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Influenza in Croatia: 1950-65 273 INFLUENZA IN CROATIA: 1950-65 273 Influenza in Croatia: 1950-65 by JELKA VESENJAK-HIRJAN, Professor of Microbiology and Head, Department of Virology, Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, Zagreb, ELVIRA EGRi-HE&IMOVI6, Chief, Serological Laboratory, andANTE HRABAR, Head, Department ofEpidemiology, Institute ofPublic Health ofCroatia, Zagreb, Yugoslavia The National Influenza Centre for the Republic haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. For the HI of Croatia (one of the six republics that constitute test, strain-specific V antigens prepared from the Yugoslavia) was established in 1949 within the reference A and B influenza strains and from strains framework of the Medical Faculty of the University isolated during epidemics in the territory surveyed of Zagreb and the Institute of Public Health of the are used. Republic of Croatia as a co-operating unit of the The isolation of virus from the throat swabs is World Influenza Centre. The work of the National made on chicken embryos and the isolated virus Influenza Centre in Zagreb comprises is identified by the cross haemagglutination-inhibi- laboratory (serological and virological) testing tion method with the anti-V sera of immunized of patients with clinical diagnoses of influenza and roosters. respiratory infections, Laboratory techniques for serological reactions, comparison of laboratory findings with reports isolation of virus, and preparation of immune sera on morbidity and mortality from influenza, are carried out in accordance with published re- commendations.a studies of the immunological characteristics of The laboratory diagnosis of influenza is based isolated strains of the influenza virus, and on the characteristic (fourfold or higher) increase of exchange of information and material with the the antibody titre in the paired sera or on the isola- World Influenza Centre in London and WHO tion of virus. Headquarters in Geneva. Since 1953 there has been compulsory reporting Analysis of the immunobiological situation in of influenza cases in Yugoslavia. The reports, pre- Croatia, on the basis of the National Influenza pared according to WHO recommendations,a contain Centre's data, made it possible to study the occur- information on the number of patients in a parti- rence, course and duration of the influenza epidemics cillar week (days of the month: 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, between 1950 and 1965. From 1953 onwards the and 22 to the end of the month), the intensity of the results of immunobiological studies were compared disease, the number of cases accompanied by pneu- with data obtained from weekly reports from which monia and the number of deaths. In each commune it was also possible to obtain an indication of the there is a health institution where information is intensity of the epidemic. Positive serological collected from all physicians in the territory and findings of acute influenza infections in the first and then sent to the Institute of Public Health of the the last patients in a particular epidemic correspon- Republic of Croatia. ded chronologically to the beginning and the end of the epidemic as recorded in the weekly reports. Results Material and methods Incidence of influenza in Croatia. By a continuous Paired sera (acute and convalescent) from at least analysis of the immunological situation, based on 200 patients with respiratory infections in various serological findings in patients with respiratory hospitals in Croatia are each year regularly examined infection, it has been shown that, since 1949, cases of influenza have occurred at fairly regular intervals by the complement-fixation (CF) test with the months. soluble S antigen prepared from A and B influenza (Table 1); generally they occur during cold strains. Epidemics caused by type A virus appeared at During epidemics the Centre organizes field work 1-3-year intervals, whereas those caused by type B and collects blood samples and throat swabs (for virus recurred at somewhat longer intervals, namely, isolation of virus) in various collectives, particularly 3-5 years. in the of Sera collected region Zagreb. during a WHO Expert Committee on Influenza (1953) WF epidemics are analysed by the CF test and the HIth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., 64. 1853c 274 NOTES TABLE 1. OCCURRENCE OF INFLUENZA IN CROATIA IN 1950-85 ON BASIS OF VIROLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS Type of influenza in Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year___ -Jan. Feb. | Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1951 B B Al Al 1952 1953 Al Al 1954 1955 B B B 1958 Al Al 1957 A2 A2 A2 A2 1958 A2 A2 A2 A2 1959 B B A2 A2 1980 A2 A2 A2 1961 1962 B B A2 A2 1963 1964 A2 A2 A2 1985 B B B influenza were serologically TABLE 2. VIROLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF INFLUENZA Acute infections IN 1950-5 proved only in patients developing infection between EPIDEMICS CROATIA: of virus January and April, except in the 1957 pandemic, Type | Peid Antigenic relationship which was caused by a new antigenic variant of the Al A2 IB of Isolated virus A-type virus, namely, A 2/Asia/57. That year acute infections with A 2 virus were serologically verified 1950-51 S S Al/Sweden/3/50 (Scandina- in patients who developed infection between the end via 50) of August 1957 and April 1958. 1951-52 1952-53 Si AI/England/1/53 (Scandina- Evidence was obtained of an increase in antibody via 53) titre against influenza B in patients who, in 1951 1953-54 or 1962, developed infection in January and Feb- 1954-55 SI B/England/9I54 in in ruary and in those who 1959 became infected 1955-56 Si Al/England/1153 (Scandina- February and March. On the other hand, patients via 53) who became infected between the end of February 1958-57 and the end of March in 1951 or 1962, and those 1957-58 Si A2/Singapore/Il57 who became infected in April and May 1959, gave 1958-59 S S evidence of an increase in the antibody titre against 1959-60 S influenza A. It was therefore concluded that the 1960-81 influenza epidemics in 1951, 1959 and 1962 were caused first by the B virus and then by the A virus. 