ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To raise money in order to provide financial assistance for parents/guardians resident in the isle of man with low incomes Belmont, Maine Road, , Isle 1114 A LITTLE PIECE OF HOPE to help pay for headstones, plaques and funeral costs and The Secretary [email protected] 202074 of Man, IM9 6LQ arrangements where the deceased is under the age of 16 years. To help physically or mentally handicapped children or young Department Of Education, Hamilton Director Of 560 A W CLAGUE DECD persons whose needs are made known to the Isle of Man House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Education Department of Education. Man, IM1 5EZ Particularly for the purpose of abandoned and orphaned children of Romania. Also for the relief of financial hardship to children living or working in developing and third world 2 Marina Close, , Isle of Man, 962 ACORN Mrs W Megson [email protected] 629933 countries. The relief of sickness and the preservation of health IM3 4BN among children in third world countries offering financial assistance, support, education and practical advice. To demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to disadvantaged people in Cambodia, (and other disadvantaged nations in the 2 Banks Howe, Onchan, Isle of Man, 1175 ACT MINISTRIES region) through various means including, but not only, health Mrs G I Johnson [email protected] 07624 241349 IM3 2ET care, health care education, English language and Bible teaching, and provision of clean water. To promote the better education, training, employment and welfare of blind and partially sighted people, to watch over and 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of 1203 ACTION FOR BLIND PEOPLE Appleby Trust (IOM) Ltd [email protected] 01624 647647 protect the interests of blind and partially sighted people and to Man, IM1 1LB prevent blindness To raise awareness, provide information, training and services 7 St Patricks View, Peel, Isle of Man, 1065 ACTION4AUTISM IOM to those people on the IOM affected by Autism Spectrum Mrs B Jolly [email protected] 01624 845140 IM5 1UR Disorder Trust Deed of April 1950 : Funds shall be augmented from time to time by donations, voluntary subscriptions, bequests and 3 Mount View Terrace, Onchan, Isle 169 ACU BENEVOLENT FUND payments under covenant, for the benefit of necessitous Mrs W Evans MBE [email protected] 07624 433540 of Man, IM3 1AB participators in motor cycling events and the dependants of such participators as defined. The provision of scholarships, the giving of special prizes, ADMIRAL FETERIS exhibitions or rewards to scholars; the promotion of scholarship Strooan Mooar, Crossag Road, 307 FOUNDATION FOR YOUNG Mrs C Convery 822103 games or extra curriculum activities either by the provision or Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EF PEOPLE endowment of prizes, bursaries or scholarships. Applying financial, material and technical resources toward 14 Empire Terrace, Douglas, Isle of 1101 ADRA -UK (ISLE OF MAN) relief of poverty, sickness, in need from war, famine, natural or Mrs L DeBeer [email protected] 01624 645063 Man, IM2 4LE manmade disaster in the world. To create and provide employment opportunities for adults with Eastcliffe Resource Centre, Victoria 1130 ADULT SERVICES SOCIAL FIRM learning disabilities and develop their potential with a view to Mrs P Despringle [email protected] 439937 Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4AL moving on to employment in the open market To promote the practice and the teaching of divine healing in accordance with the teachings of the Church of England, to and Cedar Lodge, Jacks Lane, Port-E- 231 AGAPE TRUST THE for persons without regard to age, sex or religious belief, and to The Secretary Vullen, Isle of Man, IM7 1AW carry out such other charitable purposes for the relief of human suffering or sickness as are permitted by the Trust Deed. The provision, directly or indirectly, to promote the welfare of Aged people in any manner which is now or may hereinafter be AGE CONCERN ISLE OF MAN deemed by Law to be Charitable within the IOM. The Professor R L Cronk Whyllan, The Promenade, Port 549 LIMITED encouragement promotion and organisation of direct services Brown St Mary , Isle of Man, IM9 5DE appropriate to the needs of individual elderly people or groups of elderly people.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Aglow International is a not-for-profit, international Christian women's organization designed to fulfil the following purposes: To introduce women to Jesus Christ, especially those not reached by commonly used methods of evangelism, by sharing the whole gospel of Jesus to meet the needs of the whole AGLOW INTERNATIONAL (ISLE person. To bring women to a place of restoration that they may 6 Oak Road, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1080 Mrs A Harmer [email protected] 843434 OF MAN) discover their true identity in Jesus, be filled with the love of 1WN Christ and all the fullness of God, and be equipped with the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit to do the work of the ministry. To assist women in worshipping, praising and glorifying God in all areas of life, and to train and equip women to minister effectively Providing care for sick animals, facilitating the provision to sick animals of vetinary treatment, including by meeting the costs of such treatement in cases of financial hardship on the part of the owner of a domestic pet, rehabilitating domestic pets with Beechfield, Glen Auldyn, Ramsey, 1232 AID RESCUE behavioural problems. Providing temporary care and Mrs A Williams Psya [email protected] 07624 410286 www.aidrescueiom Isle of Man, IM7 2AD accomodation for domestic pets in cases of financial hardship where the owners are unable to do so for themselves due to own ill health or that of a person for whom they provide susbtansial care and assisting in the rehoming of domestic pets. To relieve and treat and promote the relief and treatment of people with Alzheimer's Diesase and other dementias and to Alzheimer's Society Isle of Man, provide support for such persons, their families and carers. To Minerva Suite, Level 3 , Tower 1128 ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY promote, support and carry out research, and to disseminate The Contact [email protected] 01624 613181 House, Castle Street, Douglas, IM1 the results of such research for the public benefit, into the 2EV cause and possible cures whither partial or complete, and the possible prevention of the said disease and other dementias. To raise public awareness. Provide support groups throughout Alzheimer's Society Isle of Man, ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY (ISLE OF 453 the island. Education and training for carers and nursing staff. The Contact Minerva Suite, Level 3, Tower [email protected] 01624 613181 MAN) Help sufferers House, Caste Street, Douglas, Isle of Deed of December 1985: The Settlors to pay, from time to The Buttress House, Ballacallin 341 ANDERSON TRUST time, such sums or sums in cash or investments for charitable Mr D M Anderson Court, Gordon, , Isle of Man, 842393 purposes. IM5 3AR ENDOWMENT The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 554 FUND pupils and for further education courses. Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of ANDREAS ENDOWMENTS Relief of poverty. Provision of coal and electricity to the elderly Ballakeil Croft, Leodest Road, 548 Mrs D Sayle 880585 COMMITTEE and needy of the Parish. Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 3EG ANDREAS RACING The charity will exist for the purpose of raising funds for the 17 Sycamore Grove, Douglas, Isle of 864 ASSOCIATION PAM CANNELL Mr P S Wilkinson [email protected] 07624 480931 provision of medical cover and after care of injured riders. Man, IM2 1EZ FUND To support financially, or in kind, those persons or organisations that are caring for groups of animals that are either homeless or unwanted and in need. To pursue in the 1 Farmhill Lane, Farmhill, , 876 ANIMAL ADVOCACY Mr M Q Mann IOM a preventive policy of neutering and spaying of domestic Isle of Man, IM2 2NT animals within the financial reach of the majority of animal owners. To provide assistance for any needy animals. Food and bedding for animals where their owners are unable to. Provide cat food 6 Ballure Grove, Ramsey, Isle of 902 ANIMAL AID for the Ellan Vannin Cat Protection Trust. Neutering animals. Mr P C Stokes [email protected] 871573 Man, IM8 1NF Help with vets bills where people cannot afford to pay. Set up and run a Sanctuary for unwanted animals. ANN BRIDSONS BEQUEST Will of 1819 : A sum for the benefit of poor widows in the 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 81 Mr B Powell 07624 497848 PER VICAR OF MALEW parishes of , S Ramsey, and Malew Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Objects of Trust cover a wide range. The Trustees are minded First Floor, 5 Parliament Square, 998 ANN HARRISON TRUST, THE to consider in alternate years grants for animal purposes in the Mr J D R Kewley [email protected] Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1LA IOM one year and antiquarian purposes etc the next. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 488 ANNE THOMAS TRUST To provide an income for Peel Endowment Committee The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, To promote research into the causes of and the diagnosis, relief ANTHONY NOLAN BONE Gracelands, 25 Keeill Pharick Park, 582 and treatment or cure of those suffering from bone marrow Mr I Bratty MARROW TRUST , Isle of Man, IM4 4EW deficiencies or any like or related diseases. To promote the well-being of bereaved people in the Isle of Man by providing or causing to provide services, practical and emotional support, to those whose lives have been affected by 35 Spring Valley Road, Douglas , Isle 1227 APPLAUSE FOR JAKE WATSON the death of a family member and to raise awareness of and Mrs L Watson 07624 218977 of Man, IM2 1EF advance the education of the public and professional in the Isle of Man on all aspects of bereavement but particularly those relating to young adults. ENDOWMENT FUND To pay the charity's income annually to the district Endowment Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 496 (DEC) Committee Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of ARBORY ENDOWMENTS As defined in the National Assistance (Isle of Man) Act 1951 : Thie Plaish, Glen Road, Colby, Isle of 589 Mrs G Smith 832146 COMMITTEE Endowment Committees Man, IM9 4NX To oppose the siting of the incinerator and the associated ARCHALLAGAN STONEY landfill site at Stoney Mountain. This being on the grounds that, Lakeview Cottage, Lhoobs Road, 674 MOUNTAIN ARRASEY The Secretary amongst others, it is an entirely inappropriate site and would be East , Isle of Man, IM4 3JA PRESERVATION detrimental to the people of Foxdale and the surrounding areas. A sum of money handed over by Archdeacon J C Moore to the ARCHDEACON MOORE'S Principal of King William's College to be used at his sole King Williams College, Castletown, 121 Mr M Strickett POOR STUDENT FUND discretion for assisting poor students of the College to proceed Isle of Man, IM9 1TP to a University. ARCHIBALD KNOX SOCIETY (Ltd The promote the legacy of Archibald Knox, nationally and Bushmills, 36 Hutchinson Square, 983 Mrs G O'Neill [email protected] 665459 company), THE internationally. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4HW From Trust deed of March 1979 : Constituted from the IOM Silver Jubilee Trust monies raised during the Queen's Silver Ardwhallan Outdoor Education 364 ARDWHALLAN JUBILEE TRUST Jubilee year and given to the Trustees of the Ardwhallan Trust. Mr P Melling Centre, West Baldwin, Douglas, Isle [email protected] 07624 407549 The Trust purchased a property now known as the Ardwhallan of Man, IM4 5EU Outdoor Pursuit Centre at Injebrook Reservoir. To apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital for or towards such charitable purposes, to make donations to ARLAND USSHER 8 St Georges Street, Douglas, Isle of 626 such charitable institution or institutions at such time and in Mr M F G Crowe [email protected] CHARITABLE TRUST Man, IM1 1AH such manner at the Trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit. To promote the aims and objectives of Arthritis Care, in particular, a programme of social activities, welfare, information ARTHRITIS CARE ELLAN about Arthritis Care's services and publications. Fundraising for PO BOX 185, Douglas, Isle of Man, 417 The Secretary [email protected] 07624 431893 VANNIN the branch. Grants advice and provision for local people with IM99 1YN arthritis, self management programmes, organising holidays at AC centres. The advancement of education in the arts, by the provision of scholarships, bursaries, maintenance allowances or other financial assistance to persons who are, or have been, ordinarily resident in the Isle of Ma, or who have received a Arts Council, Hamilton House, Peel 1252 ARTS AID Ms I Hawke [email protected] 01624 694596 significant portion of their education on the Island, and whom Road, Douglas, Isle of Man the Directors, in their absolute discretion, consider to be exceptionally talented in their respective fields, to enable them to further their education and development in such fields Ask Outreach Trust, 18 Meadow To provide shelter and educational, medical care for street 763 ASK OUTREACH TRUST Mrs C Edgecox Court, Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 children and disadvantaged youngsters in India and elsewhere. 2DP

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The promotion of the aviation heritage of the Isle of Man by the preservation and restoration of a British Aerospace ATP aircraft for the purpose of public display; and the advancement of 19 Ballacriy Park, Colby, Isle of Man, 1237 ATP PRESERVATION PROJECT Mr B N Collister [email protected] 07624 463958 education in aircraft engineering by the said aircraft being used IM9 4LT as a training aid for apprentices during its restoration and its maintenance thereafter. To promote the relief, personal development and education of Ballaskeig Beg Cottage, , 607 AUTISM IN MANN persons diagnosed, expected, or likely to be diagnosed with an Mrs K Desmond [email protected] 480167 Isle of Man, IM7 1EE Autistic Spectrum Disorder. To promote the welfare, personal development and education of children and persons variously diagnosed with an autistic Autism Initiatives, The Oaks, May 835 AUTISM INITIATIVES The Secretary spectrum disorder and/or non-communicating and persons with Hill, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2HG autistic tendencies. To provide in the Parish of Andreas and parishes in the Sheading of , facilities for playing and promotion of Association Football and for the association by persons with a 2 Ballalough Beg, Bride Road, 965 AYRE UNITED A.F.C. Miss E L Brown common interest in Association Football and for all activities Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 4HR incidental thereto and for the charitable purpose of raising and distributing monies for charitable purposes in the IOM.

To provide accommodation for respectable elderly people who DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 482 BALLACURN HOUSE TRUST are needy and deserving or for such other charitable objects for The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, the care of old people as the Department may determine. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX To advance the education of the students by providing and , St BALLAKERMEEN HIGH SCHOOL assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school 336 The Secretary Catherines Drive, Douglas, Isle of 613515 ASSOCIATION (not normally provided by the Department of Education and Man, IM1 4BE Children). The principal activity of the Company continues to be that of BALLAMONA ASSOCIATION FOR 63 Westbourne Drive, Douglas, Isle 194 providing funds for the continuous care and rehabilitation of Mr M Blackburn MENTAL HEALTH of Man, IM1 4BB patients from Ballamona Hospital. Nature and wildlife conservation and education of the public in all aspects of the flora and fauna of the IOM and any other Ballannette Park, Baldrine, Isle of 819 BALLANNETTE TRUST, THE Mr A G Clague charitable purpose for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Man, IM4 6AJ the IOM as the Trustees shall think fit. BALLASALLA COMMUNITY The charity has been established for charitable purposes in 18 Abbotts Close, Ballasalla, Isle of 1067 Mr B J Powell [email protected] 823522 ENTERPRISES Ballasalla, Isle of Man and surrounding area only Man, IM9 3EA ENDOWMENT The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 555 FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To make allowance in cash or kind to any person resident in the BALLAUGH ENDOWMENTS Ballaterson Moar Farm, Ballaugh, Isle 588 district, who in the opinion of the Committee may properly be Mr C E Cowin COMMITTEE of Man, IM7 5AR given such allowances. To preserve all available records in the Parish. Put together Mwyllin Squeen, Station Road, 957 BALLAUGH HERITAGE TRUST local expeditions. Collect and preserve as much information Mr J F Craine [email protected] 456298/897357 Ballaugh, Isle of Man, IM7 5AH from Parish people, as possible. a)To establish a means of structured fund raising to develop facilities at King Williams College and to support scholarships for pupils who attend or wish to attend the school b) to support King Williams College in its aim of promoting, continuing and/or maintaining the provision of education of a type and character King Williams College, Castletown, 1004 BARROVIAN FOUNDATION similar to that provided in preparatory schools and public Mr J Oatts [email protected] 820425 Isle of Man, IM9 1TP schools in general and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, promoting and maintaining the education of children and young person's at King Williams College and and any other college, school or educational establishment in the Isle of Man or elsewhere. Funds raised in order that students can take an additional Department Of Education, Hamilton BAUME (MANX ) Director Of 556 course on a second insturment or an extended course or House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of SCHOLARSHIP FUND Education optional vocational courses at the Royal Academy of Music Man, IM1 5EZ For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To promote the study and practice of computing and to 27 Laurel Avenue, Birch Hill, Onchan, 997 BCS ( Isle of Man) advance knowledge and education therein for the benefit of the The Secretary [email protected] 07624 351351 Isle of Man, IM3 3JQ public. To provide a long term, effective, efficient and sustainable Lanwane Croft, Leodest Road, 1158 BEACH BUDDIES operation, using teams of voluneers to keep the beaches and Mr W C Dale [email protected] 496560 Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 4HA foreshores of the Isle of Man free from litter. Sir George T Beatson - Trust dated September 1928 in memory BEATSON POOR RELIEF FUND of his mother - the interest to be used for the relief of any of 11 Victoria Road, , Isle 127 The Secretary [email protected] 01624 832055/07624 485158 (CASTLETOWN) the deserving poor in the Parish of Castletown, in such manner of Man, IM9 5AF as may be thought best by the Trustees. To raise funds for Cronk y Berry School and other charities. To Secretary, 11 Honeysuckle Lane, 851 BERRY BUDDIES Mrs LL Jweinat [email protected] 07624 335626 organise social events for the school. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 7DY The Trustees to apply the fund for any of the charitable purposes of establishing, promoting, continuing and/or maintaining the provision of education of a type similar to that King William's College, Castletown, 335 BISHOP BARROW'S CHARITY provided in independent schools and consistent with Christian The Bursar [email protected] 820425 Isle of Man, IM9 1TP faith and moral teaching of children at King William's College and the Buchan School and any other educational establishment in the IOM or elsewhere. To pay or to apply property for establishing, promoting continuing and/or maintaining the provision of education of a type and character similar to that provided in independent schools in general, and in particular, but without prejudice to BISHOP BARROWS International House, Castle Hill, 1196 the generality of the foregoing, for promoting and maintaining The Secretary FOUNDATION Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4RB the education of children and young persons at King Williams College, Castletown and the Buchan School and any other college, school and educational establishment as shall be determined from time to time by the council. Thie Yn Aspick, 4 The Falls, Douglas, 1241 BISHOPS DISCRETIONARY FUND Bishop of Sodor and Man [email protected] 01624 622108 Isle of Man, IM4 4PZ Funds to be used for Medical Purposes or general Charitable C/o Equiom Trust Company Limited, 1030 BN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Purposes on the Isle of Man or elsewhere as the Trustees see Mr B C Smith First Floor, Jubilee Buildings, Victoria 699000 fit Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 BOSTON CHARITABLE c/o St. Mary's Court, 20 Hill Street, 1029 Any Charity or Charitable purpose the trustees see fit Mrs R Robinson [email protected] 692930 FOUNDATION, THE Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EU Raise awareness and advance education of general public in respect of bowel cancer. Provide practical and emotional BOWEL CANCER ISLE OF 17 Broogh Wyllin, Kirk Michael, Isle 1035 support to bowel cancer patients in the IOM and to fund Mr D A Loader [email protected] MAN of Man, IM6 1HU charitable projects for the benefit of persons suffering from bowel cancer in the IOM BRADDAN ENDOWMENT The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 557 FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To help parishioners, pensioners and one parent families with BRADDAN PARISH 15 Cronk Liauyr, , Isle of 538 supplying coal and heating allowance during the winter months - Mrs S Mooris ENDOWMENTS COMMITTEE Man, IM2 5LP December - March. To provide forums, seminars, workshops and courses for BRAHMA KUMARIS WORLD developing understanding and offer opportunities to people in 18 Appledene Court, Woodlands 914 SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY ISLE OF the local community to increase and develop their mental and Dr J Kitto [email protected] 626940 View, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2BU MAN spiritual well-being and understanding and experience greater peace and fulfilment in their day-to-day lives.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To advance health, including the health of individuals suffering from cancer, patients receiving treatment, those convalescing following treatment by: promoting activities which will assist with awareness, identification and prevention of cancer, assisting those individuals who are disabled, infirm or in need of assistance. Advance the health of individuals by undertaking research into the causes and treatment of cancer on terms that First Floor, 10-12 Prospect Hill, 1200 BREAST CANCER NOW Corporate Options the results of such research are published, advance public Douglas, Isle of Man education in and understanding of the nature of cancer and its treatment particularly among cancer sufferers of cancer and the families, friends and carers of such persons and to promote such charitable objects concerned with medical research or the relief of sickness as the directors shall in their absolute discretion determine. The provision of Awards for educational purposes for pupils of Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 558 BRIDE ENDOWMENT FUND Bride School Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of The charity will exist to assist residents of the Parish of Bride BRIDE ENDOWMENTS who, in the opinion of the Committee would benefit from help Ballakeigh Farm , Bride, Isle of Man, 986 Mr W D Christian COMMITTEE financially or materially, due to illness, old age, bereavement, IM7 4HA difficult circumstances. To enhance the support and emotional care available with complex/chronic and palliative medical needs through teenage years and in the difficult transition to adult medical care on the Isle of Man. To review, encourage and provide for young people appropriate facilities within the Health Services of the Isle of Man and to fund projects in line with best practice. To Old School House, Vanes Lane, 1167 BRIDGE THE GAP fund courses for training of relevant professional or other Mrs J Crossley [email protected] 01624 851007 Eairy, Isle of Man, IM4 3HY approved individuals with a specific interest or experience in adolescent care. To provide information for young adults affected by complex/chronic medical conditions, undergoing medical treatment and/or palliative care by way of a website and Facebook page. These will also provide links to information for parents, relatives and carers. To provide grants etc for development of psychic and alternative healing. To encourage study and development of Thie Jeroi, Mullinaragher Road, St 896 BRIGHTLIFE FOUNDATION, THE Ms S Bregazzi [email protected] alternative sciences; to promote educational endeavours Marks, Isle of Man, IM9 3AQ relating to study/development of alternative sciences. To fund research into heart disease and to educate the public and the profession about the results of that research. To BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION Briardale, 6 Shore Road, Castletown, 293 provide life-saving cardiac care equipment and to assist in Mr B Smith [email protected] 01624 699085 (ISLE OF MAN) Isle of Man, IM9 1BF training the public and professionals in emergency life support skills. The relief of persons suffering from diseases of the Lung in particular by the promotion of medical research into the prevention, treatment, alleviation and cure of said diseases. Thornton, Glenlough Circle, Glen 1177 BRITISH LUNG FOUNDATION The dissemination of the useful results of such research for the Mrs V M Osland [email protected] 855008 Vine, Isle of Man, IM4 4AX benefit of the public and the promotion of post graduate training and the creation of fellowships in hospitals, medical centres and research institutes. Royal Charter : revised 17 July 2003 : To provide assistance to victims of armed conflicts. To work for the improvement of British Red Cross , Isle of Man BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY, 752 health, for the prevention of disease and for the prevention and Mr M Birchenough Business Park, Cooil Road, Braddan, [email protected] THE alleviation of human suffering in the British Isles and Isle of Man, IM2 2QZ throughout the world.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The Church is established for the charitable purpose of the advancement of the Christian faith through the provisions for the pastoral care and spiritual development of the members 8 Groudle Road, Onchan, Isle of 1088 BROADWAY BAPTIST CHURCH and of those persons attending the services provided by the Mr C G Swift [email protected] 01624 614957 Man, IM3 2EJ Church and the facilitating, supporting and advancing any work, ministry and activity which the Church from time to time adopts in the furtherance of such purpose The company remains in being, solely to receive monies for the BUCHAN EDUCATIONAL benefit of the Buchan Charity, which on receipt are conveyed to King William's College, Castletown, 322 Mr J V Oatts TRUST LTD the Trustees of Bishop Barrow's Charity or King William's Isle of Man, IM9 1TP College as appropriate. Principle activity being to provide a Centre for Information CIRCA, Level 2, Chester Street Car 657 C.I.R.C.A. Resource Care and Assistance and, where appropriate, to Mr N G Scott [email protected] 01624 613713 Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PG provide care and assistance to IOM charities and persons. Refers to Trust Deed dated 20 May 1991. The promotion and 16 Road, Peel, Isle of Man, 450 CAARJYN NY GAELGEY Mr S Bennett [email protected] 842149 furtherance of the Manx Gaelic Language IM5 1BU CAARJYN NY SCOILL PHURT LE To advance the education and welfare of pupils by providing for New House, St Marys Road, Port 781 Mrs N Beesley [email protected] 07624 481410 MOIRREY and assisting in the education facilities at the school. Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6JL The relief of poverty throughout the world, the advancement throughout the world, the advancement of the Christian religion throughout the world, the relief and prevention of sickness 19 Woodbourne Square, Douglas, 1217 CAFOD The Secretary [email protected] 07624 475446 disease and physical or mental disability throughout the world Isle of Man, IM1 4DE and such other purposes anywhere in the world as are of benefit of the United Kingdom community. To purchase and hold properties in order to make provisions 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 925 CAMPHILL LIMITED generally to the welfare of children, young persons and families Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 of Man, IM2 3AS and for the general and social welfare services in the IOM. The promotion of education of children suffering from physical or mental handicap at Glencrutchery Special School for Department Of Education, Hamilton Director Of 547 CAMPION BEQUEST handicapped children and the Trustees have power to apply any House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Education income or capital towards such purpose in terms of the Trust Man, IM1 5EZ Deed. To protect and promote the health of the public in particular by 1103 CANCER RESEARCH UK research into the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, Mr M J S Katz 11 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man [email protected] 648500 treatment and cure of all forms of cancer. To bring aid to victims of poverty, destitution or disaster. To support internationally focused charitable organisations e.g. Capstone, 2 King Orry Place, Glen 1017 CAPSTONE INTERNATIONAL AID Roman-Aid, Child-link International Aid Foundation, Love and Mrs J M Kirkham [email protected] 851447 Vine, Isle of Man, IM4 4EP Care Ministries,333, India and other similar charities. To train and equip people to bring aid and relief to those in need The Charity's objects are restricted specifically, in each case only for the public benefit to such charitable institution or institutions or charitable purpose or purposes as the Board shall from time to time think fit in any part of the world and for any other purposes for public benefit from time to time recognised as charitable according to the law of England and Wales. Provided always that such objects (which shall include the Care for the Family, Nadine House, 1231 CARE FOR THE FAMILY making of grants to any registered charity with objects Mrs T Lowden-Stoole First Floor, 13 North Quay, Douglas, [email protected] 01624 615712 including any of the above objects) shall be exclusively IM1 4LE charitable according to the law of England and Wales and nothing in the articles shall authorise an application of the property of the Charity for purposes which are not charitable in accordance with any statutory provision regarding the meaning of the word “charitable purposes” in force in any part of the United Kingdom and Isle of Man. To help those members of the Isle of Man community who are Gaveybane, Ballagawne Road, Colby, 1234 CARE IN MANN Mrs D Collister aged, infirm or immobile with transport and association tasks Isle of Man, IM9 4AX

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT For the preservation of Parville Place, Arbory and its contents, Brook Cottage, Bradda Road, Port 900 CAROLINE PETTIT TRUST, THE grounds and setting for the benefit of the public and the Manx Mrs J McGarry 01624 830967 Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6PR Nation. For the purpose of raising funds for the development of school CASTLE HIGH activities and extending development allowed for in the funding 22 Ballachrink, Colby, Isle of Man, 755 Mrs H Almond [email protected] 01624 833065 SCHOOL ASSOCIATION from the Department of Education. Also to raise awareness of IM9 4PB events or issues associated with the children of the school.

To promote the preservation and enhancement of the built environment and landscape setting of Castletown. To promote the survival of Castletown as a living town. To preserve, Scarlett House, Castletown, Isle of 701A CASTLETOWN HERITAGE Mrs S E J Temple [email protected] research and make public records and memories of the history Man, IM9 1TB of Castletown and its hinterland. Generally to act as the civic, amenity, historical and antiquarian society of Castletown. To provide and cater for the social needs of elderly people CASTLETOWN & DISTRICT residing in the south of the island, to provide a variety of 9 Kissack Road, Castletown, Isle of 385 Mrs F E Callister 823494 OVER 60'S CLUB entertainment. To arrange meetings, lectures, concerts and Man, IM9 1NP other functions. CASTLETOWN COAL FUND A Will of Col. Cary dated 1900. A yearly distribution of coal to 11 Victoria Road, Port St Mary, Isle 38 The Secretary [email protected] 832055 (QUILLIAM'S TRUST) the poor of Castletown. of Man, IM9 5AF The provision of maintenance allowances for secondary school Department Of Education, Hamilton CASTLETOWN ENDOWMENT pupils and further education courses to persons resident in Director Of 559 House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of FUND Castletown or Malew who have attended Victoria Road or Castle Education Man, IM1 5EZ Rushen High Schools. CASTLETOWN ENDOWMENTS To provide financial and other assistance to persons resident in 46 Victoria Road, Castletown, Isle of 585 Mrs M Quirk COMMITTEE the Castletown area. Man, IM9 1ED To foster and promote health and community participation in healthy recreation for the benefit of the general public in the Sycamore Cottage, Glen Road, 1233 CASTLETOWN PARKS CHARITY Isle of Man through promoting the use and facilitating the Mr R B Thomas [email protected] 01624 695563 , Isle of Man, IM4 7AN improvement of parks and other community spaces in Castletown and elsewhere in the Isle of Man A scheme established on 10 October 1923 : For the benefit of Gelling Johnson Farrant, Myrtle CATHERINE WILLSON Gelling Johnson 77 necessitous gentlewomen as the Trustees shall in their Chambers, 8-9 Myrtle Street, [email protected]/[email protected] 01624 675367 CHARITY Farrant discretion think fit and advisable. Douglas, Isle of Man The acquisition of the Centenary Hall and Sunday School, Peel (The Centenary Centre); preservation of such as an historic 20 Oak Road, Ballawattleworth 903 CENTENARY CENTRE building, its operation as a venue for performing and visual arts. Mrs C E Lord [email protected] 07624 432434 Estate, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1WN Its use for educational and sporting pursuits; the promotion of performing and visual arts in Peel and the IOM generally. To provide social and emotional educational programmes for diverse range of people regardless of background, CENTRE FOR SOCIAL AND religion,gender and culture and to promote social and 49 Lakeside Road, Governors Hill, 1058 EMOTIONAL EDUCATION FOR The Secretary [email protected] 07624 242659 emotional education with children, families and young people in Douglas, IM2 7BG YOUTH & ADULT (CSEEYA) Ghana, through the assessment and support in schools, advocacy and policy, research and educational services To provide a Ministry to meet the spiritual needs of children and CHILD EVANGELISM young people in the IOM. To train, assist and encourage others Ambridge House, 27 Abbotts Way, 625 The Secretary [email protected] 825844 FELLOWSHIP OF THE IOM in such ministry by the methods set out in Article II of the Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EQ Constitution. To offer training and / or carry on business and trading activity CHILDRENS CENTRE (CPD) LTD, to provide for the welfare of children, young persons and 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 924 Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 THE families and for the general and social welfare services in the of Man, IM2 3AS IOM. To own, maintain absolute control of initially, three subsidiary CHILDRENS CENTRE companies to make provisions generally for the welfare of 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 922 Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 (HOLDINGS) LTD, THE children, young persons and families and for the general and of Man, IM2 3AS social welfare services in the IOM.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To provide services and employ the required staff to provide for 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 921 CHILDRENS CENTRE LTD, THE the welfare of children, and for the general and social welfare Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 of Man, IM2 3AS services in the IOM. When the Glen Willow Hostel was closed the Residents were DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St CHILDREN'S UNIT AMENITY transferred to Rosedene. The name of the fund was changed to 520 The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, FUND The Children's Unit Amenity Fund its object to provide comforts Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX for the children living and using the Children's Unit. The furtherance of charitable purposes which relieve poverty, malnutrition, hunger, disease, sickness or distress throughout Marlbrook, Kerrowmoar, , 1125 CHRISTIAN AID the world. The furtherance of charitable purposes which Mrs L Whitelegg [email protected] Isle of Man, IM7 2AX advance or assist such other charitable work as may be carried on by, or with the support of, the sponsoring churches. The company is established with the objective with advancing Millfield, Mill Road, St Johns, Isle of 1208 CHURCHES ALIVES IN MANN the Christian religion in the Isle of Man and relieving poverty in The Secretary [email protected] 01624 801575 Man, IM4 3AF the Island and elsewhere in the world The provision of grants to students at insular secondary schools Department Of Education, Hamilton and at further educational establishments in the island or Director Of 579 CLOTHWORKERS TRUSTS House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of elsewhere and grants in respect of apprenticeships and other Education Man, IM1 5EZ recognised courses of training. To support and assist IOM residents diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and increase local awareness of the disease. To COELIAC UK ISLE OF MAN influence Govt., and Dept., of Health to hasten and improve 21 Erin Way, Athol Meadow, Port 961 VOLUNTARY SUPPORT Mrs J I Cain [email protected] 01624 833142 diagnosis. To secure resources for research. To set up Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6EF GROUP mechanisms to influence food manufacturers re labelling of gluten free products. The operation of an Association Football Club and all activities Newhaven, Shore Road, Port St 832 COLBY A.F.C. LIMITED Mr R Dixon [email protected] 832233 attendant thereto. Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5LZ The promotion of amateur sport within the IOM with a view to encouraging the participation of amateur sport persons, bodies COMMONWEALTH GAMES Mrs T E Close Lake Cottage, Road, 644 and associations in amateur competition in particular, [email protected] 880744 ASSOCIATION OF THE IOM Lushington Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 2EJ competing in any competion organised by the Commonwealth Games Federation. To provide funds for the continued professional development of Community Health Services Manager, COMMUNITY NURSING community nursing staff and for the promotion and furtherance 1165 The Secretary Crookall House, Demesne Road, [email protected] 01624 642680 CHARITABLE TRUST generally of the community nursing service provided within the Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 3QA Isle of Man To assist in the care of persons suffering from mental and emotional distress; to advance the education of the general COMPASS TRUST ISLE OF public in all areas relating to mental health and related medical Quinn Legal, 30 Ridgeway Street, 2004 The Secretary [email protected] 01624 665522 MAN conditions and such other purposes exclusively charitable under Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EZ Manx Law as the Directors may in their absolute discretion determine. To provide maintanence and support for corrin memorial home Sandown, 12 Albany Road, Peel, Isle 110 CORRIN MEMORIAL HOME Mr G Kneen primarily for Peel and District. of Man The Group to raise and collect monies, to promote events with CORRIN MEMORIAL HOME - 31 Glebe Aalin, Station Road, 110B a view to raising monies for the benefit of all or any one of the Mrs L J Sims [email protected] 842587 COMFORTS COMMITTEE Ballaugh, Isle of Man, IM7 5BX residents of the Corrin Memorial Home. CORRIN MEMORIAL HOME To provide Residential Home facilities for elderly persons living 31 Glebe Aalin, Station Road, 110A GOVERNOR'S ACCOUNTS Mrs L J Sims [email protected] 842587 in the West of the Island. Ballaugh, Isle of Man, IM7 5BX (HOME ACCOUNTS) The relief of persons in the community suffering from cancer and their carers: the giving and exchange of information and 10 The Cherry Walk, Highton Wood COUNCIL OF CANCER advice in all matters relating to cancer : for communication and 853 Mr M King Hill, Tromode, Douglas, Isle of Man, CHARITIES co-operation amongst the charitable entities in the IOM and IM2 5NR elsewhere with similar purposes....: the promotion of research into the causes and treatment of cancer....

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To fund the screening of IOM amateur sports representatives to detect symptoms of Hypetrophic and Dilated Cardomyopathy, CRAIGS HEARTSTRONG 144 Ballabrooie Drive, Douglas, Isle 937 to create awareness of the condition and educate within the Mrs P Lunt [email protected] 624247/483061 FOUNDATION of Man, IM1 4HJ sporting community and also to purchase and heart related equipment that could potentially save a life. To foster and encourage the development of Cricket, Hockey, CRONKBOURNE SPORTS Association Football and any other sport both on and off the 17 Belgravia Road, Onchan, Isle of 915 Mr A A Hewson AND SOCIAL CLUB Isle of Man and to provide opportunities for sports people to Man, IM3 1HN, participate in sport. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 486 CROOKALL TRUST To provide Christmas gifts for the poor children of Douglas The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, The aim of the Band is to foster and facilitate the musical aspirations of its members and to further their musical CROSBY & DISTRICT SILVER 16 Slieu Whallian Park, St Johns, Isle 345 advancement, to encourage the appreciation of band music in Mr B H Kelly 801479 BAND of Man, IM4 3JH Crosby and the District, to give concerts and raise funds for its own maintenance and for charities. To advance education and benefit the community by assisting student graduates suffering from mental illnesses to cope with 31 Ballanard Road, Douglas, Isle of 1050 CROSSING MOUNTAINS their illnesses and continue their studies by providing Miss E Crossman [email protected] 07624 418123 Man, IM2 5HB information forums for discussion online and other forms assistance, such as equipment grants. The provision in the Isle of Man of:- a. A respite care service for the carers of persons suffering from any chronic and disabling condition or illness ("disabled person"); b. Domiciliary Crossroads Care, Units B5 &B6 , 383 CROSSROADS CARE care services for the support of disabled persons, their families The Sectretary Eden Business Park, Cooil Road, [email protected] 673103 and carers; and, c. a range of social care and support services Braddan, Isle of Man, IM4 2AY to improve the quality of life of disabled persons and to support their social, educational and recreational inclusion in society To promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope 6c The Village Walk, Onchan, Isle of 971 Mrs A Cafearo [email protected] 01624 668192 ISLE OF MAN with their loss. To raise public awareness of the impact of grief Man, IM3 4EA and bereavement on everyday life. CUMMAL MOOAR OLD DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 477 PEOPLES HOME COMFORTS To add to the comfort of the residents of Cummal Mooar The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, FUND Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX Deed of Conveyance of Trust dated 6 July 1944 : A plot or parcel of land situated on Circular Road, Douglas and the Parish of Onchan together with the dwelling house and premises 6 Hedgerow Close, Saddlestone, 243 CUNNINGHAM HOUSE Mr P E Garrett [email protected] 01624 629037 numbered 34 Circular Road to be used as a Headquarters for Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 1NH the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements known as Cunningham House. Trust deed of 19 May 2000 established to provide benefits by C/O Dickinson, Cruickshank &Co, 789 CURLEW TRUST, THE way of grants to assist pupils and former pupils of Ramsey Mr S M Coren Masonic Bulidings, Water Street, Grammar School to undertake further education. Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1RD To raise funds to be used for both research and support of CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRUST (IOM Court Farm, Main Road, , Isle 845 persons suffering from Cystic Fibrosis, and their families who Ms C Lowe [email protected] 07624 467233 Branch) of Man, IM4 1HU live in the IOM. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 487 DALE CALLIN TRUST To provide an income for Peel Endowment Committee The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, The capital and income of the charity are to be used to DIANA PRINCESS OF WALES purchase from Hospice Care the services of The Palliative Care Hanesyde, St Mary's Road, Port Erin, 731 Administrator HOSPICE CARE AT HOME TRUST at Home Nursing Team. In certain circumstances the trustees Isle of Man, IM9 6JL have the power to appoint the fund at their discretion.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To provide or cause to be provided in the Isle of Man services for disabled people, their families and carers which support 2 Smeale Cottages, Andreas, Isle of 1113 DISABILITY NETWORKS their inclusion in society, and the promotion of any objects for Mrs E Martin [email protected] 01624 880888 Man, IM7 3EB the benefit of the community which are now or hereafter may be deemed by Manx law to be charitable. Advancement of Education. Relief of poverty and financial 35 Highfield Close, Onchan, Isle of 1145 DO! DEVELOPING ORPHANS Mrs P Wiles [email protected] 01624 627543 hardship. Advancement of religion Man, IM3 3BR To relieve distress poverty and sickness among persons in the IOM who are victims or witnesses of crime or otherwise DORMANT CHARITY : IOM affected by crime including the families and friends of such VICTIM SUPPORT c/o Victim Support, 6 Albert Street, 760 persons who are in need. To advance public education and Miss P J Gelling [email protected] 01624 679950 (MAINTAINED FOR THE Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2QA RECEIPT OF LEGACIES ETC.) awareness by research into issues relating to the victims and witnesses of crime and their families and friends and to disseminate the useful results of such research. DORMANT CHARITY AYRE To encourage interest and further the sport of football by 2 Ballalough Beg, Bride Road, 699 UNITED AFC (Maintained for the providing facilities in the district to play in competitions and Miss E L Brown [email protected] 880096 Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 4HR receipt of Legacies) leagues organised by the IOM Football Association. To teach and train young people of the IOM to play in such a DORMANT CHARITY: MANX group and to further the interest of music making and The Jim Crosbie Memorial NATIONAL YOUTH BAND 531 appreciation of music in general amongst your people. MYB Mr R E Skinner Bandroom, 1 Park Road, Douglas, [email protected] (maintained for the receipt of shall achieve this in the first instance, by rehearsals, concerts, Isle of Man, IM2 3EL Legacies etc.) contesting, study workshops and concert tours. To raise funds in memory of the Dorothy Lillian Pitts ("the Funds") to be raised for the following general purposes. The Funds raised shall be applied for the benefit of cancer patients and other seriously ill patients, living permanently or 12 Westmoreland Court, temporarily on the Isle of Man, or their families (whether those 1074 DOT'S DREAM FOUNDATION The Secretary Westmoreland Road, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] 676098 family members live on the Isle of Man or not) for the Purposes Man, IM1 4AL or any such purpose that the Trustees of the Charity shall think fit from time to time, so long as such purposes are charitable and for the assistance of cancer patients and other seriously ill patients The advancement of education, relief of poverty and of persons who are suffering from illness or physical or mental disability. DOUGLAS BAY ROTARY CLUB Other purposes beneficial to the community including the 28 Howe Road, Onchan, Isle of Man, 1071 Mr M Peters [email protected] 665059/624100 CHARITY promotion of the arts, the care of animals, protection of the IM3 2BA environment, sports and other purposes which benefit the public. DOUGLAS BAY TRAMWAY Rocket House, Parliament Square, 1238 Mr E C More [email protected] 07756 098070 HERITAGE TRUST Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1LB DOUGLAS BOOT & CLOTHING To provide footwear and clothing for the needy children of Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 562 FUND Douglas Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Trust Deed October 1976 : For the advancement of education DOUGLAS BUXTON MUSIC in the learning and knowledge of music to be established by Amberley, Woodlands Close, 246 Mrs S M Harrower TRUST this Deed and to receive gifts in money or in kind for the funds Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 3QT of the trust. To raise funds to aid education and skill development in the arts, encourage and facilitate ongoing participation in theatre DOUGLAS CHORAL UNION, and arts, encourage advancement in the standard of theatre 16 Magher Breek, Ballawattleworth , 1118 THEATRE AND ARTS CHARITY, and performing arts, provide workshops and tutorials to the Isle Miss K Parkinson [email protected] 07624 415980 Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1XD THE of Man public, raise funds to provide a permanent property base for a rehearsal studio and a base for workshops and tutorials To bring the churches of Braddan, Douglas and Onchan together in service of all who live or work in, or visit Douglas DOUGLAS CHURCHES TOWN 6 Bradda Close , Onchan, Isle of 1146 town centre, to take the Good News about Jesus to where the The Secretary CENTRE PARTNERSHIP (DCTCP) Man, IM3 4BL people are and so to engage with and enhance the lives of others through Christian Service Summer Court, Woodlands Avenue, 37 DOUGLAS COAL FUND Established to distribute coal to the poor and needy of Douglas. Mrs B A Shimmin 622193 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 3QS For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT DOUGLAS ENDOWMENT The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 564 FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To assist wherever possible all people with Downs Syndrome DOWNS SYNDROME ISLE OF and the parents of people with Downs Syndrome. To help with Dhoon Rushen, Surby road, Rushen, 861 Mrs F Tinkler [email protected] 419660 MAN awareness, training schedules, information. To provide meeting IM9 6TE places for parents and other parties. Organise social events.

To provide an annual award of two hundred and fifty pounds or other such amount as from time to time the trustees of the DR GEORGE ARMSTRONG- fund determine to be made to the boy or girl either studying A Department Of Education, Hamilton Director Of 1005 SMITH PURE MATHEMATICS levels, the International Baccalaureate or similar final secondary House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Education CHARITABLE TRUST school examination in the IOM or who has sat such examination Man, IM1 5EZ within the last 6 months who in the opinion of the trustees of the fund has the greatest ability in pure mathematics IOM Charitable trust for the benefit of charitable purposes on First Names House, Victoria Road, 1020 DREAMCATCHER TRUST Mr Tushingam [email protected] the Isle of Man. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4DF DRISCOLL ABBEY CHURCH 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 889 The general upkeep of St Mary's Church, Ballasalla Mr B J Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 TRUST Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA Will of Mrs Lucile Driscoll : Monies to the Vicar and Wardens of DRISCOLL POOR RELIEF Malew to be used to form a specific fund, the income from 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 816 Mr B J Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 FUND which should be distributed annually to the deserving poor in Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA the Parish of Malew. To raise awareness, provide funding and deliver humanitarian aid to Belarus, Ukraine, Albania and support Eastern Europe 14 North Shore Road, Ramsey, Isle 886 DROP INN MINISTRIES Mrs A Taylor [email protected] 07624 482953 where possible within healthcare, hospitals, orphanages and of Man, IM8 3DY local communities. The charity exists for the purpose of developing local activities Jurby Health & Community Centre, EARROO NANE NORTHERN and services that aim to improve the physical, emotional, 874 Mrs K L Charman Jurby West Industrial Estate, Jurby, [email protected] 433414 COMMUNITY PROJECT intellectual and social well being of the people who live and Isle of Man, IM7 3BB work in Jurby and the surrounding area. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 692 EASTCLIFFE AMENITY FUND To provide improved amenities for the clients The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, For general charitable purposes to be paid out either capital or EDWARD LEWIS CHARITABLE Ballafreer House, Uniion Mills, Isle of 878 income at the discretion of the trustees to such charities as The Secretary TRUST, THE Man, IM4 4AT they may in their absolute discretion determine. To provide financial assistance for the benefit and use of persons living in the Isle of Man engaged in full time education and over the age of sixteen years and who display talent, EDWIN JOSEPH BREWER AND ability, aptitude or promise in an academic subject or vocational 20 Banks Howe, Onchan, Isle of 1207 PEGGY GLADYS BREWER or similar discipline and who have expressed a wish to pursue Mr R G Danielson [email protected] 01624 616677 Man, IM3 2ET MEMORIAL TRUST, THE an academic vocational or other similar opportunity to advance themselves in life in circumstances in which they or their families' personal or financial circumstances would otherwise render such pursuit impossible or very difficult. ELIZABETH CLUCAS For such charitable purposes in the IOM as the Trustees in their Estera Trust (Isle of Man) Limited, 932 The Secretary [email protected] 605705 CHARITABLE TRUST discretion shall think fit 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Will of Elizabeth Costain dated 17 August 1954. To apply income at the discretion of the Trustees in payment of pensions ELIZABETH COSTAIN LONDON to aged infirm or impoverished employees whether past present Maynrys, Bradda East, Port Erin, Isle 613 The Sercretary [email protected] 838046 TRUST or future of Richard Costain Limited or to descendants of of Man, IM9 6QB Richard and Margaret Costain, who may be in similar circumstances To raise funds for the acquisition of a house with outbuildings ELLAN VANNIN CATS and grounds for which to home cats. When acquired, premises 11 Glebe Aalin Close, Stration Road, 404 Mr S J Gubby 425286 PROTECTION TRUST to be used as a permanent home for cats that cannot be found Ballaugh, Isle of Man, IM7 5BY a good home or need care and treatment.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT ELLAN VANNIN GYMNASTIC Mrs T L 29 Clybane Rise, Farmhill, Braddan, 673 Promotion of the sport of Gymnastics in the IOM [email protected] 07624 404295 CLUB Worthington Isle of Man, IM2 2LY To acquire the whole of the assets and liabilities of the Ellan Vannin Home. To manage, maintain, operate and generally to conduct the affairs of the Home. To provide residential 39 York Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, 48A ELLAN VANNIN HOME The Secretary [email protected] 485227 accommodation and care and other facilities, ancillary or IM2 3AY incidental for the relief or benefit of elderly or infirm or needy persons resident in the IOM. To promote research, teach, write and perform all types of bagpipe music to the public. To raise money for equipment, 8 Chapel Court, Christian street, Peel 409 ELLAN VANNIN PIPES & DRUMS Mr J Shakespere [email protected] 07624 481814 [email protected] uniforms, travel, other charities and worthy causes. To be non , Isle of Man, IM5 1NR political. To Promote and encourage the art of embroidery and related crafts, to educate the public in the history and art of 7 Marlborough Way, Clifton Park, 444 EMBROIDERERS GUILD embroidery and to undertake and support research in the Mrs S Jelski [email protected] 01624 814106 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3NF subject. To collect, document, preserve and interpret examples of fine embroidery which are of historical or educational merit To provide social, recreational and leisure facilities for those Thie Meanagh, Manor Woods, 1116 EMI SUPPORT GROUP resident in the Department of Social Care EMI Units in the Isle The Secretary [email protected] 686716 Farmhill, Isle of Man, IM2 2PF of Man, their families, friends and carers. To assist disadvantaged/disabled children and young people 12 Mount Havelock, Douglas, Isle of 1110 ENBARR Mr Byres [email protected] 07624 496245 with education and social Integration. Man, IM1 2QG To promote recreational or cultural activities on the Isle of Man for purposes of social welfare or education of inhabitants of the Westwinds, 37 Ballanard Road, 1222 END TO END LEGACY Mrs K Evans [email protected] 427147 Isle of Man or for charitable purposes generally in the Isle of Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5HB Man ENDOWMENTS COMMITTEE OF Help the aged in the Parish of Patrick, especially at Christmas Mullen Beg, Patrick, Isle of Man, IM5 593 The Secretary [email protected] 842912 THE PARISH OF PATRICK time 3AW The charitable purposes of maintaining and managing the building known as Erin Arts Crentre in Victoria Square, for Erin Arts Centre, Victoria Square, 236A ERIN ARTS CENTRE activities to be presented by the Company. To foster and Mr M Norbury [email protected] 835858 Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6LD promote, and increase the interest of the public in music and drama and the co-related arts. To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of EXCELLENT DEVELOPMENTS the physical and natural environment. To relieve poverty, to 30 Groudle View, Onchan, Isle of 1147 The Secretary [email protected] 07624 482018 IOM LIMITED advance education of the public in the subjects of sustainable Man, IM3 2EY development, conservation and the relief of poverty. To preserve and protect the good health (in particular mental Warwick House, 59-60 Derby 1206 FAMILY ACTION health) of families, individuals and groups within the community Ms G Gladys Square, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 [email protected] 01624 611568 and the relief of poverty 3LP To provide static based library services and related activities specifically aimed at young persons in the Isle of Man in order to promote reading and creative activities. Alsio, the provision of mobile library services to persons unable to visit a public 4 Abbots Way, Abbotswood, 1211 FAMILY LIBRARY LIMITED library due to ill health or disability, to the carers of such Mr K Roosen [email protected] 319654 Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EQ persons, to persons unable to visit a public library due to their financial position and any other activity for the benefit of the community of the Isle of Man which is charitable under laws of the Isle of Man Medical research, relief of poverty, education, care of the aged, young and such persons. The performing arts, the preservation Long & Humphry, The Old Court 401 FARMER CHARITABLE TRUST of wild life and the countryside, the prevention of cruelty to The Secretary House, Athol Street, Douglas children and animals, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, the scouts.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To share our respective heritage between the island peoples of the Philippines and the IOM. To work in partnership with FILIPINO ASSOCIATION IN THE individuals, communities, statutory organisations and charitable Cronk Wyllan, The Promenade, Port 990 Mr R Loudon-Brown [email protected] 07624 410975 ISLE OF MAN, THE organisations for the greater good of cultural, social, spiritual, St Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5DE health, educational and economic relations between the island peoples. For the benefit of members, former members and dependants, and of employees and former employees and of officers and 74 Cronk Coar, Tromode Park, 724 FIREFIGHTERS CHARITY, THE Mr J Murtagh [email protected] 647309 former officers of the Fund in such way or ways as the National Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5LY Council may from time to time determine. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST To promote and advance the understanding of Christian Science 38 Reayrt Y Chrink, Port Erin, Isle of 677 Mrs R P Leach [email protected] 01624 832891 SCIENTIST DOUGLAS in the IOM. Man, IM9 6BF The provision of financial and other assistance in the Isle of Man to fishermen, including former fishermen, who are in need 4 Thirlmere Avenue, Lakeside FISHERMANS MISSION ISLE 1179 by reason of ill health, disability or financial hardship and the Mrs M E Corran Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 OF MAN provision of information on the furthering of interest in the 2DP fishing industry for the benefit of the public. FISTARD ROAD ALMSHOUSES DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 484 To provide an income for Southlands Comforts Fund The Secretary TRUST Andrews House , Finch Road, To promote the relief and treatment of people suffering with Balliargey, Abbeylands, Isle of Man, 1254 FORGET ME NOT dementia and to provide support, assistance and information Mrs J Amphlett [email protected] 07979 146096 IM4 5EE directly or indirectly for such persons, their families and carers. To make provisions generally for the welfare of children, young 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 1056 FORWARD CARE LTD persons and families and for the general and social welfare Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 of Man, IM2 3AS services in the Isle of Man To preserve and make available to the public, the historic 12 Marathon Avenue, Douglas, Isle 907 FOXDALE HERITAGE Mr S Lambie [email protected] 673768 heritage of Foxdale. of Man, IM2 4HZ Promoting the wider welfare of The Buchan School by organising events for the involvement of pupils, staff, parents Baare Y Tonne, 3 Parsonage Glebe, 951 FRIENDS AT BUCHAN and friends of The Buchan School and the provision of Mrs J Shepherd [email protected] 07624 309204 St Johns, Isle of Man, IM4 3LT resources and facilities for the encouragement and advancement of education at the School. To advance the education of the pupils of the school providing FRIENDS OF ANDREAS SCHOOL, Ballacregga, Lhen Road, Bride, Isle 940 and assisting in the provision of facilities (not provided for by Mrs S Wild [email protected] 01624 888111 THE of Man, IM7 4BF the D of E) at the school. To advance the education of the pupils of the school providing FRIENDS OF ASHLEY HILL 7 Briarwood Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 867 and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the Mrs G A Corkill [email protected] 07624 491266 SCHOOL Man, IM3 3JN school (not normally provided by the Department of Education). To advance the education of pupils in the school. Provide and FRIENDS OF BALLACOTTIER assist in the provision of such facilities or items for education at 11 Richmond Court, Douglas, Isle of 757 Ms J Alder [email protected] 416031 SCHOOL the school (not normally provided for by the Dept of Man, IM2 2NU Education). Established in order to raise money to be applied by the officers FRIENDS OF BALLASALLA Teckelwood, 5 Ballabridson Park, 543 in any way whatsoever for the advancement of education at Mrs K Stephen [email protected] 07624 391843 SCHOOL Ballasalla, Isle of man, IM9 2ES Ballasalla Primary School. To provide recuperative holidays to the children of Belarus and FRIENDS OF CHERNOBYL'S Ukraine on the IOM who have been affected by the Chernobyl The Nook, Croit e Caley, Colby, Isle 977 Mr T T Patterson [email protected] 01624 836924 CHILDREN (ISLE OF MAN) reactor disaster and to provide humanitarian aid to them and of Man, IM9 4AP their families. To advance the education of the pupils of the school providing FRIENDS OF FAIRFIELD SCHOOL 8 Western Avenue, Ballabrooie , 578 and assisting in the provision of facilities not normally provided Mrs H Walmsley [email protected] 675835 ASSOCIATION Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4ER by the Dept. of Education. To advance the education of the pupils at the school, providing FRIENDS OF FOXDALE SCHOOL Bridge Gardens, Road, St 454 and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the Mrs S Bettridge [email protected] 425109 ASSOCIATION Marks, Isle of Man, IM9 3AR school.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To provide and raise funds and promote efforts with a view to supporting and supplementing in such manner as the Company North Baldrine House, Baldhoon 740 FRIENDS OF GLENSIDE Mrs C Foster [email protected] 01624 623266 thinks fit the resources, facilities and services of Glenside Road, Laxey, IM4 7NG Elderly Persons Home, Victoria Road, Douglas. To secure the establishment of the building known as St Patrick's Church, Jurby and its continued use as a community FRIENDS OF JURBY CHURCH, venue for the benefit of the residents of and visitors to Jurby Ballacrye Farm, Sandygate, Jurby, 1186 Mrs A R Kerrison 898003 THE and its neighbourhood without distinction and for making it Isle of Man, IM7 3BS available for occasional worship subject to the consent of the bishop of Sodor and Man. To encourage activities of all kinds to promote the education and welfare of the children attending Jurby School. To assist 15 The Bretney, Jurby, Isle of Man, 953 FRIENDS OF JURBY SCHOOL The Secretary [email protected] 409568 the school in gaining amenities not provided by the D of E. IM7 3BW Advance community development for the benefit of Jurby. To secure the preservation of Malew Parish church for the FRIENDS OF MALEW Mannin Veen, Ballalough, 885 benefit of the Manx nation. To promote the restoration of the The Secretary [email protected] CHURCH, THE Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1AL church and monuments of the churchyard. The advancement and promotion of the aims and work of the Manx Museum and National Trust established pursuant to the FRIENDS OF MANX NATIONAL Manx Museum and National Trust Act1959 and the acquisition Ballachrink Mill, Santon, Isle of Man, 1027 Mrs N J Pemberton [email protected] 824137 HERITAGE or contribution towards the acquisition, after consultation and IM4 1HE agreement with the said Manx Museum and National Trust of suitable exhibits and property for use and display thereby To raise funds for and support Manx Trinity Academy of Irish Dance. Also to enable advancement of the students traditional and modern Irish dance education and improvement of their skills. To assist the students achieve their potential to perform FRIENDS OF MANX TRINITY at a high level and to participate in competition. To encourage 142 Ballabrooie Drive, Douglas, Isle 1212 Ms C M C Griffiths [email protected] 202553 ACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE and support student teachers in their qualifications (not of Man, IM1 4HJ normally provided by the Board of Education). To promote and raise awareness of the health and social benefits of learning a physically challenging performance art in a supportive team environment. To advance the eduation of the pupils of the School providing FRIENDS OF MICHAEL SCHOOL Berk Farmhouse, Peel Road, Kirk 712 and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the Mrs A Groves 466801 ASSOCIATION Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1AP School (in addition to funds provided by the D of E). To support the clients of Mooragh View Day Centre through the provision, either solely or in partnership with others of services or facilities which improve the quality of life of such clients. To provide recreational and leisure time activities for such clients FRIENDS OF MOORAGH VIEW, designed to improve their conditions of life and which enable 14 Close Ollay, Lezayre Estate, 1028 Mrs M Faragher 814910 THE them to enjoy and develop a wider range of skills and Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2QB experiences. To improve their conditions of life which enable them to enjoy and develop a wider range of skills and experiences. To support the enhancing of services available to the clients of Mooragh View To mobilise, encourage, foster and maintain the interest of the 25 Fairway Close, Onchan, Isle of 1079 FRIENDS OF NOBLE'S HOSPITAL public in the patients and the support of the work of Noble's Mrs S R Grace [email protected] Man, IM3 2EQ Hospital by means of voluntary service To secure the preservation of the former parish church of the parish of Braddan for the benefit of the Manx nation. To raise Harold Cottage, Ballaoates Road, FRIENDS OF OLD KIRK 308 funds for the restoration and maintenance of the fabric and Mrs C E McDonald Strang, Braddan, Douglas, Isle of BRADDAN furnishings of Old Kirk Braddan and the maintenance of its Man, IM4 4TE churchyard. To do anything that may be necessary for the maintenance, FRIENDS OF OUR LADY STAR OF restoration of the Catholic Church including its presbytery Glen Moar House, Sulby Glen, Sulby, 818 THE SEA AND ST MAUGHOLD, garden and associated buildings. To provide financial and other Mr S J McNally [email protected] 820703 Isle of Man, IM7 2AZ THE support to any other parish of the Catholic Church in the IOM that may have a need for such support. For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To support the work of the management and staff of Robert Owen House in providing accommodation for carers of patients 40 Murrays Lake Drive, Mount FRIENDS OF ROBERT OWEN who are in the Cardiothoracic Centre, Liverpool. Raise funds to 839 Mrs J Hebden Murray, Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 [email protected] 01624 672642 HOUSE assist in the provision of existing services, and such additional 2HY facilities as the management may decide. To provide, help, support and advice to carers following return from Liverpool. To educate and promote the recognition of Sophia Goulden, a Manx lady born and buries in the Isle of Man, who was an Kerroo Veg, Kerroo Mooar, Lezayre, 1216 FRIENDS OF SOPHIA GOULDEN activist against slavery, who fought for the repeal of the Corn Ms S P Cannan [email protected] 01624 897407 Isle of Man, IM7 2AX Laws and who was an ardent supporter of emancipation and the mother and inspiration of Emmeline Pankhurst To foster and promote good citizenship, health and community participation in health recreation for the benefit of the general 11 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of 2002 FRIENDS OF SPORT public in the Isle of Man in the interests of social welfare, Middleton Katz Chartered Secretaries [email protected] 01624 648500 Man, IM1 1AQ through promoting and providing, or assisting sporting organisations in the provision of, facilities of amateur sport. To renovate and maintain St Jude's Chapel, to facilitate its Kinleys Croft, Bernahara Road, St 1038 FRIENDS OF ST JUDE'S, THE continued use and to contribute to preservation of Manx Mrs J P E Groves [email protected] 882446 Judes, Isle of Man, IM7 2EL heritage To raise funds in order to purchase equipment and / or provide FRIENDS OF ST MARY'S 29 Ballanawin, Strang Road, Isle of 646 educational, cultural or social activities for the pupils of the Mrs B M Higgins [email protected] 219046 CATHOLIC SCHOOL Man, IM4 4NS school which would not otherwise be provided for. FRIENDS OF ST NINIAN'S To support the pupils and staff of St Ninian's High School 26 Campoin Way, Abbeyfields, 1135 Mrs E Weston [email protected] 07624 405447 SCHOOL, THE Douglas and the wider community Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 6DU To provide funds for equipment activities and events not normally provided by the Department of Education. To arrange FRIENDS OF ST THOMAS' non-profit making social events for the benefit of the school 32 Devonshire Road, Douglas, Isle of 1025 Mrs L Whorrall [email protected] 07624 349423 SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (FOST) community to include pupils, staff, families and friends. To Man, IM2 3RB arrange and provide working parties for maintanance of school equipment. FRIENDS OF THE CAMBODIAN To raise funds to pay teachers, to buy equipment and any other 7 Ballagarey Close, Glen Vine, Isle of 936 Mr M Buttimore CHILDREN'S REFUGE CENTRE ad hoc requests. Man, IM4 4EG FRIENDS OF THE CENTENARY GreenBank, 11 Tynwald Road, Peel, 904 To raise funds for and support the Centenary Centre, Peel Mrs V Galpin [email protected] 844351 CENTRE Isle of Man, IM5 1JZ To raise funds in order to make provisions for the welfare of FRIENDS OF THE CHILDRENS 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 923 children, young persons and families and for the general and Mrs S De Yoxall [email protected] 01624 676076 CENTRE LTD of Man, IM2 3AS social welfare services in the IOM. To provide a trolley shop service for the residents of The Corrin 24 Belle Vue Park, Peel, Isle of Man, 608 FRIENDS OF THE CORRIN HOME Memorial Home, Peel. Monies raised to provide facilities, Mrs M Bowden [email protected] 01624 843812 IM5 1UF amenities or other benefits for the residents of the Home. FRIENDS OF THE CURRAGHS To promote, encourage and further the objects and interests of Greenwood, Ballaugh Curraghs, Isle 418 The Secretary [email protected] 897754 WILDLIFE PARK the Curraghs Wildlife Park. of Man, IM7 5BG To preserve the Gaiety Theatre, Douglas as a venue for performing arts. To assist the management of the theatre in its FRIENDS OF THE GAIETY 24 Greyfriars Close, Friary Park, 944 operation. To enhance the facilities of the theatre. To restore Mrs K Firth [email protected] THEATRE LIMITED , Isle of Man, IM9 4EJ the theatre (so far as possible) to Frank Matcham's original design. To encourage generally the habit of theatre The relief of ill health by means of the following:- To raise funds to support the work of the IOM Hyperbaric Chamber, to FRIENDS OF THE HYPERBARIC provide support for individuals or groups who wish to raise Flat 4, 9 Clybane Road, Farmhill, 1051 Ms D Barron [email protected] 07624 483336 CHAMBER funds to support the H.C., to publicise and promote the work of Braddan, Isle of Man, IM2 2LP the H.C through the publication of information to the public, to work with the trustees of the Kevin Gray Memorial Charity

