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Price $2.40 Including G.S.T New Zealands Veteran and Vintage Motoring Magazine Price $2.40 Including G.S.T. - A practical way to fabricate RACING MANIFOLDS, EX HAUST PIPES, TRAILERS, CANOPY FRAMES, GATES, and many other items. ~ ~-: N. Z. o CAR STANDS *ALL STEEL TUBULAR CONSTRUCTION *MAXIMUM LOAD 1000Kg PER STAND *HEIGHT FROM 330mmto445mm *7HEIGHTPOSITIONS ~ VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. (INC.' NATIONAL EXECUTIVE .President: N. A. Dewhurst (Auckland I Club Captain: A. D. Storer (Banks Peninsula) Club Vice-Captain: B. A. Goodman (Canterbury) VOL. XXXIII No. 166 Hon. Secretary: Robert Duns, Canterbury Tel. 64-461 Christchurch. June-July '87 Club Registrar: Don Bennetts, 714 Hills Road, Christchurc h. 33RD YEAR OF PUBLICATION Speed Steward: R.Woodford. Executive: Messrs B.J. Barnes [South Canterbury). Mrs [oce lyn P. Hosken [Ashbu rton], G. Sutherland IWanganui). R.J.M. White (Wellington). IN THIS ISSUE CORRESPONDENCE President's Message 2 Club correspondence, including members ' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, must be sent to Early N.Z. Motoring 3 The Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Ine.) 10th National MIC Rally 8 P.O. Box 2546, Christehureh. Historic Race Series 10 Telephone 64-461 N.!. Club Captain's Tour 11 Members should state 6 figure number from Membership 1908 Ariel Simplex 16 Card. Intending members should write to this address. 1987 National Easter Rally 17 All Beaded Wheels correspondence and subscribers change Restoration of 1916 Buick 18 of add ress to P.O. Box 13140. Silver Celebration by Northland 22 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITIEE Club Vice·Captain's Tour 23 Chairman: Spencer Barnard. Herbert Austin Car Maker? 26 Committee: Ken Macefield, Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott, Paul Branch Notes 26 Giesler, Bob Entwistle. Letters to the Editor 32 Material for publication is the respo nsibili ty of this committee and should be forwarded to P.O. Box 13140, Classified Ads 34 Christchu rch, typed or neatly printed, double space d on one side of paper only. Reports of restorations, events, road tests, historical and CLOSING DATE, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER ISSUE techni cal articles welcome. No paymen t made to contributors. Editorial Copy July 6 Advertisements JUly 10 The opinio ns expre ssed in letters or articles in Beaded Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily COVER PHOTO express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Incl. 1916 Buick belongs 10 Brian Rogers. See story on page 18. PRODUCTION Beaded Whee ls is published bi-monthl y by Purse Willis & Aiken Ltd, Christchurc h for the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Beaded Wheels is the yoice 01 the Vintage Car movement In New Zealand and of the Clubs whose Inc., at its editorial office , P.O. Box 13140, Chris tchurch. efforts are fostering and ever widening the Int erest of this movement and form relly ing points 'or tha t eyer Mailed free to all members of Vintage Car Club Inc. increasing band of enthusiasts . The fasc ination of age Subscribers only Annual Subscription (6 issues) $13.20. Itself or reyuls lon from the flashy med iocrit y of the Individual copies $2.40. presen t day Is drawing an increasi ng number of Prices include G.S.T. motorists bac k to the Ind iYlduallty, solid worth, and functiona. elegance that was demanded by a more Austra lian subscription (6 issues airmailed) $25.00. disc riminating generation and It is to these that this magaz ine 10ded icated . ADVERTISING Rate schedule available on request to Advertising Manager, Registered at Post Office Headquarters Wellington. P.O.Box 13140, Chr istch urch . Phone 67-346. as a magazine. rally. There were several other events in other parts of the country From the President which I believe were equally successful. Elsewhere in this issue you will read 0 f a proposal to host overseas A topical subject in many used to assist subscription income. vintage enthusiasts who wish to visit branches at present is the pending If we deplete those reserves we earn our country. It's the germ of an increase in member's subscriptions less interest and the end result will idea which works well in other and whether we agree with the be an even greater increase in hobbies (as well as our's) in other increase or not it's interesting to see subscription. countries. It could also help bring in the way it ha s been reported, in And when you look at our o verseas currency and assist contrast to earlier reports of more subscription and compare it with promote not only our scenic pleasant happenings, such as the other Clubs and organisations and attractions