Neotropical Notebook

The records featured below have BERMUDA the second record (Birding World not been vetted, and have been A Black-necked Grebe Podiceps 9 (2): 76). A Philadelphia Vireo collected from a variety of nigricollis at Spittal Pond from Vireo philadelphicus was an published and unpublished 10 August-20 September 1995 exceptional island record on 6 sources. They generally represent was the first record (Birding February 199520. Autumn 1995 records of vagrants, significant World 9 (2): 76). The first winter records included the first Brown range extensions, rediscoveries or record of Horned Grebe P. Thrasher Toxostoma rufum for new localities for threatened or auritus concerned one at Castle 12 years was recorded on 7 poorly known species. If submitting Harbour on 1 February 1995, October, the fifth Red-breasted records for inclusion in future whilst the third island record of Nuthatch Sitta canadensis on 24 Neotropical Notebooks, please Tundra Swan Cygnus c. November, the fourth Purple include details of species, locality, columbianus was an immature at Finch Carpodacus purpureus on date, significance of the record and Spittal Pond on 27 November–1 12 November and the second observers. Full details should also December 1994 and the sixth Lark Sparrow Chondestes be submitted to the relevant Surf Scoter Melanitta grammacus on 18 October national organisations. perspicillata was off Bermuda on (Birding World 9 (2): 76). 12 January 1995. An American CARIBBEAN Avocet Recurvirostra americana CUBA from 29 October 1995 was the Over 150 American Avocets BAHAMAS seventh record and a Hudsonian Recurvirostra americana on the A pair of white-morph Red-footed Godwit Limosa haemastica the coast near Jíbaro, Sancti Spíritus Boobies Sula sula with a single sixth record since 1970 (Birding province, between 9-19 June chick were photographed on a World 9 (2): 76). The first island 1995 was the largest number ever small cay off San Salvador on 28 record of Pacific Golden Plover reported from the country3. April 1995, the first confirmed Pluvialis fulva at the Naval Air Duque12 reported two rarities for breeding record for the Bahamas Station on 25 January 1995 was Cuba: a subadult Chipping this century, although the carefully compared with nearby Sparrow Spizella passerina species was recorded in the American Golden Plovers P. collected at Quintana Arriba, north same area in 1986 and there is a dominica20 and remained until of Meseta de Anafe, on 25 possible report from Atwood’s April (Birding World 9 (2): 76). November 1991, and an Cay21. Two records of Eastern The first winter records for unusually early Great Crested Phoebes Sayornis phoebe on Bermuda of Iceland Gull Larus Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus Grand Bahama, one at Rand glaucoides and Solitary Vireo taken north of Havana on 20 Nature Center on 25 November Vireo solitarius involved a second September 1995. 1995 and another at West End winter at Bermuda on 2 February Pool the following day, are the 1995 and a single at the same DOMINICA first published records from the locality from 18 December 1994– The first Eurasian Collared West Indies since one on February 1995 respectively20. The Dove Streptopelia decaocto for Eleuthera, Bahamas in second Brown Noddy Anous the Lesser Antilles was reported February 1986 (American stolidus since 1970 was recorded from Roseau in 1987, where 12 40: 529) and only the second and on 11 October and the first were present on 26 May 199520. third records since 197216. The House Wren Troglodytes aedon spread of the Shiny Cowbird for 10 years on 8 November. A DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Molothrus bonariensis in the Marsh Wren Cistothorus Three West Indian Whistling- Bahamas continues, the species palustris at Pembroke Marsh in Ducks Dendrocygna arborea at being recorded daily close to January 1996 was the first island Laguna del Salodillo on 22 April settlements on North Andros record, whilst an Ash-throated 1996 appears to be the first Island from 27–31 July 199521 Flycatcher Myiarchus published record for the country (see Cotinga 3: 60). cinerascens on 30 January was since 198615. A pale morph