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Funds raised for the furtherance of the well-being of the Manx diabetic and to facilitate the work of their medical carers. To FRIENDS OF THE MANX 3 Scarlett Close, Castletown, Isle of 894 raise money to purchase equipment for the carers of people Mrs M Bailey [email protected] 01624 822936 DIABETIC Man, IM9 1NY suffering from diabetes and support for those who care for sufferers from diabetes and its related complications. To support the Manx Youth Orchestra by acquiring music and instruments and other equipment for the use of the Orchestra FRIENDS OF THE MANX YOUTH and its members, and by providing financial and other 72 Ballamaddrell, Port Erin, Isle of 251 Mr A Crebbin [email protected] 833286 ORCHESTRA assistance to the Orchestra and its members in connection with Man, IM9 6AZ such courses, tours and concerts as may be arranged for the Orchestra. For the education of foreign students at the Pestalozzi Village in Sedlescombe and in other educational establishments and with FRIENDS OF THE PESTALOZZI Colby Beg, Glen Road, Colby, IM9 286 assistance into further education establishments. The teaching Mrs J Bell [email protected] 835609/431997 VILLAGE ISLE OF MAN GROUP 4NU of practical skills. Arranging Summer Camps for students on the island at the campsite. To raise additional funds for the TT Riders Association so that it is enabled to increase its charitable grants, mainly devoted to FRIENDS OF THE TT RIDERS Mountain View, , Isle of 856 relief for injured and deceased riders and their dependants and Mr F Thorp 01624 843695 ASSOCIATION (FOTTRA) Man, IM5 3BJ for provision of medical and other equipment related to the TT races. To advance the education of the pupils of the Scoill Vallajeelt, providing and assisting in the provision of the facilities for FRIENDS OF VALLAJEELT 51 Selbourne Drive, Douglas, Isle of 586 education at the school (not normally provided for by the Board Mrs N Radley SCHOOL Man, IM2 3NJ of Education) and to engender links between the school and the local community. To provide educational bursaries to persons who are undertaking an undergraduate course in veterinary or medical Department of Education and FUCHSIA EDUCATIONAL 1083 sciences. Any such person must have been ordinarily resident Director Of Education Children, Hamilton House, Peel [email protected] 685828 ENDOWMENT FUND on the Isle of Man for a period of 3 years immediately prior to Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5EP the commencement of his/her course. GARDENERS CHARITABLE The advancement of Education, Religion, Arts, Culture, The Barns, Strawberry Fields, Croit E 1060 Rev R Harper [email protected] 01624 834940 TRUST Heritage, Science, Animal Welfare or similar Caley, Colby, Isle of Man, IM9 4BZ Trust Deed dated 28 January 1918. The purpose of non-fiction and reference books of classical literature and such other books Commissioners Office, 12 Bridson of value for research for the library maintained by the 446 GEORGE HERDMAN TRUST Mr J M Roberts Street, Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 [email protected] 832298 Commissioners for the benefit of the community of Port Erin 6AN and the public, and separately as a collection known as the "George Herdman Collection". Trust deed of 20 Dec 1943 and variation of June 1972 : for the GEORGE JOHNSON LAW PRIZE 27 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of 784 benefit of, and to encourage the study of law amongst young The Secretary [email protected] 01624 679231 TRUST FUND Man, IM1 1AR Manx advocates and articled clerks. The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 565 ENDOWMENT FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of GERMAN ENDOWMENTS Act of Tynwald 1951: To provide financial assistance to Ballahowin House, St Johns, Isle of 539 Mr D G Crellin COMMITTEE residents of the Parish in time of hardship. Man, IM4 3NA To undertake, commission and participate in research and GLOBAL CITIZEN educational programmes on global economic, social, justice and 1144 Acclaim Limited Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2QG [email protected] FOUNDATION communication issues that may enhance the welfare of the world's citizens and promote global economic growth. Promoting and assisting projects which enhance the quality of daily life and encourage a community spirit. Promoting citizenship within the IOM with particular emphasis on the GOLDEN JUBILEE TRUST, 8 Coburg Road, Ramsey, Isle of 871 encouragement of young people to have a better understanding Mr P Scales THE Man, IM8 3EH of the needs of society - to promote tolerance and unselfishness. Educate and assist young people through their leisure time and other activities....

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To divide the annual income of the Trust Fund into three equal parts. One part to be distributed to the RNLI to be applied for GOUGH RITCHIE CHARITABLE Jubilee Buildings, Victoria Street, 433 its general purposes in the IOM. One part to be distributed to The Secretary [email protected] 01624 699000 TRUST Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2SH the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. One part to be distributed to Manx charitites at the Trustees discretion. To provide financial assistance in Third World countries where there is hardship for medical and social projects, orphanages, Mrs S M 37 Belle Vue Park, Peel, Isle of Man, 727 GRACE THIRD WORLD FUND [email protected] 01624 842734 worthy agricultural projects, education amongst the Richardson IM5 1UE disadvantaged. Providing Christian, spiritual, emotional and practical help to, Thorncroft, Main Road, Santon, Isle 1012 GRAIH care of and fellowship with, any person living on the Isle of Man Mr A R Hewins [email protected] 824588 of Man, IM4 1EJ who is homeless To promote the care and welfare of animals on the Isle of Man. To take in and care for domestic and farm animals including poultry in need or care and treatment as a result of illness, maltreatment or other disabling cause and to support veterinary care and associated costs prior to public adoption and to The Willows, Sulby Claddagh, Sulby, 1240 GREENHILLS SANCTUARY IOM Ms C Cardona [email protected] 318903 provide a permanent residence for abandoned animals which Isle of Man, IM7 2HE would not otherwise have a home on account of their size/breed, health needs, behaviour and or age rendering them unattractive for public adoption and for which animals the only alternative to permanent residence would by slaughter. Establishment and maintenance of a House of Industry, Alms House or Hospital for elderly or destitute or partially destitute Kissack Court, 29 Parliament Sreet, 6 GREST TRUST persons residing in the Parishes of Andreas, Lezayre, Maughold, Mr J Strickett [email protected] 814545 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1AT Bride, Jurby, Ballaugh and Michael including Ramsey Town and Michael Village. To raise awareness of the plight of retired racing greyhounds. To provide financial support for the rescue and re-homing of GREYHOUND AID LEAGUE ISLE Slieau Aalin, 31 Barrule Park, 1115 retired racing greyhounds and unwanted, abused or abandoned Mr I McMullen [email protected] 816612 OF MAN Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2BT sight hounds and financial support for the care, welfare and transportation of rescued sight hounds The restoration, preservation, operation and maintenance of the Groudle Glen Railway and the environs there of. Including GROUDLE GLEN RAILWAY the learning and development of social, personal and Millmount, Wheel Hill, Laxey, Isle of 1117 Mr R Booth [email protected] 07624 431830 COMPANY LTD association technical skills, and the formation and maintenance Man , IM4 7NL of relationships with others through participation in volunteer activities in the railway environment To further all aspects of Guiding within the Girl Guide 36 Cronk Grianagh, Braddan, Isle of 324 GUIDE ASSOCIATION IOM Mrs K Walker Association. Man, IM4 4RN To purchase, breed or otherwise acquire and to train and educate dogs to act and be provided as efficient and safe guides for blind persons. To train and educate, for their own Ballaglonney Cottage, New GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND 468 benefit, blind persons in the proper and safe use of guide dogs Mrs J Shutt Castletown Road, Santon, Isle of [email protected] 317237 ASSOCIATION and to provide such additional services and facilities for the Man, IM4 1ER relief of blind persons as the Association shall from time to time deem fit. Trust Deed of March 2004: For the relief of poverty. The advancement of education. Other purposes beneficial to the Professor J H Baycliffe, Tower Road, Bradda West, 908 H & S DAVIDSON TRUST, THE community in the IOM and anywhere in the world, provided Davidson Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6PP that such objects are charitable under the law. To apply the income from the fund for the purpose of teaching Department Of Education, Hamilton H.B. NOBLE ENDOWMENT young people who have left school in the areas of cookery, Director Of 571 House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of FUND laundrywork, needlework, dressmaking, general household Education Man, IM1 5EZ maintenance.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Clause 7 of Will dated August 1953 :For the provision of scholarships to be known as Doctor Hughes-Games Scholarship and primarily awarded to candidates who are the sons of Deputy Bursar, King Williams H.G.W. HUGHES-GAMES 187 Commissioned Officers or Warrant Officers of the Royal Navy The Bursar College, Castletown, Isle of Man, TRUST FUND and if there are no candidates with the requisite Naval IM9 1TP connections then scholarships awarded to candidates who are sons of Old Boys of King William's College. To assist persons resident on the Island with special needs Department Of Education, Hamilton which cannot readily be met by statutory services, whether Director Of 491B H.H.M. MARTIN TRUST (DEC) House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of those needs arise through injury, illness, handicap or social Education Man, IM1 5EZ reasons. To assist persons resident on the Island with special needs DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St which cannot readily be met by statutory services, whether 491A H.H.M. MARTIN TRUST (DHSC) The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, those needs arise through injury, illness, handicap or social Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX reasons. To promote the material, mental, physical and social welfare of CM Secretaries Limited, 8 St Georges children and young persons who are or who haveat some time 1215 HADRIANS CHARITY The Secretary Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 [email protected] 01624 665100 been normally resident in the Isle of Man, the north east of 1AH England, the Republic of Ireland or elsewhere in the world To advance the Christian Faith by demonstrating Gods' Love to the poor, needy, widows and orphans through practical help 14 Hawarden Avenue, Douglas, Isle 938 HANDS OF HOPE Mrs R E Baker [email protected] and spiritual support in accordance with the Evangelical alliance of Man, IM1 4BS statement of Faith. Codicil of Will of Frederic Craig Harris of 8 December 1966 : Gelling Johnson Farrant, 24 Athol HARRIS CHARITABLE TRUST That the Trustees shall ensure that there is in operation a 220 Mrs E Parkes Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 FUND service of meals to the homes of aged, infirm or sick persons in 1JA the Douglas and Peel areas. To increase awareness of Huntington’s Disease on the Isle of Man. To provide a support group for parents, carers and professionals resident in the Isle of Man to come together and 5 Windermere Avenue, Lakeside 1242 HDA (Isle of Man) share information. To provide financial assistance to patients Miss L Watson Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 [email protected] 07624 457275 and carers to enable them to attend seminars and other 2DT educational events organised by the Huntington’s Disease Association and to promote research into Huntington’s Disease

(Formerly Trustees of Noble's (IOM) Hospital and the Jane Crookall (IOM) Maternity Wing) amended in April 2003 and renamed as above. To provide equipment for any hospital, HENRY BLOOM NOBLE Twin Gables, Westlands Avenue, 49 clinic, surgery or other healthcare establishment in the IOM. To Mr R Young 616108 HEALTHCARE TRUST, THE Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3PS relieve patients at any hospital or other healthcare establishment in the IOM. To privide or assist with the provision of nursing care. Education and training of health professionals. To provide scholarships at a university in Great Britain. To Department Of Education, Hamilton HENRY BLOOM NOBLE'S Director Of 612 enable persons of both sexes to complete their education at a House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of SCHOLARSHIP TRUST Education university. Man, IM1 5EZ To provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their physical or mental disability with the object of improving their conditions of life. To help wounded military, emergency service HEROES ON THE WATER (ISLE personnel and others injured whilst carrying public duties to Greyney Mooar Barn, Ballagawne 1248 The Secretary [email protected] 07624 484498 OF MAN) relax, rehabilitate, and reintegrate themselves into society Road, Ballabeg, Isle of Man, IM9 4HL through kayak fishing and outdoor activities and to operate in the Isle of Man and liaise with like charities and any other charities with similar objectives to organise kayak fishing and other outdoor activities and events for the benefit of individuals and groups.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT HOLLYDENE AMENITIES Providing for the social and recreational requirements of the DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 836 The Secretary FUND Adult Respite Unit at Hollydene. Andrews House , Finch Road, The promotion of livestock breeding and agriculture by the Ms V A Sloane- Ballacricket Farmhouse, , 786 HOLSTEIN I.O.M. promotion, encouragement in, and improvement of, the [email protected] 829596 Masson Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 4HQ breeding of Holstein cattle in the IOM. HOME OF REST FOR RAMSEY To provide accomodation for such aged, sick and infirm. To Grove Mount Residential Home, 108 T/A GROVE MOUNT Establish hospitals or nursing homes for surgical, medical and Mrs S Quigley Grove Mount South, Ramsey, Isle of [email protected] RESIDENTIAL HOME gynecological treatment. Man, IM8 3EY Provide an opportunity for enhancement of quality of life for people in the IOM who are suffering from terminal cancer or 317 HOSPICE CARE Mr P C Halliday Glen Vine, Isle of Man, IM4 4DZ [email protected] who are otherwise suitable for Hospice Care and for whom palliative care is suitable and appropriate. To relieve hardship and distress amongst homeless people and those living in adverse housing conditions. To promote and support the provision in accommodation for homeless people and the provision of related services including the acquisition of HOUSING MATTERS ISLE OF 12 Woodbourne Court, Woodbourne 1007 property. To conduct and procure research concerning Mr C S Barr [email protected] 456700 MAN Raod, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 3AT homelessness . To educate the public concerning the nature,causes and effects of homelessness. To identify and promote potential opportunities for homeless people; to work towards the prevention of homelessness. Will dated 9 August 2002: The upkeep, maintenance, repair, renewal, replacement, improvement and extension of the Saint Mary The Isle, Hill Street, 974 HUGH MACAULEY BEQUEST Monsignor J Devine 675509 Catholic Churches in the IOM and of the furnishings, fittings, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EG fixtures and contents thereof. To promote tolerance and understanding throughout the world The Courtyard, Queens Road, Port St 1153 IBW ASSOCIATION between underprivilaged peoples of different races and creeds Mrs J L Thompson [email protected] 07624 488540 Mary, Isle of Man through the development of sporting, art and culture projects. To provide financial assistance towards the education and training and relief of need, hardship, sickness, disability, old age or distress of persons who are now or have been engaged in First Floor, 10-12 Prospect Hill, 1230 INSURANCE CHARITIES, THE Corporate Options Limited any aspect of the Insurance industry and of children, spouses, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1EJ partners, former spouses or partners and other relatives or dependants of such persons. The objects of the charity are to encourage greater understanding between people of different faiths and beliefs, and between the faiths and the wider community in the Isle of Man. This will be done by means of the following: Promoting and maintaining harmonious relations between groups of 18 Appledene Court, Woodlands 1075 INTERFAITH GROUP IOM, THE different beliefs and faiths together for dialogue, Promoting The Secretary [email protected] 626940 View, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2BU knowledge about different beliefs and mutual respect, Researching and exploring share values, Providing the opportunity for members to work together to overcome ignorance, fear and misunderstanding between people of different faiths and beliefs Establish an international institution dedicated to the study, creation, expansion, exchange and dissemination of knowledge INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE and ideas relation to the economics of the space and associated Ballamoar Cottage, Lower Foxdale, 1033 Mr J Sheath [email protected] 496260 / 801123 OF SPACE COMMERCE industries and commercial space activities; the education of the Isle of Man, IM4 3EA general public regarding the economics of space activities and related issues in space commerce. To further and encourage friendship through sporting activities International Island Games INTERNATIONAL ISLAND 702 between island communities. To promote at two-yearly The Secretary Association, Manx Sports and GAMES ASSOCIATION intervals, the Island Games. Recreation Building, National Sports