but more importantly Pan-Pacific and other New Zealand con sider the benefits and services our people. organised international rallies. received, most of us will agree we It's very much a personal The subscription increase has get good value. Next year the total question. I like the idea myself and prompted words such as "they" cost per member will probably commend it to you for your rather than " we" , the "N.Z. range between $30 and $70. consideration. You may not like it, Club" rather than "our Club", or Compare that, yourself with other or might not be able to consider the "National Executive" rather Clubs in your own area. participation. All that I would ask than "our Executive". I need not remind you that both is that you think about it and Some of us overlook the fact that Branch and National A.G.M.s are respond one way or the other, we are all members of the New upon us aga in . Whatever else you without any committment. Then we Zealand Vintage Car Club and that do or don't do during the year, can guage what the likely support, the majority of our National (Club-wise) your branch A.G.M. is or lack of it. Executive is in fact made up of the one meeting that everyone should NORMAN DEWHURST respective Branch Chairman and attend if at all pos sible . It's your Delegates, who are the elected opportunity to hear at first hand representatives of you the members. what has been happening, what A.A. Badge The remaining nine Executive other members think about it, and members are elected on a national perhaps say your piece too. Above The Automobile Association basis, again by the overall all it's your responsibility to vote, have produced a commemorative membership. If we don't like the both on elections of your officers badge in limited number which is increase it should not be a matter of and also on matters of business available to members of the Vintage "them" and "us", but rather could which affect your Club over the Car Club ofN.Z. we have avoided it, or can we next twelve months. The badge commemorates one ju stify it. The National A .G.M. and hundred years of motoring and is Obviously it can be justified. It Conference this year is in very well produced. was so ju stified at the meeting, or Southland, a long way for some but The lettering in the outer circle is rest assured, our Executive would if you intend going you should 'Royal Automobile Club not have approved it. already have bookings made. Associate', this is in polished The main reasons for it are the Elections for National office are chrome surmo unted by a 'Crown' general increases in administration done by postal ballot so everyone in Red. cost s and increases in the costs of has the opportunity here. This year The next circle forms a tyre for Beaded Wheels. Not a reason, but will be the first being able to vote the inner wheel and reads an explanation for some of the for less than the number of 'Commemorating 100 Years of change, is that (for accounting vacancies to be filled. Motoring 1886-1986' this lettering is purpose s) the portion of This year's Easter Rally was in a green circle . su bscription previously termed hosted by Gisborne and some 112 Inside this are the spokes of the Branch Allocation will now be entrants from most branches in the wheel with the well known AA included in the heading Branch North Island plus one from the motif in the hub reading Levy. South Island enjoyed a mo st 'Automobile Association New The Club has investment funds, pleasant touring type weekend. The Zealand' and the interwoven AA certainly, and some say we should fact that winter set in early on the black on yellow . use them before increasing the East Coast this year did nothing to For members of the VCC of N.Z. subscription. A quick perusal of the dampen the feelings or enthusiasm only available for $29-95 from C.l. balance sheets over recent year s will of those present, and those Brown Retail Manager, The show however that the interest from branches without representation Automobile Association (Central) these investments is already being missed out on a very enjoyable Inc., P.O. Box 1093, Wellington. PAGE TWO Thompson all drivin g 5 h.p. Early N .Z. Motoring Oldsmobiles as did Mark Steeds and as mentioned Mr s Horace Fragments of History - The Motoring Thompsons Thompson won the Ladies event s. The motorcycle entries included by Leith Newell W.E . Thornpson's 1:y,. h.p, Ind ian. To clarify all thi s confusion the Many will know of the motor competition, I wonder if you could famil y goe s something like thi s ­ driving competition held on Boxing tell me about it?" The friend was Grandpa Robert Thompson had Day 1905 at the Christchurch Miss Ngawi Thompson - mother, three sons, W.E.
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