33 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

Swainson’s Hawk Buteo 19 November 1995 was a rare subruficollis (single juveniles at swainsonii just south of record and possibly the first for El Bosque on 5 and 21 Septem­ Montecristi on 22 April 1996 the Caribbean coast (AD, LE, BF). ber), Black Tern Chlidonias appears to be the first record for A Buff-breasted Sandpiper niger, Orange-chinned the West Indies (CGB, GMK, Tryngites subruficollis at Tarcoles Parakeet Brotogeris jugularis RSRW). on 10 August 1995 was perhaps (four at Atasta on 26 June), injured (PE). Rufous-browed Common Nighthawk MONTSERRAT Tyrannulet Phylloscartes Chordeiles minor, “Brewster’s Eurasian Collared Dove superciliaris is now known to be Warbler” Vermivora pinus × V. Streptopelia decaocto is now common in the upper Río Tuis chrysoptera (at El Bosque on 27 established at Victoria where it has valley with a single also being August), Cerulean Warbler bred since 1990; this and those recorded at Rancho Naturalista, Dendroica cerulea (recorded on reported from Dominica (see above) providing confirmation of this five days at El Bosque with the are the first records from the species’s presence in the first on 7 September), Townsend’s Lesser Antilles20. Talamanca mountains (per Warbler D. townsendi (recorded JvdG). A female Prothonotary on two dates at El Bosque with the PUERTO RICO Warbler Protonotaria citrea at first on 20 September), Connecti­ An adult male Audubon’s Oriole Palo Verde National Park on 8 cut Warbler Oporornis agilis Icterus graduacauda at Jobos June 1995 (JvdG) and a Black- (recorded at El Bosque on 26 Beach, near Ramey, on 12 June throated Green Warbler August), Swainson’s Warbler 19955 was the first record for the Dendroica virens in the upper Río Limnothlypis swainsonii (recorded Caribbean. Given the species’s Tuis valley on 20 July 1995 (PE) on four dates at El Bosque with the lack of vagrancy potential, this were both unusually late; both first on 5 September), a single record suggests an escaped cage birds presumably oversummered. Yellow-backed Oriole Icterus but a range extension or chrysater at Atasta on 27 June and wandering individual cannot be MEXICO a Lark Sparrow Chondestes discounted. A female Northern Contreras-Baldas et al.10 list five grammacus at El Bosque on 24 (Bullock’s) Oriole I. galbula new species for Nuevo León state, September. Additionally the first bullockii was at Vieques on 22 all in the Univ. Autonoma de Nuevo breeding record of Cattle Egret December 199420. León (UANL) collection: a Short­ Bubulcus ibis was obtained and a eared Asio flammeus, an very recently fledged Barn adult female and adult male Swallow Hirundo rustica at Los CENTRAL AMERICA Yellow Warbler Dendroica Idoles on 11 July suggested local petechia, an adult male Black- breeding, the nearest known BELIZE throated Blue Warbler D. breeding sites being in western In February 1996 up to seven caerulescens (the first record for Veracruz (all records per MG). Common Ground-Doves continental Mexico), an adult male Columbina passerina were present Prothonotary Warbler PANAMA in the Placencia area, on the Protonotaria citrea and an At least 15, including three male country’s east coast, representing immature female Northern Scintillant Hummingbirds a considerable range extension, Waterthrush Seiurus Selasphorus scintilla above Cerro perhaps assisted by forest noveboracensis. Additionally a Colorado on 18 December 1995 were clearance (RDME, SM). male Burrowing Owl Speotyto unusual as the species was only cunicularia in the same collection previously known in this area from a COSTA RICA was the first record from single record on Cerro Flores. A pair Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon Aguascalientes state. of Flame-throated Warblers aethereus is not known to breed in A series of first records from Parula gutturalis at Cerro Colarado Costa Rica; however ten engaged Tabasco state in 1993 are as on 18 December 1995 appears to be in courtship flights on Isla Santa follows: American