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Establishing, promoting and maintaining measures and provisions for the relief of distress, suffering, disability, hardship IOM AGRICULTURAL or poverty amongst farmers, retired farmers, farmworkers or Ballafreer House, , 659 Mr J C Fargher 851190 BENEVOLENT TRUST retired farmworkers or persons otherwise employed or self- Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 4AS employed in agriculture or any related or asociated industry or occupation in the IOM and their extended families. Principle objects are to provide funds for the purposes of IOM Anti-Cancer Association, 5 River IOM ANTI-CANCER 188 cancer research and related medical and scientific The Secretary Walk, Braddan, Douglas, Isle of Man, [email protected] 07624 252725 ASSOCIATION developments. IM4 4TS IOM BRANCH NATIONAL To safeguard the rights of members and to promote measures 8 Ashfield Avenue, Union Mills, Isle 387 ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED Mr P Davenport [email protected] for their welfare, with particular regard to pensions. of Man, IM4 4LN POLICE OFFICERS To provide for children in the Isle of Man who are in need of care. To provide day care and residential facilities as may be necessary. To provide financial and other assistance for children 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 43 IOM CHILDRENS CENTRE Ms F Dawson [email protected] 676076 and young persons to live independently. To make payments or of Man, IM2 3AS donations out of available funds to charities whose objects are similar in character and principles. Deed dated 19 July 1947 : Promoting the health and welfare of crippled children and others whom the Committee think fit within this Isle who have been admitted on to the register of Ballachrink Farm, East Baldwin, Isle 7 IOM CRIPPLES GUILD Mrs S E Crowe [email protected] 851185/472519 the Guild before reaching the age of sixteen and who can of Man, IM4 5ER benefit for the rest of their lives so long as their disability continues. To promote farm production systems which are environmentally friendly and conserve the environment whilst producing a IOM FARMING & WILDLIFE reasonable level of profit. Provide information and advice on Ballig Farm, Jurby East, Isle of Man, 424 Mrs H A Fletcher [email protected] 422486 ADVISORY GROUP conservation practices to farmers and the wider rural IM7 3HD community. Hold meetings. Facilitate an exchange of information. To enable women who are interested in issues associated with rural life, arts, crafts and sciences. To improve and develop IOMFWI, Ground Floor, Beech IOM FEDERATION OF WOMENS conditions of rural life, advance education in citizenship, public 384 Mrs L Kneen House, 51 Main Road, Onchan, IM3 [email protected] 818194 INSTITUTES questions national and international, music drama and cultural 1AL sbjects, agriculture, handicrafts, home economics, health and social welfare. IOM Football Association Benevolent IOM FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Rule Book revised August 1991 : to make payments to injured 457 The Secretary Fund, The Bowl, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] 01624 613750 BENEVOLENT FUND players registered with the Association. Man, IM2 1AD Providing a home of rest for the protection and benefit of old IOM HOME OF REST FOR OLD Bulrhenny Cottage, Richmond Hill, 620 horses either gratuitously or in return for such payments as Mrs J Moore HORSES - THE COMPANY Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 1JH may from time to time be fixed by the Management Committee. The principle activity is to provide and maintain a comfortable place of meeting and bring together and promote social 2 Lake Side View, Governors Hill, 432 IOM ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION Mr Zahir Hoosen 618950 intercourse between the resident Muslims and visitors to the Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 7BS IOM. IOM JOINT EX-SERVICES To foster by all possible means the welfare of all ex-service 1 Starkey Close, Ballastowell 388 Mr G Hooton [email protected] 617989/434063 ASSOCIATION personnel and their dependants. Gardens, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 To provide a day's outing for Manx handicapped children with Ballamoar , Shore Road, Bay Ny 667 IOM JUMBO RUN Mrs D Moule [email protected] 01624 834826 the help of visiting sidecar owners. Carrickey, Port St Mary, Isle of Man To provide, from the funds, money on the death of a member, C/o Police Headquarters, to pay for funeral expenses. To provide financial aid to any 365 IOM POLICE BENEVOLENT FUND Mr J Bibby Glencrutchery Road, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] 631215 member of the Fund, his family, or a deceased member's family Man, IM2 4RG with financial aid in cases of injury, ill health or infirmity.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To foster and develop for the public benefit the Sea Cadet Corps and the Girls' Nautical Training Corps. Provide sea 10 Westminster Drive, Douglas, Isle 396 IOM SEA CADET CORPS Mrs C Roberts 01624 620359 training and promote education in the history, spirit and of Man, IM1 4EH tradition of Maritime Service. IOM SOCIETY FOR THE Alleviation of child cruelty in the Isle of Man. Assets transferred 94 Woodbourne Road, Douglas, Isle 15 PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO Ms F Dawson [email protected] 676076 to Reg No 43 in 1992 - Remaining registered for donations etc.. of Man, IM2 3AS CHILDREN To preserve, restore and operate any part or parts of the IOM Railways or formerly what was the IOM Railways as a IOM STEAM RAILWAY permanent public exhibition and museum of the advancement Thornhill, Bayrauyr Road, St Marks, 249 SUPPORTERS ASSOCIATION of technical, historical and general education and for the Mr W P Cubbon [email protected] 01624 823682 Malew, Isle of Man, IM9 3AT LTD permanent preservation, display and demonstration of steam and other railway locomotives, rolling stock, equipment and relics of historical, operational and general interest. To promote and assist in the advancement of the art of dance for people aspiring to a career in dance education by the provision of financial support, and practical advice to those who would otherwise be unable to train for such a career through absence of funding and by the provision of education. To 1224 iON DANCE ACADEMY The Secretary 7 Hill Street, Douglas, Isle of Man extend and increase the appreciation, knowledge and understanding of the general public for the art of dance through education, performance and promotion of its benefits for society as a whole and such objectives to be exercised in the Isle of Man or elsewhere. To assist the sustainable use and conservation of the Irish Sea ecosystem. To gather and to disseminate for the public good information about the Irish Sea and its ecological goods and services. For the benefit of scientific advancement and Beach House, Bay View Road, Port 1257 IRISH SEA CENTRE, THE Dr R S V Pullin education including providing advice and assistance to resolve St Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5AE challenges and problems which arise from the changing uses and ecology of the marine environment generally and the Irish Sea in particular. To keep in good order and repair the burial places of the father 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 890 ISABELLA TAGGART TRUST and husband of Isabella Taggart and that of Mrs Taggart Mr B J Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA herself. Trustees the Vicar and Wardens of Malew Encouraging and facilitating the participation of sports persons ISLAND GAMES ASSOCIATION from the IOM in international sport at those games known as Bridge House, Glenfaba, Peel, Isle of 729 Mr M Pridham [email protected] 843392 OF MANN the Island Games promoted by the incorporated body called the Man, IM5 3AB International Island Games Association. To raise money to help in the rescue and rehoming of horses Mrs D A 31 Pairk Beg, Port Erin, Isle of Man, 469 ISLAND HORSE AND PONY AID [email protected] 437383 and ponies in need. Greenwood IM9 6NQ The spirituality network aims to explore different expressions of ISLAND SPIRITUALITY Christian spirituality, and to provide opportunities for mutual Ballachree, Main Road, Ballaugh, Isle 1008 Mrs B Bregazzi [email protected] 897715 NETWORK support and spiritual nourishment for anyone seeking to grow of Man, IM7 5EB in prayer The objects of the group are for the public benefit to promote ISLE OF MAN ADVANCED 7 The Crescent, , Isle of 1009 the improvement if the standard of driving and the Mr A Finch [email protected] 07624 265053 MOTORISTS Man, IM9 1TX advancement of road safety To advance the Christian Faith in accordance with the Statement of Beliefs, to relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the ISLE OF MAN APOSTOLIC Flat 1, 2 Princes Street, Douglas, Isle 1205 distress caused in Douglas, the Isle of Man or the World and to Reverend F Mateo [email protected] 01624 661054 CHURCH TRUST of Man, IM1 1BD fulfil such other purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of the Isle of Man and are connected with the charitable work of the Trust To advance the visual arts in the IOM. To organise and promote Thie Ellyn, Off Withingtin Road, 684 ISLE OF MAN ART SOCIETY educational courses for the benefit of those involved in the Mrs D S Moore 07624 407402 Douglas, Isle of Man visual arts.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To support, educate and give information on breast care and to Hollycot, The Hope, St Johns, Isle of 693 ISLE OF MAN BREAST CARE assist patients and their families financially, when appropriate Miss S Maddrell [email protected] 801559 / 482662 Man, IM4 3AT and when funds allow. ISLE OF MAN CHILDREN'S To advance education by supporting the provision of Department of Education and 1095 UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT educational opportunities for children aged 4-14 provided by Director Of Education Children, Hamilton House, Peel [email protected] 685828 FUND the Isle of Man Children's University Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5EZ To advance improve develop and maintain public education in ISLE OF MAN CHORAL 15 Horseshoe Avenue, Saddlestone , 1091 and appreciation of the art and science of choral music in all its Mr B Holt [email protected] 01624 670977 SOCIETY Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 1QT aspects in the Isle of Man To benefit disadvantaged members of the local community, to ISLE OF MAN COMMUNITY 4 Abbots Way, Abbotswood, 1126 provide facilities in the interests of social welfare and improve Mr K Roosen FOUNDATION, THE Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM7 3EB the conditions of life for members of the community The alleviation of suffering arising as a result of financial, C/o Police Headquarters, Dukes ISLE OF MAN 1154 physical, psychological, emotional, social and other difficulties The Secretary Avenue, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 CONSTABULARY GIVE A GIFT or hardship. 4RG The charity has been established to promote , assist and ISLE OF MAN COUNCIL OF encourage charitable endeavour and the environments within Derby House, 35/36 Derby Square, 1068 Mr D S Gawne [email protected] 678212 VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS the Isle of Man which encourage charitable endeavour within Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 3LW the Island. It will operate only within the Isle of Man To promote and control cricket competition between cricket clubs in IoM; To promote, assist and encourage cricket for ISLE OF MAN CRICKET Honiton, Queens Road, Port St Mary, 1014 junior players in IoM, To arrange and assist with cricket Mr N Angus [email protected] ASSOCIATION Isle of Man, IM9 5EN between cricketers on IoM and other areas; To assist with the development and improvement of cricket standards in the IoM The advancement, promotion and preservation of public law and order. The advancement and promotion of efficient 18 Raad Ny Gabbil, Ballalough, 730 ISLE OF MAN CRIMESTOPPERS policing. The promotion and encouragement of good citizenship The Secretary [email protected] 611933 Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1HH and greater public participation and solution of crime. The furtherance of the administration of justice. To provide a local facility for those diagnosed with epilepsy for ISLE OF MAN EPILEPSY the purpose of offering mutual support. To infiorm and assist in Mrs B De Legh- 10 Derwent Drive, Onchan, Isle of 648 [email protected] 07624 481792 ASSOCIATION AKA EPSA IOM educationg the local community about epilepsy. To endeavour Runciman Man, IM3 2DG to raise funds. To encourage the study of genealogy and family history, particularly within the IOM. To arrange meetings, lectures, visits ISLE OF MAN FAMILY HISTORY 3 Minorca Hill, Laxey, Isle of Man, 680 and other genealogical activities relevant to the objectives of Mr D Christian 862088 SOCIETY IM4 7DN the Society. To publish a journal for distribution to all members. To maintain a library To provide or cause to be provided in the Isle of Man short term food supplies to local people in crisis. To provide or causing to be provided the people in the Isle of Man services Ballafletcher House, Ballafletcher 1148 ISLE OF MAN FOODBANK which relieve conditions of need, hardship and poverty. To raise Mr D S Gawne Farm Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, [email protected] 07624 461247 awareness of all aspects of poverty and to promote any objects IM4 4QE for the benefit of the community which are now or hereafter may be deemed by Manx law to be charitable. To promote friendship between the Isle of Man and Israel, to encourage trade between the Isle of Man and Isreal, to ISLE OF MAN FRIENDS OF promote awareness in each country on the culture and history 21 Wallberry Mews, Farmhill, Isle of 1219 Ms G Cain [email protected] 07624 246156 ISRAEL of the other and to relieve poverty in the East and for Man, IM2 2NE ofmanfriendsofisrael other purposes in the Middle East which are charitable under Manx Law To promote, administer and encourage development of golf in ISLE OF MAN GOLF UNION the IOM. Act as governing body for amateur golf. To co- Oakfields, Tynwald Road, Peel, Isle 1064 Mr G A Jakeman LIMITED ordinate, organise and promote amateur golf tournaments in of Man, IM5 1JP and outside the IOM. To support training activities.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The promotion of health and wellbeing , the provision of assistance to island residents in obtaining access to good Roomenia, 3 Harcroft Road, ISLE OF MAN HEALTH AND 1108 quality health and social care and the promotion of any objects Mr L Roome Saddlestone Park, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] 678581 CARE ASSOCIATION for the benefit of the community deemed by law to be Man, IM2 1PN charitable To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world, to promote good government and good 52 Westbourne Drive, Douglas, Isle 637 ISLE OF MAN LIONS CLUB citizenship, to take active interest in civic, cultural, social and Mr C Ware [email protected] 01624 660483 of Man, IM1 4BA moral welfare of the community. To unite the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding For the relief of elderly people and other adults in need, ISLE OF MAN LIVE AT HOME particularly (but not limited to) those with mental illness or Ty Nain, 83 Fairways Drive, Douglas, 715 Mrs A Humphreys [email protected] SCHEME physical or learning disabilities by providing care and support Isle of Man, IM4 2JF services, accommodation, any other provision. The relief of elderly people and other adults in need in the Isle of Man by providing or causing to provide services which may The Mike Hailwood Centre, ISLE OF MAN LIVE AT HOME facilitate an improved quality of life for such persons. To raise 1229 Mrs Jo-Anne Dixon Glencrutchery Road, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] 616591 SCHEMES awareness of the needs of elderly persons and other adults in Man, IM2 6DA need in the Isle of Man and to promote any objects which are now or hereafter may be deemed by Manx law to be charitable.

To promote, encourage and finance, predominantly in the Isle of Man, the advancement of education, scientific research, the ISLE OF MAN MASONIC promotion of public health, the alleviation of financial hardship 19 Sunnybank Avenue, Onchan, Isle 1140 CHARITY (THE JAMES HILARY The Secretary [email protected] 01624 625266 and the promotion of social welfare through sport and other of Man, IM3 3BW CURPHY FUND), THE community activities. To promote other charitable purposes for the general benefit of the public as the trustees see fit. ISLE OF MAN MEDICAL The promotion of medical research. The encouragement of Ballafreer House, Union Mills, Isle of 955 John C Fargher RESEARCH medical training. Promoting medical education. Man, IM4 4AT ISLE OF MAN NATURAL The advancement of knowledge of natural science and human 95 Malew Street, Castletown, Isle of [email protected] 428 HISTORY & ANTIQUARIAN history and cultural development, especially in the IOM and Mrs P Stewart Man, IM9 1LX om SOCIETY countries related thereto. ISLE OF MAN To promote community care, looking after each other and Ballaglass, Eleanora Drive, Douglas, 805 Mrs G Corkish [email protected] NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH trying to minimise vandalism, burglary and car theft. Isle of Man, IM2 3NN To facilitate sailing and boating for those disadvantages by ill health, disability or financial hardship. To facilitate sailing and Isle of Man Sailing and Boating boating for Scouts, Sea Cadets, Cadets and other similar ISLE OF MAN SAILING AND Trust, The Tongue, Douglas 1209 organisations and to provide training facilities to enable people Mr R C Spencer [email protected] 01624 851444 BOATING TRUST LIMITED Harbour, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 to learn how to sail and other forms of boating and learn and 5AQ observe safety at sea, ship maintenance and navigation and other objects as are analogous to the above To enable persons in the Isle of Man as well as elsewhere who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those who may be at risk of suicide, to receive confidential emotional support at any time of the day or night in order to improve their 6 Manor Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1249 ISLE OF MAN SAMARITANS Mr M Nudd [email protected] 01624 618934 emotional health and to reduce the incidence of suicide and to IM2 2NZ amaritans-isle-man promote a better understanding in society of suicide, suicidal behaviour and the value of expressing feelings which may otherwise lead to suicide or impaired emotional health. The aim is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people in the IOM so that they may take ISLE OF MAN SCOUT a constructive place in society. The method of achieving this Chadkirk, Rowan Avenue, Ballaugh, 430 Mrs K A Andrews [email protected] 07624 349420 ASSOCIATION aim is by providing an enjoyable and attractive scheme of Isle of Man, IM7 5EN progressive training, based on the Scout Promise and Law and guided by adult leadership.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The Advancement of Architecture and the promotion of the ISLE OF MAN SOCIETY OF 44 Douglas Street, Peel, Isle of Man, 1137 acquirement of the knowledge of the arts and sciences The Secretary [email protected] 07624 499338 ARCHITESTS IM5 1BD connected therewith The promotion and advancement of agriculture in the IOM and ISLE OF MAN SOUTHERN the encouragement of and education in improvements in animal Awin Mooar, The Promenade, Port St 1045 Mrs S Comish [email protected] 494497 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY and plant husbandry, including promoting and holding Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5DG exhibitions of livestock, farm and garden produce, poultry etc. To promote excellence in Manx sport by assisting those who have potential to reach international standard. Encouraging 91 Port-e-Chee Avenue, Dougls, Isle 527 ISLE OF MAN SPORT AID Mr P Callow [email protected] 01624 688555 those with less ability and leading to the development of of Man, IM2 5EZ improved facilities and coaching. The Society shall promote concerts in the IOM and elsewhere and for that purpose may acquire music, instruments and other ISLE OF MAN SYMPHONY 2 Victoria Road, Port St Mary, Isle of 970 equipment for the use of its members, and may provide Ms P A Wadsworth [email protected] 01624 835554 ORCHESTRA Man, IM9 5AF financial and other assistance to its members in connection with musical or social events as may be arranged by the Society. To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed ISLE OF MAN Slieau Aalin, Belmont Hill, Douglas, 821 or party so as to enable them to make the best contribution Mrs P Richardson TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Isle of Man, IM1 4NX towards the common good ISLE OF MAN UNDERWATER To provide the Isle of Man with underwater search and Marina House, Bay View Road, Port www.manxunderwatersearch.i 2000 SEARCH AND RECOVERY recovery capability and to support training in underwater search Dr M Haywood 07624 30090 St Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5AQ nfo TEAM and recovery To advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of music in all its aspects by any means the trustees see fit, including through the 6 Wentworth Close, Onchan, Isle of 1072 ISLE OF MAN WIND ORCHESTRA presentation of public concerts and recitals. To further such Mr M J Morrison [email protected] 670421 Man, IM3 2JU charitable purpose or purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion shall think fit but in particular through the making of grants and donations The protection and maintenance of existing woodland in the IOM. The creation of new woodland and enhancement of ISLE OF MAN WOODLAND Ballachrink Farm, Sound Road, Glen 920 existing woodland by additional planting using predominantly Mrs R Cringle [email protected] 843980 TRUST Maye, Isle of Man, IM5 3BJ Manx native species. To encourage access and enjoyment to existing and new woodland. To promote self esteem, confidence and responsibility within young people, to promote team-work within the project and the wider community. To divert and deter young people from Youth Office, St George's Court, ISLE OF MAN YOUTH MOTOR 734 crime, with an emphasis on vehicle crime. To provide young Mr K Callister Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle [email protected] 686056 PROJECT people with an opportunity to pursue an educational interest in of Man, IM1 1EE a variety of skills, eg body repairs, spray painting, welding and general vehicle maintenance. ISLE OF MAN YOUTH To develop, promote and support initiatives for and with 17 Beary Close, Slieu Whallian View, 843 Ms J Bibby [email protected] 07624 428050 PARTNERSHIP children and young people and the community. Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1QW Promoting and advocating opportunities for all children and young people in the Isle of Man to fulfil their right to play by providing facilities, schemes and opportunities for play, education, or recreation for the benefit of children and young people who have the need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social 69 Sunningdale Drive, Onchan, Isle 1245 ISLE OF PLAY Mrs J Thomas [email protected] 01624 618490 and economic circumstances in order to positively improve the of Man, IM3 1EJ physical development and social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people and providing training, advice and assistance in organising and supervising programmes or schemes of play, physical activity, educational and other activities. J R MOORE CHARITABLE TRUST, The Old Courthouse, Athol Street, 1061 Any Charity or Charitable purpose the trustees see fit Mr M Humphrey [email protected] 651951 THE Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LD

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Indenture or Will of the late Jane Quayle dated 27 October 1870 : To provide homes for the reception of widows and old infirm men and their wives of good character and past labour and natives of Ramsey and its neighbourhood and to provide a 7 Marlborough Way, Lezayre, 22 JANE QUAYLE TRUST Hall for temperance lectures, meetings or ragged schools. The Mr R A E Jelski Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3NF property owned by the Trust comprises Quayles Hall, Albert Street and 11 cottages situated in Albert Street and Tower Road and a small parcel of land at the rear of the Hall and cottages. Providing holiday accommodation for injured and handicapped motor cycle riders and their families and friends to enable them to attend motor cycle sports and other functions in the IOM. To 11 Harcroft Road, Saddlestone Park, 842 JOEY DUNLOP FOUNDATION Mr B Baker [email protected] 614741 acquire land and construct and maintain accommodation Isle of Man, IM2 1PN designed and adopted especially for wheelchair users and others with similar handicap and for related purposes. To raise and distribute monies for charitable purposes in the JOHN NICHOLSON IOM and elsewhere and in particular to advance visual arts in Ballakewin Olde Farm, Foxdale Road, 440 Mr R G Barrs [email protected] 823361 FOUNDATION, THE the IOM or elsewhere but related to the IOM by way of grants Malew, Isle of Man, IM9 3ET awards, bursaries, prizes or otherwise. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 489 JOHN QUAYLE TRUST To provide an income for the poor of Castletown The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ISLE The advancement of education of young people in the IOM, in Junior Achievement, Suite 2, 665 The Secretary [email protected] [email protected] OF MAN particular commercial education. Peterson House, Middle River The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 566 JURBY ENDOWMENT FUND pupils and for further education courses. Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To assist the elderly and needy in the Parish of Jurby with JURBY ENDOWMENTS heating, by way of gifts of coal. Help towards the payment of Ballavarran Farm, Jurby, Isle of Man, 596 Mr J J Quayle COMMITTEE electric and gas bills if these commodities are used as a means IM7 3AN of heating. JURBY SCHOOL MINIBUS To purchase and maintain a minibus for Jurby School and Alpine , Brookhill Road, Ramsey, Isle 1156 Mrs M J Tracy [email protected] 897651 APPEAL associated community. of Man, IM8 2HX KELLY FOGG MEMORIAL For the purpose of distributing funds raised by organised events The Willows, 9 Oakdale, Governors 756 Mrs S Magee [email protected] 670210 / 498390 FUND or donations, for the specific aid of local children. Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 7BL To provide a drop in centre for young people in Onchan where Reverend C B The Vicarage, Church Road, Onchan, 888 KENYONS CAFÉ they can receive relief from poverty, stress - receive education Burgess IM3 1BF or recreational support. To make provision for a Hyperbaric Facility to carry out Snaefell Surgery, Cushag Road, KEVIN GRAY MEMORIAL treatment, investigation, instruction and experimentation in 360 Mr R H Hynes Anagh Coar, Douglas, Isle of Man, [email protected] 686961 CHARITY accordance with accepted principles in relation to hyperbaric IM2 2BZ chamber and ancillary operations. KING GEORGE'S FUND FOR Royal Charter : Trust Deed dated 6 June 1972 : To provide Parkside Wing, Ballagloan House, 215 Mr R P Goodall SAILORS (DOUGLAS CIRCLE) comforts for Ex-Servicemen Windsor Mount, Ramsey, Isle of To provide education and educational services at its two schools, King William's College and the Buchan School. In addition, through its subsidiary company, KWC Enterprises Ltd, King Williams College, Castletown, 615 KING WILLIAMS COLLEGE it sells school uniforms and memorabilia, provides The Bursar [email protected] 820425 Isle of Man, IM9 1TP accommodation and services for courses during school holidays, functions and the letting of sports facilities to outside parties. To promote and assist provision of facilities of King William's KING WILLIAMS COLLEGE College and the Buchan School. To keep members of staff, Alumni Office, King Williams College, 689 The Secretary SOCIETY former pupils and former members of staff of King William's Castletown, Isle of Man, IM91TP College in touch with each other. KIRK MICHAEL COMMUNITY Kirk Michael Community Housing 670 To provide sheltered housing for the elderly of Kirk Michael Mrs J M Stewart 29 September 4305 HOUSING ASSOCIATION Assoc., Cannan Court, Main Road, The provision of a community centre for the village of Patrick KNOCKALOE EXHIBITION AND and its environs and the prromotion of education through the Ash Lodge, Patrick Road, St Johns, 1150 PATRICK COMMUNITY CENTRE Mr R D Jones [email protected] 07624 490119 provision of an exhibition centre regarding the use of Knockaloe Isle of Man, IM4 3BR TRUST, THE as an internment camp. For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT From a Will dated 10 February 1921 : To set aside and apply KNOCKALOE HOMES (FOR the sum of two thousand pounds towards providing a site for Sandown, 12 Albany Road, Peel, Isle 154 RESPECTABLE WIDOWS & and in builiding houses to be called "The Knockaloe Home" for Mr G Kneen [email protected] of Man, IM5 1JR SPINSTERS) the habitation and accommodation of respectable widows and spinsters. To raise money to support the building of a 200 bed hospital in Koru, Kenya which will provide much needed health care and 2 Ballachrink Drive, Onchan, Isle of 866 KORU HOSPITAL FUND Mrs L Atkinson [email protected] 426751 support. Also to provide funds to meet the cost of any other Man, IM3 4NX appropriate project. To promote the physical and psychological health of mothers and children through education in the technique of breastfeeding, and to advance the education of the public and 20 Governors Hill, Douglas, Isle of 1171 LA LECHE LEAGUE especially those concerned with the care of children in the Mrs S Molloy [email protected] 625158 Man, IM2 7AS health benefits both immediate and long-term of breastfeeding and to provide mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding mothers/mothers-to-be on the Isle of Man. Promote, foster, organise and preserve the annual Laa Columb 1013 LAA COLUMB KILLEY Killey Parochial Festival. Promote competition including items of Mrs G Leece Comox, Main Road, Colby, IM9 4AD [email protected] 834583 a cultural and educational nature. To promote, encourage, advance and provide facilities for the Laxey & Sports and sport of association football, any other form of sport, recreation LAXEY & LONAN SPORTS Community Facilities Ltd, Highcroft, 764 and leisure. For the benefit of improving the conditions of life The Secretary [email protected] COMMUNITY Rencell Hill, Laxey, Isle of Man, IM4 of the residents of the Village of Laxey, Lonan and the 7BJ members of the public of the Isle of Man at large.

LAXEY AND LONAN HERITAGE To promote knowledge of the history of Laxey and the history Moaney Quill Lodge, Fairy Cottage, 367A Mr T P Wild [email protected] 862368/462622 TRUST and archeology of the mining industry in the Isle of Man. Lonan, Isle of Man, IM4 7JN LAXEY RECREATION The education and recreation of the residents of the village, AMENITIES CONSERVATION Fig Tree Cottage, Glen Road, Laxey, 854 district of Laxey and the provision and conservation of Mr A Smith AND EDUCATION Isle of Man, IM4 7AJ amenities within the said village district. FOUNDATION As a public amenity for Laxey and Lonan parish. Provision of LAXEY WORKING MENS The Haven, Old Laxey Hill, Laxey, 741 Hall meeting facilities. Preservation of historic buildings Mr P M Burgess [email protected] 861241/423609 INSTITUTE IM4 7BZ associated with Laxey's mining heritage. To preserve Laxey Working Men's Institute. To promote LAXEY WORKING MENS educational, religious, historic and sporting pursuits and other Burnside, Minorca Hill, Laxey, Isle of 1104 Mr K Callister [email protected] 861286 INSTITUTE, THE purposes beneficial to the community within the village of Laxey Man, IM4 7AD and parish of Lonan. The charity will exist for the purpose of raising public 2 Croft Park, Andreas, Isle of Man, 897 LEAD (IOM) awareness of Systematic Lupus Erythematosus, an autoimmune Mrs R Tregellis [email protected] 882101 IM7 4HN disease. LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF Primarily, to provide for the welfare of patients of Ramsey and Ballakilley Farm, Maughold, Isle of 195 RAMSEY & DISTRICT Miss S Quayle [email protected] 817581/458548 District Cottage Hospital. Man, IM7 1AT HOSPITALS LEONARD CHESHIRE Unit B Part, First Floor, Willow The provision of residential accommodation and outreach 669 FOUNDATION (ISLE OF MAN) The Correspondent House, Main Road, Onchan, Isle of services for people with disability. LIMITED Man, IM3 1AJ The advancement of health for the benefit of the public, in particular in relation to Leprosy; The relief of those in need by reason of ill health and disability, in particular with people who LEPROSY MISSION ISLE OF are disadvantaged by leprosy, and people connected with them 2 Fuchsia Close, Ballagarey Road, 1251 Mr C Halliday MAN, THE to enable their integration in their communities; The eradication Glen Vine, Isle of Man, IM4 4DZ of Leprosy; and To undertake such other purposes that are exclusively charitable under Manx law as the Directors may in their absolute discretion determine. Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 567 LEZAYRE ENDOWMENT FUND The provision of funds for any educational purposes Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of LIFE PREGNANCY CARE To provide pregnancy and post-abortion counselling for people Glebe Cottage, Cooil , Braddan, Isle 405 Mrs M A Newton SERVICE (IOM) in the IOM. of Man, IM4 2AQ For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT LILLIAN KERMODE MEMORIAL Will dated 12 Jan 1989: For the general purposes of the Parish Apartment 6, Chapel Court, Christian 984 Mr P A Branford [email protected] 843771 FUND,THE of German and the Parish Church of St German. Street, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1NR To promote and assist people in the Isle of Man in acquiring skills in linguistics and computational linguistics in both natural and artificial languages. To facilitate and support the participation of a team, or of individuals to represent the Isle of Man in competitions such as the annual International Linguistics Ivy Cottage, Poortown Road, Peel, 1163 LINGOMANN LIMITED Mr R W K Teare [email protected] 01624 843873 Olympiad. To support and promote the non-commercial Isle of Man, IM5 2AN omann/supporters endeavours of people in the Isle of Man producing content in languages, natural or artificial, other than English. To promote the teaching and learning of second languages, natural and artificial in the Isle of Man. To assist home and foreign missions or individuals who in the opinion of the Directors are engaged in similar activities as a c/o Turnstone (Isle of Man) Ltd, LIVING HOPE COMMUNITY service to God. To do all such things incidental or conducive to 1076 The Secretary Dolberg House, 9 Athol Street, [email protected] 460531 CHURCH LTD the attainment of the object above and in furtherance of the Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LD advancement of the Christian faith as defined in the Statement of Faith as annexed to this Memorandum LONAN ENDOWMENT FUND To pay the charity's income annually to the district Endowment Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 500 (DEC) Committee Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of The Foundation Property is to be used for the promotion of health and the relief of sickness and for the advancement of science in the public interest by the means of promoting and expanding medical knowledge in the Isle of Man and elsewhere by way of investment in medical and/or scientific research and First Floor, Jubilee Buildings, Victoria LORIN K JOHNSON 1201 development, whether such research and development is Equiom IOM Limited Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 01624 699000 FOUNDATION carried out in structures established for charitable purposes, for 2SH profit or otherwise, including schemes and funds ultimately interested in such research and development and by the making of grants to fund medical and/or scientific research and development. The distribution of help and information to members of the public who have been diagnosed and suffer from M.E. or who 16 Banks Howe, Onchan, Isle of 381 M E SUPPORT (I.O.M) have symptoms thereof. To make the public at large more Mrs C Marshall [email protected] Man, IM3 2ET aware of the illness and to raise funds for research into its causes and possible cure. To provide support, assistance and information directly or indirectly to people affected by cancer; to further and build 5 Mount Pleasant, Douglas, Isle of 604 MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT cancer awareness, education and research and to provide and Mr A Killip [email protected] 632953 Man, IM1 2PU influence effective care, involvement and support for people effected by cancer. The relief of persons suffering from Macular Disease and the Bank Chambers, 15-19 Athol Street, 1123 MACULAR DISEASE SOCIETY promotion of research into the condition. The education of the Mr J J Callin 623195 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LB public and the dissemination of the results of research. To provide a last wish for terminally ill children in the IOM. The Mount Auldyn House, Jurby Road, 374 MAKE A WISH IOM charity is established for purposes of benevolence and social Mrs J Dixon [email protected] 07624 481000 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3PF benefit. MALCOLM DICKINSON For the benefit of music and musicians who are based on the 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle Of 1039 Secretary [email protected] 01624 605705 CHARITABLE TRUST, THE Isle of Man Man, IM1 1LB MALEW EDUCATIONAL For the purpose of religious instruction of children and young 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 893 Mr B Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 TRUSTS persons of Malew Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA MALEW ENDOWMENT FUND To pay the charity's income annually to the district Endowment Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 501 (DEC) Committee Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To supply mainly winter fuels to the elderly in need but also any MALEW ENDOWMENTS Thie Ingan, 2 Reayrt Lhean, 533 form of assistance to any person living in Malew, agreed by the Mrs I Collister [email protected] 851384 COMMITTEE Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1HQ committee, to need help. MALEW GRAVE MAINTENANCE For the perpetual care, maintanence, repair of any grave or 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 901 Mr B J Powell [email protected] 497848 FUND graves in any parish burial ground. Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT MALEW PARISH CHURCH 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 528 To build a new and separate church hall for the Abbey Church. Mr B J Powell [email protected] HALL Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA MALEW PARISH CHURCH 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 892 The maintenance of Malew Parish Church Mr B J Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 TRUSTS Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA To provide medical supplies clothing and first aid training to communities in need in any part of the world. To provide 4 Strang Close, Strang, Isle of Man, 1090 MANANNAN OVERSEAS AID knowledge and promote understanding of self help and to work The Secretary [email protected] 260102 IM4 4QU alongside but not be limited to other Manx charities of the same nature. To promote research into human health, biology and physics in the Isle of Man, to promote and develop industry in the Isle of MANANNAN SCIENCE 100 Ballamaddrell, Port erin, Isle of 1198 Man and to promote the prevention of illness and the care and Capt. K Lawrence [email protected] 07624 226244 INSTITUTE Man, IM9 6AZ treatment of persons suffering from illness, whether mental or physical in nature in the Isle of Man To raise money in the Isle of Man and use it to address the needs of impoverished rural families in India with the aim of enabling them to achieve a sustainable improvement of their Mill House, Glen Road, Colby, IM9 1023 ManASVI Mr A N Whybrew [email protected] 837548 lives. The needs addressed will be access to education, access 4NY to medical treatment and support where security of livelihood is threatened. MANN 2000 DUKE OF To provide funding for young people who wish to progress on Ardwhallan Outdoor Education 765 Mr P Melling [email protected] 01624 853711 EDINBURGH'S AWARD FUND the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Centre, West Baldwin, Isle of Man, To rescue stray and unwanted cats and kittens, rehabilitate and rehome them where possible. Encourage the neutering of cats Ash Villa, Main Road, Santon, 705 MANN CAT SANCTUARY Capt J Critchley not required for breeding. Inform the public on the care of cats Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 1EE and kittens. To help fund school fees, books and uniforms for children in the MANNIN - AFRICA SPONSORS third world countries. Payment of school fees is the priority and Ellan Vannin, 13 Kerrocruin, Kirk 875 Mrs R E Camara [email protected] 878033 INTERNATIONAL charity will primarily focus on the Gambia with the intention of Michael, Isle of Man, IM6 1AF branching to other third world countries if funds permit. To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed Clypse Beg, Little Mill Road, Hillberry, 823 MANNIN AFTERNOON GUILD or party so as to enable them to make the best contribution Mrs J Purvis [email protected] 674718 Isle of Man, IM4 5BF towards the common good To promote and protect the physical and mental health of sufferers of Sepsis, also referred to as blood poisoning or septicaemia, in the Isle of Man, through the provision of support, and practical advice. To support those in the Isle of 18 Hawthorn Close, Onchan, Isle of 1220 MANNIN SEPSIS Man affected either directly of indirectly by Sepsis. To advance Mrs D T Struthers 678005 Man, IM3 3HZ the education of the public in the Isle of Man in the subject of Sepsis and the promotion of any objects for the benefit of the community which are now or hereafter may be deemed by Manx law to be charitable. For the charitable purpose of the relief of adults in the Isle of Man who are vulnerable due to learning disabilities or mental or 28 Howe Road, Onchan, Isle of Man, 1197 MANX ADVOCACY PROJECT The Secretary [email protected] 01624 610959 physical health needs, in particular by providing support and IM3 2BA services to meet their needs. For the purpose of promoting community participation in MANX AMATEUR BOXING CLUB 122 Watterson Lane, Douglas, Isle of 1048 healthy recreation by the provision of facilities for amateur Mr P A Roberts [email protected] 620152 LIMITED Man, IM2 6ND boxing To foster the development and advancement of the art of the MANX AMATEUR DRAMA Theatre in every aspect and to stimulate co-operation between Tedslair, 21 Terence Avenue, 672 The Secretary [email protected] 621468 FEDERATION member societies and to strive to secure a Manx National Civic Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5BN Theatre. To help and support animals either at home or abroard 67 Larivan Meadows, Andreas, Isle 1199 MANX ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE domestic or wild and to develop education around care, Mr D Kelly [email protected] 253202 of Man, IM7 4JF conservation and preservation of animals Director Of Dept. of Education and Children, 12 MANX APPRENTICES AID TRUST Assistance to Apprentices and Students. [email protected] 685828 Education Hamilton House, Peel Road, Douglas,

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To promote the welfare of sick children. To bring to the notice MANX ASSOCIATION FOR THE of parents, teachers and those employed or under training in 31 Close Rushen, Castletown, Isle Of 340 WELFARE OF CHILDREN IN the Health Services the special needs of children in hospital. To The Secretary 823114 Man, IM9 1NN HOSPITAL promote the treatment of sick children at home. To raise funds and invite and receive contributions.... To promote the welfare of asthma sufferers in the IOM. To Twoways, 1 Cronk Road, Lhergy 402 MANX ASTHMA ASSOCIATION advance the education of asthma sufferers. To provide funds Mr P L Cain Cripperty, Union Mills, Isle of Man, 07624 472185 for research into the treatment of asthma. IM4 4WJ To act as a focal organisation for awareness and preservation of MANX AVIATION aviation and military history on the island. The key areas of 47 Fuchsia Grove, Ballasalla, Isle of 827 Mr I Ramsden PRESERVATION SOCIETY interest being builidings, records, people, artefacts and relics, Man, IM9 2DT photographs, crash sites and literature. To encourage and advance the performance, study and Apartment 6, Windsor House, appreciation of the Arts in the IOM, particularly amongst the 766 MANX BALLET COMPANY Dr J Bethell Promenade, Port Erin, Isle of Man, [email protected] 01624 832870 island's youth by the teaching and presentation of the Arts and IM9 6LA by other means. To monitor and promote public interest in Basking Shark activity in the seas around the Isle of Man, to raise awareness of the MANX BASKING SHARK Glen Chass Farm House, Glen Chass, 1181 need to conserve marine life particularly Basking Sharks in the Mr G Hall [email protected] WATCH Rushen, Isle of Man, IM9 5PJ seas around the Isle of Man and to promote research into all aspects of marine conservation To promote the knowledge, study, conservation and welfare of 4 Ballasteen Drive, Andreas, Isle of 443 MANX BAT GROUP Mr K Wells [email protected] 91624 880551 bats in and around the IOM. Man, IM7 4HQ The taking of a census and the compilation of a comprehensive 31 Cronk Cullyn, Colby, Isle of Man, 711 MANX BIRDLIFE and detailed atlas of birds in the IOM to be used for education, Mr N G Morris [email protected] 01624 861130 IM9 4PS conservation and other purposes beneficial to the community.

The welfare of blind persons in the IOM. The co-ordination of all activities on behalf of the blind in the IOM and the common centre for registration purposes and for the organisation and Thie Gennal, 19 Princes Road, 132 MANX BLIND WELFARE SOCIETY Mr I Cooil 218777 extension of voluntary work for the blind. The co-operation in Douglas, Isle of Man the fullest possible manner with any other Society whose interests cover the general welfare of the blind. To raise awareness and advance education respect of breast cancer. To maintain and develop breast cancer services and MANX BREAST CANCER research. To fund and promote charitable projects for the 10 Manor Road, Farmhill, Douglas, 1098 Mrs K Wagstaffe [email protected] 484950 SUPPORT GROUP benefit of persons effected by breast cancer on the IOM. To Isle of Man, IM2 2NN improve the quality of life of people with/effected by breast cancer in the IOM To provide or cause to be provided in the Isle of Man facilities and services for the treatment of those suffering from Breast Derby House, 35/36 Derby Square, 1149 MANX BREAST CARE UNIT Cancer. To provide or cause to be provided in the Isle of Man Mr D S Gawne [email protected] 461247 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 3LW care services and support for those affected by Breast Cancer and raising awareness of Breast Cancer. To promote for the benefit of the public the conservation of MANX BUTTERFLY butterflies and moths and their habitat. To advance the 52 Ballalough, Andreas, Isle of Man, 1057 Mr G Curtis [email protected] 01624 882027 CONSERVATION education of the public in the conservation of butterflies and IM7 4HX moths their habitat. Working with the government, statutory authorities and persons and organisations who provide treatment, care or other The Lisa Lowe Centre, Old 1024 MANX CANCER HELP services or assistance to cancer sufferers and/or their carers to Mrs A Chambers Schoolhouse, Cronkbourne, Isle of [email protected] 679544 offer the best possible treatment, care, services and assistance Man, IM4 4QH for cancer patients and their families, friends and carers.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To educate and inform persons suffering from cancer as to how they can help themselves in their fight against cancer : that The Lisa Lowe Centre, The Old MANX CANCER HELP they can have the right to assume some responsibility for their 408 Mrs A Chambers School House, Cronkbourne, Isle of [email protected] 01624 679544 ASSOCIATION own health : to adopt a lifestyle in an effort to prevent cancer Man, IM4 4QH recurring and a general approach which can be used to counteract disease and enhance health and general well-being. Providing carriage driving experience for persons suffering from Hon Sec Manx CD4D, Stonehaven, MANX CARRIAGE DRIVING 4 1172 any condition which affects their day to day life, whether it is Mrs C Galloway Main Road, Union Mills, Braddan, [email protected] 01624 851398 DISABLED physical, mental or emotional IM4 4LW Raising monies through musical events and merchandising for 25 Bemahague Avenue, Onchan, Isle 931 MANX CHARITY AID the benefits of charities helping the Manx community and The Secretary of Man, IM3 4AP residents. Protection, support and increase of the Chough population of the IOM. Protection, maintenance and advancement of any Lyndale, Derby Road, Peel, Isle of 467 MANX CHOUGH PROJECT Mr A S Moore other species of bird, animal, reptile or fish, deemed worthy by Man, IM5 1HH the Trustees in their absoloute discretion. By a resolution taken at a meeting of Northern Branch on 15 MANX CITIZENS ADVICE 6 The Grove, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 256 September 1977. To provide free and confidential guidance on Mrs B M Udy [email protected] 476613 SERVICE (RAMSEY) 1LB personal problems and difficulties in Ramsey. By a resolution of the Rotary Club of Rushen and Western Mann MANX CITIZENS ADVICE Cronk Beg, The Howe, Port St Mary, 283 on 1 August 1978. To provide free and confidential guidance on Mrs E M Buck [email protected] 832092 SERVICE (SOUTHERN DISTRICT) Isle of Man, Isle of Man, IM9 5PR personal problems and difficulties in the south of the island.

For the purpose of assisting persons to resolve problems and MANX CITIZENS ADVICE 8 Kermode Road, Eyreton Lea, personal difficulties. The Charity will seek to meet this purpose 996 SERVICE DOUGLAS & ONCHAN Mrs J E Cowin Crosby, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 [email protected] 851793 by such means and in such Isle of Man locations and at such BRANCH 4BZ times as it may from time to time consider appropriate. The erection, maintenance, repair and safeguarding of 34 Greeba Drive, Onchan, Isle of 1223 MANX COMMEMORATIVE TRUST monuments in the Isle of Man and the provision of educational The Secretary [email protected] Man, IM3 1EW facilities To foster, develop and promote in the Isle of Man the performing arts of music,dance and speech in all its form and to MANX COMPETITIVE MUSIC, 1 St Ninians Court, St Ninians Road, 1127 provide competitions for the performance of music, dance and Dr J M Yates [email protected] 672150 SPEECH AND DANCE FESTIVAL Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4BY speech in all its forms and to hold or support amateur festivals of such performing arts. To provide assistance to people known to the Courts in the IOM or elsewhere and their families when they are not otherwise provided for, to help young people and first offenders. Help prisoners on discharge from custody. Maintain an ongoing Greenmount, 57 Cronk Ny Greiney, 78 MANX COURTS MISSION Mr D Gawne [email protected] 623294 interest in the subsequent welfare of anyone who has come to Tromode Park, Douglas, IM2 5LW the attention of the Mission. Help the families of any people charged or convicted, both during and after the currency of their sentences.... Started under the name of the Manx Deaf and Dumb Society at a meeting held in December 1930. The Society collected Cork Beg, Grove Mount, Ramsey, 232 MANX DEAF SOCIETY Mrs L Buxton [email protected] 202875 voluntary subscriptions and received outright legacies enabling Isle of Man, IM8 3HP the Trustees to buy 3 Somerset Road, Douglas. The income and property of the company, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely to promote and assist the welfare, health, education and support of persons of all ages in Cork Beg, Grove Mount, Ramsey, 1253 MANX DEAF SOCIETY, THE Mrs L Buxton [email protected] 202875 the Isle of Man who are deaf, whether wholly or partially Isle of Man, IM8 3HP lacking in the sense of hearing (and whether or not such persons also have speech difficulties or impairments). To support individuals in the Isle of Man suffering dementia. To 16 Manor Road, Farmhill, Braddan, 1102 MANX DECAF fund and promote charitable projects for the benefit of such, Mrs N Sinclair [email protected] 611311 IM2 2NN improve their quality of life and maintain and develop services.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT For the relief of those suffering from Diabetes and its related 80 Fairways Drive, Mount Murray, 415 MANX DIABETIC GROUP Mrs J Clarkson complications and support of those who care for them. Braddan, Isle of Man For the admin of all monies entrusted to it by way of gift, bequest or otherwise from individuals or organisations for the War Pensions Welfare Office, MANX DISABLED SAILORS, 148 benefit of ex-servicemen, widows and dependants of deceased Mrs C Beattie Markwell House, Market Street, SOLDIERS & AIRMEN'S FUND men in the benefits available, in addition to those in receipt of Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PF disability pensions. To ensure the recognition of Dyslexia as a disability needing MANX DYSLEXIA support and special educational strategies and to ensure that Coan Aalin, Greeba Bridge, Greeba, 706 Mrs C Seaward ASSOCIATION these are available to all dyslexics. To ensure that each Dyslexic Isle of Man, IM4 3LD individual has the opportunity to fulfil his or her potential. MANX EATING DISORDER To provide support and promote recovery for individuals Hampton Croft, Clanna Road, 1097 Miss G Shelley [email protected] 07624 330922 SUPPORT experiencing eating disorders or eating issues. Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 2HP To advance, promote, develop and surpport the provison of MANX EDUCATIONAL AND education in the Isle of Man. The provision of mobile library Cooil Rhenny, Braaid Road, St Marks, 1089 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Mr R Berry [email protected] services and any other activity for the benefit of the community IM9 3AP LTD of the Isle of Man which is charitable under Manx law.

To co-ordinate and encourage the efforts of all those concerned MANX ELECTRIC RAILWAY M.E.R.S., P O Box 117, Douglas, Isle 276 with the future of the Manx Electric Railway by political means, The Secretary [email protected] 490629 SOCIETY of Man, IM99 1JS PR and advertising, money raising and encourage traffic. The principle activity is to promote improvement of the MANX ENERGY ADVICE CENTRE, environment, the use of energy conservation techniques, the The Old School, East Baldwin, Isle of 846 Mr G Fincher [email protected] 851482 THE development of alternative energy sources and the provision of Man, IM4 5EP an Advice Centre. For beneficiaries of persons resident or born on the IOM who served at any time with the 15th (Isle of Man) L.A.A. Regiment 6/7 Fort William, Head Road, 748 MANX EX-SERVICE TRUST The Secretary 01624 675528 RA (T.A) or is the spouse, widow, widower or child of any Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5BG referred to person. The Club shall provide for the leisure time of the mentally handicapped through organised activities of all kinds aiming to 7 Hedgerow Close, Braddan, Isle of 291 MANX GATEWAY CLUB The Secretary provide recreational, social and educational pursuits to its Man, IM2 1NA membership To advance education in the Geology of the IOM by research and publication, specifically undertaking fieldwork, writing 15 Highfield Crescent, Birch Hill Park, 791 MANX GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mr C Guard scientific papers, producing popular maps, presenting talks to Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 3BL the public and utilising media such as the internet and video. To educate the public in the dramatic and operatic arts. To MANX GILBERT & SULLIVAN further the development of public appreciation and taste in the 33 Fairfield Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 406 Mrs G Last [email protected] 07624 409416 SOCIETY said arts. To promote comedies, operas, operettas and other Man, IM3 4BG dramatic and operatic works of educative value. The benefit of persons taking part as officials, competitors or passengers in meetings organised by the Manx Cycle Club or MANX GRAND PRIX 1 Eyerton Cottages, Eyerton Road, 394 for persons who have previously taken part in meetings Mr E N Bowers [email protected] 451632 BENEVOLENT FUND Crosby, Isle of Man, IM4 4BU organised by the Manx Motor Cycle Club and their dependants by way of grants, loans, educational fees or otherwise. To advance amateur sport through the promotion of participation in amateur motorcycle sport in the IOM (but principally the Manx Grand Prix). To advance health or the MANX GRAND PRIX 2 Carrick Cottage, Ballamanaugh, 956 saving of lives through the promotion of the use of the rescue Mrs C Moreton [email protected] 01624 897808 SUPPORTERS' CLUB Sulby, Isle of Man, IM7 2HD helicopter and other equipment used in connection with motorcycle sports events in the IOM (but principally the Manx Grand Prix).