196142 Si S A2/Singapore/l157 Morbidity rates during the epidemics in 1953-65, 1962-83 according to information in the weekly reports, 19634 Si A2/England/12/84 varied from 16.7 to 112.0 per 1000 inhabitants (see 1964465 5 the figure). In this period there were two epidemics with a strikingly high morbidity rate: the 1957-58 a S established by serological tests; epidemic, with an over-all morbidity rate of 112.0 % I established by isolation of virus. INFLUENZA IN CROATIA: 195065 275 MORBIDITY RATES OF INFLUENZA IN CROATIA IN 1953-85 A2 92.2 20l 192. A2 A2173.2 '15 Al s% Al B A2 .0 5- B B 0 ________ L . A2 J ~~A2 J M SNJM A F JFMC FMAM5 FMAM FMAM ODF F A FA F A FMAM FA 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 and a peak of 92.2% in October, and the 1964 Influenza in 1965. At the beginning of 1965, epidemic, with an over-all rate of 87.2% and a peak epidemics of influenza A broke out in Leningrad of 73.2% in March. and other towns in the North-west of the Soviet Antigenic characteristics of isolated viruses. The Union. The epidemic in Moscow and, particularly, antigenic structure of the influenza viruses isolated that in Leningrad were nearly as widespread and between 1950 and 1965 has been shown to change severe as the epidemic of 1957.c The question was from epidemic to epidemic. raised whether the 1965 epidemic was likely to By comparing the antigenic characteristics of the affect Croatia. influenza strains isolated in Croatia with those of To answer this question analyses had to be made, the strains isolated in other countries, it has been first of the antigenic characteristics of the influenza found that, in antigenic structure, the types and strains causing the 1965 epidemics and, secondly, subtypes found in Croatia corrrespond to those of the immunogenic condition of the population reported in other counties in the same period b in Croatia. (Table 2). During the epidemics in 1951, 1959, By the cross-HI test, the antigenic structure of the 1962 and 1964, serological tests indicated that the A2 strain isolated during the epidemic in Lenin- B virus was the cause of infection. However, since grad in 1965 d was compared with that of the strains no viruses were isolated it was impossible to analyse A2/Zagreb/62 and A2/Zagreb/64 isolated during and compare the antigenic structures of the strains that caused these epidemics. c Zdanov, V. M. et al. (1966) Bull. Wld Hlth Org., 34, 877. b The antigenic relation between the strains was deter- 4 This strain-A2/Leningrad/65-was obtained from the mined at the World Influenza Centre, London. World Influenza Centre, London. 276 NOTES TABLE 3 Discussion and conclusions ANTIGENIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG A2 INFLUENZA VIRUSES AS SHOWN BY The periodic occurrence of epidemics caused by HAEMAGGLUTINATION-INHIBITION TESTS a different types or subtypes of virus, as happened in Croatia, is a generally accepted characteristic of Serum influenza.e,f Although this phenomenon has not Virus A2/ A2/ A2/ A2/ as yet been fully explained, the opinion prevails Sing./ Zagreb/ Zagreb/ Lenin./ 57 62 64 65 that it is due to a continuous process in which both the characteristics of the virus and the susceptibility of the population play an important part. According A2lSingaporel57 1 024 128 16 8 to this concept, the immunogenic condition of the A2/Zagreb/62 512 1 024 256 32 individual and of the surrounding population seem A2/Zagreb/64 128 256 512 128 to be the main factors in the appearance of new A2/Leningrad/65 128 128 256 256 antigenic variants and the regulation of the occur- rence of influenza in a given area.9,h On this basis it was for us to the a The figures are the reciprocals of the Hi antibody titres.
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    A WAY TO SUCCESS: CROATIAN MOTORWAYS Ltd. – A SPONSOR OR A MANAGER Marijo Lovrinčević, Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o., Zagreb, HR Marijo.Lovrinčević The intensive construction of motorways in Croatia that has marked the previous decade posed great challenges before all participants in what is undoubtedly the greatest Croatian infrastructure project in the history. Motorways are public good and as such are of national importance which makes the role of the Government and of Croatian Motorways Ltd. ( Hrvatske Autoceste - HAC) that operate the network on its behalf very responsible. Before opening to traffic kilometres of motorways, a series of procedures had to be implemented including planning, design development and construction during which many subjects and institutions were engaged and often for long periods of time. This has resulted in such projects being subject to many political, economical, social and other impacts that directly affect their completion. The paper shows their relations and envisages the role of the investor as a sponsor i.e. operator within a specific institutional framework as is Hrvatske Autoceste company that has established, in the conditions of accelerated development, a professional, competent and motivated structure open to new knowledge and willing to accept new ideas and changes. The cooperation of all participants is a guarantee of success. KEY WORDS: construction of motorways, the role of investor, institutional framework, success. INTRODUCTION An efficient transport system is of great importance for any country's economy. The development of transport infrastructure depends on political, economic and sociological conditions of regions. Since these are structures of national importance the models for the construction of this infrastructure are based on the adopted transport policy.
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