Avocet the first record from eastern Catalina on 21 November 1993 Recurvirostra americana, Red Chirique (all records DES). suggests that it may do so11. Knot Calidris canutus (recorded A Ruddy Crake Laterallus on four dates at El Bosque, with ruber at Laguna de Lagarto Lodge three on 14 September), Upland on 12 November 1995 was about Sandpiper Bartramia ARGENTINA the third country record (JE, DK). longicauda (one, probably a There is just one previous record of A pair of American Avocets juvenile, on 20 September at El American Swallow-tailed Kite Recurvirostra americana at the Bosque), Buff-breasted Elanoides forficatus in Córdoba mouth of the Parismina River on Sandpiper Tryngites province; thus three south of Villa

34 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

General Belgrano, Calamuchita provided), frequent sightings of elsewhere on the Solimões near on 15 January 1994 and one at Band-tailed Pigeons Columba Tabatinga on the Colombian Casa Grande, Punilla on 7 March fasciata in forest west of Narvaez border. Both Yellow Tyrannulet 1994 were significant27. Since on 21 and 23 November 1995, Capsiempis flaveola and River November 1985 there have been three Rufous-bellied Saltators Tyrannulet Serpophaga several observations of Grey­ Saltator rufiventris in the Erquis hypoleuca were confirmed to occur, necked Wood-Rail Aramides valley near Tarija between 2300– the former a westwards range cajanea at four localities in 2500 m, on 14 December 1994 extension of 600 km. The latter Córdoba province, and the species and two in the Río La Huerta was only previously known in has also been tape-recorded at valley, near Camacho on 18 Brazil from a single record in one site, providing the first December 1994, while Roraima and the lower Rio province records27. A total of Plumbeous Sierra-Finch Madeira, south of the Amazon. Two 8988 Horned Coots Fulica Phrygilus unicolor was found to records of Little Ground-Tyrant cornuta were counted on lagoons be common on the Cuesta de Muscisaxicola fluviatilis, on 1 and in the Vilama and Pululos area, Sama, between Tarija and 15 July 1993, were significant. The Jujuy province, in October 1995, Iscayachi, in December 1994 and species is only known in Brazil with 180 nests also located7. The upriver of La Palca on 1 December from recent sight records in world population was previously 1995 (all records SJT, LT). Rondônia and single records at estimated at c. 5000 birds9. A RB reports at least 16 Maruins, Rondônia, in June 1908 single Surfbird Aphriza virgata Military Macaws Ara militaris and on the upper Rio Madeira in was on Rio Grande beach, Tierra south of Buena Vista and November 1829. Dull-capped del Fuego on 17 and 22 February immediately north of the current Attila Attila bolivianus was 1995; this species is usually boundary of Amboró National common at EEM, the first records restricted to the Pacific coast of Park, Santa Cruz, on 5 April 1996, north of the Amazon in Brazil, South America in winter19, but is with at least 60 in the same area and White-shouldered Antbird annual at this site (M. P. on 8 April 1996, the second or third Myrmeciza melanoceps was found Pearman pers. comm.). Bolivian and Noel Kempff Mercado in the westernmost sector of the National Park record of Rufous­ reserve, an eastwards range tailed Attila Attila phoenicurus at extension of 500 km. The White- Recent records from Tarija Flor de Oro on 11 April 1996, and a bellied Spinetail Synallaxis department in the extreme south of total of about ten of the threatened propinqua was discovered to be the country include the first Black-and-tawn y Seedeater fairly common in EEM, whilst departmental records of Snowy Sporophila nigrorufa at Flor de Orange-fronted Plushcrown Egret Egretta thula (five on the Oro on 11 April 1996 with several, Metopothryx aurantiacus was Rio Tarija just north of Tarija town including two males, still there on uncommon there; only two on 14 December 1994 and five on 13 April 1996. specimens and one sight record the Rio Salinas between Entre exist for Amazonian Brazil. A single Ríos and La Cueva on the same BRAZIL