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To conduct a club for horse and pony driving and for providing, organising and promoting events, competitions, training, Ellan Vannin, Baldrine, Isle of Man, 830 MANX HARNESS CLUB LTD Mr J K Corlett 861116 education and recreation for persons taking part in or having an IM4 6HA interest in horse and pony driving... To provide support and information to people with heart 13 Bowness Close, Lakeside MANX HEART SUPPORT 788 disease and their relatives. To organise activities for group Secretary Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 01624 611273 GROUP members via regular meetings. 2DJ To conduct long term hedgehog activity surveys in the Isle of Man . To encourage and give advice to the Manx public concerning the rehabilitation and preservation of sick injured MANX HEDGEHOG 28 Albany Street, Douglas, Isle of 1183 and orphaned hedgehogs. To fund research into the Mrs S Moore [email protected] 07624 413921 CONSERVATION SOCIETY Man , IM2 3LE behavioural habits of Manx hedgehogs and to ascertain the best methods of assisting their survival to avoid them becoming an endangered species. To promote and assist in the permanent preservation of the cultural heritage of the island and in particular to provide Fairfield House, Main Road, St Johns, 333 MANX HERITAGE FOUNDATION Dr B C Maddrell [email protected] 676169 facilities for the public to enjoy and acquire knowledge of that Isle of Man, IM4 3NA heritage... The aim is to help Manx families stay together during the wait 67 King Edward Road, Onchan, Isle 400 MANX HOUSING TRUST LTD Mr M William Poole [email protected] 480147 for a Public Sector house to be allocated. of Man, IM3 2AR To promote the welfare and other relief of persons in the Isle of Man suffering from renal disease including the relief of financial hardship caused to renal patients and their family members as MANX KIDNEY PATIENTS 9 Cronk Road, Union Mills, Isle of 1204 a consequence of suffering from such disease. To provide Mrs H Scott [email protected] 07624 460226 ASSOCIATION Man, IM4 4NJ facilities in the Isle of Man for the treatment of renal patients and to raise public awareness in the Isle of Man of renal disease To stage a literary festival each year in the Isle of Man for the 8 Milner Close, Port Erin, Isle of Man, 1100 MANX LITFEST Mr J Quirk [email protected] 464634 benefit of Manx residents IM9 6BG The relief of poverty, elderly persons, ill or disabled persons, 201 Admirals Court, Mooragh 1021 MANX LOTTERY TRUST the advancement of education and any other purposes Mr T Butler Promenade, Ramsey, Isle of Man, [email protected] 813260 beneficial to the community. IM8 3AX To support and assist persons in the Isle of Man suffering from MANX MACULAR SUPPORT 10 Clifton Drive, Ramsey, Isle of 1258 Macular disease and to advance the education of the public Mr N H Malpass [email protected] 813771 GROUP Man, IM8 3ND concerning Macular disease, its causes and treatment. By Resolution of Meeting held 18 Jan 1943 : With the sum of £600.00 collected it is proposed to acquire and equip a Rest 10 Carrick Bay View, Ballagawne 150 MANX MARINE SOCIETY Room for Members of the Merchant Navy visiting the port of Capt R K Cringle 838233 Road, Colby, Isle of Man, IM9 4DD Douglas, and for other purposes connected with the welfare of merchant seamen. The relief of people with a learning disability in particular by the provision of help and support for them and their families, Mr W Centre 21, Greenfield Road, Douglas, 206 MANX MENCAP dependants and carers. To provide or assist in the provision of [email protected] Wannenburgh Isle of Man, IM2 6ED facilities for the recreation or other leisure time occupation for people with learning disability. To promote and protect the physical and mental health of children suffering from pervasive and specific development Lilleo Farmhouse, Lower Sulby Farm, disorders in the Isle of Man through the provision of financial 1124 MANX MIRACLES Ms L Connor Cscollag Road, Abbeylands, Isle of [email protected] 01624 480926 assistance, support, education and practical advice and to Man, IM4 5BX enhance the education of the general public in all areas relating to child persvasive and specific developmental disorders MANX MOTOR SPORT Providing training for marshals, timekeepers and other 63 Westbourne Drive, Douglas, Isle 1243 MARSHALS' ASSOCIATION motorsport officials to enhance the safety of motor sport and to Mr M Blackburn [email protected] of Man, IM1 4BB LIMITED assist in the organisation of motor sport events. Advancing and protecting the health of the public. The provision of information and support, including practical and 8 Vicarage Park, Douglas, Isle of 1189 MANX MSA TRUST, THE The Secretary welfare support to those affected by Multiple System Atrophy Man, IM2 2QB (MSA), their families and carers.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The object of the Branch is to raise funds for research into the cause and cure of muscular dystrophy and allied diseases. To MANX MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 61 Westhill Avenue, Castletown, Isle 526 offer assistance to neuromuscular families and those who care Mr S M Cannell [email protected] 861715 BRANCH of Man, IM9 1HY for them and to link closely with local organisations and associations in the district for social services and otherwise. Public Museum, Library and Art Gallery and any purpose of a historical, scientific, archaeological, ecclesiastical, physical, MANX MUSEUM & NATIONAL industrial or educational character. The promotion of the C/o Manx National Heritage, 603 Mr E C Southworth [email protected] 648000 TRUST permanent preservation for the benefit of the people of the Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 3LY IOM, of buildings, features and chattles of national, historic or artistic interest. To teach and train young people of the IOM to play in such a group and to further the interest of music making and The Jim Crosbie Memorial MANX NATIONAL YOUTH BAND, 966 appreciation of music in general amongst your people. MYB The Secretary Bandroom, 1 Park Road, Douglas, [email protected] THE shall achieve this in the first instance, by rehearsals, concerts, Isle of Man, IM2 3EL contesting, study workshops and concert tours. The promotion of general, health, educational and support MANX RAINBOW ASSOCIATION, programmes relevant to a non-discriminatory and diverse 81 Saddlemews, Douglas, Isle of 1161 The Secretary THE working and living environment in the Isle of Man relating to Man the LGBT community MANX REGIMENTAL TRUST, To preserve for the future, the contents and memory of the Ballafreer House, Union Mills, Isle of 935 Mr J C Fargher [email protected] THE Manx Regimental Museum. Man MANX RETIREMENT To provide social, instructional, educational and leisure activities Manx Retirement Association, 1 St 807 Mrs M J Daniels [email protected] ASSOCIATION for mature men and women resident in the IOM. Marys Glebe, Fistard, Port St Mary, MANX ROMANIAN PROJECT Aid and support to Christian and humanitarian projects in 2 Peveril Villas, Main Road, 801 Mrs S L Torpey [email protected] 825504 TRUST, THE Romania and elsewhere in the world. Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 2DA MANX STEAM & MODEL To foster an interest in steam machinery and model 5 Whitehouse Cottages, Main Road, 653 The Secretary [email protected] 01624 877735 ENGINEERING CLUB LIMITED engineering of all kinds, particularly in young people. Kirk Michael, Isle of Man , IM6 2HE To improve the quality of life of people who have suffered 80 Malew Street, Castletown, Isle of 696 MANX STROKE FOUNDATION Mrs M Redmayne [email protected] 01624 824361 strokes and live, or have lived on the IOM. Man, IM9 1LS The exhibiting principally in the Isle of Man and elsewhere of vehicles for public educational benefit. The benefit of interest in MANX TRANSPORT the history and development of transport and the doing of all 28 Demesne Road, Douglas, Isle of 1138 Mr R J Davis [email protected] 07624 426001 ENTHUSIASTS ASSOCIATION such other things as are incidental or conducive to those Man, IM1 3DY objects, including but not limited to the storage and restoration of such vehicles in the Isle of Man The establishment of a Transport museum in the IOM MANX TRANSPORT MUSEUM 47 Ballaquane Park, Peel, Isle of 829 incorporating all forms of transport. The group will also seek to Mr S Knight [email protected] 01624 842448 GROUP Man, IM5 1PX preserve the islands transport heritage. The presentation and display or transport vehicles and artifacts within the Isle of Man. The promotion of educational facilities 36 Victoria Road, Castletown, Isle of 1034 MANX TRANSPORT TRUST LTD The Secretary [email protected] 01624 825572 with regard to, and a better understanding of transport and Man, IM9 1ED within the Isle of Man. To help and support all those who cannot help themselves, 3 Heather Lane , Abbeyfields, 260 MANX VARIETY CLUB Miss V Oates hence our motto "Help Us To Help Others". Douglas, Isle of Man To promote, encourage and defend at all times the interests of MANX VIKING WHEELERS 21 Marathon Avenue, Douglas, Isle 643 the sport and pastime of cycling inter alia by way of promoting Mrs J Black [email protected] 614497 CYCLING CLUB of Man, IM2 4JB and organising IOM International Cycle week. To conserve and protect Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises MANX WHALE AND DOLPHIN 1 Tynwald Road, Peel, Isle of Man, 1188 (cetaceans) in Manx Territorial waters through research and Miss J Adams [email protected] 07624 393496 WATCH IM5 1JZ Education The treatment and care of sick, injured or orphaned wild birds, 11 Victoria Road, Castletown, Isle of 1228 MANX WILD BIRD AID found on the Isle of Man or in its coastal waters so that the Mr D Cole [email protected] 07624 247666 Man, IM9 1EN birds can be returned to the wild. To record and study places and objects of botanical, zoological, ecological, geological, archaeological or other scientific interest, Eairy Kelly, Archallagan, Marown, 225 MANX WILDLIFE TRUST The Secretary [email protected] 676868 or of natural beauty, and to protect these from injury, ill Isle of Man, IM4 2HH treatment or destruction.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To provide sheltered workshop facilities for the disabled people C/o Manx Disabled Workshop for the MANX WORKSHOP FOR THE 320 resident in the IOM and to assist such persons to be employed The Secretary Disabled, Old Nobles Site, [email protected] 815957 DISABLED in useful and remunerative work. Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, Isle of To advance the musical education of the Choir Members by MANX YOUTH CHOIR Cooill ny Greiney, Ballagale Close, 305 providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for the choir, The Secretary [email protected] 834879 ASSOCIATION Surby, Isle of Man, IM9 6QL which are not normally provided by the Dept. of Education. Promoting assistance for young people in the Isle of Man to The Jet Cente, Ronaldsway Estate, 1168 MANX YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES Miss K G Walker [email protected] 07624 222145 enable them to seek employment or further their education. IM9 2RJ To raise funds for the Isle of Man to be used for neuroscience research funded by The Walton Neuroscience Fund (Walton Fund). To remit funds received at the end of each financial year MANX/WALTON CENTRE 8 Douglas Street, Castletown, Isle of 1010 to the Walton Fund. To enable Isle of Man residents, who Mr D A Brown [email protected] 823985 RESEARCH FUND Man, IM9 1AY require the specialist medical services available at the Walton Centre, to benefit from advances in neuroscience research undertaken by the Walton Fund To raise funds to support Manx Charities, Associations and Heatherbank, Fairy Cottage, Laxey, 1042 MANXAID Individuals by means of assistance with equipment, or financial Mrs W Douglas [email protected] 331367 Isle of Man, IM4 7HP aid where proven to be applicable MAROWN ENDOWMENT Ballafreer House, Union Mills, Isle of 600 To help the poor, elderly and infirm within the Parish. Mr J C Fargher COMMITTEE Man, IM4 4AT MAROWN ENDOWMENT The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 568 FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of MAROWN MEMORIAL PLAYING The provision of playing fields and recreational facilities for the Ballavitchel Lodge, Ballavitchel Lane, 859 Mrs L Quayle 851659 FIELDS general public Crosby, Isle of Man, IM4 2DL MAROWN MEMORIAL PLAYING To provide and manage a recreation ground with facilities in the Ballavitchel Lodge, Ballavitchel Lane, 929 Mrs L Quayle 851659 FIELDS LIMITED Parish of Marown. Crosby, Isle of Man, IM4 2DL MAROWN PARISH To operate an approved housing association for the purposes of 3 Alexander Road, Glen Vine, Isle of 464 Mr S J H Joynson COMMUNITY CARE the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Man, IM4 4EH To advance the education of the pupils of the school, providing MAROWN SCHOOL and assistiang in the provision of facilities for education at the 167 Fairways Approach, Mount 728 Mrs E Cox [email protected] 490412 ASSOCIATION school (not normally provided for by the Department of Murray, Isle of Man, IM4 2JH Education). DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St Deed dated 15 April 1987: To provide an income for charitable 490 MARY JANE MARTIN TRUST The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, uses and purposes in connection with the town of Castletown Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX MAUGHOLD ENDOWMENT Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 569 The provision of funds for any educational purposes FUND Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To promote communal activities of a wide ranging character Ballakilley Frm, Maughold, Isle of 460 MAUGHOLD SOCIAL CLUB Miss S Quayle [email protected] 817581/458548 and develop a Parish community spirit. Man, IM7 1AT The promotion of industry and commerce and any other 5 The Fountains, Ballure Promenade, 806 McKENZIE TRUST, THE charitable purpose for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Mrs B McKenzie [email protected] 814932 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1NN the IOM. MEADOW VIEW COMFORTS DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 478 To add to the comfort of the residents of Meadow View The Secretary FUND Andrews House , Finch Road, To advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art and science of choral musician all its MEADOWSIDE CHORAL 74 Ballanorris Crescent, Ballabeg, 841 aspects by the presentation of public choral concerts; and for Mrs N Lean [email protected] 01624 823659 SOCIETY, THE Isle of Man, IM9 4ER the general purposes of such charitable bodies or other purposes as the Committee may from time to time decide. MEALS ON WHEELS Cronk Whyllam, The Promenade, 209 The provision of meals to people who are housebound. Mr R L Brown ORGANISATION IOM Port St Mary , Isle of Man, IM9 5DE To benefit charitable institutions primarily involved in medical 33 North Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man, 655 MEDICAL RESEARCH LTD research. Research involving paliative care, cancer or Aids The Secretary IM1 4LB related diseases. To provide funds for the purchase of items or services for the MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE 5 Sunnydale Avenue, Port Erin, Isle 992 benefit of patients of the Mental Health Service provided by Mrs E Haynes [email protected] PATIENTS' COMFORT FUND of Man, IM9 6ET DHSS.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES To provide funds for the continued professional development 5 Sunnydale Avenue, Port Erin, Isle 991 Mrs E Haynes [email protected] EDUCATION TRUST and education of members of staff of the Mental Health Service. of Man, IM9 6ET The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 570 MICHAEL ENDOWMENT FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To provide financial assistance to 'the deserving' of the parish MICHAEL ENDOWMENTS 26 Kerrocruin, Kirk Michael, Isle of 587 with home heating at christmas and to give financial help in The Secretary COMMITTEE Man, IM6 1AG cases of acute need during the year. To apply the income and all such parts of the capital towards MICROGAMING HEALTH AND development, maintenance, supply of equipment or training of Briardale, 6 Shore Road, Castletown, 850 Mr B Smith 699085 CARE TRUST, THE professional personnel at any hospital or medical facility in the Isle of Man, IM9 1BF IOM in the absolute discretion of the trustees. The Foundation was formed at a meeting of the Race Committee of the Tourist Board held on 15 April 1981. The MIKE HAILWOOD Old School House, Rushen, Isle of 301 meeting was held for the specific purpose of determining the Mr J Watterson FOUNDATION Man, IM9 5LR best way of commemorating the motor-cycling achievements of Mike Hailwood M.B.E. To hold the Milntown Estate for the use and benefit of the Manx The Milntown Trust, Milntown, people and visitors to the IOM for cultural and edcuational 754 MILNTOWN TRUST, THE Mrs J A Whiteway Lezayre Road, Lezayre, Isle of Man, [email protected] 812321 purposes. Surplus funds in any year to make payments to other IM7 2AB Manx charities. To award an annual prize out of the income of the charity to MONA DOUGLAS MEMORIAL the pupil of St Ninian's High School, who had made the most St Ninians High School, Douglas, Isle 403 Mrs S Shimmin 648800 FUND outstanding contribution to Manx Studies or to the preservation of Man, IM2 5AR of the Manx Heritage and culture. To do all such acts and things as may provide, promote or 42 Broogh Wyllin, Kirk Michael, Isle 793 MOOINJER VEGGEY advance and assist in education through the medium of Manx Mrs D Saunders [email protected] 01624 870078 of Man, IM6 1HU Gaelic. MOTHERS UNION - DIOCESE Main purpose is to be especially concerned with all that Yn Balley, Lhergy Cripperty, Union 676 Mrs J E Cretney [email protected] 01624 851060 OF SODOR & MAN strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. Mills, Isle of Man, IM4 4NH The principal activity of the company are the prevention of alcohol, drugs and gaming related problems through education, research and community service, and the treatment and MOTIV8 ADDICTION SERVICES 4 Ashen Bank, Tromode Woods, 275 rehabilitation of anyone affected by alcohol, drugs and Mrs E J Brackett [email protected] 01624 673905 LIMITED Braddan, Isle of Man, IM4 4TP gambling related problems and the alleviation of the effects of alcohol, drugs and gambling misuse amongst persons normally resident in the Isle of Man. To help and support patients in its area. Support authorised MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE research. Stimulate local publicity and information about the Alpines, Curragh Road, St Johns, Isle 605 ASSOCIATION (ISLE OF MAN) Mrs C A Pain disease and the Association. Raise funds to support local and of Man, IM4 3LN LIMITED national work. Support the National Association. Will dated 30 August 1951: For the Trustees to divide the nett P O Box 307, Third Floor, Exchange MRS EUNICE BOWLING WILL The Stanley 178 annual income from the residue of my estate to church House, 54/58 Athol Street, Douglas, TRUST Trustee Co. Ltd purposes of a charitable nature. Isle of Man, IM99 2BE Ard Jerkyll, East Foxdale, Isle of 26 MSPCA Dormant charity - remaining open to receive legacies - see 26A Mrs D Clague [email protected] Man, IM4 3HL To help prevent cruelty to animals on the island and elsewhere by rescuing those at risk, re-homing those whose owners are Ard Jerkyll, East Foxdale, Isle of 26A MSPCA no longer willing or able to keep them. Educating and lobbying, Mrs D Clague [email protected] Man, IM4 3HL where necessary, talking to groups and schools. Active fundraising efforts to support aims. Support and relieve people affected by multiple sclerosis. Encourage people effected by multiple sclerosis to attain their 3 Cronk Drean, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1256 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY full potential as members of society by improving their The Secretary [email protected] 01624 670127 IM2 6AY conditions of life and to promote research into multiple sclerosis and allied conditions and to publish the results.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Charter of Constitution / Rules : To co-operate with the medical profession to encourage scientific research into the causes of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS and the cure for Multiple Sclerosis and to aid and ameliorate the 3 Cronk Drean, Douglas, Isle of Man, 254 SOCIETY OF GB AND NI IOM Mr D Patience [email protected] 07624 480755 conditions of those suffering from it. Also, to encourage and IM2 6AY BRANCH provide opportunity for persons everywhere to take an active interest in all aspects of MS. MYSORE COTTAGES CUBBON Cedar Lodge, Jacks Lane, Port-E- 25 Mr D F Poole TRUST Vullen, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 Deed of June 1986: The Settlors to pay, from time to time, Sunnyside, Dalby, Peel, Isle of Man, 349 NADINE CHARITABLE TRUST such sums or sums in cash or investments for charitable Mr D J Talbot IM5 3BR purposes. To make available, financial support to Isle of Man Residents suffering from a brain tumour in the form of provision of NASEEM'S MANX BRAIN 3 Orry Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1046 grants/goods and services and to provide direction of where to Mrs G Pishvaie [email protected] 07624 499521 TUMOUR CHARITY IM1 1BW find support for their condition and information about brain tumour conditions. To provide support and education to Manx resident parents, NATIONAL AUTISTIC SOCIETY, 7 St Patricks View, Peel, Isle of Man, 982 carers and professionals dealing with Asperger or high Mrs B A Jolly [email protected] 845140 IOM BRANCH, INTERACT IM5 1UR functioning children or young adults. To provide information and support for people with Osteoporosis. Promote education for the public and health NATIONAL OSTEOPOROSIS ISLE 5 The Abbey Woods, Ballanard Road, 771 professionals. Lobby government and health authorities and Mrs T Lomax [email protected] 676694 OF MAN GROUP Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5PL encourage fundraising into Osteoporosis prevention and treatment. To provide funds for the continued professional development NOBLE'S HOSPITAL EDUCATION Noble's Hospital, Strang, Douglas, 949 and education of members of staff of Noble's Hospital where Mrs M Morris [email protected] 650400 TRUST Isle of Man, IM4 4RJ this is relevant to the care and treatment of patients. To provide funds for the purchase and maintenance of NOBLE'S HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT Noble's Hospital, Strang, Douglas, 947 equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of patients of Mrs M Morris [email protected] 650400 TRUST Isle of Man, IM4 4RJ Noble's Hospital. To provide funds for the purchase of items or services (other NOBLE'S HOSPITAL PATIENTS Noble's Hospital, Strang, Douglas, 948 than for their diagnosis and treatment) for the benefit of Mrs M Morris [email protected] 650400 COMFORT TRUST Isle of Man, IM4 4RJ patients of Noble's Hospital. Trust Deed 29 February 1996. Funds and income shall be for the benefit of the members of the crew of Ramsey Lifeboat. NORBURY BOATHOUSE FUND, 75 Lezayre Park, Ramsey, Isle of 698 The shore helpers who assist with the launching and,or Mr K A Christian 815138 THE Man, IM8 2PU recovery of the Ramsey Lifeboat. The dependants of any of those included above. To help protect and progress the health and wellbeing of the Director, Old Ballachrink Farm, 1106 NORMAN COSTAIN TRUST Mr N Little [email protected] 01624 614858 people of the Isle of Man Breeze Hill, IM2 5EJ NORMAN RADCLIFFE To award a prize to each class in Andreas School to the pupil Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 887 EDUCATION FUND deemed to have made the most effort and progress. Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To relieve poverty, sickness, distress and to advance education and promote such other purpose for the benefit of residents in the Local Government district of Onchan which are charitable according to the laws of the Isle of Man. Also to raise funds to 16 Central Drive, Onchan, Isle of 1178 ONCHAN COMMUNITY FUND provide charitable services for the benefit of people resident in The Secretary [email protected] 07624 225747 Man, IM3 1EU the District of Onchan. The charity will raise monies through any event as approved by the committee and may make grants to other Isle of man organisations and Manx registered charities that have similar aims. The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 572 ONCHAN ENDOWMENT FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of ONCHAN ENDOWMENTS Tynwald Act 1951: To provide assistance to the needy of 29A Cronk Avenue, Birch Hill, 537 Mrs J Kelly [email protected] 01624 675373 COMMITTEE Onchan District Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 3DF The training of young girls and boys in the art of Carnival 48 Buttermere Drive, Lakeside dancing. The inspiration and development of self confidence, 472 ONCHAN ENTERTAINERS Mrs E Kaye Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 [email protected] 07624 481449 loyalty and teamwork. Participation in Carnival competitions and 2DZ community events. For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT 10 Second Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 895 ONCHAN PARISH HALL For the raising of funds to benefit Onchan Parish Hall Mrs J Callister 622379 Man, IM3 4LE To offer friendship and support to, and to promote the welfare of persons aged 50 years or over who are in receipt of a retirement pension, whether an Isle of Man Social Security 27 Birchill Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 1236 ONCHAN PENSIONERS CLUB pension (or similar payment from public funds in the United Mr Quirk [email protected] 627863/429808 Man, IM3 4ES Kingdom or elsewhere) or arising in relation to a former occupation or employment, and who are resident in the Village or Parish of Onchan or elsewhere in the Isle of Man. To raise funds for school facilities and/or equipment and ONCHAN SCHOOL 16 Groudle Road, Onchan, Isle of 713 activities and to encourage social contact between teachers and The Secretary [email protected] 202004/647968 ASSOCIATION Man, IM3 2EJ parents To promote the enjoyment of brass band music. To teach music on a range of instruments to young people. To raise 2 Briarfield Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 423 ONCHAN SILVER BAND Mrs K H Karran [email protected] 492854 money for the charities by playing at fetes, fairs and other Man, IM3 3JN functions. To raise awareness on the Isle of Man of Global poverty, inequalities and the environment. To promote education and encouragement within the Isle of Man of a society and One World Centre, Thie Garey Ny ONE WORLD CENTRE ISLE OF environment in which people are inspired to make a positive 1192 Miss R Crease Cloie, Foxdale Road, St Johns, Isle of [email protected] MAN contribution to the alleviation of global poverty, environmental Man, IM4 3AS degradation and inequality. The promotion of any objects which are now or thereafter may be deemed by Manx law to be charitable. Trust dated 31 Dec 1990 : To glorify God by providing a context within which people of any age group and any place are Ballachrink Lodge, Grove Mount, 437 OPEN GATE TRUST Ms J Evans [email protected] 293800 brought within hearing of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 3HP under the leadership of committed Christians. The relief of ill health by encouraging organ donation. The advancement of education concerning organ donation by the promotion of research into all aspects of the subject and the establishment and maintenance of a memorial garden in the ORGAN DONATION ISLE OF Isle of man to commemorate organ donations and the relief of Woodville, Ballanard Road, Douglas, 1262 Dr D Walker MAN emotional distress and mental ill health of persons resident in Isle of Man, IM2 5PW the Isle of Man who have suffered bereavement, connected with the death of a person whose organs were donated or are to undergo or are expecting to undergo an organ transplant operation by the provision of counselling and support. For the purpose of naming and equipping a room in the new OSKAR'S DREAMS- 22 Clybane Rise, Farmhill, Braddan, 985 IOM Children's Hospice (Rebecca House) and thereafter to help Mrs D Herbert [email protected] 01624 665790 REMEMBER JADE Isle of Man, IM2 2LU finance care for the island's ill or needy children. To prevent and relive poverty and to protect the vulnerable; to advance sustainable development and to promote human Oxfam, 10 Castle Street, Douglas, 1139 OXFAM Mr S A Bailey [email protected] 01624 677220 rights, equality and diversity in particular where to do so Isle of Man, IM1 2EU contributes to the prevention and relief of poverty. To fund the building of schools in remote areas of Nepal. To 11 Laurel Avenue, Birch Hill Park, 987 PAHAR TRUST NEPAL maintain the schools and to provide educational links with Mr J H Green [email protected] 25 June 3607 Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 3JE schools in Nepal and the UK/IOM.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To provide support to parents with teenagers and young adults who are experiencing or are affected by or who are at risk of experiencing or being effected by emotional or psychological disturbances or mental distress. Support to teenagers experiencing or are affected by psychological disturbances or mental distress through the provision of safe haven 34 Royal Park, Ramsey, Isle of Man, 1187 PARENT2PARENT The Secretary accommodation, support and early intervention. Information to IM8 3UF the public, public bodies and youth charities and to raise awareness of the emotional and psychological disturbances and mental distress experienced by teenagers, young adults and their families and to assist in the alleviation and prevention of such experiences. Various Wills and Indentures set up for the Trustees to 11 Victoria Road , Port St Mary, Isle 34 PARISH OF ARBORY CHARITIES administer at their discretion, for the benefit of the Parishioners Secretary [email protected] 01624 832055/07624 485158 of Man, IM9 5AF of Arbory PARISH OF SANTON POOR Various small legacies bequeathed to benevolent individuals at Grenaugh Beg, Harbour Road, 27 Secretary [email protected] 823482 FUNDS (E J CLUCAS BEQUEST) different times (as per noted from Vicar & Wardens Book) Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 1HF To promote research into the treatment and cure of people PARKINSON'S DISEASE suffering from Parkinson's disease and to improve the quality of Mrs P Shimwell- The Mount, Saddle Road, Douglas, 668 [email protected] 438878 / 897504 SOCIETY ISLE OF MAN life of people in the IOM affected either directly or indirectly by Mayo Isle of Man, IM2 1HL the disease. To improve the quality of life of people in the Isle of Man affected either directly directly or indirectly by Parkinson's PARKINSON'S DISEASE SOCIETY Mrs P Shimwell- 1157 Disease. To raise awareness in the Isle of Man of all aspects of , [email protected] 438878 / 897504 ISLE OF MAN Mayo Parkinsons Disease and to promote research into the treatment and cure of people suffering from Parkinsons Disease. PATRICIA MARGARET A charitable trust formed on 29 April 1974. To support old 8 St Georges Street, Douglas, Isle of 262 Crowe Morgan MANLEY CHARITY TRUST people's welfare and animal welfare as the trustees see fit. Man, IM1 1AH The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 573 PATRICK ENDOWMENT FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To relieve sickness, suffering and distress and to promote good health especially but not exclusively amongst children and the elderly, through the advancement of education in relationships between people and companion animals. To preserve public PAWS FOR THERAPY (ISLE OF Barroose House, Baldrine, Lonan, 993 health and protect the public from nuisance by promoting high Mrs M J Sims [email protected] 497870 MAN) Isle of Man, IM4 6AR standards of responsible dog ownership. To relieve the suffering and distress of dogs in need of care and attention by the advancement of public education in the health, care, management and training of dogs and by all other means. To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed PEEL (E) TOWNSWOMEN'S 13 Close Quane, Peel, Isle of Man, 824 and party so as to enable them to make the best contribution Mrs B Forster 843153 GUILD IM5 1PY towards the common good Codicil of Will of Frederic Craig Harris of 8 December 1966 : Gelling Johnson Farrant, 24 Athol That the Trustees shall ensure that there is in operation a 219 PEEL CHARITY FUND Mrs E Parkes Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 [email protected] 675367 service of meals to the homes of aged, infirm or sick persons in 1LA the Douglas and Peel areas. Operating a shop to raise money to support various Manx 24 Belle Vue Park, Peel, Isle of Man, 815 PEEL CHARITY SHOP registered charities, International charities and recognized Manx Mrs M Bowden [email protected] 843812 IM5 1UF worthy causes. Meeting to elect Peel Coal Fund following receipt of a legacy of £500.00 from Trustees to Estate of Catherine Wood. For the 1 Rosedene Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 192 PEEL COAL FUND Mr C Moore purpose of providing free coal for persons in need in Peel and Man, IM3 3HF collecting funds for that purpose. To pay the charity's income annually to the district Endowment Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 494 PEEL ENDOWMENT FUND (DEC) Committee Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of PEEL ENDOWMENTS To assist persons resident in the district as regulated under the Westward, Knocksharry, Ramsey 1194 Mr W D Allan [email protected] 844257 COMMITTEE National Assistance (Isle of Man) Act 1951 Road, Nr. Peel , Isle of Man, IM5

