Uman Enome News
uman enome news ISSN:l050-6101 Vol. 3, No.1, May 1991 DOE Holds Contractor-Grantee Workshop Physical Mapping Efforts Going Well; Gels Increasing Sequencing Efficiency he DOE Human Genome Prograll1 held its second Contractor-Grantee Workshop Charles R. Cantor and HGMIS gratefully Tin Santa Fe, New Mexico, on February l7-W. More than 200 program-sponsored acknowledge contribu scientists attended the meeting, in addition to invited guests and industry represen tions to this article by tatives. DOE-supported human genome research projects are conducted at 7 DOE Elbert W. Branscomb, national laboratories (including its 3 human genome centers), 37 major universities, Anthony V. Carrano, and 32 companies through collaborations and awards. Projects were represented by Leroy E. Hood, oral presentations or posters. Robert K. Moyzis, and Robert J. Robbins. Six platform sessions focused on the more focus is needed on the immediate following: informatics needs of ongoing biology projects. • physical mapping progress, Many parallel efforts under way in cloning, • large DNA fragment cloning, informatics, mapping, and sequencing will • strategies for preparing samples for further improve the technologies required for efficient DNA sequencing, genomics. Program participants feel that this situation is healthy at present and that a few • new methods for a variety of genome efforts, • DNA sequencing instrumentation, and In This fssue .•. • database and computer algorithm needs for existing or projected genome Page Genome News research. 1 DOE Holds Contractor-Grantee Workshop David Galas, Associate Director, Office of 5 LANL, Life Technologies Approve CRADA Health and Environmental Research (OHER), 6 Conncil on Competitiveness Urges Action spoke about the relationship between the 7 Moore Calls Tech Transfer Critical to Fntnre' Human Genome Program and other OHER 8 NIH Discusses eDNA Role with Invited Group programs.
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