Blue-and-white Swallow date), Andean Goose Pacheco22 documents the first Notiochelidon cyanoleuca at EEM Chloephaga melanoptera (nine occurrence of several new species on 25 August 1994 and four at between Pasajes and Laguna in the Mamirauá Reserve (EEM) Macapá, Amapá, on 10 January Grande on 5 December 1995), near the junction of the Rio 1994 are only the second and White-collared Swift Japurá and Rio Solimões, western third documented records in Streptoprocne zonari s (at least Amazonas during fieldwork Amazonian Brazil. Orange- 50 over Tarija airport on 14 between January 1993 and fronted Yellow-Finch Sicalis December 1994) and Olive-sided September 1994. Brown- columbiana was regular at EEM, Flycatcher Contopus borealis throated Parakeet Aratinga a westward range extension of (one by the Río Emborozu on 3 pertinax was noted on the 400 km. December 1995 — apparently the northern border of the reserve on Whittaker30 documents the southernmost record in South several occasions, which along with first Dwarf Cuckoo Coccyzus America, just 10 km from the a record from Igarapé Belém1 pumilus for Brazil; a single on Argentinian border). Confirma­ provide the first reports from the Maracá island, Roraima, on 23 tion of species first recorded by rio Solimões basin. Olive-spotted December 1987. The same Mayer18 in Tarija involved an Hummingbird Leucippus observer discovered three new immature Fasciated Tiger- chlorocercus was found to be species for Brazil during a survey Heron Tigrisoma fasciatum at common; elsewhere in Brazil it is of the upper Rio Juruá, near Boca the southern edge of Reserva known only from Ilha de Tejo, Acre, in December 1995: Nacional Tariquia (date not Marchantaria, near Manaus, and Rufous-fronted Antthrush

35 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

Formicarius rufifrons, Round­ do Navio and Porto Grande Shearwater Calonectris tailed Manakin Pipra Todd’s Antwren Herpsilochmus diomedea in Rio de Janeiro state; chloromeros and Yellow-green stictocephalus was found to be two found dead at Praia do Sul Vireo Vireo flavoviridis (AW). very common in canopy flocks, it Biological Reserve, Ilha Grande, Jaú National Park continues to being both observed and tape- on 3 June 1994. A dead Sickle­ provide interesting records: recorded (the third Brazilian winged Nightjar Eleothreptus Tawny-tufted Toucanet record). At the same locality both anomalus was found at Fazenda Selenidera spectabilis, Glossy-backed Becard Santa Rita, Paraná, only the Lanceolated Monklet Pachyramphus surinamus and fourth Brazilian record in the last Micromonacha lanceolata, Olive-green Tyrannulet 30 years4. Yellow-throated Antwren Phylloscartes virescens repre­ Myrmotherula ambigua and sented considerable range CHILE Chestnut-crested Antbird extensions from the nearest During visits to Chañaral Island, Rhegmatorhina cristata have all populations in and Atacama, in 1988–90 a colony of been recorded recently, represent­ around Manaus, Ash-throated Red-billed Tropicbirds ing substantial range extensions Crake Porzana albicollis was Phaethon aethereus was located, from the upper Rio Negro (SB, heard in the surrounding the first breeding record for Chile ACa, MCH, MH). At the same grassland and Smoky-fronted and the southernmost ever. The locality AW recorded Zimmer’s Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum birds arrived in October and Tody-Tyrant Hemitriccus fumifrons was the first state departed in late March or early minimus, previously known in record. The same observers April; it is possible that the colony Brazil only from south of the recorded three pairs of Great became established as a result of Amazon and east of the Rio Xenops Megaxenops parnaguae displacement from more northerly Madeira. Pelzeln’s Tody-Tyrant in disturbed caatinga near Lagoa breeding areas during the 1982–3 Hemitriccus inornatus was Grande, Pernambuco, a new El Niño29. discovered at a new site on the locality for the species. upper Rio Negro, near São Gabriel Straube & Bornschein28 report COLOMBIA de Cachoeira, and a singing male on a number of significant new The following