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Advancement of Religion based on the 1689 Westminster 37 Belle Vue Park, Peel, Isle of Man, 1225 PEEL GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs S M Richardson [email protected],uk confession of faith IM5 1UE To promote and assist in promoting the preservation 5 Mourne View, Peel, Isle of Man, 471 PEEL HERITAGE TRUST development and conservation of the buildings and amenities of The Secretary [email protected] 842486 IM5 1UJ Peel and its history. PEEL MEDICAL WELFARE To provide medical equipment for the furtherance of the Health Peel Medical Centre, Derby Road, 597 The Secretary FUND and Safety of Peel Practice Patients. Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1HP A Will dated 20 September 1927. For the purpose of providing and laying out a public park in or near the town of Peel - the C/o Town Hall, Derby Road, Peel, 227 PEEL TOWN PARK Commissioners to have full power of making such bye-laws and Mr P Sewell [email protected] 01624 842341 Isle of Man, IM5 1RG regulations for securing to the public the reasonable use and enjoyment of the Park. Providing replica longboats for public recreation, sport and charitable fund raising. Educating children and adults with PEEL VIKING LONGBOAT Station House, Station Road, St 973 regard to the Viking Heritage of the IOM. To permit and Mr J W Lee LIMITED Johns, Isle of Man, IM4 3AJ encourage the use of the longboats for recreational, sporting and charitable fundraising purposes. Established by the Isle of Man Law Society : For any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of and any 27 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of 552 PEOPLE IN NEED The Secretary charity established in the Isle of Man as the Trustees shall think Man, IM1 1AR fit. PERMACULTURE To advance public education in Permaculture, sustainablity and 3 Taubman Street, Ramsey, Isle of 795 Mrs R I Andrews [email protected] 07624 490128 ASSOCIATION I.O.M., THE related subjects. Man, IM8 1DH Plot 2, Ballabridson Park, Ballasalla, 310 PERREE BANE DANCE GROUP No Governing Document on file Mr J Dowling [email protected] 823047 Isle of Man, IM9 2ES To promote, help or give assistance of any kind whatsoever to The Rydings, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre, 234 PETS AID LEAGUE animals and to all lawful acts as the League may consider to be Mrs W D Barham [email protected] 813014 IM7 2AF right or incidental to those objects. To encourage, promote, develop physical and psychological PISCES SWIMMING CLUB FOR 17 Hilberry Close, Glen Park, 314 rehabilitation of disabled persons through swimming, for social Mr B Dulson [email protected] 07624 494761 THE DISABLED Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 6HP benefit. PLANTATION ROAD DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 483 To provide an income for Southlands Comforts Fund The Secretary ALMSHOUSES TRUST Andrews House , Finch Road, To support Manx Gaelic as a community resource and to Mr N A A Cott Coan ny h-Awin, Old Sulby, 1132 POBBLE support the culture and heritage of the Isle of Man through [email protected] McFarlane Lezayre, IM7 2BB Manx Gaelic PORT ERIN BRANCH OF THE Royal Charter of Incorporation 1860: For the preservation of life Operations C/O Port Erin Lifeboat Station, Old 277 RNLI from shipwreck Manager Breakwater Road, Port Erin, Isle of To promote the Christian Gospel Faith and Christian charitable institution in the IOM. To provide a place for worship and 86 Friary Park, Ballabeg, Isle of Man, 714 PORT ERIN GOSPEL CHURCH Mrs N Gregson religious instruction and education for persons professing the IM9 4ES Christian Gospel faith. To use the Hall for a Parish room and for any charitable purpose or purposes calculated to promote the spiritual, moral, C/O 18 Thirlmere Avenue, Lakeside RECREATION 458 intellectual or physical improvement or welfare, or the Mrs G Edwards Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man , IM3 [email protected] 01624 626567 HALL reasonable recreation advantage or benefit of the parishioners 2DP of the parish of Braddan. To assist and progress community projeccts in Port St Johns, PORT ST JOHNS COMMUNITY Flat 1, Adelaide, 6 Esplenade, 1142 South Africa, to include the establishing and further Mr S Allen [email protected] 07624 214734 CENTRE FUND Douglas, IM2 4LP development of a local football organisation PORT ST MARY AND DISTRICT The provision of allotments and providing information and Cronk Beg, Ballagawne Road, Colby, 1059 Mr S P Hulbert [email protected] 431559 ALLOTMENT SOCIETY furthering interest in allotments Isle of Man, IM9 4AZ To provide social and recreational facilities for members and the local community by the promotion of bowling according to the PORT ST MARY BOWLING Laws of the Game adopted by the British Crown Green Bowling New Haven, Shore Road, Port St 1049 Mr R Dixon CLUB Association and Isle of Man County Crown Green Bowling Mary, IM9 5LZ Association. And to make donations, where appropriate, to local charities

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To promote the preservation and safeguarding of mental health, all forms of mental illness, disability or any other condition or circumstance and to include, without limitation, C/o Glenroyd, Lezayre Road, 826 PRAXIS CARE LIMITED those persons who have a learning disability or illness of old Mrs W Green [email protected] 01624 815299 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2TE age or any other condition. To promote and undertake research into the special problems of mental illness, or any other condition... Uphold the worship and doctrine of the Church of England and The Lynague, Ramsey Road, 952 PRAYER BOOK SOCIETY, THE of other Churches in the Anglican tradition as enshrined in the Revd I Faulds [email protected] 01624 842045 German, IM5 2AQ Book of Common Prayer. Promoting sailing for the disabled people and their able-bodied 42 Wybourn Drive, Onchan, Isle of 980 PRIDE OF MANN LIMITED Mrs M Clark helpers within the Isle of Man Man, IM3 4AN To serve the spiritual, emotional, social and physical needs of offenders, ex-offenders, victims and the families of all three as well as those at risk of offending and other members of the Island Community as well as persons or groups off-island as are The Alpha Centre, Broadway, 1120 PRISON WORKS ISLE OF MAN Mrs M K Brabbs [email protected] 01624 614411 identified and approved on a case by case basis. Objectives Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4EN include advancement of education, vicim awareness, restorative justice, employment both paid and voluntary and resettlement and after-care. To establish and then operate a recreational centre for mentally 29 Ashberry Avenue, Saddlestone, 872 PROJECT 21 Ms D O'Brien [email protected] 674038 handicapped people within the Island. Braddan, Isle of Man, IM2 1PY The advancement of education, the advancement of health, the relief of poverty and the advancement of such other charitable purposes for the benefit of the community in such manner as PSS, Radcliffe Villas, Glencrutchery 1260 PSS (UK) the trustees shall from time to time think fit and in particular Mr K D Fitton [email protected] 07624 292966 Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 6BG (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) by assisting individuals in need to live and/or manage their needs more independently. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 485 QUAYLE & CRELLIN TRUST To provide an income for Castletown Endowment Committee The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, Established as a means of raising funds for the provision of QUEEN ELIZABETH II HIGH Cromford, Eairy, Marown, Isle of 799 activities and equipment for the benefit of the pupils of Queen Mrs M Keating [email protected] 07624 492502 SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Man, IM4 3HU Elizabeth II High School. Will dated November 2004: To make grants to such of the inhabitants of Peel, Patrick and German over the age of 70 and 5 Parliament Square, Castletown, 969 QUEENIE CLUCAS TRUST, THE Mr J D R Kewley [email protected] living alone as the Trustees believe are worthy of financial Isle of Man, IM9 1LA assistance to pay fuel bills. To support and assist persons suffering from addiction or mental health issues and to ex-offenders to aid them through recovery, rehabilitation and re-integration into society and to Lindors, Quaterbridge Road, 1235 QUING Mr P J B Collins undertake such other purposes that are exclusively charitable Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 3RL under Manx Law as the directors may in their absolute discretion determine Income from the fund is to be paid or applied for the benefit of Department Of Education, Hamilton R A COLBY-CUBBON Director Of 561 a student who has attended the Isle of Man College, to enable House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Education him to complete his education in Marine Engineering. Man, IM1 5EZ R.B.M. QUAYLE CHARITABLE Trust Deed of 22 October 1973 : To make payments to Mullen Beg, Patrick, Peel, Isle of 298 Mr R B M Quayle TRUST charities or for charitable purposes as the Settlors may direct. Man, IM5 3AW RADCLIFFE VILLAS AMENITY DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 691 To provide improved amenities for the clients The Secretary FUND Andrews House , Finch Road, RAMSEY & DISTRICT COTTAGE The Trust which is governed by an Indenture dated 29 Ballahowin House, St Johns, Isle of 2 Mr D G Crellin 801347 HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT FUND Februrary 1908 Man, IM4 3NA The Trusts upon which the said monies are held to utilise the RAMSEY & DISTRICT COTTAGE same for such additional comforts or financial assistance to 4 Ormly Grove, Ramsey, Isle of Man, 179 Mrs S C Mealin [email protected] 07624 482359 HOSPITAL WELFARE FUND patients or nurses in the Hospital as they may think desirable IM8 3LG and being services not provided by the NHS.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT As per Trust Deed dated 14 March 1992 : The deed empowers the Trustees to make donations from income or capital to Mr P Hooson- 8 Clifton Drive, Ramsey, Isle of Man, 532 RAMSEY ADVENTURE TRUST persons in Ramsey, Lezayre, Maughold, Andreas, Bride, Jurby Owen IM8 3ND and Ballaugh who wish to participate in outdoor and adventure pursuits. RAMSEY ASSOCIATION To provide facilities for and to promote the playing of Thie Vael, 51 Greenlands Avenue, 912 Mr M Boulton FOOTBALL CLUB Association Football in the town of Ramsey. Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2PL To advance the Christian Faith, to relieve sickness and financial Inglewhite, Lezayre Park, Ramsey, 1037 RAMSEY BAPTIST CHURCH hardship, to advance education and to advance good The Secretary [email protected] 07624 316013 Isle of Man, IM8 2PU stewardship of the world's natural resources The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 574 RAMSEY ENDOWMENT FUND pupils Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of To advance the education of pupils in the school. Provide and Cork Beg, Grove Mount, Ramsey, 746 assist in the provision of such facilities or items for education at Mrs L Buxton [email protected] 07624 202875 ASSOCIATION Isle of Man, IM8 3HP the school (not provided from statutory funds). Established for the purpose of improving medical facilities and RAMSEY GROUP PRACTICE 4 Auldyn , Meadow Drive, Ramsey, 910 waiting room facilities at the Ramsey Group Practice for the The Secretary [email protected] 816560 CHARITABLE FUND Isle of Man, IM8 2TR benefit of the patients. To promote a permanent display of heritage artefacts and Masonic Buildings, Water Street, 1002 RAMSEY HERITAGE CENTRE memorabilia for Ramsey and the North of the Island at Quayle's Mr R A E Jelski 812107 Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1RD Hall, Albert Street, Ramsey To promote the preservation, development and conservation of 1 Market Hill, Ramsey, Isle of Man, 774 RAMSEY HERITAGE TRUST Mrs P A Shimmin [email protected] 814222 the buildings, heritage and amenities of Ramsey. IM8 1JT RAMSEY IOM ACTION GROUP The Action Groups on the island are inter denominational and Flay 10, Magnus Court, Kings Reach Miss H E 610 OF THE BRITISH & FOREIGN their work is to rasie money for the British & Foreign Bible Village, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 Rowlands BIBLE SOC Society. 3NT The objects of the fund today are to assist those persons of pensionable age residing in the Town of Ramsey who, in the 4 Coburn Drive , Ramsey, Isle of 190 RAMSEY OLD FOLKS FUND Mr R K Halsall [email protected] 816824 opinions of the Trustees, are in need of financial assistance Man, IM8 3PT towards their heating costs over the winter months. For the purposes of providing in the Town of Ramsey and the Flat 4 Kensington, Queens RAMSEY RUGBY UNION 884 Northern Parishes, facilities for the playing and promotion of Mr M Jelski Promenade, Ramsey, Isle of Man, [email protected] 214106 FOOTBALL CLUB Rugby Union Football. IM8 1BH To provide music and entertainment for residents of the IOM, but mainly in the North. This includes playing for the old and Poylldoogy House, Gardeners Lane, 431 RAMSEY TOWN BAND Mrs A Burton [email protected] 815580 hospitalised e.g. Ramsey Cottage Hospital each Christmas Day, Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 2TF Quayle's Hall, Ramsey, etc. To meet the needs of individuals and groups of young people RAMSEY YOUNG PEOPLES within the community to enable them to develop their potential 6 The Sycamores, Walpole Road, 686 Ms G Burns [email protected] PROJECT to become positive and contributing members of society with a Ramsey, Isle of Man, IM8 1LU caring and tolerant attitude towards others. REAYRT NY BAIE OLD DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St 474 PEOPLES HOME COMFORTS To add to the comfort of the residents of Reayrt Ny Baie The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, FUND Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX Confidential counselling service for those with difficulties or 5 The Abbey Woods, Ballanard Road, 470A RELATE - ISLE OF MAN Mrs T M Lomax [email protected] 676694 anxieties in their marriage or personal relationships. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5PL The relief of terminally ill patients by:- providing anything to any person or arranging and paying for holidays, recreation, entertainment or other events and thereby comforting such patient through the knowledge that one or more person will have pleasant memories of them , of being with them or of their relationship with them, the provision in the interests of Ballagick Farm, Moaney Road, 1087 REMEMBER ME social welfare of recreational facilities for terminally ill patients, Ms L Turnbull Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 1HY the relief in cases of financial distress of the dependants of terminally ill patients or of deceased terminally ill patients, the promotion of research into the causes and treatment of a disease or condition from which a terminally ill patient is suffering on terms that the results of such research are published

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The advancement of the Christian Faith for the benefit of the public, through the regular holding of christian services, 6 Cedar Grove, Pulrose Estate, 1180 RESTORATION HOUR CHAPEL distributing Christian literature, maintaining the premises used Mrs V Ahadzi [email protected] 07624 403408 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 1ES for worship and sharing the Christian faith with interested members of the public To give care and support to young people and young Manx students. Provide care to young people on the island involved in Cronk Mooar, Truggan Road, Port St 919 RICHIE'S CHARITY Mrs M Brookes accidents. Support young Manx voluntary Christian workers on Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5AX Christian missions. Providing disabled people with the opportunity to ride and/or to carriage drive to benefit their health and well being in the IOM. RIDING FOR THE DISABLED IOM To encourage disabled people to occupy positions of Bridge House, West Baldwin, 270 Mrs L McNamara [email protected] 851997 GROUPS responsibility within the Group. To raise funds and receive Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 5HA contributions in any manner that the Group sees fit, consistent with the charitable status of the Group. Charter of Incorporation granted 24 April 1860 : For the 4 Thirlemere Avenue, Lakeside 58 RNLI (DOUGLAS) Mrs M E Corran preservation of life from shipwreck. Provision of lifeboat service Gardens, Onchan, Isle of Man Royal Charter of Incorporation 1860: For the preservation of life Ballacross, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 278 RNLI (PEEL) Mr A C Corlett [email protected] 842200 from shipwreck 2AR Royal Charter of Incorporation 1860: For the preservation of life Ballahane House, Truggan Road, 282 RNLI (PORT ST MARY) Mr J Maddrell from shipwreck Port St Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5LD Deed of 2 December 1920 : Funds to be used for the upkeep and maintenance of the Norbury Lifeboat House, Ramsey, for C/O The New Norbury Boathouse, 64 RNLI (RAMSEY) the use and benefit of the members of the crew of the said Mr K A Christian Queens Promenade, Ramsey, Isle of Ramsey Branch RNLI, past, present and future, and the wives, Man widows, children, dependents. To provide medical and rescue services, equipment and training, on and off the island, by doctors, paramedics, ROB VINE FUND (inc. The Hoggery, Nobles Park, Douglas, 954 marshals and officials at any motorsport or event. To arrange Dr D B Stevens [email protected] company), THE Isle of Man, IM2 4BD training courses both on and off the IOM for such doctors, paramedics, marshals and officials. RO-MANAID THE ISLE OF MAN To provide help and support for the people of Romania and to 50 Malew Street, Castletown, Isle of 541 Mrs R Drown [email protected] ROMANIAN PROJECT foster cultural links between the IOM and Romania. Man, IM9 1AF A charitable Trust through which funds are raised by the receipt ROTARY CLUB OF DOUGLAS 64 Buttermere Drive, Onchan, Isle of 609 of investment income. Charitable donations are paid to Mr G Chase CHARITABLE TRUST Man, IM3 2EA charitable causes both within and outside the IOM. ROTARY CLUB OF ONCHAN For the charitable purpose of raising and distributing monies for 10 Oakdale, Douglas, Isle of Man, 916 Mr I Cook [email protected] 676847 CHARITABLE TRUST, THE charitable purposes in the IOM and elsewhere. IM2 7BT ROTARY CLUB OF RAMSEY To raise and distribute monies for charitable purposes in the 4 Coburn Drive , Lezayre , Isle of 831 Mr R K Halsall CHARITABLE TRUST IOM and elsewhere. Man, IM8 3PT ROTARY CLUB OF RUSHEN AND Established for the charitable purpose of raising and distributing Manchester House, Bradda West 700 WESTERN MANN CHARITABLE Mr M Gallagher [email protected] 07624 369781 monies for charitable purposes in the IOM and elsewhere. Road, Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6PL TRUST To promote the welfare by charitable means of those who are ROYAL AIR FORCES serving or have servied in our Air Forces, their wives and 43 Ballaquark, Douglas, Isle of Man, 462 Miss J Kelly [email protected] 662307 ASSOCIATION IOM BRANCH dependants and widows and dependants of those who died IM2 2ET either while serving in our Air Forces or thereafter. To create a bond of comradeship between all who have served ROYAL ARTILLERY in the Royal Artillery. To watch over the interests of the Artillery 7 Hillside Terrace, Douglas, Isle of 386 Mr W H Kneale ASSOCIATION (IOM BRANCH) men, their wives and dependants and generally to assist in their Man, IM1 4NA welfare should the occasion arise. To provide housing and any other associated amenities for persons of limited means and who are ex-Servicemen and ROYAL BRITISH LEGION women and their dependants, or in the absence of applicants in 47 Buttermere Drive, Onchan, Isle of 297 HOUSING ASSOCIATION (IOM) Mr E Thorn 613782 the former categories and at the discretion of the Society, Man, IM3 2 EB LTD persons from the community at large who otherwise satisfy the Society's tenancy qualifications.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT As per Royal Charter and Rules of the Royal British Legion. To 116 Ballanoris Crescent, Friary Park, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION IOM assist members of the British Ex-Service Community in the relief 624 Mrs A Cottier Ballabeg, Arbory, Isle of Man, IM9 [email protected] 01624 823974 COUNTY of distress or hardship including that of their immediate 4EU dependants. ROYAL MANX AGRICULTURAL To hold exhibitions of livestock etc. To promote, generally, the 61 Friary Park, Ballabeg, Isle of Man, 459 Ms C L Kennaugh [email protected] 01624 824844 SOCIETY interests of agriculture. IM9 4EW, Promote better education, training, employment and welfare of Estera Trust (Isle of Man) Limited, ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE Blind and partially sighted people. Generally to watch over and 1226 Ms D Gooding 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of [email protected] OF BLIND PEOPLE (RNIB) protect the interests of Blind and partially sighted people and Man, IM1 1LB prevent blindness. Royal Charter of 18 July 1954, Supplement Charter of 26 May ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION, 8 Brookfield Court, Ramsey, Isle of 767 1990: To provide help and assistance to serving and ex- Mrs E Clarke RAMSEY Man, IM8 2AW serving Naval personnel including the IOM. To provide an emergency ambulance service for the South of RUSHEN EMERGENCY the IOM. To train personnel to enable the Association to The Hathorns, Droghadfayle Road, 272 Mrs E E Wood [email protected] 830103 AMBULANCE COMMITTEE provide the service. To provide ambulance cover for community Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6EL events in the South. Making allowances in cash, or kind, to any person resident in RUSHEN ENDOWMENT 5 Radcliffe Close, Ballafesson, Port 535 the District who, in the opinion of the Endowment Committee, Mrs A Maddrell 834035 COMMITTEE Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6TN may properly be given such allowances. Department Of Education, Hamilton The provision of maintenance allowances to secondary school Director Of 575 RUSHEN ENDOWMENT FUND House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of pupils, and for further education courses and apprenticeships. Education Man, IM1 5EZ To preserve, record, research, enhance, communicate and exhibit the culture, heritage and history of the people, places, built and natural environment and community of the Sheading of Rushen. To encourage community involvement in Professor J H Baycliffe, Tower Road, Port Erin, Isle 1166 RUSHEN HERITAGE TRUST investigating and sharing this culture, heritage and history for [email protected] 01624 837785 Davidson of Man, IM9 6PP the benefit of public education. To enhance the attractiveness of the Sheading of Rushen for the benefit of local people as well as visitors from on and off island, for their entertainment and education To organise and perform musical concerts, also to train young Kinvara, 16 Close Cam, Port Erin, 274 RUSHEN SILVER BAND Mr P Faragher [email protected] 493193 / 832644 players and hold social and fund raising events. Isle of Man, IM9 6NB To assist in or towards the provision of a scholarship or scholarships to be awarded to undergraduate students at Department Of Education, Hamilton RUSSELL WILLIS Director Of 577 Liverpool University or Manchester University who gain the House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of SCHOLARSHIP Education most marks at GCE advanced level or equivalent entrance Man, IM1 5EZ examination. To provide or cause to be provided in the Isle of Man services which support victims of a criminal act of domestic abuse or SAFE STRONG SECURE (ISLE OF Digby Cottage, St Marys Road, Port 1133 who have otherwise suffered abusive behaviour, and their Ms T Wedgwood [email protected] 383050 MAN) Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6JG families, or those who are in danger of suffering or becoming perpetrators of domestic abuse. To provide sailing experience for persons suffering from any 36 Laurel Avenue, Onchan, Isle of 325 SAILING FOR THE DISABLED condition which affects their day to day life, whether physical, Mrs G Morley [email protected] 07624 404222 Man, IM3 3JF mental or emotional; living or visiting the Isle of Man. The provision of facilities and leisure-time activities in the SALISBURY STREET RESIDENTS interests of the social welfare of the residents of Salisbury Salisbury Street Nursing Home, 1247 Ms S Murray [email protected] 643330 COMFORT FUND Nursing Home and the provision of comforts for residents who Douglas , Isle of Man, IM2 3HS are in need by reason of financial hardship. To provide spiritual, emotional and medical support to people in Corlett Bolton & Co Advocates, 4 267 SALVATION ARMY, THE Ms S M Bolton 676868 need. Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, To assist persons who are suicidal, disparing or in distress. To SAMARITANS OF THE ISLE OF Samaritans, 5 Victoria Place, 284 provide immediate help, compassion and befriending and also Mrs C Glen [email protected] 01624 628255 MAN Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4ET referral for professional help. SANTON ENDOWMENT Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 576 The provision of funds for educational purposes COMMITTEE Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Corbrek, Church Road, Santon, Isle 551 SANTON ENDOWMENTS To assist those poor in the Parish as and when it is necessary The Secretary 824471 of Man, IM4 1EZ A scheme on or about the year of 1887 with the view to Gelling Johnson Farrant, Myrtle SARAH ANN JONES CHARITABLE Gelling Johnson 19 building a house or houses for gentlewomen in reduced Chambers, 8-9 Myrtle Street, [email protected]/[email protected] 01624 675367 TRUST Farrant circumstances……. Douglas, Isle of Man To promote the welfare of children in any country without differentiation on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, creed Baycliffe, Tower Road, Port Erin, Isle 199 SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND or sex: Supporting orphans and vunerable children : Helping The Secretary [email protected] 833109 of Man, IM9 6PP children get education : Keeping children free from hunger : Aiding in response to emergency disasters The principle activity of the Company is that of the running of 11 Coronation Terrace, Lord Street, 707 SAYLE GALLERY, THE the Courtyard Gallery and to advance the arts in the Isle of Mr J W Balanda [email protected] Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1LG Man. To raise money for the community in Uganda, Africa and The Priory, Ballaquane Avenue, Peel, 976 SCHOOL FOR UGANDA Miss J Needham [email protected] 801624 specifically for the education of children in the region. Isle of Man, IM5 1PR To further the work of Scripture Union on the IOM in seeking to SCRIPTURE UNION MINISTRIES lead children and young people and others to a saving faith in Clybane Cottage, Phildraw Road, 436 Mr S Curtis [email protected] 823475 TRUST our Lord Jesus Christ and to help and encourage them in the Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3DU service of God. Promotion of steam engineering education through the Millmount, Wheel Hill, Laxey, Isle of 1151 SEA LION LOCOMOTIVE TRUST maintenance and operation of steam locomotives on the Mr R Booth [email protected] 07624 431830 Man Groudle Glen Railway To assist organisations involved in the search and rescue of SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS 8 Harris Terrace, Douglas, Isle of 918 missing persons. To advance the education of the public in all Mrs C Lewis [email protected] 07624 459827 ASSOCIATION (ISLE OF MAN) Man, IM1 3LC matters relating to general dog welfare. Primarily to relieve poverty amongst those of all faith and none, in countries of low per capita income, particularly through training in sustainable agriculture and community development C/o 11 Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of 1164 SEND A COW and by the provision of livestock and/or other resources. A The Secretary [email protected] 01624 673060 Man, IM1 1AQ further object is to educate audiences and advocate for effective development. These objects are to be pursued in accordance with the principles and values of the Christian Faith Will exist for the purpose of promoting good mental health SERVICE USERS NETWORK Sun Office, Cronk Coar, Nobles 855 within the IOM. Providing information and education on Mental The Secretary [email protected] 616188 (SUN) Hospital, Isle of Man, IM4 4RJ Health island-wide. Principal activity being the operation of the Share the Care Hospice Isle of Man, Unit 14, 411 SHARE THE CARE LTD shops. Both donated goods and bought-in goods are sold The Secretary Springham Park, Spring Valley Ind [email protected] 01624 647400 through the shops. Estate, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 Refers to the Will of Isa Murray Sherwen dated 7 February Kelly Luft Stanley & Ashton, 2 1994. For the purchase of medical equipment in the Sydney Mount, Corner of 790 SHERWEN FUND, THE Mr J B T Stanley 674316 Isle of Man any balance not being applied within 21 years from Circular/Bucks Road, Douglas, Isle of 31 May 1999 to be paid to the trustees of Nobles Hospital. Man, IM1 1QD To work for the provision of Manx Gaelic education for all Close Veg, Castletown Road, Port St 797 SHESHAGHT NY PAARANTYN primary school children whose parents wish their children to be The Secretary [email protected] Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5LT educated through the medium of the Manx language. SILETTO CHARITABLE TRUST, For the advancement of education, culture and heritage Little Barn, 43 Knock Rushen, 1047 The Secretary THE whether in the Isle of Man or elsewhere Castletown, IM9 1TQ Providing community singing, dancing and drama groups across 11 Greenlands Avenue, Ramsey, Isle 1250 SINGING JO & CO Mrs J Jackson [email protected] 07624 252080 the Isle of Man for young children and their parents and carers. of Man, IM8 2PP

