United States Patent (19) 11 3,978,311 Toth (45) Aug
United States Patent (19) 11 3,978,311 Toth (45) Aug. 31, 1976 (54) VOLTAGE SENSOR CIRCUIT FOR AN ARC 3,258,596 6/1966 Green................................. 250/199 WELDING WIRE FEED CONTROL 3,488,586 11970 Watrous et al..................... 250/i99 w 3,604,884 9/197l Olsson .............................. 219/69 G 75 Inventor: Tibor Endre Toth, Florence, S.C. 3,794,841 2/1974 Consentino et al................. 250/99 73) Assignee: Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N.Y. Primary Examiner-J. V. Truhe Assistant Examiner-Clifford C. Shaw 22 Filed: Mar. 26, 1974 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John R. Doherty (21) Appl. No.: 454,841 57 ABSTRACT 52 U.S. C. ............................. 219/131 F; 219/136 A sensor circuit coupled to an arc welding system and I5ll Int. Cl”............................................ B23K9/12 responsive to the arc welding voltage including an os (58) Field of Search. 219/131 F, 131 WR, 131 W, cillator and means for varying the frequency thereof in 219/135; 314/64; 250/199 response to the arc voltage, light emitting means re sponsive to the oscillator frequency, and detecting cir 56 References Cited cuit means responsive to the light emitting means for UNITED STATES PATENTS providing a DC voltage proportional to the arc voltage. 2,223,177 1 1/1940 Jones.................................... 3.14164 9. 2,636,102 4/1953 Lobosco.......................... 219/13 F 3 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures SENSOR CIRCUIT CONSTANT CURRENT O 8 AC/DC MOTOR CONTROL POWER SUPPLY O. O U.S. Patent Aug. 31, 1976 3,978,311 SENSOR CIRCUIT CONSTANT CURRENT o AC/DC POWER SUPPLYo O 3,978,311 1.
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