observations were White-naped Seedeater records from north-western Paraná submitted by EK. A Great Blue Dolospingus fringilloides, 150 km and adjacent areas. The following Heron Ardea herodias was at a north of Manaus, on the Rio Apuau species were new records for White-necked Heron A. cocoi on 23 August 1995 was a range Paraná: Lesser Yellow-headed colony along the Río Cauca at extension of c. 850 km from the Vulture Cathartes burrovianus, Laguna de Sonso on 10 August upper Rio Negro (AW). Greater Thornbird 1994 (there are only three Three Golden Parakeets Phacellodomus ruber and Rusty- previous summer records), whilst Guaruba guarouba in terra firme fronted Tody-Flycatcher a Blue-winged Teal Anas forest at Alta Floresta on 14 June Todirostrum latirostre. New discors at the same locality on 1991 were the first record from species for southern Brazil were as the same date may have Mato Grosso state17. Collar8 reports follows: Long-billed Starthroat oversummered. An American the possible occurrence of Blue­ Heliomaster longirostris, Blue- Golden Plover Pluvialis cheeked Amazon Amazona crowned Motmot Momotus dominica also at Laguna de dufresniana in Brazil, based on momota, Slaty Antshrike Sonso on 10 August 1994 may the comments of hunters to the Thamnophilus punctatus, White­ also have oversummered; late Jean-Luc Dujardin; they thighed Swallow Neochelidon previous records are from claimed to have shot the species tibialis and Yellow-billed September to December13. Four across the Oyapock in Amapá. Cardinal Paroaria capitata. adult Collared Plovers During a 12-day trip to Amapá Additionally new species for Mato Charadrius collaris with a single TG and AW recorded an adult Grosso do Sul were also reported: downy young at the same site Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja in Ash-coloured Cuckoo Coccyzus represented perhaps the first gallery forest and cerrado north of cinereus, White-tailed breeding record for Colombia, Porto Grande (previous records Goldenthroat Polytomus whilst 25 Semi-palmated from Amapá are all historical), a guainumbi, Little Woodpecker Sandpipers Calidris pusilla, single Campo Flicker Colaptes Veniliornis passerinus and also at Laguna de Sonso, may campestris 20 km north of Rufous Casiornis Casiornis have oversummered and were Macapá was the first record from rufa. only the third inland record13. north of the Amazon, while in Pacheco & Maciel23 report the Two Orange-chinned Para­ terra firme forest between Serra second record of Cory’s keets Brotogeris jugularis at

36 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

Club Farallones on the outskirts Albatross Diomedea epomophora Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri of Cali on 6 August 1994 were the (six records), Atlantic Petrel (eighth record), Adelie Penguin first record from the Cauca Pterodroma incerta (nine records Pygoscelis adeliae (fifth to eighth Valley. A well-watched Marble­ involving 13 individuals), White- records), Magellanic Penguin faced Bristle-Tyrant headed Petrel P. lessonii (four Spheniscus magellanicus (fourth Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus at records), Great-winged Petrel to seventh records), Shy Alba­ Belo Horizonte on 15–16 August P. macroptera (singles in April tross Diomedea cauta salvini 1994 is apparently the first 1977, February 1980 and March (second record), Sooty Albatross record east of the Colombian 1985), Little Shearwater Phoebetria fusca (second to fifth Andes. Two adult Red-capped Puffinus assimilis (singles in records), Broad-billed Prion Cardinals Paroaria gularis at March 1985 and February 1986), Pachyptila vittata (second and Club Farallones on 6 August 1994 Yellow-billed Teal Anas third records), White-bellied and an immature at Laguna de flavirostris (small breeding Storm-Petrel Fregatta grallaria Sonso on 10 August 1994 were the population established in the (probable in May 1975, no first records from the Cauca Valley Cumberland Bay area and six confirmed records), Great Egret but were possibly the result of records from Bird Island), Casmerodius albus (fifth record), escaped or released cage birds. Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Snowy Egret Egretta thula A group of 25 White-tipped (six records, including one (third record), Cattle Egret Swift Aeronautes montivagus photographed, since 1991, Bubulcus ibis (191 birds recorded with White-collared Swifts although perhaps only three since first record in 1977), Chiloe Streptoprocne zonaris at 3200 m individuals involved), Peregrine Wigeon Anas sibilatrix (sixth in the Ucumarí Reserve, west Falcon Falco peregrinus (singles record), Purple Gallinule central Andes, in July 1995 in April 1986 and August 1991), Porphyrula martinica (second appears to be a range extension Allen’s Gallinule Porphyrula record), White-rumped (CD, JH, DSe). alleni (corpse found in December Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis 1984), Baird’s Sandpiper (8th–17th records), Pectoral ECUADOR Calidris bairdii (one photo­ Sandpiper C. melanotos (third to A Rufous Potoo Nyctibius graphed in October–November sixth records) and Arctic Tern bracteatus was roosting approxi­ 1994), Wilson’s Phalarope Sterna paradisaea (third inshore mately two hours south-east of Phalaropus tricolor (one record). Coca on 14 December 1994, photographed in October 1983), A moribund Black-necked whilst the second male Cerulean South Polar Skua Catharacta Swan Cygnus melancoryphus Warbler Dendroica cerulea in west maccormicki (16 records of 19 found at Rothera Base, Adelaide Ecuador was recorded at the same birds), Long-tailed Skua Island, inside the Antarctic Circle locality as the first, Mindo, on 10 Stercorarius longicaudus (adult on 8 January 1996 was the December 1994 (both records SFI). photographed in January 1984), southernmost record ever (Birding Dolphin Gull Larus scoresbii World 9 (6): 214). (one in April 1985 and one, then Five White-winged Potoos three in February-March 1986), Nyctibius leucopterus were found Brown-hooded Gull L. Three breeding-plumaged in the Iwokrama Rainforest maculipennis (single in May Dunlin Calidris alpina were at a Reserve in late July, providing 1987), Eared Dove Zenaida tidal lagoon at Chichiriviche on further confirmation of the auriculata (single in April 1992 25 April 1995 (NA); there are no species’s presence in Guyana was ship-assisted), Dark-faced published records from the (DJA). The only previous record Ground-Tyrant Muscisaxicola country. Kirwan14 documents two was of two in the Kanuku maclovianus (single photographed recent sight and tape-recorded Mountains in February 199324. in September 1994), Chilean occurrences of Amazonian Swallow Tachycineta leucopyga Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium hardyi SOUTH ATLANTIC (two in April 1982 were previ­ from Bolivar; a third record was Prince & Croxall26 report on 20 ously identified as European of one heard in the Imataca species new to South Georgia since House Martin Delichon urbicum) Forest Reserve, east of El Palmar, the publication of the current and Long-tailed Meadowlark on 17 July 1995 (AC, NC, DS et checklist25: Royal Penguin Sturnella loyca (single in April al.). Bar-winged Cinclodes Eudyptes schlegeli (singles in 1987). Cinclodes fuscus was recorded for February 1984 and December In addition the same authors the first time at the Páramo de 1992; the former was captured report a number of other Tamá, on the Colombian- and photographed), Royal significant records: Emperor Venezuelan border at 3100 m on

37 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

19 February 1992, with a second Robert Williams (RSRW). 