435 bus time schedule & line map

435 - Buckstones Via Shaw View In Website Mode

The 435 bus line (Rochdale - Buckstones Via Shaw) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Buckstones Estate: 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM (2) Rochdale: 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 435 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 435 bus arriving.

Direction: Buckstones Estate 435 bus Time Schedule 27 stops Buckstones Estate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM , Rochdale River Street, Rochdale Tuesday 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM

Milnrow Road, Rochdale Wednesday 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM Road, Rochdale Thursday 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM High Level Road, Rochdale Friday 6:05 AM - 6:15 PM Tonge Street, Rochdale Saturday 8:05 AM - 6:05 PM Ainsworth Street, Rochdale

Crawford Street, Stoneyeld

Prince Street, Stoneyeld 435 bus Info Gordon Street, Rochdale Direction: Buckstones Estate Stops: 27 Lowerplace Primary School, Lower Place Trip Duration: 23 min Line Summary: Rochdale Interchange, Rochdale, Kingsway School, Turf Hill Milnrow Road, Rochdale, High Level Road, Rochdale, Ainsworth Street, Rochdale, Crawford Street, Birkdale Road, Turf Hill Stoneyeld, Prince Street, Stoneyeld, Lowerplace Turf Hill Road, Rochdale Primary School, Lower Place, Kingsway Park School, Turf Hill, Birkdale Road, Turf Hill, Neston Road, Turf Neston Road, Turf Hill Hill, Broad Lane, Turf Hill, Badger Close, Turf Hill, Ginnell Farm, Turf Hill, The Fairview, Burnedge, Broad Lane, Turf Hill Burnedge, Fentons Farm, Rushcroft, Moss Gate Road, Rushcroft, Old Bulls Head, , Badger Close, Turf Hill High Crompton Post Oce, High Crompton, The Orchards, High Crompton, Black Horse, Shaw, The Badger Close, Rochdale Cutting Room, Shaw, Park Street, Shaw, Shaw & Ginnell Farm, Turf Hill Crompton Metrolink Stop, Shaw, Cheetham Street, Shaw, Leisure Centre, Buckstones Estate, Buckstones Terminus, Buckstones Estate The Fairview, Burnedge


Fentons Farm, Rushcroft Rochdale Road, Civil Moss Gate Road, Rushcroft

Old Bulls Head, High Crompton Park Cottages,

High Crompton Post Oce, High Crompton The Brock, Manchester

The Orchards, High Crompton

Black Horse, Shaw New Barn Street, Manchester

The Cutting Room, Shaw Kershaw Street, Manchester

Park Street, Shaw Park Street, Manchester

Shaw & Crompton Metrolink Stop, Shaw Thomas Street, Manchester

Cheetham Street, Shaw Mill Croft, Manchester

Leisure Centre, Buckstones Estate

Buckstones Terminus, Buckstones Estate Delamere Avenue, Manchester Direction: Rochdale 435 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Rochdale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM Buckstones Terminus, Buckstones Estate Delamere Avenue, Manchester Tuesday 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM

George Street, Buckstones Estate Wednesday 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM

Chancery Lane, Shaw Thursday 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM Chancery Lane, Manchester Friday 6:29 AM - 6:41 PM

Travis Street, Shaw Saturday 8:29 AM - 6:29 PM

Crompton Way, Shaw Mooreld Mews, Manchester

Chamber Road, Shaw 435 bus Info Blakelock Street, Manchester Direction: Rochdale Stops: 29 Black Horse, Shaw Trip Duration: 23 min New Barn Street, Manchester Line Summary: Buckstones Terminus, Buckstones Estate, George Street, Buckstones Estate, Chancery The Orchards, High Crompton Lane, Shaw, Travis Street, Shaw, Crompton Way, The Gabriels, Manchester Shaw, Chamber Road, Shaw, Black Horse, Shaw, The Orchards, High Crompton, High Crompton Post High Crompton Post Oce, High Crompton Oce, High Crompton, Old Bulls Head, High Crompton, Moss Gate Road, Rushcroft, Fentons Old Bulls Head, High Crompton Farm, Rushcroft, Burnedge, The Fairview, Burnedge, Park Cottages, Manchester Broad Shaw Lane, Burnedge, Badger Close, Turf Hill, Broad Lane, Turf Hill, Neston Road, Turf Hill, Ansdell Moss Gate Road, Rushcroft Road, Turf Hill, Kingsway, Lower Place, Lonsdale Avenue, Lower Place, Road, Lower Place, Fentons Farm, Rushcroft Kingsway, Stoneyeld, Woodbine Street, Stoneyeld, Rochdale Road, Shaw And Crompton Crawford Street, Stoneyeld, Ainsworth Street, Rochdale, High Level Road, Rochdale, Milnrow Road, Burnedge Rochdale, Rochdale Interchange, Rochdale

The Fairview, Burnedge

Broad Shaw Lane, Burnedge

Badger Close, Turf Hill Milngate Close, Rochdale

Broad Lane, Turf Hill

Neston Road, Turf Hill

Ansdell Road, Turf Hill

Kingsway, Lower Place

Lonsdale Avenue, Lower Place

Oldham Road, Lower Place Kingsway, Stoneyeld Oldham Road, Rochdale

Woodbine Street, Stoneyeld Canal Street, Rochdale

Crawford Street, Stoneyeld Vincent Street, Rochdale

Ainsworth Street, Rochdale

High Level Road, Rochdale

Milnrow Road, Rochdale Milnrow Road, Rochdale

Rochdale Interchange, Rochdale River Street, Rochdale 435 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved