Waanyi and Garawa Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan

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Waanyi and Garawa Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan Waanyi and Garawa Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan © 2020. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license. ISBN 978-1-922437-18-1 Acknowledgements The author/s acknowledge the financial support of the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia and the support of its investment partners; the Western Australian, Northern Territory and Queensland Governments. We also acknowledge the financial and in-kind support of the project participants. We also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of project participants, Waanyi and Garawa Traditional Owners and community members. Table of Contents List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ 4 Acronyms .............................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6 Our Story .............................................................................................................................. 7 Land Tenure - Aboriginal Land Trusts ............................................................................... 7 Population centres ............................................................................................................ 7 Strategies to return to country ........................................................................................... 8 Waanyi and Garawa Country – Historical Timeline ............................................................. 11 Pastoralism ......................................................................................................................... 12 The status of pastoral leases in the Northern Territory ........................................................ 14 Indigenous Protected Area .................................................................................................. 15 Land Use Agreements (Section 19 of ALRA) ...................................................................... 16 Relevant legislation for understanding tenure, rights, compliance/regulation ....................... 17 The Natural Environment on Waanyi Garawa country ......................................................... 17 Conservation on Waanyi Garawa country ....................................................................... 18 Cultural Connection and Wellbeing ..................................................................................... 20 Land Use Business Opportunities ....................................................................................... 23 Enterprise governance, ownership and diversity of opportunity ....................................... 23 Payment for Environmental Services - Fire ..................................................................... 24 Payment for Environmental Services – Environmental Management ............................... 25 Grader Business: road, track and fire break maintenance ............................................... 26 Education and Training ....................................................................................................... 27 Building Partnerships with other Stakeholders .................................................................... 28 Waanyi and Garawa Land Owner project engagement and development activities ............. 34 Next Steps .......................................................................................................................... 37 References ......................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix 1 Draft prospectus Waanyi and Garawa ……………………………………………..41 List of Figures Figure 1 Land tenure in the NT Gulf region. Section from the Northern Territory Pastoral Districts map (Source: NT Department of Lands Planning and the Environment 2015) ....................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2 Native Title in the region. Section from Native Title Claimant Applications and Determinations Areas map (Source: NNTT 2019) ....................................................... 10 Figure 3 Pastoral leases in the region. Narwinbi Robinson River Station and the three Mt Isa Mines Ltd stations (Source: https://www.mapsbookstravelguides.com.au/northrn_territory_pastoral_map) ............ 13 Figure 4 Early division of lands into pastoral leaseholds. 1945 Gulf pastoral stations (H.E.C Robinson) ........................................................................................................ 14 Figure 5 IPA Map, Ganalanga-Mindibirrina Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management 2015-2020 ............................................................................................. 16 Figure 6 Walking on Country WGALT (Photo: P Yates 2019....................................... 18 Figure 7 Motivation for walking in Country (Yates 2018) ............................................. 21 Figure 8 Waanyi and Garawa family members walking on Country (WGALT 2019) .... 22 Figure 9 Walking on Country - familiarity and planning ............................................... 22 Figure 10 Education and training aspiration ................................................................ 27 List of Tables Table 1 Events that influences Waanyi and Garawa land access and use .................. 11 Table 2 Pastoral leases relevant to the project............................................................ 12 Table 3: Legislation influencing Waanyi and Garawa land access, use and programs.17 Table 4: Waanyi and Garawa BoC project engagement and development activities. .. 34 Table 5: Waanyi and Garawa BoC project synergies with other partners/collaborators/projects/ ................................................................................... 36 4 Acronyms AbCF Aboriginal Carbon Foundation ALRA Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act ALT Aboriginal Land Trust BoC Business on Country CDP Community Development Programme CFI Carbon Farming Initiative CRCNA Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia DCBR Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research GALT Garawa ALT GIS Geographical Information System GLaSS Gulf Land and Sea Services Ltd ICIN Indigenous Carbon Industry Network ILM Indigenous land management ILSC Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation ILSC-SFMP Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation managed Savanna Fire Management Program IPA Indigenous Protected Area KLC Kimberley Land Council LRF Land Restoration Fund LUA Land Use Agreement LUP Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan NAFI North Australia Fire Information NAILSMA North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance PM+C Prime Minister and Cabinet RJCP Remote Jobs and Communities Programme SFMP Savanna Fire Management Program TCF The Christensen Fund WG Waanyi and Garawa WGALT Waanyi-Garawa ALT WoC Working on Country 5 1. Introduction This Plan has been put together for the Waanyi and Garawa (WG) Traditional Owners (TO). The Plan has been developed through the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) project, building on the ongoing working relationship North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) has with the Waanyi and Garawa people through the Knowledge Brokering, Savanna Fire Management and other land-based activities. The Business on Country (BoC) approach supported by the CRCNA has enabled these and other activities to be framed into one story. This Land Use and Economic Diversification Plan focuses on business areas identified by WG as the savanna fire and carbon management enterprise; biodiversity management and the broader Payment for Environmental Services (PES), including grader contracting for fire breaks and land access. These activities are to be run by a Traditional Owner established company called Gulf Land and Sea Services Ltd (GLaSS). GLaSS is still in the start-up phase, pending board and management appointments to develop capability (Land Use Business Opportunities Section) and the maturation of the Savanna Fire Management Program project that will provide its core commercial income. The Plan includes a Land Rights and Native Title status review to establish a clear picture of the Traditional Owners options to use and access their ancestral lands under Australian law. In areas where land rights or Native Title determinations don’t exist, but interest and opportunity may, further exploration of the land tenure and relevant legislation and agreement potential is needed to ascertain options for access and use. [These other areas need not be limited to the proponent group’s ancestral country. For example, partnerships with current land leaseholders, such as pastoralists may be possible, or opportunities for Traditional Owners to access and establish business enterprises on land under non-Indigenous management may be negotiated.] An historical timeline provides an overview of key events, initiatives and processes since colonisation in the region, providing insight into external impact, Traditional Owner access and use, related customary values in the land and waters and background for Business on Country opportunities. The cultural and conservation values of the country have further
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