8. Collar, N. J. (1995) On the bird caught at the same altitude Acknowledgements possible occurrence of in May 19946. Phil Bysh, F.M. Gauntlett, Steve Amazona dufresniana in Barrowclough et al.2 report on Keen, Rab Shand, Richard Stone, Brazil (Psittaciformes: their observations on the Cerro Pat Warwick and Alan Wilkinson Psittacidae). Ararajuba 3: 70. Tamacuarí area, Amazonas, in all forwarded records. Mark 9. Collar, N. J., Crosby, M. J. & March 1988 and January and Pearman and Rob Williams Stattersfield, A. J. (1994) March 1989, an area previously checked the manuscript. Birds to watch 2: the unsampled by ornithologists. The world list of threatened birds. principal ornithological highlights References Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife were as follows: Little 1. Aguirre, A. C. & Aldrighi, A. D. International (BirdLife Chachalaca Ortalis motmot was (1983) Catálogo das aves do Conservation Series 4). heard calling daily (unknown from Museu da Fauna. Primeira 10. Contreras-Baldas, A. J., García- the nearby Duida or Neblina parte. Rio de Janeiro: CNPq. Salas, J. A. & González-Rojas, tepuis), Dusky Spinetail 2. Barrowclough, G. F., Escalante- J. I. (1995) Additional records Synallaxis macconnelli was Pliego, P., Aveledo-Hostos, R. of and wood warblers common (one specimen from & Pérez-Chinchilla, L. A. from México. Wilson Bull. Neblina, unrecorded from Duida), (1995) An annotated list of 107 (4): 765. two Plain Antvireos the birds of the Cerro 11. Duffy, D. C. & Hoch, L. (1995) Dysithamnus mentalis were Tamacuarí region, Serranía Probable breeding of Red­ collected (recorded at Neblina but de Tapirapecó, Federal billed Tropicbird in Costa Rica. not at Duida), Guianan Cock-of- Territory of Amazonas, Colonial Waterbirds 18 (2): the-r ock Rupicola rupicola was Venezuela. Bull. Brit. Orn. 214–215. commonly encountered (unrecorded Club 115 (4): 211–219. 12. Duque, W. S. (1996) Nuevo from Duida), Pale-eyed Thrush 3. Blanco, R, Acosta, M., Mujica, record del Gorrión de Cabeza Platycichla leucops was common L. & Dennis, D. (1996) Nuevo Carmelita (Spizella (unrecorded from Duida), registro de Avoceta passerina) y nuevo reporte de Speckled Tanager Tangara Recurvirostra americana fecha para el Bobito de Cresta guttata was common (unrecorded (Aves: Charadriiformes) en (Myiarchus crinitus) para from Duida) and Blue-naped Cuba. El Pitirre 9 (2): 3. Cuba. El Pitirre 9 (2): 2–3. Chlorophonia Chlorophonia 4. Bornschein, M. R., Reinert, B. 13. Hilty, S. L. & Brown, W. L. cyanea was also common L. & Bóçon, R. (1996) A new (1986) A guide to the birds of (unrecorded from Neblina). record of the Sickle-winged Colombia. Princeton: Nightjar Eleothreptus Princeton University Press. Neotropical Notebook: anomalus for southern Brazil. 14. Kirwan, G. M. (1996) Records of compiled by Guy Kirwan Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 116 (2): Amazonian Pygmy-Owl 125–126. Glaucidium hardyi from Observers 5. Bunkley-Williams, L. & south-east Venezuela. Cotinga Nick Addey (NA), David Agro (DJA), Williams, E. H., Jr. (1996) 5: 71–72. Chris Bradshaw (CGB), Sergio Observations of an Audubon’s 15. Kirwan, G. M, Williams, R. S. R. Borges (SB), Robin Brace (RB), [Black-headed] Oriole Icterus & Bradshaw, C. G. (1996) West André Carvalhães (ACa), Allen graduacauda in Puerto Rico, Indian Whistling Duck in the Chartier (AC), Nancy Challier (NC), the first record for the Dominican Republic. Threat­ Mario Cohn-Haft (MCH), Andrea Caribbean. El Pitirre 9 (2): 2. ened Waterfowl Specialist Group Daft (AD), Carl Downing (CD), 6. Caichi, R. (1995) Primer News 9: 10–11. Robert Edgar (RDME), Lisa Erb registro de Cinclodes fuscus 16. Lee, D. S., Faanes, C. & Haney, (LE), Paul Erb (PE), Byron (Aves: Furnariidae) para el C. (1996) Wintering Eastern Friend (BF), Jay van der Gaast Páramo del Tamá, frontera Phoebes (Sayornis phoebe), (JvdG), Mark Grantham (MG), Colombo–Venezolana. Empidonax flycatchers and Tom Gullick (TG), Samuel Ornitologia Neotropical 6: aseasonal records of Hansson (SH), Magali Henerique 121–123. kingbirds in the Bahama (MH), Jerry Hickman (JH), Ed 7. Caziani, S. M. & Derlindati, E. Islands. El Pitirre 9 (2): 4–6. Kwater (EK), Guy Kirwan (GMK), (1996) Fulica cornuta en la 17. Lo, V. K. (1995) Extensão da Sarah McKenzie (SM), Dave Laguna de Pululos y otras distribuição de Guaruba Sargeant (DES), Dave Sewell cercanas, puna arida del guarouba para o norte do (DSe), Dave Stejksal (DS), noroeste de Argentina. Threat­ Estado de Mato Grosso, Stephanie Tyler (SJT), L. Tyler ened Waterfowl Specialist Group Amazonia Meridional (LT), Andrew Whittaker (AW), News 9: 34–39. (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae).