The principle activity of the company is the holding of SIR WALTER GILBEY investments for charitable purposes i.e. the relief of poverty, Ballacallin Mooar, Crosby, Marown, 239 The Secretary [email protected] 01624 851450 MEMORIAL CO LTD the relief of aged people, sick, physically injured, mentally Isle of Man, IM4 2HD incapacitated or disabled. Also the advancement of education.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To further the educational needs of those in the Isle of Man with learning difficulties by assisting suitable candidates to attend universities and colleges of further education. To improve the lives of those in the Isle of Man with learning difficulties, their families and carers by the provision of services SKILLS FOR INDEPENDENT relevant to meet their identified need. To promote the inclusion Glentruan Cottage, Lhen Road, 1077 Mrs G Revill [email protected] 485999 LIVING SCHEME of those with learning difficulties, their families and carers, in Bride, Isle of Man, IM7 4BG the educational, economic, social, cultural and potential life of the Isle of Man and supporting individuals to realise their potential. The promotion of any objects for the benefit of those with learning disabilities in the Isle of Man which are now or hereafter may be deemed by law to be charitable To assist families and individuals affected by miscarriage, still birth and neonatal death. To provide families with the 10 Close Ny Mooragh, North Shore 1155 SLEEPING ANGEL WOODS Mrs D Mackenzie [email protected] 01624 816706 opportunity to plant a tree or commemorate in any way their Road, Ramsey, IM8 3DS children and to raise awareness of these sensitive issues. SMALL COUNTRIES The reduction of poverty and improvement of financial 24 Ballaillaghyn, Mount Rule, 1044 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT governance in relation to small countries, as set out in clause 4 Mr C D Cowley [email protected] 01624 686152 Braddan, Isle of Man, IM4 4HX CENTRE, THE of the memorandum To organise concerted action for the protection and SOCIETY FOR THE preservation of buildings of historical interest, or architectural PRESERVATION OF THE MANX Cronk Marrey, Fairy Cottage, Laxey, 391 importance of rural scenery or of features of local interest and Mr W J Kaighin [email protected] 01624 861717 COUNTRYSIDE AND Isle of Man, IM4 7JP to promote co-operation between official bodies, societies and ENVIRONMENT, THE all persons interested. To do everything possible to reach and attempt to alleviate SOLDIERS SAILORS & AIRMENS need or distress among the wives, families, widows and Balladane, 7 Castle Mona Avenue, 425 FAMILIES ASSOCIATION (IOM Ms K Angela [email protected] 801438 dependants of Service and ex-Service men and women who Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4EA BRANCH) have served in any branch of the Armed Forces of the Crown. Helping young people by educating them through music, giving Belle Haven, 6 Glen View Terrace, 1160 SOUNDCHECK them the opportunity to practice and perform thus building Mr D Hattersley [email protected] 458301 Port Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6HA confidence and self esteem. To help young people by supporting and encouraging their education through music and by supporting opportunities for Hillsborough, Tynwald Road, Peel, 1259 SOUNDCHECK CHARITY Dr C Woolley [email protected] 07624 404455 them to practice and perform for the purposes of building their Isle of Man, IM5 1JL confidence and self-esteem. To help needs members of the association by providing SOUTH DOUGLAS OLD FRIENDS 27 Cedar Grove, Douglas, Isle of 182 fuel/clothing etc. and financially assisting with funeral expenses The Secretary [email protected] 497342 ASSOCIATION Man, IM2 1ES and articles of furniture in social housing. The trustees shall hold the trust fund and its income upon trust 6 Sandfield, Victoria Road, 372 SOUTHERN AQUANAUTS for the provision of any assistance of any kind whatsoever in Mrs C Cooke 824675 Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1EG relation to swimming facilities for the disabled. The promotion of the health, mental and physical welfare of those suffering from physical and mental illness, or SOUTHERN AUTHORITIES convalescing or undergoing medical treatment by providing 61 Garth Avenue, Surby , Rushen, 337 Mrs S Pilling [email protected] 457891 HEALTH CARE TRUST equipment and plant for physiotherapy staff and nurses at Isle of Man, IM9 6QZ hospitals, nursing homes, old people's homes and institutions and the provision of transportation for patients. To relieve elderly people, their families, dependants and carers SOUTHERN BEFRIENDERS 56 Broough Wyllin, Kirk Michael, Isle 939 in the south of the island who are in need by providing services Ms P Callister [email protected] 07624 415740 LIMITED of Man, IM6 1HU and facilities. To enhance the health and social welfare of the Southern community of the Isle of Man and to that end promote, SOUTHERN COMMUNITY Thie Rushen, Castletown Road, Port 1085 encourageand provide or cause to be provided facilities for Mr D S Gawne [email protected] 838186 INITIATIVES Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6BD recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the quality of life

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT The promotion of community health, rehabilitation and fitness of people in the Isle of Man; The provision of facilities for SOUTHERN COMMUNITY Merton House, The Promenade , 1246 recreation and other leisure-time activities to be known as the The Secretary [email protected] 07624 491643 SPORTS FACILITY Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1BJ "the Southern Community Sports Facility", in the interests of social welfare. To raise funds to provide a permanent pitch for Southern Nomads RUFC. To raise funds to facilitate the provision of SOUTHERN NOMADS SPORT 38 Droghadfayle Park, Port erin, Isle 1001 sporting facilities for the south of the IOM. To encourage the Mr N Kelly [email protected] 460695 / 836325 ERIN of Man, IM9 6EP ongoing participation in rugby on the island. To encourage the ongoing participation in all sporting activities across the island. DHSS - Finance Office, 3rd Floor, St SOUTHLANDS OLD PEOPLES 475 To add to the comfort of the residents of Southlands The Secretary Andrews House , Finch Road, HOME COMFORTS FUND Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PX The Group is committed to organising, promoting and funding 1 Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, Isle 358 SPECIAL OLYMPICS IOM recreational and competitive sporting activities for children and The Secretary [email protected] 07624 436419 of Man, IM1 4BL adults with intellectual disabilities in the IOM. Trust Deed of 21 May 1999 : For the maintenance of churches Reverend C B St Peters Rectory, Church Road, 837 SQUIRE TRUST, THE [email protected] 673743 in the Diocese of Sodor and Man. Burgess Onchan, Isle of Man, IM3 1BF Promoting and establishing bible based churches in the Isle of Treetops, Costain Close, Colby, Isle 2003 ST AUGUSTINE The Secretary [email protected] 01624 833510 Man of Man, IM9 4NZ The company provides residential-based services for children Fenella House, Fenella Avenue, ST CHRISTOPHER'S (ISLE OF 927 and young people in the IOM who are in need of care and in Mrs S Baggaley Willaston, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 [email protected] 01624 660292 MAN) some cases, secure accommodation. 6PD ST GERMAN'S CATHEDRAL To promote the education of the public in the study, practice, 3 The Grove, Tynwald Road, Peel, 1078 FOUNDATION FOR MUSIC Dr P E Litman [email protected] 07624 226356 knowledge and appreciation of music and the arts Isle of Man, IM5 1LB AND THE ARTS Deed of August 1986: The Settlors to pay, from time to time, Michael Turner & Co., 17 Hope ST JOHNS CHARITABLE 353 such sums or sums in cash or investments for charitable Mr M B Turner Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 TRUST purposes. 1AQ To restore the Old Mill, Mill Road, St Johns and to encourage 10 The Crofts, Ballaughton Meadow, 833 ST JOHNS MILL Christian initiatives in education, culture, heritage, conservation, Mrs C A Roberts [email protected] 01624 629683 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 1JQ arts and crafts. To provide members of the club with facilities for playing ST JOHNS UNITED football and other sports and to provide a clubhouse for 32 Fairway Close, Onchan, Isle of 847 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Mr C W Jones [email protected] 01624 626088 members and their guests to enjoy social and community Man, IM3 2EQ CLUB activities. Will of G Paton dated 18 May 1881: the property known as St Paul's House and Soup Kitchen was demised to the Vicar and ST PAULS DISCRETIONARY Wardens of St Paul's Church, Ramsey; and their successors in 17 Lezayre Park, Ramsey, Isle of 9 Mrs S Baldwin [email protected] 812267 FUND office to be held on trust for such good and pious uses as they Man, IM8 2PS from time to time may determine with full power to dispose of the property and apply the proceeds to like uses. Trust Deed of December 1997 : For the preservation, protection, restoration, renovation, care, repair, maintenance St Thomas's Parish Church, St ST THOMAS CHURCH FABRIC 718 and upkeep of the fabric of the said Church of St Thomas and Mr D Smith Thomas's Walk, Finch Road, TRUST having particular regard to the care, restoration and Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PL preservation of the mural paintings by J M Nicholson. The relief of poverty both on the IOM and overseas. The 78 Ballammaddrell, Port Erin, Isle of 967 ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Society is Christian but serves persons in need, regardless of Mrs P M Holden [email protected] 01624 834514 Man, IM9 6AZ creed, opinion, colour, caste and origin. To evangelise, extend fellowship and help to suffering Dreemfroy, St Marks, Ballasalla, Isle 796 STAUROS FOUNDATION I.O.M. alcoholics and those suffering from drug addictions and their The Secretary of Man, IM9 3AW families or friends if required.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT Working for the prevention of Stroke illness. Educating the public in all matters concerning stroke illness; carrying out, promoting or sponsoring research into the prevention or Corporate Options Limited, 10-12 treatment of stroke and the rehabilitation and long-term care of 945 STROKE ASSOCIATION, THE Corporate Options Limited Prospect Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, [email protected] 01624 612888 stroke sufferers and publishing the useful results of such IM1 1EJ research; relieving distress occasioned by stroke illness, in particular by the provision of advice and care in the community of stroke sufferers and their helpers. To support the Curraghs Wildlife Park in its conservation SUPPORTERS OF THE endevours and to encourage the Curraghs Wildlife Park to Clenagh House, Clenagh Road, 1263 The Secretary 897509 CURRAGHS WILDLIFE PARK maintain and extend its membership of professional zoological Sulby, Isle of Man, IM7 3AB bodies. For the support of the relatives of riders killed or fatally injured T.T. RIDERS ASSOCIATION in the TT races. For financial support if hardship or lasting Mountain View, Glen Maye, Isle of 546 Mrs F Thorp [email protected] 843695 (TTRA) disability due to racing injuries. Relief of poverty to old or infirm Man, IM5 3BJ TT riders of past years. To provide support for individuals and families on or from the Isle of Man that suffer bereavement through the loss of a child 17 Droghadfayle Park, Port Erin, Isle 1134 TABITHAS TRUST aged 16 or under and to provide equipment for medical Mrs V Kissack [email protected] of Man, IM9 6EP facilities involved in the treatment of children aged 16 or under from the Isle of Man To raise funds to assist in the protection of Endangered animal THANDI'S ENDANGERED Ballakilley, Ballamenagh Road, 1170 Species and to Educate and create awareness of potential Mr S P Goody [email protected] 01624 614015 SPECIES ASSOCIATION Baldrine, Isle of Man, IM4 6AH extinction of animals in the wild. To reduce HIV rates in the developing world. To provide access to basic education in local languages. To help women and 36 Market Street , Peel, Isle of Man, 1143 THARE MACHI (ISLE OF MAN) The Secretary [email protected] 01624 843262 children in the developing world achieve their potential. To IM5 1AE pioneer new, robust, simple technologies at village level. To apply funds to any charity registered in the Isle of Man and THE ALAN CHINERY 10 Auckland Terrace, Ramsey, Isle 1141 any charity registered in the United Kingdom and any purpose Mr R Corkill [email protected] CHARITABLE TRUST of Man, IM8 1AF deemed charitable under Manx Law. The charity is formed and is intended to be funded and THE APPLEBY CHARITABLE 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of 1092 operated by a firm of Manx Advocates. The funds of the charity Appleby Trust (IOM) Ltd [email protected] 01624 647647 FOUNDATION Man, IM1 1LB will be used to make gifts to charities on the Isle of Man. The advancement of the education of the public, both in the Isle of Man and world-wide, in relation to the work and legacy THE ARCHIBOLD KNOX 6 Alexander Drive, Duoglas, Isle of 1221 of Archobold Knox, namely the Manx artist/designer of that Mr C J Hobdell [email protected] 01624 663762 FORUM Man, IM2 3QE name born in the Isle of Man in 1864 and who died there in 1933 To provide relief of and support to Island residents who experience problems brought about by old age, sickness, 12 Hillary Wharf, South Quay, 1182 THE B.I.G MANX COMMUNITY Mr D G Jones [email protected] 07791 776264 disability, mental health issues, social deprivation and family Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5BL breakdown. The advancement of education through the advancement and 33-37 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of 2001 THE BIOARCHEOLOGY TRUST Ms E Pinnock [email protected] 01624 605705 promotion of bioarcheology. Man, IM1 1LB To develop and maintain the Cathederal Quarter and its role in the community, including educational and cultural activities in relation to the church's involvement in Manx history, heritage and art. To further promote, develop and maintain the THE CATHEDRAL QUARTER 45 The Promenade, Castletown, Isle 1094 Cathederal Quarter as an attractive place of public amenity and Mr T R Henwood [email protected] 7624215828 TRUST of Man, IM9 1BQ focal point in the regeneration and development of the town of Peel. To make additions to, extend, develop, repair and maintain the Cathederal and to provide furniture and artifacts for the Cathedral. To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To provide resources to help churches in their ministry and mission, discipleship and 13 Reayrt Lhean, Ballaough, 1162 THE CHURCHES BOOKSHOP nurture and to promote such other purposes which are Mr P F Shimmin [email protected] Castletown, Isle of Man, IM9 1HQ charitable under Manx law as may from time to time be determined. For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To encourage the spiritual and moral strengthening of mankind in accordance with the first great principle of the Order. To encourage and promote all work of humanity and charity for the relief of persons in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. The rendering of aid to the sick, wounded or suffering. To THE COMMANDERY OF THE award medals, badges or certificates of honour for special ISLE OF MAN OF THE MOST services in the cause of humanity. The maintenance and Glenview, 7 Stanley Terrace, 1112 VENERABLE ORDER OF THE development of the St. John Eye hospital in Jerusalem. The Mrs L M Osborne [email protected] Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4EP HOSPITAL OF ST. JOHN OF maintenance and development of the St. John Ambulance JERUSALEM objectives including, instruction to the public in the principles of 1st Aid, nursing and hygiene, the preparation, publication and distribution of text books to facilitate the above. Provision of trained personnel to assist central and local government at times of emergency. The formation of ambulance and medical comforts depots. To further the higher education of pupils studying or intending THE GEORGE DANIELS Ellan Vanin, Main Road, Baldrine, Isle 1096 to study the disciplines of horology, engineering, medicine, Mr J K Corlett [email protected] 01624 811311 EDUCATIONAL TRUST of Man, IM4 6HA building or construction Douglas Chambers, North Quay, 1093 THE ICM CHARITABLE TRUST Charitable purposes relating to children and charities locally Mr R Wilkinson [email protected] 682400 Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LA THE MEDICAL CLINICAL To further or benefit medical or clinical education in the Isle of Sycamore House, Jacks Lane, 1136 SKILLS CENTRE CHARITABLE The Secretary Man by the creation of a skills centre Maughold, Isle of Man, IM7 1AW TRUST To promote the material, mental and spiritual welfare of Children and young persons who have not attained the age of THE O'CONNOR FUND FOR CM Secretaries 8 St Georges Street, Douglas, Isle of 1159 21 years and who are or who have at some time been normally DEAF CHILDREN Limited Man, IM1 1AH resident in the Isle of Man and who are deaf or dumb or who suffer from any impairment of hearing. To promote the Education of, and the provision of Employment opportunities for persons in the Isle of Man who are at a Yn Ard Thie, Bradda Road, Port Erin, 1255 THE OPEN DOOR PROJECT Mr P Karran [email protected] 07624 200552 disadvantage in the workplace due to physical or mental IM9 6QA disability. THE QUEENS PIER The restoration, reconstruction, preservation and enhancement Bramble Lodge, 9 Ballasteen Road, 1210 Mr T Durrant [email protected] 880372/271172 RESTORATION TRUST of Ramsey's Queens Pier as a structure of historical value Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 4HG To promote the education of former pupils of state secondary schools in the Isle of Man by awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants tenable at any university, college or institution of higher or further education C/o Department of Education Sport & THE ROBERT HUNTER CAIN to enable such persons to undertake undergraduate study 1261 Mrs Y Mellor Culture, Hamilton House, Peel Road, [email protected] 685805 AND HILDA CAIN SCHOLARSHIP which, but for such award, they would be unable to pursue due Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5EZ to financial hardship, but no such award shall be made unless the recipient has been resident on the Isle of Man for a period of 10 years immediately prior to the commencement of such study. The Promotion of the heritage of the Isle of Man by the preservation and conservation of All Saints Lonan Church and the provision of facilities in the interests of Social Welfare for 6 Alexander Drive, Douglas, Isle of 1244 THE SAINTS CENTRE Mr C J Hobdell [email protected] 01624 663762 recreation or other leisure-time occupation through the use of Man, IM2 3QS All Saints Lonan Church as a Festival Church, Community Centre, Sports Hall and Educational Facility. To benefit either by itself or with other organisations, and in such manner as the rules of the foundation provide, such 9 Hope street, Doulgas, Isle of Man, 1152 THE SP GROUP FOUNDATION persons or classes of persons in developing countries and Mr H M Rutter [email protected] 01624 661800 IM1 1AQ elsewhere, in the fields of education, health, medicine, the relief of poverty or otherwise.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To advance the education of the pupils at St John's Primary THE ST JOHNS PRE SCHOOL School or at such other location as agreed by the trustees by 2 Larch Hill Grove, Tromode , Isle of 1111 Mr A E Page [email protected] 621634/220608 TRUST providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for pre- Man, IM2 5NU school education at the school. The promotion of local community participation in healthy THE TOMMY CLUCAS recreation by the provision of funding, in the interests of social 14 Kerrocurn, Kirk Michael, Isle of 1239 Ms A K Clusas [email protected] 426653 COMMUNITY SPORTS HALL welfare, of facilities and equipment for playing, training or Man, IM6 1AF participating in sport and physical activity. To advance life long learning and in particular the education of THE UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD 63 Windermere Drive, Lakeside 1121 people not in full time gainfull employment who are in their The Secretary [email protected] 623812 AGE (ISLE OF MAN) Gardens, Isle of Man, IM3 2DX third age, residing in the Isle of Man To promote and facilitate participation (playing or otherwise) in wheelchair sport on an open basis in accordance to the THE WOODEN SPOON principles of equality and opportunity and to promote friendship Balnahow, 13 Carrick Park, Sulby, 1122 Mr G G Turner [email protected] 200604 WHEELCHAIR SPORTS CLUB and social interaction both between members and other Isle of Man, IM7 2EX persons on an open basis and in accordance with principles of equality and opportunity. THOMAS FAYLE CHRISTMAS Will dated November 1982 & December 1985 : Provision of a Balladoole Farm, Bride Road, 355 CHARITY FOR LEZAYRE Mr D Duggan Christmas party for the children of the parish of Lezayre. Lezayre, Isle of Man, IM7 4AB CHILDREN To advance the education of the public by providing opportunities for ther personal development of the individual Lamode, Ballakillowey Road, Rushen, 703 THOUSLA CROSS TRUST and by the provision of facilities for the personal and social Mr P A Gawne [email protected] 834501 Isle of Man, IM9 4BP development of individuals by means of recreational and educational development. The promotion of local community participation in healthy TOMMY CLUCAS MEMORIAL recreation by the provision of facilities for playing and training 14 Kerrocruin, Kirk Michael, Isle of 942 Mrs A Clucas [email protected] 426653 FUND, THE for predominantly football, but also a variety of other sports Man, IM6 1AF such as rugby, hockey, cricket and athletics To educate and therefore empower members of the public by 8 High Street, Port St Mary, Isle of 1202 TRAVEL WATCH ISLE OF MAN developing a better understanding of public transport issues Mr B O'Friel [email protected] 01624 833636 Man, IM9 5DR within, to and from the Isle of Man To build a sporting facility in the IOM for gymnasts and special UNIFIED SPORTS CENTRE needs sports and to promote gymnastics and special needs 40 Wybourn Drive, Onchan, Douglas, 553 Mr I Bradshaw LIMITED sports, being an educational establishment and also beneficial Isle of Man to the community. To promote and provide facilities for the playing of the game of UNION MILLS FOOTBALL Association Football in all its forms and to provide facilities for 80 Birch Hill Crescent, Onchan, Isle 881 Mr S A Carter [email protected] CLUB coaching and training persons in the game of Association of Man, IM3 3DA Football… To support the principles of the UN Charter and to advocate the UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION use of its Agencies. To encourage public awareness of the UN 2 The Lhargan, Port St Mary, Isle of 371A Mr A Newton OF THE ISLE OF MAN and its Institutions in peacemaking and social and human rights Man, IM9 5AR throughout the World. Relief of those who are in charitable need, particularly those that are vulnerable due to learning disabilities or mental or physical health needs, or those in poverty, in particular by 16 Kirby Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1062 UNITED RESPONSE Mrs Miller providing support and services to meet their needs. To advance IM2 1PA equality and diversity in particular for those with learning disabilities or mental or physical health needs. To relieve distress poverty and sickness among persons in the IOM who are victims or witnesses of crime or otherwise affected by crime including the families and friends of such VICTIM SUPPORT (ISLE OF Thie Gammon Beg, The Crescent, 963 persons who are in need. To advance public education and The Secretary [email protected] 01624 679950 MAN) Baldrine, Isle of Man, IM4 6DY awareness by research into issues relating to the victims and witnesses of crime and their families and friends and to disseminate the useful results of such research.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT To champion education and enterprise bringing continuous and direct support to students and young people to maximise their Maynrys, The Meadows, Kirk 959 VOICE OF HOPE chance of success in the education system and business world Dr S Boussougou [email protected] 07624 252077 Michael, IM6 1EY by creating a comprehensive list of experts from academic, vocational and business background willing to coach the youth. Provide financial assistance for library services in Peel i.e. with Peel Town Commissioners, Town WARD LIBRARY - HARRY HILL 328 the purchase of books, works of art, manuscripts or articles of Mr D Sewell Hall, Derby Road, Peel, Isle of Man, [email protected] 01624 842341 MEMORIAL FUND historic value IM5 1RG The promotion of public health and welfare by assisting local 4a St Mary's Bay Apartments, The WESTRIDGE FOUNDATION, communities in the developing world and elsewhere to establish 1052 Mr P J Heel Promenade, Port St Mary, Isle of [email protected] 01624 837046 THE sustainable supplies of safe drinking water and attain standards Man, IM9 5DB of sanitation and hygiene The relief in cases of need, hardship or distress of persons who 1 Barrule Apartments, Shore Road, 1214 WHITE RABBIT CHARITY are residents of the Isle of Man including (but not limited) the The Secretary [email protected] 271600 Port St. Mary, Isle of Man, IM9 5LZ provision of financial assistance towards Christmas celebrations To benefit through charitable donations such other charitable causes and organisations as are approved on a case by case basis. These causes include but are not limited to : Relief and Ballacain, Little Mill Road, Onchan, 1070 WHITE ROSE, THE rehabilitation of those in need by reason of reason of youth, Mrs M K MacLeod [email protected] 614411 Isle of Man, IM4 5BE age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage or deprivation. Advancement of education and religion. Trust Deed dated 22 May 2002: To give financial support to Mann Cat Sanctuary, Ash Villa, Main 858 WHITRUST CHARITY animal charities in the IOM for payment of veterinary bills to The Secretary Road , Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 1EE reduce suffering of feral and domestic cats. Will dated June 1964 : Trustees to pay or apply the said income for the benefit of the poor and needy or infirm of Clayton Heights, the IOM branch of the Red Cross. Towards such Whitehouse, Kirk Michael, Isle of 193 WILLIAM HEWITT TRUST The Secretary research organisations engaged in research for cancer, Man, IM6 2HH rheumatism, leprosy, mental health and diabetes as the Trustees shall think fit. To provide scholarships for further education courses or Director Of Department Of Education, Hamilton 563 WILLIAM IRA KENNISH FUND maintenance and tool allowances for apprentices Education House, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Will dated 12 April 1933 : the income to provide a pair of boots annually at Christmas time for each school child of the labouring 18 Abbots Close, Abbotswood, 130 WILLIAM KISSACK CHARITY Mr B J Powell [email protected] 07624 497848 classes who resides at Derbyhaven or on Ronaldsway Farm and Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 3EA any balance for Children's Christmas Tree at Derbyaven. Will of William Quayle dated 9 August 1910 : For the benefit 79 WILLIAM QUAYLE TRUST and relief of sick, poor aged persons resident in the Parish of , Lezayre. Will dated 2 May 1961: To invest the capital and pay the annual WILLIAM SYDNEY CORKILL income of such investment thereof for the benefit of the poor Crowe Morgan Chartered 248 WILL CHARITABLE and deserving persons and charitable institutions and The Secretary Accountants, 8 St George's Street, ENDOWMENT organisations in the IOM at the absolute and uncontrolled Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AH discretion of the Trustees. For the purpose of establishing a spiritual retreat on the IOM which will be run as a non-profit making organisation to enable 61 Saddle Mews, Douglas, Isle of 863 WILLOMEE Ms C Howson lower paid/unemployed people to experience peace and Man, IM2 1HZ tranquillity within their lives. To improve the quality of life of terminally ill children and their families and carers. To provide, or arrange and pay for, Ballagick Farm, Moaney Road, 972 WISH UPON A DREAM holidays, recreation and entertainment to or for terminally ill Mrs L Turnbull [email protected] Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 1HY children and their families and carers. Advise and support families and carers of terminally ill children.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHARITIES Registered in the Isle of Man under the Charities Registration Act 1989 PUBLIC INDEX No CHARITY NAME OBJECTS ADDRESS EMAIL TEL WEB ADDRESS CONTACT For the benefit of women and children in the Isle of Man and elsewhere. The relief of poverty, sickness and distress by whatever means the trustees consider appropriate and the 10 Lezayre Park, Ramsey, Isle of 1053 WITH WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotion of education, by the awarding of scholarships, Mrs A Graham [email protected] 07624 491370 Man, IM8 2PU maintanence allowance or grants; and such other exclusively charitable purposes as the trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit. To raise awareness of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. To seek to provide information that can be used to aid suffered 3 Woodside Cottages, Braust Road, 1213 WITHOUT WINGS both physically and emotionally. To fund essential help for The Secretary [email protected] 461041 Andreas, Isle of Man, IM7 4ES sufferers during times of greatest physical and/or emotional need in relation to the illness. To pay an annual income to various charities named in the Tremesare, Blackberry Lane, 389 WOLFE & AILEEN TRUST The Secretary Deed of Settlement dated 3 August 1978. Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4PD To promote the welfare of and give assistance to women and 5 Abbey Woods, Ballanard Road, 398 WOMENS AID children who have been or who are at risk of being assaulted Mrs T Lomax Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 5PL and abused as a result of domestic violence or otherwise. The preservation and promotion of Manx Gaelic as the national language of the IOM and the study and publications of existing She dty Vea, Lower Foxdale, Isle of 540 YN CHESHAGHT GHAILCKAGH Mr C Sheard [email protected] 801586 Gaelic literature and the cultivation of modern literature in Man, IM4 3AZ Manx. To support the personal development of people in the Isle of 11 Hope Street, Doulgas, Isle of 1176 YOUTH ARTS Man through arts and culture and to promote and support art Middleton Katz Chartered Secretaries [email protected] 01624 648500 Man, IM1 1AQ and culture for the benefit of all people in the Isle of Man To empower young people to lead healthy lifestyles and make informed decisions and choices about issues that affect there lives. To promote the raising of awareness of matters affecting 11 Avondale Road, Onchan, Isle of 1185 YOUTH TRUST and recognition of the achivements of young people and to Mr M MacFarlane [email protected] 07624 477701 Man, IM3 1AG encourage contribution to the welfare of the wider community. To promote the development of recreational, educational or other services and support for young people. To primarily raise money for the Medical Clinic General Hospital ZAMBIA ORPHAN AND Aids Orphanage & Linda Community Centre and associated 72 Ard Reayrt, Laxey, Isle of Man, 978 Mrs S Vaughan MEDICAL FUND community projects in Livingstone, Zambia and also for Unicef's IM4 7QQ Unite for Children, Unite Against Aids campaign. The elimination of waste and pollution on the IOM. To replace the concept of "waste" with the concept of "resource". To create awareness of the causes of waste and suggest ways to Green Centre, Chester Street, 844 ZERO WASTE MANN The Secretary [email protected] 07624 378432 overcome them. To offer practical and environmentally Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PG responsible solutions for the elimination of waste and for the re- use/recycling of resources. To raise monies by the staf of the group of companies C/O Zurich House, Isle of Man ZURICH FINANCIAL SERVICES principally through Deed of Covenants but also through 412 Ms E Moore Business Park, Douglas, Isle of Man, [email protected] 1624 691191 (IOM) STAFF CHARITY FUND individual fund raising events and to distribute these monies to IM2 2QZ deserving causes primarily in the IOM.

For up to date information on Charity listings, call 01624 687318 Published on 31 Oct 2018