted hla 1st rat ion railroad control and the In the city bixt Haturday. TO DRILL NEAR HERE 1st, A. I), lir.t), at twelve o'clock noon noniliiatioii for the .presidency on tlie wolildy Mexican policy, Mrs. John Corls-t- t made a gift to the or the aald day, for the purpose of .democratic ticket at hla boine in tb speech, partiiailarlly those parts Iteming library of fit), transmitting candidate for Presidential ton, Ohio, laxt Haturday.