38 COTINGA 6 Neotropical Notebook

Ararajuba 3: 93–94. at Mamirauá Reserve, 116 (2): 81–104. 18. Mayer, S. (1993) Birds ob­ western Brazilian Amazonia. 27. Straneck, R. J. & Casañas, H. served during a walk from Ararajuba 3: 83–87. (1995) El Chiricote Aramides Narvaez (Tarija) to Villa 23. Pacheco, J. F. & Maciel, N. C. cajanea una nueva especie, y Charcas (Chuquisaca), (1995) Segundo registro de nuevos registros del Gavilán Bolivia in March 1992. Calonectris diomedea no Tijereta Elanoides forficatus, Unpubl. report. Estado do Rio de Janeiro e um en la provincia de Córdoba, 19. Minton, C. D., Piersma, T„ sumário de suas aparições na República Argentina. Blanco, D. E., Baker, A. J., costa brasileira (Procellarii- Notulas Faunisticas 71: 1–3. Benegas, L. G., Goeji, P. formes: Procellariidae). 28. Straube, F. C. & Bornschein, M. de, Manriquez, R. E., Peck, M. Ararajuba 3: 82–83. R. (1995) New or noteworthy & Ramírez, M. S. (1996) Wader 24. Parker, T. A. III , Foster, R. B., records of birds from north­ numbers and the use of high Emmons, L. H., Freed, R, western Paraná and adjacent tide roosts at the Hemispheric Forsyth, A. B., Hoffman, B. & areas (Brazil). Bull. Brit. Orn. Reserve “Costa Atlántica de Gill, B. D. (1993) A biological Club 115 (4): 219–225. Tierra del Fuego”, Argentina - assessment of the Kanuku 29. Vilina, V. A., González, J. L., January and February 1995. Mountain region of south­ Gibbons, J. E., Capella, J. J. & Wader Study Group Bull. 79: western Guyana. Conserva­ Díaz, H. (1994) The southern­ 109–114. tion International (RAP most nesting place for the Red­ 20. Norton, R. L. (1995) West Working Papers 5). billed Tropicbird (Phaethon Indies Region. Audubon Field 25. Prince, P. A. & Croxall, J. P. aethereus): Chañaral Island, Notes 4 9 (3): 313–314. (1983) Birds of South Georgia: Chile. Colonial Waterbirds 17 21. Norton, R. L. (1995) West Indies new records and re-evaluation (1): 83–85. Region. Audubon Field Notes of status. Bull. Brit. Antarct. 30. Whittaker, A. (1995) First 49 (5): 985–986. Surv. 59: 15–27. report of Coccyzus pumilus 22. Pacheco, J. F. (1995) New 26. Prince, P. A. & Croxall, J. P. for Brazil (Cuculiformes: distributional records for (1996) The birds of South Cuculidae). Ararajuba 3: 81. some birds from várzea forest Georgia. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club